Uttar Pradesh District Factbook - Aligarh District

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Uttar Pradesh

District Factbook

Aligarh District

(Key Socio-economic Data of Aligarh District, Uttar Pradesh)

January, 2017
Editor & Director
Dr. R.K. Thukral

Research Editor
Dr. Shafeeq Rahman

Compiled, Researched and Published by

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Report No.: DFB/UP-143-0616

ISBN : 978-93-80590-76-9

First Edition : June, 2016

Updated Edition : January, 2017

Price : Rs. 7500/-

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2017 Datanet India Pvt. Ltd.

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Printed in India
Aligarh District at a Glance

District came into Existence Year 1804

District Headquarter Aligarh
Distance from State C apital 337 Kms.
Geographical Area (In Square km.) 3,650 (Ranks 32nd in State and 331st in India)
Wastelands Area (In Square km.) 78.18
Total Number of Households 6,04,612
Population 36,73,889 (Persons), 19,51,996 (Males), 17,21,893 (Females) (Ranks 19th in
State and 77th in India)
Population Growth Rate (2001- 22.78 (Persons), 21.44 (Males), 24.33 (Females)
Number of Sub Sub-districts (05), Towns (24) and Villages (1,199)
Forest C over (2015) 1.84% of Total Geographical Area
Percentage of Urban/Rural 33.13 (Urban), 66.87 (Rural)
Administrative Language Hindi
Principal Languages (2001) Hindi (90.90%), Urdu (8.95%), Punjabi (0.08%), Sindhi (0.02%), Bengali (0.01%)
and English (0.01%)
Population Density 1,007 (Persons per Sq. km.)
Sex Ratio 882 (Females per 1000 Males)
C hild Ratio (Age Group 0-6 Year) 877 (Females per 1000 Males)
Number of Live Births (2014) 60,882 (Persons), 32,610 (Males), 28,272 (Females)
Number of Deaths (2014) 12,758 (Persons), 6,983 (Males), 5,775 (Females)
Literacy Rate (In %age) 67.52 (Persons), 77.97 (Males), 55.68 (Females)
Literates 20,92,567 (Persons), 12,83,380 (Males), 8,09,187 (Females)
Illiterates 15,81,322 (Persons), 6,68,616 (Males), 9,12,706 (Females)
Major Religions Hindu (79.05%), Muslim (19.85%), C hristian (0.21%), Sikh (0.16%), Jain (0.08%)
and Buddhist (0.07%)
Schedule C aste Population 7,55,254 (Persons), 4,02,483 (Males), 3,52,771 (Females), Percentage of SC in
Total Population (1.83)
Major Schedule C aste Population C hamar, Dhusia, Jhusia, Jatava (59.44%); Khatik (8.06%); Balmiki (7.46%); Kori
(7.08%); Dhobi (6.59%)
Schedule Tribe Population 629 (Persons), 340 (Males), 289 (Females), Percentage of ST in Total Population
Major Schedule Tribe Population Bhotia (2.07%); Buksa (1.91%); Tharu (0.79%); Jaunsari (0.32%)
Number of Total Workers 11,74,361 (Persons), 9,29,337 (Males), 2,45,024 (Females)
Labour Force Participation Rate 39.91% (Rural), 25.15% (Urban)
Major Source of Income Agriculture
Gross District Domestic Product 17,08,109 At C urrent Price / 8,76,184 At C onstant (2004-2005) Prices
(2013-14) (Rs. in Lakh)
Net District Domestic Product 14,99,364 At C urrent Price / 7,61,341 At C onstant (2004-2005) Prices
(2013-14) (Rs. in Lakh)
Per C apita Income (NDDP, At Factor 38,376 At C urrent Price / 19,486 At C onstant (2004-2005) Prices
C ost) (2013-14) (In Rs.)
Number of Tourists ( ) -
Aligarh Fort, Jama Masjid, Maulana Azad Library, C hacha Nehru Gyan Pushp,
Major Tourist Places Nagliya, Hakim Karam Hussain Museum, Sir Syed Academy Museum, Shekha
Lake, Teerthdham Mangalayatan, Dor Fortress, Khereshwar Temple.
Note: A ll figures for 2011 Census, O therwise year is mentioned.
No. Particulars Page No.
1 Administrative Setup 1-10
Location Map | District w ith Sub-Districts | Reference Map of District |
About District | Administrative Unit | Villages | Tow ns | W ards |
2 Demographics 11-32
Population l Sex Ratio | Density | Child Population | Child Sex Ratio |
Decadal Grow th | Age Group Population | Age Group Population of
