Alle V-Infos Englisch
Alle V-Infos Englisch
Alle V-Infos Englisch
The following collection contains our INFORMATION BULLETINS for representatives from no. V
22 onwards. Older bulletins can only be provided on special request.
Missing numbers are due to invalid info bulletins having been removed from the collection.
Please observe that information bulletins may lose their validity after some time since they are
no longer up to date.
Please ask us if you are in doubt about the validity of older information bulletins.
SCHWING releases once a year a list of info bulletins that have become invalid. This list is pu-
blished in the form of an information bulletin for representatives. See V 33 as an example.
Some information bulletins are available only in German since they were produced for the Ger-
man market only.
Type V information bulletins are addressed only to members of our staff with the corre-
sponding qualification and to our representatives. They are the only ones entitled to
perform the work described. Any distribution of the bulletins to third parties is forbid-
den. See also V 33.
Issued by:
Abteilung: V V W
Postfach 200362
44647 Herne
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A Sealing bush 25 x 6
Fig. 1
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Hydraulic pumps of the above type are used in 2. Set pressure relief valve to maximum op-
heavy-duty concrete pumps. erating pressure (Pmax).
The pressure cut-off function causes these 3. Set pressure cut-off value to a pressure 20
hydraulic pumps to swing back just before the bars below Pmax.
maximum operating pressure, set at the pres-
sure limiting valve, is reached. 4. Set minimum flow (Vg min ):
This prevents line losses and the heating of Switch the concrete pump to the lowest
hydraulic oil which is the case when hydraulic stroking frequency (e.g. with the poten-
oil is ejected by the pressure relief valve. tiometer).
Please observe the different positions of the set Turn down the Vg min screws until the hy-
screws in pumps of different nominal size: draulic oil pressure rises to the value of
the pressure cut-off threshold.
D = pressure cut-off
Fig. 3
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MPS T E C 6, V V W 1999 / 04
Some concrete pumps equipped with the Mini- Check on this occasion
Pause Control System (MPS) have suffered
from malfunctions. that the machine operator is informed about
how to use the system properly. Correct
These malfunctions are characterized by the handling of the system is described in the
pressure reduction being either not active at all Owner's Manual and in our Technical Infor-
or active all the time. mation K 159 which was designed to pro-
vide further detailed information for our cus-
Besides incorrect operation, the malfunctions tomers in this matter.
may be caused by a technical fault in the valve
cartridge 10175450 (position1, Fig. 1). that the hydraulic oil used is not contami-
nated. Dirt particles in the oil might cause
At the factory, the following remedial action is the valve cartridge to jam.
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Fig. 2
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Fig. 2
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DR = pressure cut-off
Fig. 4
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Fig. 4
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The present Information V 32 is intended as For pressure cut-off setting, only the following
a supplement to Information V 31 for machi- setscrews are needed:
nes equipped with single-circuit hydraulics
(without MPS). DR = pressure cut-off
Observe the different positions of the setscrews Top view A 11 VO, nominal size 130
in pumps of different nominal size (Fig. 1 + 2):
Fig. 2
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"Emergency operation"
Fig. 1
Fig. 3
Page 4 of 4
8. Adjust the switch-over attenuation. 10. - Remove the non-return valves (step 1).
Fig. 2
* Set values see "Technical Characteristics" or
hydraulic circuit diagram.
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Seit einigen Jahren erstellt die Firma For several years, SCHWING has been issue-
SCHWING sogenannte Vertreter-Informationen. ing so-called Information Bulletins for represen-
Die Vertreter-Informationen sind in der Kopfzei-
le oben rechts durch ein V und eine fortlau- Information Bulletins for representatives bear
fende Zahl gekennzeichnet. the letter "V" and a serial number in the upper
righthand corner of the caption.
Diese Informationen knnen im Laufe der Zeit
ihre Gltigkeit verlieren. The information contained in these bulletins
may lose its validity in the course of time.
Ungltig sind bisher:
The following bulletins are already invalid:
V1 bis V 12,
V1 thru V 12,
V 27 + V 28.
V 27 + V 28.
Bitte entferner Sie ungltige Infos aus Ih-
rer Sammlung! Sie knnen aus heutiger Please remove invalid information bulletins
Sicht berholte Hinweise enthalten. from your collection. They may contain in-
formation which is nowadays considered
Themen der V-Informationen sind meist In- outdated.
standsetzungshinweise fr unsere Maschinen.
