Canguilhem, Georges (1952 1992) Machine and Organism
Canguilhem, Georges (1952 1992) Machine and Organism
Canguilhem, Georges (1952 1992) Machine and Organism
Machine and Organism
Georges Canguilhem
Th e relati on ship between ma chine and organism has generally been studied
in only one way. Nearly always, th e organism has been ex plained on th e basis
of a precon ceived idea of th e st ructure and fun ctioning of th e machine; but
only rarely have th e str ucture and fun ction of th e organism been used to make
th e const r uc t ion of th e ma chine itself more underst andable. Even th ough
mechani stic th eory sparked some very impressive technical research , th e fact
remained th at th e very notion of an "organology," as well as its basic premises
an d method ology, rem ain ed undevelop ed. I
Philosopher s and mec hanistic biologists approached th e machine as a set
of data, or else made it into a probl em that th ey could solve purely through
mental application . To do this, th ey called on the enginee r, who was for them
a scie nt ist in th e truest sense . Misled by th e ambiguit ies of th eir view of
mechanics, they saw machines only as th eorem s in concrete form . Th e opera-
ti on s necessary to constr uct machines wer e only secondary conside rat ions
when compare d wit h th e all-important idea th at th e machine revealed th eir
theori es in concreto . To see this, one needed only to acknowledge what science
could acco m plish, and fro m th er e it was simply a matter of th e co nfide nt
applicat ion of th at know ledge. However, I do not believe th at it is possible to
treat th e biological probl em of th e "living machine" by separat ing it from the
tec hno logical problem it supposedly resolves - namely, th e problem of the re-
lation ship between tec hno logy and science. Thi s problem is nor mally resolved
by sta r ti ng wit h th e idea th at, logically and chronologically, knowledge pre-
cedes application . W hat I want to show is that th e cons truct ion of machin es
can ind eed be understood by virtue of cer tain truly biological principles, with-
out having at th e same time to exami ne how technology relates to scie nce.
I shall add ress the following topics in success ive order: what it mean s to
compare an organism to a machine; th e relation ship between mech anical
processes, and the results th at might be achieved by using th em ; and the his-
tori cal rever sal of th e tradit ional relation ship between th e machine and th e
organism and th e phil osophical conse que nces of thi s reversal.
zone 4S
Mach ine and Or g an i sm
For th ose who have carefully stu die d living bein gs and the forms th ey take, it
is rare - and only in th e case of th e ver te bra tes - that on e notices any truly
mechanical attr ibutes , at least in th e sense that th e term is co m m only under-
stood by scie ntists. In La Pensee technique, for exam ple, Julien Pacotte notes
that movements of the joints and the eyeball can be paralleled with wha t math-
emat icians call a " mechanism ,"? A machine can be defined as a man-made,
ar tificial const ruc tion, whi ch esse nt ially fun ctions by virtue of mechanical
ope rat ions. A mechanism is mad e of a gro up of mobile solid parts that work
together in suc h a way that th eir movement does not threaten the integrity
of the unit as a who le. A mechanism therefore cons ists of movable parts that
wo rk together and periodi cally return to a set rel ation with resp ect to eac h
othe r. It co ns ists of interlinking parts, eac h of whi ch ha s a determinable
degree of freedom of mo vement: for exam ple, both a p endulum and a cam
valve have one degree of freedom of movement, whereas a threaded screw
ha s two. The fact that these varying degrees of fr eedom of movement can b e
quantified mean s that they can ser ve as t angib le guides for measuring, for
sett ing limits on the amount of movement that can be ex pected between any
two inte rac t ing solid obj ects. In every ma chine, then, movem ent is a fun ction,
firs t, of th e way th e parts interact and, second, of the mechani cal operations
of the overall unit.!
Mechanics is governed by the principle that every movement of a machine
is geome t ric and measurable. What is more, every such movement regulates
and transforms th e forc es and energy imparted to it . Mechanics, though, do es
not work in the same way that a motor do es: in mechanics, movement s are
sim ply pr opagat ed, not cre ate d. A rather simple exam ple of how this trans-
formation of movement takes place can be see n in sever al devices - a wh eel
crank or an eccentric cra nk, for exa m ple - th at ar e set into motion by an ini-
ti allateral movement but eventually produce reciprocating, ro tary movement.
Of co urse, mech ani cal ope rations ca n be co m bine d, either by supe r im pos ing
th em or adding the m toge ther. It is even possible to take a basic mechani cal
device, mo dify it and make it capable of performing a var iety of other mechan-
ical operations . T his is exactly what happens wh en a bicycle freewheel clutch
is rele ase d or sto ppe d ."
What co nst it utes the rule in human indust ry is th e exce pt ion in the struc-
ture of organisms and the excep tion in nature, and I must add here that in
the hist ory of technology and th e inventions of man assembled con figu rations
are not th e most primitive. The oldes t kn own tool s are mad e of a single piece.
The co ns truction of axes or of ar rows mad e by assem bling a flint and a han-
dle, or the co nstruct ion of nets or fabrics, are so many signs that the primi-
tive stage has been passed.
T his brief overview of some elementary princip les of kin ematics helps to
give a fuller sense of the problem without losing sight of a central paradox:
Why wa s it ne cessary to turn to the theo ry of m echanism, as outlin ed above,
in order to explain the living organism? The an swer can be found , it see ms,
in the fact that this m echanical model of living organism s does not rely on
kinematics alone. A m achine, as defined abo ve, is not totally self- suffi cient: it
must rece ive and th en transform ene rgy imparted to it from an outside source.
To be represented in movement it mu st b e associated with an ene rgy source. "
For a long time, kinematic mechanism s wer e powered by human s or ani-
mals . During thi s stage, it was an obvious tautology to compare the mo vement
of bodies to the movement of a machine, when the ma chine itself dep ended
on humans or animals to run it . Consequently, it ha s been shown that m echa-
nisti c theo ry ha s dep ended, historically, on the assumption that it is po ssible
to con st r uct an automaton, m eaning a mechanism that is miraculous in and
of itself and do es not rel y on human or an imal muscle power.
This is the general id ea put forth in the following well -known text:
Exami ne carefully the physical eco nomy of m an : What do you find ? The jaws are
armed with teeth, which are no more than pincer s. T his stomac h is nothing but a
retort, or heat cham be r; the veins, th e arteries and indeed the entire vascul ar sys-
tem are simpl y hydraulic tubes; th e heart, a pump; the viscera, nothing but filter s
and sieves; the lungs, a pair of bellows; and wh at are mu scles if not a syste m of
cables and rop es. What is the oculomotor nerve, if not a pull ey? And so on . Try
as they will, chemists cann ot explain natu re and set up a separate phil osoph y sim -
ply by coining a new vocabulary around words like "fusion," "sublimati on " and
"precipitation " ; for thi s does not at all address eithe r th e incontrovertible laws of
equilibr ium or th e laws govern ing th e workings of th e wedg e, cables, pumps as
elements of mechanical theo ry.
This text is not where we mi ght think to find it, but in fact comes from the
Praxis medica, written by Baglivi in 1696, an Italian do ct or belonging to the
iatromechanical schoo!. This school, founded by Borelli, had apparently been
influenced by D escartes, although for rea sons of national presti ge, the Italian s
prefer to attribute it to Galileo. This text is interest ing be cause it treat s the
wedge, the rope, the cabl e and the pump as if they could be seen in the same
t erms for formulating explanatory principles. It is clear, however, that from
the m echanistic point of view there is a difference between these devices: a
cable esse nt ially transmits a given movement, wh erea s a pump transforms a
given movement and is also a motor - admittedly, a motor t hat returns wha t -
ever energy it receives; but, at ce r tain intervals, it appar ently has a degree of
indep endence of movement. In Baglivi's text, the heart is the primum mavens
- the ce nt ral pump that serv es as the motor for the whole body.