Currently Married | Economically Active Population | Ageing Population |
Dependency Ratio | Single Year Age Population | Scheduled Caste
Population | Scheduled Tribe Population | Religious Population | CD Block
3 Economy 33-43
GDP/NDP | Per Capita Income | Households by Income Groups |
Disposable Income | Banking | District Central Co-operative Banks |
Lead Banks | Revenue Receipts from Entertainment Tax | Fair Price
Shops/Ration Cards Issued | Investment and Debt
4 Market Size 44-55
Monthly Per Capita Expenditure | Estimated Annual Expenditure /
Average Per Capita Consumer Expenditure on Services and Durable
5 Life Style 56-60
Households having Radio/Transistor, Television | Households having
Computer/Laptop/Internet | Households having Telephone/Mobile
Phone | Households having Bicycle, Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped &
Car/Jeep/Van | Circulation of Dailies | Printing Presses
6 Infrastructure 61-75
Occupied Houses used as Shops/Offices | Amenities | Sanitation | Road
length | Vehicle Registered | Electricity | Telecommunication | Post Office
& PIN Code | Tourism | LPG Distributors
7 Industries 76-106
Factories, Capital Invested and Persons Employed (2 & 3 digit level
Industries) | Factories by Type of Organisation/Ow nership |
Consumption of Fuels | Manufacturing Industries Share of GDP |
Outstanding Credit of SCBs according to Industrial Occupation | Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises | Ongoing Projects
8 Labour and Workforce 107-114
Total W orkers | Main W orkers | Marginal W orkers | Non-W orkers |
Average W ages/Earning per Day Received by Usual Principal Activity
Status | Employment Indicators
9 Agriculture 115-132
Land Utilistation | Production of Major Food Crops | Production of
Commercial Crops | Production of Fruit & Vegetable Crops | Production
of Spices | Consumption of Fertilisers | Regulated Markets | Veterinary
Institutions | Milk Production | Livestock Population | Poultry Population |
Irrigation | Land Holdings | Farmer
10 Education 133-138
Literacy Rate | Population by Educational Level | Census Houses Used
as School/College etc. | Enrollment | Enrollment by Medium of Instruction
| Gross/Net Enrollment Ratio | Teachers | Gini Coefficient Education |
Population by Mother Tongue
11 Health 139-151
Health Institutions | Family W elfare Clinic/Centre | Live Births Registered
| Deaths Registered | Disabled Population by Type of Disability | Houses
used for Hospital/Dispensary | Households by Married Couples per
Household and Dw elling Rooms | Maternal and Child Health Indicators
(HMIS) | Family W elfare Programmes
12 Environment and Pollution 152-155
Geographical Area | W astelands | Forest Cover | Rainfall | Latitude,
Longitude and Altitude | W ater Quality
13 Housing 156-167
Households | Houseless Households | Houseless Population | Standard
of Living Index | Housing Condition | House and Their Uses | Slum
14 Crime & Law 168-172
Incidence of IPC Crime | Convicts | Police Stations | Police Officer/Officials
| Judicial Officers
15 Social and Welfare Schemes 173-180
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(MGNREGS) | Indira Aw aas Yojana (IAY) | District Rural Development
Agencies (DRDA) | National Rural Drinking W ater Programme (NRDW P) |
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) | Sw achh Bharat Mission (SBM)-Gramin |
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) | Aadhaar Card (UIDAI) Enrollments
16 Electoral 181-183
Vote Distribution of Major Parties (Parliamentary Election-2014 and
Assembly Election 2012) | Name and Address of MPs/MLAs | Electors
17 Annexure - I to IV 184-252
18 Useful Contacts 253
19 Abbreviations & Sources 254
20 Concepts and Definitions 255-258
21 Disclaimer & Terms of Use 259
Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District
Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

