Pilot Summary Report v.3.0 October 2006
Pilot Summary Report v.3.0 October 2006
Pilot Summary Report v.3.0 October 2006
Thermal Remediation
Pilot Study
Summary Report
October 2006
Revision 3.0
Prepared by
US Army Corps of
Seattle District
US Environmental
Protection Agency
- Region 10
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report i October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
TABLE 4.1-1 DESIGN CRITERIA SUMMARY .....................................................................................109
TABLE 4.2-1 LIQUID CONVEYANCE AND TREATMENT SYSTEM ......................................................111
TABLE 4.2-2 STEAM GENERATION AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM .....................................................114
TABLE 4.2-3 VAPOR TREATMENT SYSTEM .....................................................................................116
TABLE 4.2-4 MASS-AVERAGED COMPONENT PROPERTIES AT 25 C ..............................................120
TABLE 4.3-3 TREATMENT SYSTEM MONITORING SUMMARY ..........................................................124
TABLE 4.3-4 WORKER SAFETY AND PERIMETER MONITORING SUMMARY ....................................127
TABLE 5.2-1 SUPPORTING GROUPS AND CONTRACTORS ................................................................128
TABLE 5.2-2 PROJECT WEB PAGE CONTENTS .................................................................................129
MAJOR INJECTION PERIODS ........................................................................................130
TABLE 6.6-1 GROUNDWATER TREATMENT PLANT DATA SUMMARY ..............................................131
Figure 1.0-1 Site Vicinity Map
Figure 2.0-1 Site Layout
Figure 2.2-1 Site Geologic Profile
Figure 3.2-1 Location Map Showing Profiles Through Pilot Study Area
Figure 3.2-2 Profile A-A Through Pilot Study Area
Figure 3.2-3 Profile B-B Through Pilot Study Area
Figure 3.2-4 Profile C-C Through Pilot Study Area
Figure 3.5-1 Monitoring Well Network
Figure 4.0-1 Construction Timeline
Figure 4.2-1 Well Layout
Figure 4.2-2 Injection Well, Extraction Well, And Instrumentation String Construction
Figure 4.2-3 Boiler Plant Layout
Figure 4.2-4 Boiler Plant Layout With Plan Modifications
Figure 4.2-5 Steam And Vapor Process Flow Diagram
Figure 4.2-6 Above Ground Piping Layout
Figure 4.2-7 Vapor Collection Piping Layout
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report ii October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Figure 4.2-8 Water Treatment Plan Layout
Figure 4.2-9 Water Treatment Plant Process Flow Diagram
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
Figure 6.1-1 Total Steam Production Rates
Figure 6.1-2 Steam Injection Rates For All 16 Injection Wells Combined
Figure 6.1-3 Steam Injection Rates For The 16 Injection Wells During 2002
Figure 6.1-4 Steam Injection Rates For The 16 Injection Wells During 2003
Figure 6.1-5 Cumulative Steam Injection Volumes For The 16 Injection Wells
Figure 6.1-6 Liquid Extraction Rates From Each Of The Seven Extraction Wells
Figure 6.1-7 Cumulative Water Volumes Extracted From Each Extraction Well
Figure 6.1-8 Total Liquid Extraction Rates From The Seven Extraction Wells
Figure6.1-9 Water Levels Observed In Extraction Wells During Operations
Figure 6.1-10 Water Levels Observed In Monitoring Wells During Operations
Figure 6.1-11 Water Flow Rates For The Pilot Test Area
Figure 6.1-12 Cumulative Water Balance For The Pilot Test Area
Figure 6.1-13 Enthalpy Fluxes For The Pilot Test Area During Operations
Figure 6.1-14 Energy Balance For The Pilot Test Area During Operations
Figure 6.1-15 Cumulative Energy Losses
Figure 6.2-1 Temperatures Of Extracted Liquid From Six Of The Extraction Wells
Figure 6.2-2 Temperature String Layout With Interpolated Temperature Profile Lines
Figure 6.2-3 Comparison Of Temperature Profiles For T-7
Figure 6.2-4 Interpolated Temperature Maps For Slices A-E
Figure 6.2-5 Interpolated Temperature Profiles Along Sections C And F
Figure 6.2-6 Temperature Profiles And Water Levels For Extraction Wells E4 And E6
Figure 6.2-7 Collector Layer Temperatures On December 10 And 12, 2002
Figure 6.2-8 Seatac Airport Precipitation And Collector Layer Temperatures At T-52
Figure 6.2-9 Temperature Sensor Locations In The Vapor Collector Layer
Figure 6.2-10 Temperature Profiles Along The Inside Of The Sheetpile Wall Oct. Dec.
Figure 6.2-11 Temperature Profiles Along The Inside Of The Sheetpile Wall Jan. May
Figure 6.2-12 Temperature Profiles For The E-4 Array For Oct. Dec. 2002
Figure 6.2-13 Temperature Profiles For The E-4 Array For Jan. May 2003
Figure 6.3-1 Calculated Average Temperatures
Figure 6.3-2 Comparison Of Measured And Calculated Temperature Data
Figure 6.3-3 Cumulative Volume Of Water Extracted From Each Extraction Well
Figure 6.3-4 Average Steam Injection Rates From October 10 To December 14, 2002
Figure 6.4-1 Extracted Liquid Pah Concentrations November 2002 To January 2003
Figure 6.4-2 Extracted Liquid Pah Concentrations January To May 2003
Figure 6.4-3 Extracted Liquid Pcp Concentrations November 2002 To January 2003
Figure 6.4-4 Extracted Liquid Pcp Concentrations January To May 2003
Figure 6.4-5 Total Organic Carbon Data Summary
Figure 6.6-1 Total Pah And Pcp In Treatment Plant Influent Prior To Pilot Study
Figure 6.6-2 Total Pah Concentrations Into And Out Of The Daft
Figure 6.6-3 Naphthalene Concentrations Into And Out Of The Daft
Figure 6.6-4 Pcp Concentrations Into And Out Of The Daft
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report iii October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Figure 6.6-5 Napl Removal Per Month
Figure 6.6-6 Total Pah Concentrations Into And Out Of The Aeration Basin
Figure 6.6-7 Naphthalene Concentrations Into And Out Of The Aeration Basin
Figure 6.6-8 Pcp Concentrations Into And Out Of The Aeration Basin
Figure 6.6-9 Aeration Basin Total Pah And Pcp Removal Effectiveness
Figure 6.6-10 Dissolved Oxygen Concentration In Aeration Basin
Figure 6.6-11 Total Pah Concentration Into And Out Of The Carbon Treatment System
Figure 6.6-12 Pcp Concentration Into And Out Of The Carbon Treatment System
Figure 6.6-13 Carbon Treatment System Total Pah And Pcp Removal Effectiveness
Figure 6.6-14 Total Pah And Pcp Concentrations In Gwtp Effluent
Figure 6.6-15 Ph In Gwtp Effluent
Figure 6.6-16 Temperature And Dissolved Oxygen In Gwtp Effluent
Appendix A Site Cleanup Levels
Appendix B Pilot Test Area Selection Memorandum
Appendix C Well E4 Pumping Test Results
Appendix D Microcosm Study
Appendix E Instrumentation Design and Construction
Appendix F Operations Logs (CD only)
Appendix G PAH Precipitation and Encrustation Evaluation
Appendix H Calculation Methods for Process Streams
Appendix I Pilot Study Data Summary (CD only)
Appendix J Installation Report for Well 02CD-MW01
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report iv October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
AC Alternating current
acfm Actual cubic feet per minute
ADAS Automated data acquisition system
atm Atmospheres
bgs Below ground surface
BTU British thermal units
BTU/gal British thermal units per gallon
C Degrees Celsius
CD Conceptual Design
cfm Cubic feet per minute
CLP Contract Laboratory Program for USEPA
DA Design Analysis
DAA Design Analysis Amendment
DAF Dissolved air flotation, or diffuse air flotation
dBA Decibels
DNAPL Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
DTS Distributed temperature sensor
EPDM Ethylene propylene diene monomer
F Degrees Fahrenheit
FASP EPA Region 10 Field Analytical Support Program
FPA Former Process Area
FS Feasibility Study
ft Feet
GAC Granulated activated carbon
gal Gallon
GFI Ground fault interrupter
GMS Groundwater Modeling System
gpd Gallons per day
gpm Gallons per minute
GWTP Groundwater treatment plant
HDPE High density polyethylene
hp Horsepower
HX Heat exchanger
ID Inside diameter
in Inches
ISTD In-Situ Thermal Desorption
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report v October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
ITTAP In-situ Thermal Technologies Advisory Panel
kg Kilograms
kg/d Kilograms per day
kg/s Kilograms per second
kPa Kilopascal
lb Pounds
lb/hr Pounds per hour
l.e. Liquid equivalent
LNAPL Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
LRVP Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump
m Meters
mA Milliamps
MarVac Marine Vacuum, Inc.
MBTU Million British Thermal Units
mg/kg Milligram per kilogram
mg/L Milligram per liter
MLLW Mean lower low water
mm Millimeters
MTCA Washington State Model Toxics Control Act
g/L Micrograms per liter
ng/kg nanograms per kilogram
NAPL Non-aqueous phase liquids
NPDES National Discharge Elimination System (permit)
NPL National Priority List
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units
OCDD Octachlorodibenzodioxin
OD Outside diameter
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OU Operable Unit
PAH Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
PCP Pentachlorophenol
PETG Polyethylene terephthalate glycol
PLFA Phospholipid fatty acid
ppm Parts per million
psi Pounds per square inch
psig Pounds per square inch (gauge)
PVC Polyvinylchloride
RAMP Remedial Action Management Plan
ROD Record of Decision
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report vi October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
RTU Remote Telemetry Unit
scfm cubic feet per minute at Standard Temperature and Pressure
(298.15 K and 101.33 kPa, unless otherwise noted)
SEE Steam-Enhanced Extraction
sf Square foot
TOC Total Organic Carbon
TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
WAC Washington Administrative Code
yd Cubic yards
2,3,7,8-TCDD 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (or simply dioxin)
3D Three dimensional
Note regarding units: No attempt was made to provide consistent units throughout the
report. Instruments in different parts of the system may have provided data in
inconsistent units (for example, Fahrenheit for liquid temperature vs. Celsius for
subsurface temperature). Data are reported in the units provided by the instruments. In
other instances of inconsistent units, units may have been determined by the discipline
that was responsible for that section of the report, and those units may not have been
consistent with units used by other disciplines.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report vii October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report viii October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is providing remedial design and
remedial action services to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region
10 for the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site (the Site), located on Bainbridge Island,
Washington. The USACE designed a pilot study that was intended to determine the
effectiveness of innovative thermal remediation to enhance the recovery of non-aqueous
phase liquids (NAPL) from the site. This was the first time this thermal technology was
attempted in this type of environmental setting: the Pacific Northwest with 50F water on
three sides of the property. This work was performed to meet the requirements of the
Record of Decision (ROD) for the Soil and Groundwater Operable Units (OU) (USEPA
2000). The pilot study was designed to meet objectives divided into two broad
To assess the likelihood that full-scale thermal remediation will achieve
the cleanup goals for the Site
To provide information for implementation of the potential full-scale
thermal remediation
Initially, the project team was assisted by the In-Situ Thermal Technologies
Advisory Panel (ITTAP) to USEPA. As the project moved forward to construction and
operations, cost-cutting measures resulted in downsizing of the project team and a
gradual loss of input from industry experts.
The funding schedule required the project to be split into three phases:
Infrastructure Construction (earthwork, vapor cap, boiler building and wells),
Mechanical/Process Construction (boiler, pumps, piping, and treatment), and Pilot
Operations, each with a separate contract.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 1 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The original pilot test area was proposed to cover one acre, with a total volume of
35,300 cubic yards, containing an estimated 40,000 gallons of creosote NAPL. The
actual thermal treatment zone consisted of 16,400 cubic yards. The pilot test area is
separated from the remainder of the site by an open-ended sheet-pile wall.
The pilot study proceeded for six and a half months, from October 2002 to April
2003. Operations were restricted by equipment problems, and the pilot study was
terminated. The average steam injection rate for the operating period was 12 percent of
the design rate, and the average pumping rate was 24 percent of the design rate. The total
time of operation of the vapor-extraction system was about 1 month, operating
continuously no more than 3 days. Because roughly one pore volume (liquid equivalent)
of steam was injected, compared to design and laboratory bench-scale test
recommendations of 2-5 pore volumes, the pilot study should not be viewed as a
definitive application of thermal remediation technology, however, there are some
conclusions that can be made based on the data collected.
Very little steam penetration was achieved due to the low injection and extraction
rates. Steam flow was primarily vertical to the groundwater surface and into the vadose
zone. In March 2003, the average temperature of the vadose zone (excluding the vapor
cap) reached a maximum of 98 C while the saturated zone reached a maximum average
of 72 C.
Repeated technical issues with the pilot study were diverse: issues with the
extraction systems (liquid and vapor), conveyance systems (liquid and vapor), and
treatment plant occurred. The most serious problems were: aspiration of liquid by the
vapor-vacuum pumps, overloading of the biological water-treatment system, deterioration
of gaskets due to materials incompatible with site contaminants, and clogging of pipes
and treatment facilities by precipitating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
(especially naphthalene).
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 2 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
extraction system pipelines and equipment with crystallized PAHs. As a consequence,
the system was shut down.
The equivalent of approximately 2,940 gallons of NAPL was recovered during the
pilot study: 340 gallons as NAPL and 9,800 kg (equivalent to 2,600 gallons) in the
dissolved phase. During the same time period, the equivalent of 1,455 gallons of NAPL
was extracted by the pump-and-treat system in the remaining seven acres of the Former
Process Area (FPA): 1,295 gallons as NAPL and 606 kg (equivalent to 160 gallons) in
the dissolved phase. Prior to the pilot, the average amount of NAPL extracted per month
was approximately 320 gallons with an average of approximately 24 gallons per month in
the dissolved phase. Though the amount of NAPL removed did not show a marked
increase during the pilot study, the amount of contaminants removed in the dissolved
phase increased dramatically.
Available data suggest that significant contamination was removed in the vapor
phase, however some of the planned monitoring instruments were not installed when the
vapor system was in operation, and accurate vapor-flow measurements could not be
made. Additionally, due to the early termination of the study, it was not possible to
assess in-situ degradation via biologic and abiotic processes. The mass removal that
occurred during the pilot study was minor compared with what could have been achieved
with a fully functional steam-enhanced extraction (SEE) and treatment system.
Lessons learned that would apply to any technically complex project include: the
need to inform senior management of issues associated with funding constraints that
impact system capacities, the need to assess risks associated with design features
inconsistent with industry practice, and to have contingency plans in order to manage
these risks effectively.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 3 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 4 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is providing remedial design and remedial
action services to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 for the
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, located on Bainbridge Island, Washington (Figure
1.0-1). The USACE designed a pilot study that was intended to determine the
effectiveness of innovative thermal remediation to enhance the recovery of NAPL from
the site. This work was performed to meet the requirements of the Record of Decision
for the Soil and Groundwater Operable Units (OU) (USEPA 2000).
