1994 04 Issue 22 Scallywag Lord Mcalpine Pedophile PDF

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By Angus James l 110,000 ,1 "'l'f'<Hc<l from rhc

A gay paedophile ring working from 1hil .1ccou11t\ 111 1987 Jl(>nc. We kntl\\ c111\
dren"s homes throughout the country leads ll1nt.l l11XUf)' flat~ 1n
11\0nC)' \'l. ,IS Ult"d lO
straight to tho doors of Parliament and I 011<lo11, ll1Ji;h1011 .ind chcwhere
Tory Party Central Office. r11c~c ap.,rcn1c11cc. '"ere l1igh c.;Ja)s
llomo\cxu.11 hrcl1hcl.\ 1 ,vJ1crt ~11 X
We have documentary evideace that for kc11c, on .t l'crn1.111c11t l1.i\1c., rrnt bo)'S
mer Tory party treuurer lord Mulpine Ccl c.11cr (01 h1' \' IJ, ,l1c1t1(, Jlc~ltl.lr \:i!.
indulged in oral sex with an underage boy. 1rors 111cJ,1c;fttf no1 11nly (.ord Mcal1l1nc.
We have e.,dence that Derek Laud, close \\lhU .1lvvo1)'S ('JIJCl)'CJ p1crc1Clll l..ll ( f('.l t

friend of Michael Brown MP, sodomised 111t"1\t f1on1 1\.lr X \vl1c11 ht" ct11ncc.l tJJ>.. c
an underage boy at one children's home so unc o( thr l1on1c~ 1n ~c:\rch of :t l1ctlc
savagely that the child received hospital boy. but .1t.o orhcr c\1Jbl ihm<n1 f.g
treatment for a raptured anus. And we urcs <uch a< the fate 1.ord Kenyon. for-
have evidence that Afan Beik. known in me r C h.11rm.1n of 1hc Norrh W I<>
gay <irdes as Sister Latex, and a confidant Police Au rhon ry. Wyn Roberts, l\I P
of Michael Portillo since Peterhouse for Conwy JnJ currendv ~ini<tel or
College, Cambridge, was ae<used of raping S1cc a1 the Welsh O ffice. Adam l\1ars-
an underage boy in his 1are. Jo11cl. 'on of Mr ju\t1cc J o11c~ and the
rrgular film cr111c on 1hc Independent
'l h1 rcll\ l1ov' r111g ~\l.~ opc;r.1tcJ fo1 1\cwst,.tpcr, and \1x l'ol1<c o fficer~.
.tmor1& them J. former su pcr1ntcndc11c
more tl1.1n 20 yc:irs, and lS "''''' 1n o'>cr..
3\1011 .1\ .1Jc.lrc:s1cs .ill over l\r1t.ii11 , 2nd 1l1on1111cnt frccm.t\OO in C~ IY'vd,
dc,p1lc the (;.\Ct ;h:t.t the ma\t(r1n1nd Gordon t\ngcl~cJ, \vho h.1$ ~1ncc
bch111d it l.\\ 11. at present on bl1l .lw.tit retired ;ind 1\, :tr prc\c.'n1 , ur'ldcr pr'c-
1ng ttiJl with 10 ~pcc1mc:n c.J!IC\ against cuuon for r.p111g > minor. The police
him arc aware of allegauons of r 1cdophilc
:tct1v1tics .1ga111)L all the above.
A' the c.ue is sub juJice, we wilt c.111
this man .\lr X. Ir is not 1he rnt<nuon Part of 1h" siory ha been reported 1n
or tl11s rn.1g.1ztne 10 be in con1cmpt of other papers. In fact, the Oh.erver. the
CO\lrl Independent on Sundy. H rv Jnd
Pri,.lte Eye arc being sued for libel by
There 1s O\'Cf\\hrlmrng evidence that. ex Supt Angelsea. Bur ever incc the
for year<, young bop in care were sys- illegal activities inside the Bryn Alyn
tcnuucalty raped .md ah used by Mr X Community were exposed, >ho rtly
;md m.1nv other, 1nOuenual, people: after the local council in Nonh Wales
du1 thous.nds ol pounds of publrc hJd changed from Tory hands to L-Ord J\1cA/pine forr11er treasurer of the Co11servati1e Party.
money w>i mismed m order to set up ubour, no one has got 10 the bottom
'cra1nmg c.tmps' >t children's homes in of Jt. No one has dared mention the Square, which "e have stated m prcv1 before and wcc "< : " re 1he
Wrexhm, Holyhead, Gwynedd, name of Lord 1'!cAlp1nc in conncc1ion ous issues was under surveillance for rumours gushing ou1 of homes 1n
Shropshire .ind London, where chil- w1th sex with an underage boy, even some time by British Customs and Gwynedd and Wrexham. but who did
dren as young~ four were schooled in though there is in existence a sworn where Portillo and Lilley were known nothing 10 i nv~1igate them . In fact,
rhc art of mole prostitution. affidavit from the v1e11m and a sworn to vmt. the momen1 the council did react , O\<t
police sca1cmc111, and despite the fuct 300 "ic11ms of child abuse came to
PLAYGROUND f'OR thu the police in 1hc CJ.Sc Jgainst Mr X let's recap the story surrounding Mr X light . In Gwynedd alone there were
PERVERTS seem 10 take the viccim seriously and the homes he managed . Un11l a 1..6 separate allegations dunng 1980-
'111t chtld..,n's homes collecnvely called enough 10 use him as a chief witness Labour council took control tn Clvwd 90. It led l\\Jkolm King. chairman of
1hc Bryn Alyn Communiiy, under rhe for the prosecution. No one has stum- ~n 198?, 'vlr X had en1oyed vir;ual Ov..,-d 's Social Services co remar<. "We
management of Mr X. turned over m blccl across the connecuon between the 1mmun11y under the prot<cuon of cor- arc iooking ar rhc biggeu failure to
excess of LI 2 mil ion every year It cost paedophile ring and close friends of rupt and implicated policemen and protect children 1n rhe h 1s:or)' o
LI 000 LI 500 per week of public Pon1llo and Liller. Or. for that matter. w1th the connivance of the Br1tJ1n ...
money 10 keep a child tn care rraced pedophifc m.ltcri.11 produced Conscrvu1vc council "ho had
Aemrding to the policanan th charge by one of ~Ir X's companies tn rcprcs;cd tiles ol photographic ev1 - THE NAMES
of invest pnon Sup1 Ackerley Ams1crdJm to >n >d1lre" in Dolphm dcn<e "hich showed be.Hen ~nd The cJnd3J nvolve:-d s~ . - "C I :.s

