FL Robot

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J Electr Eng Technol Vol. 9, No.

1: 352-362, 2014 ISSN(Print) 1975-0102

http://dx.doi.org/10.5370/JEET.2014.9.1.352 ISSN(Online) 2093-7423

Online Control of DC Motors Using Fuzzy Logic Controller

for Remote Operated Robots

K. Prema, N. Senthil Kumar* and Subhransu Sekhar Dash**

Abstract - In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller is designed for a DC motor which can be used for
navigation control of mobile robots. These mobile robots can be used for agricultural, defense and
assorted social applications. The robots used in these fields can reduce manpower, save human life and
can be operated using remote control from a distant place. The developed fuzzy logic controller is used
to control navigation speed and steering angle according to the desired reference position. Differential
drive is used to control the steering angle and the speed of the robot. Two DC motors are connected
with the rear wheels of the robot. They are controlled by a fuzzy logic controller to offer accurate
steering angle and the driving speed of the robot. Its location is monitored using GPS (Global
Positioning System) on a real time basis. IR sensors in the robot detect obstacles around the robot. The
designed fuzzy logic controller has been implemented in a robot, which depicts that the robot could
avoid obstacle as well as perform its operation efficiently with remote online control.

Keywords: Differential drive, Fuzzy logic controller, GPS, IR sensors, Mobile robots.

1. Introduction approach to build multi-input and single-output fuzzy

models. Genetic algorithm hybrid scheme is used to define
Navigation system is used to guide the robot towards the the parameters of fuzzy implications and to minimize mean
target point without any collision with obstacles. These square errors. The proposed approach has also been applied
robots have provided solutions to complex tasks such as to construct a fuzzy model for the navigation control of a
planetary or underwater exploration [1, 2] operation in mobile robot using DC motors.
urban environments [3] and unmanned flight [4] which Fraichard and Garnier [8] have presented motion control
were considered only achievable by humans. In each of the architecture for a car-like vehicle planned to move in
above fields, remote navigation plays a vital role in the dynamic and partially known environments. They have
success of the robots. used fuzzy logic technique, whose major component is a
DC motors can be used for navigation and steering set of fuzzy rules encoding the reactive behavior of the
control of mobile autonomous robots. DC motor drives vehicle. They have successfully navigated the car-like
have occupied a wide spectrum of applications in vehicle with use of fuzzy logic technique.
industries. DC motors are used in machine tools, printing Huq et al. [9] have proposed a novel approach to
presses, conveyors, fans, pumps, hoists, cranes, paper mills, combine motor schema and fuzzy context dependent
textile mills, rolling mills and robots. Small DC motors are behavior modulation for mobile robot navigation. Their
used primarily as control devices and servo motors for approach eliminates the existing problems of motor schema
positioning and tracking. Separately excited DC motor such as trap situations due to local minima, no passage
finds many applications in industries where precise speed between closely spaced obstacles, oscillations in the
control over wide range is required. DC motor drives are presence of obstacles and oscillations in narrow passages.
highly controllable and are used in many applications such S.K. Pradhan et al. [10] have developed fuzzy logic
as robotic manipulators, position control, steel mining and controllers for navigation of multiple mobile robots in
paper and textile industries. presence of static and moving obstacles. Their proposed
Fuzzy logic techniques have been used in many mobile approach extracts set of fuzzy rules from a set of
robot navigation, since the traditional solutions for path trajectories provided by human and to help the robot to
planning and navigation have failed for complicated avoid obstacles and find targets. They have connected two
environments [5, 6]. Joo et al. [7] have designed an motors to two rear wheels and the speeds of the wheels are
Corresponding Author: Dept. of Electronics and Instrumentation being controlled by the motor controller interface.
Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India. N.S. Kumar et al. [11] have designed a low cost
([email protected]) universal artificial neuron controller for chopper fed
* Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mepco Schlenk
Engineering College, Sivakasi, India. ([email protected]) embedded DC drives. The designed neuron controller is
** Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM University, trained with the patterns obtained from the conventional
Kattankulathur, Chennai, India. ([email protected]) controller. The closed loop operation is simulated with the
Received: December 31, 2012; Accepted: August 19, 2013

