Arrl HB 1944 PDF
Arrl HB 1944 PDF
Arrl HB 1944 PDF
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TH }O~ Radio AlIw teur's Hand book has had a remarkable history. B ack in 1926
we of th e headq uarters staff of the radio a m a teur' s organ ization, t he American Radio
Relay League, se t about t he writing of a s ma ll pa m phlet of operating in stru ct ions
i nte nded t o improve the performance of amateur stations. Wh e n it was fin is hed wo
found t hat, with the necessnry additional m ate ria l on tec hnical topi cs, we had writ-
te n a co nsid erable-size book. U po n its publication it enjoyed ::l.n insta.nt s uccess and
qui c kly beca me an importa nt factor in the literature of the radi o amateur. As suc-
cess ive reprintings werc undertaken new material was added, a nd an evolution a ry
process bega n which became t he policy of t he H andbook: to prescnt the ki n d of in-
for ma tion requi red to get result.'S , rather t han the academic intri cacies of tbe class-
roo m, a nd t o rcfin e a nd perfect t he expl a nations so th at they were thoro ughly helpfu l
to practical a m atcurs. Thus the book grew throu gh the years - in s ize, in value, in
acce ptance. It became t he right- hand guide of practica l radio a m ate urs in every
co untry of th e globe. As war came o n, it was in evitab le that a book written as th e
H andbook was wr itte n would be fou nd to provide exactly the kind of information
req ui red to make practical rad iomen fo r the mi li t a ry servi ces and to help those who
were training t he mselves for wartime rad io work. Thi s boo k certainly has ; not onl y
is it used di rectly in m a n y training programs, e ither as basic text o r re fe re nce, but its
informati o n has provided sou rce-data for m any of the servi ce-w ritten specia l courses.
Wi th the lIandbook t hus d oi ng a. wartime job, with its total d ist ri bution now well
o ver a milli o n copies, we have had a heav y se nse of our responsibilities a s writers
a nd pu blishers as we approac hed the present revisio n: the twe nty-first ed it io n, t he
forty-first printing. Our editorial problem in th is a nll ual revi sing has always Jain
largely in so adjusting its sco pe a nd perspectiv e t hat the boo k would be of maximum
usefulness t o the reader i n h is problems and activities of t hat part ic ular year. In the
ha ppi er pre-war d a ys of active amateur o peratio n th a t tnsk was c hiefl y one o f se-
le cti ng t he ideas a nd creating the apparatus designs u pon which the g reatest o pera-
ting reli a nce could be placed, the latest an d best H co nstructi o n" inform a ti o n of
whi ch we had k no wled ge. T o-day, with a m ateu r stations silen ced an d a ll our people
geared to t he needs of war, t he perspective ne cessarily s hifts sharply.' The world
t o-d a.y puts a premium upo n knowledge of radio. The amateu r studies his a rt to im-
pro ve hi s pro ficiency in his prese nt wart im e job as well as for t he day when his sta-
tion re-o pens. H undreds of thousands of additi onal m en and wo men are being tra ined
to useful proficiency in the radi o field, to m eet the nati o n' s need s - a job in whi ch th e
H andbook is proving a potent a id. We beli eve, t he n, that we best serve our readers
th is yea r by putting m ore e mphasis on t he " how-i t-works" par t of th e book than o n
th e " ho w-to- " - alth ough both are in d ispensable.
] n thi s now edition we are usi ng a n en la rged page format which, despite wartime
p a per restrictio ns, happily permits us to mak e t hi s by fa r the largest edi tion yet
publi :'i hed , in point of ed itorial co ntent. This ed it ion is div ided in to two m a in pa rts.
]n the first is g ro uped a ll the mate rial treating of princ iples, theory a.nd desig n con-
side ratio ns - t he endurin g bas is of th e art. I n the seco nd part, embodying the best
c Ul'I'ent practical e m ploy men t of the basic know ledge of th e first part, are t he exaIll-
pies of practi cal eq ui pment - in genera l with at least o ne rep resenta tive example of
each acce pted t ype or combinat io n - together with esse ntial con st r uctional d a ta
and instructi o ns fo r adjustment a nd use. M e ntio n sho uld be m:l.lie o f t he new
chapter on cn.rrier-c ulTen t com munica tion, the aitemative field which th e amateu r
has found m ost interest in g a nd fruitful dmi ng the war's restrict io ns. The c hap ter o n
the War Emergency R adio Se rvice h as bee n re-written and conside ra.bly expanded
to pro vide the best possib le gu id a nce to th oBe e ngaged in th is esse nl.i:.l\ ser vice. T he
classified tuhe t a.b les , a!\\ays a n impo rtan t featme of the H andbook , h :~ve been re-
vised to include data ou a ll released types, and re m ain the most comprehensive
compilation available. A new conveni ence, to faci litate locating a tube whose classi-
ficatio n is not known, is a. cross- index by type numbcni.
The first ma in part of this book, Chapters Two to T en, incl usive, constitut.e a
textbook on the theory of radio. The prese nt treatment represents a co nsidera,ble
ex pan sion over previolls editio ns, with new mate rial and a mplified information added
where practical teaching ex perience usin g t he Hnnd book as a text, has disclosed their
desirabi li ty. It is the culmi natio n of several years of work by Geo rge Grammer,
QS'l"s technical ed ito r (now on leave), not onl y in t.he writing but in t he refining of
the writing in the cruc ibl e of actual use - by ' teaching experimental classes a nd by
surveying t he progress of typical self-taught students. The aim has been to write an
understandable nonm athe matical treatment for busy, practical peop le of ave rage
education. Necessari ly co mpact (as is a ny good text) , infor mation is deliberately
presented with out sugar-coating, b ut every eITor t has been made to ma ke it under-
standable a nd to avoid sayin g things in such a way t ha.t they are intelligible only to
t hose who already know the subjecl ! Th e materi al has been so arranged in topical
sections as to make it readily possible to find what is wanted, a mu ltitude of Rub-
headi ngs ident.ifying subjects at a glance. The infor mation is presented conc isely but
with co pious cross-references, t o perm it the background ahvays to acco mpa ny the
subject under conside ration. We have endeavored to employ cross-refe rences in suc h
quantity t hat no trentment of any subject can be cons idered "too tec hni cal," sin ce
the refere nces will lend t he rea.dcr, if he needs it, to the applying funda.mentlds.
Fi nally, this portio n of the book ar ranges subjects in a logical order wh ich can ser ve as
the basis fo r a well-ordered rad io study cou rse. I ndeed, M r. Grammer's com panio n
work, A Co1trsein Radio Ji'undamelJtais, :llso published by the League, is wri tte n a roun d
thi s portion of t he Ifnndbook, providing for the stud ent a proved and effective series
of stud y assignments, di rections for ex pen ments , and exa min ation q uestion s.
Th e secon d part. of t he book is that which has been dearest to t he heart of the
practicing a mateur. Th at amateur to-day may be engaged in rebuilding his station
to im prove its performance after the war, but mu ch morc probably he is working for
Un cl e Sam - in the armed forces or in a laboratory. Wh erever he is, he and his
sim il:trs need a reliable gu ide for the constru ctio n of various pi eces o f rad io appara-
tus. T he second part of the Handbook deals only with practical consid erations, but
refere nce to the fi rst part of the book always will lead the re!td er quickly to any
needed information on the whys thereof. Th e apparatus designs a,re the best we
know for their respective jobs and t hey will be found reli able. At the en d of many of
th e constructional chapters is a bibliography of a rticles in QS 1'. [n these will be
found mOI'e exte nsive descripti ons of so me of t he pieces of appa.ratus. Refererces to
the bibliogra phies in these cases take s uch a form as (Bil). 5), whi ch mean s that. t he
fifth item in the bibli ography at the end of th at clu'l.ptel' gives refe rence to a QS'l'
article describi ng the parti cular piece of gear in so mewhat greater d etai l.
A word a bout the refere nce syste m: It will be noted that each chapter is divided
into sections and that t hese a re num bered se rially withi n each chapter. T he number
takes the form of two digits or groups se parated by a hyphen. Th e fi rst ngure is t he
chapter number, th e second the section number within the chapter. C ross-references
in the text take suc h a form as ( 4-- 7) , for example, which means th at the su bject
referred to wi ll be found d isc usse d in Four, Section 7.
Throughout the boo k, illustration s are se rially numbered in each chap ter. Thus
F ig. 11 07 can be rea.dily located as t he seve nt h illust ration in C bapter Eleven. Th ere
is a n extensive, caref ully prepa red index at the rea r of the b ook.
Most of the technically skilled spec ial ists on th e League's headquarters staff at
West H a rtford - men who have earned their s purs in a mateur radio - have plH-
ticip<-'l.t.ed in the prese n t revi sion. It has d...l rcady been menti oned t.h at t he fi rst part of
t he book Wl1S written by M r. G rammer. Th e rev ision of th e seco nd part is the work
largely of Donald H . Mix, QS1"s acting techn ical editor, Clinton B. DeSoto, t he
editor of QST, and Geo rge Hart, the League' s acting communicatio ns manager, wit h
Mr. Grammer 's hand again a ppea ring in some of the chapters. The productio n of the
book has fallen on Mr. DeSoto's office, with spec ial credit due Louisa B. Dresser,
QS'l"s edito rial assistan t. All of us will be very happy if thi s edition of t he H andbook
can be of as much help to its wartim e readers as earli er editions have been to t he
am ateurs of pea('etim e.
~1 anaging Secretary, A.R.R. L.
October, 1943
CHAPTER I Amateur Radio . . . . 9
Index A t Rear
1. Th e A mateur LS Gentlemanly
I-I e n e ver kn owingly uses the air for his own amu se m ent in snch
a way a s t o lessen the p lea sure of others. H e a bides b y th e
pled ges given b y the ARRL in his bebalf to the public and
th e Government.
3. Th e Amateur is Progressive
He keep s hi s statio n abreast of science. It is bu il t well and
efficiently . Hi s operating prac tice is clean and reg ular.
5. Th e A mateur is Balanced
Radio is hi s hobby. H e n ever allows it to interfere with any of
the duties h e owes to his home, his job, his school, or hi s
community .
American. The oceans were a wall of silence, But there was still no amate ur ra dio ; the war
impenetrable, isolating us from every sign a.l ban continued in e fTect. Repeated representa-
abroad. Even cross-cou ntry communi catio n tions to Washi ngton met only with silence; it
could be accompli shed only by relays. Short was to be ne arly a. year before li censes again
waves" meant 200 meters; t he en tire wave- were iss ued.
length spectrum below 200 me ters was a vast In t he mea ntime, howevCl', t here was much
silen ce - no signal ever di sturbed it. Years to be done. Tbe League 's o fli ces had been closed
were to pass before its phenom e nal poss ibil ities for a year and a half, its record s sto red away.
were to be suspec ted. Three-fourth s of the former amate urs had gone
Yet the period was notable for a number of to Fra nce; man y of the m would never come
accomplishments. It saw the number of ama- back. " 'ould those who h a d retur ned be inter-
teurs in the United States increase to approxi- ested, now, in s uch things as a mate ur radio?
ma tely 4,000 by 1917. It witnessed the first Mr. Maxim d etermined to find out, and called
appearance of rad io laws, li censing, wavel e ngth a meeting of such members of t he old board of
spec ifications for the various services. (" Ama- directors of the League as he co uld locate.
teurs? - ob , yes - well , sti c k 'em on 200 Eleven men, several still in uniform, me t in
meters ; they'll never get out of their backyards New York an d took stock of t he situation. It
with it.") It saw a n increase in the range of wasn ' t very encouraging: a mateur rad io still
a mateur station s to such unheard-of distances ba nned by law, former me mbers of the Leag ue
as 500 and, in so me cases, even 1,000 miles. scattered no one knew where, no organization,
U. S. amateurs were beginnin g to wo nder, just no mem be rshi p, no fund s. But those eleven
before the war, if there were other amateurs in men financed the publicati on of a notice to all
other countries across the seas a nd if - daring the for mer amateurs that could be located,
th ought! - it might some day be possible to hired Kenneth B. Warner as t he League's first
span the Atlanti c with 200-metcl' equipment. paid sec retary, Boated a bond iss ue among old
Because all long-dis tan ce messages h ad t o be League members to obtain money for immedi-
relayed, this peri od saw relaying developed to ate running expenses, bought the maga:.:ine
a fine art - an ability that turned out to be a QST to be the League 's official organ, and
priceless accomplishmen t later when the gov- dunned officialdom until th e wa rtime ban was
ernment suddenly needed hundreds of skilled li fte d and amateur radio resumed agai n. Even
operators for war servi ce in 1917. Most impor- befo re the ban was lifted, i n October, 1919, old -
tant of all, the period witnessed the birth of timers all over the cou ntry were fl ocking back
the American Radio R elay League, the ama- to the League, r enewing fri endships, planning
teur organization whose fa me was to t ravel to for the future. \V hen Jj censing resumed , the re
aU parts of the world and whose name was to was a headlon g rush to get back on the air.
be virtually synonymous with subseque nt a ma-
te ur progress and shor t-wave deve lopment. From the star t, postwar a mateur radio took
Conceived a nd for med by the famous in ventor on new :lspects. Warti me needs ha d stim ula.ted
lln d amateu r, the htte Hiram P elcy M ax im, the techni cal de velopment in radio. Th ere were new
League was formally launched in early 191:1. types of equ ipment. The vacuum tube was
It was just begi nning to exert its full force in being used bot h for receiv ing and t ransm itti ng.
amateu r activities when the U ni ted States de- Amateurs immedia.tely adapted the new ap- war in 1917, by that act so unding the paratus to ZOO-mete r work. Ranges promptl y
knell for amateur radio for the next two and increased; it beca me possible to bl'idge the
one-half years . By preside nt ial direction, every continent with but one intermediate relay .
amateur station was dismantled. 'W ithin a few Soon st ati ons on one coast were hearing those
mont hs three-fourths of the a mateurs of the on the other, direct!
cou ntry were ser vi ng with the armed forces of These devel opments had a n inevitable re-
t.he United States as Qperators and instructors sult. Watching DX co me to represe nt 1,000
- a movement that was to be duplicated in miles, then 1,500 and then 2,000, amateurs be-
:. :triking manner a quarter of a. ce ntury later. gan to dream of t ra ns-Atlantic \~'ork . Could
Few amateurs to-day real ize that 'Vorld War they get across? I n December, 1921, th e ARRL
T not only marked the close of the first phase of sent abroad one of its most prominent ama-
amateur development but came very near teurs, P aul .F'. Godley, with the best amateu r
marking its e nd for all time. The fate of ama- receivi ng equ ipment available. Tests were run,
teur radio was in th e balance in the days im- a nd thirty America n amateu r stations were
mediately foll owing the signing of the Armi- heard in Europe. The news electrified the ama-
stice, in 1918. Th e government, having had a teur world. ] n 1922 another trans-Atlantic test
taste of su preme authority over all commu ni- was carried ollt; this time 3 15 American calls
cations in wartime, was morc than ha lf in- were logged by European amateurs and , what
clined to keep it; indeed, the war had not been was m ore, one French a nd two British stations
ended a month before Congress was consider- were beard on this side.
ing legislation that would ' have mad e it im- Everything now was centered on one objec-
possible for the amate ur radio of old ever to be t ive : two-w ay com munication across the At-
resumed. President Maxim r ushed to Wash ing- lan t ic by alm~tcu r radi o! It must be poss ible -
to r), pleaded, argued i t.he bill was defeated. but somehow they cou ldn 't quite make it.
Amateur Radio 11
Further increases in power were out of the sion became so great that it was necessary to
question; many amateurs already were using devise a syste m of in ternatio nal intermediates
the legal maximum of one k ilo watt. Bettcr re- in order to d istinguish the nationality of calls.
ceivers? They already had the superhetero- The Leag ue beg;::lll iss uing what are known
dyne; i t didn't see m possible to make any very as \VA C eerti6 cates to stati o ns proving that
great advance in that direc tion. they had worked all t he continents. Over five
Then how about trying a nother wavelength, thousand such ce rtificates have been iss ued.
t hey a sked? 'Vh at about those wavelength s be- Representatives of the AHRL went to Paris
low 200 meters? The engineer ing world thought and deliberated with the amateur representa-
they were worthless ~ but then, that had been tives of t'iventy-two other nations. On April
said about 200 meters too. There have been 17, 1925, thi s conference fo rmed the In terna-
many wrong guesses in history. And so, in 1922, tional Amateur Radio Union - a federation of
the assistant technical editor of QSl' (Boyd national amateur societies.
Phelps, now a lieutenant-commander in the
Naval Reserve) carried on tests between Hart- Nor was experimental development lost sight
ford and Boston on 130 meters. The results of in the enthusiasm in cident to international
were encouraging. Early in 1923 the ARRL amateur communi cation. The experimen tally
sponsored a series of organized tests on wave- minded amateur was constantly at work con-
lengt hs down to 90 meters, an d it was noted du cting tests in new frequency bands, devising
that as the wavelength dropped the reported improved apparatus for amateur receiving a nd
results were better. A growing excitement be- transmitting, learning how to operate two and
gan to filter into the amateur ranks. three and even four stations where previously
Finally, in No vember, 1923, after some there was room enough for only one.
months of careful preparati on, two-way ama- In particular, t he amateur experimenter
teur communication across the Atlantic be- pressed on t o the devclopmen t of the higher
came a reality, when Schnell, 1MO, and Rein- frequenci es represented by the wavelength s
artz, lXAM (now W9UZ and W 3lBZ respec- below 10 meters, territory only a few years ag()
tively, and both commanders in the Naval regarde d even by most amateurs as compara-
Reserve), worked for several hours with Deloy, tively unprofitable operating ground.
SAB, in France, all three stations using a wave- The amateur's experience with five meters is
length of 110 meters! Additional stations especially representative of his ini tiative and
dropped down to 100 meters and found that resourcefulness and of his ability to make the
they, too, could easily work two-way across most of what is at hand. In 1924, first amateur
the Atlantic. The exodus from the 20D-meter experiments in the vicinity of 56 Mc. indicated
region star ted. that band to be practically worthless for dis-
By 1924 the e ntire radio world was agog, and tance work; signals at such fre quencies ap-
dozens of commercial companies were rushing peared capable of being heard only to I< ho rizon
stations into the 100-meter region. C haos range." But the amateur turns even such
threatened, until the first of a series of nation al apparent disadvantages to use. If not suitable
and international radio conferences partitioned for long-distance work, at least the band was
off various band s of frequencies for the differ- ideal for If short-haul" communication. Begin-
ent services clamoring for assignments. Al- ning in 1931, then, there was treme ndo us
though thought still centered o n 100 meters, activity in 56-Mc. work by hundreds of ama-
League officials at the first of th ese conferences, teurs all over the country, and a complete new
in 1924, came to the co nclusion that the surface line of transmitte rs and receivers was deve l-
had only been scratched, and wi sely obtained oped to meet th e special conditions inciden t
am ateur bands not only at 80 meters but at 40 to communic ating at these very-high frequen-
and 20 and 10 and even 5 meters. cies (then known as tbe "ultrahighs "). In 1934
Ma ny amateurs promptly jumped d own to ad ditional impetus was given to tbis band when
the 40-meter band. A pretty low wavelength, experimen ts by the ARRL with directive an-
to be sure, but yo u never could tell a bout these tennas resulted in rem arkably consistent two-
short waves. "Forty" was given a try, and re- way commu ni catio n over di stances of more
sponded by enab lillg two-way communication than 100 miles, without the ai d of "hill top"
with Au stralia, New Zealand and South Africa. locai,ions. While atmospheric conditions still
How about 20 meters'! Thi s new band im- are found to affect 5-meter DX, thousands of
med iately showed entirely u nexpected possi- am ateurs , as of the time of the close-down in
bi lities by enabling an East Coast amateur to De ce mber, 1941, were spending much of t heir
communicate with another on the West Coast, time on the 56- and 112- Mc. bands, many of
dire ct , at high noon. The dream of amateur them having worked hundreds of stations at
radio ~ dayli gh t DX! ~ had-come true. dist a nces up to severa l thousand miles; even
From that time to the advent of World 'Var transcontinental dist a nces were being spanned
II ~ when amateur radio again was closed when conditions were right. To-day's concept
down" for the duration " - represents a period of v.h.f. propagation was developed almost
of unparalleled accomplishment. The short entirely through amateur resea rch.
waves proved a veritable gold mine. Country The amateur is constantly in the forefr ont
after country came on the air , until the confu- of technical progress. Many d evelopments by
amateurs have come to represent valuable can cause in the Creat W a r. After t he war it
contributious to the art, and the articles was only natural t hat co r dial relations sho uld
about t hem arc as widely read in p rofession al pre vail between the Army and Navy and t he
circ les as by amateurs. At a time when only amateur. Several t hi ngs occ urred in t he ne xt
a fe w broadcast engineers in the cou ntry few years to strength en t hese re latio ns. I n
knew what was mea nt by " 100. per cent modu- 1924, whe n the U. S. di rig ible S henandoah
lation," the tech ni ca l st a ff of the ARRL pub- made a to ur of t he country, amate urs pro-
lis hed articles in QST urging amateur ' pho nes vide d continuous co ntact between t he bi g ship
to embrace it and showing the m how to do i t. a nd the gro und. In 1925, when the United
Thi s is onl y on e example; t he co mplete roco rd States battle flee t made a cruise to Au stralia
of su ch acco m plishments would more than fil l and the Navy wishe d to test out short-wave
t h is chapte r alone. F rom the League 's la.bora- apparatu s fo r future comm unicatio n purposes,
tory in 1932 came the If single-signal " super- it was the League' s T raffic M anager who was in
heterodyne - the worl d's most ad vanced co mplete charge of an experime ntal a mateu r-
h ig h-fre quency radiotelegraph receiver. I n ty pe set on t be U.S.S. Seattle a nd proved for a ll
1936 the " noise-silence r " ci rcuit for super- time the superiori ty of the high frequencies .
heterodynes was deve loped, pe rmitting for Defin ite fr ie ndly re lations be twee n t he ama-
the first time satisfactory high-frequency re- teur an d the ar mod forces of the Covernme nt
ception through the more common forms of wcre cemented in 1925. In this year both the
m a n-made electrical i nterference. Arm y and the Navy came to t he League with
C urrently, hund reds of ski ll ed a mateurs are proposal s for a mateu r cooperation. The rad io
co nt ribu t ing their knowledge to the develop- Naval Reserve and the Arm y- Amateu r Net are
ment of secret wartim e ra dio devices, both in th e outgrowth of th ese proposals. T hou sa nds
government a nd in private laboratories. Equally of amateurs in t he Naval Reserve now are
as important, the prewar tech nical progress by on active duty wit h the Navy, fr om the rank
amateurs has provided the keystone for the de- of cap tain on dow n, w hile othe r thousands
velopment of modern milita ry co mmunicatio ns a re serving in the Army, Ail' F orces, Coast
equ ipment. T he sets now in use by the a rmed Gu ard a nd M ari ne Corps . Altogether, more
fo rces closely rese mbl e the best prewa r a ma- than 25,000 radio n.mateurs a re in the ar med
teur equipme nt. Thi s is only logical, bccause forces of the United States, wh ile many morc
the problems of military com muni cations in thousa nds are engaged in vi tal electronic re-
modern warfare - extreme congestion, spe- search, development a nd manu fa cturing.
cia l operating requirements, the need for co m-
pactness an d effi ciency - closely resemble the Th e publ ic service record of t he amateur is a
problems peculiar to t he amateur ser vice before brilliant on e. These services can be roughly di-
t he war, an d fo r whi ch the a ma teurs were vided into two classes : eme rgencies an d expedi-
force d to devise th ei r ow n s pecia lized solutions. tions. Tt is regre ttable that space limitations
The fact that amateurs on t he staffs of the preclud e de tai led me ntion of a mateur wor k in
Sig na l Corps and Naval Resea rch labora tories both t hese classes, for the stories constitute
have been closely allied with the design o f th.i s highlights of amateur accom pl ishme nt.
ne w mili tary com m unications equip me nt has Since 19 13, amateu r rad io has been the prin-
bee n a vital factor. cipal, a nd in man y cases the only, means of
On th e fightin g fron t s their operating ski ll is outside co mmunication in mOI'e than one hun -
equally valuable. Sha rpened to the highest de- dred sto rm , flood and earthquake e me rge nc ies
gree by years of com municating experience in this coun t ry . Among the most "n ote worthy
u nder the severest conditions of congest ion , were t he Florida hu rricanes of 1926, 1928 and
a nd with lo w-powe red equipme nt , th e a ma teur 1935, t he M issiSSi ppi a nd New England fl oods
has the ability to hea r signals so faint tha t they of ] 92 7, and t he Cal iforni a dam break of 1928.
a re inaudible to the average ear ; and to read "During 193 1 there were the New Ze a land and
signals so confused' ,vit h interference that for earth quakes, and in 1932 fl oods in
ordinary operators they are completely garbled . Cal ifornia. and T exas. Outstanding in 1933 was
These abil it ies make th e a mate m a key figure the ea rthquake in so uthern Californ ia. In 1934
in milita ry communica tions. furthe r floods in Californ ia a nd Oklah oma re-
sulted in notable a mateu r accom plish me nt. The
Am ate ur radi o is one of the fi nest of hobbies, 1936 eastern states fl ood, the 1937 Oh io Ri ve r
but thi s fact a lone ,yould hardly meri t suc h va ll ey floo d, and the 1938 sou thern Californ ia
whole-hearted support as was given it by the flood and Long Island-New Engla nd hurricane
Un ited States govern ment at past interna- di saste r saw t he greatest eme rgency effort ever
tional confe rences. The re m ust be other reasons performed by a mateurs. In these disaste rs an d
to justify such backing. One of these is a many others - tor nadoes , s leet sto rms, fo rest
thoro ugh appreciation by t he Arm y and Navy fires, blizzards - amateu rs played a maj or role
of the value of t he amateur as a sou rce of skille d in the rescue work and earn ed wi de co mmenda-
radio personnel in time of war. The othe r is tion for their resourcefulness in eITecting com-
best described as IIpublic se rvice." m unication where a ll other mean s had fai led .
\Ve have al ready seen 3,500 a mate urs con- During 1938 the ARRL in au gurated a new
tr ibuting their ski ll and ability to the Ameri- emergency-preparedness program, provid in g
Amateur Radio 13
for the appointment of regional and local 4l. Th e Am erican Rad io Relay Leagu e
Em ergency Coordinators to organize amateu r The Ame rican Radio R elay Leaguc is to-day
fac ilities and establish liaison with oth er agen- not only the spo kesman for a mateur radi o in
ci es. Th is was in addition to the registration of thi s country but it is th e largest amateur
personne l and e quipme nt in the Emf'l'ge ncy organizatio n in the world . .It is stric tly of, by
Co rps. A comprehensive program of coopera- and fo r amateu rs, is no n-com mercial and has
tion with the Red Cross, Western Union and no stockholde rs. Th e me mbers of the League
others w ~s put into effect. During the three arc the owners of the ARRL an d QSl'.
years before the wa rtime close-down of ama- The J..Jeag ue is organized to rep resent the
teur activity , thi s emergency organization a mateur in legislative matters. It is pledged
proved the effectiveness of its planning and the to promote interest in two-way amateur co m-
profic ien cy of its personnel in more t han a munication and expe rim entati on . It is inter-
dozen important emergencies. ested in th e relayin g of messages by amateur
Althou gh normal p~\rtic i p:Jtion in s u ch ac- radio. It is co ncerned wit h the advancement of
t ivity now is ilnposs ible , because of restri cti o ns th e radio art. It s tands fo r the maintenance o f
on ama.teur operation, the peculi ar ability of fr a ternalis m and a high standard of co nduct .
the amateur to perfo rm in such work has been One of its principal pur poses is to keep ama-
notably recognized by the govern ment in pro- teur a ctivities so well co nducted tha.t t he ama-
vidi ng for amateur participation in th e War te ur will contin ue to justify hi s e xi ste nce.
Emergency Radio Serv ice, established by t he Wi th normal amateur activity suspended
Federal Communications Co mmi ss io n to fur- fo r th e durat ion of the war, the ARRL Head-
ni sh e me rge ncy co mmuni cation to local com- quarters establis hment is largely devol,ed to
munities in co nnection with the Office of activities designed to ad van ce the wa r effort -
C ivilian Defense. The background and func- in training, nnd in pe rsonne l and appa ratu s
tions of WEllS are described in detail in Ch:\I>- proclll'e me nt.
ter Sixteen. H ere i t need o nly be noted that, The operating territory of the League is
by officia l statement, without the reservoir of divid ed into fourteen United States and s ix
a mateur o pera t ors in this country to se rve as Canadian divisions. The affairs of the League
a nu cleus, t he War Emerge ncy Radio Serv ice are managed by a Board of Directors . One
would have been an impossibility. d irector is elected every two years by t he
In mid- 194 3 the scope of WERS, limited membe rship of each United States divi sion,
before to war-created emergencies, was broad- and a Canadian Geueral Manager is elected
ened to include the supplying of emergency every tw o years by the Can adian membe rshi p.
commun icatio ns in co nnection wit h natural T hese directors t hen choose the preside nt a n d
disasters or other s ituations involving civilian vice-preside nt, wh o are also directors. No one
defen se or na.tional security. Under thi s exten- commerci a lly engaged in selling or manufac-
sion of its activ ities, amateurs in WEllR again tur ing radio apparatus or li te ra ture ca n become
are in position to render emergen cy communi- a member of the Board or an officer of the
cations service in their traditional bshion. League.
Amate ur cooperation with expeditions goes The president, vice-preside nt, sec retary,
back to 1923, when a League me mber, D on treasure r and communications manager of t he
Mi x of Bristol, Con.n., (now acting tech ni cal League are elected or appointed by t he 130ard
editor of QS T ) accompa nied M ac Milla n to t he of Directors. These officers constitute an Ex-
Arctic on the schooner Bowdoin with an ama- ec utive Committee wbich, under certain re-
teur station. Amateurs in Canada and the strictions, decides how to apply Board policies
United St a tes provided the home contact. t o matte rs arising betwee n Board meetings.
The success of this venture was s uch that other The League own s and pu blishes the a m a-
explorers made inquiry of the League rega rding teu r' s m ag:1.zi ne, Q81'. QS 1' goes to all mem-
similar arrangemen ts for their journeys. In bers of the l~eague each month . It acts as a
1924 a nothe r expedition secured a mateur coop- monthly bulleti n of the League' s organized
eration ; in 1925 Lbere \\-'ere three , and by 1928 activities. It scrves as a medium for the ex-
t he figure had risen to nine for that year alone; change of ideas. 1t fost.ers amateur s pirit. I ts
altogether, during subse quent years, a tota l of technical articles are renowned. QST ha~
perh aps tw o h undred voyages and expedi tion s gl"o \v n to be t he <I amateur's bible," as well as
were thus assisted. one of the fo remos t rad io magazi nes in the
.E mergency relief, ex pediti o nary contact, ex- world. The profits QS 1' ma kes are used i n s up-
perimental wor k and countless instances of po rtin g League activities. M em bership du es to
other for ms of publi c servi ce - rendered, as the Lengue in clude a su bscription to QS 1' for
t hey a lways have bee n and always will be, the sa me period.
without hope or ex pectation of mate ri al re- M e mbers of the Leagu e are entitled to write
ward - made a mateur radi o an integral part to H eadqu arte rs for informatio n of any kind ,
of our pencetim e national life. To-day, the im- whether it co nce rn s membe rship, leg islatio n, or
portance of amateur pa rti cipation in the ar med ge neral questions on the con struction or o pe ra-
forces and other aspects of national defense tion of amateur apparatus. If yo u don't find
emph asize more strongly than ever that ama- the informa.tion you want in QS T o r the
teur radio is vital to our national existence. Ha ndbook , writ~ to ARRL H eadquarters,
-_ ..
0 - did.h operation a nd learn the code by liste nin g to it.
I t is best to have so meone do t hi s who is fa-
B dahdididit
milia r with the code and who can be depended
C dahditlnhdit on to se nd the characters co rrectly. Learning
D _00 dahdidit the code is like learning a new la nguage, and
th e sooner you learn to unders ta nd the lan-
E d it
guage without mental "translation " the easier
F did idahdit it will be for you . You don't think of the spoken
G _-0 dahd.hd it letter U, for example, as being: composed of
H did ididit t.wo separate and d istinc t sounds - yet act u-
ally it is made up o f the pu re so unds "ee" and
J ----
did it
"00," spoken in rapid success ion. You learned
t he letter U as a sou nd unit itself. Si milarly, I
--- .
LM _ _
dahdi dah
-- --
di dah didit
d ah dah
you shou ld learn code letters as sound s them-
selves , and not as combinati ons of other so unds.
Don't thi nk about speed at first; your fi rst
job is to learn a ll th e charaete rs to the point
N _0 dahd it wh ere you know th em without hesitation_
dah dahd ida h
--- -
didah dit
lWo Dr,! uta
i" suies cOnntetl
-... -
S 00. d id idit
T dah
U 00_ didid.h
V d ididi (hh
x -----
.. -
-_ ..
dahdid id a h
y dahdidahdah
Z dahdahdidit
.. ---
... --
di dahdahd ahdah
The headpho n es a re COllllec tcd across t he coils o f the
bU 7.zc r. with a coudcll ser in series. Tile s ize o f t h is
co nd l;n ser determincs th e s treng th of the si gna l iu the
'phones. If tb e value shown gives au excessively lou d
... --
2 di didahdnhdah s igllal, it w ay be reduced 10 500 ppfd. or even 250 I'Jd.
- ----
3 didididahdah
4 d id ididi dah J: Acquiring Speed by Buzzer Practice
6 -_---.....
did idididit
\Vhen the code is thoroughl y ' memorized,
you can start to develop speed in receivi og code
transmj ssioh. Perh aps the best way to do this
8 ---
----- .. dahdahdididit
-- - -
is to have two people learn the cod e together
a.nd se nd to each oth er by means of a b uzzer-
9 d"hdahdahdahdit and-key outfit. An a dvantage of tills system is
- - -
ahdahdah that it develops sending ability, too, for the
- - - - -- pe rso n d oi ng t he re cei ving will be qui ck to
critirize uneven or indistinct sendi ng. If pos-
siiJle it is a good idea to obtain the assistance
Pe riod
CO l11ma
Quc.:;tio n mark
-- .. --
ect _ _
Double dash -- .. -
e __ , ~
End of message
F ig. 102 -
.. ----
Tbc li tal (in le ruationul Morse) Codc.
Fi g. 104 -
Wiring di agra m of a simple VaC\lllul- tu oo
aud io ..{rcqu cocy oscillalor for use as a code-pruc tice set.
Amateur Radio 17
of an ex perienced operat or for th e fi rst few Fil! . 106 - Neo n~
sessions, so t ha t. you \vill learn how well -sc nt bulb a udio osc il la -
ch a racters sh oul d sou nd . t o r ('"oo e- pra c l i."
E ither th e buzzer se t show n in Fig. 103 or s e t ( o r l I S -vo l t N
one of the aud io osc illato rs described will give
a.c. -line o pe ra l ion . ,," ,,,
CI - I_O ,.. fd . " -'
satisfact ory results as a practi ce set . T he osc il - C2, C3- 0.002 ,..ftl . ;
la tor more closely simulates a ctual r a di o signals. n- 3 m e gohms. _ ~ __
L ~ ____ .J'
T he battery-operated a udio os ci ll ator in L - 25 -w1I1 L lam p ,
Figs. 104 and 105 is easy to constru ct. How- N - i\"eoll bul b .
V - A I ,," 5- o r 6. 3.
eve r, it e mploys batte ri es, which a re diffic ult volt t~ i ",d c . IISV., A.C
to acquire in war ti me. If noth ing is heard ill
the headph o nes whe n t he key is cie pl'c1"scd, ute (65 le t ters a m in ute), have th e sen der tran s-
revcl'!'C Lhe lead s g oin g t o either tra ns for m e r mit code groups rather th a n E ngl ish t e xt. T his
windin g ( no t. both ), wil l prevent you fr om rcc ogn izi ttg a word " on
Th e sets s hown i ll Fi gs. ]06 a nd 107 ope rate th c wa ~r " a ncl fillin g: it ill befor c you ' ve rea ll y
d irectl y from t he ] t 5- volt a.c. or d,c . po we r listened t o the lette rs t hemselves.
lin e. T hat of F ig. lOG e m ploys a neo n-bulb
oscill ator fu nctio nin g from recti fi ed d.c.; al-
most a ny t u be ha ving a 5- or 6.3-volt filam e nt ,
su ch as a n 0 1A, 71A , etc. , can be used as the
ha lf-wa ve rectifier (grid a nd pla te co nnected
together). If t he t o ne is fuzzy, wind a sin gle
t urn of i nsul ated wi re arou nd t he top of th e
neon bu lb a nd connect it as shown by the
dotted li ne. T he oscillator in Fi g. 107 uses a.
com bin a tion di ode-pe ntode t ube, th e pe ntode
sect ion bein g used as a va cuum-tube oscill a to r.
Afte r t he prac t ice set has been built , a. nd
[l.Il other operator's help sec ured, p ractice se nd- ~O N[S K EV
ing t um a nd t llr n abo ut to ea ch ot he r. Se nd
single le tte rs a t first , t he listener learning t o
recog ni ze each character qu ickly , with out hes i- I IOV. " C OR dc.
tat ion . F ollowing t his, st art slo w se nd ing of Fig. l07 - A.c.-d .c. vacu um - l u Ll: aml io oocillator .
com plete words a n d se ntences, a lways try ing CI - 100 -lo'lo' f<l . m id gd m iCli .
to ha ve the mate ri al sent a t just a li ttle faster C2 - 250 -IoIJ.'JJ. m id ge l m ica.
ra te tha n yo u ca n co py easily; th is speeds up C3 - B-J.'fd . 200-volt d ecl roh l it:.
R, - 0 .5 m egohm, ~ -wa tt . (A lo " c r va lu e. or a v a ria bl e
your mind. Wri te d own eac h le tte r yo u recog- resis tor, m a y be used to red uce vol ume. )
nize. D o not t ry to write dow n the dots a nd lh - 1 m e goh m , 72-\\'a tt .
das hes; write down the let ters . D on' t stop to lh - 50 oh ms. I -w a t t.
T - 3:1 -ra t io mid ge t !,1I5i1- p ull aud io I ra ll:; for llw r.
co m pa re the soun ds of d ifferent le tters, o r Lillc cord resistor - 3]0 ohm s. (A 300-oh m. 50-" a ll
t hin k t oo long a bo ut a le t te r or word that hus w ire-wo un d fi1ed resis lo r m a y be used ins tead. )
been missed . 00 r ight on to the next one, or
each " miss" will cau se yo u t o lose several Afte r yo u ha ve a cqu ired a reaso nable degree
cha ra cters yo u might otherwise have gotte n. of p roficie ncy, con cen t rate on t he less co mm on
If yo u exercise a little patie nce yo u will soo n be chnra cters, as well as t he num era ls a nd p un c-
get ting every cha ra cter , an d in a surprising ly t uatio n marks. T hese prove the dow nfa ll of
short t ime will be receivi ng at a good ra te of ma ny a pp lican ts ta kin g t he code examination
speed. Wh en y ou can receive 13 words a mi n- u nder th e ha nd icap of ne r'vOll::; stress.
([ Using a Key
T he corre ct wa y to gras p th e
key is im porta nt. The k nob of
t he key s ho uld be a bo ut eigh t~
ee n inc hes fr om th e edge of t he
opera t ing table a nd abou t on :l.
line with the operato r's righ t
sho ul der, n.llowi ng room for t he
elbow to rest on t he tabJe. A
t able abou t t hir ty in ches i n
height is best . Th e sp rin g te n-
sio n of th e key var ies wi t.h
di ffere nt operators. A fai r'ly
heavy spring a t the sta rt is d e-
sira ble. T he back a d just me nt
Fi g. 105 - La you t of th t: audio-o;;cill a tor code-prac t ice ~ct. A ll pa rts m ay of t he key shoul d be changed
he m OLl ut cd 0 11 1I woo,l.u ba sc uoa rJ , app roxi m a td ,' 5 X , ind Ies ill 5ize. un til the re IS a vertical m ove-
to link. Naturally. the ease wi t h whic h t he defi ci ency of e lectrons - a s urplu s of ele ctrons
electron mot ion is tra nsm itted depe nds upo n is called a negative cha rge ; a lack of the m is
the ease with which an electro n can be de- called It ]Jo:>itit'e cha rge. T he kind o f ch ar ge is
tach ed from an a t om o f the s ubstance thro\lgh called its polarity , A negatively charged object
whi ch the cu rre nt is movin g. is freqJJently called a negati ve pole, ::t ll d a posi-
The flo w o f current t hrou gh a conductor is tively charged object a positive pole.
accompanied by heating of the con cludor, A I,trac tion and r epl d ~ i.on - U nlike charges
which may be explained as resulti r,g from col- (on e posit ive, one negative) exert an attracti on
li sions between m ov ing electrons and atoms, on each other. Thi s can be de mon strated by
setting the la tter into vibration. Thus there is giving cha rges of opposite po larity to two very
a lo ~s of energy , in the form of heat, accom- lig ht, well-insulated cond uctors, suc h a s bits
panying the fl o w o f cu rrent. of metal foil sus pended fr om dry thread (Fi g.
201 ). (Pi th balls covered with fo il frequently
are used in thi s experiment. ) W he n the two
charged obj ects are brought close together,
they wi ll be attracted to each other. If the
cha rges are equal and the charged bodies are
perm itted to touch, the surplus elect rons on
the negat ively charged object will trams fer
to the positively ch a rged o bject (i .e., th e one
defi cien t in electrons) and th e two charges will
Fig. 201 - A (tnH: tio n an d repu ls io n of char ged objec ts,
as demqnstralcd b y the pith . b all experiment described. neutralize, leavin g both bodi es uncharged . If
the charges are not equal, the weake r charge
Tnsu,lator s find condu ctors - I\1aterials neu tralizes an equal a m oun t of the s tronger
whose atoms will rea dil y give up an el ec tron wh en the two bodies t ouch, upon which the
are called condu ctors, while those in \v hi ch all excess of th e stronger charge distributes itself
the electrons are firm ly bound in the a t om are over bo th. Both bodi es then have charges of
called insulators o r dielectrics . M ost metals are the same polarity, and a force of repuJ sio n is
good conductors, as also a re acid or salt solu- exercised between the m. Consequ ently, the bits
ti ons. Among t he insulators are wood, hard of foil tend to sprin g a way from each other.
rubber, bakelite, qua rtz, gl ass, porcelain, tex- Unlike charges attract, like char {je~ repel.
tiles a nd m a ny other nonmetallic materials. Electrostatic field - F rom t he foregoing it
Resistance - No su bstance is a perfect con- is evident that an elect ric charge can exert a
du ctor, and there is al so no suc h thing as a for ce t hrough t he spa ce s urrounding the
perfe ct in sulator . The mea sure of the d ifficulty charged object. T he region in which this for ce
in moving an electron by electrical means is is exert ed is co nsidered to be pervade d b y a n
called resistance. Good condu ctors have low re- electrost atic field, this concept of a field being
sistance (high conductiv1ty ), good insulators ado pted to expl a in the "action at a di stance"
very high resistance. Between the two are ma- of the charge. The fi el d is pictured as consisting
terials which are neither good conductors nor of lines of force origin ating on the charge and
good insu lato rs, but nonetheless are useful spreading in all d irectio ns, fin a lly terminati ng
since there often is need for intermediate values on other ch a rges of opposite polarity. These
of resi stance in elec t rieal circuits. other charges m ay be a very large di stan ce
Circuil.s - A circuit is simply a complete away. T he numbe r of lines of for ce per uni t
path along whi ch electrons can move. There area is a meas ure of the intensity of the fie ld ,
will normally be a so urce of energy (a battery, The gen eral picture of a charged object in
for instance), an d a load, or portion of the cir- iso lated space is shown in Fig. 202. This is an
cuit where the cu rrent is made to do useful ideal iz ed situat ion, since in practice th e charged
work. There mu st be an unbroken path object could not be completely isol a ted. T he
through which the el ec tro ns can move, with presence of other charges, or simply of in-
the source of energy acting as an ele ctron sula to rs or conductors, in the vi cinity will
pump an d sending them around the circu it. gre a tl y ch a nge the configu ratio n of the field .
The circuit is said to be open whe n no charges The direction of the field, as ind icated by the
ca n move, because of a break i n the path. It is
closed when no break exi st s - when switches , ~ed
arc closed a n d all connection s a re made.
l 2-3 Static Electricity Dnes \"
of force ---
! (.0;
.'. : / /
The eff~ ctric cJwrgc - M an y materi a ls t hat
have a high resistance can be made t o a cquire
a charge (su rplu s or defic ien cy of electron s)
by mechanical mea ns, su ch 3.S fri ction . The fa-
miliar crack lin g when a hard-rubber comb is
run t hro ugh hair on a. dry winter day is an Fig. 202 - Lines o f force fro m a charged object ex-
te nd o utward rildiall y. Altbou gh only two dim e n s ion s
example of an electr ic cha rge generated by are sh own, the fie ld f" x te n d s in ,,11 .l irections frOIl) lhe
fric tion. Objects can ha ve either a su rpl u!' or a charge, aDd should be v is u.ilized in thrce dilllcnsiOllS.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 21
arrowheads, is away from a positively charged
object ; if the charge were negative, the direc-
tion would be toward the charge.
It should be understood t hat the field pi c-
ture as represented above is a convenien t
method of explainin g observed effects , an d is
not to be taken too litera-Hy. The elect ri c force
docs not consist. of separate lines like strings o r
rocl s, but co mpletely pervades the medium
through which the for ce is exe rted . \Vith this
understanding , it is convenient. t o talk of lines of (B)
force and to me:ls urc the field intensity in wi~
term s of number of lines per unit !l.rc:l.. furth
The int.ensity of t he field dies away with -'.'!.';.-. tT.~+
dist ance from the cha rged object in a manner Fig. 203 - E lectrostatic inclucti(m. Th e field from th e
determined by its shape and the ci r cu m- positi",; ly c haqwd bod y :Ht l'ac ts elect rons, w h ich ac
c umula te to form a negative cha r ge . The o pposi te end of
stances of its s urroundings. I n the case of an the couductor con se(lu cli tl y acqu ires a positive c ha r!(I:.
isolated charge at a point (an infinitesimally This lUay be "'d ra ined o ff" to ear th , a s s bown a t (ll ).
s mall object), the field strength is inv ersely
proportional to the square of the di sta nce. E n e rgy i n t h e e iec l,ros t atic fie l(/ - The
H owever, this relationsh ip is not true in many expenditure of energy is necessary to place an
other cases; in so me im portant practical a p- electrical charge upo n a n object and thus es-
plications the field intensity is inversely pro- tabli sh an elect rostatic field. Once the field is
portional to the di stance, not to its square. establ ished and is co nstant, no further ex-
E lcctros t,at.i.c il'l.du cti,o n - If a pi ece of penditure of energy is required. T he energy
conducting material is brought near a charged su pplied to estab lish the field is stored in th e
object, the field will exe rt a force on t he el ec- field; thus the field represen ts potential e nergy
tron s of the metal so that those free to move (that is, energy available for usc) . The pote n-
will do so . If the object is positively charged, tial e ne rgy is acquired in the sa me way that
a s indi cated in Fig. 203, the f ree electrons will potential energy is given any object (a 10-
move toward the end of the conductor nearest pound weight, for instance) lifted again st the
the charged body, leavi ng a deficiency of elec- gravitational pull of the earth. If the weight is
trons at the other end. Ren ee, one e nd of the a llowed to drop, its potential ene rgy is changed
co nductor becomes negatively charged while into th e e nergy of mo ti on. Simi larly, jf the
the other end ha.s an eq ual positive charge. electrostatic field is made to d.isappear, its po-
The lines of force from the charged body ter- tenti a l ene rgy is transfo rmed into a movement
min ate on t he con ductor, where s ufficient of electrons, or into an electri c cu rrent.
elect rons accumulate to provide a n electric The potential energy of t he lifted weight is
i nten sity equal and opposite to that of the meas ured by its we ight and the distan ce i t is
field at that point. Because of thi s effect, the lifted; that is, by the work done in lifting it.
electrostatic fi eld in side the co nductor is com- S imilarly, the pote ntial energy (call ed simpl y
pletely neutral ized by the induced charge; in potential) of the electrostatic field at any point
ot her words, the fi eld does not penetrate t he co n- is measured by the work done in moving a
ductor. In radio work this provides the means c harge of specified value to th at point, again st
by which electros tatic fields may be excluded the repulsion of the field. I n practice, absolute
fr om region s where they are not wanted. potenti a l is of less interest t han the difference
Charges induced in a conductor as shown in of potential between two points in the field.
Fi g. 203-A are h eld in existence by the fi eld /)otentia l d iffe rence - If two objects are
from the charged object. On taking the con- charged differently, a po te nti al d iffe re nce
d uctor out of the field the elect rons will re- exists between the m. Potential difference is
di str ibute themselves so that the charges di s- meas ured by an electrical unit called t he volt.
appear. H o wever, if th e conduc tor is con- The greater th e potential differen ce, the
nected to the earth through a wire while under higher (num erically) the voltage. Thi s voltage
the influence of the field , as shown i n Fig. exerts an electri cal pressure 0 1' force as explained
203-B, the ind uced positive charge will tend to above, and is often called electromotive forc e
move a s far as possible from the source of the 01', sim ply, e:m.f. It is not necessary to h ave
field (that is, electrons will flow from the earth unlik e cha.rges in order to have a difference of
to the conducto r). If the gro un ding wire is then potential; both, for i nsta nce, may be negative,
removed , the conductor will be left with an so long as one charge is more intense t han the
excess of electrons a nd will have acquired a other. From the viewpoint of the stronger
<I permanent" charge - permanent, that is, so charge, the weaker o ne appears to be posi tive
long as the condu ctot' is well enough insu lated in sll ch a case, since it has a smaller number
t o prevent the charge from escapi ng to earth of excess electro ns ; in other words, its r elative
or to other objects. Th e po larity of the induced polarity is posit ive. Th e greater t he pote nti al
charge alwa.ys is opposite to the polarity of the difference, the more intense is the electrostatic
charge which se t up the original fiel d. field between the two charged objects.
Cupacit)' - More work must be done in The capacity of a conden<:er depends upon
movin g a give n charge agai nst the repul sion the areas of the conductors, as before, and a lso
of a strong field than against a weak one ; becomes greater as the di stance between the
hence, potential is proportional to the strength condu ctors is decreased, sin ce, wit h a fixe d
of the field. In turn , field stren gth is propor- amoun t of charge, the potential difference
tio na l to the charge or quantity o f elect ri city between them decreases as they are moved
o n the cha rged obj ect, so that pote ntial also is closer together.
proportional to charge. By inserting a s uitable
constant, the propo rtion ality can be changed
to a n equality: 1
Q ~ CE T
where Q is the qua ntity of charge, E is the po-
tentia l, and C i s a con stant depend ing u po n the
charged object (u suall y a co nductor) and its 1
s llI'foli ndi ug!:i and is called the capacity of the
object. Capac.ity is the ratio of qua ntity of
charge to the potential resulting from it , or
Fig. 205 - A simple t y pe of condenser. con sis tinJ( of
c ~ 9. t wo m eta l p lates sep ara ted b y di electric llIatcri tll. D ia-
gra mmat ic sy mbol s for con d en sers a re show n (It the
E r ight . Tbe two a t the t op iudica te conde users o f fixed
When Q is in coulombs and E in volts, C is capacity: the two below. condeDscrs whose ca pacity is
variablc . The sy m bols O il t h e left arc commo nl y uscd .
measured in f arads. A conductor has a capacity
of o ne farad wh en the additi on of one co ul om b
to its cha rge rai ses its potential b y o ne volt. If insulating or dielectri c material other
The farad is mu ch too large a u nit for prac- than air is inserted between the condu ctors, it
ti cal purposes. In radi o work , t he microfarad is found th at the potential di fference is lowered
(one millionth of a f !~ra d) a nd t he micro- still more - t hat is, there is a further in crease
microfarad (one mi llionth of a mi crofarad) are in capacity. This lowering of the pot e nt.ial
the un its most fre quently used. They are ab- differen ce is considered to be the result of
breviated p.ld. and JJJ.lfd. , respectivel y. polan'zation of t he dielectri c. By thi s it is
The capacity of a condu ctor in air depen ds mean t that t he molecules of t he subst a nce
upon its size and shape. A given charge on a tend to be distorted under the in fluence of the
small con ductor results in a more in tense elec trostatic field in such a way t ha t the
electrostatic field in its v icinity than the same negati ve charges wi thi n the molecule are
charge on a larger conductor. This is because drawn toward the positively charged co nduc-
the charge di stributes itself ove r the surface, tor, leavin g the other end of t he molecu le
hence its dens ity (the quantity of electri city with a posi ti ve charge facin g the nega ti vely
por unit area) is smaller on th e larger con du c- charged conductor. Since th e ele ctron s are
tor. Consequen tly, t he potential of t he larger firmly bound in the atom s of the dielectric,
conductor is sm aller, for the same am ount of there is no flow of current and the total cha rge
charge. In other words, its capaci ty is greater on each atom is sti ll zero, but there is a
because a greate r charge is required to raise tendency to\vard separation whi ch causes a
its pote ntial by t he same amount. reacti on on the electrostatic field. The dielec-
Colt<ie n sers - I f a grounded conductor, A tric of a charged con dense r thus is under
(Fig. 204), is brought ncar a second cond uctor, mechanical stress, and if the potential d iffer-
B, which is ch a rged , the fo rmer will a cqu ire a ence between the plates of the co ndenser is
charge by electrostatic in duction. Since the great enough th e dielectric may break down
m ech ani cally and electrically.
+ + B + T he ratio of the capacity of a co nd enser with
0 , , a given dielectric materia l between its plates
0 0 , 0
0 to t he capacit y of the sa me condenser with air
~~~, =
0 0
A a.s a di electri c is called the specific ind uctive
0 1
capacity of the dielectric, or, probably more
commonly, the dielectric constant. Strictly
+ + + + spea king, the comparison should be ma de to
Fig. 204 - The principle of the condenser. empty spaCe (i. e. , a vacuum) rath er than to
air, but the di electric constant of air is so nearly
charge on,A is opposite in polarity to that on th at of a vacuum that the prac tical difference
B , the field set up by the induced charge on A is negligible. A table of dielec tric constants is
will oppose th e origi nal field set up by th e gi ven in Chapter T wenty-One.
charge on B , h en ce t he potential of B will be Condense rs have many uses in elec trical
lowered. Because of this, more charge mu st be and radio circuits, all based on the ir ab ility to
placed on B t o raise its potential to it.s original store energy in the el ectric fi eld when a p oten-
value; in other words, its capacity has been tial differen ce or voltage is caused to exis t be-
increased by the presence of the second co n- tween the plates - en ergy which btcr can be
ductor. The combination is called a condenser. released to perform usefu l fu nctions.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 23
([ 2-4 The Electric Current Cuseous co ndu.ction - In any gB,g or mix-
tu re of gases (s uch as ai r, for exa mpl e) th e re
Co nduc tion in Ineto ls - Wh e n a differe nce are al w:LYs so me free elec trons - tbat is, el ec-
of potenti a l is m aintained bet ween th e en ds of t rons not a ttach ed to an atom - and also
a metalli c co nd uctor , th ere is a con tinu oll s some a tom s lac king an el ectron. Thus there are
drif t of electrons thTOUgh th e co nd ucto r to- both positive ly and negative ly cha rged parti-
wa rd the end hav ing n. pos iti ve potent ia l (rela- cles in the gas, as well as man y ne utra l a tom s.
t ive pola rity posi ti ve). Thi s elec tro n d rift co n- An ato m lac kin g an electron is called a positive
sti t utes a n electri c cu rrent t h rou gh t he metal ion, while the fr ee elect ron is called a negative
( 2-2). Th e speed wi t h whi ch the electron ion . Th e term ion is, in fact, ap plied to any
move me nt is est a blished is very nearly the eleme nta l part icl e whi ch has a n electri c cha rge.
s peed of light (300,000,000 me ters , or a pproxi- If the gas is in an ele ctric field, the fr ee ele c-
mately 186,000 miles, per second) , so t ha t t he tron s will be attracted towa rd the source of
current is said to travel at nearly tbe speed of positive potential and the pos itive ions will be
light. By thi s i t is mea nt that t he time interva l att racted t oward tb e source of negative poten-
between the appli ca t io n of the ele ctromotive tial. I f the gas is at a tmospheric pressure neither
for ce and the flow of curre nt in all parts o f a parti cle can travel very far before meeting a n
circuit, e ven p ile extending over hundreds of ion of the opposite kind , when the two com-
miles, is negligible. H owever, the individu a l bine to form a neutral atom. Sin ce a neutral
electrons d o not move a t anything a pproach- atom is not affected by the electric field, there
ing such a speed. "I'he situation is similar to is no flow of current through the gas .
that existing when a mec hani cal force is tra ns- H o wever, if the gas is en cl osed in a glass
mitted by mcans of a rigid rod. A force ap- container in which two separate metal pieces
pli ed to one e nd o f the rod is trans mitted called eleclrodes are sealed, and the gas pres-
practically in stantl:meously to the other e nd , sure is th e n reduced by pumping out most of
even th ough the rod itself moves rel a tive ly the gas, 30 different set of cond itions resul ts.
slowly or not at all. At low pressure there is a comparatively
The magnitude of th e electric current is the large di st a nce between each atom, and when
rate at whi ch ele ctricity is moved past a point an electric field is est abli shed by applying a
in the cir cuit . If the rate is constant, then the diffe rence of potential to the electrodes the
current is equal to the quantity of electri city ions can travel a considerable distance before
moved past a give n point in some selected meet ing a nother io n or atom. The farther the
time interval. That is, ion travels th e greate r the velocity it a cquires,
1 ~9. sin ce the effect of the field is to accelerate its
t motion. If the field is strong enough the ions
where 1 is the inten s i~y or ma gnitude of the will a cquire such velocity that whe n one hap-
current, Q is th e quan t ity of electri city, an d t pens to collide with a neutral atom the for ce
is the time . 1f Q is in coulo mbs and t in seconds, of the collision will kn oc k an eJe ctron out of
the unit for J is called the am pere. One ampere t he atom , so that this a t om also be comes
of current is equal to one coulomb of electri city ionized. The process is cUID ulative, and the
moving or II flowing " past a given point in a fre ed electron s a re attracted to the positive
circuit in one second. electrode while the positive ions are attracted
The currents used by different electri cal to the negative electrode . This movemen t of
devices vary greatly in magnitude. The cur rent charged particles con st itutes an electric cur-
whi ch flows in a n ordinary 60-watt lamp, fo r rent through the gas.
in stance, is about one-half ampere, the cunent Since an ion must a cqu ire a certai n velocity
in an electri c iron is about 5 a mperes, and that before it can knock an electron out of a neutral
in a radio tube may be as low as 0.001 a mpere. atom, a definite field strengt h is required be-
When a current flows t hrou gh 3. meta lli c fore cond uction can tak e place in a gas. That
conductor there is no visibl e or che mi ca l effect is, 3, certain value of pote ntial differen ce ,
on the conductor. Th e ouly ph ys ica l effec t is called the ionizing potential, must be applied
the heat deve loped ( 2-2 ) as th e resu lt of en- to the electrodes. If less voltage is a ppli ed J the
ergy loss lll the co nductor. Under norma.! condi-
tion s th e rate at whi ch hea t is ge nerated a nd 6Q.sot/ow
tha t at whi ch it is radiated by the condu ctor pressure
will quickly reac h e qui librium. HO\I,'e ver, if the
hea t is developed at a more rapid r a te th a n it +
can be radi a ted, t he tempera ture will conti nue
to rise until the co ndu ctor burns or melts.
Experimental meas urements have shown
that t he current whi ch flows in a given met:l llic - Sourceof +
conductor is direc tly proportio nal to the ap- L ___ PoiUltial ' - - - - '
plied e. m.f. , so long as the temperature of the
conductor is beld co nstant. There is no c.mJ. Fig. 206 - Illus tra t ing cond uction thro u gh a gas at
low pressure. P osiLive ion s are attrllc ted to the n egati vc
so small bu t t hat some cu rrent will flow as a electro<] e. whi le electrons are attrac ted to t h e posil.ive
result of its ~\pp l i ca ti o n to a metallic co ndu ctor. clecl "o<lc. This ta kes place 0 111 )" nCler the gas is iOll izc(1.
gas does not ionize and the curren t is negligible. heated to a t em perature th a t gives th em s uffi-
On the other hand , once the gas is ionized nl1 cient energy of moti on to allo w them to break
increase in potential does not have mLich effcrt away fr om the sur fa ce. The process is ca lled
on the cu rrent, since the ions already ha ve thenniomc electron emi!Ssion. Now, if a meta l
>;u ll'n" cnt velocity to mainta i n t he l on i'/. u.t i on . plate is ph.ced in the vac uu m and gi.ven a. P05\-
The ionizin g potent ial required depen ds upo n ti ve charge with respect to the ca thode , this
the kind of gas an d the press ure . I onizati on is pl a te or anode will at trac t a number of the ele('-
us ually a ccompanied by a colo red glow in tlte tron s that s urrou nd the cat hode. The pas~ age
gas, differen t k illds of gases having different of the e le ctrons from cat hode to anode co nst i-
character istic colors. tutes an electric current. All t hermionic vac-
uum tubes depend for their operati on o n the
em iss ion of electrons from a hot cat hode .
Since the electron s emitted from the hot
cathode are negatively charged, it is evident
that t hey will be attracted to the plate ollly
when the latte r is at a posit i ve po tent ia l with
respec t to thc cat hode. If t he plate is nega-
tively ch a rged wi t h res pe ct to t he cathode the
electrons will be repelled back to the cathode,
hence no c urrent will flow through the V:'CU lim .
Fig. 207 - E lcctrol y tic CQ Zl duc;t ioB, Wh e n an C.ln . L is Consequently, a thermi o ni c vacuum tube co n-
app lied to t b e dco;lroll e", n ega ti ve iOll s arc a(tracle,1 10 ducts current in one direction only. \Vhe n t he
th e positi vel y chafJ;eJ p late a nd po sitive iO ll S to the neg-
ativel y c har ged p la t e . T h e ba tt e r y, which is the SOllrce
plate is positive , it is found that (if the po ten-
of t h e c.m.f. , is indica t ed b y its custOiliary sYUlbol. t ia l is not too large) t he current in creases with
an increase in potenti al differen ce bet\'..-een the
Curre nt flow in liquids - A very large plate and cathode. H oweve r, the re lationship
number of chemical compounds have the pe- between current alld applied voltage is not a
culiaI' characteristic th a t, when th ey arc put sim ple one. If the voltage is made large enough
into solutio n , th e compo llent parts becume all the electrons emitted by the cathode \vill be
ionized. For exam ple, common table sal t dra wn to the plate, and a further in c rease in
(sodium chloride ), each molecule of whi ch is voltage therefore cannot cause a fur t her i n-
made up of aile ato m of sodi um and one of crease in Cllrrent. The number of electrons
chlorine , will, when put i nto water, break down emitted by the cath ode depend s upon the tem-
into a sodium ion (positive, wi t h one electron perature of the cathode and the material of
deficient) a nd a chlorine ion (negative, with whi c h it is co nstru cted .
one excess electron). Thi s can only occur so Directio n of cu.rrc nl. f low - Use was bein g
long as the salt is in solutio-n - take away the made of electricity f01" a long time before its
water a n d the ions are recombined into the electronic nature was understood. Wh il e it is
neutral sodium chlorid e. This spontaneous now clea r that current flow is a drift of nega-
dissociation in solution is another form of ti ve electri cal charges or electrons toward a
io nization , and if two wires with a differen ce so urce of positive potential , in the era preced-
of potential across them are placed in the solu- ing the electron theory it was assumed that the
t ion, the negative wire will attract the p ositive curre nt Rowed from the point of higher positive
sodium ions and the positive wire will a tt ract potential to a point of lower (i.e., less positive
the negative chlorine ions. Thus an electric or more negative) potential. While th is assump-
curren t will flow thro ugh the solution. " ' hen
the ion s reach the wires the electron surplus or
deficien cy will be remed ied, and a ne utral Plate
atom will be formed. 1101
In this process, t he water is de com posed into .Ftlamellt-r-l'r c lJ I
its gaseous con stituents, hydroge n a nd oxy gen.
The energy used up in decompo sing the wate r
and i n moving the ion s is supplied by the
source of potential difference . The energy used
in decomposing the water is equivalent to a n
opposin g c.m.f. , of the order of a volt or two. If
th is co nstant "back voltage" is subtracted
fro m the applied voltage, i t. is found that the
c urre nt fl ow ing through a give n solu t ion, or
electrolyte, is proport ional to the difference
Fi g. 208 - I1111s trnt in g <.:onduClion b y thermio ni c emi s -
between t he two voltages. s io n o f el ectron s i n a vac ll u m tllbe . Oue b atte r y is u sed
C [ure n t flo w in vlI c uum - If a suitable ollly to h e n t the filamcnt t o a t c mpera ture wbe r e it "j !!
metalli c con d uctor is heated to a high t empera- e mit electron s . Tbc other batte ry pl aces n p o t e n tinl o n
ture i n a vacu um, electrons will be emitted t he p la t e wh ic h is pos i t ive wi th r espect to th e fi lame r'l,
an d a s a r es ult th e electron s are atlrncte d 10 t h e I)bl c.
from the surface. The el ec trons are freed fro m The n ow of el ec tr o n s froUl fil n mcnt t o p la t e com pl ct es th e
this filam ent or cathode because it has been electrical p a th, and c ur rent 1I0ws in t he pl a te cir c uit.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 25
t ion turned ou t to be wholly wrong, it is sti ll trolyte, but the liquid is mixed with othe r In::tte-
customary to speak of CllITcnt as flowing ,/ from ria ls to form a paste. The cell the refore can be
positive to negative /I in many applicat ion s . used in any positi on and handled as though it
The pract ice often cau ses confusion, but thi s actually were dry.
dist incti on betwee n "cur rent." fl ow and
IIclecLro n" fl ow ofte n mu st be taken into ac-
count. If electron fl ow is spec ifi cally mentioned
there is of course no d oubt [1,5 to th e meaning,
but when the directi o n of curren.t flow is spec i-
fied i t may be kl,kcn, by convention , as be ing
opposite to the direction of electron movement.
/Jr i mllry cells - If two electrodes of di s-
similar mct.:1I s a.rc i mmcr~c d in an electrolyte,
it iii found that. a s m all dilIc rcnce of potent.ia l
ex ists between t he eleet,rades. Suc h a combina.-
tio n is called a cell. If the two electrodes a re
connected together by a condu ctor external to
t he cell , a n e lect ri c current will flow bet\'vecll
them. In s uch 3. cell, chemi cal energy is con- Pig. 209 - Cons t r uc tio n of n d ry cdL
ver ted into electrical en e rgy. The difference of
potential ari ses as a result of the fa ct that ma- Th e con struction of an ord ina ry dry cell if;
te rial from one or both o f the electrodes gocs s hown in Fi g. 209. The cont.a iner is the negn-
into solution in the electrolyte, and in the tive e!ectrode and is made of zinc. Nex t t o it is
process ions nrc fo rmed in the vicinity of the a section of bl otting material f::ltumted with
elect rodes. Th e electrodes acquire chargcs be- the electrolyte, a solution of sal am mon ia c.
(':luse of the clectric field assoc iated with the The positive electrode is a ca rbon rod, and the
charged ions. Th e di fference of potential be- space between it a nd t he blottin g paper is fi lled
tween the elect rodes is principally a functio n of with a mixture of carbon , mangan ese dioxide
the metals used, and is more or less independent (the depolarize r) an d the electrolyte. T he top
of the kind of e lectrolyte or the size of the cell. is fil! ed wi th sea ling compound to preven t
Wh e n current is s upplied to an external cir- evaporati on, si nce the cell will not work when
cu it, two principal e ITec;ts occ ur with in the cell. the electrolyte drys out. The e.m .f. of a d ry cell
T he negative elect rode (negative as viewed is about 1.5 volts.
from outside t he ceU) loses weight as its mate- Dry ce ll s arc made in various sizes, depend -
rial is used up in furni shing energy, and hydro- in g u pon t he current whic h they will be cal!ed
gen bubbles form on the positive elect rode. upon to furn is h. The co nstruction freque ntly
Sin ce the gas bubbles are non-conducting, their varies from that shown in Fig. 209, although
accumulation ten ds to reduce the effect ive a rea in general the basi c mate rials are the samc in
of t he posi tive c lect rode, a nd co nseq uently re- all dry cells. Batteries of s mall cells a re asse m-
duces the current. The e ffect is cumulative, and bled togethe r as a uni t for fu rni shing plate cur-
eve ntually the elect rode will be co m pletely rent for the vacuum tubes used in portable
covered and no further current ca n flow. Thi s receivin g sets; such "B" batteries, as they are
effec t is called polarization. If the bubbles are called, ca n s uppl y a curre nt of a few hun-
removed, or prevented from forming by chemi- dredt hs of a n am pere continuo usly. L a rger
cal mean s, polariza.tion is reduced a nd current ce lis , such as the common II :\0. 6" cell, can
can flow as lo ng as th ere is Ina.terial in the nega- deliver curren ts of a fracti on of a n a ml>e re co n-
tive electrode to furn ish the energy. A chemical t inuously, or c urrents of several amperes foJ'
wh ich prevents the formation of hydroge n very short periods of time. The total amollnt of
bubbles in a cell is called a de polarizer. energy delivered by ~\ dry cell is larger when t he
In addition to polari7.ation e ffe cts, 3. cell has cell is used only inte rmittently, as compared
a certai n amount of internal resistance because with continuous usc. The cell wi ll deteri orate
of the resistan ce of the dectz-odes and t he e lec- even without lise, and s hould be put into serv -
t rolyte and the contact res i s t~nce between the ice within a year or so from the tim e it is man u-
electrodes a nd electrolyte. The i nternal resist- factmed . The pe ri od dUl'ing whi ch it is usable
ance depends upon the materials used and the (wi thout hav in g bee n put in service) is known
f'; ize ancl elect rode spacing of the cell. Large as the " she lf li fe" of the cell or battery.
ce ll s with the electrodes close together ,vi II Secondul"Y ccll.s - Th e types of ce Jl s jllst
have s m:tl le r intemal resistance tha n small described are known as primary celis, beca use
cells made of the same materi a ls. the ele ctri cal energy is obtained directly from
A collectio n of cel ls co nn ected together is che mi cal energy. I n some t y pes of cells the
ealled a battery. Th e te rm batt ery a lso is ap- chemi ca l actions are reversible; t hat is, forc i ng
pli ed fre que ntl y (ldthough incorrect ly ) to a a cun ent throu gh the cell, in thc o ppos itc
single cell. directi on to the c urrent fl ow whe n the cell is de-
J) r y ce lls - The most fam ili:l.l" form of livering e leetri ('al energy, causes j ust the re-
primary cell is the dry cell. Like the elementary verse chemi('al a ct.ion. Thi s tend s to restore t he
ty pe of cell j ust described, it bas a liquid elec- cell to its original condition, a nd e lectrical
energy is tran!'fol'med into chemiC':1 i energy. trC :'l ted wood or perforated ha rd rubber. The
The process is called char(fin,q the cell. A eel! se parato rs preferably s ho uld be po rou s, so that
whi ch mu st first be charged befo re it can de- the el ec t rolyte ca n pass through them freely ;
liver ele ctrical energy is call ed a secondary cell. thus they do not impede the passa ge of cur rent
A sirn ple form of secondary cell can be made from one plate t o the next. There is always o l1.e
by imme rsing two lead electrodes in a dilute extra negati ve plate in s uch an a.ssembly , be-
solution of sulphu ri c ac id. If a curre nt is for ce d cau se the active material in t he positive pl a te
throug h the cell, the surface o f the elect rode ex pands when the cell is being charged an d if
whi ch is connected to the positive termin a l of all the expan sion took place on one s ide the
the charging c . m.f. will b e ('hnnged to lend pla.te would be di storted out of s hape.
peroxide and th e s urface of the electrode co n- The c .m.f. of a fully charged sto rage cell is
nected to the negative termi nal will be changed about 2. 1 vo lts. W hen the e .m.f. drops to about,
to s pongy lead . After a period of chargi ng the 1. 75 vol t s on di scharge , the cell is con sidered to
charging source can be di sco nneeted , ll. nd the be com pletely di scharged. Di sc harge beyo nd
cell will be found to h ave an c.m.. of abou t 2. 1 this limit may res ult in the formation of so
volts. It will furni s h a small current to an ex- mu ch lead sulphate on the plates that th e cell
ternal circuit for a period of ti me . Thi s dis- cannot be recharged , sin('e lead sulp hate is an
charge of electrical energy is accompan ied by ins ulator. During the charging process wate r
chemical action whi ch form s lead sulphate on in the electrolyte is uscd up, with t he result
both electro des. Vlhcn the lead peroxide an d that the sul phuric acid solution becomes more
spon gy lead are converted to lead sul phate co nce ntra ted. The hi gher concentrat ion in-
there is no longer a diffe ren ce of potential, creases the s pec ific gravity of the solutio n, so
since b oth electrodes are now the sa me m a te- that the s pe cific g ravity may be used to indi-
rial, and the eel! is comp letely discharged . cate the s tate of the batt ery with respect to
The lead .<;torn ge ba u e r)' - The most com- ch arge. In the ord in a ry lead stornge cell the so-
mon fo rm of secondary cell is the lead storage lutio n is such that a s pecific gravity of 1 .2 ~5 to
cel L T he common sto rage batte ry for automo- 1.300 indicates a fu!!y charged ccll, wh ile a di s-
bile starting con sists o f three s uch cell s con- charged cell is indi cated by a s pecific g rav ity
nected together electri cally a nd assembled in a of 1.150 t o 1. 175. The s pecific gravity can be
si ngle container. T he p ri nciple of operation is measured by mean s of a hydrometer, shown in
sim ilar to just described, but the co n- Fig. 211. F or use with portable batteries, the
struc ti on of the cell is considerably more com- h ydrometer us ually co ns ist s of a glass tube
plicated . T o ob tain large currents it is neces- fitted with a syringe so that some o f the elec-
sary t o use elect rodes ha vi ng a great deal of trolyte can be drawn from the cell into the
s urface area and to put them as close together t ube. The hydrometer float is a s maller glass
as possible. The ele ct rodes a re made in the tube, air-tight and partly filled with shot to
form of re cta ngUlar fl at plates , con sisting of a make it sink into the solution. The lower th e
lattice wo rk or grid of lead or an alloy of lead . specific gravity of the solution , the farther t he
The interstices of the latticework are filled fl oat sin ks into it. A graduated sca le on the
with a paste of lead oxide. The e lectrolyte is a fl oat s hows the s pecific gravity directly, being
sol ution of su lphuri c a cid in water . When the read at t he level of the solution .
cell is charged, the lead oxide in the positive Storage cell s are ra ted in ampere-hour capac-
plate is converted to lead peroxide and that in ity, ba sed on th e number of amperes wh ich can
the nega tive plate to s pon gy lead. To obtain be furni s hed continuou sly for a s ta t ed period of
high current capacity, a cell con sists of a num- time. For example , the cell may have a rating
be r o f posit ive plates, all connected together, of 100 ampere-homs at an 8-ho lil' discharge
a nd a nu mber of negative plates likewise con- rate. Thi s mean s that the cell will deliver 100/ 8
nected together. T hey are arra nged as sho wn or 12. 5 amperes for 8 ho u rs after
in Fig. 210, ~\'ith alternate negative and posi- hav ing been full y charged. The ampere-hou r
tive plat es kept fr om touching by meau s of capHc it y of a cell will va ry wi th the di sc harge
t hin separators of ins ulati ng material , generall y rate, becoming s maller as the rated time of d is-
chargc is made sho rter. It a lso de-
PaJltive plow pend s upon the si ze o f the plates and
Ne'9.aiive assembJ!f
plate their numbe r. I n automo bile-type
batteries the dimensions of the plates
are fairly well standardized, so that
the am pere-hour capac ity is chie fl y
determined by the number of plates
Acidprool in a ccll . It is, therefore, com m on prac-
tice to speak of I' ll - platc," "15-
plate," etc., bat t eries a s an indication
of th e battery ca pacity.
Lead "t o rnge batteries must be ke p t
f lilly ch arged if t hey arc to s tay in good
con d itiu n. If a d isc harged battery is
F ig. 210 - Details o f t ypical lead s tora ll cry con st ru ction. le ft standing idle , lead s ulphate will
Electrical and Radia Fundamentals 27
form on the and When t he device or load to wh ich the batte ry
eventwl.lly the bn.ttc l'Y is to be connected requires more current than
will be useless. When ca n be ta.ken sa fe ly from a sin gle cell, the cells
the battery is being may be co nnected in parallel, a s shown in Fig.
charged, hydrogen 212- B. In this cnse the total cu rrent is the sum
bubbles a re given o ff by of the curre nts co nt ributed by the indi vid ual
the elect rolyte whi ch,in cells. each contr ibuting the same amou nt if the
bursting at the surface, ce ll s tlre all al ike . Whe n cells are co nn ected in
throw o ut fine dro ps of parallel it is essential that the e.mJ. s all be the
th e electrolyte. This is , sin ce if a ile cell generated a larger voltage
Float called ,I gassing," The than the others it would force current th ro ugh
sulp huric-acid so lutio n the other cells in th e reve rse direc t io n and thus
spray from gassi n g will would take mos t. if not a ll , of the load. Al so. if
attack m a ny mate rial s, one ce ll has a lowe r termin a l voltage t han th e
Shot and consequently care ot he rs it wi ll take current fr o m the others
must be used to see rathe r th a n ca rryin g its fail' shut'e.
that it is not perm itted Cells may be con nected in se ries-parallel, as
to fall 0 11 near-by ob- in Fi g. 212-C, to increase both t he voltage and
jects. rt Rhould a lso be th e curren t-carryi ng capaci ty of the ba ttery .
wi ped oIT the b;\tte ry
itself. (l 2-5 Electromagnetis m
Fig. 2 11 - The h yd ro m A lead battery m ay
eter, a de " ice w ith a T h e mu.g n c t..ic field - Everyo ne is fa miliar
c alibrat e d sc a le fo r be cha rged at its nomi-
with the fact that a bar or ho rseshoe magn et
luea!u rin lll the s pc('ific na l di scharge ratej i.e.,
gravi t y or lhe eleel ro
wi ll attract s mall pieces of iron. Just as in the
a lOO-ampcl'c-hour ba t -
ly le, used to d e term ine case of electrostati c attract ion ( 2-3) th e con-
te ry, 8- hour rati n g, ca n
th e IIlate of c1ul r ge o f a ce pt of a field , in this case a. fi el d of magnetic
le a(j ! t o ra gc batte r y . be charged at 100/ 8,
force, is adopted to expla in the mag netic a c-
or 12.5 ampereS. The
t ion. The fi eld is v isualized as being made up o f
cha rging: vol tage required is slightly lUore than
li nes of magnetic force. the numbe r of which
t he output volt.age of the cell.. The preferred
per unit a rea determines the fie ld strength. As
met.h od is t.o chn.rge a t the full rate until the
in the case of.the e lect rost a tic fie ld, the li nes of
cells start to "gas " free ly, after wh ich the
force do not have p hys ical ex iste nce b ut sim pl y
chargin g rate shou ld be d ropped to about half
represent a co nv eni e nt way of desc ribing the
its init ia l value until the battery is full y charged,
pro perties of the force.
a s in d im\tcd by th e hydromcter reading. Al ter-
natively , the batte ry may be charged fro m a
con s tant- potenti ~d sou rce (a bo ut 2.3 volts per
cell), when the rise of termi nal voltage of t he
tS V. '"'r--,
batte ry as it accu mulates a chn,rge will au t o- +
ma t ically U taper" the chargi ng rate. (A)
Th e solution in a lcad storage battery will
freeze at a temperature of abou t 7,ero degrees 1.5V.
Fahrenheit when the bl\tte ry is disch a rged , but SYMBOL
a fully cha rged battery will not freeze u ntil th e
temperature reac hes a bout 90 degrees bel ow
7,ero. Keepi ng th e battery charged th erefore
will preve nt by freez in g.
Cells j,n se ries (lIul, [Jflrnlle l - For proper op- 1.5'" +
eration, man y ele ctrica l devices requ ire higher (B) LIIl
voltage or curre nt th a n C:ln be obtai ned from 1.5V T T T T
~t sin gle cell. If greater voltage is needed, ce lls
may be co n nected in series, as shown in F ig. 1.5"'.
212-A . The negative te rm inal of one cell is
con nected to the positive ter mi nal of the next,
so t hat t he total e. m.f. of t he batt.ery is eqtl a.l to
t he sum of t he e . m.f. s of the indiv idua.l cell ~.
For mdi o purposes, batteri es of 45 a.nd 90 vol ts 1. 5 ....
or 1ll01'C are built up in thi s way from 1.5-volt
dry cells. An ~l.llt o mo bile s torage battery con- (c) ' "
sists of three lead storage cell s in series, tota.l-
ling 6.3 vol t:; - or, in ronn d figu res, 6 volts.
T he current wh ich m ay be t a ke n safely from a
I. 5"V.
ha.l,tcry co m poscd of ce ll s in series is the same
ns t,ha t which may be ill ken safC'l y fro m o ne ce ll Fig. 2/2 - Seriell, parallel. a nd series_p a ra llel eOIl Ile(;'
ti o" nr cell! . Series connectio n increases the t otal ,'oh a !;e
:t1UIIC: :-: ill ce the sn. mc ClI l'l'c nt fluw s til rough cdl wi ll")II ! til llu gin g c urre ut cupa cily; para llel cOUlII.:c tio n
celb, the curre nt cap:~c ity is unchanged. i" crea,;;es c u rrent ca p ilcity withou t incr easin g yol ta ge.
il1ag ll.c t ic {I.Hract i.on and rc pu.lsio n - Th e in random positions and the total magnetic e f-
forces excIted by the magnetic field arc an- fect is zero since there are just as many mol e-
lllogous to elect.rostatic forces. COlTc!'; pond in g cules te nding to set up a magnetic fi eld in one
to pos itive and negative electric charges, it is direction a s ale others tending to set up n
found that there are two kinds of magnetic field in the opposite direction. Whcn the sub-
poles. Instead of being called "positive" and stan ce becomes magnetized, however, the
" ncgative/' h owever, the magnetic poles axe m olecules are aligned so that most or all of til('
c"lIed "north" (N) and " south" (S) poles. N poles of the molecular magnets are tUl'Iled
These names arise from the fact that, when a tow ard o ne end of the materi~11 while the S
magnetized steeil'od is freely suspe nded , it wili poles point towa rd the other e nd.
t,urn in to sllc h a position that one end po ints Alu.g n e l.ic in d ru.: I;i.o n - \\' hen an unmagnet-
toward the north. T he end whi ch points north ized piece of iron is brought into the fi eld of a
i::i call ed the "north-seeking," or si rnpJy the m agne t, its lnolecules ten d to align th emse lves
,I north," pole. as descri bed in t he preced ing paragraph . If one
Unlike electric lines of force , which term i- end of the iron is ne3-r the N pole of t he m:\.~
nate o n charges of opposite polarity ( 2-3), net, the S poles of t he male('ules will turn
mag netic line s of force are closed 'u.pon t hem- toward that end a nd an S pole is said to he in-
!; eiIiCS. Thi s is illustrated by the fie ld about a <l'uccd in the iron. An N pol e will appea l' at the
ba r magnet, a s shown in F ig. 213- A. The lines opposite end . Because of the attraction be-
extend through the magnet , the direction bein g tween opposite poles, the iron will be drawn
taken from S to N inside the magn et a nd from toward the magnet. Since t.he iron has become
N to S outside the magnet. If similnr poles of a magnet und er the influen ce of the ficld , it
two magnets are brought nenr each other, there also possesses the prope,ty of attracting other
i:-; a fo rce of rcpuhiion between them, while dis- pieces of iron.
f' imilar poles are attracted when brought close \Vh en the magneti c field is removed, the mol-
together. As in the case of electric charges, like ecules mayor lllay not resume thei r rand o m
poles repel, un li ke poles attract. positions. If the m utcr!al is soft iro n the mag-
If a bar magnet is cut in half, as in F ig. netism disappea rs quite r~~pidly whe n t. he field
2 13-13 , it is found that the cut ends a lso are is removed, but in some types of steel th e
poles, of oppos ite kind to the original poles on molecules are slow to resume thei r rand om
the same piece. Such cutting can be continued positions and such mate) 'j als will ret:tin mag-
indefinitel y, and , no matter how s lnn.1I the neti s m for a long t i me. A mag net which loses
pieces arc made, there are a lw ays two o pposite its magne t is m quickly when there is no exter-
poles associa.ted with each piece. In other nal magnetizing for ce is called a le'l Itporary
words, a single magnetic pole cannot exis t magnet , while one whi c h retains its m~\gncti s m
alone; it mu ~t alwnys be associated with a pole for a long t ime is c}l11cd a permanent 1/ta {l /wl.
uf the oppos ite kind. The tenden cy to rei:li n magneti s m is calted
T o explain this p;o perty of a magnet, it is retentivity . T he process of destroying m ag net-
(on~ id ered that en eh molecule of a m agnetic is m Call be hastened by heating, which increases
~lI h ~ tall( e is itself a miniature mag net. If the the motion of the molecules within the s uu-
material is not magnetized, the molecu les are stance, as well as by mechani ca l shock, which
also tend s to disturb the molec ular ulign me nt .
Elec t.ric c u.rre n t.. a n d t h e m ,a g n c I'; c j i,e ld -
Experime nt shows that a moving electron
generates a magnetic field of exactly the same
natu re as that exi sting about a permunent
magnet. Since a moving electron, or glOUp of
electrons moving together, constitutes an elec-
tri c current, it follo\\s th at the flow of curren t
is accompanied by the creation of a magn etic
fi eld. When t he conductor is a wire the mag-
netic lines of force a re in the form o f concent ric
circles around it a nd lie in pl anes at righ t
angles to it, as shown in Fig. 2 14. The d i. rectio n
of th is field is controlled by the direction of
current flow.
T lle re is an easily remembered meth od for
fin ding the relative directions of the cur re nt
and of the magnetic fie ld it sets up. Imagine the
fingers of the ri gh t hand curled a bout the wire,
with the thumb extended along the wire in the
Fig. 213-(.0\ ) Th e field ahout a bar nHIj:llct. T he direction of current flow (the con vent.ional
1I 1~~II~l i e. lill cs
of force a r e co n t inuo us, part of the path direction, from positive to negative, !lot the
Itcm S IIls lde llu.: ma;;Jl e t au d part o u tsitle. ( U) Cu tt in g a direc:tioll of electron mo vement). Th en the fin -
lIla~ne t produ ccs two ma;; ue ts, cach cO lllI,lc te "ith N
(lnd S poles. \~ itb the JII agne ts in the position s s ho",)}. gens will be fou lld to poid in the direction of
SOUle of t he l illcs of force arc commo n to both m agll e ls. t he magnetic heldj th:.Ll.. i::s , from N to .s.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 29
The perm eability of n matCl'ial is the ratio of
Fjg. 214 - Whenever th e flux \\'h ich would be set up in a closed mag-
clC"('l riccurren l pa s~cs net ic pa th or circuit of the lHateri ~lI to th e flllx
thrQlI ll h a wire, lIIa !:_ that would ex ist in :1. of the same dimcn-
lictic lines of fo rce sions in air, the srune m.m.L being used in
arc set 11 1) in t.h e
for m of concen tri c both cnses. T he permeability of ai l' is assign ed
c ircles al r ;;::h l all- the value 1. The permeab ility of steels of vari-
glcs to the ",ire, and ou s types varies from about 50 to several thou-
II ma gnetic liel ,l ex-
That is, an e.rn.f. can be induced in a wire in a the conductor through the field in the direction
magnetic field. However, since a change in tbe indicated in Fig. 215 causes a current to now
field is reqLli red for energy transformation, an as sho wn , then , if t he conducto r is stationary
c.m.f. will be induced only when there is a and an e.m .f. is a p plied to se nd a curre nt
change in the field with res pect to the \vire. thro ugh the condudor in the same d i rection,
This change may be an a ctual change i n the the co nductor will tend to move across the
field s trengt.h or may be ca used by reJati ve fiel d in the 0PPos1'fe d irec t io n.
motion of the field n.nd wire; e.g., a moving Thi s prineiple is used in the electric motor.
field and a stationary wire, or a moving wire The sa me rota.tillg machine frequently may
and a stationary field. It is convenient to con- be used either as a gener~l.tor or motor ; :u; a
s ider this in duced c.m.. as res ulting from the generator it is turncd mec hanically to calise
\vire's "cuttin g through" the lines of force of an induced e. rn.f., and as a moLol" elect ric
t he field. The s trength of the c.m.f. so indu ced CUITent th rough it causes me ch:wi c:11 motion .
is proporti o nal to the ratc of cutting of the Selj- iru!f/.c ti.o n - When an e .m.f. i..,; a p plied
lines of force. to a wire o r coil, cUlTent begins to fl o w an d ::I.
H the co ndu ctor is moving parallel with magnetic field is created . Ju st before closing
the lilies of force in a fiel d, no voltage is in- the circuit there was no field; just a fte r closing
dll ced since no lines are cu t.. Maximum cutting it the field exis ts. Consequently, at the in s ta n t
results when t he conductor moves through the of closing the circuit the Tate 0/ change of the
field in s uch a way that both its longer di- field is very rapid . Si nce the wire or coil carry-
mension and direction of motion are per- ing the current is a co nduc to r in a changing:
pendi cul a r to the lines of force, as s hown in fiel d, an e.m.f. will be induced in the wi re . Thi ::;
Fig. 215. When the conduc tor is s tationary and induced volt::l.,:;e is the c.m.j. of self-induction,
the f1eld st rength v a.rie~, the indu ced v oltage so called because it results from the current
re'mlts from the alternate increase and decrease flowing in t he wire itself.
in the Humber of Jin es of fo rce cu tting the wi re By the principle of con servation of energy
as t he m.m.L varies in intensity. (and Lenz 's Law), the polarity of the induced
voltage must be such a s to oppose the applied
Oirecbon ofmotIOn voltage; that is, thc induced voltage must tend
to sen d current through t be circuit in the
dire ction opposite to that of the current caused
by the applied voltage. At the in stant of closing
the circuit the field changes at s uch a rate that
the induced voltage equals the applied voltage
(it cannot exceed the applied voltage, because
Direction of then it would be supply ing energy to the source
induced e.m.f
of a pplied e.m.f. ), but after a s hort intervnl
Fig. 215 - Sho\\ i ll g how C.m . f. is imluced in a ,;ond uc to r
mov ing t h rollgh a s l;ltiona ry m ag ne t ic field , CUllin g th c
th e nl te of change of the field no longer iti so
li ll CR o f fort.:e. COIl\'crsdy, a current se nt t h ro u gh the ra pid and the induced voltage decreases. Thus
conuuc tor in th e salli e direc tio n by means of a n ex t crIl al the CIlIT(Ont flowing is very s mall at first when
c. m .f. will ca u se the co n Jucl OI" to move d ow n wa rd. the applied and induced c.m.f. s are about
equal, but rises as the induced voltnge becomes
Le t! ;;;'~ Luw - "Vhen a is induced smalle r. The process is cu mul ative, t he current
and current fl ows in a con d uctor moving in a eventually reaching a final value determined
magnetic field , energy of motion is tran sformed only by the resistance ill the eircuit.
into electrical energy. That is, mechanical I n forcing current through the circuit against
work is d o ne in moving the conductor when an the pressu re of the indu ced or "back" voltage,
indu ced current flow s in it. If thi s were not so work is done. The total amou nt of work done
the indu f'ed v oltage would be creating electrical during the time that the current is rising to its
ene rgy, in violation of the fundamental prin- final value is equa l to the amount of energy
ciple of physics that energy can neither be st ored in the magnetic field, neglecting heat
created nor des troyed but only transformed. losses in the wire itself. As explained before ,
It is foun d , therefore, that the flow of current no furt her energy iti put into the field once the
creates an opposi ng m:1gnctic for ce tending to cu rrent becomes steady. However , if the cir-
s top the movement of the wire. The statement cuit is o pened and current flow caused by the
of thi s principle is known as Lenz 's L aw : HIn applied c.m.f. ceases, the field col lapses. The
all cases of e lectromagnetic induction, the in- rate of change of field strength is very great in
duced currents have such a directi o n that"their thi s case, a nd a voltage is again induced in the
re:l ct ion tends to s top the motion which pro- coil or wire. This voltage causes a cu rrent flow
du ces them ." in the same directi o n as that of the applied
fH o /,or p rinc i p l e - The fac t that current e.m.f. , since energy is now being res tored to the
flowing in a conductor moving through a. m:'\.g- circuit. The energy usual ly is di ssi pated in the
Heti c f1eld tends to OppOe th e motion indi cates spark which occurs when s uch a circuit is
that Cll J"l"ent sent through a stationary conduc- opened. Since the field collapses very rapidly
tor in a magnetic field would ten d to se{. the \vhen the sw itch is opened, the induced e.m.f.
conductor i n motion . i:;uch is the case. If moving at such a time can be extremel y high .
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 31
,,, ,,,
I '
\ ,S I
/'# ...\ \ \ I,'
-, ,,
I I elcctrostatic field. T he g reater the inciuctnn('e,
I \
\ \ ,,
,: the greater Lhe ~lInount of encrgy stored in t hc
' - 1" \'i\
-, I
I magnetic field for a given amount of c urre nt.:
, the greater the capacit.y , the g
... _ .... 1/ \\
,'I N !I amount of energy st.ored in the electroslat.i(
I \ \
+ SYMBOLS field for a given voltage.
Th e indu ct a nce of :1. coi l of wire depend ~
Pip.. 2 16 - Whell th t, co nd llc ti n ;.:: w ire i ii coiled , t h e
ind i"id il ld 1l\ 'I;.::n;:tic fields of each 1111"11 ,I r e i ll s uch a upon t he numbe r of turn s, the cl'Oss-sect.ion:tl
d irect ion 111; to p f('>,hll'e a fiel d Silllil;l r to tlw l of a h ar dimen sion s of the coil, and the le ngt h o f the
m ag ne t . The scl"' lI1 nlic s), l!l iJo ls fo r l u ,\uc t a IiCC li re winding. It also depends upon the per meability
showu :I t t he .. i~h l. The sy m bol a t the lerl in l h e l OP
row i nd ica t es a n i ron-core induc tance; a t I h e righ t , a ir
of the material on which the coil is wound, o r
core. V :Ifjablc in,l uct:lIlcC8 are sh ow n in t he bo t tom r ow, core. Formul:ls fol' com puting the indu ctance
of air-core co ils of the type com monly used in
I n r/u c wncc - As explained above, the ra di o work, flrc given in Chapte t' Twenty-Onf' .
stre ngth of the self- induced voltage is propor- ll'1!1.t r.wl i"d/l c t.Oll ce - Jf two co ils are ar-
ti onal to the o f change of the ficl d. How- ranged with thei r axes coi nc id ing, as shown
ever, i t is a lso apparent from the foregoing that in F ig. 217 , a. current sent through Coil 1 will
it depends as well upo n the properties of the cause a magnetic field which cuts Coil 2. Con ~
circu it, since, if!\ n u mber of similar conductors sequen tly, an e.m.. will be induced in Coi l 2
are in t he sa me varying field, the sa me voltage \vhenever the fi eld st rength is cha.ngi ng . T hi s
will be in duced in each. By combin ing; th e con- induced c.m.L i s simila r to the e .m.. of se lf-
ductors properly , the total ind\l cc d voltage induction; that is,
in such a case will be the sum of the voltages
I nduced ('.Ill.L
ind uced in each wi re. Al so, the rate of changc of
= 1lf X r:1te of change of curren t
field st rength depend s upon the st rengt h of the
field set up by a give n amount of curre nt fl o w- where ,V is:l quantity called the mutual induct-
ing in t he wire 01' co il, and this in tu rn de pends (I 'neeof t he two coils. The mutu;)1 induct:lIH'c
upon t he a m pere-turnR, perTnenbil ity, le ngt h m~ty be large 01' s mn.ll, depe nding upon th('
an d cross-section o f the magnetic path , etc. 8elf~i nductan ces of t he coils and the propor-
F or a given circuit. howeve r, the field strength tion s of the tota l flux set up by o ne coil whi('h
will be determ ined by the curre nt, a nd the rale cuts the turns of the othol' coil. If all the fiu x
of change of the field consequently will be de- set up by one coil cuts all the turns of the other
termi ned by th e rate of change of cu rrent. coil the mutual inciuct:1llce has its maximuill
Be nce , it is possib le to grou p a ll t he ot her fac- poss ible valu e, while if only :l. s mall pn.rt of
to rs i nto one quantity, a property of t he cir- the flux set up by one coil cul.s t.he turns of
cuit. T hi s property is called 1:nduct.ance. "Vhen the other the Inutunl intiud:lll ce may be rela-
t his is done, the equn.tion giving the va.lue of tively small. Two coi ls having mutual induct,-
t he indu ced voltage beco mes : ance are sai d t o be coupled .
T he cle(f/'ee of cOllpl1"ny expresses the ratio o f
In d uced vo!tnge
act ual mu t llnl indu ctance to the max imu rn
= L X rate of change of clll'l'cnt possible valuo. Co ils which h ~~ve nearly th e
where L is the i nclllcbnce. maximum p(1.';;~ i ble m ntual induct.ance 3 1'0 said
I nduct.nn ce is a pro perty associa.ted wit h a ll t o be closelU, 01' tiyhtllJ, coupled, while if th e
circuits, :llthough in many cases it may be so
small in co mparison to other circuit properties
(suc h as resista nce) Lhat no el'l'or results fro m
neglecti ng it. T he inducLancc of 0, st ra ight wire
/ /:,,..,.-
' 1/
- -=-~-=---- -..~. . .',',
, ....
...... , \
increases with the lengt h of the wire and d e~
creases with increasing wire diamele r. The in-
ductance of sHch ::L wire is s m}l.]] , however. Fo r
a given le ngth of wi re, mllch grea.te r indu ctance
can be secu red by winding the wire into a coil 11/ \\\
so that the tot:t l flllX fro m the wire is concen- '1\
~ \
I If/uuud
t rated i nto a s ma ll spa.ce and t.he n ux den$ity
"' ......... /
correspond ingly increased. The unit of indllC-
tance is the henry . A circuit 01" coil ha s a.n in-
du ctan ce of one henry i f an e.m.f. of o ne volL
----- _/
R ~ /;!: }) = l~R
co nd uctiv ity of a nlJealed cop per being take n
as 100 pel' ce nt. A t:'l. bl e of per cent condu ctivi-
ties is givc n in C h:1p tc r Twen ty- O nc. EKppseUwi,..
Cemmic ~ ~ nd for tidjUstment
Po wer u sed i n ,es;,.. lu n co - f f two co n- tube ./ ..'Ire-wou
ductors of different resistances ha ve the same
current flowin g t hrough them , th e n by Ohm 's
Law the conductor with the lfi rger rc ~ i s tancc
will have a greater differe nce of poten tial
a cross its termi nals. Conscqucntly , more en-
ergy is supplied to tbe la rger resistance , since
in a give n peri od of time the same :.\mo unt of SYMBOLS
electrici ty is mo ved through a. grea ter pote nti al
difIerence. The energy appears in the form of Fi g. 21lJ - T wo comlllOI! ty pes of fi:<c d rcsis to rs. 1'1...
"ire-wolJu,] typc i~ u"clI f"r di"sipa ting I)OWCr of til<'
heat in the co ndu ctor. 'Yi th a steady curre nt, "rder of 5 "'nr IS o r 1lI 0 rl". "' Pi g t:lil '" rcsistors, lIiI"all y
the heal. will raise the tem perature of th e co n- IIlllde of c arbo n or Olher n' 6 ; ~ t<.!ll(;e ' '':l tlTia l in th e ror .. ,
ductor ull ti l a balan ce is reached between the ofll ul o hl ed rod ora ;! a t hin coati n l>O Il :.. 1 insu lu tin g r"hc.
heat generatcd and t hat radi:l.tC'd to t.he sur- rllther I hun bein g wound wi th "ire, an:: s mall in siz.; bUI
<10 11,,1 ,~H rel~ ll ill.; ipatc muc h POI' cr. Sdl c m ;l t ic 5v mlJO Is
rounding a ir or otherwise carr ied away. for filled and v:l riabl e res is to rs :Irc s l.J v " II lit lower r iJ;h l.
T em pera.ture coe ffi cient of res istan ce be-
importance wh en con du ctors operate
\'(11 )('::' llf
.!.=..!..+..!.. + ..!..
R III R, 113
at I!igh tempe rat ures. In the cnse of res istors
il,.:cd in elec tr ical an d radio ci rcuits, the h eat T h:l.t is, the rec iproca l of the equ ivale nt re-
d(' \'C'lo pcd hy f' urrcn t fl o w m ay ra ise the tc m- ~ istt\.nce of a nu mbe r o r resistan ces in parallel
pernturc of the I'e ~ i s tance wire i::; equ al to the s um of the recipro cal s of th e
I to se veral hundred deg rees I( indi vidual resis tances. Since th e reciprocal of
l I
In such a case t he resistance
atoperatillg temperature ca n
resistance is condu ctance,
G GI + G, + G,
be very co nsiderably hig her
t han the resistance at roo m where G is the total conductance a.nd 0 1 , O2 ,
E E, Rz tem pera ture. Con sequent ly G:>, . etc., are the ind ividual conductnnces in
r such resistors are \"\'ound with p:)ral lel.
-1- wire wh ich has a low tem-
perature coefficie nt of resis t-
To obtain R inst.ead of it s re{iprO C;"lI the
equn li o n a bo ve m:\y be illvf'rt('d. so that
= IR 2 !
E, = lfl,
ptc. , wh('re the su bsc ripts 1, 2, 3 indi cate the
1 I, I,
Fig. 220 - H es istallccs in p anili d.
11r,.:t, second and t hird resist or, an d the volt-
ogcs E't, Ez and E3 are th e voltages appearin g For the special case of on ly two res istances in
acro~s thc tcrmi nal s of t he res pective resisto rs. parallel, the equa ~ i o n reduces to
Add ing t he thrce vo ltages gives the total
vo itnge ac ross the t hrce resistors : R = HI Rz
E = EI + E, + E, = I RI + IR , + IR, = 1/ 1 + R,
I (Ill + R, + R,) = III Serics-1wrallrl co n necti on of resistors is shown
in Fig;. 221. Wh en circuits of this type are e n-
Th :lt i ~, the voitnge across t he res isto rs in countered the equivalent or total resis tan ce
"Nics is cf]Ufd to t he CUJ"I"cnt multiplied by the can be found by first adding the se ri es re-
":1 1 III (,f the individual rc:sistances. In th e above
sis tances in ea ch group, then trea.tin g each
I'qu;"lliolJ , R, which den otes t his S lim , may be group as a sin gle resistor so that t he form ul a
('n lled t he eq1l ivalent r esistnnce or total rc- fo r: resistors in parallel can be used:
~i"'l ;!II(l'. The equivalent resistance of a number
(If l"1';;i,.: tll)"s connected in se ries is, therefore ,
(qu al Lo the S UIll of th e ind ividual resistan ces.
U~ , .. js llfrlces ill. prtralle l - Wh en a number
.,f r('<: i::: tallces a rc co nnected so that the Same R3
E,+ Ez = E
'') ikq.~c is appli ed to all , as shown in Fig. 220 , E E3+ E4=E
t ll(.'" are snid to be connected in parallel. By 1 = I, + Iz
Ohm'<: Law, R.
13 = - Fig. 22 1 - Scric!; -panillci connectio n or resis l a nces.
Volta \:c a nd curre n t relationships arc \:ivcu at t hc r ight.
,,/) 1I 1~~t tlte lola l Clll'l"en t" I, whi ch is the sum
IJ f t he tu rre il ls in th e indiv id wd resis tors, IS
Voltage d i"lJiders fwd pote ntio nw t.e rs -
Since the same cunent flows throug h resisto rs
I = 11 + T, + I , ~
E +_E =
+ _R, con nec ted in series, it . fo ll ows hom Ohm's
RI II, Law that the voltage (t erm ed voltage d1'Q P)
across each resisto r of a series-connected gro up
E ( 1 - + -R,1 + -fl,1 )
is pro portio nal to its resista nce. Th us, in Fig.
222-A, the voltage El across il t is equa l to the
\\hcre R iti the equ ival ent resistan ce - i.e. , a pplied voltage, E, m ul t ipli ed by t he r:lt io of
U 1 to th e to tal rcsista ncc, o r
t he resis tance throu gh which the same total
,tlr ren t would fl ow if s ll ch it resistan ce were E1 = HL .E
..,ubstitutcd for th e three shown. Therefore, RJ + II" + R,
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 35
tri city to accumul ate on th e top plate of ( 'J
(A) eEl) By electrostatic ind uction, an equal ch arge 01
oppos ite polar ity (negative in the illu strati fHl
1 appears on the bottom plate of C1 , snel, s in e,'
E ", the lower plate of Ct and th e up per plate of ( '?
are connected together , this mu st leave all
equal p osit ive charge on th e upper plate of ( .:!.
Th is , in tu rn, cau ses the lower plnte of C2 to
\ ass ume an eq ual negative charge, and sO ()l!
Fi~. 222 - \'oltn gc d ivid er (A) a nd pot e l1tiome t e r (Il ). down to the pl ate co n nected to th e negn li v('
terminal of the source of c.m .f. In other wo rd"
Si milarl y, th e vo ltage, E 2 , is equal to the same quanti ty of eIectr i c i t~ i ~ placed 011
each conde nser, and t his is eq u:l.! to the tot:d
RI + R2 E quantity stored. The voltage fl,('ross ca ch COil
Il, + Il, + Ii, ' de nser \vill dep end upon its rap 'Lc it .", :l.Ild t ill'
Such an arrangement is called a voltage divider, sum of th ese voltages mus t eq n:l. l the :lPl'li f'd
since it prov ides a mean s fo r obtai nin g s mal ler voltage. Thu s,
vo ltages from a so urce of fixed vo ltage. Wh en E - E, + E , + E, " ~ -Q + -Q + -Q
curre nt is drawn [rom t he div ider at t he vario us (' I ( ' "2. Ca
(I I)
tap po ints the above r el ation s are no longer j Q
strictly tru e, since u nder su ch co nditions the Q C, C2 (;3 ~ C
+ +
same curre nt do es not flow in a ll parts of the
divider. D esign data for su ch cases are given in where C is t h e equivalen t capacity , Th is h:a d,
8-10. to an expression similar to th a t for resi:;;ttllH 'I"
A simil ar arrangem ent is shown i n Fi g. i n paranel:
222-B , wh ere the totall"csistance, R, is equ ipped 1
with a sliding tap for fine adju stm ent. Such a
res istor is freq uen tl y called a potentiometer. ..!...+
(.: 2
1 ;\
I nduc t a n ces i.n se ries (I u d p ura l,lel - As
explained in 2-5, indu ctance determ ines th e where t h e number of term s in t he denomilHtlor
voltage indu ced when the current changes at a should be t he same as th e actu a l number "f
given rate . That is, E = L X rate of change of co nde nsers in series.
curren t . This resembles Ohm 's Law, if L co r-
res pond s to R a,nd th e rate of ch ange of cur rent
to I . Thus , by reasoning simi la r to t h at used I
E (A)
in the case of resistor s, it can be shown that,
fo r indu ctances in se ri es, t
L ~ L, + L, + L ,
and for indu ctances i n parallel,
1 1 1
-1...2 +-
L3 (e)
wh ere t h e number of term s in eit her equ atio n
is determined by the actual number o f induc-
ta nces con nec ted in sCl'i es or parall el.
These eq uat ions do not ho ld if there is mu F ig, 223 - ConJc usc rs In l,aralld (A ) ~"d ;" ~t'rl " ~ ( H I.
t u a l indu ctan ce ( 2-5) bet\yeen t h e coi ls.
C o nde n.sers in ser ies and p oralle l - ' Vhe n Ti.m e CQ H s t. - \\' hen a cO ll dellscr allJ
a number of conde nsers are in paraliel, as in resistor a re conn ected i n series w i th n f;(}UrCC
Fig. 223-A, the same e.m.. is ap plied to all. of e.m.f. , su ch as a battery , t he in it ial flow of
Co nseq lIently, the quanti ty of electr icity storet.! current into the condenser is li mited b'y the
i n each is in proportio n to its capac ity. T he resist nnce, so that n longer pcriod of t inH' i..,;
total quant ity stored is the su m of the quanti- required to comp lcte the ch arg ing of the ('01 1-
t ies in the individual condensers : denser th an woul d be th e withou t th.
resisto r. Likewise, wh e n th e conden ser i,'i di :-
Q ~ Q1 + Q2 + Q, ~ C,E + C2E + CaE ~
charged thro ugh a resis tan ce, a me;I..':illl'ah ]p
(C , + C, + C,) E ~ CE
period of t i me is taken for the cu rrent (lo w (0
where C is the equ ivalent capac ity. The equi v- reach a negl igibl e va lu e. I n the case of CitlH'I'
a lent of co nde nsers in parall el is equal charge or d ischarge t he tim e required i:-; pru-
to t he sum of the indi vid ua l capac it ies. portional to the capac ity and r e s i ~talH' (', t IH'
Wh en condensers are con ne cted in series, produ ct of which is ca ll ed the ti 1lL(, ctJn.'i/tll/l 01
a~ in F ig. 223-B, the a pp li c:l.tio n of an e.m.f. to the circ uit. If C is in farads nnd /( i ll ohm.,;. "I
the circu it c ~ uses a certain quantity of elec- C in microfarads and R in megohms, thi;;; ]J l'<ld
lIet ,rives the time in seconds required fo r th e plier. A wattmeter is a CO~Tlbinati on voltmeter
vo l t~cre
o a c rOSS a. d ischa rg ing co nden ser. to drop
and a m meter in whi ch t he poin tcr de fle ction
to l ie, or apPl'ox ill1:.tely 37 PCI' cen t of Its o n gl- is propo rtional t o thc pCJ\\'c r in th e circuit.
na l ndue. (Th e consta nt e is the base of the An nm mc ter or milliammeter is connected
n atU!',~1 ser ies of logarithm s.) in se ries with the circuit in which c urre nt is
bein g meas ured , so t hat t he cur rc nt flow s
throug h t he instr ument. A volt mete r is co n-
- T i~
nectcd in pa rallel \.... ith t he cir cu it.
whi ch ma kes the :1lt c rn~1.t in g current s o useful.
B y mcan s of th e val'y ing field, e nergy may be
continually transferrcd (by induction) fro m
on c ci rouit to anot.her without d i rect conne c-
tion , and the volt,age may be ch:lnged in the
pro ccss. N ei ther of t hese is po::':ili h! e wi th di rect
J"stant of
Cio).)in9Switch current because, cxcept for brief per iods whe n
the circuit is closed or o pened , the fi eld a c-
Pig. 22,t - Showing how th e c ur rent i n a c irc u it com - co mpanying 2. steady dire('t current is un-
binin g ro!s iSl am.:c with induc tan ce o r c apac it y t a k es a
finite .,criod of tim e to rea cb its st eady-s tate valu e. changing, and hcn ce therc is 110 way of indu cing
a n e.m.f. except by moving a conduci or
A circuit co ntaining i ndu ctan ce and re- through the fi eld ( 2-5).
~ i stan ce also has a time con stant, for similar Alternating Cllrre nts may be ge nerated in
reaso ns. Th e time co nstan t of an indu ctive several wayS. R otating elccL ri cttl machines (a. c.
circuit is equa l to L/ fl , where L is in henrys gene rators or alternators) nrc used for devel o p-
:Uld II in oh ms. It gives the t ime in seconds re- ing la rge a mounts of powcr when the rate of
quired fol' the current to reach 1- } Ie, or approx- re ve rsal is re latively slow. H owever, s uch ma-
imately 63 per ce nt of its final st~ady va lu e ch in es are no t sll it:lble for produ cing currents
when a consta nt voltage is appli ed. whieh reverse directi o n thou sands or milli o ns
ftlcfJ.sltring irts trulnents - I nstruments for of t im es eaeh seco nd . The t hermioni c vacuum
meas urin g d.c. cu rrent and voltage make use t ube is used for thi s p urpose, as described in
of the fo rce a ct ing on a co il carryi ng current in C h:\pter Three.
a 1119,gn etic field ( 2-5) , prod uced by a per-
manent mag net, t o move a pointer along a
c:\l ibratcd scale. All such instruments there-
fore arc cUl'I'ent operated , the current required
f0 9;> full-sca le de fle cti on of tl;).e poi nter varyi ng
fpo,lm seve ral milliamperes to a fe w microa m-
peres acco rdin g to t he se ns itivity l'equ irQd. If
t he in st rumen t is to read hi gh cUfI'ents, it is Current #eosf.JfCmt:l"l&
shunted (pnralleled) by a low resistan ce
t hrough whi ch most of the current flo ws, leav-
ing only en o ugh flowing t hrough the in stru-
ment to give a full-scale de fl ect ion correspond-
ing to t he t ota l cu rrent flowin g t hrough both
meter and s hunt. An in strument whi ch reads
Source H/JltiP"cr~
mi croamperes is c:l.llcd a ' m icroa1lLmeter o r VOllatje tteaslJremen
galvanometer; one cali brated in milliam peres is
Fi S. 225 - Priuc ip le of thc d. c. IIIca li uri u g iu s t r uu:e ll l.
called a milliammeter; one calibrll ted in am- Curre nt /lowing through thc ro tlltllble coil ill the field of
peres is a n a mmeter. A voltmeter is simply a mil- tile perm:lIle nl 11I<1;::n c l C;I Il SCS 11 for ce 10 act O il the coil,
liammetcr with a high resista nce in series so l en din g to t urll it. The l ur n: u :: tt: IHIt:/lcy is couutcrach:d
that t he cUl'l'cnt \\'i!l bc lim itcd to a. suita bl e h y s prings ( 11 01 S IlO" II )!'O Ihal th e 01111 0 11111 of mo"e m e n l
iS l'rO l'fwl iol1 a l lO 11,(' " alII, ' o f tI lt' l ' u rr" 111 in the coil. C on-
vnlnc when t he in~trllme n t is ('o nn ected fLc r OSS Ile,'li n ll!; (or mea s urin g c urrent and vol\:q;c arc inclic alf"d
a vo ltage sOll n'C; it is b l" atcd ill te rm s of al Ihe ri ;! hl . The s h"IlI res is to r is IIsnl fur incrcas in :; th e
the volt,:lge whic h m ust a. p pca r across t he v:I l" e of tl, e cu rre nt whi c h l h e inSln,mc lJt e ;J 1l ll, e a s"re,
b y IJro vidin::: all altcrnale p alh Ihrou gh whic h so w e of
te rm inals t o call~e a given value of cu rrent to Ihe c urrn l t e 'l ll 110 ... . The !illri.s ", ,,ll il'lic[ lilHil ~ Ih, '
flow. The series res i::;t:w ('e is callcd a muUi- c u rre n t "hell th e in s !rll ll l"II! i" 1I,..;.lt /) " "' a ~ lIrc \,o lt:l !!c.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 37
( Peak value of one ampere wh en it produces h eat, in fl owing
through a g iven resis t ance, at the same average
A C meter.! re~d the ra. te a s one ampere of eOlltinuous direct current
e l1ed Jve(r m s ) vn/ues
of current and vOllafle tlo\\-ing through t h e same res istance. This
(rm.s" 70 7 o f p eak. effect ive value is the squ a re root o f t h e mean
value of sine wa ve
of all the instantaneou s current values sq u ared .
F o r the s ine-wave form,
E cfl = V YzE:;,,,,,
For thi s reason, th e eff ec tive v a lue of fl,n a lter-
O~e 'fde - --\- -- + - nating current or voltage is a lso known ::I S the
Toot-m ean-squ(lr e, or T. 11t . 8 ., value. I-Ienee , the
effect ive valu e is the square root of Yz, or 0 .707,
Fig. 226 - S ine- wa ve ~llIo;r ll al; n l! current or \'ol t a ~c. times the maximum v alue .
I n a purely a.c. cir cuit the average current
Th e simplest form of alte rnatin g curren t (or over a whole cycle mu:::t be zero, becau se if t he
voltage) is shown graphically in Fi g. 226. This average curre nt on, say, the p os itive half of the
chart show s that the current starts at zero cycle were greater than the average on the
vn.luc, builds u p to a maxim um in one dircc- negative half , there would b e a n et curr ent now
Lion , comes back dow n to zero , b uilds up to a in the positi ve direction. Thi s would corres pond
maximum i.n the opposite direction and comes to a direct (although i nterm ittent) current ,
back to zero. The curve follow s the sine law and he nce mu s t be ex cluded beca use a purel y
and is known as a sine wave, bcclluse of the alternating current \vas assumed. Th e "aver-
wavelike nature of the cu rve which. resul ts age" val ue of an alternating current is defined
when sine values are pl otted on rectangular a s t h e average curre nt during the part of th e
coordinates a s ~L fun ction of angle or time . cy cle when the current is flowing in one d irec-
An alternating cu rre n t or voltage of sinc- tion onl y . It is of particula.r importance when
wave form has angu la r velocity, period, fre- a lternating cu rrent is changed to d irec t curren t
quen cy and phase. by the me t ho d s co n sidered in later chapters .
Unirs oj Jreq u.e n cy - Alternating cur rents roJ' a sine wave, the average value is equal to
are identified b y their freque n cy, the b asic unit 0.636 o f the peak value.
for which is the number of cycles per second. ] n t h e sine wave the three voltage val ues ,
I n radio work , where frequcn cies are extre mely peak, effective and a verage, are reiated to each
large, it is convenient to use two other units, othe r as follows :
kilocycles pel' second (cycles per second ..;- 1000)
E,n":t E ell X 1.41 4 = E.'VI> X 1.57
and megacycles per second (cycles per second
Em"" X 0.707 = E",c X 1.11
..;- 1,000 ,000). Th ese are us ually abb reviated
E max X 0.6 36 = E crf X 0.9
kc. an d M e., res pectively . Qccas ionally t hese
abbreviat ion s are written kcs. a n d Mcs. to ind i- The rel a t ion ships for current are equ ivalent
cate "kilocycles per second" a nd" megacycles to t ho se given above foJ' vo ltage.
per second" rather than s im ply" kilocy cles " C u.r re nt. vo l.r.a ge u nci p owe r in un in-
and "megacycles," but ill both written and d u.c t ll n ce - " Then alternat ing current flo ws
s poke n usa gc i t is unde rs t ood th at" pe r second " through an inductance, the cont inu a ll y vary-
is an integral p art of the te rm when the shorter ing magnetic fiel d cau ses the continuous gen-
fo rms are used . eration of an e.m.f. of se lf- inducti on ( 2-5 ) .
P e ak, i n stuu.I,uneo u s effective and a vera ge The indu ce d voltage at any instant is propor-
values - The highest value of cur rent or volt- t ional t o the rate a.t whien th e curren t is'
age d uring the time when the current is flow ing chu llg ing at that in s t ant. If the curren t is a
in one direction is called the maximum o r peak sine w ave, it can be s h own that the rate of
valu0. For the sine W!lve, the peak has the sa me change is greatest \\hen the current is passing
absolute vallie 011 both the pos itive and nega- through zero and is le:ls t when the curren t
tive halves o f t he cycle. Thi s is not necessar ily is m axi mum. For this reaso n, the ind uced
true of waves ll1lving other t han the sine form . voltage is maximum wbe n the cu rrent is zero
The value of current o r voltage ILt any p a r- a nd is zero when the current is maximum .
ticular p oin t of t i me in th e cycle is cal! ed the Th e direction 01' pol:uity of th e indllced volt-
instantaneous va lu e. T he in s tant fo r which the a ge is such as to tend to keep th e cu rre nt
value is to be found can be s pecified in terms of flow ing wbe il t he cur rent is d ecreasing a nd to
time (fraction of the pcriod ) o r of angle. prevent it from flowing when the c urrent is
Since both the vcltage and cu rrent are in creasing ( 2-5). As a res ult, th e i nduced
sw inging continuous ly betwcen their positive vo ltage in an indu ctance lags 90 degrees beh ind
max imum a nd negati ve m a ximum va lues, it the current.
might be wo ndered how one can s p(' ~~k of so B y Lenz 's Law, t he in du ced v oltage must a l-
many amper es of alternating current when the \\ays oppo se the appli ed voltage; that is, the
value is f'ha.n g ing co ntinuously. Th (" p ro b lem is in duced and appli ed vo lt,ages m us t be in phase
simplified in practical work b y con s idering that o p pos ition, or 180 d eg rees o ut of phase. Con-
an alternating CUlTcnt has all effe ctive value seq uently , the ap plied voltage leads the curren t
by 90 degrees. Th ese relat,ionships are sho wn charge while the voltage is decreasing. The
in Fig. 227. Using the voltage as a referen ce, quantity of electricity stored in the condense r
t be current in an inductance Jags 90 degrees, at any inst a n t is proportional to the voltage
o r one-quarter cycle, behind the voltage. (In a across its terminals at that in st ant (Q = CE).
Since curre nt is the Tate of tran sfe r of quantity
of elect.ricity, the current fl ow in g into the con-
den ser (w hen it is being charged) or out of it
(whe n it is di scharging) conse qu e ntly will be
proportional to the rate of change of the ap-
pli ed voltage. If the voltage is a sine wave , its
mte of change will be greatest when passing
th rough zero and least when the voltage is
max imum. As a result, the current fl owin g into
or out of th e condenser is greatest wh en the
voltage is passing through zero and least when
t he voltage reaches its peak value.
This relationsh ip is show n in Fig. 228. When-
ever the voltage is risin g (in either direction )
t he current flow is in t he same direction as the
a pplied volta ge. 'When the voltage is d ecreas-
Fig. 227 - Vo lt age, current a nd power r ela t ion s in an i ng and the condenser is d ischarging, the cur-
a ltcrnatiu g-currcn l circuit consu; t il1 g o f induc t :lIlce o n ly. r ent 60ws i n the opposite direction . Th is is of
course the nor mal condition for charge a nd d is-
vecto r diagram, the current and" voltage can- charge of a condenser. The energy stored in the
not be added vectoria ll y because th ey are condenser on t he charging part of t he cyc le is
different kinds of qu a nti ties . In di agrams restored to the circuit on the di scha rge pa rt ,
show in g bo th current and voltage , one is ge n- and the t otal energy consu med in a whole cycle
erall y used s imply as a reference, to estab lish therefore is zero. A condense r operating on
phase relationsh ips. If seve ral currents are a. c. takes no average power from the sou rce,
shown on one diagram, t hey can of course be except for suc h actual energy losses as may
added together if they are in the sa me cir cu it; occu r as th e result of heating of t he d ielectric
simil arly. several voltages in the sa me circ uit ( 2-3). T he energy loss in air conde nsers used
can be added. However, frequent use is made in radio circuits is ne gligibly s mall e xcept .a t
of vector diagrams to show phase relatio nships extremely high frequ encies.
in different circuits, in wh ich case the vectors As sho wn by Fig. 228, the ph ase relation-
representing cu rrent a n d / or voltage in different ship between current flow and applied voltage
circu its cannot be added.) is such that the cu rrent leads the voltage by 90
Wh e n the current is in creasing in either degrees. Thi s is just the opposite to the in-
direc tion, energy is bei ng stored in the mag- du ctn.nce casco
netic field. At s uch times the voltage has the
same pola.rity as t he current, so tha.t the prod-
uct of the t wo, which gives t he instanta.neous
power fed to the indu ctance, is positive. Wh en
the cu rrent is decreasing e nergy is being re-
stored to the circu it and the applied volt&ge
has th e opposite polarity, so th at the p rodu ct
of current an d voltage is negative. This is also
shown in Fig . 22 7. Posit ive power means power
taken from the so urce (i .e., the so ur ce of the
applied e.m.f.), wh ile negative pow er means
power returned to the so urce. Power is alter-
nately t a ken and given back in each qu arter
cyc le, and, since the amount given back is the
sa me as that taken, the average power in an
in du ctance is zero whe n considering a whole
cyc le. I n a practical i nd uctance t h e wire
will some resistance , so that so me of t h e Fig. 228- Voltage, curren t a ud p ower relatio ns if.1 a n
power supplied will be consum ed in h eating altcrnatio g-currellt circuit consist ill g or capa ci t y o ul )'.
th e wire, but if the resis tance of t h e cir cuit is
small com pared to the inductance the po wer Cu rrent , vo l tage (1,1.1 powe r i n resi s
consum ption is very s mall compared to the - In a circuit containing resistance o nly there
power wh ich is alternately s tored and returned. are no energy storage effects, and consequen tly
C u.rre nl" v o l ta g e o nd p owe r in (J c o n- the current and voltage are in phase. The cur-
d e n ser - \Vh en an alternati ng voltage is ap- rent therefore always flows in the same d irec-
plied to a condense r, the condenser a cquires a ti on as th e appli ed v oltage, and, sin ce the po\vel'
charge while t.he voltage is rising and loses its is always positive, there is co utinun! power
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 39
dissipat1"on in the res istance. The relations hips (( 2- 8 Ohm's Law for Alternating
are shown in Fig. 229. Currents
St rictly speaking, no circu it can have resist- Res istance - Since current and voltage are
ance onl y, because the flow of curren t always always in ph ase th rough a resistance, the in-
sta nta neou s re \n.t ions fo r a .c. are eq uivale nt t o
those in d.c. circuits. B y definiti on, the effe c-
tive units of current and v oltage for a .c. are
made equal to t hose for d. c. in resist ive cir-
cuits ( 2-7). Th erefore the va rious formula s
expressing Ohm 's Law fo r d.c. circuits apply
E with ou t any cha nge to a.c . circuit s containin g
resist ance only, or for purely resis tive part s of
complex a.c. circuits. See 2-6.
In applyi ng t he fo rmulas, it mu st be remem-
be red that consisten t units must be used. 1"0 1-
example, if the instan ta neo us value of cu rre nt
is used in fi nding vo ltage o r power, the voltage
found will be the instan taneous vo ltage and th e
powe r will be the in stanta neou s power. Lik e-
wi se, if the effective v a lue is used for one quan -
tity in the formula , the unknow n will be ex-
Fig. 229 - Voltage. current and power re lations in an
al tcruatiu g-currcnl c irc uit cons is tin g of resista nce only. presse d in effec t i ve value. Unless othe rwi se
indica t ed, t he effective value of c urrent or volt-
is accompanied by the creation of a mag- age is always unders tood to be m eant when
netic field and every conduc t or also has a cer- reference is made to" curren t " or "voltage."
t a in amount of capacity. \Vh ethel' or not s uch Renctu n ce - In an a .c_ circuit co ntain ing
residual indu ct ance and ca pa city a re large inductance or capacity , but no resistance , t here
enough t o require co nsiderati on is determined is no consu mptio n o f power - simply a con-
by the frequen cy a t whi ch the circuit is to tinuous ba ck-and-forth tran sfer of energy
operate. between the magnetic or el ec tri c fi eld and th e
1"he a. c . spec tru,In - Alt ernating currents circ ui t ( 2-7). Sin ce the average power is zero,
of different freque ncies have different proper- the Ohm 's Law formulas cann o t be applied in
ties and are usefu l in many varieties of ways. terms of peak or effective voltages and curren t s.
F o r the tra nsmi ssion of power to light homes, Never theless, if the frequen cy is cons tant the
r u n motors a nd perform familiar everyday cUlTent whi ch flo ws in a n inductive or capaci-
tasks b y electrical means, low frequ enci es a re t i ve circuit is d irectly proport ional to the volt-
most su itable. Frequen cies of 2.5, 50 a nd 60 age applied; that is,
cycles are in common lIse , the latter be ing mos t E ~ XI
widely used in this count ry . The range of fre-
where X is a constant depending upon the cir-
quencies between a bout 15 a nd 15,000 cycles is
cuit, and is cal Jed t he reactance of the circuit.
kn own as the audio-frequency range, because
whe n frequen cies of thi s order are co nverte d
By tran s posit ion , the formula can be written
fro m a.c. in to ai r vibr atio ns, a s by a louds peake r X =!i I =!i
or teleph on e receive r, they are di s tin gu isha ble I X
as sounds havin g a tone pitch proport ion a l to Th ese e xpressions are quite similar to tho se
the frequency. Frequenci es above 15,000 cycles fo r the resistive circuit, a nd the quantity X
(15 kilocycles ) are used for radio communi ca- h;).s the same effec t upon current flow a s does
ti on, be cause with frequen cies of this ord er res istance in a resist ive circuit. Consequen tl y,
it is possible to convert elect ri cal energy in to the oh m is used as the un it o f rea ctance, just a s
rad io waves whi ch can be ra di ated over lo ng it is fo r resistance. Un like res ist anc e, however,
di stances. reactance does not use up or dissipate power.
For conven ience in reference, the following Induc tive rnC Wn ce - Wh en alternating
classifi cations for radi o frequenc ies have bee n current flow s throug h an i ndu ctance, the i n-
recommended by a n international techni cal du ced voltage and a p plied vo ltage arc equal
con feren ce and are now increasingly in use : ( 2-7 ). S in ce t he induced vo lt age is equal to
10 to 30 ki locycles Very -lo w frequencies the induc tance of the co il multipli ed by t h e
30 to 300 kilocycles Low fr equencies rflte of cha ng e of curre nt, it is evident that a
300 to 3000 kilocycles j\'ied ium frequencies
3 to 30 megacycles High frequencies given va lue o f vol tage (to o ppo se a fixe d a p-
30 to 300 megacycles Very - high frequencies pli ed voltage ) can be in duced either by usin g
300 to 3000 megacycles Ultrahigh frequencies a large inductance and a small rate of change
3000 to 30,000 megac)."clcs Supcrhigh freque ncies
of current o r by using a large rate of current
Unt il recently , olde r term in o logy was in com- change an d a s mall indu cta nce, so lo ng as the
mo n use ; for example, all freq uencies above 30 pro duct of the two is con stant . The r ate of
megacycles formerly were consi d ered to be in change o f eurre nt is d eter mined by the ampli-
the" ultrahi gh-frequency" regi on. tude of t he curren t a nd the angu lar veloc it y .
Th erefore, for s in e-w ave current, resistance is in phase with the current while
the voltage a cross the indu ctance leads the
E = 2, j['[, or IE = 2,jL current by 90 degrees . I n a d. c. circuit wit h
resista nces in series, the applied vol ta ge is
Since X E l f , then equal to the s um of the volta ges across the in -
XL = 2.jL dividual resistances ( 2-6). Thi s is a lso true of
t he a.c. circuit with resistan ce and ind u ct an ce
where th e subscript L indicates that the re- in ser ies if t he instantaneous voltages a re added
actance is inductive. That is, inductive re- algebraically to find the i nsta ntaneo us value
ncta-n ce is propo rtional to i nductance and to of a pplied voltage. But, because of the phnse
the a pplied fr e quency. At low fJ'e qu e~)c i c~ a diffe rence betwcen the two voltages, t he maxi -
la rge inductance m ust be used to obbl.l11 Illgh mum value of t he appl ied voltage will not be
reactan ce but at vcry high freq uen cies the the s um of the ma xim um values of the two
same valu'e of rcnctance can be o btained readi ly volkl.g:cs ( 1-9), so th at th e effective val ucs
wi th quite a s lTl~\ 1I indu ctance. cann ot be addcd direc tly .
The fundamen t al un it s (o hms, cycles, The re\3,ti onships are shown by means of
he nry s) mu st b e used in the abo ve eq u atio.n, vectors in Fig. 230. If th e current vector is
or a ppropriate fa ctors in serted if oth or unIts used as a refere nce, t he vo ltage a cross th e re-
a re empl oyed. If inductance is in millih e nrys, sistan ce is in ph ase wi t h the cu rrent a nd hen ce
fl"cquen cy should be in kilocycles ; if indu ct-
lies o n the same lin e. Th e voltage flcross the
a nce is in mi cl'ohenrys, frequency shoul d be
indu ctance is 90 degrees 3.head of the cu rrent,
in m egacycles, to bring the an s wer in ohms.
and the refore is d rawn a t ri ght an gles upward .
Copncitive rcu c tan.ce - 'Wi th a fixed value
Th e res ultant volta ge is, consequ e ntly , the
of appl ied vo ltage, the qu alltity of el ectric ity
hypothenuse of a righ t tria ngle, and, by
stored in a conde nse r of given ca. pacit y is al-
geomet ry,
ways th e same (Q = CE), and , ii losses are
lIegligible, t he same qu antity ?f electri city is E'l = E 2L + E 2n , or E = V Wn + E 2r.
taken out of the con den ser on discharg e. When
nn a.c. voltage is appli ed to a co nden ser the Si nce En = I Rand E L = I Xl" s ubstitution
a lternate charge and discharge, as th e appli ed gives
voltage ri ses an d fall s a nd rcverses polarity, E
constitutes CUITc nt flow" through" the con- E = I yR' +X' L, 0' Y = YR' + X 'L
den ser. Th e amplitude of the cur rent is pro-
pO I, tional to the rate of change of the voltage E l l is called the impedance of t he circu it and is
( 2- 7) and a lso to the capac ity of t h e con- designated by the le tte r Z. The i mpedance de-
den ser, s ince both t hese quan titi es increase t ~ e termines the voltage \vhi ch must be ap plied t.o
a mount of electricity t ran sferred in the Ci r- the cir cu it to cau se a given cu rrent to fl ow.
cuit in a given period of time. Since ratc of The unit of impedan ce is, Lherefore, th e ohm ,
change of voltage is proportiona l to the ampli- just as in the case of resist a nce and reactan ce,
t ude of the vol tage and the angula.r velocity, which also determine the ratio of voltage to
t hen, ior sine-wave voltage, current. H owcver, the ph flse angle bet wee n
E J voltage and current mu st be specifi ed, alo ng
I = 2, jCE, or 1 = 2,jC with the impedan ce, for t he true nature of the
i mpedance to be known,
Since X E l l, t hen Si milar consideration of resista nce an d ca-
X 1 pacity in se ries lead s to t he sa me expression
c = 2,jC for the impedance of such a ci rcui t. Howeve r,
in thi s case the voltage across the condenser
where the subscript C indi cates that the reac- lags the curre nt, so th a t the " impedan ('e tri-
tance is capac iti ve. Capacitive reactance is
inversely proportional to capa city and to the
applied' frequency. For a given valu e of capac-
~ ty, the reactance decreases as the fr eq uency
In creases. (A)
F und amenta l units (farads, cycles per sec-
on d ) must be used in the right-hand side of the
eq uation to obtain the renctance in ohms , Con -
versio n factOl's mus t be used if the fr equency
and city are in units o thcr than cycles
and fa.mds. If C is in m icrofarads and f in (8)
megacyc les, the conversio n factors cnncel and
the reactance will be given in o hm s.
Impe d u n ce - In any series circuit the same
curre nt fl ows th rough all parts of the circuit.
If a resistan ce an d indu ctance a. re conn ecte d F ig. 230 - V o h :lI;e :md c urre n t 1'c1aliolls iJ i l)S in a.c. c ir -
c uit s ha ving resis ta uce :uul indnctalwt> or res is t a nce und
i n se ries to form an a. c, circuit they both carry capa c ity. Vector dia gn lllls should be d ra"' n 10 scale fo r
the samc cu rren t, but the voltage a cross the parl ic ula r values of voltage or re a c tacee a ud resisla llce.
Electrical and Radia Fundamentals 41
angle" is drawn with the condense r voltage or l)a mllcl c i.rcnits w ith L , C Clnd U - Th e
reactance extending downward. The general equivalent. resistance of a mllnber of resistances
formula is in parallel in a n a. c. circuit is found by the same
rules as in the case of d.c. circuits ( 2-6) .
Res istance and capacity in parallel are con sum ed in d. c. circu its) for the whole circu it
shown in Fig. 232-B, wit h the correspond ing may be several times the actu a l power used up .
vector diagram. Except fo r the fact that t he Th e ratio of power dissi pated (watts) t o the
cu rrent now leads the voltage, the relation- volt-ampere product is calle d the power fa ctor
sh ips are the sa me as before and the total cur- of the circuit, or
ren t and impedance can be found by using the
Walt s
same fo rm ulas. P ower factor
Volt-amp eres
{lJ Jsr
! I, E
Distrtb ute d capncity and inductance -
( A) It should not be thought that the reactance
of coils be comes infinit.ely high as the fre -
I " I, quency is increased to a high value and, li ke-
wi se, that the reactan ce of condensers becomes
fl] l2i
infinitel y lo w at high frequencies. All coil s ha ve
some capacit.y bet'...een turns, and t he react-
(B) E R
ance of t hi s capacit y ca n become low enough
..o.c Ie fR 'III. E
at some hi gh fre quen cies t o tend to cancel the
I, high reactance of the coi l. Likewise, the leads
,, and plates of condensers will have considerable
, , indu ctance a t very high frequencies, whi ch will
(C) " R E
tend to offset the capacitive reactance of the
11= conden ser itself. For these reason s, coils for
:(1I\+I, +-I J
, high -frequen cy work must be designed to have
low <I distributed" ca paci ty and conden sers
Ie --- 111.+Ie mu st be made with short, heavy leads to have
low inductan ce.
F ig. 232 - Pa ra llel react a nce aml r cs i ~ t ance in a.c. cir-
cuits. The various c ur r e nlS add vectoria lly as indicated . Units and ins t,rume nts - The uni ts used
in a. c. circuits may be di vide d or mul t iplied to
" ' ben resistance, inductance and capac ity give convenient numer ical values to diffe re nt
are combined in parallel, as i n F ig. 232-C, the orders of magnitude, just as in d .c. c ircuits
vector diagram has t he typica l form show n. ( 2-6). Because the rapid ly re versing current
The curren t s in the inductance and capacity is accompanied by simil ar reversals in the mag-
arc 180 degrees out of phase, so th at the total netic field, instrumen ts used for measurement
current through these elements (neglecting the of d.c. ( 2-6) will not ope rate on a .c. At low
resistance) is the difference between the two frequencies sui table instruments can be con-
currents. Because of th is, the current fl owing structed by making t he cu rrent produce both
in the line is always smaller t han the largest mag neti c field s, o ne by mean s of a fix ed co il
reactive curren t , indi ca tin g tha t when indu ct- and the other by the moving coil. Such in-
ance and capacity are connected in pa rallel the strumen ts are used for measurement of ei the r
res ultant impedance is larger than either of the current o r voltage. At radio frequenc ies t his
individu a l reactances , The net reac tive cur- type of instrument is inac curate because of
rent m ay eit her lead or lag th e applied vo ltage, d istributed capacity and other effects, and the
depending upon whether t he inductive or on ly re liable type of dire ct-read in g instr ument
capacitive reactance is larger. The current is t he thermocouple ammeter or milliammeter.
taken by t he parallel resistance is determined Thi s is a power-operated device co nsis ting of a
solely by the appli ed voltage. The total cur- resistance wire heated by the fl o w of r .f. cu r-
re nt and impedance of such a circu it can be ren t through it, to whi ch is attached a thermo-
found by the formu las used above, i f for Ix cou ple or pair of wires of di ssimilar metal s
t he difference between the currents in the in- joined together an d possesBing the prope rty of
ductance and capacity is used . developin g a small d .c, voltage between the
\Vith series-parallel circuits the solution be- terminals when heated. Thi s voltage, whi ch
comes consid erably more complicated, since is propo rti onal to the heat appl ied to the
t he phase relationshi ps in any paralle l branch couple, is used to operate a d .c. instrument
may not be either 90 degrees or zero. H owever, of ordin a ry design.
t he majority of parallel cir cuits used in radio
work can be solved by the rather simple ap- ff. 2-9 The Transformer
proximate methods described in 2-10. Principles - I t has been s hown in the pre-
P ower jac l o r - The power di ssipated in ceding sections that, when an alterna ting vol t-
a n a. c. circuit containing both resistance and a ge is applied to an' in ductan ce, the fl ow of
reactance is consu med entirely in the resist- alternating curre nt through the co il causes all
an ce, hence is equal to PRo H o wever, the indu ce d c.m.f. which is o p posed to the applied
react ance is also effective in de te rmining the e. m .. The ind uced e. m.f. resu lts from t he vary-
current or voltage in the cireu it, even though in g magnetic field accom panyi ng the fl o w of a.1-
it consu mes no energy. Bence the product of ternating cunent. If a se('ond coil is brought
volts t imes amperes (whieh g ives the power into the same field, a simila r e.m.f. li kewise
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 43
wi ll be induced in th is coil. Thi s indu ced c.m. f. formers, because only a s mall part of the fl ux
may be used to force a current through a wire, set up by the prim ary cuts the seco ndary
resistance or other electrical device connected turn s. Even when specia l iron cores are used
to t he terminal s of the second coil. this statement is usually true of r.f. trans-
Two coils operating in this way are said t o be formers, for reasons considered in 2- 11.
cOlLpled, and the pair of coils constitutes ~ Transformers for use at power freque ncies
transformer. The coil co nnected to the so urce of and audio frequencies wound on iron cores,
energy is called the pri mary co il, a nd t he other hence nearly all of the primary flux cuts t he
is called the secondary coi l. Energy may be seco ndary turns. T he turn s- ratio equation can
taken from the secondary, being transferred be used at these frequen cies. The follow in g
from the prim a ry through the medium of the di sc ussion will be confined to such tra.ns-
varying magnetic field. for mers.
Volta ge nrul turns ratio - For a given vary- Effec t oj seconclary c urrent - T he pri mary
ing magnetic field, the voltage indu ced in a current which has been di sc llssed above is usu-
co il in the field will be pro portional to the ally called the magnetizing current of the trans-
number of turns on the coil. If the two coils former. Like the current in any in ductance, it
of a transforme r are in the same field, it fol- lags the applied voltage by 90 degrees, neg-
lows that the indu ced \'oltages will be pro- lecting the sma ll energy losses in the resistance
porti onal to the number of tu rns on each coi L of the primary coil and in the iron core.
I n the case of the primary, or coi l co nnected to ' Vhen cu rrent is drawn fr om the secon dary
the sou rce of po wer, the induced voltage is wi nding, the secondary cu rrent sets up a mag-
practically equal to, an d opposes, the applied netic field of its own in the core. The phase re-
voltage. Hence, for all practical purposes, lationship between this fie ld and that ca used
by th e magnetizin g curre nt will depend upon
E3 = ns Ep the phase relationship between current and
n" voltage in the secondary circuit. In every case
where Es is the seco nd ary voltage, E1I is the there will be an effect upon the original field.
prima ry vo ltage, a nd n, a. nd np are the number To maintain the in duced prima ry voltage equal
of turn s on the secondary a nd primary, respec- to the applied voltage, however, the origi na l
tively. The ratio ns/np is called the turns ratio fi el d must be mai ntained. Consequently, the
of the transformer. primary clIrrent mu st change in sllch a way
This relation ship is true only when all the t hat the effect of t he fie ld set up by the sec-
flux set up by the primary current cuts all the ondary current is completely canceled. This is
turns of the secondary . Jf so me of t he mag- accomplis hed when the primary draws an add i-
netic flux follows a path whic h does not make it t ional current that sets up a field exactl y
cut the secondary turns then the secondary equal to the fi eld set up by the secondary CUT-
voltage is less t han given by th is formula, since ren t , but which always opposes the secondar y
this causes the rate of cha nge of flux to be less fie ld. Th e additional primary current is t hus
in the secondary than in the primary. In gen- 180 degrees out of phase with the secondar y
eral, the equation can be used only when both curre nt. (This assumes that all the flux cuts
coils are wou nd on a closed core of high both coils.) T he tota l primary current is the n
permeabi lity, so that practically all of the flux the vector sum of the magn etizing current and
can be confined to definite path s. this add itional load current.
T y p es of transformers - Th e usefulness In rough ul ations on transformers it is
of the transformer lies in the fac t t hat energy conven ient to neglect the magnetizi ng cu rrent
can be transferred from one ci rcuit to another and to ass ume that the primary current is
with ou t direct con nectio n, a nd in the process cause d entirely by t he secondary load. Th is is
can be readily cha n ged from one voltage level j ustifiable , because in any we ll-designed tran s-
to another. Thus, if a device to be operated re- former the mag netizing current is quite small
qui res, for exam pl e, 120 volts an d only a 440- in co mpari so n to the load current when the
volt so urce is available, a transformer can be latter is near the ratid va lue.
used to change the source voltage to that re-
quired. The transformer, of cou rse, can be used
only on a.c., since no voltage will be in duced in
the seco ndary if the ma.gnetic field is not
chan ging. If d.c. is applied to the primary of a
t ransformer, a voltage will be induced in t he Pnmar'l &condar'l
secondary only at the insta nt of clos ing or
open ing the primary circuit, si n ce it is only at
these times that tbe fie ld is changing.
Transformers for use at radio frequen cies
are us ually wound on nonm agnetic material
("ai r corc") because the losses in ordinary iron SYMBOLS
cores are ex cess ive at these frequen cies. As a F ig. 233 - The tra lls fo rmer. P Ower is Irn usfc r rcil from
general rule, the equation given in the preced- tu c p r imary coil to tuc sccoodnry b y means o f the rna"
Detic fidd . Th e LI pper s)' 01 l>ol a t ri ght indicates a n iro~.
ing paragraph does not apply to such trans- eore transfo rm er, the lo wer one a u air-core transfo rmer.
For th e fields set up by the primary and common to them . l ;cakage inductance acts in
secondary load currents to be equal, the num- exactly the sa me way as an equiv:"l.lent a.mount
ber of a mpere tu rns in the primary must equa l of ord inary ind uctan ce inserted in sc ries wi th
the number of ampere turn s in the secondary . the circuit.. It has, therefore, a certain re:l.ct-
T hat is, an ce, depending upon the a mou nt of ind uct-
ance and the frequency. T his rea ctance is called
leakage reactaf/ce.
Hence, I n the primary the practic:1l effect of leak-
age renc tnn ce is equ ivalent to a reduction in
applied voltage, sin ce the primary c urrent.
fl owing t hrough the leak:1ge I"c:teiance cau ses
The load current in the pr imary for a given a voltage d rop . This voltage drop in
loa.d current in the seco ndary is proportional with in creasing p rimary cUlTcnt, hence it in -
to the tu rn s rat io , sc(;o nd a ry to primary. This creases as more current is dnl\\'1\ from the scc-
is the opposite of the voltage rel ationships. ondary. The indu ced voltage cO ll seq ue nt.l y de-
If the magnetizing cu rrent is neglected, the creases, sin ce the ap plicd volk\ge (which t he
ph ase relationship bctwecIl current and voltage induced vol tage must eq ual in th e pr ima ry)
in the primary circuit will be identi cal with that has bcen effectively redu ced. Th e seco ndary
existi ng between the secondary current anu induced volt.age al so decreases proportionately.
voltage. This is because the applied voltage and Wbcn cu rrent flows in the secondary circuit
induced voltage are 180 degrees out of phase, the seco nd a ry leakage reac tance causes an
and the primary cu rrent and secondary current additional voltage drop, which resu lts in a
lik ewise are 180 degrees out of phase. furth er reduction in t he voltage availabl e from
Energy relationships; efficie n cy - A tra ns- the seco ndary te rmin als. Thus, th e greater the
for mer cannot create ene rgy; it can only tran s- secondary current, the s mallcr the seco ndar ~
fer and tram;for m it. Hence, the power taken terminal voltage becomes. The resistancc oi
fro m t he seco nda ry cannot exceed that take n the primary a nd seco nd a ry windi ngs of t he
by the primary from the so urce of applied transformer also causes voltage drops when
e. m.. Since there is a lways some power loss in current is flowing, and, althoug h these voltage
the resistan ce of the coils and in th e iron core, drops are not in phase with t.hose, caused by
th e power takcn fr o m the source alway s will lea kage reactance, togethe r t.hey res u lt in fL
exceed that taken from the secondary. Th us, lower secondary voltage under load than is in-
dic at.ed by th e turns ratio of the tran s former.
At power frequ cnc ies (f,O cyclcs) t.he vol tage at
wh ere Po is the power taken from t he sec- the secondary, with a reasonably well-designed
onda ry, Pi is the power input to the primary, tran sformcr, shoul d not drop more th a n abo ut
a nd n is a fa ctor which always is less than 1. 10 per cent u nder load. Th e drop in voltage
It is called the efficiency of the transformer and may be considerably more than this in a t rans-
is usually expressed as a perce ntage. The effi- for mer ope rating at audio freq uencies, howeve r,
cien cy of s ma ll power transfo rmers s uch as are since the leaka ge react.ance in a. transformer
used in radio receive rs and tra ns mi tte rs may increases directly wi t h t.he fr equency.
J,npe do_lI.ce ra t;.o - In an idc3.1 tmn sform er
vary between about 60 per cent and 90 per
ce nt, depend ing upon the size and des ign. havi ng no losses or reactance, t he
L e akage re llctan ce- In a practical trans-
p rimary and seconda,y volt-a m peres ilre equalj
former not all of the magnetic flu x is common that is,
to both windings, althoug h in well-designed E p I p = E . T.
tran sfor mers the amoun t of fl ux whi ch cuts one On this assumption, a nd by mak ing use of the
coil a.nd not the other is only a small percentage rebtions hips between v oltage, CUl'I"cnt l.l nd
of the total flu x. T his leakage flU X acts in the t urn s ratio previously given, it ca n be s bown
same way as fl ux abou t any coil which is not that
cou pl ed to a nother coil ; that is, it gives ri se to
self-induction. Consequently, there is a small E. ~ TE.. ( ~ )'
amount of leakage indllctance associated wit.h 1p I. n.
both windings of the transformer, but not
Since Z = E I T, E.II . is the impedance of t h e
load on t he seco ndary ci rcu it, and Epl J 11 is t.he
impedance of the loaded transform er as viewed
fr o m the line. The eq uation that the
impeda nce presented by the prim ary o f th e
\ transformer to the line, Or source of power,
is equal to the secondary load imped a nce mu lti-
rig. 234- The equival.:n l ci rc u it o C a tnllls Co nuc r i ll . pli ed by the square of the primary- to-second-
dUlles the effec ts o f leakage i ud uc tanco and resis tance of ary turns ratio. T his primary impedance is
bo th p ri mnry and secon dar y w iod io l;S. The r es is l:lllcc called the reflected impedance or reflected load .
Ilc is an e quivul e llt r esistance represent in g th e con s tant
cor e losse5. Si llce t bese are cornpar:ll ivdy s llllll l, t be ir ef. T he refle cted impedance will h av e the sa me
fec t way be n cglccted in many appr.).riwate calculations. phase angle as the secondary load impedance,
Electrical and Radio Fundc:mentals 45
seco ndn.ry! or when t.hcre is a la rge difference of
potential uct\\eclr prim,Lry and seconda ry.
Corc materia.l f OI s mall tr:tll sfM lIle rs is
II sually sil icon st.eel , ((d led trall :-; f'Hll1er i rorr ."
the applied voltage is constant, and t hat with
~~ the larger reactance takes a smaller eurrent.
~;; L
As a result, the difTerence between the two
currents becomes larger as the frequency is
~~ R Fm/venc:y
moved farthe r from resonance . Since the line
c ~ t:C_,_-,;;~~=,-_--= B-P~I.I.EI. RESONANCE current is the differen ce between the two cur-
FREQUENCY rents, the cu rrent in creases when t he freque ncy
I- ;.Il.. 2J, - C ha rac t e ris ti cs of ser il:"s- resonalJ! and par . movcs away fr om reso nance; in othe r words,
all d-r cso uant c i'cui:s wi lh vuri"tiO'HI ill r csista l1cc,R. the parallel impedance of the circuit decreascs.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 47
The va riation of parallel impedance of a prevents, or greatly redu ces, the loss frOIJ )
pnmllel-rcso nanl circuit with frequen cy is il- eddy c urrents. T he perme ~Lbili t,y of ::!uh :l
lu strated by the sa me c urves of Fig. 237 that II powd e red.iron" core is high enough , :tnd t 111'
show the variation in current with frequency co re losses are lo w enough, so that it iii po:o; .... ih!,
for the se ries-resonant circuit. The parallel t o con struct an iro n-core co il h a vi ll~ 10 \\
impedance a t resonance in creases as the series effective resistan ce than an ('oil o f till'
resistan ce is made gmaller. same indu ctance. Al though coils of thi s t.\"pi
Tn the case of paralle l circui ts, resonance now arc used chiefly at t he 10\\'cr ra dii , fn
may be defined in three way~: the co ndition quen eics (below a.bout 2 Me.), pr:'l cti c:lbh: irH!I'
which gi ves maximum i mpedance, that which core coils been constru cted for frcqllcll ("i(""
gives a power factor o f 1 (i mpedan ce purely approaching the very-high-frequcn cy l':l II !-!:<'.
resisti ve), or (as in series circuits) when t he in- S hn rpncss of reSQfHlII.ce - As the in tern:1I
du ctive and capacitive renctances arc equal. If se ri es resist a nce is in crcased the l"CSon:lIH'"
Lite resist a nee is lo w, the resonant frequenc ies cu rves become C<flatler " for frequen cies 11(';lr
obtai ned on the three bases arc practi cally the reso nan ce frequency, as s hown in F ig;. 2:~7 .
identical. Thi s conditio n usually is sati sfied in The relative sharpn ess of the reson a lu'e (' 111 \"1'
radio wor k, ~o that the resonant frequency of ncar re~o nanc e frequency is a mea s ure (If ! ill'
a parallel (, jrcuil is genemlly computed by the sharpness oj tuning or selectivity ( Ii t.y t o d i ..
series-reso nan ce for mul a given a.bove. crimi nate between voltages of different fI,
Uc ... istfl1l.cC a t h j rc(lllCll cics - At radio quen cies) in s uch circuits . Thi s is a n impoi"l :llll
frequencies the resistan ce of a co nductor may consideration in tuned circuits for radio Wil d,
be considerably higher than its re:-; istance to F l.),!vh ccl effeeL; Q - A resonnnt ('i n'lI;
dircc t current or low-frequency a.c. Thi s is may be compared to a fl ywlLee1 in its b eh~t\'iu l
becuu se t he magnetic fie ld set up in side the J ust as suc h a wheel will continue t o rcvn lYI'
wire lends t o forl.:e the curre nt to flow in the a.fter it is no longer driven, so a lso will o:-$\i lb
ou ter Dart of the wirc, an effect whi ch in- t ions of electrical en e rgy continue in a rosOIl:\l 1I
creases with frequ ency. At high radio fr equen- circuit after the source of po wer is rcmu vl,d.
cies t h is skin effect is so pronoun ced that The f1 y \vh eel continues to revo lve bec :1Il'''t~ 411'
practicall y all the cur rcnt fl ows very the its stored mechanical energy; CIIITcnt fio \\
sluface of the condu ctor, thereby in e ffe ct continues i n a resonant circuit by virtu c of tlli'
red ucin g the cross-sectiona l a rca and hence energy stored in the mag netiu field of th c "oil
i n crea ~ ing the resistan ce. F or thi s rcaso n low and the el ectric field of th e cont.lclI ~ er. Wh ell
resistancc ca n be a chi cved only by using con- t he applied po wer is s h ut off the energy SUl"g('~
ductors with large surface area , but, since the back and fo rth between the coil a nd uo nd ell ~ ('r ,
inner pnrt of the co nd uctor d oes not cn rry being first stored in the field of one, thell 1'1'.
cu rrent , thin-walled tubing will serve jus t as leased in the for m of current fl ow, und thell I"l'
well as sulid wire of the St~me di a meter. stored in the fie ld o f the other. Since there i
A furth e r effec t occu rs in coils a.t radi o fre- always resistance present so me of th e e ne rg.\'
quencies. The In a gneti c fie lds cause a co ncen- is lost as heat in the resistan ce during each n
tration of current in certa in pa rts of the con- th ese oscillal1'ons of ene rgy , and evc ll twl!l y :II
du cto rs, again causing an etTective dec rease the energy is so di ssipated. The !en gth of t in" ,
in the conductor size and rai sin g the resistance, the oscillations will co ntinue is pro portio n:ll i 0
These effects, plus the eff ects of stray currents the ratio of the energy stored t.o that di :;f,i-
cau sed by distrib uted ca pac ity ( 2-8 ), rai se pated in each cycle of the o sc ill:~t i o n. Thi s
the effective resistance of a coil at radiu fre- is called the Q (qu:.dity fa ctor ) of the circuit.
qu cncies to many t imes the d. c. resistance of Sin ce energy is sto red by eit her the ind uc t-
the wire. ance or capacity and may be di ::;sipated in
Alngn e l.ic IIwl,c r;n /.s a t hig h jrcqll c n c ic s - either the ind uctive o r capacitive bn\llch of th"
At frequen cies above the audi o range ( upper circuit, a Q can be establi s hed for e ither th e in
limit i n t IL e vicinity of 15,000 cycles) o rdillary ductance or capaci t y a lone as well a s for til!
iron and steel cOl'es are not useful for in creas ing e nt ire circui t. It can be shown that th e Cller)! \
the indu ctallce of coil s, alth ough they are stored is proportio nal to the reacl: ~lIce ;111.1
hi gh ly effective for th is purposc at low fre- that the energy di ss ipated is propo rtio n:ll I'
quencies. T his is prin cipally because losses the resistance, sothut l for eit her ill du ekl.1l('e VI
from cuncnts induced in the iron (eddy cur- capacity associated with resis t:w ce,
rents) increase to a prohi bitive extcnt at high
freque ncies, sin ce the in duced cu rrent is pro-
portiona l to frequency. Coils for radi o-f re-
que ncy purposes either a re constructed with-
ant magnetic m aterial (air-core) or ha ve spe- Thi s relationship is useful in circuit prohh'llI
cial ty pes of iron cores part.icularl y des igned to In resonnnt ci rcuils a.t freq uen cies belo'
reduce losses. Cores fo r rad io-freque ncy use are a.bout 28 Me. the inte rnal re s i st~\nce is pr:II'
made from fin ely div ided iro n of selected tically wh oll y in the coi l; condcn:;er I' c~isl:l llt,~
gmdes, held together with an in s ulating bind- ma,y be neglected. Con sC(! 11 c ntl y , th c Q of tllO'
ing mate rial ill such a. way tha t each iro n IKl rti- circui t a.s <"\. whole i::; determi ned by the Q of f Ill'
cle is efIecti vely insu lated from the others. This coil, o r its ratio of reac tallce to ce. ('~,iJ:-;
for freq1lencies below the very-hi gh-frequency vi ce versa) so that thc circuit bccomes rea c-
region may hnve Qs mnging from 100 to sev- t ive. a nd the resist ive compo nent of t he im
e ra l hundred, depending upon the ir size and PCd:l!l(,C dC('l"e:lscs a s s hown in F ig. 238.
con ~ t.l'uct.ioll. If the ci rcuit Q is 10 o r more , t he paralle l
The silll t' p nC:-3S of reson ance of a tu ned ci r- impeda nce a t. resona.n ce is given by the formula
('\lit. is di rc.t, pro p or~ i onal t.o the Q of the Z, ~ X' / R ~ XQ
c-i rcu it . As all indication of the effect. of Q, the
e nrl'cnt i n n. se ri es circuit drops to 3. little less where X is the reactance of e ither the coil or
t han half its resonance va.llle when the applied the condense r an d N is the in ternal resistan ce.
frequency is cha nged by an amount eq ual to Q of lO{u lc(l c i rc l/.il s - I ll many ap pli ca-
l / Q times t he reso nant frequency. T he pa l':'\ l- ti o ns, parti cu larl y in rece iv in g, the on ly power
le i impeda n ce of a paralle l circ uit simila rl y de- d iss ipa ted is that los t in the resistan ce of the
creases wi t. h ch rtngc in fre qu en cy. For ex am ple, resonant circui t itsel f. H c nce the coil s hould be
in a circ ui t. ha ving: a Q of 100 , changing the a p- d cs i~ ned to have as hi~ h Q a s possible. Since,
plied frequency by 1/ 100 t h o f th e reso na nt with in limi ts, ill crca.sing the number of turn s
freque ncy will dec rease the parallel impedance l"ll ises the rcactance fa~te l" th an it raises the
to less than half its value a t I'CSOIl:lllce. rc:-: istanee, coils for Sti ch purposes are made
J) u,npiu g . u ecre n w n t - T he rate a t whi eh with rela t ively la rge inducta nce for tbe fre-
cu rren t dies dow n in am plituue in ~l. reso nan t que ncy u ll der con sidera.tion.
circu it after th e so urce o f power has bee n re- On the other h a nd, when the circu it delivers
moved is called t he decrement o r damping of enCl'g~' t o a load , as in the of the resona nt
the cinu it . A circuit wit h high decrement cir cuit s w:;('d in t ran s m itters, the e nergy con-
(low Q) is s a id to be highly d~l. mpeJ j o ll e with su med in t he circuit itse lf is us ua lly negl ig ible
low dccrelnc nt (h igh Q) i ~ lig ht ly da.m ped . compa.rcd with that cons umed by the load . The
Vo ll.u ge ri:sc- When a voltage of the reso- e qlli v~lle nt of such a circu it ca n be represented
na nt freqll c wcy is i nsert.ed in series in a reso- as sho wn in Fig. 239-A, where t.he paralle l
nant. rirl'll it, the volb v;e whi ch appears aero<::; rcs ist o!" rep resen ts the load to which power is
either t he coil or cOlLdense r is t.'on ~ ider :l h ly delive red . ]f th e po we r d issipated in the load
higher tha n the applied vo lt ~~~c. Th is is iw - is greater by 10 times or m ore than the power
('a use the cu rrent in the circuit is limited onl y lost in the coil and condense r, the parallel im-
by the resistance, a nd hen ce may have a rela- peel ::mcc of t he reso nan t circu it alolie will be so
t.ive ly hi gh val ue; ho we ver, the Rame current high compared t o the resistance of the loa d
flo ws thro u gh the hi gh re~lc t an('eS of Lhe coil t h1l,t t he btte r may be con sidered to determine
and con uc nser , an d conseque nt ly Ctl-uses la :-,L!;e the impedance of the cOlnbincd circuit. (The
vo ltage drops ( 2-8) . As ex pl a in ed above, t he pa ra ll el impedance o f the tuned ci rcuit a lone
reactanccs are of opposite t y pes and hence the is re;.; istivc at reso na nce, so t hat t he i rnpedance
voltages are opposi te in phase, so that the net of th e combined circuit mly be calcu la ted from
voltage a roun d the circ uit is only that which is th e formula for resistances in pa. ra llel. If one
applied. Th e ratio o f the reactive voltage to the of two resistances in parali el bas 10 t i mes t he
applied vol tage is pro po rt ional to the ra.tio of resistance of the other, the res ultn nt resist-
reactance t o resistance , wh ich is the Q of t he a nce is pmctically equa l to th e smaller resist-
cir cuit,. Hen ce . the voltal-!(: H,c ross eith er t he co il a nce.) Th e error will be s mall , therefore , if the
o r co nd c nser is equal to Q t imes t he voltage in- losses in t he tuned circu it alone neglected.
se rted in seri es wi t h th e circ uit. Th en, since Z = XQ, the Q of a. circuit loaded
P u ru l/el -rm;un lul.t c irc n i.t imp cc/n n ce- with a l"esistive impcct tUlce , Z, is
Th e parallel-resonant circui t offers pure re-
sista.n ce (its resonant impedance) between it s Q ~~
termin a ls because the tine current is practically X
in phase with the ap pli ed voltage. At frequell- where Z is the load resistance connected across
(" ies otT reso nance the cUlTc nt in creases through the circu it a nd X i s the react a nce of eithe r the
t he bra nch having the lower reactance (an d coil or con denser. H e nce, for a given pa ra ll el
impedance, the effec t ive Q of tbe cir cuit i n-
cludin g the load is inverse ly proportiollal to
th e re~l-cta. n c e of either the co il or th e co n-
d enser. A circuit loaded with a re lative ly low
resisia.nce (a few tho usand o hms) must th ere-
, >
fo re ha ve a b rge ca pac ity and relati vely sma ll
i ndllct~ln c e to ha ve reaso nably high Q.
!,---!~ l"rolll the abo ve it is evident that connecting
J:- l :ct
n resistance in parallel with a resona nt circuit
decrea ses the i m ped a nce of th e circu it. H o w-
FRau .... N Cy
ev er, t he reactances in the circuit are un-
c h ~\n geJ, ll once the red uction in impeda nce is
Fi g. 238 - Th e i Ulpedanee of u I,arall;::l.rcsona nt resis t . c q ui va.le nt to a reductio n in the Q of t he cir-
a ll( e cl lCtl it is s how n here sepa rOl te d in to i ts reac tall ce
'I nri res is tanc e cOI.n po nc n ts . Tlw pn r n!ld rcs iSI:lrlee of t h e cuit. Th e sa me redu ctio n in im pedan ce a lso
ci rcu it is c q u:d to th e pa r:dlcl imp\! ~bnce a t r esonance. cou ld be brou ght about by incrca.sin g the series
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 49
resistance of the circuit. The equivalent seres jected t o an electric charge and, conversely,
resistance introduced in a resonant circuit by will show a diITerence in pote ntial between two
an :lctual resistance connected in parallcl is faces when su bj ected t o me chanical s t ress. This
th at value of resistance whi ch, if added in characteri stic is called the piezoelectric effect.
A pi ezoe lect ric crys tal is a mechanical vibrator
electrically equivalent to a. series-reso nant
circuit of very high Q, and can be used fo r
CA) many of the purposes for which ordinary reSO-
n ant circuits are used.
fl 2-11 Coupled Circuits
~R Ene rgy trn n,4cr ; londing - Two circu i ts
(B)~ arc sa id to be coupled wh en energy can be
transferred from o ne to the o ther. The circuit
Fig. 239 - Tile equi"lIlcIII c ircu it of n reson:H1 t c ir- delivering energy is call ed the primary circuit;
c ll it ddiverin g power to 1I 10:1(1. The resistor U re presen ts that receiving ene rg y is called th e seco ndary
tbe load resis tance. A t (B) th e lo;nl is t al)l)cJ across
part o f L . which by lr:m s fofwc r ac tio n is equ ivalent to c;rcllit. T he energy may be practically all
u sin g a hi gher load resis tance nc ross the whole circuit. dissipated in th e seco nd ary circuit itself, as in
receiver circ uits, or the secondary may simpl y
series with the co il and co nde nser, would de- act as ~~ medium through wh ich the energy is
crease the ci rcu it Q to the same value it has tran s ferred to a load resistance where it d oes
when the parallcl resist::l.I1ce is connected . work . I n t he latter case, the coupled circu its
When the resistance of the reso nant circu it may act as a rad io- frequen cy impedance-
alone can be neglct.:ted , the equivalent re- matching device ( 2-9) where the matchi ng
sistance is can be accom pli shed by adjusting the load i ng
on the secondary ( 2-10) and by varying the
R = X'l
Z coupling between t he prim ary and secondary.
Coupling b y (l co m.m .on. c irc ui t e lenwnt-
the sy mbols having the sa me meaning as in t he One meth od of cou plin g betwee n two resona nt
formula above. circuits is to have some type of circu it ele me nt
The effect of a load of give n resistance o n commo n to both ci rcu its. Th e three vMiations
the Q of the circuit can be ch anged by con - of this type of coupl ing (ofte n called direct
nec ting the load across only pa rt of the circuit. coupl'mg) sh own at A, B and C of Fig. 240,
Th e most comm o n meth od of accompli shi ng utilize a com mon indu ctan ce , capacity and
this is by tapping the load across part of the resistance, respectively. C urrent circulatin g
coil , as sh own in Fi g. 239-B. Th e smaller the in one LC bran ch fl ows through the co mmon
porti o n of th e coil across which th e load is clement (Le, C~, o r R e) and the voltage devel-
tapped, the less the loading on the circ ui t; in o ped across thi s eleme nt ca uses c urrent to fl o w
other words, tapping the load "dow n 11 is in the o ther LC bran ch. The degree of cou plin g
equivalent to con necting a higher value of load between the two ci rcuits becomes g reate r as the
resistance across the whole circuit. Thi s is reactance (or resista nce) of the co m mo n ele-
similar in princ iple to impeda nce tran sforma- m ent is i ncrea.sed in com parison to the remain-
ti o n with an ircn-core transfor mer ( 2-9). ing reactan ces in the two branches.
However, in the high-frequ en cy resonant cir- If both circuits a re r esonant to the sam e
cuit the impedance ratio does not vary exactly frequency, as is usuaHy the. case, the common
as the square of the turn ratio, becau se all the impedance - react a nce or resistance.- re-
magneti c flu x lines do not cut eve ry turn of Quired fo r maxi mum energy tran sfer is gener-
the coil. A desired reflected impedan ce uSlwlly ally quite s mall co mpared to the other react-
mu st be obt a in ed by experimental adjustmen t . ances in the circuits.
Li e rnl.iQ - The formula for resonant fre- Copaci.ty coupling - The circuit at D
quency of a ci rcuit sho ws that the sa me fre- shows ele ctrostatic coupling between two reso-
quency a lway s ,v iII be obtained so long a s the nant circuits. The coupling in creases as the
product of Land C is constant. Wi thi n this of C~ is made greater (reactance of Ce
limitation, it is evident that L can be large a nd is decrea sed ). When two resonant circuits are
C small , L s mall and C large, etc. The relatio n coupled by thi s means, the capac ity required
bctwcen the two for a fixed frequency is call ed for maximum e nergy tran sfer is quite small if
the L I C ratio. A hl:gh-C circuit is one which the Q of the seco ndary circ uit is at a ll hi gh.
has more ca pacity than co normal" for the fre- For example, if the parallel impeda nce of the
quency; n.low-C circu it one \.... hich has Jess than secondary circuit is 100,000 ohms, the react-
normal c:l.pacity . I 'hese terms depend to a ance of the coupling condenser need not be
considerable exten t u pon the particular a p pli - lower th an 10,000 ohms or so for ample cou -
catio n considere d , and have no exact numer i- pling. Th e correspond ing capaci ty re quired is
cal meanin g. only a few micromj crofarad s a.t higb frequencies.
J'i.e:zoc l.cC l.ric i.I.y - Properly ground plntes ]lI.du.c l.;' r;c c oupling - Fig. 24.0 - E illu strate!> .
01' bars of qua rtz and ce rta in other crysta lline inductive coupling, o r co upling by means of
mate ri a ls show a mcchani cal strain when su b- the magneti c field. A circuit of this type re-
Cocffic i.e nt of co upling - The degre e of
coupli ng between bvo coils is a funct io n of
Input Output (A) their mutual inductance and self-inductances:
ondary is "tight" (coefficient of coupling
, Output (E) lar ge), the eiTec t of indu ctive co u pl ing in ci r-
cuits A and B, Fi g. 242, is mu ch the sarne as
L, L2
though the circuit having the ull tunecl co il
Fig . 240 - Basic metuods of circ u it co u plin g.
were tapped on t hc tuned circuit ( 2-10). Thu s
any resistanee in the cir cuit to which the un-
sembles the iron-core transformer ( 2-9) but, tuned coi l is connected is coupled into the
because only a s mall percentage of the flux t uned circuit in propo rt io n to the mutual in-
lines se t up by one coil cut the turns of the du cta nce. Thi s is equivalent to ;l.n in crease in
othe r coil, th e simple relati o nships between the series resist a nce of the tuned circ uit, a nd its
t Ul'll S ratio, voltage ratio and impedance ratio Q and selecti vity ~re red u ced ( 2- 10). The
in the iron-c ore transformer do not hold. To higher the coeffic ient of coupling, the lower the
determine the ope ration of such circuits, it is Q fo r a given val ue of resistance in the coupled
necessary to take account of the mutual induct- circuit. These circuits may be used fo r imped-
a nce ( 2-5 ) between the coils. ance matching by ad justment of the coupling
Gnh eOf,f.plin g - A vari ati on of inductive and of the number of turn s in the untuned coil.
co upling, called link coupling, is show n in Fig. If the circuit to whi ch the untu ned coil is
241. Thi s g ives the effect of inductive coupling connected has reacta nce , a cert:lin amount of
between two co il s which may be so separated reactance will be "cou pled in " t o th c tuned
that they have no mutual ind uctance; the link circu it depending upon the arnount of re-
may be considercd simply as a means of pro- actan ce present and t he degree of cou pli ng .
viding the mutual indu cta nce. Because mutual The chief effect of t h is cou pl ed rca ctance is to
inductance bp.t\,,ccn coil and link is involved at req uire readjustment of the tuning when the
each end of the link, the total mutual induct- coupling is increase d, if the tuned ci rcui t has
ance between two li nk-coupled circuits cannot fir st been adjusted to resonance und er condi-
be made a s great as when normal.indu ctive tions of very loose coupling.
cou pli ng is used . In practice, however, t his
o rdin a rily is not di sadvantageous . Link cou-
pl ing frequently is convenient in the design of
equipment where inductiv e couplin g would be
impracticable because of cons tructional con-
si derations.
T he link coils generally have few t urns co m-
pared to th e resonant-circu it co il s, since t he Fig. 241 ~ Li"k coupling . TLe mulual induCl1mces at
coefficie nt of coupling is re latively indepen dent bOl b cnds of tbe li nk are cquiva lent to m ut ual indu(! l all(:c
of the number o f turn s o n either coil. be twee u tLe tUlled circuits. and SCl"\'C tb e s nm e puqJOSC.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 51
prim ary by the secondary retunes the primary
circuit to a new resonant frequency. Thus, at
some frequency off resona nce, the primary cur-
rent will be maximum, while at the actual res-
onant frequency the current will be smaller
because of the resistan ce coupled in from the
secondary at resonance. There is a point of
maximum primary current both above and
below the true resona nt frequency.
These effects are almost negli gible with very
(0) "loose" coup li ng (coefficient of coupling very
small ), but increase rapidly as the coupl ing
increases. Because of them , the selectivity of a
pair of coupled resonan t circuits can be var ie d
over a considerable range simply by changin g
t he coupling between the m. T ypical curves
show ing the variation of selectivity are shown
' C1
. . ou.tput
in F ig. 243, lettered in order of in creasi ng co-
effi cient of coupling. At loose coupling, A, the
voltage across the secondary circu it (induced
v oltage multiplied by the Q of the seco ndary
circuit) is less than t he maxim um possible
Fi~. 2tJ2 - Types of induc tively coupled c ircuits. I n A because th e in duced voltage is small with loose
allJ -13, olle circuit is tUlied. the other untu ned . C show s coupling. As t he coupling in creases the sec-
th e m ctbod o f cotll)l i u g b etweeo two tuned c ircuits.
ondary voltage also increases, until critical
COUplf! d resonctnt circuits - The effect of coupling, B, is reached. At still closer co upling
a tuned-seconda ry ci rcuit on a tuned primary t he effect of the primary current ('humps"
is somewhat morc co mplicated than in the causes the secondary voltage to show so me-
simpler circuits just described. When the sec- what sim ilar humps, while wh en the COUI)ling
ondary is tuned to resonance with the applied is further increased the frequency separation of
frequency, its impedance is resistive only. If the the humps becomes greater. Reso nance curves
primary a lso is tuned to reso nan ce, the current such as those at C and D are called fla t- j(
flowing in the secondary circuit (caused by the topped," because the output voltage is sub-
induced voltage) 'will, in t urn ,. inclucc a volt- stantially constant over an appleciable fre-
age in the prima ry which is opposite in phase quency range . Such a characterist ic is desirable
to the voltage acting in series in the primary in many receiver applicati ons.
circuit. This opposing voltage reduces the Cr i t ico l coupl ing - It will be observed that
effective prim ary voltage, and thus causes a re- max imum secondary voltage is obtained in t he
duction in primary current. Since the a ctual curve at B in Fig. 243. With tighter coup ling
voltage applied in the primary circuit has not the reson ance curve te nd s to be double-peaked,
changed, the redu ction in cu rrent ca n be looked but in no case is s uch a peak higher than
upo n as bein g caused by au increase in t he re- that shown for curve B. The cou pling at which
sistance of the primary circuit . That is, the the secondary voltage is maximum is known as
effect of coupling a resonant secondary to the critical coupling. With this coupling t he re-
pr imary is to increase t he primary resistance. sistance coupled into th e primary ci rcuit is
The resistance under consideration is the series equal to the resistance of the primary itself,
resistance of the primary circuit, not the paral- corresponding to t he condition of matc hed
lel i mpedance or resistance. T he parallel re- impeda nces. H ence, th e energy transfer is max-
sistance decreases, si nce the in crease in se ries imum at critical C't)u pli n g. The over-all selec-
resistance reduces the Q of the primary cir- ti vity of the coupled circuits at critical coupl i ng
If the secondary circuit is n ot t uned to res-
onance, the voltage induced back in the pri-
mary by t he f:i econdary current will not be ex-
actly out of phase with the voltage acting in
the primary; in effect, reactance is coupled
into the primary circuit: If the a p plied fre-
quency is fixed and the secondary circuit tun-
ing is being va ried , th is mea ns that the primary
circuit will have to be retu ned to resonance
each t ime the seco nd ary tu nin g is changed.
1 the two circuits are initia lly tuned to res-
onance at a given freque ncy and then the ap- Fig. 21J.3 - Sf:a owins the effect Oil th e outpul volta ge
plied frequency is varied, both circu its be co me fro lll the secondary c ircuit o f c bao gin g tbe cocfficicn l. of
coupling between two resooant c ircuits iud cJ:H.: udentl y
reactive at all frequencies off resonance. Uuder tU llcd to th e sa ru e fnquc ncy . The inllllt vo lta ~e is h eld
these conditions. the reactance coupled into the constant ill a nll'lit uJc while the frequellcy is varied .
is intermedia te between that obta inable wi t h for constructio nal reasons, mu st be physicall y
loose coupling and t igh t cou plin g. At very loose near eac h ot her. Capacitive cou pling may
coupling, the selectivity of the syste m is ve ry readi ly be prevented by enclos ing one or both
nearly equal to the product of the selectiv ities of th e circuits in grounded low-res ista nce
o f the two circu its taken se pn.rateiy; that is, the meta llic containers, called shields . T he e lectro-
effective Q of t he ci rcuit is equal to the produ ct static fiel d from th e circuit components d oes
of the Qs of the primary and seco ndary. not penetrate the shi eld, because t he li nes of
Effect oj cirClli.! Q - Critica l coupling is a force are short-circuited ( 2-3) . A melallic
fun ctio n of the Qs of the tw o cir cuits take n in- plate called a ba.Dle shield, inserted bet ween
de pe nde ntly. A hi gher coe ffi cient of coupli ng two co mp one nts, may suffi ce to prevent elec-
is requi red to reach critical eoup lin g when t he t rosh\tic coupling betw ee n them, sin ce very lit-
Qs are 10\. . ; if the Qs arc high, as in re ceivin g t le of the fi eld tend s to bend around suc h a
applicatio ns, a cou pling coefficie nt of a fe w shie ld if it is large enough to make t he compo-
per cent may g ive criti cal co upling. nents electrostnti cally invi sibl e to o th e r.
With loaded circuits it is not im possible fo r Sim il ar meta llic shielding is lIsed at radio
the Q t o reac h su ch lo w values th a t critical frequencies to preven t magnet.ic coupling. ] n
coupling cann ot be obtained even wit h the t his case th e magnct.ic field indu ces a curre nt
highest pract ica ble coefficient of cOll pling (coil s (eddy current) in t he s hi eld, whi ch i n tu m sets
as cl ose physica lly as p ossible). ] n such case up its ow n magnet.i c fi eld opposing the original
thc o nly way to secu re sufficie nt coupl ing is to fi eld ( 2-5). Th e induced curre nt i~ propor-
increase the Q of on e or both of the coupled tio nal to the fre q ue ncy and also t o th e conduc-
circuits. Thi s ca n be done eith e r by dec reasing tivity of the shield , hen ce th e shielding effect.
the Lie rat io or by tap ping the load down on in creases wi t h frequency and with t he co nduc-
the secondary coil ( 2- 10). One or th e other of tivity and thi ck ness of the sh ie lding mate rial. A
these meth ods oftcn m ust be use d with link cl osed shi e ld is required fo r good magnetic
coupling, becau se t he maximum coe fficient of shi elding; i n some cases sepa rate sh ie ld s, o ne
couplin g between two coil s seldo m runs higher about eac h co il , may be required. Th e ba.flI e
than 50 or 60 per ce nt .and the net coeffic ien t shiel d is rather ineffecti ve for mag netic shield-
is approx imate ly equa l to the products of the ing, alth ough it \vill give partial s hi elding if
coeffi cien ts at eae h end of the link. If the load pl aced at right angles to t he axes of , as well as
resistan ce is know n beforeha nd , the circuits bet wee n, th e two co il s to be shielded fr om
may be designed for a Q in th e vicinity of 10 each oth er.
or so with a ss urance tha t su ffic ie nt cou pling Can cellatio n of pn rt of th e fi e ld of t h e coi l
will be availa ble; if unkn o wn, the prope r Qs can reduces its indu ctan ce, a nd, since some ene rgy
be determined by ex perimen t. is di ssipated in the sh ield, th e effective res ist-
S hielding - Frequently it is necessary to a nce of t he coil is raised as we ll. H ence the Q o f
preven t coupling betwee n two circuits which, th e coil is reduced. The effec t of shield in g on
coi l Q and i nducta nce becom es less as
Jnp~PUI Inpu~utPUI
the di stance between the co il and s hi el d
is increased . The losses also decrease
ocT o cT
L- Section..
0 C 0
with an in crease in the conductivity
of the s hi el d m a te rial. Copper and
aluminum are satis factory materials.
?r-5ectton The Q and induf'tn nce will n ot be
greatly redu ced if the spacing be-
tween the sides of t he coil and the
shield is a t least half the coil diam-
eter, and is not less than the coil
diameter at the end s of the coil.
At audio frequen cies th e shie ld ing
Jn~1 contai ner is made of magnetic mate-
rial, preferably of high permeability
( 2-5), to s ho rt- cir cui t the extern al
L-Sectwn. Ii -Section, fl ux about the coil t o be shi elded . A
HI G H PASS no nm agnetic s hield is quite i neffec-
tive at these low frequencies because
the induced current is s mall.
Fi.lte r s - By s uitable choi ce of
circuit el eme nts a coupling systc m
m ay be designe d t o pass, wi thout un-
du e attenu ation, all fre qu encies be lo w
o C 1 0
and reject all frequen cies above a
certain valu c, ca lled the cut-oJ! fre-
quency. Such a couplin g syste m is
R ES IS TANCE - CAPAC IT V ca ll ed a filter , and i n th e above case
Fig_ 244 - "E"amp lei of the var;ou i t y p e, of " ;'":;.I c Gl t e r c irc u;tfi . is known a.s n.lo W- 1)aSS filteT.
Electrical and Radio Fundamentals 53
1 fre que ncies a bove the cu t-off frequency nrc A
passed and those bel o w attenuated , the filter is
a high- pass filler . Si mple filte r circ ui ts of both
t y pes a re shown in F ig. 24.4. Th e fund a me ntal
circuit, h'om which m ore complex filters are
const ructed, is the L-section. F ig. 244 also shows
7t-section fi lters, constructed fr om the basic L- (A) (B)
sectio n, which a re frequently encountered both
in low-frequency an d r.f. circuits. Th e propor-
t ions of L a.nd C fo r proper operation o f the fil-
ters depe nd upo n the load resistance connected
across the output termi nals, L being larger an d
C s maller as the load resistance is increased .
A band-pass filte r is one designed to pass
with ou t atte nuati o n a ll freq uencies bet ween
two selected cut-off frequen cies, and to atten- (e) CD)
uate all frequencies ou tside these li mits. The
group of fre q uen cies passed throu gh the fi lter
is called the pass-band. T wo reso nant circuits
with greater than cr itica.l coupling represen t a
common form of band-pass filter .
T he res'istance-Clt1)acity fi /tVT, shown in Fig.
244, is used where both d.c. and a.c, are fl o wing
t hrough the circuit and it is desired to provide
greater atte nu ation for the a lter natin g current (F)
th:t ll the di rect current, .It is usually e mpl oyed
where t he direct curre nt has a low va lu e so
th a t the d.c. voltage drop is not excessive, or Fig. 245 - Bridge circuits utilizin g resista nce. induc l-
an ce and capacity a rms, both (Ilone a nd in co mbination .
when a d .e . voltage dro p a ct ua ll y is requ ired.
The t ime co nstant ( 2-6) must be large co m- Bridges similarly can be formed with co n-
pared to the time of o ne cycle of the lowest de nsers, indu ctan ces a nd combi nati ons of
freque ncy to be attenuated. In determining the res ista nce with eit her. Typi cal simple arrange-
t im e co nstant, the resista nce of the load mu st ments a re shown in Fig. 245. For measure-
be includ ed as well as that in the fil te r itse lf. ments with alternating currents the brid ge
Bridge circui.ts - A bridge circuit is a device must no t introduce phase shifts which would
primaril y used in making meas urements o f re- destroy the balance, hence simi lar impeda nces
sistance, reacta nce or impedance ( 2-8), al - should be use d in eac h bran ch, as shown in
t hou gh it ha.s other applicati o ns in radio cir- Fig. 245 , and the Qs of the coi ls and con-
cu its. T he fu ndamenta l for m is shown in Fig. dense rs s hould be the same. \Vhen bridges are
245-A . I t consists of four resista nces (called used at audio frequen cies, a telephone h eadset
arms) connected in ser ies-pa rallel to a sou rce is a good null indi cator. The bridges at E and
of voltage , E, with a sen sitive galvanometer, F are co mmonly used in r .f. neutralizing circuits
J1f, connected between the junctions of the ( 4-7); the voltage from the source, E ac , is
series-connected pairs, When the equatio n ba lan ced out at X.
Rl Ra ([ 2-12 Linear Circuits
n, ~ n, Stan.ding waves - If an electrical impuls e
is satisfied there is no potentia l difference be- is started along a wire, it will travel at approx i-
tween points A and H, since the drop across R'l mately the speed of light until it rea ches the
equals that across R" and the drop across RI end. If the end of the wire is open circuited,
equals t hat across Il a. Unde r these con di t ions the i mpulse will be reflected at thi s point and
the bri dge is sa id to be balanced, and no Clll"I'ent will tra vel back again. When a hi gh-frequency
flow s through Al. If Ra is an u nkn own resist- a lternating voltage is appli ed to the wire a cur-
a nce and R4 is a variable known resi!: tance, rent will flow toward the open end, and reflec-
Ra can be found fro m the foll o wing equation tion will occur co nti nuously . If the wire is lo n g
a fter 114 has bce n adjusted to ba lan ce t he e nough so that time comparable to a half cycl e
bridge (null indication on M): or more is required for cur t'e nt to travel to t1l C
Ra = -nl R4
open end, the ph ase relatio ns between the re-
n, fle cted current and outgoing cu rre nt will vary
al ong the wire , and at one poi nt the two cur-
RI and R 'l are known a s th e ratio arms of the rents will be 180 degrees out of phase and fit
bridge; th e ratio of their resistallces is US U:1l! y another in phase, with in te rm ed iate values
n.djustable (frequently in ste ps of 1, 10, 100, beh ... ee n. Assuming negli gible losses, thi s m ean s
etc.), so that a single variable resi:rstor, R", can that the resultant current will vary in ampli -
se rve a s a standa"d fo r measu ring widely di f- tude fr o m ze ro to a maximum value along
fe rent val ues of unkno wn resistance. the wire. Such a variation is c::dled a standing
wave. The voltage along the wire al so goes third harmoni c ex cita tion . T here is one point
through sta nding waves, but reaches its maxi- of maximum cu rrent with fundamental opera-
mum values where the current is minimum ti o n, two wben operation is at the second har-
and vice versa. moni c, and three at the third ha rmoni c ; the
Dumber of current maxima corresponds to the
2nd HarnwfJk order of the harm o nic and the number of stand-
h",dam~ntal or lsi
_-- ,----L J./armomc ing waves on the wire. As noted in the figure ,
the points of maximum current are called
anti-nodes (al so known as "loops >I) and the
points of zero current are called nodes .
RUffinl,i o n r es i s tan ce - Since a line cir cuit
bas di stributed indu ctan ce and capacity, cur-
rent flow cau ses storage of energy in mag-
netic and electrostatic fields ( 2-3, 2-5). At
a- Current Haxima (anti-noder) lo\v frequencies practically all the energy so f - Curr~nt !lades
stored is returned to the wire during another
Fig. 246 - S t a nd in g-w a ve current d is tribution on a
wire operating as an osci llato r y c i rcu it, a t t he f undamen-
part of the cycle ( 2-8), but above 15,000
tal, sccoll d harmonic a nd t hird h a rm o nic f re q uencies. cycles or so (radio frcquen cy) some escapes-
is radi ated - in the form of electromagnetic
Fre qu e n cy und w a vcZe n g th - It is possible waves. Since energy radiated by a line or an-
to describe the con stants of s uch line circuits i n tenna is energy di ssipated, insofar as the li ne
terms of ind uctance and capacitance, or in- is con cerned, the energy loss can be con sidered
ductance and capacitance per unit length, but t o take place in an equivalent resistance. This
it is more convenient to give them simply i n equivalent resistance is known as radi ation
terms of fundame ntal resonant frequency or of resistance .
length. Since t he velocity at which the current R esolw II, c ircuits - The effective re-
travels is 300 ,000 ki lometers (186,000 miles) sistance of a resonant straight wire, s uch as an
per second, the wavelength, or d istance through antenna, is co nsiderable, because of the powe r
which the current \. . iB travel in the t ime of one radiated . The resonance c urve of SUCll it
cycle, is straight-line circuit is qu ite broad; i n other
x ~ 300 ,00 0 word s, its Q is rela tively low. However , by
he. folding the line , a s suggested by Fig. 247, the
fields abo ut the adjacent sections largely can-
where}.. is t he wavelength in meters and f,.~ . is cel each other and very little radiat~cn takes
t he frequency in kilocycles. The lowest fre- place. The radiation resistance is greatly re-
quency at which t he wire or li ne will be reso- duced, and the line-type circuit can be made to
nant is known as its fundamental frequency have a very sharp resonance curve, or high Q.
or wavelength. It is common to desc ri be lines
(or antennas, which have similar current an d Standin9 Walle
- ___ _ / ofCVrrent
voltage d istribution) as halJ-wave, quarter-wave,
---- ............. ,
etc., for a certain frequency ("half-wave
7000-kc. antenna, " for in stance) . ,,
Wavelength is also used interch a ngeably
with frequency in describing not only antennas """'~:.,{rl~-- % --~..j;} I:;!:c~
but also tuned circuits, complete trans mitters, ,
t:eceivers, etc. Thus, the terms" high-frequency /
! -lLfU--
rent component alone . The effective value
( 2-7) of the combination is equal to the
square root of the sum of the effecti ve a .c.
squared aod t he d.c . squared:
I ~ VI.,' + [..,'
~ o~L----L-----------
wbere l ac is the e ffective value of the a.c. rfM E _
co mponent, I is the e ffective value o f the com-
Fig. 249- Pulsa lin g c urren t , composed of au a l
bination , a nd I de is th e ave rage (d.c.) value of terun t iu g curr ent s u perimposed on a direc t c urreot.
the combination.
lJe aL ... - If two or more alter nating currents G r Qun.d s - The term It ground is fre-
of different frequen cies nre prese nt in a normal quently met with in discussions of ci rcuits.
ci rcuit they have no particular effect upon Normally it menns the voltage reference po int
one another, and for thi s reason can be se pa- in the circuit. There mayor may not be a n ac-
rated again at any t i me by the proper selective tual connection to earth, b ut it is understood
circuits . H owever, if two (or more) alternatin g that a poin t in th e circuit to be at (Jround
currents of differen t frequen cies are present potential could be connected to earth without
in a n element having unilate ra l or one-way di sturbing the operatio n of the circuit in any
current fl ow properti es, not only will the two way . In d irect-current cir cuits , the negative
origin a l frequencies be present in the output side ge nerally is grounded. The ground symbol
but al so currents having frequenci es equ a l to in circui t diagrams is used for convenience in
the sum, and difference, of the original fre- in dicating common connections between vari-
quencies . Thes e S U lD. and differe nce fre q ue ncies ous p at'ts of th e circu it, :lS through a meta l called the beat frequencies. For example, jf chass is, and , wi t h res pect to actual grou nd ,
frequenc ies of 2000 a n d 3000 kc. are prese nt in usu ally has the mea ning indicated a bove.
Vacuum Tubes
t ube thi s powe r is d issipated i n heat developed
4l. 3-1 Diodes i n t he plate a nd rad iated to the bu lb.
J( ec l.ification - P ractically an of the vac- Spa ce cJwrge - With the cath ode te m-
u um t ubes used in radio work depend u pon perat ure fi xed the total number o f electron:;)
t herm io nic conductio n ( 2-4) fo r t heir opera- e mitted is always the same, regardless of the
t ion. The simpl est type of vacuum tube is that pl ate voltage. Fi g. 301 s hows, however, th a t
shown in Fi g. 301. H has two elements, a cat h- less plate cur re nt will fl ow at low pl a t e voltages
ode and a plate, and is called a diode. W he n t ha n \vhcn the p late voltage is large. \Vith low
heated by th e " A" battery t he cat hode emits pl a te volt<\ge, only th ose electrons nea rest t he
elect rons, whi ch a rc a ttracted to the plate if the plate are attracted to t he pl a te. T he e.l ectrons
plate is at a positive potential wi t h respect to in the space nca r t he cathode, being themselves
t he cathode. negatively charged, tend to repel the sjmilarly
Because of the nature of t he rmionic con- cha rged electrons le a ving the cathode surfa ce
duct io n, t he tube is a conductor in one direc- and ca use thern t o fall back on t he cathode.
tio n o nly. If a SO U Tce of al te rnating voltage is Thi s is called the space- charge effect. As the
conn ected be t wee n t he cath ode and plate, then p late voltage is ra ised more I\ nd marc e lectrons
electrons wi ll fl ow on ly on t he positive ho.lf- a re attracted to the pl ate, until finall y th e space
cycles of alternating voltage; there wi ll be 110 ch arge effe ct is complete ly overcom e. W he n
electron Bow du ring th e half cycle whe n the th is occurs a ll the elect rons em itted by the
plate is nega ti ve with res pect t o t he ca thode. cat hode are attracted to the plate, l\ nd a fur-
T hus t he tube ca n be used as a rectifier, to ther in crease in plate vol t age ca n cause no
change al ternating current to pulsating direct furth er in crease in pla te cur ren t. T hi s condi-
cu rren t . This alternating current can be any- tio n is called saturation.
thi ng from the 60-cycle kind to t he hi ghes t
rad io frequencies. 4l. 3-2 Triodes
R ectificatio n finds its chief applica t ions i n erul contro l - lf a third element, ca ll ed the
detecting radio signals and in power su pplies. centrol grid, or simply the grid, is inse rted be-
Th ese a re t reated in Cha pter s Se ven a nd t ween the cathode and plate of the di ode, t he
Eight, respe ctively. space-charge effect can be co ntrolled. The tube
Ch arac teris tic cur ves - T he performance then becomes a triode (t hree-e le ment tube) a nd
of the tu be can be red uce d to eas ily understood is useful for more things than rectificat ion . Th e
terms by maki ng use of tu be characteristic grid is usually i n the form of a n open sp iral or
curves. A typi ca l cha rac te ristic cu r ve for a mesh of fine wire. 1f the grid is con nected ex-
diode is shown at th e righ t , in Fig. 30 1. It t ernally to th e cathode so t hat it is at t he same
shows the cu rrent fl owing betwee n plate and pote ntia l as the cathode, and a stead y voltage
cat hode wi th different d.c. voltages appl ied from a d.c. supply is then applied be twee n the
bet ween th e c lements. The curve of Fig. 30 1 cathode a nd p late (th e positive of t he H B" s u p-
shows th at, with fix ed cathode temperature, pl y is always con nected to the plate), t he re
th e plate curre nt in creases as t he voltage be- w ill be a constant fl ow of ele ctro ns from cat h-
tween cath ode a nd p la te is r aised. For a n ac- ode to ph\te th rough the ope nings of the grid,
tual tu be the v:.d ues of plate current and plate m uch as in the diode. H owever, if t h e grid is
voltage wou ld be plotted a long their r es pective given a positive potential wi t h respect t o th e
axes. cnt hode , the space charge wi ll be partia lly
T h e power co nsumed in t he tube is the prod - neutralized a.nd t here will be a n increase in
uc t of the plate v oltage multiplied by t he plate pl ate current. If th e grid is made nega t ive wit h
current, just as in any d .c. circuit. I n a vacu u m respect to the cathode, the s pace ch a rge wi ll
be reinforced and the Current will dec rease.
T his effect of grid voltage ca n be s hown by
curves in which plate curre nt is plotted agai ns t
grid voltage. At an y given value of gri d v olt-
age t.he plate curren t \vill st ill depend upon t.he
plate voltage, so if co mplete in fo rm a t io n abo ut.
th e tube is to be sec ured it is neceSS:l I'Y to pl ot
a series of curves t a ken with va ri OliS values
of plate voltage. Such a se t of grid voltage VB.
F ig. 30 1 - Tbc diod e or t wocl em ent tube a nd a t ypical pl:l,Le CUl'I'cnt cu rves, typi ca l of a sma!! re ceiv-
d mrae tcristic cu r ve sh o .... in g p la te c urrc nt ... 5 . volta l!c. ing triode , is sho\\' II ill Fig. 30:3.
Vacu'um Tubes 57
ferring it to another circuit, must be con nected
in the pl a te circuit, :since no particularly useful
Fig. 302 - Illus trat- purpose would be served in having the cu rrent
in g the COlLstruc tiOIl of merely flow through the t ube :Uld the sou rce
Jill ele mentary tr iode
vaCUUIIl tube, SllOwi ll g of c.m.. Such a device is called the load, and
the fi la lll ent, j!rid (wil h may be either a resis tan ce or an impedance. The
an end view of t he grid term I! impedance" is frequently used even
wi res) aud plat e. The
rclali,,' C dcnsit y of the
though the load may be purely resistive.
s pace c1u tr ge is iudi- A ntplificntio n factor - T he relative effect
ca te(l rou s b ly b y the of the grid and plate voltages on the plate cur-
dO L d cnsit\". Bat tery rent is meas ured by the amplification f actor of
sy mbols f~l1o"' those SYMBOL
of th e us ual sc hematic the tube, usually represented by the Greek
dia grams. while Ihc '1 l etter ~. Amplifi cation factor is defi ned as the
schemat ic lubc s Ylilbol ratio of the change in plate v oltage required
is show n at t he ri Ght.
'1'1'1 '1'1' + to produce a given cha nge in plate curre nt to
the change in grid voltage required to produ ce
1'1'1' 1'101 the sa me plate-current change. Strictly speak-
So long as the grid has a negative potential ing, very small changes in both grid and plate
with res pe ct to the cathode , electrons emitted voltage must be used in determining the am-
by t he cathode arc repell ed ( 2- 3) fr om the plifi cation fa ct or, because the curves show ing
grid, with the res ult that no current flows to the the relation ship between plate voltage and
grid. Hence, unde r these conditions, the grid plate current, and between grid voltage a nd
consumes no power. However, when the grid pl a te current, a re not perfectl y straig ht, espe-
becomes positive with respect to the cathode, cially if the pla te current is nearl y zero. H ence
electron s are attracted to it, and a current flo ws the s lope ( 1- 10) varies at different poi nts
to the gr id ; w hen thi s gri d current flows, power along the curves, and different values will be
is di ssipated in the grid circuit. obtained fo r the amplificati on factor as larger
In addition to the set of curves showin g the or ~maller voltage difIerell ces are taken for th e
relation ship between grid voltage and plate purpose of calculating it. The express ion for
current at various fixed values of plate voltage, amplifica tion factor can be written:
two other sets of curves may be plotted to A Ep
show the characteristics of a triode. These are p. = t:. Eg
the plate voltage vs. plate current characteri s-
tic, which shows the relationship between plate where A Ep in dicates a very s mall change i n
voltage and pl ate current for various fixed plate voltage and A EfJ is the change in grid
values of grid voltage, and the constan t-cur- volt:tge produ cing the same plu.te cu rrent
rent characterist ic, which shows the relation- change. The symbol A (the Creek letter delta )
ship between plate voltage and grid voltage for indi cates a s mall increment, or small change.
various fixed values of p late current. The ampl ificat ion fa ctor is simply a r a.tio,
Amplification - The grid ev idently a cts as a nd has no un it.
a valve to control the flow of plate current, and Plate resistn n ce - Sin ce only a limi ted
it is found that it has a much grea ter effe ct on am ount of plate cu rren t flows when a given
plate current flow than does the pl ate voltage; voltage is applied between plate and cathode,
t hat is, a s mall cha.nge in grid voltage is just it is evident that the platecathode circuit of
as effective in bringing abo ut a given change in the t ube has resistance. H owever, there is no
plate current as is a large change in plate simple relationship between plate voltage and
voltage. plate curren t, so that in general the plate cir-
The fa ct that a small vo ltage acting on the cuit of the tube does not follow Ohm's Law.
grid is eq ui valent to a la rge voltage acting on U nder a given sct of conditions the appli cation
the plate indi cates the poss ibility of amplific1,-
lion with the triode tu be; that is, the
generation of a large voltage by a , , I I
small one, or the generation of a rela-
t ively large am oun t of power from a J I
small amount. The many uses of the
0 ,fr-' ~~
electronic tube nearl y 3.11 are based
upon this amplifying feature . The
of a given plate voltage will cause a certain where (j ", is the mutual conductance. II J p the
plate current to flow, a nd if the plate voltage change in plate current, a nd l:!. E'" the change in
is divided by the pla.te current a H resista nce" grid voltage , the pl a.te voltage being fixed . As
value will be obtained which frequently is before, the sign to i ndicates that the changes
ca lled the "d.c. resistance" of the tube. This mu st be s mall. Tra nsco nductance is measured
"d .c. resistance" will be different for every in mh os, since it is the rat io of current to volt-
value of plate voltage and also for different age . The uni t us ually employed in connection
values of grid voltage, since the plate current with VRcu um tubes is the micrvmho (one mil-
also depends upon the grid voltage when the lionth o f a. mho ), because the conductances are
plate voltage is fixed. s mall. By co mbining with the two preceding
I n applicat ions of the vacuum tube, it is more formulas, it can bc s hown that (1m = J-L / rp.
important to know how the plate current The mutual conductance of a tube is a rough
changes with a change in plate voltage than it indication of its merit as an a mplifier, since it
is to know the relationship between the actual in cludes the effects of both ampl ificat ion factor
values of plate current and plate voltage. The and plate resistance. Its value varies with the
relations hip between plate-current change and voltages applied to the plate and gri d . With
plate-voltage change determines the a. c. plate the pia te voltage fixed, the mu tual cond uctance
resistance of the t ube. This resistance usuall y is decreases when the grid is made increasingly
designated rp. It can be found from the plate negat ive with respect to the cathode. Thi s
voltage vs . plate current characteristic curves chara cteri stic frequently can be used to ad-
by finding the slope of the curve at the point vanta ge in the control of amplification, si nce
considered. Hence the am ou nt of amplification can be varied over
= l:!. Ep
wide limits simply by ad justing the value of a
r, steady voltage applied to the grid.
