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Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JULY 19, 2017 www.arenspub.com
Prayer Retreat Planned Saturday, July 29 Covington BOE Meeting Covington Garden Club
At Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal Scheduled Thursday To Enjoy Garden Tour
On Saturday, July 29, there will be a Prayer Retreat held at the Covington Exempted The Covington Garden Club
Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal. Come learn about Village School District Board will go on a Garden Tour
prayer, and how we can listen for the Voice for God more effective- of Education will meet in Tuesday, July 25.
ly in our daily lives. Optional Mass at 8 a.m. Regular Session on Thursday, Members will meet at the
The cost is $15 and includes lunch. July 20, 6 p.m., in the K-8 home of Laurie Burns at 6 p.m.
The center is located at 3505 Calumet Rd., Ludlow Falls. Media Center, 807 Chestnut St., to carpool to the tour site.
For additional information or to reserve your spot, call 937-698- Covington. Following the tour, members
7180. 7/19-10 This is an open meeting and will return to Lauries home for
the public is welcome to attend. a full dinner and to share garden
Newton Blue Ribbon 4-H Club to Meet 7/19-3 stories.
Newton Blue Ribbon 4-H Club will meet Monday, July 24, 7
p.m., at the 4-H campground.
Please bring money for Fair passes and T-shirts, if desired. Chat & Chew at the P-hill Library!
7/19-6 Dont know what to read next? Or maybe you cant wait to share
$ a book youve just read. Come enjoy an open book discussion! Chat
about books and chew on a yummy snack at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 25,
" $ ! ! at the Pleasant Hill library.
Participants will be eating, drinking, sharing, and inspiring each
others next book choice.
! # ! The Oakes-Beitman Memorial Library is located at 12 N. Main
# ! For more information, call 937-676-2731. 7/19-10
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www.arenspub.com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JULY 19, 2017
my eye in the Early Bird on Sunday, July 9th, 2017. & #" ! % $
Bradford family faces rare bone disease.
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The Story
Kaytlin is 12 years old and inherited a rare bone disease
called Camurati Engelmanns Disease (CED). This pro- "!$%#& % "!
gressive disease has caused Kaytlin many obstacles
throughout her life. Two years ago, Kaytlin was put in a ( "" ! ( ! ( ! "'$
.(# 4 1)4 * - * ,/0$# !4
wheelchair because she started falling down. Her doctors ( &%% #$ &%% # ! ! ( !"' "' 0'$ ,*$+5/ $)),3/'(- ,% ,2(+&0,+ '.(/0( + '1."' $ .)
had discovered that neither of her hip sockets had formed 0 ,2(+&0,+ ' +#(" - ""$//(!)$ ,*$* #$ / ) #/ #$//$.0/ +#
completely and said she needed surgery on both of them. %(+&$. / +#3("'$/ #,+ 0(,+ ..4 ,10/ 3()) !$ 2 () !)$
Kaytlin had her surgery on April 24th and is currently
01.# 4 1)4 * -* 0 0'$
still non-weight bearing because of the underlying condi- . +/%(&1. 0(,+ $+0$. %,. -(.(01 ) $+$3 ) )1*$0 # 1#
tion and strength of her bones and muscles. She has mul- ),3 ))/ $ .+ !,10 -. 4$. +# )(/0$+(+& %,. 0'$ ,("$ ,% ,#
tiple appointments each month in Cincinnati and -0(,+ ) // * ,/0 (/ +# (+")1#$/ )1+"' , .$/$.2$
Kaytlins mother, Riki, is having difficulty getting her to /-,0 ,. %,. *,.$ (+%,.* 0(,+ " ))
and from because their transportation vehicle is not
equipped to get her in and out on their own. Please pray
for healing and strength for Kaytlin and Riki as they go
through this difficult time. Every thought, prayer and
contribution would be a blessing to them both.
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Dont Overlook Long-term Care Costs Pathway to Herbs Offers Natural Way to Good Health
tion and uses it without your permission. There are multiple types of
identity theft; medical, financial, personal, and tax forms. It is a serious
crime that can and will take hundreds of hours, dollars, and much
How much money will you need in retirement? Good Health Starts With a Healthy Gut patience to clean up if you are a victim. ID Theft will disrupt your
To arrive at an estimate, consider factors such as finances, credit history, and reputation.