bruised eh1IJren for over eight ycJrs bo)~ one~ '',)L;.g ..._ ni11c. 1~ .: c "Atrc
__-- . .... ......__....._
..... ,..,..,... _____,_
=...,- ...........~s=~,..~,=,._~~-"'-~---~.~~-~~~-

fi ve." 1ll t~1t1111Jtc l"f<'t~11.t111,. ir\ CC"1i.c'1~f<ll ,,,,,t t r 1u er' off ind p11111r I llC t O I o11i;. "ho '"" move<! ~iockwdl
I > (,(,
l ll ll l l t l lll C" l llll' d\.l\l\.l11ll0\ ol 'IV;t~(" the. llC,(, Ill ti()\\ 11, 1nct r.1pct n1r I {,r,,vc \'(/rc~h;i,n1, h;a.,1 1hc ho11}t
\' 11lr11CC' .1 1111 r:l~>c }~IJ"C(f.ICC'\l l1y l \ l('tll llt:latvc I'''' I\ \t.i 1 ot~l 1 rhc I01111rht for him long ""ha top of the
h<rs ol 11.1tl "'""" t!i. CH1l1tll ol \ Ir X ""~c wh11c Sierra cor !'\ir X also
~clt ' '''l,' '' '''&I\' th('(" wrrC" al 1 l11tl<. fi11a11<.: .1llv r.\.llllC l!1C'tf OllOl('f(}\IS bo~'S
l 1111\ <lf .1 (0\ 't'r llll Otl\' l JC"k rn1> c M1 X 1v I 1tt: I' ll~CC\llt"tl 011 ttn .11 house< 1~ E.clgwari Ro:1d I ondon,
1l1Jll ,l l!t', .lJ(' 111\fC'('l i , .1 (l>llJl('I ~ortfl l)ti , ,f ''" I 1l''''c ( t c I le, o 1 Chn1er Rnad. Mnchc.ici. Ncvuuo~
\\';i lt\ Pr,l1cC' \ 11rht1r1r) C h 1111111 1 ht 1\ IKll lt' oflitcrs lll'<ler S\lS"l1(1011, 1\vc1111e, Sm11h Sh1clth, Q.uccns l'.lfk
1. IJ 1r11tll fi1 , 1.JI ~'ii \ \.c .1rs I, fi1rr f11r 11 11t,:lu~l 111 \ 1 cl't"' \Vl'Jt.. \l11r to 11e W1cxh.1111, Ro<k S11c<1. ll11ghion, dnd
111q11 11 v had bc.:n Jd1bc1atdv \! 1flcd ( I'S. No pit' c:<li l u>ns f<)lltl\\Cd "" ! C' so on All rhc.se odd rc= "ere used by
J l c1\\ C' \ C'r. 111 l')S9 Jll 11\ tt" 11.11 11oltll l. l'S \t .l trI It 1:0. 11<>l i111i1e1>\1111 \\:c.1l1liy p.1c<lo~>t11I(. ft>r ex or \
111111111\ ' lrcl h\. ()er StlJ'I \ \..kerlc\ 111c1k 1t,rcrt''' 10 prrl\C'Cutc rhc.~c. J'IOl1cc <lffi
"'<r I 500 sta1<1.,t111< \ lucr )opJ,,, ,c.r!li l n ,1i;.1d, 1t1c 111t11 'vltc> J1.1d bee; 1 THE DEN AT DOL-
111q11 1r\ p 11r 11111.i c:r s l 'J''l lCH'lll the t11llo\ v rl"'i'On, 1hll ft.>r r111n1n~ rh~ live-' of PHIN SQUARE
1ng \I\ pol 1c..c ofllt.Cf\, all of ,,.)101\1 f1.1vc 11t 111v Y'1u 11g l1tll'll''' ho~1 s. Y.<.'ll' 1 \1<..lgc I .~fr X .1l<0 d a re"dy <upply of boys
\cl\\ r.l~t,'l'I c-. 1 rc11rcnt"nt gc.1111)' 11110 rc11rc111l'1tt \Y1th hand\OOlC 10 tJ\C an J,1 bu 1gco111 19 filnl l,us1nc)i
1..()11111, t l(.lllll!l l'J}'lllCOl'i otn<.I pc:n~ 101 1 hrough a co i,;p.1 ny nwncd by his
Supt Angelsea >1nr.1cr All dw oltitcrs with al rg:1u<>1" niece 111 Copenhagen . p.1cdoph de
'1!1 111\t 1l1cn1 ''l'rc .1 .. tivc frrcr1l .l\Oll\ marcrul w>' rran,porrcd ro London for
Sgt Mike Roach
p11va1< >how1 ng< 1n Dolph>n Sq iJrc
Sgt Geraint Morgan The r ol ol Mr X w1ll 1.1k< pl.cc <ome and nearby 1n Win chcs<er Sirtc r,
PC David Rodgers l fl\t' 11\ t h l" 'itll1\0\l'I' l'imlico, where Derck La ud. 1'-vlichJcl
PC Peter Sharman Brown, J\f P'< boyfritnd had ; et up
THE Hf>IR Of' MR X l ll1 \
DC Gary Probert At tl1c t'111c of t l' 1.. l1 1l ll .tb l1 11;