" I, Sta tic and d y nalni.c cu.rves - Curves of the
where to Ep is a small change in plate voltage type shown in Figs. 301 and 303 are called
and l:!. /1' the corresponding small change in static curves. They show the current which
plate current, the grid voltage being fixed . flows when various voltages a re applied d i-
Plate resistance is ex pressed in ohms, since rectly to the tube electrodes. An other useful
it is the ratio of voltage to current. The value se t of s tatic curves is the "plate family," or
of plate resistal!ce will, in general, change with pl ate voltage vs. plate current characteristic. A
the particular voltages applied to the plate and typi cal set of curves of this type is show n in
grid. It depend s as well upon the structure of F ig. 301.
the tube; low-J-L tubes have relatively low plate A curve show ing the relationship between
resistance and high-/-l tubes have high plate grid voltage and plate current when a load
resistance. resistance is connected in the plate ci rcuit is
Trans c onduc tanc e - T he effect of grid called a dynamic characteristic curve. Such
voltage upon plate current is expressed by the a cur ve in cludes the effect of the load resist-
grid-plate transconductance of the tube. T rans- ance, and hence is morc indi cative of the pe r-
conducta nce is a general term giving the rela- formance of the tube as an amplificr. With
tionship bet-ween the voltage applied to one a fixed value of plate-supply voltage the actual
electrode and the current which flows, as a val ue of voltage between the plate and cathode
result, i n a second electrode. As in t he previ olls of the tube will depend upon the amount of
two cases, it is defined as the change in current plate cUlTent flowing, since the plate current
through the second electrode caused by a also flows through t.he load re sistance and
change in voltage on the first. Th us the grid- therefore results in a voltage drop which must
plate transconductance, commonly called the be su btracted from tbe plate-supply voltage.
mutual conductance, is The dynamic curve in cl udes the effect of this
voltage drop. Conseq uently, the plate cur-
rent always i ~ lower, for a given val ue of grid
voltage an d plate-s upply voltage, with the
16 load resistance in the circui t
,0 than it is \vithout it.
,,"/ 'I Re presentative dynamic char-
~ 12 ,> acteristics are shown in Fig.
IO / ,
305. These were taken with the
~ "/ 1 sa me ty pe of tube whose static
;:: 8
il 6 / ,7 curves are sho\v n in Fig. 303 .
Different curves would be ob-
/ !fj
~ 4 tained with di ffe rent values of
"'< / / / pl a te-s upply voltage, Eb; t hi s
it 2 set is for a plate-supply voltage
/ / / . /' 7" of 300 volts. Note that increas-
o >00 200 300 400 500
ing t he value of the loa d resist-
FI~g. 301 - Pla t e vol tage YS. plate c urrent curves a t var io u s fixed value!!
ance re duces t he plate current
or nega ti ve gri d voltage ro r the sam e triod e as io cu r ves i n Fig. 303. at a given bias voltage, and also
Vacuum Tubes 59
that the curves are straighter
with the higher values of \ol.1.d ,
resistance. Zero plate current / /,
always occu rs at the sa me value MA
-~ 1- '
of negative grid bias, since at '1
zero plate cu rrent there is 00 r:P f - I
no voltage drop in the load 111 1'1'1'1' + ~'
ment or heater voltage and current, plate volt- Cui -off ':e'' F' S"l'ud
~ ~ Grid Vo/faye Swing
age and current, and similar operating speci fi- ,
cations for othe r elements. An impOltaut rating
in power tubes is the maximum safe plate dissi-
Fig. 306 - Bebavior o f t he plate c urre nt of a vacu um
pation, or the maximum power that can be di s- tubc ill resp<m s c 10 all ;iltcru alin g sig n a l volta ge
sipated contiuuously in heat on the plate ( 3- 1). s uperimposed 00 a s tead)" n egat ive griJ volta ge o r b i as.
, tion. If the generated vol tage is
JiEvl th e n the same c urrent
II 300", fl o ws throu gh Tp and H p 1 and
-- - It hen ce the voltage drop a c ross
I- (/peratti19 I-"- -, '"~ R p , whi c h is the useful output
, Pomt",- I :-T
: '
1-'OO~ vol tage, is
/' , Ep '-' ~
, , ,
-~ - - . ~
,00 ~ Eo = JiU ~
, , ~
'" + Rp
I , I
, 300V. since Rr> and TjI togethe r co n-
V -, -3
o st.itute a voltage divider ( 2-(i ).
-15 - 10 , -5 I 0 Th e voltage-amplifi cation ratio is given by the
output voltage divided by the input volta ge,
hence dividing the above expression by Eu
gives the follo win g formu la for the amplifica-
Fig. 307 - Amplifie r opera tion . 'Vbcn the plale c u r rent
t io n of the tube:
varies in respon se to t he s i gn a l applied to tht: gr ill, a
Amp J fi Jil? p
I IcatLon = - - -
va ry ill ~ \'o ha gc drop appe:t r8 ac ros s t he 1011(1 , U", as
s howlJ by the das hed cu r vc, E p I " is the plate current . Tp +Rp
Thi s e xpression s how s th a t, t.o o bt:.l in a large
cathode of the Lube al so is shown on the graph. vollage-a.mplificati o n ra t io, it is necessary to
Whe n the plate current is maximum the in- m:.tke the ph.\ te load resist a nce, R", large co m-
stantaneous vo ltage drop in Rp is 50,000 X pared to the plate resistan ce, T", of the tube.
0.00265 or 132.5 Yolts, and when the plate The maxi'mum poss ibl e a mplification, obtained
cur rent is minimum the in stantaneo us voltage when R. p is infinitel y larger than T r> , is equal to
drop in Rp is 50,000 X 0.00 135 01' 67.5 volts. the p. of the tube . A tu be with a large va lue of p.
The n.ctun.l voltage between plate find cathode " 'ill, in gen eral, give m ore voltage a mplifi cation
is the refore the difference between the platc- than o ne with a medium or lo w value. How-
supply voltage, 300 voits , and these voltage eve r, the advantage of the high p. is less than
drops in the load resistance, or 167. 5 nnd 232.5 might be expected, because a high-,u t ube
volts, respecti vely. usually also has a correspondingly high value
The varying plate voltage is a n a.c . voltage of ' p, so th at a high value of load res istan ce
s urerimposed ( 2- 13) on the steady plate- mu st be lIsed to realize a n appre ciable part of
cathode voltage of 200 volts, which was pre- th e possible n"mp!ification. This in tur n not o nly
vio usly determined for no-sigmd conditions. requires the use of high values of plate-s u pply
The peak value of this a.c. output voltage is voltage, but has some further disadvantages to
the difference between either the maximum o r be described h\tcr.
min imum plat~- cathode voltage and the no- Pmt:er ;1/. g rid c;,rc u ;,1. - I n the o peration
signal value of 200 volts. J n the illustl':ltion depicted in Fig. 30G, t he grid is a iwfl,Ys negative
this d ifference is 232.5 - 200 or 200 - 167.5, with res pect to the catho de. If the peak signa l
or 32.5 volts. Sin ce the grid signal voltage has vol t age is hU'ger than the bias volta ge, the grid
a peak value of 2 volts, the voltage a mp lifica- will be positive with res pect t o the cath ode
tion ratio of the amplifier is 32.5/ 2 or 16. 25. during part of the sign a l cy cle. G ri d curre nt wi ll
That is, approximately 16 t imes as much volt- flow during this time, and the signal source
age will be obtained from the plate ci rcuit :l.S will be called upon to furni sh powe r during the
is applied to the grid circ uit. period whil e grid current is fl o wing. I n man y
Amplifie rs i n which the voltage ou tput, rather cases the signal source is not capabl e of furni sh-
thAn the power output, is the primary COII- ing apprec iable power, so that care mlls t be
sid e rfLtion a rc culled voita{Je (I'IIlpliji er i:i . taken to a\'oid "driving the grid posit ive."
Jt will be observed that only the a lternating
plate and grid voltages enter into the calcula-
t ion of the am pli fication ratio. The d. c. plate
,r-- --- -- ... Fil!. 30R - Equ i va le n t
I ci ... c uit of the va c uulIl _
a nd grid voltages are of cou rse essential to the tu be amplifie .... The
operatio n of the tube, since they set t he o per- t .. be is rep laced h y an
ating point, b ut otherwise t hei r presence may eq ui v al e nt gelle ... ator
be ignored. Thi s being the case, it is possible to Ila,"iug au illterllal ... e -
s istanceequa l tothe
show t hat the tube can be replaced by an a.c. pla te ...esista n c e
eq!tivalent gc'nerotor whi ch has an internal re- of th e vac uum tubl: .
sistance equlll to the a.e. plate resi stance of the
tube ( 3-2) at the operating point ch ose n and
which generat es a voltage equ a l t o the ampli- 'W hen dealing with s mfl.ll sign a ls the source
fi catio n factor of the tube multiplied by the of signa l voltage freque ntly h as high internal
sigll a l vo ltage applied t o th e gr id. The equiva- resistance, so that a con siderable voltage drop
lent generator, together with the lottd resist- o ccu rs in the source itsel f whenever it is called
ance, R.", is shown in Fig. 308. Thi s simplifi ca- upon t o furni sh grid c urrent. Sin ce thi s voltage
tion e nables ready ca lculation of the a mplifi ca- drop occurs only dlll'ing part of the cycle, the
Vacuum Tubes 61
F ig. 309 - Di s t o r - are frequently opcrated in such a way th at the
t ion o f a pplied s ignal r. f. wave is greatly di sto rted.
because o f gritl-cur re t f reqll c l/.cy (lis tQrLio n - Another type of
flo'" Wit h t l1;;;Ol> c r :,I . d istor tion, known as fr eq!l.ency distortion , oc-
in~ poin t a t 3 volts
negative bias. grid cur_ curs when the amplification varies with t he
relit wilt fl o,," 018 shown frequency of the a.c. voltage applied to t he
by th e C IJ(\' C whenever gri d circuit of the ampl ifier. It is not neces-
the npplicd s ; ~lIa l ,'olt . - 10 -6 -6 -4 - 2 0
age is more th an 3 volts GRID VOLTAGE sarily accompn.nied by harmonic di st ortion. It
posil ive. If the re is can be shown by a frequency-response curve or
ap prcci(. bleinlcn.,. 1 re - graph in wh ich the relative amplification is
s is ta nce, a s il1,licaled ,,r- --- ' plotted against frequen cy over the freque ncy
in the second ~lraw iIl G .
Ihe re .... ill b e II volta ge range of interest .
flrop in th e resis tan ce R es is wtl.ce -co l/.pled a, e rs - An a m-
wheneve r c urrent is pli fie r with a resista nce load is known as a
no,,io !! but 110 1 d urin g
t he period w hen no ell r
.. resistan ce-coupled" amplifier. This type of
re nt fl ows. The s i gn a l a mplifier is wid ely used for a m plifi cation at
will re ac h the grid I l l ! audio fr eq uen cies. A sin1pl ifi ed circuit is s hown
c h anged so lo n g as t h e C\ C\ in Fig. 31 1, where the amplifier is coupled to a
instuII 1,.nCO IiS "ol ta:;:t'
is less th a n 3 volts I}OS ;'
li ve. but the volta ge n l
following tube. Since all the po\\'cr outpu t of a
resistance-co uplcd amplifier is co nsum ed in t he
the grid will be less load resistor such amplifiers are used nlm ost
t han the instlllllancoliS ~ nmeof~
\"oll ullcw he n t he latter ~ Grto'curre"5 wholl y for voltage ampl ificatio n, usually work-
is above tbis li gllre. Th e
s hape of the n Cj: lIl i ,' c ~ " ing into s till another nmpli fie r.
A si ngle amplifier is call ed a stage of ampli -
half.cycle is Ul.laltcrcd .
ACTlIAL SIGNAL AT GRID ficat ion, and a number of amplifier st ages in
succession are sai d to be in cascade. appl ied to th e grid und ergoes a cha nge The purpose of the cou pli ng condenser, Ce ,
in waveshnpe becall se of the current How. This is to t rans fer to the grid of the follow ing tube
is show n in F ig. :309, whe re a sine-wave signal the a.c . vol tage deve loped ac toss R p , a nd to
is gCllcratcu but, bccHuse of the internal resi"t- prevent th e d.c. plate voltage on tube il fr o m
ance of the sou rce, is distorted at the gri d of the being app li ed to the gri d of tube B. Th e grid
tube during the time whell gl'id current flows. resistor, R ~ , transfers the bia.s voltage to the grid
Jf the inte rnal res ista nce of the signa l so ur ce of tuhe B and prevents s hort-circuiting the a. c.
is low, so that the interna l vo ltnge drop is voltage through t he bi:l.S battery. Since no grid
negli gible when current flows, thi s distortio n current flows, there is no d. c. voltage drop in
docs not occur. W ith such a source, it is pos- Ro; con sequcntly th e fu ll bias voltage is ap-
sib le to operate over a greater portion of the pl ied t o t he grid. In orde r to obtain the maxi-
amplifier characteristic. mum a.c. volt:lgC at the grid of tube B the
Harm onic distorl.i.o n - lf t he operati on of reactance of th e coupling condenser m ust be
t he tube is not confi ned to a straight or linear small com pared to th e resistance of R~ , so
portion of the dyna mic characteristic, the t hat most of the voltage will appear across R~
waveshape of the ou tput voltage wi ll not be rather than across C. Also, the resistance of Rg
exactly the sa me as that of t he sign a l voltage. m ust be la rge co m pared to Rp because, so far
This is shown in Fig. 310, where the operat ing as th e a.c. voltage developed i n Rp is con-
po int is selected so t hat th e sig nal voltage cerned, R ~ is in parallel with Rp and t herefore
swi ngs in to t he cu rved part of the character- is just as much n part of Rp as though it were
istic. Wh ite the u pper ha lf-cycle of plate cu r-
rent reproduces the sine-wave shape of th e
posit ive half-cycle of sign a l voltage, the lo\\'e r
half-cycle of pla,l,e curre nt is considerably dis-
to rted a nd bcars liLLi e rese mblance to the upper
half-cycle of plat.e cUl'I'cnt.
As explained in 2-7, a non-sinusoidal wave-
shape ca n be resolved into a number of si ne-
''lave components or harmonics wh ic h a re
integral multiples of the lowes t frequency
present. Consequently, thi s type of di stortio n
is known as harmonic distortion _ D istortion re-
sulting from grid-c ur re nt flow, desc ribed in the
pre cedi ng pa ragraph, also is harmonic di sto r- ':
, ,,
_ Il...I
up rn.tio"), and low distributed capacity in the is impedance- or t. r nn.~r!)rme r-coupled, in the
windings all at the same t.ime. Increasing the freq uency region wherc the load acts like n
pr imary inductance usually mealls that the parallel-resonant circuit. H oweve r, if the load
turn s ratio must. be reduced, because the in- is reacti vc the phase re lationsh ip is not exactly
crease in distributed ca.pacity as the coils arc 180 degrees but depends upon the kind of
made larger tends to bring the resonant. peak reactan ce present and thc relative amounts of
down to a rel a ti ve ly low frequ ency unless the reactancc and resistance. (This is true also of
secondary indu ctance is decreased to compen- the resistan ce-coup led amplifie r at low fr e-
sate for the increase in cnpacity. The ste p-up quen cies where the re:l<'tance of the coupling
ratio seldo m is morc th ~l,n 3 to 1 in transformers condense r ftffccts the amplificittion, or at high
designed for good frequen cy res ponse. frequ cncics where the reactance of the shunt-
Transforme r co upling can be used at. radio ing capacities bccomes important. ) Since the
frequen cies if the t ran sfo rm e rs arc properly de- reactan ce varies with the !l.pplied signal fre-
signed for the purpose. In slic h transfo rmers quency, the ph:1se re\:;ltionship be t wee n signal
eit her the primary o r secondary (or both) is voltage and output depends upon the
made reso nant at the frequency to be used, so frequency in such cases.
that maximum amplification wi!! be secmed . I npnt. c apa city and r cs i :s l.o I H;e - \Vhcn an
I' h a se re lations in plat.e und g r it / c irc ni.ts alternating voltnge is app lied between the grid
- W hen the exciting voltage on the grid has and c:lthodc of an a.mplifier tube, an ;liternat-
its maximum positive in stantaneous value, the ing CUl'I'cnt Hows through the s lnn l! conden::ie r
plate cu rrent also is max.imum ( 3-2), so that formed by these elements ( 3-2) just as it
the voltage drop across the resistance con- would in any other co ndenser. Similarly, an
nected in the piate circuit of a resistance- a lternating current also fl ows in the condense r
coupled a mpli fic r likewise has its greatest formed by the grid ancl plate, since there is an
value. The actu:l.l instantaneous voltage be- alternating diffe rence of potential bctween
tween plate and cathode is therefore minimum these clements. W hen the tube is a m plify ing,
a t the sarne instant, be cc\usc it is equal to the tbe alternating plate voltage and signal voltage
d.c. supply voltage (wh ich is un vMy ing) minus are effectively ap pli ed in series ftcross the grid-
the voltage d rop across the load resistance. plate condense r, as illllicated in Fig. 3 1-1. As
Whe n the signal voltage is ~Lt its negative peak described in the preceding p.Lragraph, in the
the plate current has its least value, with the resistance-coupled amplifier the two voltages
result that the voltage drop in the load resist- are out of phase with respect to the cathode,
ance is less than at any other p:ut of the cycle. but inspection of the circu it shows that they
At this insta nt, therefore, the voltage between are in phase so far as the grid-plate condenser
pl ate and cathod e is maximum. is co ncerned. Co nsequently, the voltage applied
These variations in plate-cathode voltage to the grid-plate ca pacity is the su m of the
constitute the a .c. output of the tube, supe rim- alternating grid and plate voltages, or I!.'Q + Bp.
posed on the mean or no-signal plate-cathode Since Ep is equal to AE{h where A is the voltage
voltage. Since the alternating plate- cathode am plifi cation of the tube a nd circuit, the [t.c.
vo ltage is decreasi ng when the in stanta neo us vo ltage betwee n the grid :wd plate is E<J
grid voltage is increasing (becoming more (1 + A). The current, I, flowing in the grid -
positive with r es pect to the cathode), the out- plate capacity is therefore E ~ (l + A) divided
put voltage is less than the mean value, or by the rea cta nce of the grid-plate condense r,
negat ive, when the signal voltage is positive. and co nsequently is proportional to the gr id-
Lik ewise, when the signa l voltage is negative plate ca.pacity.
the output voltage is positive , or greater than The signal voltage must help in causing this
thc mean value. In other words, the alternating relatively large curre nt t o How, and, since the
plate voltage is 180 degrees out of phase with reactance as v iewed from the input circuit
th e alternating grid voltage. Thus there is is X ~ = E~ / I, the input reactance becomes
a phase reversal th rough t he amplifier. The s maller as th e current becomes larger. That is,
relationships should become clear from the be- the effective input capacity of the amplifie r is
havior of the s ignal voltage and E1' in Fig. 307. increased when the tube is amplifying. From
The same phase relationship betwcen si gnal the above, the increase in input ca paci ty is
a n d output voltages hold s when the amplifier approx imatel y proportional to th e voltage am-
plifi cation of the circuit and to the grid-plate
capacity of the tube. Th e total input capacity
is the s um of the grid-cathode capac ity and this
additional effective cn pa ci ty. 'The total input
capacity of an amplifier may rcach values
'" Ep
+ ranging from 50 to a few hundred micromicl'o-
farads, if thc voltage a mplification is high :\Ild
the grid-plate capac ity relativcly large. B ut h
usually are true in a high-;t tr iode.
F ig. 3 14 - The :l.C. ,olt ugc a ppearing hetween t he
W he n the loa d is react.i ve the a.c. grid !lnd
grid an d pla te of t be a m pli fier is t he Sli m o r the sigual
voltage an d the output ,"olta ge. a s shown hy th is sim- plate voltages still act in series across the grid-
plHied circuit. ! nsta utaueous polarities arc indicated . pla te condenser, but since they are not exactly
Vacuum Tubes 65
180 degrees out of phase with respect to t he
cathode they are not exactly in phase with
respect to the grid- plate capacity. The lack of
exact phase relati onship indi cates that resist-
allce as well as c'l.pacity is introduced into the
input circuit. An ,l,lysis s hows that, when the
reactance of th e load circuit is capacitive, the
resista nce component is positive - t hnt is, it
reprcsents a loss of power in the input circuit
Fig. 315 - A II eh: llle lll a r ~ Cor nl o ffce.l-h ut:1... c; rn.;I. T I..
- :lIld th:'1.t when the load circuit has induct ive feed-back may b e eit posit ive o r negative. d e pe nd i., !;
reactance the rC fl.istn,n ce co mpone nt is negative. u pon bow the coil L is connect ed in the c ircuit. T his ty p e
Negative resista nce indi cates that power is of c irc u i t illil st ru h:s tl .e p ri ncip le of fcc~l - bac k . Illit it is
being supplied to the grid circuit from the plate. nol praclie;11 Cor U;;.t,: in a n actua l auci iof re<lllc llcyollll p lilicr.
Ff:cd - bu c"-- If some of the amp li fied e n-
ergy in the ci rcu it of an amplifier is that an ampl ifier h as a voltage gai n of 20 and
coupled back into the grid circu it, the ampl i- that it is delive ring an output voltage of 50
fie r is said to ha ve feed-back. If the voltage fed volts. W ithout feed -back, the grid signal volt-
fr o m the pb.te circui t to the grid circuit is in age required to prod uce 50 volts output is
such phase that, when it is added to the sig nal 50 / 20 or 2.5 vol ts . But s uppose that 10 per
voltage already existing, the sum of the two ce nt of the output voltage (5 volts) is fed back
voltages is larger than the original signa l volt- to the grid circuit in opposite phase t o the
age, the feed - ba ck is sa id to be positive. Posi- applied grid voltage. Th en, si nce it is still nec-
tive feed -back usually is called regeneration. If essary to have a 2.5-volt sig nal to produ ce
regeneratio n exi sts in a circuit the total am- 50 volts output, the applied voltage must be
plification is increased be cause the feed-back 2.5 + 5 or 7.5 volts. Now s uppose that at
increases the amplitude of the signal at the some other frequency the voltage gain dro ps
grid and this larger signal is amplified in the to 10. Then for the sa me 50-volt output a 5-
same rati o, giving tl. greater output voltage volt sig na l is required, but since the feed-back
th an wou ld exi st if the sig nal voltage alone voltage is still 5 volts the total requir ed signal
were presen t in the grid circuit. Many types of is now 10 volts. W ith feed - back t he gai n in the
circ uits can be used to secure posit ive feed- first case was 50 / 7.5 volts or 6.66 a nd in the
back. A simple one is shown in F ig. 315. The second case 50 / 10 or 5, the gain in the seco nd
feed-back coil, L, a t hird wi nding on the grid- case being 75 per cent as high as in the first.
circuit transforme r, is connected in series wi th W ithout feed-back t he gain in the second case
the primary of the t ransformer i n the plate was 50 pe r cent as high as in the firs t. T he
circuit, so that some of the amplified voltage effect of feed-ba ck therefore is to make the
appears across its termi nals. This induces a resultan t gain more uniform, desp ite t h e t.end-
voltage in the secondary, S, of the grid-circuit ency of the amplifier itself to d iscrimi nate
t ransformer which, if the winding directions of against certain frequcncies.
the two coils are correct, will increase the value Negative fced-back also ten ds to decrease
of sig nal vol tage appJjed to the grid. harm onic disto rtion arising in the plate ci rcuit
P ositive feed-back is accompanied by a of the a m plifier. T hi s distortion is present in the
te ndency to give maximum amplification at a m plified output vo ltage, but not in the origi-
only one frequenc y, since the feed-back voltage nal signal voltage applied to the grid. T he
wi ll t.en d to be highest at the frequency a t voltage fed back to the g rid circuit contains the
which the original a.mplification is greatest. It distortion but in OPI)osite phase to t he distor-
therefore increases the selectivi ty of the ampli- tion components in the pla.te cir cuit, hence the
fier, an d hence is used chiefly where hig h gain two tend to cancel each ot her. F or s imib.r
and sharpness of resonance both are wa.nted . reasons, the over-all amplificatio n is less de-
If the phase of the voltage fed back to t he pende nt upo n the value of load impeda nce use d
grid circuit is slich that the s um of t he feed- in the plate ci rcuit; in fact, if a large a m ount of
back voltage and the original signal vo ltage is negative feed-back is used in an am pliflcr it is
less than the lattcr alone, the feed-back is said eve n possi ble to substitute tubes of rathe,
t o be negative. Ncgative feed -bac k frequen t ly wide ly diffe rent characte ri stics wit hout much
is called degeneration . I n th is case the total effect on the over-aU performan ce.
a m plification is decr eased , since the grid signal Both positive a nd negative feed-back m ay be
has been made small er, and hen ce the amplified ap plied ovcr se vend st.ages of a n ampl ifier,
output voltage is smallcr for a given or iginal rather than be ing applied directly fro m the
signal th a n it woul d be without fe ed-back. plate circuit to the grid circuit of no single stage.
The amount of voltage fed back will depcnd Po wer omplific a,.ion -In the types of am-
upon the actual amplification of the tube and p lifiers previously described, the chief consid-
circuit, a nd if the amplification rati o tend s to eration was that of securing as much voltage
cha.nge, as it may at the extreme high o r lo w gain as possib le wi t.hi n the permiss ible limits
frequen cies in the audi o-frequency range, the of ha.rmo nic distortion and frequency respon se
feed-back voltage will bc reduced when the character istic. Such amplifiers are princi pally
amplification decreases. For exam ple, suppose used to furni sh an amplified signa l voltage,
whi ch in turn ca n be supplied to a succeed ing cons um in g device or load with which it is asso-
a mplifier. If the s ucceedin g a mplifie r is o per- ciated. Th is is because the imperian ce of the
ated in suc h a way that its grid is never driv e n desired load seldom is the proper valu e for ob-
positi ve with res pect to its ci\th od c , gri d cu r- tainin g optimum powe r output fro m the a mp li-
ren t does not flo w, an d he nce th e power I'e- fie r. Co nsequ entl y, t he load impedan ce mu st be
changed to a va lue su itable for the plate ci rcuit
Output of the a m plifier t ube. Thi s ca n be done by
T17U/.Slorme r
using tran sformer:>, as desc ribed in 2-9.
A b:lSic power-am plifi er circuit is s h own in
Fi g. 316. So long as t he a mpl ifier is OI)Cratcd
e ntire ly in t he negative-grid region and no gri d
current fl ows, any of t he previously desc ribed
types of coupling may be used between ttw
grid of the power amplifier a nd th e preceding
Fi g. 31 0 - An ele me ntary po ..... e r -a m p lifi er c irc ui t in amplifi er. If there is no preceding amplifier, th e
which t he po ..... c r -coosum in g load is co u pled to Ihe I>late
circ uit t hro u gh a u im peda nce-walCbiog t ra nsform e r.
meth od of coupl in g will de pe nd principall y on
the c haracteristics of t he sou rce of th e signal.
quirements are negligibl y small. H owever, if an 1n Fig. 316 the load is represented as a re-
a m pl ifier is used to actu ute some power-con- si sta nce. An ac t ual load may have a rea ctance
sumin g de vice, s uch as a. loud r or a as we ll as a resistance co mponent, but on ly
succeedin g amplifier in whi ch it is permissible the resistance will consume power ( 2-8).
to dri ve the grid into the positive regio n, the Powe r arnpiijica n - The ratio of
prim a ry co nsid eration is t ha t of obtai ning the a..c. output power to th e a. c. po wer co nsumed
max imum power ou t pu t co nsistent with the in the grid circuit ( drivi1~ g power) is called the
permissibl e distortion. In such a case th e volt- power amplification rati o or sim ply po wer a m.-
age at whi ch the power is secured is of little plifica tion of t he ampli fie r. If the amplifier
consequence , since a tl' ~ n s f o r m e r may be used ope rates without grid current the a.c . power
to change the volta ge t o a ny desired va lue, consu med in the grid circuit is negli gibl y s mall,
withi n reaso nable limits. H e nce, the voltl:\ ge so that t he po\\'cr ampl ifica ti on ratio of such an
gain of a. power amplifier is of li ttle importa nce. amplifier is extrem e ly large. With ot her t y pes
) n pm",er-nmplifier ope ratio n the grid may or of operation the power a mpl ifi cati on ratio may
may not be dri ven in to the positive region, de- be relatively small, as desc ribed in 3-4.
pe nding upon the particula r i~ pplicat i on. The [)late ejF.c iency - The ratio of a.c, output
present di scu ss io n will be confined t o the t ri ode power to the d.c. power s upplied t o the pl a.te
a mpli fier operati ng with out grid curre nt; oth er circ uit of a n ampl ifie r is called t he plate e.lfi-
types are co nsidered in 3-4. Th e princ iples ciency of the a mpl ifier. It is us ua lly exp ressed
u pon wh ich sll ch a power a m plifier oper ates are as a pe rcentage:
pract ically ide nti ca l with those nlrendy de- Po
scri bed . T he chief d iffere nces between a volt- % plate efficiency = El X 100
age amplifie r a nd a power am plifie r lie in the
selection of t ubes a nd in the choice of th e va lu e where Po is the a.c . out pu t power, E is the pla te
of load resis t a nce. As previ ously described , if voltage a nd f is the pl a te current, the latter
voltage ga in is the primary consideration the two being d.c. values.
load resistance shou ld be as large as possible T he pl:.l.te efficien cy of a mplifiers d esigned
i n compariso n to the plate resistance of the for minimum di sto rtion a nd a high powe r a m-
tuhe.It ca n be shown that, in o. ny ele ctrical cir- plification rati o (operation without gr id cur-
cu it, maximum power ou tput is secured when rent) is relati vely low - of the order of 15 to
the resist a nce of the load is ma de equ a l to the 30 per cent. For minimum di stortion the opera-
intern a l resistan ce of the so urce of powe r. Thi s t ion must be co nfi ned to the region where t he
is true wh ether the powe r so urce is a batte ry, waveshape of th e a lte rn a t ing plate curren t is
a generator or a. vac uum tu be. In the case of the substantia lly identical with that of the signal
va cuum tube the in ternal resista nce is the on th e grid, and, as pre vio usly explain ed , th is
plate resistan ce of th e tube, so t hat for maxi- rcquire ment can be met only by limiting t he
mum power output t he loa d resista nce should plate-current variat ions (t hat is, the a lternat-
be made equal to t he plate res istan ce. H ow- ing component of pla t e current) to th e straight
e ver, wh e n the tu be is ope rnted with such a portio n of t he dy nami c grid voltage v s. pl a te
low value of pl a te loa d re:,$istan ce th ere is al- cu rrent cha racter is tic. Since with a given load
ways conside ra ble harm onic distorti on, and it re:,$ ist a nce the power output is proportional to
has been fo u nd that 01)ti'flmm power outpu t, the squ of the altor nating com ponent of
re presenting an ac ceptab le compromi se be- plate current, it foll ows t hat limiting the plat e-
t ween distorti on and the a mount of powe r ob- current va riatio n a lso limits t he power outpu t
tain a ble, is sec ured wh p'1l the load res istance is in comparison to t he d.c. pl a te power input.
a pproxim ately t wice t he pl ate resistance. High er plate effic iency can be sec ured b y
pQlVCr-{IIHf.JliJic r ci r c - T he pl ate or increasing the alte rn ati ng component of pl a te
ou t put, circuit of a power a mpljfie r a lm ost in - cur ren t, but this is acco m pa. nied by increased
va riabl y is tran sfo rm er- couple d to the powe r- distortion. Specia l t ypes of amplifie rs have
Vac uum Tubes 67
been devi sed t o conwr n!':ltc tor this distortio n, The (/ecibel- Th e ra tio of the power levels
as descri bed in the next sectio n. In so me appl i- at two points in a circu it suc h as a n a m pl ifier
cations, as in r. f. powe r ampli fic ation , the fac t can be expressed in te rms of a unit call ed th e
that the sigml.l applied to the grid is greatly decibel, abbreviated db . The number of deci-
distorted is of no conseque nce, so that s uch bels is 10 times the logarithm of the power
amplifiers can have hi gh plate efI]cicncy. rat io, or
P ower sen sitivity - The ratio of R.C. power P,
output to al ternating gr id voltage is called t he db. ~ 10 log P
power sensitivity of an am plifier. I t provides a
convenient measure fo r co mparing power tubes, The decibel is a particularly useful un it be-
espe cia.lIy t hose designed for audio-freque ncy cause it is logar i thmi ~, and th us corres pond::;
amplification where the operation is to be with- to the response of the human ear to so unds 01
out gri d current, since i t expresses the relation- varying loudness. One decibe l is approximateiv
s hip betwee n po wer output and the amount of the power ra ti o requ ired to m ake a ju s~ T"'()-
signn l voltage required to produce the power. t iccab le difference in sound in te nsity. W ithin
The t er m power sensitivity also is used in wide limits, changing the power by a giv(; 11
connection with radio-freq uen cy power ampli- ra tio produces t he same a.p pa rent ch a nge in
fiers, in wh ich case it has the same meani ng as loudness regardl ess of the po wer level ; thus if
power ampl ifi cation r atio. A tube which de- the power is doubled the in crease is 3 db., or
livers its ratcd output power with a relatively three ste ps of intensity ; if it is d oubled again
s mall a.mou nt of power consumed in the grid the increase is agai n 3 db., or three further dis-
circuit is said to have high power sensitivity. tinguishable steps. Successive ampli fications
P ara llel. uper ntiort - Whe n it is necessary ex pressed in decibel s car;, oe added to obta in the
to obtai n more power output than one tube is overa ll a mpli ficatio n.
capable of givi ng, two or more tu bes may be A power loss also can be expressed in deci-
co nn ected in parallel. In this case the simil a r bels. A decrease in power is indi cated by a
elements in a ll tubes arc co nn ected together. minus sig n (e.g., - 7 db.), and an increase in
Thi s method is s ho\vn in Fi g. 3 17 for a tran s- power by a plu s sig n (e.g., + 4 db. ). Negative
for mer-co upled a ml}li fie r. Th e power ou tp ut of and pos it ive qU ~l.n t it i es can be added numeri-
a parallel stage will be in propo rti on to the cally. Zero db. indi cates the reference pO'Ner
number of tubes used; the exciting voltage re- level , or a power ratio of L.
qu ired , howeve r, is the same as for one tube. Appii-eul.ion s oj a rnpi iji.catiolt - The m a-
If the amplifi er operates in such a way as to jor uses of vacuu m-tube a m plifiers in radio
consume power in the grid cir cuit, the grid work are for amplifying at audio a nd radi o fre-
power required also is in proportio n t o the qu encies ( 2-7). The au d io-freque ncy a mpli -
num ber of tubes used. fier gene rally is used to amplify without dis-
/Jr tl-jlt_p,-,U op e ration - An in crease in crimin ation at all fr equen cies in a wide range
power output can be secured by co nnect ing (say fr om 100 to 3000 cycles for voice co mmu-
two tubes in push-pull, the grids a nd pl a tes ni ca t io n), a nd therefore is associated with non -
of the two tubes being co nnected to opposite resona nt or untuned circuits whi ch offe r a uni -
ends of the circu it as s hown in Fig. 3 17. A form load over the desired range. The radio-fre-
"balanced " circuit, in whi ch the cathode re- quency amp li fie r, on the other hand , generally
t urns a re made to the midpoint of the input is used to ampl ify selective ly at a sing le ra di o
and ou tput devi ces, is necessary with pu sh-
pull operation. At a ny in sta nt the ends of the
second ary winding of the in put transform er,
T I , will be at opposite pote nt ia ls with respect
to the cathode connecti on, so that the grid of
one t ube is sw u ng posi tive at the same instan t
that the grid of the other is s wung negati ve.
H ence, in any push-pull-conn ected stage the - j'j' f"+""""'---ij ' j' j,j,j, +
voltages and curre nts of one tube ar e out PA RAL L E L
of phase with those of the other tube. The
plate current of one tube the refore is rising
while the pl a te current of the other is falling,
he nce the name "push-pu II. " I n push-pu ll
operation th e even-harm onic (second, fourth,
etc.) distortion is cancelled in the sy mmetri ca l
plate circu it, so that for th e sa me power output
the distorti on will be less than with par alle l
Th e exciting v oltage measured be tween the
two grids mu st be twice that required for one
tube. 1f the grid s consume power, the driving
power for the push-pu ll stage is twi ce that
take n by ei ther tu be alo ne. Fi R. 3 17 - Panill e! a ud pus h.p ul l a Ulpl ifier c irc ui tF.
frequency, or over a s mall band of frequenc ies C luss n - Th e Class- B amplifier is prim:l-
at most, and therefore is associ:'l.tcd with res- ril y one in whi ch the output current, or alter-
onant ci rcuits tunable to the desi red frequency . na ting compone nt of the p la te cu rre nt, is
An audi o-frequen cy a mplifier may be con- proportional to the a mp litude of the ex citing
sidered a broad-band am plifier; most radio- gr id voltage. Since power is pro porti ona l to the
frequency amplifiers are designed to have rela- square of the current, t he power output of a
t ively narrow bandwidths. Class-B a mplifier is proportional to the squnre
In audio circuits the power tube or output of the exciting grid voltage.
tube in t he last stage usuall y is designed to The distinguishing operating cond ition in
deliver a considerable a mount of audio power, Class-B se rvice is that t he grid bias is set so
while requiring but negligible power from the that the plate current is reb.Lively low without
input or ex citing signal. To get the a lternating grid excitation; the exciting s ignal amp litud e is
voltage (grid swing) reqq ired for the grid of made suc h tha.t the e ntire linear portion of the
such a tube, voltage ampl ifiers arc lI se d em- t ube's characteristi c is used. Fig. 318 illustrates
ploying high-.u tubcs whi ch g reatly incl'c!\Sc Class-B operation with t,he tube bi ased pra c-
the voltage amplitude of the sig na l. Volta ge ticall y to cut-off. I n this operating co ndition
amplifi-ers a re used i n the radio-frequency pinte curre nt flows only during the positive
stages of rece ivers as well as in audio a mplifi ers ; half-cy cle of excitation voltage. No plate cur-
powe r amplifiers are used ill the radi o-fre- ren t flows during the nega tive swi ng of the
q uency stages of trans mitters. excitation volt,age. The shape of the plate
current pulse is esse ntially the same as that of
(l 3-4 Classes of Amplifie rs t he positive s wing of the signal voltage. Since
R c asonfor c1assific(lt i on ~ It is convenient the plate c urrent is dri ve n up toward the
to div ide amplifiers into groups according to saturation point , it is usually necessary for the
tbe work they are intended to perform, as re- grid to be driven positive wit h respect to . the
lated to the operating cond it ions necessary to cathode du ring ptl.rt of the grid s wing. Grid
accomplish the p urpose. This makes ident ifi ca- curre nt flows, therefo re, a nd the driv ing source
tion easy and obviates the necessity for giving mu st furnish po wer to sup ply the grid losses.
a detniled descriptio n of the operation when Class-B amplifiers a re char::lctel'ized by me-
specific oper ating data a re not required . dium power output., med ium plate effic iency
C lass A - An amplifier ope rated as sho\\'n (50 to 60 per cent a t max im um sig n ~\ l ), a nd
in Fig. 306 or 307, in which the output wave- a mod erate ratio of po\\'er amplification. At
shape is a faithful reproductio n of the input radio frequen cies they are lI sed as li 1~ear am-
waveshapc, is known as a Class-A amplifier. plifiers to raise the ou tput power level in radio-
As generally used, the grid of a Class-A telep hone trans mitte rs after modulation.
amplifier never is driven positive with res pect Fo r Class-B audi o- frequency amplification,
to the cathode by the exciti ng signal, a nd neve r two tubcs must be used. T he second tube,
is driven so far negative that plate-current working alterna tel y with t.he first, mu st be in-
cut-off is reached. T he plate current is con- cluded so that both halves of the cyc le will be
sta nt both with and without grid excitation. present in the output. A typical method of ar-
The chief characteristics of the Class-A am- rangi ng the tubes and circuit to achieve t his is
plifier a re low distortion, relatively low power shown in Fig. 3 19. The signa l is fed to a tra.ns-
output for a given size of tu be, and n. high fo rmer J Tt, whose seco ndary is divided into two
power-amplifi cation ratio. The plate efficiency equal parts, with the tube grids connected to
is relatively low ( 3-3) . t he outer terminals and the grid bias fed in at
t he ce nter. A transformer, 1'2, with a simil arly
di vided primary, is connected to the plates of
the tubes . When the signa.l voltage in t he uppe r
half of 1\ is positive with res pect to the center
cOllnection (center lap ) , the upper tube dJ"aws
pl a.te current while the lower tube is idle; when
the lower half of Tl becomes positive, the
lower tube draws plate current while the upper
t u be is idle. Th e correspond ing voltages in- .
duced in tbe halves of t he primary of ')' 2 co m-
bine in the second a ry t o produ ce an a mplified
reproduction of the sig na l waveshape.
The Class-B a mplifi er is cn pable of deliver-
Fig. 318 - Class_n amplifier op eration . in g much more power for a given tube size
than a Class- A amplifier. Wh ile Ctass-B aud io-
Glass-A power amplifiers find application as frequency oper a ti on produ ces so mewhat more
output a mplifi e rs in audio syste ms and as di stortion tha n Class- A, fot' most pUl"poses the
dri ve rs for Class-B power amplifiers. Class-A di stortion is s mall e nough to be neglected .
voltnge amplifiers are found in the stages pre- C l( AiJ - Th e si mil arity between }' ig. 319
ceding the power stage or stuges in suc h ap- and the ordinary pu sh-puB a m pli fier ('. ircuit
pli cations, and as Lf. amplifiers ill receivers. (Fig. 317) will be noted . Actually tile circu its
Vacuum Tubes 69
Alth o ugh requlrlDg con sid er able drivin g
p ower, because of the r elatively large grid
swing an d grid-current flow, t he h igh plate
efficie ncy (ord inarily 70 to 80 per ce nt) of t he
Class-C a mplifier makes it a n effective gell-
er ato r of radio-freque ncy power.
Cl 3-5 Multi-Ele me nt and Special-
Purpose Tube s
Plate Cvrren.t Radio-freq u e n cy mn.pliji cation - As d e-
~he , scribed in the' precedi ng section , the reacta nces
of the grid-to-cathode and plate-to-cathode
r(1\ capacities (together with unav oidabl e str ay
1- ==:
c ""
s to flow between screen and plate. The effect is
particula rl y m arked when the plate a nd screen
potentials are nearly ('qual, which roay be the
case during the part of the a.c. cycle when the
in stantan eous plate current is large and the
pl ate vol t age low (13-3) .
Pe nlode tubes - To overcome the effects of
50" secondary emission, a third grid , ca ll ed the
5 === G S1tl)pressor grid, may be inserted between the
screen and plate. This grid is con nected di-
rectly to t he cathode, and repels the relati vely
c"" low-velocity secondary electro ns ba c k to the
PENTODE plate without obstr ucting to any appreciable
SYMBOLS extent the regular plate-current flow.
Although the screen grid in either the tetrode
Fig. 321 - nepn..~e ut aliv ~ :Irr an~ e mcut of clements
in 11 screen -grid tube, witb front part of plate and Screell- or pentocle greatly reduces the influe nce of the
gri d c ut away. Tbe ~creen grid u SIl~ ll y is mad e longer pl ate upon plate-cu rrent fl ow, it is quite ob-
tban eit b er tbe coutro l ,rid or pla te, so tlllt llhe shiel ding vious th at the control grid still can co ntrol the
"'i ll be a~ effective as possible. In t his drawing the con - plate current in esscntially tbe same way that
t rol grid cOlll1ectio u is made t hrough a cap Oil the top of
tbe tube, tbu s elilDillatilll! th e whi ch wOll ld ex .. it does in a tri ode, since the co ntrol grid is sti I!
ist betwee ll tIle p late and grid letld wires if both pu,ed in the space-charge region. Consequently, the
throu gh the base .. Some m odern tubes which h ave bo tb grid-plate transconductance (or mutual co n-
leads goin g thro u gh the base lise special s hield ing a nd
constr u ct ion to eli mi n ate Cllpnci l y . S)' llI bo l ~ fo r pe n lode
ductance) of a tetrode or pentode will be of the
alld Icl ro(le tubes : H , helli er; C, c athode; G , con trol same orde r of value as in a triode of corre-
:;rid ; 1'. plate; S, scrcell gri d ; Sup., s uppressor grid. spond ing structure. On the other ha nd, sin ce
Vacuum Tubes 71
, " 0
El" ,~o
B ea m. [u,bcs - A "beam " -type tube is a
t etrode with grids so const ru cted as to form the
, / E5UP= 0
electrons t raveli ng to t he plate into co nce n-
o . , trated be~\ m s , resulting in higher plute effi-
, ciency and power sensitivity. Su itable des ign
al so overco mes t he effects of seconda ry emis-
sion \vith out the necessity fo r a su ppresso r
., grid . T ubes co nstructed on the bea m pri nciple
, .-s
are used in receivers as both r.f. an d a u dio
ampl ifiers, and a re built in larger sizes for
tra nsmi tti n g circuits.
o 100 100 300 400 Variable -m,a (II u l s harp cu t-off t n be .;; -
R eceiving sc reen-grid tetrodes and pe ntodes
Fig. 322 - })Iatc voltage vs . pl :t te c ur rent curves of a for rad io-frequ ency voltage amplification arc
small reccivin g pc n tod e. P late voh a ge h a s relll ti vely made in t wo t y pes, known as sharp cut-off
little effect o n plate currCll t. 10 t akin g these c u rves, th e
screen~ g r i d voltage . E.., was 100 volts a nd s u ppressor and variable-p. or " super-co ntrol II t ypes. In
grid voltage, E .w" zero wi th fe8pect to the ca thode. the sh ar p cut-off type the amplifi cation factor
is practically constan t regardless of grid bias,
the plate voltage has very li ttle effect on the while in the vari able-p. type the amplification
plate-current flow, both t he amp lification factor factor decre:lses as the negative bi as is in-
and plate resistance of a pen tode or tetrode are creased. The purpose of thi s desig n is to pe rmit
very high, as is apparent from t he definiti ons of the tube to handle large signal voltages with-
these constants ( 3-2) .l n small pentodes used out distortio n in circuits in wh ich grid-bias
for re ceivin g purposes th e amplification factor .. control is used to vary the mutu al co nductance,
is usu ally of the ord er of 1000, while the plate . and hence the nmplification.
resist ance may be fr om 0.5 to 1 or more Th e way in whi ch mutual conductance
megohms. Because of the high plate res ista nce, vari es with grid bias in tw o ty pi cal small re-
the actual voltage a mplifi cation possible wi th ceivi ng pe ntodes, simil ar except in that one is
a pentode is very much less than the large am- a shar p cut-off ty pe a nd t he other a variable-,u
plification factor might in dicate. In resistan ce- type, is sho wn in F ig. 323. Obviously, t he var i-
coupled a udio-frequency amplifi ers, a voltage able-.u ty pe ca n handle a much larger signal
ampli cation or gain of 100 to 200 is typical. v oltage without swinging eith er beyond zero
A typi cal set of characteristic curves for a gri d bias or plate-cu rrent cut-off (zero m utual
small pentode is show n in Fig. 322. Th at t he con du ctan ce) if the bias is properly chosen .
plate voltage has litt le effect on t he plate cur- Multi -purpo se typ es- A number of com-
rent is indi cated by the fact that the curves are binati on t ypes of tubes have been constructed
practically hori zo ntal once the plate voltage is to pe rfo rm multi pl e fun ctions, particularly in
high enough to prevent t he electrons in t he r eceiver circuits. Am ong th e si mplest are full-
space betwee n t he screen grid and the plate wave rect ifiers, com bi ning two diodes in one
fr om be,ing attr::t.cted back to th e scree n. T he envelope, a nd t win triodes, consisting of two
plate potential at which this occurs is con- t riodes in one bulb for Class-B aud io am pli fica-
siderabl y less than the sc reen potential, because t ion. More complex types include duplex-d iode
the electrons entering the space have co nsid- triodes, duplex-diode pent odes, converters a nd
crable velocity and hence tend to move away mixers (for su perhete rod y ne receive rsL co m-
from the screen despite the fact that the screen bination power tubes and rectifiers, a nd so ou.
has a positive charge. In man y cases the nature of th e tuhe structure
I n additi on to their appli cations as radio- can be ide ntified by the name.
frequency am plifiers, pentode or tetrode screen 200.
grid tubes also can be constru cted for audio-
fr equency power amplification. In tubes de-
signed fo r this purpose the shi eldi ng effect of
the screen grid is not so important; the chi ef
fun ction of the screen is to ser ve as an ac- Sluup cuiofftuhe
celerator of th e electrons, so th at large values
of pl ate cu rrent ca n be drawn at relatively low VOJuw!e oJ' tuhd,--I "
plate voltages. Such tubes h ave q ui t e high I
power sensit ivity ( 3-4) compared to tri odes I
of the S:lme power output, because th e amplifi-
cation fa ctor of an equ ivalent triode h as t o be
made quite low in or der to secure the sa me /
plate current at the same plate voltage. B e- ./
cause of the low .u, the t riode requires a rel a ~
tively large signal vo lta ge for full output, hence
. -,.
has 10".' power se nsjtivity. The harm oni c dis- Fig . 323 - Cu~vcs showin g mut u a l condu ctance T S .
tortion is so mew hat greater with pentodes a nd negat ive grid bias fOf two Slllall rece iv in g pClltoJ es, o n e
t.f't rod es than with triodes} however. " sharp cut..oIT t ype a mi oth er a \' afiahle... t y pe.
"fercury-1X1fJOr rcctiji,e r s - For a. given tra nsformer - necessa rily is dire ct ly connected
value of plate current, the power lost in a diode t o the tube circuit. On t he other hand, if the
rectifier ( 3-1) will be lessened if it is possible tube has an ind irectly heated cathode the
to dec rease th e plate-cathod e voltage at whi ch sou rce of heating power ca n be entirely inde-
the cu rren t is obtain ed. ]f <\ s mall a mount of pendent of the tube ci rcu it, si nce the elect ron-
mercury is Pllt in the tube, the m e rcury will emitting cathode need not be electrica,lIy con-
vaporize when the cp.thode is heated, and, nected to the heating clement. Thi s is n. 11
further, will ionize ( 2-4) ,,,-hen plate voltage is adv(l,ntage in ce rtain types of amplifiers.
applied. The p o~ i ti ve ions neutra lize the s pace While the oxide-coated cathode is the most
charge and reduce the plate-cathode voltage efficient type , in that it emits large numbcrs of
drop to a practically co nstant value of about 15 electrons per watt of hea ting power, it is su it-
volts, regardless of the value of plate curre nt. able only for tubes opera.ting at plate voltages
Since this voltage drop is much sm~l.lIe r than of 1000 volts or less. In the manufacture of the
c:~ n be att!tincd with purely thermionic COIUJUC- tube thcre is some tenden cy for t he e!ectron-
tion , there is less power loss in the redificr. That emitting material to be deposited on the co n-
the volt:Lge drop is co nsta.nt when the current trol gr id. Wh ile thi s is of little consequence
varies abo is an M erclll'y-vapo r in receiving tubes, it leads to difficulties in
tubes are widely used in power rectifiers. power-tube operation. A receiv ing tube is
G rid -control rec l.ifi.e rs - If a grid is in- usually operated with little or no grid current,
se rted in a mercury-va por rectifier it is found so that only very small a mou nts of power mu st
that with s ufficient negative grid bins it is be di ss ipated by the grid. On the othe r hand,
possible to prevent plate current from flowin g, a power tube operated as a Class-C amplifier or
but only if t he bias is present before plate volt- osc illator will take considerable grid cu rrent, so
age is ap pli ed. If the bias is lowered to the that the power the grid mu st di ss ipate is rela-
point where plate current can fl ow, the mer- t ively high and its temperature will rise cor-
cury vapor will ionize and the grid will lose respo ndingl y_ I n add it ion, both cathode and
control of plate current, si nce the space charge plate power diss ipation are large in tubes
di sappears when ioni zat.ion occu rs. ] t can as- handling large amou nts of power, fur ther rai s-
Slime control again onl y after the pl a.te voltage ing the internal tube temperature, so that the
is redu ced below t he ionizing potential. The control-grid temperature in a power tube read-
sa me phenom enon also occurs in tr iodes fill ed ily may be high enough t o cause electr on emis-
with other gases which ion ize at low pressure. sion from the deposited oxide material. When
Gr id-control rectifi ers find co nsiderable appli- this occ urs, the grid is in effect a second cath-
cation in "electronic switching " circu its. ode. The plate will attract the electrons so
cr. 3-6 Common Elements in Vacuum- emitted, increasin g the total plate current
without increasing the power output, with the
Tube Circuits result that t he plate eHlc iency is lowered and
Types of c(lthodcs - Cathodes are of two the plate tem perature rises. T his in turn te nds
gene ral types, directly and indirectly heated. to in crease the grid temperature, causing more
Directly heated cathodes or fi laments used in electron emission, and in a s hort t ime the tube
receiving tubes are of the oxide-coated type, will "run away" - that is, its plate current
consisting of a wire or ribbon of tungsten will increase to unsafe values a nd the power
coated with certain rare metals a nd earths output will decrease.
which fo rm an ox ide capable of emitting large A sccond factor which makes oxide-coated
numbers of electro ns with comparatively little cathodes unsuitable for power tubes is bom-
cathode-heating power. bardment of the cathode by positive ions.
When directly heated cathodes a re operated
on alter natin g current, the cyclic variation of
current canses electrostatic a nd magnetic ef-
fects which vary t he plate cu rrent of t he tube
at the su pp]y-flequency rate and thus produ ce
hum in the output. H um fr om thi s source is
el iminated by the i miirectly heated cathode,
consisting of a thin metal sleeve or thimble,
coated with electron-em ittin g ox.i des, encl osing
a tun gsten wire wh ich acts as a heater. The
heater brings the cathode thimble to the proper
temperature to cause electron emission_ This
type of cathode is also known as the equi-
A B c D E
potential cathode sin ce all parts are at the same Fig. 324 - T YI)c!O of ca tho d c CO nSlr ll Clion. Dircl l h ,
h ealed ca thodes o r filamen ts are s how n :t l A, n, a nd C.
potential, in contrast to the directly heated The invert ed V fi la m cnt is u sed in s mall receiving
filament wh cre a voltage drop occurs along the tuhes, the M in b oth recciv in g and tnHls lll iu in l,; t ubc>'.
wire because of the heating current which flow s Th e s [Jiral fila m ent is a lr a lls willi ll f.;- tuL c t y P\). T 6 e
th rough it. iU fl irectly hea ted cathodes at D an d E show two types
healer COlls tructioll, one a twisted loo p an d the o ther
When a tube has a directly heated cathode, of hunched b ea t er wires . 3 0th types teud to caoed tbe
the source of filamen t power - battery or magnetic fields set up by the cu rrent thro u gh the bea ter.
Vacuum Tubes 73
Alth ough by far t he greater par t of the air is
pumped out of the tube, it is imposs ible to
obtai n a co mplete vacuum; the re is always
some residual gas. The gas mole cules will be-
come ionized when the tube is operati ng
( 2- 4), sepa rating into a n elect ron and a pos i-
tivel y charged ion , with the latter having prac-
ti cally all the weight of the molecule. The
heavy pos iti ve io n is repell ed by th e posi ti ve
charge on the plate and driven at hi gh velocity
into the cathouc. The fo rce of the collision
breaks up the electron-emitting ma terial, fre-
quently st ripping who le sectio ns of i t from the
heating wire or sleeve.
T ubes intend ed fo r operatio n at voltages lip
to about t hree or four thousand volts us ml.ily
a re ma de wi th tllOriated-tungsten cat hodes. This
type of cflthode a lways is directly heated, con-
sisting of a fila. ment of tungsten containing
di ssolved t h ~ r ia. Th e presence of the thorium
makes th e filamen t much more efficient as a n
electron em itter than tungsten a lone, bu t the
t horiated fi la.m ent is in tu rn less effi cie nt than
the oxide-coated type. H owever, it is free
from the gri d-emiss ion effe cts described above.
Whil e it is Jess susceptible to positi ve ion bom-
bardment t han the oxide-coated type, partly - B +
because less gas is trapped or "occluded" in Fig. 325 - The t hree basic m e thod s o f ob tain ing J,:rid
bill ~ . A, fI:ce d bias; B, cuthodc bias; C, grid .leak bia..,.
the cathode itself, the be neficia l effect of the
thori um can be destroyed (at least te mpo- connections shown , has the righ t polari ty to
raril y) by bomba rd men t . bias the grid negatively wit h respect t o the
Since the bombardment increases with cathode. T he valuc of the resist or is deter-
higher plate voltages, thoriated filaments be- mined by th e bi:J.S requ ired and the plate cur-
come unu sable at very high voltages, a nd re nt which fl ows at t hat value of bias, as fou nd
tu bes bui lt to oper ate at several thousand volts fr om the tube characteristic curves; with the
a re provided with cathodes of pure tungsten. voltage and cu rren t know n, the resistance can
Thi s material m ust be ope rated at hig h tem- be d etermi ned by Ohm's Law ( 2-6) ;
perature (white heat ) for r easo nable electron-
emission effici e ncy, but even u nder this condi- R, = E X lOOO
tion is ve ry mu ch less e ffi cient th a n either the I,
t horiated or oxide-coated cath ode. H owever, it where Re = cathode bias resistor in ohms
is t he only type whi ch is satisfacto ry in high- E = desired bias voltage
voltage operation, ].e = t otal d .c. cathode current in milli-
The operating temperature of a th oriated amperes.
tun gsten fila ment is f::ddy critical, pa rticuh\rly If the tube is a mul t i-element ty pe, t he scree n-
with respect to good life cha racter istics, a nd a nd su ppresso r-grid currents shoul d be ad ded
the filame nt voltage should be mai ntain ed to the plate current to obta in the total cathode
wit hin a few per cent of the value specified by current. The control-grid cUl'I'e nt also s hould
the manufactu reI'. Th ese fil a me nts, as well as be included if t he control grid is driven positi ve.
oxide-coated cathodes, even tually OJ lose emis- Th e a.c. compone nt of pl ate current fl ow ing
sion"; th a t is, th e 'emission effi ciency of the through the cathod e r esistol'-will cause a n a. c.
cathode decreases to t he point w here it is im- voltage drop which gives negative feed-back
possible to obtain sufficient electr on emission ( 3-3) into the grid circu it , a nd t hus red uces
for satisfactory tube operation without raisiug the amplifica t ion. To prevent th is, the re-
tbe cathode temper ature to an u nsafe valuc. sist or us ually is by-passed ( 2-13) , Cc being
P ure tu ngste n cathodes do not lose emi ssion, t he cathode by-pass condc1~ ser. T o be e ffective,
but the high operatin g: temperature makes t he reac tan ce of the by-pass co nden ser mu st
them more susce ptible to "burn-out. " be small compared to Rc at the frequen cy be ing
M e tllod:o; oj obwining g rid bias - G rid a mplifi ed. T his condition genera ll y is satisfied
bias may be obta ined from 11 so urce of voltage if the r eactance is 10 p'r cellt 0 1' less of the
especially provid ed for that p urpose, such as cathode r esistance. I n audi o-f requen cy ampli-
a battery 0 1' ot her typc of d, c. power supply. fie rs, t he lowest freque ncy at which full am-
T his is indicated in Fig. 325-A. A second plifi cation must be secured s hould be used in
method, utilizi ng a cathode resistor, is ~ h own at calc ula ting t he required CUIX1C ity .
B ; d.,'. plate cmrcnt fl o\\ing Lhrough the re- A t.hi rd binsing method is by use of a grid
sistor causes a vo]t.:.tge dr op wili eb, witu the leok, R ~ in Fi g. 325-C. T hi s requires Lhat the ex:-
citing voltage be posit ive with respect to the a case th e re is no grid current a nd hence no
cathode duri ng part of the cycle, so t hat gr id voltage drop in the grid leak. add-l eak bias is
current will flow. The flow of grid cu rrent chiefl y used for r.L power amplifiers and for
through the grid leak causes a 'voltage drop certain types of detectors. In so me types of
across the resisto r, which gives the grid a nega- power a m plifiers, two or e ven all three types of
t ive bias. The time co nsta nt ( 2-6) of the gri d bias may be used on one tube.
leak an d grid condenser shoul d be large i n com- Cut lw d e c i rc u.i t s; ji in rn c nt ce n t e r l.op -
pa nson to the t ime of one cycle of the ex citing W hen a fliamenttype cathode is heatcd by
vol tage, so that the grid bias \.... iil be substan- a.c., t he hum i ntroducccl can be minimized by
tially constant a nd will not fo ll ow the varia- m aking the two ends of the filament have
t ions in a.C. grid voltage. For grid-leak bias, equal and opposite potentials with res pec t to
a center point, usu a ll y grounded ( 2- 13), to
R,~ EXJOOO whi ch the grid and plate return circuits arc
J, connected. T he filament transforme r winding
where R~ grid-leak res ista nce in oh ms is frequently center-tapped for th is p urpose, as
E desired bias voltage show n in Fig. 326-A. The sa me result can be
1p d .c. gri d curren t in milliam peres. secured with a n unta pped winding by s ub-
' Vhen two t ubes a re operated in push-pull stituti ng 3. center-tapped resistor of 10 to 50
or parallel anel use a com mon cath ode- or grid- ohms, as at B. T he by- pass condensers, C 1 a nd
leak resist or, th e value of resista nc e beco mes C 2 , are used in radio-frequency circ uits to
one-ha lf what it wou ld be for one tube. In avoid havi ng the r. L curre n t fl ow th rough the
push-pull C lass-A circui ts operati ng a t au dio t rans former or resist or, either of whi ch ma y
fre quencies, it is u nnecessary to by-pass t he have considerable reacta nce at r .L
cathode resistor to preven t negative fee d-back. T he fi lament supply for tubes with in-
In this case t he a.c . componen t of cathoda di rectly heated cathodes someti mes is ce nter-
current in o ne tu be is out of ph ase with t he tapped for t he same purpose; a lthoug h fre-
a.c. com pone nt in the other, so that the two q uently one i'lide of the filament supply, an d
components cancel each othe r. hence one termi nal of the heater, is grou nded.
T he choice of a bi Ming method depends
upon the ty pe of operation. Fi xed bias genera ll y ([ 3-7 Oscillators
is required where t he d.c. pl~tc current of Se lf- o~ c illa tio n
- The p05sibility of m ak-
t he am plifie r va rics in operation, M in CIMS-B i n ~ a n amplifi er tube ~ en e r :! te a. s lletai ned
a ud io- freq ue n cy a mplifiers. If ca thode bias is radio-freque ncy current rlolrcrlody ha~ bee n me n-
used in such tI. case t he bias voltage will vary tioned ( 3-5). Se lf-oscillation iI'J pos~ ib l e onl y
with t he plate curren t, which usually is un de- because of t he ampli fying action of the t ube,
sirable. Since t he plate current of a Class-A hen ce a triode or mu lti-element tube m ust be
a m plifier is co nstant with or wi thou t sig na l, used. The ordinary di ode does not amp lify, and
s uch ampli fiers al most invariably have cathode conseque ntl y cannot be made to oscillate.
bias . Grid-lea k bias can not be used with nm- In a n a m pl ifie r circui t having positive
plifie rs operated so t hat t he gri d is always nega- feed back, t he total amplification is la rger t han
tive with res pect to the cathode, since i n such it would be witho nt feed -hack ( :3-:3). I n ge n-
eral the greater t he feed back t he greater t he
total amplificatio n, bllt the process of increas-
ing feed-bac k for greate r a mpli ~icatio n ca nnot
A be carried on in defi ni tely. Beca use of the a m-
plifying properties of t he t u be, more energy is
. Gr/d
8eturn ....
~+~::!!+ ... Plate
developed in the plate ci rcu it t han is req uired
in t he grid circui t . If e nough e nergy is fed back
t o the grid , t he feed- back process becomes inde-
pendent of a ny ap plied signal voltage a nd con-
tin uous oscillations are ge nerated. Th at is, t he
t ube supplies its own grid excitatio n. T he ac-
tual e nergy req uired to overco me th e grid losses
is, in t he en d, taken fro m t he d.c. p late su pply.
I t is someti mes helpful to loo k at oscillation
fr om t he sta ndpoint of negative resi si(mce. As
previously described ( 3-3) , positive feed-back
B is equivalent to shunting a negative resistance
across the input circuit of the tube. \V he n t he
Gric! Plate ' v a lue of negative res istance becomes lower
Netllm:-1~*t--:Retum than t he positive resistan ce of the circuit (if the
ci rcuit is parallel resonant the positive resist-
(I Ct
an ce will be the resonant impedan ce of the
ci rcuit) the net resistance is negative, indi-
cating that t he circuit can be looked upon as a
P'f.g. !'26 - "ila rn CIl I <': I.:ut cr l a p CUll llcc t io n s. source of energy. Such a source is capable of
Vacuum Tubes 75
to provide feed -bac k coupling. There should be
no magnetic coupl ing between the two tuned -
circuit coils. Feed-back can be adjusted by
varying t he tuni ng of either the grid or plate
circui t . The circuit with the higher Q ( 2- l 0)
A dete rmines the frequency of oscillation . The
plate circu it must be tuned to a slightly higher
LZ ... B-
frequency than the grid ci rcuit, so that it will
have inductive reactance a nd hence give posi-
tive feed -back ( 3-3). The amount of detuning
required is sma.ll, so it is cu stomary to assume
that t he circuits are tuned to approxima tely
the same frequency.
The ultraudion cir cuit at C is equivalent to
B the Colpitts, with the voltage division fo r
oscillation brought about through the grid-to-
filament and plate-ta-filament capacities of t he
t ube. I n this a nd in the Colpitts circuit, the feed-
back can be controlled by varying the ratio
Fig. 327 - Two t ypes of osci llator circuits with ma g. of the two capacities. In the ult ra udion circuit,
netic feedback. A, tickler c irc uit; n. Bartley circu it. this can be done by connecting a small variable
condenser between grid and cathode.
maintaining a cons tant voltage which ca n be Crys tal osc illa.tors - Since [I. properly cut
amplified by th e tube . The actual energy. of quartz crysta l is equivalent to a hi gh-Q tuned
course, comes from the plate circuit of the tube, circuit ( 2- 10) , it may be s u bstituted for a con-
so t hat th e two viewpoints arc equ ivale nt. ventionaI'tuned circuit in an oscillator to con-
A circuit having the property of generating trol the frequency of osci llati on. A simple crys-
continuous oscitlations is called an oscilllltor . tal oscillator cir cuit is shown in Fig. 329. It will
It is not necessary to apply external excitation be recognized as the tun ed-plate tuned-grid
t o such a circuit, si nce any random variation in circuit with the crystal substitu ted for the res-
current will be am pli fied to cause oscillation. onant circuit in the grid . Many variations of
The frequency of oscilla tio n will be that at this fundamental ci rcuit are used in practice.
which the feed-back voltage has the proper Series ond pa.ra llc l fc cd - A circuit such as
pbase and amplitude. In the case of the reso- the tickler circu it of Fi g. 327- A is said to be
nant circuits usually associated \vith oscillators, series fed because the source of plate voltage
it is very nearly the resonant frequency of the and the r.r. plate circuit (the tickler coil) are
tuned ci rcu it.
Magnetic Jcccl-bach - One form of feed- R.F.Choke
back is by ele ctromagnetic coupling between
plate (output) and grid (input) circuits. Two
representative circu its of this type are show n in A
Fig. 327. That at A is called the tickler circuit.
The amplified current fl ow ing in the "tick ler,"
~, indu ces a voltage in L1 in the proper ph ase
c;f R9
the voltage across th e resonant circuit is d i-
vided, by means of the series co nde nsers, i nto
two parts. The instantaneous voltages at the C
en ds of the circ uit are opposite in polnrity with -B
respect to the cathode, hence:o the right phase Rj
to sustain oscillation. ~ll
The t uned-grid tuned-plate circuit at B Fig. 328 - Or;cillator circuits with ~up(lcity feedbnck.
utilizes the grid-plate capacity of the tube A, Coipi l u;; U, luuedplate tUllcd .:ricl : C. u\!raud !oll.
Plute efficien cy- Th e plate efficiency ( 3-3)
of an oscillator depends upon t he load resis t-
xW a nCe, exc itation a nd other operating cOl1 cli-
tions, a nd usually is in the vicini!'y of 50 p CI'
een t. It is not as hi gh as in the case of a n am-
plifier since the oscillator must supply its own
grid losses, which usually are 10 per cen t to
20 per cent of the ou tput power.
Fig. 329 - S imple c r ys! a[ oscillal or ci rc uit. Frequ.e n cy s tubi fi.t y - The frequency sta-
bility of a n oscillator is its ability to mai ntain
con nect.ed in series, hence the d.c. plate cu rrent constant fre que ncy in the prese nce of variable
flow s through the coil t.o the plate. A by- pass operating conditio ns. The more importa nt fac-
( 2-13) condenser, C", mu st be connected t ors which may cause a change i n frequen cy are
across th e plate su pply t o shu nt the radio- ( 1) pla te voltage, (2) temperature, (3) loading,
fr equency curre nt arou nd the source of power. (4) mechani cal variatio ns of circuit e lemc nls.
Other examples of series plate fee d arc shown P late-voltage var.iations will cause a corre-
in Figs. 328-B and 329. spo nding instan taneolls shift in frequen cy; this
1n some cases the somce of plate power must t y pe of frequency sh ift is called dynamic in-
be conn ected in parallel with the tu ned circuit stability. Temperature changes will cause tube
in ord er to provide a path for direct current to eleme nts to expand or contract slig htly, thus
t he plate. This is illustrated by the Hartley causing va.riation s in the intcrelectrode ca-
circuit of Fig. 327-B, where it would be im- pacities ( 3-2), and since th ese are u navo id-
possible to feed the plate cu rrent through the ably part of the tun ed circui t the fr equency will
coil because the re is a di rect connection be- change corresponding ly . T emperature changes
tween the coil a nd cathode. H ence th e voltage in the coil or co nde nser will change the induct-
is applied to the plate through a radio-fre- ance a nd capacity slightly, again causi ng a
q uency c hoke, wh ich prevents the rJ. current shift in the resonant frequenc y . Both these
hom flowing to the plate su pply a nd th us temperat ure effects a re relatively slow in oper-
short-circuiting the osci llator. The blocking ation, a nd the frequency change caused by
condenser, Cb, pt'ovides a low-impedance path them is call ed drift. Load variations act in
for radio-frequency current flow but is an open much the same way as pl a.te voltage variations
ci rcui t for direct curre nt ( 2-13) . Other ex- except when there is a te m pe ratu re change in
amples of parallel fee d a re shown in Figs. the load, when drift also may be prese nt. Me-
32S- A and 32S-C. cha ni cal variations, usually caused by vibra.-
Values of chokes, by-pass a nd blocki ng con- t ion, cause cha nges in inducta nce a nd / or ca-
densers a re deter mined by the considerations pacity which in turn cause the frequency to
outlined in 2-13. " wobble" i n step with the vibrat ion.
Exci.tat;QIt (fn d bins - The excitation volt- Dynam ic instability can be reduced by using
age requ ired depends upon the characteristics a tuned circuit of high e ffective Q, whi ch means,
of the tube and ~h e losses in t he circ uit, includ- s in ce the tube and load represe nt a relatively
ing the power consumed in the load. I n practi- low resistance in parallel with the circuit, that
cally all oscill a tors the grid is driven positive a low L / C ratio ("high-C") must be used
during part of the cycle, so that power is con- ( 2-10) a nd t hat the circuit should b e li ghtly
sumed in the grid ci rcuit ( 3-2). This power loaded. Dynamic stabi lity also can be im-
must be supplied by the plate ci rcuit. With proved by using a high value of grid leak,
insuffi cient exc itation, the tube will not oscil- which gives high grid bias and raises the cf-
late; with too-high exc itation, the grid losses , . fective resistance of t he tube as see n by the
or power consumed in the grid circuit, will be tank cir<.:uit, and by using rela ti vely hi gh plate
excess ive. voltage and low plate c urrent, whi ch acco m-
Oscillators are al most always grid-leak biased plishes the same result. Drift can be mi ni mized
( 3-6). This not only takes advantage of the by using low d. c. input (for the size of tube) ,
grid-cu rre nt flow bu t also gives better opera- by using coils of large wire to prevent undue
ti on, since the bias adjusts itself to the excita- temperature rise, and by prov idin g good ve nti -
bion voltage avai lable.
1'arth c ircui t - The resonant circuit asso-
c,iatcd with the oscillator generally is called
the tank circuit. This name derives from the
storage of ene rgy associated with a resonant
circuit of reasonably hi gh Q ( 2-10). I t is
applied to any resonant circuit in transmitting
appl icat ions, whether used in an oscillator or
in an amplifi er.
Power ou. /f/n t, - T he power output of an + ES - 6 - suP. -tEr
oscill ato r is the useful a.c. power co nsumed
F ig. 330 - Negative.res is tance oscillato r. Tbis circuit.
in a load connec ted to the osci llator. The load ku o ..o as the " t ra ns itro u." require9 tb a t .. b e s c r een
may be coup led as dcscribcd in 2- 11. . be o pe r;tl<\l. d at .. b i;ucr J . ~. _\>O t ~ll ti.aJ l u:> n t be v l:..l<>.
Vacuum Tubes 77
+B latia n to carry off s ponciing to o ne of its higher harmoni cs (t he
heat rapidly. A low tenth har mo ni c is frequently used ), and thus
L i e ratio in t. he tank can be lIsed as a Jrequency divider.
circuit also helps, be-
cause the in te relec- lI. 3-8 Cathod e -Ray Tubes
trade capacity varia- I'rill.c ipits - The cathode-ray tube is a
lion s have propor- vacuum tube in whi ch the electrons emitted
tionately less effect o n from a hot cathode are first accelerated to give
the frequency when the m considerable velocity, then forme d in to
shunted by a large a beam, and finally allowed to strike a specia l
cond enser . Spec ial translucent screen whichjluoresces, or gives oft
-6 t.emperature-compen- li ght at the point where the be a m strikes. A
Fig. 33 / - TLc llIul l ivibr :l' sated co mpone nts al- narrow bea m of moving electrons is a na logoll s
1M, or n l ax tl l ioll oscillat or. so ca n be used. M c- to a wire C31"1"ying cu rren t ( 2-4) a nd, like the
chanical in stability wire, is acco mpani ed by electrostatic and
ca n be preven ted by lI sing well-designed com- electromagnetic fie lds. R enee the bea m ca n be
ponents a nd insuhLt ing the oscillator from m o ved laterally or defle cted by electri c or
mecha nica l vibratio n . magnetic Helds, sin ce such fielus will exert a
Ncgo l.ive- rcs istance o sci llato rs - If a reso- force on the beam in the same way as on
nunt circu it we re completel y free from losses, charged bodies o r on wires carrying cu rre nt
a current once started would co ntinue indeH- ( 2-3, 2..06). Since the ccLthocie- ray bea m C0 11-
nitely; that is, sustained oscillations would sists only of movi ng electrons, its weight and
occu r. As previously explained, th is con dition inertia a re negligibly sm al l. For t hi s reason, it
can be simulated in practice by ca nceli ng the ca n be m ade to follow inst a ntl y the variations
llctual resist ance in the ci rcuit by inserti ng a n in fie lds whi ch are changing periodically, even a t
equal or greate r a m o unt of 1~cgative resistance. very high radio freque ncies.
Negative resist ance is exhi bi t-cd by any de vice Electron g Urt - T he elect rode a rrange ment
showing an increase of curre nt when the a p- which for ms the elec tro ns into a be:"l ill is c:tlled
plied voltage is decreased , or vice versa. th e electron gun. I n the f' im ple tube struc ture
In ad diti o n to negative resist ance by feecl- s hown in F ig. 332, th e gUll con sists of the cath-
back, the vacuum tube can be made to show ode, grid, and anodes N os . 1 and 2. Th e inten-
negative resistance by a number of arrange- sity of the electron beam is regulated by th e
ments of electrode potentials. One suc h circuit grid in the sa me way as in an o rd inary t ube
is sho wn in F ig. 330. Negative res istance is pro- ( 3-2) . An ode No. 1 is operated a t a positive
duced by virt,ue of t he fact th at, as the su p- potential wit h respect to the cathode, thus
presso r grid of a pentode is give n more nega- accelerating the electrons which pass through
tive bi as, electron s no rmally passin g through th e grid , a nd is prov ided with s m aJ I apertures
to t he pia.te are t urned back to the sc reen, thu s through wh ich the electron strea m passes. On
increasin g t he screen curre nt and reversing emerging fr o m the a pertu res the electrons are
no rm a l t ube act ion ( 3-2) . T he negative re- trav eli ng in prac t ica lly parallel straight-li ne
sistan ce so produced is su ffi ciently low so th at paths. T he electrostatic fie lds set up by t he po-
ordin ary tuned circuits will osci llate read ily at tenti a ls o n a node No. 1 and anode No.2 form
freque ncies up to 15 M c. or so. an electron lens system, co m parable t o a n opti-
Th e lIt//.ltj/;ibro t,o r - Th e type of oscill ato r ca l le ns , which "makes the electro n pat hs co n-
circuit shown in F ig. 331 is known as t he multi- verge to a point at t he fl uorescent scree n in
vibrator, or rehtxation osc illator. T wo tubes a re mu ch th e same way th at a glass le ns t3 kes
used wit h resist a nce co uplin g, t he out put of para llel rays of light a nd brings them to a point
o ne tube being fed to the input circu it of the fo cus. F oc ll sing of the elect ron bea m is acco m-
other. The freque ncy of oscillation is deter- pli shed by varying the pote nt ials on the anodes,
mined by the t im e constants ( 2-6) of the t he potential in turn determining the strengt h
resistance-capacity co mbin a t io ns. The pri n- of the field. I n practice th e potential o n anode
ciple of osci!lation is t he sa me as in the feed- No.2 is usually fixed, while that. o n a.n ode No.
back ci rcuits alrea dy described, the second 1 is varied to bring the beam to focu s. Anode
tube bei ng necessary to obt ai n t he prope r N o. 1 is, therefore, frequent ly cn.llcd the focus -
phase relation ship ( 3-3) for oscillatio n wh e n ing electrode,
t he energy is fed back.
T he Jl)ultivibrator is a very un st ab le oscil- eat/wde AllOtie No. l
lator, a nd for this reaso n its freque ncy
readily can be controlled by a small sig na l
of st cady frequency in t roduced into t he cir-
cuit. Thi s phenomenon is called lockin g.
The outpu t wavcs hape of the multiv ibrator
is hi ghly distorted, hence has high harmonic I
AI'uxfeNa2 Oef!ectLOn
co nte nt ( 2-7). A useful feature is thnt the PLates
multi vibra t or can be locked at its funda- FiB. 332 - A r ran gem e n t o f the cl e m e ol s in a cat bode.ra y
menta l frequ e ncy by a freque ncy corre- l u b e of the ty pe cm ployio g eiectr06ta lic h e alll d eOeclioD.
Sharpes t focus is obtained when the elec- v olt, which gives the linea l' movement of th e
trons of the beam have high velocity, so that spot on the scree n as a function of tbe voltage
relatively high d.c. potentials urc common with applied to a set of defl ecting plates. Values
cathode-ray tubes . T he current flowing to the range from about 0.1 to 0.6 mm / volt, depend-
anodes, however, is quite small (of the order of ing upon t he tube construction a nd gun elec-
a few milli amperes at most), so that the power trode voltages. T he sens itivity is decre ased by
required is negligible. In so me tubes a seco nd an increase in anode No.2 v oltage because n.
grid is inserted between the control gri d and higher voltage gives the electrons in the beam
anode No. I, to provide additional acceleration higher ve locity, and hence they are less easily
of the electro ns. deflected by a fie ld of given strength.
111er,h od s oj d eflec t,i.o n - 'V hen foc lI sed, Flu o rcsce nt screen s - The flu oresce nt screen
the beam from the gun si mply produces a materi als used have varying character is tics, ac-
s mall spot on the scree n, as just desc ribed. cord ing to t he type of wo rk for which the tube
Ho wever, if a fter leaving t,be gu n t he beam is is inte nded. The s pot color is green, whi te,
deflected by eitber magneti c or electrostatic yellow or blue, de pending upon th e screen
fields, the s pot wi ll move across the scree n in material. The persistence of t he screen is t he
proportion to the for ce exerted on tbe beam. t im e duration of the after-glow 'which exists
If the motion is sufficiently rapid, retentivit.y when t he excitation of the electron beam is
of vis.on makes the path of the movi ng spot removed . Scree ns arc classified as long-,
(trace) appeal' as a continuous line. me d ium- and short-persiste nce. Small tubes
Electrostatic deflection, ge nerally lIsed in for osci lloscopic work usua ll y are provided
the sma ller tubes, is produced by deflection with medium-persistence screens of greenish
plates. T wo sets of plates are placed at ri ght flu orescence.
angles to each other, as indicated in Fig. 332. circ u.its - A representati ve cat hode-
Th e fie lds a re created by applyi ng suitable ray tube ci rcuit with electrostati c defle ction is
voltages betwee n the two plates of each pair. shown in Fig. 334. One pla.t e of each pair of de-
Usually one plate of each pair is connected to fl ec tin g plates is connected to anode No . 2.
a node No.2, to establish the polarities ( 2-3) Since the voltages required normally ate rathe r
of the fields with respect to t he beam a,nd to high, the positive term inal of the s up ply is
each other. usua lly gro un ded ( 2-13) so that the co mmon
Tubes intended for magnetic deflection ha ve de flecti on plates will be at ground poten ti al.
the same type of gun, but have no deflect ion T his places the cath ode a nd other elements at
plates. Instead the deflccti ng fields are set up high potentials above gro und, hen ce th ese ele-
by means of coils, corres pon din g to the plates ments must be well ins ulated. T he various
in tubes havi ng electrostatic deflection. Th e electrode voltages are obtained from a voltage
co ils a re external t o the tube but are mounted divider ( 2-6) across the high-voltage d.c.
close to t he glass envelope in the same rela- supp ly. R3 is a variable di vider or I' poten ti-
tive positions occupied by the electrostatic ometer " for adjusti ng the negative bi as on the
deflectio n pl ates, as show n in Fig. 333. The control grid and th ereby varying the beam cur-
coi ls mar ked A 1 a nd, Az a re co nnected so that rent ; it is called t he intensity or brightness co n-
their fi elds a id and have th eir axes on t he same troL The focus, or sharpness of the luminous
line through the tube. The co ils ma rked B1 and spot formed on the screen by the beam, is con-
Bzlikewise are connected wi th fie lds aiding and trolled by R., ,,,,h ich cha nges the ratio of t he
also are a ligned along the same a xis through ano de No. 2 and anode No. 1 voltages. Th e
the tube, but this axis is perpendicu lar to the focusing and intensity controls interloc k to
ArA2 axis. some extent, and the sharpest focu s is obtained
T he beam deflection caused by a gi ven by keeping the beam current low.
change in the fie ld inte nsity is called the de- Deflecting voltages for the plates are applied
jlectio'" seusitivity. Wi th electrostatic-deflection to t he termin als ma r ked "inp ut voltage," RI
tubes it is usually expressed in millimeters per a nd R2 being high resistances ( 1 megohm or
more) to drain o ff any accu mulatio n of charge
on the deflectin g pl ates. Usua lly so me provi-
sion is made to place a n adjustable d. c. vol tage
on each set of plates, so that the spot can be
'- ce ntered" when stray electrostatic 01' mag-
netic fi elds are present; the a djustable voltage
sim p ly neu tralizes stich fields.
The tube is mounted so that on e set of pla tes
produces a horizontal lin e when a varying volt-
age is applied to it, while t he othel' set of plates
F ig. 333 - A ca thod e.n lY t ube wi th magnetic d efl ec- produces a vertical line u nder simi lar co ndi-
tion. The g Ull represcnted he re is the same as in the ti.ons. They are calJed, respectively, the " hori-
el ectros t ut ic-defleetion tube showB in F ig. 332, bu t th e zontal " an d "vertical" plates, but which set
beam is d efl ec t ed b y ma gnetic instead of elect ric field s.
Ac t ual deflec l ion coils u su ally a rc for med to fi t as of actual plates produces which line is sim ply a
" io;!c\y as possible to th e neck o f t he tube, so t hat the matter of how the tu be is mounted. It is usua lly
field will be us st rOllg as possible for 11 given coil curfent. necessa ry to provide a m ou nting which can be
Vacuum Tubes 79
ever, when both voltages are present the posi-
tio n of the s pot at any instant depe nd s UpOIl
t he voltages on bot h sets of plates at that in-
+ 0--'---'-",_=,"M"'_.1"' stant.. Thus at t i me B the horizo ntal voltage
has moved the s pot a short distnn ce to the
Os right and the ve rtical voltage has si milnrly
m oved it upw ard, so that it reaches the actual
Input position BI on tbe s('ree n. T he resulting trace
is easily foll owed from th e ot he r indicated posi-
t ions, which are tnken at equal time intervals.
T y p es oj sweep s - A horizontal swee p-volt-
age wn.veshape such as that sho\\' n in F ig. 335
is called a li11ear swee1J, because the deflection
i n the hori zon tal direction is di rectly propor-
tional to t ime. If the sweep we re perfect t he
"fly-back" time, or time taken for the spot to
return from the end (H ) to the beg inni ng (I 01'
Pig. 331 - Cathullc-ray t u be cire ui!. T y pical v;tl ues
fo r a 3-mch (screcu.d iam cter) t ube such as t he 906: A) of the horizonta l trace, wo uld be ze ro, so th:lt
HI, R2 - 1 t o 10 megohms. n~ - 0.2 megohm. the line H 1 would be perpendicular to the axis
R3 - 20,000 ohms. Ih - 0.5 megohm . Y-Y'. Alt hough the fly -bac k time ca nnot be
The bi gb - \'o ltage s u pply should be abo ut BOO \'olls d.c. made zero in practica bl e sweep-volta ge gener-
rotated to some extent, so that the lines will ators it can be ma de quite s ma ll in com pariso n
actually be horizontal nnd vertical. . to the t im e of the desired trace A 1-1 , at least at
/-'otver s f.~pply - The d. c. voltage required most frequencies within the audio range. The
for operation of the tube may vary from 500 fly- back time is so me what exagge rated in Fig.
volts for the min iature type (I-inch diameter 335, to show its effect on t.he pattern. The line
screen) to several thousand for the larger HI l 'is called the return trace; with a li near
tubes . The current, however, is vcry small , so sweep it is less brilliant than the pattern, be-
that the power requ ired is likewise small. Be- cause the spot is moving much more rapidly
cause of the small current requirements, a recti- during the fl y-back tim e than du ring the t i me
fied a.c. supp ly with half-wave rectification of the main trace. If the fl y-back time is s hort
( 8-3) and a si ngle 0.5 to 2-J..tfd. condenser as a enollgh, the retu rn trace wil l be invisible.
filter ( 8-5) is satisfactory. Th e linea r sweep has the advanta ge that i t
shows the sh ape of the wave applied to the
3-9 The Osd lIoscope verti cal pl ates in t he same way in whic h it is
Desc ripl.ion - An osc illoscope is essentiall y usually represented graph ically ( 2-7). If the
a cathode-ray t ube in the basic ci rcu it of Fig. time of Olle cycle of the a.c. voltage app lied to
334, but with provisio n fo r su pply in g a suitab le
defl ection voltage on one set of plates (ordi- v
narily those giving horizo ntnl deflection). The
deBection voltage is called the sweep. Oscillo-
sco pes frequently are also eq uipped wit.h e'
;;c' ~
vacuu m-tube amplifiers for increasing the am-
plitude of small a.c. vo ltages to values suitable X A'
" 111 I\, X!
for applicatio n to the deflecting plates. These
am plifiers ordin arily are limited to operation
" l\--
\j I V'
in the audio-frequency ra nge, and hen ce can- \ f'
V TlM -
, I 08cope sc r ee n
lationships of the voltages remain unchnnged.
Fig. 335 shows how suc h patterns are formed. ~ -(,
s howi ll g t b e fo rlllll
li o n o f t b e pa lter,
fro m t b e h ori7.ont .. 1
The horizontal s weep voltage is assumed to -----' G li n d vertical sweel
have the " sawtooth" waveshape indicated ; H vo ltages .
with no voltage applied to the vertical plates 1 I-IqRIZONTAl.
the trace simply s weeps from left to right
across the screen along the horizonta l axis
X _XI until t he instant H is reached, whe n it the vertical plates is a fraction of the time
reverses direction and returns to the sta rting taken to sweep horizontally a croSS the scree n,
point. Th e sine-wave voltage applied to the several cycles of the vertical or signal volt age
vertieal plates simil arly would trace a line will appear in t he pattern. T he shape of only
a long the axis Y - Y' in th e absence of a ny de- the la st cycle (or the last. few cycles, depending
fl ec volta ge on the horizonta.l plates. How- upon the numbar in t he pat,t.cro a nd the
characteristics of the sweep) to appear will be once more charges through R t - If Rl is large
affected by the fly-back in such a (;asc. enough, the voltage ac ross Ct ri 8es linearly
Although the linear s weep generally is most with time up to t he brea kdown point. This
u seful, other sweep wa ves hapes may be des ira- voltage is used fo r the sweep, being coupled to
ble for certain purposes. The shape of the pat- the cathode-ray tube or t o an amplifier through
tern obtained, with a given signal wavcshape C2 The fly-back is the time required for di s-
on the vertical plates, obviously will depend charge through the tu be, and to keep i t s mall
lIpon the shape of the horizo ntal s weep voltage. the resistance during discharge mu st be low.
If the horizontal sweep is si nusoidal, the main To obtain a stationary pattern, the I! saw-
a nd return s weeps each occupy the same time tooth" frequency can be controlled by varying
and the spot moves faste r horizontally in the C 1 and Rl an d by introducing some of the
center of the pattern than it c10es at the ends. voltage to be observed (on the vertical plates)
If two sinusoidal voltages of the same frequency into the grid circuit of the tube. This voltage
are applied to both sets of plates the res ulting "triggers" the tube into operation in sy n-
pattern may be a straight line, an ellipse or a chronis m with the signal frequency. Synchro-
circle, depending upon the amplitude and nization will occur even though the !5ignal fre-
phase relationships. If the frequencies are quen cy is a multiple of the s\veep frequency,
harmonically related ( 2-7) a stationary pat- provided t he circuit constants and the ampli-
tern will result, but if one frequency is not an tude of the sy nch ronizing voltage arc properly
exact harmonic of the other t he pattern will ad.justed .
show continuous motion. Thi s is also the case The voltage output of the type of circuit
when a linear sweep circuit is used; the sweep s hown in Fi g. 336 is limi ted , becau se the charg-
frequency and the frequency under observa- ing rate of the condenser is linear only on tha t
t ion mu st be harmonically related or the pat- portion of the logarithmi c charging curve
tern will not be station ary. ( 2-6) which is practically a straight line . A
Sweep circui ts - A sinusoidal sweep is easi- linear charging rate over a longer period of
est to obtain, since it is poss ible to apply a.c. time can be secured by substituting a current-
voltage from the power line, either directly or limiting device, such as a properly adjusted
through a suitable transformer, to the hori- vacuum tube , for R l .
zontal plates. A variable voltage divider or A rnpli}i.e rs - The usefulness of the oscil-
potentiometer can be used to regulate the los cope is enhanced by providing amplifiers for
width of the horizontal tra ce. both the horizontal and vertical swee p volt-
A typical circuit for a linear sweep is shown ages, thereby insuring that sufficient voltage
in Fig. 336. The tube is a gas triode or grid- will be avail able at the deflection plates to give
control rectifier ( 3-5) . T he breakdown volt- a pattern of suitable size. With s mall oscillo-
age, or plate voltage at which the tube ionizes scope tubes (3-inch and smaller screens) the
and starts conducting, is determined by the voltage required for a deflection of one i nch
grid bias. When pla.te voltage is applied the varies from about 30 to 100 volts, depending
voltage across C l ri ses, as it acquires a charge upon the anode voltages, so that a n amplifier
through R I , until the breakdown voltage is tube capable of an undistorted peak output
reached, when the condenser discharges rapidly voltage of 100 or so is necessary . (With such an
through the comparatively low plate-cathode amplifier, the voltage difference, or total volt-
resistance of the tube. When the voltage drops age "swing," between the positive and nega-
to a value too low to mai ntain phlte-current tive peaks is 200 volts.) . A resistance-coupled
flow, the ionization is extinguished and C l voltage amplifier ( 3-3) having a pentode tube
is ordinarily used because of the high gain ob-
~~~--l l-::--;
885 C Ou.tput
tainable with this type of tube. The ampli fier
should be designed to have flat frequency re-
sponse over as wide a range of audio frequen-
cies as possible ( 3-3, 5-9) . Since a voltage
gai n of 100 to 150 or more is readily obtainable,
full deflection of the beam can be secu red with
R, an input of one volt or less by the use of such
an amplificr.
- B +0 Con str u.cti o n a l co n sid e ratio n s - An oscil-
Fig. 336 ~ A li llcar sweep-oscillator us in /! a :;: a s tr iode . losco pe should be houscd in a. metal cabinet,
Cl - 0.001 to 0.25 p.fd . C3 - 0.1 ,.{d. bo!'h to shield the tube from s tray electromag-
C2 - 0 .5 }Jf d. Col. - 25 ,..fd . 25-volt netic and electrostatic fields which might de-
HI - 0.3 to 1.5 megohms. elect rolytic .
R2-2000 oh ms. H4 - 25,OOO ohms.
flect the beam and a lso t o protect the o pera tor
Jb - 0.25 megohm . R5 - 0.1 me gohm . from the high voltages a.ssociated with the
The " B" su pply sbou ld deliver 300 voils . C! a ll d HI a rc tube . It is good practice to provide a n inter-
p roportioned t o give a sui table sweep frequency; t h e lo ck s witch which automatically disc onnects
highe r the t ime cons tllnt ( 2.6), the lower t he frequenc y.
R 4 li mits grid-curren t flow du ri ng t be de-io ni l.i ng period, the hi gb-voltage supply wh e n the cabinet is
wbe n positive iOll8 a re attrac t e d t o t he neg .. tive grid . opened for servici ng or other reasons.
cellent crystal-oseillator tubes. The scree n Fig . 405 - Curves show-
volt~\ge is generally of the order of half the )
/In/odd .., ,e
in g d.c. plate c urren t v s .
p late tu n ing ca pac ity i n n
plate voltage for optimum operatio n. Small ,, crys tal olici ll ator. b o th
tubes rated at 250 vo lts for audio wor k may be with and witbou t load.
operated \.... ith 300 volts on the plate a nd A "' Tbelle cu r ves a pply equally
100- 125 on the screen as crysta l oscillators. to tbe triode. tetro(\ e o r
The sc reen is at ground potential for r.L and p e ntocle c r y s lul oscillato r .
has no part in the operation of the ci rcuit
other than to set the operating characteristics
of the t ube. The larger beam tubes may be The greater the loading, the small er the volt-
opemted at 400 to 500 volts on the pl ate and age fed back to the grid circuit for excitatio n
250 on the screen for maxim um output. purposes. This mea ns that the r.L voltage
Pentode oscill ators operatin g at 250 to 300 across the crystal a lso will be reduced, hence
volts will give 4 or 5 watts out put und er nor- there is less crysta l beating when the oscill ator
mal conditi ons. Beam-type tubes such as the is delivcring pow er than whcn it is unlo:1dcd.
Failure of a. crystal circuit to oscillate may low grid-pl ate capacity ( 3-2, 3-5) must be
be caused by any of tbe foHow in g : use d, Otherwise, there may be excessive feed-
1) D irty, chipped or fractured crystal. bac k a nd danger of fracturing the crystal.
2) Imperfect or un clean bold er s urfaces. T he cathode tank circuit, LICIt is not tuned
3) T oo t ight coupling to lond . to the frequ ency of the crystal, but to a con -
4) Pl ate tank circuit not tuning correctly. sid erably higher frequ ency. Re com mended
5) Ins ufficient fe ed-back capacity . values for Ll arc given under th e diagram. Ct
s hou ld be set t.o as ncar minimum capacity as is
Pier ce osciU(l tQr - This circuit is s hown in consistent with goo d output. This reduces the
Fig. 406. It is equivalent t o the uitraudion cir- crystal voltage.
With pentode-type tubes hav ing separate
supp ressor connecti ons, the s up pressor may be
either connected d irectly to groun d or oper-
ated at about 50 volts positive. Th e latter
method will give somewhat higher output than
wi th the su ppressor connected to gro und .
W ith tran s mitting pentacles or beam tubes
opel':).ted at 500 volts on the plate an ou tp ut of
15 watts can be obta in ed on the fundamenta l
and very nearly as mu c h on the secon d har-
'200 - )00
VOLTS monic , or enough to drive directl y an amplifier
of modem.te power.
Fig. 406 - Pierce osci llator c ircuit. Tubes sllch as the
6C5 and 6 f 6 a re suita hle, operating at plate volta ses
not exceed in g 300 to prevent crysta l fr actu re . When a
triode is used , Ha a ud C4 are o mitted. Rl shou lJ be
25,000 to 50.000 ohms. 1000 o hms is recommended fo r
lh. R3 is the screen voha ge droppin g resist a nce (75,OOO
o hm s for the 6F6). Cl may have a n y v alue be t\\'ecn
0.001 and 0.01 J<fd. C3 and C. sho uld he 0.01 J<fd. C2,
the regenerillioll Cap:lCiLy, mu s t be dete rmined by ex
perim ent ; usual vulu es are bct.ween 50 and 150 uJ< fd.
The cil paci ty of eli shou ld be alljus ted so that the osci l.
loto r is Do t oyer loaded; us ually 100 J<J<fd is sa t.isracto r y.
While capacitive coupling is simplest from circuit. The link li ne us ually consists of two
the vie wpo int of con struction, it has certain closely s paced parallel wires ; occasionally the
disadvantages. The input capa city of the am- wires are twisted together, but this u sually
plifier is shunted across at lea:: ; t a portion of the causes undue losses at high frequen cies.
driver tank coil. When added to the output It is adv isab le to have some mean s of vary-
capacity of the drivel' tube, this additional ca- ing the cou plin g between link and tank coils.
pa city may be sufRcient, in many cases, to The link coi l may be arranged t o be S\vung in
prevent use of a des irable L i e fa.tio in circuits relation to the tank coil oJ', when it cons ists of
for frequencies above about 7 Me. a large tUrn around the outside of the tank coil,
Link coupling - At the higher frequencies split into two parts which ca n be pulled apart
it is advantageous in r educing t he effects of or closed so mewhat in the fashion of a pail' of
tube capacities on the L I G to use separate calir:ers. If the tank coils a re wound o n forms,
tank circuits for the driver plat e and amplifier the link may be wound close to the m a in coil.
grid, coupling the two circuits by means of a Wit h fix ed coiis,- some adjustment of cou-
link ( 2-11). Th is meth od of cou pling also pling usually can be obta.ined by vary ing the
has some con,:;;tructional advantages, in that number of turns on the link. In geneml , the
separate par ts of the t ransmi tter may be con- proper number of turn s for the li nk must be
structed as sep~!, rat e units without the ncces- fo und by ex periment.
sity for running long leads at high rJ . potential.
Circuits for link coupling are shown in Fig. ([ 4-7 R.F. Power Amplifier Circuits
411. The coupling ordinarily is by a turn or
two of wire closely coupled to the tank indu ct- Tetrode and pcntodc (unplijicrs - When
a nce at a point of low r.f. potential, such as the t he input and outpu t circ uits of a n r.f. ampli-
center of the coil of a balanced tank circ ui t or fier tube are t uned to the sa. me frequency it
the "ground" end of t he coil in a si ngle-ended will osci ll ate as a tuned-gri d t u ned-plat.e oscil-
(Ay +B -c +B -c
(c) .6 -c
+6 -c
-= (E)
+6 -c +6 -c
Fig. 410 - Direct- o r capaci t y -cou pled (IriYer and am pli fi er stages. The couplin g c apacity may be rrom 50 p"fd.
10 0.002 "Cd.; it is [l OI cl'illcal e-xcep t whcre tapp ing the coils for con lrol of e-xcitatio n is not pos ~i bl c. P arallel
platc f'Ccd to tbe driver all d series grid feed to the amplifier may bc 5uLs tilulcd ill a n y o f the circuits 0 37) .
Radio-Frequency Power Generation 89
Ncu.t rnli::mtion - Neutralizati on amounts
t o tak ing so me of the ra dio-frequ e ncy current
f rom t he o utp ut or input circ uit of t he a m-
plifi er and introdu cing it into th e ot her circ uit
i n such a way that it cffectively cancels t he
current flowing through the grid -p late capac ity
of the tube, th us rendering it im possible for the
t u be to s uppl y its o wn exc itatio n. For com-
plete neutraliz,ation, the tw o curre nts must be
DRivER AMP opposi te in phase ( 2-7) and equal in a m pli-
t ude_
The out-of-phase current (or voltage) can be
(8) +B q4j~ :.:..:
obta in ed q ui te readily by us ing a balanced
tank circ uit for eith er grid o r pb te, taking the
ne utrali zi ng voltage from th e end of the tan k
opposite t hat t o whi ch the grid or pla te is
co nnected. The amplitud e of the neut ra li zing
-c vo ltage cnn be regulated by means of a s mall
conden ser, the neutralizing condenser, hav ing
the same order of capacity as the grid-plate
ca pa city of the tube . Cir cui ts in whi ch th e
ne utralizi ng voltage is o bta in ed from a ba l-
an ced grid tank and fed to the plate through
t he neutral izi ng cond en se r are termed grid-
neutrali zed circ ui ts, whil e if t he neu tralizi ng
voltage is obtained from a balanced pl ate tank
and fe d to th e grid of th e tube the circ ui t is
RFe plate-neutralized.
Plate-ne u.t ralized c irc u.its - The cir cui ts
+B -c fo r pl a te neutra li zation a re shown in Fig. 4 13
F ijl.. 4/ J - Link couplin g betwee n (I ri ve r alltl nmplificr.
A B c
. E
" .
o E F
Fig. 4 13 - Neu tra lized triode a m p li fie r eir c uil ~. P la ' t" IIcut r llliza t ioll is sh own in .A . n a nd C. while D , E a nd F
~ b ow ty pes o f gr i(1 ncn tr a ii :<:lIl ioo . E it h er clq )llc i t i \'c o r link cou p lin g lllay be used wit h the circui ts o f A. 13 o r C.
C. L - See 4.8. CQ.L~ - Gr id lank circuit. C.. - N eutra liz in g con dcoscr.!. Cl - O.OJ ,..Cd. C2 - O.OO l ,. rd.
at A, Band C. I n A, voltage indu ced in the co mpensati ng capacity (Fig. 4 14) is connected
extension of the tank coil is fed back to the a cross the lower sec ti on _ In practice, if the ca-
grid through t he ne utralizing condenser, en. to paCity in use in the tan k circ u it is large com-
balan ce the vo ltage appearing betwee n grid pared to the plate-cathode capacity t he unbal-
and plate. I n th is circuit , the capacity req uired ancing effect is not ser ious_
at en in creas es as the tank coil extension is Grid-ne utralized c irc u its - T yp ical cir-
made smaller j in general, neutrali;;ati on is sat- cuits employing grid neutral ization are s hown
isfactory over on ly a sma.1l range oj frequen cies in Fig_ 413 at D, E and F _Th e pri nciple of bal-
since the coupl ing between the two sections of an cing out the feed-back voltage is the same as
the tank coil will vary with t he amou nt of in plate neu tralization . H owever, in these cir-
capacity in use at G_ cu its the feed-back voltage may be either in
In B the ta nk coil is center-tapped to give phase or out of phase with the excitation volt-
equal voltages on either side of the center tap, age on t he grid side of the input ta nk ci rcuit
the tank condenser being across the who le coil. (and thE: opposite on the other side) depe ndin g
T h e neutraliz ing capacity is approximately upon whether t he tank is divided by mean s of
eq ual to the g rid-plate capacity of the tube, in a bn.lanced condenser or a tapped co iL Cir-
t his case_ A d isadvantage of the circui t, when cuits such as those at D and E, ne utralized by
used with the single tank cond enser shown, is ordinary proced ure (descr ibed below) , wi ll be
that the rotor of the condenser is above gro und regenerative when the plate voltage is applied ;
pote nt ial, and hence s mall capacit y changes the circuit at F will be degenerative_ In addi-
caused by bringing the hand nea r t he tuning tion the normal unbala.n cing effects previously
contro l (hand capacity) cause d et uni ng_ I n gen- described are present, so that grid neutra
eral, neutralization is complete at only one is less satisfactory t han the pla te method_
fre quency since the plate-cathode capacity of
the tube is a cr oss only half the tan k coil i also,
it is diffic ul t to secure an exact center-tap_ Bot h
of these factors cau se unbal ance, which in turn
causes the vol t ages across the two halves of the
coil to differ wh en the freq uency is changed.
T he circuit of C also uses a center-tapped
tank circ ui t, th e voltage division being secured
by use of a b alan ced (split-stator) tank con-
denser, the two condenser sections being iden-
ticaL en is a p proximately eq ual to the grid-
plate capacity of the tube_ In this circu it the
upper sec lion of t he t a n k condenser is in pa ral- Fig_ 4 1 4 - Compensa ti n g for u llba !:w c e in t h e sin gle
lel with the outpQt capacity of the tube, hence t ubc neu t ra lizin g eircuit_ C~ , th e ba la n cin g cond l.nser,
h ll s a max im u m c apacit y 50mewh:_tl :_rge r th an th e tubc
t he circuit can be completely neutrali:t.ed at o u tp u t capac it y_ h is ad j us ted s o t he nc uLr a li t;iu l; COIl-
on ly one setting of the tank condenser unless a d c nse r nced not be changed wb en freque ncy is sh ifted.
Raclio-Frequency Power Generation 91
tu be, so that for perfect balance the capn,city
required in t he ne ut mlizing co nd enser t heoret-
ica ll y will be equal to t he grid-plate capacity .
If, in the circuits having t a pped tank coils, the
tap is more than half the total number of tu rns
fr om the pl ate end of the coil, the req ui red neu-
tralizing capacity will in crease approx ima tely
in proportion to the rel ative number of t urn s in
.. the t wo secti ons of the coil.
With tubes having grid and plate con-
Fi g_ "IS - Tlltll1c t ivc ne utralizin g circu it. The li nk coils nection s brought out through the bulb, a. con-
:Irc of o ne o r t wo turn s coupled to th e gro und e d cn d s of
the t :lI1 k coils. Nculraf i,w tio ll is adj usted b y lIIo\, ;n g t he denser having at abo ut half-scale or less a ca-
link coils in rcllitioll to the lan k coils. H cversa l of con- pa city equal to the grid-plate capacity of the
nect ion8 to o n e coilll1a y be re quired for prope r pbasin g. tube shou ld be cbosen. If t he gr id a nd plo.te
lead s arc brought througb a commo n base th e
In(h U:livc nC lltr{l/. i~alliolt - With t his type capacity needed is greater, because th e t ube
o f ncutmlization, inductive coupling between soc ket and its associated wiring ad ds some ca-
the gr id and plate circuits is provided in s uch a. pacity to the actual interelcment capa cities .
way tha t the voltage indu ced in the g rid coil by Wh e n two or more tubes are con nected in
magnetic coupl ing from the plate coi l opposes parall el, t he neu tralizi ng capa city requ ired
the vo ltage fed back through the grid-plate will be in proportion to the nu mber of tubes.
capacity of the tube. A representative circu it The vo ltage rating of neutralizing co n-
arrnngement, using a coupling link to provid e den sers must at least equal the r.f. voltage
t he mutua l inductance ( 2-11 ), is s hown in a cross the condenser plus the sum of the d.c.
Fig. 4 15. Ordin a ry i nductive co u pling between plate voltage and the grid-bias voltage.
the two coils also could be used, but it is less co n- iVcu,traiizin g procedure - Th e procedure
venic nt _ I nd uctive neutrah zation is co mpl e~e in neutrali zing is essentially th e same for all
on ly at one frequency since the effective mutua l t ubes and circuits . The filament of the tube
inducta nce cha nges to some extent with tuning, s hould be lighted a nd excitation from the prc-
but is usefu l in cases where the gr id-plate ca-
pac ity of the tube being neutralized is very s mall
a nd s ui table circu it balan ce cannot be obtai ned
wit h circuits u sing neutralizing condenscrs.
[Ju.s h_pu.ll neu.LralizaLion - \V ith push-
pull circu its two neu tralizing condensers arc
used , as shown in Fi g. 416. In t ltesecircuits, t he To
grid-plate capacities of the tubes and the neu- Covpli"9
tral izing capacities form a capacity bridge andhlfu
( 2-11 ) which is independent of the grid and
plate tank circuits. T he ne utrali zi ng capacities
arc approximately the sa me as the t u be grid-
plate capacities. With electrically simi lar tubes
and symmetri cal construction (stray capa citi es
to ground equal on both sides of th e circuit),
the neutralization is complete and independ ent
of fr equency. A cir cuit using a balanced co n-
denser, as a t B, is preferred, since it is a n ai d
in obtainin g good circui t balance.
Free/ue ncy effects - The effects of sli ght
dissy mm et ry in a neu tralized circuit become
more i mpor tant as t he fre quency is ra ised, an d
may be sufficient at th e ve ry- hi gh frequc ncies To
(or even lower) to prevent good neu trali zati on. Coupling
At th ese fre quen cies the induct a nces a nd stray and bias
capaciti es of even sh ort lead s become impor-
tant elements in the circuit, while input load-
ing effects ( 7-6) may make it imposs ibl e to
get proper phasing , particularly in single-t ube
ci rcuits. In such cases th e use of a push-p ull
a m plifier, with its general freedom fr om the
effects of dissy mmetry, is no t only m uch to be
preferred bu t may be the only type of circuit
whi ch can be satisfa ctorily ne utra lized.
Ncu,troli.zing co nelc n scrs - I n most cases Fig. 416 - "Cross-lJeutralized " p ush -pul l r. r. :mll ,lificr
circuiLS. E ithc r capacitive or link couplin G lIIa y be u"e(1.
the neutrali zing voltage will be eq ua l t o the Co L - Sec 4-8. C.. - Ncut ral i:r.i .. g cOlldClIs crs .
r.f. voltage between -the plate a nd grid of th e Cl- O.Ol /J fd_ C~ - O.OO L /JI(L o r lAr ger.
ceding stage fed to the grid circuit. There neon bulb to suc h a n ungroun ded poi nt in t he
should be no pl ate volta ge on the amplifier. circu it m ay in t rod uce en o ugh st ray ca paci t y
The g rid~ c il' cuit millia mmeter m akes a good to u n bal an ce th e circ uit sl ightly , thus upsetting
neutra lizing indicator. If t he circuit is not com- the ne ut ral izin g.
pletely ne utralized, t u ning of the plate tank cir- A flashligh t bulb conn ected in series with a
cuit through reso nan ce will change tbe tuning of singl e-turn loo p of wire 23.1 or 3 in c hes in
the grid circu.i t a nd aneet its loading, ca using a diameter, with the loop coupl ed to th e ta nk
change in t he rectified d .c. grid current. The coil, al so 'w ill ser ve a s a neu t ralizing ind icator.
set t ing of the neu t ralizing condenser whi ch Ca pacitive unbal a nce ca n be a voided by
leaves the grid current unaffected a s the plate co upli ng the loop to the low-potential p a rt of
tank is t uned throu gh reso na nce is the correct the tan k coiL
one. If the ci rcuit is out of ne utra lization, the [ncolnplete neutralization - If a setti ng
gri d cu rre nt will dro p per ceptibly as the plat e of t he neutralizing conden ser can be found
tan k is tuned through resonance. As the poin t which gives minimum r.f. current in the pla te
of n eutraliz a tion is approached, by ad j ustin g tank circuit \vi t hout co m pletely elimina t in g it,
the neu t ralizin g ca pacity in small steps the dip there may be magnetic or capacity co upling
i n grid c urren t as the plate cond enser is s wung between t he input and outp ut circuits external
through resonance will become less and less to the tube itself. Sh ort leads in ne utralizing
pronounced, until, at exact neutralization, circuits are highl y desirable, and the inp ut
there will be no dip at all. Further change of and out put i ndu ctan ces should be so placed
the neutralizing capacity in the same direction with respect to each other t hat magnetic
will brin g t he grid-current dip back. The neu- coupling is minimized, Usually this requires
tralizing cond en ser shou ld always be adju sted t hat th e axes of the coils must be at'right
with a sc rewdriver of ins ulating material to angles to each other. In some cases it may be
avoid ha nd-capa city effects. necessary to s hield the input and output cir-
Adju stment of the neutralizing condenser cuits from each other. Magnetic co u pling can
may affect the tuning of the grid tank or driver be det ec ted by disconnecting the plate tank
plate tank, so both circuits s hould be retuned from the remainder of the circ uit and testing
each time a change is made in neutralizing for rJ, in it (by mean s of the flashligh t lamp
capacity. In neutralizing a push-p ull amplifier an d loop) as the tank condenser is t un ed
the neutraI1 zing condensers s hould be adjusted through resonance. The driver stage must be
together, step by step, keeping their capacities operating while thi s is done, of co urse.
a s eq ual a s possible. With single-ended ampli fi ers there are many
Wi t h single-ended circui ts hav ing split -stato r stray capacities left uncompen sa ted for in the
neutralizing, the behavior of the grid meter neutralizing proces s. 'W ith large tubes , es pe-
will depend somewhat upon the type of tube cially those having relatively high interelec-
used, If the t u be o utpu t capa city is not great t rode capaci ties, these commonly neglected
enough to upset the balance, the action of the stray capacities can prevent p erfect neutraliza-
meter will be t he same as in other circu its. tion , Symmetrical arrangemc'nt of a push-pull
With high-capacity tubes, however , the meter stage is about the only way to obtain practically
usually will show a gradual rise and fall as t he perfect balance th roughout the amplifier.
plate tank is tuned through resonance, reach- Th e neut raliz atio n of tubes with ext remely
ing a maximum right at resonance when the low gr id -plate capacity, such as t he 6L6, is
circuit is properly neutralized. often difficult, since it frequently happens that
When an amplifier is not neutralized a n eon the wiring itself will intr od uce su fficient ca-
bulb to uched to the plate of the amplifier t ube p acity between the right points to <lover_
or to the plate side of the t uning condenser will neutralize" t he grid-plate capacity. Th e use
glow when the tank circuit is tuned through of a neutrali zing conden ser only aggravates
resonance, providing the driver has sufficie nt the condition . Inductive or link neutra li zation,
power. The glow will di sappear when th e am- as shown in F ig. 415, has becn used suc cessfully
plifiel' is neutra lized. However, to uch ing the with su ch tubes .
1 'he inverted amplifie r - The cir c uit of
Fig. 417 avoids the necess ity for ne utrali zat ion
by operating the con t rol grid of t he t ube at
ground poten t ial, thus making it serve a s a
shiel d between the input and output circuits.
It is particularly useful with tubes of low
grid-plate capaci t y , wbich are diffi cult t o n eu-
tra lize by ordinary met hods. Ex citnt io n is ap-
plied between grid and cathode thl'o ugh the
I coupling coil, L; since thi s coil is comm on t o
+B c -
'" + B both the plate and grid circuits th e a mpli fi er
+ is degenera tive wit.h t he circuit con stnnts
Fig, 417 - I nverted a mpl ifi er. T b e num ber o f tums a t
n ormally used, hence more excita t ion vo lta ge
L s hou ld b e adjus ted b y ex peri ment to give o ptimum grid and power a re req uired for a gi ven o u t pu t t ha n
c.J.:citatioo. By -pass coodclIscc C is 0.001 J.<fd . or lar ger. is the case with a neutralized amplifier. Th e
Radio-Frequency Power Genera/ion 93
li mited exc itati on voltage is avaibbl e greate r
pow er output will be sec ured by using :l lower
,, I
I valuc of load resistan ce. T he b.iter adj ust ment
,, ,
,I- R I Plate VOllatje is acco mpanied by a decrease in ph te effi-
cie ncy. The optim um load resist a nce is thfl.t
', #ax. llIs!.an.iP'ZeiJUS Gn'd;e
- : Mm. . Instnntaneow Plate V~ whi ch, for the maximum permissibl e pea k
- --- --- __ __ lro8las plate current, cau ses the minimum in sta n-
t aneous plate voltage (Fig. 418) to be eq ual to
the maximum in sta ntaneo us gr id voltage re-
qu ired to cause the pcak plate current to How ;
thi s gives the opti mum rat io of plate effi-
cie ncy to req uired grid d riv in g po wer.
U .j. g ri.d voll.oge lind g rid bins - For most
tu bes opt im u m operating co nditions res ul t
wh e n the mi ni m um in stanta neo us plate volt-
age is 10 to 20 pe r ce nt of the d.c. plate vo ltnge,
so that the m ax imum insta ntaneous positive
grid vo ltage must be approximately the same
Fig. 418 - Ins tall taneous volta ges and cnrre nt s in a
C llIss , C nmr,Iificr o peratill g unde r o ptinHl1I1 conrlilio n s. figure. Sin ce pl a te curre nt starts fl ow ing when
t he in stantaneo us voltage reaches th e cut.-uff
tube used must low plat.e-cathode ca- value ( 3-2), the d.c. grid vo ltage mus t be CO II -
pac ity (of t he order of 1 ~pfd. or less) sin ce siderably high er than cut-o ff to confin e the
h~ rg e r values will g ive su ffic ie nt feed-back to operating angle to 150 degrees or less ( with g ri d
permit it to os cillate, t he cir cuit then becom- bias at c ut-off, th e ang le woul d be 180 degrees).
ing t he ultraudi on ( 3-7). Tu bes hav ing suf- F or an angle of 120 deg rees, the 1".L grid vo ltage
fi ci entl y lo w plate-cathode capacity (aud io mus t reach 50 pe l' ce nt of its peak value ( 2-7)
pen t odes, for example) call be used 'w ithout at the cut-off po int. The cor res pond ing figure
danger of oscillation at freque ncies u p t o 30 for an :.l ngle of 150 degrees is 25 per ce nt. H e nce,
M e. or so. the o pe rating: bins req uired is t he cu t-o fT va lue
plus 25 to 50 per cent of th e peak r.r. grid volt-
Cl. 4 -8 Power A m plifier Op eration age. These relations :1I"e sho wn in Fi g. 41 8. T he
Effi.c ic - An r.f. po wer amplifi er is grid bi:l.S should be a t leas t tw ice cut-off if the
usua ll y o perated C lnss-C ( 3-4) to obta in a ampl ifie r is t o be pl a.t.e modu lated, so th:l. t the
reaso nabl y hi gh value of plate efficie ncy ope rat ing a ngle will be not less th an J80 de-
( 3-3). The hig he r the pl ate efficie ncy t he grees when the plate voltage rises to twice the
hig her t he power in put that can be appli ed to steady d.c. valu e ( 5-3). Because of t hei r rela.-
the t u be without exceeding the plate dissipa- t ively high ampl ification factors , \\,iO\ roost
t ion rating ( 3-2), up to t he limits of other modern tubes C lass-C operation requires con-
t.ube ratings (plate voltage and plate current) . s id c r ~t bl y mo re than twi ce cut-off bi as to
Plate e ffici e ncies of the order of 75 per cent nrc the o pera tin g a ngle fall in the region mentioued
read ily ob t a inabl e at freq uencies u p to the above. S uitable o perating con diti ons are us u-
30- 60- Mc. region. Th e overall efficiency of the ally given in th e data accompa nying the ty pe
ampli fie r will be lo we r by the power lost in of t ube used.
t he t a n k and coupling circuits, so that the ac- Grid bias may be secured eit her from n. bias
t.ual efficiency is less tha n the plate efficiency. so urce (fixed bias) , a grid len.k ( 3-6) of suit-
OpeNJting angle - T he operating ang le is able va lue, or from a co mbinatio n of both.
the proportionate part of the excit ing gr id- When a bi as s u pply is used, its voltage regu la -
voltage cycle ( 2- 7 ) dur ing wh ich plate cur- ti on s hould be take n into co nsideration ( 8-9) .
re lit fl o ws, a s shown in Fig. 4 18. For C lnss-C Dr;,lJing powe r - As indi cated in Fig. 418,
o peration, it is usuall y in the vl cini tyof 120-150 g rid CUlTcnt flows o nl y during a s ma ll portio n
degrees. With other o perating considerations, of the peak of the r.f. grid voltage cycle . The
thi s angle resul ts in a n o pti mum relationshi p be- power co nsum ed in the grid circ uit th erefore is
tween plate efficien cy and grid driv ing powe r. apprOX imately eq ual to the peak r.r. grid volt-
Loud impedance - The load imped ance age multiplied by the avernge rectified grid
( 3-3) for an r.r. pow er ampli fier is adjusted, current a s read by a d. c. milliammete r. The
by tunin g t he plate tank circuit to resonance, peak r.f. gr id voltage, if not includ ed in th e
to represent a pure resistance at t he operati ng tube man ufa ct urer's operating data, can be
fr equen cy ( 2- 10). Its val ue, wh ich usua ll y is estimated roug hly by add ing 10 t o 20 pe r cent
in t hc neigh borhood of a few tho usand ohm s, is of the plate voltage to t he o pcJ"::tting grid bias ,
adj usted by varying the loadi ng o n t he tank a ss uming t he operati ng co nditions are a s d e-
circui t, close r co u pli ng t.o th e load giv ing lo wer scribed above.
vnlues of load resistance and vi ce versa At frequencies up to 30 Me. o r so , the grj d
( 2-11). T he load may be eithe r t he grid cir- losses a re pra ct ica ll y e nt irely those res ulti ng
cui t of Il follo wing stnge 01' the antenn a circ uit.. fr om gr id -current {lo w. At the very- hi gh fl-e-
For h ighest efficie ncy t he va lue of load rc- que ncies, howe ver, dielectric losses in t he glass
sistance sho uld be rela t ively high, but if only en vclope and base materials become :~ vpr e-
ciable, together with losses caused by tran sit- of the tube, being lower with tubes having large
t ime effects ( 7-6), and may necess itate ampl ification factors.
supplying several times the driving power indi- The average grid impedance is equal to Ef! I P,
cated above. At any frequen cy, the driving where E is the LIll. S . ( 2-7) va lu e of r.f.
stage should be capable of a power output grid voltage a nd P is the grid driving power.
two to three times the power it is expected the Under optimum opera ting co nditions , values of
grid circuit of the amplifier will consume. This average grid impedance ranging from 2000 ohms
is necessary because losses in the -tank and for high-.u tubes t o four or five times as m.uch
coupling circuits must also be supplied, and for low-.u types a re representative. Values in
also to provide reasonably good regulati o n of the vicinity of 4000 to 5000 ohms are typical
the r.f. grid voltage. Good voltage regulation of model'll triodes with amplification factors
(see 8-1 for general definition) ins ures that of 20 to 30.
the waveform of the excitation voltage will not Because of the large change in imp edance
be distorted because of the changing load on during thc cyele it is necessa ry that the tank
the driver during the r.f. cycle. circ uit associ:lted with the amplifier grid have
Grid impedance- During most of the r.f. fa irly high Q, so that the voltage regulation
grid-voltage cycle no grid current is flowin g, as over the cycle will be good. The requi site Q
indicated in Fig. 418, hence the grid impedance may be obtained by adju sting the L i e ratio
is infinite. During the peak of the cycle, how- or by tapping the grid circuit across only part
ever, the impedance may drop to very low of the tank ( 4-6).
val u es (of the order of 1000 ohms), depending Tank-circuit Q - Besides serving as a
upon the type of tube. Both the minim um and means for tran sforming the actual load resist-
average values of grid impedance depend to a ance to_ the required valu e of plate load im-
considerable extent on the amplification factor p edance for the tube, the plate tank circuit
also sho uld suppress the harmonics present in
t he t u be output as a result of the non -sinu soidal
plate current ( 2-7, 3-3). For satisfactory har-
monic suppress ion, a Q of 12 or more (with the
circuit fully loaded) is desirable. A Q of this
order a lso is helpfu l from the stan dp oin t of
securing adequate coupling to the load or an-
tenna circuit ( 2-11). The proper Q can be ob-
tained by suitable select ion of L i e ratio in
relation to the optimum plate load resistance
foc the t u be ( 2- 10) .
For a Class-C amplifier operated under opti-
mum conditions as described above, the plate
load im pedan ce is approximately proporti onal
to the ratio of d.c. plate voltage to d.c. plate
current. For a given effec ti ve Q the tank ca-
pacity required at a given frequency will be
in versely proportional to t he parallel res istance
( 2-10), so that it will also be inversely pro-
portional to the p late-voltage/ plate-current
ratio. The capacity required on various ama-
teur bands for a Q of 12 is shown in Fig. 419 as
a function of this ratio. The capacity given is
fo r single-ended tank circui ts, as shown in Fig.
420 at A and B. \-Vhen a balanced tan k circuit
is used the tota l tank capacity required is re-
duced to one-fourth this value, because the tube
is connected across only half the circuit ( 2-9) .
f'. 2. 345678910
calls fol' a eapacity of 200 J-I.ufd. in a single-
ended circuit at the desired frequency, only 50
~~fd. wou ld be needed in a balanced circuit. If
a split-stator or balanced tank condenser is
used each section should have a capacity of
100 .u.ufd., the total capacity of the two in series
being 50 ,u.ufcl. These are "in use" ca pacities,
Fig.. 419 - Chart showing tank capac ities required no t simply the rated maximum capa city of the
for i.i Q of 12 w it h various r.1tios of plate yohage to
p late current, for various frequencies. III circui ts F. G. condenser. Larger values may be used with a n
I-I (Fig . 420 ), the capacities sbowu iu the graph may be increase in the effect ive Q.
divid ed b y four . In circuits C. D. E. I, J and K. tb e To reduce energy loss in the tank circuit, the
capacity of eac h scctiOll of the s plit-stato r eOlH]enscr
lUay be, oue-h all that s hown by the graph. The yalucs inherent Q of the coil and condenser sho uld be
::iven by tbe graph s hould be u sed for circu its A and B. high . Since transm itting coils usually have Qs
Radio-Frequency Power Generation 95
A B c D
Fig. 420 - Tn c irc uit 8 A . n. C. D alHl E. t he peak voltage E will h e app rox imately c<lll al to the d.c. p late volta ge
applied for c.w . o r twice th is v a lll e for 'phone. In ci rt;u its F, G, H , 1, J and K, E w ill be twice the d.c . pla te volla ge
for e. w. or four times the plate voltage for ' phone. Th e circ u it is assu m ed to b e fully load ed. Tubes in pa rallel in
an y o f the circu its ", illllot affec t the peak volta ge. C irc uits A, C, E, F. G and H require lhal t he tank conden se r
be ins ulated fro m chass is or \: round aDd that it b e prov ided with a s uitably ins ul ated sh ah couplin g for {\lui o !; _
ranging from 100 to several hundred , t he tank operated without load. The fi gures include a
transfer efficie ncy generally is 90 per ce nt or reasonable factor of safety.
more. An unduly large C / L rati o is not advisa- Tbe condenser plate s pacing required to
ble since i t will resu lt in large circulating r.f. withstan d a ny pa rticula r vo ltage will vary
tank current a nd hen ce rel at iv ely large losses with th e con stru ction . M ost man ufacturers
in the tank, wi t h a co nsequent reductio n in the specify pea k-voltage ra t ings in describing their
power ava ilable for the load. conde nse rs.
Tank constan t s - ' ''"hen the capacity nec- Plate or screen by-pass conden sers of 0.001
essary for a Q of 12 has been determined from }.lf d. should be satisfactory for freq uencies a s
F ig. 419, the inductance required to reso nate low a s 1. 7 M e. Ca thode-resistor and filam ent
at the given freq uency can be fou nd by means by-pa sses in r .L circuits should be not less than
of the for mul a in 2-10. Alte rn atively , the re- 0.01 ,ufd. Fixed condense rs used for these pur-
qu ired number of t urn s on coi ls of vari ous poses should have voltage ratin gs 25 t o 50 per
construction call be fo und from the charts of ce nt greflter th a n th e maximum d.c. or a .c.
Figs. 421 and 422. vollage across them .
Fig. 421 is for coils wound on rece ivin g-type Interstage coupling conden8ers should have
fo rms having a diameter of l Yz in ches an d voltage ratin gs 50 to 100 per cent grea ter th an
ceramic form s having a d ia meter of 1 % inches the sum of the driver plate and amplifier gri d-
and winding length of 3 i nches. S uch coil s bi asing voltages .
wo uld be suita ble for oscillator a nd buffer
stages where the po wer is not over 50 watts.
fn a ll cases, the n umber of turns given mu st be 0
.."" 0
AO ,
l\.'\ ."
to be ex pected between the plates of a tank ~
I I ( '~ I 1
condenser depends upon the a rra ngeme nt of "3 ~_ . 5 G 1 (1910 IS 20 25 .)03540
so 6007000
0 "- grid current with minimum driver pl ate cur-
"'~. - rent. This usually will suffi ce to load the driver
~ ~c_
"'>$ f- to its rated output, provided the dri ve r plate
.Js c and amplifier grid tank circuits have reasonable
0 ", $"01 values of Q. If the Q of one or both of the cir-
~l - /",
~ cui ts is too low, it may not be possible t o load
the driver fully ,vith any adjustment of li nk
turns o r coupling at either tank. In such a case,
& . . /q
the Qs of the tank circuits must be in creased to
-1 "0
t he poin t where adequate co upling is sec ured .
~ ~<&
R'"'d '" If the driver pl ate tank is designed to ha ve a Q
of 12, the diffi culty almost invariably is in t he
o amplifier grid tank. The Q can be increase d to a
s~c suita ble value by adjustment of the L / C ratio
4 5
7691012 14161820 Z4
" 28303,40
or by tapping the load across part of the coi l
( 2- 10).
Wh ate ver t he typ e of coupli ng , a preli m inary
Fig. 422 - Coi l-windi n g da ta f o r ce ram ic tran s m i l~
tin s -t y pe form s. Cur ve A - ceramic form 2Y2-inc D
a djustment sho uld be made with the proper
effective d ia m e t er, 26 grooves, 7 pcr inch; Cu r ve U - bias voltage and/or grid lea k, but with the
sa me a s A, but wit h tur ns wou nd in alt Cf lL atc grooves ; amplifier plate voltage off; then t he amplifier
Curve C - caawic fo r m 2 Ys-inch effecti v e d iameter, should be carefully neutralized."After neutrali-
32 grooves, 7.1 t u rn s per inch , a pp roximately; C u rve
D - cer a mic fonn 4-iucl.l effect ive dia m e t er, 28 grooves, zation the driver-amplifier co upling s hou ld be
5.85 t u r us per inch, ap pro.:( ima tc1y; Cu r ve E - ceram ic rea djusted for optimum power tran sfer , after
f" nn 5i nc\1 effec t ive diame ter, 26 grooves. 7 per in ch. wh ich plate voltage may be applied and the
Coils may he wound with either No. 12 or No. 14 wire . amplifier plate circu it- adjusted to resonance
and coupled to its load. Under actual operating
fl. 4-9 Ad justm e nt of Po w e r Am p lifi ers
conditi ons the grid current decreases below the
Excita t ion - The effectiveness of adjust- value obtained without plat e volfage o n the
ments to the coupling bet ween the driver plate amplifier and the eff ective grid impedance
an d amplifier grid circuits can be gauged by the r ises l hen ce the final adjustment is to re-check
relative va.lues of amplifier rectified grid cur- t he coupling to take care of th is sh.ift .
rent and driver plate current, the object being W ith recommended bias, the grid current ob-
to obtain maximum grid current with minilnum tained before plate voltage is applied to the am-
driver loading. The amplifier grid circuit rep- plifier should be 25 to 30 per cent higher than
resents the load on the driver, and the average the value requ ired for operating conditions.
grid impedance must be transformed to the If th is value is not obtained, and the d river
value for optimum driver operation ( 4-8) . plate input is up to rated value, t he reason may
With capacity coupling, either the driver be either improper matching of the amplifier
plate or amplifier grid must be tapped down on grid to the driver plate or simply insufficient
the driver tank coil, as shown in Fig. 410 a t A power outpu t from the driver to take care of all
and B, unless the grid impedance is approxi- losses. Driver operating volt ages s hould be
mately the right value for the driver plat e load , checked to a ssure t hey are u p to rated values.
when it will be satisfactory t o connect both If batteries are used for bias and are not strictly
elements to the end of the tank. If the grid im- fresh, they should be replaced, sin ce batteries
pedan ce is lower than the req ui red d river plate which have been in use for some t ime often
load, Fig. 410-A is used; if higher, Fig. 41O-:B. develop high int ernal resistance which effec-
In either case, the coupling which gives the tively acts as additional grid-leak res istan ce.
desired grid current with minimum dri ver load- If a rectified a .c. bias supply is used, the
ing should be determined experimentally' by bleeder or voltage-divider resistan ces should
mo vi ng the tar>. Should both plate and grid be be checked to make certain t hat low gl'id cur-
connected to the end of the circ uit it is some- re nt is not caused by greater gr id-circuit re-
times possible to control the loading, when t he sistan ce than is recommended. ] n this connec-
grid impedance is low , by varying the capac ity tion it is helpful t o measure the actu a l bias
of the coupling condenser, C, but thi s method when gr id current is flowing, by means of a
is not altogether satisfact ory sin ce it is simply high-resistance d.c. vol t meter. There is a lso
an expedient to pre vent d river overloading the possibility of loss of filament emission of
'without giving suitable impedance matching. the amplifier tube, either from prolonged serv-
I n push- pull circuits the method of adjust- ice or from operating the filament under or
ment is similar, except that the taps shou ld over the rated voltage.
be kept sym metri cally located with respect to Pla te t u.ning - In preliminary tun ing, it is
the cen ter of the tank circuit. desi rable to use low plate vol tage to a void
With link coupling, .Fig. 411, the object of possi ble damage to the t u be. With ex cita tio n
adjustment is the same. T he two tanks are and plate voltage a pplied , rotate the plate tank
first tuned to resonan ~e, as indicated by ma xi- condenser until the plate current dips. Then set
m um grid current, and the coupling adjusted the condenser at the minimum plate-current
Radio-Frequency Power Generation 97
point (resonance). 'Vhen t he resonance point Powe r outpu.t - As a check on t he opera-
has been found, the plate vo ltage may be ti on of an amplifie r, its pow er output may be
increased to its normal valu e. measured by th e use of a load of kn o wn re-
With adequate exc itatio n, th e off-resona nce sista nce, coupled to th e amplifie r out put as
plate current of a tr iode amplifier may be two shown in Fig. 424. At A a thel'Inoam mete r, Nf,
or more times the normal operating val ue. a nd a non-inductive (ordinary wire-wou nd re-
With sc reen-g rid tubes the off-r esonance plate sistors a rc not satisfacto ry ) resistan ce, R, are
Cllrren t may not be much hig her than th e n or- connected across a coil of a fe w turn s coupled
mal operating valu e, sin ce the plate current is to t he a mplifier tank coil. The highe r the re-
principall y determined by the screen rather sista nce of R, the greater t he number of turn s
t ha n the p h~te voltage. required in th e cou pl ing coi l. A r0:::8i5t or used
U nde r rca.:sonabl y efficient operati ng co ndi- in th is way is generally call ed a "d u mmy an-
t ions the min imu m. plate cu rrent wi th the tenn a," sin ce its use per mi ts t he tran s mi tter
amplifier unl oaded will be a s mnll frac tion of to be a d just ed without act ually rad ia.ting
the ra ted pl:\te current for t he tube (us uldl y n power, The load ing may readil y be lLdjusteJ.
fifth or less ), si nce with n o load the parall el by varying t he cou pling betwee n the two coib,
impedan ce of the ta nk circui t is hi gh. If th e ex- so that the am pl ifier dra ws rated plate current
citation is low the "dip " will not be very wh en tuned to resonance. T he power ou tput is
marked, but with adequa te exc itati on the t hen calculated fr om Ohm's Law:
plate current at reso nance wi thou t load ing will
p (watts) ~ I'R
be just high enough so t hat the d .c. pla te
power input supplies all t he losses in t he tube where T is t he curren t in dicated by the th ermo-
and circ ui t. As a n indi cation of probab le effi- ammeter a nd R is the resistan ce of the nOI1-
ciency, t hc minimum phte current value ind uctive res istor. Special resist a nce units are
should not be taken too seri ously, because avail able for this purpose, ranging fr om 73 to
without load the Q of 600 ohms (sim ulating anten na a nd tran smi s-
-. , the circu it is hi gh a nd
, 1',.- Loaded the tank current rela.- sion -li ne imped a nces ) at power ratings up to
100 watts. For higher powers, the units may be
,, ,, tively large. W hen
, connected in sedes-parallf'1. The mete r scale
the am pli fier is de- requi red for any expected value of po wer ou t-
livering power to a put may a lso be det erm ined fro m Ohm's La w:
load, the circu lating
current drops consid-
erably a nd th e tank
I;g, 423 - T YI)ic:d heil a" losses correspondingly
I ~~~
inr o f d.c. pl at e curre n t decrease. Hi gh mi ni- In can descen t li ght bulbs can be used to re-
vs. tunin g callilcity ill the place t he s pec ial resistor an d thermoa'.
p late c irc uit of an Illll plHi c r. m um unloaded plate
current is chiefly e n- T he sho ul d be equipped with a pa ir of
cou ntered at 28 M e. and above, where t a nk leads , prefel' y soldered to the termi nals on
losses are high er and the tank Li e ratio is the lam p base. The coupling s ~ o uld be v aried
usu a ll y lowe r tha n normal because of irre- Tank
ducib le t ube ca es. The effect is particu-
larly noticea bl e with screen-grid tubes, which
have relatively high output ca pacity. Beca use
of the decrease in tank r.f. current with load ing,
however, the actual efficiency under load is
reaso nab ly good .
'With th e load (antenna or foll owin g am plifier
grid circuit) connected, t he cou pling between
plate tan k and load should be adjusted to make . Tank
the t ube take rated plate current, keeping t he
tank always tuned to resonance. As th e out. put
cou plin g is in creased the mi nim um pl rtte cur- R (B)
rent also wiH in crcase, a bout as shown in F ig.
423. Simultan eously t be tuning becomes Icss
sharp, because of th e increase in effective re-
sista nce of t he tank. If the load ell'c uit :-; irn u-
lates a resistance, the resona nce set.t in g of the Tonk
f lie a
tan k condenser will be practicall y unch a nged Circuit
wit h loadin gj this is generally t he case, sin ce
t he load circuit usually is also t.uned to reso-
nance. A reactive load (s uch as an an t c nn a or (C)
feed er system not tuned exactly to reso nance)
may ca use th e tank condenser scttin g to Fig. 424 - " Oumm y autcuna" circuit s fo r c heck in g
change wi th loadin g, since reactance as weI! as power output a ud makin g opera tin g adjus tme nts UIl
resistan ce is coupled into the tank ( 2- 11). de r load witho ut a ppl yin g power to the ac tual antenna .
they will be radiated when distortion is present, the plate-tank condenser, on e giving minimum
a nd consequently the antenna coupling system pl a te current and the other maxim u m power
preferably should be selected with harmonic output, may occur when the tank circuit Q is
tra nsfer in mind ( 10-6). too low ( 2-10). A similar effect a lso occurs
Harm onic con tent can be red uced to some at times with screen-gr id amplifiers when the
extent by pr eventin g distorti on of the r.f. sc rcen-voltage regulation ( 8- 1) is poor, as
grid-v oltnge waveshape. This can be done by when t he screen is suppli ed through a dropping
usi ng a grid tank circuit with high effec ti ve resist or. Th e screen vol tage d ecreases with an
Q. Lin k coupling between t he driver and final in crease in pl ate current, because the screen
amplifier are helpfu l, sin ce the two tank cir- current increases und er the same conditions .
cui ts provide more att enuati on th a n one at the Thus the minimum plate-c urrent poin t causes
harmonic frequencies. H owever, the advan- the screen voltage, and hence t he power output,
tages of link cou pling in th is respect may be to be less than when a slightly higher plate
nullified un less the Q of the grid ta nk is high current is drawn.
enough to give good voltage regulati on, which A phenomenon known as H grid em ission"
mini mizes h a rmonic transfer and thu s pre- may occur when the amplifier tu be is oper-
vents di storti on in the grid ci rcuit. ated at higher than rated power dissipation on
Th e stray capac ity between the antenna either the plate or grid. It is parti cularly likel y
coupl ing co il and the tank coi l may be s uffi cient to occur with tubes bav ing oxide-coated cath-
to co uple harmonic energy into the a ntenna odes, s uch as the indirectly hea ted types. It is
syste m. This co upling may be eli minated by caused by the grid reaching a temperature high
the use of electrostatic sh iel d ing (Faraday e nough to cause electron e mission ( 2-4 ).
shield ) between the two coils. Fig. 425 shows The elcctrons so emitted arc attracted to th e
the construct ion of such a shield , whil e Fig. 426 plate, furth er increasing th e power inp ut an d
illustrates th e manner in whi ch it is in stalled. heating, so that grid emiss ion is c haracterized
The const ru ction sho wn in Fi g. 425 prevents by gradually in creasing plate current and heat
current fl ow in the shield, which would occur which eventually will ruin thc tube if the power
if thc wires formed closed circuits since th e is not removed. Grid e miss ion ca n be pre vented
shield is in the magnetic field of the tank coil. by operating the tube withi n its ra tings.
Radio-Frequency Power Generation 99
coupling ( 4-6). In this case the turns between
Cl. 4-10 Para sitic Oscillations grid and ground and be tween plate and ground
De~c r iptiort - If the circu it conditions in form, with the s tray and other capacities pres-
an oscillator or amplifier are s uch that self- ent, a t.p. t.g. cir cu it ( 3-7) which oscillates at a.
osci llation exists at some frequency other than frequen cy so mcwha t higher than the nominal
th at desired, the s purious o:.cillation is termed operating frcquency. Such an osci llation can
parasiti c. The ene rgy required to maintain a be prevented by dispensi ng with t he taps in
parasiti c osci llation is was ted so fa r as usefu l either the plate or grid circuit. B alancing the
output is concerned, hence an oscillator or pl a te circuit b y means of a s plit-stator con-
amplifier having parasitics will operate at re- den ser ( Fig. 413- C) is re commended.
duced efficiency . 1n addition, its behavior at Very - high-Jreq u e n cy po ros i t ies - Para-
the operating frequency often will be erratic. sitics in the v.h.. region are likely to occur
P arasitic oscillat ions m ay be e ither higher or with any ampl ifier having a balanced tank cir-
lower in frequency than the operating frequency. cuit, particularly when associated with neutral-
The parasitic oscillation us ually starts the izing co nn ectio ns. The parasitic circuit, formed
insta nt plate voltage is applied, or, when the by leads connecti ng the various components ,
amplifier is biased beyond cut-off, at the io stant may be either the t.p.t.g. or ultraudioll type .
excitati on is applied. In the latter case, the The frequency of s u ch oscillation s may be
oscilla t ion frequentJy will be self-sustaining determ ined by connecti ng a tuned circuit in
after t he excitation has been removed. At other series with the grid lead to the tube. A variable
times the oscillation may not be self-sustaining, condenser (50 or 100 j./j./fd.) may be used, in
becoming active only in the presence of excita- conjunction with three or four self-supporting
tion. It may be apparent only by the produc- turns of heavy wire wound into a coil an inch or
ti on of abnormal key clicks ( 6-1) over a wid e 50 in diametcr. With the amplifier oscillating at
frequency range, or by the presence of spurious the parasitic frequen cy, the condenser is slowly
side-bands ( 5-2) with 'phone modulation. tuned through its range until oscillations cease.
Low-J requen cy p a ras i tics - Parasitic os- If this point is not found on the first trial, the
cillations at 1m',' frequenc ies (us ually 500 kc. or turns of the coil may be s pread apart Or a turn
less) are of the tuned-plate tuned-grid type, removed and the process repeated. The use of
the tuned circuits being formed by r.. chokes sueh a tuned circuit as a t rap is an almost cer-
and associated b y- pass and coupling condens- tain remedy if the frequenc y can be deter-
ers, with the regular tank tuning condensers mined, and introd uces little if any loss at the
having on ly a minor effect on the oscillation. operating frequency .
The operating-frequen cy tank coil has negligi- An altern a tive cure, which is feas ible when
ble inductance for s uch low frequencies an d the oscillation is of the t.p .t .g. type, is to de-
may be sho rt-circu ited without affecting the tune the parasitic circuit in either the plate or
oscillations. The oscillation s do not occur when grid circuit. Since this type of oscillation occurs
no r.f. chokes arc used, he nce wh enever poss ible most frequently with push-pull amplifiers ,
in series-fed circuit.: ; s uch chokes s hould be it may often be cured by making the grid and
omitted. \Vith single-ended amplifiers, it is plate leads to their respective tank circuits of
us ually possible to arrange the circ uit so that considerably different length. Simila r consid-
either the grid or plate circuit needs no choke. erations apply to neutraliz ing connections in
In p ush-pull stagcs, where chokes must be used push-pull circ uits. The extra wire length may
in both plate and grid circuits . it is helpful be coiled up in the form of a so- called " choke,"
to connect a n un by-passed grid leak from the which in t his case is simply additional induc-
choke to the bias supply or ground, thus placing tancc for detuni n g the parasitic circuit .
the resistance in the parasitic circ uit and tend- Tes ti ng f o r paras i tic o scilla tions - An
ing to prevent osc illation. When the driver amplifier always shou ld be tested for parasitic
plate circuit has parallel feed and the amplifier oscillations before being considered ready for
grid circuit series feed ( 3- 7) this typc of os- service. The preferable method is first to
cillation ca nnot occur if no choke is used in the ne u tralize the ampl ifier. then apply sufficient
series grid circ uit, since the grid is grounded fixed bias to permit a moderate value of plate
through the tank coil for the parasitic frequency. current to flow without excitation. (The plate
Pa rasities near operati n g f rerJuen cy - In cu rrcnt should not be large enough to cause
circuits utilizing a tap on the plate tank coil the power input to exceed the rated plate d is-
to establi sh a ground for a balanced neutralizing ::;ipation o f the t u be.) If the a mpli fier is free
circuit, such as Fig. 413-B, a parasitic oscilla- from self-s tarting parasitics , the plate current
tion m ay be set up if the am plifier
grid is tapped down on the lbnk Coil)
grid (o r driver pla t e) tank circuit
fo r adjustment of driver-amplifier
Fig. 426 - Met hods of using tbe Fa ra.
da y shield . Two are requi red wit h a pu sh .
pull or ba lanced t ank circui t . The sh ield
sho uld be larger tba ll t h e diame t ers of
lhe coupled coil s a nd placed between
~~~~(f-- o~tput
,belli so each is isolated from the other .
sustaining oscill ation is se t up with excitati on.
If the plate current docs not return t o the
runctito previous value when the e xcitation is c ut off,
To the sa me tests s hould be a. pplied to determine
awl" ""! t he parasit ic frequen cy.
As a fi nal test, the transmitter sh o uld be put
on the air and a nearby receiver tU ll ed o ver
as wide a frequency ran ge as possible to locate
"" any off-frequcncy sig nal s associated with the
ra di ation. Parasitics us uall y can be recogn ized
A by their poor stability as contras ted to the nor-
mal harmon ics, which will have the same
sta bility as t he fundn.mcntal signal as well as
th e usual harmoni c re latio nship. H arm on ics
s hould be quite weak com pared to the fU llcb-
m en tal frequency, whereas parasitic oscilla-
{uned lb tion s may have considerable st rength.
fl. 4-11 Frequency Multiplication
C ircuits - A frequency multipli er is an
amplifier having its plate tank circuit tuned
to a mul t iple (harmon ic) of the freq uen cy ap-
plied to its grid. T he d ifference between a
- .
6 AS
.-" . Y.
straight ampli fier ( 4- 1) a.nd a freq ue ncy mul-
tipli er is in t he way in whic h it is operated ,
rather t han in the circ uit. However, since the
~ ri d and plate tank circuits are tuned t o di ffer-
ent frequenc ies a triode freque ncy mul tipl ier
B wi ll not se lf-oscillate , hence does not nee d neu-
Fig_ 427 - Fr~ (lu eo cY'IDultipl yin s c ircuits. A is (or traJ.i zation. A typical circu it arrangemen t is
triodes. u sed ei tbe r siu giy o r ill para llel. T he pu sh - show n in Fig. 427-A. For screen-gri d multi-
pusb doubler is shown at.B. A ll Y t ype of coupl in g m ay
Le used betwee n the grid c irc uit and the driver . Cl
pliers, the circuit is the sa me as in F ig. 412-A.
should h e 0.01 /JJd. or l arger; Cz. 0.001 p.fd . or inr ger Un der usual con diti ons t he plate effic iency of a
frequ ency mu ltiplier drops off rapidl y with an
will remain stea.dy as the ta.nk cond ensers arc increase in t he number of times the frequency
varied; also, there will be DO grid current and is multipli ed. For t hi s renson most mu ltipliers
a neon bulb touched either to the pla te or use d as frequency doublers, gi vi ng second
gri d will show no glow. Care must be used not harmoni c outpu t.
to let the hand come in con tact with any metal A spec ial circuit for frequenc y dou bling
parts of t he tran smitter in using the neon bulb. ('I push-p ush " doubler ) is shown in Fi g. 427-B.
If any of t hese effects are present, t he fre- T he gr ids of t he tu bes are in pus h-pull a.nd the
q uency of the parasit ic mu st first be deter- plates in pa rallel, thus the plate tank receives
mi ned . If r.f. chok es are use d in bot h t he plate t wo pulses of pl ate current for each cycle of
and grid circuits, one of t hem should be short- excitati on freq uency. The ci rcuit is sim ilar to
circ uited to determine if the osci ll ation is at a. the full-wave rect,i fier ( 8-3) where t he ri pple
low frequen cy; if so, it may be elimi nated by fre qu ency is twi ce t,he a p plied frequ ency .
the methods outlined above. If the test indi- Push-pull amplihers are su itable fo r fre-
cates that the parasi tic is not a low-frequency q uency multipli cat ion at odd ha rmoni cs, but
oscillation, the grid tra p desc ribed above sho uld a rc un sui ted to even harmouic multipl ication
be tried for the v.h.f. type. The t ype which because th e even harmonics are largely bal-
occurs near t he operati ng frequency will not anced out in t he tank ci rcuit ( 3-3) .
exist unless the plate and grid tank coi ls are Operating condi tiO /I,s and c irc u,it con-
both tapped , hence may be elim inated fr om s tants - To obtain good effic iency the o perat-
consideration if t his is not the case in the cir- ing ang1e at the harmon ic frequen cy mu st be
cuit used. W hen such an osc illation is present 180 degrees or lcss, prererably in t he vicinity
its eDstence can be detected by moving t he of 150-120 degrees ( 4-8). I n a doubl er , this
grid t a p to in clude the wh ole t ank circuit, mean s th at plate current sho uld flow duri ng
whereupon the oscillation wi ll cease. only half thi s angle or fun da mental frequency.
Some ind ication of t he frequ ency of t he para- Con seq uently the r.f. gl"id voltage, o perating
sitic can be obtained from the color of the bi as, and grid driving power must be increased
glow in t he neo n bulb. Usually it will be yellow- considerably beyond th c values obtaining for
ish with low-frequency oscillations and violet n ormal Class-C amplification. For co mparable
with v.h.f. oscill ati ons. p late e fficiency t he bias will ordjnarily be fO ll r
If the amplifier is stable under the cond i- t o fiv e ti Illes t he normal Class-C bias, and the
t ions descr ibed above, excitation shou ld be r.f. grid voltage must be considera bly larger
a pplied and then removed t o asce rtain if a self- to drive t he tube to the same peak p late cu r-
Radio-Freqllency Power Generation 101
rent. Since the plate a nd grid current pulses
unde r the se co nd iti ons have t he same pea k
tJ: 4-12 Very-High -l'requenty Osdllators
amplitudes bu t only half the time d ur ation as Lin~a r c irc nib; - At ve ry high freque ncies
in a straight amplifier, t he average d.c. va lues tube interelectrode capacities beco me of in-
shou ld be one-half those for normal Class-C creasi ng importa nce, so th at eve ntually t he in-
ope ratio n. That is, a tube o p erate d in t h is way ductance of the s hortest poss ible stra ight wire
will have t he same p late effic iency as a Class-C co nnecti on between eleme nts , in con junctio n
amplifie r bu t can be ope rate d a t on ly half t he with inte rnal lead s and ca, re presents
plate input, so t hat the outp ut powe r also is the highest poss ible frcqu e ncy to which t he
halved. T he driving power requi red usually is tube ca n be tuncd . Th e tu be usually will not
about twice t hat fo r st raight-thro ugh ampli- oscillate up t o this limit because of die le ctr ic
fication with t he sa me plate efficiency. losses in the seals and oth er loading effects
Greate r output can be secure d by using a ( 7-6). Wi th mos t s lDall tubes of ordi nary co n-
larger o peratin g a n gle (lo we r grid bias) or str uction, t he upper lim it of oscillation is in the
lo we r plate load re sistance to increase the plate region of 150 M c.; fo l' higher freque ncies, s pe-
cu rre nt, but thi s is accom pa nied by a decrease cial v. h.f. t ubes having low intere lectrode cnpa,-
in efficiency. Sin ce ope ration descri bed in the cities and low interna l lead inducta nce are
preceding paragraph is below t he maximum used. O nly a few types a re capable of develop-
plate dissipation rating of the t ube, decreased ing more than a few watts a t 300 Me. and higher.
effi cien cy usually can be tol crated in the i nte r- Alt hough ordi nary coil and co nde nse r tank
ests of securi ng more po,ycr out put. In prac ti ce, ci rcu its ca n be used a t fr eq uencies as high as
an efficiency of '.10 to 50 per ce nt is average. 11 2 M c., the Q of suc h circ uits is low at very-
The tank ci rc ui t should have reasonably hig h fre quencies because of in creased losses,
high Q (12 is satisfactory) t o give good out p ut so t hat bot h stab il it y and efficiency a re poo r .
voltage reg ulation ( 4-9), si nce a p la te-curre nt For thi s reaSo n s pecial tank circuits of t he lin-
pulse OCcurS oJlly once every two cycles of ou t- ear t ype ( 2-12) are preferab le. These may be
pu t freq uency. A low-Q circuit (high L i e any multiple of a quarter wave in length, t he
ratio) is hel pful chie fl y when the operati ng stability increasing t'V ith the number of q ua rter
angle is greater t ha n 180 degrees a.t t he second waves. T he qua rter-wave line is more ge nerally
harmoni c. Such a tank circuit w ill have rela- used, howe ve r, because of t he conside rable
tively high impedance to t he funda mental- space req uired fo r longer li nes. At ] 12 M c.
frequency component of plate curre nt which is it is a lso possible to buil d h igh-Q tank ci rcu its
present with la rge operat ing a ngles, and thus wi t h lu m ped constants , not in t he form of ordi-
aid in reducing t he average d .c. plate cu rre nt. n ar y coil s a nd con dense rs but with la rge co n-
Th e gri d impedance of a fr equ ency mu lt i- d uct ing su rfaces to redu ce resistance.
pli e r is considerably hi gher t han that of a The osci lla t or ci rcui t s use d arc the same in
straight amplifier, because of t he high bias prinCiple as on t he lower fre quencies ( 3-7),
voltage. T he average i m ped a nce can be calcu- altho ugh fre que ntly modifie d considerably to
lated as previo usly describe d ( 4-8). The compensate fo r inheren t capacities a nd in d uc-
LIC rati o of the grid tank circu it may be tances whi ch are negligi ble at lower freque ncies .
hi gher, therefo re, fo r a given Q. Often it is a d- Two-condnc tor lines - The qu a rter-wa ve
vantageous t o li se a fai rly hi gh ratiQ, since a t wo-cond ucto r o pen li ne is equ ivale nt to a
la rge r.f. vol tage must be de veloped between resonant circ ui t ( 2- 12) and can be used as the
grid and cathode, s o long as it is not made too t a nk circ uit ( 3-7) in an osci ll ator. It should
high (Q too 10\"\') to permi t a deq uate coupling be used as a balanced circ uit to a void uneq ua l
between the grid tank circuit and t he drive r
stage . It may be necessary to ste p u p the driver Shortin9
output voltage to obta in sufficient r.f. gri d volt- / ' Bar
age for the double r ; t his may be done by tap-
ping thc driver pl a te on its ta nk circu it , whe n
capacity coupling is llsed, or by similar ta pping
or use of a higher GI L ratio in the dr iver plate C,
ta nk when the stages are li nk-co upled ( -1 6).
Tube s fo r fr e q u.ency ntultiplicution-
T he re is no essentia l d ifference be twee n t ubes
of various c haracte ristics in thei r performa nce
as frequency double rs. Tu bes havi ng h igh
am plification fact o rs will requi re so me \'lh a t
less bias for equivalent operation but the grid Fit.
driving power-needed is almost inde pendent of
the~, ass uming tubes of otherwise sim ilar con- Fig. ;j28 - S in gle tube 1ioe oscillato r . T h e grid con
d en se r, Cl , m ay be 50 I4l4fd .; grid Ic a k, UL, 5000 t o 50,000
str uct ion and cha racte ri sti cs. Pentodes and oh ms d epen di n g UI)On t ile t y pe o f t u be. The d loke,
tctrodes will, as in nor mal a mplifi er operation, RFC. will in gencra l cOllsis t of rclati\'cly few turns (20
require less driving po'ver than triodes for to 50 ) wo und to a diame te r o f U illc h . al t houg h d ime n
s ion s will change cons iderably wil h t he fre q uenCY. B y -
effi cie nt doub ling, a lth ough more power will p a ss cond ensers s ho uld be sm a ll in physica l size, t o rc
be needed than fo r str aight amplifi cation. ducr: lead induct a ncc, 500 l4#o1fd. is a satisfactory valu c .
currents in the two con du cto rs and co nse quent Push-pull osc illn tors - It is ofte n advan-
loss of Q because of radiation. tageolls to use a pus h-pull oscillato r ci rcuit at
A t ypical oscillator circuit of the ultraudion very-high frequen cies, not only as a mean S to
type is sho wn in Fig. 428. The reso nant line is secure more power output t hnn can be ob-
usually constructed of copper tubing to reduce tained from one t ube but also because bettcr
resist ance and provide a me chani cally stable circuit symmetry is poss ibl e with open lines.
circuit. The li ne should be approximately a F ig. 429 s hows a ty pi cal pus h-pull circuit of
quarter-wavelength long. Frequ ency can be the t.p .t.g. ( 3-7) type. The grid line is us ually
changed by moving the shorting ba r to change operated as the frequency-controlling circuit,
its effective length. since it is not associated with the load and
Th e tube clements preferably sh ould be hence its Q ca n be kept high. The same <\djus t-
tapped down on the line, as shown, to reduce ment considerations apply as in the case of the
the loading effect and thus prevent an undue singl e-tube oscillator described in the preced-
decre ase in Q. These taps should be close to the in g paragrap h. The grid taps in partic ular
shorted end of the line, since the frequen~y sta- sho uld be tapped down as far as poss ible, thus
bility will be better under these co nditions. improving the frequ ency st ab ilit.y.
The coils in the filament circuit () are fre- I t is also possible to use a li near tank in the
quently required at 112 Mc. and higher to com- grid circuit for frequ e ncy control, in conjunc-
pensate for the effects of the inductance of tio n with a conventional coil-condenser ta nk
connecting leads, which in many cases are long in the pl ate circui t where the lower Q d oes not
enough to cause appreciable phase shift ( 2-7) . havc f; 0 great an effect on the stability.
The effective length of t he fi lamen t circuit Fig. 429-B shows a push-pull oscillator hav-
shou ld be approximately Y2 wavelength, to ing tuned plate and cathode circuits, using
bring tho fihun en t to the sa me potential as the li near tl.mks for each. The grid s are con nected
shorted ends of the line~. The proper indu ct- together and grounded through the grid leak,
ance must be determined by experiment, the R 1 ; ordinarily no by-pass condenser is needed
coils being adj us ted for optimum stability a cross RI . This circuit gives good power out-
and power output. put at very-high frequen cies, but is n ot es-
The oscillation frequency also may be ad- pecially stable un less the plates nre tapped
justed by connecting a low-capa city variable down on the plate tank circuit to avoid t.oo
condenser across the open end of the line. The great a reduction in Q. Tapping on the cathode
added capacity makes it necess ary to shorten lin c is not feasible for mechani cal reasons,
t he lin e considerably for a given fr equency, since one filament lead must be brought through
however, and this, together with the additional the tubing in order to maintain both sides of the
loss in the conde nser, causes a marked decrease filament at the same r.L potential.
in the Q of the line. These effects will be less if Concentric-line circui ts - At frequencies
the condense r is connected down 0 11 t he line in the neighborhood of 300 Mc., rad iation
rath er than at the open end. Tapping do"rn ( 2-12) from the open lin e beco me s so serious
also gives greater bandsprca d effect ( 7-7). that the Q is greatly reduced. This is beca use
the conductor spacing represents an
appreciable fracti on of the wavelength.
Consequently, at these freq uencies the
concen tric line mu st be used. In this
type the field is confined insi de the
li ne, so that radi atio n is negligible.
The re is a furth er advantage in that
r t ~7r~~rl~~;;~;;J--
r----% Output
the outside of the lin e is "cold"; that
if;, no r.f. potentia ls de velop between
poin ts on t he outer su rface. Whil e t.he
concentric tine also is advantageous a t
lower frequencies, beca use it is more
complicated to construct and adjust-
men ts are more diffi cult th e open lines
are generally favored.
The concentri c line usually is con-
structed of copper pipes arranged co n-
Shorti"j8a.r centrically a nd short-circuited at one
5-1 Modulation
the ca rrier also causes a change in the carrier
fre quency the signal wobbles back an d forth
The carrier ~ The steady radio-frequency with t he modulation, in trod ucing di stortion
power generated by tran sm itting circuits can- and widening the channel taken by the Signal.
not alone result in the transmission of an This causes unnecessary interference to other
intelligible messflge to a receiving point. The transmissions. I n practice, this unde sirable
continuolls wave from the tran s mitter it se lf frequency mod ulation is prevented by applying
serves only as a "carrier" for the message; the modu lation to a n r .f. amplifi er stage which
t he in telligence is conveyed by modulation is iso lated from t he frequency-controlling
(a change) of t he carrie r. I n radiotelephony. osci llator by a "buffer" amplifier. Amplitude
t his m odulation re produces electrically the modulation of an oscillator almost a lways is
so unds it is intended to convey. accompanied b y frequ ency modulation . It is
Sound and alte rna ting currents - Sounds permitted therefore on ly on frequenc ies above
are caused by vibrations of air particles. The 112 Me. , because the problem of inter ftren ce
pitch of the so und depends upon the rate of is less acute in thi s region than on lowe r f re-
v ibratio n ; the more rapid the vibration, the quenCies.
higher the pitch . Most soun d s consist of com- P e rce ntage oj rnod/l.Ja tion - In the ampli-
plex com binations of vibrations of di ff ering tud e-modu lati on syste m the audible output
rates or frequenciesi the h uman voice, for in- at the rece iver depends entirely upon t he
stance , generates frequencies from about 100 amo un t of va riatio n - termed depth of modu-
cycles per secon d to several thousand per sec- lation - in the carrier wave, and not upon the
ond. T be problem of transmitting speech by stren gth of the carrier alone. It is desirable
radio therefore is one of varying the r.f. carrier therefore to obtain the largest permi ssi ble
in a way which. corresponds to the a ir- particle variations in the carrier wavc. This condition
vibrations . T he first step in doing this is to
change th e sou nd vi b rations in to a lternating
electrical currents of the same frequency
an d relative intensity; the electromech anical (A) -L
de vi ce which ac hieves this translation is t he
microphone. These currents then may be
amplified and u sed to modulate t he normally
ste ady r.f. output of the transmitter.
Methods oj ,nodulation - The carrier may
- be ma d e to vary in accordance with t he 'speec h
cu rrent by using the current to ch ange t he
p hase ( 2-7 ), frequ e ncy or amplitude of the
ca rri er. Amplitude modulation is by far the
most common system, and is used exclusively
o n all frequencies below the very-high- fre-
quency region ( 2-7) . Frequency modula ti on,
which has special characteristics which make
it.s use desirable under certain conditions, is
used t.o a considcmble extent on the very-high
fre quencies. Phase modulation, which is closely
re late d to fre qu ency m odu lation , has had li t tle
o r no direct application in practical com-
muni cati on. .--y
5-2 Amplitude Modulation
Carrier reqlLirem.e nts - For proper am pli- x
tude m odulatio n, the canier should be com- eel .J...
ple tely fr ee from inherent amplitude variations
such as m ight be cau sed by insuffic ient filtering
of a r ectified-a..c. power sup ply ( 8-1). It is
al so e ssential that the carrier frequency be
entirely un affected by th e a pplication of Fig. 501 - G r.3.phic.3. 1 represe ntatioo of (A) lL n m od,,
m odulation . If modulating the amplitu de of ated ca rrie r. OJ ) modu la ted 50% , (C) modulated 100 %.
Radiotelephony 105
is reached when the carri er amp litude durin g as is s how n in Fi g ..502 ocr ur.<;. \'"nt only docs
modu lation is at tim es re duced to zero and at th e peak a mpli t ude exceed twil'c t he ca rrier
ot her t imes incJ'('llscd to twice its unmoduln.ted amplitudc, but actually therc may be a COIl -
value. Suc h a wave is said to be f ull y m od~l sid e rabl e pe ri od during wh ich the output is
[aled o or 100 per cent modlliated. Any desired entirely cut off. The mod u lated wa ve is there-
degree of modul:1tion call be expressed as a per- fore di storted ( 3-3), wit.h the result that har-
centage, using the unmodulaled carrier as a moni cs of the audio modubting frequency
b3se. Fig. 50 l s hows , at A, an unm odlllatcd appear. Th e carrier s hould neve r be modu lated
carrier wave; at B, the same wave modulated more than 100 per cent.
50 PCI" cent, and at C, the wave wi t h 100 per
cent modulation , using a sin e-wave (2-7)
modub.t ing s ig nal. The outli ne of the 1ll0UU-
lated I'.f. wave is called the modulation cnvcln pe.
The percentage modu lation can be found by
dividin g eithe r Y or Z by X and multipl yi ng
t he res ult by 100. If the modulating Signal is
not sy mmetri cal, the larger of the two (Y or Z )
should be used.
Power in m .(){/ u Loted wave - The ampli-
tude val ues corres po nd to current or voltage ,
so that the drawings may be taken to represent
instantaneo lls v!\lues of either. Since power
varies as th e square of eithe r the curre nt or
voltage (so long as t he resistance in th e circuit
is un changed ), at th e peak of the modulati on
up-swing the instantaneous power in the wave
of F ig. 501-C is four tim es the un modulated
carrier power. At the peak of the down-swing
the power is ze ro , sin ce the amplitude is zero. Fig. 502 - An ovc nnO(lu l""ll c rri ('r '''ave.
Wi th a sin e-wave mod ulating signal, the aver-
age power in a 100 per cent modul ated wave is S idc bmu l s - The combi ni ng of the audio
one and olle-half times the unmodulated car- frequency with the r.f. carri er is esse ntially a
rier power ; that is, the power output of the heterod y ne process, and there fore gives ri se to
transmitte r increases 50 per cent with 100 per beat frequenci es e qual to th e sum and differ-
cent modulati on. e nce of the a.f. and r.f. frequ enci es involve d
U"cority - Up to the limit of 100 per cent ( 2-13 ). There fore, for eac h audio frequency
modulation, the amplitude of the carrier shou ld appearing in the modu lating signal, two new
foll ow faithfull y the amplitude variations of radio frequenc ies appear, one equal to t he
the modulati ng signal. When the modula ted carrier frequen cy plus thc audio fre qu ency,
r. f. amplifier is inca pable of meeting t h is con- t he other equal t o the carrier minus the a udio
dition , i t is sai d to be non-linear. The amplifier frequ e ncy . These new frequ e ncies are called
may not, for instance, be capable of quadru- side f requencies, since t hey appear on eac h
pling; its power output at the peak of 100 per side of t he carrier, and the groups of si de fre-
ce nt modul ation. A non-linear modulated am- qu encies r~pre se nting a band or group of
plifier ca uses distortion of the modulation modulation fre qucncies are called sidebands .
envelope. Hence a modulated s ign al occupies a group
llfoduJotion. c haracteristic - A graph of radio frequen cies, or channelj rather than a
showing the relationship between r.r. ampli- single frequency as in the case of the unmodu-
tude and instantaneo us modulating voltage is lated carrier. The channel width is twice the
called t he modulation characteri stic of the highest modulation fre quency. To accommo-
modula ted ~lmp li {i c r. This gra ph should be a date the largest numbe r of tran smitte rs in a
straight line (l in ear) between the limits of zero gi ven part of the r.r. spectrum it is apparent
and t wiee carrier amplitude. Curvature of the t hat the channe l width should be as small as
line betwee n these limits indicates non-line- possible, but on the other hand it is necessary,
a ri ty ill the amplifier . for speec h of reasonably good qua lity, to u sc
Jl1oliululiolt capubi li ty - The modulation modulating fre quencies up to ut 3000 or
caJiability of the transmitter is the maximum 4000 cycles. T his calls for a cha.nnel width of
percentage of modulation that is possible 6 to 8 kilocycles.
without obj ect.ionab le distortion from non- S p u.riou.s s ide bands - Besides the normal
linea rity. Th e maximum capability is, of si deband s requ ired by speech frequ encies.
course, 100 per ce nt. T he mod ulati on capabil- unwanted sideban ds may be ge nerated by
ity should be as hi gh as possi ble, so th <l.t the the tran smitter. These usually lie ou tside the
most effcct.ivc s ignal can lye trans roittcd for a normally re quire d chann el, and hence cau se
given c:tlTi cl' !Jowe r. it t o be wid er without inc reasing the useful
Ovrern"Klf/'LI.niion - If the narrier is mocIu- modulat ion . By increMing the channil wid t h ,
latietl more th ~in 100 pe r cent. a ccindition SUc'll the-se spurious sidebands ca Use unnecessary
interfe rence to other tran smi tters. The quality ulated r. . st age audio power equ a l to 50 per
of trans mission a lso is adve rsely affected when cent of the d.c. plate in pu t. For ex a mple , if the
spurious sidebands are generated. d .c. pla te power input to the r. f. stage is 100
T he chi ef causes of spurious side ban ds arc watts, the sine-wa ve aud io power output of the
harmo nic distortion in the audio system , over- modul ator must be 50 watts.
modulati on, u n necessar y frequency mod ula- lHodulating impednnce, linearity - T he
tion, and lack of linearity in the modulated modulatin g impedance, or load resistance pre-
r.f. syste m. sented to the modulator by the mod ulated
T y pes oj amplitude modu.lation - The r.f. am plifie r, is equal to
most 'w idely u se d type of amplitude-modula-
ti on syste m is that in which the modulating E, X 1000
signal is applied in the plate circ uit of a radio- I,
frequen cy power amplifier (plate modulation ). whe re Eb is the d .c. plate voltage and I p the
I n a second type the audio signal is applied to d.c. plate current in milliamperes, both meas-
a control-grid circu it (grid-bias modulation) . ure d with out m odul ation .
A t hird system involves variation of bo th plate Since the power output of the r .f. amplifier
v oltage and grid bias, and is called cathode must vary as the square of the plate. voltage
modulation. (r.f. voltage proportional to applied pla te
voltage ) in order for the modulati on to be
linea r, the amplifier mus t ope rate Cl ass-C
Rr-!h-t- ( 3-4 ). The lineari ty de pends upon h aving
&,cita.tion sufficient g rid excitation and proper bias, an .
RFe the adjustment of circuit constants t o the
proper values ( 4-8) .
Power i n speech -w ave ... - Th e complex
wave form of a speech sound transl ated into
alternating current does not contain a s much
.. c +c power, on the a verage , a~ there is in a pure
- 6 -=- tone or sine wave of the i!ltl.rne pea k ( 2-7 )
T amplitude . That is, with ~p e ech wave form s
the ratio of peak to average ampli tude is
higher than in the :sine wnve . For thi~ reason ,
II the previous :sbtement that t he pOl\'er output
of the t ransmitter in cre Me~ 50 per cent wi t h
100 per cent m odulation, wh ile true for t o ne
modulation, is not true for speech. On the aver-
MA age, speech wa vefor ms will con tai n on ly about
half as much power as a si ne wave, both having
the same peak amplitude. The ave rage power
+6 +-8
output of the tra nsmitter th erefore i ncreases
Fig. 503 - Plate modulation of a Class-C r.f. amplifie r. only about 25 per cent with 100 per cent spee ch
The r.f. p late by-pass co ndenser, C, in the amplifier
s tage should have h i gh reactance at audio frequenc ies. modulation. H owever, the instantaneous power
A capacit y 0[0.002 p.fd. or less usually is satis factory. output must qua druple on th e peak of 100 per
cent m odu lation ( 5-2) regardless of the mod-
5-3 Plate Mod ulation ulating wa.veform . Th erefo re, the peak ca-
Transformer coup ling - In Fig. 503 is pacity of the transmitter m ust be t he sa me
shown the most widely used system of plate for any type of modulating sign a l.
modulation. A balanced (push- pull Class-A,
Class-AB or Class-B ) modulator is trans-
former-coupled to the plate circuit of the
mo dulated r.f. amplifier. The audio-frequenc y
R~h--cH- =
power generate d in th e m odulator plate circuit R'C
is combined with the d. c. power in the m9du-
lated-a mplifier plate circuit by transfer thro ugh
the coupling transformer, T. For 100 per cent
modu la tion the audio-frequency output of the
m odulator and the t urn s ratio of the coupling
transfor mer mus t be such that the voltage at
the plate of the modulated am plifier v aries
be tw een zero and twice the d.c. operating plate
volta ge, thus causing cor respondin g variati ons
in the am plitude of t he Lf. ou tp ut.
!l1o&-" l.ator power - The average powe r
outpU1 of t he m odu late d stage must increase F ig. 504 - Pla t e and screen modulation of a C lass -C
t.r. amplifier u sin g a pentod e tube. The plate andi'locrecn
50 per cent for 100 per cen t modulation ( 5-2 ); r.f. b y -pass con de nsers, C 1 and Cz. ,Iwuld ba v e hi gh
so th a t the modul ator must supply to the mod- reac tance at all audio frequencies (0.002 p.fd . ~r less) .
Radiotelephony 107
Adju.stme nt of plate -morIulo(,c d ampli- modulation . Th e plate power for t he modulator
fier s - T he ge nera l ope rating conditions for tube and modu la ted am pli fier is furni shed from
Class-C opera tion h ave been described ( 3-4, a comm on source through the modulation
4-8). Th e grid bias an d grid c urrent required ch oke, L , whi ch has high impedance for audio
for pl ate mo du lat io n usua ll y are gi ven in th e frequ e ncies. The mod ulator ope rn.te s as a powe r
o pe rati ng data s up plied by t h e tube man u - amplifie r with the plate circ ui t of the r.f.
fac t urer ; i n general, the bias should be su ch
as to give an operat ing a ngle ( 4-8) of a bout
120 degrees at carrier plate voltage, an d the ~I-r--{-
e xcitati on should be sufficient t o mainta in the R .F.
plate efficiency const a nt when the plate volt-
age is varied over th e range from zero to twice
the d.c . p la te v oltage appli ed to the ampl ifi e r.
F o r bes t li nearity , the g rid bias s ho uld be ob-
tained partl y fr o m a fixed source of about the Grid RFe
cut-off valu e, supp le mented by grid-leak bias c
t o s upply the re ma in der of the re qui red operat-
ing bi as. -c +c
-6 R,
The maximum permissihle d.c. plate power c,
inpu t for 100 per ce nt modulation is twice th e
si ne-w ave audio- freq ue ncy power output of the
modu la tor. Th is inp ut is obta in ed by varying
th e loa ding on the amplifier (keeping its tank
circuit tuned to resonance) until t he product
of d .c. plate voltage and plate current is the de- Speech
sired power. T he modulati ng impedance un der Amp. MA
t hese conditions will be t he proper value for
t he modu lator l if t he pro per output-trans- - B -6
former t urns ratio ( 2-9) is used. +e
Neutralizati on , when triodes a re used, Fig. 505 - Cboke-coupled plate modulatioD.
should be as nearl y pe rfect as possi ble, since
regenerati on may cause non -li ne arity. Th e amplifie r as its load, the audio ou t pu t of the
ampli fie r also shoul d be free from parasitic modulator being supe rimpose d on t he d.c.
osci ll ation s ( 4- 10) . power supplied to t he amplifier. For 100 per
Al though th e effective value ( 2-7) of power cent modula tion, the audio voltage applied to
inp ut inc reases wit h modulation , as described t her.c. amplifier plate cir cuit across the choke,
a bov e, the average pla te in put to a. p late- L, must have a pea k value equal to the d.c.
mod ul a ted ampli fi er d oes not cha nge, sin ce v oltage on the modu lated ampli fie r. To obtain
each in crease in plate voltage a nd plate cur- this without distort ion the r.f. a mplifier mus t
rent is balan ced by a n equiva lent decrease in be operated at a d.c. pla te voltage less than the
voltage an d current. Conseque ntlY l th e d .c. modula tor plate vol tage, t he ex tcnt of the volt -
plate current t o a properly modulated am- age diffe rence being dete rmincd by the t y pe
plifier is always constant, with or ' without of modulator tuhe used. The necessary drop in
modu lation. voltage is provided by the resisto r, R i , whi ch
Screen -g rid amplifie rs - Screen-grid tubes is by-passed for audio frequen cies by the by-
of t he pen tode or beam tetrode type can be pass co nd e nser, Ct .
used as Class-C p late-m odulated am pli fiers Thi s type of modulation seldom is used
provided the modu lation is applied to both t he except in ve ry low-power portable sets, be-
pl ate and sc reen grid. The me thod of feeding cause a sin gle-tu be Class-A ( 3-'1) modulator
the scrcen grid with the necessary d .c. an d is required . The output of a Class-A modulator
modulation voltage is shown in F ig. 504. The is very low compared t o that obtainable fr om a
dropping resistor, n, should be of the proper pair of tu bes of the sa me size operated Class B.
value to app ly normal d.c . voltage to the screen hence only a small amo unt of r.f. power can be
under steady carrier conditions. Its value modulated.
can be calcu lated by taking the differe nce be-
t ween plate and scree n voltages and dividing ([ 5-4 Grid-Bias Modulation
it by th e rated sc ree n c urrent. Circuit - Fig. 506 is the di agram of a typ i-
The modu latin g impedance is fou nd by di- cal a rrange ment for gr id-bias modulation .
viding the d.c . plate voltage by the sum of the In this system l the secon da.ry of an audio-
pl ate and sc ree n Cll rrc nts. The plate voltage freq uency output transfor mer, the primary
mul tipl ied by the sum of the two cu rre nts is the of which is con nec ted in t he pla te ci rcuit of
power-inp ut figure which is use d ns the basis the modul ato r tube l is conn ected in se ries wil h
for det ermini ng t he a udio powe r rcquircd fr om t he grid-bias supply for the mod ulated ampli-
the modu lator. fier. The a udio voltage thu s introduced varies
Cltolw COll plinlt - In Fig. 505 is show n t4e the grid bias, an d thus the power ou tput of
circuit of the choke-co upled syste m of plate the r.c. stage, when suitable ope rating condi",:
tions are chosen. The rJ. stage is ope rated as in a direction opposite t o that caused by the
a Class-C amplifier, with the d.c. grid bias modulation. It is necessary, the refo re , to use a
co nsiderably beyond cut-off. grid-bias source having low resistance, so that
Operatin.g princ'i ples - In this system the th ese bias vari ations will be negligi ble. Battery
plate voltage is constant, and the increase in bias is satisfactory. If a re cti fied fl. . C. bias sup-
power output wi t h modulat ion is obtained by ply is used, the type havin g regu lated output
making the plate curre nt and plate efficiency ( 8-9) should be chosen. Grid-lea k bias for a
vary with the modul ating sign aL For 100 per grid-modulated amplifier is unsatisfact ory, a nd
its use sho uld not be attempted .
ClASS-C -L----,
AMP Driver reg ulal.iIHt - The load on t he driving
stage varies with mo dulation, and a l in ear
Excitation modulation chara cte ristic may not beobtained
if the r .f. voltage fr o m the driver does n o t stay
constant with changes in load . Drive r regula-
tion (ability to maintain constant output volt-
age with changes in load ) may be improved
c by using a driving stage havin g two or three
times the power output necessary for excitation
-, of the amplifier (this is some wh at less than
the power required for ordinary C lass-C opera-
tion), and by dissipating the extra power in a
constant load suc h as a resistor. The load
S~e,), v ariations are thereby reduced in proportion
to the t otal loa d.
Adjustmen.t oj g modu.lated am-
plifiers - This type of amplifier should be
adju ste d with the aid of an oscill oscope , to
obtain optimum operating conditi ons. The
Fig. 506 - Gridbia s modulation o f a Class -C ampl i. oscilloscope should be connected as described
fier. T h e r.f. grid by-pass conden se r, C, shou ld have in 5.,10, the wed ge pattern being preferable.
high r e a ctance al audio freque n cies (0.002 J.'fd. or less). A tone source for m od ulating the t ra ns mitter
will be convenieilt. The fixed grid bias s ho uld
cent m odulati o n, both pl ate current and effi- be two or three t imes the cut-off vallie ( 3-2) .
ciency mu st, at the peak of the modulation up- The d.c. inpu t to the amplifier, ass uming 33
swing, be twice their carrier values, so that the per cent carrier efficie ncy , will be 1 Y2 ti mcs
peak power will be four tim es the carrier power. the plate diss ipation rating of the tube or tubes
Since the peak efficiency in practicable circuits used in the modulated stage. The plate CUl'l'ent
is of the order of 70 to 80 per cent, the carrier for this inpu t (in m illiamperes, 1000 P / E,
efficiency ordinuril y cannot exceed about 35 where P is the power a nd E the d.c. pl ate volt-
to 40 per cent. };'or a given size of r.f. tube, the age) must be determined. Apply r.f. exc itation
carrier out.put. is about o ne-fourth the power and, without modula t ion, adjust the plate
obtainable from the sa me tube plate-modu- loading to give the required pl ate Clll'Ten t
lated. The grid bias, r.f. excitation , plate load- (keeping t he plate tank circuit tuned to reso-
ing and audio voltage in series with the grid nance). Next, apply modulation and in c re ase
m ust be adjusted to give a linear modulation the modulating signal u ntil the modulation
characteristic. characteristic shows curvature ( 5-1 0 ). Thi s
llfoduln tor pou;e r - Since the increase in probably will occur well bel ow 100 per cent
average carr ier power with modulation is se- modulation , indi cating that the plate effi c iency
cured by varying the plate effiCiency and d.c . . is too high. In crease the plate loading and re-
plate input of t he amplifier, the modulator duce the excitation to maintain the same plate
need su pply only such po wer losses as may current; then apply modulation and check the
be occasioned by con necting it in the grid characteristic again. Continue thi s process un-
circuit. These are quite s mall, hence a modu- til the characteristic is linear fr o m the axis to
lator capable of o nly a few watts ou tput will twi ce the carrier amplitude. It is advantageous
suffice for transmi tters of considerable power. to use the maximum permi ss ible plate voltage
The loa d o n the modulator varies over the on the tube, since it is us ually easier to obtain
audio-fre quen cy cycle as the rectified grid a more linear characteristic with hi gh plate
curre nt of the m odula.ted ampli fie r chan ges, volta ge and low current (carrier condit ions)
hence the m odulator should have good voltage than with relatively low plate voltage and hi gh
reg ulati on ( 5-6). plate currcnt.
Crid -bi.ns SOfl.rce - The change in bias The amplifier can be adjusted wi th o ut an
voltage wi t h m odul a t ion causes the rectified oscilloscope by de terminin g t he pl ate cur re nt
grid c urrent of the a mplifier also to vary, the as de scri bed abo ve, the n setting the bias to t he
".f. excitation b(' ing fixed. If the b ias SOurce c ut-off value (or slightly beyon d ) for the d. c.
has appreci able resis ta nce, the change in plate voltage used a nd a pplyin g ma ximum
grid cur rent also will ca use a change in bias e xcitation. Ad just tbe pl ate loading, kee ping
Radiotelephony 109
the tank circuit at rcsonn.nce, until the amp li- fici ent negative bias to the su ppressor to brin g:
fier draws twice the carrier plate cu rre nt, and the pl ate cu rren t to the carri er value , leavi ng
note the antenna cu rrent. Decrease the exci- the loading unchanged. Simultaneously, the
tation u ntil th e output and plate current. j ust antenna current a lso sho uld d rop to half its
start to d rop . T hen increase the bias, leaving maximum value . Th e a m plifier is then ready
the excitation and plate loading un changed , for modulation. Sho uld t he plate cu rre nt not
until the plate curren t drops to the pr oper fol1 o \v the antenna current in the same pro-
carrier value. The an tenn a current shou ld po rti on whcn t he suppressor bias is made
be just half the previous value; if it is larger, negative, the loading and e xcitation shou ld be
t r y somew hat more loading and less excita- readjus ted to make them co incide.
tion; if s m a ll er, less loading a nd more excita-
tion. Re peat u ntil t h e antenna c urren t drops 41. 5-5 Cathode Modulation
to half its ma ximum value wh en the plate The fun d ame ntal circu it for
Ci rc ui.t -
cu rren t is biased down to the ca rrier value. cat hode or "center-tap" modtllation is shown
Und er -these co ndi tio ns the amplifie r sho uld in Fig. 508. Thi s type of modu lation is a com-
modulate properl y, provided the pla t e s uppl y bination of the plate and grid-b ias metho ds ,
has good voltage regulat ion ( 8- 1) so that the and permits a carrie r effic ie ncy midway be-
plate voltage is pra.ctically t he same at both tween t he two . The audi o power is in troduced
values of pl ate cur rent during the initial testing. CLASS -C
The d .c. plate current sho ul d be substan- A MP.
tialJ y con stant bot h with and witho ut modu la- R.F
tion ( 5-3 ). Excitation
Su. ppre ssor 111.0(/" fll t i on - The circuit ar- R FG
ran gement for suppressor-grid m od ulJ'l.tion of a
pentod e tube is shown in Fi g. 507. Th e operat- G,M [T-.
ing principles are th e same as fo r grid-bias Leak. t-I
modu lation. H o weve r, the r.f. excitation and G
modul ating Sign a ls a rc applied t o separa te
- C -:
gri ds, whic h gives the systcln a simpler ope rat-
ing techn iqu e since be st adj ustment for prope r to
excitat,io n requirem en t s and p roper m odulating
circu it requi remen t s are more o r less independ- --- .B
ent. Th e carrier pl ate efliciency is approxi-
mate ly the sam c as fo r grid-bias modulation,
a nd the modu lato r po\v cr requirements are " r"c::.---,
simi larly smal l. W ith tubes having s uitable
suppressor-grid eharn.cteri stics, linear modula-
tion u p to practically 100 pe l' cent can be
11 Fit.
Trons ..
'" /
~/ ~ m ay be regulated by choice of a suitable tap
on the modulation transformer second ary.
V ~ Adj ,.tstm.en.t of c nth ode - t e d n,u,-
V plifiers - In most respects, the ad j ustment
~ /'V procedure is si milar to that for grid-bias mod-
0/ /
V / ul a tion ( 5-4). The crit ical ad j ustme nts are
those of antenna loadin g, grid bias, a nd excita-
,0/ ~V tion. The proportion of grid-bias to plate mod-
'c /'
ula t ion will determine t he operating co nditions.
Adju stme nts should be made w ith the a id of
o 20 40 60 SO '00 an oscillosco pe ( 5-10). With pro per a n tenna
?n -PER CNTPLAT MODULATIO N load ing and excitation, t he normal wedge-
Fig. 509 - Ca thorle -modulation performance c urves, shaped pattern wi ll be obtained at 100 pel' ce nt
ill te rms of perccu la ge of plate modulatioll plo ll ed m odulation. As in the case of grid-bias modu-
aga ins t I)C rcclita ge of C lass-C telephony tube ratin gs.
lation, t oo-light a ntenna loading will cause
W in - D .c. plate input watts in t erms of percentage of
platemod ul a tion ratin g. flatt ening of the up-peaks of modulation
W0 - C'lrr ier o utput watts in per cent of plate-modula_ (downward modulation), as a lso will too-high
tion ralin g (based Oil plat,e efficiency oC77.5%). exci tation ( 5-10) . The cath ode curren t will be
W. - Audio power in per cent of d.c. watLS input. practically constant with or without mod ula-
N p - Pla te e ffi cie ncy of t he ampli fier in percen t a ge.
tion when the pro per operating conditions are
As a n example, assume that 40 per cent plate reached (~ 5-3 ).
mod ulation is to be used. Then the modu lated
rJ . a mplifier must be adjusted for a carrier 5-6 Class-B Modulators
plate efficiency of 56 per cent, the permissible Alodulator tubes - I n the case of p late
plate input will be 65 per cent of the ratings modulation, the relatively large a udio power
of the same t ube with pure plate modul ation, needed ( 5-3) practically dictates t he use of a
the power ou tput will be 48 per ce nt of the Class-S ( 3-4) mod ula tor. si nce t he power
rated output of the tube with pl ate mod ulatio n, can be obtained most economically with this
a nd the a udio p ower required fro m the modu- type of am pljfier. A typical circ uit is gi ve n in
la tor will be 20 per cent of the d.c. input to the Fig. 510. A pa ir of tu bes must be chose n w hi ch
modul a ted amplifier. is capa ble of dclivcring sine-wave au dio power
t.1odu lat-ing impedance - The
modu lating im pedance of a cath- DRI VER CLASS-S MODULATOR
ode-modu lated a mplifier is ap--
proximately equal to r,.~,.,s
"To M""
m- oq,
h Aud/Q
Illput Amp
wh ere m is the percentage of plate
modu lation expressed as a decimal,
E" is t he plate voltage a nd I" the
plale cu rrent of the modulated r .r.
amplifier. T his figure for the modu-
hting impedance is used in the
same way as t he corres ponding Fig. 510 -
A typica l ClassB audio mod ulator and rlriyer circu it.
Radiotelephony 111
equal to half the d.c. input to the modulated be triodes having low plate resis tance, since
Class-C amplifie r. It is sometimes convenient these will have tbe be st regula t ion. Having
to use tubes which will operate at the same chose n a tube or tubes capable of ample
plate voltage a s th a t applied to t he CJass-C power output from tube data sheets , the peak
stage , since o ne po wer supply o f adequate output voltage will be, approximately,
current capac ity may then suffice for both
Eo ~ 1.4 v'PR
stages. Availabl e components do not always
pe rmit thi s, howeve r, and better over-all where P is the power output and R the load
performa nce a nd economy may result from resistance. The input transformer ratio, pri-
the usc of separate power s upplies. mary to secondary, will be
Mutching to loud - In giving C lass-B
rati ngs on power tube s, manufacturers specify
the plate-ta-plate load impedance ( 3-3 ) Eo
into whi ch the tube s must operate to deliver where E Qis a s given above and Eg is the peak
the rate d audio powe r output. This load im- grid-to-grid voltage required by the modulator
pedance seld om is the same as the modulating tubes.
impedance ( 5-3 ) of the Class-C r.f. stage , Commercia l transformers usually are de-
so that a match must be brought about b y signe d for s pecific driver-modulator combina-
adjusting the turns ratio of the coupling tran s- tions, and usually are adjusted to give as good
form er. The required turns ratio, primary to driver regulation as the conditions will permit.
secondary, is G rid bias - Modern Class-B audio tubes
are inte nded 'for ope ration without fixed bias . .
This lessens the variable grid-Circuit load ing
effect and eliminates the need for a grid-bias
where Z m is the Cla ~s-C modulating impedance When a grid-bias supply is required, it must
and Z p is the plate-to-plate load impedance have low internal resistance so that the flow
speci fied for the C lass-B tubes. of grid current with excitatio n of the C lass-B
Commercial Clas s-B output transformers tubes d oes not cause a continual shift in the
usually are rated to work between spec ified actual grid bias an d thus cause distortion.
primary and secondary impedances and are Batteries or a regulated bias supply ( 8-9)
designed for specific Class-B tubes. In suc h a should be used.
case , the turns ratio ca n be fo und by substi- Plate supply - The plate supply for a
tuting the given impedances in the formula C lass-B modulator should be suffici ently we ll
above. Many transformers are provided with filtered ( 8-3 ) to prevent hum modulation of
primary and secondary taps, so that various the r.f. stage ( 5-2 ). An additional require-
turn s ratios can be obtained to meet the re- ment is that the output condenser of the sup-
quirements of a large number of tube com- ply should have low reactance ( 2-8 ) at 100
binations. cycles or less compared to the load into which
Dri ving power - Class-B amplifiers are each tube is working, which is one-fourth the
driven into the grid-current region, so that plate-to-pl a te load resistance. A 4-.ufd. output
power is consumed in the grid circuit ( 3-3). condenser with a lOOO-volt supply, or a 2-.ufd.
The preceding stage (driver ) must bc capable condenser with a 2000-volt supply, usually
of supplying th is power at the required peak wi ll be satisfactory. 'W ith other plate voltages,
auelio-frequency grid-to-grid voltage. Both of condenser values shou ld be in inverse propor-
these quantities are gi ven in the manufactur- ti on to the plate voltage.
er 's tube ratings. The grids of the Class-B Overexcitation - When a Class-B amplifier
tubes represent a variable loa d resistance over is overdriven in an attempt to sec ure more
the audio-frequency cycle, since the grid cur- than the rated power, distortion in the output
rent d oes not increase directly with the grid waveshape increases rapidly. The high-fre-
voltage. To prevent distortion, therefore, it is quency harmonics which result from the distor-
necessary to have a driving source which has tion ( 3-3) modulate the transmitter, produc-
good reguZcttion - that is, wh ich will maintain ing spurious sidebands ( 5-2 ) which readily
t.he waveform of the signal without disto rtion can cause serio us interference over a band of
even though the load varies. This can be frequen cies several times thc channel width
brought about by using a driver capable of required for speech. This may happen even
deliv ering two or three times the actual power though the t ransmitter is not being over-
con sumed by the Class-B grids, and by using modulated, as in the case where the modulator
an input coupling tran sformer having a turns is in capable of delivering the power required
ratio givin g the largest step-down in the volt- to modulate the transmitter fully, or when
age between the driver plate or plates and the the Class-C amplifier is not adjusted to give
Class-B grid s t hat will permit obtaining the t he proper modulating impedance ( 5-3 ).
specified grid-to-grid a.f. voltage. The tubes used in the Class-B modulator
Drive r co upling - A Class-A or Class- AB should be capable of some'what more than the
( 3-4) drive r is use d to e xcite a Class-B powe r output nomin all y required (50 per ce nt
stage . T u bes for the driver preferably should of the d. c. input t o t he m odulated a mplifier) t r
take ca re uf losses ill t he ou tput tnUls former. phone, decreasing approximately as the s quare
These usually run from 10 per cent to 20 per of the distance. Hen ce, only approximate
ce nt of the tube output. In additio n, t he values based on averages of "nor mal " s peak-
C lass-C amplifier s ho uld be adjusted to give ing voices C:ln be attempted. The va lucs give n
the proper modulatin g impedance and the cor- in the following paragra phs are based on close
rect ou tput transformer turns ratio s hould be talking ; that is, with the mi crophone less tha n
used. Su ch high-frequency harmoni cs as may an inch from the speaker's lips.
be gene rated in these circumstances can be re- FrcCjll c n c)' resp o n se - The frequency re-
duced by co nnecting condensers across the sponse or fidelity of a micropho ne is its relative
prim.ul'Y and secondary of the output trans- ability to convert sou nd s of d ifferent frequen-
former (about 0.002 Mfd. in the average case), cies ioto alternati ng current. 'W ith fixed s ound
to forro , with the transformer leakage indu cl- intensity at the microphone, the elect rica.l out-
n.nce ( 2-9) a low-pass filter ( 2-11) which put may va ry considerably as the sound fre:.
cuts ofT j ust above the maximum audio fre- quency is varied. Por u nderstandable s peech
quency required for speech transmiss ion (about trans mi ss ion only a limited frequency range is
4.000 cycles) . The condenser voltage ratings necessa ry, and natural-sounding s peech can be
s hou ld be adequate for tqe peak a.f. voltages obtained if the output of the mi croph one docs
appearing across them . not vary more than a few decibels ( 3-3)
Op e ru t io n 'wi t hou t load - Excitation at any freque ncy within a range of about 200
should ne ver be applied to a Class-B modulator cycles to 4000 cycles. Whe n the variatioll
until afte r the CJass-C amplifier is turned on exp ressed in terms of decibels is sma Ll betwee n
and is drawing the value of plate current re- two frequency limits, the microphone is said
quired to present the rated load to the modu- to be flat between those limits.
bto r. With no load to absorb the powe r, the Co rbo n m ,ic ro plwnes - Fig. 511 shows con-
primary impedan ce of the transformer ri ses t o nections for single- and double-button ca rbon
a high value and excessive audio voltages are microph ones, with a rheostat included in each
developed across it - frequently hi gh enough circu it for adjusting the button CUl'l'ent to the
to break down the transformer insu lation. correct val ue as specified with each mi cro-
Jf the modu lator is to be tested separately phone. The single-button m icrophone co nsis ts
from the transmitter, a load resistance of the of a metal diaphragm placed against an in-
Sam.e value as the modulating impeda nce, su lating cup containing loosely packed carbon
alld capable of di ssi pating the full power out- granules (microphone button). Current from a
p ut of t he modulator, shou ld be connected battery flows through the granules, the dia-
across tbe t ransformer secondary. phragm being one connec tion and the metal
bac k-plate the other. The primary of a trans-
41. 5-7 Low-Level Modulators former is connected in series with the battery
Selec t ion of t ubes - Modulators for grid- and microphone. As t he diaphragm vibrates
bin!; and su ppressor modu lation can be sma ll its pressure on the granules alternately in-
aud io power tubes, since the audio powel' re- crcases and decreases, causing a corresponding
quired usually is small. A triode such as tbe increase and decrease of current flow through
2A3 is preferable because of its low plnte re- the circuit, since the pressure cha nges the
si!;ta nce, bu t pentodes will work satisfactorily. resistance of the mass of granules. The res ult.-
M a tching to load - Since the ordinary ing change in the current flowing through t he
Class-A receiving p ower tube will develop transformer primary causes an alternating
about 200 to 250 peak volts in its plate circuit, voltage, of corresponding frequency and in-
which is ample for most low-level modulator tensity, to be set u p in the transformer sec-
applications, a 1 :1 coupling transformer is ondary ( 2-9). The double-button type is
generally used. If m ore voltage is required, similar, but with two buttons in push-pull.
a step-up ratio m ust be provided in the tran s- Good quality Single-button carbon micro-
forme r. It is usual practice to load the primary phones give outputs ranging from 0.1 t o 0.3
of the output-coupling transfor mer with a re- vo lt across 50 to 100 ohms; that is, across the
s ista nce equal to or slightly higher than the priInary winding of the microphone t rans-
rnt.ed lond resis tan ce for the tube, to sta bilize forme l'. With the step-up of t,hc tnU1 sfoJ'mcr, :1
th e voltage output and t h us improve the reg- pea k voltage of between 3 alld 10 volts aero.":;
ul:\.tion. Th is is indicated in Figs. 506 a nd 507. 100,000 ohms or so can be assumed ava.ilabl e
[It the grid of the first tube . The us ual button
41. 5-8 Microphones current is 50 to 100 ma..
T he level of a mi crophone is
Sell s i.ti vi.ty - Th e level of good-quality double-buLLo D mi-
its electrical output for :l given s peech inten- crophones is consi derably less, ranging from
sity input. Level varies greatly with micro- 0.02 volt to 0.07 volt across 200 ohms. With
phones of different basic types, and also v aries t his type of microphone and the usual pus h-
between different models of the same type. pull inp ut transformer, a peak voltage of 0.4 to
The output is also greatly dependent on the 0.5 across 100,000 ohms or so ca n be ass umed
cha racter of the individu a l voice (that is, the avai lable at the first speech-ampl ifier grid. T he
a udio frequen cies present in the voice) and the button CIl ITcnt. with this type of mi crophonll
distance of th.e speaker's lips from the micro- ranges from 5 to bO mao per button.
Radiotelephony 113
Cr.Y~ tuJ micropho n e .. - The input circuit The output of con dense r microp ho nes va ries
for a piezoelectric or crystal type of mi cro- with diffe re nt mod els, the high-quality t ypc
phone is shown in Fig. 511-E. The clement in bei ng about one-hundred th to o ne-fiftieth as
t his type con si~,; t s of a pair of R oc helle ~:t!t:; sensitive ~1S the do uble-button carbon micro-
{;rystals ceme nted together, wit h pl:lted el ec- phone. Th e firs t s pee ch-amplifier stage must be
trodes. In the morc sensitive ty pes, th e crysta l built into t he rn icrop hone, sin cc the capat:ity
is mechanically coupl ed t o a di;.\.p hragm. SOll nd of a con necting ca ble would impair both output
wave s act uating the diRphragm cause the and frequenc y ra nge_
crystal to vibrate mcchan icn.!ly and, by piezo- Velocity and dy nulnic m.icrophones - In
electric action ( 2-10), to genera.te a conc- a velocity or "ribbon" microphone, the ele-
sponding alternating voltage between t he elec- ment acted upon by the sound waves is a thin
trodes, which are connected to the grid circuit corrugated metalli c ribbo n s llspcnded between
of a vacuum-tube amplifier, as sho wn. The the poles of a mag ne t. When vibrating, th e
crys tal type requires no separate so urce of ribbo n cuts th e li nes of force between the
current or voltage. poles, fir st in one direction and then the otber,
Although t he leve l of crystal mic rophones thus generating an alternating voltage. Th e
var ies witll different models, a n output of move m en t of the ribbon is proportional to the
0.01 to 0.03 volt is representative for com- velocity of the sound-energilled air particles.
munication types. The level is affected by the Velocity microphones are built in two ty pes,
length of the cable eonnect iog t he microphone high impedance a nd low impedance, the formf'r
to the first amplifier s tage; the above figure is being used in m ost applications. A high-im-
for lengths of 6 or 7 feet. The frequen cy char- pedance microphone can be directl y. con ne cte d
acteri stic is unaffected by the cable, bHt the to the grid of an amplifier t ube, shunted by a
load resistance (amplifier grid resistor) does resistance of 0.5 to 5 megohms. L ow-imped-
affect it, the lower frequencies being a tten- ance microphones arc used when a long COtl-
uated as the shunt resista nce becomes less. A necting cabl e (75 feet or more) must be em-
grid-resistor value of 1 megohm or more sho uld ployed. I n s llch case the outpu t of the micro-
be used for reasonably fiat response, 5 meg- phone is coupled to the fir st a m plifier stage
ohms being a cu stom a ry figure. through a s uitable step-li p t ran sformer .
Conden.ser lui.c ropho u es - Th e condenser The level of the velocity m icrophone is
microphone of Fig. 511 -C consists of a tw o- about 0.03 to 0.05 volt. This figure applies di -
plate capacity , with one plate stationa ry. The re ctly to t he high-impedance type, and to th e
other, which is separated from the first by low-i mpedance type when the voltage is meas-
about a thousandth of an in ch, is a thin metal ured across the cou pling transformer secondary.
membrane serving as a diaphragm . Thi s con- The dynamic micropbone somewb at re-
denser is co nnected i n se ri es with a resistor se mbles a d ynamic loud speaker i n principle.
and a d.c. voltage sou rce. When the diaphragm A light-weight voice coil is rigidly attached t o
vibrates , the change i n capacity ca uses a small a diaphra gm, the coil being placed betwee n the
charging current to flow through the cin:uit. poles of a permanent magnet. Sound causei;
The resulti ng audio voltage, which a ppCHrs the diaphragm to vibrate, thus mo ving; the
,teros):; the resistor is fed to the grid of the tube coil back and forth between th e magnet pole;:;
through the coupling condenser. and generating an alternating voltage the
Tran S
+,90 v - C
Vig. 511 - Speech iopu l circu it-s of fi ,'c commollly lIsed t v p cs of microphones. A, single-button carhon; B..
d6tJ b lc-butl(Hl carboll ; C, cotl t1..: n scf; D, low.i mpedau ce vdoci t y; E, hi gh.impedance velocity ; F, e'.)";;t a!.