Therefore, a cr u cial ele me nt behind the mechanical ex planat ion of bodily
movement is that, in addition to machines that perform as kinematic devices,
zone 47
Machi ne an d Organ ism
the re are also machines that act as motors, deriving th eir ene rgy, at the m o-
ment it is utili zed, from a sou rce othe r than animal muscle. And this is why,
although Baglivi's text see ms linked to Descartes, the idea of the body-a s-
ma chine actually goes ba ck to Ar istotle. When dealing with the Cartesian
theory of th e animal-machine, it is often difficult to decid e whether or not
Descartes had any precursor s for thi s id ea. Those who look for Descartes's
predecessor s her e usually cite Gomez Per eira, a Spanish doct or of th e second
half of th e sixteenth ce ntury: Pereira suggeste d, before Descartes, that he
co uld dem on strate that anima ls we re who lly m achines and that they do not
possess th at sens it ive so ul so fre que ntly attr ibu te d t o th ern .? But in ot he r
resp ect s, it is unquesti on ably Aristo tle who saw th e co ngruity betw een ani mal
movements and automat ic mechan ical movements, like those observe d in
instruments of war, esp ecially cata pults. T his idea is treated rather ex te nsively
by Alfred Espinas, who discusses the connec tion between th e problems dealt
with by Ari st otle in De M otu atiimali um and those in his com pilat ion of
Quaestiones mechanicae. 8 Ari st otle draws a clear parallel between the organs
of ani m al movement and "oreana ," or parts of war ma chines, like th e arm of
a cata pult abo u t to launch a projectile. Thus cata pults, typ ical auto ma t ic
machi nes of the p eriod, see me d to be ar ticu lated like a human limb, as th ey
we re poi sed and made to release their grea t sto res of p ent-up ene rgy. In the
same wo rk, Aristo tle carr ies th e analogy even fur ther by co m pari ng th e move-
ment of our limbs to m echanism s; and he makes his case in much the same
way that Plato did whe n, in the Titnaeus, he com pare d th e movement of ver -
tebrates to hinges or pivots.
It is true that in Aristotle th e theory of mo vement is somewhat different
fro m wh at it wo uld b ecom e in D escartes. Acco rding to Aris to tle, th e sou l is
th e principl e of all movemen t . All movem ent first presupposes immobility
and then re quires a prim e mover or some moti vating force. Desire moves
th e body, an d des ire is ex plained by the so ul, just as potentiality is ex plaine d
by an act . Despite their differ ing ex planations of movement, for Ar isto tle as
for Descartes lat er, the co mpar iso n of t he body wit h a machine presupposes
tha t m an is co m posed of auto ma te d mech ani cal parts reliant on an ene rgy
source th at pr oduces motor effects over time and continue to do so well after
th e origin al (hu m an or animal) ene rgy ha s di ssipated. It is this discrepancy
between the sto rage of energy to b e rel eased by the mech ani sm and the mo-
ment of release th at allows us to forge t the relati on of dep enden ce b etween
the effec ts of the mechanism and th e act ions of a b od y. W hen Descartes looks
to machi nes to ex plain how orga nis ms wo rk, he invokes spring-o pe ra te d and
hydraulic automa t a. As a result, he owes a great intellectual debt to the ideas
behind the technical creations of his own time, including clocks and watc hes,
wate r mill s and ch urc h organs of the early seventeenth ce ntury. We can say,
th en , th at as long as th e co nce pt of th e human and animal body is inextricably
"tied" to the ma chine, it is not possible to offer an ex plana tion of the body
in terms of the m achine. H istor ically, it was not possible to conce ive of suc h
an exp lanation until the day th at human ingenuity create d mech anical dev ices
that not onl y imitated organic m ovements - as in th e launching of a projec-
til e or the ba ck-and-forth mo vem ent of a saw - but also required no human
inte rve nt ion except to const r uc t them and set th em going
In two in st ances, I h ave asse rte d th at an ex planation ca nnot be for mulated
witho ut the ex iste nce of ce rtai n co nd it ions . Is thi s tantamount to att ri but ing
a historical necessity to scie ntific ex planatio n? How do I explain th e abrupt
appearance in Descartes of a lu cid mechani sti c interpretati on of biological
ph en om en a? This theory is clearl y rel ated to modi ficati ons th at occ urred in
the eco no mic and p olitical st ruc ture of West ern society, but th e n ature of
this relation remains obsc ure.
This problem h as been treat ed in depth by P-M. Schuhl, wh o has shown
th at in ancient phil osophy th e oppos it ion of scie nce and technique paralleled
the op posi t ion of freedo m and servi t ude and, at a deep er level, of art and na-
ture .? Sch uh] su ppo rts this par allel with Ar isto tle's assertion th at natural and
violent movement are opposed - a violent movem ent occurs whe n mecha-
nism s are used against nature, and its charac te r istics are th at it ex hausts itself
rapidl y and never b ecomes habitu al - whic h is to say, a permanen t tenden cy
to re pro duce itself never obtains .
Here I must turn to th e difficu lt problem of th e history of civilizat ion
and the philosophy of history. With Aristotle, th e hierarchy of freedo m and
servility, of th eory and pract ice, of nature and art, is paralleled by an ec o-
nomic and political hierarchy in the cit ies, namely, the rel ati on s of freemen
and slaves. The slave, according to Ar isto tle in the Politics, is an an ima te d
machine. 10 This is th e cr ux of the probl em to which Schuhl only alludes in
passing: Did th e Greek co nce pt ion of the digni ty of scie nce lead to th eir dis -
da in for technique and th e resultant pauci ty of invent ions? And did thi s in
turn lead to th e di fficul ty of applying the results of technical activity to the
ex planation of nature ? Or, rather, did the Gr eeks' high regard for purely
speculat ive science and detached co nte m plat ion explain th e ab sen ce of tech-
nical invention ? Did th eir disregard for work cause slavery, or did the abun -
dan ce of slaves du e to military supre macy ex plain their low rega rd for work?
Are we obliged to ex plain th e ideology in term s of th e socioeconomic st ruc-
ture or, rather, th e socioecono mic st r uc ture in te rms of th e id eology? Di d
the ease of ex ploit ing human bein gs make it easier to disdain th e techniques
th at wo uld allow them to ex ploit nature ? Does the arduo usness of exploiti ng
n ature ju st ify the ex ploita ti on of man by man ? Is th ere a causal relation ship
at wo rk here ? And if so, in which direction does it go? Or are we dealin g with
zone 49
Machine and Organism
a global str uc t ure having recip rocal relati ons and influe nces?
A simila r problem is prese nted by Fathe r Lucie n Lab erthonniere, who
cont rasts th e physics of an ar t ist or an aesthe te to that of an eng ineer and an
ar tisan." Laberthonniere suggests th at th e determining facto r her e is ideas,
given that the Car tesian transformation in th e philosophy of technique pre-
supposes Chr istianity. It was necessary to conceive of man as a b ein g who
transce nds n ature and ma tter in order to then upho ld his right and his du ty
to exploit matter ruthlessly, In other wo rds, ma n had to be valorize d so that
n ature co uld b e deva lorized. Next it was necessary to co nceive of men as
being radi cally and originally equal so that, as th e ex ploitat ion of human s by
eac h other was co nde m ne d on po lit ical gro unds, there we re inc reased tech-
nical means to ex ploit nature and a growing sense of du ty to do so. This analy-
sis pe rmits Laberthonnier e to spea k of a Chr istian or igin for Cartes ian physics.
However, he qualifies his own claim: th e physics and technique supposed ly
m ad e po ssible by Ch r ist ianity came, for Descartes, well afte r Ch r ist ianity h ad
been founded as a religion. Mo reover, humani st phil osophy, whic h saw man
as mast er and pr opri etor of nature, was in direct oppos ition to Chr ist ianity
as humanist s saw it: the religion of salvat ion , of esca pe into the her eaft er, in-
spire d by a conte mp t for th e things of thi s life and un conc erned with whatever
fr uits technology might win for mankind in thi s worl d belo w. Laberthonnier e
asserts th at "time does no t ente r into the qu est ion," but thi s is by no means
ce rta in. In any case, several classic texts have dem on strated th at cer tain techni-
cal invention s th at tran sformed th e use of ani mal motor power - for exa m ple,
the hor sesho e and the shoulde r harness - accomplishe d more for the eman -
cipat ion of slaves tha n di d the co untless pr eachings of abolit ionists.