Administrative Setup

Location Map

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District

Administrative Setup

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

Administrative Setup

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

About Aligarh District

Aligarh district is a district of Uttar Pradesh with its administrative headquarters located
at Aligarh city. The city is famous as Tala Nagri meaning "City of Locks" since there are
many lock industries in the city. Prior to 18 th century Aligarh was popularly called by
itsformer name i.e. Kol or Koil. But the name Kol covered both the city as well as the
entire district. There are many theories regarding the origin of its name. According to
some ancient texts, Kol or Koil might allude to caste, the name of a place or mountain,
the name of a sage or demon. It is believed that the people, who came from Kampilya (a
place), founded the city and named it Kampilgarh. In course of time its name Kampilgarh
changed to Koiland then Aligarh, the current name. During the past period Aligarh fort,
the most prominent centre of attraction was also known as Koil fort. At that time
Surajmal, a Jat ruler captured the Koil fort with help of Jai Singh from Jaipur and the
Muslim army. He then renamed it as Ramgarh. Lastly, Najaf Khan, a Shia commander
came to the place and occupied it and he changed the name of the fort to its present
name of Aligarh. In the year 1804 Aligarh was emerged as a separate district in the map
of Uttar Pradesh state. QurratulainHyder, an illustrious Indian Urdu novelist and short
story writer, an academic, and a journalist was born on 20 January 1927 at Aligarh city.
She became famous for her magnum opus, Aag ka Darya (River of Fire), a novel first
published in Urdu in 1959. She was honoured by many prestigious awards such as
Sahitya Akademi Award in 1967, Jnanpith Award in 1989 and Padma Bhushan in 2005.
Geographically, the district lies at 2789'N latitude , 7807'E longitude and 180m altitude
. The district encompasses a geographical area of 3,650 sq.km. and it is bounded by
Gautam Buddha Nagar district and Bulandshahar district on the North, Mathura district
and Mahamaya Nagar district on the South, Buduan district and Kanshi Ram Nagar
district on the East and Haryana on the West. The climate of the district can be
characterised as humid subtropical climate. Natives of the district experience extreme
hot during the summer and fairly cold during the winter. The actual rainfall in the district
was 504.9mm in the year of 2015-16.
Administration wise, the district is divided into 5 tehsils namely Koil, Khair, Atrauli, Iglas
and Gabhana. Moreover, it comprises 24 towns and 1199 villages. There are 2 Lok Sabha
seat and 7 Assembly constituencies in the district.
According to 2011 census the district has a population of 36,73,889 (persons) including
19,51,996 (males) and 17,21,893 (females). The district has a sex ratio of 882 females
for for every 1000 males. In the year 2001-2011 the population growth rate in the
district was 22.78% (persons) out of which 21.44 % (males) and 24.33 % (females) .
The major religion in the district are Hindu and Muslim with 79.05% and 19.85% of the
total population.
The economy of the district is dependent on agriculture to some extent. The agro based
industries are the significant industry in the district. Some of its chief agricultural
products are paddy, pearl millet, maize, pigeon pea, moong, barley, potato, sugarcane,
etc. Every year a huge chunk of revenue comes from these agricultural products. Aligarh
is as well popular for its lock industries which are exported to different parts of the
world. Johnson & Co. established in the year 1870 was the first English lock firm in
Aligarh. The district is renowned for its extra ordinary brass hardware and sculpture. In
the year 2013-2014 the gross domestic product in the district was Rs. 17,08,109 lakh at
current price.

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District

The district provides a platform for higher education. Aligarh Muslim University, one of
the most reputed universities in the country which offers more than 250 courses in both
traditional and modern fields of education. There are numerous schools and colleges
under this university. As per 2011 census the literacy rate in the district is 67.52%
(persons), 77.97% (males) and 55.68% (females).
Kalyan Singh, an eminent Indian politician and the present Governor of Indian state of
Rajasthan was born on 5 January 1932 at Atrauli in the district . He has served as the
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for two terms i.e. 24 Jun . 1991 - 6 Dec . 1992 and 21
Sept. 1997 - 12 Nov. 1999 . He is a member of Bharatiya Janta Party. Bijendra Singh, a
distinguished Indian politician and a member of 14th Lok Sabha was born on 25 December
1956 at Honda village in the Aligarh district. He had also been elected as MLA for five
times from Iglas constituency , Aligarh. He is a member of Indian National Congress.
The district has numerous centres of attraction which allures many travellers from
different parts of the country. Shekha Jheel, a lake (jheel) located near the Shekha
village , in the district is notable forvarieties of migratory birds. Maulana Azad Library ,
the central library of Aligarh Muslim University is a building of seven-storey surrounded by
4.75 acres (1.92 ha.) of lawns and gardens. Aligarh Fort, one of the strongest forts in
India is located in the Aligarh city. It consists of a regular polygon, surrounded by a very
broad and deep ditch. Some other important places of interest in the district are Clock
Tower, Achal Taal, Dharnidhar Sarovar, Jama Masjid, etc.

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

Administrative Setup

Administrative Unit
Administrative Division:- Aligarh
1. Atrauli
2. Gabhana
3. Iglas
4. Khair
5. Koil

1. Aligarh (M C orp.) 11. Harduaganj (NP) 21. Ramgarh Panjoopur (C T)
2. Ashrafpur Jalal (C T) 12. Iglas (NP) 22. Rampur (C T)
3. Atrauli (NPP) 13. Jalali (NP) 23. Sarsaul (C T)
4. Beswan (NP) 14. Jatari (NP) 24. Vijaigarh (NP)
5. C hharra Rafatpur (NP) 15. Kauriaganj (NP)
6. Deosaini (C T) 16. Khair (NPP)
7. Dhanipur (C T) 17. Kwarasi (C T)
8. Dhaurra Mafi (C T) 18. Manjoor Garhi (C T)
9. Gabhana (C T) 19. Pilkhana (NP)
10. Gangiri (C T) 20. Qasimpur Power House C olony (C T)

