Contoh Daftar Riwayat Hidup Modern

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Pengalaman Kerja

2009-2012 Kantah BPN Pesawaran Lampung

Posisi: Seksi Pengukuran dan Pemetaan (SPP)
Tugas: Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Kadastral
2012-2015 Kantor Surveyor Kadastral Sujadi, ST.
RIFQI Posisi: Petugas Ukur
SETYOBUDI Tugas: Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Kadastral
2015-2017 Kantah ATR/BPN RI Kota Tangerang Selatan
20 tahun, Posisi: Asisten Surveyor Pertanahan
(Islam) Tugas: Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Kadastral
Jl. Bojongsari Baru
No.70, Kel. Bojongsari
Baru, Kec. Bojongsari, Riwayat Pendidikan
Kota Depok
2015-Sekarang Teknik Geodesi, Universitas Lampung
2014-2015 Akuntansi, Universitas Gunadarma

2011-2014 SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan

2009-2011 SMPN 17 Tangerang Selatan

2003-2009 SDN 01 Bojongsari Baru, Depok

Profession / Area
Years of experience

General description of the candidate's professional profile: positions,

tasks. Achievements. Details aren't necessary but an idea of the
candidate's skills.

First name Working experience

Last name

Age 1999-2001 Name of the company

Position: Name of the position
Address Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
Postal code, city an idea of your skills.
1999-2001 Name of the company
Home phone Position: Name of the position
number Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
Cell phone an idea of your skills.
1999-2001 Name of the company
Position: Name of the position
Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
an idea of your skills.


1999-2001 Career
Brief description of the studies.
1999-2001 Career
Brief description of the studies.

Other information

Languages Spanish: Level. Certificates.

German: Level. Certificates.
IT Software: Level.
Software: Level.

More information
Profession / Area
Years of experience

General description of the candidate's professional profile: positions,

tasks. Achievements. Details aren't necessary but an idea of the
candidate's skills.

First name Working experience

Last name

Age 1999-2001 Name of the company

Position: Name of the position
Address Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
Postal code / City an idea of your skills.
1999-2001 Name of the company
Home phone Position: Name of the position
number Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
Cell phone an idea of your skills.
1999-2001 Name of the company
Position: Name of the position
Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
an idea of your skills.


1999-2001 Career
Brief description of the studies.
1999-2001 Career
Brief description of the studies.

Other information

Languages Spanish: Level. Certificates.

German: Level. Certificates.
IT Software: Level.
Software: Level.

More information
Profession / Area
Years of experience

General description of the candidate's professional profile: positions,

tasks. Achievements. Details aren't necessary but an idea of the
candidate's skills.

First name Working experience

Last name

Age 1999-2001 Name of the company

Position: Name of the position
Address Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
Postal code, city an idea of your skills.
1999-2001 Name of the company
Home phone Position: Name of the position
number Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
Cell phone an idea of your skills.
1999-2001 Name of the company
Position: Name of the position
Tasks: Description of your tasks. Details aren't necessary, but
an idea of your skills.


1999-2001 Career
Brief description of the studies.
1999-2001 Career
Brief description of the studies.

Other information

Languages Spanish: Level. Certificates.

German: Level. Certificates.
IT Software: Level.
Software: Level.

More information

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