Sankeertana Marriage Muhurta Analysis
Sankeertana Marriage Muhurta Analysis
Sankeertana Marriage Muhurta Analysis
Moon was in rohini star (fixed constellation, suitable for stablility of marriage )
Wedding in Dakshinayana(Ok)
Checking strength of Lagna
Lagna is in pisces.
Lagna is empty.
Jupiter (lord of 1,10,11) aspects the lagna
We learnt that jupiter aspect removes many doshas.
No kartari dosha.
Checking the strength of lagna lord
Lagna lord jupiter is in virgo in 7 house (Kendra - very good).
Jupiter is not in 6,8,12 houses. (good)
No aspects to Jupiter.
No karthari dosha.
Checking the strength of moon
Moon, being 6th lord is in 3 house (upachaya house so good)
Checking the strength of sun
Sun is in 6 house as per kp in cancer. Sun has no lordship.
So average here.
Checking as per Eka Vimsati Doshas
1. Panchanga suddhi -
a.Avoid 4,6,8,12,14,new, full
b. Avoid Tuesday
Yes, avoided
5. Sagraha Chandra Dosha -The Moon's association with any other planet, benefic or
malefic, should be avoided. This injunction is specially applicable in case of
6. Udayastha shudhi -
a. The Lagna and the seventh should be strong.
Yes, strong
Lagna lord in 7 house. Jupiter (lord of 1,10,11) aspecting lagna.
b. The Lagna should be occupied by its own lord and the Navamsa Lagna by its own
lord or vice versa or lord of Lagna should aspect Navamsa Lagna and vice versa.
Navamsa lord is in 8 house in pisces.
Lagna is in leo sign. Jupiter(lord of lagna) is in navamsa lagna.
c.Similarly the seventh and the lord of the seventh Bhava should be favourably
7th house has no aspects. JUpiter in 7 house.
8. Gandanthara - The last 2 ghatis (48 minutes) of the 5th, 10th and 15th (Full
Moon) and the first 2 ghatis of the 6th, 11th and 1st (dark half) lunar days go
under tithigandanthara.
Navami ended at 15:17. Avoided.
Similarly, the last 2 degrees of Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces and the first 2
degrees of Leo, Sagittarius and Aries are inauspicious.
Lagna is at 3 degrees of pisces. So avoided.
10. Bhrigu Shatka - The position of Venus in the 6th is injurious. This is
especially so in regard to marriage.
Venus in 4 house. So Avoided
12. Ashtama Lagna Dosha - the Lagna ascending should not happen to be the 8th from
the Janma Lagna of the bride and the bridegroom.
13. Rasi Visha Ghatika -There are negative periods of different Lagnas (Lagna
Avoid last 3 degrees of pisces.
Lagna is at 3 deg of pisces. Yes, avoided.
14. Kunavamsa Dosha -The Lagna selected for an auspicious work should not occupy
the Navamsa of a malefic.
Navamsa lagna is leo. Sun is natural and functional malefic.
17. Ekargala Dosha - This dosha is powerful only during the daytime. Affects
matters started under certain yogas such as Vishkhambam.
Night time wedding and not in vishskambam yoga. So avoided.
18. Krura Samyuta Dosha.- The constellation occupied by the Sun at a given moment,
and the one immediately preceding and succeeding it have to be deemed unpropitious
for all good work and they should be rejected for purposes of marriage.
Sun in ashlesha. Before - punarvasu, after- makha. Moon in not in all these
stars. so avoided.
20. Mahapatha Dosha - When the Sun and, the Moon are equally removed from the
equator upon the same side of it, the aspect is known as Vyatipata, which indicates
excess of evil. This is held to be unfavourable for all good work.
21. Vaidhruthi Dosha - This is also an evil aspect (yoga) and should be avoided in
all favourable activities.
Chandra balam
Bride - Moon in vrishabha
Chandra balam exists
Tara balam
Bride - Mrigasira star - Moon in anuradha star (saturn star)
tarabalam exists
Panchaka rahitham
Lagna + star + tithi + vara /9 = 12 + 4+10 +4 /9 ...Remainder is 2.
(Agni Panchaka exists)