Sub-districts, Towns, CD Blocks and Villages

District Sub-districts Towns CD Blocks Villages
Aligarh 5 24 12 1199
Uttar Pradesh 312 915 823 106773
India 5924 7933 6596 640930
Rank of District in State 25 9 30 40
Rank of District in India 450 65 158 204

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook


Child Population (Age Group 0-6 Years)

Residence District Persons Male Female
Total Aligarh 574509 306019 268490
Uttar Pradesh 30791331 16185581 14605750
India 164478150 85732470 78745680
Rank of District in State 15 15 18
Rank of District in India 49 46 53
Rural Aligarh 403098 215026 188072
Uttar Pradesh 25040583 13135595 11904988
India 121285762 63064665 58221097
Rank of District in State 28 27 28
Rank of District in India 73 70 79
Urban Aligarh 171411 90993 80418
Uttar Pradesh 5750748 3049986 2700762
India 43192388 22667805 20524583
Rank of District in State 10 10 10
Rank of District in India 59 57 59

Child Sex Ratio (Age Group 0-6 Years)

Female per 1000 Males (2011)
District Total Rural Urban
Aligarh 877 875 884
Uttar Pradesh 902 906 885
India 919 923 905
Rank of District in State 59 61 48
Rank of District in India 538 536 478

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook


Gross/Net Domestic District Product (GDDP/NDDP)

Rs. in Lakh (2013-14)
District At Current At Constant At Current At Constant
Prices (2004-2005) Prices (2004-2005)
Prices Prices
Aligarh 1708109 876184 1499364 761341
Uttar Pradesh 86274591 46451036 76054158 40350882
India 1047280700 574179100 929934500 498811600
Rank of District in 10 14 11 14

Sectoral Contribution of GDP

Rs. in Lakh (2013-14)
At Current Prices At Constant (2004-2005) Prices
Agriculture Industries Services Agriculture Industries Services
Aligarh 535997 295967 876145 214402 162053 499729
Uttar 24256859 17660454 44357278 10187757 10039526 26223753
Rank of
District in 9 14 12 10 14 14

Per Capita Income

In Rs. (2013-14)
District At Current At Constant At Current At Constant
Prices (2004-2005) Prices (2004-2005)
Prices Prices
Aligarh - - 38376 19486
Uttar Pradesh - - 36250 19233
India - - 74380 39904
Rank of District in 0 0 23 24

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

Market Size

Broad Category-wise Monthly Per Capita Expenditure - Rural

In Rs. (2011-2012)
Rank of Rank of
Broad Categories of Goods and Services Aligarh Uttar India District District
Pradesh in state in India
C ereals 154.14 129.53 153.13 2 271
C ereal Substitute 0.00 0.05 0.88 0 0
Pulses & Products 34.96 42.11 41.88 53 390
Milk & Milk Products 216.17 119.67 116.13 13 111
Sugar & Salt 29.53 27.01 26.10 17 195
Edible Oil 39.30 44.79 48.22 56 420
Egg, Fish & Meat 10.28 19.01 45.62 48 504
Vegetables 44.74 57.09 61.88 63 531
Fruits (Fresh) 12.03 12.29 19.18 32 405
Fruits (Dry) 2.97 4.01 5.59 40 282
Spices 23.03 22.45 28.78 27 388
Beverages etc. 8.53 13.27 21.01 61 552
Served Processed Food 15.42 22.44 36.09 55 505
Packaged Processed Food 18.08 16.78 17.49 25 273
Pan 0.50 3.51 4.34 59 434
Tobacco 16.20 13.49 15.27 25 244
Intoxicants 4.05 4.56 10.49 33 420
Fuel and Light 91.09 102.95 118.26 55 539
C lothing 97.36 59.52 74.67 6 170
Bedding etc. 14.57 6.12 5.66 5 70
Footwear 37.78 13.85 16.83 2 74
Education 52.02 41.96 39.84 13 160
Medical (Institutional) 17.77 22.10 23.15 23 145
Medical (Non-institutional) 64.19 69.74 64.52 33 207
Entertainment 5.46 5.85 14.24 32 500
Minor Durable Type Goods 3.80 2.99 4.33 24 308
Toilet Articles 27.80 23.43 30.67 12 354
Other Household C onsumables 20.97 20.02 28.18 25 427
C onsumer Services excl. C onveyance 46.54 43.79 57.57 29 399
C onveyance 42.05 39.26 60.92 22 378
Rent 0.00 1.37 6.31 0 0
C onsumer Taxes & C esses 0.00 0.32 3.59 0 0
Durable Goods 62.44 41.44 78.14 18 206
Monthly Per Capita Expenditure (MPCE) 1213.78 1046.81 1278.94 12 312