The pilot study design was based on meeting these objectives. In the interim, a
sheet pile barrier was constructed to prevent movement of contaminants beyond the Site
boundaries. If the pilot study is not successful in demonstrating the effectiveness of
thermal treatment and/or the full scale system is not implemented for any number of
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 5 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
reasons, a "containment" remedy is now partially in place. The final containment remedy
would include a fully enclosed sheet pile wall (incorporating the existing outer sheet pile
wall) that surrounds contaminated soil and groundwater in the Former Process Area
(FPA), a replacement groundwater pump-and-treat system to maintain the water level
within the sheet pile wall, a soil cap to isolate surface soils in the FPA, and shoreline
The purpose of this report is to document the design, construction, and operation
activities for the pilot study performed by the USACE from 2000 through 2003, with
particular attention to shortcomings of the project that contributed to its early termination.
In this regard, the document may provide a roadmap for future projects that will allow
them to avoid pitfalls associated with constraints imposed by complex technologies,
budget, and schedule.
The pilot study began operations in October 2002. Due to complications with
several systems caused by high concentrations of contaminants in the waste stream,
serious limitations to the existing waste-water treatment plant, and multiple equipment
failures, steam injection was stopped in April 2003. The USEPA and USACE are
currently evaluating various options before potentially continuing with the pilot study.
Steam-enhanced extraction has its roots in the petroleum industry, where steam
injection is used to enhance oil recovery from reservoirs. Beginning in the late 1980s,
steam injection has been adapted for the recovery of volatile and semivolatile
contaminants from unconsolidated media (Hunt et. al, 1988; Udell and Stewart, 1989;
Itamura and Udell, 1993). This research has shown that there are three main mechanisms
in steam injection that contribute to contaminant recovery, as summarized by Udell
(1996) and Davis (1997):
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 6 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Physical displacement of NAPL as the steam migrates from injection to extraction
wells, assisted by the reduction in NAPL viscosity during heating, leading to
greater mobility.
Initially, as steam is injected, the steam condenses, transferring the latent heat of
condensation from the steam to the well bore, groundwater, and formation matrix
immediately surrounding the injection zone of the well. As steam injection continues, the
hot water (condensate) moves into the formation, pushing the cold (ambient temperature)
formation water in advance of this front. When the soil at the steam injection point has
absorbed sufficient heat, steam will begin to enter the formation, pushing the cold
formation water and hot condensate water ahead of it. The first fluid to come in contact
with the compounds of concern is the cold water bank, which flushes mobile compounds
in displaced groundwater. The hot water that follows reduces the viscosity of the NAPL,
displacing it by hydrodynamic forces, potentially reducing residual saturation, and
enhancing biodegradation. When the steam front reaches the contaminated zone,
additional contaminant removal occurs through volatilization, evaporation, and steam
distillation of volatile and semi-volatile compounds.
In some cases where the NAPL saturation is high, a bank of NAPL or highly-
concentrated contaminants can be formed in front of the steam zone. A NAPL bank
forms when oil-phase fluids are displaced and driven ahead of the steam zone, or when
compounds volatilized from the steam zone are condensed at the steam front. When the
pollutants represent a mixture of volatile and semi-volatile compounds, as in creosote, the
compounds with lower boiling points will vaporize first, followed by the higher-boiling
point compounds. As a result, there will be a corresponding differentiation of the
constituents in the bank of condensed compounds moving through the formation in
advance of the steam front.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 7 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
density between the liquid and vapor phases increases, 2) the permeability of the
formation decreases, 3) the viscosity of the liquid phase increases, and 4) the injection
rate decreases. Steam override cannot be eliminated, but by increasing the steam
injection rate, the difference between the vapor and liquid viscous forces is reduced and
thus the amount of override can be decreased (Davis, 1998).
The pressure of the injected steam increases formation pore pressures, which may
also serve to inhibit volatilization. Manipulation of subsurface pressures by reducing or
halting steam injection while continuing aggressive vapor and groundwater extraction
after steam breakthrough to the extraction wells, called pressure cycling, can enhance
the recovery of volatile compounds by creating a thermodynamically unstable condition,
in which vaporization is enhanced by the boiling of pore fluids. For sites contaminated
with semi-volatile and non-volatile mixtures of chemicals such as creosote, pressure
cycling is used both to enhance vaporization of the lighter fractions of contaminants, and
to induce mixing of injected steam and air with the contaminated groundwater. This may
stimulate degradation reactions that take place under aerobic conditions at elevated
temperatures. These reactions may be thermodynamically driven (sometimes called
hydrous pyrolosis/oxidation) or biologically mediated.
Nine primary objectives were developed to meet remedial action objectives in the
2000 ROD for the Soil and Groundwater Operable Units. These nine objectives can be
divided into three broad categories: performance assessment, potential impacts of full-
scale thermal treatment on the environment and surrounding community, and process
monitoring. The specific project objectives are presented below:
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 8 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Cleanup levels for the site are included as Appendix A.
Determine the potential impacts (noise, air emissions, lower aquifer and
odors) of full-scale thermal treatment to the surrounding community.
Evaluate the possible adverse effects that full scale thermal treatment may
have to Eagle Harbor and Puget Sound near shore marine habitats.
Process Objectives
Several documents were prepared in support of the pilot test. These documents
contain much of the detail on the technical planning process, design, and operations.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 9 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
OU, there would be significant remaining contamination associated with
the Groundwater OU.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 10 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Final Conceptual (10%) Design (Pilot Study CD). Thermal Remediation
Pilot Study. USACE. August 9, 2000. Documents the initial pilot test
design effort, including consideration of design alternatives.
Steam Injection Treatability Study. Final Report. USEPA. July 11, 2002.
Presents results of the steam treatability study conducted at the Robert S.
Kerr Environmental Research Center in Ada, OK.
Following the signing of the ROD in February 2000, a contract was awarded to
Bay West, Inc. (Bay West) in August 2000 for installation of two sheet pile walls. A
1,870-foot-long perimeter vertical barrier wall was installed as part of the thermal
remediation remedy to separate contaminants in the FPA from the marine environment.
Additionally, a 536-foot-long vertical barrier wall was installed in the southern portion of
the upland to isolate the 1-acre pilot test area from the rest of the upland portion of the
site. Sheet pile installations were completed by February 2001.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 11 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The final design of the Thermal Remediation Pilot Study was completed in
August 2001 (USACE Design Analysis report). Phase I of this work was performed
under the Site Infrastructure Contract between Marine Vacuum, Inc. (MarVac) and
USACE which was awarded in July 2001. The Phase I work was completed between
August 2001 and March 2002 and primarily consisted of construction of the boiler
building and the subsurface (belowground) portion of the pilot studys elements,
including the installation of the vapor cap, the water supply well, and the steam injection
and extraction wells. Additional contract specifications for the pilot study were
developed by the USACE in the spring of 2001 that included pre-thermal operation of the
existing groundwater treatment plant (GWTP) and extraction system, minor
modifications to the existing GWTP, installation of the thermal components of the
existing boiler building and pilot test area, and a start-up phase for all new equipment.
This work was to be followed by an operation and maintenance (O&M) phase for steam
injection and liquid/vapor extraction and an operational post-thermal period for ongoing
O&M of the existing groundwater treatment plant and extraction system.
Due to the disparity between contractor proposals and the government cost
estimate, USEPA requested the design team redesign the pilot study contract by
downsizing and down scoping the project to meet the project budget while maintaining
the overall goals and objectives of the project and with the government assuming the
majority of the risk. The procurement strategy was also re-evaluated due to schedule and
budget constraints, and it was determined that three contracts, rather than one, would best
serve the needs of the project and help to limit the governments assumption of risk.
Procurement #1 was for interim operations and maintenance of the existing treatment
plant and extraction system and was awarded to SCS Engineers, Inc. (SCS) on January 1,
2002. Procurement #2 was for the construction of the Steam Injection Pilot System and
was awarded to Pease Construction (Pease) on January 23, 2002. Procurement #3 was
for O&M of the steam injection pilot study system, the existing well-field outside of the
pilot test area, and the GWTP and was awarded to SCS on September 20, 2002. The
scope of these changes was presented in the Design Analysis Amendment. Changes to
the design, starting from the Conceptual Design, Design Analysis, Design Analysis
Amendment, and through construction, are discussed in Section 4.0. It should be noted
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 12 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
that because the sheet pile wall and several injection and extraction wells within the pilot
test area had already been installed prior to the request to downsize the overall pilot
study, the technical teams ability to select appropriate design elements to adjust was
limited. However, a more aggressive approach to the downsizing may have allowed a
better fit to the reduced budget.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 14 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The Wyckoff Soil and Groundwater OUs occupy a relatively flat lowland and
intertidal area bounded by a densely vegetated bluff on the south. The lowland area has
an average elevation of approximately 16 feet MLLW while the hillside area rises to
elevations above 200 feet. The north and west portions of the site are bounded by Eagle
Harbor, and Puget Sound abuts the eastern margin of the site (Figure 2.0-1). The entire
Wyckoff property occupies approximately 57 acres (about 18 of which encompass the
Soil OU), including a spit that is approximately 8 acres in size with about 0.8 miles of
shoreline, which extends northward into Eagle Harbor. The spit was extended and filled
at least twice prior to the 1950s, and was the location of the FPA where wood treatment
activities that caused the current soil and groundwater contamination were carried out.
The focus of the pilot study was the pilot test area located in the FPA within the
Soil and Groundwater OUs. The pilot test area comprises approximately 12% of the
surface area of the FPA.
Prior to 1904, the Wyckoff property was owned by a sand mining operation and a
brickyard. From 1904 through 1988, the site was used for the treatment of wood
products (e.g., railroad ties and trestles, telephone poles, pilings, docks and piers) by a
succession of owners and companies. Chemicals used at the site include creosote,
pentachlorophenol, solvents, gasoline, antifreeze, fuel, waste oil and lubricants. These
chemicals were stored in above-ground storage tanks, conveyed through above- and
below-ground piping, disposed in sumps, spilled and buried on site.
USEPA began an investigation of the property in 1971, and the site was
subsequently placed on the National Priority List (NPL) in 1987. In 1988, the Wyckoff
Company ceased all operations on the property. In 1989 a groundwater pump and treat
system was installed to treat contaminants in the FPA. In 1993, USEPA assumed
management of the Soil and Groundwater OUs, and in 1994 the assets of the former
Wyckoff Company (now Pacific Sound Resources) were placed into an environmental
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 15 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The Wyckoff site straddles the boundary between (1) a glacial drift plain
deposited 13,000 to 15,000 years ago as part of the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation
and (2) marine and fluvial deposits of the Seattle Basin. The subsurface can be divided
into the following general hydrogeologic units:
Vadose zone
Low-permeability aquitard
Figure 2.2-1 displays a southwest-northeast profile through the site, which shows
typical relationships between soil types and occurrence of NAPL.
The vadose zone is approximately 10 ft thick and consists of fill and native
materials composed of discontinuous silt and fine sand layers. NAPL has been observed
in the vadose zone, but it is not pervasive.
The upper aquifer consists of approximately 5-10 ft of fill, silt, and fine sand
(similar to vadose zone soils), overlying a sequence of marine sand and minor
interbedded gravel, silt, and clay. The marine sands range in thickness from 5-70 ft, with
thickness increasing to the northeast. The upper aquifer in many parts of the site is
grossly contaminated with NAPL and dissolved-phase constituents. Prior to installation
of the outer sheet-pile wall, the upper aquifer was in direct communication with Eagle
Harbor and Puget Sound. Tidal effects, transmitted from the lower aquifer through the
aquitard, are still evidenced in some wells. The natural groundwater gradient is from the
south and radially towards Eagle Harbor and Puget Sound.
Separating the upper aquifer from the lower semi-confined aquifer is a relatively
impermeable layer comprised of marine silt and glacial till. The top of the aquitard
extends from near ground surface in the southern part of the site to approximately 75 ft
bgs in the north. At the time of design, the aquitard was thought to be continuous
throughout the site, with thickness varying from as little as 5 ft to 40 ft. More recent
interpretations indicate that the aquitard is absent in the southeast corner of the site and
may be laced with interconnected sand lenses elsewhere. NAPL has been observed in
several borings that penetrate the aquitard, primarily associated with sand and gravel
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 16 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
interbeds. More recent interpretations indicate that the aquitard is absent in the southeast
corner of the site and may be laced with interconnected sand lenses elsewhere.
The lower aquifer consists primarily of sand, with lesser amounts of silt, clay and
gravel. The base of this aquifer has not been determined with certainty, although the few
boring logs that penetrate deep enough suggest that the aquifer extends to approximately
200 ft bgs. Tidal effects are ubiquitous in the lower aquifer, presumably due to tidal
loading on the aquitard. Horizontal groundwater gradients are towards Eagle Harbor and
Puget Sound. Vertical gradients are generally upward (from lower to upper aquifer), but
short-term reversals may occur at low tide. Low levels of PAH contamination are present
in some monitoring wells and NAPL was observed in CW-15 during the baseline
groundwater characterization sampling in November 2002.
Until the pilot study was conducted, the treatment system remained relatively
static as far as processes and upgrades. However, during the conceptual design phase, the
GWTP was recognized to be near the end of its useful life. Therefore, prior to the start of
the pilot study, minor upgrades to replace the already failing depurator and for new
piping to sustain the higher temperature waste stream anticipated from the pilot test area
were designed in order to handle the anticipated increase in contaminant loading during
steam injection operations. Details on the design changes and implementation are
included in Section 4.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The pilot test area was selected in April 2000 (Appendix B) because information
gathered during previous investigations indicated that this area contained all of the
geologic units present at the site with the exception of the marine silt unit, and that
relative volumes of the geologic units are representative of the overall project area. The
down-sized project area includes approximately 16,400 cubic yards of soil in the vadose
zone and the contaminated aquifer. Also, it was believed that there were at least five feet
of LNAPL in the upper portion of the aquifer, as well as several feet of DNAPL directly
overlying the aquitard in this area, and that significant NAPL contamination was present
in the non-marine clay and glacial unit. NAPL was believed to occur as deep as 11 feet
into the aquitard. As a result of observations during drilling conducted for baseline
characterization, estimates of the amount of LNAPL and DNAPL in the area were
approximately 10,000 and 30,000 gallons, respectively.
During design of the original pilot test area injection and extraction well arrays, it
was known that residual NAPL existed up-gradient of the area, but it was believed that
this contamination could easily be removed by excavation to prevent interference with
the pilot study. Downsizing of the pilot test area wellfield resulted in exclusion of some
areas with mobile NAPL upgradient of the treatment zone, in addition to the areas with
residual NAPL. Neither the mobile nor the residual NAPL was excavated prior to the
start of pilot study operations.
