1994 04 Issue 22 Scallywag Lord Mcalpine Pedophile PDF
1994 04 Issue 22 Scallywag Lord Mcalpine Pedophile PDF
1994 04 Issue 22 Scallywag Lord Mcalpine Pedophile PDF
friend of Michael Brown MP, sodomised 111t"1\t f1on1 1\.lr X \vl1c11 ht" ct11ncc.l tJJ>.. c
an underage boy at one children's home so unc o( thr l1on1c~ 1n ~c:\rch of :t l1ctlc
savagely that the child received hospital boy. but .1t.o orhcr c\1Jbl ihm<n1 f.g
treatment for a raptured anus. And we urcs <uch a< the fate 1.ord Kenyon. for-
have evidence that Afan Beik. known in me r C h.11rm.1n of 1hc Norrh W I<>
gay <irdes as Sister Latex, and a confidant Police Au rhon ry. Wyn Roberts, l\I P
of Michael Portillo since Peterhouse for Conwy JnJ currendv ~ini<tel or
College, Cambridge, was ae<used of raping S1cc a1 the Welsh O ffice. Adam l\1ars-
an underage boy in his 1are. Jo11cl. 'on of Mr ju\t1cc J o11c~ and the
rrgular film cr111c on 1hc Independent
'l h1 rcll\ l1ov' r111g ~\l.~ opc;r.1tcJ fo1 1\cwst,.tpcr, and \1x l'ol1<c o fficer~.
.tmor1& them J. former su pcr1ntcndc11c
more tl1.1n 20 yc:irs, and lS "''''' 1n o'>cr..
3\1011 .1\ .1Jc.lrc:s1cs .ill over l\r1t.ii11 , 2nd 1l1on1111cnt frccm.t\OO in C~ IY'vd,
dc,p1lc the (;.\Ct ;h:t.t the ma\t(r1n1nd Gordon t\ngcl~cJ, \vho h.1$ ~1ncc
bch111d it l.\\ 11. at present on bl1l .lw.tit retired ;ind 1\, :tr prc\c.'n1 , ur'ldcr pr'c-
1ng ttiJl with 10 ~pcc1mc:n c.J!IC\ against cuuon for r.p111g > minor. The police
him arc aware of allegauons of r 1cdophilc
:tct1v1tics .1ga111)L all the above.
A' the c.ue is sub juJice, we wilt c.111
this man .\lr X. Ir is not 1he rnt<nuon Part of 1h" siory ha been reported 1n
or tl11s rn.1g.1ztne 10 be in con1cmpt of other papers. In fact, the Oh.erver. the
CO\lrl Independent on Sundy. H rv Jnd
Pri,.lte Eye arc being sued for libel by
There 1s O\'Cf\\hrlmrng evidence that. ex Supt Angelsea. Bur ever incc the
for year<, young bop in care were sys- illegal activities inside the Bryn Alyn
tcnuucalty raped .md ah used by Mr X Community were exposed, >ho rtly
;md m.1nv other, 1nOuenual, people: after the local council in Nonh Wales
du1 thous.nds ol pounds of publrc hJd changed from Tory hands to L-Ord J\1cA/pine forr11er treasurer of the Co11servati1e Party.
