A Best Practice Model For Bank Compliance 2

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A best-practice model for

Piotr Kaminski
Kate Robu

bank compliance
Risk January 2016

Tighter compliance regulations have challenged financial

institutions in a variety of ways. Yet those who adapt
best may enjoy a distinct competitive advantage.

Compliance risk has become one of the most significant ongoing concerns for financial-
institution executives. Since 2009, regulatory fees have dramatically increased relative to
banks earnings and credit losses (Exhibit 1). Additionally, the scope of regulatory focus
continues to expand. Mortgage servicing was a learning opportunity for the US regulators that,
following the crisis, resulted in increasingly tight scrutiny across many other areas (for example,
mortgage fulfillment, deposits, and cards). New topics continue to emerge, such as conduct
risk, next-generation Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) risk, risk
culture, and third- and fourth-party (that is, subcontractors) risk, among others. Even though
a lot of work has been done to respond to immediate pressures, the industry needs a more
structural answer that will allow banks to effectively and efficiently mature their risk-and-control
frameworks to make them more robust and sustainable over time.

The traditional compliance model was designed in a different era and with a different purpose
in mind, largely as an enforcement arm for the legal function. Compliance organizations used
to promulgate regulations and internal bank policy largely in an advisory capacity with a limited
focus on actual risk identification and management. However, this model has offered a limited
understanding of the business operations and underlying risk exposures, as well as of how to
practically translate regulatory requirements into management actions. Even if a compliance
testing program was established, it frequently borrowed heavily from the late-20th-century
operational-risk playbook by emphasizing a bottom-up, subjective process of control testing
versus a more objective, risk-based monitoring of material residual risks. Frequently, business
managers are left to their own devices to figure out what specific controls are required to
address regulatory requirements, typically leading to a buildup of labor-intensive control
activities with uncertain effectiveness. Many banks still struggle with the fundamental issues of
the control environment in the first line of defense such as compliance literacy, accountability,
performance incentives, and risk culture. Finally, compliance activities tend to be isolated,
lacking a clear link to the broader risk-management framework, governance, and processes
(for example, operational-risk management, risk-appetite statement, and risk reporting and
analytics). More often than not, the net result is primarily a dramatic increase in compliance-
and-control spend with either limited or unproved impact on the residual risk profile of a bank.
Web 2015
Emerging best-practice model
Exhibit 1 of

Since 2009, regulatory fees have increased dramatically relative

to banks earnings and credit losses.

Performance of 20 large US and EU universal banks,1 200914,

indexed to 2009 value (ie, value in 2009 = 100)
Total operating income Credit impairment Fines and settlements2

4,467 Operating income

has decreased by
10% over this
3,612 period of time

costs have
decreased steadily
over same
time horizon
100 99 91 91
1,062 90 Meanwhile,
64 regulatory fines
490 45 44 37 and settlements
24 increased by
0 almost 45x
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Calculated using company annual reports and press clippings from 2009 to 2014. Coverage includes
top 20 European and US global systemically important banks (universal banks only) by assets.
Amounts include paid fines and settlements only; does not include provisions, such as payment
protection insurance in the case of UK banks.

Source: SNL Financial; McKinsey analysis

An emerging best-practice model for compliance in banking needs to rely on three core
principles to address these challenges.

1. An expanded role of compliance and active ownership of the risk-and-control

In most cases banks need to transform the role of their compliance departments from that of an
adviser to one that puts more emphasis on active risk management and monitoring. In practice it
means expanding beyond offering advice on statutory rules, regulations, and laws and becoming
an active co-owner of risks to provide an independent oversight of the control framework.

Given this evolution, responsibilities of the compliance function are expanding rapidly to include
the following:

enerating practical perspectives on the applicability of laws, rules, and regulations across
businesses and processes and how they translate into operational requirements (Exhibit 2)

Creating standards for risk materiality (for example, definition of material risk, tolerance
levels, and tie to risk appetite)

Developing and managing a robust risk identification and assessment process/tool kit (for
example, comprehensive inventory of risks, objective risk-assessment scorecards, and risk-
measurement methodology)

Web 2015
Emerging best-practice model
Exhibit 2 of

Compliance is now expected to provide practical perspectives

on how regulations translate into specific operational

Example: Numerous TILA1 subparts can be distilled into 7 major operational requirements

Contents of TILA (Reg Z):