1t<]Hi1t ti~(
11 l'\\ <111!)'' I 11 Jt:<I I~ " A source Dolphi n SquJr< told us
There '"ere stor1 s of \V1tllc o:. ., ;ind pc-o- u1flee of :1 pJedophilc porn empire 'We often have underage boys winder-
l )IC' ,1,.\<> 1.11e<I \v11h 1l1t 1nt1111rv llc1ni <. r<'JCctl 11\ ~1r X t>\:tr 20 )'t.1 rs It \V.l\ ing tltc corri<loro:;. rot.111)' lo.st, .;asking for
1n tim1ci.1 tC'd 1\ lcx S:t<f<l1n~t<lll. the.: .ttn l>\t 1111,:011tc1-.:.1blv C\ 11. :u c.1kc lit tk rhc fla1 of a pa rucul;r ,\ IP According
\X'd<h coor<lin.uoi for thr ~.1 11ou.1! ho\ s 1n c :irc- fr1>nt l1on1c'i O\YO(."(i by \i r co OlJI )Otlr4i.C, young bovs \vc re often
1\ "i:)ociJr1on of YoLng flC'OjllC 1n ( 1re, X su"h .t s 3i l11vcr11css Tt"rr .,cc, guest< at JHtv:11c pani 1n Dolphin
"" hc.11011 If' ind had chcr11icols B.1pw; tcr. " l11C h h,11 Sine closed Squate 1.t\ling into rhe <mall hours.
;prJycd rn 111> cyrs. Steven Mc<>h.1m, .1 <l<l\\.tl <> tror1i !10111cs 111 C.1!arlc RoJd "David Steel, who h>< an panmcnt
kc:\t ''"lllll!"'i'i .lg_llfl\r Su1>r Angl!"l~c. \V, ' nd hnchlcy l'l ot-c in London, an,l here. 11 r.1rl1er fo11J of t.1tc 1l1ght)". o ur
b<."Jt<n up for rho Sond " "'" \ locJI s11bJl'1..t r l1r~c ch ildre n to .\ V~tc111.tt1c <oure .1 dded
BBC journJl" r who hac! brcn working .1husc over .1 period or y....111, so ! ht
on rhc child Jbusc cJsc for I 8 mo111hs lx:gait tl> :it.:<.e11c thi~ trc.ltrncnt ;i' JlC' -
w.1s 1hc v1ct 1m of a n1~ tc:r1ot1s l>ur
We c.tn rcvc.. 1'1r X " 'l'Plic<l bo\'S to \,fr X. the paedophile be/1 i11d
fct1ly 1101 m.11. M.111)' of 1he vi-irm,, Dolph :i, ~llMC on a regular oo<i<. IJri1ai11 's biggest clrild abuse
ht I glary .1d11it< now 11flcr rmm gra\'c J'S) Chc ~ca11da/
' R1'PD
11>~1 .11 1>r<>l>lc 111,, 11l:1fl ll lltl'fC\~IO
The r ch .ind P"""'rfol rn"tl Mr X to be he had <t3rtcd th< lire a' a pr.ink H e
and dru!; a11d alc0hol dq,<1 tle1c cs. dJ.\Crec . Tiu1 ll1C3nt !um 5ameum~ rul-
Pr111 overage centred on the te.ii
ing ht< 1uvc11ilc empire w11h a rod of
m~1criously fell u i d ...r ~ bL s and w.h
mony of Steven Mc.sham and Mark Th.ere ,._.J, a grC".lt llc:.11 <lf 1no11'1 to be c rushed 10 death foday, tfie hr ...
Humphnts boy who gave a grut iron. If .i boy cro<sed him 1hc lcaq he
nlJ\lt f\.t r X, l~t\t .t nJ l<>ri:r11ost \v, ~a the ,, or,t, 2S
Cllt1l,1 txfX"C1 \l/.U .1 beJ.t1:1g.
Bnpdc arc prcss1n11 to h.tvc the Cl' r<
omt a count of how they had been bl1 1n<'"'i 111.1n I le u r<l ll> '11rc out l>Cl\ ')f")('0'1'W 0e rr n~ SttspC IS a\iir X
raped repeatedly by Angel ca a' (.l\l<f1 c~ I<> l ftc flt( Jrt crc~t1g1t>llS
in the'"< of Adrian Jo11cs 16. "" 10
Hum hnes dcsc:r bed an vivid detail lose }1u life f- i~litC't'n 11\onths .1go Jo11C':'.
members or \Vrcxh lm Col dub I hey Apart ~ ' the ch drcn s homes t1'c up
hn tm holiday at Clwyd \\:J.s l1v1ng \\! Ith fottr other bO)'S 1n
were ft>rtcd to t!o ' lt1t 111<>tc 1h.i11 \11n n 1(.c.t . Wt IUtlOll and J rt1Cr.l{IVC $Jc-
tn th Br n tyn S hoo bo:lrLl1ng hou'\c in l\righc<H1 It Y.'ll 1u t
ply c11y 1h< c uh< I or the 11ght price, < in p..cdoph1lc lirer.iure Mr X had
he enter d my ano1her brothel, lun<k-d bv Mr X Jon<""<,
boys cou J be 101le,1cd r101n .iny OllC 1x oilier bu)1nc !.CS. W1 1.1 sick 1ror1v.
hQ\\'t\1."r. sct greed>- 11nd tbtt:lr<'n<'tl to
1111d bbcd of his hon1c;; ot11 for tltc through rwo ol hts comp111cs. Video
ad oCc:11ien,
;i11d f1kc r1
bl. d<Jn>il hi> bo~,. Soon after" "'"" rhe People and Tope to Tpc.-. lie produced
night His f,1vo11t,te' were !av ' hly l~\r\l i1lg f1ousc ' ' c1.t tip irJ fl.ttnC"i. 1\JI
WllK<i and d111cd, ~hO\\( IC'll Ill C');i'CJl song lor char ry in I 'JXH 11'~ ch.uny w.i<
the boY" died m die lire n>t Su'-"'' fire Save The Cl11ldren nv all C ounts JI
gafts and ofcl11 f.arrnc"I 1>t1t t <l o ne Rr g.ide JeJu( ed u wa.s .1rso11 \ <"Ulpn1
hiS m ny rcnr hoy hrmhds through d1J rarhcr we
c 1bc ountrv lc>r c.'"" mplt \rrvC"n
""" tound \11(11hcr vot:ng boy cb1mcd