Type V information bulletins are mostly con-
Sie richten sich an entsprechend qualifizierte cerned with repair instructions for our ma-
Mitarbeiter unseres Hauses bzw. unserer Ver- chines.
They are addressed to members of our staff
Nur diese drfen die beschriebenen Arbei- with the corresponding qualification and to our
ten ausfhren! representatives.
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Set the pressure as follows: The roller supporting cylinder must be de-
pressurized through its minimess port.
With the boom/stabilizers switching valve in
the "Stabilizers" position, adjust a flow rate of Extend and retract the stabilizer several times
20l/min on the control block for the boom. with maximum speed and check the setting.
Fig. 1
Page 2 of 2
The two restrictor check valves 2+3 and shuttle
valve 4 (page 1) will be replaced in the future
by a valve block (Fig. 1).
This valve block will be supplied completely
preset and does therefore no longer require
any adjusting work.
The minimess ports MAM and MBM are pro-
vided for control purposes.
Fig. 1
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Fig. 1
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Detach the connector of the electrical delivery Delivery rate control valve:
rate control from the delivery rate control valve (single-circuit / double-circuit hydraulics)
(Fig. 1 resp. 2).
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Check that the regulation sets in at 8 bars and Restart the concrete pump and check the strok-
readjust, if necessary, with the setting screw ing rate.
beside the 'Y' port of the regulator (Fig. 1 or 2).
If the stroking rate is now slightly (max. 1 stroke)
Observe the different locations of the setting lower than the rate measured before, the
screws. regulation start setting is correct (control pres-
sure at 'Y' above 8 bars).
Important note:
If not, shut off the concrete pump and the en-
In the future, the pumps of nominal size 190 will gine and repeat the adjustment.
also be supplied with regulators with lateral set-
ting screw. Repeat the procedure until the regulation start
has been set to the correct value.
The setting screws must be readjusted in very
small steps (max. turn at a time). Make sure
not to change the setting when tightening the A11VO130, small setting screw on the side:
Fig. 2
Page 4 of 5
For checking:
(the values are not the exact values, but only
The value measured at port 'M1' of the hy-
draulic pump (Fig. 1) should now be approx.
0-2 bars at maximum delivery rate.
Beyond 4 bars at port 'Y', the pressure at M1
rises proportionally.
Beyond 8 bars at port 'Y' as measured at
'MX1' (Fig. 2) or 'MY' (Fig. 3), the pressure at
port 'M1' of the hydraulic pump (Fig. 1) now
corresponds to approx 1/3 of the high pres-
sure and continues to rise.
Fig. 1
This is a sign that the pump swivels back and
that the delivery rate reduces. Delivery rate control valve single-circuit hydraulics:
The high pressure value can be measured at (single-circuit hydraulics / double-circuit hydraulics)
port 'M' (Fig. 1) of the hydraulic pump or at the
concrete pump pressure gauge.
Example: 'M' = 180 bars / 'M1' = approx. 60 bars.
Fig. 2: Fig. 2
Fig. 3:
Fig. 3
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A) "Command-Control" valve (Fig. 1) If necessary, change the entered value and the
maximum current.
The following values have been determined as
being necessary: This change can also be made with keys F1 resp.
F2 in the terminal program as described above.
a) PWM* frequency : 100 Hz
Delivery rate control valve: DRE4
is required.
Fig. 2
PWM* = Pulse-Width-Modulation
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S 39 T V S, V V W 2007 / 02
In different machines, the outrigger cylinders Please observe the following rules:
have been found to be leaking.
Use utmost care in performing the work and
From now on, the machines will be equipped use only original material from SCHWING.
with improved hydraulic cylinders.
It is absolutely indispensable to prevent dirt
You are therefore requested to replace the de- from penetrating into the hydraulic system:
fective cylinders as described below with this
improved version. Clean threaded connections before opening
Page 2 of 7
The inner tube 1 (Fig. 1) with cylinder 2 is ap- Depressurize the oil locked up in the cylin-
proximately 1.50 m high. der and in the lines (which may still be un-
der pressure) by moving the control lever
Make sure the truck is in horizontal position as to both directions.
there is otherwise the risk that the work will be
unneccessarily aggravated by jamming compo- From a safe place (ladder), detach the two
nents. hydraulic hoses 15 (Fig. 1) after having marked
them with respect to their correct connecting
Moreover, the work ports.
requires a lifting device
with sufficient elevating The ports on the cylinder are marked "A" and
height as, for instance, "B".
a hydraulic garage jack,
an elevating truck or a Close the hydraulic hoses with plugs.
fork lifter.