money w>i mismed m order to set up ubour, no one has got 10 the bottom
'cra1nmg c.tmps' >t children's homes in of Jt. No one has dared mention the Square, which "e have stated m prcv1 before and wcc "< : " re 1he
Wrexhm, Holyhead, Gwynedd, name of Lord 1'!cAlp1nc in conncc1ion ous issues was under surveillance for rumours gushing ou1 of homes 1n
Shropshire .ind London, where chil- w1th sex with an underage boy, even some time by British Customs and Gwynedd and Wrexham. but who did
dren as young~ four were schooled in though there is in existence a sworn where Portillo and Lilley were known nothing 10 i nv~1igate them . In fact,
rhc art of mole prostitution. affidavit from the v1e11m and a sworn to vmt. the momen1 the council did react , O\<t
police sca1cmc111, and despite the fuct 300 "ic11ms of child abuse came to
PLAYGROUND f'OR thu the police in 1hc CJ.Sc Jgainst Mr X let's recap the story surrounding Mr X light . In Gwynedd alone there were
PERVERTS seem 10 take the viccim seriously and the homes he managed . Un11l a 1..6 separate allegations dunng 1980-
'111t chtld..,n's homes collecnvely called enough 10 use him as a chief witness Labour council took control tn Clvwd 90. It led l\\Jkolm King. chairman of
1hc Bryn Alyn Communiiy, under rhe for the prosecution. No one has stum- ~n 198?, 'vlr X had en1oyed vir;ual Ov..,-d 's Social Services co remar<. "We
management of Mr X. turned over m blccl across the connecuon between the 1mmun11y under the prot<cuon of cor- arc iooking ar rhc biggeu failure to
excess of LI 2 mil ion every year It cost paedophile ring and close friends of rupt and implicated policemen and protect children 1n rhe h 1s:or)' o
LI 000 LI 500 per week of public Pon1llo and Liller. Or. for that matter. w1th the connivance of the Br1tJ1n ...
money 10 keep a child tn care rraced pedophifc m.ltcri.11 produced Conscrvu1vc council "ho had
Aemrding to the policanan th charge by one of ~Ir X's companies tn rcprcs;cd tiles ol photographic ev1 - THE NAMES
of invest pnon Sup1 Ackerley Ams1crdJm to >n >d1lre" in Dolphm dcn<e "hich showed be.Hen ~nd The cJnd3J nvolve:-d s~ . - "C I :.s
bruised eh1IJren for over eight ycJrs bo)~ one~ '',)L;.g ..._ ni11c. 1~ .: c "Atrc
__-- . .... ......__....._
..... ,..,..,... _____,_
=...,- ...........~s=~,..~,=,._~~-"'-~---~.~~-~~~-
fi ve." 1ll t~1t1111Jtc l"f<'t~11.t111,. ir\ CC"1i.c'1~f<ll ,,,,,t t r 1u er' off ind p11111r I llC t O I o11i;. "ho '"" move<! ~iockwdl
I > (,(,
l ll ll l l t l lll C" l llll' d\.l\l\.l11ll0\ ol 'IV;t~(" the. llC,(, Ill ti()\\ 11, 1nct r.1pct n1r I {,r,,vc \'(/rc~h;i,n1, h;a.,1 1hc ho11}t
\' 11lr11CC' .1 1111 r:l~>c }~IJ"C(f.ICC'\l l1y l \ l('tll llt:latvc I'''' I\ \t.i 1 ot~l 1 rhc I01111rht for him long ""ha top of the
h<rs ol 11.1tl "'""" t!i. CH1l1tll ol \ Ir X ""~c wh11c Sierra cor !'\ir X also
~clt ' '''l,' '' '''&I\' th('(" wrrC" al 1 l11tl<. fi11a11<.: .1llv r.\.llllC l!1C'tf OllOl('f(}\IS bo~'S