Subpart A: General informationpurpose, Operational requirements:
coverage, exemptions, etc.
1. Provide accurate and timely
Subpart B: Requirements for open-end credit disclosures to customers
lines, including credit-card accounts and
HELOCs2 2. Provide accurate and timely
redisclosures to customers
Subpart C: Requirements for closed-end credit,
including home-purchase loans and motor- 3. Ensure that annual
vehicle loans with a fixed-loan term percentage rates and fees
are within tolerance
Subpart D: Contains rules on oral disclosures,
Spanish-language disclosure inPuerto Rico, 4. Ensure advertising and
record retention, effect on state laws, state solicitation practices and
exemptions (which only apply to states that had materials are within policy
TILA-type laws prior to the Federal Act), and 5. Ensure that customers are
rate limitations aware and able to exercise the
Subpart E: Contains special rules for right to rescind
mortgage transactions: 6. Ensure that document records
1026.32 Requirements for certain are retained per guidelines
closed-end home mortgages 7. Ensure originator incentives
1026.33 Requirements for reverse meet requirements
mortgages, including the total annual loan
cost rate and transaction disclosures

Truth in Lending Act.


Home equity line of credit.


Developing and enforcing standards for an effective risk-mediation process (for example,
root-cause analysis and performance tracking) to ensure it addresses root causes of
compliance issues rather than just treating the symptoms

Establishing standards for training programs and incentives tailored to the realities of each
type of job or work environment

Ensuring that the front line effectively applies processes and tools that have been developed
by compliance

Approving clients, transactions, and products based on predefined risk-based rules

Performing a regular assessment of the state of the overall compliance program

Understanding the banks risk culture and its strengths as well as potential shortcomings

Risk culture has a special place in the compliance playbook. Indeed, most serious failures
across financial institutions in recent times have a cultural root cause leading to heightened
regulatory expectations. Elements of strong risk culture are relatively clear (albeit not always
explicitly articulated) and include timely information sharing, rapid elevation of emerging risks,
and willingness to challenge practices; however, they are difficult to measure objectively. Use of
tools such as structured risk-culture surveys can allow for a deeper understanding of nuances
of risk culture across the organization, and their results can be benchmarked against peer
institutions to reveal critical gaps. Consequently risk culture can be actively shaped, monitored,
and sustained by committed leaders and organizations.

Effective execution of these expanded responsibilities requires a much deeper understanding

of the business processes by compliance. There are a few practical ways to achieve this:

I ncorporating process walk-throughs into the regular enterprise compliance-risk

assessments (for example, facilitated workshops with first line and second line to assess
inherent risk exposures and how they affect business processes)

Implementing a formal business-change-management process that flags any significant

operational changes (for example, volumes, products, workflows, footprint, and systems) to
the second line

Developing a robust tool kit for objectively measuring risk (for example, quantitative
measurement for measurable risks, risk markers for risks harder to quantify, common
inventory of risky outcomes, and scenario analysis and forward-looking assessments)

Finally, the design of the compliance functions operating model is becoming increasingly
important. Thus, it demands a shift from a siloed, business-unit-based coverage to a model
where business-unit coverage is combined with horizontal expertise around key compliance
areas, such as BSA/AML; unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices (UDAAP); mortgage
(across all mortgage businesses); third-party and others.

2. Transparency into residual risk exposure and control effectiveness

One of the traditional industry practices for the second lines engagement with the business
has been to identify high-risk processes and then to identify all the risks and all the
controls that pertain to each of them. This approach, however, falls short of creating a real
and comprehensive transparency into material risk exposures and often becomes a merely
mechanical exercise.

First, the lack of an objective and clear definition of a high-risk process frequently leaves
this decision to the discretion of business lines, which can lead to the omission of risks that
are critical from a compliance-risk standpoint but deemed less significant from a business
standpoint (for example, a low-volume collections process can seem an insignificant part of the
overall business portfolio but can be a critical area for regulatory compliance). This approach

also suffers from inconsistencies. As an example, an account-opening process may be
deemed high risk in some retail units but not in others.

Second, the pursuit of documenting virtually all risks and all controls implies a significant
amount of work and actually limits the first lines ability to go deep on issues that truly matter,
producing lengthy qualitative inventories of risks and controls instead of identifying material risk
exposures and analyzing the corresponding process and control breakpoints and root causes.