In Der Uber8an8 vomJe udalem z um biir8erlichen Weltbi ld, Fra nz Borkenau
argues th at ther e is a causa l relati onship between mechani st ic phil osophy and
the totality of soc ial and economic co nd itions in which it ar ises. 12 He claims
that at th e sta rt of th e seventee nth century th e qualitati ve philosophy of antiq-
uity and the Midd le Ages was eclipsed by mech ani sti c ide as. T he success of
these new ideas was, on the level of ideology, an effect of the eco no mic fact
of th e new organization and ex pansio n of manufacturing. For Borken au , the
division of ar t isanal labo r into separa te , sim plifie d ope rations requiring little
skill pro duce d th e co ncept of abstr act soc ial labor. O nce lab or had b een de-
co mposed into sim ple, id entical and easily rep eat able movem ents, price an d
wages co uld be de termined simply by co mparing th e hours wo rked - and th e
result was a process th at , previously qu alit ati ve, had become qu antifiable. 13
Calculat ing work in purely qu antitative terms that can be treat ed mathem at-
ically is claimed to be the basis an d the sta rting point for a mechanisti c co n -
cep t ion of th e life wo rl d. It is therefore by redu cing all value to econo mic
value, "to co ld hard cash," as Marx puts it in The Communist Manifesto, th at
th e mechanisti c view of the uni verse is su pposed to be funda me ntally a
Weltan sch auung of the bourgeoisie. Fin ally, Borken au claim s that th e anima l-
machine gives rise to th e norms of th e na scent ca pit alist eco no my. Descartes,
Galileo and Hobb es are thus th e unwitting heralds of thi s eco nomic revolution.
Borken au's theses have b een analyzed and crit icized more forcefull y by
Henryk Gro ssmann. 14 According to him, Borkenau ignores five hund red years
of economic and id eological history by see ing mechanist ic th eory as co inc id -
ing with the ri se of manufacturing at the b eginning of the seventeent h ce n -
tu ry : Borkenau wr ites as if Leonardo da Vinci h ad never existe d . Referring
to Pierre Duhem's Les Origi nes de la sta tique (1905), and th e publicati on of
Leonardo's m anuscripts (Herzfeld, 1904 ; Gabriel Seailles, 190 6; Pelad an ,
1907) , Gro ssm ann agrees with Seailles th at with th e publication of Leon ardo's
m anuscripts it becam e cle ar th at the origins of modern scie nce co u ld be
pu shed back by more than a century. Th e quantification of th e noti on of work
occurs first within mathematics, well before it s ec onomic rationalization.
The norms of the capita list evaluat ion of producti on , moreover, had been
defined by th e It alian banker s even in the thirteenth cent ury. Relying on
Marx, Gr ossm ann reminds us that alt ho ugh in general there was no division
of labor in m anufacturing prop erl y spe aking, manufacturing at its inception
meant the gathe ring together in th e same place of skilled art isans who had
previou sly worked indep endently. Acco rdi ng to Gross ma n n, th en, it is no t
th e calculat ion of cost per hour of wo rk, but the evolution of mech anizati on
that is th e real cause of th e mech anic al view of th e uni verse. Th e development
of mechanization begins during th e Renaissan ce. IS It is, therefore, more accu -
rate to say that Descartes had co nsc iously rati onali zed a mechanistic technique
than that he had un con sciousl y ex presse d th e imperatives of a capitalist eco n-
omy. For Descartes, mech ani cs is a theory if machines th at presupposes a spo n-
taneou s invention whic h science m ust then co nsciously promote and develop.
W hich machines did th e m ost to modify the relati on ship between man
and nature before th e ti me of Descartes, far beyond t he wildest imag inat ions
of th e an cients - and did most to ju sti fy and rationalize th e hop es men had
veste d in ma chin es? Above all th ere wer e firearms, whic h hardly interest ed
D escartes except in terms of th e problem of the projectil e. 16 On the othe r
hand, Descartes was very interested in clocks and watch es, in lifting machines,
in wate r-dr iven machines and other related devices. As a result, one sho uld
say that Descartes m ade a human ph enomen on - th e const ruction of ma-
chi nes - into an integral part of his phil osophy; and one sho uld avoid saying
th at he tran sposed th e soci al ph en om en a of capita list production into ideology.
The key qu esti on becomes: H ow does Cartesianism account for an internal
principle of goa l-directe d activity in mech ani sm s, as is im plied in the co m par-
ison of a ma chine with an org ani sm ?
zone 51
Machine and Organism
The theo ry of the animal -mac hine is in sep ar able from " I think therefore I
am." T he rad ical distincti on between th e soul and the bod y, between thought
an d extens ion, requires the affir ma tion that m atter, wha teve r form it ado pts,
and th ou gh t, wha teve r funct ion it fulfill s, are eac h an undivided subs t ance. 17
Beca use t he only function of t he soul is judgment, it is impossible to ad mit
the ex iste nce of a so ul in anima ls, since we have no proo f that ani m als judge,
in capable as they are of langu age or inve ntion . is
For Descartes, though , the refu sal to att ribute a so ul - that is, reason - to
ani ma ls, does not necessarily lead to the conclus ion that anima ls are not alive
(since not mu ch m ore than a warm, beat ing heart is at issu e) ; no r must ani-
m als be de nied sensibility, to t he ex te nt that suc h sens ibility is so lely a func-
ti on of their orga ns. i9
In t he same di scu ssion, a m oral foundat ion for the ani m al-machi ne theory
co mes to light. D escartes views th e anim al as Ari stotle had viewed the slave,
devalorizing it in order to j ust ify m an 's using it to serve his own purp oses: "My
opinion is no mo re cr uel to ani ma ls than it is overly piou s toward m en , freed
fro m the supe rstitions of the Pythagori an s, becau se it abso lves them of the hint
of cri me whenever they eat or kill anim als." 20 And it comes as no sm all sur pr ise
to find the same argu me nt in reverse in a passage of Leibniz: " if we are com -
pelle d to view the ani mal as being more than a ma chine, we would ha ve to
become Pytha~orians and ren ou nce our do mination of an imals."21 And so we
co nfro nt an attit ude typ ical of Wes te rn thought. O n the th eor et ic al level, tn e
mechanizat ion of life only co nsiders animals to t he exte nt that th ey serve m an' s
techno logical ends. Ma n can only ma ke himself t he m aster and propriet or of
n at ure if he denies any natural fi nality or purpose; and he mu st co ns ide r the
whole of nature, including all life for ms o ther th an himself, as solely a m eans
to serve his purposes.
This is how the mechan ical model of the living orga nism , including the hu -
man body, was legitintized; for already in D escar tes the human body, ifnot An imal testing, c. 1970.
man's enti re self, is seen as a m achin e. As I have already noted, Descartes based
his mecha nica l model on au to mata, that is, on m oving ma chines. 22
In order to see th e full implicat ion s of D escartes's theory, I now intend to
look at the beginning of his "Trea tise o n Man ," which was published for the
first time in Leyden in 1662. H e wrote there :
These men will be composed, as we are, of a soul and a body. First I must describe
th e body on its own, then the soul, again on its own; and finally I must show how
these two natures would have to be joined and united in order to constitute men
who resemble us.
I suppose the body to be nothing but a statue or machine made of earth, which
God forms with the explicit inten tio n of making it as much as possible like us.
Thus God not only gives it externally the colors and shapes of all the parts of our
bodies, but also places inside it all th e parts required to mak e it walk, eat, br eathe,
enabling it to imitate all tho se fun cti on s which see m to proceed from matter and
to dep end solely on th e int er acting movem ents of our organs .
We see clocks, artificial fountain s, wate r mills and other suc h machin es which,
altho ugh only man-m ade, see m to move o f th eir own accor d in var ious ways;
but I am suppos ing this ma chine to be mad e by th e hands of God , and so I think
you may reason ably think it capable of a grea te r vari ety of movem ents th an I
could possibly imagin e in it, and of exh ibiting more artistry th an I could possibly
ascr ibe to it. 23
Were we to read this text as naively as pos sible, the theory of th e anima l-
machine would see m to make sense onl y if we put forward two important
and oft en-neglected po stulates. The first is th e existence of a God who builds
things, and th e second that living bodies are given in essence before ma chines
are constructed. In other words, to understand the machine-animal, it is
necessary to see it as being preceded, logically and chronologically, by God,
who is an efficient cause, and by a preexi sting living model after which it is
to be modeled or imitated, whi ch is a formal and final cause. With all thi s in
mind , I propose to take the animal-machine th eory, which is usually see n as
a departure from th e Aristotelian concept of causality, and show how all of
Ari stotle's types of causality ar e nonetheless found in it, but not always in th e
same place or sim ult aneously.