l 1111\ <lf .1 (0\ 't'r llll Otl\' l JC"k rn1> c M1 X 1v I 1tt: I' ll~CC\llt"tl 011 ttn .11 house< 1~ E.clgwari Ro:1d I ondon,
1l1Jll ,l l!t', .lJ(' 111\fC'('l i , .1 (l>llJl('I ~ortfl l)ti , ,f ''" I 1l''''c ( t c I le, o 1 Chn1er Rnad. Mnchc.ici. Ncvuuo~
\\';i lt\ Pr,l1cC' \ 11rht1r1r) C h 1111111 1 ht 1\ IKll lt' oflitcrs lll'<ler S\lS"l1(1011, 1\vc1111e, Sm11h Sh1clth, Q.uccns l'.lfk
1. IJ 1r11tll fi1 , 1.JI ~'ii \ \.c .1rs I, fi1rr f11r 11 11t,:lu~l 111 \ 1 cl't"' \Vl'Jt.. \l11r to 11e W1cxh.1111, Ro<k S11c<1. ll11ghion, dnd
111q11 11 v had bc.:n Jd1bc1atdv \! 1flcd ( I'S. No pit' c:<li l u>ns f<)lltl\\Cd "" ! C' so on All rhc.se odd rc= "ere used by
J l c1\\ C' \ C'r. 111 l')S9 Jll 11\ tt" 11.11 11oltll l. l'S \t .l trI It 1:0. 11<>l i111i1e1>\1111 \\:c.1l1liy p.1c<lo~>t11I(. ft>r ex or \
111111111\ ' lrcl h\. ()er StlJ'I \ \..kerlc\ 111c1k 1t,rcrt''' 10 prrl\C'Cutc rhc.~c. J'IOl1cc <lffi
"'<r I 500 sta1<1.,t111< \ lucr )opJ,,, ,c.r!li l n ,1i;.1d, 1t1c 111t11 'vltc> J1.1d bee; 1 THE DEN AT DOL-
111q11 1r\ p 11r 11111.i c:r s l 'J''l lCH'lll the t11llo\ v rl"'i'On, 1hll ft.>r r111n1n~ rh~ live-' of PHIN SQUARE
1ng \I\ pol 1c..c ofllt.Cf\, all of ,,.)101\1 f1.1vc 11t 111v Y'1u 11g l1tll'll''' ho~1 s. Y.<.'ll' 1 \1<..lgc I .~fr X .1l<0 d a re"dy <upply of boys
\cl\\ r.l~t,'l'I c-. 1 rc11rcnt"nt gc.1111)' 11110 rc11rc111l'1tt \Y1th hand\OOlC 10 tJ\C an J,1 bu 1gco111 19 filnl l,us1nc)i
1..()11111, t l(.lllll!l l'J}'lllCOl'i otn<.I pc:n~ 101 1 hrough a co i,;p.1 ny nwncd by his
Supt Angelsea >1nr.1cr All dw oltitcrs with al rg:1u<>1" niece 111 Copenhagen . p.1cdoph de
'1!1 111\t 1l1cn1 ''l'rc .1 .. tivc frrcr1l .l\Oll\ marcrul w>' rran,porrcd ro London for
Sgt Mike Roach
p11va1< >how1 ng< 1n Dolph>n Sq iJrc
Sgt Geraint Morgan The r ol ol Mr X w1ll 1.1k< pl.cc <ome and nearby 1n Win chcs<er Sirtc r,
PC David Rodgers l fl\t' 11\ t h l" 'itll1\0\l'I' l'imlico, where Derck La ud. 1'-vlichJcl
PC Peter Sharman Brown, J\f P'< boyfritnd had ; et up
THE Hf>IR Of' MR X l ll1 \
DC Gary Probert At tl1c t'111c of t l' 1.. l1 1l ll .tb l1 11;
1t<]Hi1t ti~(
11 l'\\ <111!)'' I 11 Jt:<I I~ " A source Dolphi n SquJr< told us
There '"ere stor1 s of \V1tllc o:. ., ;ind pc-o- u1flee of :1 pJedophilc porn empire 'We often have underage boys winder-
l )IC' ,1,.\<> 1.11e<I \v11h 1l1t 1nt1111rv llc1ni <. r<'JCctl 11\ ~1r X t>\:tr 20 )'t.1 rs It \V.l\ ing tltc corri<loro:;. rot.111)' lo.st, .;asking for
1n tim1ci.1 tC'd 1\ lcx S:t<f<l1n~t<lll. the.: .ttn l>\t 1111,:011tc1-.:.1blv C\ 11. :u c.1kc lit tk rhc fla1 of a pa rucul;r ,\ IP According
\X'd<h coor<lin.uoi for thr ~.1 11ou.1! ho\ s 1n c :irc- fr1>nt l1on1c'i O\YO(."(i by \i r co OlJI )Otlr4i.C, young bovs \vc re often
1\ "i:)ociJr1on of YoLng flC'OjllC 1n ( 1re, X su"h .t s 3i l11vcr11css Tt"rr .,cc, guest< at JHtv:11c pani 1n Dolphin
"" hc.11011 If' ind had chcr11icols B.1pw; tcr. " l11C h h,11 Sine closed Squate 1.t\ling into rhe <mall hours.