K. Prema, N. Senthil Kumar and Subhransu Sekhar Dash

trained neural network to achieve the desired performance. The client system can be any PC with internet connection.
General PI and PID controllers are widely used for Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the control system for
motor control applications. But they do not give motors. The system consists of H-bridge converter for
satisfactory results when control parameters, loading driving the separately excited DC Motor in both forward
conditions and the motor itself are changed. The fuzzy and reverse direction. The performance of DC drive will be
logic controller (FLC) can be designed without the exact based on the choice of controllers. The designed closed
model of the system. This approach of FLC design loop control has two loops. One is outer speed control loop
guarantees the stable operation even if there is a change in and another one is inner current control loop. In outer
the parameters and the motor [12-15]. speed control loop, the motor speed is sensed by a speed
In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller is designed for the sensor and fed back to the microcontroller unit. In the
online speed control of DC motors which are used for microcontroller unit the sensed speed signal is compared
navigation and steering control of remote controlled robots. with set speed. After comparison, error signal is calculated
This task is carried out by specifying a set of rules taking and this error and set speed are given as input to fuzzy
into account the different speeds of a motor. For this controller. The fuzzy controller will attempt to reduce the
purpose the input to the FLC are set speed value and the error to zero by changing duty cycle of switching signal.
error produced by the comparison of set speed and actual Similarly the actual input current of the motor is compared
speed values. The output from FLC is duty cycle of the with the reference current using a comparator. This
converter switch. Thus by controlling the duty cycle of the comparator output is multiplied with fuzzy controller
converter switch, the input supplied to the motor is output. Thus the duty cycle of switching signal is
changed and its speed is controlled. IR sensor is employed controlled to achieve the desired speed and current of the
to detect the obstacle. The sensor status is transmitted to motor [16, 17]. Initially, LabVIEW model of the DC motor
the remote client system from robot through internet. The and the H-bridge converter was developed and simulated to
status of IR sensor helps for path planning and changing verify the design and its functioning.
the direction of robot. When the IR sensor senses the obstacles the set speed of
the motors are changed by the control logic to stop its
movement towards the obstacle. If the direction given by
2. Proposed Approach the remote client is left then the set speed value of left
motor will be zero and right motor will be high and vice
Fig. 1 shows the Internet based control setup of the versa for right direction. When no obstacle is sensed the
proposed system. The Robot is treated as server system equal value of set speed is given to both the DC motors and
with internet connection and is assigned static IP address. the forward movement is achieved. Thus the steering angle
and speed control of the robot is achieved using fuzzy
A fuzzy controller was designed by using the fuzzy logic
toolbox and then the closed loop operation was simulated.
The speed control loop was simulated and the FLC was
tuned to achieve the desired performance. The designed
FLC was then implemented in a microcontroller. By using
the programmed microcontroller the robots speed and
steering angle is controlled.

3. Mathematical Model of DC Motor

Fig. 1. Internet Based Control Setup and H-bridge Converter

The motor and H-bridge converter are designed and

simulated using equation models.

3.1 Mathematical model of DC motor

The DC motor has been modeled using the following

equations by state space modeling technique.

dia d
ia Ra +La +Kb =Va (1)
dt dt
Fig. 2. Block Diagram of the proposed motor control system