If we read th e text more clo sely, we see that in order to const r uc t the liv-
ing ma chine-" it is necessary to imitate a pr eexi sting living model. The co n -
str uc t ion of a mechanical model presupposes a living original (Descartes is
perhaps closer her e to Plato th an to Aristotle). The platonic Derniurge copies
the ideas, and th e Idea is th e model of which th e natural object is a copy. Th e
Cartesian God, the Art!fex maximus, works to produce som ething equ ivale nt
to th e living body itself. The model for th e living machine is that bod y itself.
Divine art imitat es the Idea - but th e Id ea is th e living body. What is more,
in th e same way that a regular pol ygon is in scribed in a circle, and th at on e
must pa ss an infinite distance to deduce on e from the other, there is some -
thing of th e ma chine in every asp ect of life; but to pass from one to th e other
wou ld require crossing over an infinite gap, on e that only God can close. Thi s
is th e idea bro ught out at the end of the text: "but I am supposing thi s machine
to be made by the hands of God, and so I think you may reasonably think it
cap able of a great er var iety of movements than I could possibly im agine in it ,
and of exhibiting more artistry than I could po ssibly ascribe to it ." The th e-
ory of th e anim al- machi ne would, th erefore, have th e same rel ation to life
that a set of axioms has to geometry, th at is, nothing more than a rati onal
reconstruction. Thus, th e th eo ry op erates by deception: it pretends to ignore
th e conc re te ex iste nce of what it must represent, and it deni es that what it
zone S3
Mach ine a n d O rgan ism
by signals or spo ken orde rs, through a type of magical causality - th e techno-
logical im age of "co ntrol," in whic h a desired series of ope ra t ions is act ivate d
by a co nt ro lling device or coordi nate d by a series of mechani cal linkups.
Descartes takes th e exact op pos ite positi on of Claude Bernard who, in his
cr itique of vitalism, in Lecons sur les phenomenes de la vie comm uns aux anima ux
er aux veBewux, refu ses to ad mit th at a vita l force co uld have a sepa rate exis -
ten ce becau se it "ca nno t do anything" - but he does admit , sur prisingly, that
it can "direct ph enom en a that it does not pro du ce."27 In other words, Bernard
repl aces th e noti on of a vit al-force- as-worker with th e idea of vita l-force-as -
legislat or or guide. This is a way o f adm itting that on e can direct events with-
ou t taking action - which bo rde rs on a kind of magical conce pt of direction,
implying that th e overall op erati on transcends the exec ut ion of individual
op er ations. On th e co ntrary, according to Descartes, a me chanical ope ra t ion
repla ces th e power of direction and co mm and, but God has fixed th e direc-
tion on ce and for all: the constr uctor includes the guide-controls withi n th e
mech ani cal process itself.
In sho rt, with th e Cartesian ex planat ion, it might appear th at we have n ot
moved beyond the ide a of fin ality or inner pu rposiveness. The reason for thi s
is that if we limit ou rselves to th e wo rki ngs of th e ma chine, everything can be
ex plained by the th eory of mechanism ; but the th eory cannot accoun t for the
co nstruct ion of th e machine itself. Machines do not construct other mach ines,
an d it co u ld even be said th at, in a sense, ex plaining orga ns or orga nisms
throu gh mechanic al m odels amou nts to ex plaini ng th e orga n by means of it-
self. At bottom, the n, we are dealin g with a tautology; for it can be shown -
and I shall indeed t ry to ju st ify this view - that machin es can be considered as
orBans ?J the human species. 28 A tool or a machine is an organ, and organs are
tools or m achines. And so it is hard to see how mech ani sm can be d isti n -
gui sh ed from purposiven ess. 0 one doubts th at a mechanism is need ed to
ens u re th at a given opera tion is car rie d out successfully; and, co nversely,
every m ech ani sm mu st follow a preci sely determined seque nce toward per-
forming some particular t ask, since a mechani sm cannot dep end on rand om-
ness or chance . Th er efore, th e opposition would be between those mech anisms
whose purpose is manifest and those wh ose purpose remains lat ent. In th e
case of a lock or a watc h , their fun ction is apparent, whil e the pin cer s of th e
cr ab, often cons ide re d a marvel of adaptati on, have a lat ent purpose. As a
result, it see ms impossible to den y th at ce rta in biological mechani sm s serve
a set purpose. Let us co ns ide r an oft-cited exa m ple, which mech anist ic biol-
ogist s use t o argu e th eir case; namely, th at of th e woman's pel vis, which en -
larges ju st before she gives birth. To deny that thi s enla rge me nt might not in
some way be the fu lfillment of a fundam ental, purposive acti vity, we need on ly
view th e qu esti on in ano the r way: given th at th e largest-sized fetus exceeds
zone ss
Machi ne and Organism
the ma ximum size of the p elvis by 1 or 1.5 em, it wo uld be impossibl e to give
birth we re it not for a loosening of th e symphyses and a gradual roc king move-
ment toward the sacrococcygien bone which incr eases the d iam eter ever so
slightly beyond it s ma ximum . It is under standable that one would not wa nt to
believe that an act with suc h a specific biol ogical purpose is allow ed to occur
only by virt ue of a m echani sm with no real biological fun ction. And "allow" is
indeed the word that applies here, sin ce wi tho ut this mechanism th e act sim -
ply co uld not take pl ace. It is well kn own that, whe n dealin g wit h an unknown
mech an ism , we have to m ake certai n th at it is in fact a mech anism - th at is, we
have to kn ow wha t ultimate purpose or func tion it is intended to serve . We
can co me to no co nclusions abo ut how it is to be u sed , sim ply on th e basis of
it s form or its st r uc t ure, unl ess we already know how the m achine or sim ilar
m achines are u sed . As a resul t, it is necessary fir st to see the ma chine at work
before attem pting to deduce th e fun cti on from th e structure.
We are now at the point where we can see th e historical rever sal of th e Cartes ian
rela tions hip betw een the m achine and the organis m. It is a we ll- known fact
- and so need no t be belabo re d - that in all orga nis ms we obse rve the phe-
nom en a of au tocons truc tion, auto main te na nce, auto regula t ion and auto repai r.
In the case of the ma chine, its co ns t r uc tion is beyond its power and dep ends
on the skill o f the m ech an ic . It s mainten an ce requires the co ns ta nt attention
and watc hfulness of the ma chinist; for we all know how th e co m plex workings
of a m achine can be irrem edi ably damaged du e to inattention and careless ness.
As for m ainten ance and rep air, they demand the same periodic intervention
of human act ion . W hile there are m achines that ar e self-regulating, these are
in fact m ach in es that m an has grafte d onto ano t her m achin e. The co ns t ruc-
t ion of servo mecha nisms or elect ronic auto mata merely displaces the qu esti on
of the ma n- mac hine relati on shi p witho ut changing it in any funda me nta l way.
Further, in th e case of the machine ther e is a st r ict ad he re nce to rati onal,
econo m ical rul es. The w hole is rigorously th e sum of its parts. The final effect
dep ends o n the o rde r ing of the ca uses . What is m ore, a m achine functions
wit hin narrowly defined limits, and th ese limits becom e all th e more rigid with
th e pr acti ce of standa rdization . Standardizat ion leads to th e simplification of
b asic m odels and spa re parts, and to unified standards of m easurement and
quality, whic h allows for the interchangeabili ty of parts. Any individual part
can be excha nge d for any other p art m ean t for the same place - wi t hi n, of
co urse, a margin of toleran ce dete r mi ne d by m anufacturing co nst ra ints.
Now th at th e pro pe rt ies of a m achine have been defined in relati on to th ose
of an organism, can one say that there is more or less purposiven ess in a m a-
c hine th an in an organism ?