114 THE R A 0 lOA MA T E U R 'S HAN 0 B 0 O'K
frequency of which is proportional to the stage), divided by the output voltage of the
frequency of the impinging sound and the am- microphone or secondary of the microphone
plitude proportional to the sound pressure. transform er if one is used ( 5-8). The peak
The dynamic microphone usually is built with a .r. grid voltage required by the output tube
high-impedance output, suitable for working or tubes is equal to the d.c. grid bias in the
directly into the grid of an amplifier tube. If case of a single-tube Class-A amplifier, and
the connecting cable must be unus ually long approximately twice the grid bias for a push-
a low- imped ance type should be used, with a pull Class-A stage. The requisite information
step- up t ran sfo rmer at the end of the ca ble. A for Class-A.B! and ABz amplifiers can be ob-
small permanent-magnet speaker can be used t ained from the manufacturer's data on the
as a dynamic microphone, although the fidelity type considered. If the gain is not obta in ab le
is not as good as is obtainable with a properly in one stage, seve ral stages must be llsed in
designed microphone. casca de. When the ou t put stage is ope rated
Class AB z, due allowance mu st be made for
(lS-9 Th e Speech Amplifier the fa ct that the next-to-the-last stage must
Desc ription - The function of the speech deliver power as well as voltage. In suc h cases,
amplifier is to build up the weak microphone suitable driver combinations usually are recom-
v oltage to a value sufficient to e xcite the modu- mended by manufacturers of tubes and inter-
lator to the re quired o utput. It may have from stage transformers. The coupling tran sforme r
one to several stages. The last stage nearly must be designe d esp ecia ll y for the purpose.
always must deli ver a certain amount of audio The t otal gain provided by a multi-stage
power, espec ially when it is use d t o excite a am plifier is equal to the product of the ind i-
C lass-B modulator. Speech amplifiers for vidual stage gains. For example, when three
grid-bias modulation us ually end in a power stages are used, the first having a gain of 100,
stage whic h also function s a s the modulator. the second 20 and the third 15, the total gain
The speech amplifi er frequently is built as a is 100 X 20 X 15, or 30,000. It is good prac-
unit separate (rom the modulator, and in such tice to provide two o r three times the mini-
a case may be provided wi th a step-down mum required gain in designing the speech
transformer design ed to work into a low im- amp lifier. Thi s will insure having ample gain
ped ance, suc h as 200 or 500 ohms (tube-to- available to cope with varying conditions.
line transformer). When this is done, a step-up When the gain must be fairly high, as when
input transformer intende d to work between a crystal microphone is used, the speech am-
the same impedance and the modulator grids plifier frequently h as four stages, incl uding
(line-to-grid tran sfo rmer ) is provided in the the power output stage. The first generally is
modulato r circuit. The line which connects the a p ento de, bec ause of the high gain attainable
two transformers may be made of any con- with this type of tube. The second and third
venient length. stages usually are triodes, the third fr equen tly
G~ne ral de ... i~n considerations - The last h aving two tubes in push-pull when it drives a
stage of the speech amplificr must be selected C lass - AB 2 output stage. Two p entode stages
on the basis of the power output required se ldom are use d consecutively, because of the
from it; for in stance , the power necessary to difficulty of getting stable operation when the
drive a Class- B modulator ( 5-6). It may be gain per stage is very hi gh . With carbon micro-
either Single-ended or push-pull ( 3-3 ), the ph ones less amplification is needed and hence
latter generally being preferable because of the pentocle first stage usually is omitted, one
the higher power output and lower harmonic or two triode stages being ample to obtain full
distortion . Push-pull amplifiers may be either output from the power stage.
C lass A, Class ABI or C lass AB2 ( 3-4), as the Stage gain and voltage output -In volt-
power requirements dictate. 1 a C lass-A or age amplifiers, the stage gain is the ratio of
ABI amplifier is used, the preceding stages &.c. output voltage to a .c. voltage applied
all may be voltage amplifiers, but when a Class- to the grid . It will vary with the applied audio
ABz amplifier is used the stage immediately . frequency, but for speech work the vari ation
preced ing it must be capable of furnishing the should be small over the range 100- 4000
power consumed by its grids at full outp ut. cycles. This condi ti on is easily met in practice.
The requirements in thi s case are much the The output voltage is the maximum val ue
same as those whjch must be met by a. driver which can be taken from the plate circuii.
for a C lass-B stage ( 5-6 ), but the actual without distortion. It is usually expressed ill
power needed is considerably smaller and terms of the peak value of t he a.c. wave ( 2-7) ,
usually can be supplied by one or two small since this value is independent of the wave-
receiving triodes. Any lower-level speech am- form. The peak output voltage usually is of
plifier sta ges invariably are worked pw"Cly as interest on ly when the stage drives a power
voltage amplifiers. ampl ifier, since on ly in this case is the stage
Th e minimum ampli fication which must be called upon to work near its maximum capa-
provided ahead of the last stage is equal to bilities. Low-level stages very seldom are
the peak audio-frequency grid voltage re- worked near their full capacity, hence harmonic
quired by the last stage for full output (peak distortion is negligible and the vo ltage gain
grid grid voltage in the case of a push-pull of the stage is the primary consideration.
Radiotelephony 115
klloWI'Jj rily used tube, if the values shown in T able I
5taq for load resista nce (Ra) and next-s tage grid
C, r esista nce (R 4 ) are used.
The reactance ( 2-8) of C l must be small
R, C, R, R, compared to the resistance of R l , for good low-
Inj>tJt fr equency respon se. While with valu es of Rl
c, in the vicini ty of 10,000 ohms, more or less, a
condense r of 1 ~f d. will suffice, it is more com-
~ I R, mon practice to use 5- or lO-,ufd. low-voltage
electrolytic condensers for the purpose, since
(A) they are inexpensive and provide ample by-
pa ssing. A capacity of 10 .ufd. us ually is suffi-
cient with values of Rl as low as 500 ohms.
For maximum voltage gain, the resistance
at R 3 should be as high as p oss ible without
causing too great a drop in voltage at the plate
of the tube . Values range from 50,000 ohms
R, to 0.5 megohm, the smaller figure being used
with triodes having comparatively low plate
In ":Ji1
c. R,
resistance. The value of III depends upon R a,
wh ich prinCipally determines the plate cur-
3000 54 63
the type of tube used in tho next stage, R4 617 0.25 1.2 1200 104 140
may vary from 50,000 ohms (with power 6SJ7 0. 25 1.0 900 88 167
tubes such as the 2A3 Gr 6F6) to 1 megohm; 0.5 2.0 1300 64 200
it is advantageous to use the highest value
Other values (Fig. 512): CI, 10 J.'fd . (low-voltage electro-
recommended for the t ype of tube use d, since ly tic) ; C2, 8-j.<fd. electrolytic; C3, C~, O.l-J.'fd. paper; R2, 0.1
this gives greatest lOw-frequency respo nse to 1 megohm; R .... 0.5 megohm; R5, 10,000 to 50.000 ohms.
with a given size of coupli ng condenser, Ca. Data arc b ased on a p late-supply voltngc of 300; lower
A capacity of 0.1 .ufd . at Ga will provide amplc values will reduce the undistortcd peak output vol tage in
proportion , but will not mat.erially affect the voltage gain.
coupling at low frequencies with any ordina-
T rllnsfor m.-e r cou.p ling - Transfo rmer COu- Go;n cOIl.I.r o l - The o \'cm ll ga in of the am-
pling between stages ordinarily is used only pllf1e r may be changed to sui t the output level
when power is to be transferred (in such a case of the mic rophone, wh ich wi ll vary with voice
resistance co upling is very inefficient) , or when intenSity and di stance of the speaker from the
it is necessa. ry to couple between a singl e- micro phone, by varying the propor t ion of a.c .
ended and a push-pull stage. Tri odes havi ng a p plied to the grid of one of t he st ages.
an amplification facto r of 20 or less arc used Th is is done by means of an adjustable voltage
in t ransfo r me r-coupled voltage amplifie rs. divider ( 2-6 ), commonly called a Hpote n_
Rep resentative cir cuits fo r cou pling single- ti ometer" or H volu me cont rol," as s ho wn in
ended t o pu sh-pull sta.ges are shown in Fig. 513. Fig. 514. The actual voltage applied be tween
Th at at A uses a combination of resistll.ncc a nd
tran sfo rm er co upli ng, and lli:1y be used fo r ----l c
exciting the grids of a Class- A 0 1' A B t follow-
ing stage. The resista nce coupling is used to
keep the d.c. plate current from fl o win g through
th e tra nsform e r primary, t hereby preventi ng a
reductio n in primary inductance belo w its no-
curren t value ( 8-4). Thi s impro vps the low- A
frequency response. \Vith the triodes o rdina rily
used (6C5, 6J5, etc. ), the gai n is equa.l to that
with resista.nce co upling (ty p ical values in F ig. 5 14 - Aud io gaiu control c irc uit.
Table 1) multip lied by the secondary-to-
primary turns rati o of the transformer. This grid and cathode will be ve ry nearly equal to
ratio genera lly is 2:1. th e rat io of the resistance betwee n A B to t he
In B the t ra nsformer pri ma ry is in series total resistance, AC, multiplied by the a.c. in-
wi t h t he pla.te o( the tube, and thus must carry put voltage appearing across .It C. The gain
the tube plate current. When the follo wing control is usua ll y also the gri d resistor for the
a mplifie r operates without grid current, the amplifier stage with which it is associated.
voltage gain of the stage is practicall y equal to Th e gain -control potentiometer shou ld be
the ~ of the tube multiplied by the tra nsfo rm e r near t he inpllt end of the amplifie l't s o th at
rati o. Thi s circ uit also is suitable for t rans- there \yill be no danger of overloadi ng th e
ferr ing power (within the capabilities of the sttlges ahead of the gai n control. With carbo n
tube ) as in the case of a fo ll owing C lass-A B 2 mi c rophones the gain control ma.y be p laced
stage used as a driver for a C lass- B moduln.tor. di rectly ac ross the micro phone tran s fo r me r
secon dary, b ut with other ty pes th e ga in COll-
trol usually will affect t he fr equency res pon se
of thc microphone wh en con necte d directly
across it. The control therefore us ua ll y is
ph\ced in the grid circuit of th e second stage.
If/pu t
c, I ) hosc invc rs'; Qn - Push-pull output may
R, be secured with resistan ce cou pli ng by using
an extra tube, as sho wn in l;'ig. 515. T here
c, is a ph ase sh ift of 180 deg rees t h rough any
normall y . operating res istance-co upl ed st age
(A) ( 3-3), an d the extra tube is used pu rely to
provide th is phase shift without a dd itionalgain .
The out puts of t he two tubes are the n added
to gi ve push-pull excitation to t he nextamplific r.
I n Fig. 515,1'1 is the regular amp lifie r , co n-
nected in norm al fash io n to th e grid of o ne of
th e push-pull t u bes. The next-stage grid re-
R, sisto r is tappcd, so that part of t he o ut.pu t.
If/put volt age is fed to th e grid of t he phase in vert.e r ,
c, V 2 . This tube t hen amplifie s the signal and
applies it in reve rse phase to the grid of th e
secon d p ush-pull tube. Two sim ilar tub('s
shou ld be four (600 / 150) times 0.25 mego hm,
or 1 megohm. Then, with 0.25 megohm at R'l ,
RI should be 0.75 megohm. The block ing
:.1Jro ~.
conden ser, C, should be 0.1 ~fd or more, an d
its voltage rating should be greater than the
Mod I maximum voltage appearing in the circuit.
[j ~~Rl--..J~
\Vith plate modulation, this is twice th e d.c.
voltage applied to the plate of the modulated
amplifi er.
The trapezoidal patterns are shown in Fig.
518 at F to J, each alongSid e the corres ponding
wave-e nvelope pat tern . With no signal, on ly
, ~
the cathode-ray s pot a ppears on the screen.
Fig. SI 7 -
!\fe Lhods of connectin g a n o!lcilloscope to When the unmod ula ted carrier is applied, a
tbe modulated r .I . amplifier for cbeckiu a modulation. vertical line appears; _the length of the line
Radiotelephony 119
direction . Since overmodulation in the d OWL -
'Me) O'e)
ward direction causes more out-of- channel in-
terfe rcnce than overmodulation upward be-
cause of the steeper wavefront ( 6-1) , it is
advisable to II phase" t he modu lation so th a t
the side of th e vo ice waveform havi ng t he
NO CARRIER larger excu rsio ns causes the in stantaneou s car-
Q@ - -v
r ier power to increase and the s ma lle r excur-
sions to cause a power decrease. This redu ces
t he likeli hood of overmodulation on t he
" dow n " peak. T he directi on of the larger
(B)~ ~~:; (G)
excursions can readily be found by careful
obser vation of th e oscill oscope pat tern. T he
ph ase ca n be re versed by reversin g th e con nec-
tions of one windi ng of a ny t ransformer in the
speec h a m plifier or modulator.
@-.- "-
---" 111o dlLlat iort m o ni toring - Wh ile it is d e-
v -- . y
I _ )I , I "' ~ si ra bl e to modu late as fully as poss ible, 100 per
-z I __ z ceut modu lation shou ld not be exceeded, p ar-
- - -- 0 - - -0
t icu larly in the downward direction, because
(C) LESS THAN CH) har mon ic distort io n wi ll be introduced a nd t he
10010 MODULATION chann el wid th in creased ( 5-2), t hus causing
un necessa ry interference to other stations.
I---:'-:'~ :
Th e osci llosco pe may be used t o p rovid e a
conti n uous check on t he mod ul ation , but sim-
.- I- : : pler ind icators may be used for the p urpose,
- l - - z
- - -0 - - - -Q once calibrated . A conve nien t i nd icator, when
a Class-B mod ulator ( 5-6) is used, is t he
CD) (I) pl ate milli ammeter in the Class-B stage, si nce
100"/0 MODu LATIO N
plate current flu ctuates with the voice inten-
sity. Using the oscilloscope, determine th e
M= ;- ~~:~j
gain-control setti ng a nd voice in tensity wh ich
gives 100 pe r ce nt modu la ti on on voice peaks,
a nd si m ultaneously observe the maximum
-- - 0 Class-B pl a te-m illi a mmeter reading on the
(E) . (J) peaks. Whe n th is maximum read ing is ob-
OVER MODULAT IO N tai ned, i t will su ffice in regula r oper ation t o
F ig. 518- W a ,'e-en \'c!ope and t ra p ezoid a l p a tterns adjust the gain so t h at it is not exceeded.
ellcouu te red under d iJfcr cut cond it io ns of mod ula tio u . A se nsit ive rectifier-ty pe voltmeter (copper-
oxi de t ype) also can be used fo r modu lation
shou ld be ad justed, by means of the pick-u p mon itori ng. It should be con nected across the
coi l coupling , t o a conveni ent v alue. \Vhcn the output circ uit of a n a udio d river sta ge where
ca rrier is modulated , the wedge-sha ped pa t te rn th e. powe r level is a few wa tts, a nd similnrly
appears; t he higher the modulation percen tage, calibra ted a ga in st t he oscilloscope to determin e
the wider and more pointed the wedge be- t he readi ng \\:: hich represents 100 per cent
comes. At 100 per ce nt modulation it just modu lation.
makes a point on th e axis, A, at one end, a nd T he plate milliam meter of the modulated
the height, PQ, at t he other end is equal to r. r. stage may a lso be used as a n indi cator of
twice the carrier heigh t, YZ. Over modulation overmodu lation. Si nce the average plate cur-
in t he upward di rection is indicated by in- rent Cjs co nstant ( 5-3, 5-4, 5-5) when the
creased height over PQ, a nd in the downward amplifier is linear , t he readi ng will be t he
direction by an extension alo ng the axis X sa me wi t h or wit hout mod ulation. W hen
at the poin ted end. The m odula ti on percentage t he am plifier is over modul a t ed , especiall y in
may be fou nd by m easuring the modulated the down ward directio n, the operation is no
a nd un modulated carrier heights, in t he same longer lin ear a nd t he average plate current
way as with the wave-e nvelope pattern. will change. A Bicker of the pointer may there--
N on- sym ,n te t rica l waveJO rlUS - In voice fore be taken as an indi cation of over modular-
wavefor ms t he average maxi mu m ampl it ude tiou or no n-li nearity. However, it is possible
in one d irection from t he a xis fre quently is t hat th e average plate c urrent will remain
greater than in t he other direction, a lthough constan t with considerable overmodulation
the average energy o n both sides is t he sa me. under some operating cond ition s, so that an
F or t his reason t he percentage of modulation indicat or of th is ty pe is not wholly reliable
in t he "up" direc tion frequently di ffers from unless it has been checked previously against
that in the II dow n " direction . With a. given an oscillosco pe.
voice and mi crophone, th is difference in modu - L in ea rity - T he li nearity ( 5-2) of a modu-
lati on percentage is usually always in the sa me lated am plifier may readi ly be checked with
the oscill oscope. The trapezoidal pattern is F or the wave-envelope pat tern , it is ne('cti-
1I10l'C easil y interpreted t ha n the wave en ve- sary to have a linear horizonta l-sweep (in: uit.
lope patlcfIl, and less auxilia ry eq uip me nt is ill the oscillosco pe and a so urce of sine-wn,vc
requ ired. T he connections arc the same as for :lud io sign al vol (su ch as all audio osc ill:\-
mC:1s11l'ing mod ul ation percentage ( Fi g. 5 17). tor or signal genera.tor) which C:ln be f;Yllchro-
Jf the am plifier is perfectly linear, the sloping nized with th e swce p circuit. The linearity C;lll
sides of the trapc7.0i d will be perfectly straig ht be judged by comparing the wnve e n velo pe
from the point at t he axis up to at least 100 per with a t rue sine wave. Di s tor t ion in theaudi()
cent mod uhttio n in the upward directi on . Non- ci rcu its will affect th e paltern in thi s CllSC (s ucll
lineari ty wil l be s hown by cu r vature of the distortio n has no effect on th e trapezoidal
sides. Curvature nea r th e point, extending the pattern, which sho ws t he modulation charac-
point farthe r alo ng the axis than woul d occur te ristic of the r.f. am plifie r alo ne) , and it is a lso
wit h straight sides, indi cates t hat the ou tput readi ly poss ible to misjudge t he s hape o f th e
powe r d oes not d ecrease rapidly enough in m odula t io n envel o pe, so that the wave enve-
th is region ; it may also be ca used by imperfect lo pe is less usefu l than the trapezoid fo r check-
ne utralization (a push-pull amplifier is r eco m- ing linearity of the modulated amplifier.
me nded bec,l use better neutralization is possi- Fig. 519 s ho ws typi cal pattel'Os of both
ble than with single-ended a mplifiers) or by r .r. types. Th e cau se of the distortion is indi cated
leakage from the exciter through t he final for grid-bias an d suppresso r modulation. Th e
~ta ge. The b .tte r con dition can be chec ked by patterns a.t A, although not truly linea r, are
removi ng th e p late voltage fro m the modulated represen tati ve of pro perl y operated gr id-bias
stage, wh en the carrier should disappea r, leav- modulation syst ems. Better linearity can be
in g: o nly t he beam spo t remain ing o n the screen obtained with plate m odulation of a C lass-C
(Fig . .5 1S-F). ]f a s ma ll vertical li ne re m ai ns, amplifi er.
t.he ampli fie r should be re-neutrali zed to elimi- Fau.l ty pa tterns - Tb e drawings of Figs.
nate it; if this does not suffice, it is an ind ica- 518 and 519 show what is no rm ally to be ex-
tion that r.f. is being pi cked up fro m lower- p ected in th e way of pattern s ha pes whe n the
power stages, either by co upling through the oscii1oscope is used t o check modulation. Jf
final ta ll k circuit 01' through the osciUoscope the actual pattern s differ co nsid erably from
pi c k-up circuit. those shown, it is probable thnt the pattel'll
Inward cur vature at t he la rge end of the is fa ulty rnther tha.n the transm itter. It is
pattern is cau sed by improper o perating con- impo rta.nt that on ly 1'.. from the m.odulated
ditio ns of the mod ul ated a m plifier, usually stage be coupled t o t he osci lloscope, and t hen
impro per bias o r insuffi cien t excitation, or on ly to th e vertical plates. The effect of stray
both, with pl ate modulation. In g rid-bias and r.r. from other stages in the trans m itter has
cathode-m od ulated systems, the bi as, excita- bee n m entioned in th e p receding paragraph.
t ion a n d plate load ing are not correctly pro- If r.r. is present also o n the hor izo ntal pla tes.
po rti oned whe n such cu rvature oc curs, usually the pattern will lean to o ne side in stead of
because the amplifier has been adjusted t o being upri g ht. If the oscilloscope canno t be
hav e too-high carrier efficie ncy without mod u- moved to a spot where th e unwanted pick-up
latiu n ( 5-4, 5-.5). d isa ppears, a sma ll by-pass condenser (10
/J/Jfd.) sho uld be connect ed across t he ho rizon-
tal p lates as close t o the cnthode-ray tube as
t A) POINT SET !'OR possible. An r.r. choke (2.5 mho or smaller)
IOO~ UPWARO may a lso be conn ected in series with the un-
gro unded horizontal plate.
II Folded" trapezoidal pattern s occur when
the signill as far as the frequency of the highest
((6-1 Ke ying Principles ane! har monic. The rectangular wa ve fo rm con-
Characteristics t ai ns a n infinite number of har mo ni cs of the
llClptire " w rl.ts - The key in g of a trans- keying freque ncy, so a carrie r modulate d by
mitter ca n be co ns ide red satisfacto ry if the truly rectangular dots would have sidebands
method e mployed r educes the power o u tput covering t he entire s pectr um. Ac tually , the
to zero when the key is open , or " up ," n nd high-ord e r harm onics are el i minated because
per mits full powe r to reach the antenna when of the selec ti vity of the tuned ci rcu its ( 2-1 0)
the key is closed, or "down." Fu r thermore , the in the transmitte r, b ut the re sti ll is eno ug h
keying syste m sho uld llccomplish this without energy in the lowe r harmonics to exte nd t he
prod uci ng keying tran sients or "clicks ," wh ich sidebands considerably. Considered fr om a n-
cause in terfe re nce wi th othe r amate ur statio ns oth er viewpoint, wheneve r a p ul se of c urrent
and with local broadcast reception, a nd the has a stee p fr on t (or b ack ) high frequ e ncies
keying process shou ld not affect the fr eque ncy are ce r tain to be present. If th e pulse can be
of t blil emitt ed \Va-ve. slowed down, or caused to lag , through a suit-
Bac h-wa ve - Fro m various causes, so me en- able fi lte r circui t , the hi ghest-ord er harmonics
ergy may get thro u gh to the an tenna during are fil tc red out.
key ing spaces. The e ffect t hen is as tho ugh the K ey cli.c h s - Beca use th e high-order har-
dots and dashes were only louder port ions of monics ex ist only during the b rief interval
a cont.inuo us carrier; in some cases, in fa ct, when t he keying character is started or ended
the back-wave, or signal heard during the key - (when t he ampli tude of the keying wave is
ing spaces, may see m to be al most as loud as b uilding up o r dyi ng down ), the ir e ffects ou tside
the keyed signa l. Under these conditions the the normal communication channel are ob-
key ing is ha rd to read. A pro nounced back - se rved as pul se~ of ve ry short duration. These
wave ofte n results whe n the a mplifier s t.a ge pulses are call ed key clicks.
feeding the antenn a is keyed ; it may be prese nt Tests luwe shown that practicall y a ll opera-
because of inco mplete ne utra lizatio n ( 4-7) tors prefe r to co py a signal whic h is "solid"
of the fin a l stage, allowing some e nergy to get on the make" end of each dot or dash; i.e.,
to the a ntenna throug h the grid-plate ca pac ity one that does not build up too slowly but j ust
of the t ube, or because of magnetic coupli ng slowly enough to have a sli ght click when the
between ant.cnna cou pli ng co ils a nd one of the key is closed. Th e sa me tes ts i ndicate that the
lo w-power stages. most pleasing a nd least diffi c ult signal to copy,
A back-wave a lso may be radiated if the key- parti cularl y at nigh speeds, is one that has a
ing system does not reduce the input to the fairly so ft "break" characteristic; i.e., one
keyed stage to zero during keying spaces. This that has practically no clic k as the key is
trouble will not occur in key ing systems wh ich ope ned. A signal with heavy clicks on both
cut off the plate voltage when the key is open, make and b reak is difficul t to copy at h igh
but m ay be presen t in grid -block ing systems speeds (and a lso causes considerable inter -
( 6-3 ) if the bloc king voltage is no t great feren ce), but if it is too " soft" the dots and
enoug h a nd in power-supply prim ary key ing dashes will tend to run together. It is relativel y
systems ( 6-3) if only the fin al-stage po wer- simple to adjust the keying of a transmitter
supp ly primary is keyed. so that fo r all normal han d spee ds (15 to 40
Keyin g wa vefo rm, mul s i_debands - A w.p .m. ) the readability will bc sati sfacto ry
keyed c.w. signal can be considered equivalcnt
to a modul atcd signal ( 5-1 ), except that, in-
stead of being mod ulated by sinu soidal waves
a nd their harOl on ics, it is modulated by 3. rec- -
tangular wave, as in Fig. 60l -A. If it were modu- A
lated by a sinuso idal wave of single frequency.
as in F ig. 60l-B, the on ly sidebands would be
those eq ual to the ca rrier frequency plu s an d
minus t he n frequency ( 5-2).
A key ing speed of 50 words per minute, scnd
ing sinusoidal dots, would give sideba nds o nly
20 cycles either side of the carr ier. H owever, B
whe n ha rmonics are present in the modulatio n Fig. 601 - E "t rCIllCS of p os;; ible keyi n g w3 \'cs li a pcs.
t he sideba nds will extend o ut on both s ides of A . rcculIl gul a r c h a rac ters; n, siucwav c c haraclcrI;.
on or near the tran smitter fre quency _ On the
oth e r hand, it is easier to avoid a ch irpy signa l
by ' keying a buffe r or ampl ifie r stage . ] neit her
case, the tubes follo wing the keyed stage mus t
be pt"Ovided with sufficient fixed bias to limit
the pl ate currents to safe values wh e n the key
is up and the tubes a re not being excited ( 8-9) _
':'" - + Com plete cut-off redu ces t he possibility of a.
back-wave if a stage other t han the oscill ator
is keyed, but the key ing waveform is not as well
preserved and some cli cks can be introd uced
even though the keyed stage itself p roduces
no clicks. It is a good ge nera l rule to b ias the
tu bes so that they draw :1. key- up plate curre nt
equal to a bo ut 5 per cen t of the normal key-
down value .
Keyed power - T he powe r b roken by the
key is a n important consideratio n, both fro m
(B) n (
the stand point of safe ty for the operator an d
th a t of arcing at the key contacts_ Keying the
5.9. pla.te osc ill ator or a low-power stage is favor able i n
Fig. 602 - A. p late k eyi n g; B , sc reeu -I!rid k eyin g_ both respects. The lise of a keyi ng r elay is
O scill a to r circui ts ure s hown in both cu ses, but t b t': s a m e hi ghly recommended when a high-power cir-
k eyin g m e t h ods can he used with nmplifier c ircuits. cuit is keyed.
while t he keying still will not eause interfer- CI. 6 -2 Ke ying Circu its
cnce to rece ption of other sig nals near the Plnte -c ircui t k eying - Any stage of the
frequ ency of the transmitter. transmitter can be keyed by ope ning a nd clos-
Break- in, keying - Since, in code transmis- ing the plate p ower circuit . Two methods are
sion, there arc definite intervals betwee n dots shown in Fig_ 602. In A t he key is in se ries
and dashes and bet\veen words, when no po wer with the negative lead fr om t he plate power
is be ing radia.ted by the trans mitter it is possi- supp ly to tbe keyed stage_ It could a lso be
ble, with s uitable keying methods, to allow
2.5 ....
the receiver to operate continuously
and thus be capable of receiving in- - -
com in g sign a ls during the keying in- H.v. IICe-+-I c\tt-- - -.JjULUU:;--r--o +
lhmslormer C J:~ Th is practice facilitates com- ~
municatio n, because the re ceiving
ope rator cnn signal the transmitting
operator, by holding down the key
of his transmitter, whenever be bas
failed to copy part of the message, and th us
obtain a repetition of the missing part without (A)
loss of time. This is called brea.k-in operation. .
F r e que n cy stability - K ey ing should have
no effect upo n the output frequen cy of a prop-
erly designed and adjusted tra ns mitter. How-
ever, in many instances keying will cause a h. :XZ1:t~a,:;
u c hirp, " or small frequen cy c ha nge , at the
instant of closing or opening the key. wh ich
makes th e signal difficult to read. Multi-stage
transmitters keyed in a. stage subseq uent to
the oscillator usually are fre e from this condi-
r JLl!JVlrr-<>+
tion, unl ess the keyin g ca uses line-voltage (B)
changes whic h in turn affect the frequency of
the osc illator. ,Vhen the osc illa tor is keyed
fo r break-in operation, s pecial care must be
taken to insure that the signal does not have ~II I=----,
key ing ch irps . Fig. 603 - Power_supp ly k ey in g. Grid-coDt rol rect ifiers
Selectin g t h e s t age t o k.e y - It is a dvan- arc us e d in A. Tran s former l' is a s w all mult ip le_secon d_
ary un it of thc t ype u sed i n rceei \'cr po we r S liP plies.
tageo ll s from an opera t ing stan dpoi nt to a n d is u sed in conju nc t iOIl w i th the futl-wave rccti.
design the c.w. transmitter for break-in opera- tier l ube lcoevdop bias voltage fo r the griO !; o f t he hi gh _
ti on. In ordina ry cases thi s dic tates that the voltage rectifiers. R I l illJi ts tb e load 0 11 t he bi a s s u ppl y
oscillator be keyed, sin ce a continuously whe n I he k.ey in g rela y is closed ; 50.000 o h m s is a s u ita hle
value. Cl may bcO.l J.< fd . or larger . L ao d C cons titute t he
runn ing oscillator will create in terfere nce in the s m oot hi ng fi lter for t be h i gh . \"o lta ge s upp ly iu both cir_
recei ve r and t hu s preven t brea k-in ope ration c u its_ B s ho ws direct k eying o f t h e t ra n sfor m e r primary.
Keying 127
Blocked.gri(l heying - K eying may be nc
fxcitatio,,"_,--+ complished by app lyi ng su fficient negativp
bias voltage to a cont.rol or suppressor gri d to
cut ofT plate current fl ow when the key is open,
and by removing th is blocking bi ns when the
key is closed. The block ing bi as voltage must
be suffici ent to ove rcome the r.r. gri d volt -
(f>.) age, in the case where t he bias is applied
to the con t rol grid, an d hence must be con -
siderably high er than the nomina l cut -off
val ue for th e tube at the operating d.c. plate
voltage. The fundame ntal circu its are sh own
in Fig. 604.
In both circuits the key is con nected in
serics with a resisto r, RI , which li mits the cur-
rent drain o n the block ing-bias source wh en th e
Fig. 604 - Dlocked- grid k eyin g. RI. the current -limi t- key is closed. R2 C1 is a resistan ce-capacity filter
ing resistor, sb ou ld bave a ';aluc o f about 50 ,000 ohm s.
C, Dl ay have a c apacity of 0. 1 to 1 J'Id depcruliu g ( 2- 11 ) for contro lling th e lag o n ma ke and
"l)On t.he keyin g c harac teristic d esired. R2 a lso depe nd s break of the key circu it . The lag increases as
0 11 the performan ce charac terist ic desi red, values be in g the ti me constant ( 2-6 ) of thi s circ uit is made
o f the o rde r of 5000 to 10.000 ohms in m ost cases. larger. Since grid current flows through R2
when the key is closed in Fig. 604-A, additional
placed in the positi ve lead, although this is operating bi as is deve loped, hence so mewhat
to be avoided whenever poss ible because the le&s bias is nee ded fr om the regular bias supply .
key is ne cessarily at the plate vo ltage above The operating and bl ocking biases can be ob-
ground, and th ere is danger of s hock u nless a tained from the same supply, if desired , by
keying relay is used. utili zing sui table taps on a vo ltage divide r
Fig. 602-B s hows the key in the screen- ( 8-10). For circuits in whi ch no fi xed bias is
supply lead of an electron-co upled osc illator. used R'/., can be the regul,a r grid leak ( 3-6) for
This can be considered to be a variation of the stage.
plate keying. With blocked-grid keying a. relatively small
Both the plate and screen-grid key in gcircuits, direct cu rrent is broken as com pared to other
A and B of Fi g. 602, respond welt to the use of systems. Thus any spar king at the key is re-
key-click filters, and are particularly su ita bl e duced. The keying characteri!) ti c (lag) readily
for use with crystal and self-controlled oscilla- ca n-be con trolled by a suitabl e choice of values
tors whi ch are operated at low plate voltage for C1 and R'/..
and power input. Cathode I,. :eyi ng - Opening the d. c. circuits
Power-supply keying - A variation of of both pl ate and grid si multan eously is called
plate keying, in which t he keying is introduced cathode keying. It is usually ca.lled center-ta p
in the power-supply system itself, rather than in key ing with !L directly heated fi lame nt-type
t he connections between the power supply and tube, si n ce in thi s case the key is placed in the
transmitter, is ill ustrate d by the diagrams in filament-tran sformer ce nter-ta p l e~l.d . T ypical
Fig. 603. circuits fo,' thi s type of keying are s how n in
Fig. 603-A shows the use of grid-controlled Fig. 605.
rectifier tubes ( 3-5) in the power suppl y . Cathode key ing results in less sparking at
Keying is accomplishe d by app ly ing suitable the key contacts, for the same plate powe r,
bi as to the grids to c ut off plate current flo w as compared with keying in the plate-supply
when the key is ope n, and by removing the bias lead. When used with an osc illator it does not
when the key is closed. Since in practice this respon d as readily to key-click filteri ng ( 6-3 )
ci rcuit is used on ly with high-powered high- as does plate keying, but th ere is li ttle differ-
voltage suppl ies, a well -i nsulated keying relay ence in th is respect be tween the tw o systems
is a necess ity. when an amplifier is keyed.
Direct keying of the primary of the plate
power tran sformer for the keyed st age or stages
is shown in Fig. 603-B. This and the metho d at
A inherently a key ing Jag beca use of the
time constant ( 2-6) of the smooth ing filter.
Jf enough filter is p rov ided to reduce ripple to
a low percentage ( 8- 1! ) the lag ( 6-1 ) is too
great to permit cris p keying at speeds above
abo ut 25 words per minute , although t.his
type of keying is ve ry effective in eliminat-
ing key clicks. A single-secti on plate-suppl y
Plate B -
T Plate '8-
filter ( 8-6) is about the most ehtbonl.te ty pe Fig. 605 - Cent e r -tap and eatLodc k eyi n g. The eon,-J e n
th at. can be used if a. reasonably good keying sers. C, are r . r. by-pass cond en sers . Thei r ca pacity is no t
chtu act.eristic is to be achieved. critical. v alues ofO.OOl to 0.01 # fd. o nlinaril y bein g used.
creas ing t he in ductance will reduce t h e cli c ks
(l 6-3 Key-Clic k Reduction on make " an d increaSing t he capacity wiJl
RJ. fi l te rs - A spark at the key contacts, reduce the clicks on "break ."
even though minute, will cause a damped Blocked-grid keying is adjuste d b y changing
osci llatio n to be set up in th e keying circ uit t he values of resistors and condense rs in t he
which may modula te the transmitter output ci rc uit . I n F ig. 604, the click on "ma ke" is
or ma.y simply be radiated by the w} ring in the reduced by in creasing the capacity of CI, and
the click on b reak is reduced by inc re as in g C 1
lme 'and/ or R 2 T he val ues required for ind ivid ual
Fig. 606 - fU. fi lter Il!)cd for installatio ns will vary with t he amoun t of
el im in at ing the e ffec ts o f slHlrki u g
a t k ey CO llt ac t 5. S uit able vlllu t: s blo cking voltage a nd t he grid curre nt. T he
for best result:; with indi vid u a l co nstants give n in F ig. 604 will ser ve as a first
tr an s mi t t e rs IIlUs t be dctenn illcd a p proxim a tion .
RFC RF C by exp erim en t. V:ducs fo r RFC
ran ge fr om 2.5 to 80. millihenries Tube keying - A tu be keye r is a co nve nie nt
and (or C fro m 0..00 1 to 0..1 ~ (d. a dju nct to the trans mitte r , because it aIlo\vs
Key t he keying ch a racteristic t o be adj usted easil y
wit hout necessit a t in g con denser an d induct-
keying circu it. Interference from ,the l a~te r ance va lues which m ay n ot be readi ly availa-
so urce is usually co nfined to the lInmedlatc ble. It uses the plate resistance of a t u be (o r
vicini ty of th e transmitter, a nd is sim ilar in tubes in p ara llel) to replace t he key in a plate
nature a nd effects t o the clic k whi ch is fre- o r cathode circuit, t he keyer t ube (or t u bes)
quently heard in a receiver w hen a n electric being keyed b y the bloc ke d-gri d method
lig ht is t urn ed on or off. It can be minimized by ( 6-2). A t y pi cal circ uit is shown in F ig. 608.
isolating the key from the wiring by means of a T ype 45 tubes a re suitable beca use of t he ir
low-pass fil ter ( 2-- 11 ), which usually consists Jow plate resistance a nd co nseque nt s ma ll
of an r.r. choke in each key lead, placed as close v oltage drop between plate and cath ode.
as possible to the key, and by-passed on the key- Wh en a tube keyer is use d to replace the key
ing-lin e side by a condense r, as shown in Fig. in a plate or cathode circu it, t he powe r ou tp ut
606. Suitable values must be de termined b y of th e stage will be so mewhat re du ce d because
experime nt . Choke values may range fro m of t he voltage drop across t he keyer t ube,
2.5 to 80 milli he nrys, a nd con denser capacit ies b ut t his ca n be com pen sate d for by a. sli gh t
from 0.001 to 0.1 ~ fd. increa se in the sup ply voltage. The use of a
This type of r.f. fi lte r is requ ired in nea rly t u be keyer ma kes th e key itse lf en tire ly safe to
e very keyin g insta llat.i on, in ad d ition to the ha nd le, sin ce the high resist a nce in series wit h
Jag circ ui ts which are disc ussed in t he nex t the key a nd blocking voltage preve nt s possible
paragrap h. d anger of sho ck through co ntact w ith bigh-
Lag circ uits - A filt er used t o give a desired voltage circ uits.
shape to the keying cha racter, to eliminate
unnecessary sideba n ds a nd conseq ue nt inter- (L 6-4 Checking TransmiHer Keying
fe rence, is called a lag circuit. I n ODe for m, elicles - T ransmi t ter keyi ng can be c hec ked
sui table for t he circui ts of Figs. 602 a nd 605, it by li stenin g t o the signal on a superhetero-
consists of a con de nser across the key termin a ls dyne receiver. The anten na should be discon-
and a n in ductance in seri cs wit h one of the nected , so that t he rece iver does not o verload,
leads. T his is sh uwn in F ig. 607. T he op timum an d , if necessary, the r .f. gain may be red uced
values of capacity a n d in ductance must be as well. Listenin g wi th the beat oscillator an d
foun d by expe rimen t, but arc not espec ially a.v.c. off, the keying should be ad justed so
crit ical. If a high-volta ge low-current circuit that a sligh t clic k is heard as the key is close d
is being ke yed a s mall co ndenser an d large but p racticall y none can be heard whe n the key
induct a nce will be necessar y , while if a low- is released. When t he keyi ng constants have
voltage high-curren t circuit is keye d th e ca- been adjusted to meet th is co nd ition, the
pacity re quired will be high and the induct a nce cli cks will be a bout optim um for all n ormal
To Xetjed Circuit a ma teur work. If the cli cks a rc too pro nounce d ,
th ey wiI] cause in terference with oth er ama-
Fi g. 607 - La g circuit u sed for
sbapin g t he k eyi n g c ua racte r t o
te ur transmissions , a nd p ossibly to n earby
el iminate unnecessary s ideb and s. broadcast receivers .
Ac tu a l val ues fo r a n y given ci rcuit C hirps - K eyin g chirps (in st abi li ty) may
must be d e te rmill ed b y experime n t, be checked b y tu ning in t he signa.l or one of
and m ay r a n ge fro m I to 30 h enries
fo r L and fro m 0.05 to 0. 5 J.< fd . for its ha rmon ics on t he hi ghest fr cq uency range
C, d e pendin g on the p la te curre nt. of the receiver and liste ning wit h t he b .Lo.
FromKelJ on and the a.v.c . otT. T he gain sho uld be suffi-
and r { filter
cient to give moderate signal stre ngth , bu t
s mall. For e xa mple, a 300-volt 6- ma. circuit it should be low en ough to preclu de the possi-
wi ll require about 30 henrys and 0.05 ",fd. , bility of overloading. Adju st t he tun ing t o
while a 300-volt 50- rna. circuit needs about give a low-fre que ncy beat note an d ke y t he
1 henry and 0.5 ,ufd. Fo r any give n circuit trans mitter. Any chirp in t roduced by the
an d fix ed values of Cu rre nt an d voltage, in- keying a.d j ust me nt will be readily ap pa re nt .
Ke ying 129
Listening to a harmonic
will magnify the effect of
any in stabil ity by the order T, 11~6OTJ -b
of the h nrm on ic , and thu s
make more percep t ib le.
O sc illat o r h ey i n g -
The keying of an ampli-
fier is relatively straight-
fo rward a nd req ui res no
special treatment, but a
few additional precautions will be found ne ces- Fig. 608 - Va c u u Ul _lu be ke Yl'r ( ireu il. The \' olla ;;,:
sary with oscillator keying. Any oscillator, dt he rop ;l ("rOSS the t u bes. will he approxi nw te! y 90 \'olt.s wi l b
t wo T y pe 45 tubes S hOWIl, w he n th e keyed c u rrellt
either self-excited 0 1' crys tal , will key well is 100 m il lia mpe res. Mo re l ubes call h(" I;oo nec ted i n pa r
if it will osr.illate at low plate voltages (of the a lld to red uce t he d rop. Sug ges ted val ues a rc as {o ll o", s :
order of one or two volts) and if its change C[ - 2 .. fd. 6OO.volt I)apc r .
in freq uency with plate-voltage change is neg- C2 - O.003'l-'fd. mi ca .
C3 - O.OOS'.II fd . m ica .
ligible. A crystal oscillator w ill oscillate at low H I - 0 .2 5 mego h m, 2w att .
plate voltages if a regen erative type of circuit Ih - 50,000 oh m s, 10 wa n .
such as the Trite t or grid-plate ( 4-5) is used TI 3 , H4 - 5 m egoh m s, ~.wa tt.
Ih - O.S megoh m, ~.w at t.
and if an r.f. choke is connected in series with 5WI, 5W2 - l cin': lIi t 3pos i ti o n rOlary s witc L.
t he grid leak, to redu ce loading on t h e crystal. '1'1 - P ower Ir a ll ~ {o rUl er, 325 vol ts eac h s i,le o f cen ter
C rystal oscillat ors of t his type generally are fOlr, wit h 5 \'01t OIl1li 2.5yoh fila m e nt win d ings.
free from chi rp u n less there is a relatively large A will e r ran !,: c of lag a dj u s t m en t eOl n he ob ta ined b y
air-gap between the cr ystal a n d top plate o f the lI s in ~ addit io na l resistors an d cond ensers. S u gges t c{1
t'S o f capac it v, in a dd it ion 10 C2 OI fH..l C3, a re 0 .001
crystal holde r, as is the case wi t h a variable- lIvalu nll 0.002 JJ fd. TI e~i.~to r s in ad di t ion to R2 cou ld b e 2 , 2 , 3
freq uency crys tal set at the high-freq ue n cy a n.1 5 m e~() h m s. l'vlore s w it c h p05 itio ll s wi ll b e r eq uired.
end of it s range.
Self-controlled oscillator s can be made t o tendency toward parasitic osci llat io n s, either
meet t he same req uirements by using a h igh of which can adversely affect' the keyin g ch ar-
GIL ratio in the tank circuit, low plate and a cteristic, usually will evidence itself.
screen currents, a n d juuieio us feed-ba ck ad- 1Uonit.orin.g oj "..eying - M ost operators
justment ( 3- 7). A self-controlled osc illator find a ' keying mo nito r helpfu l in developin g
inten ded to be keyed should be des ig ned for and maintai:1ing a good " fis t, " especially if a
good keying rather than maximum output. " b ug" or semi-a u tomatic key is used. W hil e
S I,ages f ollowing lreyin.g - When a keying severa l types have bcen dev ised, t he mos t
filter is being adjusted, the stage s follow ing popula r consists of an audio oscillator the out-
t h e keyed t u be shou ld be made inoperat iv.e by put o f whi ch is co upled to t he re cciver loud
rem ovin g t he plate voltage . Thi s facili tates s peaker 01" headp hones, and whicb i.3 keyed
m onitoring the keying without the introduc- sim ul taneo usly with the transm itter. Fig. B09
t ion of additional effects. Th e foll ow ing stap;('s ShOWf the circuit diagram of a s imp le key ing-
s hould then be added , one at a time, checki ng moni t or oscillator. The plate vo ltage , a s well
the keying after each addition. An increase as t he heater voltage, is s upplied by a B.3- vol t
in cli ck inten sity (for t he same carrier strength ) filamen t transformer . One section of the
in d icates that the click s are being added in fi F 8G d u a.l tri.od e is used as the rectifie r to s up-
the sbtges fo llowing the onc l)('inJ.{ keyed. ply d .c. fOI" the pl ate of the second se ction,
The fixed bias on such stages should be ~uffi whi ch is 'u sed as the oscill nt o r. A change in the
cie nt. t o reduce the idling pln.te current (no vaille of Nt will alter the out put tone. The out-
excitation ) to a low v a lu e, bllt not to zero. pllt term imd lab eled Gnd should be con n ected
U nd er these conditions, a ny instability or d irectly t o the receiver ehassis, while P l sh ou ld
be connected to t he" hot" side of the head-
phones. Shunti ng of the ' phones by the oscil-
lat ol" may eau se some loss o f vo lume on re-
cei ved signals, unless t he coupling capacity , e3,
is m ade s u fficient ly small. At the same time ,
h owever, the capacity ehould be made large
en ou gh t o p rovide good tran sfe r of the oscillat or
sign a l.
If t he trans mitter oscillator is keyed for
break-i n, t he keying termin abs of the osc illa tor
Fig. 609 - Circuit dia gram of a k eyin g m onitor o f thc may be connected in pandlel w ith those of th e
audio..oscill a to r t ype . " i tll s elfcon tai ne d powcr supp ly.
Cl - 25.,.,fd . 25yolt cl l;c lrolvt ic. tran s m itter. W ith cathode keying , termin::... is 1
C'1 - 250 .,., ... fd . mica. . and 2 will be connected across t.he key, with
C 3 - Approxima tel y O.O t Jifd . (see tcx t ). terminal 2 go ing to t he grou n d s ide of the key.
II I - 0 .1 5 rn Ci!OIHII, 4 ,.,al1. With blo cked-grid key ing, terminals 2 [Lnd 3
Ib - App roxima tely 0. 1 ll1 e~o hn.l , Iwatt (sec te:xt ) .
T J - 6.3\'olt 1.ampere (.lll Tll e nt Ir,,,li;for lne r . go to the key and a ref;is tance of 0. 1 mego hm
T z - S ma ll a ud io tra ns.for m e r. in lers l.a ge t ype. o r so is inserted in series with ter m inal 3.
dY1l1J de tector. 10 ~~ ,~
A lIl p fijh:lIl iort - T o build up weak sig nals ,,
JlI. .
to usable outp llt level, moder n receivers e m-
pl oy co nsiderable a mpl ific:1tion - often of the ,
o rd er of h1l n dreds of th ousand s of t imes. Am- ,
plific r's :1re u sed at th e frequency of the i ncom- -lO -, 00 " ' 54 0(.: .s . '0 "S ."
in g signal (r.f. amplifiers) , after detectio n (o./.
am.plifiers ), and , in f< u pe rhet c rociyne re ce ivers, Fi lJ. 701 - Se lec l iv it y c u rv e o f a Il loo.lern s uperhet.
at one H I' m o re intermed ia t.e rad io frequenl'ies e rod)' ne rccci " c r. Rela li ve r esponse is p lo l loed a ga ins t
,Ie \' iation s nhovc an d helow th e reson ance freq ncnc)'.
(iJ. amplifier s) . R. f. and i.r. amplifiers practi- Thc scale III t h e II h ;s ill t ,' rms o f \'(\hll ~C ra l ios ;
ca lly always em pl oy tuned circuits. th e co rrcs po ll~li ll ~ ,I cc ibcl s le ps li re s how1I aL the r igbt.
1 30
Receiver Principles and Design
Sig nal ~ Lo- r w; sc ra.t io - E very rece iver gen-
erates some noi!'l.c of a hiss- like character, a nd
signa ls weake r tha n the noise can not be se pa-
rated from it no matt er ho w much amplifica-
ti on is used . Th is relation be tw een noise and a
weak signal is expressed by the ter m Sig1Wl-to-
noise ratio. It can be d efined in vari ous ways,
o ne simple way being to give i t as the ratio of
signal power o utp ut to noise outp ut [rom the
receiver at a specifie d value of modui:).Led ca r-
rier vol tage a pplied to t he in put termina ls.
The hiss- li ke noise mentioned a bove is in-
herent in the circuits a nd tubes of t he receive r,
an d its am plitude d e pe nds u po n t he select iv ity
of t he re ceive r. Th e great er th e selec t ivity tbe
small er th e noise, oth er t hin gs be ing equal
( 7-6). In ad di t ion t o in heren t receiver noise,
atm ospheri c elect ri city (na.tural "st atic") and
electrical devices in the vicin ity of the rece ive r
also cause noise whi ch a dversely affect s the
signal-to- noise ratio.
Selecti'viLy - Selectivity is th e ability of a
recei ve r to di sc rimin a te a gainst signals of fr e-
que ncies d ilTe ri ng fro m that of the desired sig-
nal. The over-a U se lec ti vity will depe nd upo n
the selec ti vity of th e in d ividual t uned circ uits
a nd t he nu mber of suc h ci rcuits.
T he selectiv ity of a receiver is show n graph-
ically by draw ing a curve whi ch gives th e ratio
of signal strength required at vario us freque n-
cies off resonance to the signal st re ngth at Fig. 702 - S implified and prac tica l diode detector
ci rc uit s. A, the ele mentary halI-wllvc d ioile iJe t ee tor ;
resona nce, to give cons t a nt out put. A resonance 13, a praCli C<l 1ci rc uit, with r.I. filt e rin g ;lIul ;lIulio o utput
curve of thi s type (ta ken on a t y pi cal co m- coupliu /:,:; C, fu llwa ve diode detec to r. wi t h output CO li'
muni cations-ty pe s upe rh e terodyne rece ive r) is 1>lil1 g indicatcd. Th e circui t, L2Ci. is lUll ed to t he sig ll a l
frequellcy; t y picul vahH:s for C2 and R I in A a nd narc
show n in Fig. 701. Th e band-width is th e wi dth 250 ",,,,fd . and, 250,000 ohms, respec t ive ly; in B, C2 and
of t he reso na nce curve (i n cycles or kilocy- C3 a re 100 ",,,,fd . ellc iJ; R I, 50,000 ohms ; a nd Ih , 250,000
cles) of a receiver at a s pecified ratio; in F ig. obms . c.. is 0.1 ~d. a Dd R3 rna)' be 0.5 to 1 me goh m .
701, the band-widths are in dicate d for ratios
of response of 2 a nd 10 (" 2 ti mes down" an d 4l. 7-3 Detectors
11 10 tim es down ") . C ha roc l.e r istics - The importa nt charac-
Selectiv ity for sig na ls within a few k il ocycl es teri stics of a. de tect or a re its sensitiv ity, fidelity
of the des ired-signal freq ue ncy is call ed adja- or linealli ty, resistan ce or impedance, a nd sig-
cent-channel se lectivity , to distingu ish it from nal-hancllin g c:l. pa bility.
the a tion agai nst signa ls co nsiderably D ete ctor sensitiIJity is the ratio of a udio-
rcmoy:ed fro m th e desired frequ e ncy. frequ ency output t o ra dio-frequ e ncy input.
Stability - The sta bility of a receiver is its LinearUy. is a meas ure of th e a bi lity of t he
a bility t o give constan t outp ut, over a peri od detector to re prod uce, as an a ud io frequ e ncy,
of time, fro m a signal of consta nt st ren gth the exact form of the mod u la ti on 0 11 t he in-
and frequency. Pri!uarily, it means th e abi li ty coming signa l. Th e resistance or i mpedance of
to stay tuned to a give n signa l. H owever, a the detecto r is im porta nt in circui t design,
rece iver whi ch at so me set tin gs of its co ntrols since n. re la ti ve ly lo w resistance means tb at
has a . t endency to break in to osci lbti on, or power is consll med in the detec tor. Th e signal-
"howl," a lso is said to be u nstabl e. handliu{} capabilit y means the ability of the
Th e stabi li ty of a rece iver is a ffec ted pr in- de tector to acce pt signals of a specified ampli-
cipa lly by te mpcratUl'e variations, supply-vo lt- tu de with ou t overloa ding.
nge cha nges, a nd cons t ructi ona l features o f a DiOfl c de l,ec LClrs - The si m ples t detector is
mechanical nat urc. t h e diode rectifie r. Circuits fo r bot h
Fil"Jelity - Fidelity is the relative abi lit y of an d full-wave ( 8-3) diodes a re given in Fi g.
the receiver to reprouu ce in its output the 702. The simplified half-w ave circuit at 702-A
modulation (keyi ng, 'phone, etc.) carried by Inclu des t he r.f. t u ned ci rcui t, L Z C 1 , a co upli ng
t he incoming signal. For exact rep roduction co il , L l, fr om which the r.r. e nergy is fed to
t he band- wid th m us t be grcat enoug h to ac- LzCI, an d t he d iode, D, wi t h its load resist-
com moda te the hi ghes t modul ation frequency ance, R I , an d by-pass c o nde n se r , C z. The Ho w
tra nsm itte d, and the relative ampl it udes of the of recti fied r.f. cUl'I'e nt through Rl cnuses a d .c.
vario us fre que ncy co mponen ts wit hin the ba nd voltage to develo p across it s t ermi na ls, a nd
mu s t not be cha nged in t he output. t his vol t age varies with the mouulatio n on the
Th e full-wave d iode circuit at i02-C is p rac-
AIodulated ti cally ide ntical in operatio n to the h a.lf-wave
S'9l1aiOppll ed (A) circuit, except that both halves of the r.f. cy cle
a re uti!i1.ed . Th e f ull-wave ci rcui t h a s the ad-
v an t a ge that very litt le r. f. voltage appears
ac ross the load resistor , R I , because the mid-
point of L'l is at the same pot ential as the cath-
ode, or I i grou nd n for rJ.
The reactan ce of C'l mllst be s mall com p ared
to the resistan ce of III at the r aclio freque ncy
be ing; rec tified. but at audio frequencies must
be rela ti vely l:uge compa red to III ( 2-S, 2- 13).
Th is condition is satisfied by the values sho wn.
Jf the capacity of C'l is too large , res ponse at the
higher a ud io frequencies will be lowered.
Co mpa re d with other detectors, the sensitiv-
ity of the diode is low. Since the diode con-
su mes power, the Q of the tuned circuit is
A1/t:::;ZlIj t C\ C\ C\ reduced, b ringi ng about a reduction in selec tiv-
conDenser I
V V V (D)
ity ( 2-10). T he linearity is good, h owever,
Fig. 703 - Dia~J"alD ", s ilo" i:q; the d e tectio ll process. a nd the signal-handling capability is high .
G rid -lea k detecto rs - Th e g rid -leak de-
s ignal. The - and + s igns sho w the polari t y tector is a combination d iode rectifier a nd
of the voltage. T he variation in amplitude o f audio-frequen cy amplifier. I n the circuit of
t.he r.f. signa! with modulatio n causes corre': Fig. 704- A, the g ri d cones pond s to the diode
~ ponding vari ations in the value of the d. c.
voltage across R t The load resisto r, R 1, us ually
has a ra ther h igh val ue of resista nce, so that a
f:ti dy large voita,ge wiiI develop f rom a small
rectified-cu rrent. flow .
T he progress of the signal throlloh t he de-
tector o r re cti:1e r is shown in F ig. 703. A typi-
ca l modulated sign al as it exists in the t uned
ci rcuit is shown at A. Wh en appl ied to the
rectifier tube, current flows from plate to cath-
ode only during the part of the r.f. cycle when
-, ..
the plat e is positive with res pect to the cath-
ode, so that the output of the rectifier co nsis t s
of half-cycles of r.f. st.ill modu lated as in t he
o riginal signal. These current I ' pulses" fl o w
l, R,
in t he load circuit comprised of Rl and C 2 , the c,
resistance of HI a nd the capacity of C 2 being so
p roportioned that C 2 cha rges to the peak value
of the rectified voltage on each p ulse and re-
C, C,
tains enough charge between pulses so that the
voltage across R I is smoothed out, as s~o \\'n in
C . C 2 thus act s as a filter for the ra dio-fre-
" (B) -B
R. R,
Fi.g . 704 - Grid . lcak detector c irc u its, A, tr iode ; B. pcn-
que ncy component of the output of the recti- tode. A l c t rode m ay be u sed ill t he circui t of II b y
fie r, leaving a d.c. compo nent whi ch varies in neglect ing the s uppressot . grid connec ti o n . T ransformer
the sa me way as t he modulati on on the original c(lUpli n g .oay be s ubs titu t e d for rcs is t ance cou pling in
A, o r a hi gh .inducta nce c h o ke wa y replace the plate
signal. Wh en this varyi ng d.c. voltage is ap- res istor in B. L IC1 is a c ircuit tun ed to t h e s i gnal fre _
plied to a fo llowing amp lifier through a cou- queucy. Tile grid le a k. R l. wa y b e con n ected direc tly
pling conden~e r (C 4 i n Fig. 702-B ), only the from grid to cathode i ns tead of a c ross t he grid con d e n ser
a s ~ h owll. The operation with e i tbc r con nec tio n wi ll be
variations in voltage are tru.nsferred, so tha t the. s'lInc. Rep resentative v a lu es for c o m pon e n ts OI re:
the final outp u t signal is a.c., as s hown in D. CQmpu"",,' Circuil A Ci rcuit H
In the circuit at 702-B, Il t a nd C2 have been c, Joo to 250 I-'I-'Jd . 100 10 2501-'1-'Cd.
div ided for the purpose of providing a more C, 0.001 to 0.002 I-'IJ. 250 to 500 I-'I-'Cd.
effective fi lte r for is important to prevent C. 0.1 I-'IJ . 0.1 I-'IJ.
the a p peara nce of any r. f. voltage in the ou t put C, 0 . .') I-' fd. or larger.
R, 1 to 2 megohms. ] 105 meg oh ms.
of the detector, bec ause it may cause overload- Ib 50,000 oh ms. 100,000 to 250,000 ohm s.
ing of a su(:ceed ing amplifier tube. The audio- R, 5u,OOO ohms.
frequency variations can be t rans ferred to ll. 20,000 ohms.
T Audi o t ransfo rmer.
another circuit through a coupli ng co ndenser, L 5OQ.h (: nry choke .
C 4 in Fig. 70 2, to a load resisto r, R 3 , whi c h
T h e p late .... o llage in A s h Quld be about .50 volt ~ for
usuall y is a "pote nti ome ter " ( 8-1 0 ) so that hc~t sen s iti v i t y. In e s c reen \,ol ta ::-e !; holll(j he
thc volume can be adjuste d to a des ired level. abo u t 30 volts and the p lale volta ge fr o m 1 00 to 250.
i?ecelver Principles and Design 133
plato and the rectifying action is exactly the
sa me as just desnibcd. The d,c. voltage from
rectified-current flow tbrough the gri d leak, R l
biases the grid negative ly with respect to cath-
ode, and the a.ud io- frequen cy variations in
voltage across RI arc am plifi ed t hrough the
t ube jus t as in a normal a .r. am pli fier . In the
plate circuit, R2 is th e plate load resis tan ce (A) -0 ,0
( 3-3) and CJ is a by- pass condenser to elim-
inate r.r. in the out pu t circui t . C4 is the output
co upling condenser. Wi th a triode, the load
resistor, R 2 , may be replaced by a n audio
tra nsfor mer , 1', in whi c h case C4 is not use d.
Since aud io ampiii"i cati o n is a d ded to recti-
ficatio n, the grid-leak detector has consid er-
ably greater se nsitivity t ha n the diode. The
sensit ivity can be fur t her increased by using
:l. screen-grid tube instead of a tri ode, as at
704-B. The operatio n is equivalent to that
o f the triode ci rCl'l it . The screen by- pass co n-
denser, Cs, should have low reactance ( 2-8,
2-1 3) fo r both rad io and au dio frequencies. R3
a nd R4, co nstitute a voltage divider ( 8-10) Fig. 705 - Circuits ror plate detection. A. triode ; D.
fro m t he plate supply to furni sh the pro per Pt'lltO(le. The in p u t c ircuit. Lie,. is t u ned t o t he s ign a l
d. c. voltage to the scree n. In bot h ci rcu its, C2 freq ll t"llcy. T ypicli l valu es for the o ther co ns tan t s arc:
must ha ve lo w r.r. reactance and hi gh a.f. Circuit A Circuit B
reac tan ce compared t o t he resistance of R 1 ; 0 .5 j.l.f,l. or I;j r ger . 0.5 ~r,J. o r lurKc r.
t he same applies to C3 with respect to R2 . 0.001 to 0.002 j.l.rJ. 250 t o 500 j.l.j.I.rJ.
Because of the high plate resiskl.ll ce of the 0. 1 j.l. ftI . 0.1 j.l. ld .
0.5 j.l.rJ. or larger .
screen-grid tube ( 3-5), transfor mer coupling 25,000 t o 150,000 ohm s. 10 ,000 to 20,000 olima.
from t he plate of a screen-gri d detector 50,000 10 JOO.OOO o 100,000 to 250,000 ohms_
is not satisfactory. An impedan ce (L in F ig. 50,000 oh ms.
704-B) ca n be used in p lace of a resistor, with a 20,000 ..,hms.
ga in in sensitivi ty because a high value of load Plate volta ges from 100 to 250 "olts m ay be u sed .
imped ance ca n be de veloped with little loss of E ffective scr cen volta ge in B sh o uld b e about 30 volts .
pl ate voltage as com p ared to the voltage dr op
t hro ugh a resisto r. The coupling coil, L", for a to s up ply t h e proper pot enti al (about 30 volts)
screen-grid detector s hould have an inductancc to the screen, a.nd Cs is a by-pass cond en ser
of the order of 300 to 500 henrys. between screen and cathode. Cs m us t have lo w
Th e sensitivity of the grid-l eak detector is reactance for both radio and a udio frequencies.
hi gher than th at of any other type. Li ke the In general, tran sfo rmer coupling from the
di ode, it (( loads" the tuned circu it a rid reduces plate circuit of a plate detector is not satis fac-
its selectivity. Th e linearity is rather poor, a nd tory, because th e pl ate impedance even of a
the signal-handling capability 1S limited. triode is very high when the bi as is set near the
Pla tc d etector s - The pla te detector is p lat e- current cu t-off point ( 3-2, 3-3). I m-
arranged so that rectifica tion of th e r.f. signal pedance coupling may be used in place of the
takes place in the plate circu it of the tuoe , resistance coup li ng s hown in Fig. 705. The
as con t rasted to the g rid rec tification just de- same order of inductance is required as with the
sc ribed. Sufficient negative bias is applied to screen-grid detector described previously.
the grid to bri ng the plate curren t nearly to the The plate d etector is more sensitive th an
cu t-ofT poi n t, so that the ~l.pplicati o n of a sign ll.l the diode si n ce th ere is some amplifyi ng acti on
to the grid circuit cau ses an increase in average in the tube, but less so th an the grid-leak de-
p late curren t. T he ave rage plate cunent fol- te ctor. It will band Ie considerably b rger s ig-
lows the changes in signal amplitude in a n a ls t h an th e grid-leak dete ctor, but is not
fas bion simi lar to the rectified curren t in a q uite so toleran t in t his respect as the diode.
diode detector. L inea rity, wit h the self-biased circuits Sh OWlI ,
Circui ts for triodes and pen tod es arc given is good. Up to the overload poi nt the detector
in F ig. 705. C 3 is t he plate by-pass con denser, takes no power from the t uned circuit, and
R t is th e cathode resisto r whi ch provides t he so does not affect its Q and selec tiv ity ( 2-10).
operatin g gr id bi as ( 3-6) , an d C2 is a by- pass r"jini t c -hnpc<!oflce detec l;o r - The circuit
for both radio and a udi o frequenc ies across Rl of Fig. 706 com bi nes the high signal-handli ng
( 2-13). Rz is the pl a te load resista.nce ( 3-3), capabilities of the diode d etector wi th low
across which a voltage appears as a resu lt of di sto rtion (good lineari ty), and, like t he plate
the rectifying acti on described above. C 4 is the detector, does not load the tu ned circuit 1.u
output coupli ng condenser. In the pentudc which it is co nnected. Th e ci rcuit rese m ble:>
ci rcuit at B, R3 and R4 form a voltage divider th H,t of the pla.te de tecto r, except that t he load
resistance, Rt is con ne cted betwee n cathode tube does not regenerate, bu t as it increases
and gro und a nd thu s is co mmon to both grid t oward maxi mu m its reacta nce ( 2-8) becomes
and plate circuits, giving negative feed-back smaller until a cr itical value is reached where
fo r the aud io frequencies . The cathode res is to r there is s uffi cient fee d-back to calise osci Ilation.
is by- passed for r.r. eel) but not for au dio If L 'l. and L3 are wound end-to-e ll d in t he sa me
( 2-13), while the plate ci rcu it is by-passed di rection , the plate connection is to the out-
sid e of the plate or <I ti ckler " coil, L 3 when t he
gri d connection is to the ou tside of L 2
The circuit of B is for a sc ree n-g rid tube, re-
generation being controlled by adjus tment of
t he sc reen-gri d voltage. The ti ckler, La, is in
the plate circuit. The portion of the control
R.F.lnp~ '-_-"-_C-"+--+_V'" resistor between th e rotating contact a nd
grou nd is by- passed by a large condense r
(0.5 ~fd . or more) to fi lter out scratching noise
-9 A. F +B
wh en the arm is rotated ( 2-11) . The feed-
OUTPUT back is a djusted by varyi ng the num ber of
Fig. 706- The infiuite-impedance or lincar de tecto r. turns on L 3 or the cou pling ( 2-11 ) betwee n L'l.
Tbe input circu it, L2Cl. is tUDed t o the s i ~ lla l fre - and La, until the tube just goes into osc illatio n
quency. T y pical va lues fo r the o ther constants are: , at a screen voltage of approximately 30 vo lts_
e ll -250 l'J' fd. Rl - 0. 15 ulcgohm. Circui t C is identi cal wit h B in principle of
Ca - 0.5 pfd. n z - 25,000 ohms.
C. - 0 .1 ",Cd. H3 - O. 25. mcgohm vo luUle con I rol. operatio n, except that the osci llatin g circuit is
A lube bavin g a lIlediuOl am plifica tio n factor (about
of the H artley type ( 3-7) . Since the screen
20) should be used. Pla te vo lta J;c should be 250 vol ts . a nd p late are in pa.rallel for r.f. in this circ uit,
only a s mall amount of <I t ickler" - that is,
to grou nd for both audio and radio frequencies. rela tively few turns bet,veen the cathode tap
R2 forms, with C2, an RC filter ( 2-11 ) to iso and grou nd - is required for oscillH.t iu o_
late the plate from the U B" supply at a.f. Adju,stntcnt fo r s nwoth regen e ration-
The plate current is very low at no signal, The ideal rege nerati on contro l would permit
increasi ng with s ignal as in the case of the the detector to go into a.nd out of oscillatio n
pl ate detector. The voltage drop across Rl smoothly, would have no effect on the fre-
similarly in creases with signal, because of t he q uency of oscillation, a nd wou ld give the same
in creased pla.te current. Because of thi s a nd va lue of rege neration regardless of freq uency
t he fact that the initial drop across Rl is la rge, an d the loading on the circuit. In practi ce, t.he
the grid cann ot be driven positive with res pect effects of loadi ng, particularly the loading th at
to the cathode by the sign al, hence no grid occ urs when the detector circu it is coupled to
current can be drawn. an antenna, are diffi cult to overco me. Like--
wise, t he regenerati on is a1Iected by the
1 7-4 Regenerative Detectors frequency to which the grid circuit is tuned.
Circuits - By providing controll able r.f. In all circuits it is best t o wind the t ickler at
feed-back or regenerat ion ( 3-3) in a triode or th e grou nd or cathode end of the grid coil, and
pentode detector circ uit, the in coming s ignal to use as few turns on the ti ckler as wm allow
ca n be a m pJi fied many times, thereby greatly the detector to oscillate easily over the whole
in creasing th e sensitivity of th e detector. tuning range at the plate (and sc reen, if a
R egeneration also in creases the effective Q of pentode) voltage which gi ves maximum se n-
the circuit, a nd hen ce in creases the selectivity sitivity. Should the tu be break into oscillation
( 2-10) by virtue of the fact that the maxi s uddenly as the regenera tion co ntrol is a d-
mum regenerati ve am plification t akes place vanced, making a click, the opera tion often can
ouly at t he frequency to which the circuit is be made smoother by changing t he grid-
tu ned. Th e gri d-leak type of detector is most leak resist a nce t o a higher or lo wer value. The
su itable for th e purpose. Ex cept for the re-- wrong gr id leak plus too-hi gh plate and screen
generative co nn ecti on, the "circuit values are voltage a re the mos t freq uent causes of lack
identical with those previously desc ribed for of s moothn ess in goin g into os cill at io ll.
th is type of detecto r, an d the sa me co nsidera- An.ten.n.a cou.plin.g - If the detector is
tions apply. The amoun t of r ege neration must coupled to an antenna, slight changes in the
be controlla ble, because maximum regenerative antenna constants (as when t he wire s wi ngs in
ampli fication is secured a t the critical point a breeze ) a ffect the frequency of th e oscilla-
where the circ ui t is just abo ut to oscillate tions generated, a nd thereby the beat fre-
( 3-7 ) and the criti cal point in turn depe nd s quency when c. w. signals are being received .
upon circuit co ndi t ions, which may va ry wit.h T he tighter t he a ntenna coupling is made, th e
tbe frequ ency to whicb the detec tor is tu ned. greater will be the feed-back requ ired or the
F i g~ 707 s hows the circu its of regene rativ e higher will be the voltage necessary to make
detecto rs o f various types. The circu it of A the d-e tector oscillate. The anten n a coupli ng
is for a triode tube, with a variable by- pass s hould be the m axi mum that will a llow th e
co ndenser, C 3 in the plate ci rcu it to co ntrol d etector to go int.o oscillatio n s moothly wi th
rege neration. W,hen the capacity is s mall t he the correct vult.;.1,ges on the tube. If capacity
Receiver Principles ana Design 135
cou pling ( 2-11) to the grid end of the coil is ( 8-1) when a standing wave eflect of th e
used, on ly a very s mall amoun t of capacity t y pe described in the preced in g p~1. ragraph
will be needed to couple to the antenna. occu rs, a nd is associated wi th the non-linear-
1ncreasin g the capacity increases t he coupling. ity of th e rectifier tube in the plate supply.
At freq uencies whe re the antenna system is
reson a nt th e absorption of Cf!crgY fr om the
oscillating detector circuit will be greate r, with
t he consequence that more rege nerati on is
needed. In extre me cases it may not be possible
to ma ke the detector oscill ate with normal
voltages, causing so-called "dead spots." The
remedy fo r thi s is to loosen the antenna cou-
pling t o th e poi nt which permits normal osci lla-
tion a nd s moo th regenera tion con trol.
Hody c npfl c i.I,y - A rege nerative detector
occasionally s hows a tende ncy to change fre-
quency s lightly as the hand is moved near the
dial. Thi s co ndi tion (body capacity) ca n be
caused by poor design of the receiver, or by
C,+ rml
A.F. Output
t he a nte nna if the dete cto r is coupled d irec tly
to it. If body ca pac ity is present whe n t he
antenna is disco nnected , it can be elimi nated
by better shie lding, and so metimes by r.f.
filtering of t be 'pho ne leads . Body capa city
which is prese nt on ly when the anten na is
co nnected is cause d by reso na nce effe cts in
the ante nna , wh ich tend to cau se part of a
standin g wave ( 2-12) of r. f. voltage to
appear on the grou nd lead a nd t h us raise the
wh ole detector circu it above ground poten ti a l.
A good, short groun d co nnection s hou ld be
made to t he rece iver and the leng th of the
a ntenna vari ed electr ically (by addi ng a small
co il or vari a ble co ndenser i n the anten na lea d)
until t he effect is mini mized. L oose nin g the
coupling to the a n te nna ci rcu it also wi ll help.
11LLnt - Hum at the po wer-su pply frequency
may be prese nt in a regenerative detec tor, e s~
peci a lly wh e n it is used in a n oscillating co ndi-
tion for c.w. reception, even thougb t he plate
supply it.self is free from ripple ( 8-4). The
h um may result from the use of a. c. on tbe tube
beater, but effects of this type normall y a re r-----.---ici'!, h- A'
troubleso me only whe n the circuit of F ig. 707-0
is used, a nd then onl y at 14 M c. and higher fre-
quencies. Connecting one side of t he heater . l, ~~
I~~t ~ ~;=~-~~-""t',.j
su pply to ground, or grounding the center-tap
of the hea ter tmnsformer winding, is good
practice to red uce hUIll, and the heater wiring
Rz R)
shoul d be kept as far as possible fro m the r.f.
circui ts. -8 +8
l:io use wiring, if of the "open" type, will Fig. 707 - Triode and pentode regenertltive d etector
have a rathcr extcnsive electrostatic field circ uits. Tbe input c ircuit, LzC" is tuned to t h e signa l
which may cause hum if the detector t ube, fr cq ue n cy . Tb e gr id condcn ser, C2, sh ould h avc a va lue
of about 100 jJjJfd . in all c ircuits ; the grid leak , RI.
grid lead, a nd gr id con dense r and leak are not Illay ran ge ill va lut;: (roOl 1 to 5 megohm s. The t ick ler coil,
electros taticall y shielded. This type of hum t 3, orJ ilHt ri ly will have from 10 to 25 per ceDt of tbe
is easi ly recognizable because of its rather high number of turn s 0 0 L z; in C. t ht;: cathod e tap is abo llt 10
per cellI o f the num ber o f turns ou L2 above grouud.
pitch, a result of h armon ics ( 2-7) in the il egclLeratioll con tro l COll d en,;c r C3 in A sho u ld h ave a
power-su pply system. The hum is caused by a m axi m u m capacit y of 100 ~~ fd. or more; b y.pass cou -
species of grid modulation ( 5-4) . llcllSCrs C3 in Band C a rc likew ise 100 ~~ fd. Cr; is ordi -
A ntelln ~1. resonance e ffects frequently cause n a rily 1 jJfd. o r mo rc; R2. a 50,000-o hm po tent iometer;.
R3, 50.000 to .1 00,000 o hms. L 4 in B ( LJ in C ) is a 500~
a hum of the same nat ure as that just de- beory i"duc La nce. C4 is 0.1 jJId. in bo th circui ts . 1'1 in A
scri bed which is most intense at th e various is a COIH'e ntiOll a! a udio t ra ns former for cou p lill g from
reso na nce points, and he nce varies with tuning . the pllil e o f a t ube t o a follo wing grid. UFC is 2.5 mh.
In A. the pla te voltage sho uld b e about 50 volts for
For this reaso n it is cal led t unable hum. It is best se n ~i l i\' i ty. P entode c ircu its require about 30 volts
prone to occu r with a rectified a.c. pl ate sup pJ y o n t he &creen; plate voltage may be 100 to 250 volts.
?lXXIcycles ~ It:J'O~ (I zoqo'fC'f!$ gain of the r.f. st:lgC. If the detect or is co upled
~~ . ~
to an a ntenna, the bl oc king co nd itio n can be
elimina ted by advanci ng the regenerat ion
A 8 c control or loose ning the antenna co upling.
, Th e poi nt j ust a fter the receiver starts osc il-
, '~
, latin g is the mos t se nsit ive condition fo r c.w.
~ '0000 recept ion. Further ad van cing the rege ncra-
tion control ma kes the rece ive!" less prone to
bl oc king by strong sig nals, but also less capable
of receiv ing weak ~ i gnn l s .
If the receive r is in the osci ll ating co ndition
~oo an d a ' phone signal is tuncd in, a steady a udible
~ beat-n ot.e will res ult. While it is possible to
., ~
listen t,o ' phone if the rece iver can be tuned to
01,., SUriNG ex~ct zero bent, it is more sati sfactory to
Fig. 70B - As the luning d ial o f a r ecci\' cr is turned redu ce the rege neration to the poin t just before
pas t a c.w. s is na l, t be beat Dote varies CrolD a hi gh tone the receiver goes into oscillation. This is a lso
down through " ze ro beat" (no audihle freque ncy differ- the most sensiti ve operating point.
ence) a nd back u p to a high tone, as show u a l A. na nd
C . The c urve is n graphica l represe n tatio n o f t he aCliOIl. Superregeneral..ion - Th e limit to wh ich
The beat ex ist s IHls t 8000 or 10.000 cycles but usuall y is ordinary regenerative ampl ificatio n ca n be
not h eard because o f the lim itat ions o f the audio sys tem. carried is th e' po in t a.t whi ch oscillatio ns COIn-
mence, since at that poin t fu rther am plification
El iminat io n of antenna reso nance effects as ceases. The fW1)erre generolive detector over-
described and by-pass ing the rectifier plates to comes thi s limitation by introducing into the
cathode (usin g by-pass con de nse rs of the order detector circui t a n altel'l1atillg voltage of a
o f 0.001 ,u.fd. ) usually will cure it. frequen cy so mewh at above the .n.udible range
Tu. ning - F or c. w. reception, the regenera- (of the order of 20 to 100 ki locyc les) , in s uch a
tion control is advanced until th e detector way as to vary t he detec tor's o peratin g poi nt
breaks into a lIh iss," which indicates that the ( 3-3) . As a co nsequen ce of th e in troduc tio n of
detector is oscill ati ng. Further adv an cing the till s quench or interrupti01' freque n cy, the de-
regeneration control after the detecto r starts tector can oscilla.te only when th e vary ing
oscillating will res ult in a slight decrease in operatin g point is in a region s uitable for the
t.he strength of the hiss, ind icating that the produ cti on of oscillations. Been-use the os-
se nsitivity is decreasing. cill ations are constantly being interrupted, the
The propel' adj ustment of the regeneration regeneration can be greatly increased , a nd the
co ntrol for bes t reception of c.w. is signal will build up t o relativel y tremend ous
where the detecto r just sta. rts to oscillate, when proportions. The superrege nerative circuit is
it will be found that C . \\. can be tu ned
in and will give a tone wi t h each signal depe nd-
ing on the sett ing of the t uning control. A.s the
I'eceiver is t un ed through a signal the tone first
will be hea.rd a s a very high pitc h, thcn will go
down through" zero beat" (the region where the
fre quencies of the in co ming signal and the os-
ci ll ating detecto r are so nearly alike that the
diffe rence 01' beat is less than the lowest audible
tone ) and rise again on the ot her side, fina lly
di sappearing a t a very high pitch. This behavior
is shown in Fig. 708. It will be found that a
., +B
-9 .8
m a gn etic t y pe is adva nta geous in code recep-
ti on, sin ce it tends to red u ce inte rference fr om
signals having beat to nes ly ing outside the
region of m ax imum res po nse, while t he crystal
type is better for the reception of voice a nd
m usic. M agnetic headsets ca n be used in cir-
cuits in which d.c. is fl ow in g, s uch as t he pl ate
circuit of a vacuum tube, provid ing the current
is not too la rge to be ca n; ed safely by the wire
in th e coils ; the limit is a few milli a mperes .
Crystal headsets mus t be used only on ..a.c.
(since a steady d.c. voltage wi ll damage the
crystal u ni t ) , and conseq uently mu st be coupled
to the tube th ro ugh a devi ce, su ch as a COIl-
denser, which isolates the d. c. voltage but
permi ts th e passage of an alternati ng current.
Fig. 71 1 - Powe r.outp"t audio ampl ifie r circ ui ts . Ei . The most co mmon t ype of ioudsperlker is the
th er C la ss A o ~ AB ampli fication (3 4) may be u sed. dynamic type, sh o\vll in cross-sectio n in Fig.
Receiver Principles and Design 139
cathode bias resistor and by-pass condenser,
C3 is the screen by-pass condense r, and R'1. is the
scree n dropping resistor. L a is the prim a ry of
the o utput tran sfor mer ( 2- 11 ), tightly cou-
pl ed to L 4 , which , with Cr" co the tuned
circuit fe ed ing the detector or foll owing ampli-
fier. The input and output circui ts, L 1C 1 and
L 4Cr" are bo th tuned to the signal frequ e ncy.
S hie lding - The screen-gri d construction of
the amplifier tube prevents feed-back ( 3-3)
from plate to grid inside the t u be, but in a ddi-
tion it is necessary to prevent tran sfer of en-
ergy from the plate circuit to t he grid circuit
external to the tube. This is acco mplis hed by
enclosing the coils in grounded sh ieldi ng con-
tainers a nd by keep ing the plate and grid leads
well separated. With "si ngle-en ded" tu bes,
care in layi ng out the wiring to obtain the
maximum possible physical separation between
plate an d grid leads is necessary to prevent
capacity coupling.
The shield around a coil will reduce the in-
Fig. 712 - H eadphone and loudspeake r construction. ductance and Q of the coil ( 2- 11) to an extent
which depends upon the shieldi ng material
712. The signal is applied to a small coi l (the and its distance from the coil (see page 420).
!Joice coil) which is free to move in the gap Adjustments therefore mu st be mad e with the
between t he ends of a magnet. The magnet s hield in place.
is made in the form of a cylindrical coil By - In additi on to shie lding, good
sli ghtly smaller than the form on which the by-passing ( 2-13) is imperative. This is not
voice coil is wound, with the magnetic cir cuit simply a matter of choosing the proper type
completed through a pole pi ece wh ich fits and capacity of by-pass conde nser. Short
around the outside of the voice coil leaving separate lead s from C3 and C4 to cathode or
j ust e nough clearance for free movement of t he gro und a re a prime necessity. At the higher
coil. The path of the flux through the magnet is radio frequencies even an inch of wire will
as shown by the dotted lin es in the figure. have e nough inductance to provide feed-back
The voice coil is su pported so that it is free to cou pling, a nd hence cause oscillation, if the wire
move a long its axis but not in other di rections, h appens to be common to both the plate an d
and is fastened to a fiber or paper conical grid circuits.
di aphragm. When current is se nt thro ugh the Gain contro l - The gain of an r.f. amplifier
coil i t moves in a d irection deter mined by the usually is varied by varying the grid bias. This
pol arity of the current ( 2-5), a nd th us moves method works best with var iable-J..I type tubes
back and fort h when a.n altern ati ng voltage is ( 3-5), hen ce this type us ually is fo und in r.f.
applied. The motio n is trans mitted by the a mplifiers. In Fig. 713, Rs and R4 comprise the
diaphragm to the air , se tting up sound waves. gain-contr ol circ.uit. R3 is the co nt rol resistor
The type of speaker shown in Fig. 71 2 ob- ( 3-6) and R4 a droppi ng resistor of suc h value
tains its fixed magnetic field by electromagnetic as to . make the voltage across the outside
means, di rect current bei ng se nt through the ter min als of R3 about 50 volts ( 8-10). Th e
field coil for thi s purpose. Other types use gain is maxim u m with the variable arm on R3
pe rmanen t magnets to replace the electro- all the way to the left (grounded), and minimu m
magnet, a nd hence do not require a so urce of at the right. R3 could simply be pl aced in
d. c. power. The voice coils of dy na mi c spea kers series with RI, omitti ng R4. en tirely, but the
have few turns and therefore low impedan ce, ra nge o f control with this connection is limited
val ues of 3 to 15 ohms being represen tative. be?ause it depends on the cathode current a lone.
Cl 7 -6 Radio-Frequency Amplifi e rs
Circuits- Although there may be var- p-"'--- ----,
fL; - - - --,
iations in detail, practi cally all r.f. am-
, I L" C ,: ,
, Output.
plifiers confor m to the basic circuit shown
in Fig. 713. A screen -grid tube , usually 3. iR~ ,
pentocle, is used, since a triode w ill : /np~
oscillate when its gri d and plate circuits I'--- - -----
are tuned to the Sllme fr eq uen cy ( 3-5).
The a mplifier operates Class A, without grid
current ( 3-4) . The tuned grid circuit, L1 Cl, is .&
coupled through L2 to the anten na (or, ill some Fig. 713 - Basic circuit of a tuned radio-frequency
cases, to a preceding stage) . Rl an d C 2 are the amplifier. Component values are discussed in tbe test.
In a multi- tube receiver the gain of several temperature. Thi s is k no wn as th e thermal-
stages may be varied simu ltan eously, a sin gle agitati on effe ct, and it produ ces a hi ss-like
co ntrol s uffi cing fo r al l. The lower ends of the noise voltage di stribut.ed uniformly thro ughout
seve ral cathod e resistors (R I ) are then con - the radio-frequency spectru m. The th ermal-
nected together and to the mova.ble contact agitation noise voltage appea ring a cross the
on Ra in Fig;. 71 3. terminals of a tun ed cirelli t will be th e sa me as
Circuit values - T he value of the cathode in a resist.or of a value equal to t he paralle l
resist or, R I should be calcu lated for the imped a nce ( 2- 10) of the t un ed circu it , eve n
m inimum recommended bias for the tube used. t hough the actual circuit resistance is low.
The capacities of C2. Ca and C 4 mu s t be such Hence, the higher the Q of the ci rc uit, the
t hat t he reactance is low at rad io freq uencies; greate r the the rm al agitation noise.
thi s co ndition is easil y met by usin g O.O l -,ufd. Another co m pone n t of hi ss noise is devel-
co ndensers at commu ni cation freq uencies, or oped in the tube because the rai n of elect rons
0.001 to '0.002 mica units at very-high fre- on t he plate is not e nti rely uniform. Sma ll ir-
Qu encies u p to 112 M e. R2 is fo und by t a king regu la rities caused by gas in the tube also
the difference between th e recommended plate contribute to the effect. Tube noi se varies with
a nd screen voltages, then su bstitu ting t hi s a nd the type of tube; in genera l, the higher the ca-
the rated screen current in Ohm's Law ( 2-6). thode cu rrent an d the lower the mutu a l con-
R3 must be selected on the basis of t he num ber d u ctance of the tube, the more internal noise
of tubes to be co nt roIl ed; a resisto r mu st be it will generate.
c hosen whi ch is capahle of carrying, a t its low- To obta in the best signal-to- noise ratio , t he
resistance end, the sum of all t he tube cur rents signal m ust be made as large as poss ible at the
p lus the bleeder current. A resistor of s uitable grid of the tube, whi c h mean s that th e anten na
cur rent- carryin g capac ity being fou nd, t he coupling must be adj uste d to th at end and
bleeder current necessary to produce a drop also th a t the Q of t.he grid tuned circuit must
t hro ugh it of a bout 50 volts can be calculated be high. A tube wi t h lo w i nherent noise obvi-
by Ohm's Law . The Same formula will give ously should be chose n . In a n amp lifier hav ing
R-I, usin g the plate voltage less 50 volts for E good signal-to-noise r atio, the ther ma l-agita-
and the bleeder current previously fou nd for I. ti on noise will be greate r than the tube noise.
The co nstants of the tuned circuits wi ll de- This can easil y be c hec ked by d iscon necting
pend u pon the frequen cy range, or band , to be the anten na so t h a t no outside noise is being
co vered . A fairly hi gh L I C ratio ( 2-10) introduced in to the receiver, then grou nding
sho uld be used on each band; t his is limited, the grid through a O.OI-J.lfd. condenser and ob-
h owever, by the irred ucible minimum capaci- servin g whether there is a decrease in noise. If
t ies. To an a llowance of 10 to 20 J.lJ.Ifd. for tube there is no cha nge the tu be noise is greatly
and stray capacit ies s houl d be adde d the predomin a nt, indicating a. poor sig na l-to-
minimum capacity of t he tuni ng con de nse r. noise ratio in the stage. T he test is va.lid only
If th e input circuit of t he amplifier is con- if t here is no regener ation in the a mplifi er.
nected t o a n a ntenn a, the coup ling coil, L2 , The signal-to-noise ratio wi ll decrease as the
s hould be adjusted to provide critica l coupling frequ ency is raised , beca use it beco mes in-
( 2-11) betwee n the antenna a nd grid circuit. creas ingly di fficu lt t o obtain a tun ed circu it of
T his wi ll give m ~lximum e nergy tran sfer. The hi gh effective Q ( 7-7). .
turn s ratio of L t/ L2 will depend upon the fr e- T he first st age of the receiver is the impor-
que ncy, th e t y pe of tube used, the Q of t.he tan t one fro m t he s tandpo int of s ignal-to-noise
tun ed circuit and the constants of t h e anten na ratio. No ise generated in t he seco nd and su b-
s ystem, and in general is best determ ined ex- sequ ent stages, whi le co m parable in ma gn it ude
pe rimen t ally. Th e se le ctivi ty w ill increase as to that generat ed in the fi rst, is m as ked by t he
t he coupling is reduced bel ow th is Hoptimum " amplified noise and signal from t he first stage.
value, a considern.tion whi ch it is well to kee p After the second stage, furth e r contributions
in mind if selectivity is of more importance by tubes a nd ci rcuits to the tota l noise a re in-
than max im um gain. consequential in any nor m a l receiver.
T he ou tpu t-c ircuit coupling d e pends upon Tube input resistance - At high radio fr e-
t he plate resistance ( 3-2) of the tube, t he quencies the tu be m ay co ns ume power from the
input resistan ce of the succeed ing stage, and tu ned grid ci rcui t , even though th e gri d is not
t he Q of the tu ned circu it , L.Cs. L 3 us ually is d riven positive by the sign al. Above 7 M c. all
co u pled as dosely as possible to L4 (avo iding tubes "load" t.he tun ed circ uit. to so me extent,
the necessity for a n add itional tun in g cou- the a mou nt of loading vary ing wit.h t.he type o f
denser across L 3 ) and the energy transfer is t u be. This effect comes about because the time
maximum when L3 has % to % as many t urns necessary for electro ns to travel from t.h e
a s L-I, with ordin a.ry re ceiv ing pentades. cathode to the grid beco mes co m para.ble to the
l ubeand noi. ..c - In a ny conductor t ime of one r.f. cy cle, and because of the de-
electrons will be mov ing in r a ndom directions generative effec t ( 3-3) of the cathode lead
sim ultan eously a nd, as a result, small irregular inductance. It beco mes m ore pronou nce d as
voltages are developed ac ross the cond u ctor t he freq uency is incre ased. Ce t ypes of
term in als. The is larger the greater the t u bes may have an input res istan ce of on ly a
r esistance of the co nductor a nd t he hi gher its few t ho usand ohms at 28 Me. a nd a.s lit.tle as
Receiver Principles ana Design 141
l\ few hundred ohms at very- high frequenci es. appropri a te number of contacts, wh ic h con-
The input. resistance of the sa me t u bes at 7 Me. nects thc desi red coil and di sco nnects the
and lower frequen cies may be so high as to be others. The seco nd is to use coils wound on
considered infinite, from a practical sta ndpoint. forms with contacts ( usually pins) whi ch can
This input-lQadin g effect is in addition to be plugged in a nd removed from a socket.
the normal decrease in the Q of the tuned cir- Buncisprcading - The tuning ra nge of a
c ui t a lone, because of increased losses in the coil give n coil and variable condenser wi ll depend
and co nden ser at the h igher frequenci es. Thu s upon the inductance of the coil and the change
the selectiv ity and gain of the cir cu it both are in tuning capacity. For ease of tun ing, it is de-
affe cted adversely by increasing frequency. sirable to adju st th e tuning range so that prac-
CO fltpari son. of t ubes - At 7 M e. and lower tically the whole dial sca le is occupied by thf
frequencies, the signal-ta-noise ratio, ga in, a nd ~ band in use. This is called bands prea.di",g.
selectivity of an r.f.-am pli fier stage afC su ffi- Because of the vary ing widt hs of the bands,
ciently high with any of the standard receiving special tuni ng m ethods must be devi sed to give
tubes. At 14 M e. and higher, however, this is the correct maximum-minimum capacity ratio
no longer true, and the choice of a tube mu st on each band. Several o f these methods are
be based on sev eral confl icting considerations. shown in Fig. 714.
Oai n is highest with high mutual-conduct- I n A, a small bandspread condenser, Cl (15
a nce pentodes, the 185 1 and 1852 being ex- to 25 .u,u.fd. maximum capacity) , is used in
amples of this type. These tubes a lso develop parallel with a condenser, C 2 , wh ich is us ually
less noi se than any of the others. The inpu t- large enough (140 to 175 .u.ufd.) to cover a 2-
loading effect is greatest with th e m, however, to- I frequency range. Th e se tt ing of C 2 will de-
so that selectivity is decreased and the tuned- termine the min imum capacity of the circu it.
circuit gain is lowered. and the maximum capacity fo r ba nds pread
Pentocies, su ch as the 61(7, 6J7 and corre- tuning will be the maximum capacity of C l
s ponding types in glass, have lesser inp ut- plus the setting of C2 The inductance of th e
loading effects at high frequencies, m oderate coil can be adjusted so that the maximum-
gain, and relatively high inherent noise. minimum ratio \...ill give adeq uate band-
II Acorn" and equivalent miniature pentades spread. I n practicable circuits it is a lmos t
are excellen t fr om t he input-loading standpoint; imposs ible, because of the non-harmonic rela-
gain is about the same as with standard types, t,i on of the various bands, to get full han d-
and the inherent noi se is somewhat lower. s pread o n all bands with the same pair of con-
W here selectiv ity is param o unt the acorns densers, es pecially when t he co ils are wound
are best, the standard pen tades seco nd, and the to give continuous frequency on C'l ,
1851 - 52 types worst. On signal-to-noise ratio which is variollsly called the band-I)etti'"g or
the 1851 - 52 tubes are first, acorn s second and main-tuning condense r. C'l must be reset each
standard pentodes third. The same order of t im e the band is changed.
precede nce holds for over-all gain. The method s hown at B makes use of co n-
At 56 Me. t he standard types a re usable, dense rs in se ries. The tuning condense r, CI,
but acorns are capable of bet.ter perfor mance m ay have a maximum capac ity of 100 .u.ufd. or
because of lesse r loading. The 954 and 956 and more. The mini-
the co rrespond ing types, 900 l and 9003, a re mum capacity is
practicall y the only usable types for r.r. am- determined princi-
plificati o n at Ll2 M e. and higher. pally by the se t-
ting of C3, which (A)
Cl. 7-7 Tuning and Band-Changing usually has low
M ethods capacity, and the
B (lnd- ohong ing - Th e resonant ci rcu its maximum capacity
whi c h are tuned to the frequen cy of the by the setting of
i ncom in g signal-constitute a s pe cia l proble m C 2 , which is of the
in the des ign of amateu r receivers, sin ce the orde r of 25 to 50
amateur fr equency assign ments con sist of .u/-lfd. Thi s method
groups o r bands of freq uen cies at widely -i s capable of close (S)
spaced intervals. The same LC combi nat ion adjll ~ tmcntto pral'-
cann ot be used for, say, 14 M e. to J.5 M e., tic:tlly any desired
because of t he impracti cable max.imu m- mini- degree of band-
mum ca pacit y ratio required, a nd also bec:tllSe spread. Eithe r C z
the tuning would be excessively c riti c~ll with and C s mllst be
such a large freque ncy ran ge. it is necessary , adjusted for each
th e re fore, to provide a means for changing the band or sepnmte
circuit con stants for va riou s fr equency band s. pre-a.djusted con- (C)
As a m atte r of co nve nience the sa me tuning den se r ~ must be
condcllse r usu ally is retained, but new coils s witched in.
are inserted in the ci rcuit for eac h bane\. The circuit at
Thel'c a re two favorite meth ods of changing C al so gives co m- Fig . 7 14 - ssent ials o ftbrctl
inducta nces. One is to usc flo s witch having an plete spread on bunds prcnd t ULlln g systems.
each band. C I , the b andspread co ndenser,
may have any conve ni ent v alue of capacity;
50 .u,ufd . is satisfactory. C" may be used for con-
tinuous freQllen cy coverage (" ge neral cover-
age") and as a band-se tting co nd ense r. The
affective maximum-minimum ca pacity ratio
depends upon the capacity of C 2 3.11d the point
at whi ch C l is tapped 011 tbe coil. The neare r
the tap to the bottcm of the co il , the greater
the bandspread, and vice versa. For a given
coil and tap, the bands pread will be greater (A) (8)
if C 2 is set at tar.ger capacity . C2 may be
Fig. 71 6 - M ethod s o f adjul'ting rhe indue rance for
m o unted in th e plug- in coil form and pre-set, gangin g. The half turn in A c a ll be m oved so t hat its
if desired . This requi res a separate co ndenser ma gnetic fi eld eithe r a ids o r o ppORes the field of t he coi l.
for each band, bu t e limina.tes the necess ity for The s hQr.1.ed loop ill B is n o t cOllll ccted to t he coil, but
o.p ~a tes b y induc tio n . It will h ave no effect o n t he coil
r:esetting C2 each time the band is changed. inductance when the plane of the loop is para llel to the
Ganged - The tuning .condensers axis of t h e coil. a n d will Give IIHlXimum reduction of rh e
of the sev..era l r.r. its m ay be coupled to- coil in d uctance when perpendicula r to tbe coil axis.
gether m echanica:lly and operated by a single
control. H o wever, this .o perating convenience V. It .f. circu.i ts - I nterelectrode capacitie8
in volves more complicated cons tru ction, both are practically constan.t for a give n tube I'egard...
electr.ically and mechanically. I t becomes nec- less of the operatin g frequency, and the same
essary to make the vari ous circuits track - is approx..i mately true o f s tray circuit capaci- .
that is, tune to the same freq ue ncy at each ties. Hen ce, at very- high fre que ncies these ca-
setting of the tuning co n tro l. pacities become an increas ingly larger part of
True tracking can be obta in ed on ly when the -the usable tuning capacity, and reasonably high
indu ctan ce, tuning condensers, an d circuit L I C ratios ( 2-10 ) ar.e more difficult to sec ure
minimum a nd maximum capac ities are ide n- as the ke-quen cy is ra.ised. Because of this irre-
t ical in a ll "ganged II stages . A s mall trimmer ducible minimum cap~cjty, s tandard types o f
or paddin g condenser may be co nn ected across tubes cannot be tuned to frequenc ies higher
t he coil, so that vl~r i ation s in minimum ca- than about 200 M e., even when the inductan ce
pacity call be compen~ated. The fun.damental in the ci,rcuit is simply that o f a s traight wire
circuit is s hown in Fig. 7 15, where Ct is the between the tube cle ments.
trimmer a nd C2 the tuning cond enser. T he use Alo ng with these capac ity effects, the in put
of the trimme r increases the minimum ci rcuit loadi ng ( 7-6) in creases rapidly at very- high
capacity, but is a necessity fo r satisfactory frequenci es, so tha.t o rdinw'y tuned circui ts
tracking. Condensers having maxim u m capac- have very lo w effe ctive Qs wh en connected to
ities o f 15 to 30 ,uJ.'fd. a re com mo nly used. the grid circu it of a t u be. Th e effect is sti ll
The same m ethods are applied to b a nd- further aggravated by the fact that losses in
s pread circuits which must be tracked. The the tuned circuit itself a re higher, caus ing a
circu its are ide ntical with those o f Fig. 714. still further redu ction in Q. F o r these reaso ns,
If both genera l-coverage a nd bands pread tun- the freque n cy limit at whi ch an r. L amplifier
ing are to be available, an additional t rimmer will give any ga in is in th.e vicinity of 60 Me.
cond enser must be conne cted ac r'OSS the co il in with standu.rd tubes . At higher freque ncies
each circu it show n. If only amate ur- band t UIl- there will be a loss, in stead of amp lification.
ing is d esired, however, t hen C 3 in Fig. 71 4-B, T his co nditi on ca n be mitigated so mewhat by
a nd C2 in Fig. 714-0 serve a s tr immers. taking st eps to improv e the effective Q of t he
circuit, either by tapping the grid down on the
Fig . 715 - S h owi n g t he coil, as s hown in F ig. 717- A, o r by using a
u se of a trimme r eonden p,er. low er Li e ratio ( 2- 10) . The Q of the tuned
Cl , across the tun ed c ircu it circuit alo ne can be greatly improved by using
t o set the mi lliOlum c irc uit a linear circui t ( 2-12), whi ch whe n properl y
ca lHwit y ill o rd er to oht ai o
tr ue trackin g for gau g.tuniu g. constru cted will give (Js mu ch highcr..-tban
those att ainable at lower frequen cies with
convcn tional coil s an d . condcn sers. The con-
The coil ind ucta nce ca n be adjusted by centri c t ype of line, Fig. 7 17-B, is best both
starting wi t h a hl'ger number of tu rns than fro m the s tandpo int of Q and o f adaptabili ty
necessary a nd removing a turn or fra ct io n of t o no n-sy mmetri ca l circui s uch a s a re used
a turn at a time until th e circuits track satis- in receivcrs. Si nce the capa city and resis tance
factorily . An altemutive method, provided t he load in g efIecLs of t he tube a re s till p rese nt, th e
inductance is reasonably close to the correct Q of s uch a ci rcu it will be dcs troyed if the grid-
value initia ll y, is t o make the coil so that the cathode circuit o f the t.ube is con nected di -
las t turn is variable with res pect to the whole rectly a cross it. H e nce , hl.pping down on the
co il , or to use a single s bo rt-eircuited t urn the line , as s how n , is necessa ry.
posit ion o f whi ch call" be varied with respect to Very-high-frequen cy amplifiers s hould em -
the co il. These metho ds nrc shown in Fig. 71 6. ploy tubes of th e aco r n t y pe, which have the
Receiver Principles and Design 143
least loadin g effect as well as
low inte relce Lrode capacities.
Thi s is because t he smaller
load i ng effect means higher
inpu t resistan ce , a nd, for ~~
given loaded Q of the tuned
cirelli!", a higher voltage de-
veloped between the grid a nd
cathode. Thus the amp lifi ca-
tion of the stage is higher.
A concentric cir cui t may be
tuned by vary ing t be lengt h of Fig. 718 - Block diagra m of tbc bas ic clewentl> of the s u perh e terodyne
the inne r condu ctor (usually
by lIsin g close-fitting tubes, o nc sliding in side cha nged by means of the heterodyne process
the other) 0 1' by connectin g an ord in a ry tuning ( 7- 1), the out put of an adjustable local oscil-
condenser across the lin e. Tapping t he con- lator (t he h.f. oscillator) be in g co mbin ed with
den ser down , as s hown in Fig. 717-B , gives the in com ing signal in Ii mixer or con verter stage
a bands prcad effect. whi ch is advantageo us. (first detector ) to produ ce a bea t frequ e ncy
It also helps to keep th e Q of the circuit higher equal to the i.f. Fig. 718 gives t he essent ia ls of
than it would he with the co ndenser con- the superheterodyne in bloc k form. C.w. s ig-
ne cted directly acro ss the open end of the line , nals are made a udible by heterodyning the
sin ce a t ve ry- high frequ en cies mos t co ndensers signal at the second detcctor by the beat-fre-
have losses which cannot be neg lected. quency oscillator (b.j_o. ) o r beat oscillator, set to
V. h.f. oscill ators suc h as those used in the differ fro m the i.f. by a sui table au dio fr eque ncy.
superregenerativc detec tor usu a ll y will work As a num eri ca l example, ass ume th at an in-
well at frc qu enci es wh ere r.f. a mpli ficat ion is termediate frequency of 455 kc. is chose n a nd
impossibl e with standard tubes (as in the that the inco ming signal is on 7000 kc. Then
112- M c. band ), sin ce tube losses a re co mpen- the h.f. osci ll ato r fr eq ue ncy may be set to 7455
sated for by e nergy taken fr om the power .kc., in order th at t he beat frequen cy (7455
su ppl y . Ordinary coil and con denser circuits minu s 7000) will be 455 kc. Th e h.f. oscill a t or
are practica ble with s uch t u bes at 112 M c. a lso co uld be set t o 6545 kc., whi c h will give the
same frequency differe nce. To prod uce a n
([ 7-8 The Superheterodyne a udible c.w. sig nal of, say, 1000 cycles at the
Principles - I n th e superheterodY'ie, or se co nd detectot, the beat oscill ator would be'
superhet, receiver the frequen cy of the in co m- set to either 454 kc. or 456 kc .
in g signa l is changed to a ncw radio fre quency, Charac t e ris tics - The fr equency-conver-
the i ntermediate frequellcy (iJ. ), t hen a mpli- sion process permits r .f. amplification at a
fied, nnd fin ally detected. Th e freque ncy is relati vely low freq uency. Thus h igh selectivity
ca n be obtained, an d thi s se lectivity is co n-
sta nt regardless of the signal fr equency. H igher
ga in a lso is possible at the lowe r fr eque ncy .
R~ The se parate oscilJa tors can be designed for
'n~ stability, a nd , sin ce the h.f. oscillato r is work-
(fl.) ing a t a frequency co nsiderably removed from
the signal fre que ncy, its stability is practically
unaffected by t he in coming signal.
Images - Each h. r. oscill a tor frequency will
Concentru;, cause i.f. response a t two sign a l frequencies,
. / Litle one higher and o n e lowe r tha n the oscill a t or
freq uency. If the osci lla tor is se t to 74.55 kc. to
respo nd to a 7000-kc. s ign a l, fo r exa mpl e, it
will res pond a lso to a signa l on 7910 kc., which
RF likewi se gives a 4,1J 5-kc. beat. The und esi red
Input signal of the t wo is ca lled the imo ge.
Th e radi o- fr equ ency ci rc uits of the receive r
(those used before the freq uen cy is co nve rted
Short -circuded to the i.f. ) normall y arc tun ed to the desired
Fig. 71 7-CirClli t s of improved Q for vc ry_h i gh fre - signa l, so that the selectivit y of the circuits re-
(1IIcnc ies. A, red ucin g tuhe loa ding b y t a ppin g dow n on duces the response to the im<lge signal. If the
the resonant circ uit; 13, use o f a concent ric-l ine circ u it, d ~si re d signal and im age have e qual stre ngths
wil h th(~ lube s imilarl y lapped d ow u. The linc s ho uld be
a qIl Url er- wa ,-e 10 u S, elec trically; beClluse of tbe addi at the input ter min a ls of the receiver, the ra tio
tio md shull t Cll lMcit)' rep rese n ted by t he tube. the of the receiver voltage output fr om t he desired
p h ysicallc H!1- th will be som e wh a t less than givcn b y th e sign al t o th at fra il) the im age is ca lled the
rornlUla ( 10-5 ). In gener al.tb is red uc tion in len gth w ill si(Jl~al-to-imag e ratio, or image rutio .
be gr e'lter th c hi ghcr the grid tap on til e inll er coodu clo r.
The coupling t urn should he pandlel t.o the axi s o f t he Th e im age rat io depends upon the se l e~tivity
line .and must be ins ulated fwm t h e o utCT conduct or . of t he r.f. tuned circuits preceding the mixer
principally both erso m e when t he frequ e ncy of
t hc inco ming sig na.l is not greatly di lfe rent
from the intermed iate ftequency. The cure is
p ro per' ci rcuit isolat ion and s hielding.
Harm o nics of the beat oscillator also may be
converted in similar fas hi on and amplified
through the receiver ; these responses can be
redu ced by sh ielding the beat oscillator and
operatinJ{ it at lon' output level.
The doub le rhe t - At high and very-
1FT. high frequencies it is di mcult to secure an
adequate image ratio when the in termediate
[[ frequency is of the order of 455 kc. To reduce
i mage res ponse the signal frequen tly is con-
verted . first to a rather h igh (1500, 5000, or
even 10,000 kc.), and the n - sometimes after
r"""",.-j c, further, amplification - reco nverted to a. lo wer
RJ T_ i.f. where higher adjace n t-channel selectivity
can be obtained. S uch a receiver is called :~
dQuble su perheterodyne.
(J, 7-9 . Frequency Converters
n= C lwracteristics - The first detector or
mixer resembles an ordinary detector. A cir-
cu it tuned to the in termediate frequency is
placed .in the plate ci'r cuit of the m ixe l', so that
the highes t possible i.f. voltage will be devel-
oped. The signal- and oscillator-freque ncy
voltages a ppearing in the plate ci rcu it a re by-
-: T e passed to ground, since they a re not wanted in
the output. The i.f. tuned circ uit should ha ve
Vig. 719 - "M ixer or convert er c ircui ts. A, grid ill jcc~
low impedance for these frequencies, a condi-
with a pcutode plate d e tector; B nod C, separate t ion easily met if they do not approach the
injection c ircu its for converter tubes. C ircuit valu es a re: intermediate frequency.
ev"""",,,,.{ CirCII't
, A Cire,,;' JJ Circuit C The conversion efficiency of the mixer is
Ct. (;2. C J -O.O I- O. I I' rl. 0.111 - 0. 1 p fd. 0.0 1- 0. 1 p ld. the rat io of i.f. outpu t voltage fro m the plate
G. - Al'l'r" ~. I ppfd. :,I}- IIKI ;til ['!. 50- IOQ J-<l-' ld. ci rcuit to rJ. signal voltage applied to the grid.
H, - I U.04 ~\J "h", ~. :IfJO "]""B. !>UQ "h"". H igh co n version efficiency is desirable . The
U~- 0.1 ""~I( "h1H. :iO,OtlO oh lll ~. I :',0(10 ohm'.
1( 3 - 50,000 o hrn ~. :*,O,OOOo hm l!. 50.0(lOoh ", . mixer tube no ise also s hould be low if a good
signal-to-no ise ratio is wanted, parti cul arly
" I"t.- ,.,1 11I gc s ho uld ill' 2;;0 ill all c irc uitl;. If a n 185 1
o r 11\52 I. , he is " ,,"e' I in Circu il A, II I "lin, lid he 500 o hll .... . if the m ixe r is the first tube in the reccive r.
The mixer should not r equire too much r.f.
tu be . Al so , the ' hi!-!:lter t.he inte rmediate fre- power fro m the h.f. oscillator, sin ce it m ay be
qu e Ll cy, the higher the im age ratio, since raising difficul t to supply the p o wcr "and ml'.intain
the i.f. increases the frc"q uency separatio n be- good osci llator stability ( 3-7). Also, the con-
tween ~ i gnn. 1 a nd image and places the latter version effi ciency s hou ld no t depend t oo criti-
farthe r away fr o m the peak of the resonan ce cally on the oscillato r vo l tag~ (t hat is, a s mall
curve ( 2- 1.0) of the s ignal-frequency circui ts . change in oscillator output should not cha nge
Other ..p"r;_Qw~ responses - In addition to the gai n ), si nce it is diffi c ult to maintain con-
ima.ges, other sign a ls to which the receiver is s tant outpu t over a wide frequ e ncy range.
Hot oste nsi bly tuned may be heard. H armonics A change in osci llato r frequency caused by
of the high -frequenc y oscillator m ay beat with tuning of the mixer grid circuit is called lJUl/-
signals far rem oved from the desired frequen cy ing. If the mixer and osc illator cou ld be co m-
to produce output at the intermediate fre- pletely isolated, mixer tuning would have no
quellcy; sllch s p urious responses can be re- eff ect on the oscillator frequency; but in prac-
duced by adequate selectivity before th e mixer tice thi s is a difficult co nditi on to a ttain. Pull-
stage, and by using suffi cient sh ield ing to pre- ing causes oscillator instabi lity and shou ld be
vent signal pick-up by any means other than minimized, because the s tabi lity of the wh ole
the antenna. '''hen a strong signal is received, receiver depends critica ll y upon the stability of
tbe harmoni cs ( 2-7) generated by rectifi cation the h.f. oscillato r. Pulling effect decreases with
in the second detector may, by stray _c oupling, separation of the sign a l and h.f. osc ill ato r fre-
be introduced into the r.f. or mixer circuit and quencies, hence is less with high intermed iate
conve rted to the intermediate frequency, to frequen cies and greate r wi th low i.Ls.
V;o through th e receiver in the same way as a n Circuits - T y pi cal frequency-conversion cir-
ordinary ~ig;n;-d . These "hirdies " appear as a cuits are give n in Fig. 7 10. The variations are
heterodyne bc~'.. t on the d esired signal, and are chie fl y in the way in whi c h the osci!ltl.tor volt-
Rece iver Principles and Design 145
age is introd uced . In Fig. 719-A , the scrcen- In add it ion, t he osc ill ator must be capable
gr id pentocle fun ctio ns as a plat,c detector ; "the of furni shing sufficient 1'.f. voltage and power
osc ill ato r is capacity-coupled to t he grid of the fo r the pa rti cular m ixer circuit chosen, at all
tube , ill paralle l with the tuned input circuit. frequ encies with in t he ra nge of the receiver,
lnctuc Livc coupling may be used instead . T he a nd its ha rm onic o utput should be as low as
conver~' i on gain and input sel ec tiv ity generall y possible tc redu ce spurious response ( 7-8).
arc good, so lo ng as t he sum of the two volt- It is desirable to make the L i e ratio in th e
ages (sign a l a nd oscill ator) impressed on the osci ll ator tu ned circ uit low (high-C), s in ce this
mi xer gl'id does not exceed t he grid bi as. It is resul ts in in creased st ab il ity ( 3-7). Particular
des irable to make th e oscillator voltage as high s hould be taken to ins ure t hat no par t
as poss ible without excee ding this limi tation. of t he oscillato r circuit can vi brate mechan -
The oscillator power requi red is negligible. ically. This calls for short leads a nd " solid II
A peutag rid-con vertcr t ube is used in the mecha nical cons tru ction. The chass is a nd
circu it at B. Althou gh intended for combina - panel mate"ial s hould be heavy, and rigi d
t ion oscill ator-m ixer use, thi s type of tube e nough so that p ress ure on the t uni ng dia l will
usu a lly will give more satisfa ctory perfor man ce not cause torsion a nd a s hift in the fre quency .
when used in conjullcti on with a separate os- Care in mecha nical const ruction is well repaid
cill ato r, th e output of which is coupled in as by in creased frequency stabi lity.
shown. The circuit gi ves good conversion effi-
ciency, and, because of the electron coupling,
affords desirable isolation between the mixer
a nd osci llator circuits. A s ma ll amount o f
po wer is required fro m the oscillator.
Ci rcuit C is for the 6L7 mixer tube. The { A)
osc ill a tor volta ge can vary over a considerable
ra nge witho ut affecting t he conver:!ion gai n.
Th ere :lre no criti cal adjustme nts, and the
osciLlator-mixer isolation is good. The osc illator
mus t supply somewhat more power than in B. TO
A more stable recei vcr generally results, par-
ticu larly at the higher fre qu e ncies, when sepa
rate tubes a re used for the mixer a nd osci lla tor. ,
Practica lly t be sa me number of circu it com-
pon e nts is required whether or no t a com bi-
nation tube is used, so th a t there is little L
R, (6)
diffe rence fr om the cost standpoint. . ~
rh-f i;.
as is consistent with adequate output. Low
: F.: :A~
pl a te voltage will cause redu ced tu be heating
and thereby reduce frequen cy drift. The
oscillator an d mixer circui ts shou ld be well
.... "'p.
--, -
= u:::..t::, -..., -
isolated, preferably by shield jng, sin ce co u pli ng
other than by the m eans intended may result
in pulling.
G t:1;aCaf To avo id plate-voltage changes wh ich may
r";mm~,. c.. l z. 't...~ Cs "0 0sc.
..r~t1 ..... .... ~c Tuhe
cause the osc illato r fre quen cy to change, it is
.tfi..t!..CLzp. 2 c good practice to usc a regul ate d plate s upply
'--'-:::-:----:-/--.-__Gn<I. employing a gaseo us voltage-regu lator t ube
limin! ( 8-8) .
T rac k ing - For ga nged tuning, there must
A be a constant differe llce in frequen cy betwee n
the oscillator and m.ixer circ uits. T his difference
must be exactly equal to the intermed iate
fr equency ( 7-8).
Tracki ng methods for covering a wide fre-
quency range, sui t a ble for genera l-coverage
receivers, are sho wn in Fig. 721. The track-
ing capacity, Cr., co mmonl y consis ts of two
co ndensers in pa rallel, a fixed one of so mewhat
less capaci ty than the value needed and a
smaller variable in parallel to a llow for adj ust-
ment to th e exact prop~r value. In practice, t he
trimmer, C4 , is first se t for the high-freq ue ncy
end of the tuning range, and then the tracking
condenser is set for the low-frequen cy end.
B The t racking capac ity becomes larger as the
percentage differe nce between t he oscillator
Fig. 72 1 - Con ve rl er-eircuit tracking mctb()(ls. Fol- and signal frequen cies becomes s m :;dler (that
low in g arc approxim ate circuit va lues (or 4 50- t o 465kc.
i.f.s. wi th tUllin g rallgC6 o( approxi matel y 2. 15-to l and is, as the signal frequency becomes higher).
C2 havin g 140 ",.u(d. maximum, a nd the lolul minimUIll T yp ical circuit values are gi ven in the tables
ca pacitance. incl udiug Ca o r C~, bei n g 30 to 35 .u.u1d. u nder Fi g. 721.
I n amateur-band receive rs, tracki ng is sim-
T u ning Ban ge L, L, C, plified by choosing a band spread circuit which
1.7-4 Ale. 501-'h. 40 -"h. 0.0013.u f d.
gives practically ~traight-li ne-freque n cy tuning
3.7-7.5 i\"lc. 141-'11. 12.2.u h . 0.0022 -"Cd . (equal frequ e ncy change for each dia l div isio n),
7- 15 Mc. 3.S .... b. 3 -"h. O.OMS ... fd . and t hen adju sting the oscillator a nd mix er
14-30 .l\k. 0.8 ... L. 0.781-'11. No ne u:lcd tu ned circuits so that both cover the same
total number of kil ocycles. For example, if the
Apl)roximale values for 450 - to 465-kc . i.f.s wi l h a i.f. is 455 kc. and the mixer circuit tunes from
2.5 10 ] tunin g rUI II'e, CI a nd Co2 being 350.u-"fd. max i 7000 to 7300 kc. between two given points 011
IllUUl , minimum includiu g Ca and C 4 b eing 40 to 50 -".uCd .
the di al, then the oscillator must tUlle from
7455 to 7755 kc. bet ween the same two dial
TUlling Ban ge L, r., C, readings. W ith the bandspread a rrange ment
0.5- 1.5 l\'l c. 240 .uh. ]30I-'h. 425 -"-,, fd. of F ig. 714- C, the tuni ng will be practically
1.5-4 Me. 32 -"h . 25 ... b. 0.00115 -"fd. str aight-line-frequen cy if the capacity actually
4- 10 M e. 4.5 I-'h. 4.u1l . 0.0028 I-'f{1.
10- 25 :M c. 0.8 ... 11. 0. 75 /,b. NOlle used
in use at C2 is not too small j the same is true
of 714-A if Cl is s m all compared to C2.
Receiver Principles ana Design 147
7-11 The Intermediate-Frequency freq uencies changed to the fi xed interme-
diate frequen cy, this mea ns that the i. f. ampli-
Amplifler fi er should ampli fy equ ally well all fre qu encies
Choice oj Jrcl/u.cnc)1 ~ T he selection of a n wi thin t hat band. I n other wor ds, the t~mplifi
iniertnediate frequency is a. comprom ise be- cation mu st be unifor m over a band 10 kc.
tween vari ous confiictillg factors. The lowe r wide, with the iJ. at its center. The signal -
the i.f. the hjgher tbe selectivity and gain, but frequen cy circuits usually do no t have enough
a low iJ. brings t he i mage neare r t he desired over-all selectivity to affcct mate rially the " ad-
signal and he nce decreases t he im ra tio jacent channel " selectivity ( 7-2) , so that only
( 7-8). A low i.f. a lso increases pulling of the t he iJ. am pli fier selecti vity need be considered.
oscillator frequency ( 7-9) . O n t he other hand, A 10-kc. band is co nsidered s ufficie nt for
a h ig.h i.r. is beneficial t o both i mage rati o a nd reaso nabl y fa ithful reproduct io n of music,
pu lli ng, but the selectivity a nd gai n a re low- but much na l"l"ower band-widt h!S can be used
ered. The di ff erence in gain is least im portan t . fo r commu nication work wh ere intelligib ility
An i.f. of t he order of 455 kc. g ives good se- rathe r t ha n fidelity is the primary objective.
lect ivity and is satisfactory from t he sta nd- If t he selectivity is too great to permit u ni form
point of im age ratio a nd oscillato r pulling at a m pl ifica ti o n over th e ba nd of freq uen cies
frequencies up to 7 M e. The im age ratio is occupied by the modu lated sig nal, t he h igher
p OO l' at 14 M c. when t he m ixe r is con nected to mod ulati ng frequencies a re atte n uated as com-
the a nten na, but a dequate when t here is a pared to the lower frequcnc ies; t hat is, the
tuned t . f. a mpli fier between a nte nna and u pper-frequency sideba nds a rc "cut." W hile
m ixer. At 28 M e. and on t he very-high freq uen- side ba nd cutti ng red uces fidel it y . it is fre-
cies, the image ratio is very poo r unless several q ue ntly preferable to sacrifi ce natural ness of
rJ. stages are used. Above 14 M c., pulling is reproduction in favor of greater selectivi ty.
likely to be bad unless ver y loose coupli ng can Th e selecti vity of an i.f. am pli fier, and hence
be used between m ixe r arid osci Uator. t he tendency to cut sidebands, in creases wit h
W ith an i.f. of about 1600 kc. , sat isfactory t he nu m ber of a m plifier stages and also is
im age ratios can be secu red on 14, 28 a n d 56 greate r t he lower t he in termediate frequen cy .
Me., and pulli ng can be redu ced to negligi bl e Fro m t he stand point of co m muni catio n, side-
prop ortio ns. H o weve r, t he i.f. selec ti vity is band cut tin g is not serious with two-stage
consi derably lower , so that more tu ned cir- am plj fiers at f req uencies as low as 455 kc.
cui ts must be used t o inc rease the se lec ti vity . Circ uits - I.r. a m plifi ers usually consist of
For very- hig h freq ue ncies, incl uding 28 M c., one or two stages. Two stages at 155 kc.
the best so lution is to use a double superhet- give all t he gai n usa bl e, in vicw of the m ini-
erod y ne ( 7-8), choosing o ne hig h i. f. fo r m um receiver no ise level , and a lso g ive su itable
image reduction (5 and 10 M e. are freq uen tly selectivity for good-qual ity 'phone receptio n.
used ) and a lower one fo r gai n and selectivity . A typ ical circuit a rrangem e nt is show n in
In c hoosing an i.f. it is wise to avoid fre - Fig. 722. A second stage wou ld simply d u pli-
quenci es on which t here is considerable activ- cate t he circuit of t he first. I n principle, the
ity by the various radio serv ices, sin ce such iJ. amplifier is t he same 3.S the tu ned r .f. a m-
sign als m ay be picked u p direc tl y on the i.f. p li fier ( 7-6). H owever, since it. fixed freque ncy
wiring. T he frequenc ies me nt ioned are fairly is used, t he p rima ry as well as the seco nd a ry
, free of s uch interfe rence. of t he cou pling transformer is tuned, giving
f "'ule lit.y, s ide band c utting - As described hi gher selectivity than is obtainable with a
in 5-2, mod ulation of a carrie r causes the closely coupled u n tu ned primary. The cathode
ge nerat io n of sideband frequ encies numer ica lly resistor, R t , is connec ted to a gai n co nt ro l
equal t o the carrier frequency plus and minus circuit of the type pre viously d escri bed ( 7-6 ) ;
the high es t mod ulatio n frequency presen t. If usually bo t h stages, if two are used , are con-
t he receiver is to give a fa it.hful reproduction of trolled by a single variable r esist o r. T he de-
modulation which coutains, for instance, audio coupling resistor, Ra ( 2- 11 ), helps isolate th e
frequencies up to 5000 cycles, it must be capa- amplifie r, a nd t hus preve nts s tray fced-back.
ble of amplifying equ a lly all frequenci es COIl- C2 and R4 a re part of the auto matic volume-
t a ined in a ba nd extending from 5000 cycles control circuit ( 7- 13L if no !LV.C. is used , the
above to 5000 cyclcs bclow th e carri er fre- lower end of the i. f. transfo rmer second ary is
quency.In a supcrheterodyne , whe re a ll carrier s imply co nnected to gro und.
Plate 0 1
Fig. 722 - T Y1)ical il,l l ermed ia t c_frc_ precedinq
q uc n c)' a mpl ifi er c irc u it fo r a !!lll)cr s ta.r;e
het.erodY llc recci \'e r . H cp rc&elllali\'c ,,~ - - - - -r:-----r'7-'f+-:=~
" a IIl CS for eOUlpoucllts are as fo llows: Neill.
C, - 0.1 ~fd. li t 455 kc.; 0.0] J.(fd.
a t 1600 kc. a nd h ighe r.
C2 - 0.01 ~fd.
Ca. C4, C ~ - 0.1 p,fd. at 4 55 kc. ;
L _____ *__ ~
. ---~- -
-:: <,'ai~
< Sw:
Detecto r c irc uits - The second detector of
a. s uperheterody ne receive r perform s the same
fun ction as the detec to r in the simple rece iver,
--- Ll but usually operates at a higher input level
L, C "='
because of the rel ativel y great r.r. amplifica-
:r: c, tion. Therefore, the ability to handle large
':' +0
signals withou t disto rti on is prefera ble to high
sensitivity. Plate detectio n. is used to some
(C) extent, but the diode detector is mos t popular.
Fig. 725 - Crystal filter circuits of three t y pes. All It is especially adapte d to furni shing a utomati c
give variable ba ud. widtiJ , with C having LiJe greatest gain or volume co ntrol ( 7-13). The basic
range of selectivity. T heir o pera tioll is discussed i.ll .be
t ext. Suitable circuit va lues a re a s follo ws: C ircuit A. 1'1. circuits are as described in 7-3, although in
special i.f. input transfomH: r with hi gh.induc tance pd. man y cases the diode elements inco rporated
DIar y, L t. closely coupled t o luned seconda ry, L2; CI, in a multi-purpose t.u be whi ch !llso has an
50'J.'J.'fd. variable ; C. ea ch lOO'J.'J.' rd. fixed (micn); C2. amplifier section in a ddi t io n to t he dio de un it .
10 to lS' l-'l-'fd. (max.) variable; Ca, SOJ.'4d. trimmer;
L aC& , i_I. t uned c ircuit , with La tappe d t o match crystal . The beat oscillator - Any st a nd ard oscilla-
c ircuit impeda nce. In circuit B, '1'1 is t h e same a s in tor circujt ( 3-7) m ay be used for the beat
circuit A except tbat t he secondary is ceute r-tnppcd; oscillat or_ Special beat-os cill at or t ransformers
Cl is lOO''''J..Ifd . varia hie; C2. Cll and CA, same a s fo r circu it
A; L3L-!. is a tran sformer wit b p rimary , L4 , corresJlouding are available, usually co nsistin g of a t a pped
t o tap all L3 ill A. III circu it C, 1'1 is a spec ial i.e. in_ coil with a.djust able tuning ; these arc most
put transformer with tnned primary and pe. conveniently used with circuits su ch as those
dallce secondary; C, ea ch 100-,..,..fd . fix ed (mica ) ; C2, shown at Fig. 720-A and -B, with the output
opposed s tator phasing conden ser, IIpproxima teir 8
I-'J..Ifd. maximum capacity eac h side ; LaC3. hillh-Q i.e. taken from Y. A vari able condenser of abou t
tUlled c ircuit; R. 0 to 3000 ohms (selectivit y con t rol). 25-.u.ufd. capacity may be connected between
Receive r Principles and Design 151
Fig . 726 - Automatic volume control c irc uit usi n g a
duo-diode-triode tube 3 8 a combined a.v. C. rect ifier, To B.F.O.
scCQud de lector a nd firs t audio -Crequency a mplifier s tage.
Coup tin 9VJrd
TIl - 0. 25 megohm .
R 2 - 50,000 to 250,000 ohws-
R.F 1st .
R4 - 2 t o 5 m ego bn ll~ . GrId 1.F.(jru/
R 5 - 0.5 t o 1 m egohm. R,
RtI, Ih. n s - 0.25 megohm.
Rg - 0. 25 mcgollll). c
H IO - O.S .m egohm variable.
C), C2 , Ca - 100 ",.(d.
C. - 0.1 J.< fd .
C 5 C6, C7 - 0.01 ,.{d.
C s C 9 - 0.01 to 0.1 ,.Cd . R,
CJO - 5 t o 10-,.<1. electrolytic. ~ c,
ell - 250 ,.,.(d.
cathode a nd ground to provid e fin e adjust ment . sistor. This negative bias is applied to the grids
The be at oscillator usu aJl y is co upled to the of the contro lled stages through the filtering
secon d-detecto r tuned c ircuit t hrough a fixed resistors ( 2-11 ), R o, R6, R 7 an d /l a. Whcn 8 1
condenser of a few I-'I-'fd. capaci ty. is closed the a.v.C. line is gro unded , thereby
Th e beat oscillator shou ld be well shielded , removing a.v.c . bi as from the a m plifie r.
t o preve nt cou plin g to any part of the circuit It does not mat ter whi ch of the two diode
except the second detector a nd to preven t its plates is selec ted for audio and whi ch for a.v.c.
ha rmonics from getti ng into the front end of Freq uen t ly t he two plates a re co nnected to-
the receiver and bein g amp lifi ed like regular gether a nd used as a combined detecto r a nd
sign a ls. To t his end, the pl ate voltage shou ld a .v.c. rectifier. This could be d one in Fig. 726.
be as low as is consistent with su ffi cie nt a ud io- The a . v.c . filte r and line wo uld co nnect. to the
frequ ency o utput. If t he beat oscillator outpu t ju nction of R2 an d C2, while C3 a nd R4 would
is too low, strong signals wi ll not give a propo r- be om itte d from t he circ uit.
tiona.tely strong audio respo nse. De layed a. v.c. - In Fig. 726 th e a udio diode
An osc illating seco nd de tecto l' may be used return is made directly to the cathode and
to give the audio beat note, but, since the de- the a .v.c . d iode return to grou nd. Th is pla ces
tector m ust be det u ned from the i.f., the selec- negative bias on the a. v.C. diode equal to the
tivity and signal s tre ngth 'w ill be redu ced , wh ile d.c . drop through the cathod e resistor (a volt
blocking ( 7-4 ) will be pronoun ced because of or two) a nd thus delays t he a ppli cation of
th e high signal level at the second detector. a. v. c. vo ltage to the amplifier grids, sin ce no
rectifica tion takes place in t he a. v.c. diode cir-
fI. 7- 13 Automatic Volume Control cuit u ntil the carrier amplitude is large enough
I'rinc iples - Automatic regulation of the t o overcome t he bias. \Vi t h out this delay the
gain of the receive r in inverse proportion to a .v.c. would start wor king even with a ve ry
the signal strength is a great advantage, espe- small signaL This is un des ir a.ble, because the
ciuJ ly in 'phone re ce ption, si nce it tends to full a mp lificatio n of the rece iver then co uld
kee p the outpu t level of the receiver constant not. be realized on weak signals. In t he aud io
regardless of input signal stle ngtb. It is readi- di ode circuit t his fixe d bias wou ld cause d is-
ly accompli shed in su perheterodyne receivers tortion, and must be avoided ; hence, the return
by using the average re ctified d.c. voltage, is made di rectly to the cathode.
developed by t he received sig na l across a Tim.e constant - Th e t ime constant ( 2-6)
resistance in a detecto r circuit ( 7-3 ), to vary of the resistor- co ndensel' co m bi nations in the
the bi a.s on the r.r. an d i. r. am plifier tu bes . a.v.c. circ uit is ::tn im portant pa r t of the sys-
Sin ce this voltage is proportional to the te m. It mu st be high ell ough so that the modu -
average a m pli tude of the signal, the gain is latio n on the signal is co mpletely fil tered from
redu ced as the sig nal s t rength beco mes g reater. the d .c. output, leavin g onl y an average d. c.
The co ntrol will be more complete as the component which follows t he relatively slow
number of stages to whi c h t.he a. v. c. bi as is carrie r variations with f ad~ ng. Auelio-frequenc y
applied is increased. Control of at least two variations in the a . v.c. applied to the
stages is adv isabl e. a m plifier grid s wou ld reduce the perce ntage of
Cir c u.its - A typi cal circu it using a diode- modulation on tbe in co ming signal, a nd in
tri ode ty pe t ube as a combined a .v. c. rectifier, practice would ca use freq uency d istortion. O n
detector and first audio amplifier is shown in the other hand, the t ime constant must not
Fig. 726. One plate of the diode sec ti on of th e be too great or the a .v.c . wo u ld be un able to
tu be is used for sign a l detection and the other follow rapid fa di ng. The capac ity a nd resist-
for a. v. c. recti fica. tion. T he a. v. c. di ode pl a te an ce values indicated in F ig. 726 give a time co n-
is fed fr om the detector d iode through the stant satisfactory for high-fre quency recep ti on.
s lD all coupling condenser , C 3. Negative bias S ig nal-stre n g tIl. urul tu.ning inclica t()rs-
resulting from the fl ow of rectified carrier cur- A useful accessory to the re ceiver is an indi-
rent is developed across R 4 , t he d iode load ro- cator whi ch will show relative sign al st rength.
Not only is it an aid in giving reports to trans-
mitting stations, butit is helpful also in a ligning
the receiver circuits, in conjunction with a test
oscillator or other steady signa1.
Three t y pes of in dicators arc shown in Fig.
72 7. Thntat A uses an electron-ray tube ( 3-5),
severa l types of which are avail able. The grid
of the t riode section usually is connected to (A)
the a.v.c. line. The part icular type of tube
used depends upon the voltage available for its
R.F . F I.F
gridi where the a.v. c. voltage is large, a remote
cut-off type (605 or 6N5) sho uld be used in
preference to tbe sharp cut-ofT type (6E5).
In B, a milliammeter is connected in series
with the d.c. plate lead to one 0 1' more r.f. and
i.f. t ubes, t he grids of whi ch are controlle d by
a.v.c. voltage. Since the plate curre nt of su ch
t ubes varies with t he strength of the incoming
s ignal, the meter will indi cate relative sig na l
intensity and may be calibrated in l<S" points.
The scale range of the me ter s hould be chosen +8
to fit the number of t u bes in use; the maxi-
mum plate current of the average remote cut-
o fT r.f. pentode is from 7 to 10 milliamperes . RF.OAI . F
T -
LI -
ete r.
O utp ut transro rm er .
l S.henry choke. (A)
., + 220'1. + Z20 V.
2NO DETECTOR the peak cath ode voltage will just equal the
S. steady grid vo ltage.
I.F At all modul ation percentages below 100 per
cent the grid is negative wi t h res pect to cath-
ode, and c urre nt can not flow in the 6N7 plate-
cathode circuit. A noisc p ulse ex ceeding the
peak voltage which represents 100 per ce nt
modulation will, however, make t he grid posi-
tive with respect to cathode. The relatively
low plate-cathode resist.a n ce of the 6N7 then
(A = shunts the high-resista nce audio o utput circuit,
30 .... effectivel y short-circu iting it, so t hat there is
p ractically no respo nse for t he duration of the
n oise peak ove r the 100 percent modulat ion Ii mit.
Rs is used to make the noise-limiting tube
m ore sensitive by apply ing to the pl a te an
audi o voltage out of phase with the cathode
voltage, so that, a t the insta nt the grid goes
posit ive with respect to cat hode, the highest
positive potent ial also is applied to the plate,
th us further lowering the effective plate-cath-
ode resistance .
I .J. noise sile n cer - I n the circuit shown in
R, Fig. 73 1, noise pu lses are mad e to dec rease the
gain of an i.f. stage momentarily a nd th us
silence the receiver for the duration of the
Fig.729-Series-valve noiselimiter circuits. A, as used
w it h an iufillitc.impCII JlI1Ce detec tor; B , wi lh a diode pulse. Any no ise voltage in excess of the desired
d etector. T ypica l \'111\1 C8 fo r compon ents arc a ll fo llows: signal's maximum i.f. voltage is taken off at
Hl - O.25 Olcgohul . n~ - 20,000 to 50,000 oh ms. the grid of t he i.f. amplifier, a mplified by the
Ih - 50,000 ohms. C 1 - 250 pJ.' fd. noise ampl ifier stage, and rectified by t he full-
H 3 - l O,OOO-obUis. C2, Ca - 0. 1 }o<Cd . wave diode noise rectifier. The noise circuits
All ot her diode-circui t const a n ts in B a re Convent io nal. are tuned to the i.f. The rectified noi se voltage
is applied as a pu lse of negative bias to the
R3. By setting R3 so that the signal just passes No.3 grid of the 6L7 i.f. amplifie r, whoUy or
through t he "valve/' noise pul ses higher in partia ll y d isabling this stage for the duration
amplitude t han the signal will be cu t off. The of the individ ua l noi se pulse, depending on the
ci rcuit of F ig 729-A, using au infinite-imped- a mpli tude of the noi se voltage. Th e noise
ance detector ( 7-3 ), gives a positive voltage a m plifier- rectifi er ci r cuit is biased by means
on rectification. Wh en the rectified voltage is of the IIthres hold control," R 2 , so that rectifi-
n egative, as it is from the usual di ode detector cati on will not start until t he noise voltage
( 7-3), the circui t arrangement show n in F ig. exceeds the desired-signal amplitude. For re-
729-B must be used. cept ion with automatic volume control, the
An audio signal of about ten volts is required a.v.c. voltage can be applied to the grid of the
fo r good lim it ing action. When a beat oscillator noise amplifier, to augment this threshold bias .
is used fo r c.w. receptio n the b.Lo. voltage This system of noise silc ncing gives a signal-to-
s hould be small, so t hat in coming noise w.ill not noise ratio improvement of the o rde r of 30 db.
h ave a. s trong carrier to beat against and so (power ratio of 1000) with heavy ignit.i on in ter-
prod uce large audio output. ference, raisi ng the s ignal -to-noise ratio fr om
A second-detector noise-limiting cir cu it which - 10 db. without t he silencer to + 20 db.
automatically adjusts itself to the rece ived with the si len ce r in a t yp ical insta nce.
ca rrier level is s hown in Fig. 730. The diode Circuit values are normal for i.r. ampli fie rs
load circuit ( 7-3) consists of R6, R 7 R s ( 7-11 ), except as indi cated. The noise-recti -
(shunted by the high-resistance audio vo lume fier tran sformer, 7\, has an untuned secondary
control, R 4 ) and Rs in series. The cathode of closely coupled to the primary and center-
the 6N7 noise lim iter is tapped on the load tapped fO I' full-wave rcctification. The center-
resistor at a point suc h that the average recti- tap rectifier ( 8-3) is used to redu ce the pos-
fied carrier voltage (negative) at its grid is sibility o f I".f. feed-back into the i.f. amplifier
~Lppro xim ately twice the negative voltage at (noise-sile ncer ) s tage. The time constu.nt ( 2-6 )
the cathod e, both measured with referen ce to of the noise-rectifier load circu it, R 1 C 1C2, mus t
ground. A filte r network, RiCh is inse rted in be small , to prevent disabling the noise-silence r
the grid circuit, so that tbe a ud io modul atio n stage for a longer period tha n the dura t ion of
on the carrier does not reach t he grid; hence, the noise pulse. T he r.f. choke, R ll C, must be
the gri d potential is maintained at substa n- effective at the intermediate freq uency.
ti ally the rectified car ri er voltage alone. The Ad equ a te s hieldin g and isolation of the noi5e-
cathode, however , is free to follow the modul a- amplifier a nd rectifier circuits fr OlD t he noise-
t,ion , and wben th e modulation is 100 per cent silencer stage must be provided to preve nt
Receiver Principles and Design 155
possible self-osc illation and insta-
bili ty. This circ uit s ho uld be ~\pplie d I.F Trans.
to the first i.f. stage of the receiver,
uTI c-r--r--W.=
before the hig h-selectivity ci rcu its
a re reached, and is most effective
when the signal and n oise levels arc
fa irly high (o ne or two r.f. stages be-
fore the mixer) since several volts
must be obtained from the noise
rectifier for good silencing,
4I. 7-16 Operating Superhete rodyne
Recei vers
c.w. F or ma kin g code sig nals
reception -
audibl e, t he beat oscillator shou ld be set t o a
fr eque ncy sli ghtly different from the inter-
mediate frequency ( 7-8). T o adjust the beat-
oscill ator freq uency. first tune in a moderately
weak but steady ca rrier wi th the beat oscilla tor
- 8 +8
turned off. Adjust the receive r tuning for
Fig. 731 - I.f. no ise.sil enciug circuit. The p late supply
ma xim um signal s'tre ngth, as indi cated by maxi- should b e 250 volts . T y pica l values for componcnts are :
mum hiss. The n tu rn on t he beat oscillator C l - 50-250 /J.pfJ . (use sinallcst value por;sible witbo u t
and adjust its fr equency (leav ing the receiver r.r. fee(lb:tck).
tuning unc ha nged ) to give a s uitahle beat note. C2 - 50 pjJfd. Il2 - 5000-ohm variable.
The beat osc illa.tor need not su bse.quently be C3- 0.1 /J. ftl. R 3-20.000 o hms.
R l - 0.1 m egohm . H Rs - 0 .1 m egohm.
touched, except for occasio nal checking to make Tl - S()ecial i.e. transformer for noise rec tifier.
certain the frequ ency has not drift,ed from the
initi al setting. Th e b.Lo. may be set Oll either H ence, the gain preferab ly s hould be ma nuall y
the high- 0 1' low-frequency si de of zero beat. adjusted to gi ve sui tablea udio-fl'equency output.
The use of a.v.c. ( 7- 13) is not gene rally T o avoid overloadin g in the i.r. circuits, it is
satisfactory in c. w. recep tion because the re- usually better to control the i.r. a nd r.r. gain
ceive r gain rises in the spaces be t ween the and keep the audio gain at a fixed value than to
dots and dashes, giving an in crease in no ise in use the a.f. gai n control as a volume control
the same in tervals , a nd because the rectified and leave the r.f. gai n fixed at its highest level.
bea.t-oscilla.tor voltage in the second detector luning 1vi/.h Lhe crys tal jilter - If the re-
circuit n.lso operates the a.v.c. circuit. This gives ceiver is equipped with a crystal fil ter the tun-
a constant red uctio n in gai n a.nd prevents u t il - ing instructions in th e preceding paragraph
ization of the full se nsit ivity of the re ce iver. sti ll a pply, but more care m ust be used both in
the initia l adjustment o f the beat osc ill a tor and
T in tuning. The beat oscillator is se t as described
'I' Y<=-~_-'
above, but with the crystal filter in operatio n
and a djusted to its sharpest position, if var i-
able selectiv ity is available. The initial adjust-
ment s hould be made with the p hasing control
( 7-11 ) in the inte rmed iate position. After it is
completed, the beat oscillator sho ul d be left set
and the receiver tuned to the other side of zero
beat (audio-freque ncy image ) on the same
ca rri er to give a beat note of the same tone.
Th is beat will be co nsiderably weaker than the
firs t, a nd may be "phased ou t" a lmost com-
pletely by careful adjustm ent of the phas in g
co ntrol. This is t he ad j ustment fo r norm a l
opera t ion; it will Pc fotmd tha.t one side of zero
beat has practically disappeared, leaving maxi-
mum response o n the desired side .
Fig. 730 - A uto matic oo ise-limiter for s uperhe terod yn es. An interfer ing signa l having a beat note
di ffering fr om that of the n.f. image can be
T - I.f. transformer wit h a ba la nced secondar y fo r
work ing iu to d iO(le rec tifier.
sim i1 arly phased out, prov ide d its carrie r fre-
n t, R 2, Jb - 1 mego bm. CI - O.l.~.Jd. pa per. quen cy is not t oo near t he desired carrier.
R .- l'Ul eg ob l~l \' ariable. C2. C3-0.05 ' /J. fd . p a pcr. DependiI}g upon the fil ter design, maximum
R5 - 250,000 o hms. C4. C5 - 50 jJ/J.ftl. mica. selectivity may cause t he dots a nd dashes to
Rs, Rs - 100,000 ohms. Cs - O.OOljJfd. m ica (for
TI 7 - 25.000 o hms. r.r. fi ltcri n l!. if lengthen out so that they seem to run to- II
5 ,,' - S. P.s. 1. toggle (on..o rr IIwitch ). needed ). gether." Th is, plus the fac t th ,~t tunin~ is
The sw itc h sllould he Inoli llted dose to the ci rcuit de quite critical with extremely hi gh se lectivity,
mC llI S a lld COlitro lleJ b y a ll extciI,;io u ,;h .. ft if necessa r y. may make it desirable t o use somewhat less
selecti vity in ordinary operation . H owever, it zero beat opposite that on which the desired
mus t be emphasized t hat, to realize the benefit s s ign a l peaks.
of the crys tal filter in reducing interference, it H a rmonic response can be recog nized by the
is necessary to do all tuning with it in the H tuning rate," or movement of the tun in g di al
circuit. I ts selectivity is 80_ high that it is r equ ired to give a specified change in beat note.
a lmost impossible to fin d the desired station Signals getting into t he i.I. v ia high-frequency
qui ckly, s hould the filter be switched in only oscillator harmonics t u ne more rapidly (less dial
when interfere n ce is pl:esen t. movement) through a given change in beat note
' Phone reception - In reception of ' phone than d o sign a ls r eceived by normal means.
signals, the normal p rocedure is to set the r.. H armonics of the beat oscilla t or ca n be rec-
and i.f. gai n a t maximum, swit ch on th e a .v .c. , ognized by the tuning rate of t he beat-oscillator
and use the audio gain control for setting the pit ch con t rol. A smaller movement of the con-
vo lume . Thi s insu res maximum effectiveness of trol will suffice fo r a given change in beat note
the a .v.c. syste m in compe nsa t ing for fa d ing than is necessary with legiti mate signals .
an d mai ntaini ng cons t ant audio o utput on
either strong or weak signals. On occasion a
tl 7-17 Se rvicing Superhete rodyne
strong signal close to the frequency of a weaker Receivers
desired station may t ake control of the a.v.c., /.J. alignment - A calibrated signal gen-
in which case the weaker station will prac- erator or test oscillator is a practical necessity
t ically di sappear because of the reduced gain. for initi al a lignment of an i.f. a mplifier. Some
In t his case better reception may result if the means fo r measuring the ou tput of the receiver
a .v.c. is switched off, usi ng the man ual r.f. a lso is needed. If the receiver h as a tuning
gain control to set the gain at a poi nt which meter, i ts indi cations will serve for this pu r-
preven ts "blocking" b y the str onger signal. pose. Alternatively, if the signal generator is
A crystal filter will d o much towa rd reducing of the m odulateq t y pe , an a.c. output m eter
interferen ce in 'pho ne reception. Although the (high-resistance voltmeter with copper-oxide
high selectivity cuts sidebands ( 7-11 ) and rectifier) can be connected across the primary
thereby reduces the a udio outp ut, especially at of the o utput transformer, o r from the pla te of
the higher a udio frequencies, it is possible to the la.s t audio amplifier through a O.l-,ufd.
use quite high selectivity without destroying blocking condenser ( 2-13) to the receiver
intelligibility even. t h ough the "quality" of the chassis. T he intensity of sound from the
transmission may suffer. As in the ease of c.w. loudspeaker can be judged by ear , if no output
reception, it is advisable to do all tunin g with meter is available , but t hi s metno d is not as
t he filter in the circuit. Variable-sele cti vity accurate as those using in struments.
filters permi t a choice of selecti vity to sui t The procedure is as follo ws : The test oscil-
inte rference co ndition s. lator is adjusted to the desired intermediate
An undesired carrier close in fr eq uency to a frequency, and the "hot" or ungrounded out-
des ired carrier will h eterodyne with it to pro- p ut lead is clipped o n the grid term inal of the
du ce a beat note equal to the frequency dif- last i.f. ampli fier tube . The grounded lead is
ference. Such a heterodyne can be reduced by conne cted to the receiver chassis. The trim-
adjustment of the phas in g control in the crystal mer condensers of the tra nsformer fee d ing the
filter. It cannot be prevented in a "straight" second detector are then adjusted for maxi-
superheterody ne having no crystal filter. mum signal output. The hot lead from the
A tone control often will be of help in redu c- generator is next clippe d on t he grid of the
ing the effects of high-pitched h eterodynes, next-to-last i.f. tube, and the second from last
sideba nd splatter ( 5-2) and noise, by cutting i. f. transformer is brought into alignment by
off the higher audio frequencies. This, like side- a djusting i ts t rimmers for m aximum output.
band cutting with high selectivity, causes some This process is continued, working back from
reduction in naturalness . . the second detector, until all of the i.f. trans-
Spurious responses - Spurious responses formers have been aligned. It will be necessary
can be r ecognized without a great deal oJ to reduce the output of the signa l generator as
diffi culty . Often it is possible to identify an more of the i.f. amplifier is brou ght into use,
im age by the nature of t he trans mi tting st a - because t he in creased gain otherwise may cause
t ion , if t he frequency assignments applyi ng to overloadi ng and consequ ent i naccurate results.
t he frequency to whi ch the receiver is tuned It is desirable always to use the minimum sign a l
are known . However, a n image al so ca n be s trength which gives useful output readin gs .
recognized by its behavior with t uning. If the T he i.f. transformer in the plate circuit of
t5ign a l causes a heterody ne beat no t e -with the the m ixe r is a ligned with t he signal-genera.tor
desired sig nal and is actually on the same o utput lead connected to t he mixer grid. Since
frequency, the beat note will not change a s the the tuned circu it feeding t he mixer grid is
receiver is tuned through the sign al ; but if the tuned to a considerably highe r frequency, it
interfering signa l is an im age, the beat will vary can effectively short-circu it t he signal-genera-
in p itch as t he re ceiver is tuned. The beat tor output, a nd therefore it m ay b e necessary
uf:iei lJator in the receiver m ust be turned off for to di seonnect th is circu it. \Vith tubes having a
thi s tes t. Using a crystal filter with the beat top grid-cap connection, this can be done by
oscillator on, an image \vill peak on the side of simply removi ng the grid clip from t he til be cap.
f<eceiver Principles and Design 157
If the tu ning indi cator is used n.s an output lator. Most commercial receivers pro~ id c some
meter the n.. V.C. should be on; if th e a udio- mean s for varying the inductances of the coils
out pu t met hod is used, the a.v.c. shoul d be off. or the ca pa city of the trac king co ndenser, to
The beat oscillator s hou ld be off in either casco perm it alig ning the rece iver t uni ng with the
l[ tile i.f. a mpli fie r has a crysta l filter, the dial calibration. Set the test oscilla tor t o the
filLer s ho uld be s witc hed o u t. Al ignment is then frequency in dicated by the receiver dial, a nd
can ied out as desc ri bed above, setting the then adjust the tracking capac ity or inductan ce
signal generator as closely as possi ble to the or the receiver osci llator coi l to obtain m axi-
frequency o f the crystal. After alignmen t , the mu m res ponse. After maki ng thi s adjustment.
crysta l s hould be sw itched in and tbe osc ill a tor reche ck the high-frequen cy e nd of the scale as
freq ue ncy varied back a nd fo rth over a sm all previously desc ribed. It may be necessary to go
range eit he r sid e of the crystal freq uency back and forth between the ends of the ra n ge
to find it.s exact. fr eq ue ney , whi ch will be several times before the proper comb ination of
ind icated by a s harp rise in output. Leaving the inducta nce a nd capacity is secured. In many
sig nal generator set o n the crystal peak, the cases, bette r over-aU track in g will result if fre-
i.f. t rimme rs may be realigned for maximum quencies near but not actually at the ends of
output. The necessary readjustment should be the tuning range a re selected, instead of taking
s mall. The signal gene rator frequen cy sho ul d the extre me di al settings.
be chec ked freque nt ly, to make sure it has not After the oscillator range is prope rly ad-
drifted from the crystal peak. j usted, set the receiver an d test oscill ator to t he
A modul ated sign al is not of much value for high-freque ncy end of the r ange. Adjust the
alig ning a crystal-filte r d. amplifier, since the mixer trimmer condenser for maximum hiss 01"
high selecti vity cuts sidebands a nd the results signal, th en the r.r. trim mers. R eset the tuning
may be inaccurate if th e audjo output or the d ial and test oscillator to the low-frequency
receiver is used as a criteri on of alignment. end of the range, and re peatj if the circuits are
Lacking a n a.v.c. tuning mete r the trans- properly designed, no change in trimmer set-
fo r mers may be aligned by ear, using a weak tings :5hould be necessary. If it is necessary to
unmodulated si gnal ad justed to t he crystal i ncrease the t rimm er capacity in any ci rcuit,
peak. Switch ou the beat osci ll a t or, adju st to a more indu ctance is needed; if less capacity res-
suitable tone, alld align the transfor mers for onates th e circuit, less indu ctance is required.
max im um au dio output. T racking seld om is perfect throughou t a
An amplifier whj ch is only slightly out of t u ning range, so that a check of a lignment at
alignment, as a result of norm al drift fr om interm ediate poi nts in the r a nge may show it
temperature, humidity or aging effects, can be to be sligh ti y off. N ormaH y the gain va riation
realigned by using any steady signal, su ch as from thi s cause will be small, h owever, and it
a local broadcasting station, in lie u of a test will suffi ce t o bring the circuits into li ne at both
oscillator. Allow the receiver to warm up th or- ends of the ran ge. 1 m ost reception is in a
oug-hly (an hour or so), tunc in the signal as parti cular par t of the range, such as a n ama-
usual, a nd Htouch up " th e i. f. trimmers for teur ba nd, the circuits may be aligned for
maxim um output. maximum performa.nce in that region, even
1l.J. uli.g nrne nt - The obj ective in align- though the en ds of the rrequency range as a
ing the r.f. ci'cuits in a ga ng-tuned receiver whole may be slightly out o f alignment.
-is to sec ure adequate trac king over each tun- Osc illatio n in r .f. or i.J. Ull1.plifiers - Os-
ing range. The adj ustment may be carried out cillation in high-freque ncy amplifie r a nd mixer
with a test oscill ator of suitable frequency circuits may be eviden ced by sq ueals or
range , or e ven on n oise or such signals as may "birdies" as the tuning is varied, or by com-
be beard. F irst set the tuning dial at the high- plete lack of audible output if t he osci ll a tion is
fre quency e nd of the range in use. Then set the strong enough to cause th e a.v.e. system t o
test oscill ato r to the freq uency indi cated by reduce the rece iver gain drastically. Osci llation
the receive r dial. The tes t-oscillator output can be caused by poor conn ections in the com-
may be co nn ected to the antenna terminals of mon grou nd circuits, especially to the tuniug-
the receive r fo r thi s test. Adj u:st the osc illa tor condenser rotors. Inad equ a te or defecti ve by-
trimmer co ndenser in the re ceiver to give pH.S8 condensers in ca thod e, pl ate and screen-
maximum response on the test-oscill ator signal, grid circuits al so can cause s llch osci llat ion. In
then reset t he receiver di al to the low-frequency some cases it m ay b e advisable to provide n.
end of the range . Set the test-oscill ator fre- sh.ield between the stators of pre-r.f. am pli fie r
quency ncar the freq ue ncy indicated by the an d first-detector ganged tuning co ndensers, i n
receiver dial an d carefully tune the tes t oscil- addition to th e usu al tube and in terstage shie ld-
lator until its signal is heard in the rece iver. If ing. A metal tube with an ung rounded she.ll
t he fre qu en cy of the signa l as indicated by the will cause trouble. Improper screen-grid volt-
test-oscillatol calibration is higher than that age, resu lting fr om a shorted or too-low sereen-
indi cate d by the re ce iver dial , more indu ctance grid series resistor , also may be respons ible.
(or more capac ity in the trac kin g conde nse r) is Oscillat io n in the i.f. ci rcu its is in dependent
needed in the recei ve r oscill ator ci rcuitj if the of high-frequ ency tu ning, a nd is indi cated by
fre quency 10\\"er, less indu cta nce (less track- a continuous squeal which a ppea rs whe n t he
ing capac ity ) is requ ired in the receiver oscil- gain is ad vanced with the c.w. beat osc illator
beat-note to "chirp"
I.F rrans. on strong c.w. signals,
stant-outpu t condition. A large r time Constant lik e that of Fig, 73'1 res ults, where th e net
is better in the latte r respect but is not so rectified output voltage h as opposite polar ity
effective for rapid variations, he nce co m-
p romi se constants m ust be used. C3
The cascade limite r, Fig. 732-B, "
overco mes t hi s by mak ing the tilD e lJ,v}tgr
constant in the first grid circuit suit,.. C, Audio
abl e for effective operation on imp ulse &.l-h Output
lI oise, and th at in the second grid
(C4.R6) optim um for a wide range of +8 "'---l.-'t=-.,.iJI.QJ!r-'::r--'l-:!..,.
input signal strengths. This results, in '='
add it ion, in more const an t output RFC
over a. very wide range of input sig-
nal ampl it udes because the voltage a.t
the grid of the second stage nl ready
is pnrtially ~lmplitlld e-l imi ted , thu s
givillg the seco nd stage less work to
do. Resistan ce coupl ing ( R ~C4 R 6) is C1 Aud/o
used in prefere nce to tra ns former cou- Output (B)
pl ing for simplici ty a nd to prevent
unwanted regeneration, additiona l
ga in at t his poi nt bei ng u nnecessary.
The re ctified voltage developed
across RI in eit her ci rcu it may be used Fig. 733 - F.rn . d iscri minat o r ci rc uits. Tn bo th c irc uits t ypi cal
v,llue"s for Cl a rHI C2 lire 100 lil'fd. each ; HI and lh, 0.1 mc gollnl
for a. v.c. ( 7- 13) . eac h . C3 in A is appro xim ately 50 J.lJ.lfd ., d e p e ndin g upo n the ivte r.
Discrimillotor c ircu.its ond op- mediate fre q ue n(".y; RFC s bould be of a t Ylle des;gned for the i.r.
er(Jtioti. - The f. m. detector com- ;n lise (2.5 mho ;S s 31 i! fa c tory fo r i . f..~ o f <1 t o 5 m e f! <lcycles). The
s pecia l Ihree.wi ndin g tran s form e r in n is d eSf"riht'fl i n th e t ex t .
mon ly is call ed a d1:~cri min (lto r, be- 111 ei the r c irc uit tbe j!.ro ulld ma y be mo ved from the IO\\'c r e n d
cause of its a bility to di scri minate of C, t o tLe jUllc tio n o f CI and C2. fo r pus h.pull a u d io output.
for frequencies on either side of resonance, and of the tran s mitted signals) should not be less
up to a certain point becomes greater in ampli- than 25 per ce nt of the voltage at resonan ce. III
tude as the frequency deviation is greater. The communicati ons work, a bund-width of 30 kc. or
straight-line portion of the curve is the useful less (15 kc. or less deviation ) is commonly used.
detector char acteristic. The se paration be- Output readings should be taken with the
tween the peaks which mark the ends of the test oscill ato r set at in tervals of a few kilocycles
linear portio n of the curve depends upon the either side of resonance until the band limi ts
Qs of the primary and secondary circuits and are rea ched,
t he degree of co upling. The separation becomes After the i.L (a nd front-end ) alignment., the
greater with low Q8 and close couplin g. The limiter operatio n shou ld be ~checked. Tllis can
circuit ordinaril y is designed so that the peaks be done by temporari ly disconnecting Ca, if
fa ll just ou tside the limits of the pass-band, the di scriminator circuit of Fig. 733-A is used,
thus utilizing most of the straight portion of disconne cting R\ and Cio n the cathode s ide,
the curve. Sin ce tl1e audio output is propor- and inse rting the mi lliammeter or m'icro-
t ional to tbe change in d.c. voltage with devia- ammeter in series with R2 at the grounded end.
t ion, it is advantageous from this stand point This converts the discriminator to an ordinary
to have the peak separatio n the minimu m diode rectifier. Varying the signal-generator
necessary for a linear characteristic. frequ ency over the channel, with the dis-
A second type of di scriminator circuit is criminator transformer adjusted to reso nance,
shown in Fig. 733-B. Tw o seco ndary circuits, s hould sho w no change in output (at the band-
8 1 and 82, are used, one tuned above -the center width s used for communications purposes) as
frequency of t.he i. f. pass-band and the other indi cated by the rectified current read by the
below. They are coupled equall y to the pri- meter. At this point vario us plate and screen
mary, which is tuned to the center frequency. voltages can be tried on tbe limiter t u be or
As the carrier frequency deviates the voltages tu bes, to determ ine the set of conditions which
induced in the secondaries will change in ampli- gives maximum ou tput with adequate limiting
tude, the larger vo ltllge appearing across tbe (no change in rectified current).
secondary being nearer resonance with the When the li miter has been checked the
instantaneou5 frequency. The detection char- discrimi nator conn ections can be restored ,
acteristi c is similar to that of the first type of leaving the meter connected in series with R I .
discriminator. The peak separation is deter- Provision should be made for reversing the
mined by the Qs of the circui ts, the coefficient conoections to the meter terminals , to take
of coupling, a nd the t uning of the two second- care of the reversal in polarity of the net recti-
aries. High Qs and loose co upling are ne cessary fied current. Set the signal generator to the
for close peak separation. center frequency of the band and adjust the
F .m . receiver aligrunenL - Alignm ent of discriminator transform er trimmer condensers
Lm. receivers up to the limite r is carried out as to resonallce, wbich will be indicated by zero
described in 7-17. For output measurement, rectified current. Then set the test oscillator at
a 0-1 milli am meter or 0- .1)00 microammeter the devi:'l.tioll limit ( 5-11 ) on one side of the
should be conn ected in se ries with the limiter center frequency, and note the meter reading.
grid resistor ( R! in Fig. 732) at the grounded Reverse the meter terminals and set the test
end; or, if the voltage drop across R1 is used osci l1ator at the deviation limit on the othel'
for a.v.C. and the receiver is provided with a side. The two readings should be the same. If
tuning meter ( i -I3), the tuning meter may be they are not, they can be made so by a. slight
used as an output meter. An accurately cali ad justment of the primary trimmer. This will
brated signnl genemtor or test oscillator is necessitate r~ c hecking the response at reso-
desirable, Rince the i.L should be aligned to be nan ce to make sure it is still ze ro. Cellerally,
as symmetric::t.l as possible; that is, the output the secondary trimmer will chiefl:v affect the
reading should be the saine for any two test zero-res pon ~e frequency, while the prim,u'y
oscillator sett-i ngs the same number of kilo- trimmer wiU h ~ve most effect on t he sy m metry
cycles above or below resonance. It is not ne(;- of the di scriminator peaks. A detector cu rve
el:!sary to have uniform response over the whole having sati sfactory linearity can be obtai ned
band to be received, although the output atthe by cut-und-try adjustment of both trimmers ..
edges of the band (limit of deviation ( 5-11) and opera t'ion - An Lm. receiver
gives greatest noise reduction when the carrier
- t-VOLTS rig. ;34 - C harac te r
ii'lt ic of a t ypica l Lm.
d e tector. The vert ical
is tuned exactly to the center of the receiver
pass-band and to the point of zero response in
axis r e prese nt s the the discriminator. Because of the decrease in
vo ltage dev e l oped noise, this point is readily recogni zed.
llCroSS tbc load resis tor
HO .'OO.'SOH When an amplitude-modula.ted signal is
""-, -00- ~. a s tbe frequency va
tuned in its modul at ion practically disappears
rit:s from the elCac t
n;sou ancc frequency . at exa.ct resonance, only those nonsy mmetric3l
This d e tector would modu latio n com ponents whi ch may be present
blllldle Lm. sign als up
to a band .w idth of
] 50 k c. o ,'cr tile li uear
por tiolJ of the curvc.
being detected. If the signal is to one side or
the oth er of resonance, ho wever, it is capable of
causing interferen ce to an Lm. signal.
Power Supply
th e n passed through a n indu ctance-cap acity
(I. 8-1 Powe r-Supply Requi rements fil te r ( 2- t 1) to the load circu it. The load re-
F'i/ml'l-c nt s upp ly - Except for tubes de- sistance in o hm s is eq ual to t he d.c . output
sig ned for ba.ttc ry operation, the filaments 01' voltage of the power suppl y di vided by the l's of vacu um tu bes used in both tm ll S- current in am peres (Ohm 's L aw, 2-6).
mitt en~ and receivers arc universally operated Vo l,.ngc rcgulu l.iofl - Sin ce there is always
on alternating current o b tained from the powe r so me rcsist ancc in po wer-s uppl y ci rcui ts, and
lin e throug h a ste p-down tran sfo rm er ( 2-9) s in ce the filter nor mall y depend s to a consid e r-
d elivering a secondary vo ltage equ a l to th e ab le exte nt upon the energy storage of i nduc-
rated voltage of the tu bes used . Th e tran s- tan ce a nd capac ity ( 2-3, 2-5 ), t he o u tp ut
former s ho uld be designed to carry the cu rrent voltage will de pend upon t he current dra in on
take n by the number of tubes which may be the s upply. T he change in outp ut vo lt age with
co nnected in pa.rn.lI e1 ( 2-6) across it. Th e change in load c urrent is called the voltage
fi lament or heater tra.nsformer generall y is regulatiu /l. It is expressed as a percentage:
center-tapped, to provide a balanced circuit _ 100 (E, - E,)
for el iminating hu m ( 3-6). % R egulatIO n = -
For medi u m- and hig h- po wer rJ. stages of E,
transm itte rs, and for high- power aud io s tages, where El is the no-load voltage (no curren t in
it is desirable to use a separate filament tran s- t he loa d circui t) a nd E 2 the f ull-load voltage
former fo r each sec ti on of the t r a.~s mitter , ( rated current i n load circui t) .
installed near the tube sockets. This avoi ds the
necessity for ab norm ally large wires to carry (I. 8-2 Re ctifie rs
the total fil ame nt current fo r all st ages without Pu.rpose and ratings - A rectifi er is a
a pprecia ble voltage drop. M ainte nance of dev ice which will conduct curre nt on ly in one
rated filament voltage is highly important, direction. The diode tube ( 3-1) is used al -
especia ll y wit h th oriated-filamen t tubes, since most exclu sively for re ctification in d .c. power
und er- or over-voltage m ay redu ce filament life, supplies used with radio equipment. The i m-
Pla te supply - Direct cu rrcnt must be used po rtan t characterist ics of tubes used as powc r-
for t he plates of tubes , since a n y variation in suppl y rectifi ers a re the voltage drop between
plate current arisin g from power-su p pl y ca uses plate an d cathode a t rated .curren t, the maxi -
wi ll . be superim posed on the signal being re- m um perm issible inverse peak voltage, and
ceived or tran smitted, giving an undesirable the permi ss ible peak pl a te current.
type of modulation ( 5-1) if t he varia.ti o ns Yo l ta ge drop - Tube voltage drop d epend s
occur at an a udi o-frequency ( 2-7) rate. U n- u po n th e t ype of tube. I n vacuum-type recti-
varyi ng direct curre nt is called pure d.c. , to fie rs it increases wit h the current flowing be-
d isti nguis h it from curren t which m ay be un i- cause of space-charge effect ( 3- 1), but can be
di rectional but of pulsati ng character. T he li se min imized by usi ng very small spaci ng be tween
of pure d .c. on the plates of transm itting tu bes plnte a nd cathode as is do ne ill so me rectifie rs
is req ui red by FCC regulation s on all freque n- for receive r p ower su ppl ies. M ercury-vap or
cies below 60 M c. rec tifiel's ( 3-5) have a co nstant drop of abo u t
SQ urces oj ph.w po wer - D.c. plate power 15 volts, regardless of cu rrent. Thi s is mu c h
is us ua ll y obtained fr o m rectified a nd filtered sm a lle r t han the voltage drops enco unte red in
alte rnatin g cu rrent, but in low-power and vac uum -t y pe re c tifie r~ .
portab le in stall a t ions m ay be sec ured fr om I n verse pea /~ voll.age - Thi s is the maxi -
batteries. Dry batteries may be used for very m um voltage developed between the plate and
low-powe r porta bl e eq uipm ent, but in m any cathode of the rectifier when the tu be is not
cases a st o rage battery is used as th e primary co ndu cting; i.e. , when the plate is negat iv e
power source, in conjullction with all in ter- with res pect to the cathode.
rupter giving pulsati ng d.c. whi ch is applied t o IJe uhp iaw c urre nt - Thi s is the m a xim urn
t he primary of a step-up transform er (8-10 ). insta'1ltaneoU8 current th rou gh th e recti fi er. ] t
n cc l.ijied-a. c . s upplies - Si nce the powcr- cun neve r be sm aller than the load current in or-
line vo ltage ordinarily is 11 5 or 230 volts, lL dinary circuits, an d may be several t imes hig hel".
step-up transformer ( 2-9) is used to obtain Ope ration oj ,nercltry-vapor r ec l.ijie rs -
the desired vo ltage fo r the plates of the tubes Because of its co nstant voltage dro p, the mer-
in the eq ui pment. The alternating seco ndary c ury-va por rectifier is mo rc susceptible to
current is cha nged to un idirectiona l cur re nt damage than the vacu um type. Wi t h the
hy means of diode recti fier t u bes ( 3-1 ), and latter, th e in voltage dro p te nd s to
limit current fl ow on heavy overlonds, but th e W hen the pIate is pos iti ve with respect to
mercury-vapor rectificr does not have th is cathode, plate current flows through the lond
limiting action a nd the cathod e may be dam- as indicated in the draw ing at the right, but
aged under s imilar conditions. when the plate is negative with respect to cath-
In mercury-vapor rectifi ers a phenomenon ode no current flows. This is indi ca ted by the
k nown as "arc-back," or brea kd ow n of the gaps in the output drawin g. The output cur-
mercury vapor and co ndu ction in t he opposite re nt is u nidirectional bu t pulsa t ing.
direction to norm al, occurs at high inverse In thi s ci rcuit the in verse peak voltage is
p eak voltages, hence s uch tubes always should equal to the ma ximum tran sformer voltage,
be opcmted wi t hin the ir inverse- peak voltage whi ch in the case of a si ne wav.e is 1.41 t imes
rati ngs. Arc- Qack also may occu r if the cathod e t he r.m. S. v o ltage ( 2-7 ).
temperature is below normal ; t herefore the Full-wa ve center-tap rectifier - Fig. .801 -
heater or fil::l.ment voltage sho uld be checked E shows the "full-wave .c enter-tap " rectifier
to make sur e that th e rated voltage is applied. cir cuit, so called because both halves of the a.c.
This check s hould be made at the tube socket, cycl e are rec tified a nd beca use t he transformer
to avoid erro rs cause d by voltage drop in the secondary must co nsist of two equal
lead s. For t he same reaso n, the cathode should parts with a co nnection brought ou t from tbe
be Il llowed to come up to its fina l tempera ture center. Wh en the upper e nd of the winding is
before plate voltage is applied; the t ime re- positive, current can flow through rectiJier No.
quire d for t his is of the order of 15 to 30 sec- 1 to the load ; this current cannot pass through
onds. When a tube is first in s talled , or is put rectifier N o.2 because)ts cathode is positi ve
into service after a long period of idleness, the with respect to its plate. The circuit is com-
cathode shou ld be heated for a period o f 10 pleted through the tran sformer cen ter-tap.
minutes or so before application of plate Whe n the p ola rity reverses the uppe r end of the
voltage. winding is negative a.nd no current can flow
throu gh N o.1, bu t the lower end is po.s i tive~ aod
cr. 83 Rectifier Circuits therefore No.2 passes current to the load, the
Ual/-walle rec tifiers - The simple di ode retu rn connection ag:lin being the ceo ter-tap.
rect ifier ( 3- 1) is called a halJ-wave rectifier, be- The res ulting wavesha pe is shown at the right.
cause it can pass on ly half of each cycle of al- Sin ce the two rectifiers al'e working alter-
ternating current. I ts ci rcuit is sho wn in Fig. nately in this circuit , each half of the t ran s-
SO l -A. At the top of the figure is a represe nta- fo rmer secondary must be wound to deliver the
ti on of the applied a.c . voltage, with positive full -load voltage; hen ce the total voltage across
and negative a lternat ions ( 2-7) ma r ke d. t he transformer ,t erminals is twice that required
with t he half-wa ve rectifier. Ass uming negligi-
ble voltage drop in the particula r rectifier
which may be condu cting at a ny ins tant, the
inverse pea k voltage on the other r ec tifier is
equal t o the maximum voltage between the
ou tside term inal s of the transformer. In the
case of a sine wave , th is is 1.11 t i mes the total
secondary r.m. s. voltage ( 2-7).
Because energy is delivered to the load a.t
twice the average rate as in the case of a 'h a lf- rectifi er, each tube carries on ly half the
load current.
The bridge rectiji,e r - The" bridge" ty pe
of fuJI-wave rectifier is shown in Fig. 801 -C.
Its operat ion is as fo llow s : When the upp er
end of the winding is p os itive, current can flow
through No.2 to the load but not th rough
No. 1. On the return circuit, current flows
thro ugh No.3 by way of the lower end of t he
transform er winding. ' Vh en the polarity re-
verses and the lower end oC the winding be-
co mes positive, current flows through No.4
and the load and through No.1 by way of the
upper side of th e transformer. The output
wn.veshape is show n at the righ t .
The in verse peak voltage is eq ual to the
maximum tran sformer voltage, 01' J.41 times
th e r.m. S. secondary vol tage in t he case of a
si ne wave ( 2- 7). Energy is deli vered to th e
load at the sa me average rate as in the case o f
the full-wav e center-tap rectifier, eac h pair of
Fig. 801 - Fun.bu lle nl a1 VlICII \lOl-lube reetific r c ircui ts. tubes in se ri es carrying half the load current.
Power Supply 163
CJ 8-4 Filters Compone nts - Filter co nden sers arc m ade
Pu.rpose of Jil t er - As shown in F ig. 801, the in se veral different types. Electrolytic con -
out pu t of a recti fi er is pu lsating d.c., whic h densers, which a re availa bl e for voltages up to
woul d be un suitab le for most vacuum-tu be abo ut 800, comb ine hig h capac ity wit h small
a ppli catio ns ( 8- 1). A filler is used to smooth size, sin ce t he dielectric is an ext.remely t hi n
out the pulsations so that practi cally unvary- film of ox ide on alumin u m foil. Condensers
ing direct current fl ows through the load cir- for higher voltages us ually are mad e with a
cui t. T he fi lter ut ili zes the energy-storage d ie lectric of th in paper i mpregnated with oil.
pro pe rt ies of ind ucta nce and ca p ~\city ( 2-3, The working voltage of a co nde nse r is t he vol t-
2-5), by virtue of wh ich e nergy stored in e lec- age which it will wit.hstand co ntinuously.
t romagnet ic and elect rostatic fields when the Fi lter chokes or indu cta nces a r c wo u nd o n
voltage and c urren t a re rising is restored to iron eores, with a s mall gap in the eore t o pre-
t he circ uit wben th e vo lt a ge a nd current fa ll, v e nt magnet.ic sat. urat.ion of the iro n at hig h
t hus fill ing in t he ,/ gaps" or "valleys" in the curren ts. \Vb en t. he iron beco mes sat urated its
rectified o utp ut . pe rmeability ( 2-5) decreases, conseq ue ntly
nipple volta ge and J re qu.ency - Th e pul- t he ind uctance also Despite the a ir-
sations in th e outp u t of the recti fi er can be gap, the ind u ct a nce of a choke usually varies
co nsid ered to be ca used by an a lternat in g to some exte nt wit h t he d ir ect current flowi ng
current s uperi m posed on a stead y di rect cur- in the wind ing; hence it is necessary t o spec ify
rent ( 2-13). Vi ewed fro m t bis sta nd poi nt , the ind uctan ce at t he current which th e choke
the fil ter may b e considered to consist of by- is in tended to carry. Its in d uctance wi t h little
pass co ndensers whi c h short-ci_rcui t t he a.c . or no di rect current flo wi ng in the wi nd ing m a y
whil e not interfe r-ing wi t h t he fl ow of d. c., a nd he co nside ra bly hig her th an t he loa d v alu e.
chokes or indu ctan ces whi ch permit d .c. to
Bow th rough th em b ut whi ch ha ve high re- t! 8 - 5 Cond ens er-Input Filte rs
actance fo r t he a.c. ( 2-13). The a lternati ng Ripp le vo lw ge - Th e conve nt ional con-
co mpo nen t is call ed t he ripple. T he effective- de nser-inp ut fi lter is show n in Fig. 802- A. No
ness of th e fil t er may be measu red by th e per- simpl e fo r mul as are av ailable for co m pu t ing
cent ripple, whi ch is tb e LIn.S. value of t he
a. c. ri pple voltage exp ressed as a percen tage + +
. 00 00
of t he d .c. ou tput vo ltage. With an eff ective - L-, - L- R o.c.
fi lter , the ri p ple percentage will be low. Five Output
ei czr
per cent ri pp le is co nsi dered satisfactory for c. w.
t rans mitters, but lowe r values (o f t he order of
0.25 per cen t ) a rc necessary fo r h u m-free speech
t rans missio n and rece iver plate s u pplies. + +
The ripple fr equen cy depend s upon t he line DDI P,
frequ ency a nd th e type of rectifier. In ge neral,
-L,- R
(8)" : fc---C;- , ",t
'1:3 Out
it con sists of a fund a menta l plu s a seri es of tif~r C, C,
harmo ni cs ( 2-7), t h e la tter bei ng relatively - -
unimport a n t si nce t he fu nd am e nt a l is ha rd est TWO-SECTION
t o s mooth out. Wit h a ha lf- wave rectifier , th e Fig. 802 - Condcnscr.input filte r circuits.
fundamenta l is equ a f to the l in e fr equency ;
with a full-w ave rectifi er , th e fund a menta l is tb e ripple, but it will be s maIl er as both
equal t o twi ce the Hn e frequency, or 120 cycles ca pacity and indu ctance are made larger . Ade-
in th e csse of a 60-cycle su p ply. q uate s moothing for t r ans mitting p urposes can
Types of jilte rs - Indu ctan ce-cap ac ity fil- be secured by usi ng 4 to 8 ,lI fd . at C t a nd C2 a nd
ters are of tbe low- pass type ( 2-11 ), using 20 t o 30 henrys a t 1.. 1 , for full-wa ve re ctifiers
series indu ct a nces a nd shun t ca pa citan ces. wit h 120-cycle ri pple ( 8-4). A hig her ra t io of
P ract ical fil ters are id entifi ed as condenser- indu ctance to capacity m ay be used a t higher
input a nd choke-input, depending upon wh ethe,r load resistances ( 8-1 ).
:} capa city or inducta nce is used as t h e fi rst Fo,' receivers, as show n in F ig. 802- B, an a d-
ele ment in the fil te r. R esistance-ca pacity ditio na l choke, L2, a nd condenser , C a, of the
fil ters- ( 2- 11) are used in a ppli cati ons where same approxima te values, are used to g ive 1Ld-
t he c urrent is very low a nd the vo ltage dro p in di t ional s moot hing. I n su ch supplies t he three
t he resistor can be tolerated. condense rs generally are 8 ,ufd. each, a ltho ugh
Bleed e r r e sistan.c e - Sin ce th e co ndensers the in put conde nse r, C I , so me ti mes is red uced
.. in a fil ter will retain t heir c ha rge fo r a con sid- t o 4 ,u.fel. Indu ctnnces of 10 to 20 henrys eac h
erable t ime after powe r is re moved (prov id ed will give satisfacto ry filtering with t hese
t he loa d circuit is open at t he t ime) , it is good capacity values .
practice to connect a res istor across the ou t put E'or ripple frequen cies other t han 120 cycles,
of t he filte r to d isc harge the condensers whe n the inductance and capac ity values sho ul d be
t he p ower s u pply is no t in use. T he resist a nce mul t iplied by t he ratio 120 / F, wbere F is t he
us ually ~ s high e no ug h so t hat on ly a rel a t ively a ctua l rip pl e f requ ency.
s mall perce ntage of t he t otal o u tput current T he bleeder resistance, R , s ho uld be chose n
is consumed in it during normal operation. to dmw 10 pel' ce nt 0 1' less of the rated outpu t
for t he single-section filter. Smaller percent-
current of the supp1y. Its value is cqw:d to ages of ripple usua ll y arc n~ore economica~ly
1000E/ i , where E is the outp ut voltage and f obta ined with the two-sectlOl1 filter of F ig.
the lond current in milliamperes.
+ +
Rf! p cok curre nt - The rati o of
rectifie r peak curren t to average load current (A) From --
L-, - D. C.
is high with a condenser-input filter . Small Rectifier C Ou tput
1 R
rectifier tubes designed for s up-
pl ies (type 80, etc.) generally carry load-cu r-
rent ratings based on the use of co nd enscr-
input filters. Wi th rectifiers for higher power,
such as the 866/ 866-A. the load cur rent should
not exceed 25 pe r cent of the rated peak p late
current for one tube when a fu ll-wave rec- (B) FTOI7!-L-,- R D.C.
Rectifier Output
tifier is used, or one-eighth t he half-wave rating.
Output; 1;'Ol w ge - The d.c. output voltage
from a conde nse r- input s upply will , with light Fig. 803 - C h oke. input filter circ uilS.
load s o r n o loa d, approach t he peak trans-
for mer vo lt.age. This is 1.41 times the r.m. s. 803-B. The ripple percentage (l20-cycl e ripple)
voltage ( 2-7) of t he t ra nsform er seco nd.a ry, wi th this arrangement is gi ven by th e for mula:
in t.he case of Figs. 801- A and C , or 1.4 1 times
the volt.age from t he center-tap to one end ~f Tw o } 650
the seco ndary in F ig. 801-B. At. heavy loads , It ~~~t~~ n % ~Ripple = LIL2 {C 1 + C2 )2
may decrease to the average value of secondary
voltage or about 90 per ce nt of the f.m. s. volt- For a ripple of 0.25 per ce nt or less , the de-
age , or even less. Because of th is wi de range of no mi nator s hould be 2600 or greater.
outpu t voltage with load current, the voltage Th ese form ul as can be use d for other ripple
regulation ( 8-1) is in herently poor. freq uen cies by m ultiply ing each inducta nce
The output voltage obt.a in able from a given .an d capacity value in the fil ter by t he ratio
supply cannot readily be calculated , since it 120 j F, whe re F is the actual ri pple fre quency.
depends critically upon the load current and The distribution of inductance and capacity
filter co nstants. U nde r average conditions it in the filter will be d eter mi ned by the valu e of
will be approximately equal to or somewhat input-ch oke ind ucta nce required (next para-
less than the r.m. s. voltage between the center- graph) , and the permissible a.c. output im-
tap an d one end of the second ary in the full- pedance. Jf the supply is in tended for use with
wave center-tap rectifier circuit ( 8-3). an a udio-freq uency a mpli fie r , tbe reactance
R atin gs of co mpo n en t s - Beca use the ou t- ( 2-8) of the last filter co nd e nse r sh ould be
put voltage may rise to the peak transformer small (20 per cen t or less) com pared to the
voltage at light loads, the condensers should other a.f. resistance or impedan ce ill the cir-
have a wor kin g-voltage rating ( 8-4) at least cuit, usually the tube pl ate resistance and 103.0
as high and p refe ra bly so mewhat higher, as a resistance (3-2, 3-3 ). On th e basis of a low er
safety facto r. Thus, in t he case of a center-tap a..f. limit of 100 cycles for speech a m pli fi catio n
recti.fie r having a transformer del iveri ng 550 ( 5-9), thi s cond.i tion is usually sati~fjed whe n
volts each sid e of the center-tap, the mi ni m um the output capaClty (last filter capacity) of the
safe condenser voltage ratin g will be 550 X filt er is 4 to 8 p.fd. , t he hi gher valu e be ing used
1.41 or 775 volts. An SOO-volt, or preferably a for the lower tube and load resistances.
1000-volt condenser should be used. Filter 1'he input c h oke - T he rectifier peak cur-
chokes shoul d have the ind uctance specifi ed rent and the power-supply voltage reg ulation
at full -load current, a nd must have ins ulation depe nd a lmost entirely u pon the inducta n c~ of
between the winding and the core a dequate to the inp ut choke in relation to the load r esist-
withsta nd the maxi mum outp u t voltage. ance ( 8-1). The fu nction of t he choke is to
ra ise th e ratio of average to peak curren t (by
(J, 8-6 Choke-Input Filters
its energy storage), and to prevent t he d.c.
Ripp le voi t(Jge - T he circ ui t of a sin gle- output voltage fr om rising above the average
section choke-inpu t filter is s hown i n Fig. value ( 2-7) of the a.c. voltnge app lied to t.he
803-A. For 120-cycle ripple, a close apPl'Oxi- rectifier. Fo r both pur poses , its impedance
m ation of the ripple to be expected a t the out- ( 2-8) t o the fl ow of th e a.c. co m ponent
put of the fi lter is given by th e formul a : ( 8-4) must be hig h .
Single } 100 The value of input-choke ind uctan ce whi ch
Section % R ipple = LC p reven ts the d. c. output voltage from risin g
Filter abo ve th e average of the rectified a.c. wave is
the critical inductance. For 120-cycle ripple, it
wh en~L is in henrys and C in p.fd. The p roduct, is given by the approximate formula:
LC , must be equal to or greater t han 20 to re-
duce the ripple to 5 per cent or less. Thi s fi gure L oa d resistance (011 mST
represents, in most cases, the economicall irnit
Le. i ~. = 1000
Power Supply 165
For other ripple frequencies, the inductance b etween center-tap and one end of the second-
required will be the above value multiplied by ary in the case of the center-tap rectifier);
the ratio of 120 to th e actual ripple fr equ e ncy. h and I L are the bleeder al ld loa d currents,
With inductance values less than critical , res pe ctively, in milliampe res; Rl and R 2 a rc
t he d. c. output voltage will r ise because the the resis tances of the fir st and second filter
filter tend s to act as a condenser-inp u t filter chokes ; and E. is the drop between r~tifier
( 8-5). With critical inductance, the peak pla te a nd cathode ( 8-2) . These voltage drops
plate current of one tube in a center-tap recti- arc shown in Fig. 804.
fier will be approximately lOper cen t higher than
the d.c. load cur ren t" taken from the s upply.
An indu ctance of t ,vice the cr itical valu e is
called the optimum value . Thi s value gives a
further reduction in the ratio of peak to aver-
age plate current, and represe nts the point at
which furthe r illcrease in inductance does no t
g ive correspondingly improved operating char-
ac teristi cs. L.--l.-- 4 -1-L-J
Swinging c hokes - The formula. fo r criti- Bleeder
cal inductance indi cates that the inductance
requ ired varies widely with the load re s i stan~ e. Fig. 804 - Volta ge Jrops ill t he power-suppl y circui t .
In the case where there is no load except the At no loa d I L is zero, hence t he no-load
bleeder ( 8-4) on the power supply, the criti- voltage may be calculated on t he basis of
cal inductance required is highe:::ti m u ch lowe r bleeder current only. The voltage reg ul ation
values are satisfacto ry when the fu ll-load cur- may be determined -from t he no-l oad and fuH-
rent is being delivered . Since the ind u ctan cc of load vol t ages (8-1).
a choke tends to rise as the direct current Rat ings of compo n ents - Beca use of bet-
fl owing through it is d ecreaseil ( 8-4), it is ter voltage regulation, filter conden sers are
possible to effect an economy in materials by s ubjected to smaller variations in d.c. voltage
designing the choke to have a" s winging" char- than in the condenser-input filter ( 8-5). How-
a.cteris tic s uch that it bas the required cri t ical ever, it is adv isable to use conden sers rated for
ind uctance value with the bl eeder load on ly, the peak transformer voltage incase the bleeder
and about the o p tim um inducta.nce value at resistor s hould burn out when there is no ex-
full load. Thus , in the case whe r e the bleeder t ern al load on the power su ppl y, since the
resis tance is 20,000 oh ms an d the full-loa d voltage then will ri se to the same maximu m
resistance (including the bleeder ) is 2500 ohm s, value as with a conden ser-input. filter.
a choke which swi ngs from 20 henrys to 5 Th e inp ut choke may be of the swi ngi ng
henrys over th e full outp ut- current range will type, the r equ ired no-loa d and full -load in-
fulfill the requirements. du ctance values being calc ulated as d escri bed
Resonance - Resonance effects in the se ri es above . The second choke (smoothing choke)
circuit across the ou tpu t of the rec tifier wh ich sho uld have co nstan t ind uctance wit h varying
is formed by the first choke (L I ) and first filler d .c. load currents. Val ues of 10 to 20 henrys
condenser (Cd mus t be avoided, since the ordinarily are used. Since chokes us ually are
rippl e volt.a ge would bui ld up to large v alues pl aced i n the positive leads, the negative being
( 2-10) . This not only is the opposi t e ac tion grounded, the wind in gs s hould be insulated
to t hat for whi ch the filter is intended, but from the core to withstand the fu ll d .c. o utput
also may ca use e~cessive recti fi er peak CUT- voltage of the sup ply.
rents and abnormall y h igh inverse peak vo lt-
ages. }'or full-wave rectification the ripple fre- 8-7 The Plate Transformer
quen cy \viJI be 120 cycles for a 60-cycle s upply Outp ut voltoge - The ou tp ut voltage o f
( 8-4) , and resonance will occur when the th e plat e transformer depend s upon the re-
product of choke iud uctance in he nrys t i mes quired d .c. load voltage and the type of recti-
condenser capacity in microfarads is equal t o fier circuit. With condenser- input filters , the
1. 77. The corres ponding fi gure for 50-cycle r. m. S. secondary voltage us uall y is made equaL
su pply ( lOO-cycle ripp le fre quency) is 2.53 , an d to or slightly more than the d .c. o u tput volt-
for 25-cycle s upply (50-cycle rippl e frequency), age, a.llowing for voltage drops in the rectifier
13.5. At least t\vice these products sho ul d be t u bes and filter chokes as well as in t he trans-
used to en s ure agai n st resonance effects. former itself. The full-wave center-tap rectifier
Ou l,putvo lt a ge - Provided the 'input- requires a tran sformer giving thi s voltage
choke indu ctance is a.t least the critical value , each side of the secon d a ry center-ta p ( 8-3) .
the output vol tage may be calculated quiLe With a choke-input fil te r , th e required r . m. s.
cl osely by the equation : secondary vo ltage (each side of center-ta p
E ~ 09E' _ (To + h) (II, + I1,r _ E fo r a center-tap recti fie r) can be calculated
o . ! 1000 .r by the equation:
where E " is the o utput voltage; E! is the r.m. s. J(R, + R , ) ]
voltage applied to the rectifier ( Lm .s. volt-age E, ~ 1.1 [ Eo + 1000 + E.
where E" is the required d.c. output voltage, the load cu rren t can not exceed 20 to 25 m il..
J is the load L: urrcnt (i ncluding bleede r current) if t he voltage is to be stab ilized over a range
in mil liampe res, Rl and R2 l\ re the resista nces fro m zero to ma.xirnum loa d curre nt.
of the filter c ho kes, and Er is t he voltage d rop T he value of th e limiting resisto r mus t li e
in the rectifier. E t is the full-load r.m. s. ( 2-7) between tha.t \\'hich j ust pe rmi ts min i m u m
secondary voltage; tho open-circuit voltage tube current to flow and that which just passes
usuall y wi l! be 5 to 10 p CI' cent higher. the ma.ximum perm issible t ube current when
Vo l t -ulIlp c re ra lin g - T he volt-a m per e ra- t here is no 10tld cu rrent. Th e latter VA-IlIC is
ting ( 2-8) of the transformer d epe nds' upon generally used. It is given by the equation:
the type of filter (condenser or choke input).
1000 (E. - E.)
With a conde nser-input filter the heating effect R
in t he seconda ry is higher because of the hig h 1
ratio of peak to average curren t , conseque n tly Wh ere R . is th e li miting res istance in oh ms,
th e volt-amperes consumed by the transfo r mer E. is t He voltage of the sUUI'ce ac ross which the
may be several times the watts delivered to t ube and resistor are connected, E r is the rated
the load. \Vith a choke-inpu t filter, provided voltage dro p across the regulator tube, and
t he inp ut chok e has at least the critical in- I is t he maxim u m t ube curren t in ' m illi a m-
dudance ( 8-6), t h e secondary volt-amper es peres (usua ll y 30 ma.) .
can be calculated quite closely by the equation: Fi g.. 805-B shows how two tubes may be
Sec. V. A. ~ 0.00075 EI used in series to give a higher reg ulated vo lt-
where E is the total r. m. s. voltage of the sec- age than is obtainable with one, and a lso to
ondary (between th e outside en ds in t he case give t wo val ues of regu la t ed v oltage. The lim-
of a center-tapped wind ing) a nd I is tbe d .c. iting resistor may be calc ul ated as above, using
output current in mill iamperes (load curre nt t he su m of the voltage d rops across t he two
plus bleeder current). The primary volt- tubes for E r Since the upper tube m u st ca rry
amperes wi!1 be 10 to 20 per cen t higher because more current than the lower, the load con-
of t ra nsformer losses. nec ted .to the low-voltage tap m ust take s mall
current. The tot a l current taken by t h e loads
([ 8-8 Voltage Stabilization on bot h t he high and low taps shou ld not ex-
Caseous r cg Lo r s - Th ere is fre- ceed 20 to 25 milliamperes.
quent need for maintaining the vol tage a pplied Voltage regulatio n of the order of 1 per cent
to a lo w-vo ltage low-current circ ui t (such as can be obtained with ci rcui ts of t his type.
the osci ll ator in n superhe~ receiver or t he fr e- Electr o n ic 1)oll,o ge r e g ulul,i o n - A voltage
quency-controll ing oscillator in a trans mitte r) reg ulator circuit s uitable for higher vol t ages
at a practically constant valu e, regard less of and currents than the gaseo us tubes , and also
t he voltage regulati on of the po wer sup pl y or having t he featu re that the ou tpu t voltage ca n
variati ons in iOILd cu rre nt. I n s uch a pplica- .be va ried ove r a rather wid e ra nge, is show n
t ions, gaseous regulator tubes (VRI 05- 30, In F ig. 806. A h i g h -g ~ i n voltage amplifier t u be
VR150--30, etc.) can be used to good a d van- ( 3-3), usually a sha rp cut-off pcntode ( 3-5)
tage. The voltage drop ac ross such t u bes is is connected in s uch a way that a s mall change
cons ta n t over a. moder atel y wid e curren t i n th e outpu t voltage of the power su ppl y
ra nge. T he .fi rs t num ber in the t ube design a- ca uses a change in grid bias, a n d t hereby a cor-
t ion indicates the te rminal voltage, t he second respond ing chan ge jn plate cur re nt .. Its pla t e
t he maximum permissible tube current. c urrent flows through a resistor (Rr.) , t he volt-
The fundamental circuit for a gaseo us regu- age drop across ''''hich is used to bias a secon d
lator is shown in Fig. 805-A. T he tube is con- tube - the "regulator" tube - whose plate-
nccted in serics with a limiling resistor , Bit cathode cir cuit is co nnected i n series with th e
a cross a so urce of voltage which m ust ' be load circ uit. Th e reg ulator t u be t herefore fun c-
higher than the starting voltage, or voltage tions as an automatically variable series re-
required for ionization of t he gas in t he t u be. sis to r. Sho uld the output voltage increase
T he starting voltage is about 30 per cent higher slightly t he bias on the control t ube will become
t ha. n the opcrn.ting voltage. Th e load is co n- more posi ti ve, causing t he plate cu rren t of t he
nected in parallel wit h t he tube. For stabl e con trol tube to increase a nd t he d rop across
operation , a. minimllqt tube current of 5 to 10 Rr. to in crease correspondingly. T he bias on
rna. is requi red . The maximum perm iss ible the regulator t ube therefore becomes more
cu rrent with most types is 30 ma oi co nseque ntly, negative and the effective res istance of the
regula tor tube inc reases, causing the term ina l
I"vet; .. >+ _ _ _ _--,_-"Un"'r-":L'.~+ voltage to dr op. A decrease jn output voltage
: From
}Rr .
Re9 + (1/1I;hJ
causes th e reverse act,ioll. The time lag in the
a ction of the system is negligible, a nd wit h
fHJ "'~r .. power
p roper ci rcui t consta nts the output voltage
supply output
" _t Supply output VR
~ R'9'''OW) can be held within a f"act ion of a per ce nt
t h rotlghout the use ful range of load curre nts
and ove r a wide range of su pply v olta.ges.
A B An essential in thi s system is the use of a
Fig. 805 - V o l la gc~s l a b ili " circuits us iu g V H. t u b es. co nsta nt-voltage bias so urce for the co ntrol
Power Su pply 167
s u ch s upplies a re u sed c hiefly in co nnection
with p o wer amplifiers of t he Class-13 a.nd
Class-C type , where g rid -c urre nt fl o w is a
fea ture of operati o n ( 3-4 ). In cir cuit d es ig n
a bias s upply res embl es t he rect ified -fl. .c. pl:i,tc
+ supply ( 8-1), havin g a tra n sfo rmer-rectifie r-
From filter sy stem employing s imihr cir cuits. Bias
Supply s upplies may be classified in two types, th o~ e
furni s h ing o nly protective b ias, in t ended to pre -
vent excessive plate current flo w in a power
tube in case o f loss of grid lcn. k bi as ( 3-6)
from ex cit a.ti o n failure, and those whi c h fur-
nis h th e a ctual operat i ng bi as fo r th e tubes.
I n t he fo rmer type , voltage regul a t io n ( 8- 1)
is rela l iv ely unimportant; i n the lat ter it m a y
be o f con s idera b le impo rta n ce .
In general, a bias s upp ly s hould have well-
Fie. 806 - Elcc l ronic voltage r e gul a t o r . The r egula t or
lu he is ordi naril y a 2.4.3 or a !l umbe r o f tb e m ill parallel.
filt ered d. c. output, es peci a lly if it furni s h es
the con tro l lUbe a 6SJ i o r :; ; a r I)' pc. Th.: f ilil ul cn L the oper:'1,ting b ia.s fo r th e s tage, s in ce ripple
lrall ~fonncr fo r the re gulator t."bc mus t be 'insu la te ll fo r voltage may modulate t he Sig nal o n t.he grid
the plate vol t age, and c anno t s u pply cnrre nt t o ot h e r of the a mplifier tu be ( 5- 1). Co nden ser- input
tubes w h ell a tilllllCll t t y p e regulator tube is II SC'1. Typi.
ell! va lues: Hi. 10,000 ohms; H2, 25,000 oh ms; R3, 10,000- filter s are generally u sed, s in ce the regulati o n
ohm potentiome ter; R1, 5000 ohms; R 5, 0.5 megohm. of the supp ly is not a functi o n o f the filt er.
The cons tan ts gi ven in 8- 5 a re appli cable.
tube. T he voltage change whi ch appears at the Vo l tuge regulatio n - A bias su ppl y mu st
grid of the tube is the (11"lJerence bet.ween a always have a bleed er res is t a nce (8-4) con-
fixed negative bi a.s and a pos itiv e vo ltage nected across its o u t.put term inals, to prov ide
whi ch is taken from th e voltage divider across a d .c. path from grid to cath ode of the tube
the 'O utput. To get t:he most effective control, being b ias ed . Alth o ugh the grid circ uit t :d~e s
the negative bi as mus t not vary with plate no current from the s upply, grid current flow s
current. The most satisfactory typ'e of bias is t hro ugh the bleeder resist o r and the voltage
a dry battery of 45 to 90 volts, but a gaseous aGrOES the resis tor therefo re v,a ries with gri d
regulator tube ( VR75 - 30) or a neon bulb of t he cu rrent. Th is vari a tion in v o ltage is p racti cally'
type w ithout a res is tor in the bas e may be independent of ,t he b ias-s up ply d es ign unless
us ed ins tead. Thi s is indicated in the diagram. s pecial voltage-regub,ting mean s a re used.
If the gas tube 0 1' neon bulb is used, a negative- P rol,cc l)he bias - Thi s t.y pe of bias s upply
resis tance type of o ~cillation ( 3-7) mlly take is designed to 'give an o utput voltage s uffici e nt
place at audio frequencie s 01' higher, in which to bi as t he tube to which it is applied at or
case a co ndens er of 0.1 p.fd. or more sho ul d be near the plate-current cut-off point ( 3-2) . A
connected a cr oSH the tube. A similar condense r typi cal circuit is given in Fig. 807. The re-
between the co ntrol-tube grid an d cathode a lso s istnnce , l?i , is the grid-leak res istor ( 3-6) fo r
is fre quentl y helpful in thi s t"espect. th e amp lifier tube \\'ith \vhich the s uppl y is
The variable resist or, Ila, is used to a d just the u sed, a nd t h'e normal operating bias is devel-
bias on the control tube to t h e proper opera t- oped b y the fl ow of grid cmrent through this
ing value. "It also serv'e s as an outp u t voltage resist o r. R2 is connected in series \vi t h Rl a cross
control, setting t he value of regulated voltage the output of the supply, to reduce the voltage
within the existing op erating Hmits. across R i , when there is n o grid -curre nt flow,
The m a ximum ou t put v olt age obtainable is to the cut-off value for the tube being biased .
equa l to the powe r-s uppl y voltage min us the The value of R2 is gi ven by the form ul a :
m inim u m dro p thro ugh the r eguin.tor tube.
Thi s drop is of the ord er o f 50 volts with the
R2 ~ E, - Eo X R,
tubes ordinarily us ed (power t ri odes having low
where E t is the o u tput voltage of the s u p pl y
plate re s i st ~Lnce, s uch as the 2A3). T he maxi-
with R2 and Ri in s eries a s a load, E~ 'is the
m u m current al so is limited by th e regulato r
cut-off bias, and Rl is as des cri bed above.
t u be i 100 milliamperes is a safe value fo r the
2A3 . Two or m ore regul a tor t ubes may be
connected in parallel to in creas e the curren t -
carry ing cap acity, \vi t h no change in the cir cuit.
- l -I-
([ 8-9 Bias Suppl ies
f{e qu i r e lne nLs - A bias s upply is not called C1
upon to d eli ver current to a loa d circui t , but
simply to furni s h a fixed gri d volta ge t o s et the + .C
o pcratin g p oint of a tube ( 3-3 ). H o wevc r, in
Fig. 807 - Suppl y fo r furni s h in g protective bia s to a
mos t appli cati ons it is nev ertheless t r ue th a t pftwer amplifie r . The Ira ns fo rrn e r, T , s h olll(1 f" rnis h pe .lk
current flow s th ro ugh t he b ias s up ply, becaus'e volta se at le.\st equal t o t he p r ti ve bia " requ ireJ,
When such a supply is used with a Class-C regul ating a cti o n. Th e bias s upply mu st fur -
amplifier, the voltage ac ross III fr om grid- nish the requ ired bias v oltage plus the voltage
current flow ,,,,ill normall y be higher than that required to bias the reg r tube t o cut-off,
fr om t he bias supply itself, sin ce the la tter is con s iderin g the output bias voltage as the plate
adjusted to cut-off while the operating bias voltage a ppli ed t o the regulat or. Th e current
will be twice c ut-off or hi gher ( 3-4). In so me taken from the bias sup ply is negligible. R2
cases the grid-leak voltage may eve n exceed may be tappcd to provide a ra nge of bias v olt-
the peak output voltage of the tran sform er ages to m eet different tube requirements.