Online Control of DC Motors Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Remote Operated Robots

d2 d d
J +B =Kt ia (2) y1 =ia ; y == ;y =
dt2 dt 2 dt 3
Where On relating the outputs to the state variables we get,
J - Moment of Inertia of the motor (kg m2)
B - Friction coefficient of the motor (Nm/rad/sec) y1 = x1 ; y = x2 ; y3 = x3
Kt - Torque constant of the motor (Nm/A)
Kb Motor back emf constant (V/rad/sec) Therefore the output equation in the matrix form is
ia - Armature current (A)
Va - Armature voltage applied (V) y1 1 0 0 x1
Ra - Armature resistance (ohms) y2 0 1 0 x2 (7)
La - Armature inductance (mH) y3 0 0 1 x3
The state space model of the DC motor is obtained by The state Eq. (6) and the output Eq. (7) together
choosing i , and as state variables. constitute the state model of the armature controlled DC
motor. Based on the above state equations the DC motor
x1 =ia ;x2 == ; x3 =;u= can be simulated using LabVIEW as shown in Fig. 3.
y1 =ia ; y == ; y3 = 3.2 H-Bridge converter
2 dt

On substituting the state variables for physical variables H-bridge is an electronic circuit that enables a voltage to
in the above equations be applied across a load in either direction. These circuits
are used in robot applications to allow DC motors to run
Ra Kb x2 u forward and backward directions. An H bridge is built with
x1 =- .x1 - + (3)
La La La four switches either solid-state or mechanical switches. The
x2 =
.x1 -
(4) H-bridge circuit structure is shown in Fig. 4. If switch 1
J J and switch 4 are turned on means the motor will rotate in
x3 =x2 (5) forward direction, if switch 2 and switch 3 are turned on
means the motor will rotate in reverse direction. Thus by
On arranging the state equations in the matrix form switching the switches in proper sequence, we change the
direction of the motor.
Ra Kb The H-bridge converter is modeled using the following
x1 - - 0 x1 1
La La
x La equations. Mode 1 is when the switch 1 and switch 4 are
0 2 + 0 (6)
Kt B
- ON and Mode 2 is when the switch 2 and switch 3 are ON.
x3 J J x3
0 1 0 0
Mode 1: (When switch 1 and switch 4 are ON)
The desired output variablesi , and are equated to
standard notations y , y , y . Vs =ia Ra +La + (8)
ia =J +B+T (9)

Fig. 3. Block diagram of Simulated DC motor in LabVIEW

K. Prema, N. Senthil Kumar and Subhransu Sekhar Dash

4. Design of Conventional PID Controller

The conventional PID control schemes are employed by

more than half of the industrial controllers in use today.
Because these controllers can be adjusted on site, many
different types of tuning rules have been proposed. In the
proposed system the PID controller is designed for speed
control of a DC motor and tuned using Ziegler- Nichols
method. The transfer function of the DC motor is derived
from the state model of the armature controlled DC motor
using the following equation

Transfer function (18)

Fig. 4. Structure of H-Bridge circuit
From Eqs. (6) and (7)
Mode 2: (When switch 2 and switch 3 are ON)
dia 0
Vs =ia Ra +La dt
+ (10) L L
d A K B
0; B 0 ;
ia J dt B TL 11 J J
0 1 0 0
1 0 0
The above two modes of the H-bridge converter is C 0 1 0 ; D 0
averaged using the fact that the switch 1 and switch 4 are 0 0 1
turned on for a period of (D x Ts) over the switching period
Ts, where D is the duty cycle. The small signal model is On substituting the values of A, B, C and D in Eq. (18),
formulated by assuming perturbations v , d in the steady the required speed controller transfer function is obtained
state values of supply voltage V and the Duty cycle in the form of Eq. (19).
respectively. H-bridge converter fed DC drives small signal
model is given by the equations S K
H S (19)
La =Dvs +Vs d-Ra ia -k (12)
d For the above Transfer function the PID controller is
J =Kia -B-TL (13) designed and tuned using Ziegler- Nichols method. The
tuned values of control parameters are as follows.
Considering duty cycle d s as control signal and speed
s as the output signal, the motor speed transfer Proportional gain Kc = 3.89;
function is calculated as Integral Time Ti =0.0280minutes;
Derivative Time Td =0.000771 minutes.
(s) (s) ia (s)
= . (14)
d(s) ia (s) d(s)
5. Fuzzy Logic Control
From the above equation, the speed gain is given by