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

Life Style

Households having Computer/Laptop/Internet

Total Computer/Laptop
Residence District Number of With Without
Households Total (%)
Internet (%) Internet (%)
Total Aligarh 604612 13634 (2.25) 44702 (7.39) 58336 (9.65)
Uttar Pradesh 32924266 609773 (1.85) 2054674 (6.24) 2664447 (8.09)
India 246692667 7708521 (3.12) 15654325 (6.35) 23362846
Rank of District in 19 66 15 10
Rank of District in 128 569 195 127
Rural Aligarh 406432 2993 (0.74) 23485 (5.78) 26478 (6.51)
Uttar Pradesh 25475071 163528 (0.64) 1350611 (5.3) 1514139 (5.94)
India 167826730 1189627 (0.71) 7453608 (4.44) 8643235 (5.15)
Rank of District in 27 24 27 25
Rank of District in 200 293 391 347
Urban Aligarh 198180 10641 (5.37) 21217 (10.71) 31858 (16.08)
Uttar Pradesh 7449195 446245 (5.99) 704063 (9.45) 1150308
India 78865937 6518894 (8.27) 8200717 (10.4) 14719611
Rank of District in 60 69 53 47
Rank of District in 469 619 438 344

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook


Occupied Houses used as Shops/Offices

Total Number of Total Number Total Number of
Residence District Number of Vacant of Occupied Shops/Offices
Census Census Census (%)
Houses Houses Houses
Total Aligarh 858059 53365 804694 48347 (6.01)
Uttar Pradesh 45172443 2407224 42765219 2013292 (4.71)
India 330835767 24672968 306162799 17672786 (5.77)
Rank of District in 14 10 18 17
Rank of District in 44 162 61 178
Rural Aligarh 582117 32202 549915 17668 (3.21)
Uttar Pradesh 34726215 1450180 33276035 929769 (2.79)
India 220695914 13579338 207116576 6976051 (3.37)
Rank of District in 25 10 26 47
Rank of District in 123 276 133 446
Urban Aligarh 275942 21163 254779 30679 (12.04)
Uttar Pradesh 10446228 957044 9489184 1083523 (11.42)
India 110139853 11093630 99046223 10696735 (10.80)
Rank of District in 54 60 54 41
Rank of District in 385 454 405 340

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District


Households by Availability of Bathing Facility

Number of Households having Bathing Facility
Total within the Premises
Residence District Number of Yes
Households Enclosure No
Bathroom Total
without Roof
Total Aligarh 604612 220182 136641 356823 247789
Uttar Pradesh 32924266 9563022 8600243 18163265 14761001
India 246692667 103679719 40448190 144127909 102564758
Rank of District 19 15 27 16 23
in State
Rank of District 123 143 89 117 128
in India
Rural Aligarh 406432 88845 105881 194726 211706
Uttar Pradesh 25475071 4369522 7490737 11860259 13614812
India 167826730 42545003 32984319 75529322 92297408
Rank of District 27 12 33 24 26
in State
Rank of District 125 167 101 132 145
in India
Urban Aligarh 198180 131337 30760 162097 36083
Uttar Pradesh 7449195 5193500 1109506 6303006 1146189
India 78865937 61134716 7463871 68598587 10267350
Rank of District 12 13 8 13 5
in State
Rank of District 109 125 50 113 59
in India

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District


Factories, Capital Invested and Persons Employed

Value in Rs. Lakh (2009-2010)
Rank of Rank of
Resi- Parti- Aligarh Uttar Pradesh India District District
dence culars in State in India
Total Number of Factories 234 11015 158875 13 168
Fixed C apital 80792.60 6872471.58 135152558.41 21 209
Working C apital 42563.02 4245785.93 38773062.57 16 164
Invested C apital 157034.76 10823304.74 193236508.71 20 194
Outstanding Loans 42702.20 3724613.82 66299569.18 22 208
Number of Workers 8550 590788 9157610 17 199
Total Persons Engaged 10238 756818 11722092 19 205
Wages to Workers 6714.95 402021.83 6893810.30 17 172
Total Emoluments 10390.15 877763.04 14698680.86 18 200
Rural Number of Factories 39 4340 59445 30 253
Fixed C apital 36580.83 3747376.44 72858090.83 28 201
Working C apital 23248.19 1058555.37 15351594.08 16 138
Invested C apital 86412.25 5677583.75 100281635.38 20 170
Outstanding Loans 29917.61 1894044.31 32491347.03 21 158
Number of Workers 2680 248433 3846032 22 224
Total Persons Engaged 3413 313666 4784126 24 223
Wages to Workers 3940.99 159215.22 2520923.54 12 133
Total Emoluments 5916.71 322519.49 5309664.92 18 158
Urban Number of Factories 195 6675 99430 8 103
Fixed C apital 44211.78 3125095.14 62294467.58 9 158
Working C apital 19314.83 3187230.57 23421468.50 16 144
Invested C apital 70622.51 5145720.99 92954873.33 14 166
Outstanding Loans 12784.59 1830569.50 33808222.15 19 206
Number of Workers 5870 342355 5311579 10 138
Total Persons Engaged 6826 443152 6937967 10 146
Wages to Workers 2773.96 242806.61 4372886.77 13 172
Total Emoluments 4473.43 555243.55 9389015.94 15 191