(1.41 times half the total seconda ry voltage, in 111u iti -s l,oge s upplies - Where sev eral
the Circ uit s ho wn ). The filter condensers in po we r am plifier tubes a re to be bi ased from a
suc h a bias supply must, t herefore, be rated to s ingle s up ply, th e vari o us bias circuits mu st be
sta nd th e maximum o perat ing bi as voltage on isolated by some mean s. If t he grid currents
the Cla ss-C amplifier, if thi s voltage e xceeds of a ll stages should Bow thro ug h a singl e
the nominal output voltage of the s upply. bleeder resistor , a variation in grid c unent in
Vo lta ge s to b ili::m t ion - Wh en the bias o ne stage would ch a nge the bias o n ali, a
supply furni s hes operating rather tha n si mply condition which woul d interfere with effective
protectiv e bias, th e value of bias voltage a djustment and operation of the tra ns mitter.
should be as con stant as possible even when When pro tective bias is to be furni shed
the g'rid current of the biased tube varies. A several stages, the ci rcu it arrangement of Fig:.
simple method of improving bias voltage 809, using: rectifier tubes t o isolate the individ-
regulation is t o make the bleeder resista nce ual grid-leaks of the variou s stages, may be
low eno ugh s o that the current through it fr o m e mployed. In the diagram , two type 80 rec ti-
th e supply is several times the maximum grid fiers are used to furni sh bias t o fo ur stages.
current to be expected. By this mean!':, the per- Each pair of resistors (R 1R z) co nstit.utes a
centage variation in cu rrent is redt1eed. Th is separate bleeder ac ross th e bias suppl y. Rl is
method requires, howev er , that a con siderable the grid-leak for the biased s tage; Rz is a dro p-
amount of power be d issipated in the bleeder, ping resistor to adjust the voltage a cross Rl
which in turn ca ll s for a relatively large power to the cut-off val ue (with out grid-current
transfor mer and filter choke. flow) for the biased tube. The values of R t and
Bias-voltage variatio n may also be reduced R2 may be calculat ed as described in the para-
by means of a regulator tube , a s sho wn in Fig. graph on protective bias. I n this case, the bias
808. The regulato r tube usua lly is a t riode su pply should be designed to have inh erently
good voltage regulati on; Le., a choke-input
v I.
From Bias
Supply R, '2 - E\
v h + I,
+ o-------------~------~----o+ C
a d o ub le- di o de rectifier, one sect ion of which R ec t ifiers in plIrnllcl - Vacu um-type recti-
charges Cl when the line PObl'ity bet wee n its fi ers m ay be con ne cted in parall el (plate to
pia.te a nd cathode is posi tive wh il e the other plat e a nd cath o de to ca th ode) for h igher cur-
sectio n charges C 2 when the line polarity rent,..,carrying capacity ,v'i th no cir cuit cha nges.
re verses. Th liS each conden ser is charged sepa- When mercury-vapor rectifiers co nne cted
rately to the same d .c. v o"ltage" ~_nd_ t.h~y di s- in-parall el, sli g ht differen ces in tube cha racter-
chf\rge in series into the load circuit .. ~or ef- istics. may make one ion ize at a slightly lower
fective opera tion of this circui t , the capacities. vo l ta~e than the other. S ince the ignit ion volt-
of C 1 and C'2 m us t be at least 16 p.fd. eac h and age is h i);her th a n the o perating v o ltage the
prefera bly higher . fir st tube to ionize carries the whol e loa d , since
The ripple frequency with this circuit is the voltage d ro p is then too low to ignite t he
tw ice t he line fre q uency, since it. is a f ull-wave secon d tube. Thi s ca n be p r eve nted by connect-
circuit ( 8-4) . The voltage reg ulation is in- i ng resi s tors in series with eac h pbte, as s hown
heren tly poor and depend s crit ically upon the in Fig. 816, thereby i ns uring t hat a higll-
capacities of C t a nd C2 , being better as t hese enough voltage for ign ition will be available.
capacities are made large r. A ty pical s u pply
with 16 /Lfd. eac h at C I and C 2 wjll have T
an o u tpu. t voltage of approximate ly 300 at II ~~--.,c;::
light load s, dropping to abou t 210 volts a t
the rated current of 75 miltiamperes.
N o direc t gro und can be used on thi s
s uppl y or on the equipment ",ith which it
is used . If an r .f. g ro und is m a de ,t h rough
a condenser th e capacity should be small
( ~l.bout 0 .0.5 J.l fd.) , sin ce it is. in shu nt fr o m
platc_ to eathode o f one rectifier. A large ca-
pacity (lo w reac t a nce) would by-pass the rec- Fig . 815 - Powcr s u ppl y in wh ic ll a siu glc tran sform c r
tifier, t h ~ re by: nullify ing its o per,a tiou. and set o f -.:bokes ser ve fo r t wO d ifferen t outpu t vohn gcs .
Power Supply 171
Its value usua lly is bctwezn 0.005 and 0.03
R R ~ rd. and for 250- 300 volt supplies it should be
rated at 1500 to 2000 volts d. c. The propel
capacity is rather critical. and should be de ter-
mined experimentally. The optimum value is
that whi ch res ults in least battery current for
a given rectified d .c. output from the supply.
Sparking at the vibrator contacts causes rJ.
r. in terference (" hash") when such a supply is
used with a receiver. This can be minimized by
install ing hash filters, con sisting of RFCI and
C1, in the battery circuit, and [cFC z with C 3
in the d.c. output circuit. C1 is usually from
Fill. H / o - Operating m e r c nry .v.q )or r ec t ifier;; ill para l.
lei. Tilt; (csis tors marked R should be 50 to JOO o bms.
0.5 to 1 Jlfd., a 50-volt rating being adequate.
RFC 1 con sists of about 50 turns wound to
about half-inch diam eter, No. 12 or N o. 14
Vibra t or power supp lies - For portable wire being required to carry the rather heavy
or mobile work, the most common sour ce of battery current without undue loss of voltage.
power for both filaments and plates is the 6- C 3 may be of the order of 0.01 to 0. 1 Jlfd.,
volt automobile-ty pe storage battery. Fila- and RFC z a 2.5-millihenry choke of ordina.ry
ments may be heated directly from the battery, design. Equa.IIy as important as the hash filter
while plate power is obtained by passing cur- is thorough shielding of the power s uppl y and
rent from the battery through the primary of its connecting leads, sin ce even a small piece
a suitabl e transformer, interrupting regu- of wire or metal will radiate enough hash to
lar intervals to give the changing magnetic field cause interference in a sensitive receiver.
required for indu cing a voltage in the secon d- L ine -voltage adj ustment- In some local-
ary ( 2-5), and rectifying the secon dary out- ities the line voltage may vary considerably
put. The rectified output is pulsating d.c., whic h from the nominal 115 volts as the load on the
may be filtered by ordinary means ( 8-5). po wer system changes. Since it is desirable to
Fig. 817 shows two types of circuits used, operate tube equipment, particularly fila:in~ents
both with vibrating-reed interrupters (vibra- and heaters, at constant voltage for maximum
tors). At A is shown the non-synchronous type life , a mean s of adj usting the line voltage to the
of vibrator. When the battery circuit is open rated value is desirable. This can be accom-
the reed is midway between the two contacts, plished by the circ uit shown in Fig. 818, utiliz-
touching neither. On closing the battery circuit ing a step-down transformer with a tapped
the magnet coil pulls the reed in to contac t secondary con nected a s an autotransformer
with the lowcr point, causing current to fl ow ( 2-9). The secon dary preferably sho uld be
through the lower half of the trans-
former primary winding. Simulta-
neously, the magnet coil is short-
circuited and the reed sw ings back. (A) ....~---r---O
Inevtia carries it into contact with R.FCZ
the upper point, caus in g current to
flow through the upper half of the
transformer primary. The magnet
coil again is energized, and the
cycle repeats itself.
The synchrono us circuit of Fig ,. ,
817-B is provided with an extra
pair of contacts which rectify the
secondary output of the trans- (s) .b"';~-r-"
former, thus eliminating the n eed r.
for a separate rectifier tube. The Smoothm9 Filter
secondary center-tap furni shes the
positive output terminal when the
relativ e polarities of primary and
Fig . 817 -llas ic types of vibrator powersupply circuits.
secondary windings are correct.
The pro per connections may be determined by tapped in steps of two or three volts, and
experiment, reversing the secondary connec- should have sufficient total voltage to com-
tion s if the firs t trial is wro ng. pensate for the widest variations encountered.
The buffer conden ser, C2, acro ss the trans- Depending upon the end of the secondary
former secondary is used to absorb surges to which the line is connected, the voltage to
whi ch would occur on breaking the current, the load can be made either high er or lower-
when the magnetic field collapses practically than the line voltage. A secondary winding
instantaneously and hence causes a vcry high capable of carrying five amperes will serve for
volta ge to be induced in the secondary ( 2~5) . loa ds up to 500 volt-amperes on a 11 5-volt line.
- -- ~ ---
I / I Polarization - A ground wave must he
vertically polarized because the electrostatic
fie ld of a horizontally polarize d wave would be
short-circuited by the ground, whieh acts as a
conductor at the fre quencies for which the
ground wave is of most interest .
Grou.nd c harac teristics and losses - The
wave induces a current in the g round in travel-
ing a long its surface. If th e ground we re a per-
fect conductor there would be no loss of energy,
but actual ground has appreciable resis ta nce,
S? ~hat. the cur,rent Bow causes so me energy
diSS ipatIOn. ThIS loss must be suppli ed by
:///// the wave, which is correspondingly weakened.
Fig. 90] - R e presentatio n of electro s tati c and elec. H e nce, the tra nsmitting range depends upon
tromag netic lines of fo rce in a rad io wave, Arrows i ndio
c ate ins tantaneo u s directions of the ficlrls for a wa\'e the ground characteristics . Because sea water
tr;lvclin g to~\' a rd the r e a de r . n eversing th e d ir ec tion o f is a goo d co ndu ctor, the range will be greater
o lle Be l of Imeii wo uld I'CVe rlie tbe directiOll o f travel. over the ocean than over land. The losses in-
Wave Propagation 173
crease with fequency, so that the ground wave within a difference in he ight comparabl e to the
is ra pidl y atten uated at high frequ enci es and wa veieng th, hence reflect.ion is more apt to
above about 2 Me. is of little importance ex- occur at longe r wavelength s (lower freq uenc ies ).
cept in purely local comm unicat ion. Critic(J l jrcquency - When the frequ e ncy is
I~(ln ge of grou nd wove - At frequ encies in lo w enough, a wave sent vertically upward to
the vicinity of 2 M e. the gro un d-wave ran ge the ionosphere will be bent suffi ciently to re-
is of the o rder of 200 miles over a vc rage land tu rn to the tran smitting point. The h ighest
a nd perhaps two o r three times as fa r Over frequency at which this occurs, fo r a given
sea water, for a mediu m-power trans mitte r (500 state of the ionosphere, is calle d the critical
watts or so) using a good an ten na. At h ig her frequency. It sc rvcs as an index for trans mis-
frequencies the range d rops oIT rapidly , and sio n co ndition s, a ltho ugh it is not the highest
above 4 M e. the ground wave is use ful o nly for useful fre quency si nce waves which enter the
work over quite sho rt di stances. ionosphe re at smalle r angl es than 90 degrees
(vertical) will be bent sufficiently to return to
~ 9-3 The Ionosph ere earth. The maximum usab le frequen cy, for
Oescription - Since a sky wave leaving the waves lea ving the ear th at very small angles
transmitting an te nna has to travel upward to the hor iz ontal, is in th e vicinity of three
with respect to the ear th 's surface, it wou ld times the criti ca l frequency.
simply continue o ut into space if its path we re Besi des bei ng directly o bse rvable, the criti cal
no t bent sufficie ntl y to bring it back to the frequency is of more practical interest than
earth. The med ium wJl ic h causes such bending the ionization density because it includes the
is the ionosphere, a region in the uppe r atmos- effects of abso rption a s well as re fraction.
phere where free ions and elec trons exi st in Virtual h e i ght - Although a laye r is a re-
sufficient quantity to c ause a change in th e re- gion of con siderable depth it is convenie nt to
fractive index. Ultraviole t radiation fr om the assign to it a de finite heig ht, called the virtual
sun is con sidered to be responsible for the ion i- height. The vi rt ual height is the height from
zation. The ion osp he re is not a Single regio n
but consists of a series of" layers" which occ ur
at diffe rent heig hts, each la yer consisting of a
central region of ion izati on which tape rs off
in intensity both above and below.
R efractio n , (Jbsorpt.ion, rejIect-iort - F or a
given in ten sity of io ni zation, the amount of
refracti on becomes less as the frequency of
the wave becomes hi gher (s horter wavelength ).
The bending t he refore is smaller at high than at
low freque ncies, and if the frequ e ncy is raised
Fig. 902 - Showin g bendi n g in the io nosphere and t h e
to a high-enough value the ben ding eventually echo or relicctioD method o f (lelCrminin g virtual he igh t.
will beco me too sJi ght to bring the wave bac k
to earth , e ve n when it enters the io nosph e re at which a pure re flection would give t he same
a very small angle to the "edge >l of t he ioni zed effect as the refraction which actually takes
zone. At thi s and h igher frequencies lon g-dis- place. This is illu strated in Fig. 902. The wt\Ve
tance comm un ication becomes impossible. trave lin g upw!ud is bent back over a path hav-
The greater th e intensi ty of ionization, the ing appreCiable radiu s of turni ng, and a meas-
greater the be nding on a given fr equency. Thus urable interval of time is consumed in th e tu r n-
an increase in ion izati on increases the maxi- ing process. The virtual height is t he height of a
mum freque ncy whic h can be bent sufficiently tria ngle fo~ m ed as s hown , havi ng eq ual sides of
for long-distance comm unication. The wave a total lengt h equi valen t to th e t ime taken for
loses some e nergy in t he ionosphere, and this the wave to travel from T to R.
~nergy loss increases with ionization density The E Loyer - The lowest normally useful
and the wavele ngt.h . U nusually high io ni zati on l ayer is called thc E layer. Its ave rage he ight
may cause co mpl ete absorption of the wave (maximum io niza.tion ) is about 70 mi les. Th e
energy, especiall y when the ionization is hi gh ionizati on density is greatest around local
in the lower region s of the ionosphere and be- noon , and the layer is only weakly ionize d at
low the lowest nor mall y usef ul laye r. 'W hen the night whe n the radration from th e sun is no t
wave is abso rbe d in t he ionosphere it is no prescnt. Thi s is because the air at thi s height
more usefu l fo r communication than if it had is sufficientl y den se so that free ion s and elec-
passed thro ugh witho ut sufficient bending to trons very qui ck ly meet and reco mb ine .
bring it back to ea rth. T h e F , F, ltIuJ F2 luyers - The second prin-
In additi on to refraction, reflection may take cipallayt'T is the P, which is at a height of a bout
place at the lo we r bo undary of a layer if that 175 mil es at night. I n this reg ion the air 'Is so
boundary is we ll-de fined; i.e., if the re is a n thill that recom binat ion of io ns an d electron s
appreciable c han ge in io nizatio n within a rela - takes place ve ry slowly, since the particles can
tively sho rt inte rv al of di stance. F o r waves travcl rela.tively great di stances before mee t ing.
app roac hi ng t he b yer a t or Ilear the pe rpendic- The ionizati on dec reases after s undown, reach-
ular , the change in ionizati on must t a ke place ing a mi nimum just before s unrise. In the day-
tim e the F layer splits into two layers, the FI e nd of the period. Fadeouts, simi lar to t he above
and F21 at average virtual he ights of about 1'10 in effect, are cause d by su dden disturbances on
mil es for the Fl and 200 mil es for t he fr'2. Th ese the su n. Characterized by very rapid ioniza-
arc most highl y ionized at abou t lo ca l nOO I1, ti on, with s ky-wave tran smissio n di sappearing
and merge again at su nset into the Player. a l mos t instantly, they occur only during day-
SeasQllul effects - In a dditi on to day and light a nd do not last as lo ng as the first type .
night variation s, there are also seasonal changes
in the ion osphere as the qu an t ity of radiati on Cl. 9-4 The Sky Wave
rece ived fro m the sun changes. Th us the E }rave angle (ang lo oj nulial;on.) - The
inyer has higher critical frequenci es in the su m- smaller the angle at which t he wave leaves
mer (abo ut 4 M e" ave rage, in daytim e) than th e earth, th e smaller the bending required
in the winter, when the critical frequency is in the ionosphere to bring it back and, in gen-
near 3 Me. The F layer shows littl e n, eral, the greater the di sta nce be tween the point
the c ritical frequency being of the ord er of 4 to where it leaves th e earth and that at which it
5 M e. in the evening. The F1layer, which has a re turn s ( 9-3) . Thi s is shown in Fig. 903, The
critical frequen cy in the neigh borhood of 5 vertical angle which the wave makes with a
M c. in ,summer, usually di sa ppears in winter. tangent to the earth is called the wave anole or
The critical frequ encies are high est in the F2 angle of radiation, the latter te rm be illg used
layer in winter (11 to 12 Mc.-) and lowest in more in connection with tra ns mitting than
summer (aro und 7 M c.). The virtual height of with re ceiving.
the F2 layer is also less in winter (abo ut 185 S kip distance - Since more bending is re-
miles) than in summer (average 250 miles). quired to re turn the wave to earth when thc
In the spring and fall a tran sition period wave angle is high, it is found that at h ig h fre-
occur$, and conditions in the ion osphere are quencies the refraction frequently is not great
more variabl e' at these times of the year. enough to give the re quired bending un less
S I.l,nspot cycles - The critical frequencies the wave angle is s maller than a certain angle.
mentioned in the preceding paragraph are called the critical angle. This is shown in Fig.
mean values, since the ionization a lso varies 903, where wave angles A and lower give usefu l
with the Il-year sunspot cycle, be ing higher sign als but waves sent at bigher angles travel
during t im es of greatest sunspot activity. Criti- through the layer and do not return. Th e dis-
cal frequencies are highest during sun spot tance between T and Rl is, the refore, the short-
maxima and lowest during sun spot minima. est poss ible di stance over whi ch sky-wa ve com-
The E critical frequency does not change munication can be carried on. The area be-
greatly, but the F and F'2 critical frequenci es tween the end of the useful ground wave and
change jn a ratio of about 2 to 1. the begi nning of sky-wave reception is called
1l1ugnetic stonns a nd other di s turbances the skip zone. The skip di stance depends upon
-" Unusual di sturbances in the earth's mag- the freq uency and the state of the ionosphere ,
netic field (magnetic storms) usually acc ac- and is greater the high er the transmitting fre-
companied by di sturbances in the ion os phere, quency and the lowe r the critical frequency
when the layers apparently break up and ex- ( 9-3). It depends also upon the height of the
pand. Usually there is also an increase in ab- laye r in whi ch the refraction takes place, the
sorption during such a period. Radio transmis- higher layers giving longer di stances for the
sion is poor and there is a drop in critical fre- same wave angle. The wave angles n,t the tran s-
quencies, so that lo wer frequem:ies must be mitting and receiving points are u suall y,
used. Such a storm may last for several days. although Dot necessarily, approximately tho
Unusually high ionization in the region of same for a given wave pn,th.
the atmosphere below t he normal ionosphere It is readily possible for the sky wave to
may increase absorption to such an extent that pass through the E layer and be refracted back
sky-wave transmission becomes impossible on to earth from the P, FI or Ji'2 layers. This is
high freque ncies. The length of such a di sturb- because th e critical frequencies are higber
ance may be several hours, with a gradual fall- in the latter layers, so that a signal too high in
ing off o( transmi ssion condi tion s at the begin- frequency to be re turned by the E layer can
ning and an equally gradual building up at the still come back from the F I , F2 or F, depending
sorbed rapidly at high frequenci es by be ing in
co ntact with th e enrth ) the max imu_m one-h op
distan ce is a bout 1250 miles with refrac t ion wI/-
from the E' la:yer aoo aro un d 2500 mile s fr o m EART H
the Ji'2 layer . Gro uJl d losses abso rb so me of the F ip. . 905 - S ho winl! hO\" botb d irect and reflected ,,'aves
energy fr o m t he wa ve on re fle ction, the amount ma y be re cei ved s imultaneous ly in v. h. f. trans ltl iss ion.
of loss varying with the type of gto und an d
being least for refl ection from sea wa te r. 'Whe n travelin g close to the gro und decrea ses very
t he di stance per mits it is bette r to have one mpidty with its height in waveTe ng t hs abo-ve
hop rathe r than se veral, since the multip le re- gro und, a ver y- hi g h-frequc-ncy wave ca n be
flecti ons introdu ce loSses whi ch are -higher t ha n re la t ive lY d osc (i n physi'c a!' neig ht) t oo the
those. caused by t he i.o nos phere . gro und without suffe ring the abso'rpui"o n\ e ffects
Fading - Two o r more parts of th e WfllVe wh ich wo uld occur at the same' pf:t.ysic'al heights
may follo w slightly dffIerent pa t.h s in travelin g with lo-nge r wavele ngths.
to the receiving point, in which case the d if- Si nce the wnlve travels' prac tically in a
fercnce ill' path len gths will ca usa a phase straight line , t he m a ximum signal strength' can
difference to exist be tween the wave compo- be ob tai-n ed only whc'n th ere is a n un ah structea
nents at the recciNing antenna. The field ai mo s ~h c ric' path be twee n t he tra ns mitter a n d t h the refo re may have any value be- rece ive r. Thi"S mea ns t hat t l're t:ran sm it:ti'ng'and
twec n t he nume rica l sum of the compon e nts recei-ving poin ts sho uld be su ffici e ntly nigh to
(whe n they are all in phase )1 and ze ro (when provide s uc h a pa t h , and o n lo ng patlh s tIle'
the re are o nly two compone nts and. the y are c urva ture of t he ea rth as we ll as t he interve n-
exac tl y o ut of phase') . Since tIle. path s change ing ternrin mu"St' bc' taken intO' acco unt.
from time to time , this. causes a vo.ria-ti on in l~eJrec te d roy-In acfditio n to the direc t ray,
sig.nal strength ca ll ed f ading. Fading al so can part of th e wave strikes the ground betwec n
rcsuIt from the com.binatio n of single.- ho p the t ran smitte r and receive r and is refle cted
and multi-hop Wiwes y or t he combi:na t io n of a upw j;rd' at a: sli'g ht angle, pTo du c i n~ a refFected-
gro und and sky wave .. The latter cond i- ray co mpo ne nt a t the rec-cive r .. Thi s is shown in
t if)n. givesl rise t o. a n area. of severe fading neali Fi g. 905. The re Bected ray is m o re o r fess out
tlie g distance of ground wave , be tter of ph ase wi t h the direct ray, hence th e net
rece ptio n oeing obt a ined at bo th shorter alld field strength at tile receiv in g po int is less
longer distances wh e re o ne componen t 01' than that of the direct ray al on e . Tire ca.ncel-
the other is consid ern:bl y stronge r. F ading may ing effect of the re flect c d ray de pen ds upon
be l!a:pi.d' or slow" t he (o rme-r t y pe us uaUy re- th e heights of the transmi tte r' an d rece ive r
suiting. from rapidLy changing condition s in the above the point of reflec tion, th e g ro und ross~s
ion.osphcre, the latter occ urring wh e n. trans- whc n re flect ion t a kes place, a nd th e fre quency ,
miss ion co ndi t io ns a rc r:ela tivcly stable. dec rea sing wi t h a.n increase in an.y of t hese.
~ possible to extend the range of v.h .f. signals
to several hun dred mi les ,,,hen both tran s mitter
and receive r arc we ll below the line of s ight.
Fig. 908 illustrates the conditions existing
I when t he air is" normal" and when a tempera-
opnCA I ture inversion is p resent. Since the bending
t::: is reln-tively small it is advan t ageous to have
as much height as possibl e at both the receiv-
in g and tra.nsmittin g points, e ve n though t hese
heights may be conSide rably less than those
0 necessary for H line -of-sight " tran s mi ssion.
Frequ.cll cy f!JJec Ls - Th e amount of ben d-
Antenna Systems
ing in it. Since- standing wa ves generall y a r:e
C1J 10-1 Antenna P'ropert res R.FeSent on an anteDJlu,. the pad s' o ~ the wi,,'c
'''-u've p r.0l' ugu.tio1l a nd: an t~IUU'. (ks ign: - carrying the higher' current theref0.t"e have the
1761' mos t eiIe, transmissioll) the. fl.ltopaga.- g,lieates t rn..dia.tin-g effect ..
tio n (d;ru;a.c.tetistics ot th.e. f.t_e~uency und.e t Power' gain-- The ratio of power re'q uired
consi.deJa tiQu, m u st be given due.c.ollsidemti"o n to.-pl.oduce a giv:en field strength.,. a ! ! com -
in,, the type of. an,tenD3. to.. nse. These pari so.n." an.tenna ,. to th:e' power r:equiredi to
h::we been. disc.usse.d in.. ChapJ;eJi Nj>ne. On. some pro.du ce the sa me fiel d strength with a specified
irc l-ucucies, th.e angle of rad-iati:lHlf and li';ola.Fiz:l:- type of antenna is carred the' power' gain Ob the
Uon may be of relatively little imp9rtanCCj 0n. la t t eD antenna . The. tenm is used in: connec-
utllers they laa.y he aLl-UULll0.litau.t .. On. a given tion with U'lltellU'as intentio.nall.y desi'gneci: to
fl: eq~en cy,. the: p:u:.ti,c,ulali. tYIP,e:o Qi, 3.u,.t.euna. bes t ba~ve directivi.ty, and the fi'e'ld is mea:> UITe dr in
suited f,o),l l u n-g-dis .tanJ;:.e, tmnsmL'>Sion ma...y Dot the optim um dire ction o.f the antenna. U'uder-
be. as. g,Qod. fox' s.uO.l:ter.-r:aoge.. voWxk as' would a test. The eompal1ison a.ntenna a;lm"Ost ahwaoy s is '
diffm;eJ)t t y; pe. a half-wa'v e an.tenna. h::w irrg the same p0I'm:j-za.-
T he., imp.Q-'Jtant pw.p.e ;;tics, oj an antenn a. 0.1i tion as.the,arntenna. under consideratioll'_ P bwer
a.n..tlenna s,: is t e.1'll are its polariz.atiQU) , angJe of. ga in us ually is. ex:presse,dJ in: dcci'beis ( 3.-3,)'..
11:J..d ia.tion, im p.edance.,. ancL diliC..eti.vit,W.,
Po..lar,izat.ion, - T.rut PQlatj-zati:un. Ot a. fl. lQ-2 Ih.e. l:Ialf-Wave Antenna,
S.tta,j,g, aut.e)llul6 is: its J)Dsiti.on w:ith. J:.e- Ph ysical' and e/ecuical; len g t/il-' The' fun- to, the. eJUEth. '1'Jxat, is'ti a., \\cu;.tical: wire damenta1 fm:lll'. o.f antenn a' is w single wire'
tra.n.sJnits, v;cdi-cally' l?Q.laj;ized~, ,vav,es, and, a. Whose length, is appr.oNimateiy eq ual. t u' hwl'
hm;izoutah antenna g,ene;;ates, hQr:l.z.on.taILy the transmitting. wa:v.elengtt>. :rt iSI the uni,t
po ia-riz.e d \'oIav;es (\ 9;-1).,., Thej wa.,v;e} fr.QnL a n from whi'clll many complex forms oli aH'-
antenna in a slanting p,QsLtio.n.. c'o.:rut,a ius bo,t h . tennMl,a;r.e c.OIls.t ructed . It is sometim'es lW0:\v.n;
vct tical M .d h..QJ;izOTI tal. c.Q.IDp.Qllen.ts-.. as a, Hr.ertzror:doubl'et antenna.]e~ of l1adiat.iw.t - 'I'l~ w-av:e; angl e TliedengtlL 0,6 a- half wave in space is;;
( 9;- 4); at.. \\;hich an. kadia.:.t es bes t.. i S l
determine.d b~ its poiaJiiza.tio.u): height,; Length; (feet) = , 1,92 0)
ground~ and the, na t ute qi the, g.!;,Qund .. Radia-
. P req. (Me.)
tion is u.Qt, all at one, welL-defined angle;, but 'l!he' aetnal length of! a half:- wa-ve antenna'
rather ia dis pel; ONen a. mQl;c: or, less. largp wiIt not be e'XactIy equal .to.' the hall ' wave
aug,ulax, t egfon" . dc.pemiing, UJlom the bJipe of ill' space, but is usuaJJiy a:bont 0' per- ce nt! ress
an.tenna .. TJuL angJ.e is w:.e.d.. in. a vertlica-l because of capaci t ance at the' emfs of tne' wire-
piane, wLtJ:rr teSpcG..t to, a t an gerut. to.. the Ctlltth, (end' effect)_ 11he reduction fact01" incl'ea"3eS'
at th.e tr.anSJUit.tiu~ pJ)in.t., sl-ig-l'rtty ' a s', the f!:equency is ' increased . U'nder
Irnpcdauce - '1'be , impe:da.nce{~ 2-8) of. th,e' av.epage co.nditio.ns t he fo.llo.wing fo rmula. wilt:
a.nte nna at a;n,;y point. is tne,:r;atio. GL v,oltage to giJv.e the I~ngth, of 8i hnlf':' \va,ve-a'll tenna: t'o-s uffi'-
cUI:cent. a.t tJ:ia.,t , p..o ink It is. impGJ:tant, illl con- cient accura cy f-0l' frcC'J,uencies up to. 3'0, M:c. :
nection. with. fecdin& power:" tg, tlie.. a ntenna,
Length of half-wave-antenna (feet)
sin..c c, it cOlJ.stitutes. to.c load'., rCp'r.e-
sen.t eJ; by: the arrtenn.a'., At high; re.q uencies- {92 X 0 .95 468
th e antenna i mpedance consi sts Rhieil~ of r-a,- - Preq .. (life.) Pr,q. (Me.)
dia:bion resistanc.e, (~, 2;-1\2 ), . It i.'J' und~r.stflod At- 56 Me:. and~ higher frequencies-t oe ' some-
to, be. me.asu,t a. c.ur,ren.t 10QU C.2-1-2)." U,rl- what- la rger end efftects ca'use' a sli'g,I'l tiy great'er.
lesa otherw:is.e s l~e.ciiied~, red uction in length, so that, for these higher
Direcrivi"ty, - Alt antennas l rradlate:- lllDIe' fre quencies,
power in c:ertain, directi ons.. toan, iIlJ others_
Thjs. characteristic,! called directiv.i1y" must. be Length of half-wave antenna (feet)
cousidered. in, three d imcnsio ns." sin ce , direc- 492 X 0,9./;. 462
( 3)
tivity exists in the verticaL. plane, as. wen. as in P r.eq. (Me.) Preq. (Me.)'
the ho.ri.z.o n ta .~ DIane: Thus,. the, cl inec.t i.vity of 5540
tile antenna. will affe!:.t , the: wave! a-ngLe, as: well or length (inches), = () (4)
_ F req. Me.
a s t iLe, actua.1. cem.V.ass,. direc.tiou& in.. ,wch
maxi.m.uITlt trans:nUssmm takw: pIMI1. Current and' volta ge dis.lir.ibu..tion - ViTl'ien:
Cur.-r,c.t.t t .- Th.e, ficl:d &.tte.n~th( J;?l'odu ced by po we r is fed to s uch an a ntenn a t ll.e eurren.t and.
a n antenna is. pt.o:pnrt i.0.nai to, t.he; Quvrel1 t flo.w-. Vo.lta-Ike: v.ary., its. rength C 2-12 ) . The
Antenna Systems 179
whi ch represents the radiation pattern in free
space. The rel ative in te nsity of mdiation is pro-
portional to the leng th of a line drawn from the
center of the figure to t he perimeter. If the an-
tenna is vertical, as s hown in the figure, the n
the field strength ( 9-1) wi ll be un iform in all
horizontal direction s; if the anten n a is hori-
Fig. JOD I - Cu rrent 3 1l (f voltage d is tri bution o n a hal f-
wave aoten nu. Cu rre n t is 1l13xim um i u ceUlcr, n ca rly
zontal, the rel ative fi eld strength wi ll depend
J;cr o a t ends . Voltage d is tribution is just tb e oPI)Ositc . upon the direction of the receiving point wi t h
respect. to the direction of the antenna wire.
distribution, which is practically a. sine cu rve,
is shown in Fig. 100 1. The current is maximum
10-3 Ground Effects
at the center an d nearly zero at the ends, Reflection - When the antenna is ncar the
wbil e the opposite is true of t he r.f. voltage. ground the fl'ce-space patter n of F ig. ] 002
The current does not actually reach zero at 'the is modified by reflection of rfldit~ t e d waves
current nodes ( 2-12) , because of the end from the gro und , so th at the a.ctual pattern is
effect; similarly, the voltage is not zero at it s the res ultan t of the fr ee-space pattern a nd
n ode because of the resistance of the antenna, ground reflections. This resul tant is d epen dent
which consists of both the rJ. resistan ce of the upon the height of the anten na, its posit ion or
wire (ohmic r esistance) and the rad iation re- orientation with respect to the s urface of the
sistance ( 2-12 ). Us ually the ohmic resistance ground , and t he electrical charac teristics of t he
of a half-wave antenna is small eno ugh, in ground. The reflected waves mny be in such
comparison with t h e radiation resistan ce; to phase relationship to the directly radiated
be neglected for all practical purposes. waves tha t the two completely reinfor ce eac h
Impedan ce - The rad iation resistance of a other, or the phase relatio nship may be such
half-wave antenna in free space - that is , that complete cancellation takes place. All
suffi cientl y removed from surroun ding objects in termediate values also are possible. Tl:lU s, the
so that they do not affect the antenna's charac- effect of a perfectly reBecting ground is s uch
teristics - is 73 oh ms, approximately. The that the origi nal free-space field strength may
value under practiGal condit ions will vary with be multipli ed by a factor which has a maximum
the height of the antenna, bu t is co mmonly value of 2, fo r complete reinforcement, and
taken to be in the neighborhood of 70 ohms. It having all intermediate values to zero, for
is pure resistance, and is measured at the c"enter complete cancell ation . Since waves are always
of the antenna. The impedance il) minimum at refl ected upward from t he ground (assuming
the center, where it is equal to the radiation that the surface is fairly level), th ese reflections
resistance, and increases t"oward the ends only affect the r adiation pattern in the vertical
( 10-1 ). T he actual value at th e ends will plane - that is, in directions upw ard from the
depend on a number of factors, su ch as the earth's surface - an d not in the horizon tal
height, t he physical co nstruction, and the posi- plane, or th e us ual geographical di rections.
tion with respect to ground . Fig. 1003 shows how t he multiplying factor
Conductor size - The impedance of the varies with the vertical angle for several
antenna also depends upon the di amete r of the representative heights for horizontal a nte nnas.
conductor in relation to its len gth. The figures As the height is increased the angle at whi ch
above are for wires of practicable siz es. If the cOlI~plete reinforce ment tak es place is lowe red,
diame ter of t he condu ctor is made large , of the un t il for a height equal to one wavelength it
order of 1 per cent or more of the length, th e occ urs at a vertical angle of 15 degrees. At still
im pedance at th e center will be rai sed and the greater heights, not shown on the cbart, the
impedance at the end s decreased. T his increase first maximum will occ ur at still smaller angles.
in ce nter impedance (of the order of 50 per cent When the half-wave antenna is vertical the
for a diameter/ length ratio of 0.025) is accom- maximum and min imum p oin ts in the curves
panied by a decrease in the Q ( 2-10, 2-12) of of F ig. 1003 ex'c hange positions, so th at th e
the antenn a, so that the resonance curve is less nulls become max ima, and vice versa, I n this
sharp. Hen ce, the antenna is capable of work-
ing over a wider frequency ran ge. This effect
is greater as the diameter / length ratio is in-
creased, and is a property of some importance
at the very-high freq uencies where the wave-
length is small.
Radiatiolf, c h arac te ristics - Th e radia-
tion from a half-wave antenna is not uniform Fig. 1002 - T he free-space rad iatioo pattern of a half-
in all directions but varies wi th the angle wa ve an t ellu a. The a n tenn a is s llo\\'11 i ll the ver tica l
position. T h is ill u cross-sec tion of the solid pattern de -
with respect to the axi s of the wire. It is most scribed b y tb e fi gure wh en r otated 011 its ve rt ica l axis
intense in directions at right,..angles to the wire Tb e " d o u ghn u t " form o f the solid puttern CU ll he m or;
and zero along t he directio n of the wire it- easily visu a li:r.ed b y im agining tb e (lr nwillg glue d 10 a
p iece o f card boa rd , witb a sh ort len gth o f wi re fa stcll ed
self, with intermediate values a t intermediate on i.t to represent the .a ntenna. Twirl in g th e wire will give
angles. This iSl)hown by the sketch of Fig. 1002, a Visua l represcntatlo n of the sol id rad iation p attern.
case, the heig ht is taken as the distance from Trnpe dllltce - Wa ves which are reflect.ed
ground to the center of the antenna. dired ly upw l.trd from the ground induce a
RadintioTt an.g le - The vertical angle, or current in the antenna in pass in g, and, dep end-
angle of radiation, is of primary importance, ing on the antenna height, the phase relat ion-
es pecially at the higher frequencies ( 9-4, 9-5). sh ip of th is indu ced current to the o!-igin a l
current may be s uch as either' to increase or
decrease the total current in the antenna. For
th e same power input to_ the antenna, an in-
crease in cur rent is equivalent to a decrease in
impedance, and vice versa. H ence, the im-
pedan ce of the antenna varies with height.
The theo.retical curve of variation of radiation
resistance for an a n tenna above perfecUy
reflecting gro u nd is s how n in Fig. 1004. The
i mpedance approaches the free-space val ue as
the height becomes large, b ut at low heights
may differ considerably from it.
1\ C h o ice of pola rizatio n - Polarization of
\ \ the tr a ns mitting a.ntenna is generally unimpor-
tant on frequen cies between 3.5 and 30 Mc .
H owever, the q uesti on of whether the antenna
s hould be installed in a horizontal or verti cal
pcsit ion d eserves conside ration for other rea-
sons. A vertical half-wave ante n na will radi-
ate equally well in all horizonlal directions, so
Fig . 1003 - Effect o f ground on radia tion DC h orizon tal
ante nnas a t ve l"tical a n gles for fo ur antellna he igh ts.
tha t it is substantially non-directional, in the
T his c h a rt is based o n perfectl y conductin g ground. usual sense of the word. If installed horizon-
tally, however, the antenna will tend to show
It is advantageous, t herefore, to erec t t he an- d irectional effects, and will radiate best in the
t enna at a height which will advantage of direction at right angles, or broadside, to the
ground reflection in s uch a way as to reinforce wire . The radiation in such a case will be least
the space radiation at the most desirable angle. in the direction t oward which the wire points.
S ince low r adiation angles usually arc desi rab le, This can be readily seen by imagining that Fig.
th is generally means t hat the antenna s hould 1002 is lying on the gro u nd, an d that the pat-
be h igh - at least Y2 wavelength at 14 Me ., tern is looked at from above .
an d preferably % or 1 wavelength; at least 1 The vertical angle of radiation also will be
wavelength, and preferably higher, at 28 M e. affected by the posit ion of the anten na. If it
and the very-high fre q uencies. The physical were not fo r ground losses at high frequencies,
height decreases as the freq uency is increased, t he verti cn.l half-wave antenna would be pre-
so that good heights are not impracticable; a ferred beca use it would concentrate the radia-
half wavelength at 14 M c. is o'n ly 35 feet, ap- tion horizontally. I n practice, however, t hi s
proximately, while the same he ight represents theoretical advantage over the horizontal a n-
a fu ll wavelength at 28 Me. At 7 M e. and lowe r te n na is of little or no consequence.
frequenc ies the higher radiation angles are ef- At 1.75 M e., vertical polarization will g ive
fec ti ve, so that again a reasonable antenna more low-angle rad iation, and hence is b etter
height is not difficult of atta inment. Heights for long-di s tance t ransmi ssion; at this fre-
between 35 a n d 70 feet are suitable fo r a ll
bands, the h igher figures ge nerally be ing .pre-
ferable where circumstances permit their use. ~ '0 0
considered to take place ~ seld o m is the adual Fig . 1004 - Theore tical c u rvc of v a riatio n of ra(liatio n
s urface of the ground but is a few feet below rcsi!S tancc for a b a lf.wav e h ori?:ontal an tcn na, as a
it, depending u pon the character of the soil. func tio n of h c i gllt a bove perfect ly reflect in g groll nd .
Antenna Systems 181
quen cy thc ground wave nIso is useful , and must
be vert ically polari zed . On very-h igh frequen-
cies, direct-ray and l ower t roposphere trans-
mission require the same type of polarization
at both receiver and transm itter, sin ce the
waves su ffer no appre ciable change in p olariza-
tion in transmission ( 9-5, 9-6). Either ver t ica l
or horizontal p olar iz ation may be used, the
latter being sligh tly better for longer distances.
i:.jJective radiation patterns - In "d eter-
mining th e rad iation pattern i t is necessa ry to
consider rad iation in bo th the horizon tal a nd
ver tiql.l planes . When the h al f-wave antenna is
ve rtical, the verticnl angle of radiation chose n
d ocs not affect the. shape of t he horizontal pa t -
tern, b u t only its relative amplitude. When the
antenna is horizontal, however, both t he s hape
a nd a mplitude are dependent upo n the angle of
radia t ion chosen.
Fig. 1006 - Hori zon tal pattern of a borizontal b alf.
Fig.100S - Illus tra t in g the im-
wave a nte nna at tbrec ve rtical r a diation an glee. T h e
portance of v ertical angle of sol id line is relati ve radi;ltio n at 1 5 d egrees . Dolled lines
radiation in d e termillin g an-
allow de viatio n from the I Sd e gree patterii for a n gles of
teIma dircctional effects. Ground
refl ect ion is n eglec t ed in tbi s
(lrawin g of th e free -s pace field
pattern of a ho rizon ta l anteIUla.
. ,
9 nnn 30 de grees. The patterns are uscful for sh ape ou ly,
since the amp litude wi ll d epcnd u pon tbe h eight o f the
anten n a above gr ound and th e ve rtica l an gle cons ide rcd.
Tb e patterns for all thrce an gles ha ve b een proportioncd
to tbe same scale, hut this does not lIIean t bat th e niaxi
mum 'a mpli tudes necessaril y will h e the ~a m e . The ar ro w
indicates the d ir ectio n of the h ori zon tal ante nn a wire.
F ig. 1005 illustrates this poin t. Th e " free-
s pa ce" pattern of t he horizontal antenna
s hown is a section cut vertically through the I. 10-4 Applying Power to the Antenna
solid pattern. I n the direction GA, horizontally Direct excitation.":"'" When power is tran s-
along the wire axis, the ra diation is zero. At ferred d irectl y fr om the so urce to the radiating
some vertical angle, however, represented by a nten na , the antenna is said to be directly
the line OB, the radiat ion is appreciable, excited. While a lmost any coupling metho d
des pite t he fact t hat this line runs in the same (-2-11) may be u se d , t hose mos t common ly
geographical direction a s OA. At some higher employed are sh own in Fig. 1007. P ower usu-
angle, OC, the radiation, sti ll in the same geo- ally is fed to the antenna at either a current or
graphical direction, is still more intense. The voltage loo p ( 10-2) . If power is fed at a cur-
effec t ive radiation pa ttern ther.efore depends rent loop, the coupl ing m e th od is called current
upon which angle of radiation is most use ful , feed; if a t a voltage loop, the method is called
and for lo ng-dis tance tra ns mission is d epend ent voltage f eed.
u pon the con ditions exi sting in t he ionosphere.
These conditio ns may vary not only from d ay
t o d ay and ho ur t o hour, hut even from minute --------%--------
to minu te . Obvio usly, t hen, the effective direc- _____c='J'I~11"1c"-':"-
tivity of t he anten na will change along with fl1:!Jl "r-tT R
t"1~ TANK
transm ission condit ions.
At ver y-bigh frequencies, where only ex- (A)
trem ely low angles are usefu l for any but
s poradic-E t ransmission ( 9-7) , the effective TANK C y.<!
ra di ation pattern of the an tenna approaches ~I
the free-s pace pattern. A horizontal antenna -I.3 '-.:.: Short connect ion
therefore s hows more marked directive effe cts (B)
tha n it does at lower frequencies, on which high
radiation angles are effective.
Theoret ical horizontal-directivity patterns
for half- wave horizon ta l an tennas at verti cal
a ngles of 9, 15, and 30 d egrees (represen t ing
average useful angles at 28, 14 an d 7 Mc . (C)
res pectively) are given in F ig. 1006. At inter-
med iate angles the v a lues in the affected re-
gions a lso will be interm ediate. Relative fi eld F ig. 1007 - MctLods of d irec tl y excitin g the balf.wave
stren gths are plotted on a decibel scale ( 3-3), a nt.en .. " . A, c urren t feed, series tu ni n g; II, vo lla ge feed ,
c apacit y eoup lin g; C. volta ge feed, wit h an inducl ively
so th at they rep resent as nearly as possi ble the coupled anten n a ta nk. I n A , th e cou pl in g c irc u it is not
actual aural effect a t the rcceiving sta tion. includ ed in t b c e ffecti ve electrieall e u gth of t he ante nna.
Current feed - This method is shown in ches by insulating spacers or spreaders
in Fig. lO07-A. The antenna is cut at the center placed at s uitable intervals (open-wire line ). A
and a s mall coil co upled to t he outpu t tank-cir- second type consists of rubber-insulated wires
cui t of the transmitter; with adjustable cou- twisted together to form a flexible line, without
pling so that the transmitter loading can be spacers (t wisted-pair line ). A third uses a wire
controlled. Since the addition of the coil inside of and coaxial with a tubing outer con-
"loads " the antenna, or illcreases i ts effective ductor, separated from the outer conductor by
length because of t he additional inductance, insula t ing spacers or "beads" at regular inter-
the series condensers, C1 and C2 , are used to vals (coa xial or concentric hne ). A variation of
provide electrical means for reducing the this type uses soli d rubber insulation between
length to its original unloaded value; in other the inner and ollter conductors, the latter usu-
words , their capacitive reactance serves to can- ally being made of metal braid rather than of
cel the effect of the inductive reactance soli d tubing, so that the line will be flexible.
of the coil ( 2-10) . Still another type of line uses only a single
Voltage feed - In Fig. 1007, at Band C wire, without a second conductor (single-wire
the power is introduced into the antenna at a feeder); in this type, radiation is minimized by
point of high voltage. In B, the end of the an - keeping the li ne currcnt low.
tenna is coupled to the output tank circuit Spac ing oj two-wire lines - The spacing
through a small condenser, C; in C, a separate bet\. . een the wires of an open-wire line should
tank circuit, connected directly to the a.n- be s mall in comparison to the operating wave-
tenna, is used. This tank is tuned to the trans- length , to prevent appreciable radiation . It is
mitter frequency, and sho uld be grounded at impracticable to make the spaci ng too small,
one end or at the center of the coil, as shown. however, because when the wires swing with
Adjustment of coupling- Methods of respect to each other in a wind the lille con-
tuning and adj ustment of direct-feed systems stants ( 21-2) will vary, and thus cause a
correspond to those used with transmission variation in t unin g or loading on the transmit-
lines, which are discussed in 10-6. ter. It is also desirable to use as few insulating
Disadvantages of direct excitation - Di- spacers as possible, to keep the weight of the
rect excitation seldom is used except on the line to a minimum . In practice, a spacing of
lowest amateur frequencies, becau se it involves about six inches is used for 14 Mc. and lower
bringing the antenna proper into th~ operating frequencies, with four- and two-inch spacings
room and hence into cl ose relationship with being common on the very-high frequencies.
the house and electric wiring. This usually Balance to g round- For maximum can-
means that some of the power is wasted in cellation of the field s about the two wires, it
heating poor conductors in the field of the an- is necessary that the currents be equal in
tenna. Also, it often means that the shape of amplitude and opposite in phase. Should the
the antenna must be distorted, so that the ex- capacity or inductance per unit length in one
pected directional effects are not realized, and wire differ from that in the other, this condition
likewise that the height will be limited. For cannot be fulfilled. In sofar as the line itself is
these reasons, in high-frequency work prac- concerned, th~ two wires will have identical
tically all amateurs use transmission lines or characteristics only when the two have exactly
feeder systems, ..vhich permit placing the an- the same physical rel ationsh ips to ground and
tenna in a desirable location. to other objects in the vicinity. Thus, the line
should be sym metrically constructed and the
(( 10-5 Tran smission Lines two wires should be at the same height. Line
Requirement.s - A transmission line is used unhalan ce can be minimized by keeping the
to transfer power, with a minimum of loss, line as far above the ground and as far from
from its source to the device in which the power other objects as possible. ~
is to be usefully expended. At radio frequen -
cies, where every wire carrying r.f. current
tends to radiate energy in the form of electro-
magnetic waves, spechL I design is necessary to
minimize rad iation and thus cause as much of Fig. lOOB - Transposing a two_wire o pc n tr<m s m iss ion
the power as possible to be delivered to the line prcscrves balance to ground and to near b y objects.
receiving end of the line.
Radiation can be minimized by using a line To overcome unbalance the line sometimes
in which the current is low, and by using two is transposed, which means that the position s
conductors carrying currents of equal m a gni- of the wires are interchanged at regular inter-
tudes but opposite phase so th at the fields vals (Fig. 1008). This pro cedure is more helpful
about the co nductors cancel cach other. For on lo ng than on short lines, and us ually need
good can cellation of radiation, the two conduc- not be resorted to for lines less than a wave-
tors should be kept parallel and quite close to le ngth or so long .
each other. ic ilnpedancc - The squ are
Types - The most common form of trans- root of the ratio of inductance to capacity
mi ssion line consists of two parallel ""ires, per unit length of the line is called the charac-
maintained at a fixed spacing of two tq ~l:<; t~ri$tic or surge impedance. It is the impedance
Antenna Systems
which a long line would present to an eJectricaJ height above ground, and its orientation with
impulse induced in the linc. and is. important rcspect to. ground. An_ average figure is about
in determin ing the operation of the line in 500 ohms.
conju ncti on with the apparatus to which it is Electrical le n g th - The electrical length
connected. oC a line is not exactly the saIne as its p hysical
length, for reasons. co rres ponding to those
n , causi ng end effect in an.tennas ( 10-2). Spac-
... Yll ers use d to se parate the conductors hav.e dielec-
tric constants larger than that of ai r l so tha.t
1/ 1/ 1/ the waves do not travel qu ite as fast al ong a
/ / / lin e as they would in air. The lengths of electri-
ca.l quarter waves of various types of lines can
be calculated fr o m the formula:
, 0" t+"
VV L h ( ) _ 246 X V
of-- <& ~o"J.~ .,." 1/ 1/ engl feel -
req,. ("1)
J I', c.
,. , whe re V depends upon the type of line . For
~ ,"_ ,>
lines of ordi nary const ru ction, V is as foll ows :
I ' /Y~A l iY Parallel-wire line V = 0.975
I J '11/ l -;0 !} , Parallel-tubing line V = 0.95
, ~~'b" Concentricline{air-insulated) V =- 0.85
/1/ J1 >ji Concentric )joe {ru bber-insu- }
" ., II / 1/
.5 .2. .J ,4
.S ., .1 .8", 1.0
Tw isted pair
V ~ 0.56-0.65
sulation is air.
The surge impedance Cor typical concennr.ic- Vi .... V Vfj
~ f;v
lines using vario us sizes of conductors' is given-
in Fig. 1010. .
vy'h en a solid in sul:1ting material is: used be..
twee n thc condu cto rs, because Qf the in cr:ease.
in lin e capacity bhe impedance de creases by
the facto r l / v'K. whe re K is the diele.c.t".ric: 1.0 ~.3 4 s~7e'fO
CENrEIl- 10' CENI1l $PAONu. (fIYCH5}
co nsttl.nt of. the ins ulating material.
The impedaI)ce of. a single-wire transmissiQn Fig. 101O; ~T he c hanlc teris tic imped lH~ce!O o.f- t,ypical
line varies with tlle s i1:e_ of the c.oncl.uc.t.o..r;. i.ts. eou.e~ll.trJf; IjDes.-. 'rubi n !;. sizes a(.c OU1I!1.d dJalllAl.Crs.
( 2-12). Th e ratio of current (or vo ltage) at ance of a line a half-wave long elec tricall y will
!L loop to t he value at a node (slandin g-wave be equal to the impedn.nce co nnccted at its
ratio) depends upon the ratio of the resistance out put en d ; the sam e t hing is true of a Ii li e a ny
of th e loud co nn ected to the output. end of the integral multiple of a half-wave in length.
line (its termination ) to the characteristic im- Such a line can be co nsidered to be a one-to-one
pedan ce of the line itself. ,That is, transformer. Ho,vever, if the line is a quarter-
wave (o r an odd multiple of a quarter-wave)
Z. Zt long, the input impedan ce will be equal to
Standi ng-wave ratio = - or - (8)
Z, Z. Z.'J.
Z. = -
wh ere Z. is tbe character ist ic impedance of the
line and Zt is the terminating resistance. Zt is
generally ca lled an impedance, although it where Z. is the charactcris ti c impedance of t he
must be non-reactive and there fore must cor- line and Z~ the impedance co nn cc ted to the o ut-
respond to a pure resista nce for tbe line to pu t e nd. A qua rte r-wave line can , thereforc,
operate as described. This means tha t, when be used as a n impedance transformer, and by
the load or termi natio n is an antenna, it must suitable selection of co nstants a wide range
be reso na nt at the operating fr equen cy. of input impedance values ca n be obtai ned.
The form ula is given in two ways because it Furthermore, t he impedan ce measured be-
is c us to mary to put the la rger number in the tween the two cond uctors a nywhere along the
n umerator, so t hat the ratio will not be frac- line will vary between the two end values, so
ti onal. As an example, a 600-0hm line termi- that a ny intermediate impedance value ca n
11 ated in a resistance of 70 ohms win have a be selected. This is a parti cu larly u ~ eful prop-
standing wave ratio of 600 / 70, or 8.57. The erty, since a quartcr-wa ve lin e cun be s hort-
ratio on a 70-ohm line terminated in n: resis t- circuited at one end ( 2-] 2) 'a nd used as a
ance of 600 ohms would be th e same. This linear transformer wi th an ad justable imped-
means that , if the current as measured at a a nce ratio.
node is 0.1 ampere, the current at a loop will be Losses - Air-insulated lines operate at
0. 857 ampere. qui te high e ffi ciency. P arallel-conductor lines
A line terminated in a resistance equal to its average 0.12 to 0.15 db. ( 3-3) [0::iS per wave-
characteristic impedance is equi valent to an length of line. These figures hold only if the
infinitely lQng line; consequen tly there is no standing-wave ratio is 1. The losses in crease
re fle ction, and no standing waves appear . with the standing-wavc ratio, rather slowly up
The ' standing wave ratio therefore is 1. The to a ratio of 15 to 1, but rapidly thereafter. F or
input end of s uch a line a ppea rs a.s a pure re- stand ing-wave ratios of 10 or 15 to 1, the in-
sistan ce of a value equal to the characteristic crease is inconsequential provided the line is
impedance of the line. well balan ced.
Re(l.c tartce~ resistance, i1npedance - The Concentric lines with air insulation are
input end of a line may s how reactance as well excellent when dry , but losses increase if there
as resistan ce, and the values of these quantities is moisture in the line. Provision should be
will depend upon the nature of the load at the the refore made for making such lines a ir-
output end, the electrical length of the line, tight, and they shou ld be thoroughly dry when
and the lin e characteristic impedance. The assembled. This type of li ne has the least
reactance and resistance a re important in rad iation loss. The small li nes (Ys-inch outer
determinin g the method of coupling to the conductor) should not be used at high volt-
source of power. Assuming tha t the load at the agesj hence, it is desirable to keep the stan ding-
outp ut end of the li ne is purely resistive, which wave ratio down.
is essentially the case since the load circuit is. Good quality r ubber-insula ted lin es, both
usually tuned to resonance, a li ne less than a twisted pair and coaxial, average about 1 db.
quarter wavelength long electrically will show loss per wavelength of line. At the higher
inductive reactance at its input terminals when frequ encies, therefore, such li nes should be
the output ter mination is less than the charac- used only in short lcng ths if losses are impor-
ter isti c impedance, a nd capacitive reactance tant. These lines have the advantages of com-
when the termination is higher than the pact ness, ease of in stallation, and flexibility .
characteristic impedan ce. If the li ne is more Ord in ary lamp cord has a loss of a pproximatcly
than a quarter wave but less than a half wave 1.4 db . per wavelength when it is dry, but its
long, the re verse conditions exist . With still losses become excessive when wet. The parallel
longe r lengt hs, the reacta nce chara cteristics mould ed-ru bber type is best from the stand -
reverse in each s ucceeding quarter wavelength. point of withsta nding wet weather. The char-
The input impedance is purely resistive if the acteristi c impedan ce of lamp cord is bctween
line is an exact multipl e of a qu a rte r wave in 120 an d 140 ohms.
length. The reactan ce at intermediate length s The loss in db . is dircctly proportional to the
is higher the greater the st anding-wave ratio , length of the line. Thus, a li ne wh ich has a loss
being ze ro for a ratio of l. of 1 db. per wavelen gth will have an actual loss
fn'pcllun ce I.ronsjoTrHor.ioti. - Regardless of 3 db. if t he li ne is three wavelengths long. In
of the sta nding-wave rat io, th e input i mped- the case of lin e losses, the length is not ex-
Antenna Systems 185
pressed in term s of electrical length but in power to the tran smitter, a.nd adjust th e
p hysical length ; that is, a wavelength of line, plate tank conde nser for minimulTl plate cur-
in feet, is equal to 9S4 / freque ncy ( Me .) fo r rent. If the curre nt is less th a n the desired load
computing loss. This permits a direct compari- valu e, in crease the co upling and agai n resonate
so n of lines having the sa m e physical length. the pla te cond enser. Contin ue until t he desi red
The elec tri cal lengths, of course, may differ plate current is o btained, a lways keepin g the
conside rabl y . pbte tank cond enser at the setting wh ich gives
R esonun t and non -reso n a n t li.n cs - Lines minimum current.
arc class ified as resonant or non-resonant , de- Pi-section coup :ing - A coupling sy stem
pending upon the standing-wave rati o. If the whi ch is electr ica lly eq uival ent to t a pping o n
ratio is nea r 1, th e line is said to be no n- the tank circui t , but using a capac ity vol t.age
reso na nt. Reactive e ffects will be small, a nd divider in the pl ate tank circuit for the pur-
co nsequently no s pecial t uning prov isions need pose, is shown in :F ig. lOU- C. Since o ne side
be made for canceli ng them ( 2-10) even of the condenser a cross whi ch the line is con-
when the line length is not an exact m ul tip le nected is grou nd ed, so me unba lance wjJJ be
of a quarter wavelength. If the st andi ng-wave introduced into , the trans mi ssic n line. Thi s
rati o is fairl y large, the input reactan ce must method is used chi e fly with low- po wer portab le
be canceled or "tuned o ut" unless the line is se ts, because it is readily adjustable to meet
a multiple of a quarter wavelength, and the a fairl y wid e range of im pedan ce val ues. A
line is said to be reso nant. single-ended amplifier , using either a screen-
grid tube or a grid-neutralized tl iode ( 4-7), is
CJ. 10-6 Coupling to Transmission Lines required, si nce the plate tank circuit is not
R e quire m e nts - The coupling syste m be- balan ced. Coupling is adjusted by varying el ,
tween a tran smitter and the inp ut end of a re-reso nating the ci rcuit eac h t ime by means of
tra nsmi ssion lin e m ust provide means for C'l until t he desired amp lifie r plate cu rrent is
adjusting t he load on t he tran s mitter to the obtained. In general, the co upling will increase
proper value (impedance matching), and for as Cl is madc s malle r with respect to C'l. R.e la-
tuning o ut any rea ctive component that may tively large-capacity condensers are req uire d
be present (2-9, 2-10, 2-11). Th e resistance and to give a suita ble impedan ce- matching range
reactance considered are those present at the wh ile maintaining resonan ce.
input end of the line, and hence have nothing Pi- sect ion jilte r - Th e coupling circu it
to do with the antenna itself except insofar a s shown in F ig. 101l-D is a low-pass filter capa-
t he antenna load may affect the operation of ble of coupling betwee n a fa irly wide range of
the line ( 10-5). impedances. The method of adjustment is ns
Untuned .coi l - One of the simpl est sys- fo ll o ws : First, with the filter disconnected fr om
tems, shown in Fig. lOll-A, uses a coil of a the transmitter tank, tune the trans mitter tank
few t urns tightly coupled to the plate tank to resonance, as evidenced by minimum pl ate
coil. Sin ce no proviSion is made for tu.oing, current. Then, with trial settings of the clips
this system is suitable only fo r non-resonant on Ll and L'l (few turn s for high frequen cies,
lines which show practically no reactance at more for lower), tap the input cli ps on the fin a l
the input end. Loading on the tran smitter may tank co il at points equidistant fr o m the center,
be varied by varying the coupling between the so that about half the coil is inc1ude-d between
tank indu ctance and the pick-up coil, as it is t l.l ern. A balanced tank circuit must be used.
frequ ently ca lled, or by changing the number Set C2 at abo ut half scale, apply power, and
of turns o n the pi ck- up coil. A slight amoun t rapid ly rotate Ct until t he plate current dro ps
of reactance is co uple d into the tank ci rcuit by to minimum. If this minimum is not the de-
the pick-up coil, since the flux leakage ( 2-11) sired full-load plate current, try a new setting
is high, so that some slight retuning of the of C2 and repeat. If, for all settings of C'l, the
plate tank condenser may be necessary when plate current is too high or too low, try new
t he load is connected. settings of the taps on Ll and L 2 , a nd also of the
l'ap$ on ton.k circuit - A method su itable taps on th e transmitter ta nk. Do not touc h
for usc with open-w ire lines is shown in F ig. the tank condenser during these adjustm ents.
]0] I-B, where t he line is tapped on 8. balanced When, finally, the desired plate c urre nt is ob-
tank circuit with tap.s equidista nt fr o m the ta ined, set C 1 carefully to the exact minim um
ce nter or ground point. Thi s symmetry is ph\te-currcnt point. This adj1l.stm.ent is impor-
necessary to ma inta in line balan ce t o ground tant in m.i nimizing harmonic outptd.
( ]0-5). Loading is increaseg by m oving the Wi t h some lengt hs of resonant lin es, partic u-
taps outward from t he center. An y reacta nce larly those which are not exa.ct multiples of a
present may be tuned ou t by readjustment of quarter ,vavele ngth r it m a y be diffi cult to get
the plate tank co nd enser, but th is method is pro per loading with the pi-sectio n coupl er.
not suitabl e for large val ues of reactnnce and Us ua lly antennas o f these leng ths a lso will be
therefore direct tapping is best confined to use diffi cult to feed v. .i th other syste ms of co upling,
with nOll-resonan t lin es. a s well. In such cases , t he proper output load-
Al"/justfn.ell.t of un d syst.e n..s - Ad- ing o ften can be o btained by va.ry ing the DI C
justment of either of the above systems is quite ratio of the filter over a co nsid erably wid e r
.s imple. Starting with l oos~ coupling, apply range than is necessary for no rma l loads,
Series I.II"ing - 'When fhe input impedance condenser to min imum plate curre nt. T his is
of the line is lo'1,v, the coupling method s hown necessary beca.use ttrning the antenna circ u it
in Fig. 101l-E may be used. Thi s sys tc'm, will have some effect on the tuning of t he plate
kn own as series i1wing,'S the 'couphrrg tank The new minimu m pla.te 'c urrent will be
coi l, tuning co ndensers an d lon<l all in sori'cs, higher than with the antenna system detuned,
and is pa rti c ul a rly 'suitable for lISC with res'o- but should still be \veU be low the rated va l ue
nant lines when a current loo p a'PPcars at the fo r t he tube or t u bes. I ncrease the cou pling be-
input end. As shown , two tuning coTT1:'ienser s tween Ll and L 2 by a s mall 'am o unt, readj ust
are u sed , to keep the lin e ba:lancc'd to ground. C1 and C'!. for m aximum platc c urrent, and
H owever, onc wi ll suffice, the other 'mrd of the again set the plate t allk 'co nden ser to mini-
lin e being cOnll ccted directly to the 'e nd 'Of ~. mum. Contin ue t hi s process until thc mini-
The tunin g procedure with sel'i'cs tu'nin:g is a s mum plate current is eq ua l to the rated pl ate
follows : With C1 and C2 at minim um 'ca'Pa"City, current for the amplifier. Always use th e d e-
c011ple the anten na coil, L 1, loost:ly 'to 'the gree of 'c oupli ng betwee n Ll and L2 which will
tran smitte r o u tput tank coi l, and obS"erve "t'he just bring the amplifi er plate current to rated
plate current. T hen in crease C 1 and (h. si mu1- valu e when Cl and O2 pass t hroug h resonan ce.
to.neotl sly until 0. setting is rea ched which gives The r J. ammeters should indi cate maximum
maximum pl a.te cur rent, indi cating tha.t the feede r current at the resonance setting; these
a ntenn!l. system is in resonanc'C ,,;th the trans- m-eters are not strictly necessary. but are useful
mitting frequen cy . Readjust t he plate 'tank in indi cating the relative power output .
CA) (F)
l rme
iJjfiE '
h TronJ
(e) Fe
+ +
Fi,g. 1011- ~f (: thod s o f couplin g the tran smitter output 10 the tr;\lIsmi ssio ll li ne , Applic lilio n, ci rCll it values
and ad j us tment 'a re (lisCll sscd in th e 'text. The couplill f! cOIIJ~~ lI sc rs . C, arc fi)(ed block ing cOTl \l ensers u sed 10
iso late t he tran smitt er plat e vo lta ge froUl t ue antenna. Thei r cli paci l y is not cri tica l, 500 ...... rd. to 0.002 ... Cd .
being satis fact ory va'lues. but 'th eir volu:ge ratln's 'S'h ould '3 ' ,least 'equal the plarc voltage on the linal Slage.
Antenna Systems 187
Parallel tu.ning - When the Iihe h as high the same -effect as changing the coupling be-
input im pedance, the usc of paralle l t uning, as tween the pl ate tank and ante nna coil s in the
s hown in Fig. lOll-F, is required. Here t he ordinary sys tem. The tuning procedure is the
coupling coi l, tuning con denser and line &\1 arc sam e a s described above for series and parallel
in parallel , the load represented by the line be- tuning. In the case of single-ended tank cir-
ing directly across the t uned coupling circuit. cuits the input lin k is co upled to the groull.ded
If the li ne is non-reac tive, the cou pling circuit end of the tank coil. as in F ig. lOll-G.
wi ll be t uned independently to t he tra nsmitter Ci r cuit - The values of indu ctan ce
freque ncy; line reactance can be compensated and capacity to use in thc antenna co u pling
fo r by t u ning of Cl and , if necessary, adjust- system will d epend upon the tran s mitting fre-
ment of L1 by mea ns of taps. Parallel tuning quency, but are not particularly criticaL With
is suited to reso nant li nes when a vo ltage loop series tuning (Fig. 10ll-E, 1) , the coil may
a ppears at the input end. consist of a. few turn s of the same co nstruction
The tuning procedure is qu ite s imilar to as is used in the final tank; average values will
that with series t un iog. Find the value of run from one or two turns at very- hi gh frequen-
couplin g between L1 and L,. which will bring cies to perhaps 10 or 12 at 1. 75 Me . The number
the plate current to the desired value a s C 1 is of turns preferably s hould be adjustable so that
tuned through resonance. Again , a.slight read- the ind uct:lnce ca.n be cha nged sho uld it not
justment of the a mpl ifier tank condenser may be possible to reach resonance with the co n-
be necessary to co mpensate for the effect of densers used. The series condensers shou ld
coupled reacta nce. have a maximum capacity of 250 or 350 ~IAd.
Link couplin g - Where tuning of the cir- at the lower frequenciesi the same values will
cuit connected to the line is necessary or serve even at 28 Me . although ]00 ~~fd . will
desirable, it is possib1e to separate physically be ample for thi s and the 14- M c. band. Still
the line-tuning apparatus and the plate tank smaller condense rs can be used at ve ry-high
circui t by means of link coupling ( 2-11). frequen cies. Sin ce series tuning is used at a10w-
This is often conven ient fr om a constructional voltage po int in t he feeder sys tem, the plate
standpoint, and has t he advantage t hat, with spaci ng of the con densers d oes no t have to be
proper constru ct ion, there will be so mewhat large. Ordin ary receiving-t y pe conden sers are
less harmonic transfer to the antenna, sin ce. large enough for plate voltages up to ]000,
stray capacity co u pling is lessened with the and the smaller trans mitting conden sers have
smaller link coi ls. high-enough voltage ratings for high er-power
Figs. ]Oll-G and H show a method which appLications. In high-po wer radi otelephone
ca n be con sidered to be a variati on of Fig. transmi tters it may be neces~HHy to use con-
10] I-B. The first (G) is suitable for use with a densers having a plate spacing of approxi-
single-ended plate tank, the secon d (H) for a mately 0.15 to 0.2 inch.
balanced tank. The auxiliary tank on wh ich In parallel-tuned cir cui ts (F. G, H, J) the
t he tran smi ssion lin e is tapped may have ad- antenna coi l and condenser should be a pproxi-
justable inductance as well as capacity, to pro- mately the sa me as those used in t he fin al tank
vi de a wide range of reactance variation for circuit. The antenna tank ci rcuit m ust be capa-
compen sating for li ne reactance. The center of . ble of b ei n~ t u ned independentl y t o the trans-
the a uxiliary tank inductance may be grounded, mitting frequen cy, and, if poss ible , provision
if desi red. The link windin).;s shou ld be placed should be made fo r tappi ng the coil, so that the
at the grounded parts of the coils, to red uce LI e ratio can be varied to thc opt imum value
capacity coupling and consequent harmonic ( 2-11) as d eterm in ed experimentall y.
tran sfer. With this inductively cou pled system, In Fig: 10ll-D, Cl and C, may be 100 to 250
t he loading o n t he auxiliary tank circuit in- ,u}lfd. each, the higher-ca.pacity values being
creases as th e taps are moved outward from the used for lower-frequency operation (3.5 and
center, but, since thi s decreases the Q of the 1.75 M c. ). Plate spacing sho ul d be, in general,
circuit, the co upling to the plate tank simul- at least half that of the fin al-amplifie r tank
taneo usly decreases ( 2-11 ). Hence , u compro- condenser. For operation from 1.75 to 14 Mc .
mise adjustment g iving proper load ing must L1 and L2 each may co nsist of 15 turn s, 2Yz
be found in practice. Loading a lso , may be inches in diameter, s paced to occ upy 3 inches
varied by changing the coupling between one le ngth , and tapped evcry three t um s. Ap-
link winding and its assoc iated tank coil; proximate settings are 15 t urns fo r 1. 75 Mc ., 9
either ta nk may be lIsed for this purpose. \Vhen turns for 3.5 Me ., 6 t urns fo r 7 M c. , and 3 turns
the auxiliary tank is properly t un ed to co m- for 14 M c. The coi ls may be wo und with No . 14
pensate fo r line reactance, the plate tank tun- or No. ]2 wire. This m ethod of co upling is very
ing will be practi ca ll y the same as with no load; seldom used at very-high frequ e ncies.
hence, the piate ta n k co ndenser n eed be re- lfurrnoni.c reclu.ctioH - It is im portant to
adj usted only sli gh tl y to com pensate for the prevent, in sofar a s poss ible, har mo ni cs in the
s mall reacta nce introdu ced by the link. output of the tran s mi tter from bc ing trans-
Link co upling al so may be used wit h series ferred to the antenna system. Untun ed (F ig.
and parall el tuning, a s shown in Figs. 1011-1 101!-A) and directly coupled (Figs. lOll -B)
and J. The co uplin g between one link 1\nd its systems d o no t di scriminate aga inst h:lrrmonics,
associated coil may be made variable, to give and hence are m ore likely to cause ha rmonic
radiation than the indu ctivel y coupled tuned any total wire len gth which will ac commodate
systems. Low-pass filter arrangem ents, such as a wh ole number of s tanding waves. (The
those at C an d D, Fig. 1011, do discriminate "length" of a tW9-wire lin e is, howe ver, alway s
against harmonics, bu t the direct coupling taken as the length of one of t he \vires .)
frequently is a so urce of trouble in thi s respect. ,Quarter- and half-wave reso nant lines feed -
I n indu ctively coupled systems, care must ing half-w'ave antennas are sho wn in Fig. 1012.
be takcrtto prevent capacity coupling between The curren t distribution on both antenna and
coils. Link coils always should be coupled at a line is indi cated. It will be noted that the
point of ground potential ( 2-13) on the plate quarter-wave line has maximum cur rent at one
tank coil, a s abo s hould series- and parallel- end and minimum current at the other, de-
tuned coils (E and F), when possible. Capacity termined by the point of connection to th e
co upling can be practicall y eliminated by the antenna. The half-wave line, however, bas the
use of a Faraday s hield ( 4-9) between the sam e current (and voltage) values at both
plate tank and antenna co ils. ends.
If a qu a rter-wave line is connected to t he end
of an antenna, as s hown in Fig. 101 2-A, then
at the transmitter end of the line the curre nt
is high and the voltage low (low impedance ),
so that series tuning ( 10- 6) can be used.
(A) Sho uld the li ne be a half-wave long, a s at
1012-B, current \vill be minimum a nd voltage
m a ximum (high impedance) at the trans mitter
end of the line, just as it is at the end of the
antenna . Parallel tuning therefore is required
( 10-6). The line could be coupled to a bal-
anced final tank through small condensers ,
as in Fig. 101l-B, but the inductively coupled
circuit is preferable. An end-fed an te nn a with
reso nant feeders, as in JOll -A and B, is known
[ as the /, Zeppelin" or /, Zepp" antenna.
The line also may be inse rted at the center
of the antenna at the maximum-current point.
(B) Quarter- and ha lf-wave lin es used in this way
x ,
" (c)
XMfR ~ LlI:
TANK t nt
_ ___ x x
j j
(B) (D) " "
XMTR (ffilTll2
TANK i-n- i
Fig. 101 3 - Prac ticaJJHll f.wave ante lln ;1 s ys te m s us i!) g resona nt lin e feed . In tb e ceu te r feed sys te m s, the a nt e nna
le n gt h , X, dOc$ no t include the len g th o f th e in s ul :ltor at th e cent c r . Lin e leng th is measu re d fr om the IIl1teli ll a
to the tUllin g ;q )pn rll l us : le a d s i n th e latt er ~ h o lJld h e ke pt s hort. e no u gh so th eir e lTeet ca n be neg lec ted. Th e
li se of two r .f. llrnm Cl c rs, 1\'1, a s s hown is h;:ipful fo r babnc ing feccl e r c urre nt.s; howeve r, olle meier iss uffic ie lJt to C it
a ble t un in g fo r fllll ;( iuHnll o utput, and llla y be lnlllsfcrreJ from on c feed e r to the o the r, i f d esired. The sys t ems ;I l
(A) a nd (C) lire for ft.:cd t.: r;; a ll odd nUfllJ.e r of (pl a rt e r waves in le n g th ; ( 13 ) and ( 0 ) arc fo r f e ed e rs l\ multiple o f a
half w a v;:ie n glh . Th e ll rawi ll J;S corres poIIll ciccl ri c;llI y to tbe JUIf' ''' ll''C .. .He nna syste llls s hown il.l Fi g. 101 2.
S~ORT ~h i
- -
(B) CD)
FiB. 1014 - l li u s ttatillg th e e ffect 011 f eeder balance of incorrect a ntenn a len gth for nlrious t y pes of antenna s ys-
te m s. 10 t"nd-feed sys tem s, the currellt miuimum shifts above or below the feed er junction, unbalancing tb e line.
W ith center feed o ut, incorrect anteUlla le ngth d oes not unbalance the transmissio n lin c, as it d oes w ith c ud fee d.
minimu m to a point on the live feeder, so that may be done by connecting the line at the
again t he currents are unbalanced . The more proper spot along the antenna , by in serting a n
serious the unbal ance, the greater the radia- impedan ce-transforming device between t he
tion from the line. antenna and line , or by using a line hav ing an
Strictly speaking, a line having an unbal- impedance equal t o the center i mpedance of
anced connect ion, such as the one-way term i- the antenna.
na tion at the end of an antenna, cannot be In the following disc ussion of ways in which
t ruly balanced even though the antenna length different types of lines may be matched to the
is correct. TIllS is because of the difference in antenna, a half-wave antenna is used as an ex-
loadi ng on the two sides. The effect of th is dif- ample. Ot her types of antennas may be
ference is fairly s mall when the currents are treated by the sa me metho ds, making due
balan ced, however. all owance for the order of impedance that ap-
If t he antenna is fed at the center the un- pears at the end of the li ne when more e labo-
desirab le effects of incorrect antenna length rate system s are used.
balance out , so t hat the line operates properly Single- wire f eed - In the single-wire-feed
under all condition s. This is sho wn in Fig. syste m , t he return circuit is thro ugh the
1014 at D, E and F . So long as the two halves ground. There will be no standing waves on
of the an tenna are of equal length the dis- the feede r when its characterist ic impedance
tribution of current on the feeders will be is matched by the impedance of the anten na
symmetrical, so t hat no unbalance exists even at the connection point. The prin cipal dimen-
for antenna le ngths considerably removed from sions (F ig. 1015) a re the length of the a ntenna,
the correct val ue. L, and the d istance, D, frolli the exact center
of the antenna to t he point at whi ch the
Cl. 10-8 Non-Resontlnt Lines feeder is attached . Approximate d imen sions
Requireme nts - The advantages of non- can be obtained from Fig. 1016 for an antenna
resonant transmissio n lines - minimum losses, system havin g a fu ndamental frequency in any
an d elimination of the necessity for t u ning - of the most-used amateur bands.
make this t ype of operation attractive. The In constructing an antenna system of this
chief disad vantage of the non-resonant li ne, type, the feeder must run straight away from
aside from t he necessity for more care in initial the antenna (at a right :l.ngle) for a di stance of
adj"ustment, is that when I , matched" to the at least one-third the length of t he antenna.
ordinary antenna t he match is perfect on ly for Otherwise the field .of the anten na will affect
one frequency, or at most for a small band of the feeder a nd cause faulty operation. There
frequencies on either side of the frequency for
which the m at ching is done. Except for a fe w
special sys tems, t hi s means that the antenna is
unsuitable for work on more than one amateur
band. ,
Adju stment of a non-reso nant line is simply Untuned /in~ I
o"'I It!"'Ith I
a process of a djusting the terminating resist-
a nce to match the characteristic impedance of ~
the line. To accomplish this the antenna itself
must be resonant at the selected frequ ency, and
the line must then be connecLed to it in such a
Fig. 1015 - Single.w ire.Ieed sys tem. The len gth , L ,
\...ay that the antenna impedance as looked at (o n e.h a l f wa vd erq; th ) a nd the feeder loc,llion, D, fo r va
by the line is the right value. The ll1:1.tch in g ri ous hand s are ':Iel.erm inc d fro ll' Ibe eI,,,,"I;; o f Fig. ] 0 16.
Antenna Systems 191
/;;ig. lOUi - Char.l !; fo r dl:lcrm inillg the .length.of ha lf - 33 . 40 4;:
wave antennas for lis e on variou s amateur freque n cies .
Solid lili es indicate l lll tCIlllU len gth in {cd (lower sca le') ;
dotted ;Iin cs indica.te th e point o f'connect io n for a -s ingle_ ~ 1800,
>wirC'f eeder (upper scale) m easn r ed /rom cclltcrof antenlla.
OJ 1850'
>should be no sharp bends in the feeder wire "~ 1900
at any poi-nt .
~ 1950
Witt!. the coupling syst e m S hO \Yll in li' ig. ~
~ 3900
whe n series plate feed is used. It s hould have a
voltage rating some wha t higher than that of '"
'" 4000114
t he plate supply . Almost a ny capaci t y greater .... us 122 126 130 ,134
than 500 ~,ufd. wil1 'be sati sfactory . Th e co n-
denser is unnecessary, of course, -if parallel 9'r 9'2" 9'3" 9'5" - " '6 "
plate feed is used . 1000
:a 70S0
Sin,l, wi", .~
t---- freder
I r-
o ~ 1rso '
~ :7-200: ,
-4.: A il
~ 7250
63 .. os ..
Fig. 1017 - Methods of coupling t he Leeder to the
transmi tter in a si n gle -wire -feed system . Circ uits are
shown for bo th sin gle -ended and balanced tank circuits.
The twisted-pair line is a convenient t ype to of the outer conductor shou ld be approximate ly
use, since it is easy to install and the r.f. voltage 3.2 times the outside diameter of the inner
on it is low because of the low impedan ce. This conductor. This condition can be fulfilled by
makes the quality of insulation a matter of less using standard %-inch (outs ide diameter)
impo rta nce. Special twisted line for transmiL- copper tubing for th e outer conductor and
N o. 14 ,..-ire for the inn er. Ceramic insulating
s pacers are avai lable comme rcially for this
combinat.ion. Rubber-in s ulated concentric line
baving the requisite impedance for connection
to the center of the antenna also is available.
The operation of s uch an antenna system is
si milar to that of the twisted-pair system j ust
described , and the same tran s mitter coupling
arrangements may be used ( 10-6) .
The outer cond uctor of the line may be
grounded, if desired. The feeder sY5tem is
Fig. 1018 ~ Ib lf-wa" c antenna ct.:ntcr.fed by a t wisted .
pair line. Funnin g ( B ) compensates for line impedance. sl ightly u nbalanced, because the inner and
outer con ductors do not have the same capac-
Ling purposes, having lower losses than ordi- ity to ground . There s hould be no radiation
nary r u bber-covered wire, is avail able. fr om a line having a co nc ct s urge impedance,
The antenna shou ld be one-half wavelength howeve r .
long for the frequenc y of operation, as deter- De lta m ,atching transforrner - Because of
mined b y charts of Fi g. ]016 or the formulas the extremely close s pacin g required, it is
( 10-2). The a mount of" fanning" (dimension i mpracticab le to construct an open-wire
B) will depend u pon the kind of cable used; the transm iss ion line which wilt have a s urge
required spacing usuall y wilt be betwee n 6
and 18 inches. It may be cbecked by inserting
ammeters in each antenna. leg at the junction
_ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ __
Anferma Band Type of
Length T uning
Lengfh Ut.) V I.)
t ,
With end feed:
243 120 1.75M c. 'phone series
4-Mc. ' phone parallel
H Mc. pa rallel
~ ...------------
28 Me. pa rall el . (c) .
136 67 3.5-.M c. c.w. series
7 Me. parall el Fig. 1029 - C Ul:"rent d is tribution and feed poin ts for
14 Me. para llel long .wire an tennas. A 3/ 2 .wave antenna is used a s au
28 M e. parallel ill us t ra t ion. With twowire feed . the line may be cou
n ce ted a t the end o f the a ntcnn a or at a n y curre nt loop
13' 67 3.5Mc. c.w. series (but not a t a c urrent node) fOI:" h armonic operation.
7Mc. parallel "
signed to give sa ti sfa cto ry operation
on all the bands co nsidered, ta king into
'" B_
account the change in required length ;:.-
as t he order of the harmonic goes up . /' l- f- I- A
A ce nter-fed ha lf-wave antenna
will not operate as a long wire on har- '" V
--- --- --
moni cs, because of the phase re versal
at the feeders previously mentioned n, II /' ---
( 10-9). On the second harmonic the , V
two antenna sections are each a half
wave long, a nd , sin ce the curren ts are II
in p hase, thc directional characteristic
is different from that of a full-wave
a ntenna eve n though t he over-all .' 2
end. W hile this disagrees slightly with the A simple antenna syste m, withou t feed ers,
figures given for a half-wave antenna, it has for operation on fi ve bands is shown in Fig.
been found to work better on the harmonic 103 1. On a ll bands from 3.5 Me. u pward it
freque ncies. The " Q" antenna ( 10-8) also can operates as a n e nd-fed antenna - ha.lf wave
be opera ted o n harmoni cs, but the linc cannot on 3.5 M e. , long wire on the ot her bands. On
1.75 M e. it is only a quarter wave in length , a nd
mu st be worked against ground ( 10-14). On
this ba nd , since it is fe d at a high- current
point, series tuning ( 10-6) m ust be us ed.
An.te for res tric t e d space - I f the
s pace available for t he a nte nna is not large
e nou gh to accommodate the length neces-
sary for a half wave at t he lo west fr eq uen cy to
.be used, quite satisfacto ry operation can be
Tvtled W same
J secu red by usi ng a antenna a.nd making
l reqwn('j aJ /.roM~",l1t!' up the missing lengt h in the feed er system .
Th e a nt en na itself may be as s hort as a qu ar-
te r wavele ngth and still radiate fairl y well,
a lthough of course it will not be as effective
as one a half wa ve long: Nevertheless, such a
, system is useful where operation on th e de-
sired band otherwise would be impossi ble.
Resona nt feeders are a p racti cal necessity
fC with such a n antenna system, an d a cen ter-fed
Fig. 1031 - A lIimpie a.ntcnua sys tem for five ama 'antenna will give best aU-around perfo r mance.
tcur ba nds . Tbe a otenna is v ol ta ge fed 011 3. 5, 7, 14 and Wi th end feed the feeder curre nts become
28 M e" workin g o n the fun damental, second, fourth a nd
eight h ha rmon ics, respectively. For 1.75 M e. the system badly unbalanced, and, since lengths midway
is a quarle r-wave ground ed a ntCllll a, in which casc bet 'ween those requiring series or parallel
series tUllin g mus t be used. The a n te nna w ire should be tuning ordinarily must be used to bring the
kept we ll in tbe clear and s hould be a s hi gh a& possible.
If t he len gth o f the antenna is incr eased to a pproximat e- ent ire system to resonance , couplin g to the
ly 260 fee t, voltage feed ca.n be used on ali five bands. trans mitter often becomes diffi cult.
With center feed practically any convenie nt
operate as a non-resonant line excep t at the le ngth of a ntenna. ean be used, if t he feede r
fundamenta l freque ncy of the an ten na. For ,length is adjusted t o accommodate a t least
harmonic ope ration the lin e m us t be tuned , and one half wave a round the whole syste m.
therefore the feeder length is important. The T ypical cases are shown in F ig. 1032, one for
tuning system will depend u pon t he pumber of a.n antenna having a le ngth of one quarter
quarter wa ves on the line, inclu di ng the" Q" wave (A) a nd the other for an a ntenna so me--
bars. T he concen tric-line-fed antenna ( 10-8) what longer (C) b ut still not a half wave long.
may be used on har monics, if the conce ntric Current di stribut ion is shown for both fun da-
lin e is air-in s ulated . Its openttion on ha rmonics mental a nd seco nd harmonic. From the points
is simi la r to th at of t he" Q." Thi s antenna is marked X, resonant feeders any conveni ent
not recomme nde d for mul t i-band ope ration number of qua r ter waves in length may be
with a rubber-insulated line , however. exte nded to the operating room. The sum of
The delta- match system ( 10-8) ca n be used the distances on each wire from X to the an-
on harmo ni cs, although some standi ng waves tenna end must equal a half Wave. It is suffi-
will a ppear on the li ne. Any system can ciently accurate to use E quation 2 ( 10-2)
be used on ha r monic frequencies by tying the in calc ulating this length. Note that x-X is a
feeders toge t.her at the trans mitter e nd a nd high-current point on these shortened a nten-
feed ing the system as a. sin gle wire by means nas, corres ponding t o th e center of a half-wave
of a tun ed cil'cuit co u pled to the t ra ns mitter. a ntenn a. It is also apparent that the antenna
of each fi Gure (D and D ) . In A and C ,
the total len gth around tbe system is a
1 1-; 1
1 -- - - ----- half wavelen gth at the fundamenta l
frequen cy. In n aud D, the over-all
le n gth is a fnll wave. Arrows show the
ins tan t aneous direction o f c u.crcn t flow.
Antenna Systems 199
A A antenn a a half-wave long. In t his . case
t he ends may be bent, either horizo n-
tally or vertically, so that the total length eq uals
a hnl wave, even th ough th e straightaway
hori zontal length may be as short as a quar ter
wave. Th e operatio n is illustrated in Fig. 1034 .
Such a n antenna will be a so mew hat bette r
radiator than t he arrangement of Fig. 1032-A
on the lowest fre quency, but is not as desirable
for m ulti-band operation because the ends play
Tuni",! an in creas ingly important part as the fre-
Apparotus quency is raised. Th e perfor mance of the
system in s uch a case is difficult t o predict,
Fig. 1033 - Practical arraugement of a shorlened an . The Iota I length, A B + + +
n A. sho uld be a especially if th e ends a re verti ca l (the most
convenient arrangemen t), because of the com-
ha lJ wavelength fo r the lo west-freque ncy band , usua ll y
3.5. Me. See Table 11 for lengths aotl tuuin g data . bination of horizontal and vertical polarization
as well as dissimilar directional characteristics .
at A is a haif-'i\'ave antenna on the next higher-
frequency band (B) .
A practical antenna of this type can be made
as show n in Fig. 1033. Table II gives a few
recommended lengths. Remem bering the pre-
ceding discuss ion, however, the anten na can
be made any co nven ient length, provided the
feeder is considered to ubegin " at X-X a nd the
line length is adj usted accord ingly. Fig. 1034 - Folded arrangem en t for sho r tened an ten-
Bent antennas - Since the fie ld strength at nas. The tota l Icn gth is a half wave, not includin g the
feeders. Th e horizo nta l part is m ade as lon g as eon_
a dist ance is proportional to the current in the \'enicllt and the ends dropped down to make up the
antenna, the high-current part of a half-wave required len gth. The end s Ola y be he nt back o n t hem_
antenna (the center quarter wave, approxi- selves like fcel1ers to cancel radiation partiall y. The ho ri_
~onta l sec tio n should be at leas t a quarte r.wave lo n g.
mately) docs most of the radiating ( 10-1).
Advantage can be t aken of this fa ct when the
space available does not permit erecting an Cl lO-l1 Long-Wi re Dire ctiv e Arrays
l 'he "JI" - It has been empha-
sized that, as the antenna length is incr e~\ se d,
TABLE II the lobe of maximum rad iation makes a more
ANTENNA AND FEEDER LENGTH S FOR SnORT a.cute angle wit h t he wire ( 10-9). Two s uch
.M ULTI - BAND ANTENNA S, CENTER-FED wi res may be com bi ned in the fo.rm of a hori-
zontal H V" so that the mai n lobes from eac h
Feeder wire will reinforce along a line bisectin g the
Antenna length Band Ty pe oJ
len gth (ft . ) luning ,..angle between t he wires. T his increases both
U.) gain and directivity, since the lobes in direc-
137 68 1.75 Me. series t ions other than along the bisector cancel to a
3.5 Me. para lle l greater or lesser extent. The horizontal II V"
7 Me. par~lIel an tenna therefore transmits best in ei ther di-
14 Me. parallel
28 :M e. pa rallcl recti on (is bi-directio nal ) along a line bisec t -
in g the V" mad e by the two wires. The power
100 38 3.5 Me. pa~all e f gain depends upon the lengt h of the wires.
7 Me. sen es
14 Me. series
Provided the necessary space is available,
28 Me. series or the II V" is a simple ante nna to build a nd
parallel operate. It can also be used on harmo nics,
so that it is suita bJe fo r mul ti-band work.
67.5 34 3.5 M e. series
7 Me. parallel The II V" antenna is sh own in Fig. 1035.
14 Me. parallel
50 43
7 Me.
M e. parallel
14 Me. paralle l
liwwrv$vQn line A
28 Me. parall el c ~
33 51 7 Me.
14 Me.
pa rall el ~L 0
28 Me. parallel A B sC 0 ---:::::::;
33 31 7 tI'l e. parallel Fig. 1035 - The "V" antenna, mad e by eo mhining
14 l\l e. Series two lon g wires in such a wa y that each rei nforces the
28 M e. parallel radiation from the other. The impo rtant quanti lies are
tbe len gtb of each leg and tbe augle between the legs.
Fig. 1036 shows the di mensi ons ~~
t hat should be followed for an opti- ~ :Z
mum design to obtain maximum /.. I ' ~
;:::--<]'60-2' ,krm~l'Ia&nq
J TR_~ITrlN6
power gain for different-sized HV" Line A I reJuwr
antenn as. T h e longer systems give ,d1 /UC6IVIN(J
good perfor mance in multi-band op- TOP VIEW
erati on. Angle a is approximately
equal to twice the angle of maximum
radi ation fol' a single wire equal in
length to one side of the" V ."
The wave angle referred to in Fig.
1036 is the vertical angle of maximum
radiation ( 10- 1). Ti lting the whole
horizontal pla ne of the V" will tend
. ..---......." ,.-.............
T o Find: [I, "'. j "
M e thod:
Draw ver t ical linc thro u gh / I ./
point a (L = 2 wa'"c
i L 4- It'OYe!~th.r ......... c :/
len gths) an d poi ut b o n
absciS6<l (.0. = 20.) Read
an gle o f tilt t.) fo r point
a a nd h eight (ll ) {rom
I .7
~ J..--'
' f-- L .. 3 Jtl4 yelen9ths
--- ,.-
/ I
intersection of line ab at
point c on curve H. ~ I "
R esult :
., I- :
4> = 60.5.
B = 0.73 wavelen gth.
(2) Given:
Lengt h (L) = 3 wave
len gths .
, - h""
2 WaYl:!knqihs
An gle of ti lt (4)) = 78.
To F ind : 11 .0..
I. I- ' 2 0 2 2 2 4
, of~~se V "'
linear arrays, with t.he current di stribution,
arc shown in Fi g. 1039. The two-clement array r--. 'ablout
harmoni c. The way in whicb the number of
elements may be extended for increased direc-
tivity and ga i n is shown in Fig. l030-B. Note , .........
that quarter-wave tran s mission lines arc use d
between each clement; th ese give the reversa l
in phase necessa ry to make the currents in
, / I--
0 -V ,Va ,V" ,VI!
,V2 ,v.
Fig. 104 1 - Cain v s. s pncinl,; fo r two parallel ba l f~wavc
A N 'rr;:l"HlfAS
ele men tscowbioed as either broad side o r endfi["c arrays.
- -
Co",nbined broadside and colline ar arrays
- Broadside and collinear arrays may be
combined to give both horizontal and vertical
directivity, as well as additional gain. The
general plan of constructing such antennas is
shown in Fig . ~ 1042. The lower angle of radia- - (A)
tion resu lting from stacking elements in the
verti cal plane is desirable at the higher fre- Fig. 1044 - End-fire arrays usin g parallel h alf-wave
quen cies. In general, doubling the number of clements . The clem ents arc shown with h alf-wave spac-
elements in an array by stacki ng will raise the i ng to illustrate feeder con nec tions. Tn pract ice. closer
s pacin gs are d esirable. tiS sh own by F ig. 1041. Di rection
gain from 2 to 4 db., depending upon whether of maximum radiation is sh own b y thc large arrows.
vertical or horizontal elements are used - that
is, whether the stacked elements are of the
broadside or collinear type. broadside elements to give a further increase in
gain an d directivity.
Either resonan t or non-resonant lines may be
used with this type of array. No n-resonan t lines
prefe rably are matched to the a ntenn a through
.,, a quarter-wave matching section ( 10-8).
Checking phasing - Figs. 1042 and 1044
I illustrate a point in connection wit.h feeding
a phascd antenna system which sometimes is
confUSing. I n Fig. 1044 , when the transmission
li nc is co nnected as at A there is no cross-
le~t1 over in the line ronnecting the two antennas,
FI~. 1043 - A four -clem cnt combin atioo broadside_ but when the trans mi ssion line is co nnected to
collioear array. popu larly known as thc "' lazy H" the center of the connecting line the cross-
antenna. A closed quart er -wave s tub lIl ay be u sed
at tbe fecd poin t to match into a 600oh m transm ission
over becomes necessa.ry (B ). This is becaus e
lin e. o r resonant feeders m ay bc attachcd at t he point in B the tw o halves of the conn ec ting li ne are
indicated . T h e gain over a half-wave a ntenna is 5 t o 6 d b. simply branches of t he sa mc line. In oth er
The spacing between e1ements can be made
eq ual to the length of the phasing Hne. No
special adj ustments line or element length or
spacing arc needed, provided the formulas are
followed carefully.
With collinear arrays of the type shown in
(B)4F Fig. 1039-B, the same formula may be used
for the element length whil e the qua rter-wave
phasing section can be calculated from Equa- -
tion 7 ( 10-5). If the array is fed at its center
it shoul d not be necessary to make any particu-
lar adj ustments, a lth ough, if desi red, the whole
system can be resonated by connec tin g an
r.f. ammeter in the sho rting link on each p has-
V -........O. II~
~ . ~
ing section ~nd moving the lin k back and
forth to find t he maxi mum current
posit ion. This refin e ment is hardly
ne.cessary in practice, however, so
lo ng as all elements are the same length and
'I xl
"~ ,
~ the system is symmetrical.
Silnple arrays - Several simple directive
antenna systems using driven elements have
achieved rather wide use among amate urs .
Four of these systems are shown in Fig. 1045.
Fig. 1045 - Simple directive an ten na systems. A is a Tuned feeders are assumed in a ll cases; how-
t wo..elemen t elld -fire arra y ; B is the sa me array with ever, a matching section ( 10-8) readily can be
cen ter feed, wb icb permits usc of the arra y on the second
barmollie, where it becomes a fo ur-e.lemen t a rray with substituted if a non-resonant transmission li ne
quarter_wa ve s pacing. C is a four_elem ent e nd-fire a rray is pre ferred . Dimens ions given are in terms of
with Ji -....ave s pacin g. D is a simple lwo-e.lement broad - wavelength; actual lengths can be calculated
side array using e.x teuded in-phase antennas (tte.xtended
double.Zepp"). The gain of A and n is sli ghtly over 4 db. from the equ ations in 10-2 for the antenna
On the second harmonic, n will giv e about 5 db. gain. a nd from Equation 7 ( 10-5) for the reso-
With C, the gain is approximately 6 db., a nd with D, nant tra nsmission lin e or ma tching sectic n
approxim a tely 3 db. I n A. B a nd C . the pha!ling line In cases where the t ransmission-line propel
contributes about 1!l6th wavelen gth to the traus-
mis!ion line; when B is used on the second hurmonic. . connects to the mid-point of a phasing line, only
this contribution is ~ wavelen gth. Alternatively, the half the length of the latter should be added to
a ntenn a ends may be bent to m eet the t r an smission line, the line to find the quarter-wave point.
in which case each feeder is simply connect ed to one At A and B arc two-element e nd-fire a rrange-
antenna. In D, points Y-Yindicate a quarter-wave point
( hi~h current) and X-X a balf-wave poin t (high volt- ments using close spacing. T hey a re electrically
age). T he line may be ext ended in multiples of q uarter e quivalent; the only difference is in the method
waves. if resou ant f eeders a re to be used. A , B, aod of connecting t he feeders. B may a lso be used
C may be suspended on woode n s preaders. The plane
containin g the wires sho uld b e paralle l lO lhe ground. as a four-element array on t he secon d har-
monic, although the spacing is not quite op-
timum (Fig. 1041) for su ch operati on.
words, even though th e connecting line in B A close-spaced four-element array is shown
is a half in 'length, it is not actually a at C. It will give about 2 db. more gain tha n
half-wave li ne but two qutlrter-wave lines in the two-element array.
parallel. Th e same thing is true of the un- T he a ntenna at D , commonly known as the
transposed line of Fig. 1042. Note that, under " extended double Zepp," is designed to take
these condit ions, t he a ntenna elements are in a d vantage of the greater gain possible with
phase when the lin e is not transposed, and colli near antennas having greater tha n half-
out of phase when the transposit ion is made. wave center-to-center spaci ng, but without
The opposite is the case when the half-wave introduci ng feed compli cations. The elements
line simply j oins two antenn a clements and are made longer than a half wave in or der to
does not have the feed line connec ted to its brin g this abou t. The gain is 3 db. over a single
center, as in Fig. 1040. half-wave antenna, and the broadside d irec-
Adjustment of arrays - ' Vith a rrays of tivity is quite sharp.
th e types just described, using half-wave Th e a ntennas of A and B may be mou nted
spacing between elements, it will usually either horizontally or vertically; horizontal
suffice to make the length of each element suspension (with the elements in a pla n e paral-
that given by the eq uation for a half-wave lel to the ground) is recomme nded, since this
antenna in 10-2, while tac Jlalf-wavc phasing tends to give low-angle radiation withou t an
lines between the pa rallel elements can be cal- unduly sharp horizontal pattern. Thus these
cula ted from the formu la: ~
syste ms are use ful for coverage over a wide
horizontal angle. The syste m at C, whcn
Length of half- 492 X 0.975 480 mounted horizontally, will have a shar per hor-
wave line (feet) Freq. (Me .) Freq. (Me.) izo ntal pattern than the two-clement arrays .
Ant~nna Systems 205
ti on. Backward atten uati on is desirabl e when
the an te nna is used for receiving, sin ce it
s_ great ly redu ces in terference co mi ng fr om the
A) B) P ANT. _
opposite direction to th e des ired signal.
, ~ E le m e nt length s - Th e a ntenna length is
/ " :: gi ven by th e formul as in 10-2. Th e di rector
-- / --. r-- - --
and reflec tor lengths must be d etermined ex-
perimentall y for maxi mum performance. The
preferable method is t o aim the antenna at a
0 .
60 ~
" receiv er a mi le or more distan t an d ha ve a n
observer ch ee k the signal ~ tr e ngth (on the
40 ~ " s" meter) whi le th e reflector or director is
.,- "- Radiai/on adjusted a few in ches at a time, until the length
J / Res/stonce ~ whi ch gi ves ma ximum signal is found. The
0 20 ;::
"-. -'~ attenuati on may be simi larly checked, the
- 25
o 0.05 0.1 015 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 '"'~" length bein g ad just ed for mi nimum signal. I n
general, for best front-to-back ra tio the length
ELEMENT SPACING-WAVELENGTH of a director will be abo ut 4 per ce nt less t han
Fig . 1046 - CaiD V8. el ement s pacin g for an antenna, th a t of the ante nn a. Th e reflec tor will be about
aod DO C parasitic e lelOent. The r efere nce poin t, 0 db. is 5 pe r ce nt longer t han the a ntenn a .
the field s tren gth from a ha lf-wave antellna alone . The Si mple sys t ems; t.he rota ry beam - Four
grea tes t gain is in (lircction A at s pacings of less than
0.]4 wavele n gt h, and in dire<: liOIl B at greater s pacin gs. practi cal combinations of antenna , refle cto r
The front-tn-back ra tio is the d ifference ill db. between and director clemen ts a re s hown in F ig_ 1047.
curves A and B. Variation ill radiation res is tance of the Spacings whi ch give maximum gain or maxi-
driven element also is s howlI . These c un'es arc for a self- mum front-to-back ratio (ratio of power radi-
resonant parasitic cle ment. At m os t s pacin gs the gai n as
a reflector can be increased by slight lengthening of the ated in the desired direc tion to power ra di a ted
parasitic elemen t ; the gai n as a directo r ca n be increased in the opposite direc ti on) may be taken fr om
by sb orteni n g. T his a lso improves the frontto back ratio. Fig. 1046. In the chart, the fr ont-to-back
ra tio in db. will be the sum of gain and
(( 10-13 Directive Arrays with attenuation at t he sam e spacing.
Parasitic Elements Systems of this type are popul ar for rotary-
Parasit.ic excitation - The antenna arrays bea m antenn as, where the entire antenna sy s-
described in 10-12 nre bi-direction al; that is, tem is rotated, to permit its gain and directiv-
they will radiate in direc tion s both to the
H front" and to the" back" of the antenna sys~ D
tern. If radiation is wanted in only one direc~
tion (for instance, north only, instead of north~
t ANT.
south ), it is necessary to use different element
arrangements. In most of these arrangements
the additional elements receive power by in- ."
duction or r adiation from the driven element,
generally called the Ilantenna," a nd re-radiate t
it in the proper phase relationship to achieve ""
the desired effect. These elemen ts are called
parasitic elements, as contrasted to the driven D"
elements which receive power directly from the
trans mitter through the transmission line. .,'I
The parasitic element is called a director t m
(). / _ D.ISA
when it reinforces radiation on a line pointing ." t
to it fro m the antenna, and a reflector when the
reverse is the case . Whether the parasiti c ele-
ment is a director or refle ctor depends upon the
parasitic element tuning (whi ch usuaHy is ad- t
justed by changing its length), and, particularly
when the element is self-resonant, upon the t M'.
O.I A 0
spacing between it and the a ntenna.
Gain vs. spacing - The gain of all antenna-
O.l l>rO IS A
reflector or an antenn a-di recto r co mbination '" t
varies chiefly with the spacing between the Fig. 1047 - H ai r-wave anlCDrHI S with parasitic de-
elements. The way in wh ich gai n varies wi t h m eut5. A, w ith re fl ecto r ; B. with dirC(! to r ; C, wilh bo th
s pacing is shown in Fig. 1046, fo r the special direc;tor and reflecto r ; D, t wo direc tors a nd oDe refl ec to r.
G",iu is approximatel y a s shown b y F ig. 1046. in th e fi rst
case of self- resonant parasitic clements. Th is two ca ses, a nd de pelHl s upon tb e s pac in g and length of
chart also s hows how the attenuat ion to the t hc parasitic elem ent. In the three- and fourel em ent
"rear " varies with spacing. Th e same s pac ing a rra ys a rcflec tor s pacing of 0 .1 5 wavel en gth wi ll
giv e sli ghdy m ore gain tbao O.I -wa velen gth !Jpae in g.
does not necessarily give bo th ma ximum for- Arrows !Jhow direeti(J'll ohna ximum radiatio n . The ar ra y
ward gain and maximum backward attenua- should be mounted bo rizontally (top views are sh own ).
ity to be utilized for any compass direction. Feedin g close -spnccd a rrnys - Wh ile any
They may be mounted either horiz ontally of the usual methods of feed may be applied
(with the plane containing the elements paral- to t he dri ven element of a parasitic array, the
lel to the earth) 'or verti cally. fact that, with close spacing, the radiat ion re-
Arrays usin g more than one parasitic ele- sistance as measured at the center of the driven
ment, such as those shown at C a nd D in Fig. element drops to a very low value makes so me
1047. will give more gain and directivity t han systems more desirable than othe rs. T he pre-
is indicated for a single reflector and director fer red methods are shown in F ig. 1048. Reso-
by the curves of Fig. 1046. The gain with a nan t feeders are not recommended for lengths
properly adjusted three-element array (an- . greater than a half wavelength.
tenna, director and reflector) will be 5 to 7 The quarter- or balf-wave ma tching stubs
d b. over a half-wave antenna. Somewhat higher shown at A and B in Fig. 1048 preferably
gain still can be secured by add ing a seco nd should be constructed of tub ing with rather
d irect or to t he system, making a fo ur-cleme n t close spacing, in the man ner of the" Q" sec-
array. The front-ta-back ratio is correspond- tion . T his lowers t he impeda.nce of the match -
ingly imp roved as the number of elements is ing sectio n and makes the position of the
increased. line taps so mewhat less d iffi cul t to determine
The elements in close-spaced (less than one- accurately. The line adjustment should be
q uarter wavelength element spacing) arrays . made only with the parasitic elements in
preferably should be made of t u bing of one-' place, and aft er the correct element lengths
haH- to one-inch diameter , both to reduce the have becn deter mined , it sho uld be checke.d t o
ohmic resistance ( 10-2) of the co nductors a.nd compensate for changes likely to occur because
to secure mechanical rigidi ty. If the elements of element tuning. The procedure is the same
are free to move with respect to each other, as that described in 10-8.
the array will ten d to show detuning effects The concentric-line matching section at C
under windy conditions. will work with fair accuracy into a close-spaced
p aras it ic a rray of 2, 3 or 4 elements wi thout
necessity for adj ustment. The li ne is u sed as
an impedance-in verting t ransformer, a n d, if it s
l ine characteristic impedance is 70 ob ms, it will give
<,1n exact match t o a 600-0hm line when the
resistance a t the termination is about 8,5 ohms.
A Over a range of 5 to 15 ohms the mismatch, an d
"' ,,-Sltdm9rodsfor t herefo re t he stand ing-wave ratio, will be less
--..: stub otl;ustment
t han 2 to 1. The length of th e quarter-wave sec-
t ion may be calculated from Equation 7 ( 10-5).
T he delta matching transfor mer shown a.t D
is an excellent arrangement for parasit ic ar-
e rays, and is probably easier to install , m echan-
icall y , than any of the others. The p ositio ns of
the taps (di mension a) IJl.ust b e d etermined
experi mentally, along with the length, b, by
checking the stan ding-wave ratio on t he li ne
as adj ustments are made. Dimensio n b should
be about 15 per cent longer than G .
S h arpness of resonance - P eak p erform-
a nce of a mul ti-elemen t directive a rray depends
u pon proper phasing or t u ni ng of the elemen ts,
which in a ll but the si mplest systems ca.n be
c exact fo r one frequen cy only. However, there is
so me latitude, an d most arrays will work well
6()()ohm over a. relatively narrow region su ch as the 14
M e, band. If fre quencies in a U parts of the ba nd
a re to be used, t he- antenna system sho ul d be
designed for t he mid-freque ncy; on t h e other
h a nd, if only one freq uency in the baud will be
used for the greater portion of the time, t he
a.n ten na. might be designed for that frequ e ncy
o 6o(J-ohm
a nd some degree of misadj ustment tolerated on
Ime t he occasionally use d s pa re freque ncies.
When refl ectors or d irectors.are used the to l-
Fig . 1048 - R ecommend ed me thods of feedi n g t h e eran ce is us ually less than in the case of driven
ddven a n ten n a dem en t in close-s pa ced pa rasit ic a rrays. elements, partly because the parasitic-elemen t
T h e pa rasitic elem ents are not sIIO,"' n . A, q u a.r ter-wave lengths are fixed and the operation may change
open st n b ; B, ba lf.\i'ave closed s tu b ; C, concentric-lin e
q u arter .wa ve m a tching sec t ion ; D , del t a matchin g appreciably as the freq uency passes from one
t ra nsformer . Ad justment de t ails are d iscu ssed in t he tex t, side of resonance to the other, and partly be-
Antenna Systems 207
ca.use the close spacing ordinarily used results F ig. }().i9 - Typical grounded
in a. sharp-tuning system. With parasitic ele- antenna for 1. 75 Me., consist-
g of a vertical section and a
ments , operation ,should be confined to a small in horizontal sectio n having a
region about the fr equency for which the tot a l len gth (includin g t be
antenna is adjusted if peak performance is t o ground lead, if t he latter is
be secured. more th a n a fe~' feet long) of
onequart er wavelength. Coil
Co rnbi,nationa rrays "':'- It is poss ible to L should ha ve about 20 t ums
combine parasitic elements with driven ele- of No. 12 wire on a 3-inc h di.
ments to form arrays composed of collinear ameter form. taPI>ed every
driven and parasitic elemen ts and combination two or three turo s for adjust_
ment. C is a 250 to 500 lAp-jd.
broadsidc-coiUnear-parasitic elements. Thus va riable. T he induc t iv e cou-
two or morc colli near elements might be pro- plin g be t ween L and the final
vided with a collinear reflector or director set, tank coil should be variable.
one parasitic element to each driven clement.
Or both direct9fs a nd reflect ors might be used. cal as possible, an d also as high as possible.
A broa dside-collinear array co uld be treated This gives low-angle sky-wave tran smission ,
in the same fashion . whi ch is most useful for long-dis tance work at
When co m binati on arrays a re bu ilt u p, a night, in additio n to a good ground wave for
r ough approximation of the gain to be ex local work . The horizontal portion co ntributes
pecLed may be obtained by addi ng the gain s to high-angle sky-wave tra ns missio n, whi ch is
fo r each type of combination. Thus the gain of useful for coveri ng short distances on this band
two broadside setS of four collinear a rrays with at night.
a set of reflectors, one behind' each element, at Fig. 1049 shows a grounded antenna with
quarter-wave spacing for the parasitic e le- the top folded to make the length equal t o a
ments, would be estimated as follows : From quarter wave. 'Fh e antenna coupli ng apparatus
Table III , the gain of four collinear elements is consists of the coi l, L, tun ed by the se ries con-
4.5 db. with half-wave spacing ; from Fig: 1041 denser, C, with L inductively coupled to the
or Table IV, the gain of t wo broadside elements trans mitter. tank circ ui~ ( 10-4, 10-6). .
at half-\yave spacing is 4.0 db. ; from Fig. 1046, For co mputation purposes, the over-alliength
the gain of a parasitic reflector at qua rter-wave of a grounded system is given by
spacing is 4.5 db . Th e total gain is then the
sum , or 13 db . fo r the sLxteen elements. Note 286
that using two sets of elements in broadside is Length (feet) = f (Me.)
equivalent to using two elements, so far as .
gain is concern ed; similarly with sets of re- This is the total length from the far end of the
flectors, as again st one antenna and one re- a n terina to the gro und connection. The length
flector. The actual gai n of the combi nation is not critical, since dep artures of the order of
ar ray will depend, in practice, upon the way 10 to 20 per cent can be compe nsated by the
in wbi ch the power is distributed between the tuning apparatus.
various e leinents and upon the effect whicli T he ground s hould preferably be one with
mutual coupling between elements h as upon con ducto rs buried deep enough to reach nat-
the radiation resistan ce of the array, an d may ural moisture . In urba n locations, good grounds
be somewhat higher or lower than the es timate. can be made by connecting to the water mai[~s
A great many di rective antenna combina.- where-they enter the house; the pipe s hould be
tions can be worked out by comb ining ele- scraped clean and a low-resistance connection
men ts a ccording to these principl es. made with a tightly fasten ed ground clamp. If
no water supply pipes are available, several
l10-14 Miscellaneous Ante nna rods or pipes six to eight feet long may be
driven in to the gro un d at intervals of. six or
Systems eight f~et, a ll being connecte d together. T he
Grounded ante nna - T he gro un de,d an- transmitter should be located so as to make the
tenna is used a lmost exclusively for 1.75-Mc. ground lcad as short as possible.
work , whe re the length required for a half- In locations where it is impossible to secure a
wave antenna would be excessive for most lo- good ground connec tion , because of sa ndy so il
cations. An antenna worked" against gro un d" or other consideratio ns, it is preferable to use
need be only a quarter-wave long, approxi- a counterpoise or capacity ground instead of
mately, because th e earth acts as an e lectrical an actual gro und connection . Th e co unterpoise
<I mirror" which sup pli es t he missing quarter consists of a system of wires, insula ted from
wave. The current is maximum at the ground ground and running horizontally above the
connection with a quarter-wave antenna, j ust earth beneath the a.nten na. The counterpoise
as it is at the center of a half-wave antenna. s ho uld have a sufficient n u mber of wires of
On 1.75 M c. the most useful radiat ion is s ufficient length to cove r well the area immed_i-
from the vertical part of the antenna, since ately unde r the antenna. The wires may be
vertically polarized waves are characteristic 9f formed ioto any co nvenient shape; Le., they
ground-wave trans mission. It is therefore de- may be spread out fan-shape, in a radial p at-
sirable to make the down-lead as nearly verti- tern, or as thrce or more paranel wires sep1\.-
rated a few feet and non-resonant, since its c hara cteri st ic imped-
running bene ath the an- ance is the same a s the center impedan ce of the
tenna. The co unterpoise half-wa ve antenna ( 10-2) . The sleeve may be
may be elev ated six feet made of copper or brass tubing of suitable di-
or so abov e the ground, ameter to clear the trans mission li ne . The
so that it .will not inte r- coaxial antenna is somewhat difficult to con-
fere with perso ns walking struct, but is superior to simpler sys tems at
under it . A low-resis t- low radiation angles.
ance connec tio n s ho uld Folded dipole - An arrangement wh ich
be made between the combines the ra diation characteristi cs of a
usual ground terminal of half- wave antenna with the impedan ce-trams-
the transmitter and each forming propert ies of a quarter-wave line
of the wires III the ( 10-5) is s hown in Fig. 1052. E ssentially, it
counterpoise. . consists of a center-fed half-wave antenna with
"}" ante nna - This another half-wave element connected di rectly
type of antenna, fre- between its ends . T he spacing between the
quently used on the very- two sectio ns should be quite close - not more
high frequencies when than a few per cent of the wavelength. As
vertical polarization is antcnoa. Fig. l050-The "1" used at very-high frequencies , the spacing is
It is u s ually
desired, is simply a half- cOlls trueted of metal of the order of an inch o r two when the ele-
wave radiator fed through tubin g. f rcqucntlywith ments are constructed of metal tubing.
a quarter- wave match- the ~ -w ave vertical The im ped ance at the terminals of the an-
ing section, ( 10-8), the scction mounted as an
extcnsion of a grounded
tenna is four times that of a half-wave antenna,
whole being mounted metal mast. The s tub or nearly 300 ohms, when the a n tenna con-
vertically a s shown in ma y be adjusted by a ductors all are the same d iame ter . A 300-ohm
Fig. 1050. Ad justment sJ idin g shortin g bar. line will therefore be non- resonant when the
and tun ing are as de- aptennais co nnected to its output end ( 10-5),
scribed in 10-8. The bottom of the matching while the standing-wave ratio_with a 600-ohm
section, being at practically zero rJ. potentia l, line will be only of the order of 2 to 1.
can be grounded through a metallic conduc tor
for lightning protection. .
Coaxial antenna - With the " J" antenna.
there is likely to be some
radiation from the match-
ing section and the trans-
mii sion line, which tends
to combine with the radi- Fig .1052 -
Folded dipolc for increa sin g the value of
Rod ation from the anten na impedance at the fccd point to match a transmission line.
in such a way as to raise
the angle of radiation. The total required length around the ' loop
/n$Vla-!or As this is undesirable formed by the antenna -!Day be calculated by
at very-high frequencies, Equation 10 ( 10-9) for a total length of one
Qmnected wavelength. "
to outer where t he lowest possible
conductor radiation angle is essen- (:orne r reflector an tenna - A t ype of an-
of concentric
line tial, the coaxial antenna tenna system parti cularly well-suited to t he
shown in Fig. 1051 was v.h.f. ranges above 56 Mc., is the Heorner"
developed to eliminate reflecto r, shown in Fig. 1053. It consists of
Metal feeder radiation. The cen- t wo plane surfaces se t a t an angle of 90, with
ter conductor of a 70-0hm the antenna set o n a li ne bisecting thi s angle.
concentric transmission For maximum perfo rmance, the d istance of the
line is extended one quar- antenna from the vertex shoul d be 0.5 wave-
ter wave beyond the end length, but compromise designs can be built
7o-ohm of the line, to act a s the with close r spacings (see Table V). The plane
line upper half of a half-wave sur faces need not be so lid sheets, and can most
antenna. The lower half is easily be made of spines spaced about 0.1
prov ided by the quarter- wavelength apart. The spines do not have to
wave sleeve, the upper be connccted together ele ctrically.
end of which is connecte d The res istance of the antenna is rais e d when
to the outer conductor of a corner reflector is used. The trans mission
the concentric line. The line shou ld be run out at the rear of the reflec-
Fig . lOSl - "Coaxia l
an tcnna . The ins u lated sleeve ac ts as a shield tor, t o keep the sys tem as symmetri ca l as
inncr conductor of thc about the trans m ission possible and thus avoid any unbalance. Two
70-ohm con ccntric line line and very little cur- si mp le antennas which ca n be used with the
is connected -to the Tent is induced on the corner reflector are shown in Fig. 1054. .
quarter-wave meta l
rod which forms the up- ou tside of the line by the The corner reflector can be used with the
per half of the antenna. a ntenna field . The line is antenna either horizo ntal or vertical, and the
Antenna Systems 209
whi ch distributed voltages arc induced by the
wave, The longer the wire, the greater the
energy it abstra cts from the wave. Because of
the high sensitivity of modern receivers, no
large antenna is not necessary for picking up
signals at good strength . An indoor wire only
15 to 20 feet long will give Quite good resul ts ,
although a longer wire outdoors is better.
The use of a tuned antenna greatly improves
the operation of the recei vel' , because the signal
st rength is greater in proporti on to the stray
~ of ~11n:tor noises picked up by the antenna than is the
~mentJ (5') - case with wires of random length. Since the
A transmitting antenna usually is given the best
location , it can a lso be used to great a d vantage
for rece iving. This is especially true when a
directive antenna is used. A change-over
switch or relay, connected in the antenna leads,
can be used to transfer the connections from
the rece iver t o t he transmitter while the latte r
is on the air. The directional effects and
power gain of directive transmitting antennas
B are the same for receiving as for tran s mitting.
Fi'g. 1053 - A corDer r eflector antenna system with a
spine. or grid.type reflec tor. Tbe refit.'Clor element s are
mllde of stiff wire o r tubin g, The dimensionll showll are
for 224 Me. , and should be doubled for ll2 M e. (See TABLE V
Table V.) The 8ain of the lIyslem is close to 10 db.
Num~r Spacing of Spacing
plane of polarization will be the plane of the Frequency Length length of of JkHC<ltor of DriveJI
B~d of Side Re ~tor Refl~tor D~le
antenna. The relative positions of the an- Ei=" Elements EleUleMs to ert.ex
tenna. and reflector must remain the same,
however, which means that a support for both ,.
224~230 4' 2" 4'7" 5" 2' 2"
horizontal and verti cal polarization would OX meter)
= = =
require a means for rotating the reflector 112-116Me. 8' 4" 5' 2" 10" 4' 4"
(2}i meter)
about its horizon tal axis. .
Receiving a'!tennas - Nearly all of the 1l2~ 116Me" 6' 8" 5'2" 10" 3' 6"
(lh' meter) "
properties possessed by an antenna as a radi-
ator also apply when it "is used as a receiving 56-60 Me.
(5 meter)
16' 8" 10' 4" ,. I' 8"
8' 8"
antenna. Current and voltage distribution, im-
pedance and resistance, and directional eha rac- 56-60 Mc.- 13' 4" 10' 4" I ' 8" 6' 11"
. teristics are the same in a re ce iving antenna
(5 motor) "
as they would be if it were used as a trans-
Dimension s of er reflector fo, tbe
mitting a ntenna. This reciproca.l behavior 224., 112 -, and 56-Me. bands. Alternative de-
makes possible the des ign of a receiving an- si gns are lis ted for the 112- and 56.Mc. bands.
tenna of optimum performance based on the These designs. mark~d e).
have fewer reflector
same considerations as have been discussed for elements and s horter sides, but the effectiveness
is only Sli ghtly reduced. There is no r e8ector
transmitting antennas. element at the vertex in any of the d csigll8.
The simplest form of receiving antenna is a
wire of random length, whi ch acts as a con-
ductor in the field of the radiated wave and in In selecting a directional receiving antenna it
is preferable to choose a type whi ch gives very
.~l I
li ttle response in a U but the desired direction
(small millor lobes). This is even more impor-
tant tha n high gain in the desired direction,
because the cumulative res ponse to noise and
L unwanted-signal interference in the smaller
lobes may offset the advantage of increase d
Two wire line 450 to soo
tuned at. ohm line desired-signal gain.
trl1nJmitt.~r (#0. 12 wire, The auxiliary elements in the antenna sys-
spaced 2~)
tem - trans mission line and receiver coupli ng
- should be arranged to avoi d direct pick-up
S-.j I- of undesired-signal or noise energy I which would
A B im pair the directivity. This req uires a balan ced
Fig. 1054 - Dipoles suitable for u se with the corner
trans missio n li ne witho ut standing waves, a
rcf!t:c tor antenna systelll. The radialor le n gth, L, is 25 carefully shielded and balanced receiver input
inches for 224 M c and, "" 1 inch for the same band. circuit J and a good ground on the receiver.
Receiver Construction
Cl A One-Tube Rege nerative Receiver
T DE S IMPL EST receiver capable of
giving at all satisfactory results in everyda y
operation is one consis ting of Q. regenerative
de tecto r foll owed by an audio amplifier. This
t ype of receiver is adequate for bead phone
reception, and is quite easy to build and ad-
just. A dual tube may be used for both stages,
thereby reducing cost.
Figs. 1101 to 1105 show such a receiver.
It uses a 6C8G twin-triode tube, one triode
section being the regene rative detector and
the other the audio amplifier. The circuit
diagrnm is givell in Fig, 1103. The grid coil,
Lit is tuned to the frequency of the incoming
signal by menns of coudensers. Ct and C~, C)
being the band-sctting or general coverage
condenser and C, the bandspread condenser.
Regeneration is supplied by means of the
tickler coil, Ltj the variable plate by-pass con-
dentler, Ct, is the regeneration control. The
receiver is coupled to the ante nna through
Cil a low-ca paci ty trimmer condenser. Rl and Fi.. 1102 - Top ... iew o r tbe eh ..... or the one.lUbe re-
.eneralive reeeiver. 11.e p-id condenter .nd , rid leak are
C. are the grid leak and grid condenser. aUPllOrtW by lheir wire le, d, be l wHn lhe 11ato. plates
The audio amplifier section of the tube is 01 the tun; ... ooudenter aod the p-id cap 00 the tube.
coupled to the detector by the audio trans-
former, T1 . BiM for the audio stage is supplied same parts over again and utilizing the same
by a midget flashlight cell, this type of bias chassis and panel. The superhet will give im-
being quite convenient as well as cheaper than proved performance, _but is a little more diffi-
other methods. The choke, RFC, is necessary cult to build and adjust. By building the one-
to prevent r.f. current from fl owing in the tube receiver first, the beginner will acquire
primary winding of the audio transformerj ex:perience in the operation of regenerative
without the r.. choke, the regeneration control circuil.!! which will be helpful in building and
eoodenser, C2 , may be ineffective. A switch, using the two-tube receiver.
Sl, is provided for turning off the" B" supply The cOllstruction of thc receiver is shown in
when transmitting. tne photographs. The thrcc variable condensers
This receiver is laid out so that it can be are mounted all the panel three inches ftom
converted into the two-tube superheterodyne the bottom edge, with CI in the center, 0 1 at
described in the next Bection, 1:lsing most of the the right a nd C2 at the left. The condensers are
3,l.i inches apart, center to cen-
ter. The tube socket is directly
behin d el , its center being 2U
inches from the panel ; the coil
socket is 2 .l-2 inches to the right.
The a.f. transformer is mounted
at the rear of the chassis, as
shown. All ground connections
may be made directly to the
chassis, making sure that the
paint is scraped away and that
good contact is secured.
Receiver Construction 211
the snme direction. Usi ng the standard pin
numbering for four prong sockets, pin 1 con-
nects to grou nd, pin 2 to the plnte of the
detector, pin 3 to RFC a lld the stator plates of
Ct, and pin 4 to the stator plates of C, nnd C, .
L, for the D, C and D coils should have its
turns evenly spaced to occupy the speci fi ed
length ; the wire may be held ill place when
the coil is fi nished by running Duco cemcnt
along the ridges of the ooil forms.
The heater su pply for the receiver may be
either a 6.3-volt filament t ransformer (the
Iampere size will be ample) or a 6-volt bat-
te ry. A 45-vott "D" battery should be used
for the pl:lte su pply.
Fi.. 1103 - Ci:uit dia,nm of tbe OD.Hube: receive<'". After the set is completed a nd the wiring
C" C, - 100""ftL. uci.bJ.. (lJ amtl,.rLund SM .100). checked to make sure that it is exactly as
~- 15~"fd. (l h,nmu],,,,d 51'0115). shown, insert the C coil in the coil socket and
Co - H)().. ~d. mir connect the headphones, antenna and ground,
Ct-3-30...... fd. m ic:. t rimmer (Nuional M-30).
11 , - 1 me,ohm, }i..... u. and the heater supply. After the heater supply
L" 14 - See eoil t. bl... has been con nected for a few minutes, the
T, - Audio tr.Il,form .. r, ;nt..... ta,,, type, 3:1 ru io tube should feel warm to the touch and there
(Tbon!.rIOn T.13A34 ).
S, - S.p.t.t. 10llte '''~Ieh. should be a visible glow from the heater. The
RFC -2.Smh. r.f. choke. "D" batt.ery may now be connected and the
switch, 81, closed.
In the photograph, Fig. 1105, the antenna Now turn the regeneration condenser. C2 ,
connection Stril} is at the left, with C, sup- starting rrom minimum capacity (plates all
ported by the wiring to the antenna post. out) until the set goes into oscillation. This
The ground connection is soldered to a lug phenomenon is eaaily recognizable by a dis-
under the nut holding the connection strip tinct elick, thud or hissing sound. The point
in place. The choke, RF'C, also is supported by where oscillation just hegins is the most
the wiring. The bias battery (the ~i llc can is sensitive operati ng point at that particular
the negative terminal) is soldered to a lug dial setting.
strip, as shown. The headphone connections The tuning dial may now be slowly turned,
are made by means of tip jacks mounted on the regeneration control knob being vnried
the rea r edge of the chassis. Fila ment and simultaneously (if necessary) to keep the set
plate power arc brought in through a four- just oscillating. A number of stations should be
wire cable which enters the chassis th rough the heard. A little practice wilI' make tuning eMY.
rear edge. If the set refuses to oscillate, the sensitivity
The coils are made as shown in Fig. 1104 will be poor and no code signals will be heard on
and the coil table. Doth windings should be in the frequenc ies at which Buch signals should be
expected. It should oscillate easily, however,
if the coils are madc exactly as shown. I t some-
times happe ns that t he antenna takes so much
Fi,. lJ04 - M", hod energy from the set that it cannot oscillate,
or ... indin, the pl uli n this usually resulting in "holes" in the range
coils for the " " e tube: where no signals can be picked up (and whe re
re ,cncruive receiver. the hisaing sound canJlot be obtained). This can
Tid:1tr (Lt) tions are heard. These stations operate on 1712
A UlurtllNo.22_led IS t~ .... No. Z4 ell&llM'Jed kc., so that once found they become "markers"
B 32" ".. " 8 " "
C 18" "
fo r t he low-frequency end of the bane!.
D 10" " Locating the amateur bnnds on the other
AU ooilo ..... ud OfIIH';l>(h diamelfl' fOl'1Dl(Hamnwlund coils is done in much the same manner, by
SWF-tl.Grid wind, ........ coiIa B.C ...! OIPMOd to - . . py searching carefully with Ct. The 3.5-4.O-Mc.
.If,lIIth of 1.H io.ebn; .';,1 "irldi"" "" coil A d-..lf'(lUJId. amateur band will be found on coil B at about
nckk. eoi'" .Ilcl __ woond. ,proted Hi nch /rom bottom 01
Uid "i ..lil\ll. See .". 11M.
80 per cent setting of Ct. On coil C, the 7-Mc.
~1ItDC1 .....: Coi l A - 11'00 14 3200 k amateu r band will be found with C t meshed
B -3000 to 6700 U. about 60 per cent; the I4-Mc. band (coil D) is
C - SlOO 10 10,000 U. found with C t mpshed about 20 per cent.
o- 9500 14 18,000 k. A suitable a ntenna for the receiver would be
50 to 7S feet long, alld as high and clear of s ur-
rounding o bjects as possible. The ground lead
be cured by reducing the capacity of C~ (un- s hould preferably be short; a connection to a
screwing the adjusting screw) until the detecto r beating radiator or water pipe is usually good.
again oscillates. If it still refuses to oscillate,
the coil Ls must be moved nearer to Ll or, in (l. A Two-Tube Superheterodyne Receiver
extreme Ca8C8, a-turn or two must be added to Although all the advantages of the superhet-
't.:, This is best done by rewinding with more erodyne-type receiver cannot be secured with-
turns rather than by trying to add a turn or out going to rather elaborate multi-tu be cir-
two to tlie already-wound coil. For any given cuit.s, it is poasible to use the superhet principle
band of frequencies, adjust C, so t hat the to overcome most of the disadvantages of the
detector oscillates over the whole range, using simple regenerative receiver. These are chiefly
n.a much capacity at C& as is possible. This will the necessity for critical adjustment of the
give the best compromise between dead spots regeneration' control with t uning, antenna
and signal s trength. It will be found that less "dead spot.s," lack of stability (both in the
advancing of the regeneration control, Ct , is detector circuit itself and because of slight
required at the high-frequcncy end of a coil changes ill freq uency when the a lltenna s wings
range (C t at or nenr minimum capacity) than with the wind), and blocking, or the te ndency
at the low-freque ncy end. The best adjust- for strong signals to pull thc detector into zero
ment of the antenna condenser, C" and the beat. These effect.e can be largely eliminated
feed-back coil, L" is that which req uires almost by making the regenerative detector operate
a maximum setting of the regeneration control o n a fixed low frequency and designing it for
at the low-freq'uency end (maxi mu m capacity maximum stability. The inco ming signal is
of Ct) of any coil range. then converted to the fi xed detecto r frequency
Coil A misses the high-frequency end of the before being detected.
broadcast band, but it is possible to hear A two-tube receiver operating on this prin-
police stations and the 160-meter amateur ciple is shown in Figs. 1106 to 1110. I t employs
the same chassis and panel,
as well as most of the parts,
of the one-tube regenerative
receiver just described, with
the additio n of a converter
tube and its associat.ed cir-
cuits. The aame coila may
also be used, with a new
winding and rearrangement
of the pin connections for
L,; the windiogs and con-
nections for Ll need not be
changed. One additional coil
is needed to cover a fre-
quency range of 1700 to
14,500 kc., includi ng the
four lower-frequency ama-
teur bands.
Fill. JJ 14 - n elo w the chaMis o r tbe
threetube ...,.,.,iver . The r .f. choke is
mouoled nnr Ihe <>t(;illuor coi l llOeke t 10
keep the r .f.leeds shor l . ) " t he i.f. IUSe.
eare should be I.ken 10 keep d, e plale
en d I r id leed, from Ihe i.f. Ire"dormer
6hort e lld well k l led. A {our_"'ire
ebl" i, use<1 for PO"'er " ul,,,ly ennn ee_
tions, The I,utl hnlle 1;1' jul. '! m .y be
aeen Dee r tbe npper ri,bl_bend COrner.
Rece iver Construction 217
Referring to the top view, Fig. 111 3, the iJ. OSCILLATOR. MI XER
section is along the rear edge, with TI at the
right. Ne"t i5 the socket for the 6S K7, then 7'"
and fill:\!l y Ta at the e"treme left. The socket
for the 6CSG is just in front of Ta. The t riode
section in ",hich the grid is brought out to the
top cap is the olle whi ch is used for the beat
The d. section has been arranged for short
teads to favor high-frequency operation. The
three sockets grOU I>cd closely togethcr in the
center are, from left t.o right, the oscillator-
coil socket, socket for the 6K8, nlld the mixer-
coil ~oeket. All fire mounted above the chassis
by means of mounting pillara, so that prac-
tically all d. leads arc above deck. The O!!cilla- (;NO
'. ~o
tor grid lenk, R I , alld the high-frequency cathode 2 L. CONI).
by-pasa: condenser, C t , s hould be mounted di-
rectly on the socket before it is installed. So "NO.
also s hould the oscillntor grid condenser, C71 e) o:s PLAT"[
which can be soon extending to the left toward TOP OF 5OC.KET VIEWS
the oscillator-coil socket in Fig. 111 3. Power-
supply connections should be soldered to the
6K8 socket prongs before the socket is mounted,
and these leads brought down through a hole in L,
the chasa:is. I ~"iI-Hl--'L,
C I nnd C2 are mounted directly on the ChM-
ais. C, is held from the pancl by means of a
small bracket made from metal strip, bent so
that the oondenser shaft lines up with the diaJ
coupling. A baffle shield made of alumi num LOW -FREOU ENCV MIXER COILS
separates the osci llator and mixer sections; th,js Fi,. 1115 - How t he ooil. for the three_ tu be ' uper-
shield is essentilll to prevent coupling between heterodyne are constructed. On the h.nd.",oun d 0Ki1l.-
the two circuits which migh t otherwise cause tor and mi~er coi1...11 win din in theu Ulc direct ion.
interaction and poor performance.
The fi rst step in putting the receiver into The coils are wound as shown in Fig. 111 5.
operation is to align the iJ. amplifier. This A complete set of speci fi cations is given in the
should preferably be dOlle with the aid of a test coil table. Ordinary windings sre used for
oscillator, but if one is not available the circuits all oscilla tor coils, and for all mixe r coils for
may be aligned all hiss or noise. The beat oscil- frequencies above 1600 kc. Below 1600 kc.,
lato r can also be used to furnis h a signal for readily-availa ble r.f. chokes are used for the
alignment. Further information on alignment tuned circuits. For the broadcast band and
may be found in Chapter Seven. the 600-750 meter s hip- to-fIhore channels, the
..... L, Lo
4 Tap
0 -05. 4 to 10.0 Me. (40 mete.. ) . ... . ... .
E - ~.6 10 18 M e. (20 mete..}. ..... .. ... . "", , "", 3~
0.002 "fd.
400 ""fd .
F-1 6.0 to 30 Me. (10 mete..) ... .... . ... .
o - 30 to 60 M o. (6 mete..) .... . ... .. .. .. 3
, ,,~
.00 ""fd .
- See F,c:. 1116and IUt for dewla. C. UI mounted ,nside <ciU.i.Or coil form; _
'" Fi,. 1115. fiandepru.d
300 ""fd.
taJ>;l on La
_u~ frn~ rB + ~nd) of eoil. L ... A .nd LI-B coi. d_wound witb No. Z2 .n.rn~IO!"<! wire; La-B
c1 ......ound .... th No. 20 enameled;.l1 other ,rid coi!. (1., and L~) ..ound ..ith No. 18 en.meIO!"<!. spaee.11O ci" a
I~n llh of l)i inche&on a I }f-Incbdiamel<lr forn, (IInmmadund SWF) ex""pt ~he G coila, .. hkh "re81'.ed 1O"lenal.b
of I inch on Iinchdiamew forma (Mille" 45004 and 4S0(5). Anl<lnnaand pia", coi!., Ls -.nd Lt, w e dO!Ol-..ou nd with
No. " 4 e n....... ~, .paced .bou t Uth_ineh from oot lO .... of ,rid coil, ClCcept for w.o, ..hieh ia interwound wi th 4.
described ill Chapter Nineteen. T he
mixer enlibration need only be ap-
proximate, si nce tuning of the mixer
circuit. haos little effect on the 08cilla~
tor freq uency. I t is sufficient to make
a calibration which ensures that the
mixer is t Ulled to the desired signal
rather than to the image.
On the broadcast band, the tuning
range is such that, with Ct set at. 1500
kc., the entire band will be covered o n
C1. It is necCSllary. however, to change
the t ap on the mixer coil to make the
antenna ci rcuit cover the e ntire ba nd.
Only one oscillRtor w il is needed for
the range from 75 to 1500 kc., but a
series of coils is needed to cover the
SR me range in the mixer circuit.
Adding nn ""dio IlLllge to t h e
three-tube 8I11}erheL - Very fre-
quently the builder of a small receiver
Fill . lJ 16 - The modified Ih reel u be ."""rbelerodyne rea' .. er wishes it to operate a loudspeaker. The
wilh t he a .. dio amplifier I la,e added fo r loud.pea ker opera tion. three-tube receiver just desc ribed is de-
signed for headphone operation, but
mixer coil is a Aammarl und 2.5-mh. r.r. choke, readily can be converted to a four-tube set for use
with the pies tapped l\S shown in Fig. 1115. with a speaker. For this purpose a 6F6 pentode
The grid end and the intermediate tap are con- can be added to t he circ ui t diagram, 1\.8 s hown
nected to machine screws mo unted near the to p
of the coil form. and a flexible lead is brought
out from the grid pin in the coil form to be fas-
tened to either lead as desired. Mixer coils fo r
the two lowest-frequency ranges nre con-
structed lUI shown. T he anten na winding in
each case is a coil take n from an old 465-kc. iJ.
transforme r, having an inductance of abou t I
millihenry. The inductance is not particularly
cri tical, and a pie from a 2.5-mh. choke may be
F i,. 1117- Power... u ppl)' circuit for the thr,...,.tube aupe.-.
used instead.
C, - 8."fd . elee t rol)' t ie, 450 volu.
Wi th the i.f. aligned, the mixer grid a nd os- Cz - 16" fd . eioclI"oIy tic, 450 vo lu .
cillator coils fo r a band cnn be plugged in. C, R . - 5000 oI.m, . lO.... u .
should be set near minimum and C2 tuned fro m L, - 10 benr)", 65 m ao
mini mu m until a signal is heard. Then C1 is T.-215 10 300 volta eaeb . id e cen l er t.p, 60-70 ..... :
6.3 volu at 1 am pere o.r more; 5volt 2"mpere
adjusted for maximum signal strength. If C2 r~t ifier fila ment windin .
is set at the high-frequcncy end of an amateur 5. - S. p.I. I. louie 'W;leb.
band, further tuning should be done with Ca, "AoIdlale "a l. u" it eleel rol)'lic: conden8er ro a)' he .. lied. Output
will be , pproK im l t el), 250 at f,,11 receiver load.
a nd t he band should be fo und to cover abou t
75 per cen t of the dial. C, can of course be used i n Fig. 1118. Figs. 11 16 and 111 9 s ho w how
for bandspread tuning outside the amateur t he receiver looks when completed.
bands. It is convenient to calibrate the re- For the purpose of driving the audio stage,
ceiver, using homemade paper scales fo r the r esistance coupling ;8 uscd from the plate o f t he
purpose lUI ahow n in Fig. 111 1. Calibration second detector to t he grid of the 6 F6. A vol-
points may be taken from incoming signals of ume cont rol is used fo r the grid resistor of t he
know n frequency, from a cali brated test oscilla- 6 F 6, and a jack is installed in t he second-detec-
tor, o r from harmonics of a l OO-kc. oscillator &II tor plate circuit SO t hat a head phone plug may
,. "l:~:::::':'::~____________.J
C - 25 ...d. clee. rol), t 'c, SO " ....1.
R, - 120.000 ohm.. }i.Wl tt.
Ih - SOO.OOO-ohm volume con_
- trol.
R, - 400 o hm s. l .wat t .
- 2~ J - C IOOIed-c:' rcuit j lek .
Receiver Construction 219
(l A Regenerative Single -Signal
An incxpensive a mateur-hand re-
ceiver using iJ. regeneration fo r si ngle-
signal rcce ption is show n in Fig. 11 20.
Fig. 112 1 gives the circuit diagram.
R egeneration also is used in the mixer
circuit to improve the signal-t o-image a nd 1.0 give ndded gain. T his re-
ceiver is designed to give the maxi-
mum of performnnce, in the hands of
a. capable operator, at minimu m cost;
selectivity, s tabili ty and sensitivity the pri mary considerations.
T he, a BSA7, is coupled to
thc anle nna and is separately excited
by a 6JS oscillator. There is a single
Fi,. lJ19 - The add illonal parIS ror Ihe a"dio OIIlp,,1 , l a,,,. ca n 460-kc. U. stage, using a 6SJ{7 and
be: i d~.Hjfic:d in Ihia . "h:halll;6 ,, ;~w of II1e 11"" e -lube: <c: ,"cr . permellbility-t.uned transformers. The
second detector a nd first audio nmpli-
be inserted. The volume control, R r, s hould be fi e .. is a 6SQ7 , and t he audio ou tput t\lbe for
of the midget type 80 that it will 6t in the loudspeaker operat.ion is a 6FO. The separate
cha.ssis; it is installed with its shaft proj ecti~g bent-oscillato r circuit uses a OGS. A VRI05-30
under the tuning dial. In the bottom view, Fig. voltagc-regulator tube is used to stabilize t.he
1119, t he 6F6 socket is in the upper left corner, plate voltage on t he osci llators and the screen
nlong with the cnthode resisto r and by-pass voltage on t he mixer and i.f. t uhes.
condel\!lCr, Raand Cu. The COUI)ling condenser, To make co ns truction easy and to avoid the
C14, and the plate tor, RG, are mounted on necessity for additional tri mmer condensers
lion insulated lug strip near the volume cont rol. on each coil, the mixer and high-frequency os-
T he fiFB will require a plate s upply of 250 ci llato r ci rcuits are separately t.uned. Main
volts at abou t 40 milliamperCfl. T his may be t uning is by the oscillator bandspread con-
taken from a regular power pack, and a five- de nser, C3, which is operated by the calibrated
wiro connection ca.ble is used to provide an dial. C2 is the oacillator band-aotting condcnser.
extra lead for the purpose. T he fi rst t hree tubes The mixer circuit is tuned by Ct. Regenera-
may be operated from a "B" battery , as be- tion in this circuit is con trolled by R16, con-
fore. Alternatively, the power s uppl y may be nected ac ross the mixer tickler coil, L J
cOnBtruct.ed with a tap giving 90 or 100 volts RII is the i.f. -a mplilier gain control, which
for these tubes, the til p being connected to the also serves as an U. regeneration control when
proper wire in the connection cable. F or best t.his stage is mtlde regenerative. Cle is the rcgen-
performance, the output voltage shou ld be reg- eration condenser; it. is adjusted t.o feed back !~
ulated by a VRI0S-30 regulator tu be. A suit.- small a mount of i.r. energy from the plate t o
able power-supply circuit is shown in Fig. 1117. the grid oftheOS K7, and thus prod uce regener-
The primary wi nding of the speaker output ation. If the high selecti vity affo rded by U .
tra nsformer always should be connected regeneration is not wanted, Cit may be omitted.
in the plate circuit of the BF6.
Operation without the plate circuit
dOlled is likely to damage the sereen-
grid. Any speaker havi ng a t ransformer
with a primary impedance of 7000
ohm!! will besatisfactory; a permanent-
magnet dynamic is convenient, si nce
no field s upply is ne~a ry.
~ - 250 +
Fill.I IZJ _ Ci rcuit dia,urn of the " n,le-3i, .. a l l uperb.,trod yne re:;.tr with Telleneraliv.. i.r. and m il<er "ales.
Ct, C. - SOHfd ..... ri. ble (Ihm _ ell -25 .."fd . .... ri.ble (U ammar_ N,T - 2.melOh". voluo.econtrol.
m arl und MC-SO -S). lund SM -25). 110, - 2 me,on n.... ).i.watl.
C4 - 35.""fd . "anable (Na t ion.1 RI - 200 ohmll, ).i.wa tt. 1', - 460ke. ""rmuhilil,._luned i.f.
UM-J5). 'Rs - 20,000 ohm ).i.watt. u a "do rm er, inl.,.. lale type
C. - SO'''l' fd. mica. R3. n" HI - 50,000 ohm H watt. (Millen 64456).
c., Ce. C" C. - O.I"M. pal>or, Re-300 ohm J,i. wU t. T , - 46( "",mnobility hone<! i.f.
600 volta. II I - 0.2 mellOhmi t,wa ti. tra ndorm er, diode type
c., C10, CII, Cl3 -O.Ol"fd. p a pcr, n . -2000 ohm.. .wall. (Millen 644s.t).
600 ""Iu.. HI - I me.ohm. .wall. T, - 460.k.,. ~. t --DICiIla tor Ira l18'
e". Cit - O.OOS."fd. m iu. R,o - 0.1 meloh m, fonner (Millen 65456).
Cia - 3.30.""fd . trimmer (National R" - 0.5 melOhm, }i. walt. RFC - . r.f. ehoke.
M.JO) ; &c>e text. R,, -4S0ohms, I_wa tt. J - CloeaI...,i..,.,it jack.
C,t - 2SO.",Jd. mica. R'3 - 15,000 ohms, I_wan . 5._ 51 - S.p.l-!. louie.
el1, C'I. C22 - 100.",,11. miea. Ru - 5000 obma. IO_wau s . L,-4. ioe. - See eoil tabl~
CIt, C:IO - 25-,Jd. electrol ytic, 50 R l~- lO,OOO-ohm volume control. X iodiC.lOtes the j umper inside the
"'0111. R,e - 2~,OOO-ohm volume control. VRI05,.JO t ube base.
Diode rectification is used in the second-de- tion of the tube. R18 is the a.v.c. load resistor ;
tecta r circuit. One of the two diode plates in R~, Cu and Cn constitute the a. v.c. filter cir-
the 6SQ7 is used for developi ng a .\'.c. voltage, cuit. Sf cute the a.v.c. out of circuit by ground-
being coupled through Cn to the detector ing the rectifier output. T he headpho nes are
diode. The detector load resistor consists of connected in the plate circuit of the triode
It. and Rl in series, the tap being used for d. section of the 6SQ7. Rl1 is the audio vol ume
filtering of the audio output to the triode sec- control potenJ.iometer.
The top and bottom views, Figs.
1122 and 1123, s how the layo ut clearly.
The bandspread tu ni ng condenser,
C" is at the front center; a t the left is
CI, the mixer tuning conde nser ; and at
the right, C2, the 08cillator band-set
condenser. The oscillawr tube is di-
rectly behind CI , with the mixer tube
to the left on the other side of a baffle
s hield which separates the two r. f.
S6ctions. This shield, men.suring 4 7t X
4M i_ches, is used to prevent
between oscillawr a lld mixer. The
mixer coil socket is at the left edge of
the chassis behind C I ; the oscillator
coil lOcket is between C, a nd C,.
The i.f. and audio sections are along
the rear edge of the chB.88is. The trans-
former in the rear left corner is Tt ;
next to it. is the i.f. tube, then Ta.
1-'ill. 1/ 22 - T op "iew of the 1. t ,,~ superhet erod yne with 1'1",_ Next in li ne is the 6SQ7, followed by
in coi l, remov ed. Plaoellleut of the paru; i. diAe ...... d io t.he lut. the 6C5 beat oscillator, the b.o. uans-
Receiver Construction 221
former , T I , and finally thc 6F6.
T he VRI05-30 is jus~ in front of
Ts. T he iJ. transformers should
he mounted with their adjusting
screws projecting to the rea r where
they are eMily accessible.
The beat oscillator is coupled t o
the second detecto r by the small
capacity formed by running an in-
sulated wire fro m the grid of the
6C5 close to the detector diode
plate prong on the 6SQ7 socket.
Very little coupling is needed for
satisfactory operation.
In wiring the i.. amplificr, keep
the grid a nd plate leads from the
i.r. transformenl fairly close t o the
chassis and well separated. With-
out C Ii, the i. f. stage should be
perfectly stable and shou ld show
no tendency to oscillate at full gain.
The met hod of winding the Fi~. 1123 - The below-cha85i. "';r;n l an,l lnc" io n of p , r ll is . hown; n
plug-in coils is shown in Fig. 1124, IbiBbo ltom vie w of Ih" ""ven ' lu be rel"ne"l;v" . ill ,le.M,n,1receivtr.
and complete specifications are
given in the coil table. Ticklers (L,) for. the The osci llator circuit has been adjusted to
mixer circuit are scramble-wound to a diam- make the proper value of recti6cd grid current
eter whieh will fit readily inside the coil form flow in the 68 A7 injection-grid (No. I) ci rcuit
and mou nted on st iff leads going directly to the on eACh amateur band. This calls for a fairly
proper pins in the form. The leads should be strong value of feed-back, witn the res ult t1lat
long enough to bring the coila inside the grid when the band-set condenser is set toward the
winding at the bottolli. The amount of feed- high-frequcncy end of its ra nge the oscillator
back is regulated by bending the tickler coil may "squeg." This is of no consequence unless
vdth respect to the grid ooil. Maximu.m feed- the receiver is to be used for listening out..side
back is secured ....ith the two coils coaxial, min- the amateur bands, in which case it may be cor-
imum when the tiekler axis is at right angles to rected by taking a few turns off the tickler coil ,
the axis of L I The position of LJ should be L$. This can be done only at some sacrifice of
adjusted 80 that the mixer gocs into oscillation conversion efficiency in the amateur band for
wi th RI~ set at one-half to three-fourths of it.s which the coil was designed, however.
maximum resistance. The i.e. amplifier can be aligned most con-
veniently with the aid of a modulated teat oscil-
M IX ER OSCI LLATO R lator. The initial alignment should be 1l1ade
with C n disconnected 80 that the performance
of the amplifier in a non- regenerative condition
can be checked. Headphones or a. loudspeaker
may be used as an output indicator. The mixer
and oscillator coils should be out of their sock-
ets, and Rli should be set at zero resistance.
Connect the test oscillator output across Ct,
which should be set at mini mum capacity. Ad~
just the test-oscillator frequency to 460 kc.
Then, Ul~ing a modulilted signal, adjust the
t rimmers on Tl and T2 for maximum volume.
RII should be ' set fo r maxim um gain , and the
beat oscillator should be off. As the s ucce88ive
c, circuits are brought into line, reduce the oscilln-
"" To check the operation of the mixer regener-
ation, tu ne in signal 011 C~, adjust C I for
L. ,."
""" CI_wou nd T., maximum volume, and slowly advance the
3.0 Me. "'
regeneration control, Ra. Ali the resistance is
L. increased, retune CI to maxim um, since the
L. r egeneration control will have some effect on
"" """
.. I inch
Close-wound " the mixer tu ning. Ali regcneration is increased
signals and noise both will beco me louder, and
7 Me. L,
,, 1 ineh
C1 will ~une more sharplY. Finally the mixer
I incb 6
circuit will break into oscillation and, when C I
""" CI_wound
ilJ right at reso nance, a loud carrier will be heard,
14 Mo. L,
the coil until only a s light dip in plate current
is observed all the plate tank circuit is tuned
through resonance. At each adjustmen t of the
antenna t[lp, the trtLnsmitter should be tested
to make sure that the circuit keys well. Should
a point be reached where it is difficult to get
the crystal to s tnrt, thc tap s hould be backed
01T somewhat. It will be fo und possible to load
up the circu it more with certain crystals than
otbers, while s till mnintaining good starting
and keying characteristics. When IL satisfactory
point has been found , the tap may be soldcred
in place permanently and a connection made
thro ugh one of the unused pinl! on the coil form.
With a 6L6 tube and a plate s upply deliver-
ing 400 voltll, the screen voltage will be about
250 volts. The tube will draw about 75 rna. non-
oscillating, dil)ping to about 50 rna. at reso-
nance with the a ntenna disconnected. I t should
be possible to load up the ci rcuit until the tube
Fill. 12Q3 - Thi. Jl<Iwer ."ppl,. delivel'1l 4SO volta It draws about 80 rna. at resonance. Unde r these
(,,1I .10.,j CIl~l1t or 130m , "';lhO.3 per C<'m ripple and
,,,euu. ed re~ "lal;on of 17 pc r ce nt . If converted to .. condi tions, the power outpu t on each band
choke.'up,,' !iller b y in tertin l .. ,imi]ar choke betWe,CII should be 15 t o 20 watts.
the rectifier .",1 ,>teten' filler, the OUl pu t voll a,e i.
red"u d to .00,,1 300 >'olta. The cha.i, meU uree 7 X 9 4l A Low-Power Antenna Tu ner
X 2 inchee. Fib men t and pla t e Yolt. ~eI. re bfOU,hl OUI
to . Cour.pronl $OCket. The circuit i. l i"en in Fi,. 1204. If an antenna with tu ned feeders is used, the
antenna tuner shown in F igs. 1205- 1206 may
a rc connected by a four-wire battery cable with be used to couple the 6L6 oscil lator-transmitter
a four-prong plug at the power-supply e nd to fit to the feeder3. The link winding of the trans-
the out let in the pOwer supply. mitter and that of the antenna tuner sho uld be
Since the ci rcuit is not designed for fre- connected with a pair of closely s pa.ced wires.
q uency doubling, a separate crystal will be re- The circuit, shown in Fig. 1205, is arranged
q uired for each frequency to be used. so that dilTerent t'uning combinations may be
Tuning - A milliammeter with a scale of obtained by s hifting the clips F, G and H .
100 or 200 rna. should be connected in series When F is connected to A, II is connected to D,
with the key, IL8 shown in Fig. 1201 , as a n aid in a nd Band C are connected together, the two
tuning. With a suitable coil and crystal in place sections of C t in series are connected ac ross L I ,
and the high voltage turned on, a rise in pb te forming a low-capacity parallel-tuned circuit.
current should occur when the key is closed. When 11 is connected to E and G to D, the
The plate tank condenser, C l , should then be other connections remaini ng the same, a high-
rotated until there is a pronounced dip in plate capacity parallel circuit is obtained. For series
curre nt at resonance. If the voltage-led an- tuning, H is connected to E, F to D and G to C.
te nna is used, it may now be connected to the A low-capacity series-tuned circuit is provided
a nten na terminal and a temporary wire run by co nnccting F to Band H to C.
fro m t he antenna te rm inal to reach the coil, Dimensions are given for antenna coils of
L 1. Starting at a point one-third or half-way four dilTerent s i ~es, which are ap proximately
up lrom the bottom of the coil, scra pe the wire correct for the band indicated when parallel
at a spot, bcing careful not to short-circuit tuning is required. For series tUlling, the coi l
turne, a nd le t t he a ntenna wire rest againet the for the nc:o:.t-higher frequency band usually will
bare spot. Tuning the transmitter as before, be sntisfnctory. In some cases, where the feed-
the plate-<:urrent dip should again be found, ers are not close to e:o:.act multiples of one-
although less pronounced this time. The tap quarter w/lvelength fo r the frequcncy in use,
s hould be moved gradually toward the top of slight alte rations in coil dimensions may be re-
Fill. 12Q"-C'..,,,;t d'a~... m of \.be
45(1yolt 130.m. po"u ...,,ppl y bnit.
C, - 4." fd. 6OO.volt electroly t 'c (M al_
lor y 115691).
Cs - S.jled. 6OO_volt electroly tic ( Mal_
lory US693 ).
L - Filur choke. 10 h~n.y ... 175 ma_,
100 ohm. ( Ut. h 46(7).
R - 15,000 ohm ... 25."'.11.
T -Tv~ 80 .ect'flu t ube.
Tr - Pow~r t un5form~r. 400 volu
eaeh " de of otn ' erup ; rcet,lit:r lila
me"t ""ud'",. 5 .. olu, 3 amperu; r.f.
,. mame"t ... ,,,di,,,. 6.3 vol t... 6 ampere.
(Utah Y616).
Transmitte r Construction 227
Fi,. 1205 - A low.power .ntenn. tuner.
II ehoWI oonnecl,olll 10 Ihe coi l eoekc l.
C, h . . . capacity of 1<J.(l .... fd. pcr 5t ioa
(lI anlma rlllntl MCDJoIO). 1. i. a 25Oma.
di.IIi,11I. No. 46. N" a ~.wa ll
I( ; ,rollnded piecc of mel.l wh'ch pro
ncon b"lb.
";,In capac'I,ve couIIII"1 for ; , n't'n J Ihe
"COli bulb. S is a sw"ch Or clip llsed for Ihor"
ci rc ui l'n l the lamps afl cr tu ninJ.
H, ho,,'l lhe eOllnec t ions 10 the 6'lIron8 co il
forn,. I." whOM: a ppr01i",ate dimen. ;nn. are
,ivc n Iw:low. i. ,, in IWO 5l ioIl8. " ';I h
Ihe link win ,l in,. 14. in be'''een ,hem.
1., - 1.1S Mt. -20 , No. 22 e .. ","_inc h lon8 each
lee l ioa, Joi-'""h be\weo:n oec:liot,.. 40 111.11110111. The nu mber of turns for Ihe
3.S Mc. - ll ,"rn' No. 20 e . _i nch lon, cach link ,,;ndinl. L" will " y
from 2 10 alum ... depcndinl
leelioa, J.i.inch be"O'eo:lI 5li<>ns, 22 'u.n8 ' 0111.
1 Me. - 6 lurns No. 20 e., Mi,,,,h lon, r ach lee upon couplin. " " Iuired. fOC"
lOon, !-i-inch belweo:n _ , 00 .... 12 lurn. tot al. proper load;n~. All coil. . .tI
14 Me. - 3 tuml No. 20 c., J.i.inch 10nl each "'OOlnd on H amnla.l .. nd 6-
teel Ooll, Mineh be,,,''''''' section.. 6 lu.n, tolal. ))rOn, I J.i-i""h olia."e'er fonn..
quired to permit tuning the system to reso- lamps start to glow. Sufficient lamps s hould be
ml. nce. The high-ca.pacity circuits usu a.lly will kept in the circuit to prevent dnnger of burn-
be required for the lower frequcncies, while the out. After the antennn has been tuned for
low-capacity connections will serve for the maximum power output, the lnmps should be
higher frequencies. Coupling mny be adjusted short--circuitcd with the clip.
by altering the number of turns in the windings When using the neon bulb, the grounded
at each end of the link lille. metal vlatesbould be bent near it until the bulb
Co II ;'!l (ruc tiOlI - The two uprightll and the lights (assuming the transmitter is tuned to
strip supporting the indicating lamps are approximate resonance by the plate-current
pieces of" I by 2 " stock . The uprights arc each meter). The plate should be no clO6Cr to the
13 inches long and the cross-strip 12 inches bulb than necessary for satisfactory indication.
long; these dime nsions may be changed to 8uit
the constructor. The shelf for tho condenser and CI. Complete 15 - to 2S-WaH Os cillator
coil is made of a piece of crate wood 4.!-i inches Tran smitter
wide. The panel is of ply wood 7 inches high. The three units of Figs. 1202, 1203 and 1206
The din! lamps are soldered to a pair of par- may be combined to form a simple, inexpensive
allel wires supported at each elld 011 small low-power transmitter, complete [rom power '.
stand-olT insulators. The bottom of the neon supply to antenna tuner.
bulb is soldered to a short piece of wire between For convenience and economy of !lpaco, the
a third pair of stand-offs. The piece of grounded units may be assembled on a vertical relay
metal ne:<t to the ncon bulb is about 1 ~ inches rack. The plate milliammeter may be mount-
Iquare. Thisproyidesacapacity togro und which ed in the antenna-tuner unit, if desired.
ena blCII the ncon bulb to operate without touch-
ing the hand to it.
The socket for the plug-in coil is mounted on
the shelf with spacers and wood screws. The
shield between the two sections of t he va riable
condenser is removed to permit mou nting it by
II. screw through the hole in the ceramic to the
shelf. The s haft of the condenser is cut off and
an insulating coupling illserted between the
shaft and the control knob. The contncts for
shirting conncctions cOn8ist o f machine /lcrews
set in a small strip of bakelite.
The ncon bulb and the dial lamps can be
used to indicate resonance in tho antenna ci r-
cuit and relative (not actual) power output.
The lamps will be useful whenever the lcngth
from the far end of the ante nna to the feeder
terminals is near an odd mul tiple of one-
qunrter wavelength [or the frequency of opera-
tion, while the neon bulb will be use ful where
the length is near an even multiple. In tuning
with the lamps, all sockcts should be filled at
the s tart. If, as an indication of resonnnce is
Fi,. 1206 - n ...... iew of an antenna ,ulle. for low_
obt.'lined by an incrense in plnte current, the po.. ul ....." ,i, uu. Di.I la m~a nd a "eon bulb ~reu",,01
lamps show no indication, t hey should be re- .. r.f.indica lorc. Tile unil il made to lit o"cr ,h c Irln.-
moved, oue at a time, until the remaining miner , bOWD i", Fi,. 1202. Circuit i, ,i"CD iD .'i . 120S.
([ A Two-Stage 4S-Wott C.W. Tran s- CorWJtruc tiorl - A rectnngu tnr hole fo r tl:e
trans former terminnls is cut in the chassis bv
mitter Usi ng 6L6s drilling hnlf-inc h holes at the fo ur corners and
The transmitter shown in the photographs snwing out with a hacksaw. The s hield betwee n
of Figs. 1207 a lld 1209 will handle an input to the two sections of the split-6tator antenna
the final amplifier of 45 wattA and will provide condenser, CII, is removed, leaving a hole b y
output, with crystals of proper frequencies, in which t he condenser may be mo unted on the
any of the amateur bnnds from 1. 75 to 14 !\I e. chassis with its sha ft 4U inches from the end
The unit is complete fro m power suppl y to o f the chassis. The two tank condensers, C 1
anten na tune r. flnd C2 , are s hart.-mounted in the front e dge
Referring to the circuit diagram of F ig. without ins ulation at a height to bring their
1208, a 6 1..6 in the TTi-wt oscillato r circuit shafts level with t ha t o f CII. C2 is mounted at
provides excitation for the amplifier at eithe r t he center, while the shnft of C I is 10c9.ted 4~
the fundamental frequency of t he crystal or inches frOIll th(l end of the chassis to balance
its second harmonic. The seco nd 6 L6 is used CII' The three nntenna terminals are jack-top
as an inverted amplifier, which eliminates the binding postll, insulated from the chassis with
necessity for neutrlllilling and makes an excep- Nationo.l button-type po lys t yrene ins ulators
tio nally fool-proof arrangement. This trans- which a rc drillcd o ut to fit the pos ts.
mitter is re commended especially for the be- The s mall pa r ts, suc h as by-pllSs condensers,
ginner who hl\.8 hnd little pre vio us experience blocking c(lIIdensers, resis tors nod r.r. chokes,
with oscillator-amplifier transmitters. The os- are groupcd around the points at which they
cillator o utput is coupled to the amplifier in- conncct. All hig h-vo ltage wiring is done with
put by the s mall winding, 14, in the cathode heavil y insulated wire. n.r. wiring is done, for
circuit of the amplifier. the 1ll000 t part, with s hort, strnight sections of
Doth stages are pa rallel-fed, permi tting heavy bare wire, well-spaced from the chass is
mounting the tank conde nsers directly on the and any nenr- by components.
metal chassis without insulation. T he trails- The crystal and cathod e-coil sockets a re
mitter is keyed in the common cathode-return wired up as sho wn in Fig. 1260, and pin jacks
lea d of both stages. Key connectiolls arc mnde for ma king connections t o the v.Lo. unit are
throug h the jac k, J. P in jncks a re provided nt set in the lert-hand end of the chassis. I t is
the rear of the chassis for making metet connec- ve ry i mportant tha t the leads between the pin
tions. A, connected between the jacks and the cllthode-coil socket be kept 8.!:1
center and left-hand pin jnc ks in the wiring s ho rt 1\.8 poasi ble.
diagra m, registers oscillator-cathode current. The power tra ns fo rmer s uggested in the list
Connecting the mcter between the central nnd of componen ts is fitted with two sets of high-
right-hand jac k permi tll reading o f the ampli- voltage secondary terminals. The pair for the
fier-cathode current. Shorting the meter jacks lower-voltage secon~ary, ma rk ed Nos. 12 and
..... hcn the meter is Dot in the circuit is not re- 14, sho uld be used .
(lui red , since the cathode circuits remflin dOlled All coils are wou nd o n 17f-inch diameter
through the shunting resistors, R, and R. forms. Winding datil. are given in the table of
An antenna tuner with provision for either co mponen ts. Where close-wound coils are not
~e ries or parallel tuning is link-co upled t o the definitely indicnted, the required n u mber of
amplifier output. turns llIust be s p9.ced o ut to fill the specified
A condenser-input filter is used in the po\~er le ngth on the form.
t;up ply. R esis tors R~, RI O, RII and Rn are in- T u nirl8 - For prcliminnry tuning, a crys-
cluded to fHlu nlize the voltage drop across the tnl and set of coils for the band in which the
~ect i o nll of t_
he electrolytic filter condensers. crystal frequency lies should be plugged in. A
Fill. 1208 - Ci rcuil diasu ru (I f t be IW(l4Ule 61.6 45-wa ll e.w. IU nl "" Ue . ....,t b power I UPpl y aod antenna tUDeo'.
C,. Ca - I50....... fd ...ariable (Na liona l ST _ISO). Ra - 50.000 ohm ... lO wu L
C4-IOO-..,Jd. mica. II s-25.000 oh",s, 1_.... It..
Ct, c... C.-O.OO I."... d. mica. R. -25.000 oh ....... 10-"UL
CT. c.. Ca. elLl. C LL Cu. C'I -O.OI .,Jd. p.per. RI -SO.OOO oh m... 10.watt.
e,., C" - D .. al 8-8 "rd. 450-0'011 t ll:(:u olylic wilh 4 R" 11'0. II". 11'1 - 0.5 mtKohm. }i.w. tt.
Iuds, 8I:(:lionl ronn l:(:led in ..,. iu. RFC - 2.5 o,h. r.f. ehoke.
e.. - 140 _""fd. per ....,, >On variable (ULIllmarl .. od Sw - S.,'.I. t . louie . ...ileh.
M CD .I40. M ). T - c;.,,,, bina lion u andor mer: 400 Yol lI each , ide of
J -CIosed...,i"""'t jack for key. .,.,nl<" IIP. 150 m a.; 5.voh,,,,. e til l mt "l
R, - 0.1 mesoom, J _wa ll. wi ndi" , for 83 reel ifier; 6. 3_0'011 4_.,,, pere w; "d _
R3- 500 ohms, l .wa tt . i" l for 61.6. (UT C Iype 5-39; low-Yoli lle
II., R. -25 ohm., I.watt.. "eo. "la ry laps uaed ),
L, - For 1.75Me. cry1I ll" - 32 tuml No. 24 d ... e . [.,. . 1.75 /111 0:.-20 t urno No. 22, ~. ineh lon , each
dOLle.wound. &ee lio.n , wilh ).i-inch "pace be l Ween te<:1;on", 40
For 3.S_Me. unlal. - 10 t u .... No. 22, Iineb , u.n. lOl l i,
Ionr; lOO_....!d. mica rondt n" r mou nted io 3.5 Me..- lll" m l No. 20, K-ineh lon l each LIeC
form aDd conDeeled lerOlle wind; " ., t'Ol' . wilh J.i.ineh .p" be t ween &eelio"". 22
For 7_Me. ery"als - 6 I .. rnl No. 22, ~ _ineh Ion,. lu ros 10t, l,
14. L. - I . 75. Me. b.nd - 55 l urnl No. 26, l ~ inehes
3.S-Me. b.nd -26 l um, No. 20, I U inebe. Ion s.
7- Me. bind - 15 l urnl No. 18. IJ,i inchu lonl.
7 Mc. - 6 turns No. 20. U-inch lon e eaeh ICClion.
...;Ih }i-inch . p.ce belWttn ....,Iion ... 12 tum .
14.Me. bI nd - 10 lurn. No. 18, l}i ' nchu 1001. 14 Me. - 3, No, 20, ).i-inch lon, 1.
La - ( Wou nd d~ to n d bt low L.): lion, w;l h M-inch sp .,., be, .... een LleCl ion", 6
I. 75_ Me. ba "d - 14 III r". No, 26, elOLIe_ ...ound. t '>rn s 1011 1.
3.5Mc. band - 9 luen l No. 2'1, cJoae-"oll,,,l.
7.Mc. band - 6 t"n, . No. 20, d Olle.woUl"1. All .hove coil. wound 0 0 Iiamn, arlund 1J,i -
14. Mc. band - 4 tu r n. No. 20. elOM_wouod. i ncb di ~",etc r forn . Four_pro"s Ire ," ..:d for L,.
4. La - 3 10 6 tun .... U<Juired for proper COUptin l to fi v".pro" 8 r Ot , II olber .
anteuu I . Lt. wound dOH to and below L. ; L . L I - F ill er c hoke, 6 ben.,. 175 m. (UTC 529),
wouod be lweoe n te<: l iou. of L 7 , See lUI for ""'ee.
milliammeter wi t h a scale of 150 or 200 rna. will With the same crystal and cathode coil in
serve for tuni ng both st.nges. With the mete r con- use, t he coils for t he next-higher frequency
nected in t he oscillator circuit, the key should band may be plugged in and the tuning I)TOCea.s
be closed and CI tuned until the plate current repeated fo r t his sct of coils. The trans mitte r
d ips neat maxim um capacity. When the dip will the n be t uned to the second harmonic of
has been found, the condenser should be set the crystal frequency, or twice i1.8 fundame ntal
slightly on the low-capacity aide to assu re re- frequency, Thus output can be o btained in
liable keying. T he best setti ng can be deter- two bands from anyone crystal, providing its
mi ned by listening to the trnus mitter signal second harmonic docs not fall outside nn nma-
o n a receiver, with the receiving antenna re- teur band. If the coils are ca refully trimmed, it
moved to prevent blocking. will be I>ossible to tune to the crystal rundnmen ~
With the oscillator correctl y adjus ted, the tnl ncar the maximum-capacity settings of C 1
milliammeter should next be shifted to the am- a nd C2 and to the second harmonic l1ear mini-
plifier plate circuit and C, si milarly tuned for a mum capacity. I t should be bornc in mil1d that
plate-current dip near maximum capacity. the cathode coil requi res changil1g on ly in CII.IIe a
crystal is used whose frequency is in a differe nt into resonance, as indicated by II. peak in the
hand; the same cathode coil serves for funda- amplifier plnte cu rrent..
mental and harmonic operation. By prO I~ r adjus tment it should be possible
An inverted amplifier does not operate effi- to obtnin a power output of 25 to 30 wat.ts in
ciently 11.8 a frequency doubler. Therefore, op- all bands, the highcr output power occurring a t
eration of the amplifier a.s a second doubler is the lower frequencies. With a plate voltage of
not recommended. This type of amplifier a.lso 450, an amplifier loading which results in a
is not recommended for modulation, and there- plate current of 100 to 125 rna. ordinarily rep-
fore is not suitable for radiotelephony. resents optimum adjustment; greater loading
Til e arlle ruw tun e r - By changing the po- will usually result in a decrease in output.
sition of the banana plug "'hich fits the jack- The oscillator plate current at resonance
to p o utput binding posts, ag indicated in the normally will run between 22 and 32 rna., de-
circuit diagrnm several combinations may be pending upon frequency and whether or not
obtained. Placing the plug in terminal No.3 the oscillator is dou bling frequency. When op-
and connecting the feeders to terminals 1 and 3 e rating at the fundamental the oscillator plate
provides a low-capacity parallel-tuned circuit. current will ru.n 8Omewhat. higher than when
By placing the plug in the top of terminal I ,' doubling, because of the necC8Sity for tuning
st.rapping terminals 2 and 3 1.ogether and con- off exact rcsonance to permit reliable keying. the feedcrs 1.0 I and 3, par!:lllei t.uning With a plate voltage of 450, the oscillator
with high capacit.y is obtained. By keeping t.he screen voltage s hould be approximately 200
plug in terminn! 1 and connecting the feeders volts and the screen voltage of the amplifier,
between 2nnd 3, series tuning with high capacity when tuned and loadod, about 260 volts.
may besecurcd. Finnlly, by leaving the plug open
alld connecting the feeders to 2 and 3, the circuit
becomes one having series tuning wit.h low
Antenna coils of four sizes are listed among
the coil data. Usi ng a combination of one of
these coils with various Arrangements of tun-
ing, it should be possible to arrive at. a sntisfac-
tory tuning and coupliug adjustment. The
dilllc nsiolL~ given will be approximately correct
for parsllel tuning ill the band indicated. For
series tuning, the coil fo r thc next. higher-
frequen cy band will be approximately correct,
if feeder lengths are reasonably close to quar-
ter-wavelength multiples. The output coupling
may be adj ustcd, by the process of changing
the number of turns at each end of the link line,
to load the amplifier to a maximum plate cur-
rent of 100 to 125 rna.
When re.sonnnce points have been found, the Fi~. J210 - An 'nupen.i ..... three_b. nd tran! miller
proper procedure in tuning is first to set the an usin , aD 8 15 dual beam tetrode .. II.e ""tI'U I Wbe. The
tenna-tuning circuit well away from resonance, tra ... miner i. alllC,,,ble,] Oil a 3 X 5 X 10inch eh ..... i
and then to tune the oscillator. Next, tune the Theo.ci11ator Illatecoiland . ..,plifier Kritl coil a re wo.."d
on Ihe .,,,,11 I .ineh for m h.. t ...e~n the 61,6 _nd the 8 1S.
amplifier to maximum platc-current dip, and, Th~ lower ""ntro! i, ror the I m l,lifier s rid condenllCr
finally , Bwing t.he antenna-tuning condenser " 'I>ich alfO coa trol, Ihe tun,u I or t heOKilt. tor 1,llte tank.
Transmitter Construction 231
F'i~. 1211 - Bollom >,jew of Ihe
815 Inna",i n er, .hm,;n" Ihe
under...:h .Mi& ar .... nscn'enl. The
du.I-e:lion a". plili.,. ,rid Il,nin,
eondcn5er. CI. i~ pl~<;ed belween
Ih~ 815 IIOCkel and Ihe e<>illlOCkel
for Lt and L3, ... Ihal Ihe COlO ne<:
1;0". for Ihe 'uned circuit can ,,~
ke l'\ .hor t. The calhQ<le coil, {.I ,
i, wound on a JAi.inch dia lll"cr
rorm w;11o B$heet or paper placcd
bc l wee" Ihe ... i "din ~ a "d Ih e
form, 10 fatailale rcmo>'a l. Before
., is remo>'wl l,e windin 5 i. ,'>'e"
a coal'''5 of Due<> ccmenl or coil
dope. The coi l urm'u l. are 601.
dcrw direcl]y 10 Ihe oecillator
luhe ....,k~l. 1"h~ norm al po"'c,
nu i pUI of Ihe I .... nsmillcr .. the
mnimum .... ted plale >,,,lta,e of
SOO shou ld he SO 10 55 WUta.
(l A n Inex pe ns ive Three-Band Tran s- volt supply required for the heaters. A 45-volt
mitte r Us ing the Ty pe 815 "B" bat tery is also required for biasing the
Figs. 1210 and 1211 show an inexpens ive 815, to limit the plate current to a low value designed to operate in the 3.5-, 7- when the key is open.
a nd 14-Me. bands from 0. 3.5-l\"lc. erystnl. A Fig. 1212 shows how external meters may be
6L6 Tri-tet oscillator is used to drive n type connected ror tuning the transmitter. Setting
815 in a push-pull amplifier circuit. As shown up for anyone of the three bands is merely a
in the wiring dingraln, Fig. 1212, the 05<"illator matter of plugging in the coils for tho ba.nd
and amplifier stages are coupled inductively, desired, as indicated in Fig. 1213.
while the tuning condenser is connected in the It is advisable to test the oscillator circuit
grid circuit o r the amplifier. Since the 815 is a first, and the plate and screen voltages should
screened tube, no neutrali~ation is necessary be removed rrom the 815 durin g this period.
at the rrequencies at which the transmitter With voltage applied to the oscillator, the 815
is del'; igned to operate, grid circuit, CI~' should be brought to reso-
The 815 operates at all times as a straight nnnce as indicated by mnximum reading on a
amplifie r. Excitation at 14 Mc. is obtained by milliammeter connected in the amplifie r grid-
tuning the plate circuit or tho oS('iliator to the bias ICAd, The dropping resistor, R 4 , s hould be
fourth harmonic of the crystal rrequency. The Bet at it.ll rull value of 6000 ohms durin g the
6O-11'In. dial lamp, B, conne<:ted in series with
preliminary testing; to secure proper plate
the crystal, serves t.o indioate relative crystal voltage, a final setting may be made when the
r.f. current. power supply is completely loaded by the ell-
T un in g - This transmitter is designed to tire transmitter. The grid current should be in
operate rrom a single plate s upply delivering the neighborhood or 10 milliamperes on all
up to 500 volts at 200 milliamperes or more. three bands. This may be adjusted by changing
The unit shown in Fig. 1214 will be satisractory turns on L,., or by detuning C1 if grid current is
for this purpose, and will also furnis h the 6.3- excessive. The oscillator plate current will ra-
F i,. 1212- Cireu;1 d i.Kfa m of t he inexpe " a' >'e three.b. nd ' mill ',. U&; " I a t ype 815 dual_le lrOOe oul PUt t u be.
CI- 140 ..... fd . p<:r.t ion (H .m.
'" marlund I1 FD]40).
<4- 14O .....fd. per .e<; lion (j l.m _
0,,., ,, ma rl und MCD.14O.M).
'. ,
C4-200"" fd. mica.
:. C,-0.005."fd. paP'"', 16O(l."oh.
~ c., CT, C.-O.OI ... M, paper,
I. 0,
" I,
R, -200 ohm.. Hwalt
R .-20,OOOohm.. I ..... u.
R, - 20,000 ohma. 10..... t t .
R. -6000 ohml, 25.w.u.
0, --- RI, RI - 5000 OOml, 25.watt.
" ~ " '. Rf'C, r.f. choke (Na_
liona l R.lOO).
RFC4 -I.n.h. r.r. cboke (NI _
YI 116.3"'.
-,U".+ + ...... OUTPUT
tional R-3(0 ),
n -60.n.a, di. llul11p.
L, - 21 t u r,, " No. 24 d .I .C., c]Q6e.
. wound, J.<i;.i,.ch d;.m~ler
_ N .\I;
1..,.14, Lo-s ~, . ]2 13.
lol A" M A2, MA, - Millil lll.
melt.....;Ih ra n i" of ]00, 300
-" 11 ..... . "d 25 rna., rCApI;>'d)'
applied the ofl-resonance plate current should
be 250 mo.. or so, dropping to ap proximately
25 ma. whcn the plntc circuit is tUlled to reso-
06ncc. A d um my load, such IlS a lamp, s hould
be connected to t he fin al tank circuit and the
cou pliug adjusted to bring the on-resonance
plate current to 150 ma. It may be necessary
Ll L) L, to wind a loop of several turns around the
ta nk coil to obtain proper coupling.
f 'i,. 12lJ _ Coil connection. and d ata fo r th e 8 15 OtIcillator phte and am"l,fier screen-grid
I " . ... 'n ..... Da ta for wil Lo i. Biven unde. F. &. 1212. voltages s hould be adj uated to about. 300 and
"' 200 volts, respectively, by adjusting the taps
l.S.Me. - 17 HIm. No. 54 'u.n, No. L,2R d.lI-c. on the two dro pping resistors. It is probable
24 d .. e. 27 turn5cach . id., of ., nm a r y.
7. Mc. - 12 , .. " .. No. 22 ,urn l No. 22 d .l .c. that the amplifier plate current will ei the r
22d .. c. lllumu:ach . ideofprima.y. rise o r fall at t his I)oint, depending upo n
H .Me. - 9 , u.n. No. 12 lurn. No. 22 d.l .c. whether the oscillator circuit and the 815
22 d . .c. 6 ' u .na cu h .ide of prim a r y.
screen grid take more or less power t ha n they
Abo ve coil l are wound o n \ .; nch diamete r form s (Millen
45(05). API>n>.lim Btcl y }i_i nc h ~1)acin 5 betwu n win d iu s d id hefore. H the plate-c urrent change is con-
3.5-M c.- 40 Wens No. 18, Jr.", incb diameter. 2}4
i,,~hu l o ,, ~
(ll & W 8O-J\ L).
1.I\I e. - 24 'u,,,. No. 16. I Ya i nch dillmel er, 2J.i in"h""
IOI1 ~ ( II & W 4O_J V I.) .
14.1\1e. - 14 ,u.n, No. 16. I ~. i nch diameter, 2J.i
. ;n"hc. 1"" . (Il & W 20.j \l L).
Abo~e w il , are wound in two """ct,ons with balf the 10l a l
l\LIml~r o( horn , each . id e of cent er . A ,",_inch s p"ce is
tdt at t he center t o I'f'm,it the U!e o( a I"" n , in , " nk.
The n ark er and Wittian,..,n 00,1, .r" mo unted o n five_
I>roll , b..... of Ihe type ... hieh ph. ;nlo lube 6OCkeu.
Fi, . 1215 - C ircuit .Ii. ,ra m of the 450- o r 560_voh 200 -
main almost constant du ring this tuning, ma. ""... er , up l,l)" I ho ... n in th" pho lo , ,.,,h o ( FiB. 12 14.
there being relatively little power taken from C t . (4-8 ... (d . 6OO-vol t cl eelrol yl ic (M . llory 115693 ).
t he ci.rcuil.. L t - Input cho ke. 5-20 htu')"I , 200 m . , 130 ohmB
Ml(lr the oscillato r has been checked, the (T hord .raon TI 9C35).
14 - Smootbin c chokt, 12 henrya, 200 IIUl., 130 <>hUla
a mplifier may be put into operation. The screen (Tbord. raon TI 9C42).
voltage lead should be tapped in between the R - 20_000 oom. 25 .... 1\ .
two 5OOO-ohm resistors, R~ and Re, to reduce 1'r l-66O and 5SO "folll r. n .... each . ide o ( cen ler_ lap.
the voltage applied to the screen g rid and thus 250 m I. d .e.. (Thord.raon 1'_191>55 ).
Tn - 5.voll 4 m l'f're fil. m en l trand ormer. 1600.volt
provide A snfcty factor during the preliminary inl Uls lio n (Thcw-d.rson T -63 F99) .
tests. With plate voltage aod grid excitation T O"lI - 6.3_voh 3 _."'I,..,re fil a men l I .. " donner .
Scrccn voltage when the load is gre ntly re- fI. A low-Powe r Ante nna Tune r for
duced. However, the plnte current should drop Rack Mounting
to only a rew millinmperes so long ns the screen In the mck-mounted 10W-I)()Wer antenna
voltnge docs not reneh a value which exceeds tuner shown in Fig. 1210, sellarate series nnd
tho normnl voltage by more than 50 or 75 volts. parallel conde llseNl aro used. Th i ~ arrange-
'fhe amplifier plnte coile lire complete with ment, whi le re(luiring three vo-riable conden-
links which permit working directly into a low- sers, has t.he advantage that no switc hing is
impedance lino. This means that the amplifie r necessary when changi ng over (rom series to
may be fed illto a concentric (n-ohm) or parallel tuning. It also mukes it possible to
twi~ted-pair line, or thaI. it may be link-coupled
cover a wider rangeof ante nnual\d transmissioD-
to a n amplifier ovcmting nt higher input or to line conditions, because the series condensers
an antenna tuner for coupling to an antenna can be adjusted in conjunction with the paral-
with tuned feedeNl. If desired, the oscillator lel condenser to IIhortell the electrical length of
circuit. may be arranged for optional crystal lobe feeders whenever this is required to make
or v. f. o. in!Jut as s howD in Fig. 1260.
parallel tuning effective. In addit.ion, the series
r F=k"
eondenscnJ. provide a measu re of control over lobe
amplifie r loading when parallel tuning is used.
Clipsl'\'ith flexible leads attached are provided
l Cz C3 for the parallel condenser, CI , 10 that the sec-
tions may be connected either in parallel or in
series to form either a high_ or low-capacity
\ .. I/,
tank circuit, as requ ired. 'Vhen the high-C
parallel ta.nk is desired, the two statoT!! are
clipped together. lUI shown by the dotted lines
in the circuit diagram of Fig. 1217, and the
rotor is connected to t he opposite feeder. When
the two sections nrc connected in series, for
low-C operation, the break-down voltage is
Under the circuit dingram, Fig. 12 17, two
link. Inp" e sets of variable condensers are suggested. T he
Fi,. 1217 -C,r(:,,;1 o f Ihe rack. mounlin, . nten"a smaller condenseT!! should be satisfactory for
"Ule~ ror " Ie wilh " ."'mill"'" ha vi ,, ~ fi " . l . mplifie ... low-power t ransmittel1l operati ng at plate
..hit h " o,,.,,ated .1 leu th." 1000 volu .... Ihe plate. voltages of 400 to 450 volts, while the con-
C, - 100 ""fd. per ...clion. O.O-l5.inch .paci" , (Nlliona l densers with larger s pacing will be required for
TM K- IOO D ) for hi sher vol la.; . eoeivin s
type r.... lo ..e. volta,... ( Ihmru a.h",d MCD_ tra nsmitterll using higher voltages up to about
'100). 750 or 1000 volts.
<4. <4- 250 "~ fd .,,h I pacin, (Natio... 1 TMS.
250) (.... hi , ht r " ol la .... ; reecivin,.type f.... fI. Comple te Two-Stag e 70-Watt3-Rand
lowe~ volt ..... {lI am ..... I""d MC2SO}.
L - n&W JVL ".,ri... ""il. Approxi,nut dime .. ~io"8 Transmitte r
ro. parallel lu"i... f.... each ba"d a.e I I (oILo"'a: The unitllShown in Figs. 12 10, 1214 8.nd 1216,
1.7S. Mc. ba"d - 56 lu .... No. 24. with the additiOI\ of a 4&.volt battery for bia.,
3.5.I\Ic. band - 40 lu rn. No. 20.
7.l\Ic. h.nd - 2.l lunlf No. 16. may be combined to form a complete trans--
14.1\1 ... band - 1'1 \urnf No. 16. mitter. The smaller colldensers listed for the
26.M ... ba .. d - 6 10...,. No. 16. antenna tuner may be \lsed. If the trllllllCnittcr
ALI coil. a.e I Ji i""h ... in di nel t. and 2M in"h... lon , .. is mo un ted on an 8~-inch panel and 3.!-i inches
",ilh Ihe varia hie li .. k l<)Caled 1\ Ih e eenter. for 6eriu
tun;" " " or Ihe wi l Apecified fo. the 0,,"1 is allowed for a me(.cr panel, the complete
hi lh'" fre<IUtncy b.nd will b~ a "p ..."imal"ly (lO<'r~"I. transmitter will occupy a height of 26 ~ inches.
CJ. A 90- WaH C.W. Tra nsmitter Using sulated banana plug whi ch may be plugged
into anyone of the antenna terminals, which
Pu s h-Pull 6L6s are ja ck-top binding pos ~. T hese posts arc in-
In the gO-watt c.w. transmitter shown In sulnted from the chassis by mo unting them in
Figs. 1218 and 12 19, a 6L6 Tri-tet oscillawr National polystyrene hutto n-type ins ulators
drives a pair of 6L6s in a push-pull inverted which have been d rilled out. Series t uning
amjl\ifier circuit. The circuit diagram appear!! with high capacity is obtained by placing the
in Fig. 1220. plug in terminal No.1 and connecting the feed-
The sockets for the crystal and the cathode ers to terminals Nos. 2 and 3, and series tuning
coil are wired as shown in Fig, 1260, to permit wiLh low capacity by leaving the plug free and
feedi ng with a v.f.o. unit if desired. The plate con necting the feeders to terminals Nos. 2 and
circuit of the oscillator is paraUcl-fed to permit 3. High-capacity parnl!el tuning is obtained by
grounding of the rowr of C 2 in mounting. A pla cing the plug in terminal 1, shorting termi-
high-capacity tank condenser is used so that nals 2 and 3, and connerJing the feeders be-
t wo bands may be co vered with one coil, re- tween 1 and 3, while pa rl llel tuning with low
ducing coil-changi ng when shifting from one capacity is o btained by placing the plug in
band to another. The cathode coil, L~, by terminal 3 and connecting to 1 and 3.
which t he oscillator find amplifier are coupled, Both stages are keyed simultaneously in the
is center-tapped to provide push-pul! input cat.hode return leads. The mil!iammeter, M A ,
to the ampli fi er stage. can be switched from the oscillator-cathode
While neutralization is not required, a cer- circuit to that of the amplifier. Switching of the
tain amount is introduce d through the fixed meter is simplified by inclusio n of the shunting
condensers Ci and ClD from plates to cathodes res istances, Ra and R 7 , which are suffi ciently
partially to nullify the effects of degeneration high in value to have negligible effect upon the
inherent in this type of circuit and thereby re- reading of the meter.
duce excitation requirements. Neutralization T he transmitte r can be operated at maxi-
is not carried to the point where there is dan- mu.m input from the 450-volt 200-ma . power
ger of instability. All d.-wiring leads in the supply shown in Fig. 1214.
amplificr should be made as short a nd direct T .ming - Tuning of the transm itter is
as pOSllible. The -individuo.l grid condensers, quite si mple. It should be borne in mind that
C 7 and Cs, should be connected directly at each output from the oscillator may be obtained at
socket. either the fundamental frequency of the crystal
The output of the amplifier is li nk-coupled or at the second harmonic of that frequency ,
to an an tenna tuner. The lower stator of C4 is and that the selection of the proper coil for L,
fitted with a ftexible lead terminated in an in- depends u pon the crystal frequen cy a nd not
-H.\'. fHV
f'i~ . 1220 - Circuit diagram. of tbe 9O_w.t t p ush_pu ll 6L6 Ira n. min~r wilb a built_in antenna coupler .
C, - l00 ..... fd. mica. CJ C'O - IO-""fd. mica. Re, II I -25 ohms, I_Wa lt.
Cz - 250-.... fd. variable (Nationa l CII C12, C,~, C,., Cu - 0.01 .,Id. l'tIA - 0- 300 miJliamm~l ~r.
TMS.2SO ). pa l"" 5 - S. p.d.l . wileh .
C3, C. - 250 ....(d. per .~e tion R , - O.I megohm. H-wa ll. RI-'CI - r.f. ehok~. 1oo_ma.
(Ihmmarlund Ml'CD. R, - 50.000 ohm .. 2_wall. RFC3-I_mh. r .f. choke, 3OO_llla.
2S0.C). R. - SOO ohm I _wall. (Na lional R3OO).
Ct, C. - O.OO I_"fd. mi"", . R, - 25.000 ohms. I_wall. RF<4 - V.h.f. parasitic <:hoke
C,. C. - 5O.""fd . mica. 1t~- 12.000 ohm~. 10.,,..11. (Ohmile Z.l).
L, - For 1.75.Me. uySlal., 32 lurn l No. 24 d.s.c., L. - B & W JVL .., ri~ coill!, dimensions u fol lows:
cLose_'Wou"d. 1.75 Me. - 56 lur". No. 24.
For 3.5-Me. er ys,al. , 10 '"rn o No. 22. I inc h lo,,~; 3.5 Mc. - 40 turno No. 20.
100-""fd. mica oond~"!ler mou"le..! in form. 7 Me. - 24 tUrl>~ No. 16.
""""ee,ed aerOM " ;n,li n 5. 14 fole. - 14 turn. No. 16.
I-' or 7_M~. cr yo , alo: 6 turns No. 22. i.ineb lon8. 14 M~. (&eries) - 8 lur"o No. 16.
LJ - For 1.75 nd 3.5.Mc. band. - 38 ,urno No . 18 La - 1.75_ and 3.S_Me. bands - 20 tu.ns. e~" 'er""l>eil .
,I.".c. c1osewound. No .. 24 e., cl""",wollnd, wound close to bottom
For 3.5 . nd 7Me. bandB-20 'u.,," No. IS. of L, On l a ,,,e form.
1.% ill eheslon~. 3.5 and 7_Me. ba"d o - 14 Iurns. c,"",er ,a l)l>ed,
For 7_ and I " M". handl - 9 turns No . 18. 1 M No_ 22 e. , close_wound. " 'ou"d }i-inch from
inch.ellon ~. bot ,om of Lz on oa m~ forn .
La' - B & W JeL &eri~1 coi ls. dimen sions as follow., 7- a nd 14.,\1". band s - 8 turn o. c~n' ertapped. No.
1.75 ,\Ie. - 60 tnrn o No. 24, 2,!-i inches lon g. 20 e. , close,,,ound. wound }i-inch from bonom
3.5 Me. -.J..I turns No. 20. 2}i iuches lon . of l., on sa"'e form.
7 Mc. -26 lu rn. No. 16, 2;1 i,,~h es 10nB. Le. L, - 3 , ,,r,," at """ Ier of L3 and 1-..
14 Mc. - 16 IlIrns No. 16. l Ji u'chu lon ~.
Ali I Ji in ch diamct~r. 2X inch ... 10"8. Dimen_
All wound on U ammar/und 1 ~_ineh dlam e l~r sion. are aP I>rox;mate for " an ile! tll"in 8 for Ihe band
4pro,,~ forma. i"d;".I~, I. For series I""in ,. Ihe co,1 for the ncx t_hi .b cr
AIlI .!1 inches in diamete r. ( .... 'Iuene)' band ,e appro~;"'3,c1r correct.
1',ming - The simplicity of the
circuit makes tuning easy. With a.
cathode coil, Ll, appropriate for the
crystal in use, and nn oscillntor pluto
coil, Lz, which covers the crystal
frequency with C2 near maximum,
t he oscillator is tuned either to the
fundamental frequency, Ilcar the
rnnl'imum of C2 , or to the second
hnrmonic, Ilcnr the minimum capac-
ity of O2 , by the customary plate-
current dips. The key should not be
kept closed for p rolonged periods
du ring this adj us tment unless the
300volt lend to the screen of the
amplifier is disconnected, If the
Fig_ 122 J- Frollt .. iew of the 200watl bUm.IUbe trlln5m;Uer. plate-current dips ind icating both
fundr.mcntal and harmo nic are not
(I, A Tw o-Stage 200-WaH Beam-Tube fo und, it may be necessary to add or subtract
Transmitter a turn or two from ~.
The amplifier is si mply tuned to resonan(:e
The simplidty o f the 200-watt transmitter wi~h the proper coil for the desired output
shown in F ib'S. 1221 , 1222 and 1223 willnppeal frequency in place by switching the mete r
to mnny amateu rs. As the circuit of Fig. 1224 to read amplifier (:athode current. The am-
shows, a 61..6 Tri-tet oscil-
lator su pplies excitation at
either t he crystal fundamen-
tal frequency o r its second
harmonic for the HY67 in the
output stage. Since the Ia.tter
is a s(:feened tube, no neu-
tralizing is required. Pamllel
feed in the oscillator circuit
permits mounting C2 on the
(:h8.S/ without insulation. T he
milliam meter may be switched
to read either os(:illator or am-
plifier cathode current. R ~ in
ser ies with the screen pre-
vents parasitic oscillation.
Power s upply - A 300-
Fig. 1222 - Undemu lh Ihe 3 X 7 X l7-ineb cbaMis
volt required for the plate of t he oscil- of th", IWO-"11l8'" ZOO-Wlltt beam_ lu be tra n5ruiller.
lator and t he screen of the amplifier. This volt-
age, as well B$ fixed biasing voltage for the am- plifier may the n be link-coupled to an an-
plifier, may be obtained from the combination teona tuner, s uch as the one shown in F ig.
unit in lo' ig. 1236, using the components shown 1226, and loaded in the usual way. As a mat-
for 300-volt output. T he supply shown in Fig. ter of fact, it is preferable to tune the a.mplifier
1225 will furnish plate voltage for the a mplifier. with the load connected , after one has become
'. c,
f! ~
'. ",
-- ~
.. .. .c
... , B" . 0
KE" f'l
. - - 1S "Sv..A.c.
Pi,. 12Z4 ~Cir<:"il -d i a,n of lhe Iw....' . le Zoow. n t.anl m itte .
c, -IOO.... rd. m;e .
1A ~ 300.... fJ. uri.ble (National 'I'MS.3(0).
lon l; CI i. mounled in form, con n""I"') .emu
CI-250..... f<I . uriahle, O.04Sillcb I cin l (Na lional 7. Mc. cr y.tal. - 6 tu'nl No. 22, ~.i...,b 10" 1.
TMK.2SO ). L2 - 1.7S al,d 3.SMe. b."de - 30 It"", No. 20 e.,
Co, C.-O.OOI."fd . mica. l ).i inches lo,, ~.
Ce - loo""rd. mka. 3.5 Ind 7Mc. ha nds - 15 turns No. 18 " . l .\-i
CT - O.OOI."rd. mic., 5ooovoh nlin, . illchello lon ,.
c.. Co, C,o. CIl, C II , CII . C,. - O.OI."fd. pIper. 7. e nd HM e. bandl - 6 turn l No. 18 e., .u"II<;b
lOll , . .
lolA - D.e. mill i.mlDeter, 0-300 D' . ..,al.,.
R, - O. I me loluD. Hw. n . All aboye coil5 wou lld on Il a",,,,a.lund I H .. ...,b
R, - 500 oh .... , I .watt. di.",eler coil (onn5.
R.- 50.000 oh",.. 10 ..alL La - 1.75" l c. halld - 32 l llrDl No. 18d.c.c. 3H inch""
II. - ZOOO ohm .. 10.wall. tlms
II.-SO ohm&, I.wa tt. 3.5.Mc. band - 20 lurnl No. IZ. 3 iocb ... lolIl.
11,-25 ohml. Iwa n. Ill''' ' woulld in ,"cceMive \movel.
111-25 ohm IO.wa tl. 7l'ol e. b.lld - 9 lu .... No.2. Hi incb "" Ion s.
IIFC - 2.5mh . d . cholcc. h .." e " 'ound i" succ.,...ive 8roov".
5 - Do ublepole double tb """, to u le I witch . 14.Mc. b~l1d - 6 ItI.n l No. 12, I ~ i"d,,,,, Ion
T - Filamenl tr.ndormer, 6.3 ,,0118, 6 am ..,r<:Ol (Thor. tnrn. wound in al terna te lmo"es.
d.rwn T . 19F98). All .bo.. e " 'ound on Natio" al X BIOA 2.\-i.inch di.
L. - For 1.7S.Me. ery"ala - 32 lum, No. 24 d ...e., amettt coil form .. Th" form fo. lh., 1.75Me. coil i.
c_.w...., nd. covered with heet of c dboard belore w;ndin,.
For 3.5-Me. cryarala -10 t" .... No. 22. l .....,b Number o f lio k turne i. adjulled for propu load in,.
accustomed to the tuning procedure, 110 as to current of about 30 mo.. and grid current
limit screen heating. of about 20 rna. The oHcillator screen volt,..
Under normal conditions, the oscillator age s hould be between 175 and 200 voltll,
cathode curre nt will run between 35 and 40 while the amplifier screen voltage will run
rna. when tuned to resonance in a ny band, about 240 volts with the amplifier t uned
while the cathode current of the a mplifier and loaded.
should be abo ut 225 rna. when fully loaded . H desired, the oscillator ci rcuit may be
This tot.a.l cathode current will include screen arra nged for v,f.o. input as shown in F ig. 1260.
" A
+ e'AS
., ~
- ...v.
Fill. 1228 - Circui l di' lum of Ihe . im l,le :?OO,w~ 11 puah pun 809 Iralli m iner for the 1.75 and 3.5.M c. balld.-
e, - IOO.""f,1. mica. C.o. C". (:'2. CII. Cu. C,& - 0.01. 11~'C, -2.5",1.. r.f. cboh.
Cs - 2SO;.. Jd. ".riable (Nation.1 ,.rd. paper. 11 FC, - V. h.f. P'Ulilic choke, 20
STU .2SO ). MA - Projectiontype milli~"'me luml No. 20, Ji.inch diam.
<4. C! - ZOO ,,~d. pet aec tion. ter. O.IOOm~ . ...,.Ie (Trij" eter.elosc..ound.
0.07.inch I p;!Icinl (Card .... ell lell Model 324). RFC, - lmh. r .f. choke, 3OOma.,
XT.210 PO ). II I - SO.OOO ohm" twatt. (Na t iona l R-300).
c... c.- Neu trali"in , eondenacR RI - 200 01.",,., 2.wall. S, - S.p.a.!. toule .witcb.
Ulillen 150(3). Ila - 25.000 ohm" 10walt. S, - 2'lan, 3-circuit bi , h '1'olll,8
C1 - 5OO.~"f,J. mic.. R, - 80001.",,, lOw.n. awi tch (Mallory 162C).
C. -O.OO I."fd. mic', 5OOO.,,0I.n t. II ~. 110 - 25 ohml, I .wall. T - Fila menl tr. n, former, 6.3
inl' 117 - Meler .... untin ' rClliala nce {_ "ohs. 6 a mpere. (K en yon
Co - SO.""ftI. mica (~e l eU ). leH ). T l87).
L, -4Ql ur" ,No.24d.s.c.,I.inchdiameler,closcwou"d. La-54 lurn l No. 16, 2~.inch di ameter, 4~ inchu
1.1 - SO lu rn" lJi.inch di a meter, I ~ in hu lonl {N.. lnn _, t a. 'l>ed 10 ,um, from ellch end for 3.5 Mc.
liona l AII-80.C, unmoun. ed, 110 link, 2 turnl (6 & W) 160TA, unmounted. 80 " hy.
removed from cach eod), SO "hy. induC I'"C<!. L.r. -Same La, tapa .djll lled a, required.