Remove minimess connection 20 with thread-
Fo driving the dowel ed connection 19 and the two unions 16.
pins out, a suitable
punch is required.
Illustration shows front outrigger
An ideal solution is a
punch of 42CrMo4.
Fig. 1
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The pins and the dowels in the upper and lower
cylinder fastening are not identical and must
therefore not be interchanged.
Pins 3 and 6 have a close sliding fit in their
bores and can therefore be removed easily.
If this is not the case, the reason is perhaps that
they are not properly load-relieved.
If necessary, use a "soft" copper punch and not
a steel punch for driving out the pin.
Fig. 2
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Fig. 2
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BLEEDING Important:
For bleeding, a hydraulic hose 8/2 ST of the re- The cylinder is not retracted as the oil from the
spective length is required as bleeding hose. control block is displaced via the bleeding line.
Depressurize the oil locked up in the cylin- Stop the bleeding procedure when the hydraulic
der and in the lines (which may still be un- oil flowing out of the line is basically free from
der pressure) by moving the control lever bubbles. This should be the case after abt. 1 l of
to both directions. hydraulic oil has been let out.
Detach the minimess connection by removing Remove the bleeding line and refit the mini-
the nut 21 (Fig. 1). mess port.
Connect the bleeding line to the free port of the Retract the cylinder completely.
Tee fitting (Fig. 2).
Check the filling level of the oil reservoir and
Instruct a second person to stick the free end top up with clean hydraulic oil, if needed.
of the bleeding line into a recipient.
Repeat the bleeding cycle, if needed.
Hold the end of the hose firmly in place to
prevent jerking.
As the air accumulates in the upper part of
the rod compartment, the rod side can only
be bled correctly, if the supporting cylinder
is extended completely. Fig. 1
See next page.
Fig. 2
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Bleeding procedure
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Fig. 3
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In some of the above-mentioned pump units, a Please observe the following rules:
so-called stroke reduction has been observed.
This means that the differential cylinders do no Use utmost care in performing the work and
longer perform a full stroke. use only original material from SCHWING.
This fault could be rectified by changing the feed- It is absolutely indispensable to prevent
point for the stroke compensation. See page dirt from penetrating into the hydraulic
2+3. system:
Please make this modification only if you find - Close openend connections in the
signs of a stroke reduction in one of the above hydraulic system immediately with suitable
pumps. screw plugs.
V 37-EN
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V 37-EN
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V 37-EN
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FW 26 T V S, V V W 2006 / 11
Fr die obige Funkfernsteuerung steht eine With version 1.31a, a new diagnosis software has
neue Diagnosesoftware 1.29a zur Verfgung. been issued for the above-mentioned radio re-
mote-control system.
Eine CD mit dieser Version wird von unserem
Kundendienst an autorisierte Personen ver- The CD containing this version will be sent by
schickt. our after-sales service to authorized persons.
Autorisierte Personen sind solche, die am Authorized persons are persons who have taken
Lehrgang part in the
V 38-DE/EN
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S 58 SX V K E, V V W 2007 / 02
Under certain unfavourable circumstances it may Install the machine in working position and
be the case that the level in the hydraulic oil re- slew the folded boom aside.
servoir is lower than the return line connection
from the emgency operation control block. Prop up the boom package to prevent lower-
ing in case of trouble.
The oil reflowing from the emergency operation
control block will then hit the oil surface with the It is absolutely indispensable to prevent dirt
result that the oil in the reservoir will then start from penetrating into the hydraulic system:
Empty the oil reservoir and collect the oil
To prevent oil foaming, all new reservoirs are in a perfectly clean reservoir, if you want
equipped from now on with an internal return to fill it back into the reservoir later on.
flow pipe (10307241) which injects the reflowing
oil below the reservoir level (Fig. 1). Clean all connections before dismantling.
Machines already delivered can be retrofitted with Close detached connections immediately
this pipe. For retrofitting, the oil reservoir must with suitable plugs at both ends.
be dismantled.
The work described in the following text
may only be performed by duly quali-
fied personnel.
For this reason, the following text does
not describe basic working procedures.