My name is Lisa Williams, owner of Pathway to Herbs in
where youll live, travel plans, and so on. Youll also ID thieves can get your information in a multitude of ways. They go
Pleasant Hill. Our bodies can get well and stay well by adding a vari-
need to think about health care costs, which almost through trash cans and dumpsters, stealing bills and documents that con-
always rise during retirement. But theres one area ety of natural and plant-based supplements to our diets. We are ded- tain your sensitive information. They might work for businesses, med-
you might overlook long-term care. Should you be icated to helping our customers reclaim their health and are inde- ical offices, or government agencies and steal your information while
concerned about these costs? Yes! pendent distributors of Natures Sunshine and Pure Herbs products, they are on the job. They will misuse the name of a legitimate business
Expenses for long-term care, which can include both recognized as some of the best in the industry. When you call and call or send emails that trick you into revealing personal informa-
receiving assistance at home as well as prolonged or visit, well discuss how you are feeling and work hard to address tion. Some will pretend to offer a job, a loan, or a place to live and will
Vicki Blei
care in a facility, can be expensive: any issues that keep you from feeling your best. ask for your personal information to qualify you. Theft of your wallet,
edward Jones
Average annual cost for a private room in a nurs- Financial Advisor The original owner of Pathway to Herbs told me, The reason so purse, backpack, or mail is yet another way for them to get your infor-
ing home is more than $92,000. In major metropoli- many people dont feel well is because their gut health is poor. mation. They will often remove your credit cards, drivers license, pass-
tan areas, the cost is considerably higher. port, health insurance, car insurance, and other items that show personal
When I first visited Pathway to Herbs, my skin was blotchy, I was
Average annual cost for full-time services of an in-home health care information.
losing my hair, I was exhausted, and had digestive issues. Doctor There are things you can do to help protect yourself. Read your cred-
aide is more than $46,000.
visits resulted in a cabinet full of medications that werent working. it reports every 4-6 months. You have a right to a free credit report every
These costs are daunting. You might think you wont ever have to
I was desperate. I realized that treating symptoms would never allow 12 months from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies.
worry about them, particularly if youve always been in good health and
your family has no history of later-in-life cognitive impairment. me to fully heal, so I began taking herbs and supplements to address By ordering one report from the different companies about every four
However, almost 70% of people turning age 65 will need some kind of my health issues. Amazingly, my energy returned, my rash disap- months you can check the activity to make sure it is yours. To order, go
assistance or long-term care at some point. peared, and my hair grew back! to annualcreditreport.com or call 1-877-322-8228.
Medicare pays for only a small percentage of these costs, and with Soon, well offer classes to help those interested in losing weight Read your bank, credit card, and account statements and the expla-
while learning how to take control of their own health issues. The nation of medical benefits from your health plan. If you spot a mistake,
Medicaid you must have limited assets. You might need to spend down
contact the business. Shred all documents that show any personal, finan-
some assets to qualify for Medicaid long-term care. Inform program was developed by Natures Sunshine. This is a cut-
cial, or medical information before throwing them away. Personal shred-
Consider your options for paying for long-term care, such as ear- ting edge program that focuses on improving metabolic health ders are inexpensive and can save you time and money.
marking a percentage of your investment portfolio for this purpose. Its through balancing (surprise, surprise!) gut health. NEVER respond to emails, texts, or phone messages that ask for per-
best to discuss all options with a financial advisor. The earlier you pur-
chase a long-term care solution, the more economical it will be, so dont Improving your health is easier than you think. sonal information. Legitimate companies will not ask for your informa-
tion this way. If you think it is a legitimate request from a legitimate
delay! Let Pathway to Herbs help you! company that you do business with, call the company directly so you
Written by Edward Jones for use by your Edward Jones Financial Advisor know you are dealing with the actual business and talk to them. If it is a
legitimate request, they will understand your caution.
If your identity is stolen the first thing you want to do is flag your
credit reports. Call all three nationwide companies and put a fraud alert
on your credit report. Order a credit report from each of the companies.