With Ct adjusted rOf maximum grid current which should not glow at any point in the range
at the fundamental, the amplifier should be of the amplifier tank condenser except possibly
neutralized by adjusting both neutralizing at minimum capacity. Another test is that of
condensers in small steps, keeping their capac observing the grid--current reading. When the
itie8 equal at all times. A check on the neutral amplifier i8 completely neutralized, 8winging
izing adjustment may be made by any of the the amplifier tank condenser through its range
u8ual methods. One s uitable test is with a neon should cause no change in grid current. When
bulb touched to one end of the piate tank coil, not neutrali2ed. the grid current will show a
sharp dip when the plate tank condenser is T he amplifier may be loaded un til the total
tuned t hrough resonance. plate current reaches 200 mao 'Vhen loaded, the
Plate voltage may now be a pplied to the grid current should not fall below 60 rna.
amplifier. It is advi5ahle to make preliminary I f the plate of one amplifier tube s hows color
adjustments at reduced plate voltage. The while the other remai ns cool, it is a ll indication
voitftge mll.y be reduced by connccting a 150- that. the excitation is unbalanced a nd C:l.lIs for
1 t 200-watt lamp ill series with the pr im,a r y adjust.mentor C,. [f the plate of the tube whose
<'indiog of the plate trans former. Minimum grid is connect-ed to the same end of L: as the
.mplifier plate current (with the mete r in the plate of the 61.6 shows color, the capacit.y of
third position) 8.8 the plate tank circuit is CoshouJd be increased, while color in the ot.her
tuned will indicate resonance. The value of tube would requ ire a reduct ion in capacity.
plate eurrent at the minim um paint will depend In any case the value will not be criti cal with-
l!omewhat upon the setting of t he antenna in 10 or 20 J.<J.<fd., and the value of C'I specified
tank condenser. H owever, by keeping the an~ should be sa.tisfactory in most cases.
tenna circuit tuned well away from resonance
a mi nimum reading of somewhat less t han 50 CI. Complete Two-Stage 200-Watt Trans-
rna. should be obtained. mitter for the 1.75- and 3 .S- Me. Bands
Tests should next be made to make certain The trans mitter of Fig. 1229 Olay be com-
that the oscillator will key satidactorily. If the bined with the power-supply ullit.!! of Figs.
crystal does not pick up readily, a slight re- 1203 and 1225 in a complete un it with theaddi-
tuning of C2 should remedy the trouble. tion of a 22.5-volt battery for bias. Jf the unit
Tuning the transmit.ter for SO-meter output of Fig. 1203 a nd t he biM battery are mounted
is then a simple mat.ter of tuning the oscillator behind a 7-inch panel, the total rack height
to t he resonance dip ncar the minimum of C2 , required will be 28 inches. The un it of Fig.
placing the shott-circuiting clips on L J , and 1203 supplies power to the OI!cillator, while
tun ing C1 fo r resonance. The shift from one I)late voltage for t he am plifier is obtained
band to anothcr sho uld take but a few seconds. from the power suppl y !Sho wn in Fig. 1225.
CI. A Ban c!-Switching Exciter w ith 807 The oscillator, first and second doubler plate
Output coils, L " ~ find ~ respectively, need not be
changed for crystals ground for 11. given band.
The exciter or lo w-power transmitter pic- The switching circuit is so arranged that the
tured in Figs. 1232, 1234 and 1235 is designed g rids of ullused stages arc aut.omaticnlly discon-
for flexibilit,y, being fldil.ptable for use. on all nected from the preceding stage and grounded.
bnnds from 1. 75 to 28 Mc., with crystals cut for so thnt e xc ita tion is not applied to the idle
different bands, and also for quic k hand chang- doubler tube,;. -
ing o ver three bands. It consists of a 6e5 triode Capncity coupling between stages is used
oscillator followed by two triode doubler throughout. The plates of the first three stages
stnges in one tube, a 6 N7; by means of a a rc pnral!c!-fed so that the plate tuning con-
switch, 8 2, the output of any of the three dellsers can be mounted directly on the metal
stages can be connected to the grid of the final chassis. The 6C5, 6 N7, and the 807 screen a ll
tube, which is all 807 bennl tetrode. T he circuit opernte fro m 8. 25()...volt supply. Series feed is
diagram is given in Fig. 1233. used in the 807 plate circuit, the tank con-
, ,
l use
'.'. "
r d
."fTl"'-, N9 In.
... ~y. -~ ~
c.. C G - l oo""fd. va . ;al,le (Nalio"al 51".1(0 ). t ,. L2. 1~, - J .75 Mc.: SO ,u rU8 No. 22 d ...,. dOM:.,,ound .
C. - ISO.""fd. va.iahle. 0.05.incil plal e "paclnS (Hom . 3.5 Mc.: 26 turt18 No. 18. 1" " s th 1 ~ in" h"".
"'arllm d I1Io' B.ISOC). 7 1\Ic.: 17 !Urno No. 18. le" 3Ih 1!1 inch"".
e.. c... c, - 0.002.,,[,1. SOO"o l, mi ca. 1\ Me.: 8 IU",. No. 18,le" , th I J.1 inch"".
Ca, Ct, e,o- l OO." " fd. 500voll ", ica. 28 Me.: 3 Iuru . No. 18. Ie" t th I inch.
e" - 0.002."fd. 2500"011 mi c~. All "'0" ".1 on n.~ .ineh di amet er form s (lI am",ar.
C,r-CIT. inc ....... O.O\." fd. 6OI).voh paper. lu nd SW F.<Io ) ; t nm3 8paeed evtnl y to IiU s"""ilied
R, - 10,000 oh'n8. }1,,,att. ...i Rdin~ ItR glh .
R2-300 ohm ... 1"'811. L, - 1.15 Mc . - SO turn 8. l ~ .in eb diameter. 2%
R" n. - 25,000 0""'., H wa t t. i"c hc8 10n~. 52 .. hY8. (Co to C I6 J60E ).
II.- Ih . inc. - 25 oil", . ~.wa H . 3.5 Me. - 2~ Iu rns, I}i ineh diam t ler. 1% inch~8
IIfo' C - 2.S.n' ''. r.f. ehoke. lon l . 16 ~h>s . (("..010 C I680 E ).
S, - Ceramic w.ier "wilch. 6 Or mO. e poo. it;on8. 7 Me. - 16 tu.ns, I M inch diamet er, 1% in ches
S. - Thr"~~,,,, s Ihree p.,..i,io" cera mic wafer . ... ileh lon 8. 5.7 " hys. (ColO C I64(lE ).
( Y ~ .,I<:y 163C). 14 Mc. - S l" rn"i l ~inch diam ete l ~ inches
5 1 - nand ...... ;tc],;n coil all8Clllbl y (ColO 1)"I>e 1(0 ). lon g. 1.5 " hys. Coto C I620E) .
S. - T""o. ~ a ,, g 6poo.ilion (5 " .ed ) eer~n,ic wa fer 28 '\l e. - 4, I M ;nch dia ",e,er. I J4 i nches
",ild,. 10n 8. 0.7 "hy~. (Col O C I610E ) .
M - 0.200 d.c. n, illia"'''' e l ~ bakeli ' " case. L... 1.06 - 0 .. e lu.n al hollOW of I., and Lo. Sec I""t.
Fit. 1234-Top view or the band.
,wilchinK exciter with coilSl"(:move<1. At
the ldl rear ne th e spa re ery5Ull!O'CS.:e t,
Ihe 6C5 _"d Ihc6N7. Directlyi" fronl of
Ih e~ne Ihe lu"in g wndena~r. (mounted
directly on Ihe chusia) anel tbe wiJI!O'CS.:-
ell (moun ted on pilLan) for the oscillat o r
and douhl~r U_ICS. Group ed to the ri 8ht
Ire tbe 807, the amplifier tank condenser
(w hich must beinsulaledfrom l he chass i5)
and the switch .&SCm bly. The ~ h ot-leadB
from Ihe coils are brou ghl throu gh ,rom
meled holeo ill the chus i . The amplifier
, ,,itch 8Membly should be mount ed far
enou gh back frow the P8ne! 10 thai the
will " .i11 clear the .ide of the ..elay racS.:
o r cahinet. l .eafl. between the "wi lch and
C. . hould be s':ep t U .hort as poMihle.
dense r being of the type which is insulated Figs. 1236 and 1238 show suitable 250- and
from the chassis. Fixed bias of about 75 volts 750-volt power-supply units for this transmitter.
is used on the 807 grid. Heater voltage and grid bias are obtained from
Plate currents for all tubes are read by a the 250-volt supply. If desired, both lhese power
ZOO-rna. meter which can be switched to any units may be assembled on one large chassis.
circuit by means of S. I{cying is in the oscil- TUlIiflg - To operate the exciter, coils fo r
lator cathode cir(alit for break-in operation. consecutively higher-frequency bands are
Since in normal operation the crystal tank plugged in at 1, ~ and 3; only five are neces-
circuit, CIL I, is tuned well on the high-fre- sary for operation with any crystal from 1. 75
quency side of resonance, there is a tendency to 7 Me. and fo r output from 1.75 to 28 Mc.
for the first doubler section to break into a For example, with 3.5-Mc. crystals, the 3.5-, 7-
"tuned-grid tuned-plate" type of oscillation and 14-Mc. coils would he plugged in at 1,
when the key is Up j this is prevented by a sma!! ~ a.nd L3 respectively. For 1,75-Mc. crystals,
amount of inductive neutralization provided the 1.75-, 3.5- and 7-Mc. coils wouJ{! be used,
by the single-turn coils, L5 and Leo wound 1\.':1 and so all. The plate coils for the 807 should
closely as posaible to the gro und end of each cover the same bands as the low-level coils.
tank coil. The Z8-Mc. coil docs not need such Preliminary tuning should be done with the
n neutralizing winding, since it is uscd only plate voltage for the 807 disconnected. Set S2
in the second doubler stnge. L ~ and L6 should so that all tubes are in use. Switch the milliam-
be so connected as to preven t self-oscillation of meter to the oscil!ator circuit and close the key.
tho first 6N7 section when the key is open ; the Rotate C 1 fo r the dip in plate current which
proper connections sbould be found by trial. indi cates oscillation. The non-oscillating plate
In the bottom view, Fig. 1235, the meter current should be between 20 and 25 rna.,
switch witp its shu nting resistors is at the left, dropping to 15 or 20 when oscillating. Switch
with the 807 plate by-pass condenser, C lI , just the meter to the doubler plate and adjust C:
above it. The stagc switch, 81, is in the centcr .. to minimum plate current, or resonance. The
IU. leads to this switch should be kept sep- off-resonance plate current should be about 30
arated /l.S milch as tho layout will permit. mao or more and the reading should be between
IU. junction points are insulated by small 10 and 15 at resonance. Check the second-
ceramic pillars. In this view, the ri ght-hand doubler plate current and tuning similarly;
section of the GN7 is the firs t d oubler. The the off-resonance plate current should again
rotor contact of the section of 82 nearcst the be srounJ 30 rna., dro pping to 15 or 20 at
panel goes to the grid of the first doubler, the resonance. At this point the 807 screen current
middle section to the second-doubler grid, and should be measured; with too much excitation
the third section to the 807 grid. it will be considerably higher tlmn the rated
Fig. 1235 - Bottom view of the hand.
8"," itchin ~ cxciler, .ho","in l the meie r
, wilch nI Ihe left, the band ....;ICh in Ihe
center and t he crystal.witch al Ihe ri ghl.
The mullipl e cry.lal mount;"~, .... hich
holdl .ix cr yalalil, i. made of a 3 X 4 H-
inch a luminum plate fined .... il h Am
phcool cry.ul wckel8. Ihe aMCmbly he
in~ eleva lcd from the ch by me lal
pilla rs. A seve n,h &<>eke t i . l'rovide,1 On
tal' of th e cha$sil for _ . pare cryna l Or fo,
c.c.o. inp", . T ile 750.volt lead is brou~h t
Ih.ou Sh _ Millen Ufcly l erminal , an,lall
other power conncclion s come 10 a ter
mind uriI' at 'he rear ""hich h u harri~ ..
bt l Wecn th e lerminal s " 0 prevenl acci
den i al contact. All ~ ro" "d . a re made
directly 10lhe 8 X l7 X 2ineb cha!!$i .
Tran smitter Construction 243
value (about 12 rna.) and the excitation should
not be kept on for more than a seco nd or two.
Next, the plate voltngc may be applied to
the 807. The amplifier should not be operated
without load for more than a few moments at a
time, because under these conditions the screen
dissipation is excessive. Use a 70-0hm dummy
antenna or a 6O-watt lamp connected to the
output link. The th ree bands may be checked
in order by appropriate switching of 8 2 and
S,. With the 807 fully loaded, check the screen
current to make s ure it docs not exceed 10 or
12 rna. If it is too high, reduce the excitation
by detuning the crystal 08cillator until it
reachca the proper val ue. The 807 grid curren~
may be measured with a lower-range milliam_
meter connected in series with the bias source,
if desired. Maxim um output will be secured
with a grid current of about 3 or 4 milli-
nmpcres, a value which also will give about F;~ . 1236- A combination pow~r_,u ppl y " nil de.
ruted screen current. The scrcen current is, l i.. eri n ~ 250 Or 300 voll" (or ucilcr plue. nl'l'l y a,,,1 75
in fn et, a very good indicator of excitation. vol ll or I,i . Th e "nit i, d" isned upeci all y 10
work ..ith the b."d ....ilcbin ~ exciter o f Fi . 1232 Or
TIle 807 s hould show no tendency to oscillate Ihe I .. ".",i ll ~r o f Fic. 122 1. If desired, Ihe corn.)One.".
by itself when the key is open. may be co.nbined ", itb t he compo"""" ror a hi , \,.
The current to each section of the 6N7 voha,," I'lu e"upply on a linkl~ chaMi,. The c ircu it
diauam of t he QOm.bioat;oo unit i. tho ..'" in Fi,. 1237.
should be 20 rna. with the key open (no exci-
tation). If the two currents are not the same or
show changes when C, and CI are tuned with (l A Combination Lo w -Voltage Plate or
key open, the first doubler may be acting as a Screen Supply and Fi x ed-Bia s Pa ck
i.p.t.g. osciliator, lUI previously mentioned, and
the neutralizing circuit should be checked. Do Fig. 1230 illustrates 8 combination
not use more than 250 volts for the low-voltage which will deliver 250 or 300 volts, 75 rna., for
supply, as higher values will cause excessive s upplying plate voltagc [or reccivingtube ex-
807 screen dissipation. Care al60 should bc citer stagos as well as screen and fi xed-bias
taken to avoid excessive excitation , for the voltage for a beamtube driver stnge.
same re nson. In normal operation, with C 1 T he circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 1237-A.
detuned to reduce excitation to the proper I n addi tion to the usual fullwave rectifier ci r-
value, the doubler plate currents will show cuit employing a type 80 tube, a 1V half-wavc
little change between fClIOnancc and olT-reso- rectifier is also connected across one-half of the
nance tuning. transformer secondary in reverse direction t;)
With maxi mum input to the 807 plate (75 provide a. negative bi3.Sing voluge which
watts) the output is approximately
50 watta on all bands except 28 Mc.,
where greater circuit losses decrease
it to about 40 wstts. The excitatio n is
more t han am plc on all bonm.
The oscillator circuit may be ar-
ranged for v.f.o. input as ill Fig. 1259.
Fill. 1242 -
Cireuit Wa , . a ... o ( the 4SOwall amplifier.
- at.u I me ' er, t al' ped at 2nd .,d
Sib , urn. elch . ide of ox'"
ter (aee t uct 10. a lteral io". ) II & W TVU40 )
C, - 100 ....fd . .,.,r Relioo. 0.07.inch plue " ,acin l 13 .. h y . t a pped each . ide o f ccn ' er at appnlJl_
(Hamm a.lund IIFll D. I00 E). ima td y J.i: I nd S}i: of l urnl in each hall.
(4 - I SO .... fil. . O.OS.;nch plue spacinl ( llammarlund Lo - For 1.51, 3.5 . a nd 1Mc. band. - 52 , 2
""S.ISO.C). inche l lonl. l ,!.i ,nch d ia me ler , t apped at 9th
~-SO ..... fd. fiud air padder (0. 1.1 5 Me.. ,oacin, and ] 11h turns l ide of oxn'cr . (Co.o CS
0. 11 inch 0<" , rea le' (Ca. d,,ell ) C0 -50-05 ). 160(:) (56 ,.h y. l I Pped u ch l id IO of ce" ler at
C. - IS. ....fd . p"ddcr ror L 75 Mc., O.05" nch I pacin, 9/26 a "d 11/ 26 of l otal,ur" , ;n each halO .
(k e leu ) (Ua mmarlund IH'A . I ;'E) . Fo. l .S . 7 I "d 14M e. ba n(b - 26 turna, Hi
c" - O.OO I .,,f<I. 7SOOvoll mi ... (Ac. ovox 1(23). ;o che' lon l , I }i:.inch diameter, 'apl,.,d at 5th
C. - O.OI .. fd. I'~I"". a nd 9 1h !,.urno ea ch l ,dlO of ce"le . (Co lO
C" c., - Neu trali"i ll J cond elli er (Na lional N('.800). CS80C ) (11 ~h y . , taPI,.,d each ' ide oC oxm er u
C C,o - h o lamitc mica 'rimmc 20- IOO .."fll. ( Mal. 5/ 13 "n" 9 / 13 of tOI.l t"rns in half) .
lor y CTX954 ). ."or 7 1<1 a nd 28Mc. hand. - 16 tu.n l 1 ~
Cu, Cn - O.O I ."f<I . p~ ,,,,r . ' " ehu lon l, 1.J.i.inch d iameter, ."",,.,<1 a t In
nt' C, - Imh. r.f. cook." 6OO.mll . (N alio" al It 154). an d l rd ' UT'" each . ide of ccnt er . (Co lO CS4OC)
SW. - C a " Jed occ, ion a or Ohmite ha m .ba "d . ""ch (S " I. y" tal>,,,,,I ...eb . ide of cen t er a l .J.i: and ~
(l.p<:>fi.ion ). of to ta l turn, in each hal f).
SWI - Ga ll ied occliooo of Mallory hll whllod . ",itch Lo. L. - 8 h rrn. No. 12. }i.inch inside diawIOur. IJ1i
(4., .... il ion ) (Ir pe 162C) . inebes lo" l-
set of switch contacts, which
afC not used for Qthcr bands.
C 9l- 3 and CloL. arc pnrnsitic
traps to eliminMe v.h..
p..'l.rll.sitic oscillations. Fixcd-
link coupling is u::;ed at the
input, with variable-link
output coupling.
Coils - The plate-tank
co ils listed under the circuit
diagram I1rc o f a. special se-
ries designed primarily for
use with a multi-section
tank condenser. They aTC
provided with four extra
plugs which arc used, in this
case, for the short.;-cireuiting
tnps. The coil covering 7, 14
and 28 Me. requires slight
. alteration, however. Tv.o
turns on each side of center
arc cut free from the sup-
F;g.124J - A vic .. or t he grid -c ircuit e"d o r the ba ud~"' h eh;n! puah.pull porting strips and hift sclf-
am plifier showi" , tbe coilswitchin B .... Il lement and tbe 1.75/\ c. padder. supporting; otherwise, the
coil heating which usually
turns of both plate and gri d coils by mea.ns of occurs at 28 Me. may be sufficient to ruin the
tap switcJo,es. Any th ree adiacent bands may base strip. At the same time, these two turns
be covered in this manner. By plugging in an- Oil each side should be reduced in diameter t o
other pair of coils, a second sct o f thrcc adja- 1 ~ inches. This may be done quite readily by
cent bands may be covered. Thus the 1.75-, unsoldering the central ends, twisting the turns
3.5- and 7-Mc. bands may be covered with one to the smaller diameter, and cutting off the
pair of coils, the 3.5-, 7- and 14-Mc. bands excess wire. While the lower-frequency taps
with another pair, and the 7-, 14- and 28-Mc. may be soldered, it is advisable to use clamps
bands with a third pair. on the wire for the 28-Mc. taps. Johnson coil
A plug-in fixed air condenser is required for dips are suitable for this purpose.
the plate circuit for the 1.75-Mc. band. The Since grid coils are unobtainable with suffi-
plug-in jack base is mounted under the chassis cient pins i lt the mounting, the taps for the
and is wired to the lowest-frequency switch grid coils are brought out to a five-prong Millen
points , so that the condenser is automatically coil-mounting bar (Type 40205). A plug-in
connected a cross the coil when the switch is socket for the bar is sub-mounted in back o f
turned for the 1.7&.1\1c. hand. W hen the coil the coil socket.
covering this band is not used, the fixed con- Wiring - All of the wiring, excepting the
denser should be removed; it may be omitted power wiring underneath ;.fte chassis, is done
entirely if operation in this band is not de- with No. 14 tillned bus {vireo Wherever pos-
sired. The grid ci rc uit likewise requires padding sible, connections are made with short, straight
at 1. 75 Mc. ; but here a I 5-ppfd . condenser may pieces of wire running directly from point to
be connected permanently across the fourth point. Of most importance are the leads to the
tube grids lind plates. The leads to the tank takes place, C 9 and C IO should be adjusted, bit
condensers ILnd those to the neutralizing con by bit, until the variation in plate currcnt dis--
densers must be kept entirely separate; at no appears. C9 and Clo should be as close to
poillt should these leads be common . This maximum capacity as it is possible to set
practice helps in the prevention of parasitic them and yet eliminate the parasitic oscilla
oscillations. The grid bypaas condenser is tion.
mounted close to the grid-coil socket. Normal biasing voltage may now be re
Fig. 1242 shows how d.c. milliammeters of placed and the amplifier tuned up and
suitable rlinges mlly be connected for reading loaded. For c.w. operation, the output should
the grid and plate curren ts. These arc not in exceed 300 watt.<> when opemted at the max
eluded in the unit, but may be mou nted in a imum rated input of 1500 volts, 300 mn.
separate meter panel constructed as shown in With pln.te modulation , the plate current
Fig. 12{)4. The gridcurrent meter shoulrl should be rcduced to 250 rna. and the output
a 100 rna. scale, while the plate--current mete r should exceed 250 watts. The amplifie r will
should have a range of 500 mil.. operate satisfactorily when the grid cu.rrent is
Tuning - Any one of the r.f. units shown in 40 to 70 lila. with the plate circuit loaded. Thl'
Figs. 1232, 1265 or 1276 will furnish sufficient maximum rating of 80 rna. for the two tubes
excitation for this amplifier, the band-switching should not be exceeded.
exciter of Fig. 1232 being an excellent com Reference should be made to the vacuum-
panion unit .. tube tables of Chapter Twenty-One for data
Before excitation is applied, the two para-- on the o peratio n of other type of tubes.
sitie-trap condensers, C 9 and Clo,
should be set at maximum capacity.
With excitation applicd and plate volt-
age off, grid current to the amplifier
should run between 60 and 90 rna..
Make certain that the coil switches
are set at the appropriate point.<>.
As the next step the amplifier may
be neutralized, using the grid-current
meter as a neutralizing indicator.
The a mplifier should now be tested
for parasitic oscillation. T he bias
should be reduced to a. point which will
allow a plate current of 100 rna. or so
to fl ow without excitation. This may
be done by movi ng the biMing tap of
the amplific r down toward the positive
terminal of the bias supply. It is ad
.... isable to lower the plate voltage for
this test, e ither by inserting a resist-
ance of about 2500 ohms in series with
the plate-voltage source or by insert-
ing a. 200-watt lamp in series with the
primary winding of the plate trans-
former. The grid tank condensers Fill. 1246 - Th is power sup ply deli"era 1500 Or 1250 "oha a l a
~urrcpt of 425 ma . wilh 0.25 pcr~"nt r ippl" ,u,d .", .,Ialioo
should be set at various points while fullload
of 10 per ce nt . Voltages ar~ &elec l" d by lapa 00 the Ira"dort""r
the plate tank condcnser is s wung at<:o nda r r. T he &ee<>udar y l erminn l board ia co~cred wi t h a "t<: lion
through its range. The plate current of OIcei pan el s"pporled by hrackets faMe",,,u "ndcrnca th th .. cOr ..
should remain perfectly 8tationnry cl amps and ;"0,,1.';" 3 e"' p$ are pr1)~id ed for t he lube plal~ ter
m inals . A ~ I",dal ufcly terminal (Millen) i. u.ed for Ih" I~ i tive
while this is done. If a point is found hiSh-"oltasc connt<: tion. The panel i. 10M X 19 inch ea and the
where a sudden change in plate current ehu.i. eize i. 13 X l"l X Z inehe . Th " ci r" " ,1 i. ~hO"'n in Fi e. 1245.
CI. A Simpl e Combination Bias Supply
Fig. 1248 shol\'s the circuit diagram of the
simple tmnsformcrless bias unit, pictured in
Fig. 1247, which may be used to supply cut-off
ibins voltages up to 100 volts or so. Through
grid.leak action it will also provide the addi-
tional operating bi:l.S voltage required, if the
resistor values !Lrc correctly proportioned. The
,circuit I1lso includes a second branch, cOlIsisUng
of HI and 9. VR75-30 volt'lge-regulntctT tube.
'This branch filLy not be required in all cases,
b\lt will be found convenient in many applica-
tions for providing fixed cut-off or protective
Ibias for a low- power stage independent of the
main output voltage.
Adj,utment - The voltage-divider resi~t,.
:lJ,llces, R2 and R I, are combined in a single
-resistor with two sliding taps. Olle of these taps Fig. J247-A transfonn"rlees oom hinstion hiu sup-
:alters the t.otal resistance by short-circuiting a pl y suitab le for sUPI,l yi n ~ bias for T.f. 81a~e. req"i r in~
portion of the resistance at the negative end, 125 voir. Or Ie&!< lor cut ofl'. A ",,<:ond hunch, controlleJ
while the other adjusts the cut-off voltage. by VU1 530 re,ulalor lube. providca 75 "olu fixed bias
ln r a second uage whose gri,1 "urren! d""'a not exceed
The method of determining the values of reo 20 rna. The unil above ia conatructed nn a 7 X 1.;n"b
sistll.nce in each .~ection is as follows: ehal'!-i", altbou ,h the componenu may easily he 611e<l
The section R, is adjusted to equal the rec- into any a pare apace on annther power -auppl y eh.""i
Th e re , ,,lated Vnt u be hranch ma y he om itted if nOt
ommended grid-leak resistll.nce for the tube or required. Tbe " ircuit diagram ia .how n ;n fi ~. 1248.
tubes in use. The value of resistance between
the bifll>ing tap and the short-circuiting tap is
determined by the following formula: nents on a single chassis, since little additional
s pace will be rcquired.
R ,.. 160 - E,. X R It wi1l be noticed in the cirC\!Lt diagram that
3 E.. 2,
only one wire is shown connected to the power
where E,. is the voltage required for plll.te- plug. The return connection for circuit is made
current cut-off. This value may be determined through an actual ground connection to the
to a close approximation for triodes by dividing chassis, to prevent possible short-circuit of the
the plate voltage by the amplification factor of lIS-volt fine should the power plug happen to
the tube. No extra grid leak should be used in be incorrectly polarized when inserted.
the s tage being supplied by the pack.
The resistance in each section should be first l. A Wid e -Range Ante nna Co upler
;6et at the values determined by the formula. The pbotograph of Fig. 1249 shows the con-
'The biased amplifier should then be turned on, struction of a wide-range antenna coupler.
witQ.out excitation. If the plate current is not Diagrams of the various circuit combinations
<cut off, or reduced to a safe value, the biasing are given in Fig. 1250.
.t ap should be moved upward in the negative A separate coil is used for each band, and the
direction. With the amplifier in operation with desired connections for series or parallel tuning
:rated grid current. the biasing voltage should with high or low C, or for low-impedance outpu t
'be measured . If it is higher than that recom- with high or low C, are automatically made
mended in the tube operating tables, both the when the coil is plugged in. Coil conncctions
biasing tap and the short-circuiting tap on the to the pins for various circuit arrangements are
upper section should be moved bit by bit to- shown in Fig. 1250.
ward the positive end until the COTrcct operat- The tuning condenser specified, us ing a set
ing bias is obtai ned. A final adjustment may of standard plug-in transmitting coils, should
now be necessary to again arrive at a cut-off cover practically all coupling conditions likely
voltage without excitation. to be encountcred.
Fig. 12'47 sbows the components assembled Because the switching connections require
separately on a smnJl chassis. They may, bow- the lise of the cen t ra!" pin, a slight alteration in
ever, be combined with compo- the B & W unit is rcquired. The link mounting
should be rcmoved from the jack bar and an tI. Comple te 4S0-Watt Band-Sw itching
extra jack placed in t.he cen Lral ho le thus pro- Tran s mitte r
vided. The link llS8emb[y s hould then be The various unit.'! shown in J."igs. 1232 througll
mounted on n 2-inch cone in ~ ull\tor to one side 1250, assembled together, fonn II. complete
of the jack bar. On each coil , t.he cen t rnl Jl ut hi gh- powe r band-switching trans mitter.
must be removed iUld a J o hnson tapped plug, Heater, low- voltage plate and the 807 screen-
similar to those furni shed with t he coils, su b-- voltage supply for the e)[citer m !~y be obtained
stituted. An extension shaft may then be fitted from the simplified 250-volt pack of Fig.
on t.he link shaft and a control brought out to 1237- 0 , while plate voltage fo r the 807 is fur-
:l. knob o n the pallel. nished by the unit of Fig. 1239. Bins voltages
The split-stator ta n k condenser is mounted for both amplifie r and exciter are obtainable
with angle brncket.1 on four I-inch cone-type from the unit of Fig. 1247, while ampli fi er
ins ulators, snd an ins ulnted flexible coupling plate voltage is furni shed by t he uni t of Fig.
is provided for the shaft. 1246. The units of Figs. 1237- 0 a nd 1247 may
H desired, the coils may be wound with be combined in a single unit with a 7-1nch
fixed links o n transmitting ceramic forms . panel. The addition of.a Hi-inch panel {or the
The links should be providcd with flexible amplifier grid and plate meters and the antenna
leads which can be plugged into a pair o f jack- tuner of Fig. 1249 completes the t ransmitte r.
top insulatoT$ mounted ncar the coil jack strip, The most logical a rrange ment for l.he un its,
unlef18 a s pecial mounting is made providing from top to bottom, is as follows: (1) antenna
for seven connections. 4 tu ner, (2) final ampl ifier, (3) meter panel, (4)
The unit lUI d~ribed should be satisfactory e)[citer, (5) low-voltage and bias s upplies, (6)
for transmitters operat.illg at a plate voltage of 75Q..volt supply, (7) hig h-yoUnge s upply. The
not. more t han 1500 with modulatioll. For combined height. o f these units is 59}i inches.
higher voltages, a tank condenser with larger I nformatio n on a cont rol circuit for s uch a
spacing should be used. transmitter will be foun.d in Fig. 1296.
mentally, th.. eon llecl ion. 10
~ E:Tonk
Final th" coil, (:JIll b" mad" perma_
"en t. Then il will l:H:: " ".,.,...y
m erely ", vi", ' " d ie .-; , 111
coil for hl n,l. lune Ihc
l3 condetlH' for '"",".nee, .nd
E f . diU&! tbc link ro~ 1000dinS.
When coils I and IA (see coi l chnr t..s) are
p lugged in, the two sections of C, are con-
nected in parallel and the output-frequency
ap read is 1750 to 2050 kc. to cover the 1.75- Mc.
band or, through a doubler, the 3.5- Mc. band.
Similarly, wi th coila 2 o. nd 2A, the two sections
of C, arc in parallel and the output-frequency
spread is 3500 to 4000 kc. to cover the 3.5-Mc.
When coils IB and l AB aTe plugged in, the
sections of C~ a re in series nnd the output-fre-
quency range is 1750 to 1825 kc. fo r obtaining,
through doublers, the frequency ranges of
7000 t.o 7300 and 14,000 t.o 14 ,400 ke. Sim-
ilarly, when coils 2B and 2AB a re plugged in,
the o utput-frequency range is 3500 to 3650
kc. for o btaining, through d ou blers, the same
Fi,o 1251- Th e ".nmMe_n,quency ,,:rdter i . en_ frequency ranges of 7000 t.o 7300 and 14,000
cloud in mn 8 X 8 X t o.i nch P. rmet. 1 c. binet. The to 14,400 kc. The sectio ns of Cs a re also in
di al is the N.tion. ll y .... ACN "i l able ror calih ti n . series when coils 3 and 3A are plugged in and
Th e volule-rel.,IB led power ' ''Illl ly II mou ru ed in an
amplifier.row,.!. t;o" eu" witb . 5 X 3 X to_inch "h ....;.. the outpu t-frequency rllnge is 7000 t.o 7300 ke.
for covering the 7-i\l c. blllld and, through :l.
t A Va riable-Freque ncy Excite r doubler, the 14-Mc. bllnd.
When coils 3B Ilnd 3A B Ilre plugged in, only
The photographs of Figs. 1251, 1254 and one seetion of C, is in use and the o ut put-
1256 illustrate the construction of a variable- freq uency range of 7000 to 7500 kc. is useful
frequency unit. which is designed to take the i ll obtai ning, t hrough do u blel1l, the range of
place of t he crystal as a frequency control in 28,000 to 30,000 kc.
most of the common forma of crystal-oscillator Proper connections to C, are made aut.o-
circuits. The power output of the unit. is ap- ma tically when each osci llator coil ia plugged
proximately o ne and one-hall wa t ts, which is in, as s hown in Fig. 1253.
s ufficient fo r this purpose, o r for driving a n Choke coupling is used between the oscil-
807. By means of plug-in coiis, output at any la t.or and the 6L6 isolating s tage. This s tage is
frequen cy in the 1. 75) 3.5-, or 7- M., . bands opera te d very close to Clll.!l8-A conditio ns and
may be obtained. is tuned to t hc second harmonic of the oscil-
Referring to the circuit diagram of Fig. 1252, Intor> frequency. T hus, the oscillator operates
a 6F6 is used in the e.e.o. eircult. Since the buf at half the desi red output freQuency. T he type
ler stage provides adequate isolation, the use 6L6 tube is used to take care of t he unusually
of a "" ell-screened tube in the oscillator circuit high dissipation resulting from this type of
ill Dot a requirement. The cathode is COD operation. The tuning of the output tank cir-
nected to a. feed-back winding, 1." rather than cuit is ganged with that of the oscillator.
to a direct tap on L l , to make adjustment of Tracking taps on the output coil, L" are re-
feed-back leSll d ifficult. A high-C tank circuit q uired only for spreading the higher-fre-
is obtained by the fixed padders, Cl and C" q uency bands. Adj ustl\ble mica trimmers, Ct ,
which are of the zcro-drift t ype. Bandspread are mounted in ellch coil form.
tuning ia obtained by the split-stator con- To solve Borne of t he difficulties often en-
dense r, CJ . co untered in key-filtering an oscillator of this
t ype, the oscillator stage is keyed in the screen
F i g. 1252- Ci:"it dia,.am of the "..0. excite. "nil. ci rcuit. This means that bot h sides of the key
CI. C3 - 300 .... fd. ucb, uro..drih t y pe (C.,.,nalab
8 16Z). Ilt a potential of I SO volta above ground po-
C. -140 ""fd. 1"" ..,."io n
( li a mm a .lund
MCO-14O-5 ). ,
r - -- - - -- - - - -- - - ------ ----7
C. - l oo-",Jd. miu. /' Cs /
Cs -2SQ ..... rd. mica.
CO-45-2 60-.... fd. miea
trimn,er (Ilamma._ , ,
lund C1'S-I60).
C7-Approxim a te l y 65
,,/, fd . ( Ua mm .. lu nd
MC-loo-S with ""0
Blato. and t wo rOIO.
platCII .,..,oved ).
C 14, C,o, Cu, C'3 - 0.01 _,,(,1. paper.
J - Closed...,;. c" it jack.
II , - 0.1 me&olun .\i-watt.
R3- 0. 1 mesohn', }i-watt.
Ih-500 obm... l _wan.
L,. 14. 14. L.. - See t;,. US3.
Transmitter Construction 251
tt:n tial. It is, thererore, preferable to use a relay Co i18 - Coil dimens ions for several 08cil-
to isolatt: the key contact.e from this voltage. lato r ranges are givcn in the eoil table under
Otherwi!le, due caution should be exercised. If Fig. 1253. Only those which su i~ the conditions
preferred, cathode key ing may be used as under which the unit is to be operatt:d need be
shown in Fig. 1253-F, but it is more difficult to constructed. This will depend upon the type of
obtain 80ft key ing without introducing chirp transmitter with which the unit is to be used.
with this system. With cathode keying, the To begin with, on ly coils need be provided
screen connection will go directly to pi n No.2 giving output in bands for which crystals, for-
on thc po wer plug, eliminfl,ting the jack in the me rl y used, are ground. For instance, if the
scree n ci rcui t. oscillator stage to be driven is designed fo r
A link winding, Lt, is provided for coupling 1.75-Mc. crystals only, coils need be wound
thc output of the exciter ullit to the illput of for this band on ly. If the tranl miUflT operates
the amplifier stage whic h it is to drive. only in the 1.75-Mc. band, or, by doubling, in
SIr/etd I sJ,;e1t:! Shield .
, __"'"3" rop'-;: r _ _""!Fp' '-! ro~ '-!:
Top' I
, Top'
l, LZ : L. Lz: L, LZ I
',rl.-_,' : C~:"':C~+.L-,: 4 s :}
A B c
L,-L z
Fi,. 1253 - Coil-form connee l;onl fOf' Ibe v.f.o. circui t of Fi,.1252. Connect ion. t hown at A ..e fo~ coi l. 1 . nd 2.
ThOll<! ~hown al 1;1 I re for coil. 3, In . nd 2B. Cou ned;':'n, . how n a . ei r e rOf' coi l No. 3 B. Buff~r co;l, IA a nd 2A
.h""ld beconnec,ed ...hown.t D. wh il e coil. 3A. lAB. 2A U a nd 3AI;I , hould beconnecled u .hown II E. F . howl
.he ein:ui. fo. optional ~a , hode ke),; n , inlle.d of ""...,,,n Le),;"" .. mentioned in 'e~'. Rf-C i " o.diu )' 2.5"11:'.
r.f. ch.ok~. Coil d;men~;on ....... fol lo"-,,
Osci1l<uot' ( L, .. "el L.,) ' Bod/..r Q,ils ( L a .."J Lo) "
Coil No. 1 - (81510 1025 kc. ) - 41 Iu .... No. 26 d .... c.. Coil No. IA - (l 7SO to 2050 Le_l - oil l u.nt No. 2.1.
~. inch lo,,~; 6 ' ur", for 1.7. I ~ ineh ... lon 5: . PI.. n~imalel,. 12 ' for f.
Coi l No. 2-(1750 102000 kc.)-23 ,u.n. No. 20 Coil No. 2A -(3500 . o.woo ke. )-2 Itll.n. No. Ill,
d.I .C.,1M inch"" lonl: 2 lurn, for L.,. l }i inch.,. 101' 1; apprnximaul,. 6 lurll l Cn. L..
Coil No.3 - (3500 10 3650 Lc.) - 14 lu ~n. No. 20 Coil Co. 3:1. _ (7000 to 7300 kc.) - 14 I II~n l No. 18.
d.a.c . I M inch"" Ion , ; 2 lu.n l fnr L,. I H inche. lon., tapped II 3 t urns from bono",;
Coil No. IIJ - (875 10 912.5 kc.) -51 ' No. 26 app. o.jlll. leI )' 4 l u. n. for L...
d ..~ . IJ1 inehu lo,,~; 5 t ll. n, for Lt. Coil No. l AB - (1750 to 1825 ke. ) - 46 Iu.n l No. 24.
Coil No. 21} - (1750 .0 1825 Lc .) - 28 III.n . No. 20 I Mine h c. lo,,~ .' ~ I}I>etla . 19 tu",,, fro,", 00. 10",;
d.l.c. 1 inch 10ll K; 2 t urnl for 1.,. ',}p, oJC i",,,d ,. 12 , urns for I....
Coil No. 3 1} - (3500 .03150 kc.)- 13}i tU'"! No. 20 Coil No. 2AIJ - (3500 10 3650 Lc.) - 2 4 ttlrn . No. 18.
d .... c . I _inch Inn, ; 2 I" ..... (0. Lt. l }i in c h Cl lon ~. tapl'cd II 9H til' " . frotll bo l -
Wou nd on Mille n I incb di.mclc. form .. L, ,,-ound t om; appro.lmllel,. 6 ,,, .... for L .
I u.n. fo. 'u~n O\'er bottom end of L , i .. li me di. ection. Coil No. 3All- (7000 10 7500 kc.}-1.1 ' nrn, No. 18,
,. W"""d On lI~mm.rlund l }oi.incb di.mele. forml, r.. I H ;n ch.,.\O" I. tIpped II 5 Itlrn. Cro,n bottom:
clote-"'oulld below 4 .Pl'ro.i.... lci)' " t ....... ror r...
and in the same diredion. Connections to the
base pillS are given in Fig. 1253-A, B and C.
The buffer coils are wound on Hammarlund
1 ~-i nch diameter five-prong forms. T he pad-
ding condensers, Co, are moun ted inside the coil
forms, fastencd in place with a 4-36 machi ne
screw. Buffer coils for the higher-frequency
ranges must be tapped as directed. One satis-
fa. ctory way of mak ing this tap is to drill a hole
near the bottom of the form for a wi re which
may be brought outside from the pin to which
the tap must be connected. The turn which is
., being tapped, as indicated in the table of coil
dimensions, may be scraped and the tap wire
soldered to this turn. Pin connections are
sh own in Fig. 1253-D and E.
Tuning - Before an attempt is made to
tune the circui ts, the dropping resistor, R t , in
the power s upply should be adjusted. This is
done with any pair of coils plugged in and the
ke y closed. Starting with maximum resistance,
the slider s hould be adjusted, bit by bit, until
the VR tubes ignite. As much resistance as
Fill. 1254-Compot1e1l1a for w e v, r.o. uc ile. are &8_ possible shoul d be left in the circuit consistent
6embled on a 1 X 7 X 2_inch cha&aia. The d".l ~lion with the maintenance of reliable o peratio n of
conden..,r i. mount ed b y removing t he .hicld OOlwun
IW:Cliona and fa~tenin ~ 10 the chassu ... ith a ain ~le ma_
the VR tu bes. I( the tubes ignite wit h maxi-
chine &Crew, The . mallu condenser, C" is ,,,,,unled 0" mum resistance in the circuit further adj us t.-
N ali"n ..! ""lru", bu tlon in 8ul al0" and mel a! epa<:- ment will not be required, unless the output
en 10 i".ulal .., it from Ul.., cha63is and brill , ita ahaft in volta ge of the pack used happens to be unusu-
line with thai of th e dual couden6e . It ,. rev e.....,.
",,,u nted, with i lJ! ta il s l. a h e~ lension coupled 10 the t a il ally high. If this is the ease, the dropping re-
. h.ft "';llenaion of Ihe dual co nd en"". to red""" th e ovu_ sistance should be increased until the VR tubes
a ll moulI' in ~ ap ace. The otop p in on ,hi, 81.. [, muM he no longer ignite and t hen decreased to the
""novetl. Lead. from the tunin g conde""",. 10 th e Ulb . point where they just ignite.
mou nted coil eo<:keU pass Ihrou Sh th e ch. ""e vi .
% .inch boles lined with nobbe. grollln.c ta. T he jack for The first step in tuning the unit is to check
the key ..... hieh mu. t be insulat ed, and the male power the frequen cy range of the oscilla.tor. It is
connector mOunt in the . id e of the cah in et. The cl' U$ie pro bable that differences in wifing inductances
is f<ene<! firm ly in plac.. with \011 1 machille SCrew.
rwmin K through the ch sis alld the bottom of the and capa.cities wilt make it necessary to make
cah:iDet. The t erminal. u the rear are fOl" link-oulput slight alterations in the oscillator coil dimen-
<:OIlDeCtiono., lhe bi ndin s P<"" for cap_ci t y coupling. sions given in the table. Unless these diller
widely from those of the original model, how-
the 1. 75.- a nd 3.5.-Me. bands exclusively, only ever, nothing more than an adjustment of the
the 1.75.-M c. coi ls for the fi rst bandspread spacing of 9. few t\lrns at the top of Ll should
range will be required. H, however, the trans- be required.
mitter is designed to cover the 7-Mc. band, as If close calibration is desired, a l 00-kc. os-
well as the lo wer-fre quency bands, from a 1.75- cillator checked against WWV, or other fre-
Me. crystal, coils for the second bandspread queney-checking means, should be provided.
range will also be necessary to
get full bands pread at 7 Me. 00""
An examina tion of the coil-
select ion ts.blc will show wha t
coils arc required, depending
upon the crystal frequency nor-
mally used to secure output in
the desired band. If full band-
s pread at 7-Mc. alld higher fre-
quencies is not deemed neces-
sary, the wide-bnndsprend coils
for these frequcnciCl! need not
be constructed.
The oseilhtor coils nrc wound
on Millen one-inch dia meter
coil for ms which are mo unted
in National Pll-lO five-pro ng
... B C 0 e 8EOC6A
/' / ., ,
3B-JAB t8-l"'818-1 ... 8 1-1 ... 1-1...
28-2.0\.8 18-v.s 2-1...
3-3... 3-3...
shielded plug-in bases. The
feed-back coils, ~, are woulld riFig. 1255 - Typical dia l cali!,r"t;"11 fO<" t h" ,.f.o. unit. Notat io ns 3t lo wer
ght ind icate th e calibrat ed ran gu of tb e coil &cIS list ed undcr Fi g. 1253
over the bottom turns of LI, and in the coil-&elC(;tioll Illhl e. Details of calibration are " ... en in th e t e><t.
Tronsmitter Construction 253
The approximate range of the oscillator
coil under adjustment may be deter-
mined by listening on a receiver. The
1.75-Mc. range of the receiver should
be used for checking coil No. 1. The
mnges of other coils may be checked
with thl' receivcr tuncd to thc 3..5-1\'l c.
band, since thc harmonics of 2000 to
2050 kc. are the only usable frequencies
to fall outside this band.
If the signal from the oscillator is not
picked up at any point in the bnnd
with nny setti ng of the v.f.o. dial, II wire
should be run from the receiver tlll-
tcnna post to a point ncar thc oscilla-
tor coil. If it is stiH impossible to pi('k
up the signal, it is possible that the O!I-
ci!lator may not be functi oning. Olle
turn should then be added to the feed-
back winding. More than the single ad-
ditional turn should not be re q uired. If
the winding is In.rger than that required
to mnintain reliable opemtion with the
key clO!Ied, the circuit mlly oscillate
weakly evell with the key open. T his
condition is to be avoided, of course.
if break-in operation is contemplated . Fis. 1256 - Ili ~h. fr.,.!ueney conne<: li'>ns underneath Ihe cha&8; s
of Ihe " .f. excile. "",I are m~de w;lh 8horl. 8lraigh l ee<:lion. of
Whe n the oscillator is functioning heavy wir~. The IW O!emp"raIU'" paddin , cond"n"..- are eo l.
satisfactorily, the spacing of the top d"reoi direc tl y 10 Ih" .....,i!l a lor-c<>il .-.ockel . All compone n tt are
turn or two of LI should be adjusted mOllnled firmly wilh no opportunil y 10 ~UPI)Qrl mech a ni cal vi bra.
. W .. hc~ ~hi n ch thic k are pla ced he tween the panel and Ih"
until the desired band is centered on "t'on loa8l" 8 1<> provide 8pace [or Ille lower lip of Ihe cabinel op-enin K.
the dial of the \mit. This ('an be
done by spreading a turn or two, as mentioned With the oscil!a.tor ranges a dj usted, the next
previously . The shield ctln should be rcplaced step is to adjust the tracking of the buffer
e:lch time a check is mnde. Whell the adjust- stnge. A 6.3-volt (ISO-rna. ) dial lamp with one
me nt is final, the turns should be fastened or two turns of wire should be coupled to the in place with D uco ('ement. The output tallk coil to act as an indicator. With
v.f.o. unit should be warmcd up thoroughly the condenser gang set at minimum capa city,
before making a permanent calibration. tbe padder, Ca, in the coil form should be ad-
The National ACN dial has space for cali- justed for maximum brilliance of the lamp.
brating five rangcs. Since the bandspread ratio T he gang should now be turned to maximum
is the same for the two lowest-frequency sets of capacity. If the lamp decreases in brilliance,
coils, the oscillator coils for ear.h of these read just C a, noLing carefulty whether an in-
ranges may be adjusted so that the 3.5-Mc. crea.~e or decrease in capacity of C s is required
hfloTmonic$ of the 1.75-Me. range (1 and IA) to bring the lamp up to its original briltiance.
will coincide with the fundamental frequencies (If the padders suggested in the parts table are
of the 3.5-Mc. range (2 and 2A) and one scale used, and if t hey are mounted in the coil forms
on the dial will scrve for both calibrations. It is with their terminals downward, clockwise ro-
only necessary to adjust the oscillator coil of tation of the adjusting screw will decrease 1.'11-
the 3.5-Mc. range so that the low-frequency pacity, while counter-clockwise rotation will
end of the band falls at the same point as the increase capacity. If mounted with the te r-
second harmonic of 1750 of the 1.75-Mc. range minals upward, the action will be reversed.)
falls when the 1.75- Mc. coils are plugged in. 1f an increMe in the capacity of C s is required
With similnr adjustments, the 7-Me. and 14- with coils having no bandspread tap, C 1 is not
MI.'. ranges of the coils In and lAO, 213 and tuning fast enough and a turn should be added
2An and 3 and 3A may be made to coincide. to La. If a dccrcasc in the capacity of Cs is
In the end there wi][ be a single calibratio n requi red, a tu rn should bc removed from La.
on the dial for each band. and only five calibra- With thc tapped coils, the tap should be
tions will be required for thc coml>lete set of moved a turn toward the top of /-'3, if an in-
coils listed in thc coil table. A typical dial cali- creasc in C6 is re<luired, or moved a turn to-
bration is shown in Fig. 12.')5. Tntermedinte ward t.he bottom of the coil, if a decrease is
points may bc marked ill as desired . While the required.
14-Mc. b:lnd docs not cover as Ulu.;h of the dial After each adjustment of t he coil, tracki ng
as do the othcr bands, nevertheless the band- should again be checked by !Idjusting Cs for
spread is entirely ade<lua te to cnable accurate maximum brilliance with the condenser gang
setting to ~el'o-beat in this band. t.t minimum capacity and then checking at
f'i,l. 12S8 - Circui. di a~ ..... o f t he ."luse.usu la ted power au pply (.... the ... riable. frequency u.dur .. " il .
F ig. 1259 - Me l hod. of co"plinB Ihe o ulput of Ihe v.f.o. 10 " ry. l al-o&eil1alor stages of variou, types. See texi for
de l ail C;a ami". eonden"er of 0.001 ~fd . 10 I'revem , horl ..:'reu'l of ' he Brid leak. R. a"d C. are the u911 alo&cilla lo r
cathode res,5\or and by-pus. C. and L. u e Ihe u5ual calbode..:;rcui , taokl ,n t he ~r,d_pla l e and Tri_te t " 'rc,,; 18.
T he; ollll,"t is co"ne<: t ed at II _II for harmonic opuat;on ."d t o F. I-" for fu ndamen ta l opera t ion. C. il
100 .... fd . for t he 1.75'"c. ban.1 and 50 I'" fd . fo r Ihe 3.5_ and 7_Mc. banda. D;me".io". ror L . are u follows :
1 .7S_Mc. ;"put - 64 tllr". No. 24 d .. e . clooe_wou"t! , 7_M c. inpu t - 20 turn. No. 18. I M. inch d '~m eter. I M
I M inch diameler. inches loni.
S.S.Mc. in put - 40 ,u.n, No. 24, l ),i.i" " h d iameter. L ink ""i,,d ;n ~s co",i' t of 8.6 and Sturn! r eepec t iveiy
H~-i"ehe. lou s. f en: the 1.75_, 3.S_ atld 7_ M". batld .... cI.,.., . wound helo .... L , .
When the crystal stage is to be operated as a The details of a convcnient plug-in system
straight amplifier, the grid tank is removed, which takes care of all connections in shifting
leaving the crystal position open. The link line from Tri-tet crystal operation (used in most
from the v.Lo. is shifted to the points ma rked of the transmitters described in this chapter)
F-F and the cathode shorts indicated by the to either fundamental or doubler operation
dotted lines removed. I n T ri-tet or grid-plate whcn using the v.Lo. unit arc shown in F ig.
osci!1ators, the cathode inductances and pref- 1260. The grid tank for doubler operation is
erably the cathode tu ni ng condensers also plugged into the same six-prong tube socket
must be removed. If a cathode resistor is used, used for the crystal. Link connections to the
the excitation should be introduced between v.f.o . are made through pin jacks H-H. A
the cathode and the junction of the cathode short-circuiting wire connects pin jacks F-F
resistor and its bY-I)ass condenser. into t he cathode circuit. The leads from the
H the v.Lo. is to be keyed, the key terminals cathode-coil socket to these jaeks and the
of the crystal s~age m\lst be shorted. A small shorting wire s hould be kept short. The
amount of fixed bias may have to be connected cathode coil should be removed fro m its socket.
between grid leak and gro und to prevent ex- For fundamental operation with the v.Lo.
cessive plnte current when the key in the v.Lo. unit, the tank is remo ved from the grid-eireuit
circuit is open. If break-in keying is not de- socket and the s horting wire removed from
sired, the v.f.o. may be operated continuously F-F, to whic h the link line from the v.f.o. is
and the crystal stage keyed a! usual. then shifted.
Values for the substitute grid tank coil are For cry~tal operation, the crystal is plugged
given in Fig. 1259. A fairly- high Lie ratio has into the grid circuit between prongs 6 and 3, or
been chosen and, in most cases, anyone band between 5 and 2, and the cathode coil is plugged
may be covered without retunil).g of the grid into its socket , automatical!y connecting in the
tank, if it is Bet to resonance in the middle of cathode condenser, C. The v.Lo. link line must
the band. The remainder of the transmitter be disconnected. Similar combinations may be
will be tuned in the usual wanner. worked out for other oscillator circuits.
fI. A Gang-Tu ned 4S0-Wott Pu sh- Pull The trnp circui ts, L4C~, L~C, and LeC 7 ,
A mplifl er and Driver are for the suppression of v.h.f. parllSitics.
The millia mmeter may be switched to read
Figs. 1261 , 1262 and 1264 show a gang- 807 cathode o r screen current, amplifie r grid
tuned unit which may be added to the v.f.o. current, or amplifie r cathode current. .
unit of Fig. 1251 . As shown in Fig. 1263, it oon- Coil.! - While homemade coils of eq uivalent
8i81.8 of a push-pull amplifier and a driver stage, dimensions ma y be substituted, it. may be
the luning controls of which are coupled to the found more convenient to alter manufactured
tuning s haft of the v. Lo. unit. Once adjusted for coi.l:s. The National coils suggested for L1
any given band, the entire transmitter can be s hould be obtained minus the links a nd mount
tuned with the single dial of the v.Lo. unit. ings. Stri pped, it will be found that tbese coils
The two sttlges a re coupled inductively with fit snugly ins.ide the B & W coils used for L:,
the tuning condensers connected across the and that the plastic strips on each coil bold
grid wi nding. The use of inductive coupling them central to prevent s hort circuits between
solves the proble ln of balanced excitation to LI Ilnd ~. The link winding shollid be removed
the amplifie r without the dual tuning controls from Lt. The free bllSe-pins thus provided will
required with link coul)ling. C1 and C, are the serve for the connections to C2. The t ubular
tank cOndCn!5Cf8, used for setting the circuits rivets at each end of the bottom spncing strip
to the desired band. Ct and C. are the band- of the coil shol11d be drilled or filcd ou t, and
tuning condenscrs. T hc two stagcs are adjusted %'-i llch 6-32 machiue screws substituted. A
l or tra.cking by varying the portion of the coils Johnson bana na 1)lug is fllStened at each end
across which C, and C. are connected. and the ends of LI a re connected to these plugs.
P i,l. 1262 - 110110'" vi .. w o f th "
'. " 8 lUn ~d ""it. Th~ fi nal a mplili~,
b. n d,t>.ea (I .,..,,,l e,,~r, C i, m o "nt~d
a. f.. t o Ihe left ., ,,",,"ihle, o n N._
lion. 1 po lylty rene bullo n i" l ulators
"ad:e(l t o br;n ~ the . har. le~el with
'h at 01 th " d.iye. bantl. pread eo" _
dcn~r, C" to t he nlhl . T I,e , haft, of
the two eonde nse.. are cou"e(:led
with lI..,. ible cera " ,;e in,uluin, cou_
p i;" ,. . nd al.., t o the tail , halt oI C~ 'o
the ... 1.0. " ,, ;1 th.ou,h a bol e cuI in
Ih e rUt of the y. l .o_ ea bi"el _ C! i.
tumed aro....,d to th u ita tail , h.ft
cou"l~ to Ihe.ha ft 01 th e y.l_o. " "it.
'noe mount in, h"l e of the co."le""",
should CO"'e 2~ i"eh~ I. o,n Ibe '~ fI_
ha nd ",I re 0 1 the e ba ... i .. Tbe . b.f t
uop pin ,bould be . emoved. T he
remain;n, belo ... -cha ... i. wi.i n, i
im l.le and direct . lI u"y linne,l wi re
i. 11..,01 ro lL . 1. lead . Th e Iila ,ne"l
trand....",e. i, mounad below Ihe
chaMi' aI Ih e"tc. ru . I n. "la ted 0.
protected termin al. at~ " sed fo. a LI l 100,,'C, ' ''!' o.;",necl ioll&'
Tronsmilter Construction 257
;--- --- - - 1:; - - - - - - - --7
, ,
_F'",,-~~c.~oL~C1f---;:=J__,,__________,f'~'-+,-t::,, '
/ ,
, ls
'" '.
, '
~--- - - -'
+1$ 0 - a. ...s
ganging for C,. 1.15 M ~. No . , No.1 A 1 .75 ~ t <:. l.i5 Me.
Bo th L,. a nd IJ3 req uire no ba ndsprcad taps ,., M e. No. , No.2A ,.. Me:. ,., M".
for t he 1. 7S-M e. bUild ; the plugs fo r the tups
, , ,
il.lld t hose fo r t he e nds of the coils a re si mply
tied toget her, connecting t he ba nds pren d nnd
padding condensers in para llcl fo r this band. "
~ I c.
No. 3A
M e.
Moo. .. M e.
gangs in each unit have been mounted llS de- ing Qf amplifier grid current. Again starting at
scribed, the shaft., win be lined up when the the h.f. end of the band, C1 should be adjusted
bottom edge of the chassis is 27.i inches above for maximum grid current. If there is a serious
the bottom edges of the supporting panels. falling off of grid currcnt at the U. end, detcr-
TlUling - If coil dimensions have been fol- mine if readjusting C1 will bring thc grid cur-
lowed carefully, there should be little difficulty rent back up. If it does not, the sille of L! must
ill lining up the various stages. The shaft be increased by Qlle or two turns. If, hQwever,
couplingil must be adjusted so that all con- retuning of C1 shows the tuning to be off reson-
densers of the gang arrive at maximum or min- ance at thc I.f. end of the band, it should be care-
imum capacity simultaneOllsly. Coils should be hIlly nQted whcther an increase or a decrease
plugged in the various stnges for the desired in thc capacity of C! is necessary tQ restore
band, using the coil-selection table as II guide. r(lSQnance. If an increase in C 1 is required, the
With the tuning control set for the high- taps of C, should be spread slightly farthH apart;
frequency edge of the band, the voJtnge-rcgu- i a decrease is required, they should be brought
late<! supply and the bias supply should be c1Qser together. After each check the tuning Qf
turned on simultaneously. This will apply the unit should be returned to the h.f. end and
plate voltage to the v.f.o. unit and scrcen volt- realigned, before agnin checking the l.f. end.
age tQ the 807. Using the 807 scrccn current us Howevcr, shQuld the first check at the I.f.
an indicatQr, the trimmer of the buffer stage in end of the band show an increase in grid cur-
the v.f.o. unit should be lined up. Maximum rent over that obtained at the h .f. end 0. turn
screen current indicates reSQnance. The kcy or two should be remQved frQm L 1, after whicb
shQuld nQt be hcld closcd fQr excessively lQng tbe tracking should again be checked.
periods, tQ limit screen heating. Tuning to the With substantially constant grid current
IQw-frequency end of the band shQuld shQW over the band, the amplifier may be neutralized
negligible change in. screen. currcnt. Should ill the usual manncr. With the amplifier Oper-
there be evidence Qf PQQr tracking, the buffer ating at reduced plate volt.nge, a check similar
stage cnn be brQught into line as discussed in to that described for the 807 stage shQuld be
describing the tuning of the v.f.o. unit. mnde to eliminate any tendency toward para-
Plnte voltage may nQW be applied to the 807 sitic Qscil1atiQn. For several settings Qf the
and the stage tuned to resonance with CI. A ganged control, C, shQuld be varied throughout
check should be made fQr parasitic QscillatiQn, its rnnge. If oscillation occurs, C s and C7 shQuld
with a lamp Qf sufficient size to reduce the be ndjusted in equal steps until it ceases.
plate vQltage tQ abQut half in series with the Still operating at reduced plate voltage, the
primary Qf the 750-volt transformer. At sevcral amplifier sho\lld be londed with a lamp bulb
settings of the v.f.o. unit C1 should be varied of 150 to 200 watts conuected to the output
throughout its range, carefully noting any link. CI should be adj\\sted for resonance at
change in cathQde current which would indi- the h.f. end of the band. Tuning across the
cate oscillatiQn. An additional check may be bnnd should nQW shQW nQ ap preciable change
made by touching a neon bulb to the plate of in PQwcr input Qr Qutput. If a check, by re-
the 807. Should Qscillation occur, C~ should be tuning C3 at the I.f. end of the band, shQWS the
adjusted until the oscil!atiQn is suppressed. stage to be off resonance, a nQte should be made
Turningnow tQ the tra!:ki ngof thedri ver stage, a.s to whether an increase in the capacity of
tuning Cl to resonance should result in a shQw- Ca or a decrease is necessary to restore reso-
Fi,l. J265 - ~ two-tube plul'n coil e.o:ciler is built to "",_r"e . paee II> the ~I.,. . ad<. The panel i. 3}i X 19
inebes. A durance hole i. CUi in the lef! end of tbe pand for the cry".l _let, whicb i. mounled in tbe cba..;'
directly above tbe Cfthode-circui t . ... ilcb. Tbe lefl.hand di. 1 ""ntrol, the t uninl of the oeciJIato. plale.lfnl circui l ;
tI'e dia l to tbe ri sbt tune. the output Ifok circuit. The .... itch It the . i,h end ;' ror the 200'...1. milliammeter.
Fi,. /266 - T he four-vronK Bockel for tbe cathode coi l, Ihe octal 8O<:k"l {or the 6 L6 OIIdlt ator and the r,ve-pron t
Mek"l for the ColO oo.i!. used in th e OUlput tank eirclIil are . "bmo"" led a l",,! .he rta r of lhe chao . The nlo'''U'n ,
for the National Ait coil. use d io the ""cilLalor plale circlIi, i. fastened on 8horl con" insulators, .... hile the """I.e! for
the 807;. lub.mounted in the Bmall lice! part it ion. T he 3rid r. f. choke and ocree n and cathode b y_ p.SiI conden .,..
lire fUlcBed directl Y 10 the 8O<:k"l. Larl\C deacan"" holes line.! with gronllllct8 are I'royi,led fo r pa ... ill , l be co"","c_
lions throu ~h the eba ...;. from the oscillator plale ooil to tile lank ooud"""" ud for th e 807 l)l~te le~d. A pair of
I,in jacu Ier'l'e'I as t h e link outpu t terminala. P"wer " "I>pl y CODD e<; li"nB ~, ~ mad~ to a te,mi .. ,,1 et rip at Ihe ,; gh t.
densers set at minimum capacity (100 on thc tion.) As soon as the peak has been obtained,
dial), the plate should be applied with tune the amplifier platc tank condenser for
the meter reading plate current to the 807. If rcsonance as indicated by a pronounced dip in
:loll rcsistances are correct and the plate voltage plate current. Should the points of response on
is 750, the plnte current should run approxi- either condenser bc found at points on the
mat.ely 25 rna. With the key closed, tUlle the sClile diffe ring appreciably from those given in
oscillator tank condenser for maximum ampli- the accompanying table, each circuit should be
ficr plate current. (Do not hold the key closed checked with an absorption frequency meter to
for long periods under this high-current contli- make sure ttl!~t it is t\med to the correct frc-
Fig. 1267- C;",uitdia_
g,am of the t"'O_lube , ,CO, '07
I ~ I
~ G.
14/"1 ).
C2 - I SO_",.!d . varia_ .,
ble (Card ... ell R , ,-, " f .." c,
C,' I B
f ' ..
s-,/ c
... '.
MR I50BS).
I'll '=' ~
C. -100_""ld . mica.
C.-20-"l'fd. mica. '- c.., I
c., c.. C" C C., (:'0
" ~ Cs " .,
6QO.volt 1"'1>('"
C,,- O.OI-,,{.!. 1000_
volt pape,.
C. - 100""ftl. ",ica
(u8ed ou ly on
3.5 Me.)
MA -M ilLiammeler,
+ C -45 V. I' +1l.V.
, 0
II, - 20,000 o hm s, ,
Iwalt. G
R, - 2~,OOO ohm. ,
2_w .. t.
Ha -2OO oh Ill1l.2_w stt.
R. - 10,000 o hm 2~_w. lt . 1., - 1.75 Mc.-56 t u",a, l~_ "h y. (N alional ARlO, "
116 - 3~00 ohm 25_watt. inch diameler, I ~ inche. l urn. removed - no linl<: ) .
II R7 - I ohm ... 25-..... t. lon~. 54 "bYI. (Nltional L. - 1.75 " 'I e. - SO IIlrnB, l Xi_inc h
II ., Ih - 1250 ohma, 50-watt. AR30 - nol ink ). d iameler, 2~ in chu long,
R,", 11 ,,-10 oh ml , I_w " t. 3.5 Me. - 28 t"rn s_ I ~_ 52 " h y . (ColO CS6160E ) .
RFC - 2.5.mb. r .f. choke. inch diameter, I ~ inches 3.5 Me. -25 turns, I ~.;neh
SW, - S. p ..t. to Ule . ... ilch. Ion!, IS "h y . {Na t;onal dianu,ter , I ~ in ch"o lo,, ~ ,
5W, - D .p.d.t. rotary .wilc h AII40 - noli .. ' J. 16 "h)'o. (ColO CS6~O E).
(J',Ia U".-,. 3222J ). 7Mc.-14 t n"'5, I ~. in ch tli- 7 Mc.- 16Inrn.,IXi inch
L, - 1.75 Mo. crys,alo - 32 lur". anle ler. 1M inches lon g, di ameter . l Ji inchu Ions,
No. 22 tl. ~. c., cLoee_wou ntl. 4.2 .. h,. . (Nat ional AU20 5.7 "lty. (Coto CS&W E ).
3.~ Mc . ery8ula - lO tu,n;; -nolinl ).
14 Me. - 8 ",rn., \ ~_in ch diame_
No. 22 ,L. .e., 1 i"ch Ion s . 14 Me. - 8 tn,n s. Hiinch
Not e, ex nlO"" ' ed in form. diameter, I Yi i"chu lon g, ter, 1 ~ ;nches lon l' 1.5
7-il l e. " r yU31. - 6 M turn. 1.25 "It)'a, (N atioua l ARlO " h y ... (Coto CS620E).
No. 22 d .. e., y.:_i ,wh l on~. -no li"I<: ). 28 M o.- 4 tUrllS , 1M_inch
,\L! wound on lIam",,,.lund 28 Mc.- 41"", 1 7.(i nch dia mele" 1M inches \Oll S,
IMiucl, dian,. 'I_pin form . diameter, ~_inch 1""1. 0.5 0.7 "by. (Coto CS6lU).
Transmitter Construction 261
COIL Al"'D TUl"' INC TAnu: FOK TWO_TUIU: I'LU C-U'~ COIL :..\":C IT}:lt
1.15 ..,
1.15 0 .....
. s
"" ....."
. s
. S
3 ,
3 ""
"" ....
O~" "" " ""
O~" 3
""" ""
'-' 0,,,,, ..
3 0,,,,,,,
"" " "
que ncy, since the rfl.nges covered by sOllle of The plate cu rre nt should be limi Wd to 70
the coils include odd hannonics falling outside rna. at 28 M c. nnd 80 rna. Ilt 14 Mc. when doub-
the ama teur bnnds. Once checked, the dial set- ling frequcn cy in the output s tnge, nnd to 00
tings can be logged for quick rcsetting. ma. when operating the 807 fIS a straight am pli-
Whe n the amplifie r has bee n tuned, the fier at 28 M c. P ower output unde r these condi-
metc r switch mny be set to rend oscillator tions shou ld average 40 to 51) watt.s on all bands.
plnte currc nt a nd the oscillator tank circuit When dOllbling frequcn cy in the output circuit
t uned for minimum plate current consistent to H and 28 Me., the output will be reduced to
with sBtisfactory keying. Active crystals usu- about. 27 a nd 18 W:lttJI rcsI>cctively.
ally will oscillate conti nuously in the T ri-tet If the exciter is operated from a power sup-
circuit, regnrdle88 of t he setting o( the tank ply of lower voltage, the values of resistance
condenscr. With the tctrode circuit, ho\\ever. sl>ccified for the voltnge dividers may be al-
the circuit will osci llate o nl y within relatively tered to incre:lSe the voltllges on the oscillato r
narrow limitJI. SW, mus t be closed when the plate and scrC(!n and also the screen of the 807.
06cillnto r plate circuit is tuned to the crystal Wi th a GOO-volt s upply, a.
and R t should be
frequency. The oscillator plate curren t will 1000 ohms each, a o, 20,000 ohms, and R~,
vary widely, depending upon whether output 10,000 oh ms. Po wer output will avernge 30 to
Us take n at t he fundamental, sccond hBr- 35 wat ts from the 807 as a s traight amplifier.
monic or (ourth harmonic. At the specified
plate voltage, it should r un between 40 and I. Comple te 75-WoH All-Bond TrOn5-
50 rna. with the plate circuit tu ned to the crys- miHe r with Plug - in Coil5
tBl fundamental or sccond harmonic. When If it is desired to feed the unit of Fig. 1265
tuned to the fourth harmonic, the plate current into an antenna as a complete transm itte r, it
v,'ill normnUy run between 8S a nd 95 rna. may be combined with the power-su pply unit
Because the plate Alld screen of the 6L6 are of Fig, 1238, which will furnish heater and
operated fro m a voltage divider, their volt- plate volto.ges, and the an tenna-tu ning unit of
ages vary with tuning. Plate voltage varies Fi g. 1215 using the large conde nsers. A 45-volt
between 400 Bnd 450, e)[cept Bt the fourth har- dry ba ttery will be required for bius. The th ree
monic when it (alls to 340 volts or so. The units ru l~y be placed in a s mall table rac k with
screen voltage varies from 280 to 210 volts. s. total height of only !7 }oS illches.
Fi,. 1268 - IJOll om view of the I in uci lu. Sp.ce illsid~ the
<I. X 11 X 3 in eh e h . ... i~ I, .. h""n
utiliud 10 the ,,,,,. Ietl Vl ten'
.-..ibl " while p ...,rvin ,
hilit,.. Voh' le div ide. resi .......
R. Ind R. ne to the . i,ln of the
OICillu .... I. nk colldell",,-., while
Ro. f4. R. I nd Rr e mounled
10 the . enor Ihe m e l e' . TheOllCil.
lu ...... f. c hol<e .nd , .id I.,.k . rlO
f..tened 10 Ih" c.,..u l aocl;el.
Coanocl ioll' be , wHn Ihe e r ,. . .. !
_ ke l .nd .,.thod e ...ilch I.e
m .de di.octl,. .nd kep i wdl
""lOrd. T I'e OOI(:ill. t .... ci. euil m.,.
be .rr. n ~ed f.... v.f.o, inp'" I I
oho... n in Fi c. 1!!60. M"t" . ... I",,'I
in l re&ill. " Cfl .re fU le "ed 1<) Ihe
n'e,,,, ,witch . llo!. h t ."k ..:o..d enac
h . ft. mull be fi lled wi ,h in .u
I. ted 0001 111;"" .,,,\ ,..,,,,II,,,.ri n p-
Fi,. 1269-A ,ellen] view o r the
eompact <iSO-wUI pushpul[ ampli.
fier. ~ho ... in , lhe front panel and lOp_
o(-<;;hll.l!o5;' acran,eme nt. M ()IJ nI~ on
It. ndard rela )' .&(:k, Ihe hei!hl 18
"nl,.1 inehea a nd Ihe depth 9 ;n chee.
Grid and plue tank elf<:";'1 are i!<)_
"led from each ol hn by the double
a";el<lin, partition . 0.. the panel are
the 0-100 rn a. milLiamme ter. whieb il
...,Ithe<! to cnd currenl in .11 cir.
cui lS, the pl a te . ta" k tunin , dial, and
" <:h ar l ~iv.inK coil and tunin s dau.
Th e I ma ll kn<>b at tile Jell h"low i. the
, rid ..:in:uil lun;n, con trol, while the
one 10 the ri,hl i. for the m"te c
IW; l ch . The Ill!... ~keu a.e mounted
.,Ija.::"n! 10 the nunc url,,; ... 1, of
t h e plate.tank conde"..". Ct. in the
cen l er ,,-;th the ""ul liz;", conden.
len betw.,.,,, them. pro.. idin, abort.
oscillation, and ronde nsers C~ and C. should ping t.o about 70 volts without excitation when
be adjusted in slight steps simultaneously until the plate current will fall t.o almost zero.
the o~ci1l at i on disappears. Unless the wi ring H the am plifier is to be plate- mod ulated. the
differs appreciably from that shown, complete plate voltage should be reduced to 1250 a nd
suppression will be obtained with the two CO II- the loadi[]g decreased to reduce the pla.te
densen at full capacity. Changing bauds should current t.o 250 rna. The same bias--supply ad
have no effect uron this adjustment. justrnent will be sntisJact.ory for this type of
With normal bias replaced, the amplifier operation but excitation may be reduced to
should no w be t uned up and the excitation give a grid current of 40 rna., bringing t he total
i\dju ~ ted 80 that a grid current of 60 mil.. is ob- cnthode current to 290 rna. T he antenna tUller
tained with the amplifier fu lly lo.o.ded. Full load shown in Fig. 1227 or the pi.section network
ing will be indicated when the cathode-current of Fig. 1274 may be used.
meter registers 360 ma., which includes the Reference should be made to the t ube tables
OO-ma. grid current. Under these conditions the in Chapter Twenty.One fo r operating condi-
biasing voltage should rise to 150 voll.!!, drop- tione for tubes of different eharacteristica.
Fi . 1271 - Ci rcui t di. _ra m of tbe 450 .... u pusb-pulla mpl ifie r.
C, - Ioo.... fd. pcr HC lion. 0.03.
i n ~h spaci n ~ ( li a mmar . Co
lund II FAD.loo. U).
<4- l oo_....fd. per section, 0.07.
in ch SPlti nl ( lI. mmu.
lund HFD D.loo.E).
w, C. - Neu tralizin,. \'Oudensen
(Nation.1 NC-800)
Ca, Ce - 3- 30-""fd. min t ri m.
n.en (Na l iona. M30)
C,. Ct. C.- O.O I-.. fd . m'''''
C'0 --o.OOt ... fd. min. 75OO.voll
r'l in , (Aerovo. 1653 ).
C" - 5O ..... fd . ir p.dder (for
1.75 M e.) , 0.05incl, I P. c _
inl (C. rdwell EO.sO.FS). "
C" -SO.",,rd . i . padder (for 1.75
M e.\, 0.1 25.;nch "'.ci nl
(C.nI,,'ell J D.50-OS).
R, - 25 obm ... I.w. tt .
R. - Mele mult iplie. rel;n .......
for Stimea nlUh ipl~ation.
wOtln d with No. 26 wi re.
R FC - I.n.h.. f. ehoke (N. _
l ion . 1 1t-154 U).
MA - Mill i. mm e te., 100rna. -H.V.
Lt - D & W JCL It.,.,.,
lion. a. l o1lo,,1; ,
dimen . .~
1.75 M e. -60 turn. No. 24. 2J.i ineb ... lon l . 7 Me. -22 tum. No. 1.2 . 2 }4j.foch diameter,
3.5 Me. - 44 t urn. No. 20. 2}.i inebet IIKII. 4 }4j iDebel l""K.
7 M e. - 26 IlInt l No. 16. 2J.i ioeh.,. Ion . 14 Me. -10 turn . N o. 12, 2J.i.ineb d iamcter,
14 Me. - 14 l u. n. No. 16. I J1 incb ... 10111 (re- 43i' inche~ 10nl. remove n n.. l urn from eaeh end.
",o~e 2 lurn. (rom D & W eoil ). 28 101 ... - 4 \U .... ~_;nch copper tu h' o.> 2}i.
28 Me . - 6 " trnl No. 16. l Ji ineb ... (re. inch ltr. ol}i incb e. 101'1' It emove one
move 2 t urn. from B & W eoil ). t urn f,o'D uch end .
L. - n & W TeL H ....... dime"";"n fol io ...., .. 4 1.. - 4 l u. " . No. 14" H -i neh di ...... le. , Mineb
1.75 Me. - 28 lurn' No. 12. 4 ~.i neh di.meltt, 10 DI!.
43i' ineb.,. lon l
3.5 !\Ic.-=:!6 IlIrDI No. 12, 3} di. meter , A11 1 ~ inch diomet e' , 3_lur"I'nk ..
4}i ino;bc. I".. .. All wi b fil ted witb 2turn lio k ..
Cl, also nre mounted on pil-
lars from OS- I stand-offs. A
copper clip on n flex ible lead
connected permanently to
one end of each coil serves to
adjust the coil inductance by
short-circuiting turns.
Output connections arc
made to the two terminnl
insulators at the right, while
input connections are made
to the terminals of tbe two
voltage-blocking condensers.
When single-wire output is
desired, tbe output terminal
connected to the condenser
rotors is grounded and the
coil in that side short-cir-
cuited by the clip and lead.
Under most circumstances
Fi/!.. 1272-llou om yie .. of Ihe 450wan push.pull ampHficr, showiu l Ihe the components specified will
"""i l ion of Ihe grid tank conden su betwee n Ihe I WO8uh moutl l ed lube eoo::keu. work s atisfac torily with
T he two air paddin g conden..,ra, elL and en, are in plat::(! for 1.75. M c. 01><: ... I;o n. transmitters of 400 o r 500
watts input, operating a.t
pl ate voltages up to 1500. For higher power,
CI. A Pi-Section Antenna Coupler the condensers should have greater spacing and
The photograph of Fig. 1274 s hows the con- the coils should be wound with No. 12 or larger
structional dctails of a pi-section type antenna whe. Couplers for lower power may be made
cO\lpler. The wiring diagram appears in Fig. using smaller components of equal vnlucs.
1273. All parts are mounted directly on the
panel using flathead machine screws. T he con- (l. Compl ete 300- to 400-Watt Compoct
dcnsers each are supported on t hree ceramic Plug-In Coil Transmitter
pillars from National type GS- l stand-off in- T he compact exciter and amplifier units of
suIMon;. A ~-i n c h 6-32 machine screw is in- F igs. 1265 and 1269 mn.y be combined as n.
complete transmitter. Plate a nd filament sup-
ply for the exciter may be obtained from the
unit of Fig. 1238. Plate voltage for the am-
pl.ifier may be obtained either from the unit
of Fig. 1225 or that of Fig. 1246. A 7.S-volt
5-ampere filament transformer may be com-
Fi/!. . 1273 - Oi.g...." of the p; . ..,elio" .nlenn. cou l,ler.
bi.ned on a 57,i-inch panel with the unit of Fig.
CI-C. - 300-.... f d. unable, 0.07.;och spacing (N .
1247 (minus t:he VR75- 30 branch), which will
lional TM C-300). furnish bias for the amplifier. A 45-volt dry
C I - O.Ol.,,!d. mica .. 5000'''011 ratin g. ba tte ry will be required for biasing the 807.
L. ,. 14 - 26 lurn s No. 14, 2 H _inch diaruder. 3 M inchu Suitable antenna tuners are those of Figs.
lon l (Na tion al X RI OA form wou lld fulL ).
1227, 1249 or 1274. The heigh t of all un its, in-
sert.ed in one end of each pillar and turned eluding a 5r;-ineh meter panel is 49 inches.
tight. The head of the screw is
then cut off with a hacksaw and
the protruding quarter-inch or so
is threaded into the mounting
holes in the end plate of the con-
denser. The shaft is cut off a bout
7,i inch from the frame and fitted
with a Johnsoll rigid insulated
shart coupling (No. 252). Since the
coupling will extend beyond the
stand-ofT iusula tors, a %-inch
elelLrlm ce hole s hould be cut in the
panel for each shaft. Alternntively,
metal washers could be used be-
tween the pa nel and each pillar to
extend the mounting.
Each coil form is supported on
I Y!;-inch cone insulators. The two Fis. l Z74 - P;~I;on Iyl'~ ,," tenlla <;Qu l,ler. AU part8 a re mou"ted
hhrh-voltage blocking condensers, On. P resd"'OO<il'oneJ 8 X 19 i""hu. T he cireuit i. , i" en in Fi r. un.
Transmitter Construction 265
CI. A Three-Stage lOO-Watt
Tran s mitter for Five Band s
The three-stuge tr.'lns mit.ter
s hown in Vigs. 1275, 1277 :lIld
1278 is designed to use a single
IOOO-volt lOO- m n. tu be slich as
the 1623.809, H Y40, or highe r.
voltage tu bes at reduced rat-
ings, in the output stage.
Referring t o the circuit din.-
grum of l~ig. 1276, II. 6L6, oper
ating n-t II. plate vollage of 400
but at red uced in put, is used in
the Tti-tet oacillntor circuit.. A
potentio meter in the licreen cir
'~Ilit provides II. means of vary~
ing the sereen voltage and, ulti- Fi,. 1275 - All cont rol. for the l OOwan fi"e.b. nd tunsminu ..... 1><:low
mately, the excitation to the the ch . ... i. 1" ...,1. From Ic!! 10 r i l ht Ib",. .re 0" Ih e OKil lator ""r""" .volule
1)(>l entio mcler, Ihe """ili a lor pla l e. l ank eonde nloer , th" huffer-douMer 1,lal e
final a mplifier. The H Y65 buffer- I. "k cond enser. Ih e meier . ... il ch and the fi nal . mplifier plue l ank CO"
doubler circuit is cnpacitivel y de...."r. Th e p.neL i, of . u"tlard r. ck width . nd 8U i" ch.,. hi . h.
." HVill5 <. 'illn
., <. <
c, <,
" L
. " [
<. '" ""
". , "
..... o M.'" \ -1!1110$ . _ .......
coupled t o the oscillator. This second stnge 1280. Both fixed hi M of 75 volts for the I:IY6S
makes it possible to obtain excitation for the and eut-off bias for the final amplifier may be
final amplifier in II- third band h om a s ingle obtained trom the unit shown in Fig. 124 7. For
crystal, o]>eration ill thc second band being the type 1623, fC!!iators R2 and R~ should be
availo.ble by doubling frequ ency in the oscil 6000 ohms ILlld 7000 ohms, respec tive ly.
lator itself. Parallel pia te feed is used in the Tuning - Coils for the desired output fre-
second st age to permit series grid feed to the quency, consistent. with the crystal frequency,
final amplifier, thereby avoiding thc probabil- s hould be plugged in the various stages, bear-
ity of low-frequency parMitic mcillations. in g in mind that. freqllency may be doubled ill
The neutralized final ampli.fier is d irectl y the plate circuit of the oscillator a nd again in
couplcd to the driver s tage. C. and L , form a the second stage, if desired. It should also
t.rap for v.h.f. parasitic oscillations. be remem bered that the selection of the
The meter swit ch, S, shifts the milliammeter t llt-hode coil, L l , depends upon the crys ta l fre-
to rcad osl:illato r cathode currcnt, driver qUCI\cy and not necessarily the output fre-
screen current, driver cathode current, final- qu ency o f the oscillator, the same cathode coil
a.mplifier grid current and fina l-amplifier cath bei ng used for both fundamental and 8ccond-
ode current. The individual fil a.ment trallS- hn.r mon ic output (rom the crystal stage. Since
formers permit independent metering of the much better e ffi ciencies can be obtained with
cathode currents of the IMt two stages. the HY65 operating as 8. lltraigM 8.mplifier, it
l'oll'll r IIl1 pply - T his transmitter is de- ill ad visable to avoid doubling in this stage.
6ignc d to operate fro m the combination I()()().. The fi rst two stages should be tested first,
volt a.nd 400-volt plate supply shown in Fig. with all voltages applied except the plate
r------------------------------, Fig. 1218 - Und erne. 'h
t he 8 X 11 X 3j nweh u.
BiB of t he I OOwa u tnn
mitter. (;,: 10 th e rishl a nd
Ca in the eent er ..., in. ".
I. ,ed from Ih.. ehu"a by
poIYllyrcoc b"lIon ill"u,
1.,,,",. Co 10 the leh . 1&0
i. insulated .nd i p.ced
from Ihe eh ...i, to h rinl
.1I. h. h .a, ,heu onele n !.
Leads 10 Ih e coil. imme
diately al>("'e the hnk
conden..... p... throu l h
l ar~e Irom",ele<1 cle.... nce
ha l"". Meter.. hunt reN.t
. ne"" ..... I<>"'e.ed dircetl,.
10 Ih e . wiu h t cr", in.I
R~a llhe ri , hl il inl ulated
fro m Ihe eh& b,. "".
truded hakeli te wuhel'll.
The v.h. f. pa ruil; e tra p; a
I U5peuded in Ihe .m plifier
~rid lead to the lefl of W.
I Mnlatin ~ couplin,. arc
re<juire<1 fOl" U a "d Ca.
Transmitter Construction 267
voltage (or the final amplifier.
Tuning the oecillntor to ~
nance, ""ith the key closed,
should cause n slight dip in
cathode current accompnnied
by an abrupt rise in the screen
and cathode current o( the sec-
ond stage. Tuning the I-IY65
plate circuit to rcsonanceshould
produce a good dip in cathode
currcnt, with a simullancoU8
reading o( mnximum grid cur-
rent to the final amplifier.
The amplifier should then be
neutralized 'llid tC!ltcd (or para.-
sitic oecillation. The Intter is
done by shiftillg the final-am-
plifier 1)IIlte-voltflge lead to the
400-volt tap nnd turning 01T the
bias aupply. No plnte voltage
should be applied to the exciter
slagC!!. C4 is then varied through
itll entire range for severnl set-
tings of CI. I f at any I>oint a
change in the fin al-am plifier FI, . 1280 _ Thi. POWt, . tlpply maket tiM of. oon,bi""ion I ..n.{om, ~r
cathode current is observed, C. 'n,1 d"a l fihcuy81em dd; verilll 1000 vol,.., IZ5 n, . "d 400 voill., I ~O
should be adjusted to eliminate m . , . '''lUha"w usly. The eireuil di.,r. m i. l iven in Fi,. 1279. The 1000-
voll bleede, re.i.,. nce i. moullied On the rUr cd.e of Ihe ChlMil, ,,'ilh .
it. During this process, plate 1>r01""""" ,ua,,1 made of, of 1,1"."iud fenC'nl ""'eriallo pro"itl ..
voltage II hould not be applied "e",ila';on. Millen "fcty .um'n.l. are """,I (0<' lite ''''0 h; lh.vol!'l" ter-
long enough to cause appreci- ",;nal . un "" " O!Otkcll.hould he u~d for Ihe 866 lrs."h cha<l4il me.. _
able heating of the tube. ure-f 8 X 11 X 3 'neh.,. ."d .he 1'.nda",1 r."k p.nel i. 8" i .."'_ bip.
Normal ol>erating voltage8 may now be re- IIY65 grid voltage between 125 and 200 volta,
I)laced and the final amplifier tuned up in the oscillator screen voltnge between 100 and 250
Wlual manner. A "Inte current of 100 rna. will volts, and IIY05 8creen voltage between 210
indicate normal loading of the finnl amplifier. and 250 voila, exact values del>cnding upon
(Plate current will be the difference between whether the stage is operating at the funda-
grid alld cathode CUITCnta under operating mental or doubling frequency. E:.:citntion "hould
conditions.) With allatllge6 tuned and the am- be adjusted to keep thc alnl)lifier grid current
plifier loaded normally, the oscillator cathode betll'ccn 2Q and 25 ilia., ",hen the grid voltage
current should run between 16 and 30 rna., should measure 130 to 150 voltH. Power output
IIY05 8creen current betll'ccn 6 and II rn a., of 65 to 75 wattll should be obtlliuable on all
11'1'65 cathode current between 45 and iO rna., bands. The OIIcillntor circuit may be arranged
(or optional v.Lo. input as ahown in
Fig. 1260, if desired.
If the output stago is to be 1)late-
modulated, the plate voltnge should
be reduced to i50. O,>erating data for
tubes of other types will be found in
the tnbles of Chllplcr Twenty-One.
tl. Complete 1 OOWatt S-8and Transmitter
T he trnnslllitter of Fig. 1275 may be com-
bined in a standard rack with other units to
f'i~. 1279 - CI ......I, ,I; _r,_'" or .h.. "",... bln_ . ~ 1000_ form II. cOllllllete transmitter. Plate voltnl/:e
."d 400_,,01. ,>OWf:1' IUI'I> y for tbe lOO-watt t.. n~m ;lter. (or oecilllltor a nd driver 811 \\'ell as for the finsl-
C,. Co - 2_~fd. 1000-"01. ,>aper (M. I1O<'y TX 805). amplifier stage may be obtained from the du-
C. - 4.~fd. 6OO_,'olt er""lrol yIOc:_ [CD} 604). plex power supply showD in Fig. 1280. Diall
Co -8.~f,l. 600" '010 el""uol)lic. (C. D 608 ). voltage for both drive r and final-amplifier
\.,. L.a - 5/ 20.he"., ... ;11,;" . "hoke, ISOma. [Thonlar_
..... '1'-1909). slagel! may be obtained from the combination
14. L. - 12.I",nrr lruootltin. choke, lSOwa. (Tbordac_ unit shown in Fig. 1247, with fi xed bias for the
""n T_I9C46I. H Y65 being taken from the VR75-30 branch.
II, - 20.000 010",1, 75.w
n. - 20.000 obml, 25 A suitable antenna tuncr is the one .bo"'ll in
'1', -1Ii~h.voltap tranoformf:1'. 1075 and 500 vol .. Fig. 1216. The larger variable condensers
r.m .id... 125 nd 150-m llimul taneou. should be used. The total height of the various
eum:nl rllin. rl honbnoD 1'_191'57). unite combined is 29M inchea, allowing.ll. 7-ineh
1'. - 2.S voh. , 5 .... I*'et nhorda.-n 1'.19.'88).
1'1- 5 .01 ......mperet r l'bo.-danon '1'-631'99). pan.ei for the biM-8upply unit.
The tran.smiU()f' show n in Fig. 1275
s hould provide ~umcicllt excitation.
Fig. 1282 s hows milliflmrnetcrs con-
nected ill grid find plate lends. T heile
metel'l! /Iorc not included in the unit.
They should be mounted on a separate
well-insulated panel protected with a
gJasa cover (see Fig. 1294).
An ampiifieroperating fit high volt.-
ag<, should Illwnya, nfter neutralizing,
be tuned up lit reduced I>iate voltage.
Tlli.~ rnlly be obtnined by connecting!\
lamp bulb in series lI"ith the primary
of the plate trullsformc r. Coupling
between the exciter and the amplifier
should be fl(ijustcd 60 thut the grid
cu rren t does not exceed 40 to 50 Infl.
with the amplifier tuned and loaded
to th(' I'nted plate current of 167 mil.
"il. 1281 - A , i" t le , ube hi ~lo.power .ml.lilier (<)I" Ioi ,".volu~e
in,,,. 1>1 up 10 500 .... n . TheU.nd..d ..,k ,.... d i.12M i...,Ioft hi"'. Powl'r output of 225 to 300 lI'a ttll
should be obtllinllblc Oil all band3 at
l A Single-Tube SOO-WaH Amplifi er plate "oltnges from 2000 to 3000.
The tube tables of Chapter Twenty-One
A siuji(le-tu be am plifier which may 00 oper. should be consulted for datil. 011 the operation
ated at inpul.3 up to &00 watts at vo ltages lUI of tubes of other typCll.
Iligh Ill! 3000 is shown in F"ijl;s. 1281, J283 and
1284 . T he circuit, show n in Fig. 1282, is s tri ctly l A Push-Pull lKilow(lH Amplifier
conventional, with link cou pling for both input The pushpull amplifie r sho" 'n in the photo-
"ud output circuits. While n type l00TH is graphs of Figs. 1287, 1288 and 1289 is capa
s.hown in the photographs. other tubes of sim- ble of handling a power iU I)ut of 1000 "'1.ltS
ihu phy~ical s.ize and shape designed to operate for c ....... operation or 900 watts with plate
at plate vollngCl! of 3000 or lefI!I may 00 used in modulation.
II. similar al"rnngcment. T he circuit is shown in Fig. 1286. Plug-ill
/'0'''*' . 8UPI" Y ",,,/ hmi,,! - T he plate eoils ..... ith jb;ed link.s sre used in the grid d r-
power su pply shown in f.'ig. 1285 mny be UJlcd cuit, while ~he output-coil mounting is Ilro-
with this uni t. Bin~ muy be obtained from the vided witll variable link coupling. i",C, snd
unit shown in Fig. 1247. For this purpose, the i,~C~ form traps 8gninst v.h.!. pnrasi tie osdlln-
\'1175-30 brllnch may be omitted and a single tion. A multi-l!ection plnte tank condenser
relIh;tor of 5000 ohllls connected acrO!lll the out.- providcs t\ low minimum caprtt"ity for operf!-
putof the pack, with t he bins lead connected to tion at the higher frcquencies and a high
the extreme negative end of the resistor. maximum capacity for the IO"'er !requelleiea.
c...".~tr"f'fi"" The pbte-lank tuning con comea up thrOUJi(h the eha!JSis lhrough 8. feed- is moull~1'I1
on l}i-im;h cemlllie cone through insulator uL the renT of the condenser.
in~ul,.tor;;. The rotor i~ grounded through l\ The grid t:tnk condenser ill mounted on %-
hi~h-vohage fixed condenser at the front f'llil illeh cone inllulntor9 topped "ith sllucers whieh
of Ihe varillhlc-eondenscr frame. The shaft i" bring its ~h:lft U1' le\'eI with tlu.t of the plnte
('lit 011 and is fitted with a large Isolantile t,mk oonaen!ICr. The two \,ArillMe co ndenserI'
flexible shaft con piing. Thi~ is i IIlI)()rtallt, since nre mounted ,..ith their shaftH 3~ inchea from
the rotor i" nt hill:h voltage. t\ pllnel-befITing the chfl-.... is edge~. The jack bnr for the grid tnnk
,Lij.~embly is fitted in the pnnel. The jack bar for coil is mounted on U-shaped brllekets made
the pl,'tc tallk coil is mounted on Il pair of f'O[l1 .K-inch brall8 strip, and these. in turn.
""lI:le brackets fll,,~elled to the eondelll;Cr end nrc mounted on 2-inch cone insulators. The
pl'lle~. Two 300-mH. r.f. chokCli in ImrHlIel are rolor of the grid tnnk condenser is grounded to
t1~ed, lI"ith one connected bct"'ccn each eon- the chll.S8is at the center. The grid r.f. choke iii
den!!{'r end pirtle and the center connections of mounted on a feed-through insulator carrying
the coil jack bar. The positive high voltage the billi!ing voltage up through the eh8.!ll:lie.
The grid by-pass cOlldcnser is soldered between condenscl'8 are wirql in directly at the IOCkct
the top of the d. choke and the roto r ground termi nals. Millen snfety terminals arc provided
connection for the condenser. for the l)Q6it ive hii;h voltage and negatI ve bill8
T he two tubes a rc mounted centrally with terminals. A male plug is set i'l t he rear edge of
respect to the l"'O tank condensers, the neu- th e chll8sis for the 115-volt line connectioD to
traliz ing co ndensers being placed between the the filament transJormer.
tube" and the grid t ank condenser. T he sockets POICCr . "PI'/Y - A plate-llupply unit suit-
for the tubcs arc sub-moun ted beneath the able for this amplifier is .IIholl'n in Fig. 1285.
chas!l is on %-i nch spacers to lower the plnte For bial, the un it Iho\\' n in Fig. 1247 i.ll .111111:-
terminals. The pnrasi tic-trap condellsers and gested. The branch including the VRi5-30 may
coils arc self-su pporting and are fAStened to the be o mi tted and resistance values for R2 a nd R,
heat.-radiating plnte connectors. should be app roximately 2000 and 2500 o hm~,
The filament transformer ill mounted u nde r- res pedivciy. T ile tra nsmitter shown in Fig.
neath the chn.sais, and the filamCIlt. hy-pll38 1276 will furnish more than adequate excitatio n.
-".... ,."
M~. -32 IIIrnl 1'1". 10. 6"'in~h", lo" ,. 3 "'.
I nor...."'c. (Thon.l ......... T.IIlF3 7).
La -1.7S Me.-42 ,u rnl No. 14, 3 in.,h ... lo,,(. 3 J.i. Inch "i. m~lu (4 0 "lo y. ) (II &,. v.' 8(1110\'1.).
inch dil "'ete. (110 .1Iy.) 1 '\lc.-20 l um. No. 8, 6"'incheo Im 3 J.i.
5.S Me.-32 ,urnl No. 16,:'" i"eh ... I........ 2j.i. inch .liu'eler (IS " lo y.) ( II & \\' 40110"1.).
inch di. ",elc. (~O .hr.) (li &" SO lH.). 14 M~ .-8 IUTnI No. 8. 4 ~ incl,c. Ion 3}S
7 M e:.-20 ,urn l 1'1". 14. 2J.i illc h... lo" , . 2 ';IIch ; .... 11 diamcler (3 ph y.) ( II & W 20 111)\'1.
.Ii l mele. (12 . hy.) ( n & W 40111. ). ..itll One I"rn rcmo ved from .... eh end).
14 Me. - 10 t"n'" No. 14, 2 )1 inch ... 10n J. 2. %3 Me. - 4 l"rn8 3 / 16-;rn::h COM"" Io.bill , " r No.
inch dil n,e,er (3 .h!.) n "' '' 20 111.). 4 .. i .~, 5)4 inch ... lon ~. 2 U .inch in5ilic dil mr.l e'
f3 MOl. - 6 t ll .n. 1'1 ". 12, 2l-1! ;nch... loll" 2.i"ch (0.11 ~ I. y.) (II & W 101ll) \ ' L wil h 0". ,n'" .~.
dil me' " , ( I . h r.) (8." W'IO IJI .). ..."YCtl fro ... cn" ).
141-1. 7S !\Ie:. - 43 '".nl 1'1". 14. 6 '" jncbct ll)<>,. 3",. L.. ... - 6 tum" No, 12, J.S.iocb diamelu. ~.
;Dcb di.....cter (90 .-hr.) (II & W 160IIDVL). indo Ion ..
Transmitter Construction 271
Fis. 1281-The panel for the Ikilowatt
pusb.pull Im l,li6er i. 14 inc:hCl hi f h . nd 19
indica ..ide. "I he ch'lIIiuiu is 13 X 17 incha..
Tunin g - The only de partu re
from ordinary procedure in tuning is
that of adjusting the parnsitic t raps.
The trap condensen, C, and C4 ,
s hould be set near ma ximu m capacity,
but not screwed up tight.. Afte r the
am plifier ha..s been ncutralized, a bias
vol tage of about 22M volts s hould be
applied to the grid and the plate volt-
age applicd th rough a 2500-0hm series
resistance. Wi t h a pair of coils for any
band plugged in , the plate current
should not vary wit h any sctting of
the grid o r plate condensers. If tile
plate cu rrent chan ges suddenly at any
po int. the t m p condensers should be
adjusted equally \Lntil the change dis-
appears. The trap condensers should
, ~
R. - 50,000 ohm.. 10_wI1I.
Ita. R. - 5 me'obm .... I ...ut.
H. - O.S meJOlom, I _watt.
SWI. Swt-3-~ 1N>n 1...;._
" ui l f'OlPry Iw; \ch .
T , - 32!H)-325 volta, 5 volu
a n d 2.S_volt. (Tbor.
da1'lW)n "'. 13 R01 ).
Transmitter Construction 273
be placed ~ inch from the inside edges of the moved about when necessary after ~he trans-
vcrtical members. mitter hIlS been assembled. Ball bearing rol!et-
The two vcrtiClll members nre f!l.Stened to- sk(l.te wheels are exccllent for the PIlTJ>O!Ie.
gether by cross-mcmbcr K at thc top and L at Stllndllrd chl\.SSis are 17 inches \\;ide. Stand-
the bottom. These should be of such a length ard paueis are 19 inches wide and mUilipleA of
that the inside edges of tI und J nrc exactly 1 U inches high. Panel mounting holes start
t7}i inches aJlart nt all points. This will bring with the first one !4 inch from the edge of the
t he lines of mounting holes IS7[ inches center panel, the second IU inches from the fi rst,
to center. E:octending back from the bottoms the third ~ ineh from the second, the fourth
of the vertical mcmbers are pieces G nnd D 1!4 inches from the third, and the distances be-
connected togcther by cr088-members L , Q and tween holes. from ther~ Oil alternllted betwccn ~
E, forming thc bRSe. The length of thc picces inch and l ~ inches. (Sec detail D, Fig. 1292. )
D and G will depend upon space requireme nts In a panel higher than two or threc rnck unit..!!
of the lnrgest power snpply unit which will (I U inch), it is common practice to drill only
rcst upon it. The vertiCil! members nrc braced sufficicnt holes to provide a secure mounting.
aga.inst the blUle by diagonal membe rs C and H. All panel holcs come ~ inch from either edge.
Ren r support for heavy units
placed above the b/lSC may be
provided by mountingungles "
on the insides of C finei II , or
by connecting them with
cross- members llt auitnble
heights ns showll at F.
To fini sh off the front of
the rack pieccs of ~-inch
oak strip (M, N, 0, P) nrc
fnstened around the edges
with small-head fini shi ng
nails. The heads arc set
below the surface a nd the
holes plugged with putty or
plastic wood. The top and
bottom cdges of 0 and P
rCSl)Cctiveiy should be !4
inch from the first mount-
ing holes alld the distance
between the inside edges of
the vertical stril>8, Nand P,
19Me inches. E
To prevent the screw holes
from wearing out when pan-
els are chflnged frequcntly,
~ X Me or ~z-inch iron or
brass strip may be used to F
back up tho vcrtical mem-
bel'll of ~he frame.
Th e outside su rfaces
s hould be sa ndpapered
t horoughly and given one
or two coati:! of flat black ,
~and papering between coats.
A fin i ~ hi!lg su rface of two
coats of glOlllly black " ouco"
is then applied, again sand-
papering bc~wccn coats. It
is important to (l.l1ow each
coal to dry thoroughly
beforc applying ~he next, or
sand pnpering.
Since the com binecl
weights of power s upplies,
moduilltor e(1I1ipment, ctc.,
may total to a surprising A 8
figure, the rack should be Fig. 1292- Th" 81a nd..d A - S,d" Y'cw. IJ - Fronl y;"'w. C - Top
provided with rollers o r vi"w. D -Up...,. ri5h t h.",1 00<''',,' d"t.iI. ~; - I'."d .nd " h ....i. . .so:mbly.
whcels 80 that it ,may be F. C;. II - V. rious l y"",, of p."el br.ckeu. I - S"I""'I" le for ",,,,I.t c1,M....ia.
ro . ",". ftIl" ,.....u 10 ".5 Tt~ H '''''' lS the insulation is sufficient to withs tand the
01 flW<$I4''' U u..,n 01 r~ ,,,"(11 UIOITS
plate voltage. Metal-case instruments should
not be mountcd on a grounded metal panel if
the difference in potential between the mete r
and the panel is to be more than 300 volts;
bakelite-case instrument.s can be used under
similar circumstances at voltsges up to 1000.
At higher voltages than these an insulating
panel should be used.
The plncing of meters at high-voltage points
in the circuit may be overcome by the use of
the connections shown in Fig. 1293-8 and -C.
The disadvantage of the arrangements at 8 is
that the mete r reads t otal cathode current and
the grid and plate currents cannot be metered
individually. This disadvantage is overcome in
C, where the meters are connected across low
res istances in the grid and plate return circuits.
- ...~ ...".- "'~-- -tt.... MI reads grid current and M: plate cu rrent.
e T he parallel resistors should have a value of
not less t han 10 t.o 20 times the res istance of the
meter, and should be of sufficient power rating
so that there will be no possibility of resistor
burn-out. If desired, the resistance values may
be sdjust.ed to form a multiplier seale for the
meter (see Chapter Ninetccn). The same prin-
"'. _ ciple is used in the meter-switching system
c ~ shown in Fig. 1295.
M eters may also be shifted from one stage to
a nother by a plug-and-jack system, but this
Fi,. 1293 - V.riou. method. o( conne<;: l;n l m ilLiamme. system should not be used unleSll it is possible
ler, in ,rid and pla le eu.....,nll . A - l:I i,h _voh .,e me_ t o ground the frame of the jac k or unless a
lerin,. IJ - Cathode meteOo,. C - Shunt meterin,. euitable guard is provided around the meter
jacks to make personal contact with high volt,..
l. Mete ring ages impoSllible in no rmal use of the plug.
Various methods of metering are shown in
Fig. 1203. A shows the meteTs placed in the Cl. Control Circuits
high-voltage plate and bi.'Ul ci rcuits. M, and Proper arrangement of controls is im portant
M 2 are for plate current nnd M J a nd ill. fo r grid if maximum convenience in operation is to be
current. When more than one stage opcrat.cs II.ttained. If the transmitter is to be of fai rly
from the MOle plate-voltage or hiM-voltage high power, it is desirable to provide a Ilpecial
supply. each stage may be metered as shown. service line leading directly from the public
Jf this system of metering is used, the meters utility meter board to the operating room. Thill
should be mounted 8 0 tha t the meter dials arc li ne 8hould be run in conduit or BX cable, and
not acce88ible to accidental contact wit h the the conductors Ilhould be of ample size to carry
adjusting screw. One method of mounting is the maximum load without undue voltage
shown in Fig. 1294, where the meters are drop. The line should be terminated with an
mounted behind a glaM panel. enclosed entrance switch, properly fu&cd.
Whell plate milliammeten are to be mounted F ig. 1296 showll the wiring diagram of a
on metal panels, care must be taken to see that , imple control system. It will be noticed that,
+.;:W' I 0
$>DI ~,tw
Fill. 1294 - Safet y pa nel for me lerl. T be melen ne mo" nled in tbe " 0,,. 1 mann er on all inl"lati ne." b.panel
I paeed baek of. ,Iu.-eovered o~ni n K in Ihe froll l panel. The cia ... i. f .. lened in pia"" ",i l h n,eu l damp. Or l ab",
{a"elled 10 Ih e flVII I p."el wilh Inlan ocrew. Or pin . T he front panel i. of . ' a " da rd rack . ;1<:. 19 X S~ inche8.
TransmiHer Consiructioo 275
because the control switchcs ate connected in (Xl. Q(!: Z all J "" . . au. I
scries, none of the high-voltage supplies can
be turned Oil until the filamen t switch has
been closed , and that the high-power plate s up-
ply cannot he turned on until the low-power
plate supply switch has been closed. Further-
LlJ "
more, the modulator power cannot be apl)lied " ,
until tbe finnl-3mplifier plate voltage has
been applied. SW. plnces a 100- to 300-watt
lamp, L p , in series with the primary winding
of the high-voltage plate trans former for use
during the process of preliminary tuning and [m_ I
------------- J
fo r local c.w. work. T he final amplifie r should
first be tuned to resonance at low voltage Rn d
SW. then closed, shor t-circuiting the lamp.
Experienoc will determine what the low-vo lt- F.,. 1295 - M et hod of . witehi " , a " in ,l ~ nlil1iamm~tcr
t o vacio"" deeui h ,,'i th a t wo . ~an 8 swi tch. The control
age plate-current reading should be to have it shah should be well in sulaled from th e . wi lch eon ' acU.
increase to the full- power value when SW 5 is a nd sho ul d be , round ed. The resistors. R houM bave
closed, so that the proper antenna-coupling valuu o f r Cllista" ee tcn 10 ' ..em y l inl e. the inurn a l r e-
1i~I ... neeoflhe ruc1Cl";20 ohlWl will us,."l1y be .. t illfaelory.
and tuning adjustments may be made.
Preferably, S lY, should be of the Don-lockin g T wo s t rings of utility outlets, one on each
push-button type which remains closed only ~o side of the entrance switch, are provided fo r
long as pressure is applied. A switch of this type operation of tbe receiver and such accessorics
provides one of the simples t and most effective as the monitor, lights, electric clock, soldering
means of protection against accidents from iron, et c. Closing the entrance switch s hould
high volt.age. I n the form whic h is usually con- close those circuits which place the station in
sidered most convenient, it consists of a switch, readiness for operation. S1V z and SlY. are nor-
located underneath the o l>crating tablc, which mally closed and S lY, is normaUy open. When
may be ol>crated by pressure of the foot. Whcn SlY, is closed upon entering the operating
used in this manner the operator mUbt be in the room, the trans mittor filaments are turned on
operating position, wcll rcmovcd from dan gcr, as also is the receiver, wh ich should be plugged
before high voltage can be applied. If deaired, into line No. 2. Wi t h SlY. closed (as well as
S Wt. may be wired in parallel o n the front of S1V6 and S lYs), S1V, performs the job of turn-
the transmitter panel; so that it can be used ing all plate supplies on and off during succes-
while tuning the transmitter. SW,_ also should sive periods of transmission and reception.
be of the push-button type. . All continuously operati ng accessories, such
I n more elaborate installations, and in re~ as the station clock, should be plugged into line
mote control systems where the transmitter is No. 1. T his is so that t hey will not be tu rned off
located some d istance from the operating posi- when SW , is opencd. Line No. 1 is of use a lso
tion, similarly arranged switches may be used for su pplying the soldering iron, li ghts, etc.,
to control relays whose contacts serve to per- when it is dcsired to remove an voltage from
fo rm the act ua.! switc hing at the transmitter. t he transmitter by opening S lY!.
preferably of th e pu sh.hutto n
t ype whicb rentain s e;"""d on ly
80 lonl u p rtl$!lurc i, a l,plied.
S W. _ lI ig b plale.voha l C
. ch. S Wa - 1.o ..""wcr and
tU tl~ .\I p . ... ,tc h sho rt .-::ire uitin l
L . S W. - I\.1ntJ. lll or pl at ".
vo ltage 8wileh . 1" - F" sc. L -
Warnin g li ght. 4 - 100 - to
300_WS II voltage-redudn g lamp .
Modulation E quipment
I N MANY respects the arrangement input circuit of the first tube in a high-gain
of components is less critical in audio than in amplifier usually is necessary. In I\dditioll,
r.f. equipment; nevertheless, certain prinCi l)lcA s uch circuits should be fl8 much as
mus t be observed if difficulties arc to be possible from power-supply t ransfor mers and
tl.voided. The selectio n of suitable modul:IUon c hoke5 and 0.180 fro m audio transformersoperat-
equipment for any of the transmitters in the ing a t fa irly high power levels, to prevent mag-
preceding chapter is not difficult, if the funda- netic coupling to the grid circuit which might
mental principles of modulation as described canse hum Or audio-frequen cy feed- back .
in Chapter .Five are understood. If the trans- If a low-Icvel micro phone such as the crystal
mitter is to be plate-modulated and the power t ype is used, the microphone, its connecting
in put to the modulated stage is to be o f the c>lble, and the plug or connector by which it is
order of 100 watts or higher, a Class-B modu- attached to the spooch amplificr, a ll should be
lator in variably will be selected. A pair of s hielded. The microphone a nd cable us ually
modulator tubes of any type capable of the re- are constructed with s uitable s hielding. The
quired power output may be tlscd. The tables cable s hield s hould be connccted to the speech
in this chapter give the necessary information am plifier chassis, a nd it is advisable - as well
on the most popular tube types. The grid a.s frequently necessary - to connect the
driving-power requiremen Ui also are given, 80 cha.ssis to a gro und s uch ll.S a water pipe.
thnt from t his point on the ~pceeh amplifier B eater wiring s hould be kept as far M possible
tube line-up cu n be sclccted llCcording to the from grid leads, and either the center-tap or
principlcs outlined in ChnJ)ter Five. onc side of the heater transformcr secondnry
The apparatus to be described is represent- winging should be connected to the chassis.
ative of current design practice for s peec h I n a high-gain amplifier the first tube prefer-
amplification, with variOllS output levels to ably should be of the t.ype having the grid
drive high- a nd low-power modulators. connection broug ht out to a top cap rather
I n some cases the power output will be suffi- t.han to a base pin, since in the IMter type the
ciellt to modulate low-power t ransmitters . grid lead is exposed to the heater lCt1ds inside
directly, without additional power amplifi- tIle tuhe and hence will pick up more hum.
cation. Also, practicall y any of the s peec h With the top-cap tubcs, complete s hielding of
amplifiers shown can be used to grid-modulate the grid lcnd and grid cap is a necessity.
trans mitters up to the highest power input The unitJI described in this chapter have been
permitted in amateur trans mitters. d esigned to give the required power output as
Speech-amplifier equipment, especially volt- s i mpl y and economically as possible, while
age amplifiers, should be constructed on metal s till observing good design principles.
chtll!8is, with all wiring kept below the chassis to I. A lO-WaH Cla u-B Modulator for
take advantage of the s hielding afforded. E;;:-
posed leads, pll.Itieulnrly to the grids of 101'0'- Low-Power Tran s miHe rs
level high-gain tubcs, are likely to pick up A receiving-tube mod ulator, with a specch
hum fro m the electrostatic field which usually amplifier for either crystal or carbon micro-
exists in the vicinity of house wiring. Even phone5, is shown in Figs. 1301- 1303, inclusive.
with the chassis, additiollal shielding of the I t is suitable for modulating trans mitters of
20 watts input or less, such lUI the lo w-
power equipment frequently used on
the very-high frequencies. T ype 6A6
tubes a.rc used throughout ill the au-
dio cirClliu, and an ine;;:pensivc power
s upply is includcd so that thc unit is
complete and ready for connection
to thc tra ns mitter.
Fig. 1302 shows the circuit dia~
gra m of the speech amplifier-modu-
lator. One section of the fint 6A6 is
used as the input am plifier for a.
crys tal mi cro pho ne , the othe r half
,"' i,l. 1301 - A 10-wau a .. ,/ iounil conlplel ewi l h l>ower suPI,l y . n,ece
being n second s peech-nmplificr stage.
dual. lriodc 6'\6 tn llel peovide. ro"r .... t.~e a mplifier Will, C lue -S Cnrbon microphones, whi ch nccd less
011 11>111. Any of t he pol)"I. r In_ of micropholle. ma y be " Md. gnin, nrc tra nsfor mer-coupled to the
Modulation Equipment 277
second secti on of the first
~AO. The type of jack 3hown
at. J., in t.he ci rcuit. diagram
must. be installed if a double-
button cnrbon mic ro phone
is t o be used. J ~ mny be
the snme ns J , if a single-
button micropho ne is to be
used exclusively.
The gain control ill con-
nected in the grid circuit o f
the second section of the Fi. 1303- Th.. bclow-cb..."is wieinK i. .. isibl" in ,hi. .. iew of tbe t o-waH
mod"luoe. Th" m icroph Olle i""u' luda are kepi .bon to rcdu ce h um pick_u p.
fi rs t (lAO t u be, wh ich is
resistance-cou plcd t o the
drivcr. Thc driver tube, nlso II. 6 AG, hns its two d r iver tu be is at the extre me ri ght, with T 2 ,
sect.ions connected in pamllcl. the driver transfor mer, behind it. T he C lass-B
The mooulntio n trn nsforme r s pecified is tube is to the renr and in line with the speech-
desig ned to work between OAO plates and a amplifier tube. For convenience in wiring, the
65Q()...ohm lond; the im l>edance ratio actu ally audio tube sockets s hou ld be mo un ted with the
used wil!, of course, depend on the load into filnnl ent prongs fa cing the ri g ht- hand end of
which thc m od ulator wi\! work. A milliam- the chassis.
meter cnn be conncct cd scrosa R , to measure T he plate-voltage swite h is o n the front of
the CIIlS8-B plate curre nt. the ch assis toward t he left. The microphone
The power sup ply is of the condense r-input switch, g a in cont r ol a nd micr ophone jacks are
tY I>C. Using the components s l>ccified, it will grouped at the r ight.
deli ve r 350 vo!t.s at 00 mao A swi t cb in the t ra ns- The bottom-vicw photograph shows the lay-
for mer cen t er-tIll' lead is used for turning the out for the components mou n ted below the
plnte voltage on and off without alTccti ng the chl\S8is. T , is moun ted at the le ft e nd. Wiring
filamen t supply. to the driver tube socket a nd the t ransformer
The po wer t ransformer is s ubm ounted at second a r y winding s hould be com pleted before
the left end of the chall5ill. Nex t to it is the the transfor mer is bolted in place, as it is
filter choke, L 1, followed by the rectifier tube diffi cul t to reach the conllect ing points with n
and T" the modu lation t ransformer. The solderi ng iro n afterwards. Short leads between
FiK_ 1302 - Circui l dialUm of thc ""mpl.,lc 10_wa lt Cl .... 8 . udio ",<>dub iO, a,..I.,,,, for 10 W_llOwt:rlran.mille ....
CI. C, - O. I-.. M. 600-"011 papcr . II " - 25,000 ohm!, 10_wa ll. 6A6 1'1.1.,. 10 6A6 C laM.U
c.. Co - IO-"fd. 50-.. 011 d ecl ro. 5",, - 5.".d. l. lo u l., . wi lch. (5 Ia oOO<" A4216).
Ir lic. 5 ... - 5.1'.1.1. 10nl., I W;lch (0<:., 1's - Oulpul Ir a n l fo em., r , 6A 6
c., Ce, C" CI, Co - 8."fd. 450- leu ). Clau- II 10 6500...,h", 1<).1,,1
volt d e.: trolYlic. J I - C lOlcd ..o;;;rcu;\ jack for cersl lL l (5 t~IIoor A-3(45).
11 , - 25 ohm&, ).i.wa ll . m;cro pl,oll .,. T4 - Power Irao, foemcr . 700.0.
110. It, -900 ohm .. I wa l l. h - 2_ or 3circu il fQr f in I I". 700 .. oj I., 90 m . ; 5 vol , ~ a l
li t, lta-SO,OOO 0110'" )-S-",a ll. buno" or double_ bullon 3 a n,,,,,rot; 6.3 ' 01 .. u 3.5
It., It . - 0.25 n'CROOm. )-S_ w. n. carbo" mi crophone. a mpt:r.,._
R. - I m.,lOh m. )-S-"'. II . T, - S.b. or d .h. n,icro"bone Iran, _ LI - )' il,cr cI.ok", 5 h.,nrra, ZOO
n . - 5 mc~OOm,. )-S ..... II . former {Su II""r A-435 1). m a . 80 ohma Ohorda .-.on
R, o - 5OO.000...,h", '01"",,, ""rum l. T . - Dei,u 'e. n~ for n,c<. l)ar~nel 1'-67C49).
T he actunl measurcd powcr output of the
unit shown in the photographs is 11 watts, at
the point where distortion just bCb..jns to be no-
ticcable. This order of power is o.mple for
modulating n. low-power transmitter with 20
watts or so input to the final stage.
([ A 20-WaH Speech Amplifler or
The amplifier Bhown in Figs. l304-1306 will
deliver audio power outputs up to 20 watts
(from the output transformer secondary) with
ample gain for ordina ry communicntions-type microphoncs. Class-AB 6L6s are used
in the output stage, preceded by a 6J5 a nd 6.17.
The unit is built up on a 5 X 10 X 3-im'h
ch!l.88is, with thc parts arranged a.s shown in
thc photographs. About the only construc-
, 'i,.1304- A low-colt . peeo:h-amplifier or low_power
modul ator unit wit h a mu in.utn . "d io output o f 20
tional precaution necessary is to usc a short
lead from the microphone socket (a jfLCk may
Wilt . The 617 i. aI the left nUr COn1 ~r of the c h u.i be used instead of the screw-on type, if de-
wi lh the 6J 5 to iu . iChl., jUlI .bon the volume control. sired), and to s hield thoroughly the in put cir-
cuit to the grid of the 6J7. This shielding is
the gain control, t.he microphone switch nnd necessary to reduce hum. In this a mplifier, the
the tube socket can be obtained by making 6J7 grid resistor, R I , is enclosed alo ng with the
the gain-control contacts face toward the input jack in a National type J-l jnck shield,
switch, lUI shown. a nd a shielded lead is run from the jack s hield
The compact microphone battery (BurgcSll to the grid of the 6J7. A metal slip-on shield
type 3A2) will be held securely ill place without. covers the grid cap of the tube.
bracket.8 or clips if it is wedged in between To realize maximum power output, the "B"
the bottom of the power transformer and the supply should be capable of delivering about
lips on the bottom of the chassis. A 3-volt 145 mao at 300 volts. A eondell!cr-input. s up-
battery is sufficient for most carbon micr~ ply of ordinary design (Chapter Eight) may be
phones, and low current frequently will give used, since t he variation in plate current is
better s peech quality . The 1 t5--volt a.c. and tho relo.tively small. The current is approximately
meter leads (rubber-covered lamp cord) enter 120 mn. with DO input signal alld 145 rna. at
the chassis through rubber grommets. A three- full output. If an output of 12 or 13 watts will
contact terminal strip is located at the right be sufficient, Ri and RIO may be omitted and
end of the base (left end in the bottom view). an tubes fed directly from II. "B" supply
One of the contacts is for an external ground giving'270 volts at a pproximately 175 mao
connection and the other two nre connected The output transformer s hown is a unive.rsnJ
to the modulation-transformer output winding. modulation type s uitable for coupling into the
Fi,. I lOS - Circuit dia vam of ,"~ lowo<:ool ' .;l<eh an' l.lir."ror modulalor eoJ.. h1~o f po"'~r OUlputa UPIO 20 .... nt$.
C,. Ct - 20_ .. fd. SO_volt elOO(:l ro_ H~ - 1.5 me&<>h n ).i_watt. T, _ Inlen la,e aud io Iran.oJormer.
IYlie. R. - 0.25 D,e,.o hlll, ).i-.... att. " n sl~plalc to Iq . l(rid. , ratio
C4 -O. I _.. fd. 2oo_volt paJl(:r. R. - 50,000 "bID'" !-i-watt. 3:1 (Thord"rlon T -S7A4 1) .
C. -O.OI."ft!. 4OO-voll paper . R. - 1 .m~lOhm ..olume <:OlItrol; '1'2 - Output tran , fo rm e ' , t ype
Cs. C.-8-;.fd. 450-"011 eleet ro- Il T- ISOO ohm ... I_wall, tl epetLdin lonrellulrement$.
Iyti<:. R, -25O "h",... IO_w. lt. A mult;_ta ll ",otl ululnD
It, - 5 ",,,.ohms,. ~- ... alt. R , -2000 ohm.. IOwa tt. t .. an l forme r (Thord . ..... D
R, - 1300 ohnu. H -watt. RIO - 20,000 o.I,~ 25_w.u. '1'.19MI 4) i hown.
Modulation Equipment 279
plate ci rcuit of nlo'\\power d . Ampli-
fier (input 40 l\'att.8 maximum fo r 100
per cent modulation) for plnte modu-
Illtion. Fo r cathode mod uhtio n, the
r.r. input powcr thnt cnn be modu
la ted can be determined fro m the
d3ta in Cha ptcr Five. The amplifier
may also be IIsed for gridbius modu-
lation with the tnms former s pecified.
If the unit is to be used to drive a
Class-B mod ul3tor, it is recommended
that the Class-D tubes be of the zero-
bi!\.!! type rather than a t ype requiri ng
fixed bil\ll. A suitable output
forme r must be substituted for tbis
purpose; data may be found in
former man ufacturcra' catalogs.
The frcq uency res ponse of the
amplifier is ample fo r the rnn ge of Fi&. 1308 - A 40 "'&11 ~r>eh amplifier or modul alor o( in ..:q>enl i ....
frequcn cies e ncountercd in voice com CO"~ lruc lion. Th .. 6J 1 and filllt 6J S are a t t h .. (ronl. nea r the m icro.
munication. It mny be extended for phon .. ..,.,ke t a nd yolum .. conlrol, relr>li .. dy . T, ;. behind them.
and t he pn. h .puI1 6J 5s are" the ",ar o( t he ch a .." behind T,. T
bigh-qunlity rep roduction of music by in d tenl<:r.lh .. pum.puIl6 L6s, a nd Ta (01L0 ... ill order 10 Ih .. ri , bl.
using higher-priced audio tnmsformcrs.
.3V .
UQ7 - C ;,cuil di' jp"'m of the Cb.. AD, pUlh.pull 6 L6 4(l.wan output I I......,h an,plifier Or mOOullt.,...
C, - O. I ."M. 200'''011 paper. R ~ - 50,000 oh .... }i. .... n . (1'hordanon T -S7 A41 ).
C, - 0.01 .,,(,1. 400.volt pa per . II. - so!"" volume cOll t rol. T , - Driver Ira ndormer, p.p. 615,
C. - 20."fd. 5O.vol l ele(>lrol ylic. 111- 1500 oh", ... I .",a lt.. t o 6L6a Clft~. A U2 (Thor.
c., Ca, C.-8."M. 450vol l ,,1_ R. - 1500hm... I.... H. danonT.MD59).
,.olrlic. Ito - 12,000 ohn'" I ''''a tt.. T a - Oulput Ira n . Cormer, Iyp"
II , - S ",elobn }i.wa ,.. R, o _ 20.000 01"". , 25'''',11_ dependi" l on re' luire", ..,,'"
11. - 1300 ohm., }i.wall. R" -1500 oh m ... 10.wa lt . A mult;.ta p moduluioll
II. - 1.5 D, eloh"" Hwall. T ! - 10t"",la,e a udio, . ;n JI .. plate tra nofo'",er (Thordar' Oll
11. - 0.25 rne ~ohrn , }.i.walt, 10 p .p. grid 3: l ratio T . 191'>1 15) i.,hoWII.
cially with zero-bins Class-B
tubes. However, somewhat
better performance can be
secured by vsing ~r i odc driv-
ers, especia lly whell the grid
power requirements of the
Class- B stage (lre modest
enough to mAke the use of
triodes such a s the 2A3 1)rll.C-
ti cablc. The Il.mplificr.~hown
in F igs. 1310- 1:i12, inclu-
sive, has an output (from
the transfo rmer se condary )
of 6 watts with negligible dis-
tortion, nnd t itus is suitnblc
",i8_ 1309 _ U"d~r""'lh th.,,,ha&f,i. of th., 40.wall . peech amplificr_n,<><I ubto. . for driving CIRSI:I-B stBges of
100 to 250 .....atts OlltpUt.
A 6 X 14 X 3-inch chassis is used for the The (ullplificr a lso incorporates an auto-
40-watt amplifie r. The photographs show the matic volume-compressioll circuit. to main-
arrangement of parts. As in the CfLSe of th" tain a high percentage of modula-
20-watt unit, complete shiclding of the mi cro- tio n (C hapter Five). T he aide amplifie r and
phone input circuit is essentinl. The amplifier rectifier, combined in the GSQ7 tube, rectifies 3.
has nmple gain for erYl!tal microphones. portion of the voice currellt. The rectified out-
This unit mny be used to plate-mooulate 80 put o f this circuit is filtered and applied t o the
watts input to a n r:f. amplifier. For cat.hode N08. 1 and 3 grids of fl, pcntagrid amplifier
modulntion, the input that ca n be modulated tube, the reby varying its gain in inve rse pro-
""ill ~epend upon the type of o l>era tion chosen, portion to the Mignal l!trength. With proper
as deseribed in C ha pter .~ive ; with 55 per cent adjustment, an increase in modulation
plate emciency in the r.f. st llge, for instance, level of aoout 7 db. call be secured without
the input may be of the order of 200 watts, excceding 100 pel' cent modulation 011 peaks.
making an allowance for the s mall amOUIJt of The amplifier proper consists of 0. OJ7 first
aud io power taken by the grid circuit. stage followed by 0. 6L 7 a ml>lifier-compressor.
A high-power Clnss-B modulator can be The 2A3 grids are driven by a 6N7 self-balanc-
driven by the unit ; d a ta on suitable modulato r ing phase inverter. The operation of the 2A3s
tubca are given later in this chapter. Zero-bias is purely Class A, without grid current.
tubes should be used , because they present The amount of compression is controlled by
n more constant 1000d to the GL6s tha n do rela- means of the potentiometer, R~D, i n the grid
tively low amplification-facto r tubes which circ uit of the 6SQ7. A switch , SI, is provided to
require fixed bias for Class-B operation. A short-drcuit the rectified output of the com-
suitnble ClfLSs- B driver transformer should be pressor when normal amplification is required.
substituted for the universal modulation trans- The construction of the amplifie r resembles
former s hown. that of t he uilit shown in Fig. 1301 , the tubes
T he power s upply should have good voltage a nd output transformer being mounted on the
regulation, since the total" B" current varies rear edge of a 17 X 4 X 3-inch chassis to save
from apl)roximntcly 140 rna. with no signn] to panel height in relay-rack mounting. Looking
265 rna. at full output. A heavy-duty choke- at the am l>lifier from t he fro n t., the 6J7 first
input plate 8UP1>ly should be used; general amplifier is in the upper left co rner, wit h the
design dnta will be found in Chapter Eight. 6L7 to its right. The 6SQ7 is below the 61.7.
The henter require menta are 6.3
volta at 3 ampe res . Bias fo r the
6L6 stagc is most co nvenie ntly sup-
plied by 0. 22.5-volt "B" battery
bloc ; a small-sized unit will be satis-
factory, since no current is d rawn.
CI. A Pu sh - Pull 2A3 Amplifle r
w ith Volum e Compreu io n
Iden!ly, n Clflss- B modulutor should
be driven by a n amplifier hnving
exce ptionnlly good voltnge regulnt ion,
t o minimize dis t ortio n (see Cha pter
Five). For average a mateur wor k, the
6 L6 am]>lificrs jllRt described will give
entirely sntisfac t ory resul ts as drivers
for B stages when opera ted Fi, . / J/O - A I,,, . h.p,,n 2AJ a pch .lnp] ifi~~ ha vin, an OUlp" t
well within t hei r ca pabilit ies, es pe- o f .ppn)~imud r 6 wa l U. A "o],,"'c>m l> circuil i~ i""l"ded.
Moc:Julat;on Equipment 281
Fi,. J31J - Ci rc"il ,J;3 I urn o f t.he puah _p,,11 C laS8_A 2,\3 Ipce<;h aW l,lifier wit h a utomAtic "olume c<,m' I)reasi"" .
C"C,, - 10-~ fd . SO_yolt c!e<;uolytic. n nil. li n, Ih l - 0.5 lUelol"n. Y2- n ", n Il, n ,~-O.25mcgol.m'. }oi-,.."" .
C. c.. <4, c., c" e,o, e", C,a - ... u . n~1 - SOOO ohml, H-wall
II. - 50,000 ohrnl. H-wat t. R2, - 750 ohn' 10. ...II.
O. l _" fd . ,t.OO.voh pal",r . U RIO -<I.S_me,ohm uria ble. TI - Oulpul tra"dormu to ma tch
~. C.-8-.,fd. 45O_yoll_ ele<;trolylie. II, -0.2S me.ohm. I_wa u . pp. 2A3. to C laM- R vid .
C, -0.5.. rd . 4OO-voll paper. II ,,). R". Un - O.I tuecobm. H- (UTC PA.53AX ).
R I-S " ,e,ohm" J.i:.wU I. wa ll. T; - Filamcnt tra "sfonnu , 6.3
fu. R. - 1200 ohml, H wall.
n,z- 10.000 ohm., H ..ut. yolt., 2 . m per es.
R" - 1WO ohm~. J.i:-wa n. T, - Fi lamenl I .. osrormer, 2.::-
R... II , - 2 me,ohm&, H- ,,ut. lI,s.n, , - O.l melnh m, I .wall. 0'0111. 5 am perelO.
The6N7 is follo wed by the outpu t trnnsformer, out the midio component in the rectifie r Oil ....
the latter being placed in the middle of the put, there is a slight delay (amount ing to :t
ehassis in order to distribute the weight evenly. fraction of a second) before the decrease in
The 2Aas ",nd the power lind output terminals gain "catches up" with the peak. When II.
are at the right. satisfactory setting is secured, as indicated
I II the underneath view the input circuit is at by good speech quality with a definite reduc-
the lcft, the grid rcsistor and con nector socket tion in gain o n peaks, t he gain control, fl.,
being ~ hielded by the NatiOllfll JS-I jack s hield. should be advanced to give full o utp ut with
The lead to the 6.1 7 grid is shielded, tL8 Ilre Illso normal operatio n. '1'00 milch compression,
the top caps of this tube and t he 6L7. The com- indicnted by the cut-olT effect fo llowing each
prCSllor control, R1'1, is nlounted beside the 6J7, peak. is definitely undesirable, and the ob-
and is scrcwdriver Ildjusted; a midget control ject of adjustme nt of the compressor control
should be used, si nce the space is rather Ii mited. s hould be to use as much compression as
The other parts lire mounted as close as possible possible without over-compression.
to the points in the circuit to which they conncct. The nmplifier requirCl'l a plate-voltage SUI>-
The filnment transformers should be kept well ply of 300 volts nt 75 mao A well-filtered
separatcd from the wiring in the low-level stlLges, condenser-input power s upply using receiving-
particularly that of the mic rophone input and typo components is suitable; a two-section
grid ci rcuits. fil ter is desirable to minimize hum.
Adjustment of the com-
presso r co ntro l is rather
critical. First set Rt~ at ;!;ero
and adjust the gaill control,
Ro, for full modulation with
the particular mic ro phone
used. T hcn ndvance the
compressor control until the
amplifier just "cuts off"
(o utput decreasing to n. low
value) on peaks; when this
point is reached, back off
the comprcssor control until
the Cllt-of!' clTcet is gone but
an obvious decrease in gain
f(lllo",~ cach peak. Because
uf the Il ec~ity for filteri ng Fi,. 1312 - Bo tto", vi~w o r the 2A3 Yolum~-C:Olllpreuioo opeec;b amplifier.
Co.. ... ,Iy... 10 pll l... uppJ.,. 01 300 y.. lt., departu'" "f 10 "'lOc h .. SO ~r coni 1.0," 1M. '''ooll' v"lt". will not "" I.,r, lIy
"'or b . ...d.t .... , I h'"I".cI~.d (cut ... I". I"CY III I..... ' .. 11<0",,<11011 to <a"dul" n l. .. ",.. wid..! , II
.."'. o.ol)Oftion]. A ..,I. UolI 0110 per UII! In tho 1".0 ,I " h. ,," ,II ,lblo on tho ~, lot",I"".
e...."'. thl o".... U,,' COf!dlUOfII orlh o.. lt. , . ,.1", bul lh. o "lp wl ...11.,. will b. ill pooportjOfllo thl """ V.,U.,., Vallo ,.1" h
...."'ed .' .. 00 eYet.., c.... d.n ... n l ..1\1"..,..,. ~Md on lOD-cl'd. cut.o'r. fo r 111<._..1 low-l,oq"..,cY ..." on , . 11 cond ..... n
chlnted 1"lh
,oilo., ,,,d 5000 <yem wU~ 0, 5 .,oh With trlod. . .,pl l ~ .... lh. hi."
N<lu.ftCY c~l.olf I. w. I ,bo-t.
HI"'"..:!" ... c... cut-oll wUh ....,lode.l, ,,,,,",,~l,,,. I.l y 9:0,000 ,.,.d.. with . r. '"te , 1010' 01 0.1 "" ,ohm, 10,000 ,yd wllh D.n
I~e apdlo . aft, .
R.. h ....
M .,oh
. ,.
N I.5Ia,.
M ..oJI
R.. Io .
.. ' d.
Cath ode
IIl oc~lftI
(PH. ,.
Vollat .
.., -- --
-- --
=I l
:i' -
6A6;)aN7 o.n -- -- --
.., . -- -- -- ~!;
0 .05
;, -
6J't6C6,n, .., -- --
6 7,7<.7
.. "lode.)'
o.n --
- --
6(:6 , 6J7, 6W7,
1(7. 57
C_...... )
.., il:
.., !i' -- -- !!l!
-- m li !l
( one ltl ' "
..,1. )
-- m
;:~ --
- - iii
I: -- !H
! ~l
.., !l' -- m -- ~: l! li
6f 5 6 SF S,
i 0 .15
~. !'
-- --
-- --
0 .0 5
.., --
-- --
-- -TIt- lTh
6f1 G (0...
uW' -- -- tllli.
" 00
6JJ , 6H ,
7 A 4 ,7 N7
-- -- ill
",00 .j
0 .15 -- 1m -- ii'
0 .05
N ..IStU' Sc,""
PI.I. G,ld R.. lolo,
R.. bto,
(,Iho<l. Siockl", Oripri Vo ltu.
R.. I.lo. R.. iolor BY'~II (olld ...... Voll> Gal. ,
M.,oh".. M.,o"., MU gh... Oh ... "d. ,,~
,.'d. (P "
- -- ;
:1: --
-- iiE --
0 .015
-- -- -- J!!L i! i!
6Rl , 6R1G,
'" -
o.n --
.., ill m
! I1m
'S> 0.!5
.., H H U6'
.., !i' --
-- --
-- --
- " jL
.,.., ""
I --
0 .!5 --
-- -- -- !E l! Ji.
!l -
-- --
-- --
'0 .006
.00 3
1.. ..."
!i' m J~
0 .09
11 .6
10 .9
!m " ,"
.,n '"
ni ..." .'"'".
0.01 no
0 .15
!l' 0.06
'.06 !i !~l !i '"
,..., n .. 0 .06
..., .t
1410 0.05
t ., U10 0.04
., H' -- im -- H
"" ..""
""... ..
-- -- 0.001
6501 , 6R6G,
186, tA6, 75 0 .15 ..,.,
-- .... --
-- 1: J!li "."
.., ..,.,
,,.. --
it ~ "" ."
" "".
0.t 5
-- ....
-- !!i !ml ."" ..."."'".
.m o.n
0 .!5
.. 0
-- Hf: --
-- iH !~ Ii ".
.., -- iii! Hi !~!, .,.
... o.oe !l
' .0
-- -
!l: --
- "'''' --
1 100
... 0 .045
-- 0 .011
!i' -- --
56, 16 O.O! 10.0
0 .. . . 10.0
' Vt/< bl>lhb'o:t. "KUoa., ,nu.'n. bolh ........ kin. ""J., ... . condill on . f. ph, .. Innrt., ..... Ic., Ih ulho<l ... 01.10
hould "o1 b<o bYpD__ d.
Vol!., . .. , .... "exl-.t.,. pld . .. 1.10<'" .. Id-c:"".nl pOInt.
AI 5 yoll> '." .'. oulput.
nd ,uo", .. 'o<lI td 10 pl, lt.
I AI .. _Ib . ,L oullluL
0 ... -9
Tube. (2)
". ..
P..k A.F.
Z o.SI,.'
.... IPI":..~~~'"
Gdd.lo-G.,d PI.I. Cu ..... ,
Laid R...
PI,I . lo.,.l.t.
.M... ~I .
.. I,.'
W ..W
"'~ B.' -n -
HV60' B.' : ll:l II n ~
1 aB
-"'- i ~ itt
HY' 169' , 1!.6
... ,., -~
HY30Z B.' ..
16l1:5- 1!.6
H'" B.' -:
1 "
,., ..
~: =l -- -- -
- --
n ... H - --
'''A I"
."m ~ C-
1 "
1 "
HKtSI 12.6 -:
HKS4 ,., -'
.,,z C-
I" C-
" - -m-
Modulation Equipment 285'
Mu .SI,.
(!to ...8
h b..(II) "'. "'-
Volb V oll>
Vol ..
PH k A.f .
V olI.,.
PIM. ( _"I
M .'
O hn..
PIM . lo ~ .I. DriY;n , Po .....
W~ lb
"" "
m, ,:'"
" :-=1 I-
,," "
m ,. I--=-
-- --
-- -- - --
__"N , ....
...1.... .... . PPlo, I... t. l.,. o n...... 10 , tuboo bInod 10 ......O.I .. M. cut-olF Mld . O _
" ". ,
c..,1 fo.
.nd "",.. Id. ,ood MI . '
.....111 ...pI . ........ 10< 1..._
'~!!!'"~~<~",: ~ho;...,;'''~":~:~::r.!,'''''
'"'Al-;". 2f 60oh_.. 1 2000.
Cl Class-B Modulators
Chw-B modulator circuits are practically
idcntical no matte r what the powcr output of
!.he modulator. T he diagrams of Fig. 13] 3
therefore will serve for a ny modulator of this
t ype t hat the amateur may elect to build.
The triode circuit is given at A and the circuit
for tetrodes at B. Whe n s mall tubes with in-
directly heated cathodes are used, t he cathode
should be cOllnecteci to ground.
Design conside ratio ns for Class-B stages are
discussed in C hapte r Five, a nd data on t he per-
fo r mance of va rio us tu bes s uitable fo r t he
purpose a re givcn in the accom plmying tables.
Once t he requisite audio power output hILS been
determined and a pai r of tubes capable of
giving that o utput selected, an o ut put t ra ns-
former should be secured which will permit
matching the rated modulator lo:\d impedance
to the modulating i mpedance of t he rJ. s.m-
plifier. Similarly, a driver tra ns former should
be selected which \\ill proper ly couple t he
driver stage to the grids.
T he pla te power supply for the mod ulato r
should have good voltllge regulation and must
be well filtered. It is pll.rtie ulhr!y important, A
in thc Cll.Se of :1 tet.rode C!t\llII-D s tl\ge, tha.t
the screenvoltage power-supply source have
excellent regulll.tion, to prevent distortion. The
screen should be set as eXl\ctiy as possi- Fig. 1313 _ C I.M' U modul at or circu it d ia~ra", . Tu b ...
ble to the reOlommended villue for the tube. a ll d circu it con .. idcra tioDf a re d iAc ...... d ill t h e teJ: 1.
power capability about 25 per cent
greater than the actual power needed
for modula tion.
The input transformer, T l , may
couple directly between the driver
tube and the modulator grids or may
be designed to work from a low-im-
pedance {200- or SOO-ohm) line. In the
latter case, a tube-to-line output trans-
former must be used at the input to
the driver stage. This type of coupling
is recommended only when the driver
must be at a considerable distance
from the modulator, since the second
transformer not only introduces addi-
tional losses but also further impairs
the voltage regulation.
The bias source for the modulator
Fig. 13JS-A conv eotion al "hassi, .Tl".n~ement ror low_ and
must have very low resistance. Bat-
mediurn.po ..u ClaM.D mooulat". ata~e". The ",,,,,,hMnicIi I layout tcries are the most suitable source. In
in geoe r.1 follow. tbo t ypical circuit diasrams siven in Fi,. 1313. cases where the voltage values a re
correct, regulator tubes such as tbe
In estimating the output of
the modulator, it should be re-
membered tha.t the figures given
in the tables are for the tube
output only, and do not. include
o utput-trans former losses. The
efficiency of the output. trans-
former will vary '!Vith its coo-
struction , and may be assumed
to be in the vicinity of 80 per
cent for the less expensive units
and somewhat higher for higher-
priced transformers. To be ade-
quate for modulating the trans- Fig. 1314 - CbaN isl ese. construction for low.pow~r ClaN_B modul a tor.
mitter, therefore, the modu- SmaLllut.e. a nd transformers eapabl~ of a n amlio OUIPUI o f th., order of
100 watU can be mou.otW dil"uy on the panel .,limiuatin, Ibe eballlli .
Jator should have a theoret.ical
V.H.F. Receivers
IN" ESSE~'TI"L principles, modern re 80 that image response and oseilbtor " pull-
cclvmg equipment for the 28- and 56-Me. ing " will he reduced. At 56 Mc., for e xample, n
bands does not differ from that used on lo wer di fference between signal and image frequen-
frequencies. I n view of the higher frequency cies of 900 kc. (the difference when t he i.f. ia
there a.rc, of course, certain constructional pre- 450 kc.) is a very smnll percentage of the signal
cautions which must be taken to insure good frequency. consequently the response of the
perfo rmance. The 28-Mc. band serves as the r.f. circuits to the image frequency is very
meeting ground between those ordinarily nearly as great as to the desired signal fre-
termed "communications frequencies" and the quency. To get discrimination against the
very-highs, and it will be found that most of image equivalent to that obtained at 3.5 Me.
the receivers described in Chapter Eleven are with a 450-kc. Lf. would require for 56 Mc. an
capable of working OD 28 Me. I n this chapter iJ. 16 times as high, or abo ut 7 Mc. if the cir-
are described receivers and converters capnble cu it QIl were the same in both cases. However,
of good performance on 56 Me. and higher. t be Q of a tuned circuit at 56 Mc. is no t as high
Federa l regulations require that transmit- as at the lower frequencies, chiefly because the
ters working on nIl frequencies below 60 Me. tube loading is considerably gre/Lter. As a re-
must meet similar requirements respecting sult, still h.igher i.f.s. are desirable, and a prac-
stability of frequency and, ~'hen amplitude tical compromise is reached at ahout 10 Mc.
modulation is used, freedom from frequency Since high selectivity cannot be obtained
modulation . It is thus possible to use receivers with a reasonable number of circuits at 10 Mc.,
fo r 56-Mc. a.m. reception having the same se- the double su perheterodyne principle is com-
lectivity as those designed for the lower fre- monly employed. The 100Me. frequency is
quencies. This order of selectivity is not only changed to an i.f. of the order of 450 ke. by a
possible but desirable, since it makes possible a second oscillator-mixer combination. Thus the
considerable increase in the number of trans- receiver has two intermediate frequencies, at
mittelll which can work in the band without both of which amplification takes place before
interference, as compared to broad-band re- the signal is finally rectified and changed to
ceivelll. Also, high selectivity greatly improvea audio freq\Lency.
the signal-to-noise ratio, both in the receiver Very few amateurs build complete 56-Me.
ibelf and in the response to external noise. superhet receivers along these lines. General
This means that the effective sensitivity of the practice is to use a conventional superhet
receiver can be considerably higher than is receiver to handle the lO-M c. outp\Lt of asimple
possible with non-selective receive rs. Receivers frequen cy-converter. Thus a regular eommuni-
for Lm. signals usually are designed with less
selectivity 80 that they can accommodate the
full swing of the transmitter, but, at least for
28- and 56-Mc. Lm. reception, the h.f. oscill3.-
tor should be as stable as in a narrow-band
a.m. receiver.
The superheterodyne type of receiver is used
almost universally on frequencies below 60
Mc., because it is the only type of receiver that
fulfills the above requirements for stability. A
superheterodyne for a.m. reception and one
for f.m. reception differ only in the U. ampli-
fier and second detector, so the "converter "
or higll-frequeney portion of the s uperhetero-
dyne can be used for either a.m. or f.m. recep-
tion. Although superheterodynes can be built
for 112-Mc. receptio n, the s upcrregenerative
t ype of receiver is much more widely used.
T be s uperregenerative receiver has the ad-
vantage of low cost and good sensitivity, al-
though its selectivity does no t compare with
the s uperheterodyne type of receiver. Fig. 14tJ1 - T hi. 2).i;- 8n.15_mel.,< ""n"..rt~<. ""mpl~t ~
with selfcon ta.ined IlOwer s upply. i~ monnted in an
A s uperheterodyne receiver for 56-Mc. work 8 X 6 X l O'nch cabi" .. t. Pl,, ~.i n ""ils live h 8 od-
should use a fairly high intermediate frequency spread "",,,.. <.ace of the 56. and 112.Mc. a mateu< b ..... de.
Me.) and the signal is coupled
through 11. l o w~i mpedn.nce line to
the input of the receiver in much
the sa me ma n ner that link cou-
pling is used in a transmitter.
All tuning is done with the con-
verter, and the output volume
is adjusted to Il sui table level by
menns of the gain control on the
recei ve r into which the con-
verter is working.
(!, A High - Pe rformanc e Con-
v e rte r for S6 ond 112 Me.
The converter shown in Fig>:!.
1401, 1402, 1403, 140;1 a lld 1405
uses the new CJOOO..scrics "but.-
to n " tubes, whi ch arc quite,
similar electrically to "ntorn "
tubcs but arc somewhat easier
t o handle. As can be see ll from
the diagram i n Fig. 1<103, n. 9001
f.r. stage is transformer-coupled
t.o a 9001 mixe r. The h.i. oscilla-
tor ilJ a 9002 and it is capacity-
Fi,. N QZ - A lOP .. jew of Ihe eon VUI .... Aoowinl I nlemenl of Io.k,
. nd ""iI. The . hall proje<:li n l lhrou ~ h Ihe main Ch'Mi, al d,e lo" -e' lefl cou pled to the mixer grid through
;, t he Lf. It. ndorn,e. I\. n i ,, ~ oon trol. The powe. I. a nsfor",.. r i " h. Cu. The output circuit (C I4 , C I $
" .o" nled 110 it doe. not in ledere ,,-ith adjus t ment of the r. l. t rimmu . alld L7) is tlllied to 10.2 Mc.,
ap!>foximately, a lthough the
ca.tio ns-type receiver - or even an all-wave converter could be made t o wo rk into some
broadcast receiver - enn be used with excel- other U . with suitable changes in the output
lent efTect o n 56 ?I c. with the addition of n. circuit and the oscillator coil, L.Lt, constants.
relntively !limple and inexpensive "converter." As indicated in the diagram, the 8creen a nd
Since most amateurs have communicatioi18 re- plate by-p8.S8 condensers are returncd to one
ceivers, the constructioll of a good superhet cathode lead (the one to which the suppressor is
for 56 Mc. is a. relativel y simple matter. connected) while the other lead is gro unded
From a practical a.spect, s uperregenerative through a condenser to serve as the grid re-
receivers may be divided into two general turn . I n the milter plate ci rcuit a low-dri ft mica
t ypes. I n the first the quenching voltage is de- condenser, Cu , is connected directly from
velol>cd by the detecto r tube it8elf - so-called plate to cathode, to shorkircuit t he signal-fre-
" self-quenched" detecto rs. I n the second, a Quency component in the plate circuit. This
separate oscillator tube is used to generate the condenser is part of the U. tu ned circuit, and
qucnch voltage. The seU-quellched receivers its capacity mus t be taken into a ccount in cal-
have foulld wide favor in amateur work. culating the inductance required at L 7 .
The si mpler types arc pn.rticularly suited for The milter and r.f. tuned circuits are made a.s
portable eq uipme nt where the II.pparntus must low-C a.s is pOi!8ible unde r the circumsta nces;
be kept as simple a.s pOi!8i ble. Many amateurs the use of plug-in coils unavoidably introduces
have "pet" circuits which are claimed to be some stray capaci ty that would not be present
superior to all otherll, but the probability is if the circuits were made to o perate on one fre-
that the arrnngeme nt of their particular circuit quency only.'The tuning condensers are cu t
hM led to the use of correct operating condi- down to two p!ate15 each, Ilnd have jus t about
tiollll. Ti me Spellt in minor adjustment of val- enough capacity range to cover the 56-Mc.
ues will result in a s mooth- working receiver hnnd with a liule to Bpnre. The trimmers are
froe from howling and irregulnr performance m ica units opernted at nearly mini nlUm caplle-
Rlld is well worth the effort. i ty, 80 t hat t he micn is u. negligible factor in the
operation of the condenser , fo r a ll practical
CI. V.H.F. Conve rte rs pur poses, the dielectric is purely nir. The L I C
I f the amateur already has Il communica- r ntio co mpares Invora bly with those CO Ill-
tions receive r, or even a fairly decent all-wave monly attained in aco rn receivers.
h. c. set capable of tuning to 5 o r 10 Mc., t here The oeciUntor circuit is of the grid-tickler
is Ii We or no need for building II. special v.h.f. t y pe, with the tuned tank in the plate circuit.
receive r, partiCU!ll.rly for 50 1\l c. It is much T he tuned circuit is made higher-C than the
ell.Sie r to build a converler and work the con- sigual-frequency ci rcuits to improve the s tabil-
verter into the already oltisting receiver. The ity, and M n. conse<luellcc so mcwhat morc tUll-
out l>ut transformer of the converter is tuned ing capncity is needed to cover the freq ue ncy
to the same frequen cy a.s the receiver (5 or 10 range. The tuning condcnser is a 15-~~ fd. unit
v. H. F. Receivers 289
cut. down to three platos and the trimmer is coil sockets a re mounted on the side, ~ of an
a 25-~~fd. air-dielectric unit. The os61lator and inch down from top, SO that the connections
mixer ci rcuit6 are coupled t.hrougb a small between socket prongs and the tuni ng con-
homemade condenser, eli, tailored to give denser terminals can be made without addi-
suitable injection of oscillator voltage into the tional wires. The spacing is such that the lead
mixer grid elrcuit. from the stator connection on the condenser to
The oscillator is t.uned to t.he low side of the the grid prong on the tube socket is only about
signal frequency on bot.h 56 and 112 Me., to M-inch long.
give slightly better oscillator stability. A In building an assembly of this type, it is a
VR 105-30 voltage-regulator in the power IlUP- practical necessit.y to do all the wiring before
ply adds further to the stability of the OIIcillator. the t.uning condel\scra nre mounted. The inside
The power-supply part. of the circuit. needs view gives some idea of the arrangement o f
no comment, except to explain that a separate by-pasll condensers; the chief consideration in
filament. transformer was used only because no placing the m is to eliminate leads, insofar as
suitable small plate transformer was available possible. Each stage has its own ground point,
with a 6.3-volt heater winding. which, in the cft.8e of the r.. and mixer stages,
The "" on which the converter is as- is on the side of the chnssis directly below the
sembled is a piece of sheet copper, somewhat tube socket and t.he Jellgth of the cathode by-
lese than I/ IG inch thick, 5.\1 inches long, and pnss condenser away from it. The screws which
bent as shown in the phowgraphs. The wid th hold t he ground lugs in place are threaded into
on to p is 1~ inches, the height 2)4 inches, and the copper, and on the outside also help s up-
the botwm lip, for flUltening to the main port the vertical interstngc shiclds. The oscilla-
ehlUlSis, is ~-ineh wide. The tubes are mo un ted to r groun d is also on the side but close to t he
on wp near the bent edge, allowing just enough cathode pin, which is grounded directly; the
room to insert the socket mounting ring, and plnte by-pMII condenser, C u , is brought to the
are I ~ inches apart, center to center, with the same point. In the other two stages .the ground
d. tube I ~ inches i.n from t.he rear edge. The leads frOln the tu ned circuits are 'i-inch wide
",,, - - --- - -- - -- - - -- -- ---- ~,
" --------I- ---j----~-_t:.:.==~~, :~-J
Fi,.l403-Cin:Il.'t d'a,...m o f Ib e hi , h ope.-fonn.n.,. plu, .;n coil S6--112.!'tfe. _"OI"I. r 11."", 9OOO-nee tub.l.
<4. Ca-AI,proxio" ld,. 5.... fd. C,.-Oocilluor.mueroouplio........ L, - 18tum.N ... 22e. do.e ........ " ..
nri. bl .. (Nflior 1 UM_lS den..,r Caee l eu). On ~.iD( t .... for ... .
CU I down 10 2 plflu). CI.-2S..... fd . ir trimmer (II.m. 14-8 turn imilar to L, at
<4. c.-5-30..,.td. "';ea lrimmer marlund APC2S). ,..o""d end 01 L.. '
(N. tional Mo3O). . CIT -0.002.,,[<1. moe.. 14 - Fihu e boke. 8 be .. ..y... S5 ....
Cs-A.,p..... ;matel,. 8 ..... fd. n ria e.. -O.O I ... Cd. 4-0(1'\'011 paper. O'hord.tIIOn T.I4C62: ).
ble (Nalio".1 U M.lS eU I C,o, Cao-8.,.td. 450.\,0I t dec:_ T t - Filamcnt tr ..... f _ .... 6.J
down to J pluu). IrolY lic. "01 1,,, 1.2 ..... per-e. (S ~r
Ct- 2S.....lrl . ir trimmer (O am. H, -50,000 ohm ... ).i.wa tt. P -6 IJ4 ) .
.... rlun<! AI'C.2S). Ih - 1200 ohm ... .H.walt. I 'll _ Power tr .... ro .......,.. 56Q-O-S60
Cr-CI7 - 5OO ..... fd. mid,<:1 noica. R, - 10,000 ohm~. J,i ..llt. .. oIt.. 30 rna. (Tboo-da.--
e" - I OO'"jO fd. m iCA. R. - 6000 o b m IOWAll. T -6(l R 49).
CII - 5O ... ,..rd. ,i l\'er.,,,ie.. ,4- 1.... - See coil laM", (I. 2'}1. 51, S:z - 5.1' .. 1. 10"le .-iteh ,
strips of thin copper, this being used in prefer- vertical shields. This piece must be removable
ence to wire to reduce the inductance. fo r changing ~he mixer coil.
For electrostatic shielding between the d. Care must be used in making soldered con-
and mixcr stages, two baffie plates are used. One nectiOll.'l on the polystyrene sockets nnd forms ,
s mn ll plnte, not visible in t he photograph , is since the material will soften with the applica-
fastened to the side o f the ciuU!I;is directly op- tion of hent. Have the con nections welt cleaned
posite the tube socket nnd is soldered to the before attempting to solder t he wires, and hold
shield cylinder in the center of the socket. I t the iron on the lugs just long enough to get
effectively shields the grid wiring from the a good joint.
plate circuit, a nd is about an inch sq uare. Since The bottom view ShOll'S the a rrangement of
it crosses the tube socket and should be placed the power sup ply and the i.e. ou tput ci rcuit..
as elose to it a& possible. care must be taken to The transformer for the hitter is wound on a
see that the socket prongs are bent away 90 Nation!!.1 PHE-3 polystyrene form. It is
they cannot touch it. The other shield is almost mounted o n a bracket to keep it about equllUy
all on the ouu.ide and is used chiefl.y to prevent spaced from the top o f the cha.ssis and the bot.-
electrostatic coupling between the r.f. and tom of the cabinet in whic h the chlll!$is fi ts.
mixer trilume r condensers, which are mounted The various a.c. and d.c. s upply connections
on the sides of the tuning condensers. A tra ns- from the converter are bro ught to lug stri ps, as
verse shield plat.c completely boxing off the silow n ; cathode resistors for the r.. a nd mixer
two sta ges would be, but it is an awk- stages are mounted where they are readily ac-
ward job mechanienlly in v iew of thc necessity cessible for trying diffc rcnt values. The powe r-
for aasembling the condenser gang. suppl y parts are arranged t o fit in the rc ma in-
No shieldillg is requ ired between the m ixe r ing s pace. The r ui?be r feet at the rea r of the
and oscillator ; in fa ct, the stray coupling is too chllS6is give a li ttle space for circulation of air,
small to give good freque ncy conversion. T he since a fai r amount of heat is developed by the
t rimmer condenser is s upported from the top transforme rs and regula tor tube.
of the chassis by a small b racket made from A few mechanical poi nts s hould be given
brass strip, bent "to such a si~e that the rotor consideration in assembling the tuning con-
connection of the trimmer comcs right at t he densers. The screw-on shafts are likely to come
rotor spring on the tuning condenser , where the loose with use u.nless they can be a nchored in
two are sold cred together. A s mall stri p of cop- some way, a nd solderin g is about t he sim ples t
per is soldered between the t wo sets of stator sche me. The heat tends to eause the lub ri cant
plat es, using tbe soldcred mounting on top of to run out of the shaft bear ing, however. An-
t he trimmer for its connection. The couplillg other import!lnt point is to get the shafts of the
condenser is a s mnll piece of co pper bolted to three condensers lined up accuru.tely so that
the tr im mer end plnte and bent to face t he the rotors turn freely. An y tw ist, particularly
other soldered m ounting. The separation is at the oscillator condenser s haf t , will tend to
about a sixteenth of I\n inch. bend the rotor out of li n e slightly with respect
The verti ul shield plates between the coi ls to the stator, a nd, since the twisting depends
are 2 ~ X 1!1 inches, with bent.-over edges to upon the direction o f rotation, this means that
fasten to the side of the chassis. T o complete the assembly will have bad backlash. For the
the magnetic shielding the e nd of the mixe r coi l same reason, the dia l must be li ned up ac-
must be boxed in, which is do ne by a piece o f curately with the condenser shafts. Line up the
copper in the shapcof a shallow U, held in place shafts to run as true as possible and fix t he
simply by m aking it fit tightly between the stators where they want to come o n the chassis,
using shims if necessa ry.
Alignment of the co n-
verte r will involve some cut-
and-try, using the coil spc-
cificatiol\S given in the table
as a guide. It is best to line
up t he set with the 56-Me.
coils fi rst beforc tackling
the 112-Mc. band. The first
step is to make the oscillator
cover t he I)roper range, the
object beipg to spread the
ba.nd ovcr about 75 per cent
of the dial sca.le. With the
IO. 2-Mc. i.f., the oscillator
range, to cover 56 to 60 M e.,
will be from 45.8 to 49.8
M e.; th i ~ may be checked
on another receiver, if avail-
Fis. 1404 - ln. idc Ihe c:on .. uler nnit, showinl a ....a .. lemenl of the tnn i.. , able. I f not, probably it will
_dellKl'll. The larout i, quite compact, with lead. kepI .. , 1001"1 JK*Ii hle. be neceasnry to use act ua l
V.H.F. Receivers 291
signals in the band for the purpose, which also
will involve having at least the mixer hooked
up. With the circuit specifications given, the
oscillator padding condenser should be set at
a bout half-scale. The inductance of Lti may be
adjustcd by closi ng up or opening out the turn
spaci ng, which CRn be done wi t hin limits with-
out moving the ends of thc coi l. Once the right
rn nge is secured, the turns should be cemented
in pll\Ce. An alternative method of adjustment
is to make thc coil slightly large at finit and
thcn cut dow n the inductn nce with a shorted
turn of wire which may be slid alo ng t he coil
form. A limited ra nge of inductance variation
can be secured by this method.
The oscillator tickler, L" s ho uld be adj usted
to give s tAble oscillation without squegging.
Squegging is evidenced by a whole series of sig-
nals instead of one and can be cured by reduc-
ing the feed-back, either by using a smaller
n umber of tickler turns or by moving the tickler
farther away from the plate coil. lncide ntally,
the oscillato r should h/we a good steady d.c.
note if means are available for listening to it
o n another receiver. For this check to mean Fi,. J405 - Tbe OOIl " e rte . power s uppl y O<:eUpin the
ri Kbt.hand ..:ctio" of the chUII;" i" thi. hotlOIIl " jew.
a nyt hing, the receiver used must introduce no 'IDe U . Otltpu t 8eCtioo io io tbe u pper lefthand 00 ...... .
modulation on incomi ng signals.
Once the oscillator ra nge is set, the mi xer When t h is process is finished, C. s ho uld be
should be lined up to match. T o do tms, place we ll in the ai r-die lectric portion of its rallge.
the r.f. tube in its soc ket but co nnect a resistor Should the movable plate be close to the mica,
of a few hundred ohms from its grid to grou nd, L. is cons idcrably too small. Howcver, this
instead of using L 1 The mixe r primary, L 4 , would be accom panied by reduced tuning
mU8t be in place, s ince it will luwe some e ffect range o n C 2 , and it is doubtful if high padding
on the tuning range of LaC,. Connect the r.f. capacity would perm it full band coverage.
ou tput lea.ds to the doublet posts on the com- The r.f. s tllge is aligned in just the aame way
munications receiver, set the Intler to 10.2 as the mixer circuit. The init ial alignmen t
Mc. and adjust C 1e fo r maxim um hisa, with should be d o ne with nothing {'onnected to the
the oscillator tube out of ita socket- Then re- antenna posts. S hould oscillation occur, reduce
place the tu be a nd, with the oscillato r set for the site of L. until the stage is stable. Some
56 Mc., adjust the trimme r, C4 , fo r maximum slight t ra ce of regeneration may re main, as in-
hiss; reset the oscillator to 60 Mc. and readjust dicated by lUI exaggcrated pea king in the r.r.
C. H more capacity is needed at C. fo r maxi- stage, but t his will d isa.ppea r with any sort of
mum hiss, the inductance of L. is too ln rge; if antenna load on t he r.!. tuned circuit.
lese, La is too small. Make an appro priate small The procedure for the I IZ-Mc. coils is s imilar
cha nge in the inducta nce and try again, con- to t hat for 56 Mc. I t is desirable to adjus t the
ti nuing the process until C. peaks at t he same oscillato r coil so t hat the trimmer, C" does not
setti ng at both ends of the band. Adjustment need resetting when changing ban~s . (Bi b. I.)
of the inductance of La may be acco mplishcd Cl A Si mpl e 56/ 112- Mc. Conve rter
by the means described above.
The conve rter shown in Figs. 1406, 1407,
COIL J)ATA 1408, 14(1), 1410 and 1411 uses a 1232 10 k tal
tube lo r the mixer and a 7 A4 fo r the h.l. oscil-
0 ....1
""'. No . o f
T u ....
Wi . ..
S i_
I n e h ... K.,m ar k .
lator. Al thoug h its sensitivity is not quite M
good as thnt of the COl)verter jus t dellcribed, it
112 1'\01 <:.
...,. :n1. ,."
C, I 'Ii I ' th
'4" f. o ", L,
a ffords a si mple converter for the v.h.f. range
that will pro ve perfectly satis factory. By
'.... l ~ ,."""
'10" f rOIIl L3 grouping the tuning condenser, coil and tube
56 1'\01 <:.
,,,'. ~~'" ..,.." 'Io" f ......, 4 socket closely together, it is a relatively sim ple
matter to a chieve low--enough circuit cu.paci_
l,i" h u n' L,
tics to work readily on 112 Mc. As can be seen
,".~ " '4" f,oln '-4
from Fig. 1408, the grid of the 1231 mixe r il:l
tapped down o n the coil to reduce the loa d ing
" "
H '10" fro ... Lo 011 the circuit nnd obtnin n be tter g"in in tho
ening up in the forms becnusc of the heat when
soldering. The wire should be well cleaned and
a spot of Rux used on the tip of the pin. No at-
tempt should be made to flow solder on the pi n
and wire; a drop of solder picked up by t.he
I'i,. 1408 - Cir<:uil di. , r. m ot the v .h.C. co""erler; iron can be held against the pin for just an
C, - 1 5~ .. (d. ",id ,e l vMriMble (Ih",,,,. r lulld H F_15). ins tant, long enough to solder wire and pin
IA - 35~ .. rd. g,id,e l "ari.ble (lI a ",marl" "d H F.35 ). together. If the pin loosens up or moves out of
<4-10.~ .. rd. " ,idlet v.ria ble (Ihmmul""d IfF .IS place, it can be hcated again slightly (by hold
w; l h One 1I.,0r . "d o na roror plate remuv ed).
C. - I OO ....... M . mid ~et mica. ing the solderi ng iron against it) and held in
C~. Ce, C1 - 5OO ...... rd. mid _f.i mica. the proper position with long-nosed pliers.
e.. c. - O.OI_"rd. 6OO-voh paller.
11 , - 500 ohma, M-...att.
When the metal (and coil form) cools, it should
1t,-12S,OOO ohm .. l . ... tt . be as 90lid as ever. If it isn't it does n't mat-
n , -20,OOO ohm ... )i. ... tt. ter too much, since the for m still can be
n. - 10_000 ohm.. I_.... n. plugged in the socket without di ffi culty.
T, - 3 Mc.: 75 lum. No. 30d .. c .. d ....... wGUm!: coupli", The coils for the 11 2- 116--Mc. range are
coil 20 lIlrnl No. 30 d .. e._ cloM ... ou nd.
5 Me.: 45 Innll No. 30 d ...e., d Ole wound; eoIl_ wound inside the coil forms. It. is a simple mat-
plin , coi l \ .l IlIml No. 30 d.I.e.., d ....... w_nd. ter to ad j ust them, however, since the Corms
L, - 112 Me.: 2M" IlIrn. No. 20 e .. Ji inch diam<: ler . can first be SAwed t.hrough near the base and
paced ... ire di. mtl<:r Crid t . p}j.IIlrn rro m lop.
56 Me.: 4}i IIlrna No. 20 c. , ~_iDCb d i'm<:t er. the coil9 adjusted by s preading the turns. When
.paned ov<:r }i incb. Crid tap l )i tume (rom top_ the necessary adjustmentll have been made the
Lo - 112 M c.:3 Ium,No. 20e. , M"-incbdi.mel<:r.C"-_ coil form can be faste ned together by Dueo ce-
wound one wire dia meler below cold end or L,. me nt, thus avoiding danger of ita being i n-
56 Me.: 3 tllrll ' No. 24 e.. d ...... ..ouod}i ioeb jured by handling.
bdowL ..
I. - 112 Me.: 1 tum No. 20 e. J.(-iDc:b di l met.,., 3 ,.;.... _ The usual n.le must be followed with the 0&-
diameter. below .4. cillator coil; i.e., if both grid and plate coils are
56 M c.: l }i t llrna No. 24 e.eloMwot.tnd }i i.ncb wound in the same direction, the grid and
below .4.
1..4 - 112 Me.: .u IIlrn No. 20 e . "' _incb d i.meler. plate connections should come off at opposite
56 M e.: 1 J( lun.. No. 20 e. '!>IIned Qv<:r U i.ncb_ ends (in this case, the outside ends).
Fill. 14/2 - 14 1- A " "IIC'''CI''r<><ly ,, ~ ""nvcrle. for !>6.M e. ,clllion. Detli,ne<i for usc: with a """,,,,,,niuI;one_
' rllc rein., .hie eonvcrt e. h u . n 18!>2 . r. sta lle a nd a 6 K8 ru uer...,..,il1.lor. A hi, h i.f. (10 Me.) , ivetl Sood imaBe
~llIe l ion . RitV> l - lleiow-ch uec. wi.i" , of Ih e ..""al.l ub,, ""nve.le r . Th e 185Z IOCk"t ma )' he _ " at 110" n , hl.
inches hi gh, and thc sidc parallel to the front converter and tIle receive r. By- pass condensers
edge of the eh:U>IIis is 4 inches lo ng. Thc portion "nd res is tors a re clo"ely groliped around the
lI uppo rting the 6KS ill 2 ).4 inches long. T he tu be socket, lU!8 uring sho rt leads. A trimmer
6KS is mounted at the botto m of the shield, condenser, Ct , soldered across Ls, 11.11 0 1'0' 8 a sm all
its grid cnp fucing the left cnd of the blUlc. variable cnpacity to be used Ill! the tu ning ele-
T he 1852 grid tuning COllde nser, C I , a nd coil, me nt and at the same time adds cnough ca-
L., arc mounted to the renr of the 4-inch sec- pacity t o make the circuit fai rl y high-C for good
tion of the shield. The 1852, condenser C1 a nd stability.
eoil L" are mo un ted in front of the partition, A smali panel is used to mOU llt a vernier di al
with C1 directly in line with C I . A hole through for the oscillator condense r. Since the r.f. tUn-
the II hicld perm its the two s hafts to be con- ing is br oad enough to cover a good portion of
nected by a flex ible coupling. Both of these the band wit h o ne setting, a s mall knob gives
ooilll, "nd all!() IJ), ha ve thei r ter minals soldered s uffi cient control.
directly to the condcn.ser lugs. T he output line may be connected to the
The OIIcillntor-mixer sectio n of the ci rcuit is antenna a nd ground ter minals of the standa rd
to the right of the H i-inch partition, with the receive r used Ill! an i.L amplifier, or to the
tube socket mo unted on the m me side. Ca, also " double t" terminals, if provided. The exact
mou nted on the partitio n, is located at the rear i.f. chosen is not particula rly important, so
of the tube I!()cket. T he i.f. tra nBformer, Tit is long as it is in the vicinity of 10 Me. Choose a
mo un ted a t t he right rear corner of the chassis. frequency which is free from audible signals, if
The o utput le"ds from this traiUlformer are possible, 80 that the re will be no unnecessary
shielded, to pre ve nt s tray pi ck- up between t he interference from this source.
MIXER '" ose.
L-______-L____________- l________~".
Pi,. 14IJ -
-nov. UV.
C;rc" il d ia,.trn o f II. " 18!)2-6K 8 !>6M". metal.lube tllpc.he l ~rod)'n e ""n verter.
. 250
C Ct - I!> ..... fd . rnid ~e . ....ia bl" Ih - 6S,000 OOm" }i.... II . L2- 6 tu.n , No. 14. }i.iDch
" ( Na lio",1 UM I!. R2-!>0.000 OOml , }i...'a ll . ,Ii , mc.c . lcn, .h ~.i nch .
(:I-S, ,,,,, a t C, bu t .. ;,1. ''''0 R. -300 o hmt. }i.wa l' . ~ - I O , ,,.,,. No. 14, }i.;" cb di.
rolor pl.'eI a "d O"C n t lo. Hs _ 20,000 o lorn$. }i.Walt. I",c ' er, lCn l lh I l( in"Iou,
.,Iate . emovcd. HI - 20.000 ohml, 2 ..... 11. lalll",d 4,10 lurn from I . id
c., C. -3-30 ..... rd. ""mp n _ ltl' C - I n Ihe 18S2 pl ale ci. " " ". end .
' ),pc mica trimme. . 2.!>.n,h . . r. chok,, ; in lI'e LF. 0 "11".1 T.a lll fom,c. - P, Z5
C. 10 c., i nc. - O.OOS. ~fd. m'u . II ' . '" , ,," No. 28 d .. e. close:.
C,o - 0.OO2 ... rd. " ,ici. OK' a.or c " cu". a v. " . r. wou nd 001 } b fo rm :
Cll - 25O ... fd. oni ci. r. r. cho l.:" (Ol,mil" Z I ). S, 6 tU'" 1 wou"d OV er P ..
C" - IOO ..... fd . m iet. 14 - 6 tll.D I N o. H , !-i.inch OOl1o m ; C, 35 ...,.Id ...,;d,e,
It. - ZOO o hont , }i. wa ll. dil ... c ,c. , le"S l h I ioch . ....;. bl".
Fi,. J4I4 - LeJt-Thc pan.,1 ortl'e t wob."d superrc~cn~r"l;vc ~e; .. c rmcas" re.! 7 in cheelquare. The knob in
the up~r " I bl.hand comer adjll~U . n tenna ooupli n ~. while d .e knob IH:low th e tu ni ng dial oon l roll reseneralion.
Rith.- A ...,a. vicw or the I,,oband f .,pe.rc,cncnt;vc re<:civer. I howi", t he ....i.ble a nl CU"1I coup],u, . Tld th e
place",,,nt of parU. Note the 224.Mc. ooil in the torCJI'OUDd: the 112.Me. coil i . in th., ooil eocket. io tbi, vi.e ....
6o.3Y -I&oY. +
Pi,. J4JS _ Wirin , dia".arn Gf th o: v_h.f. ."I><: ..... ~ ... n... uiv~ ....,.,i,er for 112 and 224 Me.
C, -TWG'I)I II~ variabl .. (Na l;.,..- I n~-O. I m"IGhn l ,wI II . I.t - 112 Me.: 3 lurnl N... 18 a..
UM . IS. 4 pi...,. r~moy"cI ).
C2-3- 30_..." fd. lIliea u iru mu.
Itt - 2500 ohm ... ......
II., R... R7 - 0.1 me rohon. * WI U.
1. ).i-inch dilm~ ... r. U-ineh
10nl . T apped I U lurll.
C.-SO_""CtI. m ica. n.
-500 oh m... 1_.... , 1. frllm 1'1 .." end.
e. - 0.OO3~ fd . ",ica. J - Closed...,;.",,;1 jack. 224 Me.: 2 I,," . No . 18 " . U
w.. C7 - 1O ... fd . 2S.vGh "Iect...... S - 5.1' .. 1. 10181., ...ileb. iud . di. met er. "'>lced .. ve.
Iy" e. 1'1-Sj n ~l e p"t e to .i" d" vid J.i ;ue h. T apped .. """ U r .
Ct- O.OI.,Jd . 4OO,vGIt paper . .lIdiG 1.. " . rO.nler (ThGr. RFC, - 25 lurn. NG. 24 d .c.e.
R, - 10 me~oom ).i.,... u . darson T -57A36l. eloaew.....,d. ~;,.cb di.m .
Rt -SO.OOO..x. m wire.wound po.. La - l lu rn NG. 14 e . "'.inch .. tu.
ten .iome.... . in5id e diam"l"r. RF'Cs-8 nIb. r.f. choke.
for the coils will fit snugly in t he I50ckets if the about four revolutions for 224 Mc. If there a re
contacts are pi nched slightly. A coil socket of no good marker stations available by which fre-
this type allows vc ry short Icads to be used, a nd que ncy can be checked, an a bsorption freqllenC"y
is about the only thing prnctical until some meter or the Lecher wi re systcm described in
mlllluflU.:tul'er brings out a commercial product Chapter Sixteen may be used fo r spotting
along thcse IinCll~The coils are trimmed to the the bll n d~.
bands by I I)reading or squeezing the turns Two factors which will be found to in8uence
slightly by the procedure previously described. the sensitivity of the receiver are the value of C.
However, in this cnse the band-set condenser and the degree of antenna coupling. It is rec-
gives 1I0mo furt her range of adjustment. In the ommend ed that valucsof C. from O.O()1 to 0.005
receivcr as described, it is screwed down fairly p.fd. be tried. T hc anten na coupling will, of for the 112-Mc. band and looscned COUI'SC, va.ry greatl y with the setting of L I n. nd
f"i,. 14 16 - 14,- A cI~"p vi" .... Gft h~ lun;ns u&rmhiy. ~hG ...;n B how the Iud . frGm Ih" tunin ~ conden .... 1G the
,u be ....,ket h~ l"e hu n kc l" sh" nd It"... It,., coil..,.,kM i. m o",,,~.1 on Ihe "",in, conden&rr. [Jid den by Ih... r id
condellKr (th" 5Q..... fd. cGmi e""" SO ,>rGII1 i""n ' in t he pictu re). Ih" plat e Ic.m ina l of Ih" I"he ....,ke t ,oe. to. Ill,
wh ich haa been . dded to Ih ~ rol or of . he 'unin g ""nde,,~~ . XiI/hI - The arran,,,,,.e,,' of parto nnde r t h .. eh' 1-8i8
m.y he Ke " in .hi8 pholo Th" 6J S ~ket i. at . h" I"ft .",\,1." 6F6 """ ke . i , .he r i Kh. , nU r Ih " s pe. k" r tU
minals. The 8.nlh. r. f. ehok" ..,.,11 jual ",,,Ie. Ih e 'e,eneralion oonl rol . t .h" tOll' cent.,.. i. 8UPl>ori ed hy lie "ri p .
with the type of nntenll!1 used, and it is well measures 7 X 7 X 2 inches, eon t aina the audio
worth while t.o tune the antenna circuit and components and the volume and regeneration
then vary the coupling with the panel con- con t r ols. The d . portion is housed in a 3 X 4
trol. Tight coupling UI.unlly will give better X 5-inch box with everything but the dial and
results than loose coupling and the (:ou]>1ing the antenna terminals mounted on the rem ov-
enll be incrcllSed almost up to the point where able cover, enabling the builder t o get nt the
it is no longer possible to make the detector PIl,N eni:iily. Only three leads nrc brought down
oscillnte. with no ill effects CXCel)t increased from this box to the main c hassis, and thClle I\re
radiation and Jx>ssible QRM fo r olher receivers left long enough 80 that they do not nced t.o be
in the vicinity. unsoldered when the box is removed from t he
No audio volume control was included in this chassis. A shield mounted on the lIide of the box
receive r becau ~e the parts were held down to a helps to prevent coupling between the rJ. and
minimum, but one could clUIily be added. I n detector coils. Holes on either side of the box
thill receiver, the value of R7 was adiusted until allow the trimmer condent;ers to be adjus ted
normal \oudspenker output was obtained; when the receiver has been finally asse mbled.
this value may be varied to meet any particular As Clln be seen from the d ose.up view of the
rC<l uire ments. (Bib. 3.) r.f. portion , the two tuning condensers and the
two sockets are mounted on the re m ovable
tJ. A T.R. F. Su pe rregenerotive Re ceiver top of the box a nd support all of the compo--
The receiver shown in Figs. 1417, 1418, 1419 nents. The trimmer condensers are lIoldered di-
and 1420 is practically identical to that de. rect ly to the lu n ing condenser terminals and
scribed in the foregoing section, with the exce p- the coila are self-8l1pported by their leads. A tie
tion that a stage of tuned d. amplification and strip takes the leads thl\t run out of t he box
11.1\ audio gain control have been added. The and also serves as a convenient point to fn~ ten
9001 tube used fo r the r.r. amplifier gives some IlFCI, C, and some of the other res istol"8 and
slight gain, freed o m from antenna effects, and condensers. The leads arc not quite as s hort in
- mOl:lt important of all - prevents radiaUon this arrangement as they are in the receiver of
from the receiver. Fig. 141<1 , but that makes no practical difference
The arrangement of pa rts, 9.11 shown in the because this receiver is built only for 112 Me.
photographs, is convenie nt in that it results in a and doe! lIot have to tUlle down to 230 Me.
fully shielded receiver (except for the r.r. The coils are wound on small polysty re ne
tubes) which is easy to wo r k on. The d. un it forms. It is suggested that the No. 20 wire
can be demounted from the chassis a nd worked Bel'ondary coils be wound first. The plute
wit h separately; once adjusted, it can be tap for L. s hould be soldered, and the coils can
replaced and left alone. The receiver is a one. then be doped. When the dope hlUl hnrdened,
band a ffai r, but the only disadvantage in this is the fine.wire coib can be more easily wound in
a lack of economy. The main chassis, which between the turns and fastened with dope. The
Fi,l. J4 1!- 'u!r -::- The l IZ . lIIe. t:~. f.luperre en eraliye r ecei yer ,, ~u a 9001 i n the r .r. Alas", 9002 de lect or, 6]5
ti .. , . " ,h,!, . "d 6F6 outputlUSe. I he .knob. alon, the fron t are l udio volume COIlI rol (lefl ) and the ncelleralioll
.,..ntro l. 1 he rubher ,TOmmet on the . ,de of the 3 X 1 X Sinch I>.)I """. tl'e a<:coo"'driver "...,.1 for u uin , t he
detecl.,.. band'Nt conden..,r; a . imilar one is p rovided on the other .ide for th e r .f. band _ t .dj u. 'OIe'" . Note the
'ph one jack o n t he .ide; Ihe speaker terminal. Ire loealed I t the ru r . Rip.r - A .. iew "ndt< the t h ...i. o f Ihe
t.r.!. receiver . ho wl the Indio Ira n.form er Ind Ihe Irra"IClUcnt of lO me of Ihe other eomponen~. Th e threc wi . ...
comi", throu,b l he (:hau;' lO t he ri,hl 01 the M8 ~ + . witW Ire t he lead. f(Om the r.f . ..,.,Iion o r the r""ei~er.
V. H. F. Receivers 299
Fig. 1418 - Wi.i", ,lia,ram of the tn"eel r. t. r-- _.- --r-.:.---.---.-.----------:.:::; -. --- - --"1
!"p"fTf:~,,~nli .. e recei~er for 112.;o.\c. I , tool ; 900l '
I , I '
C" w - 2'1,lale mid,et uriablc (Na,iona l I I "
UM . 15 " 'ilb" plalel removed ). la ll ,ed. I , I..} ,
C C. - 3- 30...... fd. ",i~a Ir;",o,u. I , ,
C c.. C, - 500...... (,1. ",;ca. ~ LI
C. - 5O ....... f<l. mica.
C, - 0.003 .... foI . mi ca. AntI:] C, Cz CS
C,o. C'J - IO... fd. 25." 011 electrolytic.
COl -O.O I ... fd . "00~011 I,al><:'. J:
*. .
K, - 200 olllus, }i....II.
V " "
Ih-0.2S "' c~hm. ~II.
It, - IO.OOO oh n'~. M,,,"".
n. - 10 mccoh"' ... ~ ..... tI .
Rs -0.5.",e,0I"n volume conl rol.
R. -", ... irc.wou " d yariable.
Itt. 11. - 0.1 ",e",but. 1,"&11.
111 - 2500oh ",... ~. w, ".
... _____ . : __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ...JI
14-21 urn l ro>o. 20 e . }finch win,li", J
len l lh. See ,ul for '.;mminl met hod.
I.... - l ~ ,urn. No. 211 ,I.a.e. inle.w","",1 be. "
t"'een Illrn! nf t... .
.... -2J.i" tur"" N o. 20. e . J-i".inch wi"din,
len.lh. T . pped ~ lu.n froID 1,1.le
e"d. See lu i 0" how 10 lrim.
(L,.I.-. . ,,01 I.-..L. on National PItEl form ... )
liFe, - V.h.f. r.f. choke (Ohmile Z.I ) .
II FC. - Low.frequency choke (N.lion.1
OSH wilh wimli n," in ""ries. ~ Il + .. S
1tTl 1
,"d ~G ,,<I ~ eo,,,..:eled tOlclhed.
J - CIOICrI-ci'-':IIi l j.d.
5 - 5.1' ... 1. tonic ... ilch .
1'1 - Sin~k 1,llIe 10 . i" ,ie vid ."dio I,.". ." -180+
f".",e. Cl'ho" I'reon T.1 3A3" ).
No. 20 wire leads run through holes in the It shollid be tried with one side grounded or not,
forms, while dope only is ulSCd to keep the fine- to see which givcs the bet.ter coupling. In o ne
wire coilll secure. This has the advlmtage that instance where a single-wire antenna was used
the fine-wire coils can be t.rimmed by "peeling some instability of the r.f. amplificr was traced
off" a s mall fraction of a turn at a time. The to the antenna wire running too close to the de-
lurger coils are trimmed by bringing the last tector tube, and it is recommended that the
haIr-turn back through the iR3ide of the coil. antenna wire or wires be run away in such a
By moving this half-turn around, the in- fashion that there is no chance for coupling of
ductance or the coil can be a dj usted over a t his type. (Bib. 3.)
range wide enough to allow the
detector and r.c.
circuits to track
well over the whole band. This
method of inductance trimming
is described elsewhere in this
Handbook ( 7-7).
The d. titage is trimmed by
adjusting its trimmer condenser
to the point where the regcneru.--
tion control has to be sct at a
maximum. Either side of this
point the control does no t have
to be advanced as fnor, indi cating
that the r.f. stage is not in reso-
nance. When the d . and detector
circuif.l! Are tracking properly,
it will not be necCSl!3ry to
c hange the setting of the regen-
eration control more than 45 0 or
60 over the ent.ire rnnge. The
bandspread can be increllSed by
\Ising leM inductance and more
trimmer capacity. Wi th the coil
ll peci fi cations given, the band Fie. 1419 - The r.f. 1ICC1;on o f II. .. 11 2. M c. l .. f. receive r removed froon
covers nbout. 75 dial divisions. th e d ...... i . Th., det", .. I"r 1,,"i" l conde".e r, C iAneArell th e h",in~ dial
, "d the delec lo .....,I;.,t i. I t the oonom of the pie.ure. T h" inte .. I.,,,
A two-wire line from the an . hie1d i. luu.ned to the eide of Ibe hoI. The Irimmin,loop f.,.. adj uAli" K
tenna usually will prove best. induetanceun he leen 00 the r.!. eoi!. near the anlenn a 1><"011 at Ihe ri ,bl .
which there are several o n tile mar-
ket) or it enn readily be built by
the amateur. If the i.f. system of
the Lm. broadcast. receiver is used,
the i.f. frequency should be lea rned
so that. the output of the converter
can be tuned to this frequency and
coupled to the grid of the mixer
tube of tile receiver. If the con-
verter is already built, 11 separa te
converter to work fro m t he fi rs t
COllverter into the Lm. intermedi-
nte frequency can be used. Such Ii
device is s hown in Fig. 142l.
Since moot of the avnilable broad-
hnnd i.f. tmndormcrs s uitable fot
f.m. reception are built for fre-
quencies of 5, 4.3 and 3 Me., it is
neccStiary to use a second conver-
sion between the output of the
con verter (usually 10 Me.) and the
Fi,. 1420 - CIo.e.up of Ih.. r.f. _ mbly of the 112_ Me. t. r.f. r rc<:iver. f.m. Lf. system, unlCSlJ the con-
ahowi n 5 . rr.n ~~m~n I of ar I8. Th .. b. n,l_t cond cnK" .re mounlcd on verter is re built to give output on
Ihe " ",inl eo ndc"Kn. f he e" dl o f Ihe anlennl coil (upper le ll ) are the tm. intermediate freq ue ncy.
OIOldered 10 the all ien n a p... lA after lhe aas ..",b ly ia mounlcd in Ihe bOlt.
Such a convertcr call be made using
a single 61\8 tube. The circuit and
CI. F.M. I.F, Ampliflers necessary constants arc given in Fig. 142 1. The
As pointed o ut earlier in this chapter , an combination of CIL, is tuned to the converter
f.m. receiving system differs fro m an n.m. re- output frequency. TI is the input transfo r mer
ceiverin that.t.he pllS&-band is wider and o.limi- of the f.m . amplifier, a nd LaC, is tuned to the
ter and d i.scriminator are used inJlt.cad of a sec- su m of the converter output frequency plus
o nd det.ccto r. The front end of an Lm. receiver the L m. amplifier frequen cy. F or eltample, a
is conventional, and any of the converters de- converter giving IO-~ I c. output nnd working
scribed can be used to feed a n L m. i.f. ampli- into a 5-M c. i.f. amplifier will have t he os-
fier. The Lm. i.f. amplifier may be either the ci llato r circuit (LaC t ) tuned to 10 + 5 o r
iJ. amplifier of an f.m. broadcast receiver (of I S"Me.
Fi,. 1423 - Wi . i", dia @ra m of th e 5.1'01 0::, f ~tllle"er mod" tal"<i /. m l)lilUd" .,,,odulated i . f. am l.lili e.
C!. C4.<4.c..C4.c.. c., CU. C,"- n.,., R,O, R 6- 1SO,OOO ohlllllo, M . (Mille" 67503 ). .
O.O I -..fd. 600",,11 pap<:r . wU 'I. r2, T a - S l\I c. f.IIl , 'nlerll.~"
C7, CHI. C'I - I OO ' ''I'(d. mid,,,, mica. R II, R ,. - 60,000 ohm }i-w alt, tra ... fonner (~ I ilI~" ~7503 ).
CI - 5O.... (<I. mid,c, mica. R ,., RIO- tOO ohn' ", }i-Wall . T. - 5. M e. Lm . d ' ~C .,mln . l o r
C,,-0.00 1-..1.I. mid ,c! mica. n ,7-2S,OOO o bma, 10.wa ,t wirOo tundormer (M ill,,06750.' ).
C", en - IO"fd . 25",,11 "lee- wOllud. T , -350-O.3SO.vol l 9O_ma. power
t rolr t ;", R ' 8 - 3000-ohm wire-wou nd po_ tra.,sf"rn ,,,. with 6.3- a nd
0,0. C,.. C It - 16-,.<1. 45O .. olt l ~ ntiom"ler . 5'''011 fi lam ent win cli n ll .
eLeel rol)'l ic. R ,. - SOOO ob,,,..
IO.wal t wire_ L, - 9h" or7 85ml. fih e~ choke
R, . R. - 55,000 ohm .. Hwatt. wound. (Thord ...oo T .1 3C29).
II , - 200 oh m. , H ,wl n . Roo - 500 oh m I .walt. La -IO.henr)' 65ma. fiher c ho ke
1111, " . - 50,000 ohm.. }oi--wau. R", R2,-25O,ooo ohm.. }i.wan. (Thnrdaraon T . 13C2S).
H, - 300 ohml , H wltt. Ra. - 5000 ohm.. }i.wa n . S WI - Selecto~ i witch (Y as.Je,.
R 7 -<&0,000 ohm.. H wan. R2I -500,ooo..obm "oI "me _ lrol. 32112.) .
14. 11 11, oIune.. }i. T ,-5.M c. r.m. U. ;" 1'011 Ira n, . SW2-On-otr l wi,ch, t. p. t.t. tonk.
w .. t. former, modi fied (He lut) J - CloHd ..,in:uit jack.
be filled in wherever convenient.. T he wires and tuning the trimmers of the tra nsformers for
from the audio volume control, R n , are shielded m!\ximum current. It filay be necell8ary to hunt
by a lengt.h of flexible copper bmid. Whenever around a bit before the meter shows any indi-
convcnient, spare pius On sockets are used to cation, but once it I tar ts to read the rost is
8upport. resisto rs, condensers, etc. 08.8y. With a va ria ble-freque ncy aig nal source
The two va riable resi5tors mounted on the the signal is I wung back and forth until some
fro nt of the chassis will not clear the spade indication is obtained, and t hen the amplifier
bolts projecting down from t he d. tnl.nsform- a.lignmentis co mpleted . The exact frequency of
en unle611 about ~ inch is cut off the bolts before alignment is unimportan t providcd every stage
mdu nting the transformers in place. The input can be tuned through resonance, which meanl
terminal strip ( Millen 3300Z) is mounted on that each trimmer can be adjusted through a
the outside of the chl\S8is so that the"contacts maximum reading of the tuning meter. With
will clear the limiter coutro\. A handy con- the resistoT8 across the circuits, it will be found
nector for pluggi ng into this input terminal can tha t the transformers tune somewhat broader
be made from au old five-prong tube base or tha n normal; the correct letting is in the mid
coil form, sawing aCi"088 t he baSe and removing poi nt of t he broad regio n. Once the Lf. trnllS-
the, two correctly spaced pins and their sup- formerl, Tlo T2 and TI , are aligned, it s hould be
porting strip of bakelite. possible to I witch SUlI to a.m. reception and
With a SoM e. signal source, such 88 a sigoal henr signall, or at le88t noise, provided t he
generator, align ment of the amplifier is an e88Y converter is on 56 or 43 Mc. There isn't muc h
matter. If no s uch 80urce i8 available a simple noise to be hea rd 00 11 2 Mc.
e.c.o. can be built using a n ordinary receiving The alignment procedure CRn be carried out
pentode auch al a 6K7, with the grid' circuit on with a loudlpea ker cOnnected to the 6F6
2.5 Mc. 'and the plate on 5 Me. Or, if a con- t hrougb an output t ransfo rmer. If no speaker is
verter is available, ' tune the regular receiver uled at this point, however, the output. termi-
to 5 Mo., couple in the converter and tune nals I hould be ahorted j otherwise, the 6F6 may
in a strong, Itcndy signal. T he converter out- be injured. The use of a meter for alig nment is
put can then be transferred to the f.m.ja.m. LL a practical nceCBSity, and no attempt s hould be
and the transformers aligned. This is done by made to line up the amplifier by ear except
plugging in a 0- 1 mo.. meter into the jack, J, possibly for only a very rough initial alignment.
V. H. F. Receivers 303
If there is an Lm. broadcast station within The performance of the amplifier on :l.m. re-
range, adjustment of the discriminato r trans- ccption could be improved somewhnt by the in-
former, T~ , is a simple matter. Swit('.h the clusion of a.v.c. on the two 1852 tubes, tnking
nmplifier to a.m., plug in the proper coi!!J in the the a.".c, voltage from the limiter grid leak
eonvcrter :\nd tune in the Lm. statioTl. Then thro ugh the usun l ftiter circuit. However, this
I)witch th~ amplifier to Lm. and tunc the trim- WI\lI considered an UnneCe8l!ary refinemen t be-
mers on T4 until the signal is heard again. This cause the amplifier was intended to be u!<ed
is best done with the audio gain almost open primarily on LIll. reception and the provision
and the limiter control at about half-scale. The for a.m. re<:cption Wa.!! considered of secondary
trimme ra are best adjus ted with an insulnted iml>ortan Ce. The amplifier should be run " wide
I.()QI, to reducc body capacity efTecW!, and they Ope ll" o n Lm . reception. (Bib. 4.)
should be a(ijusted until the b.c. signal is clear-
est and loudest. It will be found that the trim- Cl. A Compact 112- Mc. Receive r for
mers in the plate circuit will nffect the volume Mobile Work
mostly, while the trimmer in the grid circu it will The receive r sho wn in Figs. 1425, 1426 and
have the greatest effect on the quality. During 1428 is designed especially for mobile installa-
this period of ndjustment the receiver should tio ns and particularly M a co mpanion unit to
be ke pt tuned t o thesignai, as indicated by max_ the t.ransmitter of Fig. 1541. The receiver is
imum limiter current. An audio output meter, built. in a 3 X 4 X 5-inch box (the same s i~e
if available, may be used to determine mnlC- lUI the control bolC) which can be mo unted
imum nudio output, but this is not an essentin1. o n top of the control box or nlongside it,
In thc event there is no local f.m . broadcast depending on the availnble room in the car.
station t he only alternative is to line up the As may be seen from the wiring diagram (Fig.
discriminfLtor on nn Lm. signal from an ama- 1426), II. 6V6 audio out.pu t tube is used. This
teur station, or, ns a Inst resort, from a t 12-M c. stage will furnis h more than enough output. to
modulated oscillator. The disadvantage with operate n &- o r 6-inch speaker. Po wer for the
the sclf-elCcited v.h.f. oscillntor is that usually rcceive r elln be obtained from the I!ame power
it is modul\lted too heavily and doetm' t stay s upply n.s is used for the trans mitter, nnd the
on one frequency long enough to allow the on-off s\\'itching of the reooiver may be tied in
amplifier to be alig ned necurately. with the trans mitter control to facilitate chnng-
The fin nl adjustment of the discriminato r ing over. Al t.e rnntively, \lny other power s upply
tuning can be checked by tuning in an a.m. delivering ovcr 200 volts may be e mployed.
signal. If the discri minator is properly tuned, . A 9002 superregenerative detector is used,
the audio output (signal and noise) ~hould follo wed by a 6J5 and 6V6 audio amplifier.
pradically disappear at the point where the The antenna is inductiVely coupled t.o the de-
signnl, 11.8 indica ted by limiter current,
is A. ma;o..imum. This is an indicatio n
that the discri minato r characteris tic
crosses the axis at the mid-resonance
IKlint of the am plifier. Tuni ng the sig-
nal (by tuning the converter), it
s hould be po~ible to understand the
audio output at points either side of
this minimum-volume setting. These
points s hould appear symmetrically
on either ~ide of the minimum-vo lume
]Klint nnd should have about the 8!1ome
volume. Slight readjustmen t of the
discriminator-tran.sformer setting will
uccomplish th is result.
When usi ng the amplifier it will be
noted thut a.m. Signals appear to be
lo ude r than those fro m f.m. stations,
comparing audio volume-control set-
tings on s tations showing equal limiter
curre nt. This does not indicate that
the amplifier is not working properly
or that more audio is obtained from
nn lI..m. signAl than from an Lm. sig-
nal of si milar strenp;th. I t is, ho wever,
nn indicatio n that the discriminator f.FiB. 1424 - A lOP .. ie w of the r.m ./a.m. a mpiifiu. A lon~ the r~a~,
om le h 10 .i Sln, are Ihe iop ut l fo,",,, 6 t 1852 lube. i"lcr_
characteristic could huve more ~10 1)C . '.,e u a"r, _ nd 1852 t ube nd I.,.,.",d ;nl" rlltau tran l_
to it and not hnve its peaks so far (o.-me . In Ih e HCOR d row of tu bu, f.olll .i, ht to I" ft, are t he 6 5 J7
ll]lart. With improved discriminator- limiler, 6~'6 .,,,Iio O"'I'''t and VR 1 50~10 YOl l . ~e .e~uluor. Allh ..
transformer co ns truction, this appar- ri,hl frolll i. th e discrimina lO' ... "d".." ..., ... ilh Ihe 6 H6 deleclO '
belo w it. T o Ihe left of tl,,, 6 H 6 i. the 65 t 'S Ii .. , andio. Ou t pul
ent shortcoming will disappear. lermi ....... .,.,we.toncket, , ud 1IS. .. ol t Jineconi ar .. "" Ibe low"redre.
t he dial throug h a flexi ble bnkelite coupler and
a short length of polyst yrene rod, insuring
adequate insulntion between t he condenser and
the panel. Holes for the variable resistors a nd
the pilot-light socket are drilled at the rig ht-
hand euge of the panel, ~-inch in fr om the
edge. The cabinet must be notched with a file
to allow the rc.sistors and socket to clear whe n
the unit is assembled.
A small bracket of J.{,.inch metal which
su pports the 9002 socket is a ttached to the
tuning condenser. A good idea of the s hape of
this bracket may be obtained from Fig. 1428.
The t uned-ci rcuit coil, LJ, is mounted between
th e ,tator terminal of C t a nd the ter minal for
pin No. 1 on the tube socket. C, is soldered
a cross the terminals of Ct . A hole must be
drilled in the bottom of the box, just below the
adjustme nt screw for C 2 , 80 that any nece58ary
Fill. 1425-Th" ~ ... hi l" 112_M,,_ reiv~r i~ bui lt in a
3 X 4 X Sineh mela l bo,,_ An le,.,,' . t enni . nd t he
changes in the band-Silt adjustment can be
bQle used ror .djun,n.,,, , of t he a ntenn a tou plin~ may made a fter the receiver is completely llSIIembled.
be 80 o n t hr left . id". A I,ilol liGh t al the lop ,.; , 10 1_ T he two audio tubes and the audio trn.IlS-
h ~nd conle. permi u .... y ruIn". of t he dial in ni , bl fo rmer are mounted in the metal box itself, as
01><=. 11100 . The lpea b ,r u bl r run , OU I Ih rou,h the ru r
., f t he cabine ... Venl a .tin, hoIC6 are drilLed in tbll top . may be seen in Fig. 1428. The tube sockets are
supported off the side of the box by s mall
tector, the antenna coupling being adjusted at. brasil s pacers, so that the socket pins will not
the time of in9t.alllltion of the receiver. A b1\lId- sho rt o n the metal of the bo". It is convenient
set condenser, C" across the variable t uning to make the connections to these sockets be-
condense r, CI, allows the band to be centered fore t hey are mounted in place. The d.c.
on the tuning scale and pro vides adequate powersupply leads are brought to a two-pro ng
bandspread. Regeneration is controlled by the fe mn.le soc ket, located directly in front of the
variable resistor. R .. 6JS sockct. All connections at groulHl potential
The construction of the receiver is not diffi- are made directly to the I)anel o r case, so that
cult, but close attention mlL ~ t be paid to the whcn the unit is assemblcd the lIeec~ary con-
placement of parts in order t hat all of the com nec tio ns will be made automa ticnlly.
ponents will fit into the box. TIle out step in Three ro ws of U-inc h diamete r holes, one
laying out t he receiver is to d rill the holes for a long the top of the case and two along the rear
the dial. The tuning condenser shaft i.s centered pa.ncl, s hould be drilled ill the box before ac tual
between the top and bottom of the panel a nd is co ns truction is begun. These holca provide
located I ~ inches in from the left-hand edge. in t e rna l ventilation fo r the unit a nd prevent
Mounting holes for the tuning conden.ser are excessive heat from causi ng possible failure of
drilled usi ng the h olantite end-plate fo r a the paper condensers.
te mplate, and the condenser is supported on The receiver may be connected to the power
I ~.inch spacers. The condenser is coupled to supply and antenna to be used for testi ng be-
.. _ -"'1"
" c, "..
" ~ 1 [l
Fi~. 1426 -
. ...
-A .8
Win ", d i.,r.m of t he comp.ct 112.Me. Illpe.....,Kener. t ive recei ve. for mobile operat ;on.
C, -1 5....fd. uriahle with foo r 1t2, R, - O.OI m..,ohn" H ....I1. R FC, - V. h.f.chok .. (OI,mi . .. Z. I ).
pla le. ren,oved (N. t Oon. ! n.-O.25 m ~ lohm, Y.i.W~ lI. RI-' C2-ltf. choke (Mei... "~ r 19
UM 15). Rs - 2500 ohn'~ !,oS...... tt . 19%).
(4 - J-aO .... fd. mica t dm.m..... R, -500 ohn~ l .w.t.t. T I - P lat". to'lI"id ooupli n r t r. n ..
C. - 50 ..... 01 . mica. R 7 - 0.5.meloh m yolu n,e oont rol. former (I nca C .52).
C. -O.OO3 .. fd . m;.... R. - 5O.000-oh m uri. ble. T , - Spe.k~r OUII'''t trans/nrOl e
C.-O.OI ... fd.miu.. Lt - 3 Iurn.No.12,)i.inchdi.m". 10,000 to 4 ohm. (J"II&o: n
c.. C, - IO. fd . %5'O'oh ele"u_ ter. I P.ccd d iame ter ofwire. Z2362 ).
Irt;"" Li nk - I Iur" No. 12. M .ineh Speaker -Sineh p.m. dyn.mic
- 10 mel!l'>h_ di. me t... . U_n ST-443).