The new approach focused on residual risk exposures and critical process breakpoints ensures
that no material risk is left unattended and provides the basis for truly risk-based, efficient
oversight and remediation activities. It addresses these challenges by directly tying regulatory
requirements to processes and controls (that is, through the mapping of risks to products and
processes), by cascading material risks down to the front line in a systematic and truly risk-
based way, and by defining objective (and whenever possible quantitative) key risk indicators
(KRIs) in the areas where the process breaks and creates exposure to a particular risk.

Thus, as Exhibit 3 illustrates, there are typically numerous controls associated with every
regulatory requirement throughout a given business process. Testing all of these controls
consumes tremendous organizational time and resources. Each control is documented and its
level of effectiveness qualitatively assessed (although the definition of effectiveness is often
ambiguous and varies from person to person). Unfortunately, the overall control-effectiveness
score resulting from this exercise is only loosely correlated with the outcomeits not unusual
to see critical audit findings in areas where the majority of controls have been deemed effective.

In contrast, the new approach starts by defining which risks apply to a given business process
and identifying where exactly in the process they occur (known as breakpoint analysis).
Informed by the identified process breakpoints, one can then design KRIs that directly measure
the residual risk exposure. This approach leads to far fewer items to test (in our example,
two KRIs versus seven controls) and much more robust insights into what the key issues are.
Moreover, it provides the essential fact base to guide and accelerate the remediation process
and resource allocation.

3. Integration with the overall risk-management governance, regulatory affairs, and

issue-management process
Compliance risks are driven by the same underlying factors that drive other banking risks, but
their stakes are higher in the case of adverse outcomes (for example, regulatory actions that
can result in restriction of business activities and large fines). Therefore, its only fitting that a
modern compliance framework needs to be fully integrated with the banks operational-risk
view of the world.

Integrating the management of these risks offers tangible benefits. First, it ensures the
enterprise has a truly comprehensive view of its portfolio of risks and visibility into any systemic
issues (for example, cross-product, cross-process), and that no material risk is left unattended.

Web 2015
Emerging best-practice model
Exhibit 3 of
Focus on residual risks versus individual controls leads to greater efficiency and
effectiveness of the risk-identification and assessment processes.

Regulatory risk: Good-faith-estimate (GFE) disclosures in mortgage1

Business process: Delivery of disclosure letters to customers at time of application

Quantitative KRIs2 that

can be measured directly
Inherent Residual through testing:
risk risk
Very % of initial GFEs
Medium not issued timely

% of initial GFEs
not accurate

Control 1: Application Control 3: Ancillary Control 6: 100% file

form requires data that fees are systemically review is conducted to
define disclosure-letter generated according to ensure GFE is in file
content and time line sales regions and provided timely

Control 2: Disclosure Control 4: GFE document Control 7: Disclosure

letter is printed out is reviewed and approved letter is reviewed and
automatically when by marketing director on a approved by marketing
application is submitted periodic basis director on a periodic basis

Control 5: Vendor system

is available to calculate
transfer tax amounts

Traditional compliance approach calls for ongoing testing of each of 7 controls embedded in business process
Monitoring KRIs for residual risk vs testing numerous individual controls results in much more efficient (fewer items to focus on) and
effective (due to objective measurement) risk-identification and assessment processes

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ( 1024.7).


Key risk indicators.


Second, it lessens the burden on the business (for example, no duplicative risk assessments
and remediation activities) as well as on the control functions (for example, no separate or
duplicative reporting, training, and communication activities). Third, it facilitates a risk-based
allocation of enterprise resources and management actions on risk remediation and investment
in cross-cutting controls.

The following practical actions can help the bank firmly integrate compliance into the overall
risk-management governance, regulatory affairs, and issue-management process:

Develop a single integrated inventory of operational and compliance risks

Develop and centrally maintain standardized risk, process, product, and control taxonomies

Coordinate risk assessment, remediation, and reporting methodologies and calendars

(for example, ensure one set of assessments in cross-cutting topical areas like third-party
risk management; ensure consistency of compliance monitoring and testing activities with
quality-assurance/quality-control activities in operational risk)

Define clear roles and responsibilities between risk and control functions at the individual risk
level to ensure there are no gaps or overlaps, particularly in gray areas where disciplines
converge (for example, third-party risk management, privacy risk, AML, and fraud)