One would surely agree that t he re is more purposiven ess in m achines
than in organisms, since a machine see ms to move uniformly, unidirecti on ally
toward co mpleting a particular activ ity. A m achin e ca nnot repl ace ano t her
ma chine. The m ore specific the end -result desir ed , the m ore the m argin of
tol eranc e is reduced , and the mo re the ma chine's dir ectiveness seems co n-
ce ntrated , focu sed on a particular end . It is well known that fun ct ion s in t he
organ ism ar e substitutable, organ s are polyvalent . Alt houg h this substi tu tabil-
ity of func t ions and po lyvalence of organs is not ab solute, in compa rison with
the same qualities in the m achine, it is so cons ide ra ble that any com par ison
is quite obviou sly abs urd .s? As an exa m ple of the substi t utability of fu nc t ions,
I can give a very sim ple and well- kn own case, that of aphasia in children. A
hemiplegia on the ri ght side of the child's brain is alm os t never accompani ed
by aphasia , because the other ar eas of the brain ensure the continu ance of t he
linguist ic fun ctions. In th e case of t he child w ho is less than nine m on ths old,
any ex ist ing aphasia di sappea rs very qui ckl y.30 As for th e problem of the pol y-
valent organs, I need sim ply note the fact that for a majority of organs , whic h
we have traditionally bel ieved to serve some definite fun ction, t he t r uth is
that we have no id ea wh at ot he r fun ctions they might in deed fulfill. This is
the re ason that the stomach is said to b e, in principl e at leas t, an organ of
dige stion . However, it is a fact that after a gast rec to my performed to treat an
ul cer, there ar e fewer problems wi t h digestion than wi th those we ob serve
w it h hematopoiesis. It was finall y discovered that the sto m ach be haves like
an internal sec re t ive glan d. An d I might also cite yet ano ther exam ple - and
not at all to b e taken as some sort of m ira cle - whic h cam e to light d uring
a re cent ex per ime nt p erformed by the biol ogist Courrier, at the College de
Fr ance. Co urrier made an incision in the uterus of a p regnant rabbit, ex-
tracted a placenta from th e uterus and placed it in the peritoneal cavity. This
placenta grafted it self onto the intestine an d fed itself normally. When t he
gr aft was p erformed, the rabbit's ovari es were ablate d - m eanin g that the
funct ion ful filled by th e cor pus lute um during pregn an cy was supp ressed. At
that moment, all the pla centas present in the uterus we re aborte d and only
the pl acenta sit ua te d in the peritone al cavity came to term. Here is an exa m -
ple of the intestine beh aving like a uterus, and perhaps, one might even say,
m ore success fu lly.
In this case , then, it is tempting to reve rse one of Ari stotle's formulati on s
in his Politics: "For nature is not st ingy, like th e smi th who fashions the Del-
phi an knife for ma ny u ses; she m akes each thing for a single use, and every
in strument is best m ad e whe n intended for one and not for m any uses." 31
On the contr ary, it seems that thi s definition of finality or purposiveness
would b e more applicable to a m achine than to an organi sm . One must be
willing to acknowledge, ultimately, t hat in an organ ism, a given organ can
zo ne 57
Machine and Organism
acco m mo date a diver sity of fun cti on s. Clearly, an organism has a grea te r range
of act ivity than a m achine. It is less bound by purposiven ess and more op en
to potentialities.P Every aspect an d every m ovement of the ma chine is calcu-
lated ; and the wo rki ng of the m achine co nfirms how eac h calcu lat ion holds
up to ce rtain norms, measures or est imates; whe reas the living body func tions
according to ex per ience. Life is ex per ience, meaning improvisation, acting as
circums ta nces per mit; life is tentat ive in every resp ect . Hen ce th e overw helm -
ing but often misunder sto od fact that life p ermits monstrositi es. Ther e are no
mon st rou s machines. Th er e is no mech anic al pathology, as Xavie r Bich at noted
in 1801 in his General Anatomy, Applied to Physiolo8Y and Medicine. 33 Whereas
m onster s are still living things, ther e is no way to di stinguish between th e nor-
m al and the pathological in physics and mechanics. Only among living beings
is there a disti nc tion betw een the normal and th e pathological .
Above all, it is wo rk in ex perime ntal em bryology that ha s led to the aba n -
do ning of such mech anist ic representation s whe n interpreting living phen om-
ena, prim arily by demonstra ting that once the em bryo starts to develop, it
does not contain any ki nd of "specific mech anism" intend ed to produce auto -
mat ically one organ or ano ther. T here can b e no d.oub t that this was D escartes's
co nception as we ll. In his " Descr iption of the Human Body," he wrote: " If we
had a goo d knowled ge of wha t m akes up the seme n of some species of anim al
in particular, for exa m ple m an , then we wo u ld b e able to deduce from this
alon e, using ce r tain and m athemati cal reasoning, the co m plete sha pe and
co n forma tio n of eac h of its m embers, and likewi se, reciprocally, if we kn ew
m any par ti cul ar iti es abo ut thi s co nforma tion, it wo uld be possible to deduce
fro m th at wha t th e seme n is."34 However, as Paul Guillaume remarks, it see ms
that the m ore we co m pa re livin g be ings to auto ma t ic m achines, the m or e we
see m to understand their fun cti ons but th e less we under st and their genes is.35
If th e Ca rtesian co nce p tion we re acc u ra te, th at is, if the living orga nis m we re
both preformed in th e em bryo and developed m ech ani stically, any modifica-
t ion ma de in the earlies t stages wo uld tend to di srupt the development of the
egg or pre vent development alt oge the r.
However, thi s is hardl y th e case . Acco rding to a st udy in pot ential egg devel-
opment, ba sed on research by Driesch, Horst adius, Spem an an d M angold , it
was shown t ha t em bryonic development ca nnot be reduced to a mech ani cal
m odel witho ut running into anoma lies. Let us take the exam ple of the exper-
iments co nd uc ted by H o rst adius on the egg of a sea urchin . H e cut an egg A
fro m a sea urch in at stage sixteen so that eac h part of the egg maintained a
horizontal sym metry, and then he cut egg B, with each part being ver tically
sym me t r ical. H e joined h alf of A wi th half of B and th e egg developed nor-
m ally. Driesch took th e sea urchin egg at stage sixteen and pressed the egg
b etw een two thin layer s of ce lls, while modifying the recip ro cal positi on of
the cells at the two po les; sti ll, the egg developed norm ally. The results of th ese
two st udi es allow u s to conclude that the same effect is achi eved regardless of
how conditions are var ied.
There is an even more str iking exp er im ent , in whic h D r iesch too k blasto-
mer es fro m th e sea ur chin egg at stage two. By removing the blast omer es, eit her
mech an ically or chem ically in sea wat er lacking calcium salts, t he result was
that eac h of the blastomeres gave bir th to a lar va which was pe rfe ctly no rmal
down to the sma llest deta il. Here, the n , the result is the same regar dl ess of
how t he cha rac terist ics of a facto r are change d . The qu antitati ve cha nge in
a given factor does not lead to a qualitative cha nge in the resu lt . Conversel y,
whe n two sea urchin eggs are join ed they result in a single larva that is larger
than norm al. T his is yet another confirmatio n that t he result is un affected by
t he qu antitati ve cha nge in one of the facto rs. W he t her the facto rs are multi-
plied or divid ed , the exper im ent yields the same results.
I sho uld add that the develop m ent of all eggs cannot be reduced to thi s
sc he ma. For quite som e time t here was a problem in kn owing whet her there
we re two di fferent ki nd s of eggs at issue : regu lated eggs, like the eggs of sea
urchins, and m osaic eggs, like those of frogs, whos e firs t blast omeres develop
in exac tly th e same way, whether th ey are dissociated or remain together. Most
biologist s have recently co m e aro und to ad mitting that wha t distingu ishes the
two phenomena is sim ply that de te r minat ion occurs earlier in the so -c alled
mosaic eggs. O n the one hand , the regul at ed egg sta rts to act like a mo saic
egg at a certa in stage; on the ot he r hand , at stage two the blast omer e of the
frog egg yields a com plete e mbryo, as do es a regul at ed egg, if it is rever sed .Jf
Thus, it is illu sory to de ny the id ea of purposiven ess in orga nis ms an d to
attr ibute it to automa tic funct ions, however com plex we might im agin e these
to be. As lon g as a m achine cannot co nst ruct itsel f, and as long as an orga n-
ism is not equal to the sum of its parts, it might see m legitimate t o think th at
biological organiz ati on is th e bas is and the necessary co ndit ion for the exi s-
ten ce and purpose of a m achi ne. Fr om the philosophical point of view, it is
less im portan t to ex plain the operation of a m achine than to un derstand it .
And to underst and it mean s to in scribe it in human history by in scribing
human history in life - not overlooking the fact that with the adve nt of m an
th er e appe are d a cult ur e tha t was no longer entirely reducible to natural causes.