Create an Identity Theft Report and file a complaint with the FTC at
ftc.gov/complaint or 1-877-438-4338.
You can find more information about how to protect yourself and
how to recover from Identity Theft at IdentityTheft.gov. 7/19-18
VBS Announced by
Grace Baptist
Grace Baptist Church in
Ludlow Falls is offering a
Vacation Bible School July 31
thru August 4, Monday - Friday,
from 6 to 8:30 each evening.
The theme will be Over the
Moat Drawbridge to the
King. This program is geared
for age four thru Grade 6.
Grace Baptist Church is
located at 2500 St. Rt. 48 in
Ludlow Falls. If you need a
ride, call or text 330-275-0733.
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Wo o d ca r vi n g , A r t s & C r af t s , L u c k y H a p py H o bo C l ow n ,
S u n sh i n e M o n k ey S h in e , Dy n a m ic C h am p i o ns h i p W r e s tl i n g
w w w . m i a m i c o u n t y o h i o f a i r. c o m
PAGE 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JULY 19, 2017 www.arenspub.com
DEMOLITION: Also, concrete FULL-TIME Classifieds If you have any questions, please call the Car Show Committee Chair Rick Robinson at 937-489-0750.
Please leave a message so he can get back with you. Also, you can contact him through email at rick-
demolition such as old swim- HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED [email protected].
ming pools, barn foundations, Hourly position, with benefits. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Annie Oakley Festival 2017! 7/5-3
porches, etc. Also, general exca- Apply in person at 15 Industry **********************
vation work. 937-232-7380 Park Court, Tipp City.
Annie Oakley Festival Offers
WANTED: Old motorcycles,
FENCE ROW CLEARING, land INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has mini-bikes, mopeds,
3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers.
Impressive Line-up of Entertainment
clearing, ponds, minor excavat- full-time employment. Laborer
ing, trenching, concrete & barn $12/hr. CDL Driver$17-$18/hr. Running or not. Covington
demo. Training provided. Benefits. 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 .
Tom937-818-5833 Apply at 15 Industry Park [email protected] The 2017 Annie Oakley Days Festival will take place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 28, 29, and
Jeff937-313-6321 Court, Tipp City. 30 at York Woods, 6129 Reed Rd., Ansonia.
WANTED: Broken or non-
This years event has a wonderful line-up of live entertainment for you to enjoy. Country Harmony,
running John Deere, Cub Jeff Hittle, Spittin Image, and the Green de Villes will be your musical entertainment.
Sam Schwartz wants any type of AVAILABLE: Some travel
carpenter work. Room additions, Cadet, & Wheel Horse Gery L Deer and the Ohio Western Arts Grand Showcase Performance hosted by "The Brothers & Co."
involved. No experience neces-
roofs, foundation replacements, sary. 937-313-1118 lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or Music & Variety Group will be at the festival Friday and Saturday for your enjoyment. Come out and
restoration of buildings, etc. For [email protected] watch this wonderful demonstration as you hold your breath during their show.
FREE estimate, call _________________________ The Melodrama will be performing one of their wonderful plays this year at various times, so be sure
260-701-8020. BROWN EGG-LAYING PUL-
to catch one of their shows. There will be Fast Draw competitions and demonstrations that will amaze you
LETS: 17 weeks of age. Ver-
with their skill. Horse shows will take place on Friday and Saturday, and you wont want to miss out on
their performances.
WANTED: Used pig scales. We will be having a Weiner Race this year that you will not want to miss. This will take place
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Page 8 - stILLWatER VaLLEY adVERtIsER - JULY 19, 2017 arenspub.com
Per Lb. - Seedle
Each - Whole Se
REd, gREEn
WatERmELo gRaPEs
399 1 88
$ Per Lb. - Center Cut
Rib Chops
Per Lb.
$ 99
Per Lb. - Boneless
ground Chicken
Chuck Breast
$ 49 Per Lb. - Boneless
$ 991
Beef Ribeye
$ 99
$ 49
Per Lb.
Pork Baby Back
$ 991
$ 69
14 99 14 99
Brew Barn
$ $ 1799 $ 1699 $ $ 1099 AVAILABLE
22 Lb.
$ 79 3