(s) K
The control algorithm of a process that is based on fuzzy
= (15) logic is defined as fuzzy control. The controller which uses
ia (s) JS+B
control based on fuzzy logic is called as fuzzy controller.
Similarly, when the supply voltage is kept constant, the Fuzzy logic, unlike boolean or crispy logic deals with
current gain is given by Vagueness, uncertainty, qualitativeness [18]. It tends to
mimic human thinking which is fuzzy in nature. In
ia (s) Vs (Js+B) conventional set theory, based on boolean logic a particular
= (16) object or a variable is a member of a given set then its
d(s) La s+Ra Js+B +K2
membership value is logic 1, or if it is not a member of a
So under the assumed conditions the final transfer given set then its membership value is logic 0. But in fuzzy
function of the H-bridge converter fed DC motor is set theory based on fuzzy logic, a particular object has a
calculated as in Eq. (17). degree of membership in a given set that may be anywhere
in the range of 0 to 1.
(s) KVs
= (17) In the proposed work, the robot has two DC motors that
d(s) La s+Ra ( Js+B +K2

Online Control of DC Motors Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Remote Operated Robots

are connected with rear wheels. It has IR sensor to detect and right motor speed (RMS). Each input uses three
obstacles and to measure the distance between the linguistic variables like near, medium and far. Similarly
obstacles and the robot. Control logic is developed to each output uses the seven linguistic variables like VVL
decide the direction of robot movement based on the (Very very low), VL (Very low), L (Low), LL (Little low),
obstacle distance and to change the speed of the DC motors M (Medium), N (Normal), and H (High).
according to the direction decided. This control logic is The input to the navigation control fuzzy logic controller
implemented using two fuzzy logic controllers. One is used has two inputs and one output. The inputs are error value,
to decide the direction and the other one is used to control set speed and the output is duty cycle. The fuzzy input
the navigation speed of the robot by changing the motor error uses seven linguistic variables like NB (Negative big),
speed. NM (Negative medium), NS (Negative small), Z (Zero),
PS (Positive small), PM (Positive medium) and PB
5.1 Fuzzy mechanism for robot steering control and (Positive big). The set speed input also uses seven
navigation control linguistic variables like VVL (Very very low), VL (Very
low), L (Low), LL (Little low), ML (Medium low), N
The direction (obstacle avoidance) fuzzy logic controller (Normal), and H (High). The duty cycle output uses eight
has three inputs and two outputs. The inputs are left sensor linguistic variables like VVL (Very very large), VL (Very
distance (LSD), front sensor distance (FSD), right sensor large), L (Large), LL (Little large), ML (Medium large), N
distance (RSD) and the outputs are left motor speed (LMS) (Normal), S (Small) and Z (Zero). The rule tables are given
in Tables 1 and 2.
The control rules for direction fuzzy controller are
Table 1. Rule Table for Navigation Control
defined as follows:
Set speed
If (LSD is LSDi & FSD is FSDj & RSD is RSDk)
NB Z Z Z Z S N ML Then (LMS is LMSl & RMS is RMSm) (20)
NS Z Z S N ML LL L Where i=1-3, j=1-3, k=1-3, l=1-3 and m=1-3 because
LSD, FSD, RSD, LMS and RMS have 3 membership
PM N ML LL L VL VVL VVL functions each.
The symbolic expression for the control rules of fuzzy
Table 2. Rule table for Steering angle control controller are defined as follows:
1 Near Near Near Stop Stop If (LSD is LSD(k) & FSD is FSD(k) & RSD is RSD(k))
2 Near Near Med N VVL Then LMS is LMS(k) & RMS is RMS(k) (21)
3 Near Near Far H L
4 Near Med Near ML ML Where LSD(k), FSD(k), RSD(k) are linguistic values from
5 Near Med Med LL LL the term sets
6 Near Med Far H L
7 Near Far Near N N
8 Near Far Med N N
From expression (19) two example rules can be written
9 Near Far Far N N as
10 Med Near Near VVL N
11 Med Near Med M H If (LSD is LSD(k) & FSD is FSD(k) & RSD is RSD(k))
12 Med Near Far H L Then LMS is LMS(k)
13 Med Med Near N N And
14 Med Med Med N N
If (LSD is LSD(k) & FSD is FSD(k) & RSD is RSD(k)) (22)
15 Med Med Far N L
16 Med Far Near N N Then RMS is RMS(k)
17 Med Far Med N N
18 Med Far Far N N The meaning of the above two rules in terms of m-type
19 Far Near Near LL H implication is given as a fuzzy relation R(k) defined on LSD
20 Far Near Med LL ML x RSD x FSD x LMS x RMS.
21 Far Near Far ML LL
22 Far Med Near LL H
23 Far Med Med LL ML
For all LSD, RSD, FSD, RMS
24 Far Med Far ML L R(k) (LSD, RSD, FSD, LMS) = min(LSD(k) (dis),
25 Far Far Near N N FSD(k) (dis), RSD(k) (dis), RMS(k) (speed)) (23)
26 Far Far Med N N
27 Far Far Far N N For all LSD, RSD, FSD, LMS