V. H. F. Receivers 305
To rnu>Smil""~-=t__-, the ear may cause occasional grouods at points
ro Receiver -----' Illong the ext-ernal conductor, changing the
londing :md consequently the tuning of the
receiving during operation.
In general, noise reduction procedure is the
same ns that fo!lowed for :lutomobile receivers
used on the broadcast band. Any thing which
contributes to quieter broadcast reception will
be of help in connection with llZ-Me. opcrn
tion. However, since every car is essentio.l!y
an itldividunl problem, no specific instructions
can be alTered.
Fi,. 1427 - Wirinl di.,raru o r tbe ooo trol cirClli t ror If the car does not have a light located con
the mobil" 5utioo. 5, a nd 5, a~ mOllnted in lh" cont ro l veniently on the dashboard the cap may be
box [on ...-il b Ihe microphon" j.c1< .".1 baHer ,. (",,,
Fi,. 1535). The .. ibral.,.. ."Jlpl,. and rel ay an moun led removed from the pilot light, giving enough
in Ih" Ir"nk com p.un,e'" alon l ..-i.h Ih" Ir."", min" r. light by which to Hee the log book and note pad.
S, - S. p.a. t. 10U [" swil ch .
s,-S.p.a. l . h...... ,. .. lu l,. 'OU1" Iwi'ch. BIBLIOGRAPHY
1Ie1.,. - 6_voll . p .!.I."Ia,.. 1 GrAmmCT ... N .... Mi niat",e V.rI.F. R_ivinIJ 'l'ubeolln
,. M- and It 2-Mo. Conv"rt.". . QST.".ober. IINI.
fore it is ins l.alled in the car. T esting in this I Goodnlnrl , ., A Peacti"",] 112/Tolc. Converter," QST.
manner allows accurate setting of the band and March. IMO.
preli mi nary adj ustment of the anten no. COli pli ng. I G_IInk ", "Two V.M.F. n""";v,,,.. U. in, the 0000
Seri .. 1'u* ," QST, November. 19<11.
The antenna coupling is finally o.djusted so that (Goodman." A .t.-Mc. F.M. I .F. Amplifier." Qsr. April.
the receiver will Sllperregenernte well over the 1940.
whole rAnge of the dial without any dead spots,
but too-loose coupling is to be avoided because
it ,,iIl reduce the sensitivity of the receiver.
The adjustment that requires that the regen.
eration control be set towards the maximum
cnd of its range before the set will Bupcrregcn.
ernte is the correct one.
T he control unit shown in Fig. 1427 allows
the operator to usc only one s witch to turn the
receiver on and the transmitter off, and vice
versa. When putting the station into opera.
tion, 8 1 should be closed first and t hen 8 2
Closing 8, will apply voltage to the heaters of
both transmitter and receiver tubes, turn on
the vibrator supply, a nd close the relay. T his
l8.llt action places the plnte voltage on the re-
ceiver. ' Vhen switching over to "transmit," 81
is opened, relcasing the relo.y and placing the
vibrator output on the transmitter. During a.
QSO, it is neCC6llary only to throw 8 1 whcn
changi ng from " receive" to "transmit " and
back again. Sepurate alltennas are recom
me nded - one located at the IIIl\ml front posi.
tion of the car for the receiver, a nd one a.t the
rea.r of the car for t he trans mitter. The receiv.
ing antenna may be I'L .!{.wI'Lvclength or ).f.wave-
length vertical rod fed by a concentric li ne. If
0. .!-i-wavelength receivi ng antenna is used, it
is advis/l.ble either to make the length of the
concentric line an odd multiple of a quarter
wlt. vdcngt h or to adjust the II.ntennalength for
optimum coupling to the receiver.
If concentric-line teed from the antenna is
used it is recommended that the type of con
centric line which hns insulation ovcr the outer
conductor be employed, with the outer can Fi,. 1428-A o inte rior v iew oflb" mobit" receiver.
ductor grounded ut both the antenno. end ILlld e;<po&i n,lhe d"teclor ..... m bl) o n the eid e I'l' nel .nd
the receiver end. If there i ~ no insulating cover- ~ll o"' i oK t he . " dio l u loe. moun led in3id e Ih " box. The
.nttnn . lin!.; i5 COnnec led to Ibe a nl enn a termin all and
ing over the aliter conductor the vibrntion of fi .. i"lO ita proper ~i . ion wb"n Ih e unil i .., mbled .
V.H.P. Transmitters
T in: very-high frequency region is ploycd in the transm itters described in Chap-
gencrnlly consid ered to have its lower fre- ter Twelve call be used.
quency limit. in the vicinity of the 28-Mc. Most o f the Sfl-Mc. trans mitters 8ho wII
band, and it is also in about. this region that it in this chapter are crystal controlled, fo r use
becomes desirable to a.dopt more compact with amplitude modulation. However, they
methods of construction and to select tubes can be for f. rn. by rep lncing the c rys tal
with pMticuillr carc. All the frequency with excitntion from all r.m. oscillntor sim ilar
becomes higher the length o f connecting to that described in Figs. l SI!), 1520 and 152l.
lends beco mes mOTC important, because II. Hi~he r-powercd transmitters can be built by
le ngth of a few inches may represen t. flo con- adding amplifiers to the unitl! shown, basi ng
sidcrnble fra ction of the operating wavelength. the des ign o f the nlllplifie r 011 the med ium-
Tube interclcctrode capacities, as well as the powe'r unit shown in Fig. 15 16.
stray capacities normally existing, also must
be giver. particular attention, because a n un- 41. A lO-Watt 56-Me. Transmitter
duly high shunt capacity in the ci rcuit not o nly The trans mitter shown in Figs. ISO I, 1502,
may reduce the efficiency but ni!!o win ul- 1503 an d 1504 is an inexpensive alTnir us ing
timately set the upper limit of freque ncy ll t GAG-type tubes throughout. As call be seen
which t.he t.ransm itter can be made to work. from Fig. 1503, one sectio n o f the first tube is
Por best resu lts at very-h:gh rrequ~nc ies, tubes used as a triode crystnl oscill:itor on 7 M c.
designed to operate well in that region must w h ile the secolld hnl! doubles to 14 Me. The
be uscd. All of these considerations indicate the tw o sections of the second tube are used as
adv isability of building se parate t .f. equ ip- 28- Rnd 56- M e. doublers, a nd the third tube is
ment for trans mission at very-high frequen cies, a push-pull fi nRI amplifier. Capneitive inter-
rather t han attempting to adapt fo r v.h.r. stage coupling is employed throughout exce pt
use" transmit.ter primarily d esigned for opera between the 56-Me. doubler and the grid circuit
t ion at ordin ary communications frequencies. of the final, where inductive coupl ing is used.
Transmitter stability requirements for op- I n the oscillator, parallel plate feed permitl!
eration in the 56-Mc. band are the same i\8 for grounding the rotor plntes of the tuning con-
the lower-frequency bands. Above 112 Mc. d enser; s ince the following grid circuit is seriC!!-
there are no rel:lj.ri ctio ns a.s to frequency stabil- fed, there is no C8IICntial d ifference in r.f. per-
ity except that the whole o f the emissio n must formance between this and the more common
be confin~ d wi t hin t he band limits. Modulated- circuit with series plate and parallel grid feed.
oscillator type transmitters therefore can be Cathode bias allows the tube to op erate at low
used abov,e 112 Mc. "nd are, in fact , used plate current; it i~ not necessa ry to work the 08-
p racti call y:=e~clU8i vely above 224 M c., s illce cillato r ve ry hard, since the excitation require-
few ava ilable tubes will operate satis(actorily ments o f the fi rs t d o ubler arc rather lo w.
as ampli fiers at this high frequency. However, The 14- and 28-Mc. double r circu its are
up to 60 Me. methods similar to those em- identical except fo r the cathode resistor, R2, in
the first doub le r stage. The sec-
ond d oubler uses no cathode
bias, because as much outputas
pos.aible is desirable to drive the
56- M c. doubler. P arallel plate
feed is used in both stages.
The 56-M c. doubler has se-
ries plate feed through a n un-
tuned plate coil. Since the cou-
pling to tlu~ final grid ci rcuit is
fnirly loose , the coi l is made
nearly self-reSOllnllt so that
m ax imum energy t ra nsfer will
occur. The pushpull amplifier
circuit. is the stnndard arrrmgc-
mcut for ncutrl\lizcd tri odus.
Fi. 1501- In Ih i. fl"()DI view of Ihe 1O.,utl 56.Mc. I ra n' lll iU~r Ih~ 06Cil- Fixed or cathode bins is not
lator. doubler a nd ."'I>lificr lube re fro m left 10 rjlh The cr )6, a l aocket
is a t tbe Left end o r Ih e chaMi nd the ou tput le.."in. ls ue Ihe risht. required in the l3.5t t hree stages,
Th e u.niD I <:<>lI lroI re arraDled in Line .Ionl tbe rron l wa ll o r Ihe ch.Mi either for operating or pro-
V.H.F. Transmitters 307
tcctive purposes. The plate C\lt-
rents of the 6A66 will not be
exccssive in the event that ex-
citation fail s or is purposely
s hut off. This is a convenience
where the o~eill:ltor is to be
keyed for c. w. work.
Meter switching with s hunt
resistors (R 1 to R 12 , inclusive)
provides tor measuring the plate
current in each stage, although
the meter is not incorporated in
the transmitter itself.
The transmitter is built on a
eh(l5Sis measuring 3 X 4 X 17
inches. One tube is located at
the exact center of the top and Fig. J5Q2-The pl.te"ohar~ terminals are aI the le ft in this rear_view
the othcr two nrc 431 inches to photograph of the towatt S6Me. tran.mi u er. Th e "' e l ~r ewi' ch De.. r the
the right and left, reospectively. centcr i. flanke.! by tile IIIcl ercord o n the left a "d the 11"volt line cord on
the ri 8ht. T he cry8l al ..;u rreut bulb i5 mountcd in a ruhber ,romme'.
it is advi~nble to mount the os-
cillator :LIld double r tube sockets with the fila- variable condensers arc locnted to the left and
ment prongs townrd the front of the ch1l..8sis right, with 2-ineh spacing betwcen shaft cen-
and the amplifier tube socket with its filament ters. C t , C, and CI are supported by the chn.ssis
prongs facing the right cnd. This arrangement wall, but Co. and C~are mounted on small metal
serves to kCtlp the r.L wiring simple and pillars from the upper side of the ch(l5Sis. This
straightforwnrd. T he crystn! socket and out- mounting arrangement brings the shafts of
put terminals each are centered 17i inches in Co. and C~ in line with the other thrCtl.
from the e nds of the ch(l5Sis. T he second-dou- Fig. 1502 shows the placement of parts on
bler tuning condenser, C3 , is mounted in the the rear wall of the chn.ssis. Wiring to the meter
center of the front wa.ll of the ch(l5Sis. The other switch is simplified if the s wi tch is located 6]1
, o
" '. '.
~ ___J-',
n .
Fig. 15{13 - W iri " s di" s ra m o f t he towatt 6A6 du a l ' riode er yst.I-con.rolied 56Mc. tran "ru itter-e""'ttr unit:
C, - "O.""fd . variable ( Uam",arlund IIF"O). B "":'" 6O.m a . p ilo. hulb.
C3 - 3S .....r.t. variable ( Ha n""arl""d H F.3S). 5 ... - T,,o..;ircui l 6p08i tiou llel"" tor " ... itch ( Mallory
w - t S ..... fd. variable ( Il amma rl uud II .I ".I S). 32261 ).
C. - 5O."" fd. pcr 4eC. ;on dual variahle ( H ammarlu nd T -6.3.vol. filament tran.CurDle . (Thordareon 1'.
IIFO.50). 1 9 ~8L).
Ca - I S.""fd. per section dua l v uiable ( Hamln arl und L,-2 lt ums No. 22 d. A.c .. cI ........ound, l.inch di ameter.
HfD.IS.X ). L3 - I I turns No. 22 d. s.c . 1 ;nch lon ~, I.inch diame ter.
Ce. C7 - 3- 30.""fd. mica trimmer (Nat;o"a ] M -JO) . 14-6lums No. 14, U inc h 10n!. I .i nch diameter.
Cs. C4, Cw - LOO.""ftl. mid s el m;ca. Lo -9 lums No. I '~, % inch long, ~.ineh diameter .
CII. C,~. C,., C,.. C'5 - 5oo."..fd. mid set mica. La - 2 turn s No. 12 each &ide oC L., lin ch diameter,
R, - IS,ooo obrru. Hwa Lt. cen'e~ opeui" l U inch. Turu . spa""d diameter
Il~ - SOO ohms, I,"'all. of wire.
II., n~. R. _ 30.000 "It",... ~ ....atl. Lo - 3 ' '''''0 No.12 e"d,.id""fco.. "llnKlink. }i:.incb
Ra- looo ohms, Iwall. dian,eler, eeoter ol>f: tt ill g U inch . Turn s spaced
II., U8, R ~. 11'0. R II, /{ ,~-2Sohm ... H ... att.. diaruel er of wire.
JtFC - 2,S,'uh. r. f. chuke ( Na.iuna l 1I .1(lO\. Link - 5 turn ~ No. 12, 3-'$ .ineh d iameter, ).1 iuch ]0".
F'i8. 1504 - Thi , bonom view . howl how the nonin, condenK.. .re mount ed with rcspeel lO the lube.ockeu. The
8f!J f .... l'portinl coi l. moulll d irecd,. on the t unin, eondcnlen. ~il.meot I odormer i. in lower left.hand corner.
inches in from the right-hand end, looki ng at of which contribute to good neutralizing. T he
the renr, where there is R comparatively open trimmer-type condensers u~d for neutralizing
spot in the rJ. layout. This point is also con- arc a departure from usual practice. H owever,
venie nt to t he supply ends of t he plate c hokes since the neutralizing capacity req uired ilJ small
for the first three stages, so that these chokes the actual dielectric is mostly air, the effect of
cftn be mounted directly on the switch points. thc mica is incollscquential, and the small phys-
The shunt resistors should be soldered to the ical size of the condcnsers make them ideally
s witch contacts before the switch is installed. suited for the purpose. The output coupling
The filament lmllllformer and crystal lamp coil has its ends soldered to lugs which a re held
are at the left end of the chlW!is, in the bottom in place by the feed-through terminals. The
view. The transforme r should be kept fI.S far as IUgll will bend a.s the po~itio D of the coil is
p08ll.ible to the left so that it will not be ncar varied to change the coupling.
the r.r. circuits. The lamp i9 held firmly in the A powcr supply delivering 350 volts at 150
gro mmct by stiff leads soldcred W its base. The rna. is needed. Circui t performance is similar
plate-6upply termi nals are out of the way at the to that to be expected at the lower frequen cies;
extre me left e nd of the base. Two positive ter- each tank circuit will be in resonance when ad-
minalll are provided, so thata modulator trans- j usted for minimum plate current to the t ube
former secondAry may be connected in tbe with which it is associated. The current values
plate lead of the fina l amplifier. 8hould be 10, 18, 18 and 40 rna. , in the order
The restofthe parts are mounted so that r.f. listed, for the first four stage!;. I t is quite pos-
leads will be short and direct; short leads are sible that the values will va ry slightly in dif-
particularly important in the last two o r tbree re rent layouts, but tiley should be a pproxi-
stages. The grid connections in the nmplifier mately as given. Tuning of the vario us tanks
should be made directly between the grid 8hould be adju!;ted to obtain maximum output
prongs of the socket and the stator plate ter- from the 56-Mc. double r, a.s indicated by max-
minals of the grid tank condenser, "'hleh should i mum grid current in the final-amplifier grid
be directly above the grid pronglS if the unit is leak, R . If no grid current is obtained, it is
lAid out as recom mended . The plate prongs and probably an indication that the coupling be-
the stator sections of C, s hould be crOM-con- tween L. and L,. is either too tight or too loose;
nected so that the neutralizing condensers, C. this coupling is quite critical, and thcrefore de-
and el,may be supported by the condenser serves careful adjustment. The amplifier grid
lugs, as shown in Fig. 1504. This gives leads of current s hould be 25 rna. o r more whe n the
negligible length and perfect symmet ry, both coupling is optimum. t ime the coupling is
changed, the grid condenser, C" as
r-~---~------=,--------;~.",..,,-~"~ well as the preceding tuning con-
densers shQuld be readjusted.
After a grid-current indication is
obtained , the amplifier should be neu-
t ralized. Plate voltage must be removed
from t he final amplifier but the rcst
of the circuits should be in no rmal
operating condition. Start with the
platcs of the neutralizing condensers
screwed up tight and then bac k off a
full three t\lrllS on condenser.
This places the neutralizing cal)acities
,.'i,. 1505 - The POwu -$upply ch us;, .Iso houiC, ,h e mim. m_ at apl)roximately the correct values.
DIe te r f...... alll)la l "oC urr~nt m~a6"rcmct"a in the56. i\1c. tranAD,iue r. Condenser C~ is then rotated through
V.H.F. Transmitters 309
current expressed in amperes). A 6000-
ohm output winding l\'iU be close
enough to provide a satisfactory match.
A modulator using a Class-B 6A6
makcs au excellent companion unit for
the transmitter, because it maintain8
the uniformity of tube types. Such a
"(J~. 10 Z ()fJ modulo tor uuit is described in C hapter Thirteen .
U dkJijrom r--- --- - - - - - - - -- -----., A power 13upply capable of supplying this
TO Innuntit/er I
1 .--metuJWI"tch. , , trallSmitter is s howu in Figs. 1505 and 1506. It
is built on 8. 3 X 4 X l7-inch chlUlSis and h8.6
~wz I
provision fo r mounting a meter which can be
switched to either the transmitter or the modu-
lator for checking the respecti ve plate current.:J.
_______ __
r L-
Aertm R, 01
mIulotor J
The plate switch, Stolt is used to turn on both
the tmns mit.ter and the modulator, bince it. is in
pamllcl with the switch on the modulator
Fi,l. / 506 - Wiein s ,Iia gu" , of Ihe power ..."""I)" " "il. power supply. (Bib. 1.)
C" w-8 ... fd. l SOv,,1 1 1',-Po"'u ,nlldorn'eI",
dec- lmI)"lie. 37S'()..J7S .. 0I1a, Cl. A 12 -Wo tt 56-Me_ Transm itte r
It, - 25,000 ohm. , 25.wa ll 180ma.; 5volu3
",iee.woun.!. ampere. ( Th o r. The transmitter shown in Figs. 1507, 1508,
. 5"" - S. I'.I. I. l oll le .",iteh daf"I(>D1'-I:lR09). 1509 and 1510 is designed w work from a
(U., lexl ) . L, - .-ill.,. chok." 5 hen_ power supply delivering 125 rna. at 325 volts.
SWt - O.,. d.I. loU 1e . ".i,,,h. rr~, 200 rna., 80
M - 0-15O m'. d.c_ mil_ 01"". ('11,.... 01 _
Since there are vibrator-type pucks available
liammel.", .on 1'-67(49) . which deliver this output, it is quite s uit.1lble
for instnlIation in a car for mobile work_ To
resonance, which will be indi cated by a kick in achieve maximum economy in the exciter and
the grid current. Adjust the neutmlizing con- audio stages, high-gai n doubler tubes and
densers in ~mnll steps, turning both screws in CIIUlS- B audio modulation ure uRed.
the same direction and the same amount each From the diagram in Fig. 1508 it may be
time, un ti l the grid current remains stationary seen that a 6AG7 oscillawr using a
when C. is rotated. This indicates complete 7 Mc. crystnl quadruples frequency to drive a
n eutrnli~ati on. Retune the grid circuit after 6AG7 doublcr to 56 Mc., and thi., latter tube
ne ut.ralizntion, so t.hat maximum excitation will drives a 6V6 amplifier on 56 Mc. A 6L6 eOllld
be secured. It is also a good idea to recheck the be substit.uted. for the 6V6, but with no improve-
coupling betweenL 4 and L" Mdescribed above, ment in performance at 12 watts input. Pro-
since neut.ralizat.ion will change t he load OD the visio n for neutralizing the 6V6 is included in
driver somewhat.
Plate voltnge may now be applied
w the amplifier. When the plnte tank
is tuned to rellonnnce, the plate ('Uf-
rent should fall to 20 or 25 mn. A loud,
such as a n antenna or feeder system
or a 100wn.t t lamp used M a du mmy
antenna, should be connected and the
ooupling Ildjusted until the plate cur-
rent reaches the full-load vlllue of 60
rna. The grid current will fnll off W 10
rna. o r IlO when the amplifier is loaded.
The transmitter output may be fcd
into any type of antenna, if an appro-
priate mutching or tuning system is
used. A system e mploying a two-wire
non-resoun nt. line may be coupled di-
rectly to the outllut coil wit.hout tu ning.
At the recommended input of 21
watta (60 mo.. at 350 volts), the out.-
put n.s mellaured in a dummy untenna
is IlOmething over 10_watts. To mod- Fi,. Uf/7 - A compiele 12_.... " st-Me. 'phone IUnSm'Uf!r , read,.
ulate the trans mittc r 100 per cent, for in8l aUalion in ei. hee car or home. Th., l "beI . 10'" th., frm ll ,
an audio power output. from the mod- a"d fro,,, lefl 10 ri gh i , ar., the 6 AG7 T " .let <>6<:illuo 6AG7 "'o ubler
6V6 lin . 1 n".I;Ii.,e. The6CS delver (Idl ) ... d " 'e6N7 C la"". ll
ulator of nbout 11 watts is required. moelul . loe . ee at the eeu bel ..,,~n Ihe Iran&foemer1l. The knob o n
The modulator out.put transformer the '; Ih l eo"""I. the fi".1 unk eond.,nSf!r, C'. Th~ other lun i"l
mus t an imped"Uloo of 5833 oh ml! ......' ...ell ocel> "", .,Ij u.,,," hy ocrrwde;VCT 11,..", ~h Ihe ruhber ~I"<>"'_
"'e t&. Th" mU .. r .wileh. 5.<", i . mounled U Ihe reon l "enler , ju..
(modulated-amplifier plnte voltage un"'ec Ihe meIer ,.in j.d, . The anlen"a eoil i. mo"n' ed on Ihe bind .
divided hy modutll.ted-nmplifier \)1111e i,,~.p"M ~le;l'. Co" ,,!i,," a,lj".'ed by ~"'in~i ,, ~ llo r . ,lIc"". cnil.
the design of the unit, but. it was found un- adjusted. Rubber grommets in the chllssis
IlCCC!:IS1\ry with this pMticular parts arrange holes prevent shorting the condenser slmfts to
ment. [t is not t.o be assumed, however, thnt chassis th rough the metal shA ft of the screw
the 6V6 will wo r k well without. neutra1i zll.l.ion driver. The finAl tank condenser, C., is s up--
in every arrangement. - the neccSIlllry neu- port-ed on the panel.
tralizing capacity is small, and is douhtlc88 All of the inductanc-es are mounted o n o r
presen t in this layout as It stray capacity. The near their res pective tuning condensers, except
grid of the 6V6 is tapped down on the drive r for thc fili al tank coi l, L., "' hich is mounted
plate coil to lighten the loading and give a above the chassis on fwdthrough illlluintors.
better ffin.tch. This arrangement makes it more convenient to
The modulation" equipment consists of a adjust the a nte n na coupling coil, I~~, tlfter in-
6C5 driver stage and a 6N7 Class--B mod uilltor. ~talling the tmnsmitter in the car.
Any arrangement except one using a s ingle- The plate circuits and the final grid circ uit
button microphone would require mo re aud io can be metered by plugging the mete r leads
~nin tL nd hence incrCMe the l>OSS.ibility of into the two pin jacks on the frO llt cellter of the
"" pick-Up in mobile operation. chnssis and setting the meter s witch to the
The tnUls is built on a 7 X 12 X 3- p roper position. This is 11 convenience when
inch ChaSKis, thus providing plenty of room for tuning up with n different crystnl or antellna.
the pnrts. Refere nce to Figs. 1507 and 1509 The power leads are terminated at 0. four-p rong
will show the placement of ptlrts, b ut some of plug mounted on the b!~ck of the chlUlSis.
the minor constructional points should be One problem in connection with mobile units
pointed out. The tuning condensers, e l , C! a nd is the voltage drop in the line from the battery
Ca, are mounted on the underside of the ch/l.88is to the vibrator o r motor-generator unit, and
on the s mall brackets with which they are f ur~ thCl>e leads must be kept as short lUI poSl!.ible.
nis hed. T hey are set far enough back from the This trallBmitter is int-ended to be installed in
front so that the ends of the shnfts do not the trunk o r the car, with the cont.rol box
quite touch the metal, and are screwdriver mounted on the dashboard of the car nnd the
1568- Wiri"l d i.cum o f t.he 12_watl 56-11110. '.,houe u. " ami ller ror mobil~ or fixed AtU;"1I ope.a t ion.
,"' i
CI - SO_.... fd . u . ia bl" (Natio" a l C II - 2S" fd. 25_yolt .,I".,uoly t'c. II FC - 2.5.,"h .. f. cboke (N atiooal
m.I _SO). C. -Se., lex l. 11_100U) .
C" e" - 25.""rd . ...rin bl lO (Na_ H" H3 - 0.2 I11"lOhm, I wa ll. II FC, - V.h. f. cboke (Oh mil., Z- I ).
I;on al U M A.25 ). R" R. - 4(),000 oh mll. 1_.. . 11. SWI - 2...,i rCll it, S I_ition rot a ry
C.-30_.... fd . per ...,.:tillll uri.hle 11& - 3000 oh m., l.wa tt. switch , no" .. borl wi (r.h l_
( 1.IaUlma ri und " FD..;w.X). R. - 5000 ohma, 2.w. u . lory 32261).
w. C. - o.Ot_ .. rd. 4OO_vol l pape. . II, - O. I ru.,,~.. Q. . .olume OOIl trol. T, - M l e . o p h o ne I n" . rorme r
c... c" C" - O.002-.. fd. m;""'. H. -1000 ohn'a, ).i. wa tt. (S",,,co. A4 726).
C" C'O - 2SO ..... fd. ",iea. H. - 6000 ohms. l.wall. T, - Ori"er Ira " .former (Stanco.
CII, c.. -S."rd.450."oheleelrolylic. 11,0--1111- 25 obld&, ~_wa lt. .-\4721).
T , - ~ I odula"on lundOnIler (SU.nco. A.384S ). M-ineh le ""If.. upporl ine. T be 6V6 vid
L, - 19 Inno8 No. 16 enam. , .,aced _!"btl y 10 occupy up i. I lurn from the pi .. " "nd.
,-",_i ncb wi "din ~ le"l l h , 0" ~_inch diameler L. - 3 tll .n. No. 14, uch . ide of cen'er , opaee<1 10 nc_
form (Na liona l PH F.2 ) . CIII'Y U inch, ~ .i nch dia meter.
Lt - 6 Iurn l No. 14, , p Meed 10 occII PY I ~ illchea, ~ . 14 - 2 lu rn No . 4. M-ineh diame t er.
incb dia meter, ""lf~upport in l. PI - 4.pronl ba ..... lJlounli n g plU K (Aml'bcuol RC P 4).
I ~- 3M t u rn, No. l4, , pace<! 10 occupy Ji i oeb, Tbe laml' iu ""riu ",ilh Ih", e, ,.8Ial i. a 6On . dialli,bl.
V,H.F. Transmitlers 311
vibrator ptlc k mounted un-
der t he hood o n the fire wnll.
This applies when the btlt,.
lery is under the hood of the
cnr; for cars with the bat,.
tery elsewhere, the vibra-
tor pnck and control box
might hnve to be mounted
differently. The drop in ~he
leads ru nning to the heaters
of the tubes from the bat,.
tcry will be s mall if heavy
wire is used, and the drop in
the 325-volt line from the
vibmto r pack is negligible.
The wi ring diagrnm of the
control box is shown in Fig.
1510. As may be seen,
the microphone battery is
mounted in this box nnd II.
jack is provided for the mi- Fig. J509 - A view ""de< 110" d"08' ;8 o f th" 56- Me. t<an sm;.' .,< . how. 11'0
crophone. Switch SUll turns " u; ,h t.forwa<d ar<a"~ m .,nt of parla. The .,.,il... Lt . nd L~. ue ...,[(.suP.""";'"
on the vibrator pack and the ."d ar" mou"ted 0" th.,ir 'e' I""' IO"e .,.,IId""..: n. Th e ."dio " o]u D,e .,.,,,lro l a" d
heaters of the tubes. Switc h .he 1"''''''' '-''l'l'ly p]u~ are mo""ted at 110" r.,.r of .he "ha...i, . Th " l.,.d from
110" 1,1"1 10 th " miero pho"" ... "dormer " ru" tt.rou Sh , (ou"dM . h'dtl hr" i.1.
SlOt is used as nn "on-off"
s witch for the trnnsmitter, controlli ng the the 6\'0 soc l~et (sho wn by dotted lines in
microphone battery and the plate-su pply Fig. 1508). The stnge is then ne utra\illed in the
lead. The c<mtrol box is only 4 X 4 X 2 inchCli. usun l manne r, vn rying the neutralizing ea-
( Par metal MC-442), a nd takes up little room. pncity by moving the free end of the wire.
An alternntive system is to mount the vi- With voltnge a pplied to the screen and plnte
brator pack and an additional stornge bllttery of the 6VO and the ou tput tank ci rcuit tuned to
in the tru nk rac k, nnd to control both the "on- reSOllnnce, the total plate and screen current
off" of the hcaters and vib rntor pnck and of should be under 35 mn. unloaded and abo ut 39
the plnte power through sui !.nble rclllYS con- or 40 mn. londed. I n the audio section , the OC5
trolled from the dash. However, the storage plate current will be about 8 rna. and t he no-
battery then must be removed fro m the Cllr for a.ignal o N7 plate current aro und 35 rna. , kick-
recha rging, and thus the ins tallation may not ing np to about 50 ma. o n peaks.
a lways be available when needed. The a ntennn for mobile work may be fro m
Adjustment of the trnns mitter is conven- 0.25 to 0.6 wavelength lo ng. Since the trans-
tional in every way. With 325 volta from the mitter can be mo unted close to the end of the
power s upply, the total plate a nd screen cur- antenna, the re is no particular problem ill
rents of the 6AG7 T ri-let and the 6AG7 feeding it asid e from finding a s uitnble ins ula-
doubler will be 12 and 16 rna. respectively, and tor to r un through the side of the car. If an
the fi na l grid current should be about 2 ,rna. a nten na near n q ua rter wllvelength long is used ,
If, when the voltage is removed from the screen one si(le of the antenna coi l, L 5, should be
a nd pltlte of the 6V6 fi nal, there is 110 flicke r in grounded to the car and a variable condenser
the grid current as the fi nal tank is tuned cOIUlected in scries with the antenna and the
through re80nnnce, thc re is no need to worry other Bide of L 6 When the antenna is neare r a
about ne utralizi ng the fina l a mplifier. How- half wavelcngth long, parallel tuning of L 5
ever, if a lIicker (0. 1 rna. or so) does show up, a should be used. RegardleSl'l of the lengt h of an-
neutrali~i n g capaeity, en, ean be introduced by tennll, the antenna coupling is varied by move-
run ning a stiff wire rrom the free end of the ment of L~ with respect to L. after tuni ng bot h
fina l tank to a poillt near the grid terminal on amplifier a nd tank circuit to resonance. (Bib. 2.)
F ig. 15 10 - Circuit di."a ... of" .,.,,,_
lrol ho~ ror 110" 36_Me. tr"""''''nu.
J - S n ll mio;rophone jack (M allory
702 1J ).
SWI - D.P.I. I. h; , I0 ...,u .."" t 10~~1"
. ... ileh ..,clion. ;n pa ra ll" l. '
Sw. - D . p.8.t. to~~ le . ..itch .
[', - 4_"ro" , cahle oocket (,\ .. ,.
1,1,,," 01 I' F-4).
i'l - 6-p<oll ' .,.101" pJ" . (Am pbenol
n C l'-6) .
I' . -6I'ro" loock et (Amph"nol l' t'.6).
Microphone balleryi." lIu r ,CH 3,\1:.
Microp o" " I.,.d io cabl" i hid.J"d
Ihro",hou l .
The final tank circuit. is the usual coil-and-
(l. A Three-Band 815 Tran smitter condenser combination for 28- and 56-Me.
The 815 du:d beam-power tube is useful -operation, but a parallel-line tank is used on
in v.h .f. applicatio ns. Figs. I511, 1512, 1513 112 Mc. The tuning conde nser used 01\ the
and 1514 show a transmitter using this tube l-ower frequencie s is mountod on a metal
in the output stage on 28, 56 and 112 Me. bracket whi ~ h plugs into the chassis, thus
The 815 enn be used on the lower frequencies making it possible to remove this assembly and
without neutralization, hut in the v.h.f. range plug in the parallel lines used on the highes t
above 28 Me. the high gain of the tube plus its frequency. The parallel-line circuit is tuned by
grid-plate capacity of 0.2 I'J.4fd. will make neu- adjusting a sliding jumper, and t.he antenna.
tralization necessary except when the grid line is tapped onto the tank line through small
eircuit is heavily loaded. However, neutraliza- fixed condenser8. While a coil and c-ondenser
tion is simple and enables the amplifier to be c ircuit could be used with fair efficiency at 112
modulated 100 per cent with no indication of Me., the parallel-line tank hM lower losses and
regeneration and with no fixed bias necessary. consequently gives higher output.
As may be seen in Fig. 1511, a 7N 7 (loktal The 815 is readily neutralized by using sma ll
6SNT GT) dual triode is used as the oscillator tabs of copper, supported on stiff wires, close to
and first doubler, is foHowed by a 7C5 (loktal the plates of the tube. The plate in the tube
6V6) second doubler which drives t.he 815 M !l acts as the other half of the neutralizing con-
neutralhed amplifier on the t.hree bands. With denser, and the combination gives about the
the arrangemcnt n.3 shown, a 7-Mc. crystal is shortest leads possi ble. This construction adds
used for 28-Mc. operation, a I4-Mc. crystal for no expense to the unit except for the two small
56- Mc. operation, and a 28-Mc. crystal for 112- ceramic bush ings ( Millen 32150) through
1\1c. operation. 1 7-Mc. crystals only are to be which the wires arc run . Neutralizing consists
used, addi tional doubler stages will be neceSlJa,ry. simply of moving the copper tabs with respeet
..I L---------;l'
" ". ,.""
Fig. 1511 - Circuit diap'am o!the d ua l beam.po ... er 8 l S-lube 28., 56 and l1 2 l\I e. v.h.f.lranAmi ltc r.
Cl, (4-7S..... fd. m id ~et variable C&, C" C~, C,o, Cll-O.OOS ..... fd. H, - SO,ooo ohm o. [ .... alt.
(Card ... ell ZU 7SAS). mid se t mica. R. -7S.OOO ob m ' ."-alt.
Ca - 2S ..... r.t. midget variable (Card. C. - lOO ..... fd. midget miCJl. R, - 12,000 ohms, I .wa lt.
wel l Z H.2S.A S). C12 - 250...,fd. Inidgel mic.. HI _ I S,ooo ohm!!, I.wa t l.
Ct. - IS ..... fd. per """",ion d".1 mid. C,a. C,~, C '" -O.OO] .. fd. mica. R, - I S,ooo o bll1. , 10.wa tt wi re .
Bel variable (Cardwell ER. C,.-O.OOI"fd. mica, 2S00_volt "'ound.
I S.A D ). . ra'in~. R FC, - 2.S.mb. r. f. choke (N
N - Small coppe r tab. . HI X a
Ca - lS ..... fd.l"'" .. . eet ion d,u] mid. ~.ineh. See'exl. tiona] RlOO).
(e l va ri able . 0"" I pac R , -300 ohm!!, I.wan. UFC" R FC., RFC. - V.b. f. d.
inB, modified (...,e lext). R ; - SOOO oh m l . 10 .wat t wire. choke (Ohmi le Z.I).
(Cardwell ET _IS.AD .) wound. J - CI~-eircu i , jack.
Lr - 7_l\Ie. erysta], 18 t urns No. 22 d.c.e. d .....,.wou nd . S6 M e.: S turns No. 14 e., apaced 100ccupy Ji inch ,
14.Mc. c"ySl a], 1 tur" . No. 22 d.c.c. el.....,.woun d. ""If-aupporlin g, Iinch d iarue ter.
28 Mc. crysta l, 4 tu rnB No.I8 e., spaced to occupy 112 Mc.' 3 tu rn. No. 12. spaced diam eler or wi r~.
~ incb.
All wou nd on Iincb diameter plu,.i n fonnl (Na_
_"'f.. upportin g, % .incb d iame ler.
I..!I- 28 M c.: S tu r nl No. 14 e. ea ch aide of r...,.elf. np.
lio" a l xn. I ). po rting, sa me l er and I pace,1 to
Ui- 14 Me., 8 l urn. No . 22 d.c.c. dOlle.wound On 1 )4. occupy .K inch.
inch d iamet er for m. 56 Mc.' 3 turn l N o. 14 e. ea ch lide o r r.... self's " I"
28 Me., 5 t urnl No.14e . spiced looceupy HI iDch, porti n g. ta me diBmeter a"d spaced to
. df. upportin g. Iinch diametc r . occup y ~ inch.
56 Mc. , '~ , urn. No. 1,\ e .. ap.ce.llooccuPY Hlinch . 112 Mc.' I tum N o. 14 each . ide of t . , 8aru~ .Ii
I dfaupporling. M .inch diamet er. ameter.
Ls-14 Me.' 9 l ums No. 22 d.e.e . cl<Jeewound %.inch L,,-28 Me.: 10 lurul No. 12, I pnced wiredi.melr.,
rrOnl t . (Woun on i'lillen 43001 fo rm.) ...,If'''P I>or l in g, Ipli l in c~nter fo ... ~ inch
28 rot c.: 7 t urn s No. 14 e . paced to oeeupy 1 inch. for coupling link I ~.i n c h diameter .
adf-!;upponin S. I.incb d iameltr. 56 III c.' 4 t uru l No. 12 .paced twice " ,ire diameter.
S6 Mc.' Same I . Lt. ..,H-!; uPI>or l ing, Iplil in cen t er for HI incb
L. - 28 Me. , 9 t urns No. 14 c . spaced t o OC(:upy I inch. [or coupling 1ink.l~.inch d ;am~'er .
..,Lf .." ppor tin g. l .incb diameltr . 1 12 AI c., 11 inchee U inch copper t uhi n g.Bpaced )4 inch.
V.H.F. Transmitters 313
away from the chassis by pil-
lars for safety and for better insu-
lation than would be provided by
fibre washers.
The adjustment of the coils is
simibr to that in any otber trans-
mitter, with a few minor modifica-
tions. If the oscillator plnte coil,
Lt, is wound as specified, the crys-
t&ts should oscillate with con-
denser C1 nbout hnlf meshed. Coils
1-,. and L, are next wound and
plugged in, and a 0--10 milliam-
meter is connected in the grid cir_
cuit of the 7CS. With the crystal
oscillating (as indi cated by a neon
bulb touched to the "hot" end of
LI, or by monitoring the signal in
a receiver), Cz nnd C3 should be
tuned for maximum grid current
to the 7CS. There will be some
interlocking of the tuning of these
two condensers if the coupling
Fig. 1512 - Tbc 815 tran.miner witb 56-Me. coil . in place. Th e 8 15 between L2 and L.. is too tight, and
amplil;~r i5 atlert. 7C5 driv~r in center. and 7N7 OiICill a tor-doubler a t the t\\"o coils should be moved in
ri,ht_ Panel control. Dre. left to ri ;b t, linal , rid. IIttOnd doubler ,ri(l. relation to each other utltil prac-
fi ... t double r plate Dlld <>$Cillator plate . Coils in front are used On t8l\1e.
ticnJJy "one-spot" tuning is ob-
to the tube plates until the stage is neutralized, tained . The grid currcnt to the 7C5 should
as indicnted by no rCllction on the grid current be I.S to 2 rna. with 275 volts applied to thc
when the plate circuit is tuned through reso- pbte of the 7N7. Next, L. should be wound,
nance (with plate and screen voltage otT).
J acks are provided for metering grid and
plate current in the driver and final stages.
The transmitter is built on n 6 X 14 X 3-
inch chnssis. Reference to Figs. lS12, IS13
and ISI4 will show how the various com-
ponents are arranged. The tuning condensers
on the chassis are mounted on the small brack-
ets aVll.illl.hle for the Cardwell Trim-Air eon~
densers. Lowloss bakelite loktnl sockets are
used for the exciter portion, and a ceramic
octal sockct is used for the 815. The oscillator
coil, Lt, plugs into a four-prong ceramic socket,
nnd Millen 41205 sockets, mounted above the
chassis, are providcd for coils ~LJ and L.L~.
The finnl tank condenser, C~, is mounted on a
bracket of aluminum so formed as to support
thc condenser just over the top of t.he 815. Two
copper stmps, wrap ped uround the center of
the rotor nnd bstened to the end-plate spacer
bars, provide a central rotor contact to keep
the finnl tank cin.:uit perfectly symmetrical.
A Millen 4020S plug fastened to the bottom of
the aluminum bracket holds the assembly in
place and provides n. connection for the d. c.
plate voltage as well as n. ground connection
for the bracket. The 112-Mc. parll.llel-line
tank similarly is mounted on a 40205 plug_
The heater current and low-voltage plate
current nre introduced at the rear of the set
through n four-prong plug, while the high volt-
age l)hl5 modulation is introduced through a
separate sdety terminal. The two grid-current
jncks are mounted dircctly on the rear of the Fi~_ 1513 - Anot her "i~w o r the 815 transmitter w'th
112_ ;\1<;. coil. and final .ank in I'lace. No te th e small tabs
chassis and the two pln.te-currcnt jacks are alonAide the 8 15 uaed to.- "eutrali~iIl 8_ M e'e. jack. a",l
mounted on a strip of bakelite Sl1pported well po .. " ....."Pl'l,. ."rm; n . ls . r" at th~ rur or . 10" 0010 ....;.
done with an insulated
8C'rewdriver. The an-
tenna coupling is by
menus of two similar
grid caps which CIl n
be moved up and down
the lines ulltil proper
loading is obtained.
If f.m. is to be used
on the 56- o r 112- MI;.
ba nds the (requcncy-
modulated OflciUator
ca n. be coup led in
through several turns
around L" with crystal
removed from it680ck-
"-i,. IS14 - A .. iew ,mderneu h the ch ...i, of the 8 l S. l ube transmitte .
ct. An f.m. oscillator
is described in Figs.
oond cnoe. Iu d. a.e mad" $A , I' MI .. pogible. a "d . r . leada a .e made witb b ..... y w;.e.
1519, 1520 and 152 1.
leaving off L5 for the ti me being since L. is to be More thau enough excitatio n is available on
made sclfresonllnt. If it ie ill resonance, M ind i the 28-- a nd 56- Me. bands, but there is no ad-
cilted by a neon bulb to uched to the plate end, van tage in r unning the grid current above
J~. may be wound on; but if no t , the tUr ns 4 or 5 rna. si nce t he output will not. inc rease
sholl1d be pushed together or pulled apart until a nd the linearity of the amplifier is good with
signs of r.f. call be seen. Whe n L~ is added the only 3 to 4 mH.. grid current. The r.f. output of
coupling should be made rather loose at fin;t, Lhe transmitter co uld not be mea sured ac-
since it will be found tha t there is more than curately above 28 Me. (where it wo.a dose to
enough drive available Il3 indicated by the 40 watts) but, with the IlLmp loads used, it ILI)-
grid cur rent to the 8 15. The coupling ca.n be pcared to be about. 35 WlLtts o n 56 Me. a nd 30
increased until t he grid current is 6 or 7 mao watts on 112 Me., at the mted input of 60 watts.
It will not normally be possible 00 obtain more A 275-volt and a 400-volt power supply are
thnn 4 to 5 mil. grid cu rrent to t he 815 on 11 2 required for this trans mitter. Figs. 1237 and
Mc., eveD with the eoils tightly coupled, but 1215 show s uitable power s upplie!, although
t his value is sufficient. The pl:tte curren t of the the voltage fro m the s upply o f Fig. 1215 as
7C5 will be between 35 and 40 ma. s hown will be 000 high, a nd a lower.voltage
When grid cur re nt hM been obt:line d in the transformer s. ho uld be substituted. A pl\ir of
815 stage (with no plate or screen voltage lip.- OL6s in Clruss AB] will furnis h enough audio
plied), the tank circuit should be tuned to power to modulate full y the 8 15; sueh Il modu
re80nanee as indic~t.ed by ~ s h ~rp fl icker of the lator un it is shown in Fig. 1311. (Bib. 3.)
grid current. The plates of the neutralizing con
dcnsen; should then be moved with respect to Cl. A 300Watt 56-Me. Amplifier
the tube until no fii ckcr remains, indicating The 5f3..Me. amplifier shown in Fig!!. 1515,
that the tu be is ne utralized. Neutraliza tion 1516, 1517 and 1518 uses a pair o f 35Ts or
s hould always be checked when shifting from 35T Gs runn ing at 200 rna. with 1500 volts on
one band to a nother, s ince &n a ccidental jarring the plates. Wi th approximately 25 00 30 watts
of the tube or some unba lall(:e in the stage may d riving power, the efficiency and performance
affect the adjus tment. If the stage is correctly will be excellent. The 8 15 in Fig.
ne utralized, it will be possible to apply sev 15 11 is a suitable driver, although any tra ns.
eral hundred volts (more might injure the mitter of comparable output will serve.
tube) to t he screen and plate and, with no bias,
the e:o;cita tion off lind the pillte tank unloaded,
be able to detect no signs of r.r. anywhere in
the circuit with any setting of the tank con
de nser. Unless the stage is neutralized, it will
be i mpossible to mod ul~te the amplifier fully
without. d istortion.
Wile n the amplifier 11M been neutrillized,
plnte volt~ge may be applied with t he excitar
tion o n and the fl.mplifier loaded up to its r~ting
of ISO mao at, 400 volts. About 30 watts of audio
power will be requi red to modul~te the stnge.
The linea r tank is tuned by sliding the s ho rt,.
ing bar (two National motnl. tube gdd e\ip$
IIOldered together) up and down the bar until Fi,. JSJS - The 3()O.wau 56-Me. am plifier ;. bllil.
On a chassi. whkh i lIpported by a P.nd ... ood pa nel .
resonance is indicated. The bar has plate volt,. The , rid and plale lu nin l .,.,ntlenHrI a..., adjllued by
a ge on it, and all tuning should be carefully an inl ulued K rewd.i " er throulh hoI ... in tbe poIDe!.
V.H.F. Transmitters 315
The amplifier is built on II. 5 Y2 X {I Y2 X 1}2-
inch chassis and is designed to be mounted on a
panel of metnl or P rC!:ldwood. Two
punel bracketsal'e used ll..Ssupports,
one at eneh end of the chassis. The
pbte tuning condenser, C2, is
mounted on one of these brackets
and insulated from it by small steatite bush-
iTlf:l:s. The grid tuning condenser, l, is mou nted
on the chuS8is and the rotor i!S left unconnected.
Both grid and plate tuning condensers :\re ad-
justed by an ins ulated screwdriver through
"H.. ' .(.
- tSOOv. +
holes in the panel, although di nll' on iZl~ulnted
extension shafts could be used.
The plate tank coil is mo unted on u Millen
40205 plug buse, and the correspl.nding sockcl.
FilJ. 1516- Wirin s tliagram of th e 3OO.watl a n'plif'er.
is s upported on the tank condenser by two
C, - 25.~~ ftl.,..,r section dual (Cardwell EH .25.A O). ~mnll braSIl angles. The grid coil is mounted on
C. - 35.~~fd. I><'r section dual. rolor con tacletl at Cell'
l er (Millen 13035).
:\ Nntionnl PB- 16 plug, nnd its socke t is raised
~,c. - Homemad" n""tral i. ing condensen (8(e leu). above the chassis by small steatite s tand-otr
C--6, C. - O.OOI.~fd. mica. insulutors.
C~ - O.{XH.~fd. mic . 5000.>"01,
The neutralizing condensers arc made from
II, - 2500 oh ms. 1O"atl.
L, - 6 .nrno No . 12. ~.inchd i. m e 'er, spaced toO(:cupy smnll tabs of a luminum with npproximately
Ji ' " ch. Link i~2lUrnS No. 14. I ~.inch diamet er. one square inch of active area, s upported nbout
1.4-41\1"'. i'/Q. 12, l }<l. '"ch i" .id ~
tlia met er. "paced dia mete r o f
wire w;,h ~ ,,"ch sap ,n mid.
die 10 accom modate 3""rn
",,"i ll l''' link of No. 14 ,,"ire.
M, - 0- 100 or I}- ISO milliamnu:lcr.
i-h-1}-300 mili i aml11~ler.
'1', - Filament lransformer, 5 voh~,
8 amp"ru (Thordanon T-
19 F84 )
Fig. J 517 - A view behind the
pand of th e 300_wa \1 amplifier show.
Ihe plate ""t in , eot"I"" ""r .no unlcd
on the pa nel bra ckel .",1 ~ i>",,". good
"Iu of ,lIe c<","!ruclion of Ihe ne"-
lraliz;", cond""""",. The pial" co ,l
locket i. 6upporled QII Ih e 1,Iate tun_
in s condenser by Iwo brau anglee
are run to an antenna tuning unit from the late fully the output of the amplifier. A pair of
terminals on the plate coi l socket. If desired, HY40Zs is recommended for the modulator
t he antenna tuning un it could be mounted di- unit. A suitable power supply , delivering the
rectly above t.he amplifie r, or it could be ne ressary 200 rna. at 1500 volts, can be built
mounted on the wall at the point where the an- along the lincs of the supply described in }' ig.
tenna lends come into the statioll. 1246, substituting lower-current filter chokes
If suflicicnt excitatio n is nvailnble, the grid and power transformer.
current will be 55 rna. or morc when the plate
circuit is loaded to 200 mn.. at 1500 volt.<>. The CI. An F.M. Modulator-Oscillator Unit
amplifier can be londed to 225 rna. or highe r if Where a crystal- or e.c.o.-controlled trans.
the grid current docs no t drop below this value mitterfor the 2S., 51). or 11 ~Mc. band is avail-
..... ith the increased plate loading. The plates of able, it is a relatively easy matter to d isconnect
the Lubel! will ru n a dull red under normal oper- the regular plate modulato r and s uhstit.ute for
ation; if the t.wo tubes do D Ot. show the ume t.he crystal or e.c.o. the Lm. oscillator-modu-
color, it indicl\tes unbalance in the circuit. lator shown io Figs. 1519, 1520 and 1521. The
However, with the amplifier laid out a.s sho ..... n r J. output of the unit is intended to be fed
no trouble of this sort should occur. through a link to 0. tuned circuit which substi-
At 300 watt!! plate input, approximately 150 tutes for the crystal in t he crystAl 08cil1ator.
watts of audio power ..... ill be required to modu- This tuned ci rcuit is resonant at the same fTC-
Fi,. J5J9- Citi:uit d( ........ of the f.m. OO<It.ol ,,"it for IlU with nona . II ) cryl t.I ..,.", trolleti ".h. f. tr.nsmiUU5.
C, - ISO'$I$1fd . il"ered mic. for RI-.O.lmelohm.l.watt. 3.5 1oI c ., I I turns No. 24
7Mc.:6SO$l~ (d.f01'3.5Mc.: R,-25,0000hml. l .w. tt. e., le n s th Minch, l .inch
1150 I'~fd. for 1.74 Mc. R3 R. R, - 50 000 oh",. l.w . tt. d i ...."t"r, tapped 4lh turn
CI - lOOp~(d . v.ri able (Nationa l R~'-3oo oho ..:}i_wul. from ,ron"d. ,
SE.loo). . 11 7-05 me ohm } 1.75 Me., 21 Inrns No. 24 e .
CI-50"$Ird." (Hanullu. R 300 hI ,;. len si b 1 inch, I .incb dia
lund H F-50). ,- 0 rna, }'"I.wall. meter. t' ,'pe d 6th Illrn
C.- I OO'$I" fd. miea. Rt-30.000 ohma, l.walt. fro ... I round.
w-250.~,,(d. mica. R,o-O.5 m"cohm, Hwatt. 14- 14101(:.: 10 tnrna No. 18.
Co-D-OO I ."rd . ... ;"a. R'I-50,OOO obm.. l.w. tt. 1 M(:., 20 turna No. 18.
C,. Ca. c.. C,o-O.O I 'l'rd . pipe.. R'2-5 mecobma, Hwatt. 3.5 M c.' 40 turnt No. ~4.
e" - 3-30."$Ifd. compreNioo> Ir;m R,,-900 ohma, ~.wau. 1.75 Me.' 75 tu.ll, No. 26.
mer (...,1 (u.n open ). R .. - l ""'Iohm, H ..... tt. Allc:oilll wound :with e'!.mekd
e,,-~50'~$Ifd. au.... R I$-0.25 me.ohm. }i.wIII. w, .., 00 l ).i.",(:b d meler
e'l -O.O I .,.d. p.~'. . R"-O.S.m,,..,h .....olume con .."'. form. (1I 1", ... arlu'.'d SWF.
e .. -8'l'fd. 4SO.voh electrol )too;... Rl1- 2000 ohm ... H.wltt. 4 ). 1.75. Me. .,.,,1 (:IOM:.
C.S -O.OI .... (d . PIP(' R 50000 h '" wound; o lhen tpaced to
e, ... Cu -10.,.Id. 25...0It ele<;ln>- 11-. 0 ,nl, 7':I' W1II . le"~lh o f l ).i inchCl.
I),tic. Rn- 0.25 me ,ohm, }i.Wltt. Link 3 to 5 turns (not eriti ... I) .
C'I - O.I'$Ifd. 200'''011 p.per . Roo-0.15 mesohm . 1.w.t t. 1., - Fih er chok .. , I Ohenrys IOma.
C,t. C:ro - O.OI.~ fd .4oo"ol t PAI'('. R FC - 2.5mh . r .r. choke. T, - 250.0.250 voll~. 40 rna .; 6.3
CII - Ou.145O"011 8.~(d. " Iec l ro. L, - 7 lol e., 10 t"r," No. 18 .... "0111 II 2 '",perel; 5 volu
l ytic. l englh H inch. I .inch dia. .. 2 Imllere,. (Thorda rlIOn
en. C2l-8.,J'd. 4SO.voll el""tn>- m eter. tapped 3.d l urll from T.13U I I ).
l ytic. P"DO" .. L Sw - S.!>.,.t. 101,1.. Iw itch.
No...: Dal. for I., i u],ject t o indi"id .. allrimmill, for proper f.t'luenc)' co'era,e. AdjUII I induc l ance hy ch.,
tum 6P.cin5 10 , low rrequency e"d of band nUr rn."in,um U I.acily Oil C~. Coillpecifie'lio". li"en apply 10
.,.,il cent.......J. in round , hield 2 inehCII in dia ... eter Ind 2).i inch ... hi l h. The 3.5 ."d 7.Mc. coil.,i"e f,,11 co"e.I." of
Ih .. S6-60.Mo;... b.nd wlth (4 100 .. ~fd.; the I. 75.M ... coil will wer a!>p.o,.imal~I) 5 7--60 Mc. "'ith the coud ~n...,r.
V.H.F. Transmitters 317
shorted. Care should be taken to avoid
short-circuiting thc grid bias, whether
from a cathode resistor or grid leak. I n
the latter Ctl.&c this usually will mean
t hat a blocking condenser (500 JlJlfd. or
larger) should be connected between
the" hot" end of the grid tank and the
grid of t he ex-erystal t ube, with the
grid lead (and choke) connected on the
grid side of the condenser. Such a
blocking condenser may be incorporated
in the plug-in tank. The grid-tank tun-
ing condcnser may be a small air pad-
de r mountfod in the coil fo rm.
Where a suitable power su pply and
speech amplifier are alrcndy avnilable,
the lo wer part of Fig. 1519 can be omit.-
ted and only the oscillator, buffer and
modulator units need be built. Trans-
former input to the modulator mny
be used where the availnhle speech am-
Fi. 1520 - This mooulUor -oKiHa to r unit is uled ""it h normally plifier happens to hnve a low-impedance
crYl ul-eon u olLed v.h.f.l.r'''Ulli llero for fr~'tue"cy_moJu l ated out _ out.put. circuit. The tmnsforll\cr and
pu t. It co",ain, I!,ch amplifier and po..-er l uppl y. ao thu no gain control connect between ground
additional equi pment i.a nee<led. The 06CilIator coil il in the ro und and point" A " of Fig. 15 19, Rl being
. hid d can ill the cen 'cr. The coil jn th e Idt {ore~round i. t he huffer
outpu t ei..,,,; t. The: l peech amplifier a nd D,oo"lator are: I t the: ri,b , . omitted. Any of the conventional
""i,h the POW'" lup ply .tonl t bc rear. A 7 X II inch chl..i. i, uoed_ me t hods may be used to couple the
modulator to an available speech am-
qucncy lUI t.he out.put tank of the control unit, plifier, with one precaution - if a high-impe-
L,C, in Fig. 1519, and ilJ in fnct identit'al with dnnce con nection is used, thc "hot." lead should
it in conlJt ruc tion. In transmitters using triode be shielded t.o prevent hum pick-up. (Bib . 4.)
or pentode crystal oscitlat.ors in which the tubes If the t ransmitter to be used has a self-ex-
are not well screened, it is advislLble to use the cited oscillator, electron-coupled o r otherwise,
erys tal oscillator tube as a doubler rather than a separat.e oscillator need not be built. The r&-
as a straight amplifie r. If the trans mitter uses a actance modulato r can be connected directly
7- Mc. crystal oscillator, for example, t he out.- across the tank circuit. of the oscillator. If the
put of the unit may be on 3.5 Me. and the grid oscillator has too high a CI L ratio, not e nough
circuit of the ex-crystal tube also tuned to 3.5 deviation may be obtained without dist.ortio n.
Mc. This will avoid difficulty with self-oscilla- It is advisnble to use an L I C ratio in the osci l-
tion in the ex-crystal stage. With a pentode 0s- Jator comparable to those given in Fig. 1519.
cillator it is possible t.o work
straight through, provided t he
grid tank s ubstituted for the
crystal is tUlled well on the
high-frequency side of reso-
nance, bllt this procedure is not
advisable since it may make t he
modulation no n-lineM. It. is
mthcr important that all cir-
cuits in the tmnsmitter b('
tuned "on the nose " for best.
performance. Of course, if the
crystal tube is a well-screcned
tran~mitting type it can be
u.&cd as a ~t raight amplifier.
With harmonic-type crys tal
oscillators the input freque ncy
can be the same as that of the
crystal, since the output frc-
{Iucncy of t he crystal tube is al-
ready a harmOt\ie. I n the Tri-
tet osci11lLtor, the cathode tank
should be short.-cireuitcd; in
the types using a cathode im-
pedance t.o provide feed-hack , Fig. J521- l n , hi. bottom ,i ew. th e r.f. "",ion il U ri J ht and tI,., au.lio
this impedance also should be al left . Tb~ oscill ator lOCket is to> ,h ~ ri ch' of . he: coil s<:>cke:. ill .hcc~"'e:r.
the necessary 6 watts of audio con-
nected in &Cries to the plate Ilnd
screen lead of the 7eS output
amplifier. Used as an Lm. trans-
mitter, the entire unit requires 300
volta at. about 90 rna., making it
idea l to run from a vibrator pac k
for portable/mobile work.
A s ingle-button carbon micro--
pho ne is transformer-coupled to
the 6SA7 reactance modulator,
which is connected across the
tank circuit of the 6F6 c.c.o. A
VRl50-30 stabilizes the voltage
aeroS!! the ~ci1llltor a n d modulo.tor
and aid ~ materially in keeping the
mean frequency COI\!~tall t. The grid
circuit of the c.c.o. tunes from 14
to 15 Me. with a slight margin at
eithe r e nd of the tuning range, and
the plate ci rcuit of the c.c.o. is
H,. J 522 - Th eeon, 1'1~ le S6.j\I c. r.m. lran "",iu~r 10 ... 11 r. f. cOm pon~nl' tuned to 28 Me. by means of a sclf-
mount eo ""der Il1ed,.o.&;" wilh t he ucepl'on of Ihe oecillator , r i,1 coil. resonant coil which is adjusted for
which i8 hou ..,.1 in lloe . hield u n in th e rear eenler of Ih e eh s'" The
lube,. fro", lefl 10 .i,llI , .re 7C5 oulpul .mplifier. 7G1 dou"le 6"' 6 mnximum output by squeezing the
e.c..o.,6SA7 reaelance modulalO nd VRlSO.30 volta,e relulalor. turns togcther or spreading them
apart. Once adjusted, it need not
be touched for any change in tuning conditions.
CI. A Complete 56-Me . F.M. Transmitter The 28-M c. output of the e.c.o. drives a 7G7 /
The t.ransmitter shown in Figs. 1522, 1523 1232 doubler to 56 Me. , which in turn drives
and 1524 will yield a carrier of app roximately the output amplifier.
7 W/ltt!! on 56 Mc., using a plate power supply With a 300-volt supply, the 7C5 final-ampli-
delivering 300 volt!!. A reactance modulator is fie r grid current should be about 0.6 rna. under
incor"orated in the unit. If it. is desired to use load for linear amplitude modulation. If Lm. is
amplitude modulation, the gain COlltrol on the used exelusivciy, the grid curre nt can be lower
reacLance modulator should be set at zero and with no harmful effect other thall a slight de-
Fi 1523 - Wirin, dia!!...... of Ihe complele 56_ M e. '_w.n frequen""'mod,, I'led tralUmitl e .
e, - O.O I -l'fd. 400'''011 paper. N - N~ulrali";", conden.... (tee Lt - 10).i lurn. No. 20 e . p.oed
C. - 8-l'fd. 450,"011el.,.,l rnlylie .nd I~:n ) . to occup,. 1 in"h 00. I_inch
O.OOS_.. fd. mi.,. in pau llel . R, -IOO,OOO.olom ~o]"me control. d'aruel er fOrIO; calhode
ea-O.OO I 'l'fd. mica. R7-15O ohms, J.i. WU I. up 2}i IUrOt up. Plu ned
C. - SOO.""fd. ",i.,.. R a - 0.25 me,ohm (nOI .... rked in in.o M>Ckel on ch ...i.
c,., ela- IOO'''l'rd. mica. d ia 5ram). 14 - 14 tum, No. 20 c., .paced 10
C.- 15'''l'fd. midr;el .... i.b le R. -50.000 ohm.. H-w. tl. OCeUI'Y l }f incbes. 9 / 16_
( lIa",,,,."und HF_1 5). R,- 5000 ohm.. ~.wa ll . i.w:.h diamel".: self,up_
e, - 25_" .. fd. ail .. ered ",ie. R,-25.000 00...... H_w. n. porlin, (see l U I).
c., e,o, e,a-0.OO5 ... fd. mica. R, -0.1 ... eKOhm, }i.wall. 14 - 4 lurnl No. 20 e . H in"b
ell-35_"l' f ,!' mid ,"1 .. a . ;a ble r., -75.000 00""", J.i. W.II. di a mele'. K-oneh lo nr;.
(11 . ...",.rt""d 1I F'-35). 1l:. - 5000ohno.,Iwa n . 1..0 - 6 lu.n, No. 14 10- , ~;( .'nch
e,. - 35'jI.. fd. per ..,,,.ion d"a l "'0 -3000 oh'll$" IO,"UI. i"t ide di a ",el~', ..ou"o 10
....i.ble (C. rdwell ER-35_ R"'C.-2.5_", h. t.r. "hoke. occ" ,. l .inch len5lh. wi .h
AI)). Rt'C, - V.h.f. choke (Ohm'te Z_I). "'_inch !al' in cen'er fo.
e,,-Two SOO'''l'fd. n,ie . o,, ~ al TI-Mi".ophon e Irandormer Iwin ,i n , "nk o f 2 lurns No..
ea"h end o f rolor of C, . (Thoroa....,,, 'I'.58A31)_ 14 c . " m" di. n' ~le .
V.H.F. Transmitters 319
Fig. 1524 - A view ""d" . n..,.t b
Ibe ehN is o f Ih., 561\Ic. f.m.
t.a" smiller .h.., .. Ihe ,o.",ne
oont,ol at Ihe left. Ihe oacill~lo,
oonlrol at Ihe e"nler, Ihe double.
t"nin , .,.,.., Irol .r the ri l hl, Ind
the fina l amplif'er I1,n' n, co ntrol
a, the .ide. The "''''rophonec<'''
neelo, is on the left .ide or Ihe
chaao; and Ihe foU"Pron l pili,
and flexibl e w; . e 001111:1 10
Ihe PO,,e. KIIllp1 ,. and microphol1e
ba u e. y up""l iv"I,. . NOl e lit"
, h id" 1""w",,11 the Ii"al lun i"l
oon""n8e' and Ihe OIICiUa lo, lun
in, conden""., 10 .cd uce .eael ion
be,w"",n lhe two ei rcui". I nd Ihe
wi.e ru"nin , f.o", Ihe doubler
I"ui" ,o..... uden""r 10 near th e r,uKl
,a "k conden.... whieh i. u.,.,.! . . .
ne"trali~' n ,""""" (Ni n f'i .
152] ). The ou' pu t cn"nee ' o ,o I WO
bin,li n, I>()$U On a Vielron nr;p.
crease in output of the amplifier. The 7C5 finnl The plate current of the final amplifie r will
amplifier i ~ plate neutrl\li~ed by running II. be about 45 ml\. whe n the stage is properly
length of ~tifT wire from the plate side of the loaded. The loading is varied by changing the
doubler tuning condenser over to a point near position of the "swinging link" fastened to the
the OIK:n side of the final.a.mplificr s plit.-stator antenna O\ltput binding posts.
t uning condeuser. The capacity fro m this wire Whe n us ing f.m. the amount of deviation is
to the stntor of the condenser is sufficient to controlled by the setting of the gain control,
ne utralize the finnl nmplifier. I t may be ad RI. With the go-in control wide open the devi
jus ted by s nipping off the end of the wire, a ation is over 30 kc. on 58.5 Me., which is more
small bit at a time, until the plate--tank tuning than adequate for all purposes. Whe n the re
shows no react ion o n the grid current (with ceiving statio n does not ha ve a regular f.m .
both plate and screen voltage off). receiver, the signal can be received on a co n-
No difficulty Ahould be e ncoun tered in ventionnl receiver by reducing the deviation
adjus ting the trans mitter other th n.n setting at the t ra ns mitting end and tuning the sig nnl
the e.e.o. coils to the proper freque ncies. The off to one s ide of resonance at the receiving end.
grid coil should be adjusted to cover the proper
range with the reactance modulator tube in the I. A Complete Low Powe red 112-Mc.
circuit. The range can be varied by pushing Tran 5miHer
the turns together o r spreading them apart, The trans mitte r show n in Figs. 1525, 1526
while checking the rCllulting freque ncy on a and 1527 is a co mplete low-powered unit UlIing
calibrated receiver. The e.e.o. plate coi l ca.n linear tank circuits ins tead of coils and con
best be adjusted by reading grid current to the densers. T he circuit ( Fig. 1526) is of the
fin al amplifier (by connecting a ().. 1 rna. d.c. "tunedpiate tunedcathode" variety, which
milliam meter between R, and ground) and gives good stability a nd efficiency on 112 Mc.
adjusting L2 until the 7C5 grid current is a Using 7 A4. ty pe tubes as shown, the transmi t,.
maximum with the oscillato r set at 14.5 Mc. ter will deliver several watts o utput.
The transmitter, complete with
modulator and power supply, is built
ona3 X 4 X l7inch chlL89is. As may
be seen in Fig. 1525, the power tran&-
former, rectifier tube and filter choke
are mo unted at the Icft,.hand end of
the chassis, the modulator tube a nd
microphone t.raruformer are in the
center, and the various r. r. compo-
ne nts are on the right.-hand s.ide. The
sockets for the 7 A4 tubes arc oriented
so that the heater prongs the
left-hand e nd of the chassis.
T he plnte lines mount in National
FWD terminal s tri ps which have been
equipped with bannna-plug jacks.
The strips nre placed 2~ inches apart,
/o'i,. J525-A oo'''l>le,,, 10Wl .... wcre<l l I2. M e. Iran' ''''ue. " 0;" 1 on either side of the 7 A4 sockets. The
I;n",.. plate and cathode lank ci reui" . The e. thode l un; n ,;. COn. p.a te linCllare held together firmly by
troll ed by ,h e knob a( Ihe . ish l a nd tbe vo lume control i . at Ihe
ce n'e' , j us ' ahove t he microph one j ack. The rubber ,rommct b,, a copper stri p at the s horted end and
tween Ib" , ...... knot.. ; ... ul at~... theKl'ewdri .. er u... d for 1.IIIe luninc. by improvised polystyrene 5pacerllat
~Sw,'~ L_....J
F i,l_ 1526 - Ci.""it d i. ' ...... of the ', nur _lank low_powered ll2. . M e. tra" smitte.
CI- 1 5-~ ~fd . u riahl" (Na tion '! UM.15). r... - 1'1 ~te line. ; )'(.inch o.d. oop~r 'ubinr. 15 in ches
C2 - S ma ll di,k.type ne utrali" ,,, , eoodeuac r ( Bud lo n l . , paced ),i-i nch o n Cenl e ...
NC.890), 14 - Anlenna oou pl,,, . loo p, 4 inches of No. 14 wire, ~
Cs _ 25.,.fd . 25_\'011 elec trolytic. incb I pa" i" l.
C. C. - 8."ed. 450.volt electroly tic. Lt. 14 - 10 henr ,.... 55 ma . (T h.,..bnoll T .14C64).
Ut'- IO,OOO ohm }i,w," l. J. - Do ub le_ bull On microphone jack.
1\, UI - 25 oh m... }i-wat l . SWI - S.p., .t. 10. l lc , wi tch.
U:- ohm... ) .wa u. 5",,- D.p.d.t. lo~.le Iwitch.
it, - 5O.000.ohm volume control. T I - 300-0.300 yolt 60-..... ' .. o, lorme. witb 6.3- and
n .-25,OOO ohm... IO....a n . 5'''011 windio._ (Thord. ..." T-13RI7).
L\ - Grid linn; ~.i"cb o. d. copper lubiD,. ll ~ inche. T2 - Double.bu tton micropbone 10 . io lle ,rid u .....
lo n l pooocd ~.iocb o n ce Me.... (ormer (UT e 5-6).
the ccnter and near the plate end. These spac as indicated by a d rop in plate current. The
ert! are made by cutting an FWB terminal strip osci llating plate current should be about 20
in haIr and enlarging the holes so they can ae-- rna. , rising to 50 rna. or more when the unit ill
cept the copper tubing. The ends of the linea not oscillating. Antenna coupling is adjUl>ted
m\U~t be fl ared out sufficiently so that they by changing the position of the antenna cou
equal the s pacing between the holes for the piing loop, La, with respect to the plate lines.
banana--plug jacks. Banana plugs are soldered The coupling should be made such tha t the os--
to the ends of the copper t ubing_ cillato r is loaded to about 35 rna.
The cathode lines are mounted underneath A O--l(M) milliammeter is used for me8..lluring
the chassis. At one end they are connected di plate current . When it is s wi tc hed across R2 by
recily to the cathode pins of t he 7 A4 sockets, means of Sw, it reads the oscillator plate cur-
the other enda of t he cathode lines being sup-- rent, and when it is across both R2 and Rs it
ported by a grounded metal pillar. The cathode will read the total oscillato r and modulator
tu ni ng condenser is mounted on the front wall plate cu rrent. The 6F6 Ehould draw a bout 50
of the cha8sis, wh ile the plate tuning condenser rna. (combined screen and plate current).
is mounted on the rear wall. T he location and As with all self-exeited, a re-
mounting of the other parts may be seen in liable frequcncychecking system should be
the underchll88is view , Fig. 1527_ used to ins ure that the transmitter is working
1n tuning to the II2-M c. band, first set the within the assig ned band. The frequency of the
pht.te tuning condenser, C2. so that t he spacing oscillator is lowered by fiIlit increasing the ca
between plates is appro:dmatcly U inch. The n pacity or C, and then retuning C, fo r maximum
aPl)ly plate voltage and rotate the cathode output. Either a single-- or double--button car
tuning condenser, CI , untill)l;cillation starts, bOD microphone may be used.
,paced d i.",e @
ler of l"h i" l.
l.. - Hairpin link for
, u lenn, flO u_
p l in , ; len ' lh
.ppru.iru.te _ 7:.5 '1. 7.''1.
1,3 ineb.,.. -1000 V. +1 000'1
much in common with the one de!icribed in the Tuning is si milar to that a lready described
preceding section, but conventionnl tubes of for the low-power trunsmitter. The setting of
the medium-power class are employed. Funda- CI which gives minimum plate current is not,
me ntally, the circuit of :F ig. 1529 is the same as howevcr, the adjustmellt at which the oscilla-
tha.t of the r.r. portion of Fig. 1526 except for tor delivers maximum output. A Inmp-bulb
the slight changes made nece88ary by t he dummy Rntenna cOlllllcd to the pipes will show
directly heated type of tube used. T his arrange- that, as the condenser setting is slightly altercd,
ment, even with conventional tubes, opera-tell the plate curreDt will rise and the output will ill-
with an efficiency of about 50 per cent.
A glance at I"ig. 1528 will show the ar-
rangement of the plate circui t, supported
un Lop of the cll1l1:1l;is. The ch!Wlis is "}i
inches wide, 15incheslong, a nd 2~ inches
dee p. There is no tUlliug condelllwr for
the plnte linc; a cOlldcnser may be uMcd,
if desired, but for best efficiency the line
should be made lUI long as possible. The
line is relativcly short for the frequency,
the reason being that the iuternal tube
lcads make 1\ considerable addition to the
lIctuallength of the Iinc, plus the loading
effect of the t u be plate-grid
T he high-voltage conncction, brought
through ""I insulator in thc Ilh!Wlill, is Fi8- ISJ{)- A below-ch a ..;' ..iew of lite 112-l\fe. MCill ator.
crease. The current should not be al
lowed to exceed 200 rna. at full load.
Other tubes than the T IOs shown
have been used quite 8\Lccessfully in
this circuit, including types 809, T20,
RK32, IlKll, RKI 2, SIl , and T Z40.
~t i!1 others of similnr constructio n and
ratings probably also would function
satisfactorily. Tubes like the oK21
and 35'1' will work wcllnt 224 Me.
A modulator capable of deli vering 100 watts
of audio power is required whe n the transmitter
ill opernted at 200 watts input. A pair of
HY30Zll in CI/l..SS B is recommended for the
modul:itor un it.. A suitable power supply which
will furnis h the nccCSlInry 200 rna. at 1000 volLs Fi,. JSJ2-C;reu;t of the I rid -& 'abmxcd Ira"unilter.
is shown in Fig. 1225. C, - I S_"" fd. dual condt'li.<:r ( 118",,,,wrl,,,, oJ 11 F. ISX).
C, - Q.OOZ." fd. mica.
4I. A Grid-Stabilized 815-Tube c,. - F""d.bad. co.. denut (H~ t~st ) .
112 -Mc . Tran smiHe r RI - ohm8. I.w .. , .
H2-ZS,OOO ohm8. IQ ." . ' I.
The transmitter s hown in lo' i,l!;S. 1531 , 1532 L , - ~-illeh diameter COPI"'t lubin,. 23 ;neh", lo .. ~,
and 1533 UJ!eS an 815 dunl benm-power tube in ' pa""d I ;noob On eenle ... : , rid s tapp-coJ 2M
a grid-tltabilized oscillator circuit whid\ can be inch". from . honed end.
L. - 2 I"rll$ N ... 12 c . I inch d iamelCf,I"m pllccoJ to
used Ilt 11.11 input of 60 watts with good efficiency. """"pr. M ;neb.
The circuit (Fig. 1532) is the basic tuned-grid 1.. - 2 turns No. 12 c., ~.inooh diameter, t ur ... ... aced
tuned- plate circuit except that a linear tank 10 OC<:U I'Y ){ in ch.
R~'C - V.h. f. r .f. <:: hok ~ (Ohmi l e Z.t).
instead of 1l coil and conden&c r is used in the '1'1 - 6.3volt 2_amp-cre'ilamelll tra "Alormer (T hord.r_
grid circuit. Dy tapping the grids down on the ..... T-19F8l).
line tile londing is light, and consequently the
line retains it!! high Q. The 815 docs not have one-halfinc h from the box by three feed-through
high enough grid- plate capacities to give all of insulators, which also serve as convenient con-
the necessary feed- nectors to the grids and to the grid lea k. The
back, and some ad- open ends of the parallel tubes are fitted with 3-
diti o nal capacity inch lengths of ~-ioch diamete r tubing which
must be added be- can be moved in and out to adjust the fre(llIency
tween plAte and of the oscillator. The extensions arc held se-
grid in both ~r-tio ns curely in place by set screws in holes tapped
of the tube. This is through the wall of the H-inch ou ter tubing.
e!u<i1y don e by run- The plnte tuning condenser is sU I>ported by a
ning two short 3-inch steatite pillar which ailiO acts a s !\.
lengths of wire fro m guide for the sliding v-ilriable antenna coupling.
the plate terminals Two lnrge 866-type plnte cli ps arc s lid over
to near the grid lines the pillar, and the antenna binding-post as-
(C F in Fig. 1532). sembly (National FWD) is fastened t o them
The transmitter with short lengths of No. 12 wire. By eliding
is mounted on a 3 this assembly up and down, the antenna
X" X 5-inch metal coupling can be set to any value desired.
box which housea There is nothing unusu,,1about the tuning of
the filament tran&- the transmitter, as ide from the ndjustment of
former and the vari- the feed-hnck condensers. This can best be done
ous fixed condens- with a dummy load , lIuc h IIJl, a 25-watt l"mp
ers, resistors, sm.! bulb, connected to the antenna terminals. The
the d. choke. The lead from the grid leak, Rio to ground s hould
grid line ill made of be opened and a 0- 10 mim l~ mmeter eOllnectcd
~- illch copper tub- in the ci rcuit. With plate voltage npplied, t he
ing nnd is supported plate tuning condenser should be rotnted for
Fill.. lSJI - The ,rid_
maximum output indicated by the brilliancy
. ,.hiliu,d 81$ H Z_Me. of the lamp. The grid current s hould be be-
tr. lIsmilt~r; 1 mOll ll ,td twee n 3.5 and 5 rna. at this point. If it is highe r
o n a 3 X 4XS.i"eb there is too much feed-back , and the feed-bfl.Ck
b Ol<o F r ooqu en ey i .
eh~ n ,ed lo r adj usti"l
ca pacity ahould bc reduced by trimming o ff n
,he I~ n ~ th of , he I r; short length o f the wire or by moving it a way
lin e. by &lidin8 th ~ fro III thc g rid line!!. Thi8 l1djustment. is lIot crit-
inn e r tub et in a nd ical, but it should be made before the trans mit-
out. Tbt PO"~r .. uppl y
cablt plu , il moun,ed ter is put on the air. After the proper fced-back
011 the side of the bol<o adjustment is found, the antenna enn be
V.H.F, Transmitters 323
using fnifly high C to improve the carrier sta-
bility and reduce frequcncy modulation. Cou-
pling between t he oscillntor t.a.nk circuit and the
antcn ns. is varied by meallS of a s winging link .
The Rudio portioll of the t rans mitte r employs
a single-butt.on carbon microphonc working into
a 6C5 Class-A d ri ver stage, which is trans-
former-co upled to a 6Y7C Clnss- B modulator.
Wi th a &-volt microphone batt.cry, the output
is more than adequate for full power output.
fro m the lIpecch system. The CIIlSS-B modula-
tor gives higher power efficiency a nd lo wer av-
erage plate current tha n a A modulato r,
and , as a result, thc prol>ortio n of thc limited
power-supply outllut curre nt which must be re-
served for the audio sectiOl1 is relatively low.
The 6 Y7G , an oct 1l.1-bascd version of t he 79, re-
quires a platc-to-plnte load resis tance of about
14 ,ooo o hms. The oscillator, operating with 300
volt.<! nt 5 0 Inn., representa a load impedance of
6000 oillns, so thnt the primary-to-secondnry
imlw,<i:lnce mtio req ui red in the coupling t rans-
former is 2.3 to I. With the trn nsformer speci-
fied n close ap proximation to this ratio is se-
cured whe n t he tnps s pecified fo r matching
4500 ohms to 10.000 oh ms arc used.
T hc tTlUlsmittcr is enclosed in a 5 "X 6 X 9-
i nch metal cabinet. I\ l o~t of t he pa rts are
mounted on a chMSil'l ( leA ) mensu ring 4 ~ X
8M x I M inches. The I)anel and c hassis arc
fastened together by the mo unting sleeves for
f 'ill. 15J3- A d oee-up .. iew of the 815 tranllPlilter. the d.c. in put plug, gain control and jacks which
s howi" , how th e a" le"". co.. "lin l i, e b.n led by slidi " ,
lhe ."'e",,a..:o'I I "III)(>rl o n Ihe in.n l.tins pill. r. No le may be seen in .Fig. 1534; the microphone jack,
the wirefl (or ( con trol ru " " in~ from Ihe pl a lel of h , is the one s.t the rig ht. The feed-through i n-
the 8 1S cl<>oI<: 10 ,I,e , r II' ''eI. T he fila m e nt Ira nB!"rme r s ula tors which serve as a nte nns. termi nals may
antl tbe vario" , refl;lIo:n-1 . "d bypaH conde .......... re beSCCIl at the top lert-hand corner of the panel.
moun ted in the b<>s bo,,-n bere witb one side removed.
A hole for screw-driver t un ing of the 06eilllltor
is drilled below one of the antenna insulators.
coupled to the trnnllmitter and mod ulation ap-- This hole preferably should be d rilled aftcr C1
plied. The frequency may be checked by means has been mounted, to insure that ii lines up
of Lecher wires or a frequency meter. The an- \\'ith the condcnser IIhl\ft. The swinging-link
tenna coupling should bc t igh tened- un til the control shaft is locnted to t.he right of this hole.
plal.c current i9 ISO ma.; the grid current should Fig. 1536 shows the chllssis nrrange ment of
be between 3.5 and 5 Ion. under these conditions. the main comj>OlIents for t he transmitter. The
T he power s upply ill req uired to deliver 6C5, T2, the 6Y7G a lld the HY75 may be
slightl y over 165 mo.. nt 400 volta, and the
modulator mus t give nt lenst 30 watta to mod-
ulnte the oscillator fully. A pair of 6L6s in
CI:1S8 A B, wi !! be satisfactory for the modu-
lator, while the 400-volt s upply can be t he
same as suggested for Fig. 1512_
fI. A 15 - WaH 112- M c. Tran smiHer far
Mobile Use
T he tr1l.nsmitter shown in Figs. 1534-1537,
inclusive, is designed to be used in an automobile
in conjunction with a vibrator power supply
giving 100 rna. at 300 volta. T he most con-
venient Ililice to mount it is in the trunk
compartment 1I.t the renr of the car, nnd a oon-
trol Systenl is shown for opcratiug the unit from
the driver's sent. The oscillator is operated at
15 watts input, and delivers enough powcr out- Fi- 1534- A complete 1 12_lIIc. m o bil.. tnnll'niu et
put to give l!.Il excellent account of it&::lf. b.,(ore ;n~ t.allaUoo. Tbe vibrat o r , u l",ly i , in th e IU KC
bo" at the r e. r. The twO I.rl e r " "ito '''.Y be i,,",a \l etl in
As may be seen from Fig. 1535, the oscillator Ihe I"",k comparl m e nt o ( Ihe u r . " ' h jle .he COlltf<),
uses an H Y75 tube ill the ultraudio n circuit, 00" i . mouDted IIc ar Ille op.eral(>r in Ih e driye'-' K-II t .
seen from left to right along the renr edge of the the uppe r left-ha nd corn er. C. is the t u h ular
chas.'l.js . T 1 is located at t.he front. left-hand COT- corldell8er between the tube socket
ncr, with T3 to the tight. CI is mounted on a u nd the microphone jack. T he s haft of the
stnnd-otT insulator wh ich elevate! the con- a udio gain control, RJ, should be s lott ed before
de nser mounting bracket 1% inches above the the resistor is mounted. T he four-prong power
blUie. The nut which clamps the mounting pl u g is mounted 0 11 the panel and projects
bracket nnd condenser toge ther should be t h rough n I Va-inch hole in the chnssis wall.
loosened and the bracket rotated ISO degrees; T he cabi net hns rolled -over edges to which
this red uces the length of t he leads associated the panel is fastened. T he panel Rnd chaS8is
with the t uned circuit. The co ndenser shtt.ft assem bly cnnnot be sli pped into t he case un-
s hould be slotted with a hack saw to allow less the ed ges on the bottom a nd sides are cut
screw-driver adjustmen t. out ; the e n tire length o f t he side pieces need
T he T.f. circuit arrangeme nt is kept M com- not be remo vcd, but the bottom edge should
pact as pOSllible. T he plate d. choke is to the be cut off complct cly.
left of the tube, a nd the grid choke, Ct and R. The control-box components all are \I onISed
a re 11.1. the right. L. is soldered di rectly to the in n 3 X " X 5-inch metal utility box. The
te rm inals of C,. Small-siz.ed shield braid is four-prong power plug is mounted a t one e nd
used for the flexible lead between the HY75 of the box and the rest o f the parts are mounted
plate cnp and the tuned cir cuit. o n one o f the long sides. The mic rophone bat.-
T he swinging link is easily const r ucted. It is tery also can be pla ced inside the CIU!C, if de-
made from a panel-beari ng assembly with the sired; however, th is calls for fi ling do wn the '
sha ft cxtension cut down to a length of I inch. turned-down edges, since t he opening is a bit
A picce of )i-inch polystyre ne ro d is fMOOned too small to p1l.SS an ordinary &-volt dry ba ttery
to the metal shaft by means o f a. solid metnl sitc h as t he Burgess No. i<'4 PI.
shaft coupli ng. T he e nds o f the li nk windi ng Heavy-duty togg le swit.ches should be used
plUlS thro ugh holes drillcd in t he polysty rene for t he storage-battery circui ts. Most radio
rodj adequate rigidity will be obtained if t he ptlrt.8 dealers carry s witches of a ty pe designed
holes ill the s ha ft are not made too large and to handle 12 amperes at 125 volts. T hese
the wires are cemented in place. The projecting swi tches are usual\y of the d.p.s. t. variety, a nd
end of t he pa.nel-bearing s haft is slotted , to the poles may be connected in parallel to i n-
facilitate screw-driver adjustment. crease t he safety fMtor.
Fig. 1537shows the arrange ment of the parts P ln.te current can be measured by using a
mo unted beneat h the ch nssis. C, a nd R2 a re a t 0- 100 milliammeter fi with a plug fo r the
F i,l . 1535 - Wirill , d'a, ra ... Ol f rbe 15...a \l lI2. Mc. mOlbil " t ra nsm itl er, i " cludi ,, ~ <:oll Ero l .. ml "" ...". eire" it><.
Cr - 35_.... fd . mid ,"1 varia bl" {ll a mmarl"Dd U F .J5l. l r, J, - Mid ,e l el<>&ed.Qt""il jack.
CI-lOO-"l'fd . ... iea. I I, J. - Mid,e l open--<ircu;1 jaek.
CI- t o'I' fd . SO.YOlI! el ec t rolytic. S" Sa - ll uyy -du t y cl.p.t.!. IO~R l e swi reh.
C. - 8." fd. -ISO_ yol! "I .. e!rolyt ic. 8 " Ih - l SO-", . d iaJ Ji, hl.
Hr -5000 ohm I _w. tt. R FC- V.h. f. r.f. choke (Oh m ite Z. l l.
III - 1000 011 " ,., l .w.lI. Tr - Sin ~le_h"lton mictOl,bone IOl l; n KI" or 1',..10.",,11
11 1-0.1''''''101, 0, u ria h'e. lP"id. (ThOlrdareon '1'.36'\02).
L, - 2 turn. of J.i_ine" dia merer OOl'""r tu bi n l. U _inch '1'2 - l "l crsl a~ .. audio, ,in~lc ph"e t o ''''8h .,.,,11 .rid8
dia mel er , lurnl "I'at\ ~ ineh . r fhorcbreon '1' -190(6).
Unk - 2 tu rn. No. 12 ..ire, J(. ineh di. m",,,r, ' " r " " ' . - Ou ' pu t tn n&rorn,er, I O,OOO-ohm prima..,. 10
_paced I ... ice wir" d'am eler . 45OO ... hm _ nd ar r rfho,-.dareou 1.'_111\1 59).
V.H.F. Transmitte rs 325
However, any supply that will deliver
the necessary voltage and current will
be quite satisfactory. An a.c. supply
for testing purposes may ruso be pro-
vided; it should have the same output
capabilities as the vibrator su pply,
n.nd should include a filament trans-
former designed to de li ver 6.3 volts
at 3 or 3.5 amperes.
The antenna can be either a quar-
ter-wave (24-inch) , or a half-wave (50.
inch) rod. It is easiest to feed the an-
tenna with a short length of two-wi re
transmission line, tuning the system
by connecting a s mall 15-...... fd. con-
denser acrO$!! the link orin series with
t.he line, dcpending on the length of
!.he line. The antenna tuning con-
denser may be mounted right on the
antenna terminals of the tra nJ!mitter.
The control box should be mou nted
at some convenient point near the
driver's seat, either under the dash or
above it. Fig. 1535 shows how the con-
trol box is wired into the circuit, nnd
Fig. 1427 s hows how receiver control
Fit. 1536 - Rear ~ie ... of tbe IS.... u 112.1'01 ... mobile tr. ...8miuer. can be included in the arrangement
to give a complete mobile station.
plate jacks, J I a nd J 2. The oscillator plate- The four leads which run from the control
current reading should be approximately 3S boll" to the transmitter in the t r unk are encased
rna. with no antenna load connected and with in large-sized spaghetti tubing a nd s hielded.
300 volts on the plate. The anten na coupling The power-supply unit also is housed in a
Ilpd tuning should be adjusted to obtain a full- metal cabinet, for good appea rance as well as
lond curre nt of approximately 50 rna., using for protection. Both cabinets (transmitter and
thc lOO6C8t a ntenna coupling which will give power supply) should be bolted to the trunk
the desired plate current. Boor before the rest of the equipment is in-
The modulator plate-current reading should 5talled. The tra08mitter and supply can then
be nbout 25 rna. without s peech and should rise be slipped in plnce and bonded together and to
to about 100 rna. on modulation peaks. Under the car frame.
full modulation the plate current of the oscilla- Current and voltage readings will be low un-
tor will kick downward slightly because of the less the power unit and the t ransmitter fila-
lowered oscillator plate volt:\ge caused by the ments receive the full batte ry voltage. The
powcr-llupply regulation as the modulator s light dro p caused by long leads can be toler-
current increases. ated if the car battery voltage is up to stand-
The preliminary testing might well be a rd, but a run-d own battery may cause trouble.
carried on with a dummy load coupled to the The voltage at the transmitter will be variable,
oscillator. AP, a matte r of fa ct, this procedu re because the voltage a t the battcry termi nals
i6 recommended unless the transmitte r fre- ranges all the way from 6 to 8 volts depend ing
quency has been act inside the 11 2-Mc. band on whethcr or not the car motor is running. Suf-
before t he actual installation in the automobile fi cient voltage should reach the equipment if
is started. Tn any event., alwA.y~ cheC"k the fre- motor is turning over at a s pced which causes
q uency carefully each time before starting reg- thedll.!!hammeter " eharge8" to indicate. (Bib. S.)
ular operation because the antenna loadi ng will
affect t he frequency. AlllO, because the oscilla-
tor has a high-C t uned circuit, a small variation
ill the fletting of C l will camsc a conside ra ble
ju mp in frequen cy. It is wise t o check the fre-
quency wheneve r an adjustment of any kind is
made. Frequency checking can be done with
a n absorption-type frequency meter, with
Lec~e r wires, or by listening o n a calibrated
recei ve r.
A 300-volt l 00-m:l.. vibrator-type power
supply is reC"o mmc nded for mobi le operatio n.
Thc self-rectifying type ill the least ex pensive
and places thc Rmallest load on the car battery. Fi,. 1537 - BoUODI ~iew or t he mobile tran8mitU!r.
of Ct. It will be found thaHhe output is greater
towards the maximum-capacity end of the
rsnge of C\. The frequency coverage of th",
tmnsmitter sho uld be checked, \Ising L<-cher
wires or n fretluency meter, to make eu re that
it will cover the desired range. The coverage
can be adjusted slightly by changing the
separation of the copper tubes ; if this ie not
enough, the tubes will have to h.e made s horter
or longer. Thc tuning condenser is adjusted by
mcans of an insul!~ted screw driver.
L, c,
Fit!.. 1538 - A 224Me. tnn l mil ler nl in , an 1I~'75 tube. FiIQ~nt
II." lar hole in t he lOP o f the eba.., llo .... Tnmsformer
Ihe . unlnl eondenier 10 ~ placed for shor, ...., 10:,<11. CUlf4rU,p
The condenoer i, adju.ted by an inaDla ted 11(:''''''
dr,",,'. Fill. 1539 - Wirin, d ia,ra.., of the 2.24-Me. QKillat .....
C 1 - l{lO .... fd. m id ~e l varia ble (Naliona l UM. IOO).
R,-SOOO oh ml . 10 ... 11 ..ire.wound .
CI. A Trans mitter fo r 2 24 Me. Ll - ~.i"eh copper ",\.>i,,, Hi jnch.,. lonl, Ipaced M
At frequencies higher than 116 M e., consider- inch Oil ceone ....
able difficulty is found in getting good per- L2 - 2jnch 100\' o f No. 16 bllTe wirc.
nFC,- V.h.l.r.f. chok .. (Ohm ite ZI or Z..o).
formance with tubes other than those d esigned IUC,. n Fw - IO lurn l No. 18 e., cloee-....... "d 0<> H-
expressly for v.h.f. operation. However, there inch dian'ele u,',lOI" linl.
Ilrc several inexpensive tubes available to the
amateur that will perform well on 224 Me. The The trans mitte r requires a plate power
t ransmitter in Figs. 1538-1540 s hows how one s upply delivering 60 rna. at 400 volts, a nd the
of theile, the HY75, may be put to work. modulator unit should be capable of furni sh-
The transmitter is built on a 3~ X 6*inch ing 12 watts of audio power. The 6A6 modu-
piece of }i-inch Prcsdwood supported by two lator described in Chapter Thirteen will be
s tripe of 1 X 2-in ch wood. A rectangular quite adequate for the purpose.
hole is cut in the center of the Presdwood to Bttause of its small size, a transmitter of
accommodate the tuning condenser, which is this type can be built !l.8 a unit into a rotat-
supported by two metal pillall! at one end. The able antenna for the 224-Me. band, if desired_
tuned circuit consists of two lengths o f ~-inch It is desirable not to run a feed line for any
copper tubing, 3~ inches long, which are 8Up- great dis tance at this frequen cy, because of
ported at one end by two food-through instl- the possibility of rn.diation from the line.
latoll!. T he ends of the screws in the feed-
through insulators arc sweated into th~ ends of
the tubing, and the tuning ('ondenser is con-
nected to two lugs right at this point. Counee-
lions from the tubing to the grid and plate ter-
minals on the tube arc made by }i-inch lengths
of flexible shield b raid. The filame nt ehokC!!,
the plate r. r. choke, and the grid leak aTe
mounted unde r the chassis.
The ante nna-coupling circuit CJ)ll!\.ists of a
loop of wire parallel to thci'eo pper tubing and
te r minating in the antenna binding POlits.
Coupling is varied by moving the loop }learer
to or farther away hom the eopper tub\N~
The tfJ!ns mitter should first be tested with a
dummy ..1oad. A IO-wstt lamp bulb is ex-
cellent for the purpoae. The loild is "connected
to the antenna poatll nnd the power - aupply,
Fill. 1540 - T he r .f. chok .... li nd the sritl leak are
turned Oil. If everything is connected prope.rly, mounted untler Ihe ehUl is o f t he 22'l_Mc. IrR Mm ill~ r.
the lamp will light, its brillin.ncy depend~lIg Th .. power-. u,." ly cable i, brough t Ih rou Rh hol e i n. lh~
upo n the tightnCSl; of coul)ling nnd the setting .ide pj~ce 10 lie Il rip n,onnted on the left. hBntl.,dc .
V.H.F. Transmitters 327
frequency region. The oscil-
lator in Fig. 1M2 is designed
t o work at approximately
400 Mc., and that in f igs.
1544- 15 45-also s hown,
completc wi th nntcnnll. and
reflector system. in Fig. 1541
- operates a t. 700-750 Mc.
Doth oscillato rs use the
quarter-wave parallel-l ine
circuit shown in Fig. 1543.
and both employ concentri c
antennas which are made a
permanent part of the 011-
The half-wave parsllel.
rod type of oscillator is Ulscd
because of its un failingly
consistent operation o.nd be-
cause of its ability to transfer
a rclatively large percentage
of its power o utput into the
Fi8. 1541- A 750. M c. tran. miner ,,! in l . n .""''' trioor AI an ....,iII.t"r. Th" antenna, as compared to
.,...,nlrie ant"nn. ia . n inteJr.1 part of tb e ......:-illuor ""il. The 1Iq".re other os('ilIatoMl des.igned for
corner relleclor cou.,.., lraIH 110" rad iUio ti in th" dHired direc tion. ( W6 10 J .) higher stability. Al though
the stabi lity of the parallel-
rod oscillato r is rclatively poor, in marly calles
I. Microwave 0 5cillators the lack of stability in a microwave oscillator
III the microwllve region - roughly, on lies not 150 much in the electrical design as in
wavelengths belo"' one meter o r frequencies the mechanical construction. With this in
above 300 Mc. - the re is opportunity for mind, t he oscillator should be required to
much interC6ting experimental work. Figs. tune smoothly, be shieldcd from external ob-
154 1 to 1545 show two oscillators which illus- jects to minimi~e stray radiation. and have a
trnte the type of construction neCC8l!ary in this mechnnically rigid antenlla system.
"';8. 1542 - u!t - A ~.,nera l .. iew of th e 400.Me. oeeill . tor. The p.ra ll el.line hn k cire"i l ia motlnled inaide.
2_i" <:10 cop per pipe whi ch "'rv'" both hiehl."d .. ,,"o,"'tin l ba&C: . T I,e 9:>5 acorn tube ia Plour..ed.1 .I,e e" d. of
Ih" r.,...,,,.,,t ' i"". TrouKh Ii ...,. "'_...... 0:1 ..."81" lonl are "sed ror tunin l the fiI. men t circuit in thia """i llslo . Th"
Ye.l ic.l" ipe.l the rea' i. the concent ric lin e to t he . nte""I . Ri,vl/ - Th" tuninl m h.n u m of t he400Me.
_ iIIu..... Only OOe .dj"U Ule.U 'ch.aU,. i. ,,&cd io l"oin lO .he o.he. 10.1" .><:<:. tbe lio" (or masion,,", OU lp"t .
pipe, while t he other is insulated from the
pi pe with t hin mica. sheet for t he filament
return connect ion.
......;.". .---1l:~.,
Use of concentric line ins tead of the t rough
, complicates the manner of adjust ment. T he
line with the cl03ed end , projecting to the right
r in Fig. 154!i, is cut to approxima te length and
.' ,, soldered in place with no means of adjustment,
,, while the second liue is made a quarter wa ve
,, louger. The eud of the longer line is at a voltage
, node and is left open, a llo wing the length of the
. inner conductor to be varied fo r filamcnt-cir-
\ ------_... r ...... ..~
,.'i,.J545 -lAJl - The 750-Me. oacill ator d i.....,mbled. , ho" 'in l Ibe 2_ineh out er . hell " 'ilb the lilament line.
and tb" rad ia to r in plue. Th" tuned il p aUel linu " ';Ih Iheir poI"' l yr,," e in. ul aton Ire in the rorcvnu nd,
wil h lbe reed chok"" project ;"1 upward.t Ih e t ermil.. 1 endl. Tbe hen,i.phrric.1 end .h;eld. a re of hammered copper,
made to fil ti ,h l ly i".ide Ihe e" d, or the .hell. Iligll- The luninc mechan ism of Ibe 750_ Me. 06(;iIlator. Tuminl
th e knob in itlt hreaded bu. hin . vari... the I pg ei " , het .... ee " the cu .... ed copp" trip . nd the J)<I Uc1-rod ...,,,,bly.
AI Ihe lOP m. ,. he ace" the Lowu pa.1 of Ibe - .kirt - or lower quan e, _w ... " acclioa of the CO<Iceuuie l"leu" a.
in place of the skirt wit h practically the sa me me ter. As shown in Fig. 1546, a crystal detector
resull.6. In coupling thc COllxial line to the in the center of a q.aU-wave pick.up ant.enna,
oscillator, ei ther inductive or capacitive cou- coupled th rough d . chokes to a 0-1 rna. meter,
pling may be used_ Although the inductive will serve &II a fieldstrength meter of am ple
coupling is the most convenient, aa the fTe Rositivity. With this type of iudicator, good
quency is raiRd the capacitive coupling ap- readings have been obtained at distances of
pear!! to be the more aatisfadory. four or five wavelengths from the transmitter
In the CMC of the 775-- Mc. oscillator, there with only a few watts input.
is sufficient coupling through the capacity be- In use, the 4()()"'M c. oscillator oper!l-tes
tween the rod and a copper strip, a quarter of normally in every way. The radiated outpu~ i ,
an inch wide and three-qua rters of an inch long, as good or than t hat of the average li Z.
lying parallel to t he plate rod; this strip is con Mc. t ra nsmitter using the same power in put .
neet.ed directly to the coaxialli lle. The 750-775--Me. oscillator operaws near
The betlt method of adjusting the ante nna the critical frequency of the 955 acorn tube as a
coupling is th rough the use of a field-atrength -regenerative oscillator. The highest frequency
obtai nable is app roximately 800 Mc. , with a
small usable output available at frequencies
Crys141 between 750-775 Mc. (B1b. 6.)
I ctu.mbft .... "All lnupe"';vt 56-M ... Leiter or Tn."..
m;lter: ' QST. J u"e, 19-11. Ch .. mbe ...... A Modul .. \Or .."d
Power Supply for \.he I De.pensive $6- M c. T,,,,,,,,,,iu.e . "
QST. Au, .. s~, 1941.
'Goodman and Bubb.. , MoMe. Tra ... mi~tu fo. Mobiie
Work.'" QST, Oc\Ober. HH L
I Goodm.",' Double Beam_Power U.H.F. T ........ mitw, ..
QST, Dt-cen,be. , 19-40.
' Or-ammer, "Oeninlon M-Me. F.M.: QST.June. 19-10.
Fi,. 1546 - SimpJe field _II,e"ll b mete. fo r c beckin l
n,icro w.veo. ver y-high.fre'lue"e,. radiatore. 1t may ,110
I Cham be.... "
N:ohlle Tra""mitw fo. 2;1( Mete .... "
QST. l'ovembe Hl4 L
be .. acd .. a ac" . iti veind;C..o. ,..hen m ,k in ~ frequ .. ney
mc ..... rcme"ta by cooneel;n, Lecher wi . ... .. X-X. ,,.,.
-lie.! , . P.aclleal Microwave Ooocmatora." QST J une,
me War Emergency Radio Service 331
safety in conncction with civilian defense or na- numbers being distributed to ita communities
tional security and, like all other WERS sta- according to their communicatiolls reqnire-
tions, at the request of any agency of the ments as shown. Some of the ndvantages of
United States Government duri ng emergencies this a rrangement are:
endangering the safety of life or property. a) The important lines of civilinn telephone
Aside from those periods during which CD- communication for air-raid protection are
WEnS stationll nrc acti vlLted for essential op- paralleled by the radio netwo rk.
cmt ion in connection with t heir duties, certain b) Avltilnble frequency cha nncls can be
hours of the week have heen set aside for appor tioned to adjacent communities in such
testing ILnd practice drilling purposes so that a manner n.s to keep interference Ilt a minimum.
the IHln!onnel involved, consisting entirely of c) The atation uni ts have radio channels
civilian volunteers who mayor may not have direct into the district warning center, and
had previous experience in radio communica- may thereby be notified immediately of any
tion, can be trained to execute their assigned shuklown order.
duties prom ptly lind efficiently. d) Facilities, penJOnnel and portable-licensed
"'an of organi.:.atiorl - Ullder FCC regula- equipme nt can be exchanged among the va ri-
tions, a civilian defcnse station license is issued OU8 com munit ies under the license at \\'ill with-
to any 10cIII government, such lUI a town, city, out specinl FCC authorization.
borough or counly, but the radio aide hIlS IIC- This requires a communicatiolls set-up dif-
tual control of all units under the jurisdiction fering bl.l t slightly from individual community
of the license. T his rlldio aide is a ppointed by pla ns. Orga nization of a group of communitiell
the licensee, who must certify, on a prescribed under the district plan requi res the utmost co-
form, that he is of proved loyalty and known operation among the communi ties involvcd,
integrity. The licensee then leaves most of t he but, once such cooperation is pledged or found
responsibilit y for the local CD-WERS in his to be existent, plans can go forward II moothly.
hands; thus it is essentilll that the position of Here are the preliminary steps to be taken in
r!ldio aide be given to the best possible man such organization :
flvailflble for the job. a) Each interested commu nity in the dis-
ror control, commu nication and air-raid trict apl>oints its local radio aide.
warning purposes, the OCD plan of organiza- b) Local radio aides and communications
tion is based fundamentally on what is known officials of all local defense councils get together
Ill! an air-raid warning di8lria. Such a district and a'>I>oint a district radio aidc. In most dis-
usually contai ns severnl hundred square miles tri ct s, it hlUJ been found that a district rad io
- say, fo r example, an area 20 or 25 miles aide cannot do a good job if he is also a local
square - and its bou ndn ries were originally radio aide. The district radio aide nomi1Ulily is
cilOll(ln in terms of telepho ne toll-line Ol"ganiza- designated the radio aide of t he licensee, \\'hich
tion. Somel\'here near the center is a di"Lria in thia case is the d.w.c. city. As Beell above,
warning cemer, us\u\lly in the largest city of the however, ac tually he is selected by agreemcnt
area. At this center, air-raid wa rni ng and other among the communities concerned.
signals are received fro m regional information
centers, which derive their instruction.!! from
the Army defense commander. The d.w.c. bas
the duty of relaying certai n of these signals a nd BERKFIELO
information to other communit.ies in its warn- o
WQRR 2<!-]g
ing area, known as 8ubeo nlrol cellters. T hrough
its communication facilities , the warning dis-
trict's defense-corps atafJ a rranges for alloca- I'lN E6 UAGH
tion of ap paratUls for fire-fighting, road clear- WQ RR 40-.&1 0
ance, etc., in the event of a heavy air raid CENTRALIA
concentrated only in parts of the area. Com- @
WORR 1-2] 0
munication with the warning-district ceiller is
important, since CD-WERS then can take over o WQRR 41-4\1
district air-raid warning signals And other traffic ~RSO S:J
that the frequcncy can
within 0. 1 per cent. It
is better to confiqe the
ow..t Fit
use of transceivers to
RECEIVER TRAHSlo4l lT ER the high-frequency hal f
of the band; the aver-
age unit of th is type is
readi l y CApable of
meeting the require-
ment of 0.3 per cen t.
I t should hardly need
saying that all eq uip-
ment mustbeco.pable of
operating from sources
of power SUPI)ly inde-
pendent o f the a. c.
maills, lllld must in fa ct
have s uch powersupply
be a dapted to the purpose. On the varioUlJ
unita of the statiOIl, a socket (femllle) is %"
used for oulgoing power and a plug (male) fo r
incoming power; thus the re is no danger of
shock no r allY po68ibility of making wrong
con nections. Suggested cable plug and socket Fi,_ 1608 - T ank_ind"eunc.. conslused
n,e' ion. ThO. I. J'~
prong connections are indicated on the diagram. OU I drawi" , i. (ull "",iu and m ay
1>(: .. a template .
The War Emergency Radio Service 341
circuit requires a. minimum of parts, a lthough
the tank condcnser, C I , may be diffic ult to
obtflin exccpt from salvage stock.
The tank circuit consists of the balanced
condcnser, CI, and the U-sha]Jed metal piece
whose dimens ions are give n in Fig. 1608. This
"coil" is designed to have as much surface area
as possible, thereby reducing res is tance and
losses, and also to provide the lowest possible
contact resistance where it connccts to the
condenser_ The ends of the U-shaped induct-
ance fit under the stator-plate assemblies.
which in the types of condcnseTll specified are
provided with lIat holding plates to which the
individual condcnser plates are soldered. The
slots in the cnds of the U allow the inductance
to be slid in and out to adjust the L/e ratio
over a small range. To assemble the tank circuit
the condenser must be dismounted from the
base, and washers about the same thickness as
the metal of the tank coil must be inserted
betwcen the base and the rotor supports.
This raises the fotor to correspond to the in-
H il . /609 ~ In .ide the ON;:i!!'tor unit. The tube 8O<'kel creased height of the stators. It is not difficult
is placed SO tI,.at the plate Pro"K 18 direelly above the
!efl_hand lank CQnden""r Blalor lerminal, mak in K an to replace the stators so that the plate spacing
extremely short plate conneetion. The ,rid oondeneer is uniform. If the inductance is m:~de exactly
connecll the Krid Pro"K and ri 5h l -hand stator lerminal. 8.8 specified , the slotted ends should come
within about 1/ 16th inch of the far s ide of the
the car, spare cables being provided for ex- base to give the proper frequency ran ge.
ternal use of the apparatus. The inductance shown in the photographs
The unit plan illustrated by Fig. 1604 has a was cut fro m a small piece of scrap sheet coppc r
numher of advanta.ges. Should IL particular somewhat less than 1/ 16th inch thick. Alumi-
unit develop trouble in operation, a spare Can num also works well. The metal should have
be substituted with negligible loss of time and low resistance, although its thickneSS is of no
the defective unit may be serviced without importance except for mechanical stiffness.
interrupting communication. Extra units can The oscillator is assembled in a 3 X 4 X S-
be built in anticipation of such a contingency inch metal box as shown in Figs. 1607 and
with a probable saving in time, effort and 1609. The various views should make the
components as compared to the alternative of construction obvious. C hief considcrations are
providing a spare transmitter-modulawr or to keep the grid and plate leads s hort, to which
complete transmitter-receiver, s ince with this end the tllbe socket is mounted directly above
system a few spare units should take care of the plnte section of the tank condenser, with
the replacement requirements of a fair-sized
network; it is unlikely that all parts of a
station would fail simultaneously. One draw-
back is that it is somewhat more inconvenient
to set up a multi-unit system than to plll,ce one
integral station in operation, and a second is
that it involves close coordination in design -
possible when materials can be secured readily,
but having its difficulties under pre>;cnt condi-
tions. Neverthelcss, thc standardi~cd conncc-
tion idca can be ap plicd with di~tinct benefits.
The actulll details cao be based on the require-
ments of a particular network and the use of
materials on hand.
~' ;'-
f i8. 1611 - C i, t " " dial'"l m of til e Clu8. B mod u lator un il u!oed in corlll e<:lin" with Ihe 112. 1'01 (:, WER S tr.nA min~r.
CI - IQ-~ fd. SO.vo Lt tl ee lrol)'!;", T~- CL.M B .lrivee u a nd Ol'"me r, J ,-Open ..d rclI il j _d ,_
H, - O.5 me,(lh", volu",(: oon lrol. (UT e 58 or "'Iu' u !e,, ' ) ' J 2 - Cloeed-(:ircuil jack.
111 - 2000 01"" 1, 1_wa l1. T I - CIa"",.S ou t put n a " d ormu, 5, - S. p .. I , louie . ... i'th.
T , _ 5in. le-l>ullon ""trephone- tn- 6 N7 to :>001)-6()()0 ohnll 5,: - " .p. d,l . rotary ~"'il<:h (Yu ley
, rid I.. "dorn,e. (S ,a noo< (T horda<soll T . 19 M 13 Qr 3242J oc e<llI iva1t;ou ).
A4706 o r equi u lent ). equi valent ). 5.- 5 .p.d ,I, l ou ie ...-ilch.
the latter just far e nough below the plate prong bending the su pporti ng leads for the pick-up
to allow room for soldering 9. connection; and coi l to bring the turn closer to o r farthe r a way
to kee p t he tank inducta nce as nCAf the center from the tan k inductnn ce. The coupling is ordi-
of t he box lUI possible so its fil\t sides will be narily rather close, physically, becnuse of the
well spaced from t he s teel side pll\tes of t he peeuliar s hape of the field about a ta nk induc-
box. T his spacing is accom plished by mounting tan ce of th is co nstruc tion.
t he condenser on a I-inch cera mic pilla r fas- T he ta nk condenser is screwd river-adjusted.
te ned by a mac hine screw at the center hole in a slot being sawed in the end of the shaft . The
the baae. The other end of the pillar is fruste ned roto r s haft of the condenser cannot be g rounded
to t he side of the cnse. On the same side directly since the circuit is not actually balanced;
belo w is the d . o ut put ter minal assembly. T he gro undi ng t he rotor changes the excita tion
nnle nnn pick-u p coi l is a I-inch dia meter single and reduces the output to negligible propor-
Llltn of No. 14 wire covered wit h spaghe tt i tions. T he capacity between t he rotor a nd the
tubing. The antenna coupling i9 ad justed by clLSe also s hould be kept as low lUI possible.
Fi, . 1612 - Undernea th the mod
II lato r ch "lIi~. T be micropho" e
tund o.mer i . mOllnled o n 1M
eh .... i. cd,e . Ion p ide tb e m icro.
ph..." .. jadt. Th" po w~. pi" , aDd
Ih" t ..-o o"t ,oin , po ..e . M>C" e Ul
fo r t he tnn. m ;lI e. a nd . ccc:i>'e'
a . e mo unt ed o n th e . " ed , ,, o f
th e c b.MiI (bo tto m ed,,, in t hiA
Yi"w). A t" . ruin al IIrip for con
n.,., t in l an ""tema l m icros.hon"
ba u e. y i.located o n t he 1.,(Iha nd
ed, e. T he Rasbli,h t cell micro.
phone ba tt ery i~ held iD place by
a me .. 1 lI.ip; t he cell. a . e p. o
t.,., te,1 f. o m aceidenta l . hoc ..,;.
e uil by a piece o f t biD tiber Or
c ..d booo rd ..h itb i, bent in lhe
, balle of U 10CO>'e. the term inals..
The War Emergency Radio Service 343
The plate voltage is fed to the tank circuit.
ncar the center of the U. The lead from the
cathode to ground should be :l!Ishort as possible
and rnsde of heavy wire, likewise the lead from
the groullded filament ]>i n. The same connec-
tion may be llsed for both, and also for the
No. 1 pin . The excitation condenser, C2, should
bl' mounted so as to keep it as far as possible
from the plate section of the ta nk condenser.
OsciUtllor udju.$ tm e nt - The adjustment!!
to be made are to determine whether the fre-
q uency range is correct. and to set. the output
coupling and excitation for mn.'I': imum stabili ty
And output. The tank inductllllCe will be prov-
erly ndjusted whe n it is set (by sliding the ends
in ,.,nd out under the stator-plate assemblies) so
that with the condenser nt maximum capacity
the frequen cy is between II J and 112 megacy- Fi,. 16 14 _ A ClulI.A 6L6 cboh~"pled mod" lalor.
cles. The freque ncy may be measured by using " , in 8 a ",i"i"""" of I.. ndorn' ~n. Th~ co" , rol. alo",
Lecher wires. The output may be judged by t he front a re, Id l t o righ i , the u nd .rece;v., .wit ch,
'pl,,;me.-: ..... ' '''ilch, key jack, microphone batlcry ' WiI Ch,
conllectlng a dial light ( 15o. ma. size or larger) and ,.i n con trol. T ermina ls for u tcrn al microphone
to the output terminals, where upon varying hattery are on Ihe left ~d,e. Th e o,icrol,hone jack. Dot
the coupling and adjusting Ct will readi ly show ~i.ibl e, i. moollied on the ri , hl.h.nd cd,., o f th e chaui.
the optimum settings. The s tability is more dif-
ficult to l' heck unl C8l! a 11 2-Mc. superhetero- C /(lIU- B mod,,/aror - Except for the provi-
dyne receiver is avnilable. Ho wever, the maxi- sion for modulated c.w. operntion , whie h may
ilium stability is obtnined when the capacity of be o mitted by s ubstituting the alternative in-
C, is set at the Jargcst vnlue which will give put circui t of Fig. 1613, the modulator is A
good output, a nd it ill advillable to adjust C2 by COlwentiona l Class-B arrangement, usi ng a
first increasing itls capacity to the point where 6N7 d riven by n 6J5. Class-B is used because
the nutput dro ps off aud the n decreasing it just of ita higher plate efficiency a nd relatively low
to the point where the output comes buck to idling pln.te current. The oscillator load will
normal. As the capacity is decreased still more bc between 5000 a nd 6000 ohms, depending
the output should decfe Rlle 8Omewhnt. upon the plate current, a nd it will be su fli cient
With no r mal operation the plate current, to take the nearest value fu rn ished by the
with lond, should be between 5Oand60 rna. The output transfor mer, using a plate-to-pit\te load
exact vnlue will vnry somewhat with individ- of 8000 ohms for the 6N7. The re is a mple gain
unl tubes, and if it tends to be outside these with the single speech amplifier stage for
li mitls it ma y be regulated by using a s lightly ordinAry single-button micropho nes operated
di fferent value of grid leAk, larger val ues giving from a 3-volt battery.
less plAte c urrent and vice versa. The current Power input and output connections eonform
will drop a few ma. when the load is removed. to the staJldards previously deseribed. To give
To adj ust the coupling for working i nto a tone modulation for code trnnsmission, the
600-ohm line, a I-watt rcs istor of 500 or 600 speech amplifier t ube is mnde to 08cillate by
oh ms may be used a.s a load. T o indicate cu r- connecting the primary of the micro phone
rent .through the resistor n di al light trnnsform~r as a t ickler in series with the plate
mny be connected in eerie" with it. A circuit. A four-pole dou ble-throw sw itc h is
lamp also may be IIsed, but is a l e6~ convenient necessary to change from ' phone to c. w., two
iudiCAtor since it glows only dimly. T he eou- poles being used to transfer t he primary of T ..
pli llg s hould be adjusted for maximum current. n third to dose the plnte circuit fo r 'phone,
and the fourth to disconnect the cathode
condenser for tone modulation. This IlllIt is
essentinl ror good keying (the speech amplifie r
tube is keyed in t he cathode circuit). The c.w.
to ne pitc h depends u pon the value of the
cathode res istor and the volume control setting,
but with several micro phone tran ~formeril
" tcsted fall s in the o ptimum region (500- 1000
cycles) with a 2ooO-oh m cathode resis tor.
r c, A separate switch is provided to o pe n the
mi crnpho ne battery circuit wheneve r desired.
The battery would normally be left on while
n,. 1613 --; Alttrnuiyt n,iCrOI,hone inp,,' ci rcuit for receiving when communication ill being cnrried
cl imin.l in, th,. ton,.mod ul. ,ion fUlure i,w:<> .. >orat~d
in 11,., modu!.tor ci...,,,it, of Fi J$. 16 11 .nd I6I S. Ci...,ni l on, but durin g stand-by periods it would be
nluef,correolpond 10 thOM: ,iy~n in Fi.s. 1611 and 161 5. desirable to switch o il the microphone current
Fi,_ 1615-Ci ..: uit
,Ii. ,ram of tbe al ler _
nati v" choke_coupled
61,6 a ...
A mo<l"I.I<)I".
C,- I O"fd . SO ... olt
" Lecuolytk..
C.-O.OI."rd. p.~r.
U. -O.S-melob m vol.
"m.. ron ltol.
Rs-ISOO ohms. 1....11.
11. - SQ.OOO ohn... I .... n.
N. - O.:!S mecohm. )oS ...1 1.
R~-500 ohm .. 1....u.
1-, - IO- iS.henry 100-m.. filter choke
(Stanoor C.2303 or equi ... I"O I).
J l - o.>en-(;1 jack.
J. - CI~-<,ircuil jack.
S, - 5.,.,1.1. tonle , witch. .
S. - 4_poL" douhl~.t h l"Qw rOI ...,. .wit ch.
S. - S.p, d,l . louie I witch.
T, _ Sin . le_bulIOtl microphone.lo-r.;.1 " I ndonner
(5,lnoor A-4706 0<' ell";,,,.cnt).
to prolong bnttery life. The same e ffect can unde r 100 mn.. With 100 per cent voice modu-
be secured by pulling the microphone plug out lation, the maximum current is 110 to 11 5 rna.
of the jnek, but the switch is more convenient. CW SIJ- A m odulat.o r -W hile the Class-B
A battery of two fll\8hlight cells connected in type of modulator is to be preferred because
series is made" permnnent part of the unit, of its higher a ud io-frequency power output
since there is sufficient mou nting room under- for n given plnte power input, Clnss-B trans-
nellth the chnssis. but additional terminals are formers arc pra.cticn.lIy unobtainable at the
provided for an external battery should the preaent time. Therefore, unle8fl suitable trans-
internal o ne wear out during an emergency. formers ca.n be salvaged from old equipment,
To u!!c an external battery it is necessary to the probability is thnt a modulator
disconnect one of the leads to the self-contained will have to be used. Such a modulator, using
battery unit. a 6L6 with a preceding 6J5 as a speech am-
The microphone jack is mounted on the side plifier, is shown in Fig. 1614. Provision for tone
of the chll88is, so the microphone plug and cord modulation a.lso is incorporated in this unit,
will be out of the way of the controls on the and again may be omitt.ed by using the alterna-
front. The key j:lck is on the front. Since the ti ve ai>eech ampli fie r connections of Fig. 1613.
modulator unit is s ma ll (the ("hnssis is 5 X 7 Any filter choke capable of maintaining an
X 2 inches) the send-rcceive switch is placed inductnnce of 10 henrys or more with 100 rna.
at the end, where it is easieat to handle. d.c. through ita winding will serve as a cou-
The plate current take n by the modulator pling c hoke fo r the modulator. The higher the
and speech am plifier t ubes i.s in the vicinity of inductance the better the low- frequency re-
35 rna. ,,ith no excitation. When the r.. sponse, but since "quality" is not a considera-
08cillntor is added, t he current dra in is just tion 80 long 88 completely understandable
speech is transmitted it is unneces-
sary to use highe r inductance than is
fou nd in the ordinllry tOO-m il.. choke.
To keep the total mod ulntor plate
current down to 40 or 45 rna. and thus
a void overloading the vibrato r power
sUPl)ly (which de livers t OO rna. at 300
vol tll) when the mod ulator and r.r.
06Cillator are operated simultaneously ,
the cat hode resistor ill. highe r than i.s
norma.l for a 6L6 at this plate
The plate-voltage switchitlg and
the input and output !lOcket and plug
arrangement are identical with the
CIaS&-B un it alre1l.dy described.
Controls a nd power-supply outlets
are arran ged s imila rl y to the controls
on the CI3.ssn modulator. The chassis
ill. the same lI.ize, S X 7 X 2 inehcll..
There are no eiSpecially critical points
itlvolved in "'iring, and practically
Fif{. J6 16 - U"<l,,n>ulh view o r th e 6JS.6L6 C1&51.A JDodul& lo r
any parts layout will be satisf1l.ctory.
un it . 1'&<1& are 1'1.~~d w"~<c'e< round mOl" con" en;"D ' in ..iTin ,. The two-cell microphone battery is
The War Emergency Radio Service 345
held in pl:!.cc by a bracket fitting around the
b:l.ttery, rMtened to the ('ha.ssis by the machine
scre ws which mount the choke.
Cl Superrege nerative Re ceivers
By far the simplest type of recei\'er for very
high-frequencies is the superregenerntor, long a
favorite in amateur work. It provides good
sensitivity with n s mnll number of tubes and
very elementary circuits. Its disadvantages nre
Il\ck of selectivity and the fact that, since t he
detector is nn oecillator coupled to an antenna,
it will radiate a sigllal which may cause inter-
ference to other receivers. To some extent the
ll\ck of aclectivity is adva ntageous, since it in-
creases the clmnces of henring a call even
though the trans mitter alld receiver may have
drifted somewhat in frequency since the bst
contact WIlS est ablished. T he radiation ques-
tion is more serious. The avenue of approach
in the rod\lction of raflhLtion is to lise every
means po~sible, in the way of building as good
an oscillator circuit as the circumstances will
permit, to operate the detecto r at the lowest
plate voltage thnt will give satisfactory opera-
tion. A menns of providing rege neration con-
trol is therefore essential in any simple s uper-
regenerative r~e i ver. Should existing equip- /o'ill. 1617 - The compaet 112.Mc. reeei >'er i. bui lt in
ment not have s uch a control, it is urged that a 3 X 4 X !).inch mela l box. Note the detec to r trim
min ~ conden8<!r adju, lmen l to tbe ri , h l o f t he 6J!) detec
one be installed. tor (front tube ). The 'nn;n . control, headphone jack
The receivers to be described have been de- and .... 'ene r. lton control are on the front panel, Ihe
signed to use the commone r t ypes of receiving on-oft . ..itch a nd an lcnna hindin, pOlIti On the lide.
tubes. An on-off switch for controlling the
trans mitter by the s tandardized connection and the Quench voltage will overload the ouir
system described earlier (Fig. 1604) is included put audio tube at rather low signal level!!.
in each unit. Doth receivers are designed to op- When trausformer coupling is used between the
erate from a3O().voit power l'upply, a dropping detector and fi rst audio stage the trans former
resistor being included for that purpose. They keeps mOl!t of the quench voltage out of the
will also work well with lower-voltage ~upplies. following stnges and consequently the quench-
A simple Ruperregenerative receiver is frequency choke is not always necessary.
shown in Figs. 1617 to 1620. As shown in the The wiring of the unit requires only brief
wiring d ia.gram, Fig. 1619, a6J5 super regenera- mention. A SOldering lug at each socket fur-
tive detector is followed by resista nce-coupled nishes a co nvenie nt ground for the components
6J5 and 610'6 audio st ages. The circuit is fa.irly of that s t.age. All condensers snd resistors are
conventional except for the inductive tuning mounted by fastening directly to the sockets
of the detector a nd possibly the use of resisir and o t her ter minals, with the ell:ception of the
ance coupling throughout. cou pling conde nser, Ca. one side of which mus t
The receiver is built in a 3 X 4 X S-i nch be run down to the headphone jack through an
metal box. with a 3 X 4-inch face ser ving as extra length of wire. The wires runninjl; to the
the panel. The panel controls a re the t uning toggle sw itch s hould be made of ext.ra- length
knob and the regene ration control, and the flexible wire so that the side of the box can be
headphone jack is also mounted on the panel. removed without unsoldering the wires to the
The power cable plug is mounted at the rear switch. All wiring should be completed before
of the box, as are the Bpeaker terminals. The LJ and L: are put in place.
on-off switch and the antenna terminals are The detector coil is made by winding the
mounted 011 the lefirhand side of the boll:. wire around a ~illch diallleter drill o r dowel as
The detector trimmer condenser, CJ, is fa&- a forme r. The coil is then removed and the ends
tened to the upper face of the box Slid can be trimmed and beut until the coil cftn be soldered
adjus ted fro m the top of the receive r. The in place in pro per alignment with the panel
quenc h- frC<luency r.f. choke, RFC" is sup- bushing used to support the tuning loop shl\ f~.
port-ed off the under side of the upper face of The plate lead of the tube socket is co nnected
the box by a lo ng screw, with a brass sleeve to the rotor of the trimmer condenser by means
over the screw rutnishinJ!,: sufficien t spacing of a s hort length of wire, and the coil LJ is COIl-
from the box. The d . choke is essential be- nected to the center of this wire and to the
cause the resistance-coupled amplifiers show stator co nnection of the condenser. A length of
but slight attenuation of the quench frequency , K-inch s haft pushed through the shaft bearing
Fi,l_ 16 18 - ln8,d"
tI' e om . 1I reoc:i"c' .
I hi. Idl.h . .. d yi"w
3ho"'8 ho w t l. e 11I1l_
in ~. k>op a-.nhl y arId
I h e &cn d _rece ive
I w;t ch ..., mo un l.,.!
on O" e of Ihe . ide
".".,14. l opl hn with
the pl .,eme"t of
110'"., of the pa r ... nOt
vi~i hle in the o t her
view. . T he I>ow",r
s "ppl y pl ,, ~ an<1 d' e
loud lpca kn hind;nl
1_11 m ay he ken . .
tl .., rnro( th", chllMis.
",ill ecrve as a guide in eoldcring the coil in . morc closely coupled and COnSC(IUently tunes
piace, and the axis of the coil should make a n the system. The copper w!l..Sher ill made by
a ngle o f 45 degrees with the shaft. drilling a }i-inch holc in a s m" ll piece o f
The ind uctive tuning loop is a s mall co ppe r lIheet copper and t hen cutting a round the
washer cemented to the end of a U-inch s haft hole to form a w!l..Sher of J.i"6-i nch outside d i-
of insulating material ( Lucite or bakelite). The ameter. The w&.sller is b ..stened t o the angled
end of the s haft i8 cut at an angle of 45 degrees face of the shaft by D uco cement. B<:ell use the
to mount the was he r at 45 degrees with reSI)cct copper washe r is larger than t he s haft, t he
to the axis of the shaft and, consequently, 180- s haft mus t be pushed tl1ro ugb the panel bear-
degree rotation of the shaft. turns the copper ing hom the i nside of the box, but this can be
w3:!her from a position coa;.cial with the coil t o d o ne easily by loosening the panel bearing
one at right angles to it. The copper was her, while sliding the shaft through. A fiber washer
ac ti ng 88 a single shorted turn, deerea8es the s ho uld be placed 011 the shaft before it is pushed
effective inductance of the coil a.s it becomes t h rough the pancl bearing, and l"ter cemented
n . J6/ 9 - Circu it dia.
~ r. m of the .,on, p.ct 11 2.
Me . ... ,"',.,.., ~cn receivn.
"" ". ~s_~ ."
C. - 25~$O rd. air tr;mme,
( lI .m m, rl u",1 <,
AI' C25 ).
C. - SO.~d. 'nidllr'"
Ca. Co, C. - MI ...Id.600.
mi..-.. " c
volt><:' .
Co., C. - I O.~ fd. 2Svo[ t
e[<:<: lto[y t ;oo.
C. - 8.~{rl. 450.voll elec .
t rolytic.
Iii - 5 ''''''KOOm., }i watt.
Rt - 2S.000ohma. J.i wa lt .
R~ - O.2S m""ohm ... }i walt.
R. - ISOO ohm ... }oS watl .
R.-SO,OOO...,n ml ..' ..... wound po'en ' iom""n.
R .. 11. - 50,00000011,1 WIll.
n. -O.l m"'lOhm", }oS walt.
n. _ SOO 0111"1, I walt.
n ,. - :WOO ohms. 1O..... t wi r .....ou",I. (5- I~~t .)
J - O . -<1 -<:;. ,,"'t jack.
5, - S. ,. <I.I. to ~~le.
L 2 - ~ l urn No. 14 e ., ).i.inch in&ide di. n,e l cr.
l.. B - "I""" inllooll . Se.. le~ l .
L , - l H" l u m $ N o. 14 e., }i.;nch i nsi.l", ,J;~ mC l cr , HFCI - V .I.. f. choke (O h",;!c Z.I ) .
" acM H" ....;re ,I i" ," e l~ r . n FC2 - 80",10. r.f. cho ke (M",iol5ncr 192709)
The War Emergency Radio Service 347
to the shaft to serve as a collar to
prevent the shaft's pulling through
t he bearing.
It is cflsier to eheck the perform-
ance of ~he receiver before the tuning
loop is added. find with the large
trimmer condenser used there should
be no difficulty in finding the 11 2-
Me. band. The trimmer will be set
at about two-thirds capacity if the
coil is right. The dc tector should go
into the hiss cond ition whcn the re-
generation control is advanced not
more thfln two-thirds of il.!! travel. It
is well to try different values of ca-
pacity at Ct , us ing the one which al-
lows the detector to be worked Ilt the
minimum setting of the rege neration
control "'ithout bY-passing too muc h Fi8. 1621 - A I UI)er.e.e ne ral ive rei ver ",ith bu;I ' .;n spukrr,
of the audio. oon! ,rnctw On lIa nd.rd clt.""i. base. The de,.,."o. ,rimm'''' 00'"
dense. is mo"" ted On t h.. " ,\e. Th e . utl.o la'n oom.ol ;. moun t ed
When the receiver is working a nd nu t to th e , ,,,,i,,. oon l<ol (u l<eme left ). The " 'Ie lleral iotl con t rol il
the t uning loop installed, the tu ning bet ween the ol" me .,.,,,t rol and t he ' phone jack and on-<:l ff I wilC h.
range of the 1001) can be adjusted by
moving t he ahaf t in the pane l bearing 80that the by slipping two metal w8.lIhel'8 and a half-s lice
loop is nearer to or farther from the coii. Moving of rubber grommet on the shaft before the dilll
the loop closer will increase the tuning range. It is slipped on. The d illl sct screw should be
wilt be fo und that the tuning rate is elow when tightened when the shaft is being pushed out
the loop is at right angles to the coi l fi nd be- from the ins idc, and the spring of the rubber
comes fnster !U! the loop and coil become more grommet will then hold the coll ... r (fiber w8.Ilher)
nearly con:>:in!. It is therefore advisable to set tightly agai nst the inside of the panel bearing.
the band and bl\ndsprelld so that the receiver A paper scale can be ghled to the box and the
tu nes fro m about 111.5 to 119 Mc., since this will megacycle and half-megacycle points marked
s pread the band over the main portion of the on it, for el\.SC in spotting stations and con-
d ial. Whe n the shaft position which gives venie nt resetting.
proper bandsl)read has been found, the fiber The EUl tenna coupling ehould be adiusted
w&Sher can be fUAtened to the shaft with Duco with the antenna connected, and it should be
cement. Wheu this is d ry, the dial or knob mlLde ns tight as is consistent with some reserve
ean be attnehed to t he outside end of the shaft. in t he regeneration control to take ca re of low
Pla.y of t he shaft in the bearing can be cured volt.nges and other va riahlC9.
S .. pe rrege n e r at i ve r~ i ver wi til
built-in tlJHWke r - The receiver
shown in Figs. 1621 to 1623 isslight.-
Iy more elaborate, differi ng from
the receiver just desc ribed mainly
in the inclusion of an audio volu me
control and a built.-in loudspeaker.
Minor differences indude the use of
8. 7 A4 detector (a slightly better but
less common tube than the 6J5) a nd
the use of capacitive tuning.
The receive r is bui lt in a 10 X 5
X 3-inch ch8.Sllis, with the tube$an,1
speaker mounted on the5 X lO-inch
face. One side is used for a panel
and the opp06ite side is left clenr
in case one wishes to opera.te with
the receiver rCiiting on this side. The
antenna term inals and the detecto r
padding condenser are mounted
on the left.-hllnd side, and the four_
prong power plug is mounted on
the right-ha.nd siJe. The onlv care
necessary in laying out t.he chMllis
is to mount tile t uning condenser
and the padding condenser so thn.t
their respective terminals come close
, .. ...,
c, ~-I- :=
'. '. ,
, ----"
...... l~ PLUG
f 'i ,. 1622- Widn , d '. ,urn or Ih~ 7A4 s" perre Jen~r. live .--iYer with bui ll _in apeake. , bowlI ill Fi,. 1621.
C, - 25.,,1'[.1. ai r I r iu"u~r ( Ihru_ It , -:; m",ohm.. }oi ... a tt. ItFe, - V.h.f. choke (Ob mile Z. I ) .
ma.I""d APC.2:;). Rt - 25.000 ohm .. I wall. RJo'Ct - .. r. choke (M eis.;.
Ct - 5.... d. l u"in , conde"..,. (N R3 - 0.5mcrohm vol ......,. conl ro1. 11101' 19- 2709 ),
l ional UM-15 wi t b 2 s tato r R. - SO.OOO .... hm wire.wound pOI. S, -S.p,d ,t.tou l"' l ... itch.
and 2 rotor 1,Iatu relQo ~ed ) . Hs - 1500 oh" ,.. H ... a ll. T, -Output ",alchin , transform" .
CI - SO ..... rd . " ,id,el ",i.,., II .. RT - 50,000 oh m.. 1 wau . Speaku - 4.;nch p.m. t ype.
Co - OJ)()6."r,1. n,i.,.. R. -O.I merohm. H .... 11. L, - I K I II rn l No. 14 e . ) b
Ct. CI- O.O I ... rd. 6OO ...olt paper. R. -500 ohm I Wi ti . in. ide ditmelu. I
c.. C. -lo_..rd. 25_.. 011 ,.Iu lro_ R,,, - 2000 ohm.. I O. wU I ...i...,. d', olett.. of wire.
1]l l i". wound .... bi , he . See lUI. 1. - Ji I N o. 14 e . }i.inch
C. - 8.,,d. 450-"011 "I""trolylic. J - Oo.ed-ci.c:ui t j.clt. iotide dilmeter .
toget!ler, to make the leads as short as po&- The coil, L" can be tri mmed slightly by
sible. The tuning condenser, e2 , is s upported the tur ns together or pulling them
back of the panel on long ( 1 U~ iDeh) 6-32 screws, apart until t he desired a mount of bands pread
and the padding condenser is mounted directly is o btained. The antenna adjustment is made
on the side of the chassis. A ba kelite shaft e:(~ by moving the antenna coil, ~, clnser to LI un~
tension is fMtened to the tuning condenser shaft til the regeneration control must be set at
and brought out throul!:h a panel bearing. The about ;{ full for " s upe n ng" to stD.rt. This ad~
que nch r.f. choke, RFC2, is supported between j ustment is made with the antenna. connected.
the two audio tube sockets on a }Tinch pillar. A /J uper lu~ tcrody,.e r 43Ctliver - The ordi
Each socket has a soldering lug placed under nary 112 Mc. superregenerative receiver is not
one screw, and all of the grounds for t hat par~ very selective, and in localities where several
tie uhu stage made to the lug. Most of the !let works are operating within a relatively
resistors a nd condensers can be mounted d i~ narrow frequency band i t may be necessary
reetly on tube or variable resi::ltor te rminals. to go to a more selective type of receiver to
time~ to maint..,in the desired frequency. If the both endl!. The regeneration control is not af-
primary circui t extracts too much energy, the fected by tUlling of the r.r. circuits except when
~upe rregenerative hiss will lose its smooth the primary condenser, C3 , is set vcry close to
characte r and the sensitivity will be poor. This the crit.ical point with L4 and Lb overcoupled.
condition Clln be corrected either by looseni ng Under these conditiOIl8 any smnll change either
the coupling between the two coils or by de- in loading or capacity can throw the detector
tuning the primary sufficiently to obtain satis- into or out of oscillation, and since the mixer is
factory oper:ltion. a triode slleh changes can be reHect.ed from the
To adjust the oscillator, set up a low-l>ower r.r. circui ts through the grid+plate capacity of
112-M c. oscillator in the viciuity and then tune the tube. Under optimum iJ. adjustme nts this
C, until a signal is heard. If the bandspread dOCli not CCClir.
lIystem with a mica padder is used, the movable .4 combination tNJn.:tm.itter-rece i t.>er- I t
plate on the padder s hould be fa irly close to the is frequently convcnient. to build the trans--
fixed plat.e, but not squeezing the mica. The mitting and receiving equipment i n one assem
padding capacity required is of the order of iO bly, arrn-nged with a switch to shift both the
~~fd. , depending upon the inductance of LI ante nna and plate supply from "receive" to
which will vary somewhat with the turn spac- "transmit" ill a singlc operation. This type of
ing. Some elLre must be used, because it is read construction is economical M well, si nce it be-
ily possible for harmonics of one or both of the comes readily pOSllible to use the sllmc audio
osci llators to beat to produce a spurious U. amplifier for both trallsmitter a nd receiver. A
Bigna!. ] f several signals can be heard in adjust- station of this type is shown in Figs. 1628,
ing the padder over its range, the strongest one 1629 and 1631. The c::ircuitis given in Fig. 1630.
shou ld be chosen. In the receiver section, a 6J5GT is used aa a
Once the signal is found, the mixer circuit seU-quenching superregenerative oscillator. R t
should be adjust.ed to re3Onanoo. It is probable is the regeneration control. A 6V6, with its
that the coil will have to be pruned or the turn plate a nd screen tied together to form II. triode,
spacing altered to bong the signnl definitely on isuscd in the transmitter.
the tuning scale of C,. The coil size also de- The audio section consists of a 6J5 speech-
pelllls Ul)on the posi tion of the grid tap. By a amplifier stagc, resistance coupled t o a CIMs-A
process of CUl-and-try the coil si:r,e and tap GL6 modulator. This section may be swit chcd
Ilositioll II'hich give mnximum signal strength to act. either liS speech amplifier and moduilltor
can eventually be determined. for the transmitter or M a resista nce-coupled
In IIrnctice the tuning of the recciver is eflec+ amplifier for the supcrregcn detector in the re-
tively single control, since C, may be set at ceiver, when iLl! output is coupled t.o II. p.lll.
about the center of the band and the circuit speaker. Separate alldio gain controls Il re used
will be broad e nough to give good fC!lponse at for tr.'lnslllitting (R,) and receiving (ll4).
input is shifted to the detector output, spenker
and headphones are connected to the output of
the audio section, the mike battery and plate
supply are disconnected from the lrnusmitter,
and the antenna is shifted to the receiver. I n
the transmitting position, the plate su pply is
disconnected rrom the detector, the audio in-
put Bhihed to the output of the mike trans-
former, spesker and headphones disconnected
from the audio output, mike battery and plate
supply coun nected to the transmitter, and the
a.ntenna shifted to the transmitter.
A metal chnseis, 10 inches long, 5 inches wide
a.nd 3 inches dee p, forms the foundation for the
ullit. The receiver components are grouped
at one end of the chassis, while those for the
transmitter Rre s imilarly grouped at the other
end. The 6J 5GT detector tube is mounted
horizontllUy by mealls of a. metal bracket i ll
which the ceramic socket is set. The receiver
tuning condenser, CI, is mounted on a small
stand-off illsuilltor to space it from the chassis
F'itc. /628 - The lunsminu . "",,;ve.. i. buill in a s h ee t-
a.lld to bring its terminals up close to the plate
iroll case. The la'ie d ial i. the ...,.,.,;ver IUnin s cont rol. and grid pronGs of the detector socket. The de-
11'0: I "unit.rect;ve . wit"b i. IOO;:lud ill Ihe eeour be. lector inductance, L" is soldered directly
low Ihe 11",.k". Ope n inl. The .,Ij,,",in l hole lor tron. _ across the te rmillflls of C I , while" the grid leak
miller l un inl ma y be """II u the lell . AI"nl ' .... 0011001.
from leh 10 ri,hl, are tbe ol;"'rol,bo" " ,aill control, .e and condenser are connected between the
oeivtr ."dio la in eontrol, h eadphone p in jacb (... bi~h rotor of CI and the grid terminal of the detector
lI.ay be u&ed lO r~pl .ce the ojM:lI-<in:uit jaek, ) 2, in Fi ,_ socket. A cemmic Bexible coupling is used be-
1630 if deai......t). budpho.. e ..""aker awilch. ",'crophone tween the shaft of the condenser and the tuning, aDd ruclleulioB ClOIltrol. Output terminat. are io
lhe upper ',,I_hod corner. The live 1>01" I. the top a.e dial. The dialcoul)lingcxtcnsion shalt is passed
Ih" .,...k". &rille. Tb" .. ,,;! ..... constructed by WIDBM. through a rubber grommet set in the panel.
If a microphone transformer of
the usual type is unobtainable, an
ordina ry bell-ringing transformer
makes a very satidactory sub-
stitute. For modulation purposes,
the primary of the s peaker output
transformer is connected a.s an
autotrnllsformer with a I-to-l ra-
tio. I n this manner, the d.c. plate
currents for the modulator and 0s-
cillator Bow through separate see-
tions of the primary winding and
in such directions a.s to huck in
core-magnet.izing effects, thereby
increll./ling the effective induct-
ance of the primary winding:
The headphone signal is coupled
from the prim ... ry of T~ through
Cu. Interchange between head-
phones and loudspeaker is by
means of the dou ble-pole double-
throw toggle switch, S,. An S-pole
dun l ga ng switch takes care of
&witching between receiving and
tran@mitting. In the receiving
position, the plate supply is con-
uected to the detector, the audio
Fi,. 1629 - llIte. ior .. iew of t he U. n
miltc ....,.,.,ivc Th., , u na mi l Ur acelion
i. in t be 1,,11 for",,,,,,,",I. ,,"ith tbe . """,h""
..,.,.;0<\ a l Ihe .i,h l _h.nd end of the cha~
i . 'fhi. pboto~"I)h " . m adebe foreoul_
put lennin . l, (at UI'PU .i,h. 00 p anel)
W..... OODDecud to tb .. KDd ecci. ...
The War Emergency Radio Service 353
, , $, , c.
IIFC, . C,
,. ,s, ,. ~
Pi~. 1630 - Circ"i, ,Ii __ r .. m of ,he 112 M e. COlll bi"a,ion ,r""8", i"cr're<:e iver for WEllS.
C, _ 2.plate ",itlge' ~ui~ l>le ( l la,". C,. - 0.0] ." r.l . 6Oo.vol , 1'''1'''' . J, - Open--circ"il microphone jack.
",arl""d MC~ I IYI>" ) n, - 5 me Rol",, ", h ,""H. J~ - Open--circ" i. headphone jack.
C2 - 50".. <1 midge' miu. Ih -i5,ooo o hm 8, }1.watL I., - I lurn No. i4, }i.inch dialn'
('03 - a.OI .. rtl. 600.,,,1, l'''l'er. 11. - }1.mesohm I""t ~ "do"le'c r. eler.
Co - 5'I,la,,, "'id ge ' ai r tri",,,,,,r, H. - h mes"\"" pot~" . i" lIl elu. L. - 4 tu rn. N o.H, hinch di a m.
appr01ima,cl y 20 ""fd. lis - 1500 0'''''., Mwall. etcr.
e.. - so.."ftI. ",itl~c' mica. 11 0 - 50.000 oh", iwa'L La - i lurn No. 14, }i.inch dia m .
eter .
Co- O.OOi."ftl. ",i,l ~ct ",ic~. 1\7 - 100,000 ohm~, M,,,aH.
C, - 10.,,.1. 25 .....1, ele<: lrol ytic. H. - ;;00 oh",8. i"'all . L. - 3 turn s No. 14, Hinch di.m.
C. - O.OI."rd. 6OO.~oh I,a poo,. n~ - SO,OOO-olmt IlOte"ti,,"'eter.
S, - 5"0'" of 8.pole, 2.~anK
C. - 10."fd. 25volt deelrolYlioo. 11 '0 - 50.000 01""., 1,,,aH. roUry ""'itch (Centralab).
C1 0 - O.OI."fd. 600>'011 I'Kper. lilt - }i.megohm, K .. RU. S. - D .p.d .t. toggle 8,,ilch.
Cu - Ioo ..... fd. mica. II " - 25,000 o hms, \.wa1l. ,]" - Mi crophone Irandorn,,:. (beli .
CO2 - O. Oi ... f.1. 600" '011 "."er. IIFC, - V.h.r. choke (Ohmitc Z. I ). ri n sins t .. " sforoner).
C .. - O.ool."fd. 6OO.voll paper. it FG - 8O.",h. r.r. chok". T. - Uuiv ef8a1OI1tI",t lr. ,, ~ forrner.
At the other end of the chassis, the 6V6 is The panel is made from ordinnry galvanized
also mounted horizontally by settin g the socket sheet iron. There is room on the panel for I!.
in a vertical met:ll bracket. A simi lar
brncket serves to ho ld the transmitter
tuning condenser. C. This condjlnser
is adjusted by a screwdriver ~hrough
a hole in the front panel. This type of
control eliminates the pOl:lsibiJity of
~hrowing the transmitter frequency
off by a ccidentally bumping II. dinl.
Short-circuiting of the plate supply
while adjusting the condenser is pre-
vented by lining the adjusting hole
witll a rubber grommet. As in the re-
ceiver, the coil, L~, is soldered directly
across the condenser terminals.
At the center of the chllSSis are the
submou]lted ~ocketl:l for the two nudio
lubes and the chllnge-over switch. The
ll~tter is mounted on 11 bracket fns-
tened to ~he chassis. The microphone
lr:lnsforrner, 1'1, "nd the outpu t trans_
former , 1'~, both arc nw unted on the
rear edge of the clmssis. Fig. 1631 - U"der--chu.;$ ~i" .. of the WEll.S ' ra"~miner.rue;ver.
five-inch permanent-mag net spctl.ker. Large
holes are cut in the speaker area as grille work
and backed up wit.h dust-proof cloth fastened
under t.he rim of the speaker. A pair of feed-
through insulators serve as output terminals.
The ell!${! for the unit aiso is made from gal-
vani?cd s heet iron. The sides and back are
made from n single piece bent into !l U shape,
with flanges at. the front edges to which the
panel Illuy be fastened with machine screws.
The top llllt! botwm arc identical, with edges
bent to overlap the s ides, bnck. and panel. If
desired , the case may be dressed up by giving
it It. conI. of "metal preparer," followed by a
coat or two of cnnmel or Duco. Another possi-
bility is to h,wc it sprayed at n garage or auto-
mobile body works before the parts are mounted.
The unit is designed to opemte from either
:I n a.c. or battery-operated pack o r from a
combination pack delivering 300 volts lIt 100
rna. When loaded, the trnn~mitter plate current
should be 50 or 60 rna. Th i!:! value may be ad-
justed within limits by altering the value of
grid-leak resistance, higher resistance values Fig. 1633 -A rur view of the tra""",civer ;" . , allet.! in
re~ulting in lower plate current. The lLudio sec- iu ca;,c. '1'1o~ """illuor.t.!.,tttIOr is conslruct ed a~ 8 ""i!
tion should draw an avernge of about 50 mao Oil a ,>rojecl in l m~ul piece. ,,'Jlb Ibe audio unit b e lo ....
Normal r.L power output is about 2 watts.
in any of the varieties of glass or metal. T he
Cl. Tran sceivers r-cntode is used as II. modullLtor in transmitting
The trnnscciver shown in Figs. 1632 to 1635 lind to drive the lo udspeaker in reception.
is constructed from parts which in most cases There is no provision for headphone reception
can be readily salvaged from old equipment. in this unit, but if it is wanted a jack can ea~ily
It is built around the more numerous types of be con nected in the 6J5 plate circuit. 1 this is
standard receiving tubes, several of which can done an additional switch section should be
be used interchangeably. For operation at 200 provided to cutout the hcadphone circuit whc n
vol ts or less the 6J5GT is preferable as the os- transmitting. As a matter of economy when
cillator, sin ce it works mo re emciently than oflCrnting from emergency power, the "E"
some of the other types. An easily constructed drain could be cut to a very low val ue during
vibrator-type power supply for 200-volt opera- reception periods if headphones onl y are used ,
tion is described in a later section. Where a since the change-over swit ch could be arranged
300-volt supply is used, the 6V6GT is recom- to cut the "ll" lead to the plat.e and screen of
mended. the penwde audio power tube. I n the event
The lLudio system consists of a triode first that the speaker is not wanted or if a s ui table
s tage (6J5 or 6C5) followed by a 6V6 (or 6F6) unit is not aVlLilable, this would be a worth-
while modification.
If a sillgle switch wlLrer of the desired Ilum-
ber of polC!! and circuits cannot be obtnined,
any 4-pole double-throw switch may be used.
Usually some sor t of wafcr s witch can, be sal-
vaged from old equipment; if it is necessary
to use more t h an one gang, the only result is
that the switch is more bulky.
Output transformers (T,) usually can be
taken from II. discarded receiver, if not avail-
able new. The "transceiver t ransformer" used
in this unit is an ordinary interstage audio
(about 3:1 ratio) with a microphone primary
added. There is usually enough space bet ween
the core and the windings to get in at least one
laye r of fairly fine wire, such as No. 30. It is
necessary to take the core apart and possibly
to remove some o f the paper already around
Fig. 1632-Thi8 lo ....powec " a n"",~ ive~ and vib ,OI" t h e windings. In the unit show n , the micro-
po ... e r au]>]>I), can ~ .. buil l from rccei" ... components phone primary is one la ycr of No. 30 s.c.c.
... hieh ncady cvery amaleu r ca n salvage from o ld .. quip.
tn~nl. Th .. add il ion of an ante"n a . microphone, and (about 50 turns) wound ovcr the c xi~ting wind-
&' .... a8 .. ball~ ry m akce it a complc t e ~m"' gCllCy OIa liOll. ings. It was given a cout of s hellac to hold it in
The War Emergency Radio Service 355
plnce, nnd covered with paper to prevent short mainder ot the back is a door, hinged at the
circuits to the core. bottom, thro ugh which a ccess cnn be obtnined
The regenera t ion control ci rcuit, consisting to the tubell and r.f. section. At the top it is
o f Rt and RIO in series, permits operating the held to the case by hooks . The panel is fnstened
d etect or at the lowest plate voltnge consistent to the corner blocks with wood screws.
with good superregeneration, and thus holds The oscillator is nil olle unit, built on n 3 X
receiver radiation to a minimum. The fixed 4-inch piece o f scrap aluminum with J+inch
resistor makes the setting of the control less bent over at one cnd t o form a mounting lip.
critical, and also keeps t he voltage across the The metal btlse projects 3!1 inches behind the
variable resistor to a safe value. panel, the same dcpth as the shelf for the audio
The micropholle current is obtained from section . In gencral, the oscillator circuit Ims
the cathode circuit of the rllodulator tube, by been arrnnged to make the lcnds between the
tapping thc microphone across pnrt of the tu be and tuned circuit as IIhort M possible.
cathode resistor. The /li ngle by p:lss condenser The mechnnical layout may have to be varied
from cathode to ground is s ufficient to prevent for tuning condensers of different construc tion.
fcedback between the modulato r and micro.- A condenser having a maximum cnpaeity of
phone ci rcuits. I n recept ion the micrOI}hone 10 to 15 ppfd. is required. The one used in the
circuit is opened by the /lw itc h, with the resu lt unit shown is n Hammarlund MC-20.-S (origi.
that the bias on the ou tput tube rises nnd the nally having a mnximum of 20 ppfd.) with one
plnte current is reduced. This has no purticu plate re illoved. To reduce cnpacity to ground,
lar effect on the tube operntion, pa rt icu larly the rcar bea r ing R8IIcmbly wns taken off by
sin ce fu ll output is not needed in receiving. snwing the rotor shaft and the side rods ho ld
The panel in this transceiver is a 10 X 10.- illg the stator plate. Removing this excess
inch piece of 7{inch tcm l>cred Presdwood, material noti~eab l y increnscd the effi~ie n cy
while the shelf which holds the audio circ uits of the cir~uit.
is a 3 ~ X l o.-inch piece o f the S/Ulle lllnteriai. The t unedcircuit coil, LI, is wound of No. 12
The IIhelf is mounted I J.i incllell Above the bot,,- wire, one end being mounted under the con-
tom of the pAnel, leaving room for the resistors denser panel. mounting nut and the other be.
a nd condensers underneath. ing soldered to the end of the side rod holding
The box in which the transceiver is housed is the stator plnte. Since both sidell of the con
made of }iinch plywood, with inside dimen denser must be insulated from ground, the eo n
sions \0 X 10 X 3 M inches. At each corner denser is mounted on a midg"et stnlld-off in
the sides are glued to ~ X ~ X 3Minch sulator. An insu lated coupling and extenllion
pieces of wood. ~ ~trip of plywood 1U inches s haft connect the rotor to the tuning din\.
high runa along the back , and 0. piece 1).1 T he plnte nnd grid chokes mounted fro m
inches high is glued to it inside to form a SUI>-' iusulnted lugs at the "cold" ends, the hot ends
port fo r the reAr edge of the II helf when the being plat.'ed f\.8 close as possible to the points
Il88Cmbly is placed in the CAbinet. The re in the circuit where they connect. The power
1';,.1634 - Circll il dia , . a no of Ih~low.pO"~' , . 1,,5
uivu. If I I.iode is Wif'd for th~ ,*,illalOt Ill be ( , ', l ,
Ibe K1'eolll.,rid con nect;ool eloown mly be ilnored.
CI- Mid ,el ... ri l hl~, 1a-15 .... Cd . mninoum ca
Ct - SO ..... fd. mica .
<:' - 0.005.. td. mica .
C. - 250 ..... fd. mica.
C. - O. l . paper. 400 voi ll.
C. - 25 10 50 I'M. "Iectrolylic, 50 volll. *'c,
Ih - 5 m ~.o h m ... ~,,,,,, , .
nt - 5000 o lo n, ... lwa n (for 6J 5, 6CS ) ; 10,000
'. " "
ohm . I ,wl n (fo. 6 V6, "'e.).
111 - 0.5''''''10100> v ... l u lII~ """ trol.
II, - 1000 ohm ... }i.wall. "
." I~
11, - 0. 1 m~sohm,I, ...It.
II, - 0.5 "'e"","', ~.wa tt.
lh - !50ohml , I.", . ...
11. - 200 ohm... 1,,,,,".
II, - s.o, volu",e _ ,mI.
It ,o - 50.000 ohm ... l ,wI".
1., - 3 lurns No. 12, ~ . i"ch i" . ide
di_mder, ~inch 1011,. '. c,
1.2 - I 'urll No . 12 0. No. l ,~ .
II FC" II FC. - 55 l urnl No. 30 [I.e.e .. dose.
",,,,,,,d, ~. inch [I i.m,, '~r. ~
'I" - T ... nece iv". tu ns(o.",e. (ICe lex l l.
T t - Ou,pu, transfo.n,,,. , pen ,ode 10 voice coi l.
5, .. - "'pOle dOllhl~.,hro'" I",il"h .
'. ' ..
) - Oi..,n"';l'<:u il jack .
" -.
~k ......,3;...,h l>er ma " ";" " "'I,II,,1 d Y"' mic I,,,,.ke .
, - 6J 5. 6C5. 6V6, 61'6, el c.
VI - 6 ) 5,6CS. Va -6V6.6. 6 (G1' Iypu " .ef~ :d ). ...
those given. The grid choke is
the mOTC critical. In both cases
the number of turns should be
adjusted so that the eold end
can be tou ched with the finger
without disturbing the opcrntioll
of the oscillator. E ffective su pcr-
regeneration depends consider-
ably on the grid choke and 0 11
the capacity of the plate by-pnss
condenser, C,. The circuit may
not SU I>crrc,;cncrate at all with
less than 0.002 $Id. at C while
value8 higher than 0.005 "te nd to
cut dowl1 the audio output be-
calise of the father heavy by-
pass effect acr088 the primary
oftheaudio transformer, T I _ The
value recommended is a good
co mpromise. Two or more con-
denser!! may be COllnceted in par-
al lel o r series if the c:mct capacity
is not obtainable in one unit.
Fi,. 1635 - B~low .. hd ( " 'rin , .nd const ruction o( the 11 2 M~. Inn~ T he coil inductance is ad-
ivet . The uni t COlD be. r~ ",oved frOIll Ih~ plywood c.hj net f.,.. fenieiD I ' justed by sprefl,ding or squeezing
the turns until thc proper fre-
leads fro m the r.r. section a re cabled and quency r!luge is selured. It is bel't to adjus t
brought down to the s witch. the coil inductance to bring J 12 M c. near the
The speaker is moun ted on the panel na: maximum-capacity end o f the tuning rll nge.
s hown. To protect the cone from damage, the The size of the antenna coupli ng coil. which
grille holcs arc backed by a piece o f window- is mounted on the feed-through inllulators on
screen material which is held in place by the the panel, will depcnd up on thc antenna sys-
bolts which fas ten the speaker to the panel. tem used. Usually II turn or two o f wire ill
T he me tal strip running fro m top to bottom sufficien t, the coupling being ndjusted by bend-
of t he panel serves o.e a sh ield to prevent body i ng thc Icnd~ so that the position of the anum-
capacity a nd 110180 as a 10w-indUClallce ground n il. coil is changed with TCllpect to the ta nk coil.
connection between the oscillato r and the The r. r. tube takes 20 or 25 mo.. at 200 volts
audio section. It makes direct contact with when trallllmitting, and has an d. output of a
the OIIcillator s upport, the rotor o f RJ. the walt or so. Including the audio system, the to-
metal frame o f the Bwitch, and the frame of the tal current dl'lloin in the transmit position is in
micropho ne jack. It is approx imately 4 X 9 .\-i the neighbo rhood of 60 ma. at 200 volts. In
inches, and ""as cut fro m a n ordinary tin ca n. reception the plate currellt of the rJ. tube is
I n the rear view the t ra nsformer at the left Ilcgligib!e, and the total curre nt at 200 volts is
is T I the revamped audio transformer. The only about 35 rna.
aud io gai n con trol, R 3 , is on the panel between Mobile e qu ip me nt-T he equi pment Ilre-
R\ and the 6J5 fint audio. The modulator tube vio lls ly described is rcadily adaptable to tem-
and speaker transforme r Ine at the right, with porary mobile operation whell p rovided wi th
the regeneratio n control, R 9 , behind thcm on n storage-battery operated power s upp ly a nd
the panel. All leads from the switch are cabled installed in a car having a s uitable a llten na (see
a nd pass through a hole in thc shelf near the pl~ges 367-369 for discuss ion of antennas). I n a
panel. T he two grid leaks, R\ and H2, are permanent mobile installation, however, it is
mounted directly on the switch oont8cl8, but desirable to arrange the eq uipment so that it is
all other rcsistors are below the shelf. The i nstan tly accessible for operation, yet does not
below-shelf a rrangement is of no particular i nt.crfere with the regular car controls no r occu-
consequence, since the re are no r.f. circui ts - py s l)ace normally available for I)_ngers.
except t hat the grid leads to both tubes s hould One method of accomillishing this is to make
be kept short, so thnt hum pick-up \lom be min- the tmnsmitte r and receiver separate uni ts,
imized . T he d rop ping resistor, RIO, for the re- i n ~ t.n1ling the receiver on the car das h board
gene ration control circui t is moun ted on the where its controls are within rellch of the
lug strip at the rear; t he other two resieton d ri llcr, and locati ng the tra ns mitter and power
which connect together at this strip are the two slIPI>ly in the luggl\ge oomlmrtmenl. T his is
sections o f the mod ulator cathode resistor. p racticable becau~e the Oldi nu.rily
Spare terminals o n the tube sockets are used as is operated on Il fixed frequency u.nd hcnce
tie points wherever necessary. d oes not require frequent readjustment.. A
It. is possible that in a particula r layout the mohile station of this t:n)C is dcscribed in
proper choke specifications will differ fro m Chapter Fifteen (Figs. 1534- 1537).
The War Emergency Radio Service 357
An nlte r native is to cons truct the transmit-
ter a nd receiver as a .unit and install it in some
convenient spot, such as the glo\'e eompfLrt-
ment of the car, Such an installation is shown
in Fib'S. \U3t) ~o 1639. Normally ~he glove com-
I)nrtmen~ wil l be toosmnll to con tain the neces-
SM}, npPllrntus, but, if the fiber box is removed,
the s pace behind the d a.s h will, in mos t. caf;es,
be ample. In the set illust rated, the fiber
rc plnce{i by n me t a l box o f the same dime n-
sions, bncked by the chassis on which the trnns-
mitter and receiver are mou nted. The box nnd
chnsllis are made of No. 24 gnugeRhcet metal. If
patterns are prepflred beforehand, it will be
pos.~ i ble to have the metal work d one by a ti n-
s mi t h nt co m parntively small cost. The nctuul
dimensio ns naturally will be determined by
t he shape and size of the s pace available in /o' jS. 1637 - Side view Qf t he mo bi le unil , show;". t he
the pMticular model of car in whic h the s t.a tion eh ..,,;& an,' ",,0""1;"'."00<1 arra ngemen l. The lU eta]
is to be installed. The chl\.S8is shown in the ehallll" .nd hood a re ",.de Qf No. 24 gauge " billel< me l. 1.
Fi,. 1638 ~ Ci rcnil of tbe
mobile transmitter.receiver.
C, - 20.....fd. mica.
C w-3.p!"" va ri abl e
(Ca rd"'cll T r im.Air) .
-AI' "'l
C) - O.OO6 ..f.1. mica.
c., c.. C.-O.OO1 ...r.t. mica.
CT - 3- 30 ..... fd. ,rin,mu.
e. - 2(l .,.ld. elccuol)' lie.
C,f. CII - 5"ld. de<:trolyt>C.
e,l - O,S'I'M. paper.
C,a. CLt. e,l - 20"fd. elec.
troly t ic.
C,. - IOO""fd. ",;ca.
1\, - s me~ollIn .. j1..,. u.
111 - 15,000 ohm.. I ... u.
11, - O.Sme soh'" po t .
n, -2250 oh m., \ ....1 1.
11, - 0. 1 mesolm ., Hwa tt. ,
HI - 20,000 oh ,,, l wa ll .
111 - 0.5 m",ohm. ).i-wan.
It, _ 500oouo I ...u. ~ .
~~.~l'~'J~=" . e
Ito - 200 00"'" 1,... It.
Ibo - :>O,ooo-ob". po l .
U" _ SO,OOO 0l1m8, 2.wau .
t L. I.. - 3 lurn. No. 14.
H i n c h di a meter,
c;' 1\0 '=' R"
s,- Anli-ea ,.aeit )' chan~-oycr aw ileh ("_ ' '''' I ).
turnl Ipaced ... lank.
,,,ne 10 WEnS b."d.
T.t. l", - linCH 1"0.1'1, J.i"nch di. ,,,el~r> S. - Filamen , A..iIC b (<>n R,o ).
I.. - 1I ~" lac~ m ~" I.l r l'e filler cI,ok" . SJ,kr - l ~.ineh " .," . spea ker (Cil1 al1da ~ r. l.h) .
IJ - 6'''011 " il"l la",p. T, - Tra n""eiyc r tra narorm ~t (WE213D wilh micro_
I( f C It Fw. II Fe. - "" I.mll No. 30 ...,1(" "p,_, i " l. phon e windi n l <If ,,0 ,utn, No. 30 t. s.,e '''''I ).
It rc, - I.ow.rrequ~"er eboke coil. t.ran~ror"'~r. pUlh'PUUI), I""
'1', - Univt ... a l outpu t
. .
Type H o, Wolthl (",,"n' Oulll In M
... ,. ...
" " .,.
'" 3,.
" too " "
no no
no '"
'OS ,,. ,,.
" "
""u . .
'" no ,oo ,,. " " ""
,.. lb. 0 .
n 1.15 " oo n' .0>.
u,. '"
1115 ,,,.
un '"...
U50 '"
u 1050
... '" '"
,,, I~,, '"' '".. '"
'.1' 11 00
'"n, m
'" '"~
1111 ,. .,.
,,. '" ,,. n, '"
A .1!300
I~ '"
'" .000 1715 ",.
" .
'" '" '" "
12S0 n" ' 000
ico ,
'"'. 0.
)AP6' ,,,..,
1 Aho ... In ' ...."I ..... ontr" l ..,,&,t.. Alto e II4oI>I. I n ".n""I_,IMI.d h ....
' Inl_itwnl .d"ty . o del. 115yo U ".'put. wei,hl 1100 lbo.
The War Emergency Radio Service 361
, 0.,,,
A,..,iuft Tel..hloll ElodJoftk Redia .. Filt
M.Uory R.dl .. t Vo ' ts M .
ftd R..dlo Co . c.~
S .
....., .,,'"
5yn. No
S... No
.. tol'
I- ~
I~ ~
~ y"
",,, T.... y"
AI' InlHft. 6.3 .. o lio d.c . un'", olh. ... I.. notod.
' VP_S51 .."'. with lube ,ediA... '<12000 .... , wI :. lube 'edl~ .., <ltGOOF ...... willi 1.0.
'I n ....1lI.. p"oolu... <l tOI811 ..... wi lli lube . edlR. .ediA...nd oulpu' Alt.. .
' UO-cwd. Ylbr.'o., II.~lw.l.hl. 4110<1 ..... wltho ul AI ..... f 551 ..... wilh U ". d .c. Inpul.
601 .."'. wlthtwbe,edlfi..,60 t .......' t ... d .c.I II I,"' ' A I.., without fill ...
... d
edikr , 603 ........pi )11 Y. d.c. Inpu' .ftd Iotbe ' 511 l t ". d .c. laput.
" Input 6 ... d .c. d. 110 ... ' .c 601 ..... nc,",1 1 t . d.c. o'
' VP-S5" ..... wlth l"b...ctiS.., VP-GS56 ........ pl til ... 110 Y. .c. ;n!>VI, 601 ......... pi 311 ... d.c. 0 ' 110 .c. in""',
d.c. lnput, VP_F5$1 )11 ... d .c. Inpul. 609 ......... p. 110 ... d .c. o . 110 ... . . c. I n ~
" "
Inpol un...' ".0 ''''P., wi. " 'I1 lbo. ' WI. 9'A lb . WI. 11'1t lbo ., Input ellOT,n ' i s ""0.
' w\. 7t), lb . ' Input 1" ."'p., wi . So/. lbo. .. inpu' i1 . S 'lOIp., wi. 1'11i lb
" np ut c,,".n l 7.$ .mp. , .. ,. l'!!o 11n. f W . 16 lb . , Inpu' CUll. 118 , lOp.
' lnou ' cUII.n' 11 ... p.
" Inou' c ... ,en l I t .5 ,lOIp. , 1'11i lb .
" Inpul 11 ''''P., ...t. l 1 t), lb
WI. S lbo.
I. Construction of Powe r Supplies It must be emphasized again that '10 de-
pendence s hould be placed on the continlUlnce
With the possible exception of control sta~ o f power fro m the ordinary lI S-volt lines dur-
tions, ..... hich in finny instances will be installed ing a n emergency. An a.e. s upply can be used
at locntions whe re e mergency power alread y is for rou t ine testing, of course, and also Juring
provided for, WERS sta tions will have to be a n actual emergency 110 101lg M the line po wer
furnished with n. type of power s uppl y inde- lasts. b ut some independent sou rce of power
pendent of the Ii.C. mainli. The 6-volt automo- mu. t be nvnilnble.
bile-ty pe s t omge battery is by f:t.r the btu Co m bi".. ,io Ti IW PI,/ic" - I n a vibrat.or su p-
choice fo r prima ry power, and while dyna- ply built from individual compo nen ts it is nec-
motors, genc motors, converters, and complete essary to fi lte r out IULSh nnd t o adjust the
vibrator-type " 8 " su p plies <:annol now be wave-form t o minimize sparking at the vibra_
purciULSCd new, it is not difficult to rcmotlell1n tor cOlltarts. Whe n s uch a su pply is built
old receiver-t y pe ]IOWer transforme r for lise in a around a manufact ure d tf>Lllsformer it. is ad-
vibrator suppl y. Furthermore, the power s up- visa ble to use the tY I}(l which h fUI both II 5-volt
pl y in n car radio receiver can be pressed into and (i- volt primarie!l, thereby making nn
servi ce if necessnry. Aside from the vibr:lto r a .c.-d .c. su pply whi ch uses the minimum of
ulld trans forme r (n nd rcctificr tu be, if one is parts for both pur poses. Such tra nsformers
used), most of the componentJj can be found in have bee n made in va rious rlltings. A suitable
old b.c. reeeiversorex is t ing amateu r equipmen t. circuit dingrll.ln is given in F ig. 1640.
T, The "interrupter" type of vibrator, o r a ile
:;---, wh ich does 1I0t also hnve sy nc hro nous contacU!
fo r rectify ing the high voltage, is used in this
circuit ill preference to the sy nchro llous tYllC,
s i n c e the r ectifier tube is
needed for strai g ht a.c. opera_
tion. The change between a.c.
and b atter y s upply is made by
pro viding duplicate rectifier
a nd out put socket s, the heate r
voltage being s upplied by t he
transfor mer in the one case
and by the storage battery in
the o ther. Switches eould be
used fo r the same purpose.
"A " in the dingram indicates
thnt the un grounded heater
lead on o ne 6X5 rectifier sock-
et is connected to t he un-
gro und ed side of the filame nt winding for fl.C.
operation, a nd "D " that the s ame lead on
the other socket is connected to the un-
grounded battery lead. All other connections
Pi,. /640 - Co>ml,ln.t l.,., 115_voll .nd haner,. aupply . 011 the two soc ket s are pflraJleied. Jf the 6.3-
C, - 0.5_,.(,1. p_" er. 50v(111 r~lln. or hi ~ her . volt filament winding is not ra wd for the total
C, - 0.005 10 0.01,,(<1 . 1600 valli (lee lexl )_ heater load, another 6.3-volt trnnsformer may
(4- 0.0 1_,. (d. 6OO-volll)al~ r.
C. - 8_.. (<1 . 4SOvoh cl<':Ctrol ~ l lc. be used as sho wn.
C. - 32-,,(.1 . 4SOvoll eleClrolytic. Getting the right capacity for the bu ffer con-
C. - 100",, (<1. u,"'. denser, C t , is of first i mpo rtance. Under no cir-
L, - 10- 12 hcnry ) 00 n, a. li l' er cI' oke, no l O" cr 100 cums tan ces can this condenser be omitted,
oh",~ (S I. nCOr C-2303 Or equiu len l ).
fl. 1 - 5000 al"" . , {f- Or I _... u. since without it there will be excessive sparking
n FCI - S:> lu r " , No. 12 on Iinch form, clOAC.,,ound. a t the vib rllto r contacts Ilnd the vib rnto r life
n}'c, - 2.:>_mll . r.t. choke. will be s hort. Proper values us ually fire be-
SI-S.P.A.!. toU le . " i,,,h. hCOlYY duty (10--1.2 .lU P-/-
S, - S. p .. I. lnu le . ,,-itch. tween 0.005 and 0.01 ,.fd., the condenser being
}' - I S-a mpere (use. Tated to withs t.and at leas t 1600 volU!. The 01)-
VIIl - M .llory 5001', 294, elc_ tim um va lue o f capacity can be determined by
T t - Specia l .. ihr..or ' r, " s(orme...ith I IS_yolt .nd trial, observing the v ibrfltor s parking as the
6 _.... lt prim.riel, to ~ i ve a l>l,ro~l m. 'el y 300 valu
.1 )00 m . d.c. (5u,,",,0, P.6 I 66 0. c',lli ... lcUl ). capacity is cha nged. F or this purl~ it is ad-
TI - 6.3"oh li la mell! Iuo~(orm "r, 10 be ,,5ed when vantageous t o use the type of vibrator which
6.3.voh fiI.menl " 'indinl On T, ..iII no. 8u ppl y is 'lloll il ted in a large tin can sinee this ty pe is
.111,..-1".. In l")l h , .an5mill er and .ete;ver .
X - Inll<:ri a seri ... rp.i . ,or of ." ... Iue 10 dro., thc eMily taken apllrt, the to p and b".se being hcld
OUlpul val .. ~c In 300 u 100_0, . lo.d, if " """'8 tOKether by a few spot.e: of solder which can be
... y. If tund..... m" r ,iv,," over 300 .. olt s d.e . e Mily w ftencd . The more coml>act type hav_
IeC<>nd lilter ehoke m. y he u5ed to ~ i .. c addi _ ing a nnrrow metal can crimp.ed flround a
tim, . 1 volu~e drot> u ""ell u more . "'..... lh;n J.
NOTII - All ,ro.",,1 """"cclle.,, hould be m.<I" to bnkelitc hafIC can be pried a l>art, but th is t y pe
~1 " ~1,, I>oini (1n Ihe ch ..... iA. is dillicult to reassemble.
The War Emergency RacJio Service 363
T he powe r supply should be built on a metal
chnssis, with 1111 unah iclded parts under nen t h. A
bottom plnte to complete the sh ielding is hd-
vis:\ble. The tr:lnsfor me r c:\se, vibmtor e:\se
and me ta l IIhell of the tube all should be
gro unded to t he chassis. 1f a gl:i.~ tube is ulled
it s hould be en<"losed in a tube s hield. The
Fi!. /64/ - Proper opera I;"" of Ih e ,-ihra lo r 8UPPIy blltte ry leMls s ho uld be even ly twisted, aince
il i",Ii.c_lc,I ... I,,,,, . ,, 08CiII<)~ra", ~"c h u is ~h<)" n ~oo, " these lends lite mo re likely to rndiate hMh
;, " I,, _i ncd ..ith <I,c ~crli~ .. 1 1,1" ' e. o f the 08Cill oecope
w nn.,., le,/ _c>5e the 101111"i,u ur .. i",/i .. ,. Th e d u hcd than IIny o t her pllrt o r 11 rl"!8.lIOIUlhly well-
uf~ un., "e in Ih e ecn ler .. ill nol _1'I>car on II'e <,<:reeD. shielded s up ply. A lit~le care in this reRpcct
usually is more product h'e than e xperi menting
When the s}'!'tem is opemtinll: properly there wi th diITe rent vulues in t he hash filters. Such
s hould be practic:llly no spar king at the vibra- ex perimenting s ho uld co me after it hM bee n
tor contacts. T hc re mny be nn intermittent fo und that rad iation from the leads has bee n
Bpnrk of ~mR llamplitud e, ba rely visible in day- re duced to nn absolute minimum. S hielding
light, but nothing rCl'ICmbling a continuo us the lends is lIo t particularly helpful.
lire. A further check on the o peration etLll be T he l oo-" ... fd. mica condenser, C., connected
!!eeured with Illl osei llO!lcope having II lincar from the p()~ itiveo utput lefLd to the " ho t " :<icle
s weep circuit tha.t can be synchronizcd with of t hc " A " battcry, mfly be hel pful in reducing
the vibrator. Thc vertical plutes should be con- h1\.'lh in certain power s upplies. A trial is neces-
nected a cr08S the outside e nds of the trans- sary to see whether or not it is required . It
formcr pri ma.ry winding to s how the in put volt- s hould be moun ted right on the output 8Ocket.
age waveshape. Fig. 164 1 aho ws a n idellli1.ed Tes ting fo r method!!" of elimi nati ng hlUlh
trsce of the o ptimu m wavefor m when the s hould be cur ried out with the s upply opem t ing
bulTer capacity is adjusted to give llroper o p- a receiver. Si nce t he interrerence us ually i8
eration throughout the life of the vibrntor. The picked up un the receiver ant.enna leads by
huri7.onht.1li ncs in the truce represent the volt- rad intion from the s upply itself a nd the battery
age d ur ing the time the vibrAtor contact." sre leads, it is ncl visa ble to keep the s upp ly a nd
cJnlled, wh ich should be approxilllawly 00 per battery rue fa r from the receivcr as the connect-
cent of the total time. Whe n the contnc ts lire ing cables will permit. Three or four feet s hou ld
ope n the tr.ace !:\hould be pfu tly tilted nnd p:lrUy be ample. T he microphone cord likewise s hou ld
vertical, the tilted part being 60 per ccnt of the be kep t awny from the s upply nnd leads.
totILI connecti ng ~nl ce. T he ose illu~co pe wi!! T he s moothing filte r for bnttery o perutio n
s how rend ily the elTect of the bulTcr cnpacity Oil can be a sinRle-section affai r, but the re wilt be
the percentage of tilt. I n actua l patt.erns the hor- some hu m ~ readily dis tinguishable from has h
izon tal KCet ions are likely to droop so mewhat because of It.s deellC r pitch) unless the fi lter
because of the charflcteristics of the vertical output capaci t y is fairly large - 16 to 32 ... fd .
smpJifier in the 'scope find also becaw;e of the Re ",i.ul;II., l ra ro4urme r $ - Those ,,ho
resis ta nce d rop in thc battery lenda as t he cu r cunnot get either complete vib ra tor assem blies
rent builds up through t he primary inductAnce. or special trnndo rmers, or who want to assem-
T he 5()O()...Qhm resis tor in series with the ble a vibrator !lupply at the least po88ible ex-
bulTe r condenser in the diagmm Ii mits the sec- pense, ca n lind mnny of t he necellflary parts
onda ry curren t in case the conde nser fails. in old broad Cll.1It receivers. A power t ra ns forme r
R.f. fil ters for reducing hRlih lite ;ncor-
pornted in both primary and secondRry
circuits. T he secondary filler consists
of II O.OI -"fd. paper conde nser d irectly
ncr0811 the rectifier output, with n 2.5-
mho r.f. choke in seriea ahead of the
emoothing fil ter. In the primary circu it
a low-inductance choke and high-
calmcity c(>nde nser fire needed because
of the low impedance of the circuit.
A choke of t he s pecificationa given
s hould be adeqtmte, bllt if thc re ia
trouble with hash it may be bencficinl
to exvcriment wit h o ther sizes. The
wire should be large - No. 12, prefer-
nbly. unci No. 14 IlJl n minimum. MILn-
uf!lct ured c1lOke!:\ s uch :UI the Mallo ry
It F583 !Ire more com pact !lnd give highe r in-
ductance for a given re~ ill tnnce because they F ig . / ~12 _ Vihr. ,o r 1>o ..~r "pplJ' eire"il di. ~ .. ",.
are ba nk -wound, and may be s ubstituted if E"':CI, I fot" T , _ .. d T. all co m /H)nen ue i ,I ~" lic. 1
... i.h ,I"...,o ( Fi,. 16 10. T. may be ~i, her a re5 "l u 6 .. n1l
obtainable. C I s hould be at least 0.5 ... rd.; even ,,,,,u l w'b"" ot".t)"l>e I'<> ..-~r \randorn,.,. o r . hom,, .. ll~r~"
more capacity may belp in bad CMC!! of bash. 115w... lt rece iver ~nndormer as del(:ribed in llie l e~ '.
;"g. 1652 - A Lechc r-wire ay-,cm ee t up for fr"'lu c ncy n'caaure me nt, us in Ka cr tcc lor absorption fre'IIl c ncy
meter .Ioosd,. CO "I'J~<I tn th e oeeill ato r t a nk. u a reSOna n ce indica tor . Dcc.uee o nl ,. vcr,. loose couplin g 10 ,he OIIC il.
lalor is re' luire,l. Ihis 3,.al e m will live ", Ore accura l e rell u l", than coupli o l th e wire. d irec l l,. 10 .he Iran . miller (anI. .
obtained. Marking the second
spot, the distnllrc between the two
points (9.11 be mCll!urcd nnd will he
equal to half the wu.vclength. If
thn tnCIIJlurcmCllt i ~ mllde in
inches, the frc<lucncy will be
PM" . ... length (mehes)
If the length i>l mell8ured in meters,
FM c. - length (mewn;)
Fi,. 1653 - 0"" end o f. t ypi".1 Lecher .... i.e I YII" ... . Tu.n\mc:ll u A frequency of 112 l\'l c. corre-
a re "".,d for ",.inu'n'U I,c" .iotJ, 1'he .horljn~ bar i. o f braN ",110. "ponds to a length of s lightly less
' hnp ede for be l l~r co nUe, . , <1 II,ore pre"; .., j"diCI'ion ; tbe ..."od en
than 52N inche!' (1.34 meters) and
. lider k eeptl il a, ri l h t ."Ilu 10 , h" wire. A horizon,al ~Iril' "fbakelite
a t Ihe back o f the . Iide. keel" Ihe w irn I,h. _,.ino' l h e. hor ' i,,~ bMr. a frequen cy of 116 Mc. to 50 2 %2
inches (1.29 meter>!).
m:lttcr to regulate the pressure so that free In cheeldng a superregenerntivc receiver, the
movement is secured. A ~pring device could be Lecher wires may be sim ilarly coupled to the
ILrranged ror the "lime puq)()se. receiver coil. I n this cnse the resonance indi ca
As it is convenient to meas ure lengths di~ tion may be obtained by setting the receiver
rectly in the metric system used for wave jus t to the point where the hi~ is obtained,
length father than in inches, the top of the then M the bar is slid along the wires a spot
T beam is marked ofT in decimeter (10- will be found where the receiver goes out of
centimeter) units. A IO-centimeter tr:lnsparent OBcillation. The distance between two s uch
scale (obtai na ble Ilt 5 &. 10 cent stores) can be spots i~ equal to a half wavelength.
cemented to the slider, e~tending out from the I n either case, the most ace urnte readings
front, 80 that readings can be taken to the resul t only when the loosest possible coupling
nearest millimeter. The differe nce between any is used between the line and the tank euil.
two readings gives the half wavelength directly. Aftcr tak ing a preliminary reading to find the
The T beam will tend to bow outward if regions along the line in wh ich rel:ionance oc
the turnbuckles are tightened too much, which curs, 100lSCn the coupling until the indicatio ns
will bend t he scale slightly out of parallel with arc just discernible and repel~ t the measure-
the wi res. It is best to use just enough tension ment. Unless this is done the tuning of the line
to keep the wires fairly taut, but not enough to will affect the frequency of the oscillntor and
put an appreciable bend in the woode n mem innecurate indications will be obtained. As the
ber. This makes the s lide move more freely and coupling is loosened the resonnnce points will
also helps avoid s mall errors in measuring. become sharper, which is a further aid to ac
I\fa kirtg rn e<.!$ ure m c n LN - Resonance indi curate determination of the wavelength.
cations can be obtained in several difTerent In using the s ho rling bar, make lI ure thnt it
ways. l-et us lIuppose the frequency of a trans- is atwny~ at right angles to the two wires. A
mitter is to be meMured. A convenient and s harp edge on the bar is desirable, since it not
fairly sensitive indicator can be made by only helps make good contact but also deli
soldcring the ends of a one-turn loop of wire. of nitely locates the point of contact.
about the same din meter as the transmitter The accuracy with which frC<luency can be
tan k coil, to a low-eurrellt nMhlight bulb, then measured by s llch a sYlltem dcpend!! principally
coupling the loop to the tank coil to give a upon the technique of measurement. The
moderately-bright glow. A similar coupling nct.'eSflity for using very lOO8e coupling to the
loop should be connected to the ends of the tmllsmitter or receiver hM already been men~
Lecher wire4 and brought near the tank coil, Lione,,1. in addition, careful measurement of the
as shown in Fig. 1654 . Then the shorting bnr e"aet distance between two current loops also
s hould be slid along the wires outward from the is essential. Even if all other soureell of error
transmitter until the lamp gives allhar]J <1il) ill are eliminated, me3.Surements within 0.1 per
brightness. This pointshQuld be marked (II. piece cent require an aCf:urncy with in 1 part in 1000,
of string call be tied on one of the wires) [\nd or I millimeter in one mete r, in zlleu.ll uring the
the shorting b~lr moved out ulltilasecond dip is distnnee along the wires. This means that nn
a ceurnte stlmdard of length is neceR.Sary - a
good stllcl tape, for installee - and that cure
mlJst be used in determining the length exactly .
, , ... --- ' , f'i/l.. 1654 - Co" llli n ~ the l..Khe r _wi re _y_u rn 10
<, tr."~mi"u lank rt>il. T ypical ~la"'li n ~,w"' e
, di~lrib"lio" i~ 8ho"' n by Ihc duh~,1 Ii" . The
'", '-- ._ilion o f Ihe 3horl in, bar U 'he eurr.,nl 1001""
112-Mc. signal when a supcrregencrnt.ive re- "Buildi,,/( WERS Gear from Sah'"ged B.C. Se~." Mil:
Sept.. 1942.
cci vcr is used on t.he latter f requeney, a whole .. A Simple Melhod of l'NlQueney 1IIca.urc",cM Io:>~
series of bent. notes will be heard as the auxil- WERS," \\'oodward, Sept .. 1942 .
inry oscillator frequency is varied. H owever, ... A Tranocch'er lor WERS." Grammer, (XI.. 1(H2.
. .. A Simple Tranlminerlte<::ei'er lor War Eme.gency
one o f these wi\! be much stronger thllll the Work:' Rand. Nov .. 1942.
others and re presents the true beat; it will not .. WERS Cenr. 1942 Style." Hicrollymu . 1\0"" 1942.
be diflicult to identify the proper one. .. A 25Wall 2H-~lcter M.O.P.A .... Bailey. Dec . 1942 .
jo' rer/lwTl cy.clwckiltg procedure - For the . A 1121\10. Tranllnitte r-Reeci"cr:' Lynch. J~II .. 1943.
.. SuhSlitute lor Tranaceiver Tra .... formcr." I[in\<> & Kinka,
regular frequency-checking procedure, the M .. rch.I943.
best plan would ~eem to be to calibrate R band- .. A C'Y'Ital Controlled Tran.mitter lor WERS:' arooo.
spread receiver at the control s tation, us ing April.I!H3.
""'[iea Trimmer Condeu,ert in W ERS Gear." mn~ do;
whatever frcq remcnt mCll.IlS is Kinka. Junc. 1943.
nvnilnble, and then by means of the re ceiver "An f;c<>nom;ca\1ra ...."'ittcr_Recciver lor WElts." Ma_
to measure the frequency of each tran9mitter lice. June . 1943.
on the air !LS it checks into the network in tCl:lt "ltebuildin" Tlt4810r Non-Priority Tubes." ~ Ii~. Jul). 1(j.,j3..
... Con. tmClional ,upec~ 01 WERS ~Iobile In.tallatio,,","
periods. With reln.tively little initial cut-and- ~'orster . August. 1943.
try each station call be set on its proper fre- .. NOI"" On Co:>mmuci ..1 CCR' 10' WERS." Hin ts &; Kino.
quency, afwr which only minor adjustmentll Aug",t. 1943 .
.. N ote.. Coveting the WERS TraIl8mitter-R""civcTII lor
should be necessary even over quite long peri- Alle,,~n y County: ' Hints ,\;. Kiuke. August. 1943.
ods of time. Under this p lan the frequency "Th...,c-Ele ment Directive Antenna lor Port ..ble 112-Me.
checking actually is continuous, since a fre- Work." Hin Lo &; Kinluo. Augu"t. 1943 .
quency deviation in any o f the transmitters re- .. F.,ldin" Car-Roof V.II.}'. Antenn ..... lIin~ &; Kinluo,
Augu",. \flU.
porting to the control station will instantly ... ~I ore Sel""ti"il), in WERS Recc1>tion." Grammer, SePt.,
be observed beenuse the transmitter win ap- HJ43.
pear at a different setting of the receiver dial. "Iiandy Andy," Palmer. Sept.. 11143.
The receiver calibration should be checked O ~gnlli~fltiQn ond Ucg u/atiorlS
at regular inlervals - once :l month. or oftener' .. Civili .. n Delen ",," (edil o';nl). Fch .. 1942.
if conveniellt. T his check should be m;lde .. \\'eotchealer County H ..",. Arc i'rcparod," Taylor. F eb.,
with the antenna connected to the receiver. .. Thc C reen !.ight" (e<iitori"l ). July. 1942.
In general , it will not be possible to check the .. The W .. r Emerge",,) R.dio Servi<:fl:' July. ]942.
control s tation frequen cy by means of R cali- .. l'lan"ing WEltS For Your Commun;t)':' Hunt.<>on. Au_
b rated receiver in the slime station - at leas t gllllt. 1!H2.
.. 'l'",,\mical A.peetaol ~he WERS R.,.ul .. tio..... ' Grammer,
not with the simple receivers likely to be used. August .. 1M2.
However, in this case it is no t inconvenient to "O""n<ting I'rneedure ill WERS" (O""rating New.).
measure the frequency of the transmitter di- Augu.t.19 42.
.. We l\Iu ~ ~ Not F ai l" (edilorial), Sept" 1942.
rectly, using the primary mea ns of frequency .. Mu"".hu""tI~ Civilian DclenH Radio." Dor~mu$. Sept.,
dewrmination provided for the system. T his 1912.
check can be made before the transmitter goes "TTllining Civilian. for Wartim e Operating." lIun lOOn.
on the air at each regular test period. Sept .. ]IM2.
.. F ..,quency Allocati ons in tbe WERS:' Linl!;. Oct . 1942.
"T<.. ininll: A,,~ili"ry Operato," lor WEIl.S," Huntoon.
1(1. Ref erences Oc'-.1942 .
The QST articles listed below dcal with both .. WERS lice""ina"; .. WERS Agrcementa" (O"" .... ting
N'ews ). Oct., 1042.
the technical and operntillg aspeck! of WERS, .. WElts !.i<:flno Appli.atio ..... (Operal;ng News). Nov ..
and provide informnlion supplementary to 1942.
that contained in this chapter. Those marked .. WEltS Needs You Too" (editorial), Dec .. 1!H2 .
with an asterisk ( .) describe in somewhat more .. Akron ."d the "'{ERS." arown a"d Moody. Dec: .. 1942.
.. OCO Announcement" (O""rRting :-<cw.). D ec .. 11142.
detail apparatus treated in this c hapter. .. Amateur Radio and the Ci"il Air r .. trol," Froolm. Jan .
T ech nicalllrld Co'I-~ tru c tiorlol .. WEllS Applicalion Di"",.."paneie$ " (OperatiI13 New,).
~. A 112-Me. EmNgency Tran~mitter." Grammer, 0...:. Jan., 11143.
19-1 !. "The T.i_Parl Pi .... :' H ,,,,. F eb .. 19~:l .
.. A C<!rnpnct Rec<>i\'er rOT 112Mc. " Chamber s. 000.. 1~4!. .. The Fil th Regi<>n al WERS:' Peb .. 1943 .
.. An E~peri"'MlaII12-Mc. R"",,;\'er. " Brannin. Oec.. , I(H!. "When Diaa.oUcr St.ik...... (edil"'; .!). April. 1!H3 .
... Power Supply lor E,ncrKeney Equipn>eu~." Gran,,,,er. "Some New Thought.! on WEns." Hart. Ap<il . 1943 .
Jnn .. 1942. "WEllS in the New lIa"en W .. rnina Di$triet: ' Fr ...... r
" n cceiver, lur ! 12Mc. Emergency Work." Good",an. and Kea ting. May. 1943 .
JRn .. ]942 " CDWEns in the State of M"ryland." McNulty. June,
." Anu,n"".IO! I ] 2 ~"1". Mobile Work." Goodman. Feb., !!j42. 1943 .
.. ' More Genr lor Ci,ili"n Delen""." Grammer. }'cb . 1(H2. .. Operating Procedure" (O""rating: New,,) . July. !943.
"o.,lcnH Nelwork ConlTol Stillion." Stile.. Feb . 1942. .. WEns 18 Makin, Progr ~ " (editorial). ,\ugust. I(HJ.
"Kinb for Ihe OK3TTf",,,,,,,i\'cr."
I!H ?.
"'nt. l Kinks. Feb., M euage lIandling in WERS." Ruseell Bud King, Aug_
U8t. 1\143.
"A P ack Set 10' 112-1IIc. Oefense Work:' Ch,,"'bers. April. .. !IIor~ Rule Change$" (Oper"ting New.. l . Au/(u.t. 1!H3.
1!H2 . "M ore on the New Rule$" : .. Transler of Equipment ";
., ASimple Tranacei ver lor2J.<l:' Hint.. &: Kinks, Apr'l. 1942. "Operntor Permita";" Experimental 0 "11"';" t.lenti-
.. A liZ-M e . Tranamitter-Receivu Comh;na,ion." Br .. n tification"; "Opera ting Oiocrepa.ncie$" (Operating
nino ~I ..y. 1942. New.) . Sept.. 1943.
.,;\ Talkic-Wulkie 10' Civilian n.,fcnse." Kope\.Z ky. June. " WERS for Seven MillioD Pwple:' Lon" "nd Kenney .
J(H~ . Oct., 1943.
"Reducing Radiation Iron> ~loc MltT-3 TrallllCeiver." "Vi. iting ",.,biles"; " Keeping Up lnt"r .... ~ ";" What Con-
mn~ '" Kinks. August. 1(H2. .tiWt.c. Rag-Ghewingr" (O""r""ng News). (Xt., 1943.
The War Emergency Radio Service 373
General Rules and Regulations Governing All Radio
Stations in the War Emergency Radio Service
Part IS.-Rules Got'ertling War Radio Service
DEFINIT IONS t .... IlIlion.... at 10 minimiUI i n.erfe~nce. "Dd rnalt tho
I.!I.I. 11' E _ICI\eY Radio The term "War moet eft"".;,. u ... of t l.. frequencie... v .. il ..bie.
Emtr,flney !ladio Ser ..;"." meanl a lemporary radio COm 1.!I.25. ~'""I ..mQl Stbilill/. (a ) Tran""illi", "'IUi]>me"l
m""icrotion ",rvi"" inlendet1..., for e"'''rceney communi u* in the war "",,,,,,,ney r ..dio "''''i"" mUll be capable of
calion in eonneclion wilh .10" nalion ..1 .telL""'" .. nd ",""uril),. ",ain'ainlnll Ihe OJ_ .. ,in& ....11>. freQlIency (wi l!>..... t ,ead
1.!I.2. Cioi1 ..... Dt/~ .. N SIGI ... ~ .[.to., lerm "Ci"ili"n iu menU du. i"g Ol", 'io,,) ..-ilhin the \illlin tet forlh in
Oden", Slalion" .. ltalion OI~""led by & munidpal Ihe laW,,:
1I0vem,,,eM lor "me'gency communic.lion ,eLalinll direclly Opeo/ill" /requ ..d M .ui........
1.0 Ihe "eli vil;,,1 01 t he Un;led S\al"o Cili.ens Delen ... W>itA;:.. /A. bo n d~ (KilocwdN) 4 ...... ,...n
CO'I" ' or o~hcr "",,;valent () !lk i~ lIy r<lCOlln;.",lorJ;", ion. 112, .......... 0.1 of one per""nt
1.!I.3. &31. G..",d St.I .... " . The lerm "Slale Gua,d SI .. 11 .. 0.3 of o"e per cent
' ion" munl .. II"tioll opernled b)' " SI ~le 10' communica_ 224 . 0. 1 of OIL ~ per eeM
lion ilL conn"".lio" w;lh Ihe ac l; vi,ie' 01 Ihe SI .. I~ Guard Or . 0.3 of on", pe' cent
OI]uh'a l"II' omei,.I1) '''''oKn; ....! orllnniUl iOIL. 400,000-401.000 .. 0.2 of one per ""nl
1.!I. 4. Ciftl Ai. J'ul,," Sial ........ Th" I".m " Chi] Air
]'al,o! SI .. tio,," m~"" " alion u-I",;,'dy for ,,"""n_ (b) NOI",i lhllandinll th, """i,,, um freQuency d"v;ation
li.l eommlln;c.tionl n!l",inl[ direclly 10 ' he activi ~i ea of th" permitred 11 emi ... ion . in .hlllin~ IhOM ","ulting from Ity-
C i" ;1 Air "nlro1. 1 A cj"il Air Il&lrol u.lion used On .. in,o. mOOu ln ti ng .. Ir .. nlmil'er, .h.1l be IlOn~ned "'ithin Ih"
"'.... on fo' a"d u"der Ihe di,ec.;on and con trol of the lnoqueMY hot. od In .. hich II", I,.nll"itter i. a",ho, iled 10 b"
military ....11 not be deconed .ubjcc: t 1.0 IheM rul .... operate<! in leeordance ... ilh Ihe p",vialon. of Sec. 15.2.!1 (.) .
1.!l..!I. Con/TN U~il. T he te.m "eontrol Un;I " on .... n ny (e) Spuri""'a r .... iation. Ih,.]] be redu"",,, 0. eliminAted in
\alion uni t Ii.,..n",'!! in Ihe W .., Eme~ncy Radio Servi"" accord ..""" with cood enllin"".in, vraeli"" .
alld ....."'.. ted by lhe licenMle. witb the app,o,'al of the 1.!I.26. F.oqu.t ..CV M "..,w,uuld !',lI!dw,c. The lioe" ..,.... of
.adio aide Or communieationa officer. 1.0 d irect the u"" and lIA1iona in the ..... r elller~y r ... lio"""i",,.h..11 provid" for
op." ;on 01 other Ito.t;"" uniu of the "me I;oe"""" .... 'i. h. rneuuren, .... t 011 ..... I.anami n er Itequeneiu. lhall er.llbli.h ..
1"Plller wilh Ih" eonuol unit..., desil"Ated. eonslilute .. p,oceduA: for checki"& them ...."J.. rly .nd .hall ","i nlain
co6rdi .. " ted CIOm",u niealion 'Yllem. adeQuate record. of I .,ch m~'mll"nlil. Th" me&aU A:ment
of Ih. tran.mi tter fnoqueDeiealh.U be made by m .... n. inde-
Arl'I.IC AfI O:-':S peodenl of t .... f'Oquency control of lhe I ....... mi ll.r...nd
1.!1.11 ApJl/ioc>t ...... / ... Slot ..... J, ie<_. Avvliealion. 10. shall be oI l"ffici~n~ ....,uraey 10 ........ ..,...,..Ilon .. ithi n the
aulhori.., ion, iD Ih. w., "",er",ncy radio """...,., alLAn be
muimLlm d"riation pet"';lted und .... Sec. ].!I.25.
].!I.27. C.... "gn ill Eq~i_"". Th~ Ii"" ..... of . ....Iion ' "
.ubmilloo Oil lhe """"",ri~ form.' A hla okel appliea,ion
may be .ubmi lled for . " .. ulhori..""" 10 cover lhe 01""'"
the .... e,nel'Jl;",ncy r",lio "''''il "'IIY ",.. k ny alter.tion.
lionol.n fbf!d. "o.l .. ble. n,obile, ADd VO .... bl .... mobil" 1"'''8- in cornponenl. of Ihe l,,,,,nted eelui p"'ent ..h .... r. deemed
D~' or deai .... hl. unleu l ll<ecifleo.lI) prohibited from
miltera pro.-l 1.0 .... ..-L in .. l inale eol>rdi .... ted OOm-
muni."lion Ir-teu,. doln,1(> by lh .. ter,n. of t ..... licen"". I"ovided Ih.t :
(a) All cban.... be ",ad" ..ilh lhe lull knowledp .... d
OI'E ItA 'I' I NG S I'EC IFI GA'l'I ONS COllsenl 01 ~h" radio aide or Ihe com",uniealion. om""r.
(b) E ",ialion ' are nOI r.Jilted o"toide the au\.hon.ed
15.21. r.""om<cKo. T he fnllow;nl freQ ucncy IlAnd . . .e f,equtncyband .
availaWe for ...... kn"'eIlL . 10 . Iation. operal;ng in the wa r (c) T he. operalina freq uency d ... no\. deyi ..~ "'ore lhan
C"'Crllene)' r.dio "", .. ieea: l"'t8.,..,i6ed i n S. 1~.2.!1.
] 12.000-1 Hl.OOO kc. (d) Plate I>ower inv " t doe. no\. axeeed th. t authori.ed
Z24.000-23O.000 Ite. ;n Sec. 15.28.
400.(l()()-IOI.000 Itc. 1.!I.28. l 'olDft'. (.. ) Ali italioll. in Ih. w.. emer,ency radio
15.2Z. TlllOU 0/ S"'i....m. All ..... ti("'. in th" war e oner- ... rv iee lOr" a",hori.ed 1.0 u.., a 'n ui mum unmodulated
~"11Cy r.. ,lio IMlr viCII aro a"thorj~od 10 ule IhA followirLlt typ... vowtr input of Z.!I waU l 1.0 ~h " plKI~ eireuil of lhe final ..",
of e mi ..ion.: A-O. A-I. A-2. A-3. o ]>",,;n l 10. frequency l>1ificr lta&e of a n no.cilh.lor-alll plifier " .." an,itte r or 1.0 the
mooulM ' on. I>lal. circui l of an "",ilI......r Ir .. nsmitter.