01' 1ne an e ae o I e1'111

Mc~LPINE IS ~ 1 1'2ul had n dca ~ho ii k own Pa I < ury per

PERVERT " drc c-J m w th gr c:yt g h.., and r int n 1cwtd Pau r two so1nal11 and you n 1 row n some
He . ,,11c ol l\1 Jin r11..n lr.,. 111'"1 a round <h fa1 e really Y.S Jic WU I umony nd rhe phocoS'"ph u d c' roya for good r.ica urc Laud h;u aho
rc'r uhlc m , .1 I i lt I ch c.c~ 101."(ll f,,, Jll C\llCl,~l\C 111r.tl .11 J rc.'t IU 1d nllf) Loni McAlp111r re now wuh l>cen on holrdoy "'"" I lley, Chris
oaahrntnc 1 d buhr~ of chc ranc 111 ( hr;crr Ii 1s bcndactor p.ud che pol cc pend mg chc u Hov.~rr. Chacaway nd Jeffrry Archer. He
""th a gold crrd11 <rd and l'ul we h.ve lul worn afli.UV t ivm I en <nterta mg h boyfr endt 21
Coruuvt ve l'ucy However a <hmn
1ni; polr uccment and wo n affi no11 cd a dccuon of oth<r C rd h '""" ( La c.
r;cc wmrc e ua I
da II from a boy C21led Paul ca u tucked mto h .,..11 t
po1enullr ruinous Joub1 oer Lord
~1u\lprnc < ,hatJcccr. He rs a copper Orling i..,k "' Su111111rrl111l, /\kAlp111<
bo11omcJ, rrue blu<, pel\cIC "ho, 1t
rre" n1oys nothing bcu<r chan
uopJ><'ll the c;u 111 lar-hy, where l'aul
"'~' rcq..:1rcd 1ci &uck J111n oif
l lc' i ~ n <"<>1>1H' f' i><>ltc11111 cL trtu l1lut
being ucked off bv lur e chrldrc
lndccJ loni; before he .a h1 he scr
Afcrrwards he ""' drporcrd back at
1hc home "'llh chc promise of f H'l'\ 1r1 '' li<J. it a111Har-.. c11jc1~~ 11l1t l1i11!!
vico of t-.lr X, ,\kAfprne" rndulg1 Chr111mas hompcr, "'hi<h never
h1 ordrd dairo In 196~ hew.. fo 111 <> 11 tlia11 lui11!!,
-.1uk11\ 11ff 11\ littll .
n1Jlly .1u11oncd by Strthdyde polu
for sexual oficnce agairut m1no Paul t .Summ<rhill deeply .oufll\cd cl 1i I< lrl'll.
Bue he i;oc awav "'"h 11 1'1en of h 1 rwrd )Our g m>n For a whilr
wc:ilth ar d !landing usually do -- m Brighton and was Upf"<'rtcd
by ~1r X unul, lin>11). he broke >w.
Mesver. Paul'& cruc.u.\ te111mony docs ilnd \~tcd .ii! tlo. I\ 1t 1r wi.~ r101 u11c1 chc """'" like hor e duns He hu
noc lee l.01J t-.lcAlprn uff o c:as>ly, In 1'r1.111 ]l)l1nw11 1l1t,111.t.s's .irt1cle lll<.>lll Ht ' now l~ JllJ l1vrng 111 a 51Jblc ofccn been seen chrrc "'llh Fcri; cs
l'ov<mhcr f IJH5, Paul"'"' 17 )"'"''old Stl!>l A11gl"l~;,t .i1>pr.lttll 111 Pr1v.1te lyc hCln1oscxu.al r1..IJ111111'l.h1p 1n l\r1:;l11<1n friend John Bryan and '"' Orn 1