And so we arr ive at th e p oint where the machine is seen as ajGct if cultu re,
expressed in m echani sm s that are them selves nothing m ore than an explain -
ablefac t if nature. In a cele brated text in "Pr inci ples of Philosophy," Descartes
writes, " It is ce r tai n that all the rules of m echanics belon g to physics, to the
extent that all artificial thinBs are thereby na tural . Sinc e, for exa m ple, whe n a
watc h co unts the hou rs, by using the cogs from whic h it is made, this is no
less natural for it than it is for a tree to produ ce fr u it ." 37 But, fro m our poin t
zone 59
Ma c h i n e a nd Or g a n i sm
of view, we can and must reverse the relation ship of the watc h to the tree and
say that the cogs and ge ne rally all the co m pone nts that make up a watc h ar e
des igne d to produce a desir ed effect : all th e parts of the mech ani sm ar e prod-
uct s of im aginat ion , eac h piece fulfilling some fin al purpose o r design that at
one time was only ima gined or dream ed of; they are thus th e direct or indirect
prod uc ts of a technical acti vity that is as authe ntically organi c as the flower-
ing of trees. And , on a m ore fu nda me nta l level, the process wo rks with gre at
efficiency even though there is no m ore co nscious obse rva nce of the rules
and laws of physics than there might be within vege ta l life. Althou gh the co n -
st r uc t ion of a ma chine might presuppose at some st age the understanding of
the logics of physics, it should not and cannot be forgotten that, as a matter
of c hro no logy and biology, co ns t ruct io n of m achines took pla ce well before
ther e was any understanding of physics.
Ho wever, another author ha s asserted, cont rary to D escartes, that living
organ isms cannot be reduced to a m achine and, similarly, art cannot be re-
du ced to scie nce. The author in qu esti on is Kant, in his Critique rJJ ud8 men t.
W hile it is tru e that the Fren ch have not tended to loo k to Kant as a philoso -
ph er of technique, it is no less true th at German authors greatly inter ested in
this questi on , especially aft er 1870, ha ve don e so.
In the "Cr it iq ue of Teleological Judgment," Kant di stinguishes between
the m achine and the orga nis m, whi le drawing on D escartes's favorite exam -
ple of the watch . In a m achine, he st ates, eac h part exists for the othe r but
not b ecau se of the ot he r : no part produces anot he r part; no one part is pro-
d uced by the e ntire unit; nor does one part produce ano the r part of simi lar
kind . T he re is no watc h that makes othe r watc hes. 0 part can re place itself.
And no m achine can repl ace o ne of its own mi ssing parts. And so, w hile a
mach ine possesses motor power, it has no transformational ene rgy th at might
pro pagate itself or be tran smitted to an objec t outside th e ma chine itself. Kant
draws a di stinction between human skill and technology, whic h ar e marked
by in tention ality, as opposed to involuntary life processes. But in an impor-
tant p assage of the "Critiq ue of Aesthetic Judgment," Kant defines the origi-
nality ofhuman skill as it relates to knowledge:
Ar t, regarded as human skill, differs from science (as ability differs from kn owledge)
in the same way that a practi cal aptitude differs from a theoretical faculty, as tech-
nique differs from theory. What one is capable of doing, as soon as we merely know
what ought to be done and therefore are sufficiently cognizant of the desired effect,
is not called art. Only th at which a man, even if he knows it completely, may not
therefore have the skill to accomplish belongs to art. Camper describes very exactly
how the best shoes must be made, but he certainly could not make one. 38
T his text is cite d by Paul Krannhals in Der Welts inn der Technik , and, following
Kant, he acknowledges that all technique is esse nt ially primordial, meaning th at
it cannot be reduced to a simple qu esti on of ration ality.39 Indeed , we tend to see
the skille d hand that adjus ts a m achine or the mind that carefu lly orc hes t rates
a production process as ex am ples of " ingenu ity," having their b asis in in stinct;
but th ese are in fact as difficult to ex plain as the production of mammalian eggs
outside t he ovary, even in the even t that the physio ch emical com position of
protoplasm and of sexu al hormones had been made entirely clear to us.
This is why the wor k of anthrop ologists (and not eng ineers) seems to she d
m ore light, however faint, o n the qu estion of the co ns t r uc t ion of m achines.40
C ur re ntly in Fr an ce, et hnolog ists have co me closest to creating a philosophy
of t echnique in whic h the philosophers themselves seem t o have lost interest ,
their m ain co ncern havin g been chiefly the philosophy of scie nce. On the co n-
trary, the et hnogra phe rs have ge ne rally focu sed their atte nt ion on th e rela-
ti onship between the production of the ea rlie st tools, the fir st in struments
that were us ed to act upon an d modify nature, and the ways these t ools we re
assembled or grou pe d together. The only philosopher in France I kn ow to
have posed these qu estion s is Alfred Espinas, in hi s classic text on Les Oripines
de la tecb noloqie." T his wo rk in cludes an appendix , the outline for a co urse
t aught at the Facu lte des Lettres at Bordeaux aro un d 1890, whic h dealt wi th
the wi ll, and in wh ich Espi nas addressed , under the gu ise of wi ll, the qu es-
ti on of practical human b eh avior and es pecially the invention of tool s. By
borrowing the th eory of o rganic ex te ns ion from the Ge r m an writer Ernst
Kapp, Espinas was able to ex plain the co ns t r uc t io n of the first tools. Kapp
fir st made his th eories known in 1877. 42 According to the theory of exte n-
sion, w hose philosophical b ases go back to Hartmann's The Philosophy if the
Unconscious and further ba ck st ill to Schopenhauer, the ear lies t tools we re
sim ply exte nsio ns of moving human orga ns. T he flint, the club and the lever
ex te nd and m agni fy t he orga nic m ovement of t he ar m and its ability to strike.
This theory, lik e all theories, has it s limits and runs into ce r ta in st um bling
block s, es pecially whe n it is used to ex plain fundame nta l invention s, suc h
as fir e and the wheel. In these cases, we wo uld sea rc h in vain for the b ody
m ovements and th e organs that fire and th e wheel are supposed to pr olon g or
ex te nd; but the ex planation certa inly works for in struments like th e hammer
or the lever and all suc h related tools. In France, then, it was the ethnogra-
ph ers who so ught out and compiled not on ly th e facts but also the hypotheses
fro m which a biological philosophy of technique co uld b e con stituted. The
philosophical path was laid out by the Germansw - for exa m ple, the theory
of the development of invention s based on th e D arwi ni an notion of var iatio n
and natural select ion, as advanced by Alar d Du Bois-Reym on d in his EifindunB
und Eifinder (1906), or again, by Oswa ld Spe ngler in DerMensch und die Tecbnik ,
whic h presented the theory that m achines are co ns t r uc te d as a "life t actic"44
- and is taken up again, indep endently it seems , by An d re Leroi- Gourhan
z o ne 61
Ma ch ine a nd Organ ism
In light of these re ma rks, we see how scie nce and technique mu st be co nsid -
ered as two separate areas; th at is, th ey do not graft onto eac h other but, rath er,
eac h takes from th e other eithe r its solut ions or its problem s. It is th e ration al-
izing and ordering imposed by technology th at makes us forget th at machines
have th eir origin in th e irrational. In thi s are a as in all others, it is necessary to
kn ow h ow to accom mo date the irrati onal, even whe n - and especially whe n
- we want to defend rati onali sm .50
It mu st be adde d th at th e reversal of th e relation ship between th e machine
an d th e organism, brought abo ut by a syste ma tic under st anding of technical
inven ti ons as if th ey we re ex te ns ions of human beh avior or life processes,
is in so meway confirmed by th e beli ef th at th e ge ne ralize d use of machines
h as slow ly imposed co nte m porary industrialized soc iety on m an . George
Fr ied m ann has shown very clea rly th e ste ps by wh ich "bo dy" gra dually
becam e a fir st-order term in th e human ma chine-body equation. 51 With
Frederick Taylor and th e first technicians to make scient ific studies of work-
ta sk movements, th e human body was measured as if it fun cti on ed like a
machine. If we see their aim as the elimi nat ion of all unnecessary m ovement
and the ir view of outp ut as being ex presse d only in te rms of a ce rtain nu m-
ber of mathemat ically de termi ned facto rs, th en rati on alizati on was, for all
inte nts and pu rposes, a mechanizatio n of th e bo dy. But th e realizati on th at
technologically supe rfluo us movements were biologically necessary move -
ments was the fir st stum bling blo ck to be enc oun te red by th ose who insist ed
on viewing th e probl em of human-body-as- machine in exclusively techno-
logical terms. From here on , th e syste mat ic exa mination of ce rt ain physio -
logical , psychotechnological and even some psych ological condit ions (since
a co ns ide rat ion of values leads inevit ably to qu esti on s at the very center of
th e origin of human p er son ality) finall y culmi nated in a reversal, called an
inevi ta ble revolution by Fr iedma nn, in which technology wo uld ada pt ma-
chines to the human body. As Friedman n saw it , thi s industrial techno logy
appeared to take th e form of a scient ific rediscovery of th e same en t irely
em pir ical procedures through whic h primitive peopl es had always sought
to have their to ols m eet th e highest organic norms: that is, th eir tools had to
carry out a given acti on effect ively while maintaining a biological eco nomy;
and thi s occur re d at the op timum level, wh en it mo st clo sely approxima te d
the movem ent of the body at wo rk, as whe n th e body de fends it sel f spo nta -
neou sly from becomi ng exclusively subo rdina te to the mech ani caJ.S2 In this
way, Fr ied mann co uld speak, witho ut irony or paradox , of th e legitimacy of
co nside r ing th e industrial development of the West fro m an et hnographic
po int of view.53
In sum mary, by co ns ide ring tech nology as a uni versal biological phe norn -
eno nv' and no longer sim ply as an intellectual ope rat ion to be carried out by
Machi ne and Or ga nism
1. After having been dogmaticall y acce pted by biologists for many years, th e mech anis-
tic th eory of th e organism is now conside red narr ow and inadequ ate by th ose scient ists w ho
call themselves di alecti cal mater ialists. But th e fact that they still conce rn themse lves with
formulat ing a philosophic al pos itio n co uld easily support th e rather widesp rea d idea th at
philoso phy does not possess its own dom ain , th at it is a poor relation of speculat ion, and
must cloth e itself in th e hand-me- down s scient ists have used and th en discard ed . It will be
my aim to show that the problem of machine and organis m is mu ch broader in sco pe and
mo re philosophically important th an is commonly th ought; and th at it is far mor e than a
theoretical and method ological d ispu te amo ng biologists.