K. Prema, N. Senthil Kumar and Subhransu Sekhar Dash

R(k) (LSD, RSD, FSD, LMS)=min(LSD(k) (dis), 6. Hardware Implementation

FSD(k) (dis), RSD(k) (dis), LMS(k) (speed)) (24)
The developed fuzzy logic controller has been
from the above two fuzzy relation (23) & (24) the implemented in a robot as shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b).
membership values of the left motor and right motor speed Two tested 12V DC motors were connected with left wheel
can be written as follows: and right wheel of the robot and they are controlled by
fuzzy logic controller. The fuzzy controller has been
R(LSD,RSD,FSD,LMS)=max[R(1)(LSD,RSD,FSD, implemented practically using 16f877A PIC controller. An
LMS),R(n) (LSD,RSD,FSD,LMS)] (25) H-bridge converter IC L293D was used as driver circuit
and the fuzzy controller with the H-bridge converter was
R(LSD,RSD,FSD,RMS)=max[R(1)(LSD,RSD,FSD, tested on the DC motor. The DC motors are supplied by
RMS),R(n) (LSD,RSD,FSD,RMS)] (26) 12V, 1.3AH valve regulated lead acid battery. A
tachogenerator was used to sense the speed and to achieve
Where each of the R(K) is defined in Eq. (23) & (24) for closed loop control. Proximity IR sensors have been
the left side motor and right side motor respectively. connected in left, right and front portions of the robot to
The crisp values for left motor speed and right motor detect and to avoid obstacles. Robots location is monitored
speed are computed using center of Area method. The using GPS (Global Positioning System) on a real time basis.
motor speeds are given by Communication between the robot (server) and the
remote control (client) is achieved by DataSocket protocols
speed.LMS (Speed).d(speed)
Left motor speed = LMS = available in the LabVIEW. DataSocket is a single, unified,
LMS (Speed).d(speed)
end-user application programming interface (API) for
speed.RMS (Speed).d(speed) connecting data from a number of sources - local files, files
Right motor speed=RMS =
RMS (Speed).d(speed) on FTP or Web servers, and data items on OPC(open
process control) servers [19]. A DataSocket application

Fig.5a.Top view of Robot with developed fuzzy logic Fig. 5b. Bottom view of Robot with developed
controller fuzzy logic controller

Fig. 6. Block Diagram of the simulated PID control system for motor speed control

Online Control of DC Motors Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Remote Operated Robots