During the installation of the injection and extraction wells and instrument strings,
baseline characterization of the pilot test area was carried out. The purpose of the
baseline characterization was to determine the location of NAPL in the pilot test area and
to measure the concentrations of the contaminants of concern in soils within the pilot test
area for comparison with post thermal treatment conditions. Site-specific hydraulic
conductivity data were determined through pumping tests conducted at extraction well E-
4 (Appendix C). These data assisted in selecting the optimum steam injection well screen
length, and to confirm the original design assumptions used for estimating flow rates. In
addition, soil samples were collected from the pilot test area to evaluate microbial
populations in the vadose and saturated zones. Three soil samples were collected and
analyzed for physical characteristics and thermodynamic properties.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 19 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Field work was performed by the USACE beginning in May 2001 and completed
in March 2002. Soil borings for sampling and analysis were completed using either a
truck-mounted or a track-mounted geoprobe, depending on the requirements for diameter
of the sampling device. Samples were collected from locations pre-identified for
installation of injection wells, extraction wells, or instrument strings. Cores were
collected in either a 2.2 inch or 3 inch outside diameter by four foot long steel sample
barrel fitted with a clear polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) or polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) sample sleeve. The larger diameter borings, accomplished with the track-mounted
geoprobe, were necessary to accommodate the downhole instruments used in the holes
completed as instrument strings. Continuous cores were collected until the aquitard was
encountered. Each core retrieved was logged for stratigraphy and evaluated for the
presence of NAPL by a USACE geologist. The following conservative assumptions were
used to translate observed NAPL occurrence into potential in situ cumulative thickness:
1. If mobile NAPL was noted, the entire soil interval in which the NAPL was found
was assumed to contain NAPL;
2. If mobile NAPL stringers were noted, and soil grains were coated throughout the
soil interval, then the entire soil interval was assumed to contain NAPL;
3. If mobile NAPL stringers were noted, and a heavy sheen was present, then half of
the soil interval was assumed to contain NAPL;
4. If NAPL stringers were noted, then each stringer was assumed to represent 0.1
feet of NAPL; and
5. If soil grains were coated or a sheen was present, no NAPL thickness was
Two samples for chemical analysis were collected from each four foot long core,
one representing the top two feet and a second representing the bottom two feet. Samples
from 0 to 6 foot depth were considered vadose zone samples, and were analyzed for
semi-volatile organic compounds by an EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP)
laboratory using EPA SW-846 Method 8270B. The samples that had low PAH
concentrations were reanalyzed using Selected Ion Monitoring to allow for reporting
limits that were less than the MTCA Method B soil cleanup levels. Each sample from the
saturated zone was analyzed for PAH, diesel and oil range petroleum hydrocarbons, and
pentachlorophenol (PCP) by the EPA Region 10 Field Analytical Support Programs
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 20 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
(FASP) mobile laboratory. The on-site FASP laboratory used gas chromatography/flame
ionization detector methods to identify PAH, C12 to C24 (diesel range) and C24 to C35
(motor-oil range) concentrations. PCP concentrations were measured using electron
capture detector methods. Approximately 50 samples from the saturated zone were also
analyzed by the CLP method to obtain a broader target analyte list than was possible with
the FASP analytical protocols. Seventeen vadose zone samples were shipped to an off-
site laboratory for dioxin-furan analysis. The results of this investigation are presented in
the Preliminary Review Draft Baseline Characterization Report.
The depth to the top of the aquitard in the pilot test area ranges from
approximately 25 feet at the southern part of the treatment area to 35 feet at the northern
portion. Four of the geologic units present in the FPA were found in the pilot test area:
fill; marine sand and gravel; non-marine clay; and glacial clay, silt and sand. A marine
silt that approaches thicknesses of 37 feet in other parts of the site is absent in the pilot
test area, as is a fluvial sand that occurs in relatively restricted areas. Figure 3.2-1 shows
a location map for three profiles through the pilot test area. The profiles are displayed in
Figures 3.2-2, 3.2-3, and 3.2-4.
Approximately the top five to seven feet of the pilot test area appears to be sand
or silt fill, although in places the fill is up to 18 feet deep. The fill material was imported
from nearby sources, and consists of silt and fine-grained sand similar in physical
characteristics to the underlying marine sand and gravel unit, making it difficult to
differentiate between the two units. Locally the fill consists of fine brown sand and
contains anthropogenic material such as bricks, broken glass, and metal fragments.
The central and southwestern portion of the pilot test area is covered by a
relatively thin (less than five feet thick) layer of non-marine clay. This clay is believed to
have been excavated from the upland bluff to the south of the site. It consists of fine to
medium brown sand, overlain by very soft to medium gray clay with occasional plant
fibers, wood fragments, and roots.
The marine sand and gravel unit comprises the majority of the treatment zone,
with a thickness ranging from a few feet at the southern end of the pilot test area to
approximately 25 feet at the northern end. It is a nearshore marine/beach deposit, which
is present over nearly all of the Wyckoff facility. The unit is generally continuous to the
top of the glacial deposits. It consists of loose to dense, poorly graded, gray to dark gray,
fine to medium sand with shell fragments throughout. Gravel lies in contact with the
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 21 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
aquitard in the central part of the pilot test area, extending from the northern point to the
southern extent of the treatment area.
The glacial clay, silt, and sand lies stratigraphically beneath the marine sand and
gravel unit, and forms an aquitard separating the upper aquifer from the lower aquifer in
the FPA. The aquitard has a northeastward slope that averages 7 degrees from horizontal.
The elevation of the aquitard was well predicted over most of the pilot test area, with the
exception of the northeast corner where a distinct depression exists. The glacial deposits
consist mainly of gray to brown, stiff to hard clay and silt, with some sand and gravel,
and no visible organic matter. Sand intervals within the glacial aquitard have been
observed in the central portion of the FPA, close to the pilot test area. The glacial deposit
was not sampled during the baseline characterization.
The water table in the pilot test area is generally six to ten feet below ground
surface. Aquifer testing conducted after installation of the pilot test area extraction wells
indicated that horizontal conductivity within the pilot test area is in the range of 15 to 30
feet/day (average 26 feet/day), with an average vertical anisotropy of 4.7. Thus the actual
hydraulic conductivity is less than half the value of 54 feet/day that was used in the
thermal remediation model, and the vertical anisotropy is approximately of the value of
20 used originally. The piezometric level in the lower aquifer is one to two feet higher
than the static water level in the upper aquifer, indicating that vertical flow is upward
through the aquitard under average conditions. Evidence for tidally-influenced
fluctuations in pilot test area extraction wells E-5 and E-6 during aquifer testing implies
that there is fairly good communication between the upper and lower aquifers in part of
the pilot test area. Hydraulic communication may be enhanced by interconnected sand
layers within the aquitard.
Samples taken from three instrument string locations (T-1, T-22, and T-30) were
analyzed for physical characteristics and thermodynamic properties. The samples were
chosen to represent the range of soil types observed in the pilot test area. Results of the
analysis are presented in Table 3.2-1.
Both LNAPL and DNAPL were found during the baseline characterization, with
significant accumulations in both the northern and western portions of the pilot test area.
In the western portion, there is considerable LNAPL in the non-marine clay and marine
sand and gravel unit, generally at depths of 12 to 16 feet bgs. In this LNAPL zone the
highest concentrations of PAH and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were detected.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Generally the total PAH concentrations are in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 mg/kg at this
depth, but concentrations as high as 105,000 mg/kg were measured. TPH concentrations
are generally about three times the concentration of the PAH, but the ratio is lower when
the concentrations of PAH are greater. Total TPH concentrations as high as 125,000
mg/kg were measured, and the highest concentrations of TPH are co-located with the
highest PAH concentrations. Naphthalene makes up 90 percent and more of the PAH
found in the LNAPL in the western portion of the pilot area. Thus, the LNAPL in the
pilot test area appears to be primarily composed of naphthalene and petroleum
hydrocarbons. Naphthalene, with a melting point of 80 C, is normally a solid at ambient
temperatures. It is likely that the petroleum hydrocarbons in this area act as solvents to
maintain the naphthalene in a dissolved state. Crystalline PAHs also occur within this
area, usually at or near the base of the non-marine clay.
In DNAPL zones along the western portion of the pilot area, soil samples show
total PAH concentrations in the range of 1,000 to 3,000 mg/kg. Naphthalene was also the
most common PAH found in the DNAPL, but in some individual samples, phenanthrene
was more abundant than naphthalene.
In the southeastern portion of the pilot area, particularly around extraction well E-
5, contaminant concentrations in many of the soil samples were less than detection limits.
Only a few soil samples have been collected from the northeastern portion of the pilot
test area, and the data do not allow conclusions to be drawn about the level of
contamination in that area. At the east and central area next to the sheet pile wall are two
instrument string borings (T-52 and T-53) that again show very high naphthalene and
TPH concentrations in the 8 to 10 foot depth interval, similar to that found in the western
portion of the site.
The samples submitted to the CLP laboratory in order to obtain a broader target
analyte list showed that PAHs were the most abundant constituents detected by this
method. Other constituents detected less frequently and at generally smaller
concentrations include 1-methylnaphthalene, 2-methynaphthalene, 1,1-biphenyl, 4-
methylphenol, 2,4-dimethylphenol, and acetophenone.
PCP was typically detected in soil samples collected from the pilot test area only
at low concentrations (usually less than 1 mg/kg). Most of the detections were in the
vadose zone soil samples. However, a few locations along the northeastern part of the
sheet pile wall, such as T-49, E-2, and E-6A, had higher concentrations over significant
depths. PCP concentrations in the range of 1 to 20 mg/kg were detected in the 8 to 18
foot depth range of these boreholes.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
A total of 17 soil samples were analyzed for dioxins and furans. These samples
were from either the 0 to 4 inch or 4 to 4.33 ft depth interval. Octachlorodibenzodioxin
(OCDD) was detected in the highest concentration of all the congeners with
concentrations generally in the range of 10,000 to 40,000 ng/kg. The highly-toxic
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD or simply dioxin) was detected only
at low concentrations, the highest detection being 0.9 ng/kg. The surface soil samples
had toxicity equivalent concentrations in the range of 10 to 130 ng/kg. The
concentrations in the deeper samples were generally lower, ranging from 0.05 to 38
Because the pilot study was not completed, confirmation soil samples needed to
complete the microcosm study were not collected and the study has not been completed.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Groundwater samples were obtained from seven extraction wells (E-1 through E-
7), five lower aquifer monitoring wells (99CD-MW02, 99CD-MW04, CW-05, CW-09,
and CW-15), and three upper aquifer monitoring wells (MW-17, MW-18, and MW-19) in
early November 2002. Well locations are shown in Figure 3.5-1. Data summary tables
are included in Tables 3.5-1 through 3.5-3 and in Appendix I. At this time, some amount
of steam had been injected into the pilot test area, and temperatures in the upper half of
the upper aquifer around the injection wells had already reached temperatures as high as
approximately 5060 C. Temperatures around the extraction wells remained close to
ambient temperatures. Thus, these are not truly background samples, but they provide
the best information available on groundwater conditions at the start of the pilot study.
Pilot test area well monitoring was implemented to test remedy effectiveness.
Specifically, trends in dissolved-phase constituents would be tracked to assist in post-
treatment predictions of attainment of performance objectives. Two extraction wells
were sampled with the upper and lower aquifer samples on November 5, 2002 (E-4 and
E-6). All seven extraction wells in the pilot test area were sampled on November 7,
2002. Extraction wells E-1, E-2, E-3, E-6 and E-7 have similar high concentrations of
PAH. Extraction well E-4 had PAH concentrations that were an order of magnitude
lower, which might be expected since soils immediately to the east of this well were
relatively clean. Extraction well E-5 was surrounded by mostly clean soils, thus it
contained only very low concentrations of PAH early in the pilot study. It appears that
the sample from extraction well E-1 was over diluted by the laboratory, as the reporting
limits are high, and even the constituent with the highest concentration (naphthalene) is
qualified as estimated (J qualified). This was a consistent issue with the high
concentration extraction well water samples sent to the USEPA CLP laboratory.
Additionally, the two samples collected from E-6 showed high variability in results, most
likely due to the use of the sampling port for sample collection. Low-flow sampling
methods were not used to collect samples from the extraction wells.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 25 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
concentrations in other parts of the site. Other constituents that were detected include
1,1-biphenyl, 2,4-dimethylphenol, 2-methylnaphthalene, 2-methylphenol, and 4-
methylphenol, the same constituents that were found in the soil samples.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 26 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
3.5.4 Summary of November 2002 Groundwater Results
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 28 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
This section describes the design and construction of the pilot study systems. The
treatment duration, treatment area, above-ground conveyance systems, and fluid-cooling
and treatment systems were progressively downsized throughout the redesign and
construction process. Since the downsizing had significant impacts on the project
outcome, the evolution of each major system, including revisions based on revised
calculations and modeling and changes made in the field, are described in this section.
Detailed original design criteria and assumptions are documented in the pilot
study planning documents described in Section 1, specifically the Pilot Study Conceptual
Design and the Design Analysis. Elements of the system that were redesigned are
described in the Design Analysis Amendment. Additional changes were made during
construction and pilot study operations. Construction at the site began in November 2000
and continued through the operational phase of the pilot study. A timeline showing when
each system was installed is included in Figure 4.0-1. The layout of the systems at the
Site during the operational phase of the pilot study is shown in Figure 2.0-1.
The design process was initiated through a series of four meetings between
USEPA, USACE, and the ITTAP, from April 1999 through October 1999. During this
time, several planning documents were prepared, with review by ITTAP and other
technical reviewers within USEPA and USACE:
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 29 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
o Thermal Remediation Shoreline Model Report. Groundwater and Soil Operable
Units. 2000.
After the ITTAP meetings were concluded, some of the panel members were
retained to review the pilot study design documents, including:
The last of the design documents, listed below, received internal (USEPA and
USACE) project team review only:
A three dimensional (3D) thermal model was used to provide design criteria such
as optimum well spacing and screen lengths, steam injection rates, vapor and liquid
extraction rates, heating and steam-breakthrough times, and surface temperatures.
Modeling code requirements and a comparison of available codes were presented in the
Thermal Modeling Proposal and the Thermal Modeling Protocol. The 3D numerical,
thermal, multiphase, multicomponent flow and transport code M2NOTS (Adenekan,
1992) was selected because of its previous use for solving problems involving steam
injection into NAPL-contaminated soils, and also because of the long service record of
the underlying flow code TOUGH (Pruess, 1987). Code support was provided by the
University of California at Berkeley. During preparation of the DAA, the design model
was converted to NUFT (Nitao, 1998), a similar code that was more user-friendly and
could be used with the Department of Defense Groundwater Modeling System (GMS)
graphical-user interface.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 30 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
rate, heating time, steam injection break-though, and pressure cycling parameters were
re-run. These new values were to be used by the operations team during and after active
steaming operations to evaluate the performance of the system.
Criteria generated during the course of the original design process, as well as the
revised criteria developed during the redesign, are summarized in Table 4.1-1.