Develop and jointly manage integrated training and communication programs

Establish clear governance processes (for example, escalation) and structures (for example,
risk committees) with mandates that span across risk and support functions (for example,
technology), and that ensure sufficient accountability, ownership, and involvement from all
stakeholders, even if issues cut across multiple functions

Consistently involve and timely align senior compliance stakeholders in determining action
plans, target end dates, and prioritization of issues and matters requiring attention

Establish a formal link and coordination processes with government affairs

To address this integration effectively, financial institutions are also considering changes to the
organizational structure and placement of the compliance function. Exhibit 4 lays out the three
archetypes of compliance organizations in banks. Migration of compliance to risk organization
(that is, archetype B) is a recent trend among global banks, which previously had compliance
reporting to legal (that is, archetype A). This new structure reinforces the view of compliance
as a risk similar to operational risk and as a control rather than advisory function, and is meant
to facilitate an integrated view across all risk types. A few banking institutions have elevated
compliance to a stand-alone function (that is, archetype C), positioning it similar to internal
audit, with clear separation from business, thus significantly raising its profile but also creating
the need for stronger coordination with the operational-risk function.

Measuring progressoutcomes that matter

The three principles outlined above imply a multifaceted transformation of the compliance
function. The scope and complexity of this transformation create a real risk of missing the
forest for the trees. We have found it helpful to apply the following ten-point scorecard to
measure progress on this journey:

1. Demonstrated focus on the role of compliance and its stature within the organization

2. Integrated view of market risks with operational risk

3. Clear tone from the top and strong risk culture, including evidence of senior-management
involvement and active board oversight

4. Risk ownership and independent challenge by compliance (versus advice and counsel)

5. Compliance operating model with shared horizontal coverage of key issues and a clear
definition of roles versus the first line of defense

Web 2015
Emerging best-practice model
Exhibit 4 of

There are several common archetypes for compliance

A. B. C.
Legal-led organization: Risk-led organization: Stand-alone
Compliance as part Compliance as part compliance function
of legal of risk

Organi- CEO CEO

chart CEO/COO/board
Legal Risk
Compliance Compliance

Head of compliance Head of compliance Head of compliance

reports to general reports to chief risk reports to CEO
counsel officer or COO (or directly
Historically most Compliance considered to board of directors)
common reporting a risk similar to Positioning of
structure operational risk compliance similar
Compliance generates an to internal audit with
considered as a integrated view clear separation from
specialized unit within across all risk types business
legal department Facilitates business Significantly raises

Legal and compliance alignment established compliance-function

staff often cover issues/ in risk function (internal profile
cases jointly with an control unit and first Ensures independence
unclear separation level of control) of compliance from
of work Recent trend among other support functions
Fosters independence global banks, which (but requires
from business divisions previously had coordination with
compliance reporting risk function)
Facilitates synergies to legal Usually focuses on
sharing of legal/
Compliance acts as control activities
regulatory expertise
control function,
while legal advises

6. Comprehensive inventory of all laws, rules, and regulations in place to drive a risk-based
compliance-risk-assessment program

7. Use of quantitative metrics and specific qualitative risk markers to measure compliance risk

8. Compliance management-information systems providing an integrated view of risks and

reflecting a common risk taxonomy

9. Evidence of the first line of defense taking action and owning compliance and control

10. Adequate talent and capabilities to tackle key risk areas (for example, BSA/AML, fiduciary
risk) and a working knowledge of core-business processes (for example, mortgage

Assuming one point for each of these requirements, a bank with a low score (for example,
four to five points) may require a significant transformation. Banks can maximize the impact of
the transformation by rigorously measuring progress against desired outcomes. Audit should

play an important role in this process, providing an independent view of program status and
effectiveness with respect to commonly agreed-upon transformation objectives.

Regulatory compliance has undoubtedly affected banks in a variety of challenging ways,

increasing the cost of service and sometimes making the delivery of great customer
experiences more difficult. However, as the regulatory environment evolves, we see a major
opportunity for the compliance function to get ahead of the curve by implementing targeted
changes to its operating model and processes, and thus delivering a better quality of oversight
while at the same time increasing its efficiency. Banks that successfully make this shift will enjoy
a distinctive source of competitive advantage in the foreseeable future, being able to deliver
better service, reduce structural cost, and significantly de-risk their operations.

Piotr Kaminski is a director in McKinseys New York office, and Kate Robu is an associate
principal in the Chicago office.

Copyright 2016 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

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