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District


Consumption of Fuels for Industries

Rs. in Lakh (2009-2010)
Residence District Coal Electricity Petroleum Gas Other
Consumed Purchased Products Consumed Fuels
Total Aligarh 403.78 4449.03 4229.90 6.14 1081.83
Uttar Pradesh 102512.71 440900.68 226466.89 119309.77 141561.04
India 2907012.85 7294081.29 3139349.55 1203359.68 1616010.12
Rank of District in 20 17 12 22 23
Rank of District in 259 224 128 236 172
Rural Aligarh 352.81 1748.48 1114.79 0.00 1080.86
Uttar Pradesh 51517.02 186057.37 86118.62 89897.03 87687.05
India 1317682.03 3410170.76 1360967.60 865018.13 746327.05
Rank of District in 17 22 26 0 19
Rank of District in 198 216 166 0 117
Urban Aligarh 50.97 2700.55 3115.11 6.14 0.97
Uttar Pradesh 50995.70 254843.31 140348.27 29412.74 53873.99
India 1589330.82 3883910.54 1778381.94 338341.56 869683.07
Rank of District in 19 12 10 17 37
Rank of District in 205 176 96 166 333

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

Labour and Workforce

Marginal Workers
Rank of Rank of
Residence Workers Sex Aligarh Uttar India District District
Pradesh in State in India
Total Total Marginal Workers Persons 308562 21179223 119296891 32 118
Male 181846 12426463 58716571 32 82
Female 126716 8752760 60580320 31 183
C ultivators Persons 32220 3481473 22851283 46 245
Male 15168 1784104 9688619 42 215
Female 17052 1697369 13162664 42 249
Agricultural Labourers Persons 118177 10189308 58162962 33 177
Male 75699 6025865 27485424 35 109
Female 42478 4163443 30677538 40 276
Household Industries Persons 29499 1489154 6004843 15 36
Male 10520 684665 2235514 27 46
Female 18979 804489 3769329 5 27
Other Workers Persons 128666 6019288 32277803 12 49
Male 80459 3931829 19307014 15 50
Female 48207 2087459 12970789 10 53
Rural Total Marginal Workers Persons 239793 18412163 102848265 33 140
Male 132989 10540532 48728355 34 109
Female 106804 7871631 54119910 33 196
C ultivators Persons 30362 3397651 22230802 46 250
Male 14203 1730473 9369247 42 224
Female 16159 1667178 12861555 42 255
Agricultural Labourers Persons 110345 9816370 56036151 33 183
Male 69681 5752374 26291170 34 110
Female 40664 4063996 29744981 39 276
Household Industries Persons 23247 1202720 4703063 17 37
Male 6695 532160 1693538 32 66
Female 16552 670560 3009525 6 26
Other Workers Persons 75839 3995422 19878249 14 44
Male 42410 2525525 11374400 22 56
Female 33429 1469897 8503849 11 47
Urban Total Marginal Workers Persons 68769 2767060 16448626 11 51
Male 48857 1885931 9988216 10 41
Female 19912 881129 6460410 13 80
C ultivators Persons 1858 83822 620481 11 71
Male 965 53631 319372 17 79
Female 893 30191 301109 8 78
Agricultural Labourers Persons 7832 372938 2126811 12 64
Male 6018 273491 1194254 11 33
Female 1814 99447 932557 19 177
Household Industries Persons 6252 286434 1301780 16 46
Male 3825 152505 541976 10 23
Female 2427 133929 759804 17 72
Other Workers Persons 52827 2023866 12399554 10 51
Male 38049 1406304 7932614 10 43
Female 14778 617562 4466940 14 71

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook


Land Utilisation
In Hectares (2013-14)
Rank of
Particulars Aligarh Uttar District
Pradesh in State
i) Reporting Area For Land Utilisation Statistics 371261 24170454 26
- Forests 2577 1658153 47
ii) Not Available for C ultivation
-Area under Non Agricultural Uses 41011 3026963 34
-Barren and Un C ulturable Land 5905 464473 32
-Total 46916 3491436 37
iii) Other Uncultivated Land Excluding Fallow Land
-Permanent Pastures and Other Grazing Lands 1731 65389 10
-Land under Misc Tree C rops and Groves Not Included in Net 327 325430 63
-C ulturable Waste Land 7013 410154 18
-Total 9071 800973 29
iv) Fallow Land
-Fallow Lands Other than C urrent Fallows 5317 538694 36
-C urrent Fallow 3367 1135310 64
-Total 8684 1674004 52
v) Net Area Sown 304013 16545888 14
vi) Total C ropped Area 546346 25895877 7
vii) Area Sown More than Once 242333 9349989 4