The design and construction of each of the major systems of the pilot study are
described in this section. The original design for each system is presented and then
compared to the revised design as well as the system that was actually constructed at the
site. Changes were made to the design, both prior to and during construction, as well as
during operation of the pilot study, in order to meet project schedule and budget
constraints. In general, the changes in the project design required changes to be made to
the operational strategies for the individual systems. The original design and subsequent
changes made to the major systems are summarized in Tables 4.2-1 through 4.2-3.
From November 2000 to February 2001 a 536-foot long sheet pile wall
surrounding the steam injection pilot test area was constructed by Bay West. The pilot
test area sheet pile wall was designed to mimic the shape of the entire FPA to evaluate
NAPL removal collected against the wall and the impacts of heating on the sheet pile
wall. The driving depths of the sheet pile varied from 15 to 45 feet. The toe of the wall
was keyed a minimum of 4 feet into the upper surface of the underlying glacial till. The
original design and location of the sheet pile wall was not changed during the course of
the project.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 31 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
4.2.2 Well Field
This section describes the design and construction of the injection and extraction
wells located in the pilot test area. The original design and subsequent changes made to
these systems are summarized in Table 4.2-1.
Instrumentation strings for subsurface water level and heat monitoring were also
installed in the well field. Subsurface instrumentation included vibrating wire pressure
transducers, thermocouples, and a fiber optic distributed temperature sensor (DTS)
system. Details on instruments and the ADAS are included in Appendix E.
Well locations and screen lengths shown in the original design (DA) were based
on model simulations of a 7-spot well array, using the M2NOTS code. Model runs were
performed with variable vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities to provide a well
field design that could accommodate a range of field conditions. Wells were designed to
be located in the field according to the following criteria:
Arrays should cover the NAPL-contaminated portion of the pilot test area, with
the southern-most injection wells outside the NAPL-contaminated area.
Injection and extraction wells should alternate along the sheet pile wall.
These design criteria were derived from site data, heat- and fluid-flow
calculations and models, assumptions based on standard industry practice, and input from
The resulting well field design consisted of two 7-spot arrays, one 6-spot array,
and 4 partial arrays bisected by the sheet pile wall, incorporating 25 injection wells and
14 extraction wells. However, due to the need to reduce project costs, only 16 injection
wells and seven extraction wells were included in the redesign (DAA) and installed at the
site. At the time the decision was made to reduce the number of injection and extraction
wells, several wells had already been installed. Locations of the injection and extraction
wells are shown in Figure 4.2-1. Well construction details are shown in Figure 4.2-2.
Specifications for the extraction well pumps are shown in Table 4.2-1.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 32 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The southern-most arrays shown in the original design were eliminated during the
redesign, and it was understood at the time that the relatively small volume of NAPL in
those arrays would not be treated. It was further believed that contaminants could
potentially be displaced in the upgradient direction by the expanding steam zone, with
some potential for recontamination of the treated area once steam injection was halted.
However, the project team felt that hydraulic control, established by the southern
extraction wells (E-3, E-5, and E-7), would limit recontamination to the southernmost
portion of the pilot test area. It should be noted that it was intended that this area would
be re-treated during full scale operations.
The original design required injection wells to be 4-inch and 6-inch inside
diameter (ID) with a service port on the side of the riser. The larger wells could be used
for extraction if necessary. Each injection well head would include a pressure-relief
valve and an air-injection port. Of the 16 injection wells installed at the site, ten are 6-
inch diameter wells and six are 4-inch diameter wells. An air-injection port was installed
at each injection wellhead. The pressure-relief valves were not installed at each well-
head because the pressure relief system was installed at the boiler itself.
The original design required extraction wells to be 6-inch and 10-inch ID. The
wells were to contain pneumatic piston pumps (Blackhawk or QED Hammerhead) to
remove groundwater and NAPL. The larger extraction wells (up to five) would be fitted
with dual pumps at two different elevations to allow combined removal of dissolved
phase and NAPL.
Of the seven extraction wells installed at the site, six are 10-inch diameter wells
and one is a 6-inch diameter well. Before bids were received for the construction
contract, Blackhawk pumps were deleted and replaced with QED pumps due to field
problems observed at a different SEE site. The QED pumps were believed to be more
compatible with elevated temperatures and chemically reactive environments, and also
were not likely to generate liquid emulsions when pumping water and NAPL together.
During negotiations for the construction contract, the upper pumps were eliminated to
save costs. QED pumps were supposed to be installed in all extraction wells one foot
above the bottom of the screen. During thermal operations it was discovered that some of
the pumps were placed several feet higher than intended because of miscommunication
between the contractor and USACE oversight personnel regarding reference points. The
pumps that were positioned incorrectly were repositioned during operations.
Model simulations performed for the original design utilized 10-foot injection
screens located at the base of the aquifer, with extraction wells screened from the base of
the aquifer to 8 feet below ground surface. Aquifer testing during well installations
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 33 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
indicated average horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities of 25 and 5 ft/day,
respectively. Since these values were near the high end of the range used in model trials,
injection screen lengths were reduced to 5 feet. Extraction well screens were extended to
4 feet below ground surface to improve near-surface contaminant removal.
The original design required all injection and extraction wells to be constructed
entirely of type 304 stainless steel, with 0.02-inch-slot wire-wound screens set at the base
of the aquifer, and 5-foot sumps placed into the aquitard. A filter pack of #10-20 sand
was selected, retaining at least 70% of the formation. The design required the wells to be
grouted with 40% silica-cement grout. Wells were installed according to these design
The injection and extraction well installations penetrated the geomembrane in the
vapor cap (Section 4.2.4). The original design required high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) boots to be installed where wells penetrated the vapor cap. HDPE boots were
installed at the extraction wells to seal penetrations in the geomembrane, however, boots
were not installed for the injection wells or the instrument string penetrations because it
was thought at the time that the boots would be melted by the high temperature of the
injected steam. Instead, these penetrations were grouted through the cap to the surface.
Integrity of the geomembrane was necessary to optimize performance of the vapor
collectors and limit fugitive emissions.
This section describes the design and construction of the steam generation and
conveyance system. The steam generation and conveyance system consists of a feed
water supply and treatment system, a deaerator, a boiler, a blow down tank, and piping
from the boiler to the injection wells. The original design and subsequent changes made
to these systems are summarized in Table 4.2-2.
The original design called for a boiler feed-water supply rate of 50 gpm. Feed
water was to be supplied from an on-site well. The feed-water requirement was
decreased to 40 gpm during the redesign due to treatment plant capacity constraints.
Water was to be pumped from the well, using a submersible pump, to a 1,500-gallon
water storage tank located near the boiler building via an underground 4-inch diameter
cast iron pipe. Three feed water pumps were to be used to convey the stored water to a
water softening system consisting of two water softeners that are regenerated with a brine
solution from a brine storage tank. Treated feed water was then to be fed to the boiler
through four plate and frame heat exchangers (HX-1, HX-2, HX-3, and HX-4) designed
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
to preheat the boiler feed water (upstream of a deaerator) and recover heat from the
extracted liquid and vapors. The feed-water heater was expected to increase the overall
thermal efficiency of the process.
The required on-site well was installed in January 2002. The pump size was
reduced during construction from the designed 400 gpm to 225 gpm. The formation in
which this well was drilled is capable of producing greater than 200 gpm. Well
construction information is found in the On-Site Water Supply Well Report (USACE,
2002). The subsurface feed water piping, pump, water storage tank, deaerator, and water
softening system were installed from June through September 2002. Changes made to
these systems are detailed in Table 4.2-2.
The boiler installed at the site followed the design requirements, except the boiler
capacity was increased to 27,600 lb/hr because it was from a different manufacturer than
the one originally specified. A blow down tank, needed to eliminate the build up of
mineral scale from the boiler, was also called for in the design. The redesign required the
boiler blow down to be discharged to the product tank located in the boiler building
where it was to be combined with the extracted liquids on the way to the treatment plant.
Since the boiler size was increased, the boiler supplier recommended increasing the
designed capacity of the system for handling blow down. The tank size necessary to
handle blow down was increased and a tank was installed outside the boiler building
under a contract modification. This tank is allowed to discharge liquid into the swale on
the north side of the boiler building that discharges onto the contaminated soil in the FPA
instead of going to the treatment plant for processing. Boiler blow down water is not
considered contaminated.
Maximum fuel consumption of the boiler was expected to be 5,400 gpd of low-
sulfur #2 fuel oil. The original design required two storage tanks: a 6,000-gallon day
tank, and a 20,000-gallon reserve tank. The fuel oil storage and supply system was
sized to match the expected boiler operations. Total fuel usage was expected to be
250,000 to 300,000 gallons, the amount required to heat the pilot test area and deliver 2
pore volumes l.e. of steam to the subsurface. These two fuel storage tanks were installed
as designed.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 35 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Modeling for the original design predicted an average maximum steam injection
rate of 2 gpm l.e. per well (1,000 lb/hr). The predicted total steam requirement was 44
gpm (22,000 lb/hr), assuming that flow rates for injection wells adjacent to the sheet pile
wall would be reduced by 50%. The predicted steam flow rate for each individual
injection well was unchanged after aquifer testing and the redesign effort, due to the
compensating effects of higher hydraulic conductivity, lower extraction vacuum, and
reduced injection screen length. The reduction in the number of injection wells decreased
the total steam requirement, however, to 32 gpm l.e. (16,000 lb/hr instead of 22,000
Installation of the steam injection piping to the well field was completed in July
2002. Steam is distributed to the injection wells through ASTM Grade A-53 Schedule 40
black steel piping. The pipes were insulated to prevent unnecessary heat loss. An
aboveground 6-inch diameter main distribution pipe, in a U-shaped layout, provides
steam to the injection wells with branches from the main. Piping was installed on above
ground pipe supports. The slope of the steam line was continuously downward toward
the boiler plant rather than sloping the line toward an anchor point as called for in the
design as a contractor-designed request. Drip legs were installed near four concrete
anchor points. Condensation is piped back to the nearest injection well. Pressure
regulating valves and flow meters were installed as designed. Flow was determined by
pressure differential across a calibrated flow control valve. The steam generation, vapor
and liquid process flow diagram is shown in Figure 4.2-5. The aboveground piping
layout for steam, vapor and liquid conveyance is shown in Figure 4.2-6.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 36 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
treatment plant. The original design and subsequent changes made to these systems are
summarized in Tables 4.2-1 and 4.2-3.
Concepts regarding the composition of recovered product were based on site NAPL-
testing results as reported by USEPA in the Steam Injection Treatability Study, known
thermodynamic relationships, and average chemical properties (Table 4.2-4).
Although NAPL component concentrations were known to vary over the project site,
it was understood that the most abundant compounds in extracted groundwater would be
LPAH. The liquid solvent fraction in the creosote mixture was believed to consist of
diesel-range aliphatic compounds, which were known to have low solubility. Due to
their high vapor pressures, diesel-range aliphatic compounds would be transported
primarily in the vapor phase rather than the aqueous phase, and their presence in the
recovered product would strongly affect its characteristics. The pilot study was expected
to employ aggressive vapor extraction, which would draw the aliphatic fraction toward
the extraction wells and the surrounding formation; thus the compounds comprising the
liquid solvent portion of the creosote mixture were expected to be present in both
extracted liquid and vapor, and the recovered product was expected to be primarily in
liquid form.
The vapor collector system in the well field was designed to be installed on the
original ground surface of the pilot test area, and was to consist of an 8-inch thick gravel
layer containing 4-inch diameter collector laterals. The laterals were 30 to 80-foot-long
slotted steel pipes; one collector pipe was to be located above each well array. The
original design assumed a vacuum of 1 psi (6900 Pa), however this was reduced to 0.2 psi
(1500 Pa) during the redesign, and the design of the lateral pipe diameter was reduced to
3 inches. A six-inch soil layer was to be laid over the gravel to help protect the vapor cap
geomembrane. The cap was to consist of a 60-mil HDPE membrane, overlain by a 12-
inch protective soil layer, and a 6-inch gravel layer to allow for vehicle traffic. Four 10-
foot-square panels of different polypropylene geotextiles were to be installed below the
geomembrane to test their ability to withstand thermal and chemical conditions during
steam injection. Soil partition cells were to be installed throughout the cap to allow for
experimentation with vapor extraction rates.
The vapor cap and collector system installation was completed by MarVac in
September 2002. The installed vapor collection system and vapor cap followed the
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 37 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
original design. Vapor cap soil partitions were not installed due to budget constraints.
The collector laterals used were 4-inch diameter in lieu of the 3-inch diameter in the
redesign in order to accommodate the required number and length of slotted openings in
the pipe. The vapor cap collection piping and branch detail are shown in Figure 4.2-7.
The laterals are 37.5 to 88.5 feet long slotted steel pipes with one collector pipe. The
laterals were connected to vapor-extraction piping from extraction wells and conveyed to
the heat exchanger and treatment system. The vapor cap was graded with a crown at the
center of cap and sloped at a minimum of 1% toward the sheet pile wall and the swale at
the southern end of the pilot test area. Weep holes were installed in the sheet pile walls at
the elevation of the top of the gravel surface.
Two 10-foot x 10-foot test cells of geotextile fabric (one a polyester fabric, one a
polypropylene fabric) were installed beneath the vapor cap in the pilot test area. The test
cell locations are shown on Figure 4.2-1. The vapor cap system was installed prior to the
installation of any wells, the subsurface monitoring instrumentation system, and
conveyance piping.
The original design showed vapors being extracted from the wells and the surface
vapor collectors through insulated 8-inch maximum diameter black steel pipe. Three
liquid-ring vacuum pumps would be used to pull the vapor through the pipe, each rated at
450 cfm at 40 deg C and 33.6 kPa absolute pressure. Vacuum at the well heads was
intended to be 0.5 atm. For the redesign, the vapor extraction piping was downsized from
8-inch maximum to 6-inch, and the insulation was deleted. Additionally, the number of
vacuum pumps was reduced to two (one operating and one standby), each with a total
maximum flow rate of 450 acfm, or 140 scfm, (56% of the original design criterion) to
achieve a vacuum pressure at the well heads of 0.25 atm.
According to the original design, extracted vapor was to be cooled in the boiler
plant by two heat exchangers (HX-3 and HX-4), allowing water vapor and other
condensable gases extracted from the vapor cap and extraction wells to be condensed.
Any condensate that formed was to be collected in a condensate tank associated with HX-
3 and then added to the liquid treatment stream. Cooled non-condensable vapor was to
be used to supplement the boiler combustion air during boiler operation. The second heat
exchanger (HX-4) was deleted in the redesign. The original design included the use of a
steam-regenerated carbon-adsorption system when the boiler was not in operation. For
the redesign, this unit was replaced with a thermal oxidizer.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 38 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
four anchor points to collect condensate, where a pump would convey condensate to the
nearest extraction well. The installed vapor line was sloped toward the boiler plant and
an extraction main drip leg, consisting of an 8-inch diameter pipe section, was installed
outside the boiler plant to collect condensate. The condensate was then pumped via a
condensate pump (PDP-1) to the liquid product tank in the boiler plant. The pump was
housed in a vinyl storage shed in the pilot test area.