Fig. 7. Block Diagram of the simulated fuzzy logic control system for motor speed control

Fig. 8. Block Diagram of the simulated steering angle control system

Fig. 9. Block Diagram of the simulated Client system

K. Prema, N. Senthil Kumar and Subhransu Sekhar Dash

(a) Left Motor (b) Right Motor

Fig. 10. Graph of PID controller based Robots left motor and right motor speed values when it moves in forward direction
with the reference speed value of 10 rpm

(a) Left Motor (b) Right Motor

Fig. 11. Graph of PID controller based Robots left motor and right motor speed values for the reference speed value of 10
rpm and step change in load torque from 0to 50 % of rated torque applied at 150 s

(a) Left Motor (b) Right Motor

Fig. 12. Graph of PID controller based Robots left motor and right motor speed values for the reference speed value of 10
rpm and step change in load torque from 0 to 100 % of rated torque applied at 150 s

specifies the data location by using a familiar networking data from our DataSocket applications. In addition, the
standard, the URL. Just as a Web browser uses a URL to DataSocket Transfer Protocol connects a DataSocket
connect to a Web page, a DataSocket application uses a application to live data by specifying a connection to a
URL to connect to data. By using an industry-standard DataSocket Server. The DataSocket Server manages most
URL, we can quickly and easily bring data into or share of the networking tasks.

Online Control of DC Motors Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Remote Operated Robots

(a) Left Motor (b) Right Motor

Fig. 13. Graph of Fuzzy logic controller based Robots left motor and right motor speed values when it moves in forward
direction with the reference speed value of 10 rpm

(a) Left Motor (b) Right Motor

Fig. 14. Graph of Fuzzy logic controller based Robots left motor and right motor speed values when it moves in forward
direction with the reference speed value of 10 rpm and step change in load torque from 0 to 50 % of rated torque
applied at 150 s

(a) Left Motor (b) Right Motor

Fig. 15. Graph of Fuzzy logic controller based Robots left motor and right motor speed values when it moves in forward
direction with the reference speed value of 10 rpm and step change in load torque from 0 to 100 % of rated torque
applied at 150 s
based on state equations using LabVIEW software. The
7. Simulation and Results simulated models are shown in Figs. 6-8 and 9. The
simulation was done for an H-bridge converter fed DC
H-bridge converter fed DC motor simulation was done motor with the designed PID controller and fuzzy logic

K. Prema, N. Senthil Kumar and Subhransu Sekhar Dash

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Online Control of DC Motors Using Fuzzy Logic Controller for Remote Operated Robots

K. Prema She received her B.E. degree

in Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj
University, Madurai in 2002 and M.E.
degree in Power Electronics and
Drives from Anna University, Chennai
in 2004. She has published three
papers in International Journals and
five Inter-national conference papers. Her field of interests
mainly concerned with Power Electronics and Drives,
Intelligent controllers and Control System.

N. Senthil Kumar He obtained his

B.E. degree in Electronics and Com-
munication Engineering from Madurai
Kamaraj University, Madurai, in 1988,
M.E. degree in Electronics Engin-
eering from Anna University, Chennai,
in 1991 and Ph.D. in Electronics and
Computer Science engineering from
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli in
2008. He has published a paper in National Journal and
eight papers in International Journals. His interests include
intelligent control, fuzzy logic and neural networks. Dr. N.
Senthil Kumar is a member of Institutions of Engineers,
System Society of India and Indian Society for Technical

Subhransu Sekhar Dash He received

his B. Tech. degree in Electrical Engin-
eering from Institution of Engineers
(India), Kolkata in 1994, M. Tech.
degree in Power Systems Engineering
from Sambalpur University, Orissa in
1996 and Ph.D. in Electrical Engin-
eering from Anna University, Chennai
in 2006. He has published more than twenty papers in
National and International Journals. His field of interests
mainly concerned with Power Electronics and Drives,
Power quality issues, FACTS and AI techniques.


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