15.23. StJl!d"'n O/ I'TflIIU' O<IY. Wc",n..,.,. may ..,1.... oper- (h) :-':0 ''',,\'!on .h.. n be o,,,,raled .. I any time wilh
MinI( 1''''Iucne",," within Ih" .. vailnbl" """'Is prOvided .he powc. in u~. of thll' "ooc....,y 10 ,Qnde' ..I;.factory
eQuipln"nt i al>able of mee,i ... . he frequ"ncy abilil) <e- commu nicalion 1MI,,io... I" nO evellt . h.1I operalion . be con-
<lul,erneIL" . ,,,,,,I ~<l<1 in !;"elion 1 ~.2~. d ueled "' ilb power in ""..... of 'he .. u. horiled VOW". or in u-
1t>.2f. No,,-ut:l~.;" UN o/l'r""IU"tiu. :\0 li"",,_ 01 <:eM of lb. '''''''mum obtainaW" c ....... VO>l't , ou t l'U~ 01 the
an)" '1llIion in Ihe war elll.' lene) ."dio ..,rvi"", '''''11 10.,-. ...... n.miuer COl1 ti"~ n t .. ilh ",lilfacIO' )' lechnlcal Operation,
I .... uclu.h" ".., of an)' f'eQu"ncy. In lhe e'''',,1 mu . ual 15.29. M odoJ"lio .. Lim'lI. (a) The lran.mitred CIU'.ier of
mle,fe,ence OCC,," belWten .... 'ion. Ope, .. linl 'limul- 51ation. in Ih. w .. r e,""'racney ,adiooe, vit uti", &mplilud"
I.."."",,,}'. Ihe li""n_ .ball eoOrdina t~ lhe ol>"'''' ion of modul.. tion . han be modub.led not ,Ho,e t"'n 100%.
(b) T .... Ir _ in ed Utrier of Iialio"a in lhe .. ar erner-
, The Unil",1 S.... t ... Cili~e". D~fen ... Cor",", i. an orpn_ "'Icy radio lNl .... il uti". frequency ,nooulatio .. ,hall be
i.. lio" of c"rolLoot ei,iIi .." ..v!untI!<eU eal .. bli.hed wilhin Ib .. moduLaled ..., tha' lhe lotal Irequ,,,,cy Iwi". ari. ,,,, f, o' n
om.,.. 01 Civil;an Delen ... 10 implerrle" l .h" ValAi"e Me,...,. modulallon .hall nOI u-r 100 kilocyck. ..
, fCC Form No. 4.!>:i.
T T h" Civil Air P"lrol " an ",p..nt,. ion u tabli.hed by
].!I,30. IV'" "'0, OpvQ./. SIGI"'''''' AlltI.lion. in the "'
en,er,ene)" r.. dio ... rVic.. .h..11 be operale" only by .. radio
Ih" Oi .... lor of Ihe U. S. om"" of Ci,il' ..1l Defe"&e purAuan' ope.ato. holdi". a yalid war erner,ency radio """'ke 01""-
to ":~ecu'''''' Order ~o. 87[,1. a. a....,ndf!d. Furll..". infe rma_ ator pern,i'. provid",l. how.,er. th ,.-hen .,eh ..... ion...""
.ion penaiuin& '0 . he orpni ...,ion of the Ci,i] Ai, Palrol rr.di.olele"hony. lhe lice,,- may perllli ueh per_I .. . he
can be obtainfld fro", ,h" ~alio"al Commander. C i" il Ai, .-adio ope",tor deem. _nlla] 10 ,ho .rnO'lteney, to Iran ...
PRlro!. WQhi ... lon. D . C. To faei]illtf, IlOnsider"lion of m i, by voice. 00 conllilion Il,al Ihe duly I"'enaecl ope.Btot
.pplieo.lion. for lueh &ulho,ilion lhey .honk! be for- mainlain. control O,'e, ~I .. t.a~mi",,'on by li""nin, .",1
w ... ded fI,.t 10 II,. ~ .. io".1 CoID"",,,,I,,, ... 1Io in lur .. ",ill lur"inlllh" .....,ier on and off whe" ''''I"i ....l. ....d .i,,,.llte
tuhmil Ihem to Ihe COm".....o". ~ .... t.ion oft a ftu l he Imn.rni.. ion hIt. been eol"l>leled.
1~.3!. [.w'o The 'lation lioen_ .haJl maintain ""iUen copies of th~ o'iginallioonsc provided by the licen""" shan
rccorclSCOII,,",rcntly wilh the operation of each 'lalion with be a8SOCi"ted wilh ""ch of the other .tation units coveTed
rC" I""'! to th,. I"ll"wing: by the licen .... The origin,,! "nd all photocopics ~h ..11 be
(n) Location of .luion durinlt operation. re..dily a,ailable for in a"""tion at any time by "I! Ruthor_
(1)) D~te and time oj operation in ]<><,,1 nandard (war) i~"d govcrnment rcpre""n tal;'e.
til"c. 15.5.S. CO"tr~1 Li",iUllie" . Sbtiona in the w"r emcrgency
(c> Identit)" of st.ation worked and t ype of communica- ",di<> oarvice ahan not 00 ope.ated on board allY \0.0.",,1
tion . h""dled. unl" ouch oper"tion h . . been BPllToved by approprillte
(d) Ollemt;III!:/,eqoencieocmpio),ed. "","l a"thority.
(e) NH.rne. and oflieial ti lles of perWDs lransmiLtinl: by 15.56. Srnriu 11), U. S. Ge~'n"""'l. During erncrg(lncie!l
voice over the .latinn whenever sIIch voice transmission i~ end>lngerin.o; the safety of life or pro!>etly. the licensee of ~ny
.. ctually carried on by at.hcr than" duly licensed ope"'tor.~ uUlion in tho Wa r Emergctlcy Hadio Service may uoe .. " y
(f) "",nc of operator on duty, licenoct! unil 01 . uch atalion to pro.-ide eo..,n ti al cOm-
(I() Sij;M!Uf<l nnd lit-Ie of pe'lIO!I majnlnining log record . municat io n lor Ihe United StMe o Go'erllment. when T,,"
!>T".id<d. h""'tKr. IhM ope,ation in " blackou! or during queated to do so by the A;over"ment depnrtment 0' ~ ge"cy
an emcr~"ncy endBlUtering ... Iety of IiI" or ;n'l>Orlant COtlc~.""d. Pro"drd. ThM a w,itten not i"" 01 ~uch o,,,,ra_
property, s uch ,...,ord of operMian oh"n be ,educed '" t ion. inclooinll: d e.;,,;n"'ion of the ..,,,ree of the roqu",,~. i~
writing M th .. earliest opportunily and in .uch detail .. ~ &cnt wi t hin twent~_lour ho"" alter the eomll"'tlCement of
m/ly be practicable. aueh oporation 1.0 t he in"pee'or in eh"'lI:e "I Ihe ra dio fli ....
~r;ct in which the IIlltion i. locaud. a nd a <:<>py of ouch
IDENTIFICATION OF S T ATIONS notioo i. oent to the Federal Cornmunicntiona Comrn,..ioD
I!>A I. Id.nlijlC<li;on 01 Tmn.mi.'l<,.., The c/llIlcHers and ;n Waahinlll.On. o. C.
u llit lIumber .... ~i"ned in the liccllse ahan be permanently CIVIL IAN DEFENSE STATIONS
a.ffixed 1O the transmitter by the licen_. ST~Tro" WC",.s",,,,,
1!>.42. Tran.mi..ion Of Call U/U, ~ . StatioM in the war
emcrgency ,,,dio ..,,,ice .h"n it!enl1ly the~h-ea by Ihe can I!>.GI. Elioibililll ler SIII/;en Lico"H. Authorinti<>n 8 for
letter. lind uni t numl~r ..... igned t o the u .. n.",itter ..I the e;,ilinn delen.., atation. wilt be iuued only to munidpftl
beginning .. nt! ent! 01 e...,h corn1>lcte .. xch"ng .. 01 eom,,,,,ni- lIovcrnment ouch a. cities. to.... " coun,ieo. e tc.
eMion a. Wh"n eornmullicatioll .,.,eCI\rried Oil ,,itll ""l'
15.62. Supplcmuto>"J/". Thc applicant.hllll ."b-
mit wi,l, the applie&tion complote lind dct"iled information
8tntiolllic.. """". 8'''lio,,";n the w"r "",,,rKeney r"di" ""n ice
'han ident ify [hem""hu u here in r~"<IuiT"'J. and in ..ddi,ion. OD'he/oll" .... in":
(a) The prol>08ed plan of operation including :
sh"!lllnn,,unec thc " .. !llcuer unit numbers . and the cla
l. Gcn"",l operating procedure.
of th .. 'bti<>n wilh which they are communicating.
2. The scope 01 oervice 1O be rendered.
3. Type "f me ...... g"8 10 be tr""smilled.
4. Method. 10 he uact! ;n monitoring. Ilnd
I!>.M. CQnlrt>! "I Equip>M"I. All equipmeM for which a conuo!1in" tlie ol""ation of a\l ot.atio n~ lor which
licen ... is granted ,n"'1 be ow ned by 0' ill the I"""""esion of licen&!> i~ reque.ted. inclutiinK method of <:<lmpli~n""
the &btion lieen""" at aHlime . ,,"0 li<!(!n"'l will be gmnted with Hcotricud Orde' Nn. 2.
"" .. "itting ~he ol",ratio" 01 a specific tranamitter by mOre 5. MClhorl~ uoed to rneaaure Ihe operating Iroquen";".
tha" oneotati<>n liccn_ in the war emerlluncy radio acrvioo. of the ~rnnami~tcr .
1!>.52. Caned/ali"" WilMII' Nou"co or J/Mri"U. A licenoa 6. I'rovision. lor freq"ent inopootion of thc equipment.
""Iho, ~hc operation of n .tation in tl,e w"r ~me.~e!!cy 7. Sour"" and di.lribUlion "f ~he oquipm"nt.
r"di"..,,,ie. i l "mnled upon th" expreu <:<l ndihon Ihat .... id {b) Thc a ....a in which tire station. ar" to be oJ",rMoo:
!tra"t is . ubject to change or e"n~cnation by the Commission 1. If ..,rvice is to be rendered t.o M1ja""nt rnunicipRli_
at Bny t ime wi~hout ,.."""ee noti"" or h""rin~. if in itA ,Iio- tics. the "pplicant must .ubmit .WOrD copies of
erelion .uch Mlion is doomed n""e~sary for the Mtional_ agreen,,,nt. mMie between the Bpplic"n! &nd thc ad-
eu,ity Bnd delenoe ",,,I s u<;ce.."f"l conduct 01 the war. iacent municipalities. Such l\3reemente shall ahow
1!>.53. LMen P~. (a) Station liecn""& nOrt""lly will thaI the applicant i. roqui,ed to fumiah ..,rvice " lid
h., i ued for a period of one ycar unle otherwi.., 'Iatoo the "dj~","nt municipalilies tLg"'" 10 Moept au"h
therein. ",,,,<k,,a nd 1I<>t 1O requcot individual .. uthor;ty. and
(b) D"tes <>f expir",tion of licc"..,s aha11 be in """,,ord ... ,.., that 8,,01, .. ~r~"'m"nts ShRll provide nolification 1.0
with the following ' the Comnli .. ion si2ty {GO) d8Y. prior to ter minatioD
(I) For atMiona;n the ~Iate. 01 Alab"m". Ari'OM. At_ ther""r.
kan.aa. C .. lifornia. Color ... !o. Connecticut.;ct of Co- (c) Methods used to allC~rt.ain the 10y&Ity &nd inteRri,y
h" nbi" . Del.ware a nd Florid" the first day of Fcbr"ury of 01 "'fl;o s lal;on "pemlinll peroonnel.
""ch yoor. (d) Plana lor ~nli.tin .. r",lio Ol""",ing pCroonnel. a nd
(2) F or ala tion. in the .tutu of Georg;a.. Idaho. illi- whnlher they willoerve on 11 I.ait! or voluntllry ba$io.
nois. Indiana. Iowa. Kan ...... nd Kentucky the 6rst day of
M arch. Scon 0 .. S""Wl"tr:
(3) For abtiona in the .Ialeo of Louioian". Mai ne . 1!>.63. S ......... WA",io M,,~ Bo Rend.,<d. (a) Civilion do-
Maryland. M """""h"IICtts. ~lichig~n. Minn.,..,t". Mi ... io- fense ~'>ltiOJl8 may be uoed durin" emergencies endangerin"
aippi. Mi ...... uri .. nd MOlltana the firs t day of April. life. public . a f~ty. or ;" \I>ortant properly. for """"nti,,1 com_
(4 ) For st.atio,," in the atRte8 of Nebruka. N"nda. muni""tion rebting to ei,ili"n tlefcD"" Or n "lio nal..,c"ri ~.
New Hllmp"hire. New Je,,",y. l' e w Muico. New Yo'k. Cllili"n defcn.., atation licen""" . when reqll""led in 'pooi fi"
North Carolina 8n,1 North Dnkota the fir., day of lIby. in","n~..,. by thn licen""" of any Sw.te Guard otlll ion or th.,
(!>J For nation" in th~ . t"tc. of Ohio. Okl"honlll . 0 ..... liecn..,.,,1 auy Civil Air l'atrol "t.. tion. mAy U"'l t hei,liceno-e<l
.o;"n. Pennsylvania. Rhode 181"nd . South Carolin .. lind Soulh civili .. " delen ... Itntio n. lor _ntiBl communicat ion with
Oakot .. th~ tirot d ..y 01 J"n~. ."ch S t 8te Guard or Civil Ai r ]>"trol M&tion(.). durin"
(6) For .1" lion ~i" ,he.IMesof Tenn""",,. T~u . lIl"h. en,e'gencie. en,I""gering life. I.ubli" la lety. or important
Vermont. Vir.o;ini ... WRllhinllton. Weal Vir"inin. Wi""" propC,ty. Civili,." delen ... atMions shall not 00 operatoo on
.. nd Wyoming. $nd for "t"liono in the territories .. nd bo",d any aircr>lft unle... ""ci~c auth"rity for ."ch opera-
. ' ono. th e fir.' d8y 01 July. tion ha. been granted hy lhe Com,,,i"';on upon sho"'inll 01
(c) Unl.,... othcrwi&n dire<ted IW the Commiesion. ",,~h nOl"llherclor.
"l'lllic.. tion for renow~1 01 .,,,tion lice" se ohall be 61ed On the (b) Vl'on l11>pli",,\ion anrl ahowing 01 need therclor.
proper 10''''< a, Ic".1 sioly (60) ,I.. ~. prior to the eopiratinn inditid,,,,1 corot.ol "ni<o mill' bo ",,,thori.ed to commu nicate
du ri"s tho ror", 15 ",im'te. 01 each hOllr with control uniteof
d"te of tho liccn ... 1O"!lht 10 be renewed.
15.501. A Mil"bililll 01 SI"';o" 1,ilXnu. Tho o.iRin"lli""n"" the .... me li""""",, o. other licen_. and with other unilO of
hall 00 """"iaud with th6 a lRtion unit normRlly in con the lame li""n""". fur 'he " .. hl. ive l'Ur)""'" of h!\ndli ng ......
"01 01 aU s,""on "ni!," cove,,,,1 hr 'he lice""". Rutl 1,1t"lo- """l;,,1 eo,umu!!'''''li"". "rc]>.. r,,~ory '0 any ""~ici]>,,ted
.rnor~e"") in,oh'nR the .... Iety of life or importantproperty
a This ll'oyi~ion d"". nO' eli",;n"t" th req",r"''''''n1 of ... ;n <:<lnneclion ,,;th ci"ili"n delen ... or nat;onll\ _urity.
li""noed "pcrator On d",y at the trn" om;tter locMion who ia Unils o,he, th"n ""nITol"n't. may transmit. for t his p"r_
r""pon.ihl~ for Ih~ "pe'Rtion thereof. 1><>""'. onh when diToo led to do oe by an .. " t honzed control
< ~<;:C Form No. t o!>. u"il 01 .he SlIme licc.D."". When operating under Ihi. pro-
The War Emergency Radio Service 375
vi";on. e;lCh unit !!hall oomilly with OI)eI'&tinl!: in'ttlletjOfl~ p ... etiee mobili ..t;on. 0. ot her compar.ble ",u.,ion, II may
,inn by the aUlhoriled OOllum unit. The ul!! "nd ot)(!rscion be in'ti"ted .... d ordered b~' the proper n,ilit ... ), aU lhority
of conuol unita .. pro"idcd in Ihi u'*"'t;on .ball be <>r 1<X11 ei"i] d<:lenAe .. uthoti ty . pro,Wrolh.t "otiee:!>y
d,lC<)IIl;nue<! durin, .ueh ll6iod, .. ", .. y be dCf:med n",,'&- ", of I"eh OIM!,.hon. i, $ent ... ithin 1,,clII)-IOII. 10000r.
aary by the licen_ III onler to ft"oid interference to ~n>' .. rtcr lloe drill 10 I he: Inll,.,.,lor in Ch.. rllc of Ihe r.d.o di,tr'tl
telU or driU. b.,ing oo",luclW ;n "ceord"nec "'i~h 8<...,ti",,, in w"'ch IhultMio","'e loca,oo. lind R ""PY 10 Ihe
15.7[, and 15.76 or th ..... rule . CO'""IU"icalion . CO"LL"is..ion in W... LtiILlllOn. 0, C.
15.64. C..... m.. niwli'''' "';IA O,At,. S,.. ,i.."I. Wi,hin Ihe
IICOI'" 01 serv iu perm;ued under Set, 15.63 .."d dnring ST ATE GUAnO ST ATIONS
tc,tI .nd drills, c;vili:>n defense 1I., lio". lI,a~' be "sed 10 L,c ~ """ &iI
communicate with slIltion. in the war emergency radio 15.81. Eli~WilitJl 1Q1' Liunu. Authori ... t;on. lor .tale
Rrviee .... ith .1.u ioM;1I the emerge"cy r~d;o ""rvice (police. gua.,j .ta tion. will be ;Alul!<! only to Ihe offici .. l stale ,,, .. rd
10rOlltry . peeial emergency. an,' ",,""e 6.e ~llItioll .). a",1 0 0'''I'~r,.hlco ....~''i""liolL' of "~t:.I~. t .. rrilory. pOllle>l';01l
... ith United Stale1l GOV .. rn,"enl ,tlll;O"'. in Ih.- CUO':. 0. II... I)i... ;"t of Columbia.
which f\,.i.e ooOpe ... lio" or ewrd,nation 01 ..,1;,;';..... f5.&:!. IS"J,plc_~I<I'lI Slat~"'''I'' The oPllliean, ,h .. ll ",,1>.
T ... n,,,,i";on. not directed 1.0 ..u t lt.ori1ed .tation~ are m;~ "'ilh Ihe "pplicalion """'vlete . nd del .. i]ed inform.I'o"
prohibited. on the '>1'ol/o...d plan of OJ.. ratio,, ' ndud;n,;
(.) Ue" e 1<>t~rati ",. procedun::.
S".."".. ,.,o" Al<O Co1<TJOOL tb) Scot~ 01"""';""10 be .... ndere<!.
15.66. O~at"'Ml S .. pcr ........ ~. The opera,ion o. eiv;]ian tc) T~'I'" 01 "'~. 10 I.. l .... o~"';II ..d.
delen.., ti011O al,all be dir~"'led ,t all I,",e, hy .. duly (,]) Melh..,I.IO be,,~ ;" ",onitor;ng uper";"".' .. nd
()u .. lifie<!" tadioaide." prov;,led, ho"' .... er.lhat tI~ <Ie~tion oolllrolHIL~ 'h" ol'.:rlLlio" 01 MII.I"';on~ for wltkh the lice" ...
of ouch "'I~.viaioD .hall in no way relioy" Ih" li""n_ of Ihe ia ."'1".... led.
uIU", .. te ,eoponaihiljly for the proper o\>C .... tion or Ihe &1.- (~l M.thoo uoed 10 ",e..."'" Ihe o,,,,rali,,"I,,,<, uencica D'
, ion. [n ..,cord."ce ... i.1t the",. 01 I he .... lion licen .... tit", <t .. n~",ill "r .
(IJ I'ro\'i,io". 10. I.equent ;n,peetio" 01 Ihe "<1"i p",enl.
R AOIo AU)II <,) Source a"d ,1i."ilt"lioo 01 Ihe equi l'men'.
]5.7 1. Dol;"'I'''''' The lerm .. ,ad'o aide" ,nean. th., offi-
ci.1 d ...iln .. ~! hy the ."tion I;un_ ' 0 di.""t ."d .upe.- S":"V'CII
y'''' th,,_ra.;on of .. ll 01 the , .. ,];o,la\'on. to be """,,,ed in ]5.33. &o~ 01 S .......... (.. ) St~te cu ... d .t...;on. may be
.he I'cen ... for which _vpliut'on i. ",.de. uMOd only (I) durioll e"'''r~''n.iel ~nd .. nlte'inl life. public
15.12. (Jl<Qlijf.oali#N The r..tio aide ,hall ... Iety. or ;,nporto'" p,o!)erly. or en
lor e .... nl;.1 t:O",muni_
tal lI oid .. Yalid opera_', I;~n.., of any d .... ,r&ll ied ealio"" d ...,..t Iy n:lal'nll 10.',le "".. rd .. cti,i t'''' in ;not.o"""
by Ihe Co .."niasion eIup'. rHtdet"<l ..tlote]ephone Ojl("- 'n ,,!tich OIh~.. """""""iellion I,,~ililiel do no, n'.1 <>r ar
lor'l permit; .nd Ih .. U .nsdeq"....
th) 1I.,'e been inYNlipte<i and ~r!;6ed hy tl~ ~1"I;on (b) S .... I.. pard "."on.may be .. ..eIi 10 communicaie ... il h
]j""n..... ",l0 h;.loyally 10 ,he Unile<! Sto.l.... nd ~.ed ' ....1.0". in Ih~ war e",,,rllenO)' radio ... rvice Or 'n the .",cr_
int.q:rity , ""neY .adio ..,..v;ce, (volice, 'o_"Y. opec;al e'''''r~eDey. ,nd
15.73. Cpli{icnlUnt. The ."Iio" lieen_ .... ll luh""t 10 marine 6rell .. t;ono) in II,,,,,,, c......... hich .equiretXM'll"''''ion
the CommiMLion. on .. p.....,.ihed lorm.' the n. me and ..d_ or ooO,dinalion 01 aclivi ' i" . T .... n~"'i ... ion.nOl dir""ted to
d ..... ' of t he inili~1 dio o;de .,,0.1 hi, .ue"".... r(.). lO~ether a op<:<:ifio a"lhori,ed""' io" ",.., I'",h ibited .
.. i,h a ..... Iement Ir"m the r.dio .id.. t h ... he h .. le<:epte<!
.uch apllOintment . and the ..... Uon lieen tlOe .hall corti!y: S '.W~ HV'8'0" AN" CO"T"O ~
(al T h Ihe ",dio .ide hu ht.c!n duly i""M,I ,,,,1 by 15.8~ . O"" .... /;Ollat S .. pe ........."". T he OIM!rMlon 01 ala'e
th e lieen ..... and I. belieyfId 10 be 10y.IIO the Uniled StMIU guard .Ial io" 1t .. nlM! di""'t",1 al all t'met by an <)itlecr in
a n,l'. 01 .""""n;.oo inl~~.ity; .. nd ch.r.. 01 """'lIluniell;o,,. Or eommuni ... t ior" olftce. I"'''
(h) T haI hi. _h oie ..1 .. nd ",ho;nl.tratiye q" .. li6cal;00. ",,10.1. howe"er. \hal ,he delel'llion 01 auch ."1",,";.;0"
.. re &<Iequat" lor , he proper perlorma""e of hi' dulie" .hRH in no WI<)' .elieye the lieen_ 01 the IIlli,o"'e ,e,ponoi_
15.74. /)Wiu. T he dul;'" oIlhe r ..dio aide .hall include bilily lor Ihe l>rol>'!r Ol",rat ;on ol lhe olstion' in accordance
..... onll othe,,: wil h the ter" .. 0I11~ ,,,,,ion I;""n ....
(a) The d tion .. nd ,upervi.ion of .11 radio ""Iionl 10
be C!Ovem;n the lill",l0 ..... ,ell.ietcompU.""'" ...ilh the eo.... ".. ' CATLO... O ...., .....
1<lf!0' of lhe .talion ]i.,........ ]5.85. 0./1,,;/"'''' T h.. lerm "co",mun' tion, om""r"
(hl T he pro"ioion for ,he &<Iequ .te monilorinJ: of .ll ",ea".lh~ "tIlci.! ,Ie""nate<! hy Ihe .t.l ion ]ieeo_ 10 direct
tr ..... ,oi..;on. of Ihe sta';on, under hi, '''!)er"won to ",",ure
and ""I",,,i.., I heOll('rltio" '" all radio 81 .. lion. to be ,,''''crud
""mpli.. nce ... i. h the ruleo a nd 'C,U].I'on. 01 ~he Co",,,,;,...
"on, a"d 10 Itu.rd .. ~inl' ~he i",prope. u ... 01 the ... Iio 11a
in .he Ii""""" 10.... hieh ~lIpli<:at ;on i. ", .. de.
Ih.80. Dul''', Th" dUlic. 01 Ihc """"nunic.tion' office.
t 'on. ~nd inlen t ional 0. in .. dYert~n ~ IrAn ..,i..ion ... hlch
,h.n '"d"de . ",onl\. Olher.;
"'i,ht he 01 nlue 10 the e ne,ny. (a) The d ;rec!'o n a nd aU I",.\,;8ion ol . U radio ,1.I;on.lo
(e) 1".pe<:{.;<>n 01 ~he eQUill",en t periodica Uy to inou . e be eo"c''''] [n Ihe Iicen&e t<>"",,ure.lrid eompHaMe ... itlL IILD
aati,l.etory technic.l OpCralio". tornll 01 the .t""on lie<on ....
(d) C"rli6c"U"n of Ihe "amel o. pro~ ,.dio oper_ (hl The"'.ion 01 the ad"'l" .. te mon'l.O, i"l 01 .11
.tonaft.,. a Iho.ou&h i"""'lil<&I'on h .. ht.c!n m&<le rcl .. ti,c tr.nO,,';"";OIII of Ihe otali",,,, undcr hi up", ,,i"on I" ",",,,re
10 Ihei. lOyally t.o t he United SI.teo a nd their known 'nler;-
eo",pli""C<I ... ilh Ihe r"le nd ."&"\"lion.oI Ihe C ..",,,,to-
" Iy. .ion. and 10 ",,,.. d ... ainol th.. i",p'oper ,,_ of the ...lio
T Z11T8 AI<O 0 ......... Ual;on " ,1 'nt .. nt;on ..1 or in.. lyertCOI tra ...."i"'on.
15.75. r"'lt. The liceo_ of civi]i a" dcle ..... ' tation' ..... ...h'eh n,."hl b. or .... ]ue 10 II ... enemy.
permitted to m .. ke .ueb 1.,.11 .....e _ ..... ry fo, the pur_ (e) 1" _ l ion of Ihe ""I"il""en' period'f.. Uy lo' " .ure
p.- of mai" .... i" in& ""Iuipme"l. ", .. k'n, adj,,81n .., nto.o ' n_ ... lid..,I ... ) ~ ... hnica] "I'eralioll.
" .... t h.t .he .. v~r.tu.;, in Of ...... t inJ: ""ndition. trainin, (d) Ce.1L6c.,'00 ollhe n .. mcool p. OI'--' radio 0,....10..
per..,n ",,]. and perf""I'nl me.hod, of <>pent;n" p""".,dun:, after a ,1",.O"lIh illV""li,,,llon 10... bec:n ",ade relath'" '0
ProW/<d. ThaI .uch te.U al,all he ",,"dueted only durin, thel.oomr>"u,""".
t he followinll: period.,
15.8'7. r l'/" The liceo"",," of ~'M .. ~".rd ot ... , ion. are I",r-
1'i ... z.... ,~ C.,./rnl M .~~ldiR PGci/tc
mitt"'! 10 ",nk" ~" d, .o"t;ne .u' .... ,.. ~ ''''lui.",1 10< tI,,:
Mond ays. 9 . .. -'11 ~" 8 .... - 10 ... 8 , ..]0 P" 7."-9 .,, I"opcr "'lllnlcM""e of the ola,io ns 8"d the tOlll",u"i.Rli""
Wod,_ Jays . 9 .... 11 .... 8 . .. 10 ... 8 ... - 10 ... 7."-9.,, 1)'01",,,. p. od,]",1 thtLt a1Cp" Irc ["ken 10 ""oi,] inlerlerence
w;lh olhe. IIlLtion . "",I provided lu"her IhRI ouc h \()IIl inK
Sundo.yo. ~ .., - 7 p" ~ ."5 .,, 3 ... ~." 2 ... -1." .hall nol ,,~ceed .. 10lftl 011<)1" (4) ho",",><:, "'l!Ck,
AU Ii..,.. .i...,,,
e: 1<><aJ OIa",lard ( __ <)Ii-.
15.76. Dri1l. I.ken_. of e,vili." 'Iefe".... t&tio". m"Y CIV I L Alit l'AT RQI. STAT IOSS
""n.tuel ,I.i!l. du, illl! "r.. ,"", .1"" ",,,dicc bl .. ~k .... " . I.,e~ .. """
' . -CC )'orm 1'0. 4r.:. (.. ). 15.91. Blt,,;bUuJl/Q1' Sial ..... l.iccR". Aulhori.. t'on. fot
dvil air pMrolotation e win be ; .... \led only 10 tbe duly IIp... avoi d in terference wilh oth er $ta t;on o. A~d ",twiJ..1 lurlAn.
po<nled Wing Co",,,,nnderl 01 the Ci"il Air P:ltrol.' That ouch lest;nl .hl! not 0..."",,) Ihe ",;ninn,," Irlln$-
15.92. SuppicmcQ/o;rJl SIQI~"'u". The applicant .1",lI millllion nec_.) 10 inl ... e the "",,il.hilil) of .eli~hJI
.ubmit with the al.plicalionlo. Italion liccnose complete a nd commun;cal;on.
detailed ;nf.,..","'t;on on the pr<>11OIed plan 01 Operal;on,
i"dudi",: RUI.ES A:-.:D RECULAT IO:-lS COVERN' l l'G
Cal Oen~&1 operatin, prooedurn. OPERATORS a.'
(b) Scope of .te,,iee to be rl!nd~. EME:IlCEl'CY RADIO SERV ICE
(e) Type of "'-eel to be tran.mined. 15.101. Liu""'" 0"..01.... 1(<<1""..1. Th e acl"lll ope'alion
(d) Method . to be uKd in monic.ori~. supern.,,,,
and of any atal;on in Ih. War Emcrllency nadio $e"'iee ,h.,l1
c<>ntrollin, Ib.,operation 0 1 anolation . lor whi~h ,h~ [i o oe be "arried on only hy a dilly qUAlified ,Mlio operator holding
i. requ e.ted . 'ndud,nl method of c<>mpli.n wilh n ~ L W.. r EmerK~ncy Radio Servic .. Op...:.Io, P~rrnil (See
nticted O'de. ND, Z. Sec. 1".30). The """n;\ .hall be in the i>OI8Ol!l\lion 01 the
(el M ethod uMOd 10 mc,uure \h" Ollc ... linR f.equcnciel of operator at 1111 l i,,,el whil .. on dUly. a"d . han be I"oduted.
the I",nl",;ner .. lor inepeelio" "'hen rC(L\lc.l<!d 1>,. an authnriled 'c"m&enla_
(f) I'"o f"drequenl in."eclion of Iheeqllipmen~ th'" ol,h .. (o.-e.n,nenl or Ih .. Allltion licen..,.,.
(.1 Souroe ... d di,hibulinn 01 the equipment. 15.102. Eli(ribiIu,. '1'0 he .. Iigibl .. for a ,..a. ~m"r""ncl'
r -.dio "''''ice OJl$f&tor pe,mil an apllliu llllh ... l1
S..... ," (a) II nld &dio operalor Ii""".., Or pern.i. of .ny clan
1 5.~. &/Ipco, Seniu. Ca) Pl'trolsl&lion. may be i ..... ed b)' lhe Commi";on.
lI,ed onl,Ydu.illJl; eln .... l~ncitfendOUl~rinllife. pllblie lalely. (b) Hllve complied ... ith the p.o,;';ona 01 Commhwon
or inlp01't.n~ p.operty. or for eaoenti.l co",munication d;. O.der 75 (Iin~erp.;tII . p . oof 01 dlilen.hi.> . !le.).
'ectly .elMin(l to civil air I>"lrol ""li,;ti~l. when other co", (e) Be apP.o,r:<! by Ihe "alion lite""" ."J 1>0 11t01",.ly
,,"'nienlion facilities do not uiu 0. Ire inadequate. certified for p&rlicipRiion in Ihe "clivil ie. of the "'ltRni-
(b) C;vil ai. patrol Ila tion i ona)' h.. uMOd to con,mUn;Cal .. lation.
",ilh I lation i in Ih .. WI . .. merlency . adin oervic .. : Ind with 15.103. App/icat"'" R<qui,.,"~"Io. An application for "&ch
It.l ionl in the ~ merl.. ney .adio (police. loteltry. W I.. Emcrllency io Sen' iee Ope''''or I... r",il aha11 be
.pedal ..",... gency. and ma.ine flre"alion.). or wilh Unilood _ubmilled on the p.c.. til-' lorm' Ihroutth Ihell.lion lieen-
Statea Covernment n .. tion ;'1 Ihoee e ....... ,,'hieh reqlli ... _ . Tloia appliuLion .haJI inelud .. Ih .. narne and add",., of
I!Oi!pe .... lion or I!Oi!rdination of .et;'it.iea. T .... n.m;w.",. not thellilion licen_ I~ther ,,-ilh Ihe nan ...... nd addr ... of Lhe
direcled to autho.ized Iialion rt prohibited. proP'*'<1 radio oper.tor nd the cl.&aa of operalor Heen..,
heLd by Ihe applin.nt nd oh.n he c<:1Li~ to by Ihtt ,Mlio
SU"."V'.llO!l M<O CO .... "OL . ide Or communte"tion, ol!lr Ihat:
(~) 'fh" prOI.oee.) Oller"IO' h,," be-en dilly invellipl",l .. nd
15.M. OpfO'o/;"n41 S .. pc,rilion. The oper .. tion of civil air
p&lroIIU,lion. 'h,ll be d i.ected .t 011 timea by lin omeer in i. beLi">",,d to bo loy~l 10 Ih " United S IMU. and io 01 .eeo,
charge of co,,,,,,unieationa. 10rtnAIly d""ijlnated . . "Com- n i.ed inte,;,.
muni.. lion. Omeer." p,,,rtdtd. Mlt'fter. Th.t the del('p' (bl IIi. lechn;cal qua1itio/l.tionl are ad",,!,," te fOf Ihe
tion of .ueh ,upe.v;lion Ih.U in nn w.y rtlie, .. the lIalion prope' petfonnanee of hia duti" .
lice,,- of thl re.ponlibility for thl proper Operlli ion nf 15.104. V41idull 01 PC"rlti/. (a) The "'ar e"' .. rllen~.' radio
Ihe ltation. in aceorda~ ... ilh th .. I.".no. of Ihe .tat ion ..... 'ic .. ope tor " ... ",il .,tho...... only .he operation of the
licentle. and . U pertinenl rultt and .ekUlatio..... .t",ion. lieenKd 10 a partieul.r licen ...... and i ..... lid for
the dUralion of Ihe .. ar and ';x montha Ihe .... ft .... bul in
Co .... t""!" .... 'o"'.O .... , ",,.. no event 10 uce.l a pe.iod of 6v .. y ..... from dOOle of
i ..u.n~.
15.95. fktin,/ilm. Th .. lerm "Communic.tiona Otfieer" (b) The w.r omer,ency radio $erv;eo Op<!r.lor I>er",i~ i.
meAnl the officilll forn'RIly deai,n"led by the alolinn li valid only when Ihe "hOlOgraph and .ill:no>.l ure 01 Ihe holder
ten_ to diroot a nd I"pe,,i.., Ihe operRtion of .. 11 r ~dio h"ve heo::n .. /foxed Iheroto.
alatio". a u thori.ed by the related .t"tinn lioen .... (e) A ph",<><oI>Y of .uch will not be """,g,niud
15.96. D1d;u. The dutie. of the con,munieal;on. offi".". for the ope.alio" 01 any . ta lion in the "'ar c'Oler,eney radio
.hall include ... mon, other" ""tvie....
(a) Direetion and .. '''''''~";o,, of .11 radio II.tion. au I ~. I~. Co"cIII'io .. "I Pu",il., (.) A "'ar ....."""n~y radio
Ihori&ed by the station l i _ . 10 .... u'e luie t compli.nee ecr\'i"" operator l.e"nit i . . .a nted upon Ihe UprtM <:ondi-
with tt.. IIrma 01 .nch lieen ... tion thai &aid ""rmil i ubject to cb.n~ Or ... neelllliion by
(b) i'rovilioD for -.deqllate monilorine: of an Iran ami .. t he Commiuion .. I any time .. ilhoul aIIv.need notice or
aiona nf the ltal;on& und .. r bi. lupervi.ion ' 0 "'u,e COm- heatinc. if in ill dlKretion .u"h ""Iion i. deemed nflO ......y
pli,noe with Ihe r ulH .nd ,e,nl.tio". of the Commiuion.
a nd to ,uord "KIlinat the im proper 11M of the radio ""'Iiona
for the nlliional !lee"tily rr.nd defen ... and Ihe ,,,~retI8ful ""n_
duct 01 thl .... t
nd inte"l;on&1 orinadvertelll tr. n.mi ;on~ which mlaht be (b) Th .. holdc. 01 R war emergenCY radio $erviee OIl"' ''lor
delrin,ental to the nat;on.1 defenee and !leeu.i ly. l.ern,il . han ""re"d~r ."cb lIermil 10 th" Commi ;on for
(~) I nepeclion of th .. equi"melll.t frequen t inlerval. to unceUation at Ihe requ ... t of .. lIalion li"",,,,,,,,, or upon ter-
inallrt utiar.ct ory lechnical ope.. tion . minalion of the operatof'l oo"noot;on with Ihellalion licen-
(d) CartiS""lion of the n.",.. ol "ro~ rMlio 0l'e.alor. ...... wilh wbo.n h. "'II previously .1Ii1;.. ,ed .
...111' a tho.ou,h inv ... liaalion h . . heo::o mMlI rtlMive 10 15.100. DupliDllu Per",i/. An openltor "'Iloee permit haa
.h~rco'npelence. been I ...t. mulil"led Or d ... royed .halL 'm"'.... i.. t.ely no.ify
{I} Whenevcr ci,,;lian del.. n ... Ita t io"... re '<I" ... ted 10 the Commi$8ion . Any operetof permitt"" "1'lIlyinll fn. a
comm"niUI" with ei"il air ""ttOl .. t .. tions in accord.nce . d uplicate perrnit 10 .eplace an ofi(inal .. hieh 10... """n loot
... ith Ihe 1"0";';Qn8 of $eelion 15.63. th .. communiealionl mu l ilated or <I ... troyed .haU lubmit 10 Ih e 'Imlio" licen_ for
officer. on behalf of the Winl Co,n m.nd",. hall proml'tly Iranomi"a' 10 Ihe Co,,,,,,i ...;on ellch "'''liIMed licen.., or
nOlify in "'rit;n~ the Commiuion in W .. h;n,lon. D. C" and affida"it att"stinM 10 Ihe IIICI" r~K"rdinill: Ihe ", .. nnCf in ... hien
~he In'l"",torin-Ch""Ke of the dislr;ct in "'hi~h Ihe in tne ori;in&1 wu I.,.t o. d""troyed. If Ihc original ;~ l.~IC'
volved eh'ili~n delcn.., &ul ion . ... e 1<></I.1.ed. Such .... iuun fou"d. it or lhe d"t.>li~le "".mil 'han be tClu,ned 10 110"
bOlice Ihall ;ncl"d~ the fnllow;n( info.muion ; Commi..ion lor .... ,,""U.tion.
I . l' ... m .. 01 ri"m"n delen ... 11.licn licen .... (.}. 15.101. R.,."ornJ "III' Clr E",,,,V"~~~ RNli" Su"'" OpfO'lJUIr
2. DaLe(') of lueh co.nmUnie .. liun. Per A ..... e' ne'ltenc,Y rMlio """'ice operalor permil m.y
3. l.ocalion(a) of involved ci"man def .. " ...... nd civil be renewlOd upon proper appli~alion ... hieh .. hould be 'lib.-
.i. p~lrol otalion . mined to the Comm;..ion throu&h the lIation li""n ..... II
4. Brief deeeription of the lit" .. tion n"""';tatinl .ueh in Ib .. cue for an orlai nal permit.
intercommunication. 15. lOS. S ... ~u;.," o/Opcr ....... l.iu. T h .. w .. r .. mer
, .ney cadio O""" ' or I.. rmit may he ""n""llot! and any olheT
'1'_ cia of Ii""".., held by thc opera tor may be o".pended for
15.07. T~.I . The licen_ .. uf civil air patrol ,\.nlin"a "' rl the "iolMion by Ih"o\>erntoto f any p.ov;.ion.of Illw. treaty.
""u"ill<:d 10 make Aueh .n"lin~ te.t. as are t"Qui,ed for rules 0. re,ul.-ion. of th" Commioaion .
p.ope. ",ainl<nllncot! of the It/l.1.ion . and Ihe communie... tion
')'Siem. Pr<nWI..1. Tbat adequ"," pr"" ... uliona are t.aken to F .C.C. ~'nrm No. 457.
An tenna Construction
T nI': USE of good matcl'lata in ~hc an- (l "A"Fram e Mast
tenna system is importnnt. since t he nntenna is T he si mple and inexpensive mas t shown in
expos ed to wind and weather. T o kee p elee- Fig. 1iOi is satisfactory fo r heights lip t.o
t.rieu! 10!lSC1i 1011', the wires in the ante nna and 35 or 40 feet . The materi!ll ~ re q uired nrc the
feeder system must have good conductivity 2 X 2-inc h lum ber, five }{-inc h carriage bo lts
and the insulators must. have lo \\' dielectric loss 5H inches 10llg (with "'Mhe rs), II few spikes,
and "urface leakage, pnrticulllrl y lIhen wet. l~bout 300 feet of No. 12 galvanized iro n wire,
For sho rt I~ nt.cllllas, No. 14 gnuge hard-drawn nnd severnl s lllnll ~ I-rnin in s ulator~. The Intter
enameled copper wire is a satisfa ctory conduc- are used every 10 to 12 feet to bre:lk the guy
tor. FOT lo ng antcnn M and directive ar ra ys, wires into sections. Clcnr, lIO und lumber s hould
No. 14 or No. 12 enameled copper-ebd steel be selected. The completed mMt mlly be i'ro-
wire should be used. It is best to !llnke feeders tccted by two or t hree conts of house pai nt.
of ordinary soft.-dra\\'n No. 14 or Xo. \2 enam- If the mllSt is to be e rected on the grou nd , II-
eled copper wire, since ha rd-d rawn or eopper- couple of stakes s ho uld be d rive n to keel) the
clad "teel wire is difficult to handle ullle\! .. it j" oottom fr(.m ~ lipping and it. m:ly then be
under cOllsidert\ble te nsion at all time ... T he "wa.lked up" by II pllir of helpers. If it is to go
wires should be 1~1l in o ne piece; \\'here II jo int on a roof, firs t s t:lnd it up agAi ns t the ~ id e of
cnnnot he avoided, it sho uld be carefully IKlJdered. the building and t hen hoist it from the roof,
In build ing fL relKllHl.nt two-lI'ire feeder, the keeping it vertiCAl. The who le lI!!sc mbly is light
SllIIcer insulation should be of ILlS good quali ty e nough fur t wo men to perform t he com plete
8.l! in the nntcnnn in8ulators proper. Fo r this operatio n - lifting the mlls t, ('" nrryi ng it to its
reason , good eenunie spa cers are ad visable. pcrmallent berth and faste ning the guys -
Wooden dowels boiled in paraflin may be used with the mast vertical a ll the while. It is en-
with untuned lines, but t heir use is not recom- tirely practicable, therefore, to erect this type
mended fo r tuned lilies. The wooden dowels of mast on any small, Hilt are:!. nf roof.
CRII be attached to the feede r wires by drilling By using 2 X 3s or 2 X 4s. the height may
small holes a nd binding them to the feeders be extended u p to abo ut 50 feet . The 2 X 2 is
with wire. too fl exible to be satisfactory at such heights.
The ends of tuned feede rs or the ends of the
ante nna lire points 9f maxi mum voltage. It is
lIt these points th at the ins ulatio n is most 3 TOP
important, and Pyrex glass, Isolantite or stea- ..afT pws
tite insulators with long paths are
recom mended. Glal,ed porcelain also is satis-
f:l. clory. InSlIllltors should be clenlled o nce o r
twice A year, especially if they arc su bjected to
much s moke and soot.
In most CIIlICS polell or masts are desirable
to lift t he Rntenllll denT of s urrounding build-
ings, Although in some locations the antenna
will be s uffi ciently in the elenr when "trung
from one chimney to nnother or from n chim-
ney to a tree. S mall treCII usunlly are not lIutis-
fa ctory as Iw ints of lI uspension for the nntell llR
bccnuse of their movement in wi ndy weather.
If the antenna is strung from a point nca r
the center of the tr unk of a lnrge tree, this
dink ulty is not so serio us. Whe re the nntenll8.
""ire must be strung frum o lle of the 8malle r
branches, it iii best to tic a pulley firmly to t he
branch a'lId r UII a rojlC through the pulley to
the nntenn A, with the othcr e nd of the rope at.-
tached to a co un te r weight ncar the gro und.
The coun te rweight. will keep the tensio n o n the
Rntenna wire reasonnbly oon8t1lnt even when
the brunches s way or the rope tighte ns llnd Fit.. 1701 - l)" l a;l . "r .. ~''''111" 4O. foo l ." A- .fu,ne ... &81
~t retr, hes with va ry ing climatic conditions. A" i\ahl" for " ree ' ;o" in 1<)<;_ ' ;0" , ,,'her" . pace i. I' m;,,,,I.
v l OP WYS
a lo ne witho ut. guying when the t wo bottom bolla
are in place, avoiding the neCCS8ity for having
a helper o n each g uy while the must is being
l T-Se ction Mast
A type of mast s uitable for heights tip to
'0- about SO feet is s hown ill Fig. 170J. The ml\llt
is built up by butting 2 X 4 or 2 X G l imbers
edgewise Against a second 2 X 4, all shown nt
A, with al ter nating joints in the edgewise a nd
flat-w ise sections. T he construction can be
carried ou t to grenter lengths simply by con
tinuing tho 20-foot sections. Longer or s horter
scetions may be used, if more convc nient.
The method of making t.he joint!! is s hown at
C. Quartcrinc h o r M ,-inch iron , 1.J."l to 2 inc hes
wide, is recommended for the straps, with M
inc h holt6 to hold the pieces together. One bolt
should be run th rough t.he pieces midway
between joint6, to provide addit.ionlll rigidity.
Although there arc mally ways in wh ich such
a mll..!lt can he secured lit the base, the ~'crn dle"
Fi!. /702 - A simp1.. illUlltmted at D hWl many advantages. Heavy
. ",1 SlllT< l y "",ot for timbers eet firmly in the gro und, spaced br
hri ~h l ~ in (he ... ie ini,,.
of .10 fccl. pivoted . t enough apart 110 the base of the mWlt will pass
I he loa ... for easy e ree_ between them, hold II large OllTringe boltor li tee!
I."". T he hei , hl ean bar which scrves as :1 bearing. This bolt goeli
b.. u le n ,Jed ( 0 SO fee l
'" mo re b y usi ,, ~ 2 X t hrough a hole in the mast so that. it is pivoted
~ f inSlcad o f : X 3~. at the bottom. As tho mWlt is swung upward
Ante nna Construction 379
FiB. 1704 - 1'" ..,. the "egg" t.Y1)C with the insulating materinl
' Ul' ~"Ch ON. o ,,~ under compression, so that t.he jl:uy will not
pip~ i. suffici en t
(or J lll a ll ", t come down if t.he insulatiJr bre:\ks.
but t ... o '''5t.ll~tI Guy wires may be anchored to a tree or
as ,ho,,'" ... ,IL pro building when they haPI)c11 to I)C in convenient
,,;,Ie t h~ a<l,1; tio"al spot.!!. For slIlull poles .II. G-foot length of I- in ch
~"~"'lh c~q ,,;re<1
for I.r~~r polu. pipe {Iriven into the ground at nn angle will
suffice. Addi tional bracing will be provided by
in an a re while being mised, the bottom will IIsing two pipes, as shown in Fig. 1704.
be free to pivot on t he bearing.
The job of rlli$ing the mast cnl! be Sim l)lifieo, (l Halyards and Pull e ys
when a bottom bearing of this nature is used, A frce-running pulley 9.nd 9. long-lived hal-
been use half of the guys can be put in place and yard nrc definite II.SSCts ~o a n antenna system.
tighte ned .up before the mast len ves the ground. Common elothesli lle is s trong enough for s mall
Four lieU:; of guys should be used, one in front, antennflS, but docs not. stutld ~he weathe r well
one directly in the rear, nnd twu o n e:\ch ~ide at and s hould be renewcd frequently; SflSh cord
right angles tu the d irec tio n in which the mast i8 bctter, bitt "till not wenthcr rCliistnnt. A
will fnee. Since the base 1)OI;ition is fixed by the satisf:lcto ry hnl yurd is ~ or ,!1-inch W!lter-
bearing, nil tile side guys cnn be put in place, proofed manila rOlle, the lurger !!i~ being needed
anc hored /l,nd tightened while tile mast i ~ lying only to hold long stretchcs of wire. Ordinn ry
o n the ground. A set of gUYII should be u ~cd at rope or cord eu n be waterproofed by souking it
eHch of the joints ill the edgewise sections, thc a day or two in automobile top dre:ssihg,
guy wires being wrapped arou nd the j:lOle A good grade of gn l vani~ed irOIl pulley will
ruther than b s tened to bolts or passed through be s atisfac tory in locatio ns where the atm os~
holCll in the pole ; either of the lattcr methods phcre i8 free from salt, but at sen.shore locations
tends to weaken t he joints. II. pulley i ntended for marine use s hould be
uilCd . One of the best types is fI. hard-
wood block with a brotl1.e rolie r- lleMing
s haft, whidl will resist oorrosion even
under adverse conditions.
(I, Bringi ng the Antenna or Tran s-
mi nion line into th e Station
The n ntenna o r tran s mi 8sion l ine
s hould lle a lwhored to the o u(.<;ide wnll
of the building, as s hown in Fig. 1705,
to remove s t rain from the lead-in in-
sulators. Holes cu t through the wnlls of
B the building and fitted with feed-through
f'i8. 1705- (A) ,\nchor;" 1 r.,.,de l'l take. the at .. ;" f,o", fced. ins ulators are un d oubtedly th e best
th rou~h ;"o.. lator. Or "-;"d,, .. ~I M"". (II) Go;", th ro,, ~h a f"l1
le" h ..,n ;e n . a cle u i. ra .. ~""d I<l frame or .h", "" Cf!n Oil t [, ~ means of bringing the line into the sta-
'". itie. Cle.ra" c" holellar~ .",t in .he du! a",1 . Iwin the.., r.,., n. tio n. T he holes should have ple nty of air
cletl,mnce about the conducting rod, es-
For height.s up to 50 feet, 2 X 4-1uch mem- pecially ..... hen \Is ing tuned linell which develop
bers may be used throughout. For greater high .voltages. Probably the best place to 11:0
heights, it is advisable to use 2 X (is for the th rough the walls is the tri mmin~ Iml\rd at the
edgewise llec ti OIl~, ILl though 2 X 4-inch I)ieces to p or bottom of
will do for t he fl at section$. a windo w frame
whi c h ~ rovides
(I, Guys and Guy A n cho rs flat s urfaces fo r
Por masts or 1)01Cll UI) to abou t 50 feet, No. lead-in illsui!ltors.
12 iro n wire illlL sati.sfactory guy-wire nmterinl Cement or rubber
(No. 12 iron wire is considerably heavier than gaskets may be
cOPI)Cr). Heavier wire or stranded cable mll.y used to waterproof
be used for taller poles or pole8 installed in lo- the eX I)oscd joints. Leadin
fW n <!/
cations where the wind velocity is high. \V here such a
Guy wi res should be broken UI) by 8train in- procedure is not.
s ulators, to avoid the possi bility of rcsonunce at per m issi ble, th e
the trnnsmitting frequency. Common practice window itself usu- SUI <~=:;!,J. __
is to insert nn ins ulator neur the top of each ally offers the best
g uy. "ithin II few feet of the 1)Ole, and then cut o l}port u nity. Otle
ellch ~ectiort of wire between the insuilltors to sutisf:lctol'Y method ~ill. 1706 - An a ' c ' ''' a l"a, l .
a length which will not be rct<nllJ\nt either on i~ 1.0 drill holett in i" p" nc1 "'~ ,. I'e pla ced " "u
the fundamental or harmonie8. All in8\llator the ghLSII neur the I he 10 1' u.h " , under .he
, .as" or" ..;,.. Iow. SeMI.
every 25 feet will be satisfactory for fre(llIen- top of the UI}per 1i"0 ..5'"the O"" r lMI'I,;n s jo>;1 will
cics up to 30 Me. The il1.8ulato rs should be of sn~h. I f the gl u>l3 is 111.1< " ;t w ~. l h e q.. o or.
tl Lightn ing Protection
An ungrounded radio !l.ntenna, part.icul!l.rly
if la rge and well elevated, is (L lightning Imz-
ard. Whe n grou nded, it provides a measure of
protection . T herefore, g rou ndi ng s wi tches or
ligh t ning a rresters s ho uld be pro vid ed. Exnm-
pies of construction of low-loss arresters nre
s hown in Fig. 1707 . At A, the arrester e lec-
t rodes are mounted b y means of s tand-off in-
sulators o n a fireproof asbestos bo nrd. At n,
the electrodes are enclosed in a standard s tee l
outlet box . T he gaps should be made as small
as possible without danger o f breakdown
durin g operation. Lightnin g-a rre ~tcr systems
require the best ground C(lnnection obtainable.
The most po;;itive protection il< to ground the
antenna system when it is not in use ; grounded
flexibl e wires provided with clip6 for connectio n
to the feeder wires mny be used. The grou nd
lead sho uld be short and run, if possible,
directly t o a driven pipe or water pipe where
it entcrs the gr ou nd o utside t he building.
tl Antenno Switching
A It is ofte n desirable, particularly ill DX
r ill.n07 - f..<:,,,'-!oM ligh tn ,n , "<rCllel'$ for t ra n8mittel"5 . work, to use the snme ante nna fo r trans mit.-
ting and rece iving. This requi res switching of
repla ced by plate glass, a
stronger job wit! res ul t.
Plate glass may be ob-
tai ne d from a utomobile
junk yards and d rilled
be fore placing in the
frame. The glass itself
provides insulation a nd
the transmission line may
be fllStened to bolUs fitting O.PO. r: s wiM
0' " !f"-y
the holes. Ru bber gaskets A
cut fro m inner tube will rvned f~s
rende r the holes water-
proof. The lo we r SllSh
should be provided with
stops at a suitable height
to prevent damage whe n ~Anb!nna.
rW"_~ [lr: :-~.
it is raised. If the window
- ~-
has a full-length screen,
the scheme shown in F ig. m:msmltkr- ~d""
1705-B may be ur;ed .
aRo.r: SWitch w I'<!/o,/ D,PO] SWItd> or~!ay
As a less permanent
method, the window may C o
be mi<;ed from the bottom Ank:nt'i<z. T~r Ih. f Antenna Tuner NO.2
o r lowered from the top
to permit insertio n o f a
7io~,";;;-- ~,~
board which carries t.he
feed-through insula tors.
~ r1 V'_
This lead-in arrangement
can be made weather-
proof by ma kin g an over-
lapping joint bet-ween the O.P.O.T. O.P,O. T
board and window sash, F
as shown in Fig. 1706,
and covering the opening rig. 1708 - Ante n nB -s wil<oh in g BcranSernenIA for "~cio,, " In~ o f "n ' en n u. A -
between slU!hcs wit.h u. Fo r t u n ed l i tl~8 " ';Ih ~e para. e Bn le '''' . tun e co o r 1"",i mp."d8 u" Ii".". . 1.\ - . ' or a
,"olu ge fed .n'e""". C - f'o ra Illn ed Ii,,,, ", i.h a ~ in , le 'u"u. ]) - Fo r n " ol ' ''~e
sheet of soft r ubber from fe<1 .. n'enn " ,,i.\I a s in gle t un er . E - For ' '''0 . "n ed _lin e " ul enn .. " 'i, h It ' " n er for
a discarded inner tube. each ante lllll' Or for two JOII' _impedance li n"o. F - Fo r .everal t ,,o_" lines.
Antenna Construction 381
antenna from tranllmit.ter to receiver. One of quite easy. Electri cians' thin-walled conduit
two general systems mlly be employed. III the also is suitable for rotary-bcnm e lements.
first, Lhe transmitter and receiver each are pro- A ll e:.sily constructed sUPllorting fra me for a
vided with an antellna tuner, and the ant.cllna horizonL'l.1 rot.a ry benm is show n in Fig, 1709.
tr:l.Illlmission line ie ewitched from one to the It. mar be mnde of I X 2 lumber, preferably
other. I n the second system, one nntenna tune r olLk for the cellter !jCctions aud white pine or
is Ilrovided for CRch nntenntl and the switch is
in the low-impedance coupling line. Several tYlr
ienl arrangements arc shown in Fig. 170S.
The high voltages which develop on tuned
lines require switches and wiring having good
insulatio n. Frequently relays with low-capacity
contacts are substituted for manually operated
switchCll. Either way is sat.isfa ctory.
CI. Rotory Beam Con strudion
Many amateurs mount the simpler type!! of
directive antcnnlUl in such a way that the an-
te nna can be rotated to shift the direction of
the beam at will. Obviously the use of such
rotary antenn&ll is limited to the higher fre-
quencies, if the structure is to be of practicable
size. For thi9 reason the mnjority of rotary-
beam a ntenna.s are constructed for use on 14
Mc. and higher frequencies . The problems in
rotary-beam construction arc those of provid-
ing a s uitable mechanical s UPlXl rt for the an-
tenna elements, furnishing a means of rotation,
and attaching the transmissioll line 80 that it
does not interfere with the rotlltion of the sys-
tem. The antenna elements usually are mnde of Fi,l. 171Q - 01le f""111 o{ro.. tin~ ", hallism . A bicy-
metal tubing 50 t.hat they will be at JelUlt l,ar- cle ~procke t and c hai " .urn the 1)OIe which 8"1"_" .he
bea", an.""" . Feede. C(>nn '",,,, front the a"lenna a . e
tiall y self-suppo rting, thus s implifying the bro,, ~ h 0 'h e ",et .1 ri n l~. whid, , Iid e a~a;".1 ,,>r; II I
rotating structure. The large diameter of the c""' aelt mo" n'e.1 " n t he 1 , e . t ~ ll d..,ff ''' ..,1. ,0....
conductor is beneficial also in reducing resist-
ance, which becomes an importllnt considera- cyprC8ll for the outer arms. The self-supporting
t ion when close-spaced e lemcnta a re used. tubing antenna elements are intended to be
When the cleme nts are horizontal a SUPI>ort- mounted on s tand-ofT insulators on the a rms
inl/: structure is necessary, made usually of marked E. Tile square block at the center ( A)
light but strong wood. Dural tubes often are may be fas tened to the pole by any convenient
used for the elements, and thin-walled COf- means. The di mensions of such a st.rueture will,
rugated steel tubes with copper coating also of course, depend UI,on the t ype of antenna sys-
are available for this The element3 tem u!IPd. It is particularl y well s ui ted for a
frequently a~e of sections of tele- ha.lf-wllve antenna with a single director or re-
scopi ng tubing, lengt h adjustments flector on 14 Me., or 11 three-clement beam on
28 Mc. For 56 Mc., the dimensions may be
reduced proportionally. (Bib. I .)
Va rious means of rotation and of making
con tAct to the trans mission line have been de-
vised. One method is s hown in Fig. 1710. I n
t his the pole is rotated by a chain-and-
sprocket a rrangement, with the base resting o n
a bearing. Feeders Ilre brought down the pole
fro m the antenna to a pair of wire rings. llgai ns t
which l!liding contacts pree.<l. (IJib . .!'.)
Part.s from junked automobiles often pro-
vide gear trains and bearings for rotating the
antenna. Rear axlC8. in particular, can readily
be adapted to the purpose. Some
amateu rs usc motor-driven rotat-
ing mechanis ms which, although
complicating the const.ruction,
Fig. 17Q1J-An euily buil . I UPI), "'uc'ure ror sim plify remote control of the antenna. More
h.,..i7.On,al ro. a ry bUOII. M ~de c hieny of I X 21 he o r ICIlll e lnborate i ndi cuting devices, which s how
~ ' ''''' ' ''re
iauro" l ye . li ~ I,. in wei ~ ll' , Anlenna etc " ..,,,
are ' ''P I><)rl ed on ","d..,ff i"."II 'o" Oil t he E In" .
the direction in which the antenna is pointed,
Lell, , !. o f the D ...."1;0" . d epe nd l 0" demenl I l'acin , . often are used with motor-driven benms.
f"j,. 11/3 - A ! im llL e f()f"m of
endfire array a. """.1 "I W21c n .
The 1"'0 COI'I>t:r.l"hi " ~ "L" ",,,,,u
a rc c u rved in a "d . lI n dow " t h e
1>(>1., 10 form l, ar l of th e f" cd Li" ".
1 t.ynch. Som" Th OUllhte On Rotary n""m A"ten" ...:
OST. Oeto~r. 1938.
, Ala"o, .. Simplifyi"g the Rot:U")~A"te"n R Mcch"" ;",,,:'
OST. 0<:'000'. 1938.
f Neu""ha". Rnd Schreiner .. A ('onti"uoual)- Ilo,nh.ble
28-~[c. Be""'.' QS T, March. 1938
I.yn.h . /IIora T ho""" ... On Effeclive Anlen" ...: QST.
.. _"
1714 - The I l ::!. i\l e . Ii rcet; ve ura ,. " W2CUZ
, ..ooolli ''''. ' !leu of , h ..... i~idedri vcn eienoc tl ' s,
b ,. J.a rui . ic reHec lo .... The , ,."e n , i. rota lable.
Novemhe 1009,
Taylor. O"""';ly with Whal You n a ve," q ST.
Sepl<I",bcr. 1030.
Carrier-Curre nt Communication 385
The second restricti on is one imj>osed in red uelng properties o f a scl~ctive receive r. A
certll in regions by miJitllry nuthorities, in the high percentage of modulutio ll is ndvisnblc fo r
form of public proxbmntions prohibiting the 'phone w ork.
use of (IllY eq\lij)ment capable of being em - C~ l / j" lI ,., ,, .. ,,, I - T he beat r. .... t . lap fur
ployed for communication within specified anyone intere;lted in getting alurled in carrier-
restri cted zones. These zones are designated eurre llt work IS to (jlld someone not t oo distnl! t
by notices posted at e ... cry loca l selective from his location to work with him . Wa tc h
servi ce board office, post office, court house o r t he pngcs of QST'. "Experimenter's Section"
Law n hall within each restricted zone. Where for the Ilames of other interested persons ill the
such n militAry order is in effect, it mea ns that com munity. Ha ... ing locnted nnother en tlmsi-
carrie r-current commullicat ion (as well :l-'1, one can b uild the transmitte r while the
a ny o ther kind) is specifically prohibited in other t akes on the job of maki ng t he receiver
the area. or conve rte r. If the receiver is so des igned tha t
A s migh t be expected, the noise level of most it may be operated in u. car, 80 muc h the better,
domestic power lines is mthe r hig h. T o over- si nce it will then be possible to for m a. good
come thia d ifliculty, the use of high tmns mitter idea of whe re and how far the s ig nnl i~ trnve ling
power might seem desirable. However, because by following ]lOwcr line". T ests a lso can be
of the Icgnl limitntion on radiation field made Rt a distance to de te rm ine the efTectl> of
stre ngt h previously m~ntioned a nd the fuct !!xperimentr.1 lld jllstmentl! at t he trnlls mi tter.
that harmonic output must be kept low to Such tes ts elimi nnte !lluch o f the guesswork o r-
I)reve nt inte rferenre with broadC[l.$t rece ption, din:nil y connected with lin CXJ>crimentll.l ear-
the usc of trnns mitte r po wer inputs exeeeding rier-(:u rTent sYl>te m.
50 watts or 80 is seldom advisnble.
/t,m gcs - Since pcrfor mnnce depends so l Station Equipm ent
largely UI)On liM conditio ns, it is iml)ossible E xcept for the anl(,lllla, the l\ppnrlltus re-
t o prediC:l with !lny degree o f accuracy the qu ired for carrier current consists of the Slime
distance range which m:ly be expected with unit.~ !l.8 used in radio conl nlunicl\tioll - trll n ~~
nmateu r carric r-current installntions. I n gen- mitter, r~cci ver, power SU I)plie!l, lI'1odulator
cral, grenter d is t nnces can be covered in TUrnl (if lI ~ed ) and mic rophone or key. The appara-
d istricts, where OJ)(ln~w ire lines a re mo re oftell tus mlly consist. or Ilnythi ng from 11 simple
employed , distribution tra ns formcrs are less self-excited 03cillntor fo r the trnns mitte r a nd
freque nt, and loading is less alon g the line. In
t he citielJ ranges us uully will be less, beeause
much of the wiring is carried in grounded
cOllduit a nd t he distances between loading
poinls are short. Ho ..... ever, the city dweller
has a n advantnge in that us ually he does not
need to co\'er as great a dis tance to find some-
one with whom t o comm unicate, because o f
the grenter density of po pulalion. With trans-
nlitter power inpu ts of 25 wa t ts or le.;;s, dis-
tan ces up to five miles o ften ure reported in
metropolitan arens. Rura l st ll.tions frequently
are able to inc rease their rllnges t.o ten miles or
more. It s hould be reme mbered thnt, to cover
a n air-line dis tan ce o f three or fo ur mile>; be-
twee n tnlllsmi t ti ng a nd receiving statio n,>, the
lIignal may hllve to t rnve l a conside rllhly
grenter distan ce in following the power lines .
The fnct th:lt two stat.ions mny receive
power fro m diffe re nt distribution systems does
not necel!Jlarily mean that communicHtion is
impossible, since there is evidence that the
sigllnl m!IY be t rnnaferred fr om one line to
another by induct ion provided the two lines
run close together at some point.
TI!e useful range usually is greater in the
d aytime than at nigh t because line loading is
less during the dllY. Fo r the same re:l8on, the
Iloise level is lower in the dnytime a nd during
th e Int.e houf3 at night than it is in the middle
of the evening.
While both telegraphic and voice com- Fi,l. 180 / - A 2Swa ll 6 ,"6 IU"8 rni ll ~r {or ... ired wi .~ .
mlllliclI lion have heen Cllrried o n s uccessfully , 100$'" Si ne", Y i. lJI~ cond~"k ... l .. r~e ~" o" . h 10 ,iv".uffi.
tetegmphy will curry be~tcr through noise and ei"", r'e' I""""Y cI:.",,, .II." ,Iinic"h 10 ken." "u le8.
1>".-.. 11,,1,,<1 h.c ~c", '~ " '5 ar~ ,_ .1, .. la l'I"',1 coil i~
more advantage nl:ly be take n o f the noise- " sed ( 0<" t un ;n ,. Ci. c"il di .. , ", i. , b.."". ;n "'1'
r C'c.
and it is recommended thl~t a ll tuning a djust
men ts be mnde with one hand in the pocket.
." Initia l tuningup sho\.ld bc done without thc
c, M
c. ro ..... ,{lIt
oscillator COtl l)led to the line. Set the clips so
tha t there are 60 tl1 rns betwccn grid and
plnte, and attach the cllthode Lap !~t 25 tu rns
fcolll the grid cnd. Press the key and read the
nov. UNC
.- - "
Fi4. J804 - CircII,t o f ' he 25 ..... 11 61.6 t . . ".lIIill er.
C., C, - 0.006."r.t. m ica, :!SOO volu.
plnte current; thcn try again with t he cathode
tap on either aide of t he first po.~itio n. T he
sctting of t he cat hode till> which gives the
lowest plat~cur rent rending is the olle to uS('.
With a. 35C}..volt s u pply, the no-- Ioad plate
C~, c. - O.I."r.I. p. per, 600 " 011 . current s hould r un a round 25 or 30 rna.
e. - IOO.,."M. n''''a. The ncxtstcp is to connect the output circuit
e.. c, - O.OS.,. rd. I'.per, 600 " 0 11,.
n, - 5O.000-oh, ..oontl. 10 ...... 1t. to t he line. Set the coupling clip SO t hat neither
IU ' e - 80' 0110 . r.t. cl",kc (MeiMncr 19-2709 ). C. nor C, is being sho rted (the condition of
L, - 80 h.n" No. 18e .. clo..e.wou"d on 3j.S.inch d ia met er loosest COUI)lin!!:). T he plate cu rrent unde r 10l\d
for n' , l apped ""er r Sih lu." .
14 - 4 \o>rn. No. 18 r"bber..,.,vered ... ire, woood o .. er s hould to 30 or 40 rna., depe nding
the ccuter of {. ,. upon t lte frC(luency of the tmllsmitter.
Fi... 1806 - Ci...,IIi, di.",,", of Ih~ muu. -.:illuo. I'''..-e ..... mpli/i ... wire<I ....,ir,.l""" """.mill"' ,
C, - 0.002.,,(,1. ,o ica. e" - 35O.... r.l. vaei""',,. L, - 160 '".". No. ~II c. " " I H
(4 - 35O... ftl. vui.hle. C . C,. _ T he"," cond" " ",," C<>He- indo (orl11 , '''l'pe.1 SO Il> 1" ,"
C4 - SOO ... ~d. mica. 61><'nd 10 C. i n Fi,. 1802. from I.ot.lorn . .
Co to Ct. inc. _ 0.1 ... (t!. l>'l11e'. 600 C:o _ 0.002 ... (,1. mica. 1000 volu. 14 - 90~ 1Urll~ No. 22 e. on 3.",,,h
vol,-_ . _ Il , - 0.1 ""'Iohm, 1'''",, 11. La - 90 '7"~~';" No. 22 c. 00 .... me
C,o - O.OO2."fd . n"U. 2500 ,"Iu. 110 - 50,000 oh m I ..... " . form at L." h.lf urI. . ide
ell, C,z -350.... (.1. uri."'". n ~ - 300 01.",". t .... u . . of 1."
C ll - O.OO2-.. rd. mit . 2500 voh .. R. - 50,000 oh m 1,"'.lt. Lo _ 80 luml No . 18 e. on 3 ).S.;,,,;.b
c.. - O.I'I'M. P"P"', 600 voll.. I! ~ - 20.000 ohm .. l .w. u . form. ul'I>eli U cenT c .
C" - 0.002 ... r,1. miu. 1000 wolu. R. - lOO ohm.. I O_w.n. '-' _ See """l ion on """I,I;nl.
C'6-0.002."r,l. mica. 5000 volu. R. - 15.000 ohm!. 1O ....n. nrc -
The qUHlity of the nute C,III be checked by 70 rna. a nd screen cur rent of 30 rna. It is,
listening to I\. ho.rmonie \\'ith the communiell- however, capable of ha ndling higher powcr
Lions recciver set to its lowest freque ncy range. wil.h increased final-amplifier plate and screen
As the coupling is increased the note will voltage8.
become roug h or II YOO I)Y ", indicating that the Almost a ny combinlltion of tubclS could be
coupling is too tight or that the cathode used in a similar arrangement. Triodes will
tap nccdll adjustment. The note will roughen req uire neutrali7-ing ci rcuitll, of course.
up before it chirps; the roughnel!-8 can be CQ ,nb;""t;m. t r n"" m;II.('r- rcce; l.-er - In
tolerated, hut the chirp makes copying d ifficult. Fig. 1808 is s how n the circuit diagn~m of Il c.c .
Be careful when making adjustmenu - trans mi tter-receiver. The receiver consists of a
you will have deli berately hooked o nto the 6SJ7 rege nerative detector and a singlc-IItllge
I I5-volt line, and yo u can get a good shock audio amplifier with Il 6C5, pre~ded hy an
From it! untuned s tage of r.r. using a 8(!rond 6SJ7 wit h.
.U." .I' . trall$mi H e r - The photograph of the hot side of the power line tied directl y
Fig. 1805 illust rates a typical transmitter of to the grid. The detector is quite conventiona!'
the m.o.p.a. type. The circuit diagram appears ft., is the regeneration control. The receiver
in Fig. 1806. The tube line-up cons ists of /I. coillS, Lt , L2 and La, I\re scrnmble-wound with
6C5 Ha rtley oscillator, 6SK7 buffer, a nd push- No. 32 enameled wire, 011 a piece of cardbonrd
pull 802 final amplifier. I n addition to the r.f. ~ lIbing about one and One-half inches in diame-
circuits, the chassis also includes a p[lI.te-aild- ter. The secondary, L 2 , should be wound on
screen modulator for 'phone work, and a power first and covered with a layer of fri ction tnpe.
9ulJply. The wiring diagram of the modull\tor The primary, Lt, is then wound close to the
unit is sho wn in Fig. 1807. grid end of L t , and the tickle r, l-J, dose to the
Thi! trAnsmitter opernlell at an input of ground end. Finally, the enti re coil should
abollt 20 watts, \\ith n fina l plate current of be given anothe r covering of Friction tal>C.
The tran:<mitter is a regulation Hartley circuit. C t is the 5eries tracki ng conde nser in
06cillntor u~ing a IlL6G. Wi th the plate the oscilbtor circuit ; this conde nser is re-
voltage available the inllut runs abo ut 12 movcd and cOllllccted in parallel with C .. the
watts. T he note s ho uld be crystal d.c. oscil lato r tuning condenser. Fig. 1SO!J-B s hows
The power s uppl y is common to both the the rndio-fre<lue ncy cirCllit. LJ and L2 nre re-
reccivcr and t.mru. mitte r, the receiver acting as moved and the coils s hown in B ure con nected
a blccdcr for thc s u pply. in plnee of tho~ rc moved. T he dimensions of
All condensers Ilre of the tu bulllT type except the coils nre given ill the druwing. Coil Lt hM
the transmitter tank condenser, the grid con approximately 300 tu rns II.nd LJ approximutcly
de nsers, and the vari!l.ble used fo r detecto r tun- 25 tur ns. Both coils may be boiled in wax .
illg. The latter is a t",'o-section gnllg conde nser After cooling, they should be wrapl>Cd .... ith
of 365 $<$<fd. capacity per section, wit h both cotton tape so they will hold their for m.
sections in parallel. H the system s hown in the
circuit diagram is used, all ground con nectio ns
shown mus t be made to the chMlli, and not I.Q
actual ground; otherwise, the key will s hort--
circuit the line. T he c hl\ must not be
grounded. If it is dellired t.o ground the chassis
for safety, placc C14 betll'cen the Ilrlll of Si and
the ungrounded sidc of the line. The cha""is (A)
IlIny t hen be grounded a nd the d rl1lge r of
s hock or short-circuit removcd. A 25-mh. to
8O-mh. r.f. choke in ~ertc d het"'een the key and
L. will improve the keying. A O. I -~rd.
condenser sho uld the n be pia N:d ac rO&ll the key.
Cl. Re ceive r Con structio n
Receive rs for frequcncies below 550 kc. rue
not readily available under WArtime conditions.
Howc ver, almost any s uperheterodyne re- (c)
ceiver cnn be converted to opcrate 011 150 kc.
by making si mple cha nges in the oscillator and
tuned circuits.
While the circuits used in ~ uperhcterodynes Fi,. 1809 - Circ"il ch.n 8U required fO<' c""ver li,, ~ ..
vary considerably from olle mode l to ano thcr, a b.c. ul"'rh ete...,r )n r eceiYer f"r Ol,,-ralim. ill ' he ISO-
typical nrra. ngcment is that s hown in Fig. ISO!). 160 kc. r CJ i<>n. A, " ....",.1 O&ci ll~lor cire" ir; B. rc .. ,..,.1
O&cill~I O<' d n :ui l: C, n.... ",. l r.f. circuil (""xer '"pu l );
Thc oscillator circuit, before ncee&llll.ry c hanges D, rc,i... d r . f. circuil. 5100'''in ~ "roN .... Cl ion o f coi l r"r
nre mnde, is s hown at A, whilc U is the reviliCd 'u" in . 10 ISO kc. See lut for f"rllo .. r d""""" I.;"'''.
A S uperhet Gallce .. ' c r - A si mple su per-
heterodyne converter for carrier-current wo r k
is shown in Figs. 181 0 and 1812.
The circuit of the converter, shown in F ig.
18 11 , ill quite conventional. It consists of a
68A7 mixcr tube with the output on 1950 kc. ,
so thnt it can bc hooked into any communica-
tions receivcr whicll will tunc to 1950 kc. The
grid ('ircuit tunes the r!lnge 150 to 200 ke. and,
in order to give the output frequen cy o f 1950
kc., the oscillator tunes from 1800 to 1750 k c.
The oscillator could also be made to tune fro m
2100 to 2150 kc., but by using the former
mnge it can be checked on a commu nications
receiver which covers only t he amateur bands.
The eOllVerter is built on a 7 X 7 X 2-inch
ehassi~. The tuning condensers, CI and C" are
bolted to the chns.'Iis in a p08ition such as to
allow the pnnel to be s upported by their panel
bus hings. The toggle switch and the screw
scribed in the same chapter ( Figs. 1111 - 1119) C. - 5O.~ .. fd. mi.,...
C. -0. 1 .. fd . p aper, 400 '0'01 .. .
also is suitable for carrier-eurrent use when the C.-O.O l .. fd. paper, 600 vol...
low-frequency coils (range A) a re plugged in. C.-O.l .... fd. paper. 600 "01...
C,\)" ClI - 8 ... rd. electroly tic, 450 '0'01...
R, - 20,000 ohm .. ~.wa ll .
It, - 20.000 ohm lwatt.
5,- D.p.u. louie . wi' ch .
TI-Power n a"sforn,cr. 240.0240 "oIu,
each . ide of cenl ertap, 6.3. "d 5.
volt fil. ,"~nt wind in" (TI' o<<I&r ..."
T.1 3 R19).
L - 8 benr ),,, 40 m . (ThordaT1On T.1 3C26).
LI -175l<c. i. f. tra ndorm~ epl.cen,ent
windi"l (C.rron 5735). Anlenna
windin, i. 11 h.rn. o f No. 32 d .... c.
wir~ wound o"er L,.
I.e - 43 In''' " No. 32 d.l.e. e!.oeewound on,
l.inch di.mete<- lorm. Ca l hod~ tap
at SIb tnr" trom FOUnd end.
14 - 50 lurnl No. 32 d ...e. , dc_.wou nd ""
I.inch dia me ler form. Ou tput coil
. i . 14 turna o f No. 32 d .a.c., tJo..,
wou"d. Ji .i"ch from 1..&.
Fi8. J812-Thi. 1>011001 view of the co'"
.. erler al.., abow. the 1'."eI 18),olll. The oul
pUI lank coil. L,. Can be llee n in .he cen l er
nf th e cb"Mi3; L, i Ii . ee ll )' under Ihe 08<':i Il 8.
lor tn"inl di al. and the mixer coil. f",can
be ..,en al Ihe ri cht, nea l 1(O Ih e toule "wi tch.
Padolin, cotI de" ..,.. C. and C, arc "'ou,,ted
On the left. and .i;I".h.nd . idea ofth. chuai I!I
benealh Ih ei r r u pecli .. e lu,, ;n. CODdcn&crl.
Carrier-Current Communication 391
FiS. 1813 - Ci.cuil dia~ru, o f
thc 10w_fre'luu,c)" cartier-currenl
con"crter. The llalor unlc i.
1710 to 1950 kc. for 1600kc. i.f.
, '""~ IJ>, r ---
- ---
~' ---.
'~;. C,
C, - 250".. f<I. uri.lIle.
C" C. - 3-30.....fd. wic.l t.im_ CO , , T
C,' -250 .....{d .... ria ble with 9
rOIO' pi a lee rcn.oved.
c,. - 3- 130_....fd . mica lr;mn'er.
- C,
IA. C:, c.. C,-O.1_.. fd . piller.
-' "
L ___
" -
CI. - IOO_ .... /d. nlic..
1l 1 -300 Oh"'3, }i:....II.
n. - 50.000 oh1llA. j.-S. ..a't.
I{I - 50,000 ohm!. M-wat t.
1., - 1",1.
1., - 5 mh. .... C.
1.. - 200 lurn. No. 28 c . M_inch
di. ,,,etcr. d 08e_,,oun.1.
L. - O&cillu<H" lickle. (a" I' ... ~i.
,n.tely 20 IUrIl8).
110". <P -=-
e s'
'. 0,
T - .t.65.kc. i. r. Ira n.E<H"lIIer, rcmodeled
IH .. Iv
II> Illne 10 1600 kc. I~ov. ~,~ . ,-
holding the oscillator coil also hclp to hold the that fewer turns n.fe required on ~, and vice
panel to the ch\Ujsi3. The mixer a nd 03cillator \el"lla. The range is not criticlII, of course, sillce
padding conden.'lel'8, C, nnd t\, are fastened the converter is not ganged .
to the ~ ides of the cha88is, under their respec- The receiver clln now be reset to 1950 kc.
tive tuning condensers, Rnd C" the output- and Clllnd C, set to the middle of their ranges.
circuit tuniug condenser, is mounted on the After ndjus ting C~ for maximum noise (with
ch:u!l!is directly behind the 6SAi. The output S, closed ), the converter is lined up fo r action.
coil. L~, is fas tened to the ch:u!l!is near it.8 It will be found that the mixer tuning oontro l
tuning condenser. Both L2 a nd LJ are wound is not too s hafJl and will need attention only
on one-inch bakelite forms. Ll is II. winding after the signal h8.!l been tUlled in with the
ta.ken from a 175-kc. i.r. trnns former. main tuning control, C,. Remember that C,
The primary winding for 111 is put o n after tunes backward to the usual way: i.e., the con-
two layers of cellophane tape have been wound verter is tuned to 150 kc. when it is at mini-
over 11 1 to serve as insulation . T he primary mum capacity and to 200 kc. when it is at
then is wound on and eelnented with coil maximum capacit y, the reverse of Ihe mixer
dope o r Dueo cement. condenser a ction.
The converter is put into service by eOIl- The coupling switch, Sit is included so that
necting its output to the input of a communica- the converter Wili llOt receive r.f. during trans-
tions receiver and plugging in the line cord of mission periods. It ll hould be used to d isconnect
the converter. While both the converter and the converter frolll the line whenever the
re<:eiver nrc warming ul>, set the receiver to transmitter is bei ng keyed.
1950 ke. Then adjust the output trimmer, C~, A 6K 8 couve ,.t6r - The circuit diagram of
for maximum 1I0ise from the receiver. Next, another converter for low frequencie8 is shown
check the converter oscillator range by setting in Fig. 18 13. It is designed for an i.f. of 1060
the oscillator tuning condenser, C~, to mini- kc. and the output circuit must be tuned to
mum capacity and the receiver to 1800 kc. this frequency.
It should then be posaible to tune in the All of the coils used in the grid eircuit of
converter oscillator signal by adjusting C. the mixer section are univel'8al-wound r.f.
until the signal is heard. Check the ra nge of chokes. The tu ning range has been extended
the OJIcilllltor by setting C~ at maximum ; if on either side of the 150- to 200-kc. band in
it can be tuned in at 1750 ke. on the receiver, o rder to permit listening to radio stations op-
the range ill right o n tho nose. If the range i~ erating on neighboring frequencies.
too great (oscillator freque ncy lower than R e rruHe-(:Orltrol reklY - The circuit dia-
1750 ke. at maximum capacity ), it indicates gram of a relay which may be operated from a
carrier-current signal for the purpose of con-
trolling remotely an external circuit is s hown
in Fig. 18 14. The Sl'ries circui t, LC, s hould be
resonant. at the frequency of the dis tant trans-
mitte r. When the signal is applied, the potential
between the cathode and the starter anode is
increased. If suflicient starter-anode current
flows th e dischl\Tge is trans ferred to the anode,
which cuuses the relay to clO&e until the s ignal
is removed. The relay mlly be used to operate a
lam]> or bell, turn on a receiver, or to perfor m
Fi,. 18/4 - Circuit 01 'he c.c. ren.otc-<:ootroi rela,.. other simila r remote-contro l operatioll.8:
Measurements a::d Measuring Equipment 393
cuit (absorption frequency mctcr, Wil!l1 bridge,
dc.) or rnl!ch:lnica l resonatOr (tuning fork,
vibrating reed, etc.) previous ly cnl ibmted in
te r ms o f frC(luency, or (b) compllring the lItI-
known with a k nown frequency from a sel)arate
source, eililer matching it directly wilh a
va riable C:llibr:lted sou rce (heterodyne fre-
quency meter), or measuring tht' difference be-
tween it and a fi .... ed source (frequency s tand-
ard ) the fre<luellcy of which is known with
high preci~io ll, by intcq)Olntiou.
C,, /ib r(I/,cd rccdve r - I II t he ab~ence of
more elnbornte freque ncy-meas uring equip-
ment, II tllUbmted reeei\'er may be used to indi-
cate the approximate frequency of an oscil-
lator. If the receivcr is well-mnde nnd has good
inherent stability, a bands l)relHi dinl calibra-
tion can be relied on to within l>C.r hnps 0.2 per
cent. Some mnnufnct ured models Illwing fnc-
tory cnlibflltion mny be used to even closer
limitl;. For mos t acc ura te merusll rement t he
oscillato r should be unmodubtcd nnd mn .... i-
mum res ponse in the receiver indicnted by a F il. 1903 - A scDsi ti vcahtorpliO" l ypef~ueDcy me Ier
car rier-opemtcd tUlling ind icator ( 7-13), the with ~ cry,u l-del ~e , or ' ec , ifier and d.c. trIi11iam o"~l er
receiver beat-oscillator being tu rned off. indica t in l circui t. l od .,,d ... 1 ca libnl i"" ch. r u o,o .. n' ed
d ir~ t ly un eacb roil form n. al.;e tlN: meter d'r: t .rcad in8.
When checki ng trans mitting fre<lue ncy the T he louie 8witeh pia""", 10.m a. , h .. nt aCf'OlWl the 0- 1
receiving antenna should be disconnected. If ona. IU CI~ r ; ,h anle i. " sct1 for preli minar,. rcadin p,
,10 ~~oi~1 h" .ninl ou t met e, or cryst al. The mele. "i veo
""hu t,o .. " a t eo;veral feet from a lowpower 08Cillator .
dial 8cale 110 that the readings will not appenr monics, using either a built-in detector o r the
different beCllUSC of pnrall:u: when the dinl st.ntion receiver to combine the two signals to
i8 viewed from different angle8. provide nn audible beat. When a sufficie nt
A s table OtIciliator circuit euitnble for use in number of poin tll have been establis hed they
a heterody ne frequcncy metcr is the electron- may be marked on grAph pnper, n nd a calibra-
eoulHed circuit U 4-2). T he oscillation fre- tion cu rve drawn. f. or maximum convenience,
quency is practi cally indepcndent of modc rate a direct-reading diftl scale can be cons tructed.
variatione ill eu pply voltages, providcd the If no rrequency sta ndard is available, cal i-
plAte and Bcreen voltAges are properly propor- bration poillts may be obtained from other
tiollOO, alld it ia Ix>&siblc to take output rrom sources of known frC<luency, s uch Il8 the trans-
the plate with but negligible elTect 011 the rre- mitter c:rys tnl OtIcillator, harmonica of local
quency of the osci llator. A third feature is that broadcasting lltations. etc. As many s uch point.s
strollS harmo nics are generated ill the plale cir- as possible shou ld be secured, 80 that individual
cuit, 80 that the meter is useful over a numbe r inaccuracies will average out.
of fre(luency bands. A typical eleclron-roupled
frequency meter is s hown in Figs. HI05---1007.
When the frequen cy meter is first tur ned on
some little time ia re<luired for the tube to rench
its final Oil-crating temperature ; during this
period the frequen cy or oscillation will drift
slightly. Although the drift wi!! not amoun t to
more t han two or three ki locycles on the
3500-kc. band and proportionate amounts on
the other bands, it is deaimble to a!!ow the fre-
quency meter to "warm up " for about H. half
hour before cali brating or before making meas-
urements in whi ch utmost accuracy is desired.
Better 8ti ll, it may be left o n permanently.
The power consn mption'" i!! negligi ble, ",-nd the
long-Limc 8tability will be vrustly improved.
Although 80me frequency drift is unavoid-
abl~, it cnll be minimized by the use of voltage-
regullttor tubes in the power eupply alld 101'.'-
drift silvcred-micn. o r ~ero temperature-coeffi
cient fi xed condensers ill the tuned ci rcuit. A
811111.11 negative temllCrature-coefficient capacity
may be illclude.l to compen!!atc for residunl drift.
Calibration of the rreclueney meter is readily !-ill. 1901 - lI ca r ,.;~ ... o( Ihe clecll'<>n-o;Oo",I,," he l" " ',
accomplished if a low- frequency s tnndurd dyne f,e"ue"ey m,,'~r. 'rhr 7 X 7 X 2.i 'lCh " h . ...i. ;.
(dia.cul\IIed late r in thi~ c haptcr) il!l availnble, the . "",,, ... ,,,ll.y ...." I.rad." r<# " J',I', y. I, <~;"".I . .. m.
required calibration points being supplied by e;"n ll ,. 10 mec<>"u"odale Ihe hei ~lol of Ih" coit .. hidd
untlcrncal l'; Ih i t.... c"alot ... mon",;n , ,h" I",,;n s co,,
hnrmonics frOIlI the s landnrd. The rrequeney dcn~r direclly 0" tI,,, .,h MO&;, . The voh.~e .. li .. ider ...,.
meter is tuned to zero l.Icat with these h:l r- .i"oll! ~r" IlIo"u'ed 0<1 ' 8;.1" Itl kp hut CroUl Ihe coil.
and deliver th e audio beat-note output to
h ea dphones or to a visual zero-beat indicator.
A frequen cy-con verter tu be such as the 6L7 or
6S.'\7 is espccially sui ted for this pur pose.
\Vith a stnble oseillntor, 11 precisioll dial nnd
frequent and ca re ful cali bration, an over-a ll a c-
curacy of 0.05 to 0.1 per cent m ay be expect ed
o f the heterodyne frequency metl!r. TIl(! prin-
cipal limiting factors are the precision with
whic h the cal ibrated di a l can be read and the
"reset" sta bility of the tuned circuit.
F re(l"e n cy sta ndar,/l< - To make more pre-
cise frequency mellSureme nts, particularly of
amateur-band limit.~, a secondary frequenc y
stnndnrd is requ ired . T his is II. Idghly stable
low-frequency oscillator, usually opcrated lit
50 or 100 kc., the h armon ics o f which a re used
Fig. 1909- Wirin , d iagram of t h" I!'lL1Gl C~
50 . 100 and lOOOk c. 81. ,,,I. rd. -.--,.:;.:.::;'----i'l'f-<oooM
C.-IOO . ""fd . mi d @e t " V iabl" '.
( Uamm lund II F.I OO).
C, C, '
C. - 250".. fd . m ica. Rl
(4, C . - 0.02 ... f<l. 4OO.volt p a p" . "c C,
<4 - 500." .. fd. mica .
C .-O.ooI ... fd. mica .
, 0,
C" - 0.002 ... d. mica.
C. - 50 .... f". mica .
C~ , Cla - 8 ... fd . 450 volt
" , "
el ectrolytic.
lit, ll . - 50,000 ohm o, I"'a u. form . Cal ho d e tap at 30 th turn frOIll ~round.
113, n. - 0.1 ",~ ~ohm, I ..... tt. Lo - 2.5mh . . f. c hok". Ca tf'o<ie tD P i. !>., t ween fir$t Dnd
llt'C - 2.5",h .. f. dwk" . """0,,01 l>;~" f.o m 8rou"O.
5, - 3'1"'>"itio" 2oCi.c"it <ot".y . ..itch (1\l all ory 3223J ). l~ - 2.5 oo h. r .f. c ~ "k". a t ri Fh l an sles to I. , .
5. - 5 .".8.. t o_~ I~ 8,,i' c h . I., - 2.5",h . r . f . c ho k r. . Cathod" lap b~ l ... e"n second
L, - 100 ,,, r na No. 3.1 d. c . ,. ci05., wound on 9 / 16 in ch and t h ird pies fro m ~ .ou"d .
NOTE - Becausc of m anufacl uri n g tole.anc in r .f. choke. and co"d~".e ... , addi.ional caP 3c; , y m ay 10" re<luired
on th .. 50 and l ooke. ran GcA. I f C, .l OotS not l un" 10 ,I ired f' '''l ue ney , add 100 .... fd. 10 C. Or C, as req "ired . Fo.
additional outp"t. ,Iccrease II , to 2:',000 oh", . 5 i n ~ le "";re 1>O"'e r co1 eli", i nat~ Iange' fro m . hock ,,ith c
con ncet" d to one Bid" o f line; pinK mOIs t be correctly in ... rlc" or I"he" ill no ' light . A ~ rvn"d CO,"'~cl ;O" i . e&o<cnlial.
M easureme nts ana Measuring Equipm enf 397
to I>rovide reference point.'! every 50 or 100 kc.
throughout the spectrum. Since all amateu r
band edges full Ilt multipleil of these fre(IU Cn-
cies, it is possible to establish band limits with
extreme accurflcy. A IlXlO-kc. fr(l(lueney is
often added to facilitate I>reliminary identifica-
tion of frequency rangel!, eapecially o n v.h.f.
All electron-coupled oscillator built accord-
ing to the ])rinciples previously outlined for
fre(luency meters, with a tuned circuit for 50
or 100 kc., wili lierve lUi a ai ml)le a nti inexpcn-
sive standllrd. Such 11 uliit is Hhown in F igs.
I!lOS-I!)IO. ( Bib. S.) A 5tandard of this type is
inherelltly more accurate thlln a heterodyne
frequency meter because (II) the lower-fre-
quency oscill:ltor h:\!> better inherellt stability
and (b) the fre(IUency setting once made is lIot
thereafter changed. eliminating the reset and
cali bra.tion e rro'"!!. Even better IUlIg-time sta-
bility can be obtaincd from n ery~tnl-eontrolled
oscillator of the type shown in Figs. 19 J 1- 19 \ 3.
Before adjusting a frequency standard, at For greatest accurl\Cy the stnndn rd should
ICl\.St a 15-minute warm-up period should be al- be calibrated on the WWV transmissions (page
lowed. For initinl ndjus tment, couple its out.- 392) . which are accurate to better than a pnrt
p ut into Ii brondClIst receiver and adjust the in 10 ,,,illioll. T hese trnnsmi8!!ions mny be
O$cilllltor to %('ro beat \\"ith a b.c. s tation oper- tuned in o n a recciver operating o n 5 Me. (the
ating on a multiple o f 100 kc. If the oscillator re cei ve r beat oscillator being tu rned o ff ) and
is IIClf-excited a sc'!olld s tation l OO-kc. away the standard adj\ls ted until its harmonic is
s hould be checked, to make s ure it is working exactly at tero beat with WWV. The calibrn
on 50 or 100 kc. rather tlum allother frequency tion s holi ld be rechecked whe never precise
which gives nn odd hnrmonic. Since brond- mensurcments are to be mMle.
cni<ting stations are required to stay within I n Rdjll~ ting the mliitivibmtor. two adja
20 cycles of as8ig ncd frequency, t he maximum cent 100kc. points a re fi rst notcd on the dial
crror will be IcS8 t han 30 pnrL'i i II one mi llion. of It calibmted rcceiver, The multi v ibrator is
l'i, . 19 15 - C; 'cllil di al"'" of t h e l>" lo,,-<!.' fl cr YA la l'C<><I lroIl ed loo.kc . ..,.,.,,,d ary Creq uenc,. &I. nd . rd.
C I - Dual 365.."fd. v. ";. hle , C'7 -3-30 ... f<l ., n.u. R" - 25.000 ohm " I ,"<.
C3. C, -O.OI ... fd " 1OO.voll I per. R , - \ ... e ~ol"" , }i. .... " . R" - 50.000 oh,n8. I ''''U I,
C . , C4 - O.ool ... f.1. r"id ~c l ", iea. Ib, n 3 - 0.5 "' e~olo" " I wa ll. Ill< - 1500 o l",,!. IOwa ll ,
C C7 - IO .... fd. IlIi,I!,,1 ",i~a. n . n ~ -50.OOO 01",,8. 1"'.1 1. IH' C - 2.5 mh , r .f. choke.
C. - SO -.... fd. ",i,l~el m ica. U" i{ 7 - 20.000 01," ' 8, j.i.... II . SI. 50. 5, - S.p,8,I, lou ie.
C . e'lI, ell. e,, - O. I ... (,I. 4OO.voll. It. - 15.000-01. ... potenl iometer. 1', - 1'0" '". 1. . ..<If... ",c 250 "olt&,
e .. -O.002 ...f<l. m;d Je ' ",in. 11 . - 0.3 me s<>hm , ",.wa" . ~O .... .
e" - 140.....ld . v ..iahle. it ]O - 0. 1 nlCBohm , ~, ,,,, " . I., - 7. h" nry_ 40'IIIa. filt"r e l",k".
e,. e,. - 8 ... M . "so. volt eleetrol)'I;" , n il - 800 01""1, }i-... u . 1..:0 - Plu,.;n ., (or ba ll d in u ....
Th .. uY~l al is a Illiley SOC. 100 ('''I' I)lied CO" , plele wil h ....:illaIO<'coii; n ... m. mounliD ,j. F O<'ch""kin _ 1000k". poi n" .
ISO on;croh"n.,. coil (75 tu .". of No. 30d.<:.c.oll a I M -inch form ) " ..oy be 8uh!.titul cd for '''ecryll.lunit , connceled
bel """,n poinl$ X-X in .h" diaBun . \\ ilh C, nea r mui",u", ""plcil,', II'e .,..,illal"," eire uil " 'iIIl""" 10 1000 ke.
Measurements and Measuring Equipment 399
.:s1G ..... L Fill. / 9 / 6 - Freqn t ncy meas"n:men l mel hod. in COm
mon ,,' e. (I ) A frequency met.,.. ( ..illo bnih _in dcteet ..... )
(I) used alonc ia tbe li mplCIi art. n lement for chee~in J the
frequene)' o f loca l """ nat",,. (2) Wi,h eceivc
illco"';", receiv ~d .i, naL~ ca n he "'eaij ".~d a . .. ~ II . (3)
A het cro<l y ne f.e" uenc)' DI~ I~' ea n . 1. ... he " ..,d u
linea. ;nlerl>olnlio n oeciLIa lo r in conj"nc"o" with . 100.
~c. ".lId"rtl ....i,b or with",,, a lO.kc . ,,,,,ltivib t .....
T he lta ndu"L l>tov id et aCC U'3te chec k " ... ,11 11 ...11 Ihe ftc_
'lIlCIIC)' ",., te ca l ~ . Alt e.nuivd)', clXleive. (if ade_
(2) '111M lei ), u l ih.u,ed ) ",a~ hc euh8lilnl c,L fo r Ihe " "'Incne r
mel c (4) t'or Irul C$ t prc.... s iOIl, mClhod il lO lled ..hb
a n inte.po!'tion a ud io O$("illllo. havin linear K aLt .
Wi ,h u.duL .l u i, ,, and c<m u.ue linn hi , h l>reei' ;"n
cl n h. all.ined ";Ih melhod s (3 ) a nd (4 ). U. in J (3). t he' c a" be 0. 01 per cenl (1 00 l'arU ill a million ).
Melhod (<I ) i. aeeurale 10 10 pa . u in a millioll wi lh
ortLi"a.y equipmen l ; ..ben l>teeil<io n la hota lo r)' I ,.para.
t". i. uN d it ia reliablet... he ' le. Iha" I PIt! in a ... ilIi...".
Itllcrl~tlJ liQll- When melL'l uring exnct fre-
q ue ncies ..... ith the aid of a frequency s ta ndnrd
(3) '"L"" and multivibrntor providing equ i-s paced har-
monic points, it is necessary to determine the
"~'~""~~"~':l__~) exact locatio n of the unknown fre<luency by
r--[--, .,,"
: ,0 KC . :
interpolft. LiOIl between adjacent stalldard har-
moni c8. This can be done (Il) by usc of (\ cali-
brated receiver or heterodyne frequ e ncy motcr
wit h n 8cIlIe which is linear with frequency, or
__ JI
(b) by compari80n of the 8udio beat frequen cy
with a calibrated audio oscillator.
In me thod (a), the points at which the un-
know n frequency and the nearest lower and
higher hnr monics a.ppear on the dia l of the re-
cciver or frequen cy meter arc noted, lUI s hown
!SIGNAL in Fig. 1917. Kn owing the exact freq ue ncies
of the h/l.Tmonic points, / , and /2, the unknown
(4) frc<l llcllcy , I., ca.1l be determined ns folloW8:
I . - h+~', - ~I, (h - h)
where 8 1 i8 the d ial setting for Ii. 8 2 for h and
8z fo r I.
Method (b) consists of beating theeta nda rd
and unknown frequencies in a detector a nd
mell8uring the resulting audio frequen cy by
:tero-bea ting with a calibrated audio oscilla to r
having a linear frequency range co vering hnlf
the difference between adjacent ha rmonics
Fig. 1915) Het lit hnU-~Cfllc . The number of
I!Cpnratc nudio bCIIUl b~twun the two mark ed
1000kc. points is then counted. If it i ~ II. num ber - .~
MU~T' v,e "" IOR "AR.. O,, ""
other tha n nine (indicflting IO-kc. intervals),
readjus t H, until nine bel\.UI a re observed.
Mark this point. Note ul50 the point.B on the H,
8cale where 8 a nd 10 bea ts occur, indicating
approxima tely 11- a nd 9-kc. separation. The
odd frequencies Ilre occnsionally useful in
checking frequcncics very close to the IO-kc.
harmonics where t he low bea t-frequency
makes it difficult to secure zero-be at, particu- I'i,. /'J/ 1 - U.... of interpoLalion melh .... L. ;n "' U SU
Judy when an intcrpola tion oscill'ltor is used . ' '' I f.equenc;'Am, l wcen sl . ndard ha.monl c AI the lop
The IOO-kc. poin ts us ufl lly clIn be identificd il .ho .. " the . da li ve Localion of Ihe frequenc)' ,, ' Rnd n.J
beca use thcy are louder tl,,,uI the 10- kc. Imr- f.""l l mcniMI .",1 ha .monie. in Ille I I"'CI''''''. I" ~ell'e.
... ith the ",,,hi~ibr. lo, harmon ica. _ eL a ied 10 thc "n.
monies. This identi fi cat ion can be f,t(:i!italed kn ...... n f.equeney under meuu.emenl U.). A, Ihe lefl i
by IlP plying audio mod ulntion to thc IOO-kc. ho ..n . ..... 11 ""~"'enl of ,hi ,>CC'",m II il ' 1'1"'.'" on
signal o nly, ca usi ng the modlllnted points to the di . l ... f a uLib led ro<c<:;ver or he ler<>J yn" fre<,uc'><:OY
me tc a nd al ri ~ ht tloe a"iH'ua nee or Ihe . ndio <*:iI1ator
sLlLnd o ut because of t he distincti ve to ne. dia l ..he ... u .... , Ihe comp.ri..,.. audio h"a t . n., Io, ",,,I hod.
(0-5000 cycles with a lo.kc. rn ultivibrator), as The i nterpolation audio oscillator s hould
shown in Fig. 1917. The me.'\Sured frequen cy have 8. scale which reads linea rly wiLh rre-
is then equal to the reading of the audio oscil- quc ncy (ns opposed to the logarithmic scnle
lntor, added to or s ubtrac ted from t he nearest co mmonly found in lahorn.tory oscillators ). A
standard harmonic. T o determine whether to bent-frequency oscillator with IL straight-line-
add or subtract this audio difference, it is capacit.y tuning condenser in series with the
necessary that the frequency be known within correct value of fixed cnpacity can be made to
5 kc. from the receiver (or au xiliary heterodyne have such a scnle. A resis tance-capacity oscilla-
frequency meter) cslibr8.lion. tor also elLn be made wit h n nearly linear sca le.
In addition to the beat note resulting from A suitablc detector is a pentagrid converter
the neaTest adjacent hannolLic, /1, there will ( 17- 9) with some form of ze ro-beat indicator in
also be another higher beat. from b. However, the "late circuit. T he interpointion oscillator
by tu ning the receiver midway between hand is eo rmeeted to the oscillator grid and the nudio
j . , its adj:u:cnt-c hannei selectivity .... ill dis- bent no te fro m the receiver to the signal grid.
criminate against/! a nd redu ce the highe r beat 7..ero_beo.t indica t o r. - Use of the hetero-
no te to a negligible level. dyne nlCthod of freq uency eo ml>a rison requires
a means for dctermining when thc known and
ABC 0 e unknow n frequencies nrc sy nchronized ; i.e.,
/0 0 \j,\
whe n thcy nre at zero beat. The point nt whic h
zero beat occurs can be determined a pl>roxi-
mately by listening to the outpuL of thc re-
ceiver o r detector in the headphones or loud-
"0'. s peaker. For greatest accuracy, howe vcr, some
form of Iluxiliary visual zero-beat indicator is
225 0
".,. 315 0
IV s.""
connected in series with the instru me nt i n t he 00 "' ",,0. 3S 0."" 0.67'26
case of a volt meter or in shu nt in t he case of a n .. 3(1 0.414S 0. 42\1::'
am me ter. Fig. 19 19 s hows a t t he left t he man- "'"
'''' 3< 0._
0.1(>4 1
0 .1673
ne r in which a shunt is con nected to ext e nd the
m ngc o f lin ammcter alld at t he righ t the eon-
<00 "
30 0 .1032 0.1052
0 .061111
ncction of a voltmet.e r multiplier.
To calculate t he VAlue of a shu nt or multi-
1000 .. "" 0.0&100
0.04082 0.().j,162
r- - - ---,--""---
As -- -- ---o OT. e.o.T.
Fi,. 1921- Ci...,..,it or Ihe 10W~ 1 V-O.M.
R, - 2000-ohm ..ire-..o""d uriable.
,------o.5000V. Ih - 3000ohmll. }i-"'It .
R. - lOO-m ... U!unl, 0.33 oh",. (IeC lUI ).
II. - 10_ml . ah unl , 3.6 o~",. (.." lui ).
116 - 40.000 oh rna, ].i .... tl .
11, - 4 m e5nhm ... 4 .... lt (r"ur l . m " 50h m
I-W i tt ""8;~1"'" in ..,rico ).
11,-0.15 ."e ~oh.". I ,..all (0. 5 '''e ~oh",
a nd 0.25 meGoh", ].i-wa ll i" l erica) .
II, - 0.2 lIle~oh ,,, , ].i,"'. l t.
+ 11. - 40.00001,,,, J.i-... II .
R .o - 10,000 0""'11. ~_ ..a" .
" S\\' - 9'l><'inl 2.pole . .. il"h (Mallory.
0 , !--..;~'c...LL ____-l__ L_~j__~ Yule,. 3109).
B - 4.5 voh. (U"rt;_ 5360).
Measurements and Measuring Equipment
. ..
'... ' ..
~_L._ ..JU
R. Current flo w through RI and Rt being
eq ual and opposite with no sig nal, there is no
pow ntial ncroSll the meter and consequen tl y no
cu rrent flow. When a voll-age is applied to the
grid of the voltmeter triode this balnnce is
disturbed, howe ve r, and the meter registel"$ CUT-
(Il) rent flow. A small zero-setting resistor, R is
provided to correct for any discrepancies in"the
tubes or resisto rs. T he values for RI n nd R1
depend on the plate--supply voltage available ;
the higher the resistances, t he better the sensi-
tivity and stability. The mi nimum value is
several times the meter rCl'lis tance.
T he "slide-buck" voltmeter at F is a co m-
parison illstrument in whic h the peak value of
an a.e. or r.L voltnge is read in terms of a d.e.
substitution voltage; the voltmeter tube and
the milliammeter, !of, merely indicate when the
two voltages IIrc equal. With the input ter-
II'."~ .",,,. m inals shorted and HI set so that V reads 1.ero,
"z~_~",,-" .IO
the tube is' biased nr.arly to cut-olT by adjust.-
~l..AN CII'IG CIRCUITS ment of Rt. The residual plate c urre nt becomes
the reference current (I ..,.) or "false ,ero."
f, . 1-.01 W hen an a.C. voltnge, E, i ~ applied ac r088 the
f,. 7 input terminals , plate rectifioation o f the posi-
, '1' ..
____ . J _.~ ..... tive peaks causes the plate current to r ise. By
-", ,,-.-
(n - 1'1'
_ c,
",,,... ,~/.J:
,,..[. -"' __ ..... 40> ._ ~ .
..... '-,, ~.
adjus tment of HI . additional bias voltnge is in-
troduced to balance out the a.c. voltage. The
additional billS required to bring the plnte cur-
rent back to tI,e reference value (I ..,.) is equal
to the peak vullie of the voltage beillg meas-
:~:::: ; .::::::li ~t~ ured. In operation, RI s hould be adjusted
SUOE -BAct( "UK vOt.lweTEII (after !!Ctting I",.) 80 that all o f EI is in the
f'i,. 1923-F und. ,nCH , .1 vacuum .!,,\'" vol t mctucil"Cui la. cirClli t , to avo id burning out tbe millia mmeter
Measurements ana Measuring Equipment 405
wilen the signnl is applied. After the unknown
voltage has been connected, the bias is reduced
by HI until the reference current is reltched.
The slide-back voltmeter is capable of high Il C-
curacy and has the o:dvantuge of re(]uiring no
a.c. talibrntion; it is, therefore, pa,ticularly
useful for 8. temporary set,.up.
Oscilloscopes - Perhaps the most useful of
all measuring device~ is the cathode-rn.y oscil-
loscope ( 3-8, 3-9). Mthough relatively eX]>eIl-
sive, its applications are so numerous thf,t it
ean replace :I number of other leM SHti~factory
types of measuring equipment.. t can be used
on d.c., I1. C. a nd r. r., nnd ill pnrticuhuly su ited
to n.f. and r.f. mefl.8urement.3 because of the
high input resi!<ta nce a nd smnll frequency error.
The ollcilloscope is, in e lTeet, a complex volt,.
meter capable of measuring any two voltllges
si multaneously by the deflection of a weight-
less electron-heam pointer. r..l oreover, beeaus'c Fill. J924 - A c . oo.cill~ol"" uoin, I 902 2. i"ch lube.,
houoM:d ,II a :; X to X 3;".,h ch,,..i. ,,illo boU"lIll'la(~ .
this pointer projects its indication on II reten- T ..o , n,all f..... l.llo mu,h ;IIl utalon II<:rv., a, lerm in. l~ for
tive luminous screen, thc mCllSu rements ill- Uler", t hor;I<O", . I. ",1 .. ert iea l p connection!.
elude the additional factor of time. I t iii pos!Ii- Note Ihe loe.. "'" of Ihe po,,e. t .. lli forIOU; it i, .. Iteed
nol o"Ir oul~i,l<" the ~t~d , hid'! ch" ... i~ bUI ,1.0 directh'
hie, t l"Jrefore, to sec the a ctual form of one or behind 'he eu lm,le"Y ",be. "'itl, 110 .. ui. o f d,~
more rel>etitive cycles of an a.c. voltage by tn". former "',"[Iin l alO" 1 the a~ i. line of Ihe tube.
mea ns of the oseill08COpe, and to mellSure
thereby not onl y the ampliLude of the voltllgc It is i mport~lIIt thflt. provision be included
but also its freQuency and waveform ( 3-9) . for s wite hing 01I the electron beam, reducing
)\ simple cathode-ray oscilloscope is sho\\'11 the Sl)ot intensity, or s winging the beam to one
in Figs. 1924- 25. It. employe a type 902, an side of the IIcreen with d. c. bia>! when no signal
inex l>ellllive 2-inch cathode- ray tube, which ill voltuge is being applied. A puttern that is R
mounted, together with the 8Jl,'Ioci ated rectifier thin, bright linc or R spot of high illtell>li t.y will
tube find other componentls, in a cllbinet made "burn" the screen of the cat.hode-ray t.ube.
ofastnndard3 X 5 X 100inch steel chRSllis with Horiwntal sweep voltage may be obtained
bottom plnte. The shielding provided by th is either from an audio-frequen cy source (s uch as
bo x is highly desirable for prevention of st.ray- the modulator stage of the t.mnsmitter) or
field interference in tht pat.terns obtained. from the 60-cyc\e a.c.line. Us ing an a.r. hori:l:on_
In building the unit, the cathode-ray tu be tal s woop, the pattern appearing on the screen
must be plnced so that the alternating mag- will be in the form of a t rape:l:oid or triangle
netic field from the t.ransformer hlU:l no effect (del>cnding on t.he percen t age of modulatioll)
on the electron bellm. The transformer should when checking transmitter performance.
he mounted direetly behind the base of t.he For M:t.ual studies of II'l\veform, t.he usc o f a
tube, wit h the axes of the transformer windings s weep circuit having a linear time base is neces-
a nd the tube o n a common line. sary ( 3-9). The sweep circuit. proper ullually
H trouble is experienced in getting a pattern employs a grid-controlled gaseous discharge
from a high- power tra'nsmitter because of r. r. tube (the 884 and 885 are especially d esigned
voltage 011 the lI 5-volt supply line, two block- for this purpose), o pemting all a relaxation
ing condensers (0.01 o r 0.1 ,.fd. ) mny be con- oscillntor. I n o pe.rlltion, the s weep circuit is
nected in series ac ross the primary of the connected to the h o ri~ontal-de flectio n plates
po we r transformer in t.he oscillOl'lcope, with the of the existing oscilloscope. The voltage under
common connection grounded to the CfU!.C. obaerva.tion is connected to the vertico.l-dcBec-
,.-jll. 1925 - Cireu;, of Ihe Zi"eh oo.ciIlOtlcO~.
C - 2_1' r.t . 900,"01, ele<:troly l ic (dual 4 ... fd.
450.volt with .o:<:1;on. in II<:ri".).
H , - 100,OOO-ahm ..olen';oo,e ' e
110 - 50,000 ohm., l_w,,,.
IIJ - 200,000 ohm. , 2_woll.
II. - IOO.OOO-ohm polell iiometer.
II'-C - 2.~.,"h. 125", . . f. ehoh (optional;
ulI<:d when needed to C<\<"r 1 lun'''1
p"uern. beca " M of r .f . coul)l i"~ l .
SW [-S.I . d.t. lOU ie .witcb, 250",,11 1_
aml'cre .
SW2-S ...... I.lwi tch (Oil R. l.
l' - HeIlf!iver.lrpe po"'''' tnn. former ddi"er .
in l 325..0_325 voll . . .... at 40 ru a .
S .. 01 .. at 3 ""pe'U, aud 6.3 yol" at
2 . n, pe' c..
tion plates, and the resulting picture is nl\ ac- oscilloscope for measu ring audio freQueu cics
curate rcptC6cntntion of the wav(lshapc of the (I). 400), adjusting vibrator power supplies
voltage being examined. (\). 3(3) , a nd checking and adjus ting modula-
An example of a linear sweep circuit and tion percentage in ' phone trans mitters, ( 5-10).
wide-range amplifiers applied to a 902 Z-inch When used for measuring voltnge, the sig nal
cathode-ray tube is s hown in Fig. 1920. The is npplied to the ver'ical plntes nlld its ampli-
ci rcuit elements in the center of the diagram tude measured in terms of t he height of the
comprise the sweep circuit. The 884 generates resulti ng trace. Approxi mate measurements
Il sa w-tooth s weep voltllge and the 6J7 actll as Clan be made by calibrating the sensitivity of
tl. cu rrent-limiting tube to Cllsure linearity. the cathode-my tube in volts per inch. The
The high-gain vertical and hori:tontnl I'I lllpli- sensilivi ty varies with the anode voltage IUld
fiers using 6J7s have inductance compensation t ype of tube; typical figures for small tubes
in the ir plate (:ircuit.!! to extend the frequency Itre 25 to 75 volts per inch, penk-to-peak. The
range. The amplifier input and output leads initinl calibrntiou can be made with a vnrifl.ble
should be direct and plu.ted well clear of other d.c. voltage source find '\ compo.l"i~on voltmc ter.
cornIKmcnt.3, to avoid freqnency d istortion and Illlpednnco cnn be measured at any frc-
unwanted pick-up. For r.r. , the input i~ ap- que ncy by connecting the ci rcuit or componcnt
plied directly to the deflection "lutes. under meflllurement in series with a non-rcflc-
The pnuel controls arc the intensity control, tive resistor across n sour ce of signal voltngc of
1l2; focusing control, R 1 ; horizo ntal and vertical thc rcquired frequcncy. The relative dcllcc-
IIrot-positioning controls, Rl lind Rs; sweep- tio n /I.S thc oscilloscope is connected ncross first
Rmp litude control, Ru ; s wee p-frequency ver- the resistor fi nd then the impedance will givc the
nier, RI1 ; synchrolli7.ation control, Ru; direct- vnlllC of impednnce with respect to the know "
input co ntroll!, R\i and R20 ; and the amplifier valuc of resistance.
input controls, l4l. Trnnsfo rmcr turns ratios a nd gflin ratios, IlS
For the 902 power supply, a replacement- well as the gain of am plifier stftgt's, can be de-
type transformer may be used with a half- tcrmined by f1.pplying a signal of a.pproprinte
wave rectifie r. ( Bib. 5.) frequcncy fro m nn audio oscillntor or r.f.
The cathode-ray oscilloscope ie useful in the signal gcnerator t o the primary or iu p ut,
rnensureme nt of alll\08t any quantity involving measuring the a ml>li tude at this point, and
amplitude or waveform. Elsewhere in this then meas u ring the relntive amillituclc a cr0&8
IItHulbook are described methods for using the the secondnry or output ( 2-9).
R:ro * '. , I
c, ..c, "
" '""'~~ ~.
. /"'--
:":( "'8 "
.. .
'" D D '" ,a ~, ';"j!
'" "
". r-~~
r':v: " --- ;;3
\ + ~ :t~~ '" . :~(
RIl l
'i7 '" ,
'" "" ' "
lft , ,-,
'. .,' '" "'r' <. ~FL-o l
"I '. c. " '. ~ " RS "
'. '.
n,. 1926 -
.. sov. r.1 J J 11 ~{
Circn " d'., .. m of .. rompleu calh.,.le.ray ~;IIO&COpe w'l h I"'P eirell il and voh .J'" .m"lifi~ ....
C, - 0.1."fd.6(IO ... 0I1"a,..,r . R. - 50.000 ohml . \"".11. Ru - 500,000-0110' po,,,,n tion,,,' ,,r.
C, - 0.25."fd. 600,"011 pa,,,, . n. -75.000 ohml. 1....11. II , I ho-5 .",,,,~obm potent.(",,"', ....
Cs - 8."fd. 500'''011 electrol yt'e. 11 $, RI _ 30.000 ohml , \ ..all. R., - 100,000 ohm~ , 1.... 11.
Co - O.OOOL.,,d. 400 ..oh paper. 11" R I- I . t" e~oh", l00I"" .io",,,.e. H., - 150,000 ohm., J.wal'.
('4 -
C. -
O.OO I."fd . 4-00'''011 "a
O.005."f,1. 4OO.voll paper.
per . II ~, n'G- 5 m"' gol",,,, }<j .... II. Rn - 500,000..01"" ,.... I"".ioUl,,."'r.
II - 1000 oh",s. M,,,att.
II " - 1000 oh ms. I ... all.
C. - 0.025."fd . oWO.,oIl" . "", . II,. -
300,000 010 11'" 1,,,,. ,,. 5, . 52,51 - 5 .p. I . . . .... ~ ~lc . ..
c,. - 0.01.,,(,1. 400'''010 ,'M ,,,,r.1\ , . - 40,000 oh", I w .... 5., Sa, S. - S.I,.d . . tORR''' . .....h.
C. - 5."fd. 25'''011 el(c'f(,I)" I'e. II ,. - 50,000...,,,,,, ""'''''''o""d rh.,.,. S~ - 6'CO"'ac' ... t",c.... r I,,
C'G - 16"fd . (dua l 88 in ,,.r~l. II.t. ~ - S". " sw i'ch, "'Ollnt",1 " " /( ' 1.
leI) 5QO.volt eI",c lrol ,.ic. 11 >$ - 6000 ohms. 2..... 11. L.. 1., - 25mh .. r. d.olc .
II , - 300,000 ohms. M .. .,I. n , . - 15OO ohn". \ ...11. 14 - 3O.hcfl,y 15 m. fiher ehol. e.
II. - 25,000 ohlllA, I . H" - 50,000..01"" rh"""'. I. J'" 1'2, I'I - Je .. ""~d "ito ll. "'I'"
Measurements ana Measuring Equipment 407
41 R, I , C, Land Q Mea surements
It is frequently necessary to measure values
o f oomponents used in the construction of ama-
teur equipment - resistors, condensers, coils,
ete. - bot h Il8 a means of identification and in
checking a ccurncy. The ndvanced amateur will
also be interested in measuring impedances nnd
the charncteristics of devices of his own co n- (A) (C)
6t.ruction or under other than rated conditions. Fi,. 1928r-HeaclanCC'DltlcrcirCllildorcheckini Caml I..
/(c I!I;"' (tUlce - The volt-ammete r, ohmmeter
and Whcatstonc bridge methods nrc com- Only apprO)limate me/UJurernent6 can be
monly used in mell8uring resis tan <:e. I n the made with an oIJ~nmeter. J~or grenter accuracy,
volt-!\m metcr method , the resistlulcc is deter- the unknown reilistor may be co mpared with n
mined from Ohm's Lall' by mell8uring the cu r- stand:lrd resistJLnce of known by
rent through the res is tor when a known d. c. mellns 01 a Wheatstone bridge ( 2--11 ). If
voltage is applied. The resistance can be dete r- resistl\nce measurement8 o uly are to be made
mincd with :I voltmeter alone, when th.e ~ridge can be powercd from II. battery n nd !:
milhammeter used for the ba.lnnce indicator. If
R_ell"' _ Rm reactances nlso are to be mel\.l:lured, an n.c.
E source is requ ired ( Fig. 1929).
where R is the resistance under measurement , Capac; ty " n~1 in du c tance - The capacity of
E is the voltage rud o n the meter, t is the se- condensers a nd the inductance of coils can be
ries vol tage applied, and Roo is the internal measured (n) ill terms of thei r reactauce (b)
resistancc of the meter (full-ISeale reading by c? mp.arison with a standard, or (c) by
X ohms-per-volt.). substlt ullon methods.
The ohmmeter is a practical application o f The reactance method is simplcst bu t least
this method, with a low-current d.e. voltmeter accu rate. The method is similar to the d.r.
and a source of voltnge (usually dry cells) con- ohmmeter, except that impedance is meas ured
nected in seriea with the unknown resistance. instead o f resistance. In Fig. 1925-A, the u n-
Ir the meter reads full-IScale with the connect- known reactance is placed in series with an
ing leads shorted. iusertion of the resistance Ull- a.c. rectifier-type voltmeter across the I 15-volt
der nleasurement will cause the reading to d e- a.c. line. With a HXIO-ohms-per-volt meter
crease in proportion to thc resistnnce inserted. capaci t ies can be identified from approximatel;
The scale thus can be C(llibrnted in ohms: O.OOI -~fd . to O. l-~fd. At B the reactance is
I n Fig. 1!)27. A, thc serie~ resistance is a d - connected in series with a l 000-0hm res is tance '
justed until the millilunmeter reads full -IScale the p roportionate voltage d rop a cr088 thi ~
when the test leads arc s hor ted. When the resistance indicates the reactance of eon-
meter reading changes llS the !;lattery ages the denser'S from 0. 1 ~fd. to 10 "rd. and of induct-
series resistance is reduced to compelllJate for ancea from 0.5 henry to 50 henrica, when Q is
the change. In B, the series resistance is kept greater than 10. Because the lower end of the
constant but the' sensitivity of the meter is Bcale of a recti fie r-type meter is somewhat
varicd to COmpensate fo r the changing voltage. crowded, a better reading can be had by ming
The circuit of C is useful for measuring resis t- the connection at C for large reactances. Ap-
ances below 8. few hundred ohms. The unknown proximate calibrations for each connectio n
resistance is connected IlS a shunt across thc may be made by checking typical condensers
meter, reducing the current reading. Valuea of a.nd coils o f known values and drawing calibra_
a fra ction o f an ohm cnn be read in this way. tio n <:urvetl for the volt mcter in use.
The ratio of resistances which caD be meas-- The reacta nce method at bes t gives only
ured on a single ohmmeter range averages approximate indicatioll.S of inductance and
about 100 to 1, or from one-tenth to ten times capacity. Fo r acc urate measurements, a n a.c.
the center-IScale value. bridge mus t be used.
A simple bridge for the mcasu rcmcnt of R ,
C. and L is shown in Fig. 1929. I ts accuracy
R Will depend on the precision of the standards
+ the sellsitivity of the detector or balance ill~
dicator, the voltage and frequen cy of the a.c.
sourcc, and the ratio of the unk nown value to
the stalldard. The sigllal sou rce can be a. 1000-
cycle audio oscillator with low harmOllic con-
tent s nd the detector a pair of headpho nes. A
+ "magio-cye" tube can be used as a detector.
(A) (B) (C) For mnxirnum accuracy the ratio of the UII-
HI!. 19n - ~INSic o;hmmelcr t:i .~'~i' . (A) s.,.i"" ' y.>e
known ~ the standard s hould be kept small, so
ohm meIer " 'Ilh "er, u C<l",p~II .'II'u " . (Il ) S~rie." YI>e that R IS read nenT the centcr o f i l.5 sCllle. The
ol'"""e lu ,,' i, h .10"", oompe"U lion. (C) Sh""' _' y.>e rn.tio can be as high IUS 10 to 1 in either di rec_
ohmnleler ..oed rO<" n,e u urinl low ... 1"eI or ' '''''Sla rl. tion with good, and an indication call
be had even at 100 to l. Additional standards The measurement. o f small capacities under
may be included for other r/lnges if desired. 0.00 ] I'fd. is not possible with fL bridge of the
T he potentiometer, n, mus t be calibrated as type previously described becausc st.ray re-
accurll.leJy as possible in terms of the ratio of a ct.ances affect the a ccuracy. lI. more accurate
resistance on either side of it*! mid~point, which bridge for measu remcnt o f smnll capacitics is
ffilly be arbi~rarily mnrked 10. If the potcnti- shown in Fig. 1030. It is of the s ubstitutio n is nC:l:t set at 500 ohms, the ratio of type with a calibrated air condenser, C I , for tbe
resi!tnnccs is 1 to 10 and the scale mny be va r iable arm. C2 is a tilted reference capacity.
marked L The corresponding point on the
other end of the scale is marked 100. I nter- TlJ A.CSOvrce
mediate points are similarly marked according
to the resistance ratio~. These ratios will then
correspond with the ratio of the unknown re-
sistance, inductance Or capacity to the stand-
ard in use, when the bridge hill! been balanced
for II. null indication on the detector.
Since direct current flowin g through a coil
c hanges its inductance, allowance must be
made for this effect when mcasuring choke
coils and trandormcr8 carry ing d.c.
Condensers s hould be checked for lcaknge as
well a.s for capacity. This check must be made
with the rated d.c. voltage applied, a microam~
meter being connccted in series with the high
voltage source. The resistance of good paper
condensers should be above SO megohms per
microfarad. that of mica condensers above 100. Frs. 1930 - A .umlilulioo.tyP'" up.dlT bridle.
The condition of electrolytic condensers can C, ~ IOO'J.~(d. IIrai,ht.!ine..;:a\).C;IY c<,lIId"" fler (maT
be checked roughly with an ohmmeter. With Ix dual ~ ..... rd. wi ll, 11;011 . i" p.n ll c!).
the positive terminal of the condenser con- C. - 9OO_.... fd. I; L"cc.m;ca.
C~ - IOO .... M ......;. bI" trimm~r.
nected to the IXlsitive of the o hmmeter bat- I{" H, - SOO..,h,n wi.".woun d (I pc. c~nl .c<:un~)')_
tery, high-voltage electrolytic. should s how a Hs - 1000..,1"" ,,i. ewou nd 1>olenl'on,,,,,, .
resistance of O.a..megohm or so; low~v o ltage
cathode by-pass condensers should be over 0. 1 C3 is used to balance out stray capacity in-
megohm. Electroiyti('s cnn also be checked by cluding that o f the leads to C. The bridge is
mensuring the leakage current when the fated first balanced by adjusting C), with C1 at maxi-
d.c. polari~ing voltage is applied. It should m um capacity and the leads to C. in place.
read about 0.1 lOa. per ,..Cd. The maximum for C. is then connected and tbe bridge again
II. useful unit is about 0.5 rna. per ,..fd. Low b!\lanced by adjut>t ing the capacity of C I to
leakage current also indicates a faulty unit. compenJlate for C. T he difference in capacity
Electrolytic cond enserll which have lain idle (6C) o f C 1 bet.ween its new set.ting and maxi
on the s helf will show lenkage cu rrents lUi high mum capacity is the capacity of C~.
ns 2 rna. per ,..fd. per 100 volts. Aftr.r "aging" It is impossible to get a zero null indicatio n
for a few minutC8 with rated d.c. voltage ap- from the detector un less the resistance lUI well
plied they should return to normal, ho wever. as the capacity of the two condensers being
compared are equal. RI is therefore included to
10 A.C.Sovrce aid in achieving a resistive balance. Ge ne rally
speaking, R, will be in the C2 1eg when measu r-
ing a mica conde nser and in the C I leg for
R an air condenser. The bridge is brought into
balance by alternately Va rying the standard
capacity, C l , and equalizing the power fa{'tor by
, means of R, until zero indication is obtained.
The bridge can be made direct-reading in
,..,..fd. by using a d ial with 100 divisions a nd'a
I ~ivis i on vernier (s uch lUI the National
T ype N ), installcd so that 0 on the dial cor-
responds to maximum capacity on C I . Then,
as the capacity of C l is .decrensed to compen-
f'ill. 1929 - S'm l.l" . c. b~i,',,, for mc uu ~in , 1(, C . ml t . sate for the addition of C" Cb is numerically
C,-O.OI-"fd. ",ie.. equal to the dinl reading times 10. The true
C. - 1.0.,,(01. I",pcr. capacity of C1 witt depart from lincarity with
It - I O.OOO..,h m Ii"". ...i.c "'(>"'''' l"'l",nl'",nc tr', t.he dilll setting lUI it nears zero, but the per-
R, - 100 ohm~. " 'i.","-o,,,," (I PC ' c,,"1 a""u ~..",)). centage error reillainli s lliall up to at least .90
R. - 10.000 obmA. "'.".wou"d (I pt:r C",,1 .~~ura"y ).
I., - 125.n,illih""ry powolcrcd _iron..f!O/"e r.r. clink". on the dial (C. < 900 ,..,..rd). The over-all
L. - 12_benry iro,,-core choke ('I'ltorda~n 'I' ~19C9 1 ). Recurncy can be made better thH.II 1 per cent.
Measurements ana Measuring Equipment 409
Neo n.Tllbe I'OTU C/l ecker - A useful in-
strument. for mensuri ng resistance and capaci ty
and even voltage which does not require 0.
meter is the neon-tu be parts checker shown in
FiWl. 1931- 1934. (Bib.4. ) By making use of the
fact that the ex tinctioll voltage of a lleoll or
argon tube is constant within close lilllitl!, this
device meas ures voltage, resistance and caplte-
ity ovcr a useful rnnge of value!!. The tube is
shun ted across the variable portion of a volt.-
age divide r and the dividcr adjusted to bring
the noon-tube voltage just to the extinction
point. Thc values are rcad d irectly from II cali-
brated scale associnted with the voltage di vider.
With the insulation nnd resi stan~s used,
d.c. voltages between 70 nnd 1500 and Il.C.
voltnges between 50 and SOO can he measured
fairly accurately. Resistances from 0 to 500,000
ohms and capacities between 0.0025 ~.rd. lind"
"fd. aillo CAn be measured.
Rderring to Fig. 1932, the trAnsformer, T,
with its associated switch, S .. and IJoOtentiom-
eter, fll, prov i de~ a mClin!, of adjusting the
voltage across t he voltllge divider, 112 to Hs
(including the unknown resistance or cApa ci.
tive rcactance to be mcasurcd), to npproxi- ,"'is. /9.11 - Front .. iew or th" neontube part. cbccker.
mately the 9li voll!! requi~d, regllrdle ~!I of the 8b"..-i ,, ~ Ihe ", ai n u lihra led di"l in th" cenl"r, th" 0- .... hnl r CSlsunce ""ale. upper Idt , .nd the o-s.o,ooo
line voltage. Fo r II. line voltage of 120 "Qits, the oh", ' ''''ls lan ceJICa le, "I'pc:r , i,h1 . "he ~",all knob on Ih"
sceondary voltage of the bell-ringing trAns- Idl .hand ~ i dc is the lin ... v... ltake COtt' llen.. tOf' oon lrol.
forme r must be increased to 24 volts (the
nomi nal secondary voltage is 10) in o rder to Sf, when thrown to the right, connects the
reduce thc voltagc to 96. This requires the voltage-dividcr systcm to the a..c. powcr
addition of some 240 turns of No. 28 enameled source, and also at the stlme time cOll nects the
wire to the secondary of the bell. ringing trans- rotary arm of R. to the upper test lead. These
former , T. T he secon dary voltage must equal connectiolls are fo r making resistance or ca
the diffcrence between 96 volts and the highest pacity measurements. Fo r voltage measu re-
voltage e ncountered 011 the R. C. line. In prac- ments S2 ilS thro ..... n to the left, disconnecting
tice, with SI in the " low" position, R" R4 and the internal power source, breaking the
HI at minimum II.nd the test leads shorted, connection of the rotary arm of R~ to the upper
adjusting RI should extinguish the neon lamp. test lead, and connccting R. to Rt . For all
Rt and Hi are current-limiting resistors voltage measuremcnts below 500 this checker
which permit melUluring low-wattage resistors draws less current than the common 1000-
safely. He, being in series with one side of the ohins-per.volt meter.
a.c. powcr line, pro tects thc line against a short For accurate reading the variable potentiom
circuit in case of accidental contnct via a test eters (R" R4 a nd R.) should have a usefu l ro-
Icad to a grounded ChfLS8i~. The terminal to tational arc lUI great 8.8 possible. Actually, no
which He ill. connccted should be marked res isto r of this type is absolutely linear fo r
"Ground." To insure that this terminal is on every degree of dial rotntion. Good resistors
the" cold " side of the line reverse the power are, however, linear fro m appro:dmately 25 to
plug until the neon la mp glows when a te8t 87 per cent of thcir total ro t ntio n. T he actual
lead fro m the terminal connected to R. is mid-point of the total resistance comes at a.p-
touched to an actual ground connectioll, such proximately 56 per cent of the total rotation
as tL radiator or water pipe. (clockwise ); 36 per ccnt of totnl rotation is re-
R" R4 and R. are the adjustable part of the quired to give one-quarter total resi"tnnce,
voltnge d ividcr, and, when adjusted to the while threc-fourths of thc res is tanee is covered
point where the noon glo w is jus t extinguished, by 78 per cent of the total rotation.
equnl the rcsistnnce being mCZl8urcd. These re- Four initial co.l ibrntion points may thus be
sistors nre cnJibrated in terms of resistance and obtaincd. Add itional points cnn be secured by
l;A.pacity. Fo r voltage mcasurements, the vari- subdividing. The same procedure is followed in
able resistors may be clllibrnted in te r ms of ap- calihrating the other two potentio meters.
plied vollngc. Voltages below thc value re- If 1111 ohmmeter is available, the individual
quired to mnke the lamp glow - in gcneral, potentiometers, whcthcr linear or tapered , can
somewhnt higher than the extindion voltage be acc urntely calibrated. A volt meter will give
- CZlnno t be mcasurcd, but for a.e. voltagelS a voltage calibr;ttio n 8.8 a ccumte as is the
above 50 1&1\<1 d.c. voltnges from 70 volts UI>- original mcter. Fo r I;apacity clllibration, read
w;lrtl the method is quite satisfactory. ings call be taken on gro U])S of I-"fd ., O.5-#fd.,
line-voltage a dj lls t men t is the next sl e p.
u:a\:e t1~e bindi ng posts shorted and, after
turning ,all froni.-pane\ dints to ze ro, attempt to
ext inguis h the nlm n glo w by turning the di (l.\ of
HI (mounted o n the left side), If this fails, s nap
S j to the lo w position and again turn HI until
the glo w is ju.'< t extinguIshed. It must lint be
possible to light the neo n lamp and then ex-
~ingu is h it with RI If it is neither po~ i bl e to
lig ht. nor uti nguish the indicator lamp with
lIily combinntion o f fll nnd SI, there nrc no~
cHough turns o n the seco ndary of tranefo r mer.
T he tes t lends '~te now clipped acrOIl8 an un-
known externAl resistance. T urn the main
d ial, Il" to the right until the ncoo glows . then
back it off until the glow is extinguis hed a nd
note the reading o n the ohms scale. If tho
lamp does not glow with R5 at ma ximum, the
unknown resisto r is more t han 500000 ohms.
Altho ugh the mllin 500,OOO-ohm ;,O!.entiom-
eter is capable o f meas uring resistances lUi lo w
as tOO ohms wi t h fair accuracy, t he other two
dials a re added to provide "calibratio n spread"
fo r the I).-~hm and O-SO,()()()...(jhm scales
respectively . Whenever one of the th ree froni.
Fi 1932 - Interior viewof l h" .",o n_tubeched: cr ahow _ d ials is in use. the other two must remain at
in, Ih o ,eneral a r.a " I"III"'" o f ,h" " U1eu,.leu. oneter" their zero settin,s .
"t! the metbod of mbl i". t he pl ywood cabinet . Elcct.rolytic condensers cannot be mell.!lured
with this chccker, as a.c. is present across the
0.25-lo'fd ., O.l-Io'frl., O.O I-J' fd. , etc., co nde nsers, test leads . All other condensel'3 are mell.!lured
averaging the readings for each group. in the same ma n ne r' as resistol'3. With al\ front
If a voltmete r is not available for voltage panel dials at zero. clip t he test lcads a cross the
calib ratioll, t he scale can he calc ulated all fol- uJlknow n capacity, turn the main dial un ti l
lows. T he toul resistance fl CroSS the external the lamp glows, back it off to the ex Linclio n
' voltllge is a lways 500,000 ohms (within the point. and read the value on the capacity
limits of resistor accuracy) and for d .e. t he scale. The same procedure is followed in mak-
extinction voltage acroSS the neon lam p must ing voltage measurements. S2 being switched
be dro pfHld to 62 yolts, while for a.c. it. must go to the" A.C.-D.C. Vol ts" position.
down to 48 volts. T he res is tance needed acr088 As shown in Fig. 1934, the ctlbinet is made
the neon lamp to reduce the external voltage to from a piece of 7.(-inch ply wood 32% inches
the extinction point of the lamp is, fo r a.c., lo ng and 6~ inches wide. Full dimensions are
equal to 48 X 500,000 divided by t he extern a l
voltage ; for d. c. the resistance across t he lamp
~i ve n in the drawing. Wooden dowels, *-
mch square, are used in the cornel'3. The trans-
equals 62 X 500,000 divided by the external former and tho neon-lamp socket are mo unted
voltage. The resistalloo of R5 call be igno red. o n the back of the front panel by mlLChine
Before ma king melUlurements, the ncon lam p !'crews which are self-threaded into undersized
should be given an initial two-m inute warm-up. holes drilled to a depth of ~ 6 inch into t he
T o do this, plug in the powe r cord sna p SI to plywood.
the high position, s na p St to the right or oh ms-- T he main dial chart is a 5 * inch diamete r
capaci t y posit ion, turn the main dial to the IJ"pe r circle, bearing fo ur circular scales spaced
maximum rCllistance positio n, and s hort ~he ~ -inch apart. The pointer is made fro m 0.
bindi ng post.<J with a test lead. piece o f celluloid, cemented to the bakelite
knob. The other dials are 2-inch paper circles.
" N<!"Oo'f8/l16
1-'i,. 19J1 - Cire"it (tfthe neon.tu hechecker.
R, - 300 .... hlll pot e n t"'lIIe ter, wire.wound
.. (Cen t I. b V12S).
It.. R. - 2.000 ohm 5.. 2 .... 11 .
RI- ....hrn potenti(tlIleur (<:eDu.!..h
12- 110) .
R. _ s.o,ooo JIOteUlinn"~ler (I:I""tr.d
205 ).
1{6 - 500.00001.111 potenl iome t el" (Cen ... I. I,
. '. 72 - I 060rN I1 8)
5, - S.I'.d.1. lou ie s wi l~h.
A. (.."Cl'lolts-----l~-:-=-='=0=M='='~==-J
5. - 0 ." .,1.1. 10"lc swi tc h.
T - Bdl., i" l in S I " . ron"er.
Measurements ana Measurjng Equipment 411
L , C .. ,,,1 Q m easure,ncr ,'". at. r tf. - The
low-frcqucncy a.c. b ridge mcthod of measur-
ing inductance ill of value only for the high-
induc1.nnce coils used Ilt power and audio
frequencies . I.f. and rJ. coils must be meo.8-
ured o.t the frequencies at which they are used. A
The method comlnonly cmployed is to dc-
termine the frequency at which the coil reso-
nates when con nected ncross n capacity of
known value. This may be done (I) by con-
necting the coil-condenscr combination in a.
two-terminal oscillator ( 3-7) and o bserving
Ej V.IV"
used, the capncity III r~onan ce ( C. ) is noted. C, - 100.,...(,1. "ari ~ hI", " ' Ih 200.,...1 . 6KW . ilv,r _
nI'ca 1~rQ., lr'f1 in l.a nUel.
lUI well lUI that on either side at which t he (:, - lOO ..... fd . m 'd~el ""u.
meter rcads 70.7 I~r ce nt of maxim um. The n 4. Co - 250 ..... (01. ",iol ~d n,;"'.
Ct. - 0.005 ... (,1. m ica .
2 C,
Q = C. - O. I ... rd .400.volll ",r.
C,et C, - 500 .....rd. mid ~~1 ",iu.
II, -5O.0tXl oh m .. ~_ ..'. IL
The foregoing applies to measurement of II ~ - 2000 o hm .. H ... II.
II ~ - 20.000 o h", .. l_wa 'i .
the Q coils. Actually, the fij!: ure of Q thus de- 114 - 20.000 o hm .. 2-W. II .
rived is not that. of the cuil alo ne but of the 11 6 - :;oo ... hm e..bon 1)OI~nlinm~I"".
tuned circuit tl!I a whole, i ncluding t.he con- L - oWO-5 10 kc.: 140 lur"8 No. 30 r . d.,..,.wound on
denser. The Q of ~he f>t'tndurd conde nser I M i nch diameler I,l u ~. i" form. Ca lhode lap
35 InrOll from , rollnd e nd .
must, t herefore, be kept high . An efficient ai r 1400-1 550 kc.: 42 Inrn , No. 20 d .,. c. 0" Hi-inch
condenser with steatite or mycalex ins ulatiOIl di . m",l er (" rm , 1. "loed 10 lur,, ".
is required; it should be operated nenr maxi- 4S00- 55oo ke.: II h.rn. No. 18 . ",. on I M in ch
mum caJ>ncity. Use short, heavy leads a nd di.melu fornI, . 1'.01 wi re di . m~l~r, t . pped
3 turn .
kl!ep the st ray capacities as low as possible. n.c, - 2.5 lI1h. d . ehok",.
The Q o f other air condenscf3 and of mica UH:.,- 25-011.. r.r. el.ok~.
condenl:lC", can be determined by fif3t measur-
ing t.he Q o f the circuit wit.h a s l.a.ndard coil d enser" is a ctually an inductance at the
in place, and t hen connecting C ill parallel me"s urement freque ncy .
with C and again measuring the Q. The Q of The r.f. resis tance, reactance and imped-
the unknown condellser is RIlI;e of other components can be mClI.Sured by
Q~ _ (C l - C2 ) Q I Ot tlle SRme methods. If a n exterual r.f. im ped-
a.nce (s uc h as an antenna o r transmission line
Cl (Ql Q2 ) or an r. r. choke ) is inserted in a coil-conde nser
Lo w-Q mica and pape r condensef3 (Q < circuit , it will both detune the circuit and
1000) can be mell8llred by inserting the Ull' b roaden its reso na nce c urve. By obscrving the
kn o wn in series with Land C. Q1 is measured capaci ty requ ired to bring the circuit back
with a shorting ba r aCf08t:l t he unkn own ; the to resonance and meILSu ring the addition:tl
bar is then removed and Q~ determined. Then rcsi~ta n ce int rOd uced , by re-mea.auring t he Q ,
the ren ctive and rel>is tive compone llts o f the
Q,. _ (C J - Cl ) QI QJ external i mpeda nce Clln be co mpu ted.
CJ QI - Ct Qt. Using a standard coil and condenser s uita ble
If C2 is la rge r than C1, the reactance is in- for the operating frequcncy, connect the un-
du cti ve ra t her than capacitive; i.e., the "con- known quantity ac rolS8 C 1 (fo r high resista nces)
o r in series with Land C (for lo w resista nces),
and proceed as previously outlined. If C, must
f", f, r..
'n. rr
A 8
Measurements and Measuring Equipmenf 413
CI. Receive r Characte ri stics as fl triode i n a simple If3rtley circuit, while the
Measurements in connection with receiving rectifier s upplies plate volt3ge through a resist-
equipment come under 1.\\'0 hends: (I) over-aU 3nce-capacity filter. Output is tnkell from C.
performance, and (2) servicing and alignment. The d. test oscillator muy be calibrated by
The meas urelllent of receiver performance beating harmonies agllinst signals of know!! fre-
re(luires preci ~ion laooml.ory equipment beyond q uency in the b.c. band. Frequencies between
the scope of the average amllteur. Sufficient '165 kc. and 275 kc. cnn be spotted by us ing
"'ppa ratlls for servicing receivers s hould be the second harmonic of the oscillator, while
the remainder of the range to 175 kc. can be
chcckcd by using tho third harmonie.
Ordinarily, however, precise calibration is
not required. 1\'IOI:It communications receivers
are e(luipped with 1\ cry~tal filtcr and for i.f.
align men t the o~eil!ator frellllcncy is IIct to
eorrC>llmnd with the cry .. tnl respon:se ( 7- 17).
L+-+,L,-l-++-.;l" If the receiver contaiM 110 crystu! filter the
o~cillator should be scI. III. the design iJ. n.s
closely :\.S it..~ cillibration will l>ermit.
'. Fo r use with an unmodulated tC!it signal,
,.';,. 1938 - Simpl., I~.I '>Killa lo, for .""",jv", Iil"men l. the output indielltor may be the "S "-mete r in
C , - 3SO. ~ ~(,L >' ariab le. t he receive r, II microl\,nmeter in the detector or
c" c,. - 250.~ ..(.1. m;.,. . a.v.e. circuit, o r II vacuu m-tube voltmeter.
~ - ,1O ... f<1. 250" '011 do:cuvIYl i<:.
Co - 0,00 1 I" 0.005 ..fd . hli.,.. 1t is not advisnble to use the receiver beat
It, - O. l en""ol",., }i..... u . oscillator to generate an audible note for out-
It" lta- 50,000 ohen!, Hw~ l l . put indications. When II moduluted test s ign a l
L, -So:", f' il. 1937. is used, tIle output indicator mny be a copper-
n~'C - 10 ml,. or l ar~",. r .f. d.ok ",.
oxide reetifier-type volt meter which reads t he
availlible in every amateur stntion, however. a.f. voltage acrose the rated output load re-
This may be Il.!Ilittle II.I! II. mult.i-range volt-ohm- sistance. P ower outp ut call he computed by
milliu.mmeter, It test.-l!ignlll source of IIOlIle de- Ohm'S Law.
scription, and a few 6pare tubes. The a.r. modulating source ro r the test
For the alignment. of tuned circuits p. sim l>le oscillator can be any audio oscillator capable
test oscillator i6 re(luired, preferably one that of del ive ring 10 to 20 volts at the s tandard
can be modubted by Il 40Q.-cycle audio oscil- receive r-checking frequency (If 400 cycles.
lator. A rectifier-tYl>C volt.mcter may be used A useful audio o:scillator circuit is shown in
for t he ou t put meWT. Fig. 193V. It ill a t wo-terminal or "transitron"
A heterodyne frequency meter is a suitable oscillator ( 3-7 ) us ing a pentagrid t u be. A fre-
signal source for r.f. alignme nt, provided the q uency of approximately 400 cycles is gen
lmrmo nic amplitudc on the higher freque n C'ie~ i~ era ted with the t uned-circuit values showil. A
grent enough. A hu r monic amplifie r and output va riab!e-freqllelley o:srilbtor c:nn be made by
attenuntor arc useful ill t his applicatinn. inserting a rellis tnnce, R, ill t he tuned circuit.,
The iJ. tellt o;o.cillator circuit shown in Fig. bet\\'ecn L and ground. The highest freq uency
19:37 consis t:< of a 6imple e.C.o. with plug-in available is determined by Land C alo ne. In-
coils. T he output lellel ill con t ro lled by II. po- creMing R will decrease t he freq uency. If R
tentiometer 11<1 connected Il8 to present a con- is made 5000 ohms, a frequency ratio of about
stant input resistance to the receiller. T he 5 to 1 can be obta ined . A good-quality wire-
osC'i lb tor should be shielded ~o thnt direct wound variable res istor should be used. If
pick-up ill minim ized. ~hke Iill gro und retu rns difficulty is had making t.he tubc oscillate o ver
to a heavy copper ~trap connected to t he cabi- the entire range, try other values of R, and Ct.
net at the uutput ground terminal. T he plug-in
eoil should be I!epilnltely shielded.
T he test uHcillatur IlIlly be I! upprel$SOr-gdd
mod ulated by applying approximately 10 volts
of nudio (for 50 per cent nlOdulntion), M
sholl' lI in the diagnuli. T he s u ppressor-grid iH t.,
biased 10 11.,1\.1:1 negative fur modulated use;
if an un modulated 6ignal is des ired, t he upper
terminal may be grounded lUi indi cated. This
~ 250 "
will increase t he o utput fronl the oscilla tor.
Converl!ely , if the output potentiometer doell F i". 1939 - Si ml,le n"5. , j""'-ru;~ I . n C"'. lld io <HIC.i1I acor.
not attenuate the signal sufficienUy additional C , - 0. 15_.. fd. "-OO.voll ,,_.,.,r.
C2. ~ - 0.1-.. (,1. 4OO.,oI t ".pt:~.
d.c. negative bif\..~ mlly be IIlmlied between the C. - 0.25. "f.l. 200.voh I,.p"r.
modu],ition tt:rrn inals. It" II, - 50.000 (lh",~, I ... n.
An eve!) simpler test oseillutur relilliring n u II. - .c;o.OOO-oI' III >,,,I um,,, con l rol.
L, - I.:.h",,,r,- dwk" ("I"h....d ....,.. " . 14C61 wil h iron
exter nal I>owcr supply is s hown in Fig. 1!)3S. "or", '"""'OVEtt ).
T he tetrode I)cctiUl' of the 117 L7 il) connectcd ,. - OUI."" u. "dor,,'e~ (; n'"...""" .ud;". 1:3 ral;u).
a l,a rl.
10 lurnl Nn. 22 d. c.c.
All ooil. ci....,wound OIL l.ineh fOrmA. ad jacenl
1 IlIrn ,
eoi lA u r i~ht an , I..... L a " d L' ' I>aced h
'I,hone mOni lO' a nd o"e.mod .. latioo '"(li.,..lo.-.
C, - O.OOS ... ld. mid_el mi"a.
Cz - O.O I ... ld . paper.
lit - 0.15 me(Ohm. }i.wall .
Lt - P ick "I' ooil (cno u kh tumB ol book." I' wire
10 li~e I ilia . deB.. clion on Ihe meier ..hcn
the 1>icl<uP ooil is lootely coupled 10 .he final
am pli fier I.nk eircui l ). (A)
IH - o-llll . U.C. milliamm " ler. <,
( 8 ) Circlli l fo.- a modu lat ion percen la,e indicalor.
Ct. It , an,l L, - Sa ..." a"o ~ e.
'" <.
- 22SV.
Fi~ 1944 _ A 1.. ~ ;II",, ;c fi.:hI.; ntenail )' mel". with dh. "a!ibuti..", c mp'o)"'n C v..i.ble_" d.c: amplifier lube.
CI-3-30.~d. miu uimm.,.. RI- to
me,ohme. ~_"" II . L - s.:..coilda'a ""tIcr ,.';18. 1942
C,-5.0 ..... ftI . mid , cl va .iable. R: - IOOO.ohm .. i. e ... ound. and 19U. .
C . C. - 500.... r.t. mid 5e l on;ca. SI.5,: - T olIJ lc ...;teJon or d.p.~.I. M - 0-1 0 1'. d.c. rulna"'RlC'''' .
cale 0 db. Alte rn atively, the iuilia' reAding a l) oCCl\sionnl need the nnl!~teur can assemble
Inay be sct a rbitrarily at 10 db.; adjustment!'! a circuit using an existing pOwer source in ac-
will then be indicated lUI losscs or gains in reln- cordntlce with Fig. 1945 to make a reasonably
tion to that figure. a ccurate standard transconductance test. A
The range fllflY be extended to +45 db. by pentode tube is shown; for other types omit
inserting a 2-point tllP switc h in the lead to or ",dd electrode connections aa required. The
the I T4 amplifier from the self-biasing resi stor voltages applied should correspond with those
HI and tapping that resistor at 1 megohm to listed under "Typical Operating Conditions"
provide a 100to- I muiti,)lier. Add 20 db. to ill the tables of Chapter Twenty-O ue. They
all readings when the multiplier is used. should be accurate to within 5 per cent (eslle-
ciall)' grid voltage, plate voltage for triodes and
([, Tube Charaderidics screen voltage fo r pentodes). With the switch
The bes t check on II. receiving or transmit- in No.2 position, the 1)lnte and screell currents
ting t u be is by a direct comparison in itll own should be near the rated values; wide varia-
socket with a new tube of known quality under tions from nonnal indicate a defective tube.
actual operating conditions. Any other test 1'0 make the transconductance teat, note the
falls short of an actulI.I performance test. pinte current with the grid s witch a iternntely
For convenience, however, an auxiliary tube on positions 3 and 1, whic h changes the bias
checker is dcsirable. A number of commercial from exactly 0.5 volt less than rated bias to
tube checkers of the type used by servicemen exactly 0.5 volt more. The resulting plate cur-
are on the market. In purchasing one, the rent change tnultiplied by 1000 equals the
following qualifications should be sought: transconductance in micromh08. This value
(I) complete facilities for checking shorts be-- should be checked against the tables. Tubes
tween any pllir of electrodes; (2) a transcon- usually will operate aa tisfactorily until the
ductance rather than an "emission JI test transconductance falls to 70 per cent of rating.
(the emission of a tube may vary widcly with Pentagrid and heptode fr eq uency converters
no effect on its performtmce, while genuinely can be checked by this method if the rated
faulty tubes may show rated emission); (~I d.c. electrode voltages are ap plicd. The oscil-
provision for checking plate and screen cur- lator section can be checked separately by
rents under typical <:ond itions (at rated volt- noting the oscillator-anode current change.
ages); (4) gaa and noise tests. Diodes can be checked by applying 50 volts
The construction of a comprehensive tube-- of 60-cycle a.c. between plate and cathode, in
checker is an elaborate project . However, for series with a 0.25-megoh m load s hunted by a
2-~rd. condenser, and reading the rectified cur-
rent on a 0-1 rna. d.c. meter. A reading of 0.2
to 0.25 rna. indicates a satisfactory tube.
I Grammer, QST, July, 1941, "A 8e.... tJve Ab.orption
W.vemet ..... "
, ,
'C rAmn",r, QST, October , 10~1, " A Lecher Wire S~tem
for U. H. Frequency Me$$ure ment:'
it1tdsvun 10000",... n. QST, September, 11141, "A 00-. 100- and
O.$V, o,$V
"NllPtJe IOOOl\c. O&cill ... t.or for Il&ndEdge Spotting."
'Il rAdle), QST, October, 104"2, "A NeonTube 1'".18
, Cr""k. QST. October. 19(0, ., A Co'npleUl o.clll.... ope
U.inK Ihe 902.'
f St.o.rro<d. QST. January. liMO .. Q ~r_u .... menl8:'
Fit!,. 19..fS - Cin:uit fOt' Ii,eao"rin~ vacuum.lube , Poor. QST. June. 1940. "A Sim ple ~Iodulation ~Ionitor
l<an8CO"tluCI ."ce, u~d for c h eck.". e<mdi .ion of tuh .... and i'ereenla&e Ind iuUl .:
Workshop Practice
IN CONTIIAST t.o the earlier days of I. Care of Tool s
lunnteur nU.lio, when mnny components were The proper cafe of tools is no t nlone a mnt.-
obtninable only nt prohibitive prices or not at. ter of pride to a good worknmn. Hc utllO real-
:111, the construction of a piece of equipment izes the energy which mny be sa ved find the
these dnys re5()lve~ itself chiefly into the proper annoyance which may be avoided by the POtl-
asse mbly !uld wiring of ma nufactured com- session of well-kept, sharp-edged tools. A few
ponents from the wide asso rtmcnt nvailnble. minutes s pent with the oil stone o r cmery
wheel now and then will maintain the fine cut-
Cl. Tools ting edges of knives. drill..!, chisels, etc.
While 1m easier, and 0. better, job Drills s hould be sharpencd at frequent in-
can be done with n greuter vnriety of tools tervals 110 t ha.t. grinding is kept at a minimum
available, by ta king fI. littlc though.t and each time. This makcs it cll.sieT to maintai n the
care it is possible to turn o ut a fi ne pIece of rathcr critical surface nngles required fo r bellt
equipment with only a few of t he common hand cutting with least wear. Occasionnl oil-lltoning
too ls. A list of tools which will be found in- of the cutting edges of a drill or rca mer will ex-
dis]lCnsable in the construction of ra~io tend the time between grindingl:!. Stoned cut-
equipment will be found 011 the next page. WIth ting edges also will sl.3.nd mo re feed and speed. tools it should be possible to perforln The soldering iron cnn be ke pt in good
nlly of the required opern.tions in prepa.ring condition by keeping the tip well tinncd with
panels and metal chll.S8is for fUl5Cmbly and soldcr and not allowing it to run at full voltll~e
wiring. A few additional tool!! will make cer- fo r long periods when it is not being used.
tain OI)Cratiolls easier, 110 it is a good idea for Afte r cllch period of usc, the tip should be re-
the amn.teur who does cons tructional wo r k at moved nnd clea.ned of any sCllle which Illay
intervals to add to his SUI)ply of tools from have accumulated. An oxidized tip may he
time to time. T Ile following li ~ t will be found cleaned by dipping it in sal nmmo nille while
helpful in mak ing 0. selectio n: hot a nd then wiping it clean with a rag. If t he
Dench vise, 4-inch jnws. tip becomes pitted, it should be filed
T in s hears, lO-inch , for cutti ng thin sheet smooth and bright, and then tin ned by dipping
metal. it in solder.
Tnper reamer, Ji-inch, for enlarging s mall All tools should be wiped occasionally with
holes. an oily cloth to prevent rust.
T aper reamer, I-inch, for eninrging holes.
Countersink for' brace.
Carpenter's plane, 8- to l 2-inch, for wood- I NDISP ENSABLE TOOLS
wo rking. l.on,-no-e plien. 3-in~h.
Cftrpenter's 8..'\w, cross-cut. Oi..,;on.l cuttin, pHe ... 6ind .
Motor-driven emery wheel for grind ing. Sc'e,,'drivo G- to 7-in~h. J.(-inch blflde.
Long-shank screwd ri ver with screw-holding Screwdriver. 4- lO 5-inch. J1iinch
Sc... tch .wl or ""ribe. for ",... kinK lin ....
clip for tight places. Combin.!!on I ~inch. fo r l ..yinll: out ....0 .....
Set of "Spintite" socket wrenches for he.x lI .. nd d.ill. U-inch eh,,"k or 1"'1:e ~ ... ~ type
nuts. prefer.ble.
Set of small, Bat, open-end wrenches for hex El""t.ic oolderin" iron. 100 ,.... tu.
H ""k .... _. 12-inch hI"d ...
nuts. Cent.r punch for m... kine hole-.1.erL
Wood chisel, * inch. lI .. mmer. hr.1I_n. I-lb. head.
Cold chisel, *inch. lI e.vy knife.
y.t.tid; Or other . traieht-edle.
Wing dividers, 8-inch, for scrib ing circles. C.rpenter. b.....,.. with adjuauo.ble holD cutter 0.
Set of mach ine-screw taps a nd dies. ooeket-hol. punch.. (Oft \.eXt).
Folding fule , 6-foot. 1'.ir of , ,,,,,1l C-cl"mPII for hold in, work_
I.e..,e. coa...... ft.! file.
Dusting brush. l.e.flI:e . oun d or ."t-t"i l file. H-iMh di.meter.
Sever:.1 of the piecc" of light woodworking T hn\e or fOil' . ",,,n ft" d mediu", til_lI"t ,,,,,,,1.
mnchi llery, often sold in hardwnre stores and h"lf_rOl1nd. tri~",ul" .
Drill pB .ticul:o..I~ J.(-inch II"d NOlI. 18. 28. 33. 42
mHil-order retail stores, nrc ideal for amateur Rnd 00.
rndio work, especitilly the drill press, grinding Combin.tion o ililone for .harpe"inK looLs.
hend, band a nd circulnr l<HWII , !Ind joiner. Al- Solder "llOlde,;n. [>JI.8\e (".,n-<:orrodil>e)
M"diu", -,, ",.. ehin .. "il.
though not csscnthLi. they arc desirable fo r
anyone iu a positioll to acquire them.
satisfactory cltcept in s trong r.f. fields, \73.0
I .. . .
where hrMs should be used.) 11)(\.0 12- W
Bakelite and hard rub ber scraps. 161.0
Soldering lugs, panel bearings, rubber
gro mmel8. terminal-lug ~'iring stri ps , var- """
. IW.O
1!.7 . 0
10- 32
"" 14\1.1> 10 - 24
Machine serews, nuta, washe rs, 80ldering
lugs, etc., are most reasollably purchased in
(jlumtitics of n gross. ...
147 .0
U .
n .'
1 28.~
l Chassis Can stru clion 120.0
With a few essential tools and proper pro- 116. 0
III . '
cedure, it will be found that building radio 111.0
gear on a metal is no more of a chore II . , ' -n
than building with wood, and a Illore satisfac-
tory job resulta. ".."" 106 . 5
The pla cing of componenta on the chassis
i ~ sho wn quite clearly in the photographs in .,"
. ..... 000.'
this Handbook. Aside fro m certain essential 000.'
d imcnsio ns, which us ually are given in the text, .," '0"0
t - II 4- '"
exact duplication is not neCCIISary. 0....
Much trouble and energy can be aaved by 082. 0 3- 48
s pe nding sufficicnt t ime in planning the job.
When all dctails are worked out beforehand
the actual constr uction is greatly simplified .
Cover the top of the chassis with a piece of
...".. OSLO
71.'. 0
wrapping paper or, preferably , CroSS-3ection ,,3.>
paper, folding the edges down over the Bides
of the chassis and fastening with adhesive tape.
53 0S9 .~
The n assemble the parts to be mounted on top "
of the chassis a nd move them about until a
&ntisfnc tory ar rangement has been fo und, keep- By mellns of the square, lines indicating ac-
ing in mind any parts which are to be mo unted curately the centers of shafts should be ex-
underneath, 80 that int.erference9 in mounting tendcd to the front of the chassis and marked
may be avoided. Place condensers and other on the panel at the chll.8eis line, the panel
JllUts with s hafts extending through t he panel beillg fastened o n temporarily. The hole cent-ers
first., and arrange them 80 tha t the controls will may then be punched in the chassis with the
form the desired pattern o n the panel. Be sure center punch. Afterdrilli ng, the parts which re-
to line up the sha.fts SQutuely with t he chassis quire mounting underneath may be located and
front. Locate any partition s hields and panel the mounting holes drilled, making s lire by trial
brac kets next, and then t.he tube 80ckets and that. no interfcrences exis t with parts mo un ted
any other 1)lIrts, marking the mounting-hole on top. l\! ollnting holce along the fro nt edge
centers of ellch a ccurately 011 the paper. Watch of the eha.8.!lis s hould be transferred to the
out for condensers whose s hafts do no t line Ilanel, by once ag:tin fas tening the panel to t he
11)1 with the mounting holes. Do not forget challsi.s I\nd marking it from the renr.
to mark the centers of socket ho les and holes Next, mount on the c h!l.Mis the condensers
fo r lea ds IInder i.e. transformers, etc., as well ns a nd any o ther parts with shafts extendi ng to
holcs for wiring leads. the panel, and measu re accu rately the height
Workshop Practice 419
Square or rectangular holes may be cut out
I--Sf=e by mnking n row of amnii hole8 as previously
descri bed , but is more easily done by dril!illg
, a M-inch hole inside each corller, ns illustrated
in Fig. 2002, and using these holes for starting
0 b and turning the hackl!aw. The socket-hole
pun ch 9.180 mny be of considernble assistance
in cutting out large rcct.angulnr openings.
Fig. 2001 - M elhod o f meD$uri" l Ihe bei, h" o f COll_
The burrs or rough edges which us ually
resu lt after drilling or cutti ng holes may be re-
moved wi th a file , or so metimes more con-
oIen ..,r 8ha(I&, eiC. I f Ihe aqua. e i, a tljuuablt, Ihe eno.!
vc niently with a sharp knife or chisel. It is a
o r Ihe ""a le , bo"loI 10" ""I Hu, b ..ilh Ih e face of Ihe head. good idea to keep an old wood chisel sharpened
Ilnd available for this Ilurpose.
of the center of each s hnft nbove the chnssis, I. CuHing Threads
lUI illustrated in Fig. 2001. T he horl~ontal dis-
placement of shafts having already been Brass rod may be threaded, or the damaged
ma rked on the eh888is line on the pnnel, the threads of a scre'" repai red, by the use of din.
ve rtical displacement can be measured from Holes of 8uitable !li~e (see drill chart) may be
this line. The s haft centers mny now be marked threaded for screws by meane of larnl. Taps and
on the bnek of the panel, and the holes drilled. dies are obtainable in all sta ndard machine-
Roles fo r sny other panel equipment coming screw si~ee. A set usually consisu of taps a nd
:Ibove the chassis line msy then be ms rked and dies for 4-36, 6-32, 8-32, 10--32 and 14-20 si ~es,
drilled, and the remainder of the a pparatllS with a holde r suitable fo r use wi th either ta p or
mounted. dio. The die may be s tarted easily by firs t filin g
a s harp taper or bevel on the end of the rod. I n
(I. Drill ing and CuHing Hole s tappi ng a hole, extreme care should be used to
When drilling holes in meta! with 11 hand preven t breaki ng the tap. The t ap should be
drill it is important that the centers first be kept at right angles to t he s urface of t he ma-
located "'ith s center punch, 80 that the drill terial, alld rotation should be reversed Ii. revohl-
point will not "walk" away from the center tion or two whenever the tap begins to t urn
when IItar-ting the hole. Care s hould be tnken hnrd. With care, holes tan be tap ped rapidly by
not to use too much pressure with small d rills, clam ping the ta p in the chuck of the hand drill
which bend or brenk easily. Whenever the drill and using slow speed. Machi ne oil applied to
starts to break through, special care mus t be the tap usually makes t utting easier a nd stick-
used. Often it i ~ 1111 adva ntage to shift a two- ing less troublesome.
speed drill to low gear at thiA point. Holes mo re fI. CuHing and Be nd ing She et Metal
than ~- in ch in diameter may be started with a.
s/llal1er drill and reamed out with the larger drill. If a sheet of metal is too large to be cut con-
The chuck on the us ual type of hand drill is veniently with a hacksaw, it may be marked
limited to .Y.(-inch drills. Although it is rather with scratches as deep as p'08IIibie alo ng the
tedious, the 7:(-inch hole may be filed ou~ t.o line of the cut on both sides of the sheet and
Inrger dia meters with round files. Another then clamped in a vise and worked back and
method possible with li mi ted tools is to drill a forth until t he sheet breaks at the line. Do
series of s mall holes with the hand drill along Dot carry t he bending so far that the break
the inside of the diameter of the large hole,
placing the holes as close t.ogether as possible.
The center may then be knocked out with a
cold chisel and the edges smoothed up with a
fi le. Taper rMmers which fit into t he carpen-
te r's brace will make the job easier. A large rat-
Lail file clnmped in the brace makes a very good
rellmer fo r holes up to the di n meter of the file
if the file is revolved counter-clockwise. '
For socket holes and other large round holes,
an adj ustable cutter designed for the purpose
may be used in the brs.ce. The cutter should be
kept well-sharpened. Occasionnl 9.pplication of
machine 'oi l in the cutting groove will help. T he
cutter fi rs t should be tried out on a block of
wood, to make sure that it is set for the correct A B
diameter. Probably the most conven ient F il. 2002-To c ut rOClan,,, I. r bol .,. in a c baNlis,
device for cutting sockct holes is the socket- corner hol ts 'II .Y be: fil"d OU I u . hown in Ihe ab.[I"oI
hole pll!u.:h. The best type is thnt which works l)Orl;on or D, maki n K it I~ible 10 I l arr Ih e hncksaw
blad e .Ion. I." e C,,"in8 line. A . 1.0 .. how i ll ~ le_
by t urning a take-up screw with a. wrench. (UOW handle way be oonu ruCIW for a hac k ......
begins to wcnkcn; otherwise the edge of the cutting of the ins ub.tion unnceessllry when
sheet may become bent. A pair of iron bars making a connection. Filament wiring should
nr pieces of heavy nng:lc ~tock, as long or longer be done wi t h s uflicien tly large co nductors to
than the width of the ~hcc t, to hold it in the carry the required C"urrent without llpprcciable
vise will make the job ea ~icr. C-c1aml>S mny be voltage drop (sec Copper Wire T able, Chapter
uscd to keep the baM! fro m s preading at the Twenty-One). Rubber- covcred housc-wireliizes
ends. The rough edges may be smoothed up No. 14 to No. 10 :tre s uitable for he:\.vy-current
with n file or by placing /l large piece of emery transmi tting tubes, while No. 18 to No. 14
cloth or sandpaper o n a. flat surface and run- flexible wire is satis ractory ror re eeiveTl:l :\.nd
ning the edge of the metnJ back and forth over low-dnlin trans mitting tu bes where the total
the sheet. len gth or ~he [()(I.ds is lIot excessive.
Bends may be made simibrly. The sheet Stiff bnre wire, sometimes called bu" wire or
s hould be scratched on both sides, but. not 110 bit" bar, is most favored fur the high r.f.-po-
dccl,iy 1\.8 to cause it to brenk. tential wiring of tmns mittcrs IUld, where pr!l.c-
ticable, in re ceivers. it comes in s izes No. 14
ct Clea n ing and Fini sh ing Metol and No. 12 and is usually tin-dippcd. Sort.-
Puru made of nl uminum can be cleaned up dmwn antenna wire also may be used. I(in ks or
and given a satin finish, after all holes have bends cun be removed by stretching 10 o r 15
been drilled, by plneing them in Il solution of feet of the wire and then cutting it into small
lye for one-half to three-quarters o f an hour. usable lengt.hs.
Three o r four tablc~poollfuls of lye should be The insulation coveri ng power wiring which
used to each gallon of water. If morc thn n one is to carry hil/:h transmitter voltages should be
piece is treated in the sa me hath , each piece appropriate for the voltage involved. Wire
should be sepamted from the others so as t o with rubber nnd varnished ca mbric coverin g,
expose all lJurfacell to the solutio n. Overlap- similar to ignition cable, is avai lable fro m radio
ping o f picces may result in spots or stains. parta dealers. The smaller sizes have lI ufticient
insulntion to be safe nt 1000 to 1500 volts,
C!. Crackle Fini sh while the more heavily insulnted types s hould
Wood or metal pnrta can be givcn II. crackle be used for voltages aoove 1500.
finis h by appl ying one coat of clear Duco or
Tri--Seal and allowing it to dry over night. A (], Wiring Tran smiHe rs and Receivers
coat of Kem~Art M e~1 Finis h is then sprnyed It is usually advis.... ble to do the power-slll)-
or applied thickly with a brush, taking care ply wiring first. The leads should be bunched
that the brush marks do not show. This should togethe r lUI much !\lI possible and kept down
be allowed to dry for two or three houi"!l and close to the s urface of the chassis. The lacing
the part s hould then be baked in the kitchen of power wiring in cubIc form not only im-
oven at 225 0 for o ne Rnd one-half hours. Thi1;l proves its appearance but also strengthens the
will produce a regular commercial job. This wiring. Fig. 2003 shows the correct wny of lnc-
fin ish, which comes in severnl diffezent colors, ing cabled wirC!!. When done correctly the
is produced by the Sherwin-Williams Paint leading line is held tightly pinched in pln.ce
Co., and should be obt.ninable t.hrough any after tension hM been removed, and therefore
dealer handling Sherwin- Williams products. does not 10000n rendily. When the wrong
method is used the turns will loosen up fl.S soon
(], Hook-Up Wire as tension is removed .
A poplllar type of wire for receivers And Ch!\lllli~ holel! for wires should be li ned with
low-power transmitters ig that knowll lUI rubber grommela which fit the hole, t o preven t
'']I t.. ~h back" wire. Jt co mes in sizes No. 16, chafing of the insulation. In cnses where power-
18, 20, etc., which is s ufficiently large for a ll supply leads have several branches, it is often
power circui ts except filament. The insulating convenient to use fibre lerminal urips as an-
covering, which is s ufficie nt for eircuit.a where chorages. These strips abo form handy mount.--
voltagell do not exceed 400 or 500, CIII\ he ings for wirc-terminRI rC!;istors, etc. Wbe n
pushed back a few inches at the end, making any particular unit is provided with n nut or
thumb-screw terminal, SOldering-lug wire tel'-
minals to fit arc useful.
H igh-potential r.f. wiring should be well
spaced from the chllS6is or other grounded
metalsurfllces and should be run as directly as
C.u. ) possible between the poi n ta to be connected,
without fa ncy bends. When wiring bnlanced or
Tube Characteristics
. and
M isceHaneous Data
Tm s chapter contains a compilation (I, Linear Circ u its
of miscellaneous datil usefu l to the practising
A t ve ry_high II.nd ultrnhigh frequencies trans-
mdio nmntcur. The first part eontains refer-
en ce information intended to illustrate and mission linc9 are used as lincar resonant.
sup plement the basic material in the re- circuits. The foll owing formulas cover the design
mniuder of this Ha ndbook. The larger part of of s uch circuits. All dimensions are in inchcs.
the chapter is devoted to data on different CI.a roeLeristic impedance - The charnc-
types of receiving and transmitting tubes. teristie or surge impedance, Z ., of va rio us typc~
of trans mission lines may be computed as
(!, Inductance and Capacity follows :
Inductance ( L ) - The formula for com- Single conductor to perfect grou.nd:
puti ng the inductance of a ir-core coila is:
0.2 a~' z. "" 138 10g 2D
L -3a+ 9b + lOc",b.
where D is the heigbt of the conductor above
where a is the mean diameter of the coil in ground and a is the rad ius of the conductor.
inches, b ilj the length of t he winding in inches,
e is th~ rad ial depth of the winding in inches, Concentric or coa:ttal conductor:
and 11 18 the number of tUfn s . The Quantity c 138 b
may be neglected if the coil is a single-lAyer Z ., _ 1- 10, -
solenoid. v K a
For example, assume a coil having 35 turns where b is the imide radius of the outer conduc-
of No. 30 d.s.c. wire on a form 1.5 inches in to r, a is the outride radius of the inner conduc-
diameter. Consulting th e wire table (page tor and K is the diclectric constant ( _ I fur
427), 35 turns of No. 30 d.s.c. ~rill occupy 0.5 air; see table for values for other materials),
inch. Therefore, a _ 1.5, b - 0.5, n _ 35, and When the dielectric cons ists of spaced in ~u
lating washers or beads with air between, a
0.2 X (1.5)1 X (3S)! corrected value for K (K') mUllt be used:
L ... (3 X 1.5) +
(9 X 0.5) - 61.25,.b.
To calculate the number of turns of a single- K ' - -K-l
layer ooil for a requi red value of inductance:
where K is ttie dielectric constant of the spacer
N .. /3a + 9b L material, a is the distance between adjlLccllt
"J 0.2a1 X
spacers, a nd 1Q i.s the width of one spacer.
More rapid and convenient caleulationa in For concentric Iincs with square or trnugh-
designing coils can be made with the ARRL type outer c~nductors, the value for b is taken
Lightniw; Radio Calculator (Type A). lUI the height of one s ide X 1.079.
where f is the opcrnting freq uency in cycles. Electrical . . .
Flint . . .
<- ,
7- 10 0 .'
Parallel conductorl: Nonu . . ' .2 0 ,2 5
PhotQCrallhi .... ..... . 7.> 0.8-1
0.270 109!!. J.lh. / ft... P late . . . .. .
P Y"'" . ... ........ ..
Gutta pen:ba .. . ..
2 .5-4 . 9
0 .(>,,0,8
0.7 335
C _ 3.66 J.lJoIfd. / ft.
Lucite 1 .
Mica . . .. . .
2 . ,'\- 3
2 .5- 8
6.4- 7 . 3
,-, 1- 2
log - Mica (dear l nuia) . . 600-1000
Mycalu .... . . .....
Nylon .... .
3. '
0 . 2-0.3
R .. vi microhmsJft...
Paptr . .... . ...
P araffillwu (lIOlid ) .
2.0-2 . 6
1.9-2 .6 0.1-{).8 "'"
Reoc lfmCfl . re'Wrialit im ,.tedall Cfl and Q- Pure .. . . .
0<>-'"' '
.... "
AaMwabaea .. 7.'
' -6.6,
For lineslC68 than o ne-quarter of Il wavelength
lo ng at the operating frequency,
360" ,
X l. - Z. tall - - - ,
Blac1l: n.oId...! . .
Y~e baea. _ . .. . . ..
Mi_ lill...! ..... . ... ...
Paptl' baae ........ 3 . 8- 5 .5 ,....
0 .8- 1 '''''''''
475 -000
required 10 tune a given line to resonance is Titaniumdioside" . . . .. 90-170 0. '
Urea formaldehyde " . >-7 2-. 300-<00
V.... lli.ehed dOlh " . .. . 2- 2 . 5 2- ' HG-MO
c - --'oc= Vin~' l remllS .. ... . . .. .
,., .4- 1.7 400-500
z, tan 360" l , Vi trolex.
Wood (dry oak)
2 .5-6 .8 3.85
50 I.' 200
2 150
2' 3 100
90 100
20 80 90
~ 4
70 80
" "
.0 70~ "
~ ~ 6 50
a " 9
a: "
............. V)
~ , UJ
'" ,U
10 30 :>:
"> JO
U', ..
UJ " ,,
" 20 ,
'" ,
" 20
4 ....... .........
20 15
3 2.
30 00
35 10
Thi. chart may be " 8c. I\ 0 find \I'e vlllue. o rind"c t""cc "",I <:a paeil ,. r"q u ir",IIO r"OI"male lit 8"Y ~ in" freq u"II cy
in th e ",."Ii",,,. M high .rr<:'1lL c l"~ r~"8e~; or, oo"," rs<:l,.. 10 fllHI II,,, fre'lllency 10 whic h 1111 )' coil-<:ontiCllser .'v"n
cO IllI,i " al;ou "in ''''' c. In tl,,, Ull lnl ,l" ~ ho"' 11 b y the <l3 0h"dlin el. II eond.,II$c r hu .. m;nimum "" uc;t,. of 15 "I'M
. ".1 a ",ax;",,,," capllcity of 50 ",,(d. Ifi, i~ 10 be used wi \b II coi. of 10.,,10. induct ance, ,.. h ,,1 frc!ln.,ncyran se "'ill be
eo,'tred? The 8Ini~h l _ed,e;. oonn<:Cl cd ~t ..c~" 10 on Ihe Idt _loMIltl l(:a l" and 15 on Ihe r iGhl . , ivin l 13 Me. as Ihc
hi ~ h_r.e'lnenc)' lill1'l . Keel"n. Ihe, hl -<:,15e II 10 On Ihe Icft _I1Mud 1(:41e, Ihe olhe. e nd i. .... ""1 10 SO Oil d .e
r' ~I"_ha"d &<:" Ic, I;"i,,~ I 10w. l rC<l"c"ey 1.",;1 of 1.1 M c . The ","i" l ' ."!C " 'ould. the.odore. he (,,' ''' 7. 1 Me. 10 13
M e .. Or 7100 "c. 10 13,000 "e. '1"1", cc"le. I(:ale al,.., &C,"e. 10 Mover! f.equeocy 10 wavdcn5 l h.
The nn~e of Ihe cha.1 carl be utc"ded by ",ult'I,I)""1 each or Ihe Kale. by 0.1 0. 10. In ,he eu m"le .1...,..". if
the capaci t '''' D'~ ISO a"d 500 .... rd. and tbe i"dnCl a"Ce 100.,.10 .. t he n,e bceo", ... a l)l,roxi"'''lcI), 2.3 1 to .122 melertl
Or 0.7 101.3 M e ..... hc."ali .. eLy, 1.5 to 51'"fd. and I .. I. wi ll ,i"e a .anse ohpprox;",.tcl)' 1 J 10 130 M ...
Tuhe Characfer;st;cs ancl Miscellaneous Data 425
3000 1500 1000 150 600 '00 '200 ISO 100 7S &0 40 20 101000
I'I' I' I, 'I' ,I'
1,,1 t I 1""1" 1'1""1"11 II II !I
III I1'1
2030 10
.0' .06
.02 .03 04
Th e chart abo ..., is a n ellle naioll ol t he char. 0 0 tbe facin s pasc, by moan8 o l ,,hid, Ih c u mc va lu es o f L. C aod
l'-c~1l be fou nd fo r th e very .hi ~h. and uhrahi sh.fre<lueoc y rangel. It; s u ...,d in Ihe sa me mann er 8S Chart I.
.' - .--
--- poooooooo
000000000 .l-
3 r-UNGTH -1
' .0 The charla on thi s pa ge, p,..,,,ued by Hall,h R. Ba tch er, make I _~ible the
deli ~ D of Arnall coila lor very.high frequ ency n.... ... i.h accuucy.
0.5 The induc taDce o f coil~ will, two Dr mo re turnA, or Ihc dimensiona rcquired for
a Kiven value ol induc tan ce , ma y"" d etermin ed fro m the ehar t aoo>"e. 'fh e
iodoclance ohiu S!C.IOrri coils o r 1001>8 can ""oblain",,! f<omlLc chari at the !eft
~ RAr./O...!!....
ct .35
~ . 2S
.... .45
T o find the iuductanee of a giveD coil fro m tI> e c hUI abov e, fir$t locate tbc
diameter in inchea on !.he at the hOI 10m. Dr",., a verliu ! line ''l' ... ard
to inl~n.o:c. th~ curved ""al~ corrcsl>Olldill g [0 the IC Il ~ .h in incl, ,, . Fron. thi s
inlersec tion ],roj ect a liue at ri ght an 8 1~s " >local e the 'sh~l '" fac t or~ un the
ri ght.IJand ord inate . Draw a line frun. this l",i" l '0> d,, ~ turn~ ],e r ;ud," 8Coil le
at Ihe !cf,; th e IlOinl ... here II,i$ li" e Cr~" Ihe ~ ",iel'<,l l,cur;c~- scale is tl,,
1.0 ~ ~ .2 ;udnc u"'"e of tbe ooil. I n Ihe c;: .. ,"p!e aho"" b y ,he ,b shct! Ii" ",., ~ cuil o f
, gg
3.0 Ci
5 .0
r I'
:t: .IS
l ~ i neh dia",e'er ... ound ... ith l }i turns. 0.4 i" c hes !o u g. or ,~.01 'lJ rJl ~ pc r in ch
haa an i"due tance ol appro~ima'cl, 0.111 " h.
'1'0 6n,II!. " indnc tan ce of /l g in ~l~_ t uru eoil o r loo p, dr"'" ~ liu, fro,,, ,he diam-
e ter ""ale 0[1 th" Charlal th e 1~t ' 1'<ou Sh Ibe IlOi,,, 0" Ih e cen ter 8ca l~ which
oorr"" llOnd s 10 the ra,;o of Ill,n diame ter to con,Jne'or di a"' ''' er . The poi".
wh e re ,his line c rOM .... th e " mic roh e nri c8- ~enle ... ill ~ i y e Ih e i",llle""'cc. Thu. ,
a 2.ineh loop of No. 12 wire haa an induc tance o f approx imately 0.1 1 "h.
In cO"'I'"ti" l 1I'"",,,. io Il 6, .he lIiameter o f th e coi l i "k e n 1",1"".,,. cc n' e...
of turna (diameler of form 1'1,, 8 diamete r of wire) , ... hile Ih e le u glh i. Ih e over_
.05 all leu glh o f th e coil (""",be r of turn s ti u,,"' ,liSl ance belw c<:n Cl:"ter~).
C""rl"JI EI c<Jtronic I"dus~riee
"" I I I I I I
I 1 I I 1I I 1 111111111
00 I I I I I I I I
_~c~cc~~~_~~~ccooo~c ~ ~~~o~c~c~o o ~
1 ~~-~~~~ ~ ~~~i~~g~~=;~;~~~gi~~~2~2m
Curren t ell /xu; it )' oj !'Q.<.-cr Wirillg end or tip is colored to represent the second
The Natiunal Board of F ire Underwriters figure; a colored band or dot near the center
ha,s c~t!1blishcd the following: us m(\~imum cur- of the res iswr gives the number of zeros fol-
rent densiUes for curnmonly- uscu s izcs of co p- lowing the first two figures. A 25,OOO-ohm
per wire in clcctricail)OwCr cjrc uit ~ : res istor, for example, would be marked as
follows : body, red (2); tip, green (5); band,
orange (3 zeros).
AmpcC8 Small mica condensers usually arc marke<l
Gaugo No. Ci .:"IM wi th three colored <lots, with a n arroll' or othel'
B. &: S. M i l A.,~" R~~ Ol~"" sym bol indicating the sequeuce of e olor~ .
l'.. ~I,,'i,," 1" . .. latian Readings are in micromicrof:lmds (J.4I"(d.) , with
the color code as above. For example, a
CO" ""'" ""
lZ ....
O.OO025-J.4fd . (250-J.4J.4fd. ) con<leuser would he
marked us follows: red (2), green (5), brown
2(;200 '"'" (1 ze ro).
10380 "" l.f. tra" sjo,..ncrs:
""'" G&30
"3 "'"
Blu..:. - plate lead.
Red - "B" + lea d.
"" ""
1624 '", Green -
Black -
grid (or diode) lead.
grid (or diode) return.
NOTE : If the secondary of the U.t. is eenter-
Rcinti L'C ElccLricld COlulltCLi vity of .M e tals
tapped, the second diode plate lead is green-
at Orcli .. ufY 'r c "'fJc raturcs
and-black striped, nnd black is used for the
( B:wx.l on Copper all 100) center-tap lead.
Aluminum ( Z5 : I',,'e) ,.9 I ,oll (cut). 2- 12 A.f. tra ll s/ormc rs:
Ai"",;nu", (allu),' ): Iron (w,ougM) . 11.4 Blu.e - plate (finish) lead of primary.
Soft-annC!ik~1 . -45- 50 L~....t . . . 7 Red - " B" + lead (this applies whcther the
lIe,"'.- trealoo ..
Mercury . ,.,
33 _2
pr imary is plain or ecnter~tapped ) .
Cadmium .. .. 19 JI..!oIyb<icnum. Brown - plate (start) lead on ce nter- tapped
ChrOlu iu rn .
Climax . .
Monel. .
:-<ieIHome ... 1.45
primaries. (Blue may be used for this lead if
polarity is not important.)
COlmlt .. .. . 16.3 Xiekel. 12- 16
C"",,,t.:lutin . . . .. ... 3.24 Phoophor Bronze. Green - grid (fini sh) lend to secondary.
COPi"" (hard drawn).
C"pper (allnMloll) ... 100
89.5 Platinum ..
Sil\er . .
Black - grid return (this applies whether the
Ever<Ju' . 6 Sl~-el. 3- 15 secondary is plain or centcr-tapped).
Germ" " Silver (18%) 5.3 Tin. Yello w - grid (start) lead on center-tllpped
Iron (pu,e) . .
Tung8l.eD ..
Zinc ........... . .
28 .2
secondaries. (Green may be used for this lend
if polarity is not important.)
NOTE: These markings apply also to line-to-
Apl'ro. inlate rc1ntio,,",
An incre"",,, of 1 in A. W. C. or B. '" S. wire oi." incrca.&es
grid, and tube-to-Ii ne transformers.
resiMRnce Z.~%. Lcm .clspeaker voice coils:
An incr~"!l$oIl of 2 in c ~ r Olllinance 60%_
An inc"",""" of 3 incr ......... reaist.Rnce 100%. Green - fini sh.
An inc,""Moe of 10 incle~ re..i't.Rnoo 10 lime... Black - start.
"'ieW coils:
CI. RMA Rgdio Color Codes Black and red - s tart.
Standard color codcs have heen adopted by Yellow and red - finish.
the Radio Manufacturers Association for the Slate and Red - tap (if any).
identification of the values and connections
of standnrd componcnts. Power tra ,"'f!or".erlS:
1) Primary Leads. . Black
Resis tors (u" l co,.dc1lsers: If tapped:
For identification of resistance and capaci- Common . . . .... Black
tance values of smull carboll-type resistors and Tap ........ Black and }'-ellow Striped
midgct mica condenserl;, numbers are repre- Finish. . ..... Black and Red Stripecl
seated by t he following colors: 2) High-Voltnge Plate Wi nding . . . . Red
Center+Tap .. . Red and Y ellow Siripetl
o - Black 5 - Green
3) Rectifier Filamcnt Winding . . . . ... Yellow
I - Brown 6 - Blue
Center-Tap .. Yellow and Blue Slripecl
2 - Red 7 - Violet 4) Filament Winding No.1 . . . .. . .. . Greelj
3 - Orange 8 - Gray Center-Tap .. Grecn ond }'- ellow Siril/ccl
4 - Yel10w 0) - Whitc 5) Filament Winding No.2 . . . Brow'l
Three colors are used on each resis~r to Centcr-Tap . Brown arid }' ellow Striped
identify it.s value. T he body color reprcsents 6) Filament Winding No.3 . ... ... . . . Slale
the first figure of the resistance value; one Center~Ta p .. . Slale a7!d Yellow Striped
Tube Characteristics and Miscellaneous Data 429
S tmulflr./ !l1ch' ( Gau ge!! "'1"'tip/os (I,, l S,," . M"/Ii,dc.~
Ga"u. A. "...".;ran U. S. Birmi"oh4m Ampe re I ,000,000 microamperes
No. Or II.,~ 8 ,1 SIM,d"rd~ Or S1413
Ampere 1,000 flliHi:lmpcres
- 0.000,001 megacycle
0.001 kilocycle
.35 .259 Farad 1,000,000,000,000 micro-
, ]8]!l
. 2M375
.220 farad
1,000,000 microfarads
,,6 Hl20
.203 125
. 1815 .,.,
~'a rl\d
1,000 mi lli f:lI"ads
1,000,000 rnicrohcnrys
, .1 285
. 11H
. 134
Ki locycle
1,000 millihenrys
1,000 cycles
"" toW
.""" .125 .120 Kilovolt 1,000 volts
"" . OSOSI
. O7l~\
. Iro37.~
.&:l375 ''''
Kil ow:ltt
1,000 wntts
1.000,000 cycles
. 00-\08
. G.'>707
Mego hm 1,000,000ohmg
"" .05082
. 058
~'I ho
1,000 ,000 micromhos
1.000 miilimhos
Micro:tmpere 0.000,001 ampere
. 0-1030
Mi erof:lrad
Mino henry
0.000.001 fnrad
- 0.000,001 henry
., , L"."""
15 /32 . .4 6875 31 / 32 .. ..
, 100
One-hundredth ce nti-
1/2, .
U .. iU oj umgtll
E~qJ;.~ M dri<:
d One-tenth deei- I mil .. 0 .001 inch 1 millirn"'l<lr .. .19.31 milo
10 .. 0.0254 rnillirncwr
1 illCh .. 2.M e<:nti",cWnl I e<:ntimeter _ 0.3937 inch
1 0" uni- .. 0.0328 foot
I l oo~ _ 30. 48 centirncWnr I meWr .. 3.28 I .,.~
dk 10 Ten deka- 1 y,.rd _ 0.9144 meWr .. 1.094 ya rd.
1 ",ile _ 1.6O!l3 kilornetenl 1 kilometer _ .0.62\ 4 mil",
10 100 One I,und red hekto- 1 mi~.on - Ill-' mcter
.. 0.0001 e<:" limet".
_ 10,000 J\.np"orn ""iUl (A.)
k 1,000 One thousand kilo- 1 J\.ng1>trorn _ 10-" mete,
10,000 Tun thousand myri a- _ tI}--. centime\"r
M 1,000,000 One million mcg:.L- _ 0.0001 micron
W A. AIJlha
Equ iooltf1t
Frequency f B Beta
Inductance L
Z,' r ,
Magnetic intensity H E E psilo n
Magnetic ftux
Magnetic ftux density
B zr
Magnctomotivfl f9rcc
MJ.ltual inductance
Nu mber of condu ctors or turns
Iota , tb
Kappa k
Period T n
Lambdll I
Permeability Mu
P hillie d isplace ment 'N.
" N"
Power P, :;; ~ Xi , 0
Quantity of electricity
Q, q
X, %
II ..
Omi cr on
Reactance, Capaciti ve
Beactance, Inductive
Rel uctivil.ry
Res ist:lnce
R, ,
'1' ..
p Rho
Sig ma
.T ,
v Ups ilon
P hi
Speed of rotation Chi
"' .
Voltagc E, , Psi po
W ork W n. Omega.
Tube Characteristics and Miscellaneous Data 431 Sy mQoIsjor JllI Cluun Tube No LfiLion NurncriClI l Vf, l" c3
Grid potential EO! e. .~ 3.14 10 (2 ... ) ~ = 39.4781
Grid current J.. i. 1/ ... = 0.3 183 logro ... o 49il
Grid eonduct:mee 9. ..~ 9.8696 loglo ( ... / 2) 0.10Gl
Grid resistance' r.
l / ....! =
Grid biM vol tage
Plnte pot.cntini
Plate current
E',., t p
h, J", i,.
1/ ...3
0. 101 3
3 1.00(;3
10gi 0 ....2 = 0.9943
loglo.,!; 0.21Rfi
2.71 sa
Pla te conductance g.
Plate resistance
Pla te supply voltage
Cathode current
.,!; -
l / .,!; =
v;= -
1/ . '" 0.367!)
Emi ~8io n current I. 2. 6.2332 loglo' - 0.4343
Mutual conducta nce g. v2 - 1.4142
Ampl ification fa ctor
Filament terminal voltage H, iOg lD v3 <= 1.732 1
Filament current I, 1(2. 0. 1592 l /v2 = 0.7071
Grid-plate capacity e"
( 1/ 2...), 0.0253 1/v3 - 0.5773
Grid-cathode capucity e.
Plnte-cllthode cnpaci ty e. Aren of circle - ( ... / 4) X D2 - 0.7854 l)'l
Volume of !Sphere - ( ... / 6) X f' - 0.5236 f'
Grid capacity (i lll) lI t ) e.
Plnte cnpacity (outp ut) e. 1 radinn ... 57 17' 44 " .8
= 57 17' .74G8
Non:. - Small lettcrl'! refer to insta nta ne- = 57 .29578
ous vulucl'!. I " - 0.001745 radian
, , ,
, I
, I
< lit-- 't/;/- +-l/- llli- fj l
~.L ~:;;
I ~I 0
0 '
:>.:/ + ~J~~ 0o~ 8~
1 +'
""/' 1
+ ,,~' I ;;, ~' 8'/ ,
I ~i , I '
'!I -- !L
W W V ,,
,I lY I
, , ,
, ,, ,
, ......- --- ,
--- ,
, ?-
12 ,. ,. ,.
'0 80 90 '00
_ _ _ _ P'OWtR
_ _ _ _ VOlTAGE O~ CWENT
Th~ c lo .. , a hOH ia direc,~o,lin B in I~rm s or de<:ibd s fo r , n power, volla ,e Or cu .~nl . a,iOll. Th o to p ..,al" 1001
rlV'" 0 10 100 d b. aotl;8 " adu t lor ~cry lor ge r8 tiOll ; the lo wer su le l>ermi n rcadin l i>eI"'Un 0 Ind 20 dh., o r
one c~clt of Ih e uttndcd -.:alt. Solid Jinu I how yoh a,,, Or Cur ren I ra tioe ; d Ol led li nes, pOwe r Ul iOA. To find Ilh. J aio ,
di,j.lo o utlmt po,,'cr by corrftpondi n l in t"'l pow.,. a.,,1 read ,lb.... Iue (o r , I,i. ratio, usi n l tbe a" I, ropriate c .. n c (i.e.,
~ x t ~ (or rat ios (IVU' I 10 10, ~ X 1 0~ (or (I"Om 10 10 t OO. ~ X 1 00~ tor u l ios (rom 100 10 1000. a ... I 80
on ). T o find .11,. 10M, as whe re OUlpu t i, leM Ih. n in l", t , di.jol" in"uI va lue b y 01011" ' 1 value. C .... e .. t .n,1 volta , e
rui". in ,lb. ca n he (..... "d . i,,,;ta rl,. , !>l"Ovid".] t',e in " ut a llol outp". imvc<lances are ,I." .. ", e. I'o"'er, vohal t an.1
currcn t .. ~I"dI ""ut be in ,I." law e uo ita (wa t ta. millivolu , lU;c. oo. m pere ... Clc. ),
-, "
' 00
,~ ~
By llseof,h" <:h~rl a l.......,. 'he al' pt'Oximalt r""cllne.. o f any (" paci, ), fro o. 1.0 .... M. 11'110 I'M. at .ny ('C'IUrI.")'
from 100 ",-.:;1". to 100 mc ~ac)-cl"". or the react.nell of 'IlY jnduclRncc from 0.1 ...11. to 1.0 hen.y, Can t..~ n ' w'! ,Ii _
1'11,.. J nter,,, .. djulc val"". .. a n be ~~li",al~d h y i,, ' cr l'olalio n. In" ~ jn'rr' .... ra'i'>n8. re.",.."I0... Ihnl . he . " ,c of
elo... ,,, be'''".. n lin ... i~ I... ~a r ilh"'ic. U.-e tile ',c'lu"ne), Or ...,.,,,1.. ,,..", ..,. Io:t a. " ,,,i.le in eII l;,,,. ,;,, , jll ln",,,.' ;.'e
.. aluu n o Ih" up"r.ily or ;oci ..<".,, "",,1M.
This du,tl .1"", can be "lied to fiuo! the . "I'ro): im ate rC80o' nec Crequeo,,;'" of i.e comhi"a , io"" Or the fn:qu"n"y 10
which" ,i"en ,oil. nd ('<>nolenlM: r " ill,,, ,,,,. Finol locate the ..... peclive , 1.n l ;",I,,,.,. fo r Ihe
The po>in l whe.e the )' jnleT!!C:Cl . i.e. , " ' here the ruc.,nCH . re equal, il l" " .0:>""",
ci l), . "d i"duc' . ""'.
'.equelle)' (proj""le d dO"' u ward
,,,0.1rea d on the f'e'luenc), lIC,le).
Xcl~OA ... " :
'"N.' ,." '"I'.' '"".,
'"" 'M
U .
......,..,.. cr:=.-
rLi~OA ... 1II:
1~ 60
"'" "'"
""" """"
..""'" ""'".
""" ","'"
10 ben. ;e.
IS .t
,. ~
.. ...
, .~
""" 126000
25:!OOO 3Wl00
Xc 1"Q.\... cL
100 ~e.
" ,,,'" ",.. ro
'" :moo ....
....,,,. . .""""" ,.,.""" """
""" "''''
XLI ~OoII ...
12 G
" "
37 . 1
...'" ,m'"""".
,..... ..'"..
~ .~
IOO"b .
'r o nn,l'ff>eta n"" lor oth.". \"Rh",. 01 L 0. C, mov" the dod mill point in t h .. ..."..,tlln"" flIlU t to IlOftellpond with lilt! differ
..""" in the L 0. C fI;u re - to Ihe kit lor ine~&i ng "",,,,oity 0U>d to t he .;.h l fur inc""' ...... induct.nce. ~nd vice ,'cr"",
To find ....... et.nce 10. hi&h.,...,.~"c""y nmltipl.... muiti ,1iy I],e ~Ia""" fi3u.e by Ihe n,,,hil>lc of the '''''I"cney. aeeonlin,
10 the Ii&" 01 the react..,,,,, (i.~., m"lti"ly 10. ilMl"el;'net:l""" ; divide for ot\J*'i ' i,'~ "'''ctan",,).
H_rftpl.. I: The n:a<ltance of .. 10000_f.1. eondcl1W!, at 1750 ke. i. U", ,alu .. for 10 _fd. with du. dccimal !>Oill t mo' ... II ... O
pi...,.. 10 Ihe left, or 0 1 00 ....... A~ 7 Me. ,he """"Un"" of ,hi. """dcruoer I. ;ta ",.!,." .. t 11.00 h. divided by 4 . 0. Z2S OhU'L
E:r.. mpl.~ I: T he """'"t .. n"" of .. OO-hcn.y choke at GO e~tlo. i .. the nlu" for Ii hcn.iC3 with ~hc dceimal mov"d 0"" ,,1:1""
10 tho .ight. 0' 22.ijO(I oh", . ,\1 , ~'O cycle. the ..... el"ncu 01 ,hi. choke i. iu value .. t 00 .ycle. "'''\li"H~~1 by 2, Or 4 5.200 0],"'
Tube Characteristics ancl Miscellaneous Data 433
VACUUM-TUBE RATINGS ditiolls. The maximum limits of the.'!C varin-
tiolls must be t.'\ken into account in the design
The daL'\ in the chssified tube tlLblcs on of equipmcnt. R ecommrndecl prnctice is to
pages '1.'13-472 :lre of two kinds - ma:.:imum assUlllC a "design-center voltage," which is the
rutings, and tYI>ical ol>cmting conditions. normnl vollnge supplied by the primary power
As explained in 3-1, vacuum tubes Ill'e de- source. The over-nil design is made such thnt
s igned to be operated within definite ma:.:imum the mnximum upward variation (design-maxi-
(nnd minimum) ratings. These ratings are the mum voltage) will not enuse the maxi nlll III
lIla:.:inmlll snfe ol>crnting voltages nnd current.!! ratings of compo nents to be exceeded, whilc
for the electrodes, based on inherent limiting OI>CTIl.tion nt the design-minilllum voltage will
fa(:tors such as permissible cathode lcmpera- not result in impaired performll.JlCe. The usual
ture, emission, and power dissipntion in elec- ranges of varintiOii for thcthrec common power
trOOCl:!. In addition to the ma.ximum rnti ngs for sources arc given in the following tnble.
cach type performance data is given in the form
of tYJlical operating conditiolls showing appli- Power. S upply Desig ll I'oll.. gc.
Cll.tions lwd cin;:uiL-det!ign considerntions. [)ai,"- [)uig,,- /k. ;q,,-
In the transmitting-tube tulllCl!:, mnximum c.,,/,...