and living In a hJ.!f.,.,ay house owned rn January I Y9J ch.tt i'aul summonto : ! h.H no co111tC'lr101t "'i1f1 r11.ifc: J>I< f1,,1rdro.Kr, "'" "'til un ou cd co lu"c
by che llryn Alyn Communuy 11 up che oourai;e to ~k out Ile con rttt1t1on, and to th11 d.ay, srands by bttn bribed bv D12na r uke he rap
Summcrh11l on chc ouukuu of cacied I homs anJ fter several ',, ~ :d . (~ .
Wrolum 11< w.< one of ~1 r X s prize der:aaled &nCCf\ IC'WS V..ll ''C'CS 11dcd 10
boyl. who had been e>lr.cn 1ntu c>rc &1\C' ('\'Ill( 1' . [l C GOOD "GOLLY". ROYAL CONNECTION
.lgcd four nd had contrrlually homo- Ms POLLY A(, ' : r erg. ,
sc~ully abu cJ at Sorton Sthool in MCALPINE bo\'I 1 . -'"'.1 "".l-;..
0 .1 f r: . c.:"l
Wu-.. ICk hire from che a of e1ghc. I DENTlf'IED In Sully"' d ""' n fccr her clscwhac he thrn 1orncd Andrew
, . . . . ., ~\,,J cherr morrra Mr and :>.!rs Pon llo da rp>latchcroyo omen
fhc older boy used 10 bu er him Cl 1 t; 0 II

cveiy n ghc Mr X found h m " en he \.icAtp es wcnc on hol day w th M <had Brown Oona fo a ooru o fun and gan-.cs.
\!!', nd h15 friend', hlack )O th
"ho they II nrck11 rncJ Golly. Along Ho WISabo '"' 'cd somcwhcrc rn the
on tl'li~ n:)'\ter1oi1 trip al~o \\c11r l"ony modd c of chc D1>na-G1lbcy candal
()11e (lf I111
tihots \\as of I ,<lr<l l lua. who we aller;ed "" an aul\dy and ISO frcqJCQC \ISllOr tO 0>1J
gar lobhyrst w11h chc fitm of Gj\X' Steel s Oat 1n :he now notonou
McAlpi11e. Patil ider1tific,l l1i111 i111111 c<li- Government Rdat oru. Bue who w.ts
Do ph n Squ;uc "Golly" rare y enter
ta ru an c o; no1e at hu W1nch~cr
ately. 'fhere was not a rr1 <J111111t ~ l1e::ii- Br c... ing !um on h ilidy che Por11Uo,
Street, Pim co, fl>t Gun >round chc
corner from Dolphin quarc buc
"''"c .:1 sood comp>ny "Golly" ts no ne1~41bours report he often cake> , oung
tation or scrap of cl<>11l>1. h,. han half <>Ile nephew and men home and cho:y gencral!v ua> all
r=Jrch ass1 am of 1.ord Put and ""' ncghc The Dolphin Square restaurant
che bt..:k face p cturcd 21 che w1ndo" of cour c 1 where both l 11lcy a d
11e11viuo and believed there w;is con of Sumber Ten ., ~ltsir p<eped Poru lo dine mo>< fr d2y nibhn and
nI on wnh Mr X, 1l10"'cd l'Jd k>u chrough 1hr p.irc >I) opcnI llUarnt w;u for a ume under scruuny by H \I
phocographs of complctcly d1ftcrcn1 on 1he d1r she 1p111 Cuuums alter 1hev haJ rnc<rccpceJ
men all of abouc ch< 11me g< who pacdoph 1c mccrul at ~ loum I' C.li.llll
Qlllld haw: U>dy linrd lul's d=r r