Vapor from the well field and surface vapor collectors was cooled in one plate
and frame heat exchanger (HX-3). Condensables were collected in a condensate receiver
and pipeline drip leg (8 inch diameter by 24 inches long) installed downstream of HX-3
and upstream of the vacuum pumps to prevent liquids from damaging the pumps. The
vacuum pumps had filters that prevented particulate matter from entering the pump. A
bypass line for the non-condensable vapor was installed to allow for commissioning of
the liquid ring vacuum pumps (LRVP). Shortly after steam injection was started,
however, a slug of liquid inundated the collection system and entered one of the vacuum
pumps. Gasket and seal materials of LVRP-1 failed. At the same time, the contaminant-
containing liquid in HX-3 caused the rubber seals between the plates to swell, come out
of their frames, and leak water onto the boiler building floor. The vapor system was shut
down and it was never operated again.
The cooled non-condensable vapor was then conveyed through one of the two
installed liquid ring vacuum pumps (LRVP-1 and LRVP-2). During operations, the non-
condensable vapor was thermally treated in the boiler via the combustion air line. A
thermal oxidizer fueled by propane was installed for thermal treatment of the non-
condensable sour gas when the boiler was shut down. During commissioning of the
thermal oxidizer, however, it was found that the burner was too small for the vapor
system and a larger burner (and fan motor) was installed after operations were terminated
in April 2003. However, the vapor recovery system was never restarted after the vacuum
pump and heat exchanger failed and the thermal oxidizer was never used.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 39 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
extracted liquid from the pilot test area as well as groundwater pumped from the FPA
necessary to maintain hydraulic control of the entire site. According to the site
groundwater model, the year-round average pumping requirement outside the pilot test
area would be 20 to 40 gpm after the outer sheet pile wall was installed.
Liquid from the pilot test area extraction wells was to be conveyed from the well
field to the boiler plant through a 3-inch pipe and collected in a product tank prior to
being cooled in the heat exchangers. The total organic carbon (TOC) content of the
liquid was to be measured using an in-line TOC analyzer. As per the design, the
extracted liquid was conveyed from the well field to the boiler plant through a 3-inch
diameter pipe of standard weight (Schedule 40) black steel. Extracted liquid then flowed
into the product tank. Influent of the product tank was analyzed for TOC using an
automated, in-line TOC analyzer with data collected through the ADAS.
Extracted fluids from the well field, including condensable gases, were to be
cooled in two heat exchangers. The heat exchangers included in the original design
required up to 150 gpm of cooling water at 15 C. During steam production, the boiler
feed water would be used to cool extracted liquids in two liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers
(HX-1 and HX-2) and vapors in two vapor-to-liquid heat exchangers (HX-3 and HX-4)
(see discussion above on vapor conveyance and treatment). Since the boiler requirement
was to be 57 gpm, the excess 93 gpm was to be routed through a cooling tower, and the
addition of the recycled water to the cooling stream would reduce the well-water
requirement to 70 gpm. It was understood in the original design that the available
cooling capacity might occasionally be insufficient during peak vapor extraction periods,
and vapor extraction rates might have to be reduced.
Two plate and frame heat exchangers (HX-1 and HX-2) were installed in the
boiler plant to cool extracted liquids. New 2-inch HDPE piping was installed to convey
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 40 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
cooled liquids from the heat exchangers to the existing treatment plant. Extracted liquid
from the pilot test area was combined with extracted liquids from the former process area
at the treatment plant header. A new 2-inch pipeline was installed to convey non-contact
cooling water from the heat exchangers to the treatment plant sumps. This inadvertently
limited the amount of cooling water the treatment system could handle and therefore
limited the amount of steam that could be injected into the pilot test area.
Liquid treatment design was intended to employ the existing treatment plant as
much as possible, however, the Conceptual Design Report stated that the existing plant
had reached the end of its useful life. It was understood that the bioreactor could become
inoperative due to changes in temperature and contaminant concentrations resulting from
thermal treatment (ITTAP, 1999). The Conceptual Design Report recommended
additional granular activated carbon (GAC) polishing capacity to provide backup for
potential loss of the bioreactor due to microbial upset or structural failure. A new
treatment plant had been designed at this time at EPA, however, it was not built to
support the pilot study due to the need to reduce overall project costs.
Liquids would exit the heat exchangers in the boiler plant at 40 C, and be
conveyed to an existing 58,160 gal equalization tank (T-401) at the treatment plant. An
emulsion-breaking chemical would be added upstream of the equalization tank, and the
tank would be fitted with a skimmer to remove floating product. Coagulant and polymer
would be added, and more product would be separated by a dissolved air flotation tank
(DAFT). Skimmed product would go to an existing froth tank (SEP-108) and then would
be routed to a product storage tank (T-105). Remaining water would be recycled back
through the DAFT, mixed with a neutralizing chemical, routed to another equalization
tank (T-402), and then to the existing aeration basin (T-203). Vapors from all tanks prior
to the aeration basin would be extracted and conveyed to the vapor treatment system.
Corroded air spargers and piping in the existing aeration basin would be replaced,
and additional spargers would be installed in the existing clarifier to augment the capacity
of the aeration basin, basically creating a second aeration basin. Effluent from the two
aeration basins would be routed to an additional DAFT, and separated solids from the
DAFT would be recycled back to the aeration basins. Clarified effluent would be routed
to two existing multimedia filters and a third new one, then through the existing GAC
system, to a new 25,000 gal effluent storage tank. The existing effluent tank would be
replaced due to damage from the earthquake that occurred on February 28, 2001.
Recovered NAPL would be pumped from the froth tank to existing 10,150 gal and
7,100 gal product storage tanks, removed by tanker truck, and disposed off-site. Spent
GAC, multimedia filter material, and sludge from the bioreactor would also be disposed
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
off-site. Treated effluent would continue to be discharged to Puget Sound via the
existing effluent pipe and diffuser structure, in compliance with regulatory requirements.
During the redesign, the skimmer at tank T-401 and vapor recovery from all tanks were
eliminated. Additionally, the second DAFT, the third multimedia filter, and the
conversion of the clarifier to an aeration basin were eliminated from the design. The
effluent tank that was severely corroded and damaged by the earthquake was to be
repaired instead of being replaced. This repair was completed by Marine Vacuum, Inc.
when the build-up of tank bottom sludges was removed prior to the start-up of the pilot
The liquid treatment plant layout and process flow diagram are shown in Figures
4.2-8 and 4.2-9, respectively. The liquid treatment used the existing treatment plant and
disposal practices, with the following exceptions:
Coagulant and polymer were introduced to the liquid stream via a static
mixer upstream of the DAFT. A small polymer tank was installed at the
DAFT effluent as a wet well for the DAFT pumps. Coagulant and
polymer addition was not implemented until March 2003.
The froth tank, T-108, was elevated and piping modified in order to
gravity feed the recycled liquid back to the DAFT.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 42 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Pilot test area. Temperature and pressure were to be monitored in the subsurface
to track the movement of heat and fluids throughout the treatment area. Specific
media, locations, parameters measured, testing frequency (proposed and/or
actual), and whether the monitoring was implemented are summarized in Table
4.3-1. See Appendix E for more detail concerning pilot test area monitoring.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 43 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
frequency (proposed and/or actual), and whether the monitoring was implemented
are summarized in Table 4.3-3.
Site perimeter. Noise, air quality, intertidal conditions, boiler air emissions and
sheet pile wall integrity were to be monitored to evaluate the potential impacts of
full-scale thermal treatment to the surrounding community and the near shore
marine habitats. Specific media, locations, parameters measured, testing
frequency (proposed and/or actual), and whether the monitoring was implemented
are summarized in Table 4.3-4.
Initial noise monitoring (baseline) was eliminated during negotiations with the
O&M contractor. It was agreed during negotiations that a previously conducted
noise survey would suffice as the baseline survey. Air quality and boiler air
emissions for the community were to be provided by a separate contractor (URS)
at the request of USACE. Air quality PM-10 monitors were set-up and calibrated
but never used. The boiler stack emissions were to be monitored by URS when
the boiler operations had stabilized and the sour gas to be burned in the boiler had
reached the standard operating conditions. Since this condition was never reached
before the vapor extraction system failed, stack emissions were not monitored.
Sheet pile wall leakage monitoring was performed approximately 3 months after
the sheet pile walls were installed. The next round of sampling that was
contracted out to URS was to be performed after the pilot scale operations were
completed. This sampling event was never initiated.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
This section discusses the proposed operations strategy and details of actual
operations. Additionally, the nature of the project team, communication methods,
decision-making process, and tools used to aid in communications and decision-making
are described. Operations log sheets that were posted daily to the project web page are
included as Appendix F.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 45 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
were 400-800 lbs/hr per well or an overall rate of between 6,500 to 13,000 lbs/hr of
steam. Liquid extraction rates were targeted at 30-50 gpm for the entire pilot test area,
which translates to an average of 4-7 gpm per well. Vapor extraction was to be
accomplished through establishing a vacuum (up to 0.25 atm).
Implementation: Steam flow to the injection wells is reduced, while liquid and
vapor extractions continue. When contaminant recovery decreases, steam injection is re-
initiated. On breakthrough of steam to extraction wells, steam flow is reduced, and a new
cycle commences.
Duration: A few days to a few weeks per cycle. This phase was to continue
until contaminant recovery diminished. Total duration of the pressure cycling phase was
uncertain, but contract limitations restricted duration of the initial heating and pressure
cycling phases to six months, with options for an additional two months.
Duration: Six months after cessation of steam injection, with an additional two
months optional.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 46 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
5.1.2 Actual Operations Phases
Of the three intended operational phases, the pilot study never went beyond the
initial heating phase. Failure of the vapor extraction system and the treatment plant
aeration basin led to cessation of operations on December 15, 2002, and prevented
achievement of target temperatures in the subsurface. When operations resumed on
January 13, 2003, the vapor extraction system was inoperable, so the guiding principle
became to maintain subsurface temperatures (using low steam injection rates), while
minimizing steam breakthrough to the extraction wells and the surface. It was anticipated
that aggressive operations (injection and extraction at design rates) would commence
once system problems had been resolved. A detailed timeline is presented in Figure 5.1-
Phase ICommissioning and Startup. This phase started October 1, 2002 and
continued until October 29, 2002. It should be noted, though, that not all systems (or
components of systems) were completely installed or commissioned by October 29.
During this phase, sporadic steam injection started (during daylight hours only), and
liquid extraction commenced.
Phase IIContinuous Steam Injection. This phase started on October 30, with more
aggressive steam injection during daytime, while boiler operators became familiar with
equipment. Twenty-four hour operations started on November 7. Phase II continued
until the vapor system and aeration basin failed on December 15. The following points
highlight operating conditions:
Multiple problems were encountered throughout Phase II. The most serious were
caused by material incompatibility with the effluent, resulting in failure of seals
and gaskets in the liquid and vapor conveyance lines. Additionally, waxy and
crystalline deposits of PAH clogged lines from the wellfield to the treatment
plant. Analysis of one sample of crystalline deposit revealed that it consisted of
75% naphthalene and 25% other PAHs. An evaluation of the extracted liquid
composition and the physical/chemical processes that may have occurred to
create this situation is included in Appendix G.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
For days when the boiler was operating, steam injection averaged 5,180 lbs/hr
(32% of maximum design rate), with a peak rate of 11,263 lbs/hr on November
9. Injection rates were, in part, limited by uncertainty about whether the effluent
discharge line into Puget Sound would be able to handle the increased non-
contact cooling water flow. Final connections for non-contact cooling water
were completed by December 12, after an engineering analysis determined the
effluent line could handle the flow into the treatment plant.
Failure of the aeration basin coincided with a dramatic drop in dissolved oxygen
in the basin, which suggests that the bacteria had utilized all of the available
oxygen during consumption of high concentrations of contaminants. Air
diffusers in the basin were unable to provide rapid enough replenishment of
oxygen, causing bacteria to die or go dormant. See Section 6.6.3 for a more
detailed account of the aeration basin failure.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The condensing vapor-to-liquid heat exchanger (HX-3) failed on December 15
after the very narrow passages between the plates plugged with solid
naphthalene crystals and the seals between the plates disintegrated due to
chemical non-compatibility with the waste stream.
The vapor collection system failed on December 15 when one of the liquid ring
vacuum pumps was inundated with liquid. The source of this liquid has not
been confirmed; however, liquid in the vapor line may have come from non-
contact cooling water from the failed heat exchanger, vapor condensate, or rain
water from the vapor collector lines in the well field.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Out of 69 potential days of continuous operation, the system was successfully
operated for 65 days, with only 4 days of partial operations (including the first
day of this phase).
The primary problems encountered during this phase were a continuation of the
clogging problems in liquid lines and the treatment plant caused by wax and
crystal buildup.
For days when the boiler was operating, steam injection averaged 2,283 lbs/hr
(14% of design rate), with a peak rate of 3,072 lbs/hr on January 13.
Liquid extraction averaged 20 gpm (40% of design rate). Most extraction was
from extraction wells E-2, E-4, E-5, and E-6. Extraction well E-1 was not put
back on-line, because the inside of the well was fouled with crystallized PAH.
Exhaust ports for extraction wells E-3 and E-7 repeatedly fouled with crystalline
PAH, limiting pump performance. When functioning, even low extraction rates
at extraction well E-7 resulted in significant drawdown, indicating limited
recharge to the well.
Phase V Sporadic Low-Level Steam Injection. This phase lasted from March 23 to
April 15, at which time it was decided to discontinue all pilot operations. Problems with
the boiler burner and with maintaining a proper air-fuel mixture in the boiler prevented
continuous operations. Panting in the boiler, believed to be due to improper air-fuel
mixtures, eventually caused welds to crack. Operationally, key points are as follows:
Out of 24 potential days of operation, the boiler was partially operational on seven
days, although steam injection was recorded for just two of those days.
For days when the boiler was operating and steam was being injected, injection
rates averaged 1,834 lbs/hr.
Liquid extraction averaged 14 gpm out of extraction wells E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, and
E-6. Extraction wells E-1 and E-7 were not turned on. Extraction well E-3
continued to experience exhaust port crystallization problems.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 50 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Phase VILiquid Extraction. This phase started April 16 and continues to the present.
Pilot test area wells are operated to the minimal extent necessary to maintain hydraulic
The project team consisted of representatives from USEPA Region 10, the
USACE Seattle District Office, the USACE Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste
Center of Expertise in Omaha, Nebraska, and numerous contractors (Table 5.2-1). The
project team provided the overall framework for the construction, operations,
maintenance and data collection and management activities. Within the project team was
a core technical team (Operations Team) made up of individuals who had developed site-
specific expertise in geologic, hydrologic, chemical analytical methods and operations.
This team was to provide a continual, integrated, and multidisciplinary presence
throughout the project, and was the primary team responsible for the daily decision-
making, optimization of field activities and interactions with USEPA.