V 39-en
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Fig. 2
Fig. 3
V 39-en
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Install the pipe in correct position. The outlet The preservation with hydraulic oil lasts only for
must point downwards (Fig. 1). A slight incli- a few days of storage. For longer storage,
nation of the pipe is of no importance, e.g. if check the reservoir frequently or use a proce-
other return-flow pipes are in the way. dure giving better results.
Check through the cleaning opening that the The re-installed reservoir must be filled with hy-
hydraulic oil can flow out freely. draulic oil using a flushing and filtering unit as
described in our operating instructions (chapter
Weld the hex end of the return-flow pipe from 4.2).
the outside to the reservoir wall.
Welding procedure:
Fillet weld, a = 3 mm
V 39-en
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Switching problems of the Rock valve are often DISMANTLING THE REGULATOR PISTON
due to a malfunction of the accumulator charge
pump. Loosen the screw plug by turning the big hex
nut (Fig. 1)
A malfunction is recognized, for instance, by
fluctuations of the accumulator pressure gauge Do not loosen the setscrew!
V 40-de
Page 2 of 3
Fig. 2 Fig. 4
Do not lose the two springs and the pertain- Clean the piston and examine it. Fine
ing spring plates (Fig. 3) removed together scratches can be removed with wet emery
with the screw plug. paper (grade 2000) (Fig. 5).
Fig. 3 Fig. 5
Grip the protruding end of the piston with Check the sealing ring under the screw plug
pointed pliers and pull out the piston (Fig. 4). (Fig. 2) and replace, if necessary.
If the piston cannot be pulled out, try to loo- Material no.: 10000361
sen it carefully using a drift and a small
V 40-de
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Apply a thin layer of hydraulic oil on the pis- In case of severe damage of the regulator (pis-
ton and re-install. ton cannot be removed or be removed only in
severly damaged condition), the whole regula-
Refit the screw plug with the springs and the tor must be replaced.
spring plates.
In some cases, it may also be advisable to re-
Carry out a pressure check after successful place the complete pump.
re-installation of the plug.
In this case, please contact our after-sales ser-
If the piston cannpot be removed in the way If it seems appropriate, take an oil sample
described because of cramped working condi- and inform your customer about the neces-
tions, it is probably advisable to remove the sity of regular filter and oil changes.
complete regulator.
Material nos.:
3 x O-ring : 98319776
Fig. 6
V 40-de
1 of 2
If no damage is apparent, please secure the As far as truck-mixer concrete pumps (FBPs)
bearings as described in the extract of the fac- are concerned, only the 21-m booms are af-
tory standard overleaf. fected by this problem.
V 41-en
2 of 2
For fixing the articulated bearing in axial direction, the bearing eye must be notched by means of a
punch. Apply four punch marks as shown in the picture.
V 41-en
1 von 2
Hydraulikanlage S 42 SX V K E, T N S 2008 / 07
Hydraulic system S 42 SX
Bei einigen Maschinen des Typs S 42 SX In some machines of the S 42 SX type, the
weicht die Ausfhrung der Hydraulikanlage construction of the hydraulic system deviates
etwas vom mitgelieferten Schaltplan ab. slightly from the circuit diagram supplied.
Abweichend vom Serienstand wird das Spei- Unlike in the standard design, the feed oil for
sel des MPS/S3-Blocks mittels T-Stck der the MPS/S3 block is derived by means of a
Speicher-Ladepumpe entnommen, anstatt es Tee from the accumulator charge pump and
dem MPS-Speicher zu entnehmen. not from the MPS accumulator.
Die Auswirkungen dieser Abweichung sind nur The effect of this deviation is only minimal so
minimal, eine nderung ist nicht erforderlich. that no change is required.
Bitte nehmen Sie diese Info zu Ihrer Maschi- Please keep this Information bulletin with your
nen-Dokumentation. machine-dokumentation.
V 42-de/en
A2 B2
Flldruck Stickstoff 120 bar A3 B3
filling pressure nitrogen 120bar 1.5
7 T3
8,0 MSP3
2.0 TV
280 bar
2 bar
T 8
1.1 X3
14 bar
40 bar
1.4 350 bar
T1 1.2
MP 26
P1 P2
3.0 XB XA 3.0
B1 A1
10 17 B A 17
NW 6/2
NW 6
NW 6
NW 6
NW 6
2 bar 2 bar
3.1 3.2
A 3.5 3.5 B
ZS1 2.2
1.3 1.3
ZK1 2.1
1.3 1.3
12 12