2. Juli en Pacott e, La Pensee technique (Paris: Alcan , 1931) .
3. One exa m ple of the funda me ntal principles of a general th eory of mechani sm s un-
derstood in t his way can be found in Fra nz Reul eaux's Theoretiscbe Kin etnatik: Grun dz iiBe
einer Theorie des Maschinwesen (Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1875) .
4. For everything co nce rning machines and mec hanisms, see Pacott e, La Pensee tech -
nique, ch. 3.
5. Acco rd ing to Marx, a tool is moved by human power whil e th e machine is moved
by a natural force; see his Capital , trans. Samue l Moo re and Edwa rd Aveling (New York:
Intern ation al Pu blisher s, 196 7) , vol. 1, pp. 374-79.
6. For more on this, see Cha rles Victor Daremberg, Hi stoire des sciences medicales
(Paris: Bailliere, 1870) , vol. 2, p. 879.
7. Go mez Per eira, Antoniana Ma rBarita: Opus pbysicis, m edicis ac theoloqis non minus
utile quam necessarium (Medi na del Campo , 1555-58).
8. Alfr ed Espinas, "L'Organisa tio n ou la machine vivante en Grece au Iv e siecle avant
J. -c.," Revue de metaphvsiq ue et de morale (1903), pp. 702-15.
9. P.-M. Schuhl, Mach inisme et philosophic (Paris: Alcan, 19 38).
10. Aristotle's Politi cs, trans. Hi pp ocrates G. Apos tle and Lloyd P. Gerson (Gr in nel ,
Iowa : Peripateti c Pr ess, 1986) , bk . I, ch. 2, sees. 4- 7.
II. Lu cien Labe rthonniere, Les Etu des sur Descartes (Paris: Vrin , 1935) , especially th e
append ix to volume 2: " La Physiqu e de D escartes et la physiqu e d 'Ar ist ote,"
12. Fra nz Borken au, Der UberBanB vomJeudalem zum biirqerlichen Weltbi/d (Paris :
Alcan , 1934) .
13. Jean de la Fontain e's fable, "T he Cobbler and th e Busin essm an " (in La Font aine:
Selected Fables, t ran s. Jami e Michi e [N ew York: Viking, 1979] , pp. 188-91) is an excellent
illu stration of th e tw o different conce ption s of work and its remunerati on .
14. Henryk Grossman n, "Die gesellschaftlic hen Grund lagen der mech anisti sch en
Phil osophi e und di e Ma nufa kt ur," Zeitschrij:f ur Sozialiorschunp, 4 th ser., vol. 2 (1935) ,
pp. 161-23 1.
15. "Mecha nizat ion" her e mean s th e ge ne ralize d use of machines to repl ace human
labor. How ever, it was also used to descr ibe Descartes's th eory of anim als as machines
befor e th e nineteenth ce ntury whe n the above usage was in force - T R ANS.
16. In Descartes's " Pr inci ples of Phil osophy" (4.187 [AT 8A.314], Descartes: Selected
Philosophical WritinBs, tran s. John Co ttingham, Robert Stoothoff and D ugald Murdoch
[New York: Ca mb ridge U niversity Press, 1988] , pp. 199-200) , th ere are a few passages
th at reveal Descartes to be equally interest ed in gu npowder, but he did not look for an
analogous ex planatory principle for th e animal organism in th e ex plosion of gunpowd er
as a so urce of ene rgy. It was an English doct or, Th omas Willi s, who explicitly formulated
a t heory of musc ula r movem ent based on th e analogy wi t h what occ urs when th e powder
explodes in a harqu eb us. In the sevente enth century, Willis co mpared the ne rves to pow-
der lin es in a mann er th at remai ns valid today in some qu art er s - most notably, W M .
Bayliss comes to mi nd . Nerves are a so rt of Bickford cord. Th ey produce a spark th at wi ll
set off, in th e mu scle, an explosion tha t, in Willi s's view, is th e onl y thing capable of ac-
co u nting for th e ph en om en a of spas m and prol on ged contraction observed by th e d octor.
17. " For th er e is withi n us bu t one soul, and thi s sou l has within it no d ivers ity of
parts: it is at on ce sens itive and rati on al too, and all its app et ites are volit ions" ("T he
Passion s of th e Soul" 47, in Selected Philosophi cal WritinBs, P: 236) .
18. " D isco urse on Me thod " 5 (AT 6.56 ff.) , in ibid. , p. 44 ff. Letter to th e Marqu is of
Newcastl e, Nov. 23, 1646 .
19. Letter to Morus, Feb. 21, 1649, in Descartes, Correspondence, ed . Cha rle s Ada m
and Ge ra rd Milha ud (Paris: P.U .F., 196 3), vol. 8, pp . 121- 39. In orde r to under st an d
z one 6S
Ma c hine a nd Org an ism
27. Claude Bernar d , Lecons sur les phenomenes de la vie communes aux animaux et aux
veBhaux: 18 78-1 8 79 (Paris: Masson , 1936).
28. For more on thi s idea, see Raymond Ruyer, Elements de psycbo-bioloqie (Paris:
P.U.F., 1946) , pp . 46-47.
29. "Art ificial means what is aimed at a definite goal. And is opposed th er efor e to
livinp . Artificial or hu m an or anthropomo rphic are dis tingu ished fro m whateve r is only
living or vital. Anyt hi ng th at succeeds in appea r ing in th e form of a clear and finite goal
becom es ar t ificial and thi s is what tends to happ en as consc ious ness grows . It is also true
of man's work wh en it is intended to imitate an objec t or a spo nta neo us ph en om en on as
close ly as possible. Th ought th at is consc ious of itself makes itself int o an artificial sys-
tern.... If life had a goal, it would no longer be life" (Paul Valery, Cahier B [Par is: Gallimard,
1910]) .
30. See Ed . Pich on , Le Developpetnent psychique de l 'enf ant et de l 'adolescent (Par is:
Masson , 1936) , P: 126; and Paul Cossa, Phy siopatholoBie du systeme nerveux (Paris: Masso n,
1936) , p. 845.
31. Politics, bk. I, ch. I (1252b), in The Basic Works ifAristotle, ed. Rich ard Mc Keon
( ew York: Rand om Hou se, 1941), p. 1128.
32. Max Schele r, in his Mans Place in Nature [1928] (tra ns. H an s Meyer hoff [Bosto n:
Beacon , 1961] , pp . 75-8 1), has rem ark ed th at it is th ose living thi ngs th at are th e least
specialized th at are th e most difficult to ex plain by th e mech anisti c idea, pace the mech a-
nists, becau se in th eir case all fun cti on s are carried out by th e whole organism . It is only
wit h th e gro wing differ entiation of funct ions and the incr eased complexity of th e ner vou s
syste m th at st ruc tu res whic h resembl e a machine in somefashion tend to appear.