The Operations Team was led by a team Coordinator who facilitated the teams
decision-making process. The Operations Team consisted of the following roles:
USEPA Remedial Project Manager
USACE Project Manager
USACE Site Manager Operations Team Coordinator and Health and Safety
USACE Hydrogeologist
USACE Monitoring Coordinator and QA/QC Officer
O&M Contractor Representative
SteamTech Thermal Expert and other Expert Consultants (on an as-needed basis)
The Operations Team members reviewed project data and convened mid-morning
each workday to review monitoring and process data. The SteamTech expert and other
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 51 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
consultants were asked to participate on a less frequent basis but were expected to keep
current with data on the website. The Team Coordinator provided a summary of the data
and reported system status at the beginning of each daily Operations Team meeting. The
Operations Team then decided on operational objectives for the next 24-hour period.
Once the operational goals for the project were decided, the Operations Team
Coordinator directed the O&M Contractor (SCS Engineers) to implement the decisions.
The decisions and directions provided to the Contractor were documented in a daily
Operations Team Meeting Summary posted to the project website.
Several communication methods and tools were used to ensure that all team
members were aware of current site activities and could participate effectively. Methods
and tools included daily conference calls, meetings, email, and a webpage for posting
data, meeting minutes, and notes from technical discussions. Contents of the project web
page are listed in Table 5.2-2.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 52 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
This section presents the pilot study technical data from the pilot study operations.
In section 6.1, the operational results are presented from a water and energy balance
standpoint. Section 6.2 presents the subsurface temperature monitoring results. In
Section 6.3, the heating observed is compared to heating estimates derived from the
energy balance, including estimates for heat losses. The results of the chemical
monitoring program and the performance of the vapor and water treatment systems are
presented in Sections 6.4 through 6.6. The available estimates for chemical mass
removed from the subsurface are listed in Section 6.7. Calculation methods used during
the data interpretation and graphing process are included as Appendix H. Data collected
during the Pilot Study are included as Appendix I.
Three different lines of data were used to document the actual steam injection
rates from early October 2002 to May 20, 2003:
3. The water used by the boiler was converted to equivalent steam injection rates.
The estimates are shown on Figure 6.1-1. Generally, the numbers from the steam
rate measurements and the diesel usage agree well. Comparatively, the water usage
seems to underestimate the steam production rate for times where good and frequent data
exists from the well field. The feed water orifice plate was apparently never calibrated
properly, so water usage data have been deemed unreliable. Consequently, where the
data was available, the diesel usage data was used to fill in steam production data for
times where well-field data was missing.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 53 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The resulting, probable steam injection rates over the duration of the project are
shown in Figure 6.1-2. Steam injection rates typically varied between 2,000 and 8,000
lbs/hr during operations. The highest rates of around 12,000 lbs/hr were achieved in early
November, during the stage where rapid heating was targeted. After restarting steam
injection in January of 2003, injection rates were between 2,000 and 3,000 lbs/hr, or
approximately half of the rates achieved during heat-up in November-December, 2002.
Figures 6.1-3 and 6.1-4 show the injection rates for the injection periods of 2002
and 2003, respectively. Please note that the scales are different, since the steam injection
rates were higher in 2002 than in 2003. Typical injection rates were in the 100 to 500
lbs/hr range per well during November and December of 2002, until injection was ceased
on December 15, 2002. Injection rates were limited by the ability of the formation to
accept steam. The data show large differences in the injection rates among the wells,
with some wells injecting less than 100 lbs/hr, and others consistently injecting more than
300 lbs/hr.
During 2003, typical injection rates were in the 50 to 300 lbs/hr range per well,
until injection was ceased on April 12, 2003. As for Figure 6.1-3, the data show large
differences in the injection rates among the wells.
Table 6.1-1 lists the typical injection rates for each well during the two major
injection periods. As discussed later, there is a clear trend showing higher injection rates
in the wells located in the eastern half of the pilot test area.
Figure 6.1-5 shows the cumulative amount of steam injected for each of the 16
injection wells, based on the well head steam flow measurements. It should be noted that
there is substantial variation in the injection rates among the wells. Generally, the eastern
wells (I-2, I-7, I-8, I-9, I-10, I-14, and I-15) injected more steam than the western wells
(I-1, I-3, I-4, I-5, I-11, I-12, I-13, and I-16).
A total of 993,000 gallons of water was injected in the form of steam. The pilot
test area volume was estimated at approximately 16,400 cubic yards. Using an average
porosity of 28%, this yields a pore volume of 927,000 gallons. The resulting number of
steam pore volumes is:
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 54 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
This is a very modest number of pore volumes, and not a sufficient amount of
steam to heat the entire pilot volume to steam temperature, given the energy removal
taking place by the extraction system, and the heat losses. Goals for other, primarily non-
creosote, sites have targeted between two and five pore volumes of steam. In conclusion,
early termination of this pilot test meant that the volume of steam injected was
approximately half of the amount that would be a typical minimum for this site volume.
The liquid extraction rates based on pump stroke counters are shown in Figure
6.1-6 for each of the seven extraction wells. Because an ideal discharge volume was
assumed for each stroke for all pumps (actual values were different for each well and less
than the ideal), the extraction rates are considered approximate. Extraction wells E-1 and
E-7 had low pumping rates most of the time, and neither pumped liquid after February 4,
The cumulative liquid extraction for all the seven extraction wells combined is
shown in Figure 6.1-7. This figure reveals the low volumes extracted from extraction
wells E-1, E-3, and E-7, the western-most extraction wells. In addition, extraction wells
E-1 and E-7 are located adjacent to the sheet-pile wall.
The total extraction rate from the seven pilot test extraction wells combined is
shown on Figure 6.1-8. Before the site was heated, extraction rates typically ranged
between 3 and 5 gpm. Then, during the aggressive heating period in November-
December, the extraction rate varied between 10 and 20 gpm, with a typical average rate
of 14 gpm. The pumping rate was maintained in this range, with a few excursions,
during the remainder of operations. In the first half of April 2003, the rate was lowered to
between 5 and 9 gpm.
The measured water levels in the operational extraction wells are shown in Figure
6.1-9. Figure 6.1-10 shows the water levels measured in instrument string monitoring
Initial water levels in the pilot test area were around 8 ft MLLW. During the first
aggressive heating period, the water level was generally lowered by between three and 15
ft in the extraction wells (Figure 6.1-9). At the instrument string monitoring locations,
water level drops of between two and eight ft were observed (Figure 6.1-10).
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
During the cessation of operations between December 15, 2002 and January 3,
2003, a substantial water level rebound was observed in both the extraction wells (where
pumping was ceased) and the monitoring locations between the wells. Rises to above 10
ft MLLW (two ft above the starting water level) were observed in both the extraction
wells and the monitoring locations. The average pilot test area water level rose 6.8 ft
during this period, which corresponds to an average recharge rate of approximately 12
gpm. Sources contributing to recharge of the aquifer are groundwater flow from
upgradient, through the sheet-pile wall, through the aquitard from the lower aquifer, and
infiltrating precipitation through the cap.
A large increase in the water levels occurred in the first half of November 2002.
This water level rise corresponds to a period where the injection rate (in the form of
steam) exceeded the liquid extraction rate. At extraction well E-2, in particular, the water
level rose to 12.9 ft MLLW, which is 0.7 ft above the top of the screen. This rise in water
level coincided with a slug of liquid that hit the vacuum pumps on November 10, 2002.
Although a vacuum of 0.25 atm is insufficient to draw water to the level of the
aboveground conveyance lines, water may have been entrained along with air being
removed by the vapor extraction system (in a slurping effect).
During 2003, water levels were lowered again, but to different levels than in
2002. Less draw-down was observed.
Three extraction wells, E-3, E-4, and E-5, stand out by having much more draw-
down than the other wells and the monitoring locations. These three wells are the only
extraction wells completely surrounded by injection wells, and the only extraction wells
not placed adjacent to the sheet-pile wall. Drawdown is a function of well efficiency,
formation permeability, and injection and extraction rates in each array. Because the
pressure transducers are located in the filter pack, a change in well efficiency is not
believed to be the cause of unusual drawdown. Formation relative permeability with
respect to water may have been affected by development of an oil-phase condensation
bank, thereby impeding flow of groundwater to the extraction wells. Exceeding the
supply of water, by over-extraction, could also have resulted in excessive drawdown.
Although there were clearly times when extraction exceeded injection, it is not certain
whether that was the only factor responsible for drawdown observed in extraction wells
E-3, E-4, and E-5. E-3, in particular, displayed significant drawdown even at very low
extraction rates. [Extraction well E-7 also showed considerable drawdown, but this was
primarily due to lower permeability along the western side of the pilot test area.]
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
6.1.5 Water Mass Balance
Water fluxes in and out of the pilot test area are shown in Figure 6.1-11. Prior to
the injection of steam, a net extraction rate of between 0 and 5 gpm was maintained.
Then, during the first two weeks of steam injection (between October 29, 2002 and
November 10, 2002), more water was injected as steam than was extracted as water.
Toward the end of this two-week period, water levels were observed to increase
dramatically at nearly all monitoring locations (Figure 6.1-9 and 6.1-10).
Apart from a single day on December 12, 2002, the water balance was maintained
during the rest of the pilot test such that net injection did not occur. Figure 6.1-11 shows
that a typical net extraction rate of between five and 15 gpm was maintained.
The cumulative volume of water injected and extracted is shown in Figure 6.1-12.
Note that the rate and volume of condensate produced (represented by the yellow lines in
Figures 6.1-11 and 6.1-12) were estimated due to the lack of data. Equipment to measure
the flow of condensate was not installed and therefore condensate flow data are not
The net liquid extraction (black line) shows a steady increase during operations,
except during the period from late October to mid November discussed above. A net total
of 2.6 million gallons of water was extracted from the pilot test area (3.6 million gallons
total extracted, 1.0 million gallons injected as steam).
The estimated amount of water that entered the pilot test volume from the outside
was calculated based on the net water extraction and the observed water level changes in
the pilot test area (based on average water levels as presented in Figures 6.1-9 and 6.1-
During the aggressive heating period from October 22, 2002, to November 28,
2002, the water balance indicates that water was leaving the pilot test area. However, the
balance reversed in late November, and during the rest of the pilot test water was entering
at substantial rates from outside the pilot test area.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
6.1.6 Energy Balance
Enthalpy fluxes for injection, extracted fluids (steam and heated vapor and water),
estimated heat losses through the surface, bottom, and sheet-piles, and net enthalpy
exchange for the site are shown in Figure 6.1-13.
It is noteworthy that the estimated heat loss through thermal conduction through
the surface, bottom, and sides of the pilot test area are in the 0.6 to 0.9 million BTU/hr
range after the site heated substantially. This is a relatively high enthalpy flux, equal to
an enthalpy flux of between 600 and 900 lbs/hr of steam. After cessation of steam
injection in mid-April, the enthalpy flux became negative, and the pilot test area cooled
accordingly with a net energy loss of about 0.5 to 0.6 million BTU/hr.
Cumulative energy amounts for the same streams are shown in Figure 6.1-14.
This figure also contains an estimated stored energy amount calculated based on the
average temperature measured in the many temperature sensors and an estimate for the
pilot test volume and heat capacity. A total of 9,400 million BTU of steam energy was
injected, with about half of this (4,800 million BTU) injected in 2002. By early-mid
November, increased temperatures were observed in subsurface temperature sensors (as
well as in extracted liquids), and energy removal started becoming significant.
During the period without steam injection from December 15, 2002 to January 13,
2003, a total of 800 million BTU was removed from the pilot test volume. This was
reflected in a similar decrease in the average subsurface temperatures (represented by the
blue line in Figure 6.1-14).
The heat losses through the vapor cap, through the bottom of the site, and through
the sheet-pile wall were estimated based on the observed temperatures near those
boundaries. Figure 6.1-15 shows the estimated cumulative energy losses, broken down in
the three categories. The energy loss through the surface cap is significant, since
relatively high temperature gradients (in the range of 20 C per meter) were observed in
the soils right under the cap. The energy loss through the bottom was lower, as indicated
by a lower temperature gradient between the two deepest temperature sensors (generally
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 58 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
below 8 C per meter). For the sheet-pile wall, the average temperatures of sensors
adjacent to the wall, but inside, was used. The estimate is uncertain, since a temperature
drop-off distance of five ft (1.5 m) was assumed. The data available from instrument
strings outside the sheet-pile wall are not of proper resolution to measure the expected
temperature increases, as the closest instrument strings were roughly 10 ft from the wall.
Overall, an estimated 3,400 million BTU was lost to the surrounding areas by
thermal conduction. This is approximately 36 % of the injected steam energy. In a
following section, a comparison of the heating calculated based on the energy balance to
that observed by the temperature monitoring sensors will be made.
The temperature of the extracted liquids from each of the seven extraction wells is
shown on Figure 6.2-1. Increased extracted liquid temperatures were apparent around
11/10/02, less than one week after the onset of continuous steam injection. The heating
occurred fastest in extraction wells E-1, E-2, and E-6, until the water recovery rate from
extraction well E-1 diminished a week later.
Generally, the wells that had consistent water flow through December of 2002
heated to temperatures between 90 and 160 oF (E-2 and E-3). The average weighted
temperature of the extracted water rose from the background temperature (57 oF) to 130
F, before steam injection was halted on December 15, 2002.
When extraction and injection was resumed in early January of 2003, the
temperatures quickly rose again, and generally kept rising until the end of steam injection
on April 12, 2003. The average temperature of the extracted water had then increased to
160 oF.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
upwelling from the lower aquifer in this area. See Section for additional
discussions about temperature fluctuations at extraction well E-6.
Subsurface temperature data were collected using thermocouples and the DTS
system. Generally, data were processed once per day. The data were presented as
temperature profiles at individual instrument strings and as vertical sections and pseudo-
horizontal slices through the pilot test area. The slices and sections were obtained from
3-D interpolation of temperature data using the kriging method in the GMS software.
The lower four slices roughly paralleled the northeasterly dip of the aquitard and were
evenly spread (vertically) throughout the aquifer. From bottom to top (from aquitard
through the aquifer), the slices were labeled A through D. A fifth, horizontal slice (Slice
E) was created for the collector layer. Nine vertical sections were taken at various
orientations through the pilot test area (Figure 6.2-2).
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
During Phase II, the average pilot test area temperature reached a peak of approximately
71 oC on December 15th, although the base of the aquifer averaged only 52 oC. These
average temperatures are not strictly comparable to those shown on Figure 6.3-1, because
the figure uses all subsurface temperature data (including data from instrument strings
outside the sheet-pile wall and from upgradient), whereas this section limits the
discussion to areas within the sheet-pile wall where steam injection was occurring.
Phase III was marked by slow cooling, as well as by some redistribution of heat
throughout lower parts of the aquifer (Figure 6.2-4). During this period average site
temperature decreased to 56 oC.
Upon resumption of low-level steam injection operations in Phase IV, hot spots
developed within a week or two (Figure 6.2-4). As was observed during Phase II, the hot
spots were concentrated around injection wells, and most of the heat was being
transferred to the upper part of the aquifer and the vadose zone (Slices C and D).