M;~i", .... olio,,,..... '"
Volt~. V"/Ia~. Volta""
ratings for electrode voltage, current a.nd dis- "11[,-vol~" ".c.l'owerline' .. 117 L 100 130
sipation arc given separntely from the typical "n-volt " s torAge battery ... 6 6.Z.5 6.3~
operuting conditions for the recommended 6.3 7-8
cln,sses of operntion. In the receiving-tube "I.S-voll" d ry cftll 4 , . 1.4 ' 1.1' 1.6 '
t nbles, becnusc of spnce Ii mitationM, rntings and L AIM .,>PIi.,. to ... <:.-<i.c. ~uipme", which mAY be op-
craled from" li D-vol ," <I.e. lin ....
operating dnta arc combined. Where only one 'M .....;mu m !rminal potenti,,1 wi tho,,~ load for fully
!SCt of opernting eonditiOlls !l.PI>cnrs, the posi- charled b.o.t!ry .. itb .peo:i~c I v;ty 01 1.300.
tive electrode voltnges shown (plate, screen, I For .to,.... boo'!1)" conn"",ted 1.0
ciuo.'ltcr... in ."1.0'"''''
tiv...rv;CIII. r.1 ..,,;rnu", volt.&ll:e will .. ary ... ;Ih->'stem;equip-
etc.) are, in general, also the mn...:imum rnted
men. shou ld be filled to wi,h$1:uld 1 voila oonlinUOUlly, 8
voltnges for those electrodes. voila i"! .. nilt~ntl).
The ma...:illluill rating.!! nrc intended to apply 4 V.,JUet K; v~n Me fo.-lilamcnt oPM'ft,Uon. For "B" bat
under conditions of normnl Ol>erntiun. In prnt- ted_, ule .",.,<lard ralU!c "'" detign-center .. oltaee (45, 00.
tiee, power-supply or I>rimnry-source voltage e\.C.': minin""n and mpin'"m volt.:l&.. w;1I be ,.. . bown
multiplied by ~ho number of cells.
fiu ct\ln~ions result in nppreciable variation ~ In lOme typ" 01 OQ.uipm~nt. des;gnminimum voliaC<'l
nround the normal or dcsigned ol>c rnting con- ca.n be carded .. lo w "", 0.9 volta per cell.
,." .....
Fila"'tnl ..... Triode. Triode.
T ...."
ReidPl K
s..~ RlijI.:>'I C~n_ja. p,-
Ind ....
T...,. P,,,'ode.
V"" .. ~'" G"
IIl i$cell .. lleO lls
Roc lilia.
..... Cal1H,..
3()4T H
'''' "7
"', ""
2E!!Z 2,\:2
'" ...
394 A
VRI.50-30 '"'"
6C I'1
1~" ,31l.
1n2A elB
ul;:I' \
Where din:ct ;nltrcbancc<>Wlity i. " ..ured. OT "Dd L eGUn'crp:lrt. ol\he preferred meLal type. n,"Y be "....t.
Tube Characteristics and Miscellaneous Dala 435
In the t. hI<'lI on pa,lU 4.<1:\....172 ..iII he found <'fISoenli.l eha.act er ii ti c:. a nd t fpi"a l o!'<'ra . in ,l d" t. foc.1I U. S.mad e
lIanda rd recc:; v ; n ~, !ran l miu ;" ".1 I pecia l"u'lJ.OSc vaCllum tuba On ... h'ch d" la i. av.ilable, cI . .. ifi",1 by ule,.
Dft$<: di .~ra m~ a rc ,how" 0" I,a~u .137-142. For e<>nvenic ncc in loc in 8 IYI'U " 'hme <'lI~"r i 3' chau ctcr;Mic. a re " ot
kilO"''', the ;udex below liill aIlIYII", in numerica l/a lpba be t ical order ... il h the pa ce On ... hi cb d all is 10 be found.
,.u"': 1<0. "11n~ NO. PAC~ TOIII') NO. PAOI') nnn, NO. r Aoe
OO-A . 41">4 2\'aO .. .. ........ 458 6 D6. (47 6\'10. 44 6
Ol-A . ~ f>4 2W3 ............. . . . (58 607 . . 447 6Z3 ..... ~58
OMO . .. 456 2X2 . . . . . ... .. . ~ 58 6080 ........... 44 5 6Z t . ... . .... . . . 41>8
OB3/ VIt!lO-3O 4.s6 2\'2. ........ 458 6.'> ... 447 GZ4 (84 / 624) .... . .. 45\1
OD3/ VIU50-30.. 456 2Z2 . . ..... . ~58 6E6.... ......... 7 6Z5. 458
0'lA . .. . 458 3 M .............. ~~, 469 GEl ..... ..... . ... 447 6Z7G ... .. .......... 416
I... ...... .......... 458 3"5 ............. . 4.';4 .460 GE8C ... . . ...... H 5 6ZY50.............. 458
1"3 .. 450 3"'SC1'.. 4:;4 GF5 ................. 443 7;\4 . ............ . 446
1"4P ... ........... 449 3 ... Pl j9(I&. l'I..... .. 456 6F6 ............. 443 7.1.6 .... ......... .. 446
1"4T .... .... ....... 441J 3"' P4 ~ 1'4 ... 45C 6 1'7 ........ . ..... . 441 7A6 ... ....... ....... 446
1" 60 .............. . 450 3l1.5GT .... ....... . 454 6F80 . ...... ..... ... 44:> 7.>.7 .. .... .. ... 4046
1"6 ....... ........ 440 3U7 / 1 ~!....... 451 605/ 6U6 ....... ..... 447 B8. . 4~6
1"10 ....... ... . .... 400 3UP!. ...... 45C 6060 . .. ... 445 7AP4 . 4 57
1841' /1151......... .. 440 3e6CT . 454 6H4 0 T ............ 44" 784 . 44 6
155/ 268. ... HO 300 / 12911 .. ... ... 451 6H 6..... ... . 447 7B5 . 401 6
1I.!10 ... ....... . ... UO 3E P IIl806-}> I. ..... 451 6111} . ....... .... 44 3 700 . 446
11)801' .... .. 450 3L ~-;.j . . . . .. . .. 41">4 61180.... .... 44 6 787 ... ........ 44 6
ICliO. .. .... 450 31.}' 4 ... ........... . 454 6.15... ..... 443 7B8 ... ... . . . . ...... . 44 6
IC6 ...... ........ ~49 aQ( ......... ....... 454 6.16 ........... 7 . 454 .4r.o 701/1203. ........ 4~
IC70 . 450 3Q50r... .. . .... . .. 454 6J 7 ....... 44 3 7C5 ............. . .. . 44 6
IC2 I . 456 35-4 . . . .... ... 454 6J8G....... 445 7C6 . 44(l
ID~ I> .. 450 U OO.. 454 6K6C. . ..... . .. 44 5 7C7 ...... . ......... . 446
lDGT ... ....... .. 4,so 5"' PI / I80.5-i'I ... '.' 457 6K6G . ...... ...... 445 7C PI / 1811.PI . . . 457
10 70 . .... 450 SAP4l18Q.... i'4 ... . .. 457 6K 7 ....... ..... 443 707 ................ 446
ID8C T .. ...... .. 4,so 5 UPI / I802-I I .... . .. 451 6 ..8 ...... .. 44 3 75(1201) ......... 456
IE4G .... . ... 4,so 61lI'4 f l8C2N .. ... 457 6 L.5G ..... ... 445 7E5 / IZ2 L. ...... ... 448
IEli(; P .... ........ . . 400 5 111' 1 {5111 4)...... 451 61.6 ... ..... .......... 3. 410 7 Ea........... ...... ~46
11;"70 ... ... ...... .. . ~.'jO 6 UP4 (6111'1) ....... 457 6U1GX .. ... 470 7Et ....... .......... 446
IF4 . . . . . ........ .. 440 6n40\'.. ... .... .. 458 61.7 ... .............. 443 7F7 ............... .. 446
IFSO ... .......... 46(l 5T4 ........ .. .. 458 611160 .. . ... ........ 446 707 / 1232. . . . . . .. 446
1Ft! ...... ... . ...... ~~9 5U40 .. .. .. 458 6111 70. 44 6 7H7 ................ 446
1t"'70V ..... . ........ 46(l 5\'40........... . 4 58 6M80T. 44 5 7J7 .... 446
1040 .. . . ....... 400 (j W4 . . ...... . .... 458 6:-:6 . 447 7 1':7 .... 446
lOW. 400 5Xa. . . . ... ........ . 458 61\00 ........ 445 7L7 . 446
lOG(;. . .......... ~ 6(l 6X40 . . . .... . .. 458 6N7.............. .. ~43 7 1"7. H7
J114 G .... .. . .. . . . 450 5\'30. . ... .. ..... 458 61'50 . .... .......... 44 5 7QT .......... H7
1HW . .... .... . . f 6(l 5\,4G. ... ... ~58 61'70 ........ . . . . .. ~4 5 7R7 . H1
IBOO ... .. ... 4,so 5Z3 ........... ...... 458 6PSO... .. .......... 445 757. . . . ....... 447
IJ6O .... ........ 400 51A. . .. .... 458 6QGO...... ... ...... 44:; 7T7 . . 447
JJGO ... . . .. . .... ... 450 GA3 ....... .. . ... .. . 447 6Q7 ... ... ~43 7V7 . . .. 447
IIA ... ..... ... ..... 450 6,1.4 .. .............. . ~47 6R6G...... . ... ..... 446 7W7. 447
IU4 ......... ...... 450 GASC...... 444 6R7 ... ..... .... ... . ~4 3 7\"4 .. 4f>8
" ,"6 ..... ........ 450 6A6 .... ............. 7 6....C:OCT ... .......... . 44 5 7Z4 . 458
1I.D4 . . . .... 450 6 ... 1 ...... .......... . 7 687 ....... ......... ~43 9.O\ P4 / 1804-P4 .... 457
ILIl(;GL .... ...... .. 450 6,1.8 .. .... ...... . ... 44 3 6S ... 7 ... ..... . .... 4<1 3 OCP4 . 457
Itcll .. 450 6ASS .. . ............ 441 6SC7. .. .... . .... ... 443 IUPI /i8O'J.P I . ....... 457
1I..c& .... . . 450 MOOG .. ~ 6S 070T .. . ......... 44 5 10. . . . . . . .. . . . 41">4
ILD5. 451 6A 137 (1M3). . 443 OSE70 T ..... .. ~4 S 10 {R I': I0) ... . ...... . 400
ILEa . . 451 6AOW ...... .. .. . 444 68FS .... ... . . .. . 44 3 H/l2 . . .. ......... 4M
ILH4 . .... . 451 (lAC6G 444 68 Ft .... ... . . 44 3 12 ( 11 / 12) ........... 4M
II,N5. . .. 451 MC7 (1862). . . . . .. 44 3 6SC7....... ... 444 12AS . 452
11'\30 .. .... . ... . ... 451 M D50. 444 6S H7 ... ... ....... 444 12A6 . 452
IN60 ..... ........ 451 6ADfiO .... .... .. 444 6SJ 7 ... ... ... ...... 444 12A7 .. . . .. . 452. 4M
lP6Q. .. ........... . 461 6 ... 070 ...... ..... .. 444 681\:7 .... ..... . . .... 444 12ASOT ....... 452
IQro ... ... 461 6AE6G .. ~4 5 68L70T ...... ... .... 445 12A4 HOT. ... 462
IR4 1121H. 451 6 ... E60 5 6S'70T . . . . ........ ~45 IZ ... P4 / 1803-N... . . 457
IR.5..... 46\ 6AE70 T .... 44 5 6SQ7 . .. .. ..... . . .. 444 1!!B6.M .............. 452
1S4 ... 4:;1 6 .... FSG . 5 osn7 ... .... ........ 444 12117 ( 14.o\7 / 12B7). .. . 452
186 ... 45\ 6AF60 . . . . . . . .5. 447 6SS7. ............... 444 12B7MI. ............ 452
lSA6GT . 451 0 ... F70 ........ . 445 68T7 ..... ... ....... ~H 12B80T. . ... 452
ISB6C T .. ....... 461 6A06 ... 454 61'5. ........... 44 7 1208 ..... . . . ........ ~52
11'4 ......... .... 451 6AOOO . . . . . ... 445 6T6GM ............ 445 1201'4 .... . .. 457
IT 6CT .... ....... 451 6A0 7 . . . ..... 44 3 61'7 . 444 12561' ....... . .... 452
I_V. 458 0 .... 1I6C. . . . . 44 5 6U5 (6C5 / (lU5)...... 447 12F50T........ .... 4 52
2 ... 3. 4048 M II , CT...... 44 ~ 6U60T ......... . .. 44 5 1'!G7G. 452
2MO. . . .. . .... 456 6... 1.00 .... 44 5 6U70. 401 5 12H6............ . 452
2M .... . . ......... U 8 OB40. .... 44 S 6V6 .......... .. . . 444 12J50 T . 4 ~2
2"6 ... ............ 448 (l1l6 447 0\'70 .... ........ ... 445 12J701............. 4~2
2A1 .... H 8 UIlOO.. ............ 44 :; OW50...... . .. ..... 468 121':701' ... .... ..... 4~2
2... 1'1. ... . .... . .. ( 1)(, Oil, ........ 441 G\\'OOT......... ... . 445 12K8. . . .. . .... 452
2UII. .... ..... 448 6B8 .... 443 6W70............. . 446 12QTOT . .. . . . .. . .... 452
2117 .... ........ 448 (lC4 ........ . . . . 01.501 . ~ 60 6X6. .. ........... . . 4 .;8 12S"7.......... .... 4Ml
2C21 (1642/ 2<;21). 440 6C5......... 443 6X80 .... .... ... 446 125C7...... ... ..... 452
ZC22 .... .... .444. 400 GC6 ... ... 447 6\'3 .... .. .. 458 125 Ft;...... .... 452
2 ~ ... . 448 6C7 447 6 \'5 .... ...... ...... 458 1'!!H"'7 452
ZG5..... . .. . 448 6CiG.. ..... 445 6\'60 ............. .. 446 12SC7 .. 4S2
TtIllY. "0. T""~ "-0. PAm: TI]1I1: ~O. PAil'"
lZSlIi . 4~2 45. 448 3().lT I. (1I1\304_L). 457
'1 .~2 451.3. 459 3{l5-.~ . 005 .
125J7 ..
\ 251,7. 452 ~51.G(lT. . ... ...... . 459 300-.01. '"
469 905 (SOf.,).
lZSLiGT .... 4::.2 ~6... ... . ... . 307-.01. ..... ........
4-18 !lOIl-i'! (3A 1'1 / 006-1' l) 456
l ZS7NG T . 452 47. 449
JOS-B .............. 906-1'4 (3AI'4 / 9Q(i.I'4)
12SQi . .. 452 IS..... 4::;3
310 .............. 007 . ........... ..
' M '''' . '"'"
1251\7 .
121'..3 . .. '"'" 49. . . .. .. .. . .
ofHI 311 (211. 83:>),
4M 312 -.01. ........
453 312- E (212_ ~:. 24 1-13) . . ..,
'" OO!J ............ .
127.5 .. .
452 5OC6G. 453 316-A . . ........ .. .
'" '"
14.4.4 .. 911. ......... .
452 5OL6GT. 453 342-B (242-B) 46;'; 912.
14 ." " ..
14M / IZIl7.
14A F7 ..
4&1 356-A.
459 3M_A (261_.01.) '" 913 . . . . ...... .
91 4 .... . ...... . '"
"" 938
]$88 .
UC:; .
1(C7 ..
55.... .. .....
45(1 3i6-.~ (2711-.01.) .
459 482- B (182-B / 482- Bl.
44 9 483 (l8-~ /483)
4-19 485 ..
' M O3O_B (8JO-Bl.
'"'" 'ro
951 (184(>/951) ..
. W '''.
14 E7 . 452 ~7.
14F7 . 58. 449 SOl (8(11-..1. / 8(11). '" '"
HH 7.
14J 7 ........... . . ."
44') SOl (11\'801_,\).
. ... .. A.~3. 459 SOI_A / 8(ll. " '"'OS.
957 .. ."
14. 1'7 . 701.7(;1'. . .. 453. 459 802 ...
71_A. ........ ... . 454
"" ""
'"m 959 . '"
14Q7 ...
141\7 .... .... ..... . '"
>3 75 . ..
448 804 ...
4&1 SO!> (005).
%7 ................
97ft-A . '"'"
1457 ...
14 W7 ....
' >3
'"'" 78n.. . 76 . 448 SOft (R I":57/ SOft). '"' M 99 1. .... .... .......
1201 (7E5) .. ... '"."
14Y4 .
14 Z3 .. .
15 ....... .
". ..
'"'", 807(1..
H8 goo.
448 807 (i1Y61 / S07) .
807 ( 1(125).
808 .....
1203 (7C4 / 1203).
1204 ....
122 1 (7E5/1221).
1223 ......... .
3<l ..
'2OJ8GM ... .
' M 81.
." 82.
IIQ\I . .....
810 ( 1 6~'7) . ..... . '"' 1231.
'" 1232 (7G7/1232).
'2IA 7 ..... .
N _A .
24- XII .
83 . ........
83-V .
84 (61.4) .
. . .......... 448
8 11.
81Z .. .....
813 .
1284. . ........ ... .
]291 (3B7I1WJ) .. .
IW3 .......
'" 8 14 .
'" 12M (lRo( / ] 29-I).
25A6 . .
25:\Cf>O .
.. .4 53. 458
851\S .
99 . . .
8-25. . .. .. .462.
no 1m
H 1 ''''' .
1603 .
(3DI\ / 1200) ..
"" .
\'5 B5 ..
Z.-. Il{iG.
258801' .
2SC6G ",
'"'" >3
lllU. ..
112_A .
117 L7GT /I17!\17G T4 53. 459
830. . . .
........ ..
........ .. .
.. .. .. .. .. ..
47 1
1610 .
1611 ........
'M ....
251..6 .
25;-':60 ...
25S(lB51258) . ..,
. >3
17MI7G T (l1 7L70T I
117;\17GT) ..... 453. 459
11 7N 7G T ..... .... 453. 459
830-B (930-B)..
1613 ..... ... . . .
1614 . '"
832. . 469 1616.
25XGG T .. . 458 117 P7 G T . ... . .. . 453. 459 832A..... ..... ..... 469 1(119.
25\'4G T ... . I 17Z4GT. 459
2$\'5 .... '"
." Un60T. 459
83 4 . . . . . . . .
162 1.
25%3 .. .
2.5%4 ..
IWT.. ......
152T L (H 1\252_L ).
]82_B / 482_8.
835(21 1. 311).
836.. ..............
837 ( R h: U ). 469 1624 .
2:>1,(;, .
27 .....
28 D7.
183/483... ..
:!OJ_A (303-,1.).
Z03-H ..
20<1-.~ (30<1-Al. ..
4 55
838 (038).
8-1 0.
84 1.
84 1_A.
1626 ... .... .. .
1627 (810).
1628 . ........ .
30 ....
31 .. . .., 205-0
2!l(311.835) .
212- E (241 -8 . 3IZ-E) . . 468
8-I1 S W.
8-1 3. . .
1(l2!l .
1631. '"',,,
3 2 . .. . . 8-14 .. .. .. . . . . .. .. 469 1632 .
. . 53, 458 2 17- A . ...
2 17_C . .. . ... ...
84 9 . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. 468 1633 .
U . 241 -B (2 IZ_E, 312_E ). 458
.... . ... . .
. . ........ .
1634 .............. .
35 ..
35A5 . ."
242_A .
242_8 (342_B). .
8m . ..... . .... . .
16<i Z/2C2 1 .
35 1.60 . . .." 242_C. 465 864..... 4$
1644 .. .
1800 ... . '"
3 5T ... . . .
.OJ 2501' 11 .
25OT L.
811S. . 469 1801.
35 Y4 . .. ...... ..... .
'"'" 2&4 -A. ........
254-B .
866 (866- A /8OO) .
866-A / 800 . .
S66 B ..........
4 59
(5111' 1) .
(Ml l'4 ).
357,4G T . '"'" 257 . . . 455 SGGJr 459
1803_1'4 (I2A I'4 ) ..
1804-1'4 (9,\ 1'4) . . .
351,[;(; .
'", 2li1-A (3lil - A). . 4li5 871 . 45')
1805-1'1 (SAI'I). '"
357.60. ' OS 270A. 468 872 (872-A / 87Z). 459
1805-1'4 (MN) .. . '"
36 .. . 276-A (376-A). . 465 872-.01. 1872 4 &:\
1806-1'1 (3 EI' I) .. .
37 .. .
38 . ........ .
282-..1. ............
284_8. ............
874 . . .
4.56 18O!l-I'1 (!lJ l'l) . .. . '"
39 / 44 . (18 284_D.... ........ 4&1 S78 ... 459
18ll_I'1 (7CP1) . . '"
40 ......... . 295_,\. 465 879. 1840. -172
4QZ5GT .. . 3001'............... 168 m
303-.01. (ZOZ-A). 465 '"
88.5 .. . .W
18" .
18 ~ 8 .
43 .
3M-.'.. (2M-A).
304_A (3O-I-H).
SS6 ..... .
"" . '"457
014 (39 / 44 ) . .. . 304B(3M,\). 462 003 .. 1851 ..
Tube Characteristics and Miscellaneous Data 437
><..,. "o.
I'A"" TlJa >: "-0.
nF250 .
PA(]I; TlJD"
IlY8W J r.
p ... Q~ T U BC SO. P AOf:
18:)2 (GAC7).
1S53 (6.~ fin ... .
18!lS. '"
HF300 ..
!] 1,24 .
. ... .... .. '"ie,
( 1IY31~) . '"'"
RKS1/ 80".
RI'W . '"' 00
H Z HK&L . .... ......... 462 Kn1 . 456
18!l!) . ItI'GO .
lU;G2 . '"
2050 . .. .. .... .
UK1M ..
Rl'; 2~2-L (I[,ZTL).
462 I'Y8Gt.
462 )1:;..1.
4 5.'>
RK63 ( R FIl3-.o\j.
Rl'G3 A ( 1l61\3) ...
2051. '"'"472
IIK253 .
l1 1\:254.
IU: lO (10).
455 R\';!r4 . '"
2Z03. '00 RK6::'.
7000 . ...........
7700 . . '"
H1';304-L (3I}1TL) .
4i l
.68 Itl';lZ. . ..... ... ..
'"'", Rli:OO .
RKlOO. . . .. ...... .448, 460 '"
"" ..
8003 .
800S. . .........
467 HK U4
III\:354D .
III\3ME . . .. .. ....
HK354F .
GG JtKJ5 .
RKlG .
10.:11 .
1t!'\I} .
. .. ........
It 1\866.
ToW . ..
1'21 .
. ........... <5'
S012 .
8016 .
........ ..
H 1\454-1 .
IIVI2 (T81 4).
' 68
\lKZO-A (1t1'ZO. 1t1,46)
RI>:21 .
1l1;:22. . ..... .... ....
'" "1"40 .
T55 ..... .
1'1 25.
TZOO ...
900" 455 HV18 (1IF200).
Rl;:23 (RK25. RK25_B)
'" "1"814 (H VI2).
!J002 ..
ooro. '"
H V27 (1'822) . .
RI;:24 ... .... 449. 400
RK25 (RK23. R I\25-B)
ItK25-1l (RK 23. 1t1>::!5) '"'"
1'822 (H \"27) ...
1'\\'75 .
'" TWI50 .
000< . .
"""'. 455 IIY6VGGTX
'"'" RK2S.
'" T win 30 ..
BA .
BH .
CK50I .
CK502 .
. '"
IIY25 ...
IIY30Z .
!I\'31Z (11\' 12311:).
1/\'40 .
unoz ..
ItK30 ..
ltK32. . ... ........ ..
It K33. .........
Itl;:34 .
"1"1:40 .
UII:15 .
U H 50 .
UI.i51 .
CK503 .
CK504 . '" 1[Y5IA . '"
'" HK3:. .
<00 \'70
4fi2 V70 ... .
C I\505 . ..... ..... . .
GL I4 6 .
GLr(i9 .
CL lf>!l.
. '"
Hl'iJIB ..
Ill'511: . .
BY57 ..
H YGO. ..........
1I\'61 / f!I)7 . . .
~ 62
RK39 (lt K41 ).
RK41 ( R1\39).
V70B .
462 V7OC . .
V70 0 ..
IIF{.O .
, ....
HYIJ.5 . .
11\'67 ..... '"m
RKH (837) .
m\46 (ItKZO, H K20 A)
(OB3/ VHOO-30) ....
VR1 05-30.
IIFI20 ... ..........
H\'W .
'SO Y75 .
' SO [1 \'113 ..
00 RK47 ...
RK48 (RK48-A) ...
m (OD;I / V1H50-3<r) .
XXB ... ""
IIFI25 . .. . . ...
HF130. HYl I4_1l ... .. '"'" RK4S-A (lt4 KS) . . '"
m XXD ...
'"'" m
RK49 . XX !. . Hi
HF140 .... . ...
HFI50. ".
fiY125 . '"
'" HK5I.
IIF175 .
HF200 (IIY18) . ... '" HY615 .
\"SOI-A (SOl).
RK52 .
R['56 ..
1:225. .
Zil120 .. . ...
.. ... ....
. .......
' 06 II
The diU Mrams on Lhi~ and th" fo no ... i,. ~ four pa~e8 s h ow "\a lld ur(l 8OCk~1 ~..,"neclion8 .::orres pondi" s to th e base
d ""i~ "ation8 ~ i ...,,, ill the colnmn head ed ~So.:kel Cot",~",'ioI1 8" ill Ihe cial!$ifie,j lube data table" 011 pa~ 443-472.
FootnoL es ""dereach table in.-lieal e in whh;h o f t he five groups " ~iven di8 ~ ram is 10 he
hIls", foun d. In on e j(roUI'
p3 ~e" (,138-4,11 ) are contain"d all reee,vin5 'nbes h nvin~ base dcai sna l i"n, corrcapo ndi,,~ to the sundard U M A
reliMr)" ~y&tell1. Di a~ra"'8 (or aCO.n and ca \hoole-ray '"b<'3 arc s bow n . eparatel y on pa ~e 441. Transmit!i", tllhe
.[ia gr"", . a r" ivc n "" p a~c 4-012. S'IJ'I'IC n1 c nlary hue diaprama n o l ;nd"d"d II ",ler th rse da~ilielltion" arc s h own
helow. All dia gran.s are in uniform alyle. BOHo m "iews are 5100wII thrO" Gh ... ul. T er minal des ignAtio ns are as follows:
,\ .. Anode G .. Grid K .. Ca lho.! " PDF " TA .. Ta r ~et
BI' .. n ayonrl Pin II .. lI ea l c. NC .. NoCo" .. ee_ .. Gas_T ype
in s Pla tell
J) .. D~O ee li ,, ~ IC .. Int~rnal Con - ti"" RC .. lla y,Contrnl
Plale neelinn p .. Plal ~ (Anode) U .. Unit
F .. Fil"rneul IS .. Inlernnl SI.idd PI .. Slar l"r_,\,,,,,le S .. Shell l nlernal Shidd sn ..
AlpJrahc . i cal s nh6Cripu 0, P , T a nd IlX indica .e , rc~pe<: li,d y. diOtle .... [t. 1"'''l ode un iI , 'rIode .... it o r he:lode
uni l in n"tll ;_lI"il ')'I>cl! . SuhO<!.i pt M . l' o r c r in,liea ' ''. fIIa ..." n. or I'e a" 'r tnI'.
.fi. ~
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n o ll o m , -jew. lire ohow o . T erll1 jnHl tl e~ i 5 "al; O "5 "" l<.>ck eu <Ire , iv",11 ,>I, ,.ase 431.
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of 1,,111.~. In m "8r.u,s J a ll d N, il i g"~II'I ~,,, CHI' "".I coI1C<)'or c al' II "': 1<X:a!~d Oil 1> ,,11) lJ,,,hi ,,'! .uO!!a ic.
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nal;"',. On aockell are pvc," On 1"'&10437.
I I~ :
... "
I -=i'T'ft
z ~
l,lod. AmpllR .. ..
' R.s.. to R...lyln l TulM 01." N o ........cllon 10 PIn No. 1. .....,. No. 1 , ' ...010 cut-oil'. TlII .. u,h t()().o~", uthocl .... btOl' M.t.I"l>/lv.d , I........ Iope .
1 1'1 0.. 1,"11 1,.. I... t lubel. P.. .. I.t.. Pili. N o. 2, .h,.p cui_oil. , Co",.,on pl,t Thtou!h iO,OOO.oh .. d.oppln, rl.htot,
H ,.
' R.I., I~ R.colvlnf TUM 0 1.'...... S. - .....11, M. - ..... ,w . , Gold No. t , oa.... u',d No.3 u"", ..oor. " Roy conllol nit.,. 10 Jo.dow In,l. 01 0 ' .
~ I SUptlltllOI "id, conn.d,d 10 ulbod,lnllde tub., nollbown on , CYrltIIllo lapll! pl.t. (P,). C... hod, ,..10101, 110 oh ,... " RlY <onllol yolu,olo hadow on , lo 01 100 .
..... dl.".... Allo hum .s Ty~ LA . Gold. N ot. t ...d 3 conneclod 10 1'1010. Low "01.. , nOll-.iCfo"honlc, tub... " <:.thod. bi.. ,..i.lo.-oh ... . fi .<l biOI "01 'uo"' ..... d.<l
5.,1. M . I Sf I Hlr.
5_,,1" M. I SA H .
,.,,1" M . I 5C FII. .
T,~ N ....
". ' "'""
5< ..."
Cu" ... 1 TV"o
7'pl" M . I 7A
' R.I., IO R.... I.; '" Tube 01., ", . '6fld No. 1I lied I" pl.I 'Gold, N",. ! .ndl connlOCl.dlo ,,1.1 .
6fid COMIOCUO" 10 C'P, "" '''"'KII,," I" ND. 3 pin. 6fld. N",. I .nd I! Ii...:! toJoth.,. 6ftd No. lI , .......1 1.ld No. . 3, , UPPfM'Of.
'5.-.MoIlI M. - .edlu...
h~. N .... B... , u 5~ppl, Bi..
Sc ~ ....
SCI"" Am".
Fodo, I
R.d ...".o O~I"ul
010... W.. H. Ty".
sc I f it.
' s.. RIOC.l. ln, Tube DI. IT..... 5.- ....11, M.- ...dlu", . I Grid N". ! lied I" "lot. 'Grid, N ",. 1 ud ! II..! lot . lh .
No .."
rn. Of,
Supply Grid
Volu '.M,.
Sc' n " onKon'
d, AOIp.
, R.r.. to RK.IYI~I Taboo or"'...... Totol uno.! lot both _lion" ftO ,llnll.
Bi.. "'-
M,. CUff"'!
7'1'1. O. I 6C8 ,.
Typo N....
I L ... d I
~:::; R -.ti~"". 9.~!~~t
PO"" I ,,~
,,.1;5.. T. ,---,---
ode I_ . ,---
od.' I.
. ".
T-.I. Tdodl, Bu ",
POWl' A,""lI~ ..
k l . L.
'_pl. L. I.
tB .O
Ct...-A "'.pli ...
( I.,,_A, A .. pli1kf . I-i9oT.
." 1-=-;0
flO "
11.5' -
- -" 6000"
0.115 '
X> D
, RoI .. lo Reetl.'n, Tub. 01........ MI.I.... ,otJ.." c....... _dift. 10 1 ]()...ol! n... ' 6.J-.oII"not II." .....t becon...a'" bet_ pin. 6..,d , .
M.-,..di j 5. - ....11, O.-odol, L.- iokt.J. c .... dltlOfl, no". .r rolin, 10 1 ~.6 . I... 11 1_... II .... P.. MCllc~ (ncol>! hu, ..) - , ..loIoonc. coo!>MoI .
,Mllol ...,royool ,10.......10". Fo, , .. UR .. 01110, ' " T,bli Xlii. os.. Sup"I..... torv a... DlI,""" .
,. Colkod. ,.. itlor-ohm.. " P .t.
t P. P. o.,...lIo n_ Iu" fo, bolk .. clion'l ,,,Iollnc. cou"lld
10 .,1.10.
Ty.,. N.~
Rio 0, H ..t..
e... '. \C;-;;':;-IColhodll-.-. -.-,.--
"'- I"...
'~ ... nl C.",nl 11'.nce,
MI. MI .
11" ROk."
.. I.t_1 fA",,,.
..tor IR.......i,,
N ...,
4-1'1 1' M .
9H ' Speel,1
' RoIOf 10 RIC,I.ln! TwIM 01.''' .... ' '' Aco.n'' IVIM I .. Inl,'v,. unt...,d lulM. lo. ullllhl,h h l<luon- )0 01011. 1'1.1., (A .C. ..... . vo lb 1''' .. li te).
' M,- .. ,cll~", 5.--1",.11, O . - odol, L. - lokll l dll. s.. Ac ..... TuIM Sock., Cen.l'Cll o. , . II M O.c. out .. ul . It Cotho ll. ,.. nto'o h.....
'Cethocl. 1..",1",,1 1. ",III-oolni ~ ......." ... ,.,1.. cOfInlClI"" ' Speel,I '~b. " billion " bo .., ..;.1. 1... I"'IM . " Section No. , ...,0 ....... 11.11 10 . h.l.o.
wllh 4 oolb , _.n .....11. , yoll&.
T,locI" COfWoIC .,d In _.11... ' 1dIIn. c _ l, boIh 1'1.1...
Fil. ... nl .. Iel-polal 1.1' _ .. Ib ... In ... __ ",r
c ...... ectl .... ,
No bo.., 11" 11 wh. I..II . O; ..... lon. 0. 36~ ' .' 0 " ,
- 1,,1... 110<1 "', wl, __ . II, 1 o_.lIon on ' .4-wo lt IIry n il.
" s.. 5.. 1'01...... 1.... a... 01.'.......
.. Dry bou ..... 0 _.110" .
" Section No . , . Socllon No. t .
o ( SOfie. OlMlotIO R, ..1ft' " nU . " o j. 9 po
" Bolh Sec:llo.... ... A"'DUfI .. 1'1.1 P...11.1 o"".. UOft. pin" " 8 tI,d logolh .. 10. pos.
oV v
, I I
C.lh od . Rlv i
llA 63. 1 06. \V1Clllo".on
TeI I,lon
9!cll,I,,!,r'ph ,.
;;;; 1-------
;;; 1=;; 1=--= -
575 - 35
___ I ~50
1--: I
PI.'ur. Tube IDA
--- - -
". .., 0.' ,.. ."" ... --
- lS
- -- "0
Pldur. lut>.
- - --
1: ... 1.10" ,,00
'" --=--iF""
- "
". .., 0.' o..m".,..." ,.. - iOOO ---:m-
C.thod ... R"
.. ~ """'5"AT" """"IT"" ----u-
OAZ ..,
~ - -.-.- - '"
--- ---;;
Plcty Tub. W I ITeI I.lon 1 9" 1~ 1 ~ 1 ~1
" '" "
~1 ~ IOKlIIO"'Ph
2.5 t.l hl hlaB
I'" I-=I ~ ~I
~ ???? 1~ -=--;;- -;;- --,-
11500 715
- 45
- I " '''
" "
LRoof .. 10 R...l.ln, Tube 0 1...' ...... 'I n "'''',holl d.c, ' Thl 911 h Id..liullo 906 upl I,,, thl 5u" ","1.. 1"1, .. hlch II
for ........1 <1<1-01. 1" I..... 01 ....., .... t.. ul ..." .}loulel be Pho.pho'IIC."lmlllfl,1 ..sI<Iln K'''. d~.""ln" ,,".. I.tlnco. d"i,nl<l to be _cidly 1... 1,0", ",U",UUllc" dlCb.
.djlllbbl. to ... 50 pel nnI1311~ ..... ollndi.ldlllllubM. PI II pho.pho, cf ",l<Ilu'" PI .. l>ton~', Pilc.t. Pl .1'0_ C.thod. ccuoclod 10 pin 7 .
(o"1to1 ~rld .hould "'VII be III, .. I<II~ 10 p... llly d iu", bul . _ l llIy It.d 10. 1.I,yl,len, P4 ..... I. Pl but Rlf.. 10 Colhod.. R,y rube 80.. 0 1.,11'''.
'Bllw.... Anod. No. t Ind uy d.Rectl", pili ..hltt, ud PS Ihorl PI""I",c. fo, "cUlo[,,~hlc Uti. " 0101.1, typo .
I" .... "'"0.
./.Q. ~"' ., " S.o Suppl," onl.,y B.II 011".", .
See also T.ble XI-Conuoland RegulatOI Tubes
Fli. 01 H .. I., MIX.
M" .
"0. N .... e.
lion, '
Volo I Am".
A .Co
P.. PUoI.
..1 Ii:#. '!if:
I C~. 1- j~
*. ,.
'. R~"'..
,. M
" Cold
H .
., 0.'
'SO ~ I~
.". o. I "A I '".
'W' "'. o.
1+ 1-*
~. ~ ""
1 " .. 75 V
m. ,., ." V
5R"GY fwll_W.... R.ctia .. '-pin M.
" ' .0
. " fll.
I. T,- "0 -"V
, ~ ". C . I
,,. O.
I. V
T,- ' .0
' , '" '"
, '. R. ","" I ~".S.
I FI'. ., ,., -Fa- "
,,, V
II ,'. S. I ., 0.'
H . ..
II , H ' .0"
TU hll_Wn. Rectlhl
l-pln L
'A' Ht,. '.0 " 0.96 ~ 'OR llIS0 'OR V
, I T~'.'
" I n . '" " - I- V
, I',,', M.
" H 111.6
I " .0 '
0.' ... . V
fell-W... R-tt ... l-pln L.
, ,. s.
H . O.l!
" 1!I50
"'.OT I~ I',,', o.
'0 H n 0.15
'" - - V
, , I- V
UY5 I ~'" " H,. n 0.'
'" OS V
, I-
'AA ~
, ""II"
'" '" .00
, I "'", O.
'" , ,
.~U 1..... 0 .
, ~ ~ l: i ~ '"
I ~,",O. ,.,. 1- V
Vo'." '0 I" 0.'
'" '" 'OR
See .Iso T.ble XI-Cont.ol .nd Regul.tor Tubes
N o.
N,,,,, 80,.- "",. 1""'0<" 1___ ,
COMe<:- __
M ...
A .~
M ...
PI.I, T.,IM '
ticn. L
Volts A ..", .
PI. PI, I, e""'nl
II R. cU/ie. \ 6-",1 .. O .
., .~" 1' _'"
6AD Hlr.
I "".
.0 ' 0.15
'" ". V
S. 'A M
" ". '" V
.". 'I Re<:tih. I 4.pln M.I T_-4AG V
i ~: ii I
I- I~ I
-- .
0 .... I
0 . .0 . . . . . 0. . .
0 1&
- o
0 Oo I- -
0 Q o Q "0, "'
- ...
0 I
0 . . 0. . . -.
lci~jI ...
0 1~
.., ~ ...
0 I- -I-
DO DO 04 ...
0 _ I -GoO...- -I - 1
eN _ ...
0 ...
0 ...
- -eN
. .. . . . 1 I
", ...
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.... t~Q8
... 0
! .
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I ~I ~I
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~ !.:; I I:
8 .:t ~!!~ j - d d d d d d d - ~ d I~
~ H ~ot , "I_ . I'0>........
I - ~ .... -a:: <0 1'' I" ._, .
.. ...... -.' ... -1
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o 0 0 0
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- - <
... ?;~N?;
...... 1-' ...
" - 0
.. Ip.>
'0 ,
I..._... .....
M ..
e;,,, Am".
<:'IHCIt..u. (wild.)
9.... 1 M"
<onnoe I I
PI,'. Grid
Vollou VolI.,. <~".nt <."onl O.I.ln, O~I,,"t
,,~ Volt. I AIIlI. M .
<......1 Ftclor Grid
Uon, ' h"Ie.1 O_.U .... MI. M Pow.. Pow.,
'. Will. ' 1
.oo I ".0 ., '""1500
" 1.5
1.S I 3.1
1500 I 150
1!I50 I 100
" 5.3 [ !!.I [ 0.15 4'pl" M. h.4B<
" " 10.5 i.i I 2.6 I 0.6 4.",.
'''' I""":":":"
-- --
I I '.0 ,., 1.Pin,
T55 3.0 1500 150
11, '
" ".0 I I
I 20
" ,., u
I 1500 I 150
35 I 19 ,.,
!lKSj " 3.15 I 1500 I 150 .. 0 [ 20 ' .0 ' .0 lI.5 I 4.pln M. I'4B9
fi IIK5!! "
., ,., 3.75
"" no
" no ,.,
" ... 1""-1'1. , --- 0...-
O ...=<: A .." . PI.I ... Moe!,
4lK. <'MO'< AIII". Oo:ilI:lor
U6'" '.0 ,., .., u S"oel.1 T.9A
a .....c Am".Ooc.llotor
0 ...-< Am". Pllle.Mod.
" '"
---------___ '" " "
I'''' ------------ --- 0...9 Am". (t.l. "lIo"~)
Gri4-ModuJ.led Alii " .
nOB 0 ....< Amp.-OocIUllor n08
930B 60
_ _ _ _ __ ___
i .O 1000 150 30 25 5.0
_ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _
11 1.8 "."In M . ' "89 c
elo .. A .. p . PI, I... Moe! .
0...8 Amp. ( Tel. "hOll ~)
" '.0 ..0 I 1500 I 150
" "
,.. u O.lI I 4.pln MIT."BB
'''P. Pille-Mod.
" ' .0 ".0 I 2000 I 150
" " '"
T.O ,"
~J ,,"-0:" ~. I:~~C_
'mo. (TtlulIohvl
-",0 ,
" "
" "
i .5 I
1500 I
I 1500 I 1.40
" "
" "
' .0
,., ---,-
!I 3
... pln .
,,"-pl. M .
.... pln 1." ,. T "'D
.,... Mod.
.t. Mo.:I.
- lISO
O=--' V708
50T '
----;:0- ~
Ma. . ~t'
~ -;;--,,-----;:;- -;;;;-~~--;--~~---;::;;- 4-ol.M. T_"88
lOU:) ~ 3 0
M.. .
PI.I. C....!I Gold
Vol!..e CUlT..,.
f ":1'.
IK or
C.pK,t.n ... (..,..14.)
".pln M. T-"IIC
Typk.1 C)po.trilo.
- 600
VoU: VoH..,. Cwn.n'
APOfo . I A~.o .
Goid C.."le.
o.l.lft, OU'pu'
Paw.. Pow..
a ....c A .. p. (T.I.s ph) ,500 - lJO 175 30 '0 lIOO
7ST 75 5.0 6.5 )000 115 30 10.6 2.2 It.) 0.) "'1'1. M. '."8C CI...C Amp. PI . to-Mod. '500 - 300 175 ~ 10- ~ 7ST
_ Gol d.MocM.i. d A",p. , 500 "00 IS i T --.:0- ~
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3) Ending signals a nd sign off : T he proper sage, he will a nswer, "R R R R R R R R R R,
use of A R, J{ an d VA en di ng signals is as fol- so rry, misse d add ress and text, pse re pea t "
and every good operator who hears will rave in -
lows : A R (end of tran smiss ion) s hall be used
wardly. Use II R" on ly whe n all is received co r-
at the end o f messages during co mmunication;
rectly . Example:
and a lso a t t he en d of a call, i ndicati ng when so
used t ha.t co mmun ication is not yet establi shed. When all the mCSIJage ha.<> been received corroctiy, a short
.T n the case of CQ calls, the i nternationa l regu- call with" NIl. 155 Il. K" or simply" 155 K " is sufficient,
hUa ns recommend that K shall fo llow. K (in-
vi tation to trans mi t) s ha.ll a lso be used a t the Abbrcviutions - To speed u p rad iote le-
end of each trans mission whe n a nswering or gra ph co m muni cat ion, a num be r of sta nda rd
working an ot her station, carryi ng the sign ifi- and special abbreviations have been devised .
ca nce of "go a head." VA (o r SK ) shall be used As Lime is a fa ct or, uniform practices in oper-
by each sta tion Du l y when sig ni ng off, this fol- ati ng a re necessary t o in sure a rea dy under-
lowed by the call of the stat io n being worked stand in g by bot h operators. The re fore pro-
a nd your own call sent once for ide nt ification ficiency in t he commo nly used abbreviations is
p u rposes. Examples : to be desired. Some of t hose p rescri bed by t he
regul a t ions a hed to t he Internatio na l T e le-
(All) - W IKQY DE Wl C T I An. (showing that. W IC TI comm uni cations Co n ven t io n and used by a ll
h as n o ~ yet go~ten in t.ouch wi~h W I KQY but has called and ra d io se r vices follow :
is now lis tening for his repl y). Used ufter the s ignature be-
"ween messa ges, it indicatcs the end of one mtlS3age. There C y~ .
mny be a slight puuse before sta rt ing the secoud of the series N No.
'Of mcssages. T he cou rteous and t.houghtful operator allows W W ord(s).
time for the receiving operator to enter the time on the AA AU after (used afte r a Question mark to ~
message and put anothe r blan k in readi uCSIJ fo r t.he traffic Quest a repetitio n).
to come. If K is added, it me3.tls t hat the operator wishes his AB All before (similarly) .
fi rst mcssage ackno wledged before going on wit h the second AL All that. hns just. been sent (aim ilnrly) .
m~gc. 1 no K is heard, p reparations should be made to BN All bctween (sim ilarly) .
contin ue copying. BQ Announcement of rep ly to a request for
rectification .
( K) - WlJEQ D E W 6AJ l\1 n. I\ . (This a rra ngement is CL I :l.rn closing my station .
'Very often usoo for the ack nowledgment of a tra nsmissio n. GA G o ahe:HI (or reaume send ing) .
'' '' he n anyone !)\'erhcars this he knows at once that thc two JM If 1 may send, make n series o f dashes.
!ltations are in touch. communicating with each other, that T o stop my transmission , ma ke a series of
W lJEQ''!l t ra.n smission was all under9tood by W6AJM. and do~ ,
timt W 6AJ .M is telling W l J EQ to go ahead with more of MN :M inut.e (s) (to ind icate d ura tion of a wai t).
what he has to say.) W 9KJ Y DE W7 NH N R 23 R K. (Evi- NW I resume transmission.
uently W9KJ Y is sending messages to W1 N H . T he contact OK ' Ve are in agreemen t .
is good. The me88aJ(e was all recei"ed correctly. W ?NH tells IlQ An llou ncement of a request for rectificatioo.
W gK'Y to "go ahead " with more.) UA Do you agree?
WA W ord after (to be used after a Ques tion
mark to request n repetition) .
(VA) - R NM N W CUL VY 73 All VA W6TI D E WB Word before (simila rly) .
W7 \VY. (W1WY says, " I understand OK, n o more now. see ADR AddI"C88 (simi la rly) .
you later, very best regards. I am through with you fo r n ow P ll L P reamble (sim ilarly) ,
and \\'iIIlislen for whomever wishes to call. W 7WY 'signing SIG Signature (similarly) .
01I' with W6'1'1. ")
TXT T ext (similarl y).
XS Atm06pherics.
4) If a station sen ds test sig na ls, t o a dj ust YS See your service ad vice;
t he transmi tter or a t th e request of another AllV Use abb re\iations.
stat ion to permit th e latter to adj ust its re- CFM Confirm. or I confir m.
np T he pUllc t uation counts.
ceivi ng appn.ra t lls, t he signals must be co m- MSG P refix to radiotelegra m.
posed of a serif'S of Vs wi th t he call sig na l of REF R efe r to, or rcferrillg to ,
the tr.a.nsrnitting stat ion inserted at freque nt RPT R epeat . or I repeat (to be used to ask or to
g i\'e repetition of s uch tmffic as is indi-
inte rvals. cated af te r t he abbreviat.iOIl).
5) Whe n a stati on receives a call wit hout SVC P refix to ser vice message,
bein g cert.a in t hat the call is in tended for it, TFG Traffic.
it shoul d not rep ly unti l t he call has been re- P I nd.icator or private telegram in t he mobile
service ( to be u8ed as a. p refix) ,
peated a nd is understood. If it receives t he call N IL r have noth ing for you .
but is u of t he call signal of the send- XXX X XX X X X DE , urge nt s ignal ind icati ng mes-
ing station, it sho uld ans we r usin g t he signal sage t o follow regard ing safety of mobile station or persons
in sight therefrom ( PAN is similarly used by aircraft) ;
.. - _ .. (?) instead of the call signal of this T T T TTT TTT DE . . , . safety 8ignal sen t before meteor-
latter st atio n. QRZ? (see Ap pendix) is t he ological warning messages and thO!!e concern in g safety of
appro priate sig na l to use, followed by your call , nav igation ; SOS SOS SOS D E , dist re&l s ignal sent
to ask who is calling and get t hi s statio n t o o nly by mobile stations in grave danger when requesti ng
IIossistance (]I.'l AYDAY is the radiotelephone di!ltrC6s call
call again. similarly used).
6) R eceipti ng for conversat ion or traffie :
Never se nd a sing le acknowledg ment until the In t he text of a message, no word s shou ld be
tran smissio n has been e n t irely received. " R " abb reviated b y t.he operator u nless they arc so
means, All right, OK, I understand co m-
j{ written by the se nder. If the tex t i ncludes
pletely ." \Vhe n a poo r operator, com monly pu nctuation, it shou ld be s pelled out in Eng-
called a. "lid." h as o nl y received part of a mes- lish.
Radio Operating Practice 475
111essage l1andling- Each service.- CO~ repetition by using the break si gn or double
mercial, military, amateur ~ presc nbes . I~S dash (- ... - ) between these parts. There is
own message forro, but all are gen~rally SImI- seld o m any exc use fo r repeating a whole mes-
lar to the example here given. A message is sage just to get a few lost words.
broadly divided into four parts: (1) the pre- Another i nterrogation method is some times
amble; (2) the address; (3) th~ t ext; (4) the used, the q uestio n signal ( . . - - .. ) be ing sent
signature. The preamble con tams the follow- between the last word received correctly
ing: and the fir st word (or first fe w wo rd s) received
a) Number (of this message) . after the interruptio n.
b) Station of origin. As an example o f wh at procedure wo uld be
c) Check (number of words in text). followed in the tran smissio n of a comme rcial
d) Place of origin. message, let us a ssume t hat a passenger aboa rd
e) Time filed. the S .S. Coastwise wi shes to notify a friend of
f ) Date. his arrival. Station \VK CZ aboa rd the ship
wo uld ca ll a s hore statio n (WSC) and the
Therefore, it might look like this : following would ens ue:
CHICAGO ILL 450 PM MAY 12 1942
Thi s is obviously the 34th message (o f t hat
day or that month, as the policy of the station If the receiving operator missed the number
prescribes) from st a tion W LT K . The I<JH 13 " of t~e pier o f arrival, he would send:
is the "sine" of the o perator plus the number
of words in the message text. All operators des- PIER ?? TONIGHT or ?WA PIER.
ignate themselves with a personal sine to be
whereupon the t ransmitting operator would
used on message traffic and on the air; in most
cases it consists of the operator 's initials. The say :
signal BT (double-dash) is used to separate the
t ext from address and signature. and then would s tand by fo r an acknowledg-
Several radi ograms m ay be tran s mitted ment of rece ipt (R ).
in series (QSG . . . . ) with the consent of The service message - ",,' hen one station
the station which is t o receive them . .As a gen- has a message to transmit to another concern~
era l rule long radiograms should be trans- ing the ha ndling of a previous message, the
mitted in sections of . approximately fifty message is titled a " servi ce" and is ind icated
words , each ending with .. - - .. (1), mean- by "SVC" in the preamble when sent. It may
ing, I< H ave you recei ved the message correctly refer to non-delivery , delayed trans mission,
thus far?" errors , or to any phase of message handling
If the first part of a message is received but activity . Words may be abbreviated in the
substantialiy all of the latter portions los t, the text of the se rvi ce message.
request for the missing parts is simply RPT Provi sion s in t he Commun ications Act of
TXT AND SIG, meaning, "Repeat text and 1934 m ake it a misd emeanor to give out in-
signature." PBL and ADR may be used sim- form ation of a n y so rt to any person except the
ilarly for the p reamble and address of a mes- addressee of a message or h is authorized agent.
sage. RPT ALL or RPT MSa sho uld not be When for some reason a message cannot be
sent unless nearly all of the message is lost. deli vered, a service message should be sen t to
When a few word-groups in conversation or t he station of origin conta in ing information to
message handling have been mi ssed, a sel~ ction that effect.
of one or more of the follow ing abbreviations Land-line c hec k -The land- line or "text"
are used to ask for a repeat o n the parts in count, consisting of count only of the words
doubt. in the body or text of the message, is probably
now most widely used . (The " cable" co un t
A bbrtliiation M eaninll
covers all words in the address a nd signature,
?AA. Repeat all after as well, probably accounting for its unpopular-
?A13 . R epeat all before .
ity .) When in the case of a few exceptions to
?AL. Repeat all that h~ been sent
?EN . . AN D .... Repeat all between .. an d .. the b asic rule in land -l ine checking, certain
?WA. Repeat the wor d after .. words in the address, sign ature or preamble are:
?WB . R epeat the word before. counted, they are known as extra words a n d!.
T he good operator will as k only fo r what fills all such are so designated in the check right;
are needed , se para t ing different reque::sts for after the total number of words. .
The check in cludes: 2400 is again mid night and the same as 0000 of
the following day. The fi gures must be co r-
1) All word s, figures a nd Jettersin t he body, an d rected to ea ch individual time zone. Th e Cen-
2) the follow ing extra word s tra l War Time zo ne is five hours beh ind Gree n-
(a ) Signature except t he flrst , when t.h ere wi ch , so t hat 0630 G CT (6:30 A .M. in Green-
arc mo rc t ha n one (a titl e with signature wich) would re p rese nt 1 :30 ..... i\1. CWT, for
does not count extra, but a n address fol- example. As an example of reverse translation,
low in g sii!n ature docs). 9:30 A.M. C WT would be designated in t he log
(b) Words I! report delivery," or II rush" in as 1430 eCT. E WT is fo ur hours behi nd a CT;
the check. MWT , six hours; PWT, se ven.
(e) Alternate names and / or street ad- At present the military serv ices use si mply
d resses, and such extras as " personal " or a 24-ho ur clock, based o n local ti me , witho ut
" atte ntIO n. " conecting to Greenwi c h or a ny other longitud e.
Di ct i o n ~~l"Y wo rds in most la nguages cou nt as Then 6 A.M. CWT becomes 0600 ; 6 A.M. EWT
one word irrespective of len gth of t he word. is 0600, and so on. The prin cipal ad van tage of
I n cou nti n g fi gures, a grou p o f fi ve digits or this system is an elim ination of the necessity
less co unts as one word. BarS of div ision !\nd fur the use of ".M. or A . M . ab brev iations. T he
dec im al points may' constitute onc or more of Gree nwi ch system acco mplis hes this and, morc
t he digits in su ch a group. It is rcco m me nJ ed important, provides a standard basis u pon
that, wbe re feasible, word s be subst ituted for whi c h t im e in a ll cou ntries of the world may be
figures to reduce the possibili ty of error i n based.
tran s mission. Detailed examples of word coun t.-
ing are about. as difficult ill one system of CI. Radiotel ephon e Operation
co unt as anoth er. Procedure to be used in radiotelephone
o peration follows t he foregoing general prin-
.."",n~ , "00 ciples closely. Th e operator makes little use of
t' , , t he special abbreviatio ns a vail a ble for code
work, of course, since he may di rectly speak
== out their full meaning. R adiotele pho ny is used
~ , principally for co m ma nd and cont rol purposes,
such as communi ca ti on between ground sta-
ti ons and a ircraft, where recorded mess age
traffic is a t a minimum. Tran s mi ss ions consist
most.l y of sh ort bursts wi t h li ttle variety in
for m or content, and each ope rator m ust be-
co me famil iar with pro ced ure methods adopted
by t he pa rticular ser vi ce.
U nusua l words shoul d be avoided in t he in-
te rest of ac cu racy if possible whe n drafti ng
messages. When th ey unavo id ably t urn lip
K eeping a log- FCC requires nearly every diffi cult words may be I'c r eated, or repealed
radi ocommu nication stati on to keep a com- and spelled. The operator .says " I wi II re pea t"
plete ope rating record or" log, /I including such whe n thu s retrans mittin g a difficul t word or
data as times an d da tes of t ransm issions, sta- expression. It is rec omme nded that use of Q
tion s contacted , message traffic ha ndled , input code and special a bbreviations be m inimized
power to the trans mitter, frequency used, and in voice work inso far a.<; possible, a nd the full
signature or I'si ne " of the o perator in charge. expression (wi t h conc iseness) be su b stitute d.
Log- keepi ng proced ure d i fT ers wi th each class The speed of radiotelephone trans mi ssio n
of co'mmu n ications se rvi ce. A typ ical pa ge from
a n amate ur radio station log, pre pared on the
sta ndard ARRL form , is sh own above. Being WESTERN UN ION WORD LIST
that of the amateur service the example here A - ADAMS J -JOH N S-SUG AR
shown is qu ite free in sty le, yet it is illust rative B-BOSTON K - KING 'J' - 'l'HOMA S
of the form and data gene rally required . D- DgNVER M - MA RY V - VICTOR
1'imc sy st.e m s - While mOst continental E - EDWA RD N -NEW YORK W - WILLIAr-.!
telegraph and radio circuits use local standard }o'- FRAN K O-OCEAN X - X -RAY
(or war) t im e in log-keeping a nd message- H -H-E NRY Q-QUEF.N Z - ZERO
handl ing, international radiocom mu nication I-IDA R - ROBERT
stfltlOn s an d the military services now use a Exa.mple: WIER . . . WI EDWAfiDHE N HY.
24-hour system of time-keeping. One is Green-
F or best u nderst:lml:!.bility numerals should be
wi ch Ci vil T i me, a 24-hour clock system used pronounced a s follows :
in inte rn ational radi oco mmunication work. Z~'- ro 0 T huhrcc' 3 SCV'-V<:IL 7
All fi gures a re based o n the ti me in Greenwich, W illi 1 Fo'- we r 1 Ate 8
En gland, t he city of 0 me ridi an fa me. 0000 Too 2 Fl'-y iv 5 NI'-yen !)
represents midni ght in G ree nwich ; 0600 repre- Siks {}
se nts 6 A.M . there; 1200 is noon; 1800 is 6 P. M.;
Radio Operating Practice 477
(with perfect accuracy) depends almost en - nicati ons work. There arc appoi ntme nts as
ti rely upon the skill of the two ope rators in- Offi cial R e lay Station or Official ' Phone Sta-
volved. One mllst learn to speak at a rate all ow- ti on fot tram c-b a nd ling ; as Offic ia l Obse rver
ing perfect understanding as well as permit.ting for monitoring: of frequen cy and quali ty of
the receivin g operator to copy down the mes- tran s mi ss ions ; as R oute M anager a nd 'Phone
sage text, if that is ne cessary. Because of the Acti vities M an ag~r for the establi shmen t of
similarity of many E nglish speech sounds, the trunk lines and networks ; as Emergency Co-
use of alphabetical w ord li sts has been found ordina tor for the p ro motion o f a mateur pre-
necessary. One sli ch ]jst - that used by the paredness in the event of loss of comm ercial
Army an d Navy - is give n in Chapter Six- communi cati ons facilities through natura l dis-
teen. Anothe r which has been widely used is as ter. Mi meograp hed bulletins for each group
the Western Un ion word list , s hown herewith. of appointees keep members info rmed of the
A copy of this list can be obtai ned fr om t he la test news and developments . Special a ctivi-
local Wes tern Uoio n office and posted besid e ties, such as pro fi cien cy awards, contcsts and
the telephon e to use when telepho ning mes- drill s, promote operating ski ll an d t hereby add
sages co ntai ni ng initi als and diffi cult words. to the ability o f a ma teur radio to fun ct ion Hin
Suc h code words prevent errors due t o phonetic the publi c interest, convenience and necess ity."
simila ri ty. AU voi ce-operated statio ns should A special section is reserved eac h month in
use a standard list as needed to identify call QST, the League's offi cial organ, for am a teur
signals or unfamiliar expressions. news fro m e ve ry section of the co un try .
Names of states a n d count ries may be used With the s uspension of amateu r a ct ivities as
for identify ing letters in ra d ioteleph one work. a resu lt of the war, all such appointments have
been "frozen" for the dura tion excepting
([ Net Ope ration those of Emergency Coordinators, who are
In field work ma. ny military comm unica- engaged in promoting the V~! ar Emergency
tions units operate in "net" fashion, wh erein Radio Se rvice. Complete in formation o n all
one statio n (at the headquarters of the unit) is peacetime appo in tment s a nd League award s
designated as net-control sta tion ( NCS) to di- for operating skills is included in the booklet,
rect th e business of the net. Th e operation of Operating an A mateur Radio Stat~on . Members
all sta tions in th e same net is on one s ingle of the League may obta in a copy of th is book-
fre quency, so that anyo ne operator may hear let from League H eadquarters free u pon re-
any other stati oo (8) witho ut retuni ng h is quest; to others, the cost is 10 cen ts .
receiver. e'Break-i n'~ adva n tageously em-
ployed here - the receiver is kept runni ng (l Amateur Lic ensing in
during transmissions , so that nearly simu l- the Unite d States
taneous two-way co mmunication is possible.
For the duration of the war, amateur opera-
Briefl y, the procedure in net opera t ion is as
tion in thi s country is prohibited. Am ateu r fre-
foll ows : T he NCS calls the net together at a
quen cies have been temporarily withdraw n
pre-an nounced time and usin g a predeterm in ed
and, although a m a teur st atio n li censes have
call. Im media.tely, station members of the net
not b een cancell ed, no new ones have been
repl y in a lphabetical (or some other predeter-
issued a nd no applications for renewal or modi-
mined ) ord er, repo r ting on the NCS's sig nal
fication are e ntertained. H owever, every effort
strength and statin g what traffic is on hand
will be mad e to reassign station calls to previ-
and for whom . Th e NCS acknowledges , mean-
ous holde rs, after the war is over.
while keeping an account of all traffic o n hand , Amateur o perator licenses remain in for ce,
by stations. He then directs the trans fer of being valued by the military services as a n
messages from one station to a nother, giving attestati on of radi o profici en cy and new opera-
preference to a.ny urgent traffi c so indicated at t or licen ses are still being issued at the numer-
roll call. Wh en all traffic has been distributed ous FCC examining points. D etails of the r e-
a.nd it is apparen t the re is no furth er business, quiremen ts, and a study guide for those pre-
the NCS will dose the ne t, in most cases main- paring for the examin ation, are to be found in a
tain ing watch on the net frequ ency for any League publicatio n, The Radio A mateur's Li-
special traffi c which might appear . cense M anual, available from the America n
I. ARRL Operating Organization R adio R elay Le ague, West Hartford 7, Conn. ,
for 25, postpa id. This publi cation, w ltich is
T he America n Rad io R elay League main- frequent ly revised, contains also th e text of the
tai ns, a t its headq uarters in West Hartford, U. S. regulations governing amateur stations
Co nnecti cu t, a Comm u nicati ons D epartmen t and opera tors, and perti nen t extracts from' the
normall y concerned with the practical oper- basic Communication s Act of 1934. It sho uld
ating a ctivities o f League members. A brge be studi ed carefully by an yone i ntend in g to
field organization, headed by Sectio n Com- enter a mateur radi o or planning to apply for
munications M anagers in each of the seventy - a n ama.te ur opc rn.tor's li cense.
one sections into wh ic h the country is di vide d , T he Co m munications Act lodges in the
consists o f amateur s tations especia lly selec ted F ederal Communications Com mi ss ion a uthor-
for skill in ce rtain phases of amateur commu- ity to cl ass ify and license radio stations :lnd to
prescribe reg ulations for their operation. Pur~ States, as they existed prio r to the war. Certain
sun nt to the law, FCC has issued detailed regu- de partures from it under wartime conditions
lations for the amateur serv ice. are, of course, to be expected.
An a mateur is a du ly authorized person in-
Frequenciea (Ke.) A llocation
terested in radio technique solely with a per-
10-103 F ixed, government.
so nal ai m and without pec uniary inte rest.
103- I'1i Coastal telegraph, government.
Amateur operator li censes are given to United 143- 193 Maritime calli l\g, ship teh: grnph, fixed
States citizens who pass an examination on and coa.stal telegraph. ( 190 kc. to
radio operation and apparatus and on the pro- state police and government.)
vi sions of la w and regulations affecting ama- 194-391 Government, fixed, airport, aircraft (375
kc. to directio n lindi ng).
teu rs, and who demonstrate ability to send a nd
392- 548 Coas tal telegraph, government., ship
receive the Inte rnation al :Morse Code at 13 telegraph, airc raft, inters hip 'phone.
words per minute. Am ateur station li censes are (500 kc. to maritime C!Llling and
granted on ly to licensed a m a teur operators and government).
permi t radio communication betwee n su ch 550-1,600 Broadcasting (1 ,592 to Alaska. services).
1,600-1,712 Geophysicnl, relay, police, government,
a mateu r stations for amateur purposes, i.e.,
experimental, marine fire, aviation,
fo r personal a nd noncomm ercial aims flowing m otion picture.
from a n interest i n radio technique. An ama-
l,71 6-t,OOO A mateur,
teu r station may not be used for material com-
2,004-2,500 Experimental visual a nd relay broad-
pensat ion of any sort nor for broad casting. CMt, police, gove rnment, s hip harbor,
N arrow bands of frequen cies begin ni ng at fixed, miscellaneous.
1,715, 3,500, 7,000, 14 ,000, 28,000, 56,000, 2 ,5Q.i-3,497.5 harbor , government, aviation,
112,000, 224,000 a nd 400,000 kc. , as shown in fix ed, miscellaneous.
the a dj oining column, a re alloca.ted exclusively 3,600-4.000 A mateur.
for use by amateur stations, a nd amateurs a lso 4 ,005-6,000 Governmcnt, avia tion , fixed.
may operate on any freque ncy above 300,000 6,020-6,190 I nternational broadcast., government .
kc . Amateur transmissions may bc on any fre- 6,200-6,990 Coastal telegraph and 'phone, govern-
quency within the assigned bands. All the fre- ment, fixed, miscellaneous.
quencies may be used for c.w. te legraphy an d 7,000-7.300 A mateur.
certain of them a re available for radioteleph- 7,305-9,490 Government, fi xed, aviation, ship tele-
ony by any amateur, while ce rtai n other fre- gra ph, coastal telegrap b, miscel-
quenci es a re reserved for radiotelephone use 9 ,510-9,690 I nternotionlll broadcast.
by perso ns who have had at least a year's ex- 9,71 0-U ,000 Government, fixed aviatiou.
perience and who pass a more difficul t ex- llm o-l1 ,OS5 Ship telegraph, maritime calling, gov-
ami nati on resulting in the iss uance of wh at ernment, coastal telegraph, fixed,
is call ed a Class A li cense. Th e input to t he aviation, miscellancous.
final stage of amateur stations is limited to 1l .71o- n ,890 Internationo.l b roadcast, government.
11 ,910- 13,990 A viation, Ii:a:ed, government, s hip tele-
1,000 watts and on frequ enci es below 60,000 graph, erostal telegraph, miscel-
kc. must be adequately filtered direct cu rre nt. laneous.
Emi ss ions must be fr ee fro m s purio us radia-
14 /JOO- 14,400 A mateu.r.
t ions. T he licensee must prov ide for the meas- 14 ,410-1 5,085 F ixed.
ureme nt of the tra nsmitter frequ ency and 15.11 0-15,330 International broadcast, government.
establish a procedure fo r checking it regula rly. 15,355-17 ,740 Fixed, gove rnmc nt, aviation , limp and
A complete log of st ation opera t ion m ust be coastal telegraph, miscellaneous.
maintain ed , with specified data . .The ama- 17,760-17,840 InternMional b roadcast.
teur station license also authorizes the holder 17 ,800-21,440 Fixed, government, a viation .
to ope rate porta ble and portable-mobile ama- 21,400-21,650 I nternational broadcast, govern ment.
21,6S0-23,175 COllStal telegrllpb, governme nt, ship
teur statio ns i n certain frequency ba nds, sub- telegraph, m iscellaneous.
ject to certain furt her r egulations. An ama- 23 ,200-25,000 A vialion, govemment, miscellaneous.
t eur station may be operated only by t he 25,025-26,975 Broadcast, government.
holder of an amateur oper ator license, but any 27,000-27 ,975 Government, general communicat.ion.
licensed amateur operator may operate any fS,OOO-SO,OOO Amateur .
amateur st ation , All radio li ce nsees are subject 30,0Q0-42,OOO Police, government, rei llY broadcas t,
to heavy penalties for vio lation o f th e la w or coastal and s hip harbor, m iscellaneous.
regulations. 42,000-50,000 Broadcast And educational (FM).
The fre qu ent chan ges in amateur regula- 50,000-56,000 Television, fued.
tions, and t he new requirements which may 66.()()()-IJO,OOO A mateur.
come up dur ing the war unde r s pecial orders of . 60.000-112.000 Government. television.
FCC, are regu larly reported in the League's l te,000-11 8,OOO A mateur.
magazine, QST. 1 16,1 lQ-139,D60 Broadcas t.. government, aviation, police,
miscelltm eous.
140,100-1 43.880 Aviation ,
l. FCC Fre qu e ncy Allocatio n s 144 ,000-221,000 Government, television, fi:l:cd.
The fo ll owi ng is a cond ensed t able of fre- f4,fX;(}-fSO,OOO Amateur.
quency a llocations est ablished by the Federal 230,()()()-400.(K)() G overnment, television , fhed.
Communi cations Commission in the U ni ted 401,OOOand ::t.bove Amate ur nnd e:a:perimental.
Radio Operating Practice 479
I N THE REGULATIONS acc ompanying is given in the following table. The abbrevia-
th e existing In ter nation al Rn.diotelcgraph Con- ti ons themselves have the meanings shown in
ventio n, there is a ver y useful intern atio nally the "answer" colu mn. When an abbrev iation is
agreed code designed to meet the major needs foll owed by an interrogation mark (1) , itass umes
in"internatio nal radio commun ication. This code t he meaning sho\vn in the "questio n" column.
A bbr.,.. Qut,twn
Abbre- Qu,ulion
QT E Whnt is my true bearing in relati on to you? or Your true bearing in relat ion to me is degr ees or
W h:lt i!l my true bearin g in rcl:l t ion (call Your true bearing in relation to .. (call sign)
aign )? is . d egrees at . (time) or
W b at is the true bear ing o f (call sign) in The true bearing of (call s ign) in relation
relation to . . (call !ligo)1 to . . . . (call sign) ill . . . deg rees at .
QTF Will you give me the position of my station acco rd The position of you r station according to the bearings
ing t o the bearings take n by the direction-finding taken by the direction-finding s u\tions which I con-
II tatio ns which you control? tr ol is ..... latitude longitude.
QTG Will you selld you r call eign for fifty seconds fo l- I will send my call sig n for fifty s econds foll o wed by a
lowed by a dash of ten seconds on kc/ s dash of ten seconds on kc / s (or
(o r m) in order thnt I may take your m) itl order that you may take my bearing.
b earing?
QTR W lrat is you r position in latitude and longi tude (or My position is latitude longitude
by a lly other ..... ay of s h owio g it)? (or by any other way of showin g i t).
QT ' What. is you r true course? l\1y true course is . . . . . . degre~,
Q T] What is your ~peed? My s peed i.s "'" , ,. k nots (or kilometers)
per bour.
QTM Send radioelectrie s ignals and submarine sound 8ig~ I will &end radioelectric signals and submarine lJOu n d
nals to enable me to fix my bearing and my dis- sigllals to enable you to fix you r bear ing Rnd you r
t ance. distance.
QTO E you left dock (or port)? I have just lert, dock (or port).
Q T I' Arc yo u going t o enter dock (or port)? I am going to enter dock (or port),
QTQ Can you communicate w ith my slatio n by mcnns I aln going to communicate with you r station by
of the Internatio nal Code of S ignals? means of the I ntCrDn t ional Code of Signals.
QTH W h a t is the e;ract time? T he exact timc is
QT U What are the hours dur ing which your statio n ie My station is open from , , , , , , ,' , to .
open? .
QUA H ave yo u news of (call sign of the mobile Here is news of (call s ign of the mobile sta~
lltation )? t ion).
QUU Can you give me in this o rder, information concern- Here is the i nformation req uested
ing: visibility , he ight o f clo\lds , grou nd wind fo r
( place of observation) ?
Que What is the last message r eeeh'ed by you fro m T he IMt mCllSage received by mo from (call
(can sign o f the mobile station}? s ign of the mobile station) is
QUO Eave you r eceh'ed the urgency signal se nt hy have received the urge ncy eignal scut by
(call sign of the mobile station)? (c all sign of the mobile s tation) at . (time).
QUF Eave you rccei ved the distrcss si!l:llal scnt by ha ve received the distress sig nal sent by
(call s ign o f the mobile s tation)? (cal! sign o f the mobile etation ) at (timc).
QUG Are you being forced to alight in the sea (o r to land)? r am fo rced to ali ght (or land) at , (plnee).
QUH Will you indicate the present barometric pressure T he p resent barometric p ressure at sen level is
at sea level! (uui ts).
QUJ Will you indicate the true eourse for me t.o follow, The true course for you to follow, with no wind, to
w ith no wind, to make for you? make for me is degrees at
QUK Can you tell me the condition of the sea observed Th e&e~a t. , (plMe or coordinates) is .
I Lt (plnee o r coOrdin ntes) ?
QUL Cun you tell me the s well observed at The s well a t . . . . (place o r coordi n at~) is , ,
( pillce or coordin a tes)?
QUM Is the distress traffic cnded? The distress traffic is ended,
* *
Li,t S.95 ODL Lilt S.55
A lockill g dev ice w hich cldmps the rim of 0, K, L
"nd M 0 ,,,1 1. S,,,u, nicke l pldtad.
HR P. P ( FI ll 'An sh"lI ) li lt S.40
BldCk bdkeHte knob 1 %" 10119 dod 000 Lid S.70
Vern ie r d rive fo. 0, K, L, M or
~ " w ide. EQu i pped ""iln poi nte r . othe r o l.ln d io ls.
HRP Li,t S.30 SB ( Fiu y.." sh"h ) Lilt S. 30
The Type HRP A noekel pl"ted
b'dS! bu s h'llg
knob h d! no W' d id.
p oi nter, b U I is
o t h e r wis e t he R S L ( Fi u 1f.t "
s.tme as the knob Ih"h) Lil t S.95
dbov&. Ro to r Sh" h Loc k
fo r TMA, fMC
dnd ~i mrl"r con-
1 50 Mmf.
2' ~(."
EM C-1S0
EM C-250
6 .15
500 16 29 EMC_5oo 8.S0
1000 22 56 I 6 :0(" EM C-1000 12.50
35()-3S0 12- 12 I 20--20 I 6" EMCO-3S0 $13.00
M lftl.~.
No. 01
PIo, AI. GoII / l "',u, I ~~::
15 Mol. l ...... SlH$. n
.01B" ,'If..
5THs. ts
11 .50
\ .15
. ,"..
3S MnoI. , Mo> . .026" 2~" ST U 11.65
50 7 .026" ST_ so ~
9 "i'I" ...,. ,
Sl_ B
Sf. I OO
t ,l5
! .50
,. , "
ST I ,",
1 .15
,." .026~
.01lr Ii! ~ .. 5THIOO
t .75
7. ~
The ST Type condenser hdS Strdight-Une W/lvelensth pl<!tes. All double-bed ring models
hdve the front beMin9 insu l"ted to "prevent noise. On special o rder a shalt extension at
e ach end is available, lor gan ging . U n do ubl e. be aring sinlle shalt models, the rotor con-
tact is through a constant impedance pigtail. Isolantite insu ation.
M I" I._
Nc>. of
.... IrGo" 'M.... ~~ ,o.
,."" '~"
.026" SE lS
",." 11.5 80 .026" ~~" 5E 100
" .0~6" !l ~" SE_1 50 1.t5
"" ""
.0 1S"
!l ~"
SE H.150
) .50
m " H
.01e" !l ."
SEH )J 5
3. 50
TYPE SE - All models have two rotor bearings, the front bearing being insulated to
prevent noise. A shaft exte nsion at each e nd, fo r ganging, is available 'On special order.
On models w ith sin gle shaft extension, the roto r contact is through a constant impedance
p igtdil. The SEU models (illustrated) dre suitable fo r high voltdges dS thelf plates dre thick
pol ished aluminum with rounded edges. Other SE condensers do not have polished edges
o n the pldt2s. Isolantite insu l" tio n.
(.op. 1 I
M ini....
U -Ity L_tth .... 1.GoD N o . 01 c.o. ,~
Sy _ boI CO.
" ....
' Y
--- --- ,
" 3.75
.045 "
EX. 15
[X . t5 ..
S .'11 5
"" 7
3.75 .04 5" Ell; 1 5 1.10
1~" .017" EX_ 50 LOO
I ,.,4 .7 5 ,'It. .017"
.017" "" EX l 00
The Natio nal " Ex~erim e nte r " Type Condensers are low-pri ced models lor generdl ex-
perimental wo rk . They are o f all-bfdss construction . The fOtOf has only one beoiri ng. Plates
Cdn b e removed without difficulty. BClkelite insul ation .
USR -St/! tlJble- M30 U st S.35
Type USR condemer~ Type M_10 is ot smotll
,ore smlJll, COmpelct, low. ddjus tdble mitd con
loss unIts. Their sol- d ense r wi th d ....,,,imum
dered conu.uction cdpelcity o f 30 mmf.
m~~es them peI,tlcul~rly Dimensions 1 ~ 1Ii" " ~16" ><
sUIMbie for dppl'cdtions !I?". Isolotntae wse.
where vibrdtion is pres- W. 75, 75 ,".01. LI,I n .50
ent. Adju5tment is m~d e W_100. 100 .... r. ltd u . n
with ~ sc rew driver.
Stedtite bdSe. Smdll Pddding cond en~
ers hdving very low tem
USE - 5t/! r"ble- P~Hdture coe ff icien t.
Type USE condensers M ounted in an dluminum
dr. ~imild' to Type USR, sh,eld 1 'A" in d iotmeter.
but dre provided wIth d The UM CONDENSER
'Au didmeter Shdff e><- is de'5ign ed for ul t.a
tension dt edCh end. high frequency u~e dnd
USL -See ,,,ble- i'5 ~m~1I enough for con-
Type USL condensers ve nient mountIng in
dre simil"r to Type USR,
but dre provided v.oith d c._It' 1
,,->. j ",,n
CotalOI S, .. bot ".
PBl0 dnd RO shield
Cd ns. They M e Pd.t,cu
Idrly useful for tuning
.otor Shdh lock, so thd t
the rotor Cdn be cldmped
<It otny setting.
USR _50
USR _75
USE _50
USE. l00
USL 50
SI . 5
t . IO
'&ceive rs, tranSmItte rs,
dn d e><ci te .s. Shdft e~
te nsions dt edc h e nd of
MSR, MSE, MSL - the rOIO r pe rmit eds,
See ",ble - Condens_ gd nging w hen used
I ".....
ers of the MS serres dre C._II, C.1.tol S, .. bot one o f our flexible
Slmild' In dpp&drdrKe to
25..J. MSR_U cou plings. The UMB-2S
MSEt5 M$l U 11 .45
the US series descr ibed MSR_50 MS[_,O Condense r is ot b.tldrKed
'" MSE_J5
MSlSO 1.65
dbove, but they d iffer MSR '5 MSL-75 stdtor model, two stdlor1
in IJIdk ing use of pldtsS
I t . tO dCt on a si ngle rOtOf.
whIch dre the Sdme The UM ",n be mounted
dS tho~e of the UM ,"-tl,
M I ~ t .. ~.
C. _ II, ......,
No . 01
,,",1 by Ihe dn!lle 1001 su p.
condenser. Th,s dnd
other smotll chonges reo 15 . ..,
" I.G..>
S, . bo
UMI' '"
SI ..o
pi,ed or by bolts dnd
spelce~. See tdble lor
suits in d more robust
dnd rigid 4Isembly.
O ther detolls 01 the
'""" "
.017 "
.017 "
UM . l5
UM 75 ....
si ze'S.
Dimemions: Bdse 1" x
21/.i", M ounting holes
M SR M SE, dnd M $L "'"" " .0~ 2 "
UM l00
UM" _U
' .00 ~ " >< V':I!",
len9t h 2~ " ove'dll.
A~,a l
Me the !<Ime dS the USR, ~CEI)STA TOR MOO":
USE, dnd USL respec , . - 44 .017" I St.OO Pldtes: St'dight line Cd-
UMII-U pdci ty, 180~ fot<ltion .
-- lift S4.OO
7S0!L, etc.
These larger disk type neut'dl-
The Type TCN is Slmrld! 10 Ihe
TMC.1t flos a md"imum Cdp.!Clty ;zing condense rs dre 10' the
0 1 25 mmf (6000 V), mdking it higher powe.e d tubes. D, sk~
suild ble for the 203A, 211 d,e <lluminum, InSUldtlon sted'
<IJld simil dr tubes. trle.
is d condenser des i gned for trdnsmitter use in
low power stages. It is compdct, rigid , dnd de-
pendable. Provision has been mdde fo r mo unt-
ing either on the panel, on the chd ss is, o r on
two stdOd -off insuldtors. Insulation is 15010ntite.
Voltage rati ngs listed dre conservative.
Minim ...," Len91h Air G,p
No. of
Symbol I List
100 Mml.
9 .5
9 TMS-100
' .00
250 13.5 22 3.30
300 15 3" .026" 1()()(N. 27 1MS-3oo ' .00
35 8 3" .065" 20Q0". 7 TMSA35 3.30
50 11 3" .065" 200(N. 11 TMS A.50 ' .60
50-SO Mml'j <>-6 3" .026" 1 ()()(N. 5- 5 1M5-500 S.uS
100-100 7- 7 3" .026" 1 ()()(N. 9-9 TMS-100D 5.00
50-SO 10.5- 10. 5 3" I .065" 200(N. 11 - 11 TMSA. 50D UO
features very compact construct io n, excellent
power fdcto r, dnd dluminum pldtes .040" thick
with polished edges. It mounts o n the panel
o r on removdble stand- off insul dto rs. lsolantite
insul dtors hdve long leakage path . Stand-offs
includ ed in l isted price .
I Minimum
Length Ai, G.p
PH' No. of
ule log
Symbol Litl
SOMmI. 9 3~" .085" 3S00v. 15 lMH.SO Sl.85
75 11 3 ,," .085" 3500<. 19 lMH_75 UO
100 12.5 .085" lSOOv. 25 5.25
150 18 1 " .085" 3S00v. 37 lMH.150 ' .60
35 11 5 8" .180" 6500...... 17 lMH-l5A 5.75
35- 35 Mmf. 6-6 31" .085" 3500...... 9-9 lMH-lSD $6.00
50-50 8- 8 .085" 3500...... 13- 13 lMH-50D ' .60
75- 75 11 - 11 1 f"
65t .085" 3500v. 1 9-19 TMH-75D 8.00
is <!I new condense r for e xci te rs dnd low power
tr,msm i!ters. Specidl provision h"s been mdde fo r
mounting A R~16 coils in d swive l plug, in mount
on either the top or redf o f the condenser, (see
P<'ge 1 0 ) Fo r pdnet or mounting. Isolon-
tlte msuldtion.
IS desisned for use in the power stdses of tr,Hlsmitters where
UJNcity Len,lh . .1 Volle,.
, Aif G.pPe." No. of
50 MOll. 10 .077" 3()()(N. 7 TMC.50 ' . ..40
17 .. .077"
' ()()(N.
TMC 150
6 .60
6 3j.i " .077"
'()()(N. "
'9 TMC300 7.2"5
is " Idrger model of the populdr TMC. The fr" me is ex-
tremely rigi d dnc! drranged lo r mounting on pdnel, ch,mis
or stdnd-off insul"tors. The pldtes " f Q of heavy " Iuminum
with rounded Md buffed edges. Insuldtion is Isoldntite,
locdted outside of the concen trdted field .
l ... ~.
I ""Go.. I I ....,.
' w>
No, o'
~ Moof. 10.5
"""'. ",
.0 77"
"jp """".
.171" TMA_SOA
6. 50
". 19. 5
.17 1"
"""". ""
1M ... lOOA 10.00
'"". 9, " """".
.171 "
TM ... ' SOA 11.00
'"SO "
.265" """'
"""''''''"".. ""n TMAnOA
1 ].50
n .oo
'''' "
37.5 12
.359' "'
''''''''". " TMASOC ' .00
14. 50
17-17 ,. "" .171"
.171" """".
0- 0
H -H
11 .00
19.5- 10. 5
18- 18
TS! " .265"
15- 15
11- 11
41)-40 12 " .359" 1].50
condenser is ., 1 '(:IN job throughout. 'so! ~ntite fnsu lotOfl,
specidily tredted "goinst moisture absorption, prevent AdShovers.
A I"'se self.deoning rotor conMct proliidEts high current Cot
P<lcity. Th ick Cotpodcito r plo tes, wit h occurotely rounded Gnd
polished edges, provide high vohdge . otings. Sturdy cost
ol uminum end !romes "nd d uro! ,ie boIrs permit on unusuoHy rigid
structure. P,ecision end! insure smooth turning "nd
permonenl olignment of Ihe rOlor. End fr"mes dfe dffdnged for
pdnel, eMSlis or Ilondoff mountin ss.
C..... lty
R.l00 List 5.50 R-1Si list n .so
W iti'lou t sldncloff insuldtOr For the 80 ~nd 160 meter
R l00U lill t .60 b.lnck Incl<.tCtdnce 4 m.h., DC
fe'$ iS\dnCe 10 ohms{ DC cu.-
With stdndolf insuldtor ' art! 600 md. Co; 5 honey-
comb wound on IsoI,mtile
R.F. chokes 11-100.00 R-l00u core.
dfe icienti",1 electricdtly,
the I"ue. is provIded with d R-1S" list 12.50
re<novdbJe sw'Odo ff insul"tor R-154U list 12.00
screwed on one end. Both For the 20, 40 "nd 80 meter
hdve lsoldnl;!e insulotion "rid b.lnds. lndllCtdnce 1 m.h., DC
both Mv. d continuous uni- resindnce 6 ohms, DC cu.-
rent 600 md. Coils honey.
'fe.wl winding in four SEle- comb wourw;l on I$OJd ntile
tion s. Inductdnce 2 Jh m. h., co.e. The R,54U does not
d istributod ~p.tdty 1 mmL ; hdve the th ird mounlin s foot
DC ,esistdnce 50 ohm~; cu'- .md the 5JfI<llI insul"tQI, but is
otherwise the S<lme <IS 11- 154.
'enl Idting 125 md. See illUSlrdtion.
R. )OO Lisl 1.50 R.115 lilt 13.00
Wilhout insuldlo'
The 11-175 Choke is sui tdble
R-lOOU li,t $.60 for Pd'dllel .feoo dS wet! os
With im uloto, ~erie,;.feOO in t'dnsmmers
with pldte mpply up to 3000
11.F. chokes 11-300 dnd R300u volts moduldtoo o r 4000 volts
dre simildr in size to 11100u unmod ulo too. Unlike conve n-
but hdve hi ghe r current C4. liondl cflo kes, the IGdC.ldnce
01 tfle 11-175 is high through-
Plchy. The R300u is pro- OUI the 10 dnd 20 meter
vided wilh .. lemovdble st.. nd b4nds dS well os the 40, 80
oH insuldtor screwed on OIle dnd 160 meter b4nds. In-
end. Inducldnce 1 m.h. / di" d uctdnce 225 I'h, dIstributed
~Pdcity 0.6 mml., DC fIHist
tribuled updcity 1 mml./ DC dIKe 6 o hms, DC current 800
IIHIStd IK8 10 ohms/ currenl 1lId., vohoge bredkdowtl 10
'dtlng 300 md. b4~e 1 2,500 volts.
The T'dnsmittar Coil Fo rm~ dnd Mounting "re designed <IS d group, SINGLE UNIT'S
dnd mount conveniently on the bdfS 01 <II TMA condenser. Th e IUt.l0A . Co,1 Fot .. ""Iy U .. 11 .65
IMger coil/arm Type XR14A, lidS <II w ifld ing di"meter o f 5", XII.14A , Co ll F",,,, ""I. LI"U.OO
"windirl9 len!;lth of 331.1" (30 turns lo tdl) dnd is intended for the P8- 1 5 .l'lu~".., I. l it! $1 .50
80 meter bdnd. The smdller form, Type XR 10A, lidS <II winding X8-15, Sod, .. , .... Iv Lhl n .oo
length of 3 ~" dnd <II wind ing d i"meter of 2 11,>" (26 tu ros tOI<lI ).
It is intended for the 20 dnd 40 male. b.\nds. ASSEM8L1ES
Either coil/arm ~ts the PB15 p l ug. For higher freq uencies, the
pl uS rndY be used with <II self-suppOrting coil of copper tubing. UR.,OA. A" .... blv (lncl...:l l"! ..... 11 Coli
f ..... PI"9'0.::1 Sock .. t) Li.. $5 .00
The X815 Socket mdY be mounted on breddboards or ch.,s,i!, UR. 14A. A" ... bl y (lncl...:11"9
os well 45 on the TMA Condenser. F", ... PI"9 '0.::1 Sock )
..., O.der
End l ink
I Shown in This Tab le
N~tiO"dl Suffer Co il Forms dre desi gned 10 lOcum d irectly on the tie bot ' s SINGLE UNITS
XR . ll , C .. il fa<. ,,",v Ll,t SI .15
01 d TMC co ndenser using the PB5 Plug <lnd XB-5 Socket. Pl ug dnd Soc ket XR . llA . Co.1 F",. _Iy li,t S . '0
PI-S , Plu ~ .... Iy liot S .15
dre of molded 11-39. 1C8.S, Sod .. , on lv Lhl S .15
The tWO co i l forms dre o f Isol<lnl il e, lelt ungldzed to provid e d tooth fo. ASSEMBLIES
coil dope. The Idlge. /o .m, Type XII13, is 1 3/.1 " irl didmete, dnd hd S d UR_UA , A" ... bly (I"" hod," , . _ 11
Co,1 r.... Plu, ...o Sock )
win(!." g length o f 2 34 " , The small er fo ,m, Type XII. 1) A , ' 1 1 " In d 'dme te r LIlt st.tS
dnd pro vIdes d w i ndmsleflsth of 234". Both forms hdve holes lor mount-
ing dod lor ledd$.
~t~~"tfT_~: ~&s,oNiiwUi~
frequan cy 0 ' 11410' in super-
I h d I
__--," r"_"_'_'O_"__~
regenerdliva aca'vars.
~lIIIld 1
L.. ,I~ u.
;>dne '. or 0"1 tne an s 0
U: ~: .....
l .tO The National Cabinets listed below are the
(HA~' fR ... MES
meidl, .. nc1 includes <I celluloid
sheet 10 cover the , hdft. Size r,... _ A ....'."
2%" x 3%,", with Sides 1,4" dOM~r.
~-cou DT"".KI ..seconddry lor
r, ",
. . . ."'"
, ~
Type (FA Ult 1.55
450-550 KC
~ ' r core only.
IFE, I,.nd", ..., S ' If e 1>.., "On
COIL c"'., 450 -550 .,.,1.
C II""'JWIa~ARtL5 LI.tU ,50
Uqu'7d1foiySty rene L ement -
(Oil DOPE ~\ll3,~Qnt!Wm;: NATIONAL HIGH
best cOIII0.:,L
E<lch ch<lu.s pr vides <I three-
SPAKER (AIIHETS stdge Rf Amplr luned 10 one
N OC-S IOf 8" spe"kur 51<1tion only.
l ilt 55.50 E<lch RF T'dn Orllle. is tuned
N DC-10 or 10" spedker bolh prim<lry nd Seconddry
lilt $6 .60 ( 8 tuned CI<CU' ). The coupli ng
NDC-i for 10" spedkel is ddj usldble I include 10 KC
Li,t SB,50 wit h lesl thd n db vdfldtion in
These metal spedker cdbineu
dre dCOUllic"lIy correct. They
:~'n*,~4'IItiY. .~
"re lillad wi th "coustic felt, ~1'1~~fWEel~:
dnd d'e of welded constructio n
o slimind!e 'dules. Finish is
",d' 11 00-17.00 KC. The
chdssis his d t ndMd 3 \12"
bl"ck wrinkle on NDC-8 "nd reldY .",d poIn
NOC10. NOC2 is ~nid\ed in
tWO-lone 9:fdY to m,ttch the OLUS, 'un .... ,..i, .nd ,..,.., uni, on
NC200 TG .eceive . \.fr" ....I, .... lnll. 1"'. 1... ' ..... ,
Lh' UI. 50
OlUA . , _, .. Ot.US bor, ~
N,wondl Oscilloscopes hdve pOwer supply dnd 3/ 16" .I ....;n_ n.I , c,eckl. Gn"".
input conl.ols budt in. A poInel swi tch permils 1."'010., Lh. U6.S0
use of Ihe built-in 6O.cycle sweep or eXle'ndl
dud,o sweep for sacu'in9 the Idmilid' l.dpelOid
OLCA , C~.'''.
,ock.".nd ,.".1 ",iv.,'"
, III",,,.,.., w"h
I. plec.
pduern fo r moduldtion medsu,emens.
CRM , I... ,ube. LI., nl .oo DLPS , St .. I\-ir" 1 LI.,'I ,05
1" .e',," ",1"9 1ICA913 .nd 6XS ,.ct,~ . ...oct.I , OLPA . Alu,"lnuro 116" "" !
414" y 6 ',j.",S'. U , I IS. SO
CRR 1 ,,"1>0. LI., $]S ,OO
2" ,,,,,n, ... I"~ ~CA .9Ol! . nd 6X5 .c, ,~ . ~.I r.ock DLI , RF I n,foo ... . ,.t of fou,
....."'ins "u;,.., Lh!. _h n .!S
<S-II _ .I1 ~1 " ... _~)
XCA litt $1 .65 G5-1 , W'" Hit Lilt 5.<40
A low . loss socket lor otCorn
triodes, GS-t , lh" It iVS" list $.50
The NQ45 receiver is an eilhl lube super
he terodyne combining cdP4b e p e rformance
with low price. Features in clude d series
va lve noise limiter wilh auto mdtic threshold
control, tone conlrol, CW oscilldlo '.t..seP<l rate
RF and AF g<lin controls, dnd AV L. Power
supplies Me self conta ined except for the
ba ttery model which must have an extern ,, 1
so urce of r.eater dnd pld te pOwer, such as
ba tter ies or vibr dPdd.
A strdightli nefre quency i , uled i n conj"nc'ion ""ilh ~ IOp<l ' 6!0 b""d <p,o.d condo",o .
This combin ation plus the full vision d id l cdlib.ated in frequency fo r edch r"nge covered dnd d SeP4rdte
li ne~r scale lor the band spread condenser, m~kes dccurd te tuning e"SY. BOlr. condensers hdve inerti d type
d r ive. A coil switch with sil ver pldted contdCn selects the Four rdnges from 550 KC to 30 MC Provi sion
i5 m<lde for e ither heddph one or Ipedker.
like ~1I rece ivers which have no preselector SI<lge, the NC45 is not entirely free from images. How.
ever, whe re price is dn imp<>rtdnt considera t ion, the NC45 will be found" very satisFdctory (ece iver.
NC.45 -RKelv ef only, c",""I.'e wit" 'ub , collo co ,ln. If"'" 550 KC to 30 MC 10' 105-130 .o lt. AC or DC """,,,.<lon -
block~nM.. Lh! 114.17
NC-t58 _ Re<o. I'6. onl~ m bo but 10. bon.,y 00., 10'. I... bon . ,I... Lltl SU.l1
NC.... 5A - Rec. i, OtOly. ,.!!I.....
1>0.. but lor 105- 130 "GIr, AC
NC.HlS - Loud S".. ~ ... In . """,n.lng cobln. , 'O ".,cn .bo
,_.i ..."
Un 114.11
LI.I SI1 .6(>
liRA _ R.I Rock Ad." ,d ...19nod" IO!' ,""untong .n.,. ,_.1 " In .... nd.,d 1 ., 'ock. Us! n .1$
SIoI"",n, W.I I M" All ..odel 4S cound '""h.dln! ."..1;,.
IIIIp<ico' ,uOloC.. 6 ... ,rA"u, "Of;ce
n..HI10 qK~f;' . hi"'.,.,,, .............
,001 .... d Ml5l'letf
I.,. co-.... iutlon ,""' . Two 1><1 _ "" Set "~.
, ..... , <>1 .. I'..g " _ .... Ion. w.o k .1,,,,,1 , ""n nd
high .1_1.10 1\010. '0,10. AI,d l.lect,1c N n ln~ COOI>OC~O"
0<: ..... "'. In ... ,1, fO< the hi'" d." 01_, ...1", ... bility. A
~ ....... I M., wi'" both ",o, l.bI lltCIhroty .nd ......... , . _
"""," ..1 out" (.H,,"". I.d) by CO" """ ."HI,, ! 01 110 .!
Ny ~
r'J 8 ;, , I- ~] r I
Th .... 11 ,,,b ...""",h .. ,,,.od,,,, "". 1........... \I<:o.. ln.o ( .<ceDl for
I ~ P...., ) In. ,.bl. or<:><l.1 c.b,n" ,h. 1 I. ,..eIil cI.",.ed '0 , .. I ,.d,
.....,"';n,. On. ".~. of Q r .nd two .10,.. 01 I.r ., ......d. Low 10..
; , ~"I 1_Io,ion . nd hl;' O ..,1. !!Iv... .or. ,....ifiyi t. ..d I... ' .... rty. S......,.
~ f . ...d Audio Gol .. C-.oI nd . oI_I ...... ~.h ....... t .......... ed ""
1_" _. " .. :; , he ... n,,1 Oth.,COftI'ol......".. CW 0..:.11.,.,.. AVC witlt .-'illed
~. it! ~ 0 'l-':' i .nd d.I <od ,,';on 8 1- .w"dr ..:1. phon. lock. A If.~onIol"ed
. J pow" ",,1 . "'... ""., .11 n...... ' ..... I ,.~ 1""ludlnS , o k.. , A.. td
. ""I ,lon. Th. ""1. ch.n~in, '1"1." I. ~niQu. In lho. It .a.bin... ,h
...... nicol <.......""1""",, 01. coli ''''''Ich wltl> ,h .. "Ie<ttocol el!X:i<trtC/ 0 1
of",1r\ toi l..
A ll ..,.( 1(10 .,;., .K...... .,. J;,r.d ..... tIt .....10. Ir-lt., 01 ,,~ty ,_.k.
bl K..:'ov .......
Th. N(.l00A , lliu" ed .bo.., ........ ,10" " , . f._
S ~ O KC lO 30
MC . Th" I s. f,,11 .10;"" dlol I. CooI,br ed dl'ec,ly In ,"_eyel . . .nd
.....,.'. h, .... ..,...j nl., teol. _id .. hi'" ",eclrlon In 10",1",.
Th. 1'1(. ,00)(" I .-rl but _,.,.,.d "",th. ",~I ~It ...
Th" NC- IO I x . 11I",,, ed b.low. h bu."
" th e ........ ,b.ond nd
.......... .".1. ,h. f ollowln~ '.nq.." 1 7 2 ~ Me. ) . ~ 0 NV:.::, 7.0-1 3
MC . l. ()-H .4MC .nd280- JO.O MC Th.NC l01X k ..... lcoed .... I'h
e<."..1 ~"." S.....,. ond the PW....,. In"',,.....
d oel
NC_lOO .... - <ooopIeI. ",,"h rube . AC -..del - 10" "' ~ In
to'bo_ lIoi SUO.OO
0:-01 .... ","h tube> .nd <:, ......1 ~It.f. AC
LI" St61.t5
"""'eI-Th. NC l01)( A ho, .10. _ . I.......... ,h. NC. l01X.
.. "C .. '" for Ih. d ire<! ' ..... 'n,diol .nd the c.bon .. , wh ich ....
01 .. 11. ,.0 'h NC100XA .
NC_I01X - c .... pl ",,"h ,,,b . A C fIIPd.1 - 10" '<>e.~.' In
ubi".. 1. " 1 Stl6. 'O
NCl01X.... .""""... w"h ,,,be<.
AC .......1 - 10" 1Q8O~.' NOTE , S"",,;. / ",odel. '" ,ho NC- 'oo , ;.., wil~ bond,
In cobon... LIlt 11)6.50 <o~"~, .I'OO- . OO KC, ....... ,.....,'.,,,. f'r.. e, I",,.,rJ,ed
s.. ..... 1942 .... 10,.... No r;.oo lot bo" .. y .od"I Ii' I""h ........ '.Il""". B."." ..
odelf c ... "'" _,.,.d
/'0 .. <).fO
."...~ .... 200-400 kc ""!!". etr:.
The O ne-Ten RecQiver ful~lls the need for dn ddequdte
receiver to cover the ~eld between one Clnd ten meters.
A four-tube c.rcult is used, composed of one tuned R.F.
stdge, o!I self-quenchi ng su per-re generdtive detector,
trdn sformer coupled to d ~rst std ge o f dudio which is
110 lIote., , .nd I) ,oM> 0/ tOl!> ",, "ho~, resistdnce co upled to the po w e r ou tput std ge . Tubes
,~bM. ,,_l .. or PO""'" ",pel . Lh. $91. 50
required : 954-R.F.; 9S S- Detectof; 6(5-151 Aud ro,
5116 I'ow., S. ""I. fo<
.bov. ,..,,,i.8'.
Lit. Ut.SO 6F6-2nd Audio .
The SW-3U Receiver e mploys d SW_1U, Uftlv....t -.:1.1 wId>out
t Ol!, ~, lvboH 01 pow'" '~D-
c ircu it consist ing of one R.F 0/. Lh. UI.SO
SlIo-A8, Pow . , s....,.,ly, 115 V,
std ge trdnsfo rmer coupled to d 60 eyel wl'~ 90 11..,,1... , .
regenerdtrv e detector dnd one lI .. nt.50
G.ft ...1 Co ....,.. Coli.
stdge of impaddnce coupled C~ Li"
dud io. Th is c ircu it provides mdX- No
R.ft~ -
9 10
P., P.1r
n .15
imum sensitrvity dnd Aexibility J1 1),$ 10 2S 1.U
with the smdll esl number of n 23 10 4 1 1.15
Jl o!O 10 70 l .n
tubes dnd the ledsl duxilidfY H 6S 10 115 115
l5 lIS to roo I .U
equipment. The single tuning d id I oper,Hes d precisely dd justed 16 roo 10 360 . . 0
two ldng condenser; the regenerdtion control is smooth dnd 11 3'>0'0 5'>0. . 0
]I 500 10 8'>0 . S.SO
noise ess, with no bdckldsh or fringe howl; the volume con tr ol is 39 850 101200 ... 1.15
40 l WO '01 500 . J.tS
cd librdted from one to nina in steps corr esponding to the R sCdl e. 4' 1500 10 rooo ... l .i '
41 rooo 10 )000 , . 9.50
O NE UNI V ERSAL M ODEL - The circuit of the SW-3U i~ Mrdnged lor B.nd Spr..d Coil.
either b.tttery or AC ope'dtion w ithout coil ~UbstitUli on or circuit chdnge. lOA - 10 .-t.. . .. .. n .u
Bdttery Ope'dlion ul ilize~ two 1N5-G dnd o ne lASG ,ubeS. AC operd-
lion util,:r.~ two 6J7-G "nd one 6C5-G lubes. Type 5B86 AB power
)1A -
UA -
14" -
20 ...-te. .
80 . ....
supply is recommended. nA - 160 t.. I.U
The SCR-2 is ~n extfemelr. comp.:lct crysld l
co ,,~rolled receive. for 1i"9 e channel recep-
lio" mounted on a 3 ~ " rel"l rdck p.!nel. It
hds IWO stdges of luned RF .Imp i":dlio", d dUdl
pu.pose converter wilh crystdl ('ontroUed
OScllidlo r, I'WO sldge~ of IF dmplific.dt ion, d
detector dnd one dud,o Sldge. Auxilidry ci.cuiu
dre Ave, ON osc,lldlordnd noise limiler. Nine
tubel dre used, dnd Ihe power supply is ~el f-CO"ldl"ed .
The SCR-2 is de~nitely d hi9:h perfo.mdnce receiver. $igMI to-"oise r<l tio dverdge~ 10 db fo r dn input
of 2.5 microvolts. The AVC i, Rdt withi" <\ db for in puts from 1 microvolllO 'Well over 1 volt. Being crystdl
controlled, the frequency stdbility;s eMcellent. The IF chdn"el hdl d b.tO'ldsp.edd chdrdcter istic to "lI ow
lor slight t'd"smitte. dr ifl, etc.
As Ihe SCR2 receive. is intended for commun;Crllion wo.k, Ihe dudio chdnne l has been del iberdlely
m.we Adt o nl y frOfh 100 to 1 500 cycle s, w ith incred ling dtlenuolion of h'9her frequencies, thus prov,din9
good inlellisibility w ,th md".mum .eductio" of un'Wd"ted " !!",,Is dnod noise.
SCR-2 receivers ".e "v"il"bte fo r use dl hed fre que"cies belween 100 kCl dod 18 mcs. A free booklet
describi"g this .eceiver WIll be m"iled on reque lt. l il t, I l, S
Now. Ie ... words aboul oW' selling policy. We have no ... Ie. -
men, but we do have . ome .... idenl .eprese n t a tive. at points
w here t hey may b e helpful. F or example, in Chic.g-o, there ',
J oe Good . aot 328 We.t Huron Str eet. H e know . the bu.ina ..
of di s tributing- communication, equipm.nt throug-h COmmer -
ciao l o u ll.t.. In New Y o r k, there's Fraonk Rigby who ha. bee n
m y friend s ine .. our M uin. d a y. in th .. l .. st World W a r , .. nd
who h.lp . me by p .... ing- .. long- information in thaol vicinHy.
And we have H oyt H .. ddcx:k whom I'v e known a. a wir e l e ..
o p e . alo. for Iw. n t y y ea ... H oyt i s in W ashing- Io n not to ... .U ..
but t o tell about our equipmen t .
~- .. ,.
McELROY does it again f
p roud 01 tbi. remcr,kgbl, unit. The Whe atstone Cod. Tape P , do'Cilor u
unqu lioIlCibly on. 01 the oulalCloding :;onlributiora: to th, ClTI 0 1 radio le le qrcrphy. Aelucrle d by 110
.011 Ae. this rriode' ' PPH-443 prepar lop cleanly gnd Clcc:ufalely cd ap e.d. up to 50 worda
per minut e .. lor 1diIl9 Ihrollqh ClulomCitie Iranlmitten.
Th e Wheatston e Cod. Tape Pedo rator a U lue. per/eel Iranll mi uio n 01 radio telegraph 'i9I1cd8. there by
replacing inode quote hand ... nding whic:h a ile ... r ulta in , rrora a n d repe tition reque.ta. Manual
d e!ic:iencies c:onlrib"te IC"9, ly to \tllnee.uolY u., 01 radio tran. miUer . with e on"qu en l congestion
01 Ih, radio apee!.um.
An experienced radioman i, Dol n,.ded to effec:ti... ly operate this Pe rforator. Anyon. wi lh a b _ie
howl.dg. 01 Ih. d ol. and da. h eompri . io g . ignal eod .. ean pr.par. lop. lor tronsmi..ion
11.01 only in Inl. rnolional Mor but 01.0 in oth. r e od.. u .. d throughoul th e world ineluding
Japan .... Ru ..ian. Turki.h , Arabie, G r k, . te,
It' xt .impl. 10 op.rol . Th. unit i, plae. d in po.ition ,imilo r to 0 hand t.l.groph ke y. and
ma y b. ope rol. d with a I.ath.r-tigh l toue h 01 the ind.x 6 ng. r, middl e 6nger and thumb 01 the rill'ht
hand." Ih. dOl, da.h Or .pae. elo. . . .I. clrieal eo o loel. aduating a pow.rful die m e ehoni.m.
Thi. Per!"orolor Ploy b. u d fully oulo rnotie, proyidin'l a eonti n uo u ri e. af eharad e r ond with II
yoriobl pe.d c ontrol or it moy b . op.ral. d mi-automatieally 10 form only o n. ehoroeler ot
a time,
. ,. (>O IlLINr "'VI[N UI[
10,,,,O N , ..,. .... . .
Model XTR442 B
AulomaUe Transmiller
One of Ted McElroy's proudest achievements. the new
XTR-422 B Automatic Transmitter is the answer to the
problem of transmissions which must be calibrated exactly
in words per minute, and kept for indefinite periods at a
fixed rate.
The XTR-442 B opens and closes any keying circuit to form
mechanically precise signal elements. dots and dashes. in
response to Wheatstone perforated tape. This unit will
key either the intermediate relay of a radiotelegraph sta-
tion or an audio oscillator for training radiotelegraph
The auio head is operated by a rugged friction drive.
powered by a heavy duly, constant speed induction motor.
The speed control is calibrated directly in words per min-
ute. The speed. in words per minute, for which the speed
control is set by the operator, is absolutely constant . .
voltage fluctuations of the power, and temperature rises,
do not affect the transmission rate of the unit.
~ ~~~ ~\\\ ~~\~'
~ Te d M . ;;;;
. ;:;;;;.. . , ' "leJ;;.;;i~
cElroy's* ,-
Th. h',m on-NEVER
own succes , ago. And Ih .
" ,arne .p..1 BE SATISFIED e med iha l
ganization hIn prevails through WITH MEDIOCRITY
were in. . . . out the ME
nev .. imit a Ie. They u"..tive e n gmeen>
. nev c I,oy ,.
Typical ollh .,eale. de, ign. build e, copy and
5'-990 .e . wo,k
Ihey' do ie Ih e newMELft ...
mg an aulomali upeno' comme..ial ' OY MODEL
bodying new C .. e Iimil .. and s i ,"co,de, inelud-
,eco,d eI ean. pnnc'ples
read b
01 deal gn andgnal
... Em
won" a . a Ie signals pe,ahon. it will
mlDute und at speeds
You, in . . .. Ihe mosl adve up 10 350
qwnes are in . rae conditions.
01 s ervice t0 you. vlted. U a McElroy engine .. can
ask 10'
w OIli LO C: one.
. H AM P'O' " ", .. 0,0 n\. ~G"''''PH lrol '0'" M 0"11 THo. ,. 2 0 V'U'''.
- -' "
=_ ~_ _ <=Iogh.Speed Recorder, Model 58900-4
-=-=-=- -
Thi, enUrely DeW recorder hal many unique ad'l'anlagll . and it I. Ipeeifieally
de,ugDed lor operation at ultra-bigh.lp d..
Recorders of aton dard design are limited becgua. aigna l. 10 b. re corded ene
required to OTe rcome mec:hani<;cd inertiQ, In the McElroy S8.900A, lh, r,lul'D. 01
the excite. c:oil and ink atylul 10 Ih, aigDcd bCl .. i. not dependenl upon mechanical
action.. Cona,quently, the re i. DO rliiatoDce 10 tb. mo'umenl 01 the ink atvlul.
Lightly balanced and delicately. hul atu rdily. pivoted. th. o;oil lind inking . tyilia
fiool Irly without , ..Iridian,
Th. Model SR 900-A opercd .. d..ire ctly from Ih. tone aiwna1 01 any radio recei",e.,
rejeelin'1 all bul Ih ignal of th, bighill leTel, reduc;ing the .Hlcu of inleo;;.
to minimum. BClekgroun.d noi weake r in.t.rferin.g . ign.,;d. Clnd .tatic are rej.ct.d
by the amplifi.r an.d .el.ctor incorporat.d in thia R.cord.r.
Tb. inkin'iJ m.cbaniam I.ed. directly down. with th. pen. recordin'iJ in a .... rtical
poaition. p aenti n'iJ a diatin.ct advantage ov., otber type. which record with tbe
pen toucbing tbe tap. in a horilontal polition. Whil. th. tap . puller witb adJult.
menta lor tbre. apeed. i. built-in. the tape 1 ia mounted on th. pan.l.'iJned to aecommodate moun.tin'iJ in. a . tandaId radio raek. il d .aired. lor molli
torin'iJ pUrpOae.. tb . Reeor d., i. n.everthelell eompletely eneloled for table opera
tion at hi'iJh Ip d,. In addition. a .eparat. pullmotor can. b. utililed for nOnDClI
.p d. wh.n tbe operCllor d.Ii to Iran.eribe . iqnala direet.
Wit b tbe MeEiroy Hiqb-Sp d R.cord. r. clean and r.adabl. 'ignal, are allur.d otber Reeord'.1 mi'iJht rllpon.d wilb hopeleilly jumbled and undeci ph.r.
able copy.
The n.w McEhoy Tgp. PuU. r TP-890 B i. u l ed to
Vi". trgction to . tandard %- in c h wid. pap.r tap.
inked w ith g r:;.diol.l.qraph li n and to wind Ih.
tape on I tandard 16mm 400_11. motion picture r I.
An oUlllanding ad"anlage 01 th i. Tape Puller i. ita
con.tgnt . p ee d . c ontrolled gcc urCltely born a dial.
calibHlled in worda p e r minut .
This is another original McElroy development it .
converts into sound the code signals which bcve
been transcribed in ink on standard 3ft-inch paper
tape at any speed chosen by the operator. The clarity ...
and even spacing with which the signals are repro-
duced will assist students in rapidly mastering cor-
rectly sent code.
The Model G813A. used in conjunction with the
Tape Puller TP-B90B. continues to be the only instru-
ment of its kind which has the outstanding practical
advantage of keying only the signal line of the tape.
Speed control is constant to a maximum of 40 words
per minute. Tapes which undergo the effects 01 exces-
sive wear will operate this unit W1~~th: ~an;:;,;~~:pi~
which those who attempt to imitate tl
Ironic Keyer fail to achieve.
advantages. brought about by
menta with the
p'hh,;o;t:o:;'::~::~o:;':1,~ ;~~~
build widespread a
.O.TON, .A.
.. - -
McEk.y . .winds
Compare this rugged re-wind with an,. 01 the type
now a.crilable. Husk,. gears botb on Ihalts run-
ning through exira lile oiUte bearingl.
Pl'adlce Tape.
IS-roll let practice tap... GISL for sight "eoa ding;
GlSAA, U. S. Army tap.. lor photo-t\lbe keying:
GISAM Am erican Morse lapes lor te legraph SO\lnde,
.. .
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Wherever our troops fight throughout the world, the SCR-299 is seeing servicel
Designed for instantaneous and continuous service as a fixed or mobile radio
station, the high powered mobile transmitter built by Hallicrafters has distinguished
itself in the Pacific with MacArthur and with the Allies in the Mediterranean .
The SCR-299 fou ght in the jungles of Guodalconol and was flown into China
where it is fighting with General Stilwell.
.. ,.
" .. " .. II
Without a single revision, Hal-
licrefters peacetime communications
equipment ;s meeting the wartime
qualifications and demends of the
Under the abnormal climatic and operating conditions of war, Halli-
crofters Communications equipment is providing peak performance for the
Allied armed forces, fighting throughout the world.
Just as Hal/icrafters Communications receivers are meeting the de-
mands of war Today - they shalf again deliver outstonding reception for
42 the Peace - Tomorrow!
.i"Vl. hoi . ... oun li"g in ~ " d i .me l. , h oi. on pan. l. "p
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lpaci, 1 o . d o n ty.) SinQI.. h .... new Ihick n,,1 10 . ' 010'
,h.1t lock 10 . liI.e! tun . R""",i", 15 16 " " 113/ 32"
pan. l "ounl,"9 ,,,..,. _ duol . 146 64" " 113 / 32".
All d ... b ha ... doubl. 0..""9". lhalt end... . , . au
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All T ri ... A i hay. \4" b . ...... hallo . n 'ek.1 p l.t ....
ET.30 -AO Alm"i " "", pial.. wi th ni"k.l.d b ..... pa.,.. . Tri", A i.
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Tronsmitt;ng Condenser Series
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ODAY, the e n tire ou tput 01 81i1a)'
T Cry.ta] Unit. is diHl ciecl to vilal
communic.,lion. equipm e nt for war
purpo . When the United NaHons
win th. 1... 1 bailie, "I th e y mO l t
certainly will, the fruits of Increased
enqin rin9 knowledq8, 8ltpanded
facilitie s lind improved production
techn iqu e, will be /lv"il"bl. toa peace
time wo rl d ... .. new world of greater
human c ondorl th,oU9h applied en-
gi n eering and science.
[n thi s new world, Bliloy C ry. lab
will take th e ir rightlul pla c e with thei.
pr e -war record of d ependabilit y , aceu-
"HQ-no-x "
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",hie" h ,...;.,w. in 6 ...... fr .... I .. n M .... .
",Wth t. ...............lIvlty. ",I. _ ...11. III. s...J 10< 0-._-....
.I__'~:""''''__ ___" ,
s.u , ....,... 110""
__'_ 1'>-2.0 _ .
S'. 220. 5X <;.y... t 12" 7Yt _ 2.o _ . 2)0.00 _ ..... 1 "'I... " .... ... " ......... I . . . . .
.......... 11 ... ,,..... _. S 111.50 ......
W.i.. 100- CrnMK!
MTC_loo_C 105 m"'f.
MTC_t50C UO ... ml ..
'- Co_i.. l"'~M H,t
MTC 250C 2SS mml .
TC _ 2"lO.~
TC .... O-l
220 ... mf .
.6S mmf.
S\'it .
.. .... .... . . $ 6.30
~. I O
MTC 350_C 360 "'mf
TC 'fQK 2 ' .... . S.10
TC I U _K 167 m ... ' . 4 ' . 6 .50
TC2"lO_K 222 ",,,,f. '.00
fC nO.K ]35 mml. 10.00 " MTCD " SPLIT.
,', .............
250 mml. 10.20
23 .5 "'mf.
S3 mml. .......... .
IUmmf. ........... '00
IC-4QG .6 ... ml.
'.00 Sa.....ut.... ndl~~ ...........
'.00 ... MTC 0/ .. , 1 ,.,.,th .. ,
TC65G 75 mml. S I', . l .IO "'''' .. _ ,; .. n . ............... .
TClOOG lID ... "". ........... 11.20 M_I 100.' with .070"
TC.lSOG lUmmI. 10 1'0 . ...... .... .. 14.10 pi ..... po.I"II. only S%"
TC n.~ 6Omml. S \'it. ' .00 beh ind po ... l. "S" m_I,
- ... ~""" 1'1_ "C" ... "",_
" I'_pl .. ln 1'1.... Mee"
"". e""",;". UtI
MTCO_"lOII 22 mml ..... _ ' .... . . 15.60
I ....... pll' .Ia ... , .... n MTCO_35.' 3l mml. ........ ....... . 6 .00
m;ttln, "O'n ........ MTCO50_' 50 mml . .... ' . " ... 6 .S0
lden~'al to .... ,1",1.. MTCOlOO-a 100 mml . ........ 1.75
MTCO.SOC .6 mml. _ _ , 5.50
~ ~ ..
.h.",n .. bo ... ....epl .hol
th Ia _ _ ....
MTCo .150C
105 mml . _ .M' ..................
150 ... ml. per" _t..
6 .50
., Indi .. ld~ol.ldeal ' ....... h .
p~1I p .... . . ampllfl . .. MTCO HOC 2$S m ... I . .... _ ' . 7 .SO
0. .... 11 CONDENSERS
.'fQ "'mI.
... .$10.]0
"' n _w H'A and H~I ...
. -' .. 'ng ..... """.... ,nlnll
TCO_210l 215 mmf. S\'it .. ... 10.40 .o..o.n_ a the 1_., I..
TCO'fQK Umml. . 1'0 . ~ . 40 '0..0.,,_ '-"gn. Th. Hfi
ICO"SI( 167 mmf. 6 'A .. ... .. .. . ... 11 .'0 ".n.mlnln, ............ . ..
lCO_]251( ns II ' .. . "lO .50 .umple. t.o.fu,lr 1 ".~I ..1e<!
TCO _240J 250 mmf. 11 .... . 19 .00
'0'''' "nd ... " .... 1 .h .. II_.
TCtl_SO_H S3 ... mf. ~.'O ",;nI", hi,..... _"';"g
46 m"".
Umm ' .
11 '" .
7 'A.
11 '.,.
14. 50
.pod"g. nl.
,,1"'. m ....
.... Ilaee 10. " gl ... . plat.
'O", ....
<I .. nd
lCO5S' 60 m.d. 11 '". 13.70 .1I; '0_"_ ...".
,"u,';.n ond Ih. I ul" ....
.........1 . h .. /t reduce . th.
N IO_t 2 .1_IOmml.) .
.... o .... II.. b .. I... wid ... ".1 , 01 .i wah bath .lngJ. and d .... 1
""_'. All 'ypa,. b ..... MfA .. nd Hf. __ .. f '00% . 0 1 _ " .
."u.~." with ","" .. pi" ....... dml .. m pl .. le<!. 10"'0"' ''.... d pia ....
N. I5_{].2 _ 14 mml .). '.70
N-"lD-tl.' - 14 mml.) .. ..~
HAMMAR LUND MANUF ACTURING CO INC. 460 Well 34th Street New Yorlc City
" TENSHUN, HAMS! JUST 70 CENTS BUYS:" .. ,htouj(h
you , SyhA"i~ I)is.
mb"u"" ot di,,,,c
fmon Radio Am
''',,' D " parr m" ""
SIha "i. EI"cnic
Products ]n c. ,
E mpo r ium , I'a. .ADIO DlVI$ION
ELECTRONICS post -war world of opportunity
FM AND AM' TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS. Gem,ra1 E l c'lri,~ 1111" <I I1:o1 .., d
ex.,,ri" "Loe ill &Ioorl." -,,,-o: Lro,,,J c,,~ lj" It ; $ we lt 1.;"0"'11 ... "II of i\" .. ; ri'a~ 100 k ..,
i"to' r" "l itmai h. o:"Ie".1 Ir"" s m;l1 ero; h,we I.ce n huill h~' G.E. G.E. 1",& c ' l"ill,,,,,d
"''''e lIi" ",, Ih i.. 1 of "" i ~li ng I-'M Ioro:l(k;oH M:l1 io"s, lIIul ~"I'I, l ic.1 :l1;orll<: IH, rliun
"r the 600,000 FM rcce ;,'en ""'" in usc. G. E~ in r;o'I, is the 0,,1 ,. """",f3'llI n"
with "" I ,e ri " n ~"<: i" Im iMi "g th e .co"'l'lo-le FM ' r~l c '" - ind",I; UI! Ir" " ",,, il1e ' ,
"""" ""', ,,,,, I hOlm" r," c h 'er. SIlO"''' (ldl I" ri ghl ) ".tlGE Fto! ,,,,, I AM Ir" ,,'"
,u;n" h "".1 t;,E " .. Ii"I,ho no g'".''' ,"",bi""[i" ,, ;""" 'I "' r"lin ~ A M "",I Fl\!.
TRANSMITTING TUIES . Ge ,,,,r;.\ f; I" .'l ri t Im~ W" I",hI,. "" ltle IIture important
c .. nlri l"' n~ to the de\'do l" ..." ,t "r lrall, mil 1i"l1 tlll.ei than a n )' OI h c r ",an u
f:' d nre r. For e",,,,,,,le : G.E. de \dol ..-:.I luhes " nd d rcui u 1i1a t Ilru. lucc.1 Ihe
lIi lt h.fre' luc ll e)' o~d ll a1 i on ~ Ih:11 " ",I.;e l>roa,lc,,; tin g Ilo l!fi ihl e. G. t':' ,le "cluJ,ed II"l
fi r. t ..." rer-t:u" I"d 1..",. mill;"" ,ul .. "'I,i,' h maol e l, igh' I'o,,"" hro,,,kll~l i.,,, l'U~~ i .
101,. C.I<:. oe \"'lu l'ed th e hOI -<;;l lo ool e me nur r \,n" or lu he~ ... hi,;h r. ul hroa d c" , linll
IlOwer 10&$e,; Ire me mluusl)'. Sh ow II "'e fuur IYI, ic:,1 GE Ir"". millin" luhe$.
TELEVISION TfltA NSMITTEfIt AND .ECE/VERS. E\' i,le u ee of G.E.'8 le~ ll ersh;p in
i lUd io " I3 Ullillg ,,,,,I "I", ioll e'l ui l' l,ing is l'el c\' i ~;u .. Scal io n WHc n , ill Sch.,,,.:,:-
I ~.I )', Ne ... York, Thi il ,ele\' i~on ""'orl.;$h ol''' if olle o f the IillCiit II lId nw. 1
c01l11,le le studi o. or i15 kind in the wurlel. Fronl wnGn will co me much of IlrO'
1! 1':" ""';n~ I..IIo ..I." I"e all d leeh" ;,,,,1 tl e\'e10 I'mell t ... hid, wi ll I,riug the "001 ..."
~:< I ,,,,, . iOIl or le le\i. i"". Sho ..." ( left to ri ghl) nre WRGB' s ~ tn " io , Ira n , miller,
,, 11.1 G E Alii ""d Idc\;. iull n;.:t:i' " r wilh t 'M for td e .'i. ion 1i0UII.1.
CAPACITORS. Ge.,,;, ral F;le,'l ric ha s Ilion ecred ,IUd
tle \'cl')I,etl ;. new, ulli ' lue lin e of " ne""'" e" I"lcilOr;;,
ruled f rom 7500 10 16,000 \'oh~ pe"k "nd (rum 2;; 10
100 mmfd. Th ew circu it s nrc commo n to Illiliwry,
pircraf l, an d alll:l le Ur radio e' lui l,me nt.
The slIIali size of the G-E ,'ucll um ca pacitor is of
e specia l ;II11'orl:lI1C<: ill the de s;!;u of hi gh.freq ue ncy
cirell il ;;. Only :I IC"1 1i lI'e si1. e of ,; i",;1:orl y r"l ct! ;.i r
e:'I,,,cilors, Ih ese ("'I"",;I OU a],;o pr.. ..;,le ,.n i"l e T",,1
"ol'n!!c l, rc"kdow n ch aT:rcle ri Sl ic whi ch is u""lTe<:l e u
by"h il ".le .
"S ure is swell , t h e enjoymen
get from shortwave brood t us guys way out here
It's GOOD to h costs from fne Stotes
eor from h .
prog rams .. . Bob Ho orne ... fa vo rite
H pe , Ko ltenb
any James, the Ph 'lh orn, Dinah Shore
1 I ormon;c w '
t takes a go d ' e get em 0111
EC 0 set to pull ' .
. 1 never f 'I em in but MY
01 S mel
A lot of He ms ore 9 1n .
to fill their 1 0 9 to find it easy
095, when the
You can't y get an EC-l!
get an Eeh h
until ofter th ' f op one EC-l
b IS roco S .IS finished
- o
, , , TO
... .
'Gc ~ ' .- ~ ~ .
cu.\om.~uo\i\~ i. cho,ocwi.\i
0 .\.i\\\u\ ",o,\.mon.ho,p_\h. ,e' \ \
at 'teors at specio\i1.of,on .
po,.l'/Ie\o\ p,oduc\' hove \hi.edne
i\~-p\u, 1
\he vi,\ue' 0 'Ugg "
ond. econorn'f os we\\.
w,it for Catalogue Noo 41 .Ao
. ,0'\11.1\ . 'I"S"
..."as' Utt.'
pud of
.OX]3 '.)
designed to brill" the IIIessage th,ough
Microphone pl' r(o rm lln<'(' bct;ins widl d,,~ign ,
rrplus fa cbange
plus c'est la
meme cbose!'
UNITED 9.049-A
Efficienl h. f. o.cillaror
tube, one of a many
UNITED type, now available.
- is assure d for lang service life when you use UNITED
. Tubes. Despite th e urgent demands upon us for tubes to
fill militory needs, we hove done surprisingly well in
keeping o ther essentia l requirements supplied.
Write for new cala/og giving descriptive do lo
cove,ing on extensive range of tubes for elec-
',onic transmitting applications.
N ew ark 2 , N. J .
"Celting (hI! me5$3ge through" is the business of
thousands of our ham friends these days.
Shown on these pages are just a
few 01 the products Johnson is
contributing to the war eHort.
Johnson is well and favorably
known the world over as a mCUJ,u-
facturer of variable condensers.
inductors. tube sockets. insula-
tors. plUQ8 and lacks. and mis-
cellaneous transmitter parts.
For years Johnson has manu-
factured special parts and equip--
menl for Broadcast and Police
Stations-most of this equipment
engineered and deaiqned for
specific applications. Demand for
this type of equipment by the
armed fo rces has been many
times peace-time requirements.
With Johnson's "know bow," re-
search and experimental facili-
ties. and intimate enQ'ineerinq
knowledge of the requirements of
"parts" it is only natural that
Johnson has been called upon to
fwnlah many complete assem-
blies incorporating- theBe parts.
Military secrecy demands that
no detailed information be given
at this lime. but it will make an
interestinq story after hostilities
BATTERY Are you regularly purchasing War
C ommunication equipment by HMCO ha s long
been outstanding and widely used whe re utmost dependability
is required . Underlying this preference is the foci thol TEMCO
equipment is e ngineered and built wi th the perfectionist's
greater investment of lime, malerials and wiring skil1.
Fresh from these ellocling tests will come new and adva nced
tro nsmilli ng equipment by TEMCQ, 10 serve your c ivilion, broo d-
costing needs with I1\.CJlimurn efficiency.
RK_8.17 mOI'e important, t he engineering or Rayt heon tu bes will
8&GA/ 866 affo rd undreamed or Ilew horizons to both amateur and
commercia l radio.
" ':~ ~ A "/ ,A~ , ..... m,-;.I,,", _/ " .''h .... A... ,...,...
CK-100l/ 0UA
1005/ C K - IOO5
. .......f.-d ,A~ ..... ,. ud " .... ,. "';"
lOO6/ C K _ l OO6
"" N-*""
CO l ' .
M_ "..-.
I I , I
Low Loss Steatite Insulators and Assemblies 8UY MORE WAR SONDS
In additio n to d. o usa nds of s tyles and s hapes of
low loss Sleati te Insulators, we a lso m anufaCIUre
many with METAL FITTINGS AIT AC HED, ready
fot use. Th~'se include smndoff, lead in, Slnin a nd
ot he r st:lndard lines of Stealite Insulalors.
Stupakoff Su:atite Insulators are mad!: 10 yo ur
specification s wilh or w ithou t melal a nached. In
addition to a uaching preformed metal fitting s, we
plate ccraln;c insulatou w ilh fe rrous and no n
fe rrous mela ls. Subsequent to applying thi s meta l
to ct'ramics. we machine or grimlt he m e tal surfaces
to prc.:isio n tolerances, as (e(luired.
STYLE MKM RESISTORS: .--.f w ;.. w .... "" ...... STYLES MFA. MFa Illd MFC: , kIo. ,.., _ M.III-
~. ,. 10. ~,. '0 "" 1~0 ........ 1" ;0 ............. H.,_~ ..., ....104. :M~ "'0'" _ ."
..... p,oof.
W;.. Iud 0< lu, ,."",_, ft ..,... 'K 0""
1_" 0"', Oft .,.....
l . , ," ... ~'K .
_.,0_ . . ..
1'1'0 M'A _ 7.' ... , ...... .....
1,... ,..,,, _ .
r,p. ,..,'C_l ..., ........ 0 .
V... lou. "P" 01 ....... " "G "" .. ft I. ''''a~.
STYLE SP: w ;.. ......d bobbl. " po 1...... !>!.I.
STYLES A, B, C, 0, E, F: 120.90.'0.3'.20.10 .... h. S,I I"G" ,.,,10 ... S.,I. S'2. duol ..<lio ...
H. " " coll, ....1.4 _ . , .. I,. ..... "" "~'I<O<" 2 .' _'h ....IIIi ...... ,oli.,. 1'" c''''''
Dotd, .. d to .. I.ho.o"" ... It "0'., Imm."Io. "_' " "0.000 ............ pet <1"'...
'."ul. l. 10< lu "II' .......""'.
MEGOMAX: H:, h _ .. , hi,~ ""1"''''.''. '_POd
"..... I.... <~ " ,".11",...... ~ab(. ,10. , ~IOt . H.,_licolly .... I.d.
STYLE V. 0.: 10 .... h ..... IS _II ..;.. ...... "". ' .... 1 _ 30 00 ....... Ie '00 _'0 ....
. . ........ " ..i,_d Ie .. 0," _ , . dl ..... ,
..I. ", _.,.d ~ to ~ Oft '''' ... gh I>0Il.
.......... Typo 2 _ UOO 0 ...... to 100 _'0 ....
V......, . 0"" _ . ' .,,,,.,. do,."" ...................1
s~ if:~ 7'IfUd-
R~' m," .. ,.,le.llo,,:,
* r.:..
'OII{I "' Y
* U~hl we ight
* lI ill h Spe<:<1
* M.... le ra lcly ;;4WCrf! e n viro" .
III c nl {le"'loe", lure II nd .. ib.-.ll io n)
'* MOtte-ni le M: ., ~ili' il ,/. e.l!. Ai r
...... f' I'erfo rma n~ o n 30 mill i.
"-an inp.u .
TYPE If' I U . I U' ' , ~. Tn'., 1\f' I U "' , ,,,.
"eichi; l!(o ... 11' .~~ " l J{ ....
R eco mmll",letl /o r,.
* E.. cep liu na lly ile ve re en viro n
m e nt.1 contl i li on ~ ma io ta inin ,
I,recise ."ju~ I"' ''' n t a t eltlre,"'"
le m,>el'll tu reoi a nd afte r &en,r"
6ho<: kM(500 l5'a)
Max imum i!oe nSili vi l y in 801a ll
~(>lIce .. HI we ight , e.g. Aircraft
perfo rm. nce o n 5 milli wa tt
Ty,.E 'M 1J.i '. ' H ' . 2U' i"I,u l.
R.,th R e/n y . A .,cziln bl" oUQu.nlef/ 'm 5 Pin Tube 80M!
j .. Va ri.,,,. Differe nt Enclo. " N!'1I A. l'idu N!'cl A lw",-
SM.6""AI'1fI4A 7(~MIA
r'~r- ..,,...,..,.- l~C Inpu': EiLI~eT wi ~ I' shaded poJcc~llslruc-
io n or With mulgc t IIIstrument rectifie rs.
Hig h S pe ed and s pe cial ehalle r-free ke y ing. These applicati o ns require special
trea tment by o ur e nginee ring d epa rtme nt in te rms o f your particular problc m.
Polari:r.etl Ue lays, with 3 po sition sing le po le do uhle thro w switchin g (no rmally
both legs 0 1H! n) ope rating 0 11 a small d iffere ntial hel wcc ll l he c urre nts in two
opposed coils. and h aving I)ositivc 5 1131) actio n in e ithe r direction IlC~ positive
ce nteri ng. Am pIc forccs for ai rc raft conditions.
Switch is sturdi ly suppor!~d in ",.,.IeIO d. ..iI........... _
.... ..........InIl.IIMk .. Sw"" .....
this skc:lctooilcd bucket hr
Hus h h~"ded s(lews with 100k.
,., .1' ..... pD . . . . .. opI . ..... ft.
wu hels. 11.1' mouming holcs in th~ 101' of t h~ bracket ,~~"'.c.. I. . . . .. 70 ,." ..1" 1"'1 ....
In"".....' '''n .....' ..Inll .wlt.h
" . , .... , .... , .. n" hou,lnll' ."",111_
a r~ on standud ,I~' CeUI,'rs ~"d :Accepl No. 6}2 boll$. .,,11'1' d.,lo_ , .....Ir."," " .
Th e .... d ..,o.k MICRO SWITCH I. .... pr.p. rty .. nd Id."tlll. . . wllch .. mod e b., Micro Swllc ll"
II''''' '
Ma de Only By Micro Switch Corporation Freepor t, Illinois
"IlAl-T,CI1VG -
y"rJII fir'" o bjt'Cli vc in ~' Ollr radio career al' a ho b)J), o r as a pmfessio ll
will h e 10 learn th e radio.telegraph cod e. III order to obta in , III'
amat eur ami ,,-o nuncrl"ialliccll i'Cs you will have 10 he able to pUioi8 a satisfa c tory
cod e S()ct..-a . The 81WI'd o r th e lIulIIlll'r of word s pc r minut e in cOlic thai YOII will
ha\'e to co py wi ll o f courSe d CIJCIIJ 011 the 1.)'1)(; o f licclI ;;c tll a t you al)p ly for.
STA "T o ff 0 11 the riglll foo l. Firs l, you wi lilulvc to Itam the code char-
a c t.c r~ - bUI the olil y con"ee L !IIe thod o f li'a rlling these c har-
ac ters is 1.0 hear Ihe lll - 1101 to m em o ri ze them by sight. Nat urally if you Im",-
10 Ica rn the m by sound you \\'ill ha \'e 10 ha\'(; a friend ~c lld these code c harac te rs
to you. H e will have 10 do Ihis mallu ull y with t hc a id of a Icl cgTUI)h key a nd all
audio oscilhll or. AI~ ... yo u IlUd ix: tl cr c hoo5C a ,'c ry I)u licnl and loya l fr icnd
- o ne that will be wiLh ~' Oll at all timcs - eSIK.'Ciali y whc ll )'ou have Ihe lim c to
spare o r are ill the mood to cop y code.
BE up to mod ern d evelo pme nt .... We have your " friend" here in Ollr stock
- room . H e is better kno wn as an t\ul o lllatic K eyer or Code j\1"achille.
Being a ll elec trica ll y conlro lled a nd electronica ll y keyt..'ti make,> Ihingil cas)' fo r
him . I-Ie will send to you al all ho urs o f the (la y allli night. The !;ending wi ll he
nice and d (.,(l r-cllt - l,.(lsy to listen to - l.'f1.sier evelL W il.'flrll un.
EASY me thods make lea ruing quic ker . The AUlollla lic K e)'er si mpl~'
plugs into YOUT elec tric >luc k"" Place a To ll of laltC 011 the kcyc,".
tllrn o n the conlrol swit ches - Ihell >lj'( Ihe cod e s l)ct.'tl jus t where you wallt it.
Then you will pic k o ul the le tt ers, then words - and you' ve go t your s tart.
~ Tlti. i. " d,.rt view .1 lb oc-bu..
~ co_pl.t.lT t up ".d ..."d". ,. V .
The k"yill):! Ullil Irall"'r il... ~ (.'0 . 10: c hurll.c 1i1a l
:In' inl..,,,1 'Ill 1110" 1'('IH'r
1:' 11t! Ihn l p:I ~'I! t h roug h a n
rlt...lri .. T
11" k,~ i ll ~ unit is at lI,e rigl.1 "ill ..
e~ ..:
<of till' ,,;<,flln-, T Ilt" l ap" p" lIin!! II ni l will \11111 Ihe
I:'IN' tllrnugh till: keying IIlIil al any ;;1)(.'(.'<1 t .al you
, I ,~ ir, .
The lapes o f course, carry Ih e (ex t o f lh e mal cria ll hat will be scnt 10 yO Il through
the kcyc r. Every c1H1raClcr 0 11 th e La,le will he sound ed 0111 1.0 you clearly and
accura tel y. We believe (l ull we ha\'c the la rges t selec tion o f I.apes avai lable ill
the World , AlIlYI)CS - over three hundred vari clic:;, Th ere are Sileciallapes for
hcgillncrs, a silecia[ 8e L for slightl y ad ,'anccd s ludcllt,;; - and vcry inlricat e and
high s ifecd types for commercial l)raCl icc and old . lilllc Ullcral.Ors th at wis h 10
cl..... a'l'e ill sO llie hi"h speed eod e pntelice.
e " c .
""'Ii( 'I . II, T . II'Ii," ." .IIIIi I ." (II ,I.VTITIIi," ,.'' ' " ( '(HI-
,'''':11( '1.11, .1."" ,."",.: II-"-U"."T 11, 11"" W
, '""",,,,,
The !\IILo lllatic Keyer is known comme rci ally as th e (;81371.2 , the G8 13A
and is manufac tured exclu sively by the M cE lroy ~Ifg. Corp , This ty pe unit i...
also known as th e Arm y TGI0. The tape is the s tandard VB" recorder slip inked
with clots a nd dashes. We makc lIIall Y varieties o f t hi s tape with the tex iS as
sp(.'cifi ed by the llIan y Schools dc \'otcd LO training our me n in Ihe Armed Forces.
Sp(.'Cialtapes wi ll be made 1I1)()1l rcqucst for an y Governme nt Service.
Price ... o f key ill g CtjlliplllCll1 and talle,;; will be ljuot cd imlll ediatel y UpO Il re{lues l.
Dclivcri('s can be made vcry prompd y.
H you \\'alll to learn thc code quic kly, easil y and willi a IUII1IInlllll o f lime,
efforl a lld CX: p C II 8C, yO Il ca ll nENT un c ntire key in g Imil co lI1,l lcte wit h t a lle,,"
ami earphones. read y to go to work for you. Drop a card for rental prices a nd
furt her inforlllation. ,
String Savers
The man who saves string knows what he is doing . .. some day
those treasured pieces may come in handy. So, rather than laugh. we
encourage. for we. ourselves. know something about the value of pul-
ting away for a rainy day.
For example. the nuggets of knowledge stored up in yesterday's
manufacture of ultra-high frequency transmitters and receivers have a
definite bearing on the war work we are doing, And the ideas we're
"banking" today will be mirrored in ABBOTT equipment of tomorrow.
~ of the
the ur
o AIR tpR<CE
In war as In peace .
Right now Uncle Som', ormed forCei ho ve fint call. After Viela.y,
our products will o nce again relurn to civilio n se .... icc-improved
by wartime experience and moro dependable thon ever.
_.......--. . . . ..... .-.. ..
_ _ ("0"4
_ ... . ' -OJ. W .....
_ _ . ' '', _ . c..
....".... " .~'
Het~ you .~~ ch~ ~mlll No. c ~91 Air InduClor
.ho.. n in romPl',ioon .0 H& W hi,h.po"u
uni, for LO KW ."oin.> on any ,ypc
,ladly ~n' .
L ___________...;.; ..
1 LL;';
. ;;;
MION. 235
_ _ c - _ ....... ...
.......... A_., ...
H en:"
and aJ(ai
a.bsolu lcl:n ,the
I, \ V9G that'll
I'Q "a . come
n lS 10 in hand .
) r"I',- ' . Y lime
4 Iu " ris:h l for , _oJUi l 10 gel " Ii> yo u
" rcon lrol oo m
Icad~wOhk~. color~:~nc~nlain!
1, .: yJlf . f pri nl cnd in Ih rcc wall. Me.
le u r b- o n o (f o u"CI,
IY$ICmS r major C s u re,
Improved Communication Receivers
Will Come from the Tests of War!
America's communications take the lead in every action of
this war. Through new and skillful engineering applications,
laboratory performance standards are being carried right
into the banle areas themselves.
B .. ide.lhe p elie ed by th e In. lrue-
t09'r/loph. ever y . . h oul d h .v. well
d i.ecle d pr .. <:liC4(l i n .lruelion. Thi . i up-
plied by Ih e <:ompl. l. book 01 in . Uuelio n .
th ... 1 co me' wit h e v e r y In . lru clogr .. ph M .. - SPEED RANGE, 3 to 4 0 W.P.M .
chi n e . Thi . inform.tive b ook p . o v;d n Ihe
rem.ining " Ien nec..... ry 10 oblain
Code mlllier y. In .impl . a.y 10 under-
. I... nd I.ngu/lo ge it guide. Ih Iud . nl , I I. p
by . tep. 10 b e.1 .. dvanla'le, . .. pl ... ining Ihe
I .... impor l .. nt '.ho rt cui ." kn own 10 . .. -
peri.n c.d oper .. lor . T h. I ... b uelog .... p h .
:Jhe !)Mlruclofjraph
Ihe I... pe. Ih.1 com. wilh il .... d Ihe b ook 01 ACCOMPLISHES THESE P URPOSES ,
i ... lruelio.... give. you ev.rylhing n .ce.-
.. ry to " A <:q ui . e Ih e Cod." III _ell III to FIRST: It teache. y ou t o 'a_i v e telflgraph .ymhol.,
in a _ I nd m.intain . p eed . word. and m e ogfl'.
CONVENIENT RENTAL PLANS SECOND: It teache. you to .fl nd p fl riftctly.
Th . In . lrue i. m .d. in v . . ... l
mod.I., . ny of whi<:h m.y b. r e nl . d on
THIRD: It ;nc oafl. you p ftft d 0 1 'flnding and
very ....on.ab le I m . A . gov . rnm.nt '01- rftcftiying aft.r you have ieorn ftd Ih ft code.
.t.ielion ... lIow. it m.y .. 1.0 b. pu.<:h d
oulright fat c ... h a t o n co n v.nienl m o nlhly With. ,h.. l ... b~<>9 ph It ,. n . .' " _ ... . ".0 '", p _ ..... fr i.. "d.
pay .... nt. - . 110_. ...,. being .... d e JOt p<l.t
01 Ih. ' flnlal p<lid . A large va.iely of tap. .
i. a l""ay . av ... ila bla 10 I n.lruclograph
1"9 11,,_1.. , _ d io
abl. 10 Ih ... d .. anc.,d
._i. _.
I ... p . .ct ...... It i. al .. ~ ... . _~ .. and ., '!'ou. 1...... .cI,~I. . .....i .... And
1_ . ' .... ue fr . . h o ... ,nte.t..""lI O .R. M . oft..... _ ....,..d ." I;'!en_
T"h.. I ... truclog. .,ph j ... 1 .... ...1...
1_ ina-.ui"9 .nd .... i"'.. i ,,,"9 h i.
.pe.claa to ,h.. "-9i""... wi.h. ...., to obi_i n hio "P.... li n 9 e ..d.nti.I .
- elfl .... nlary ""ord., pl .. in la ngu .. g . d -
v.nced ....... g nd <:od.d g . oup . Ava il-
.ble too. i ... n 'Airw. y. ie. of I.. pel fa. win BRING FUll PARTICULARS
Iho in l....I.d in A vi.tio n . IMMEDIATELY . WRITE TODAYI
ESICO . ' . . ... I . ...... ~
ruggedly constructed pols of various sizes
designed for continuous operolion CInd so
constructed Ihol they ore e asil y and
quickly serviced, shOl.lld elements hove to
b e replaced.
A Complete S ource 0/Supply
TO<I<>y',wa",,,,,, n.."d._ whethe. fo< ..... ord!, produ.!ion, d lopm .... t 0< training
pl>fpO .... _ require In,'unl, ,"."ltillenl .ervin. H.r., at SUN RADlO, with Oyer 21 yeo"
e~p .. b"hind "'... e or. p'" p o red 10 o ffer I~a l p er/eel ,vice. We moin t"in to
v<", . ' ock 01 good., " e h"." " hi~hly co"'"e'enl, ttained I.,"'"ieo! .r"W, ond .. e ho ...
pedecl.d the art 01 .~p.dilin\l 10 the " ,h deg . Try .... ned lim
Suppliers to
U. S. HA VY, ele.
W rite, wire Of p ........
reg ard ing y o u , re qui.e",e n"!
MEMO to POlt . W ar Amat e ur s :
a ud Muunlings available.
D es pi te o ur COlt lpt CIC p rco cc upali o ll
with wa r p rodu ction, we a t .Jeffe rso n-
Travis have II Ot Inst si g;ht of til e I"Ole IWO-
wa ), radi o -t:O tnlllllll; C:J l ioll CQ Uipll lCl1t \\" ill
play ill the belf er days 10 COlli e . Our
highly speciali zed cll g;illccri ng; 51.lff is d e-
vo tin g; all 'l vaila blc lillie ;mel :s kill to Ill c
develup me nt of lI ew equip mellt for the
Armed Forces whi ch wi ll p rove of gre;ll
illtcrcst to th e radio a m ate ur. Acco rdi ngly,
when peace is restored we wiII be pre-
pa red to o lle r YOli v<'ls II )' improved cCluip-
Ill elit for yo ur enj o), nlc ili. III the mean tim e,
d cscripti vc litera ture rda lill g to o ur Utl-
restricted equ ipm e llt is availab le to a ll
licensed ;.l IUale t,lrs.
24 5 E... ! 23.d Slr t N ew Yor k 10, N . Y.
~~ depNlill'tIH tAU
.rf.ctioD la ..bert couaa ill cry81C11. AacI pedecdoa ___
oDly Ihrou9h p<ri.utall:iQv wwk.......... _1_1 -.rdI to d. lop
better and yel Mtt.r lII.thocb. 01 pocIuctlon.
At Scientific Radio Product. Compal1!, . .,,'r. d .,..lopba9 ~
b.tter methoda. N... m.tbodli 01 etdW:r." dp9. IIIWdIcmleaU,.
tumbling" c:ryRot. Into frequency ... aU ~.d at pnodudDg a HI.
ler biabe d c:rystcd at " . r co.L
Our armed lore.. ge" __ 01 thOH pert.ct <:fYII1aJa. But we c_
hondl. your imponaDl ....a 100 on order. Write u If
w" con he lp.
.. -
... ~l ...' IC
,,1\"'\ Electronic ports ond e quipment . ",
allo tH
You con concentrate ond streolnline
your purchosing by depe nding upon
s ,....o"~O
1II1l.....0I Sl GI'I ... l
."u'1 HorriSO - a single, dependable source SI ~I'1Of'1
0Gl'" for the products of over 0 hundre d " uo ,"
pUs'" S, ....out
, UIlGUS d ifferent monufoctu re rs! 51 "
C ","OVlU~ Our large ond diversified stock, our
C1"" ....~ . .. sn v ...... "
ot'",uo"G'"'''' technicol soles ouistonCe, ond our eight , ... n o '
ee yeors of procurement ellperience are
at your ~ervice.
' 1I,,~If\'
cu."", ~t . ... o" .... _... h .n Vido,y ' t ... on , ....... ill b.
""PP Y I. "9 " . .. ... . '" t.1... ,h , ol d o .. d ...... ,
... 11 10,h. 01
10'' ' ' on" b U ' i .. . .... i ...... " ' 10' ... .. co
.."..Vlll, "l
utl v p.$I1'I
UICO u, ...'"
p ", p o t U )
,Il,t 'fflSt~oUSI
G ... ~~ ... t lloM
1 00 .... 01 wtStoti
OU".OI ..... BUYER'S Save
", ... ~~".l..,..o GUIDE Time!
"'Q'III ....o
,"," C.II
, ...Q{fOM WOrth 2-6276
Fi fit!
I ---;. , -,1
DR 24 G I ~.,r.
DR 872 A
DR 873
DR 1.7
DR 300
8 eca use of thl: SLcr(cy encircling war production. lillie ca n bc IOld of a mcters im
po rta nce 10 almost C\'c ry phase of thc work. Suffice it to say that oye r a wi de range
of ind us trial (ILctronic applicatio ns .. . heat tfea ting. counting. refin ing . sound de
tection. colo r selectio n. and many others about which nOt a word has bee n spoken
or wriue n ... elect rica l measu ring instruments arc uni ve rsally used .
h is o f inte rest to kno w ... for presem a nd future reference . . . that DeJu r
precision mClers arc built into the (quipment employed by many war p lants.
Wherever used. these meters enjoy confidence from the standpoint of sensi ti vity.
durabilit y and depe nd ability. Peace w ill us her in even mo re n.;ow uses fo r meters.
T o inJu re absolutc satisfactio n. specify D eJur.
Send your ",ood out to light donate a pint to the Red Cross today
99 HudJo n Su n New York Cil, '60 Kin. Strnt W, ... T oronto
the Smoke has Gleared
Destination Known
Somewhat at the mercy of the elements. a paratrooper can't always
selecl Ihe exact spot for his landing. But he will approach his objectiue.
If you are a buyer of
ta '" f or all el.mic
coil forms
a I and pam ., . r ods_
A SNAP-ACTION Sensitive Relay
for Use on Slowly-Varying Coil Currents
To cheo:k R.I'....." Cf. d~~,.
cheo:k line .0
m;n~ Mm;n;on line lo .. e ..
an'enna ;mped
InCe match. H .. I!'t lune "I' '0
p~.k efficiency. NOD ;nduct;,e,
nonc.pac;';'-r. con"~n' in reo
~i5'. n~e. 100 0.Dd 2)0 "'.11 ,;~u
In "ous r .... ~'anCc5.
Sm.lI , I;~h ,. com pac. no""'" For " SC lero , .. be. filam"n ..
duct;.", ,esi.",. I nd cl>olo; .. , de-
,;""ed p.e,-en' u.h.f. pa",
oh;e oscillalion .... hieh occur
'0 pro"id .. an "teetr;eal Un'",
for .h .. "rid a nd pla'" . ",... n .
U n,er '.1' aCCUta'" 10 pl"t Or
in 'he pia ... a nd " r id leado of
pu,h.pull and panll tl ,ube. cit minus I %. Wire ...." (I ......
ond Uro .... n De";1 (to w.II
4;\1'' .
On l)' I l i " lon.o: o.~raH uni,~, in t ... i"ane ... f...,m to ' "
ond )i" in d i.m .. ,e . 200 o h m .
' S;''''''' '':,~~. :,,ound on low
. , ~.,i,c cufes ,
;,;,~""~;;";,,. ,~,~~ co;o,i"",.
Builo .0 earr1 \000 M."'. )
.,ock . i .... from Ui m~"U '0
160 me' ..... Hi and ' mdef
choh. moun ' h~ .... i . .. lea d .
Lo rKer .ius mou n' on h"-ACk ~
f or ,,~ n~ra l ... e .... h"'~ hi"h
H.h~,,~ in ...... 'on i~ tf!qu ired .
Su',.bl~ ror ci . ..... i.. up 10 I
....u. "4,i n" . U..", ror band
c h a n "in ... m ~.~ ....... i.chin ...
""ped 't.",ro.m~r C' tCU'u.
rIc. Cera mic con>truc, i"n.
TAP SWITCHES Simllli6ed, compact. COnv" n
j~nl pan,,1 r~" u",ion of ,h~
Compact 11 c..-4mi,,/ n ..... i ,..,n.fer or R.f. en", ,,y Ihno 'h"
~nl , o<ary .dectOf"S o . A.C.
link o. low 'mp.od.""", tjn~
""". Silve, 10 .ih"" con.acu.
Ra, ed . , IQ. U , 2'. '0 and
100 .mJ><.u ..."h .nr num
II."" ;n .... n y
F.lim in"e; .... in" ;n ,,
... n . ... ;""' ...
ber or la p> up 10 I L, L~> I l.
12 nd tI '''''rec, i lr. S,n .;! r " oil.. Al l ccum ic viftc<>u
o.'andem a.""m hl 'e~
pe,.atols o
W"'lfU H , C ... NDlU
Q, ;. ;ft. ' n, ~I th. I. ... ou, C.ft JI ..
S........ ft"
'ft.<nJ .. 1 .A. C. ft".
I,. Sy" .... Cft,"".ft .
, O U L... .. I.t;o\ ltS "''' ')0 CO )).: "",I P''''''' ' '' )"'~ ,, 1",,.~srh.1I.
""ree' u r ImprtJy" )'u " , ,.. eKen. ~I'<'.-d an,1 I,.ufidc",y .... '.h Ih ~
CAS I)I, I'. K S\'STI;M which 'nol". yo " ,,, IIt e .. 1 a ll c .... " 8 1..... 01
'i"I'''nie '' I5 I... , h .,se ~ ~ ... lcH, II1 ~O Am .,.,,, nd CO nime , d .. 1
I, k.,n ".,.
YOU Co\S [, ... K N (; Ol)~: K[ G II T , from Ih l! bl!ll.l .. "h.ll. , a ~ y....
will ...... ~l nl1; 1I . . .. n " I",no l"' ...'lIh 'h .. C,:"'Nl)l.t; K S \ ST.: M
, ' K"'IN,NC; In h .. 1f 'h e " ,In,.,.
" OU C:",N S IF.F. IJ U P "O UR CO IJ .. nd "h'"I " y .. ur I . IC~:NS F.
, IT 1I,,,,lIfy l o r 1I1 (; lI t: K 1I, 00T ' 1'OG ""d
,,(;001) JOII hy ' ,,"I n lt
C:"'N IJ I. f.K TK,\ IS IS G In yo ". h"",,, 0 . pr.,.en, I" .... ", ....
Th"",c"lle n c.,o l C:... NIJ I, I: K SYSTI!M l'K... IN I NG .... . .... ' o un. ed
f or Ih e SU(X:I'_~'i "I
on"n y 'h""
"d s " , pr".."n l d ay III G Il
S I'EF, I) _ Il lCa, K"""': I) _ III G II 1'''' ( 1) OI'II,}C"'TQKS. I. I" ~u
c:~:h~IYI~~\~~I.'Ic~::~~~:i :t'ii.~~J~' ~r:~.. t:~N'I~LEu~r~'!r~'im:
T. _ . MdUOY
I. '."eo<
m,..., I" .. n m " m"rI ~lnli I" e cud e . nd on.,... ly..,,,dlnll.
an d ,""'"I~ lnll'" ",,",o no.,. ~" m~... r~d lo " pt..... lo . . .... " "tOy 11.<><><1
011,.:,. ,H.l
Ch"""., .... R~"'''O'''' '"t ''' . ""''''''<1" li e ..'III ."'1 )' ''OJ c: .\N I)I .~: K . "".. h,'~ Y" " lIuk" ' Y, .h",
""lI.h ly. Ihe . ",' h" IQue " f I.. ". ".'""ra. " ''''L'I1ora"hlnll ... ...1 'noln,
S"",', .. '", .. . ..... n"' . .. h ~,III "
e ..d~ T" .. ,,, " men , J .. , .. J . , " . y",,'o nu,,01 li ll."",,, ' r,,m ,,n ' ,,.
~o,." ... .. >Mill 0 0 <1
~, .~ .., ,h~
L",I HN 1t'1IJ,' H'; I'''H l ' O U ,IHI; '0 ......1 .. "', H_ I .,.. Cod" ,,'
. ~ .u" CO , 'h ~ r. ~ lu,"'r . " ' k-",ift,,
" . 1.. 1<,. W. U r . <; . .. 01 ,,, U'-. "'r.
I" .,....., I. "L~ .., a.,'. h'" " 'I,h",,,
111(111 s r f: li l ) ,
" ,',r.y .. u , .... .... , y .. ' e .\ :'< I". KK '"1 IItOIl OUO nllO .... 'MINO (OU'"
""'''/ I .. /"" , .,...., /I, .. " '~'P' ''' '
I. I.,. "I" "" ""'"
",,,/ "'I"" .... 0",1,
" ,(;d""clI.
e' '' 'K C: .. .\\t I'IO:'<S. ond "' .....
I h ' e ""_ .... , " '1/1 h~'p 7"" . " .. lilt IIUO . ... ' " 10UCII ",.WI'IINO COU." I. " _ I"III1I".,,,..u,1
!'RKK , ,\ "".. ..... 'd .. on 10,1"1 It , .. 10. II." "'1t" ..... 101 ,,, "-,,,,,,, ....".."
In ,It .. "'" ,,( 0,,' '11/"'''''/''''
....... :'<0 "I;oU"""'" '0' ""1'111"11 .,."1,,.
I.e.,,,t ... o ... ~ " , I mp ... ,I .. . S ~ ... d ,,~-.: ........ . . .. M .... '.I p,,,,,.
u.., hu . , ...... l> ~ .~.-Ial T , . t .. ln~ . ..-101.-10 .. " ~" ""'~ " L'" In d~. ' I" ...
Inl 10 10 . .......,01 .. ,.." " .. ., ,,"hlu "":'< I>I. &K '" ~I .., )',," 0",,,.1 )'.
"''''''''~ ''' ''' ''' ....~ .. ln ~1.r. I."~".~
I ..... n" ,,," .......... ,.,, ...."... "'''''0.. ' ".. d .... t.ndln ~ ,h~ ...
t ... ..... ~d .nd ' " . . . , ...y. h . ,d
0 01 ..... r. "'".. " I " . hl~ tI ...... ( :,o,:,<n ,. &., . 10" .. , ...... 10" !'.....~Y.
1I .:Tnt K W ,\ , . , ,, ,WK.: n , S tol l.!. ... d C O nK I'KOP ' '' ' K:'<CY , " .. . ., . ... .
TIN G,.,., W.II ./ Chh,_2JJrJ
_UtI /ell,-bill . HI/I JO(I(J B.C.
Thr.... 'h .... t every uep of m...n"raet"..., lonr life '" built Into T obe And bof<>ni' m...nuf.ct .... " bo.i .... Tobe en""",,", bay.
obown "Ci t In,cn .. ity in pionfttin, new and a dvanced d .. ",,,.. Tbe
""i..... l aopa.eit .... (Tobc OM 60 l j wlt b b old-down bracket il . bown
bo ....... 1t hal m...ny .... b .. ndinl
over cer.. in otbcr typn and alla"",a o r capad_
ton. T b", nn<'coopoocil .... il I\.rOnC. compact and
l pa,,"_v;n, Ind tbe new b old-down brIck,.
pennit. thc u.., o f citb ... inv ..... <:d .... .. p.-;,ht
lOll OM_601 C ... ,,,eITOn I.... minalo, wilh wirin~ .. OO.,..,..,.,h .... on tot>
n,( OM ofcllaa''''
Willet .OS ,o2.0mfJ. 600 V. o. c. Write .. I 11>0\11 y .... r capaci tor problc mL
OS mfJ.,o I.OmlJ. t.IlOOV. Il.C. They ... ml.-ve the ~t drortl ofTobc co,inec .....
IIWllI umm ,.,wln ... 10"
1111 ","UIiE . T ...i o.c. B,inl
1 _ TIll ... 1.S00 Vol ... o. C
..11.11. . HtInD I. . , ,' f.o , . f
1_' IUI"..
.OSIOO. ' ",Id. 10.000 ..... oh .. ..
HIOO. ' mId. Il.IlOO .....oh ... ..
Ul\\lt~ fl\\\~ ItWIRI
fOR UU\tl SE\\V\t[ 0"
D O N'T tel slow de liveries of rodio and e lectronic components dela y
production schedvles in yov r p lont. SEND US AN O RDER for ALL the things
you need right now ... a nd we will $hip AT ONCE every possible item we
hove in slock, a d vising probable delivery do'e on the bolonce. We w p ply
tronsformers, filters, wire, resislors, rheostats, rectifien, ponels, sockets, tubes
a nd thousands of other ports OIREa FROM STOCK to Ame rico's wa r
industries, Khao1s, lo boro.ories, elc.
0.... "vlor fill'" ..........
..... d. by co f,, _ _ foe:- NEW IMPROVED TYPE
tur ... , and fuII~ " ....,ont. ." 01 Of/ RII.d_ Oil Impre9"",.d
roted OIlolI." Tho<>oond. h,a".
b .... 00101. 101 ... 1 f )'OUI' own
.quip .....,l, , ~ lobc:w" rory .,,,d
. . p .... ;m.nlal pllfpoo ... 0... ' i.... ' ~; ... .-......... 9 ... '01 .
. .... $3 25
c-,.I". --=.....
'OO'. _ wi"_ ~ Iot,,< '-Ie-
. . ...
,.. .... .n...,......,
2000 Y. D C.
c;,."1 _ .... ..e...1
hlg"-l'IoI r....... ' .....
, Vo lto DC.
O"'y L 26$
2 2000 4V. ,, 3 \1o .. I . 1.5 0 O"'y l 265
'000 ,. .. J 'A. .. 3'1 3.75
dewelry? ~away.'Y.a.
These are Sickles products - coils and condensers -
as p recise and dean-cut as a Swiss walch, as handsome as f lorentine silve r,
and IS scarce, (or non-military pu rposes, as rubies. _ . (hough our production is up
in several d epartmen ts some 400% over Ihat of pre-war days. They're jewels as per(ormcTS. 100 _ ..
as yo u might well judge by ou r reeeody-wo n Arm y-Navy "E,"
Superior Sickles specialties o f Ihis high <jullity will be available
for general use as soon as Vicwry is won. Meanwhile, picaS(' bear us in mind.
Th~ F. W. Skkln Compfln). Chicopee, l'II aJSarhmrflS.
HY75 $3 .95 HYJ 148 $2.25 HY615 $2.25
HY 75" 'HYUG" HY6U"
fl"'-"t POI ...';oI . .. ttI.)...,JU f lro..tnt _.ntlol ... '1 .. .., ...... 6.3 ...
f lr-ft! curr..,t .:, . 2.6 _ . r ,I_..., cu ..... t .. . 0.1550 . .. 0 .175 o .
Pia!. ""'........1(010 .) 450 ,",ole.
Plot. cu"..,' <-0 .),. . . . . ... . . .. 90_.
Pklt. l!O' ... tlol (01011.) .. 180 v.. .... 300 ....
I'l0l6 d ju,pgtion (010 .) .. . . . . 1S watts
Plate cu ....\1 <_J.. ,... 12 ....... 20 ' '' '
Plot.dllllpaUon( __ .) . 1.8w .. 3.5 ....
No.ll1Ot Clau C OUII)ll1 . . 20 woIt5'lClt CIa" C OUI""I . 1.4 w . 3.8 w.
HY30Z $2 .75 HY31Z $3.50
moroenlpolenlio t... 6.3 v, '"6.3 ...
f 'I"',nl """...1.. . . .... 2.25 ........ 2.5 " .
Plate pote'lt i.,1 ( ___ .) .. . 850 v,.... ~ ... 90_ ... 15o_.
Plote d iniI>(Jlion (.... .) .. JO w..... 30 w.
No-i ....1 Ckn. C OU!POII . . 58 w.,... 56 w~
N _i",,1 el"" 8 0 .......
......1>'11 110 w 5 1 w.
HY40 $3.7' HY40Z $3.7' HY60 $2.7' HY61 / 807 $2. 2'
HY~ I HY40Z 1 HY60 11 HY61/ 101H
Fi!oooeft. __ n,ia' . '" 7.S v ... .. 1.5 ... r iloa..-.t pot ... 'iol ... .... 6 .3 Y... . 6 .3 .. .
fiI_t cunent . " .... 5!.l'S" .... 2.5 ... r l........ t c.,ft ..... ... . . . .. . O.S a .. 0 .9 o .
AnII'. foe .,.. ..... 25 80 PIo,e pot .... 'iol (_ .) .. .25 Y 600 ...
PI",. di,dpo,ioft <-_.)...40 w .. 40 w . Platt <:10""" C__ .) .. .. .. 60 _ .. ioo_.
Plot . , ... 1000 ..... ., . liS _ . . ..... Plot e d ' l , j pa,~ C_ _.). 15 w .... . 25 w .
Nooolr>ol CI .... C ....,""'... ... 9( w , 0 ,,,, C OU'po,o, ... 16 w . . 0 w .
Noooh,,,1 CI .... 8 .... ,pu,
(2 'ub.s) ... les w ,
3 w . ...... 65 w.
)w . . 152 ....
VRl 0 5lO
Hall...,o Mgh .voc ...... ,ectill., . ...... .
25 ."""tt d . , .... od. ( 11'.". h_' ..) .. .... .
5 ...... "
Go._ voI,_
_ ilia .................. ... .
l .5"",,"uh" riod ............ ......
, _ I _ (OCl).. .... .
..'"' .00"
VR1 SO. )o Go........ 'tOI,_ , _1_ (001). . . . . ' .00
HYU $3.00 HY69 $ 3 .9'
H Y6 S11 HYM ff f n l, " _ a " ..... plel. 1I,t.
f ila ..... ' pot ..."a!. ..... , .. ' 6 .0 Y... .... .. '6.0Y. o Inllon,.h"", ;no ~I _ ..,t.
FlI"....., Cu"en' .. .... .. . . 0 .85 o . . ... . 1.6 o . I T<lod.
Pla'e pot .... ,...1(010 .) .... . ... SO ... ... . . . . . . . . . 600 Y.
Pla'e cun .... ' COlO_.)... ........ 75010 ..... 100 ..... "U. H. F. T.jod.
Plo,e d,,,,pa,,on (.....) .. .. 15 w . . . .... . . .. 27 w. II B"".. , ..,od.
No.lnol Closs C ""'PVt ......... 20 w .... . 35 w . II R.c,lf,.,
il' .. I.:r:" our a,.. ig llmc ,,' ... I'" .. ,-j"., ""n... ro,,~ ....m'.." ..' ''. 1'8r' $ 10 th e lea tl e ... in
" ... ~fi ..ltl. 5 ..", .. o r ,h....., C""'I""''' 'U ~ ..... "imp' e lu m an Uf.,('lUr ... U",er8 are more
inl r iul ....... ' . . . n~' ...... " . ...arh fin .. i ~ " .. i,,~ hill juh in ..... Ia)'. " ' In"" ,,
"I,I;n ' ;",,,;,
Thuu ..... m l.. of " ,ul eo " an . .. u ll 0 .. , uf """ "I."...oe r y dar. A' ...,.. huih 10
~"I,..,riur fil a ntlar,I~. th ey'o',. , ..... " II""ro''',' 10 an ... en hig h r-r d"Sl"f!e 1>eI.': . ..... of
lilringen! ...rtin' " ",,,,,,,fi.... ,I .. ,,,;. Vi'" .. ~ I c " m .. ,....., .. ;n'l"i r in,
. L--
* Anolher year rolls a round- and the main proble m remains the
winning of the wa r- quickly, efiicie nlly. e co n omically. Fo r thai
reason Claros tal continues 10 be pledged 100% 10 meel the n eeds
of our fighting men. You can count on Claros tal. 10 the very limit
in your war eHort. *
And alle r the w ar. with the retum 10 poace-
time radio and e lectro nic ac tivitie s. Claro sla!'s gre atly e xpanded
facilities will serve you even belle r than ever before. Mean- *
while. bear in m ind Clarosta l fo r . .
lIIe,b t a n . Contro .. ...
AU Iypn. both .,."d.ud a nd apedal. CoDlpoallion . lomon i 0 . '01'0 ' eon Ihlnlll In th.1r cr.... AI_ pooctct....
M.,.t.el ad . trip ...itlOll, a.kaIU.. uols wl ,h Iho Illblliud .tom." I, . . t.d .... miu .. ond . tllot eooiroll. Al_
",oIdt'd . !tlp '''''-'0<,. Vol " lls dl
.. Idoors. n,aibl, .....'0.. IncludIn g
,abUlhinq nlW slandl 'do !o , ' hil Iyptl.
2~ . hm. I. ~ m-t/oh ...... Wir wound
.UlpU ' I UOnU. ' .'S. C." I ""I I
ped.n.,.. to. coal.oI 01 individual
(o" .... Tllo me-I 1"I,Ie. t. ,0-
Cl ...... h"'. or gl .... ]"... l.,ed pOwer
al.,o a nd low _wanl ge h .... llnll
men I . G.eenohl1Ul - l ha IO\Igha. g._n_
,I. 100.000 ohml. Cho;.,. 01 ,.ptI...
' _ ' I " I"d po'. oll . .... ,.... "" 10
A, . O ... r Jololo.r
II you. real,l. n.,. 01 eonlro' r.q .. lremenls
elS eo ..... .. I"n.!. uir TO .. , Jobber lor 11 .,d
.rd C I.' ..... U " nlll. Olherwise rue ...
Humidity Problems in
Radio Transformers
Cu" s l" ,,1 r,~~,"r. h . " "' I,,' r 'c" <:<:' ,-ig il",,1 l.rudu <:l iu lI a"d <:"" Ii"u ou ~ I c~ l i ll " lire hu;11 illi o Ih e ,.r<:d,io n
......' Slr .. <: l iu ll .. r c O'c ry Ci" " ... I"K r" l.h 5 1",,, k o:r . Th "I'~ " ''' y yu .. IU~ I 101' l.crru rl1l u" c:e, "ta mina 10 ~ p a r.,
a ll.1 Illllxilllll m n dcl ily rru ... (j ,,,u u lugr,, ,,h 5 1, .. "k .~r i " ~ I " Uu l io" 8 .
T" k e Ih e "i\hlll n rd " - II In. i<:,, 1 Ci " lIu.I"l!r"l. h S I.c ll kc r ,"c hi cH!"'''''I. Th i" m ll~ l cr l. i e or <:rllrt ""'lI n ~ h i p
a nd t! II,i n e.::ri"K iii i llll ,,~,..iu ,, ~ I" m .. i ~ l lIre lind r" KKed - r .... umllI e mled ru r most Illll r in., 1111.1 o ul ...., r.d oor
i n ~ I II II " li o n ~,
lIul II U m ll ll.~ r ..-h "t ~ i:tc u r I ~ I'" .. r Ci"'''HI"gr'' llh 5 1'c" k" r rou <:h uusc - rur W ll r lOr I'ell<:e - yo u <:lI n
be Jl ll re Ih nl ulI l,. Ihe rinesl 1I..'I .'r i " l~ 11 11,1 hi jl; h" ~ 1 ill ~l' er li ,, " ~ ' II ."llI rd ~ II" inl o .'ach unil. Add u p all
uf th c .... ra<: l .. r~ ,,,,01 Ih."' 1.,11 YO II ..-h ,. C i .. a ud "l"r" l.h S I, c llk c r~ li re i"'" r .. II I;oll" lI,. rU JII " " ~ ru r d o io II
to c ll c r j ......
\1' a l<: h Ci" p u.1pll r" l.h S l"" " k c r~ II r", .. Vi('lu""!
$p_fme" cut .bowl" .
ttl! ...
Incilldln, Freqllency Modillatlon- Te le ,,1110n tc.
~f'''';;:::;'~ I n,ide l olormo.l'oo In. Aviation, M"';ne, Comn>~l"\liIlJ Operaton
a"d Tecbniei."", S.rvi~= ....nd IOlude .. ~
1001 Thi. .... u 0I'"I!:aIIi~ rMdinll .......... in n...iio i ...."""",Dy . uitabkl f ....
FACTS bom8.t1Ody .. nd ........dy ..,f_08 If\Iide to belp yOtt learn Lb. iru&ide facw abolll
radio. T'be a mollnt of lI>Iolhemali(Ol ""I";"'" f...... . ~I ul u lllly of thi. book i.
f"lly oo,-en:d ... t b, ..... rio ... cha p~.... oel ude nu",..",ue pncli.,.l radio probl~ ......
.,.... full! ,,"o,lIed OU I, 81Cp by .I~p, to I...,i r fina l ""tll.ion , 11'e DOII..., l' n O-
(1; __ Aut""'l;" Pri "";pI.. and Pradl_ i n Con<ttruec lon. O!>ftS.ion. 8YIoe .I:
Repai... c;." . _ cIetorly and ooneiootiy Radio funda",..nw.-Oh ",. a ..- Ph"';" 01
_ ,0.<1 ... reb~ t o radio ..,;.,...... - ~f"'"urillll .1IOt"'''''''ow- )'o...". . .. pply- ReIl . .....
- Induet_-c;.,.....,.-ro- T ... ""' or ...... and eurnp!eo- U........I;f\& &t&tio ... -
n.dio TelephoQy - l~ ven-Di ...... _-ConoI"'etioo -Conl "".yo"'ma-LoucIo~-
en- AntennN-Allto l ladio-- Phon"" ... pb picllupo- l'toblia Addr_ S, .. t...., ... - Airc .. f~ '"
Caleul. tiono _ T .., ing - Cl thode "r.
Marine lladio _ ltadio c;.,mpaoo- Hn.""". - Aulom&t ia Radio Alarn>I-Sho,' Wa ,,_ColI
08<i!!Oj(,a phl-81Itia EJ irni .... tlon- T touble rO'''I~ ..- Un-
de"..,iter. Ila ndarda- Unita '" tab . . RJ:: \, IEW QUEST IONS- Jtc.dy }(~f~ ... _ l odu.
ia' , , - - - - - - - - M A I L COUPON T O D A Y - - - - - - - - - -
THI:O. AUDI:L & CO., P"bU.h.r. . ... w t 23rd St., N ew York
M aa AUDELS N f,W R..-\ OI O M AN!! G UIDE for 1_ e .. rni .... tion. If O . K. I will oetld )'Ol,l 'I
;0 i day.; thaQ re",i~ 'I mouthly yntil ' 1 i. paid . Otb, rw ioe I wi!! ~t u,n 'I .
N R~ __________"________
"S PE C S"
Minimum (:ase depth.
Full Siandard ~ i lte rigid mec hani sm
nO projcainJ( base.
I \Xrid e r shroud sirengihens face: foc,,~e~
allc nd o n 011 scale.
Sin'piilicd zero adj"sunen c.
Sapphire Ot cqui.. al., nt jewels. All com-
poneol p arts finely m;ade and of iupc:r ior
Iblllnced Bridge Supporl.
M eld Bridjtu U IX>lh cnd:.
Separate Scale M ounling. Oll'rI~N"O"'!i OV.IfA" 0221 - r
Doubly Supported Core. W,TH jTU&>S lJ, NuTS. OIrD'"
A /so 'H'tI ;lahie ill metal cast K.S 67B~
NOT(: Wilen 'I" cc ;, .1 premium .nd (or til
;n;ons whe re s p.ce is efficiently u~. Triplnt
Thin.Line In)tl'Umen .. l ei ' neW 5 nd.ed of ""....
ci.;0<1 perform.n ce in "conden.""" . pace. PgT fuU
dot.ilJ "".i,e for 1 ripl~l l hin.Une lIuU ..;n to l Obe
Triplr:u Elcarical ...,,,,,1l""01 eo.. muff.nn, Ohi ...
AScientific laboratory Geared
for large-Scale Production
of Water and Air Cooled
Mo... f. ....
-- -""""""" --
Ci< 1 ~I..
O;.. I"o 'i..,
AI /10\ .. ,
.... ~
Mo. , "",.
'0' 22.0 .52.0 20.0 "00 27.0 "000 2.00 10000 '20000 1.. 20
220( 21..5 41.0 3.5.0 5000 22.0 ,,000 1.00 10000 IIR2.500 3.0 JO
2211" 21 .S 41.0 17.0 "00 23." 6000 .75 3000 8Rl000 1.5 20
232( '20.0 72.0 40.0 Booo 22.0 20000 2.00 20000 &R8SCO 1.5 20
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" Ciao
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6.3 2000
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%1_120 10.0 2.50 30.0 5000 5.' "00 16. 75 0300 30
111M 10.0 2.50 23.0 <200 '.6 "00 160 75 (175 25 50
1250 elSa
203" 10.0 3.25 2.5.0 <500 13.5 I7S 10.
" 80
203M 10.0 3.25 25.0 <500 11 .5 "00 I7S 100 C200 30
23.0 . 000 15.0 25. CSOO
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3.25 12.0
<500 12.5
1250 '"
I7S 100 (150
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242C 10.0 3.2S 12.S 3600 13.0 1250 150 100 .20 6 25
251A 10.0
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21. 1000 C1200 3. 6.
261A 125 Cl75 30 50
270A 10.0 9.75 16.0 5700 21.0
'" 35. '.5 20
276A 10.0 3.25 12.0 '00' 1250 210 "5 e175 3. 50
3041 ,.,
10.0 21.00
11 .0
100 35
3011 14.0
7500 17.4 2250 m 250
I '.5 3.25 15.0
2000 2.' 1250 80 35 C65 60
1.2S 1600 600
10.0 3.25 SO.O
.. 00
"00 6.' "00 80
13. 10.0
125 C375
1301 10.0 2.50 25.0 3080 11 .0 1000 150 60 1175
13. 10.0 10.00 35.0 000 6.3 300 '00 300 Cl000 "
30 "100
2000 2.5 100 100
'.5 3.:15 11.0 1250 05 35.
13' '0.0 3.25 50.0 "00 1250 m 100 1275 30 12.
3 .
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..... .
." 11.0 15.50 20.5 15000 47.0 2500 1000 '50 Cl700 3
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10.0 3.25 12.0 1200 2.6 3000 150 100 Cl65 30 12.
.... _ , o !.... oro ' ypko! of .... do" of _.k. 1ft wflidl !h. ",100 I, _ , ,",,-pow .. .... "". p" pol! of ... 10.... Cio" AI POW" ..".,n.. _ _eMo.or
'114 to"" ",o<odl"'ll .0<11 'ollng Id_llI .. III. po"l(u! .... d o .. of ,ftyk. o.
_0< .
DlOpllfl...... ..,.110_
_ " ......... DO< ...100 G. 00 .. C pIerIo -odvIot'" ...,1,,1
,.1. 1.0
"00 '.00 1.5
1 .' 0
42.00 ,, ~
0. 50
20.0 61 .00 50000 10.0 110 ". ~ 10 UOOO O.loo I.~
217. 1.0 on
'.0 10.00 ''''00
5.0 10.00
'.0 40.00 ,,~
U o
~ [N;1] ~ [ rn1 ~)A
'72" M OJ> t.2~ ' .0
_ ..... _ II 4 . . - _ .. 0 . ........ '_""I
,,_ ..... d .... r. .....1taoiI. 79 W. ,hin,ton St. Broolcl," 1, N. Y.
S lo:vEth ese
RAL different types
instruments wi ll
uvu ilul.Jl c. One t yp e is a co m-
pl ete perforator and ll'unsmit-
ter in on c unit d es ig n ed to be
Ll sed on h ea \')' c irc uits no w
m u nuull y operated. Thi s will
provid e hi g h s p eed, a ccurate
Ll'u n smi ssi OIl with less fati g u e
for both the se nd i n g a nd re -
ceivin g operator. It will a lso
greatly r edu ce th e poss ibiliti es
of e rrors. The trun s milling, of
co urse, ma y be don e by n typist
wi th no knowledge of th e cod e .
'l'h c l'o will be u\'uilabl c a lso
l.h e regular cO llll11 c r c inl type
of se parat e p c rfol'u Lor und
,.'Q I .UI:;II WITII FUf, /. 1Jf.' SCUII'TlQI\ ' WIU.
O f: f 'UX N I SIII.;(J UN)Y 1("(lIII':S'"
A lso complete lill c uf COlle I" s l n,.. ,i",. ilu~ lr"III ('IIIi<. I\l AS
TEll TELE/'/.EX nt/Hli" ... Ill e Oldy Co(if: ill." ' nIl'IIJ r L1ml
will record your UHm '''f''lffill /,! .~o 111111 yO Il C flll 'W I' e.'l"Ilf"lfy 110/1}
you //Iulw. yo ur ."iglllll ." 111141 111 (>/1 repf!'I' tlwnl 1.111(:1.- 10 yo u"
107 ...... so .. Sf.ree l '!Ie.sey
Ci.y~ l\~ .. d.
T j Mod.1 ,~.
I '....' I ,-
110VOlTS, ~ClCll I too V.M.
1 ('0 .... 1.9
CGpGcI'1 No w C..... I.9 H.'. v",,,
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ww , '"
~ 14H.... 4 AIUT ' 1" S no
16H ....
UH .... 4
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,~ lOH.O.U ~~ '1 " S
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HH .. W4
.$H ..14
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(dol "" "'" ."
.. IBOt<
$IH ..14
..env ....... 1 . ~01
1. ~ ..1
, ___~___noo .'.M.
~~, loRol g--I-- i '''' 1 '00.00
~o. loRoi ,,~ 1460.00
1 ).000
"'u." su........
Furnished with ond without filter. Filler oot needed for opera-
lion af appliances Mh a, electric signs, amplifiers, etc.
MOIlIL 511"25, 511',0,5:1.
..... p .... '-~I
3600 . P....... ~O c
_. s ...... s
I ............... II .. "
Special fillers furnished
available with governor. Recommended where D.C. input
'P~ specific;olion. Smoller sizes
,. 11c. :~
.~, ,~
Dol:. ';'1 ....
I ..... A _ ~ On "".
....... IS!i
11.- "'
l1f I ,.." , I n" . Ti/i." ,'/."
""" ,. '" "".."
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H. lteA'! ~IN III t " 1 1) <1." I I JJ I. ~
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IU/ ' " 11/1." 11ft..
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.... , .. . ... _
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,Itt '"
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,%l 't."" 11111"
,. ' fl"
To bru .he bo.nd of ""is lundill. ,hr~c Sobr (acto_ .he mtn and "'om~ n of ,his mod".n aircondi,iontd
r;e. are now o~r~,;ng "round ,he dock", The me" (ac.ory Ire rudy.o help yo .. sf>C'cd ,he d~r o f Victory.
I nd .... omen of F.aSlun Plan!! I and 2 we.e 101.1 If you r n pad.or or 610cr problem i. made ouu.
"Well Oone" by ,he Army and Navy; ,hey proudly you ClIO" br nmin of "Q... l;,y Ahove AU",
....... ,he Army-N ..y "[", Sol.r Manurln",; n" COrpur;o,;un.Gc n ...... 1Ofllcu:
Th~ ;\Iid"",.,,,,n Pbno hu j..., ".rced p,oo,,(.;on; 8 .)'o nnc, Ne .... Jersey.
.. , R ... D I 0 f I I I f R S
New and unusual calls for w:mime supply have enlarged
the scope of Allied service. As ;1 rC5uir, Allied has been
termed a centralized ar~nal of supply {or (/'Cry/hln!, ill ;"di,
and r/u lrr)llics. Twenty years of specialized experience h2$
made (hi s possible . From the large Allied stock nows a
consunt stream of ndio lnd cJeclronic pans and equipment . . . C:lr
marked (or the waf training centers, the battle roOl s, rhe waf plants,
the laboratories and rhe govcrnmenr agencies of the Uni[(~d Nations.
* Perhaps rbe'- soldier who transmiu urgent battlefront messagc:s was
trained on equipment supplied by Allied Radio . Perhaps :I. vital pro--
duction line was kept going, a new development project completed
sooner, a communications service mainnincd , or a needed repair part
quickly obtained -~cause oC some service Allied was abk to render.
* Close comace with all leading manuCacturers has been a CaCtor in
coordina.ting 2nd simplifying procurement oC every type oC item for udio
communications, 2S well 2S industrial electronic applications. Precious
time has been $:I.ved . . deliveries have ~en expedited . A technical
scaff frequently 2ssists on design and application problems.
* This (limp/til WlIrQ/i'{.tJ Jtrl';ct h2S provided purch2sers with a con-
venient, depend2blc source of supply for all their needs . During the
emergcncy every effon is being m2de to supply avaii2ble repair and
replacement parts without priority . And , when Victory is won , Allied 's
warlime experience will make it possible to render an even broader and
mOr(: helpful pcacedme service .
ALLIE D I UYI NO OU IDE - Th..,.."Js pllJ tbis , .. ,..1,1. .. c. .. ,."i...,. " NtlT.""
~ ' ''I1,,,J #If "f.,II. 14'...,..... , fix ",.J ,II ,,,4,.
ft";;'. A c'l:J "" II ,,"J .Im,miu,
"'''' hllly AI/ItJ till. '''Illy if.
ALLIED IADIO COl'., IS:) W. Ja ck ,on Il v .... Dop " 10-4 4 . ChlUIIIO 7, m .
As a sp:cid ,,ar- HflPFUl TECH N ICA L .OOKS
rime Kn ';ce, All Ied Rldlo Bulkle,s' HlndbOO~ NO. 3175(1
hu prep~red a K,iu 0 1c,icHla,., 01 Rldlo ll1mo No. 3 1151
o f u:chn iul bookl Radloformulas& DllaBoo~No. 31752
fo r u d'Q Ir. inins
and for helpful ,ef-
erence on ,he job.
Radio CI.cuil HandbOOk No. 31.153
Slmplilild Radio Servici1t1 NO. 31155
An., BHL JOe 'lffb Radio
T hey arc ,"valbble
. , !he COS! of prepa'
Rldio Data Han-dboo~ No. 31.754-25c
All $1. 800ks No. 37799 _1$1;
'*"9 .. ;e"a,;"
ralion and mailins. W." , / ... Q""";".1 Q._.',,,,,. E"':t E/Ld"""
Perfe ct co-ordination of skille d minds and hands In
well knit organization w ith 20 years of radio manu-
facturing ex p e rie nce has be e n the s e cr e t of MERIT'S
succ ess In building precision e quipme nt to the most
e xact ing sp e ciflcatlan s.
Now manufacturing for every branch of the
Arme d Se rvices, Including component parts
fo r the Army 's famou s 5CR-299 mobile unit.
Enlarge d f acilities e nable us
to offe r prompt shipme n t
on prio r ity orde rs.
Since r924
T ro n s fo rm e r s-Co I Is-R e-
Windings of
AU Types for the Radio Trade
- ....
The K ey
e h a mpi o n s
k " . ...... ~ ,, ~"'. \ a .... ,,' ~ . I
Soml-AuIO,"Ollo Radio Tel"graph Key
I ~ h'nh II" . II".
S""d~y .-....... .., of 01 th:. ',p., pIon. .... _ , _ , _ . . ..... ' _ ' ... TINT
.... line .. _lot... Cop ..... . IIWU. MOVIMINT ..... ""Idl ... M,~ .. q ..... hly .I, .... to ..........1..
01 the II ..... _d ..... p ..I.. ... ...... lpuj ... l.... , ..... " ..... , ., b. I",. b . ... on ......... .,IOM_1Md
port>. ....... Sill, Gr., "" ... """''''' , .~ .w ..... _.
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- - . . . INI CUT , _... , _ _ I" ........... 3 . 16'" , ........ ' .. C_
..,'" I..,"'or'_ 0<11"" ..... , wi ...... , .,..., ..... _Y y ,,,,,'
. 1-.. ... _ . ~. y ..... , w; ~ ,I y_" 111.. 1... of '-1"0 pioo_
ltIl. I...... hy fo, __ .... o,lobl. I~ .... _ dO>lpo. "0"-,,,.-1,"
..... wI ........I ' _ . _ d _ .. .." ............
0.. ...... 11"1'" .. I'" ' .. ' _ ...... '" _ ... _ .. .
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I... ,UI 11 ......"'.4 ......100 0'
-;::~~.;,::-:::r~ 'W';l~~
s...;._,,, h"..
pl . ~
K _ .... dltt. d ..., ON!
\Vby "" lIey ...
' 0 1 " .1
Why '~Q .""""~ of ... Inlne
_ _ . ""'-o.lfl. "I y. :rou. 'Iio({' \ '"MOPI.LX ""U
...nd",x efI ... , I .. b~lf.
H.... d ...... blo,. "0'''0.
H_.lly 1"'......,. M IW.
, _ '-wI1 . , .. , .., Iod
_d , .. . ....... S~ . 'O THE VIBROPLEX CO. , Inc.
lipp. ' <0' M ..!W . 0_ I~l . , .. a~w., N a w Tork, N . Y.
""' ....- ......... $1 . S0
J. E. A/b'iglt, . " ;d." ,
Po.,,'o' Vok. ;.
'we ty_fOllf hOllr s a .. . tOlllin9
fr ie nd ~ and IIf ene mi es. . . ',ood ;~,--
and Hollywo a nd the girl
ove r there. . blli'ding morole
Re <:ordin9 Amer; 's rowerful Yoke leading
broadcasting "Black
Gould.Moody stotionlSeal" ::::::::;';~:::,?~~~----j~
fromGloss Bose I
Re cord;"q 81onh. Mode e ntire ly of 910$$, "
Seals" are os thin as oluminllm, there by elimlnoting
the ne n u i.y of rec;orde r adjustmenh. No foreigll
' "Ierts . . no metal grommets .. . no o'Jeing. hard.
enhlg or deteriorotion. Very di sc: lias fOllf holes . .
center.flow thread odiol\ . .. mol' be played boc:k for
months witholl' appreciable lou of fidelity. Enclos ure
of YOllr pre fere nc e roting ut e nslon s with YOllr order
will upe dite d e liv e rie s.
get around
~ ~~
~ 70-
'14 t)~ t)1te, 01 eke ~ "Rea4<Ut4 'UI~ ...
VaJpey ~af4
1Itut tk&uutS~H4~t)~/I'Ufld7Ma4
With peace will come again tho.e prod. prepared to help build precision parh lind
uetl of industry such as fadio, television, IIcellnori for such products requi r.d by
lIirplanes, rerrigerator., washing mllchines, the .I.ctronics industry .g,in, I f w.1I as
etc., which never reilly we'. luxurie. so helpdesignand producemllnycomplell new
much liS nee llniti ... lind to those who ones that .r. d tined to emerge from
IIr. thinking in terms of pOlt-waf, we .,. this war-pilln .h d with-VALPEY.
Lafayette Radio Corporation
It ~ ~ unit wIddI mQ'
lie bkd UId CIP'ftoted . . . ..,.
:r.:-:.,z:-"'=cd:~ Witb
of Chicago and Atlanta handles
-.-nta17 01' In _J~
........... .,..... tb''''~
dltferlHlll " __ Inallona. c -l.w
with . . . . and IIIPMkw . . Ib..ll the products of euery ou tstanding
TWSNlnEB lIT Lafayette is proud that the
.1' Unit. -.1. an _ ....
".. OIICUtilloI' dRult. wbich _ lie
a.d .. ctY8&aI .. ~ ~.
......... af , IIIC. '!'be ftnI doIilIhI'
a. " 14 Me. and 11M oadINI
training kits illustrated are being
::;, " D lie CaaIpleIe wltlro bib.
cotk but ... cr)'IUl. . ,lUt
used by the military force s in
To ~1,.,,,,,,f,, c t,.,-c,-s of
P,-(ul " c ts V lie ,l ill S I,o,-t.IV"ve
Il,,,,lio CO",,,,,.,aic Ilti ()II,
TilE H"olo A"L\T I~un 's II ,\NI)UOOK i s lil t world's
s tandard reference 0 11 Lh e tec hnique of hi gh.frequency
radio colI)ltllllIiC'llio n. \0\1 in it :; l\\ClIly-firs t an llu al
edition, it is lIuivcrsa Jl ) lIsed by radio engineer" as
well as the lhou .. ands o f IlIIl a l Ollr", a nd cXI)crimc n lcrs
for whom it is publi",hcd. Yeur afler yeu r, each
succeeding edition ha s sold morc widel y than its
predecesso r, unti l the lI umlbook now has a \I orhl-
wide a nnu al di stribution in excess of t wO hundred
tho usa nd copies of its E ng-li !'!1 and SIJanis h l:dilio IlS.
T o manufacturers whose int egrity is established a nd
" hose produ c t.; lIIoe t the a pl}rovu l o f th e Am erica n
Itadio Hein y LC<lgllc techni ca l s tafT, \\ e offer LlSC of
space ill lhe IIand book's Catalog-A dvert isin g Sec tion .
T estimony Lo its eff(.'C ti" cllcss is the large vollllllc o f
advertisin g whic h the L-Iandbooli curries each yca
is trul y the s ta ll dard guid e for amate ur. co llilnercial
and govcrnment bu yers o f ~ h o rt.wa ve radio equil)'
II1 CIlt. Particularl y valuablc II'; a mediulII throu gh
\\ hich comple te data on I)rocltlc ts can be mudc easily
ava il able to the whole rad io engineerin g and experi.
menting fi eld , it offc rs a surprisin gl) illeX I)cn"ive
me thod of producing and dis tributin g a creditable
catalog. accomplishes its produc tion in the CaftieSl
possible manner , and provid es odcquutc dis tribution
a nd l)erma uellL uvailability impossible to attain by
tl1l~' o th er lll eUIi S. We sol iciL inqu iries [rOIll ljua lifi ed
lII a nufac turer;; who wi sh ruJl d tlla for their cXl.lll1in;!.
ti on \\l1clI eatlilog a nd adver tisi ng pl ans arc tind er
co n"id crl.11 i n ll .
should be
High Altitude
Development Chambers
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Cold Chambers
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Accessory Instruments
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Manomet e ond Altim ete.s
Vertic al Speed Ind ic(llo
In.!ruman! PClnel. Clnd SwilchboClrd.
)05 EAST 63,d STRET, NEW YORK CITY 21 , H. Y. . Tel.: REte". 73090
Pre pare to Get your "ticket"
with the N ew 1943 Revised Edition of
By Cha rles E. Dre w, LR. E., A LE .E.
If you arc an amateur :lnd want to win }'our
"ticket" this is the book for you. It will help
yOll pass your radio license" cx:tminarions.
For Amateur Radio Operators,
Radiotelephone and Telegroph Now brought up to date, for you who want
Operators 10 win rour mark in the radio profession, this
COVE NS editio n co \'crs c\'cry type of radio ;!.cri \ity
Broadcast;n!! Jl.hrinl.' AI'TOnlOUl; ca l whether it is marine. aeronautical, police or
o r any field of amateur broadcasting.
Radio Tran)mi$sion and Rurpcion
Presented in easY-lo-foliow quest ion and
ans\\'er (orm, the new 1943 edit ion of Drew's
H OW TO PASS is Ihe "bible" of radio oper-
I. Basic Rodio lows
atou, radiotelephone and telegraph men. T ake
II. Ba sic Theory and Practice
[he sure way [0 knowledge :lnd Ct:Juip yourself
111. Radiotelephone
with this book. Send for your copy today.
IV. Ad vance d Radiotelephone
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Suo!l(l flli/ioll
VI. Advonced Rad iotelegraphy $3.00
10 Doys' Free Exominotion
440 Fou rth Avenue, N ew York 16, N. Y.
Plu.5e send n.e .. copr "f Drew'S HOW TO PASS RADIO L1CENSF. F.XAMINATIONS nn
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A balanced selection o f good technical books, additiona l to the ARRl publications, shOlJld be
on every amateur's bookshe lf. We hove arranged, for the co nve nience of our reode rs,
to ho ndle thrO\lgh Ihe ARRl Book Deportment those works which we be lieve 10 be most
useful. Moke yo ur sele ction from Ihe follo wing, add to it from time to time, and oequire the
hobit of study for imp rovement. Prices quoted include postage. Please remil with o rder.
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providing within its
power, The Radi~ Relay
league makes o' 9 ;ll p ~>le ta amateurs
and would-be literature prop-
erly prepared to the best form
all available i to ama-
teur radio. The its offices are the
national and i of radio
amateurs, makes authoritative,
complete, from a thoroughly
practical amateur's . These publications are
frequently revised and to kee p abreast of the
fa st-chang ing field. At they will be found par-
ticula rly adaptable for training purposes. All are
printe d in the familia r Q ST which permits thorough
but economical of the information. Most of
the publications and describe d in the fo llowing
pages are handle d by your dea ler f or your convenience.
OS T foithfully and adequately reports each monlh the rapid
development which makes Amateur Radio so intriguing. Edited
in the sole interests of Ihe mem bers of The American Radio Relay
l eague, who ore its owners, QS T treo ls of equipment and practices
ond construction and design,ond the romonce which is pori of Amateur
R09io, in (] direc t end analytica l slyle which hos mode QS T famous all
over Ihe world. II is essent ial to Ihe well-being of o ny rodio ama te ur.
QST goes to every member of Th e American Radio Relay league and
membership costs S2.50 pe r year in the United Sio tes ond Possessions.
All other countries $3.00 per yeor. Elsewhere in this book will be found
on application blank for A.R.R.l. membership.
For !w"n!y.
nineyeofotM! 'l,l.-{a~~
!hNebyrheolcl".. \I
Am ericon ... clio
mogozi .... ) Q5T ~
hOI been the
"bibl,," of Amo!""r
Those who lake pride in the oppearorn:e of their loy-out and
wish to keep Iheir reference fi le of QST's in (I presentable mon-
ner, appreciate the QST binder. II is stiff-covered, finished in beauti-
ful and practical fobrikoid. Cleverly designed to loke eoch inue as
received and hold it firmly witho ut mutilation, it permits removal of
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dates 12 copies of QST. Opens flal 01 ony page of any inue.
With each Binder is fumished (I sheet of gold ond block gummed
lobels for years 1922 through 1945. The proper one con be cut from
Ihe sneet cmd posted in the space provided for it on the bock of the
binder. The bock copies of QST conlain Ihe record of development of
modem amateur te chnique. They ore involuable as technical references.
Bock copies ore generally available_list will be sent upon request.
Binde r Price
Sl 50 - "",!poo14
A-'1oWo wtl, I~ u. S.
Th" .'ondord ere.
menlory guide fOJ" the prospectiv"
omoleur. F.olure qu;pmenl wltich, 01.
lhough .impl. in con.I'I>Clion, conform. in
.... ery deloil 10 p.e.enl pro<lice . Th. opporo lus
is of a Ir-oughly pro(!icollyp. copabl. of gi ... ing
Ion " ond so tis'aclory .e,..lce-while 01 the some
lime 11 (on be b"ifiolo minimum of . "pense. The de.ign
i uch Iha' a high of 1I."ibility is ...,,,r. d,
moking Ihe vo,ious ..... iI. fil inlo Ihe more .Ioborole
"olion loyouls wIt;';h ine ... ilably re.,,1t a. Ihe amaleu,
prog.esse.. Complelo ope'aling in,'rvdion. and
rel e""e. to >owce, of de lallod informalion on
licen";ng proc:e<lu o.e gi ... en.
1\ 11111 ~/
wltich ",eel lodoy. 'pec,ol " o'nmg """d . Em.
ploying 0 "" ... "rsy"em 01 (od".leo,ning bo ... d on
Ihe occ"p t"d me thod 0/ sou<>d cOM"p lion, ;1 i.
/" particulorly ""cellen ' for Ih<e . ' ude n' who doe. not
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home.,lvdy mol".lol for membe,. of cod"
do .." . Ade quale p,octlce mole.iol i. indud"d
for dOS1work 01 ... 01 for home . tudy. Th,,'"
0." 01.0 "elpM dOlo on high.peed op". o'
lion, Iyp"w,;,,,, copy, gen.'ol op",oting in formolion
- ond 0" enli,,, chop'e' on lone SOUrc", lor code
p'oclice, including th" d"sc,iplionof 0 compl,,'e <od"
in"'I>C lion loble with p'oclice osdllotor.
To o bla in an
amateur a pe rotor's Ii
cense you must pa ss a gov
e rnment examination. The License
Manual te lls how 10 do Ihal_tens
what you must do and how 10 da it.
I! makes a simpl e and comparatively
easy ta sk o f wha t otherwise might
seem d ifficult. In addition to a large
amount o f general in formation, it con -
tains questions ond answers such as are
aske d in Ihe government examina-
tions. If you know the answers to the
questions in this book, you t"an pass
the examina tion without trouble.
~/. Amateurs ore
'-"-/1 1" ~ noted for their ingenuity
~ in overcoming by clever
- means the minor and mojorob-
slacles they meet in their pursuit of their
chosen hobby, An amateur musl be re-
sourceful and a good tinkerer. He must be
able 10 make a small amount of money do a
A com
prehensive manual 01 antenna de-
sign and construction, by the head-
quarters stoff of the American Radio .~ \11
Relay l eague. Eighteen choplers, profusely ::...~ ,,<,;;i<::::"---
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from simple doublets to multi element rotaries,
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systems, u.h.f. systems, etc. Feed systems end
their adjustment. Construction of masts, lines
and rotating mechanisn15. The most compre-
hensive and reliable information ever
published on the subject.
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OinlOn B. o.5<>to_o de'oll.d,
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I..,glll 01 011 the el.m .... " rho. hoy
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in the light of
wartime conditions and
re-styled to meet present-day
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tains mare pages and more informa tion per $1.$0,....1""1<1 El.."'.....
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expanded, the revised and re-written sec tion on theory and funda-
mentals is basically the same highly succenful treotment thaI mode the
HANDBOOK the world's OUhtonding radio tr aining text. In addition to the
established features, the new edition includes on enlarged chapter on the War
Emergency Radio Service and on entirely new chapter on carrier -current com-
munication, plus ather useful new moteriol_oll added withaut sacrificing any of
the essential information in previous editions_ Every subject encauntered in practical
radia communication is covered, arranged for maximum convenience 10 Ihe reader,
sectionoliled by lopics wi th abundant cross referencing and fully indexed. More
Ihan ever the ideal refe r ence work, the \944 edition also contains the practical
constructional information on tested and proved gear which has always been the
autstonding feature of the HANDBOOK.
The abie(/i~e in prepa,ing thi. (O<,trse wa. 10 aenl those prirl<'i",'e.
"'<:> frequenlly applied in octual radia communicallon. "A Cau,"e
In Rodio fundamental$" i. a .tudy lIulde_ exam;"al;on boo~ and
labaralary manual. I.. I"xl i. ba.ed on .he " Radio Amaleu.'.
H andboo~." Eilhe. III" .peeiel "dilion fa, wa. I.o;n;nll pu, .
pose. or the Standard ~dition moy be u.ed. Refe, ,,,,,,e
"" toined in Ih" "C""..e" are identical in both e dilion .
A. 0 le d, Ihi. book lI,eatly .moolll. the woy for lIIe
""d"nl of the ledlnicalilie. of 'odio. It conlain.
inlere.' inll .lvdy a .. illn",en t., e Ape,imen ', end
.. ~ominalion que,li"". fot eillle. do .. 0 (
indiidual in"NC'ion. II d,,>cribe. in
de.ail "0 experl"''''''' ",ith .imple
oppore.u. lIi~inli 0 comple.e
p,ac'ical ~na w ledll"
of radio th""..,.
and de.ign.