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook


Livestock Population
In Nos. (2012)
Rank of Rank of
Livestock Aligarh Uttar India District District in
Pradesh in State India
(a) C attle
- Exotic/C rossbred C attle 66919 3579015 39731810 18 183
- Indigenous C attle 135951 15978052 151172295 45 348
- Total C attle 202870 19557067 190904105 44 373
(b) Buffaloes 1130409 30625334 108702122 2 3
(c) Yaks 0 0 76662 0 0
(d) Mithuns 0 0 298264 0 0
(e) Total Bovine (a to d) 1333279 50182401 306805273 2 13
(f) Sheep
- Exotic/C ross-Breed Sheep 948 82079 3781091 23 210
- Indigenous Sheep 9515 1271574 61288098 36 317
- Total Sheep 10463 1353653 65069189 37 323
(g) Goats 173119 15585615 135173093 47 293
(h) Horses & Ponies 5185 151848 624732 5 20
(i) Mules 2085 42660 196378 3 22
(j) Donkeys 1053 56643 318787 17 84
(k) C amel 103 7935 400274 19 103
(l) Pigs
- C ross-Breed Pigs 3761 181951 2456389 13 104
- Indigenous Pigs 15379 1152441 7837306 25 158
- Total Pigs 19140 1334392 10293695 23 165
Total Livestock 1544427 68715147 512057301 5 67
Dogs 12631 766728 11672617 23 283
Rabbit 850 31918 591685 13 123
Elephant 1 4086 21908 50 258

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District


Population by Educational Level (Graduate and Above)

Rank of Rank of
Educational Level Aligarh Uttar India District District
Pradesh in State in India
Graduate and Above 186079 9919838 68288971 14 99
Graduate Degree other than Technical Degree 100552 6238941 41563939 18 109
Post Graduate Degree other than Technical 60081 2654404 14585424 10 49
Technical Degree or Diploma Equal to Degree or
Post Graduate Degree :
- Engineering and Technology 15610 579411 7312459 9 119
- Medicine 3529 119647 1529942 10 120
- Agriculture and Dairying 717 24383 163461 6 50
- Veterinary 20 994 44866 15 371
- Teaching 5557 301553 3065605 16 194
- Others 13 505 23275 10 249

Census Houses Used as School/College etc.

Residence District Total Number of School/
Census Houses College etc.
Total Aligarh 858059 4128
Uttar Pradesh 45172443 256746
India 330835767 2106530
Rank of District in State 20 21
Rank of District in India 109 183
Rural Aligarh 582117 3128
Uttar Pradesh 34726215 217512
India 220695914 1702048
Rank of District in State 25 32
Rank of District in India 105 213
Urban Aligarh 275942 1000
Uttar Pradesh 10446228 39234
India 110139853 404482
Rank of District in State 12 11
Rank of District in India 106 122

In Nos. (2013-2014)
District University Degree Colleges
Aligarh 1 57
Uttar Pradesh 30 3323
Rank of District in State 12 17

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook


Health Institutions in Rural Area

(March 2016)
Primary Sub
District Sub Health Community Health Divisional District
Centres Centres (PHCs) Centres (CHCs) Hospital Hospital
Aligarh 351 47 13 0 3
Uttar Pradesh 20521 3497 773 0 160
India 155708 25387 5521 1065 773
Rank of District in 19 33 19 0 7
Rank of District in 127 208 134 0 12

Allopathic Medical Institutions

In Nos. (As on 1st Jan. 2014)
State Government
District Local Bodies and Private
Public Special Municipal Board Aided
Aligarh 53 6 1 0
Uttar Pradesh 4495 416 124 61
Rank of District in State 41 21 25 0

Homeopathic Govt. Medical Institutions

In Nos. (2013-2014)
District Hospital and Beds Doctors
Aligarh 15 0 15
Uttar Pradesh 1575 388 1610
Rank of District in State 45 0 46

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

Environment and Pollution

Forest Cover
Area in Km 2 (2015)
District Geographical Very Dense Mod. Dense Open Total
Area Forest Forest Forest
Aligarh 3650 0 7 60 67
Uttar Pradesh 240928 2195 4060 8206 14461
India 3287268 85904 315374 300395 701673
Rank of District in State 32 0 44 33 37
Rank of District in India 332 0 500 467 481