Although sporadic operations continued into April (Phase V), very little steam
was injected. Some cooling can be seen in all five slices for the period of March 24 to
April 7, 2003.
Contoured temperature data for the collector layer during the week of December
8, 2002 point to uneven temperature distribution that is possibly related to uneven
distribution of vacuum across the pilot test area. On the west side of the pilot test area, a
cold temperature trough corresponds with the position and alignment of one of the
subsurface horizontal vapor collectors (Figure 6.2-7). In contrast, hot spots along the
eastern and northern side of the site appear to be associated with other horizontal
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 61 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
collectors. Permeability variations across the site may have influenced migration of
vapor into the collector layer. In particular, subsurface soils are recognized as being
more permeable in the east and north than in the west. However, it is unlikely that
permeability is the sole factor responsible for temperature patterns observed, because the
subsurface beneath the cold trough is not different from other areas on the western side of
the site in terms of permeability. There are at least two possible explanations for the
observed patterns.
Scenario One
Vacuum was drawing preferentially from the western side in the collector where
the cold trough is located. Preferential application of vacuum may have been
caused by fouling of horizontal collectors (PAH precipitation) or incorrect
collector valve settings;
Cool air was drawn into the collector on the west, either through holes in the
impermeable membrane or along the join between the membrane and the sheet-
pile wall;
The collectors in the north and east were under little or no vacuum;
The hot spots in the east and north are due to steam override promoted by low
injection rates; and
Association of the hot spots with collectors in the north and east is coincidental.
Scenario Two
Vacuum was drawing preferentially from the eastern and northern side;
Vacuum enhanced vertical movement into and then across the relatively high
permeability materials in the collector layer; and
Little or no vacuum in the west resulted in a stagnant, cool zone in the collector
When steam injection stopped on December 10, 2002, the effect on temperatures
in the collector layer was pronounced (Figure 6.2-7). The hot spots in the north and east
cooled dramatically, with ten sensors in the collector layer along the eastern side of the
pilot test area registering decreases of 25-73 oC (average 51 oC). Although steam
injection resumed on December 11, 2002, effects were not readily apparent in the
collector layer the following day (when the maximum temperature differential was
registered). The most likely explanation for the drop in temperature is that precipitation
ponded along the eastern side of the pilot test area and then drained into the collector
layer, either through holes in the impermeable membrane or along the join between the
membrane and the sheet-pile wall.
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After the final cessation of steam injection on December 15, 2002, marking the
end of Phase II of operations, collector layer temperatures in the east and north again
declined sharply (Figure 6.2-4). Figure 6.2-8 shows the response of one collector layer
thermocouple (T-52) along with precipitation recorded at SeaTac airport. The preceding
six days had experienced measurable precipitation, and heavy rains occurred on
December 14, 2002. With multiple variables potentially influencing collector layer
temperatures (namely, steam injection, vacuum in the vapor collector, and precipitation),
it is difficult to establish cause-and-effect for December observations. However, support
for the second scenario is seen in temperature and precipitation data from March 2003.
The month of March was selected because significant rainfall events occurred, steam
injection rates were fairly constant, and the vapor system was not running. On March 12,
2003, the top sensor in instrument string T-52 experienced a 26 oC drop (Figure 6.2-8).
The temperature drop coincided with significant rainfall on the sixth consecutive day of
rain. Similarly, on March 21 the same sensor registered a further 15 oC drop, also
corresponding to a period of significant rainfall. Given consistency of operations during
these two periods, it appears that temperature variations in some areas of the cap were
affected by infiltration of water. The degree of temperature drop seems most consistent
with contact with cool water and not with conduction of cooler temperatures through the
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 63 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units Heat Transfer through the Sheet-Pile Wall
Conductive transfer of heat through the sheet-pile wall becomes noticeable by the
end of the first week of December, and maximum temperatures of slightly greater than 25
C (average 21 oC) are achieved by the end of March or early April at T-74, -76, and -81.
These instrument strings are located approximately 10 ft outside the sheet-pile wall.
Prior to commencement of operations, the average temperature at T-74, -76, and -81 was
14 oC.
Heterogeneities in subsurface soil types are a feature of the Wyckoff site. The
pilot test area was selected in part to establish the ability of thermal remediation to clean
up all soil types affected by creosote contamination. There are some indications that
heterogeneity influenced heat propagation. At instrument string T-27, hot water and
steam were able to move above and below a silt and silty sand layer from 8-12.5 ft
MLLW (Figure 6.2-12). A temperature differential of 40 oC between the low
permeability layer and the zones immediately above and below persisted through May
2003 (Figure 6.2-13).
A clay layer from approximately 1-5 ft MLLW at instrument string T-56 clearly
influenced temperature distribution (Figure 6.2-10). Unlike T-27, though, temperature
was evenly distributed through that layer by February 2003, and the entire interval
achieved a temperature of 100 oC in March 2003 (Figure 6.2-11). Evidence from T-56
suggests that it is possible to thoroughly heat even low permeability zones.
Instrument string T-29 appears to show similar geologic control (at 2.5 ft
MLLW) on temperature distribution to that of T-27 (Figures 6.2-12 and -13). However,
the boring log indicates that the entire interval in question consists of poorly sorted sand
with gravel. Evidence for a low permeability layer does not exist, although less-than-
complete recovery during drilling may have obscured real soil heterogeneities.
The different responses over time at T-27 and -56 may reflect overall permeability
differences in the western and central parts of the site. Conductive heat transfer may
have been more important in the lower permeability western area, which allowed slower,
more even heating with time. In contrast, higher permeability areas in other parts of the
pilot test area experienced fairly rapid temperature changes, with lower permeability
interbeds lagging significantly behind.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 64 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units Effectiveness of Low-Rate Steam Injection
During the period from January to March 2003, which was characterized by low-
level steam injection, there was only minor improvement in the ability to bring hot
temperatures down to the aquitard surface. As a consequence of the low injection and
extraction rates, most of the injected steam condensed rapidly, and the majority of the
affected zones were swept by hot water (not steam). The low injection and extraction
rates employed were not effective at improving temperature distribution through the
aquifer. This point is illustrated by a comparison of temperature profiles in Sections C
and F for December 10 and March 17 (Figure 6.2-5). These two dates represent the times
closest to maximum heating during Phase II (continuous steam injection) and Phase IV
(low-level steam injection). While there is noticeably better distribution of temperature
at the base of the aquifer on March 17 than December 10 (Figure 6.2-4), some of that
evening out of temperatures is the result of conductive heat transfer throughout the
aquifer during Phase III. It is clear that low-level steam injection exacerbated the
problem of steam over-ride, as exhibited in Slice D. By contrast, injection at design rates
would more likely have created greater pressure differentials, thereby resulting in better
penetration of steam into pore spaces and, presumably, better sweep across the aquitard.
6.3.1 Average Temperatures Used for Energy Balance and Heat Loss
Based on subsurface sensors, the average temperatures were calculated for the
following selections:
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The deepest sensors located near or in the top of the aquitard (monitoring
locations, extraction wells, and injection wells).
The sensors located next to the sheet-pile wall (17 instrument strings total:
injection wells I-1, I-2, I-3, I-6, I-16, extraction wells E-1, E-2, E-6, and E-7, and
temperature monitoring locations T1, T4, T7, T10, T49, T52, T53, and T56).
The average temperatures were calculated for each day of operation (Figure 6.3-
1). The measured temperature averages were consistently less than 75 oC, which shows
that the operational target of boiling temperatures (100 oC at the water table and higher
below) was never reached. The data also clearly shows that the bottom sensors stayed
cooler than average, with the average temperature peaking around 52 oC in March of
The temperatures next to the sheet-pile wall were generally above the average
temperatures, indicating that heating along the sheet-pile was not hindered compared to
the overall average heating. However, this data is partially skewed towards higher
temperatures, since five out of the 17 temperature monitoring locations along the wall
were injection wells. This is a larger fraction of injection wells than the average (16
injection wells, 97 total inside monitoring locations). Since each injection well has only
three sensors, this effect is minor, and it can be concluded that the sheet-pile wall did not
hinder steam flow or heating next to, and inside the wall.
Based on the energy balance, average obtained temperatures for the pilot test
volume were calculated and compared to the measured temperatures (Figure 6.3-2).
It is interesting to note that the injection and extraction rates varied systematically
across the site, with much higher flow rates in the eastern half of the site. The cumulative
amounts of water extracted for each well is shown in Figure 6.3-3. Figure 6.3-4 shows the
average steam injection rate from October 30, 2002, to December 14, 2002, the period
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 66 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
where steam was injected at rates as high as practical. Both figures are consistent with
soil borings indicating that the formation was tighter in the western section of the pilot
test area.
Extraction well PAH data are summarized in Figures 6.4-1 and 6.4-2. The work
plan called for up to twice daily sampling of the extraction wells. Samples were collected
daily during steam injection from all extraction wells that were operational. Naphthalene
is by far the most abundant PAH in the effluent samples.
Although soil sampling in the immediate vicinity of extraction well E-5 had
shown that the area around this well contained small amounts of contamination,
significant amounts of NAPL were present within the E-5 array to the east and northeast.
Initial effluent samples from this well showed little or no PAHs for the first month of
operations. After that time, contaminant extraction rates from that well were significant,
and they remained similar to the other extraction wells for the rest of the pilot study.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Presumably, contaminants along the eastern part of the array were mobilized and driven
inward (away from the injection wells) and extracted at E-5.
At about the time that the steam zones appear to extend from the injection wells to
the extraction wells over some depth intervals in the northern portion of the site, which
occurred around December 10, the concentrations in the effluent samples increased. For
E-2, the increase in concentration was approximately an order of magnitude, while for
wells E-3, E-4, and E-6, the increase in concentrations was closer to two orders of
magnitude. E-3 appears to have consistently the highest PAH concentrations in the
effluent, however, the extraction rate from this well was always low. E-5 exhibited an
even greater relative increase in concentrations because its initial concentration was so
low. These increases in concentration are expected, as the solubility of PAHs generally
increases exponentially with temperature (Bamford et. al, 1998).
PCP concentrations in the effluent are shown in Figures 6.4-3 and 6.4-4. These
figures show that most of the PCP extracted came from well E-2, where concentrations
went as high as 1,900 g/L. E-2 is at the northern-most portion of the pilot test area,
where there were not much soils data available from the baseline sampling. Extraction
well E-6 on the eastern portion of the pilot test area also showed significant PCP
concentrations during the period of low-level steam injection (Phase IV).
The TOC content of the liquid effluent stream from the pilot test area was
measured automatically with a frequency of every 20 minutes for most of the period of
operations. Frequency changed to every hour in March 2003. Figure 6.4-5 displays the
average daily TOC reading and cumulative TOC removed for the period from November
7, 2002 to April 10, 2003. The TOC analyzer was not operational until November 9,
2002, so data are not available for the period of limited injection and extraction during
Phase I and the beginning of Phase II.
With the start of 24-hour injection and extraction on November 7 (Phase II), the
TOC concentration of the effluent started gradually increasing. Within 3 to 4 weeks,
TOC had doubled to approximately 500 mg/L. By December 15, the average daily TOC
concentration was approximately 1,900 mg/L. Spikes of greater than 1,000 mg/L became
common on November 10, followed by spikes of greater than 3,000 mg/L on December
3. The highest spike recorded was 10,000 mg/L (out of range) on December 14. During
Phase II, the cumulative amount of carbon removed was estimated as 2,600 kg, which
equates to an average of 67 kg/d. Assuming a simple 1:1 relationship between mass of
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carbon and mass of creosote, with no corrections for density or other elements that
contribute to contaminant mass, the creosote equivalents of 2,600 kg and 67 kg/d are 680
gal and 18 gpd, respectively. Given the simplifying assumptions, these figures probably
underestimate the amount of creosote removed in the dissolved phase.
Phase III saw very little extraction, during which TOC was estimated based on
values for December 16 and January 20. Total extracted during Phase III was estimated
as 170 kg (44 gal creosote).
Phase IV was characterized by less fluctuation in TOC than was observed during
Phase II. Average daily TOC values ranged between approximately 500 and 1,400 mg/L,
with spikes over 2,000 mg/L occurring relatively infrequently (roughly 1% of all TOC
readings during this phase). Greater consistency in TOC concentrations is presumably a
reflection of fairly constant subsurface temperatures. The total carbon removed during
this phase was estimated as 6,300 kg (1,700 gal creosote equivalent) or approximately 91
kg/d (24 gpd creosote). Although contaminants were apparently being removed at higher
average rates than during Phase II, it is worth noting that peak removal during Phase II
was equivalent to roughly 250 kg/d (66 gpd creosote).
During Phase V, when steam injection was sporadic and limited, TOC
concentrations averaged approximately 570 mg/L (45 kg/d or 12 gpd creosote). Spikes
over 1,000 mg/L were rare, and none were recorded over 2,000 mg/L. Total removed
during this phase was estimated as 850 kg (220 gal creosote).
For the period from November 7, 2002 to April 10, 2003, approximately 9,300 kg
of carbon were removed from the pilot test area in the dissolved phase. This mass
removed is roughly equivalent to 2,600 gal of creosote.
Non-condensable gas monitoring was planned as part of the pilot study. Vapor
sampling equipment was not installed between the heat exchanger and the vapor
treatment system as planned for in the design; therefore, chemical data for the vapor
phase are not available for analysis.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
collected from both aquifers in November 2002. Additional samples were collected from
the lower aquifer in December 2002 and January 2003. Locations of the monitoring
wells are shown in Figure 3.5-1.
During November 2002, groundwater samples were obtained from the upper
aquifer wells MW-17, MW-18, and MW-19, and two extraction wells within the pilot test
area, E-04, and E-06. PAH were detected in all of these wells. Concentrations of PAH
were greatest in MW-17 and MW-18 located outside the pilot test area. Concentrations
of several compounds, including naphthalene, exceeded groundwater cleanup levels.
Concentrations of PAH in MW-19, which is located southwest (upgradient) of the pilot
test area, were significantly less; however, the concentrations of carcinogenic PAH
exceeded groundwater cleanup levels.
During December 2002 and January 2003, groundwater samples were obtained
from the lower aquifer monitoring wells 99CD-MW02, 99CD-MW04, CW-05, CW-09,
and CW-15 (Figure 3.5-1). The December 2002 sampling round showed very few
detections of PAHs in any of these monitoring wells. Only well CW-15 had contaminant
concentrations that were greater than the cleanup levels. In the January sampling round,
the concentrations in all the wells except for CW-09 returned to approximately the level
they had been in the November 2002 sampling round, and some constituents went to
higher concentrations. CW-09, 99CD-MW02, and 99CD-MW-04 still were less than
cleanup levels for all constituents, however, CW-15 and CW-5 had concentrations that
were greater than cleanup levels.