aain. One of the ho1 " of lord
Paul idcnulicd him m c
'l'hcK waa noc momcnc s h
n or scrap of doubc. Ile was
His UM 1 De k Laud and c "'
"'ho 1ntr du d footballer Ju t n
~ashanu 10 \'( cumonsier

cnh,h11.1nts It "a' a lcgcd hi F It.nu
lurn,di 011 "I'' ch.c I hes indu,lcd both
en "' o lu'c v1 ued h m 1n
"ho "'c ha-c ull..cd to, allege
he u uv1ni; them ouc for h1i;her
things rnh2nu .... one such
....., certain McAlpme wH ch Por111lo nd l 1 Icy 1 a 1h1ce 111 a hcd
p. a rh I d r ter iC pr ure L' 1 a onsu :anc w th ud&cc
I tc .J., red < lud C mm n1 auons, a 1 h owcrcd
pot p rclat s tic"
m \CS n polt~I bus ad'''
Ill. f Fash nu w eel mg che cruth, he ordc:s In rh ~pa ry Laud hs C'o<n
may have hccn rncrodu cJ "' many wr uen p-chcs for P11nce Ch>rlc>.


'!\ hu1 h.1< pu,111vrly 1dc11111icd hnn uf hu marua~c and supcndcd lro1'1 l1>s
Al p < I wrlll' he m 1y II' 111111J1tlv
1 .11 I r\ , . ill' r 111 .11~ r du1 C1 du1 n .1 !.1cr pdl 11 a home in Paul, 1he bor who cb1ms 10 h ' c
\C VI 11etl llldl) fHOOllllClll poli11 For 11by 1.1n~how w.' . tlosc: a.SOC been molcHed b} Lord \ lu\ l111ne,
1J1 hut 11 " 11111 kely he "oulcl "''< SISTER LATEX .1e of p clop 1lc Ste" Norri , v. ho 11:.~ nc"'cr ,v.. ,crcJ fror11 tl1r st ate.
on ..,n t1tllid.1 \\11tl1 l)(lrt1llo, 1\1 )\\11, Al~ I <" \\l ) .({I I (" 11\fJ \Vtlll 01' rhr lr111, lOd S 5 (C mc111 1ha1 he gave 10 p olice ond 1hc
~f,11t 1 d t 1. It> <.:re,,. 1l1C' r's .111<1 dt't I'< 11!1 . I I ) I ,, I' I Ill '>rr COllVI IC I f.1r I 11 l .ibusc afficl3v11 he swore 10 1ourn.1!i11 llr1an
tll(' I Ol\ .. I' I >I 1.lt.llll f\ 1 ll I {l>111.1ry t 1111;.I cit(' ru1110\11 Jol1ns,>n 1110111~. i11crc is 11c> rCJ.so11
lll>llt l ...1rt1ll 1 11011111 :tt11l1t) I le w 1s \VI .11 the 1<111 11. I c1 c ltr 11c t<.> dcl11bt l11s ""'<,rtl l vc:11 tltc 1>011<.:c
lrt l11s p11l1 ' " rc:l.1t1 l l l ' l.1 't 11~ lie 1s ' I "" 11111 WC knew II I Ir dl!Ol<tl D.w1d Seller w "'pcd lV gcly by seem luppr 1ha1 l'>ul I' a c redible
1cq 11rnt '< <. tl
"1 1t<>r c1v.i' 11\ 1 lw w" 1hr orly lwmn c\nal '" Ike!< n c day Jfrrwrd , a d1 1r<11gh1 witness for tl1c 11rost:tu t 1or1 a 11J 1s
crr.l Ofli c \\ 1crc he llll'CI \I IJ l011'l ll\\l .It rc:terl10ll (' 11\I\ \YJ.\ ,.(){
1 ~dlcrs told \'{/cxlum pol cc everything
u.1>.11hlc of ,.,.it!1\t.1n<ll11g Ct<>l5 c x.;an1t
kr OllC 0 1l1c \}(J& I I r11i11 \\Ill
.0< 1 tic, \\'f 11.\YC' wl
J'Cllcc 11 1 1 cllhrr 1
r1 hu h.1d It ppcord llcck w s <JU<
11on<'I .11 lcni;th. !nu, 111ys1c1 ou ly. u na11011 hv e1ninr111 Q<.s I hcrdorc