In mm (2015-2016)
Uttar Rank of Rank of
Season Rainfall Aligarh Pradesh District District
in State in India
Pre-Monsoon Period Actual 90.4 86.4 26 379
(1st March to 31st May 2015)
Normal 33.4 30.4 26 440
%age Deviation - 184 0 0
South-West Monsoon Period Actual 394.1 - 42 313
(1st June to 30th Sept. 2015)
Normal 655.7 - 56 193
%age Deviation -40 - 43 190
Post Monsoon Period Actual 19.9 15.0 46 375
(1st Oct. to 31st Dec. 2015)
Normal 49.8 57.9 50 251
%age Deviation -60 -74 49 322
Winter Season Actual 0.5 5.6 58 453
(1st Jan.- 29th Feb. 2016)
Normal 32.1 30.9 18 267
%age Deviation -98 -82 4 25
Annual Actual 504.9 107.0 43 253
Normal 771.0 119.2 37 128

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook


Houseless Population
District Total Rural Urban
Persons Male Female Persons Male Female Persons Male Female
Aligarh 8590 4632 3958 3638 1991 1647 4952 2641 2311
Uttar Pradesh 329125 205662 123463 148196 78814 69382 180929 126848 54081
India 1773040 1046871 726169 834692 444450 390242 938348 602421 335927
Rank of District in 6 6 6 7 7 8 6 6 6
Rank of District in 33 36 29 47 45 54 32 40 25

Standard of Living Index

Low (%) High (%)
Total Rural Total Rural
Aligarh 16.3 20.2 14.8 5.6
Uttar Pradesh 31.8 37.4 11 4.3
Rank of District in State 59 62 18 16
Rank of District in India 275 276 315 315

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District

Crime & Law

Incidence of IPC Crime

Rank of Rank of
Crime Heads Aligarh Uttar India District District
Pradesh in State in India
Murder 179 5150 34134 2 13
Attempt to C ommit Murder 257 5223 41898 2 20
C ulpable Homicide Not Amounting To Murder 29 1412 3349 10 15
Attempt To C ommit C ulpable Homicide 25 506 4371 5 34
Rape 112 3467 38678 2 84
Attempt To C ommit Rape 53 324 4310 1 15
Kidnapping & Abduction 471 12361 78412 2 19
Dacoity 17 294 4399 2 60
Making Preparation And Assembly For
C ommitting Dacoity 2 75 2835 11 157
Robbery 242 3920 38090 2 22
C riminal Trespass/Burglary 302 6921 114667 4 88
Theft 2297 48380 442464 6 33
Unlawful Assembly 0 52 9878 0 0
Riots 436 6438 66206 1 30
C riminal Breach of Trust 129 4074 20089 6 29
C heating 354 10636 109737 10 72
Forgery 0 569 11268 0 0
C ounterfeiting 2 111 1979 14 184
Arson 25 250 9299 1 113
Grievous Hurt 285 10867 105560 12 82
Dowry Deaths 69 2469 8458 4 10
Assault on Women with Intent to Outrage her
Modesty 307 8605 82411 4 64
Insult to the Modesty of Women 0 29 9738 0 0
C ruelty by Husband or his Relatives 455 10471 123163 5 65
Importation of Girls From Foreign C ountry 0 0 14 0 0
C ausing Death by Negligence 328 14619 128837 10 109
Offences Against State 0 0 177 0 0
Offences Promoting Enmity Between Different
Groups 0 26 337 0 0
Extortion 31 609 8210 9 67
Disclosure of Identity of Victims 0 0 135 0 0
Incidence of Rash Driving 459 16199 409857 8 191
Human Trafficking 0 4 726 0 0
Unnatural Offence 11 137 1148 4 18
Other IPC C rimes 1916 66277 944105 7 167
Total Cognizable IPC Crimes 8793 240475 2858939 6 76

Uttar Pradesh
District Factbook Aligarh District

Social and Welfare Scheme

National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP)

Financial Performance under NRDWP
Rs. in C rore (2015-16)
District Opening Allocation Funds Total Expediture %age of
Balance Released Availability Expenditure
Aligarh 0.00 0.00 6.80 6.80 6.80 100.00
Uttar Pradesh 365.75 433.14 450.31 816.06 610.26 74.78
India 2358.86 4234.34 4104.58 6463.44 4878.07 75.47
Rank of District in 0 0 37 37 35 8
Rank of District in 0 0 215 233 210 156

Physical Performance under NRDWP

In Nos. (2015-16)
Quality Affected Partial Covered
District Habitations Population Habitations Population
Target Coverage Target Coverage Target Coverage Target Coverage
Aligarh 0 0 0 0 20 54 39916 109614
Uttar Pradesh 348 175 265018 89778 1123 68 908796 56525
India 11705 8059 8597023 6453002 36507 38334 26310550 26819494
Rank of District in 0 0 0 0 37 17 24 17
Rank of District in 0 0 0 0 378 266 276 168

Uttar Pradesh
Aligarh District District Factbook

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