;prJycd rn 111> cyrs. Steven Mc<>h.1m, .1 <l<l\\.tl <> tror1i !10111cs 111 C.1!arlc RoJd "David Steel, who h>< an panmcnt
kc:\t ''"lllll!"'i'i .lg_llfl\r Su1>r Angl!"l~c. \V, ' nd hnchlcy l'l ot-c in London, an,l here. 11 r.1rl1er fo11J of t.1tc 1l1ght)". o ur
b<."Jt<n up for rho Sond " "'" \ locJI s11bJl'1..t r l1r~c ch ildre n to .\ V~tc111.tt1c <oure .1 dded
BBC journJl" r who hac! brcn working .1husc over .1 period or y....111, so ! ht
on rhc child Jbusc cJsc for I 8 mo111hs lx:gait tl> :it.:<.e11c thi~ trc.ltrncnt ;i' JlC' -
w.1s 1hc v1ct 1m of a n1~ tc:r1ot1s l>ur
We c.tn rcvc.. 1'1r X " 'l'Plic<l bo\'S to \,fr X. the paedophile be/1 i11d
fct1ly 1101 m.11. M.111)' of 1he vi-irm,, Dolph :i, ~llMC on a regular oo<i<. IJri1ai11 's biggest clrild abuse
ht I glary .1d11it< now 11flcr rmm gra\'c J'S) Chc ~ca11da/
' R1'PD
11>~1 .11 1>r<>l>lc 111,, 11l:1fl ll lltl'fC\~IO
The r ch .ind P"""'rfol rn"tl Mr X to be he had <t3rtcd th< lire a' a pr.ink H e
and dru!; a11d alc0hol dq,<1 tle1c cs. dJ.\Crec . Tiu1 ll1C3nt !um 5ameum~ rul-
Pr111 overage centred on the te.ii
ing ht< 1uvc11ilc empire w11h a rod of
m~1criously fell u i d ...r ~ bL s and w.h
mony of Steven Mc.sham and Mark Th.ere ,._.J, a grC".lt llc:.11 <lf 1no11'1 to be c rushed 10 death foday, tfie hr ...
Humphnts boy who gave a grut iron. If .i boy cro<sed him 1hc lcaq he
nlJ\lt f\.t r X, l~t\t .t nJ l<>ri:r11ost \v, ~a the ,, or,t, 2S
Cllt1l,1 txfX"C1 \l/.U .1 beJ.t1:1g.
Bnpdc arc prcss1n11 to h.tvc the Cl' r<
omt a count of how they had been bl1 1n<'"'i 111.1n I le u r<l ll> '11rc out l>Cl\ ')f")('0'1'W 0e rr n~ SttspC IS a\iir X
raped repeatedly by Angel ca a' (.l\l<f1 c~ I<> l ftc flt( Jrt crc~t1g1t>llS
in the'"< of Adrian Jo11cs 16. "" 10
Hum hnes dcsc:r bed an vivid detail lose }1u life f- i~litC't'n 11\onths .1go Jo11C':'.
members or \Vrcxh lm Col dub I hey Apart ~ ' the ch drcn s homes t1'c up
hn tm holiday at Clwyd \\:J.s l1v1ng \\! Ith fottr other bO)'S 1n
were ft>rtcd to t!o ' lt1t 111<>tc 1h.i11 \11n n 1(.c.t . Wt IUtlOll and J rt1Cr.l{IVC $Jc-
tn th Br n tyn S hoo bo:lrLl1ng hou'\c in l\righc<H1 It Y.'ll 1u t
ply c11y 1h< c uh< I or the 11ght price, < in p..cdoph1lc lirer.iure Mr X had
he enter d my ano1her brothel, lun<k-d bv Mr X Jon<""<,
boys cou J be 101le,1cd r101n .iny OllC 1x oilier bu)1nc !.CS. W1 1.1 sick 1ror1v.