'I" a1< r ol the :O.t ur r l " 1 al<o freely ti 11111cil 1hcu exu.11 p1 >
.t v l 11 I rult, "h h" ur1c 1 ul l1v t1 111l1r11111<' 1 It" 1ll11111crcl 1f1rrr I"' cc 1on follo""" 111 '"" Imo 1
ccrrn111ly due 10 ti~ f1c1 1ha1 Supt
1Jk1ng Patil:( tt\1 1mc11y 1111<, aclot111t,
and 1he forn1al " 'rn111;; hy
rc1 'l111l <'If'' 1h 1.. 1 l\1 \ ''' 'l'' rl11 '~. \\ ' 11 111n\IC'lll ii ll)tra r1gJ1t \v111g
m 1 1 '' .1rr rl!'\l
'" 111111 11t v tlt rs 111 1101111>\c-<11.11 et ott l1ct<'rl1(>11 e, hue 1\11\tl,t".1 was rl1<: r11a1 111 <.f1.trgc 11 S1ra1hdytle police a1-"1i11s1 \ lc..\ lp111e
\\ 1n,f1 re \rrc-e tlC'OIC"(,I l1c \\ \"i .I Jllf[ of II 111 \\,I\ not 'lfJrCJS<l, 1lllc to s11cct1lalC' 1hat f<>r .a. s11n1J.:1:r c>ffc11cc 111 t 'J{,5, 111,
11r1 111c We 11.1\ir 11<1kc11 It 01l1c:r S1~tt"r f .ate>. c.1llC'tJ 111 ;,) trw fav1>11r conclus1011 r11t1s1 l>c t l1 .a t I ortl
But thnc < n m 1> L> r k I 11 l 1 "" 011rt.c\ Jc ( Jri1l>1ulrC" \\ 1111 s1.1tc c.11t fron1 l11s olct lc1C'rhc>usc cl11 1n1s 111 i'.1c:dpinc is no1 onl} ~ crook hut .1
h go11,.11Jv ii u Al.tn lie k wJs dccplv ord r 10 i;r1 hnn,.lf off 1hc hook r ' drcph1lc
111vc1lv<<l ,, 11!1 ch<" gr<lup <>f t1n<lc1 &1)'
COVER-UP 1l1c: conrr<)I <>f l'r<>lc: \<>r \1.1t1r1ce it rc:111.a111s 1c l1c: S(Cll wl1ctl1cr L111dt" Should Lord \ lc.\lp1nc ch0<"e 10 con
11(' f( ' I\ ' ' )' ' ' d11I CJ! ( .iwl111; Beck told 11< on 1hc onc l1.1nd ch<" 'iCl11ClllY Clf rllr CC)llfl 11rrv('tCS 11~ . Jlt 11s sCllt,1t ors O\'l'r tltc \ttlry '" '-"
' Ut' c\t "
1'}\.. 1 ~~I l >vcr
cxl' >I
11.ivc prln ccJ, \\ C \\ oul<l \\ cl<.0111c t l1c
\ 1t-11 o t 1n t1n:irccedc~t(J s~1 c \ rno11~
oppor111n11y of dragging h15 n>me
l the \~J t~'Slm n1c from ch<' vie
1hrough 1hc cou rt\ S h oul d h e
t1rn , ''' 1' 1me enter c: l h1t c,;t11111clc ' l' II<' n1<111 ha< I ~ t1('li
lei rgc 1>('11 i:-, t li<tt it <l
c..J1oolc not to t.tkc .1.c t 1or1 , t l 1<' n let
1h I' r<lnph 1 r111 uc d y '"'It
h is silence 1ncr1n11n .;1 tc him. \X'c ,f,;i ll
i\lid1.cl l'ou1 Io, I c er L Icy .inJ 01h <r
11gh 1211k111g T ones The li r<1 1s 1hc
\\'H ~ C',XCl'11ci<11ingl~ l)<t i,11\il. In fact. i11e <lefcn<l 011r ~to o .:l\\1dt1ot1sl, (or tl<>
1bov rnc n11oncd Derck L1ud, w ho one " 'lS there to ddcnd the cll1 ld1c11
. ., 1r clC'ri ''1ch C'] 1n1 1 ) 111 1hc J fo 11 sc
11cxt cl<1y S1r1Jli<'1l I l<.tsl1in1 hacl to g o 1<) con11m~~11r obuscd hr thctr 11d1 ml
uf P. r 1Jll1CI I rhc scconJ 15 .\ I. n
!1 e k 11 ~ \!er L 11cx ond 111 old l1<>s1>itul a11cl r c('<'i\'C' treat111c11t l'c1r a pO\\Cfft1I 0 \ Cr'\C'C'r'