33. GeneralAnatomy, Applied to PhysioloBY and Medicine, trans. George Hayward
(Bosto n: Rich ardson and Lord , 1822) .
34. "Description du corps hu main" I (AT II. 225) , in Charles Ada m and Paul
Tannery, eds., Ouevres de Descartes (paris: Vrin, 1974) , vol. II , P: 225. [Thi s pasage is omit-
ted from th e English tr an slation of " Desc r ip tion of the Human Bod y and of AJI of Its
Functions" - TRAN S.]
35. Paul Guilla ume, La Psycbolopie de lafo rme (Par is: Flam mar ion, 1937) , P: 131.
36. Pierre Grasse and Max Aro n, Precis de bioloqie animale (2d ed., Pari s: Flammari on,
1947) , p. 647ff.
37. 4.203, in Philosophical WritinBs if Descartes, P: 288. See also my st udy "Descar tes
et la technique," Tra vaux du CanBres International de Philosophie, vol. 2: Etudes cartesiennes
(Paris: Hermann , 1937) , p. 77 ff.
38. "An organized bein g is not a mer e machine, for th at has mer ely moving power, but
it possesses in itself formative power of a self- pro pagating kin d whic h it comm unicates to
its materi als th ough they have it not of th em selves; it organizes them , in fact , and th is can-
not be ex plained by th e mer e mech anical faculty of motion " (Critique ifJ udBment, tr an s.
J. H . Bernard [New York : Hafn e r, 1951], p. 22) .
39. Krannh als, Der Weltsin der Technik (Munic h and Berlin: Oldenb ourg, 1932) , P: 68.
z one
Machin e an d Organis m
40. The sta rt ing point for th ese works mu st be sought in Darwin , The Descent if Man -
whose id eas Marx saw clearly as immen sely significant.
41. Alfred Espinas, Les OriBin es de la tecbnoloqi e (Par is: Alcan, 1897 ) .
42. Erns t Kapp, Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik (Braunschwe ig:
Westermann, 1877) . Thi s work, whic h was a classic in Ge rma ny, has rem ained so misu n-
derstood in Fra nce that ce rtain psych ologists who took up th e problem of how ani mals
utili ze tools, and animal intelligen ce, and who took t he research of Kohl er and Guillaume
as th eir sta rt ing point, att ribute d thi s th eory of projecti on to Espin as him self, without
noting th at Espinas states exp licitly, at numer ou s junctures, th at he borrowed it from
Kapp , I am allud ing here to th e excelle nt littl e book by Gaston Viaud , L'Intelliqence: Son
evolution et sesjormes (Paris: P.U.F. , 1946) .
43. See Eberhard Zsc himmer's Deu tsche Philosophen der Technik (Stuttgar t: Enke, 1937) .
44 . Alard Du Bois-Reymond , Erfin duDB und Erfi nde r (Berlin: Springer, 190 6) ; and
Oswald Spe ngler, Der Me nsch un d die Techni k (Mu nic h: Beck , 1931) . Alain outlined a
Darwini an int erpretation of technical constr uct ions in a fin e rem ark (Les Propos d'Alain
[Pari s: N.R.F., 1920] , vol. 1, P: 60), preced ed and followed by some othe rs th at are most
pertinen t to our probl em. Th e same id ea is referred to many times in th e Systeme des
Beau x-Arts , conce rn ing th e making of th e violin (4.5) , furniture (6.5) , hou ses in th e cou n-
try side (6.3, 6.8) .
45. And re Leroi- Gourhan , Evolutio n et techniq ue, vol. 2: M ilieu et tech niq ues (Paris:
Michel, 1945 ) .
46. Th e double-a cting engine , in whi ch th e steam acte d on th e upper and lower sides
of th e piston alt ernately, was perfect ed by Watt in 1784. Sadi Carno t' s Riflexions sur la
puissa nce motrice du Je u dates from 1824, and we know that it was ignored until th e middle
of th e ninetee nth ce ntury. On thi s subjec t , see Pierre Du casse, H istoires des tech ni ques
(Par is: P.U.F., 1945), which stresses th at technique pr eced es th eo ry.
O n th e subject of th e em pirical succes sion of th e various organs and uses of th e stea m
eng ine, co nsult Arth ur Viere ndeel's Esquisse d 'uoe histoire de la technique (Brussels and
Par is: Vrom ant, 1921) , whic h summ arizes Thurston's exte nsive work, Hi story if the Stea m
Enp ine , For more about th e history of Watt's work as an engin eer read th e chap te r ent i-
tled "James Watt ou Ar iel ingeni eur," in Pierre Devaux 's Les Aven tu res de la science (Paris:
Gallimar d , 1943) .
47. Ler oi-Gourhan , M ilieu et techniques, P: 100. Th e same view can be found in an
art icle by A. H adri court on "Les Moteurs anirn es en agri culture" (Re vue de botanique
app liq uee et d 'aqricult ure tropica le 20 [1940] , P: 762 ) : "We mu st not forget that we owe our
in animate mot or s to irrigati on : th e nori a is at th e or igin of th e hydraulic mill, ju st as th e
pump is at th e ori gin of th e steam engine." Thi s excelle nt study sets out th e principl es for
exp laini ng tools fro m th e per sp ecti ve of th eir relationship to organic com mo dit ies and
t he tradi tion al ways th ey we re used .
48. Ler oi- Gourhan , Mi lieu et techniq ues, P: 104.
49. Ibid ., P: 40 6.
50. In hi s The Two Sources rf M orality and Religi on (tra ns. R. Ashley Andra and
Cloudesley Bre reton [New York: Ho lt , 1949]) , He nr i Bergson thinks very explicitly th at
th e sp irit of mec hanical invention, although it is fed by science, remains distinct from
it and can even , if necessary, be sepa rated from it (pp. 329-30). Th e fact is that Bergson
is also one of the ra re French philosophers , if not the only one, who has considered me-
chanical inventi on as a biological fun ction, an asp ect of the organization of matter by life:
Creati ve Evolution (t rans. Arthur Mit ch ell [N ew York: Modern Library, 1944 ) is, in some
sense, a tr eatis e of gene ral organology.
On the subject of the relationship between explanation and act ion see also Paul Valery,
" L' Homrne et la co qu ille" and "Di scours aux chir ur gie ns," in Variete V (Paris: Gallimard ,
1945), and hi s description of boat building in Eupalinos.
And , finall y, read th e admirable "In Pra ise of Hands" in Henri Focillon , The Life rf
Forms in Art (New York: Zone Books, 1989) , pp. 157-84.
51. Geo rge Friedmann, Problemes humain s du machinisme industrielle (Par is: Gallimard ,
1946) .
52 . Ibid ., p. 96 , note.
53. Ibid ., p. 369 .
54. This attitude is on e that has begun to be famili ar amo ng biologists. In particular,
see L. Cuenot, In venti on etflnalite en biolopie (Par is: Flammarion, 1941); and Andree Tetry,
Les Outils chez les etres vivants (Paris: Gallimard, 1948) - espec ially the latter 's reflecti on s
on "Ad apt at ion and Invention" (p. 120ff.) . It is impossible to mistake th e impe tu s given to
t hese t reatments by th e ideas of Teilh ard de Chardin.
A new discipline, Bioni cs, whi ch eme rged aro und ten years ago in th e U nited States,
st ud ies biological structur es an d systems able to be util ized as models or analogues by
technology, no tab ly by builders of syste ms for detection, direct ion and equilib ration
meant for equipping planes or missiles. Bion ics is th e ext reme ly subtle art of information
that has taken a leaf from natural life. The frog, with its eye capable of select ing informa-
tion that is instantly usable, th e rattl esnake, with its th ermoceptor whi ch tr aces th e blood
of its pr ey at night, th e co m mo n fly, balancin g itself in flight by mean s of two vibrati le
filam ents, have all furni shed models for thi s new br eed of engineers. In man y Ameri can
universiti es, special training in Bioengineering is available, for which th e Massachusetts
Inst itu te of Technology see ms to have been th e instigator. See th e articl e by J. D ufre noy,
"Systernes biologiqu es servan t de mod eles 11 la tec hno logie," Cabiers des ing enieurs agron omes
(Ju ne-July, 196 2) , p. 21.
z one