hQ\\'t\1."r. sct greed>- 11nd tbtt:lr<'n<'tl to
1111d bbcd of his hon1c;; ot11 for tltc through rwo ol hts comp111cs. Video
ad oCc:11ien,
;i11d f1kc r1
bl. d<Jn>il hi> bo~,. Soon after" "'"" rhe People and Tope to Tpc.-. lie produced
night His f,1vo11t,te' were !av ' hly l~\r\l i1lg f1ousc ' ' c1.t tip irJ fl.ttnC"i. 1\JI
WllK<i and d111cd, ~hO\\( IC'll Ill C');i'CJl song lor char ry in I 'JXH 11'~ ch.uny w.i<
the boY" died m die lire n>t Su'-"'' fire Save The Cl11ldren nv all C ounts JI
gafts and ofcl11 f.arrnc"I 1>t1t t <l o ne Rr g.ide JeJu( ed u wa.s .1rso11 \ <"Ulpn1
hiS m ny rcnr hoy hrmhds through d1J rarhcr we
c 1bc ountrv lc>r c.'"" mplt \rrvC"n
""" tound \11(11hcr vot:ng boy cb1mcd
cveiy n ghc Mr X found h m " en he \.icAtp es wcnc on hol day w th M <had Brown Oona fo a ooru o fun and gan-.cs.
\!!', nd h15 friend', hlack )O th
"ho they II nrck11 rncJ Golly. Along Ho WISabo '"' 'cd somcwhcrc rn the
on tl'li~ n:)'\ter1oi1 trip al~o \\c11r l"ony modd c of chc D1>na-G1lbcy candal
()11e (lf I111
tihots \\as of I ,<lr<l l lua. who we aller;ed "" an aul\dy and ISO frcqJCQC \ISllOr tO 0>1J
gar lobhyrst w11h chc fitm of Gj\X' Steel s Oat 1n :he now notonou
McAlpi11e. Patil ider1tific,l l1i111 i111111 c<li- Government Rdat oru. Bue who w.ts
Do ph n Squ;uc "Golly" rare y enter
ta ru an c o; no1e at hu W1nch~cr
ately. 'fhere was not a rr1 <J111111t ~ l1e::ii- Br c... ing !um on h ilidy che Por11Uo,
Street, Pim co, fl>t Gun >round chc
corner from Dolphin quarc buc
"''"c .:1 sood comp>ny "Golly" ts no ne1~41bours report he often cake> , oung
tation or scrap of cl<>11l>1. h,. han half <>Ile nephew and men home and cho:y gencral!v ua> all
r=Jrch ass1 am of 1.ord Put and ""' ncghc The Dolphin Square restaurant
che bt..:k face p cturcd 21 che w1ndo" of cour c 1 where both l 11lcy a d
11e11viuo and believed there w;is con of Sumber Ten ., ~ltsir p<eped Poru lo dine mo>< fr d2y nibhn and
nI on wnh Mr X, 1l10"'cd l'Jd k>u chrough 1hr p.irc >I) opcnI llUarnt w;u for a ume under scruuny by H \I
phocographs of complctcly d1ftcrcn1 on 1he d1r she 1p111 Cuuums alter 1hev haJ rnc<rccpceJ
men all of abouc ch< 11me g< who pacdoph 1c mccrul at ~ loum I' C.li.llll
Qlllld haw: U>dy linrd lul's d=r r
aain. One of the ho1 " of lord
Paul idcnulicd him m c
'l'hcK waa noc momcnc s h
n or scrap of doubc. Ile was
His UM 1 De k Laud and c "'
"'ho 1ntr du d footballer Ju t n
~ashanu 10 \'( cumonsier
cnh,h11.1nts It "a' a lcgcd hi F It.nu
lurn,di 011 "I'' ch.c I hes indu,lcd both
en "' o lu'c v1 ued h m 1n
"ho "'c ha-c ull..cd to, allege
he u uv1ni; them ouc for h1i;her
things rnh2nu .... one such
....., certain McAlpme wH ch Por111lo nd l 1 Icy 1 a 1h1ce 111 a hcd
p. a rh I d r ter iC pr ure L' 1 a onsu :anc w th ud&cc
I tc .J., red < lud C mm n1 auons, a 1 h owcrcd
pot p rclat s tic"
m \CS n polt~I bus ad'''
Ill. f Fash nu w eel mg che cruth, he ordc:s In rh ~pa ry Laud hs C'o<n
may have hccn rncrodu cJ "' many wr uen p-chcs for P11nce Ch>rlc>.