frwn.f of Po n !lo s rom ( mhridgc There " no evidence, a \c l , 1h>1

I' u 1)I lf f'(' ( I tt 11 ll s . either \\,.h~cl l'onillu Of P eter
We f1.1\'t 1< 110,.,11 :tbo 1r f
lor:g 111d or i
Lille\' v. ls invohcd direct!) in 1hc
11n c I he re wa< no do 1b1 Jbou r lus
paedophile ring. H o" cvc r, people
1<1<1Juon w11h Brown. I< w.ts Jn old
rl1at f'ctcr~ l Oll\(,' "',LS .l VC'IY llllll'' l C' /\fcAlp111c. Derck L.1ud nd AIJn lktk \Cr'\ clo" to them were I h ere have
varn I he News of The Wnrlcl h ci r 1n
college wuh only 120 s1utl<"nr1. 1ho11 ,,-, \vr1ggle ot1t of it ag .r bcc11 con 11 nu al run1ou" thJ 1 bo1h
n article on Laud serving re to Brown
rllY lt"fl l)\J"ly. ""'>11ltl 11<>l rc:11u:ntbcr .111v 1nin1\lcrs indltlgc ir' u 11Jer .L~c rc: 11t
n a skimpy fnlly p nny six ~2f go
Wr: I o had reason 10 bcl ve 1ha1 of tl1r: 1 t I <1 111 (' ~ f [ ()\\ CVC'I l1c <.lat! SCALLYWAG SAYS boys Derck laud , freque nt v" " o r
ud P rtlo nd !Icy r mcn111cr 1<,rt1 ll<>, l11 1c <ic.n1cll there This whole 'ordirl ''l'I 1!oc' nol <"omc to 1'.irl amen1 n il a pacd oph1k t< a
Bui I ClllllC w J11v c."'V1t.lc1\LC tl1.1l Ile \\':\ ~ y 1111!. :t !I .1 S t1r1>ri~e.I l1\i11g i11\c~tlg.ttcJ >tr.1n~e fr ie nd for 'uppo,cd h rc1
was bull h11 th1\ .tn(I other \(t1r1t\ r o11t c-rning 1J1c t1t:ahlC' 11\111j ~tcrs ,\J;111 ll<'ck, a r J'l \ t
tlc11r.1vcJ .ic..tivit1C\ o f <,;c:rt.1i11 I <ln >nd child abu,cr, 1< cqnll) '"'reel
leek m v h.1v L>< 11 l1;1 r .1 t1V.t'c<I l1y "1J>,, nc1tl1i11r. 1"- '.'\l1r11r1, i r1g, .tn\ It 1> t mplau\lhlc tf1a1 Por1illo .incl
1n1 re 1c:tl par11c tt fcc1..l t1 cl 1..5111ft 1r11l.t 111orc . l'l1crc 'cert\\ to he. fl<) en1,,f t~>
Li l le:\ .&re n o t a \\'Jrc: of tl1c l>Jc.
n l>tll likC' l 111d. '' l1:tcl n 1> r~ 1n
u pC"Lr l1c W:l\ ' 1>-ICtlopl11lc 111 It IS
dophi lc ring. \nJ 11 t< ' ' ". l1lah
lJuJ "ould ha>c lold 1hcm So, 1f
nt w W<."f(" 01 ltlc ,l\VJ l t' ()f .111 11\CI There <Jn he li1ilc douht 1h>1 one of
thl h.1ppcnnl 1n I ')82 111vulvmi; Brit.1i11 '~ 1110,t ,\mbitiot1\ .anti 11rof th<) t!on' t ra pe l i11 le bo'" the m
rh r fourteen yr " .ti hov [) 1vul )Cl\c~ rhr~ knc1\\ a man who <f<,c~
i1.1hle paedophile ring;. run [,, >
nuhle" pcr'\crt, had tlir<'<t conn<'<
lion< "i th leading I orie<; 1h>1 Luge likewis~ should ~tcs>r< Portillo nd
BUGGERED <um< of puhlic money were mi<ud l 11lcy <hoo<e 10 ukc legal auiun as
Beck helped or~Jm c ' I.um holi lo fond network of rent hov broth we h.\\ c h.,..rd 1hcr m1gh1, we would
r rh kid 11 L rcr ""'" ll c.nh cf< n<l 1h31 poliricins in,~l,ed 1n h~'" not the lightest compun<tion
IJ> lnp ~ unc.l~r chc \1cw.1rtf,}11il o f rhc ring. in 11:artic1lar f"ormcr trc:.1\11r bout the eventual outcome An<I. by
qual licJ ocial v. orkcr llcJ er Lord Mc.Alpine were fully Jwre the wy. ju.r for 1he record, the edi-
~llljplliaw, who Wl\ >Uh><<1uc111I> of rhcc fund< being miupproprit tor< of Scll)-w:1g bsolu1cly hte ~
r rhr no11 Ctl11st11nn1111011 ed. ~Ul1la5.


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