'!\ hu1 h.1< pu,111vrly 1dc11111icd hnn uf hu marua~c and supcndcd lro1'1 l1>s
Al p < I wrlll' he m 1y II' 111111J1tlv
1 .11 I r\ , . ill' r 111 .11~ r du1 C1 du1 n .1 !.1cr pdl 11 a home in Paul, 1he bor who cb1ms 10 h ' c
\C VI 11etl llldl) fHOOllllClll poli11 For 11by 1.1n~how w.' . tlosc: a.SOC been molcHed b} Lord \ lu\ l111ne,
1J1 hut 11 " 11111 kely he "oulcl "''< SISTER LATEX .1e of p clop 1lc Ste" Norri , v. ho 11:.~ nc"'cr ,v.. ,crcJ fror11 tl1r st ate.
on ..,n t1tllid.1 \\11tl1 l)(lrt1llo, 1\1 )\\11, Al~ I <" \\l ) .({I I (" 11\fJ \Vtlll 01' rhr lr111, lOd S 5 (C mc111 1ha1 he gave 10 p olice ond 1hc
~f,11t 1 d t 1. It> <.:re,,. 1l1C' r's .111<1 dt't I'< 11!1 . I I ) I ,, I' I Ill '>rr COllVI IC I f.1r I 11 l .ibusc afficl3v11 he swore 10 1ourn.1!i11 llr1an
tll(' I Ol\ .. I' I >I 1.lt.llll f\ 1 ll I {l>111.1ry t 1111;.I cit(' ru1110\11 Jol1ns,>n 1110111~. i11crc is 11c> rCJ.so11
lll>llt l ...1rt1ll 1 11011111 :tt11l1t) I le w 1s \VI .11 the 1<111 11. I c1 c ltr 11c t<.> dcl11bt l11s ""'<,rtl l vc:11 tltc 1>011<.:c
lrt l11s p11l1 ' " rc:l.1t1 l l l ' l.1 't 11~ lie 1s ' I "" 11111 WC knew II I Ir dl!Ol<tl D.w1d Seller w "'pcd lV gcly by seem luppr 1ha1 l'>ul I' a c redible
1cq 11rnt '< <. tl
"1 1t<>r c1v.i' 11\ 1 lw w" 1hr orly lwmn c\nal '" Ike!< n c day Jfrrwrd , a d1 1r<11gh1 witness for tl1c 11rost:tu t 1or1 a 11J 1s
crr.l Ofli c \\ 1crc he llll'CI \I IJ l011'l ll\\l .It rc:terl10ll (' 11\I\ \YJ.\ ,.(){
1 ~dlcrs told \'{/cxlum pol cc everything
u.1>.11hlc of ,.,.it!1\t.1n<ll11g Ct<>l5 c x.;an1t
kr OllC 0 1l1c \}(J& I I r11i11 \\Ill
.0< 1 tic, \\'f 11.\YC' wl
J'Cllcc 11 1 1 cllhrr 1
r1 hu h.1d It ppcord llcck w s <JU<
11on<'I .11 lcni;th. !nu, 111ys1c1 ou ly. u na11011 hv e1ninr111 Q<.s I hcrdorc
'I" a1< r ol the :O.t ur r l " 1 al<o freely ti 11111cil 1hcu exu.11 p1 >
.t v l 11 I rult, "h h" ur1c 1 ul l1v t1 111l1r11111<' 1 It" 1ll11111crcl 1f1rrr I"' cc 1on follo""" 111 '"" Imo 1
ccrrn111ly due 10 ti~ f1c1 1ha1 Supt
1Jk1ng Patil:( tt\1 1mc11y 1111<, aclot111t,
and 1he forn1al " 'rn111;; hy
rc1 'l111l <'If'' 1h 1.. 1 l\1 \ ''' 'l'' rl11 '~. \\ ' 11 111n\IC'lll ii ll)tra r1gJ1t \v111g
m 1 1 '' .1rr rl!'\l
'" 111111 11t v tlt rs 111 1101111>\c-<11.11 et ott l1ct<'rl1(>11 e, hue 1\11\tl,t".1 was rl1<: r11a1 111 <.f1.trgc 11 S1ra1hdytle police a1-"1i11s1 \ lc..\ lp111e
\\ 1n,f1 re \rrc-e tlC'OIC"(,I l1c \\ \"i .I Jllf[ of II 111 \\,I\ not 'lfJrCJS<l, 1lllc to s11cct1lalC' 1hat f<>r .a. s11n1J.:1:r c>ffc11cc 111 t 'J{,5, 111,
11r1 111c We 11.1\ir 11<1kc11 It 01l1c:r S1~tt"r f .ate>. c.1llC'tJ 111 ;,) trw fav1>11r conclus1011 r11t1s1 l>c t l1 .a t I ortl
But thnc < n m 1> L> r k I 11 l 1 "" 011rt.c\ Jc ( Jri1l>1ulrC" \\ 1111 s1.1tc c.11t fron1 l11s olct lc1C'rhc>usc cl11 1n1s 111 i'.1c:dpinc is no1 onl} ~ crook hut .1
h go11,.11Jv ii u Al.tn lie k wJs dccplv ord r 10 i;r1 hnn,.lf off 1hc hook r ' drcph1lc
111vc1lv<<l ,, 11!1 ch<" gr<lup <>f t1n<lc1 &1)'
COVER-UP 1l1c: conrr<)I <>f l'r<>lc: \<>r \1.1t1r1ce it rc:111.a111s 1c l1c: S(Cll wl1ctl1cr L111dt" Should Lord \ lc.\lp1nc ch0<"e 10 con
11(' f( ' I\ ' ' )' ' ' d11I CJ! ( .iwl111; Beck told 11< on 1hc onc l1.1nd ch<" 'iCl11ClllY Clf rllr CC)llfl 11rrv('tCS 11~ . Jlt 11s sCllt,1t ors O\'l'r tltc \ttlry '" '-"
' Ut' c\t "
1'}\.. 1 ~~I l >vcr
cxl' >I
11.ivc prln ccJ, \\ C \\ oul<l \\ cl<.0111c t l1c
\ 1t-11 o t 1n t1n:irccedc~t(J s~1 c \ rno11~
oppor111n11y of dragging h15 n>me
l the \~J t~'Slm n1c from ch<' vie
1hrough 1hc cou rt\ S h oul d h e
t1rn , ''' 1' 1me enter c: l h1t c,;t11111clc ' l' II<' n1<111 ha< I ~ t1('li
lei rgc 1>('11 i:-, t li<tt it <l
c..J1oolc not to t.tkc .1.c t 1or1 , t l 1<' n let
1h I' r<lnph 1 r111 uc d y '"'It
h is silence 1ncr1n11n .;1 tc him. \X'c ,f,;i ll
i\lid1.cl l'ou1 Io, I c er L Icy .inJ 01h <r
11gh 1211k111g T ones The li r<1 1s 1hc
\\'H ~ C',XCl'11ci<11ingl~ l)<t i,11\il. In fact. i11e <lefcn<l 011r ~to o .:l\\1dt1ot1sl, (or tl<>
1bov rnc n11oncd Derck L1ud, w ho one " 'lS there to ddcnd the cll1 ld1c11
. ., 1r clC'ri ''1ch C'] 1n1 1 ) 111 1hc J fo 11 sc
11cxt cl<1y S1r1Jli<'1l I l<.tsl1in1 hacl to g o 1<) con11m~~11r obuscd hr thctr 11d1 ml
uf P. r 1Jll1CI I rhc scconJ 15 .\ I. n
!1 e k 11 ~ \!er L 11cx ond 111 old l1<>s1>itul a11cl r c('<'i\'C' treat111c11t l'c1r a pO\\Cfft1I 0 \ Cr'\C'C'r'