In January 2003, monitoring well 02CD-MW01 was also sampled. This well was
installed for the purposes of monitoring the lower aquifer just outside the pilot test area to
the northeast, in an area where there was concern about the integrity of the aquitard
(Appendix J). This was the only time that this well was sampled. It contained small
amounts of various PAHs, including chrysene and benzo(b)fluoranthene that were greater
than the cleanup levels.
Data from these monitoring wells during the first three months of the pilot would
suggest that groundwater quality in the lower aquifer was not adversely affected by the
pilot operation.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
6.4.5 Chemical Data Quality
Field measurements were not subject to a formal data quality review. However,
dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide results from the daily sampling of the extraction
wells were rejected due to the following issues:
The sampling ports used to collect samples from the extraction wells did
not allow for low flow sampling methods to be used, resulting in non-
representative samples.
The light to dark brown color of the extracted liquid interfered with the
color interpretation of the CHEMetrics colorimetric field test kit.
Non-condensable gases were treated by running them through the burners of the
gas-fired boiler. For regulatory compliance, boiler emissions monitoring was planned.
The pilot monitoring plan contained provisions for emissions stack testing when boiler
operations had stabilized and the sour gas to be burned in the boiler had reached the
standard operating conditions, but the contract and equipment were not in place prior to
start of operations. In addition, the steady-state operational conditions that were to be
reached prior to stack sampling never occurred. Therefore, chemical data for stack
emissions are not available for analysis. Boiler emissions testing to determine maximum
potential emissions was predicated on operation of the boiler full time at capacity.
Because the boiler never achieved full time operations at capacity, testing would not have
been relevant to address regulatory compliance.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The flow of combined extracted liquid from the former process area and the pilot
area stayed fairly constant during the pilot study at around 40 to 50 gpm (approximately
30 to 35 gpm from the FPA and 10 to 15 gpm from the pilot test area). Prior to the start
of the pilot study (January through September 2002), the average total PAH and PCP
concentrations in water from the FPA that went into the treatment plant were 15,500 and
860 g/L, respectively. Total PAH and PCP concentrations in treatment plant influent
from January through December 2002 are shown in Figure 6.6-1. Concentrations of
contaminants going into the treatment plant increased dramatically beginning in
November 2002 and stayed relatively high through April 2003 when the pilot study
operations ceased. Concentrations of total PAH, naphthalene, and PCP in treatment plant
influent (sampling location SP-0) are shown in Figures 6.6-2 through 6.6-4. Influent
concentrations peaked during the weeks between December 2 and December 15, 2002,
overloading the capacity of the treatment system and contributing to the decision to stop
aggressive steam injection operations.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 72 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
effectiveness of the DAFT in removing total PAH, naphthalene, and PCP are shown in
Figures 6.6-2 through 6.6-4.
Samples of the DAFT influent and effluent were collected once a week during
pilot operations and results are at times inconsistent and highly variable. Total PAH and
PCP concentrations in DAFT effluent are at times greater than concentrations of the
DAFT influent. Concentrations also fluctuate from week to week. This may be due to
the heterogeneous nature of the samples (SP-0 is collected from a pipeline and SP-4 is
collected from the well-mixed tank effluent line), allowing either NAPL sheen or
droplets, or naphthalene crystals, to impact the samples.
The amount of NAPL collected from the site from December 1998 through June
of 2003 is shown in Figure 6.6-5. The bulk of the NAPL removed from the site has been
from accumulations in sumps in extraction wells in the former process area. Much less
has traditionally been separated from the liquid waste stream running through the
treatment plant and separated by the DAFT (formerly by the depurator). This trend
continued during the pilot study. A detailed analysis of the mass of contaminants
removed during the pilot study is included in Section 6.7.
The aeration basin is the primary treatment method for the liquid waste stream. In
the aeration basin, site-specific microorganisms biodegrade site contaminants.
Concentrations of total PAH, naphthalene, and PCP going into and out of the aeration
basin are shown in Figures 6.6-6 through 6.6-9. Concentrations are typically reduced by
up to 99 percent within the aeration basin. During the weeks from December 2 through
December 15, 2002, the concentrations of contaminants coming into the aeration basin
peaked and overloaded the capacity of the biological system. The dissolved oxygen and
total PAH concentrations in the aeration basin are shown in Figure 6.6-10.
During the week of December 2, the aeration basin showed effects of higher
concentrations of PAHs and the clarifier visibility decreased. On December 8, a polymer
ball formed in the static mixing chamber between the aeration basin and the clarifier.
The ball plugged the mixing chamber and caused the aeration basin to overflow with
liquid. The liquid flowed into the aerobic digester, causing solids to mix into the liquid.
The liquid then flowed back into the aeration basin, loading the basin with digester solids.
Basin monitoring revealed very high concentrations of PAHs and low dissolved oxygen
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
After the mixer plugging problem occurred, examination of the aeration basin
microorganism life revealed very little activity. The aeration basin was taken off line
(from December 8 to December 11), put in a closed loop operational mode, and
inoculated with backwash tank solids to rehabilitate it. Solids from the mixing chamber
plug problem also migrated to the multimedia filters and carbon vessels. The filters and
vessels were backwashed several times to remove the solids. Effluent was not allowed to
discharge to Puget Sound until all systems had been backwashed and were operational.
The ability of the aeration basin to handle peak contaminant loading was
considered suspect throughout the design process. From a conceptual standpoint, failure
of the aeration basin was to be dealt with by diverting flow through the carbon vessels.
In terms of implementation, though, funding was limited for additional carbon vessels,
and the existing setup made changing carbon laborious. Prior to early December, the
aeration basin handled increased contaminant loading exceedingly well. Following the
installation of additional air diffusers, dissolved oxygen levels within the basin became
much more stable and the system treatment capacity was increased. Ultimately, though,
this limit of treatment capacity by the aeration basin was one of the major determining
factors in ending the pilot study.
From the aeration basin, water flows through a clarifier and is pumped in parallel
through two multimedia filters simultaneously with split flows before being transferred to
two 8,000 lb granulated activated carbon filters, arranged in series. (A third carbon filter
tank was put on line in May 2003.) The effectiveness of the carbon system in removing
total PAH and PCP is shown in Figures 6.6-11 through 6.6-13. The carbon system is
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 74 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
highly effective at reducing contaminant concentrations to less than the surface water
discharge limits for the site.
Treatment plant effluent must meet specific limits set in the ROD prior to
discharge to Puget Sound. Effluent is monitored for PAH, PCP, pH, temperature,
dissolved oxygen, and solids (total and dissolved). Discharge limits for total PAH and
PCP were not exceeded during the pilot study (Figure 6.6-14). Discharge limits for pH
and temperature were also not exceeded during the pilot study (Figures 6.6-15 and 6.6-
16). Dissolved oxygen concentrations did not meet the discharge limit set in the ROD
(>6 mg/L) (Figure 6.6-16). Total and dissolved solids were also measured in treatment
plant effluent, however these results, measured in mg/L, could not be compared to
discharge limits set in the ROD for turbidity, measured in NTU.
The mass of contaminants removed from the subsurface could be measured as the
following four quantities:
1. NAPL recovery. The rate of NAPL removal from the pilot area was not measured,
since the effluents were combined with the liquids from the other site extraction
wells located in the Former Process Area. The data on overall NAPL removal
over the project period was used to determine if more than usual was recovered in
the period of the pilot study. These data are shown on Figure 6.6-5. This simple
analysis indicates that compared to the trend before steam injection was begun, an
approximate volume of 340 gal of NAPL was recovered over the six-month
operational period due to the thermal enhancements.
It should be noted that NAPL removal was tracked through measurement of the
level of liquid collected in tank 108. This methodology was inaccurate, because
tank 108 collected NAPL from the combined waste streams from the FPA and the
pilot test area; therefore, an estimate of the amount removed due to thermal
treatment of the pilot test area alone could not be made.
2. Removal of dissolved phase contaminants. The TOC data, when combined with
the liquid extraction rate data, provides a trend and allows for an estimate of the
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
mass removed in this phase. This estimate yields a total volume equivalent of
2,600 gal (~9,300 kg) of organics.
In conclusion, the volumes and masses recovered from the pilot test area over the
6 months of operations can be estimated as follows:
From other thermal remediation sites, such as the Visalia Pole Yard, it is indicated that
the removal in the NAPL and vapor state are substantial contributors to the mass
removal. Thus, it is likely that the true mass removal is substantially higher than the
quantity listed above.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
This section includes the costs for USACE design, installation of sheet pile walls,
installation of subsurface wells and vapor cap, installation of thermal remediation and
subsurface monitoring equipment, actual operation and maintenance expenses for
operation of the thermal processes, USACE construction oversight, and USACE
oversight of the operations and maintenance. The following table represents actual
expenditures through April 15, 2003.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Contractor Description of Work Costs
Pre-award of Contracts Design and $1,500,000
Construction Management and Oversight $870,000
Additional costs for the disposal of product, filter cake, and carbon that would
have been required during the pilot study were negotiated in the operation and
maintenance contract with SCS Engineers, which included the following line items for
waste disposal:
Due to the low volume of product removed during the pilot study operation and
maintenance period, there were no expenditures for waste disposal from January 1, 2002
through April 15, 2003.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The two goals of the pilot study were to assess the likelihood that a full-scale
thermal remediation would achieve the cleanup goals for the site and to provide
information for implementation of the potential full-scale thermal remediation. The pilot
study proceeded for approximately six months, from October 2002 to April 2003.
Operations were restricted by equipment problems, and the pilot study was terminated.
Limited progress was made towards achieving the specific objectives of the pilot study
relating to performance assessment, community and environmental impacts, and process.
A significant amount of data was collected during the five months of operations, and
important observations regarding system performance, impacts on the surrounding
environment, and in process design and operations were made that may be useful in
designing and implementing a new pilot study or full-scale remediation, if needed for the
Wyckoff site, or may be useful to others for implementing thermal treatment systems at
other sites.
The pilot study was performed partly to determine the effectiveness of steam-
enhanced extraction to remove mobile NAPL and reduce contaminant concentrations in
groundwater and soil to acceptable risk levels. Data gathered during the pilot study show
that the mass removal rate increased dramatically when the site started heating.
Dissolved PAH and TOC concentrations in extracted liquids increased, and the vapor
extraction system experienced problems due to fouling and precipitation related to
extremely high contaminant concentrations in the vapor phase. However, the mass
removal that occurred during the pilot study was minor compared with what could have
been achieved with a fully functional SEE and treatment system.
The mass of contaminants removed from the subsurface was estimated as follows:
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
when the vapor system was in operation, and accurate vapor flow and
concentration measurements were not made.
The total estimate for the amount recovered is 2,940 gal in the NAPL and
dissolved phase plus an unknown amount in the vapor phase or degraded in-situ. Prior to
the pilot, the average amount of NAPL extracted per month was approximately 320
gallons with an average of approximately 24 gallons per month in the dissolved phase.
Though the amount of NAPL removed did not show a marked increase during the pilot
study, the amount of contaminants removed in the dissolved phase increased
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Aeration basin adaptability: The activated sludge treatment system failed
to handle the contaminant load, either due to toxicity or lack of oxygen.
Liquid in vapor lines: Condensation points and drip legs were inadequate
to handle the amount of liquid in the vapor lines, which led to slugs of
liquid reaching the liquid ring vacuum pumps. The liquid most likely
came from rain penetrating the membrane into the vapor collectors and
was transported along the vapor extraction pipeline to the liquid ring
vacuum pumps.
Upper and lower aquifer groundwater samples were collected and data were
reviewed. No significant changes to groundwater concentrations outside of the pilot test
area were observed that would indicate steam injection in the pilot study area was
adversely impacting site groundwater or mobilizing contaminants beyond site boundaries.
During the short period of time that vapors were passed through the combustion
chamber of the steam generator, stack sampling was not performed to determine if this
destruction method is appropriate for full-scale treatment. A proper evaluation would
have involved detailed stack profiling and analysis for destruction efficiency, and
presence of dioxins and furans in the stack effluent. Such testing was planned for
operation at the maximum rates. Such conditions were never reached, and the sampling
was therefore omitted.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Data collected during the pilot study were to be used to evaluate operational
approaches to removing NAPL, treatment plant performance, and the effectiveness of
microbial degradation, and to determine oxidation rates. Each of these is discussed
8.3.1 Operations
The pilot study was not operated as designed and the subsurface was not heated
enough to demonstrate the overall potential of the technology. The shortcomings
The designed injection and extraction rates were not achieved, due to limitations
of the process equipment. In particular, failures of the vacuum pumps and heat
exchanger prevented vapor extraction during the 2003 operations period. This
means that in the last four months of operations the dual-phase extraction system
was inactive, and only liquids were extracted.
Steam distribution was not satisfactory due to the lower than anticipated injection
pressures and rates, the short steam injection time, and the failure of the overall
process to be implemented as designed. This lead to uneven heat distribution in
the subsurface.
Approximately 1 pore volume of steam was injected into the site, an amount
insufficient to heat it to the target temperature. Two to three pore volumes of
steam were planned, as has been used at other wood-treater sites.
The operations period was shorter than would be expected for full-site treatment,
allowing less time for degradation reactions to assist in the reduction of
contaminant concentrations.
Several operational modes were defined for the period after site heating was
achieved (pressure cycling and mass removal optimization phases). Since
satisfactory heating was not achieved, these operational modes were never
A good steam push across the aquitard surface was never achieved.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Due to these shortcomings, the optimal operations strategy for full-scale NAPL removal
and treatment could not be determined.
One of the objectives of the pilot study was to determine if the existing steam
injection design was adequate. Since the steam injection wells in the upper aquifer were
not operated as designed, it cannot be concluded whether satisfactory heating can be
achieved using the injection wells with single deep screens as designed for the pilot
study. However, several observations support a conclusion that an improved heating
strategy for the bottom of the aquifer (and the top of the aquitard) would be beneficial:
Observations of significant steam override at several locations within the pilot test
area, particularly in the northern, deep end.
Furthermore, if in the future there is increased focus on the potential for DNAPL
penetration into and through the aquitard, then there may be additional focus on the
aquitard, and potentially the aquitard could be included in the remediation volume. This
would mean that a robust heating strategy should be added to the design.
The pilot design was not properly or fully implemented, and thus conclusions
cannot be made about the adequacy of the heating system. It is likely that a supplemental
heating approach for the base of the upper aquifer would be a benefit. The three
competing techniques are:
2. Use In-Situ Thermal Desorption (ISTD) to heat the upper 5-8 ft of the aquitard
and the base of the upper aquifer. This would include direct heating elements
installed in a triangular pattern with typical separations of between 12 and 25 ft.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
3. Use steam injection below the aquitard to encourage upwards steam flow through
the aquitard, and to block upward water flow. This approach was used
successfully at Visalia Pole Yard, but a significant amount of characterization and
risk assessment would be required before trying this approach at the Wyckoff site
Further evaluation and discussion of these three alternatives are warranted before
a full-scale design is prepared, or a modified and improved pilot study is performed.
Since the pilot study did not achieve satisfactory subsurface temperatures, the
designed steam break-through to the extraction wells, or maximum contaminant
extraction levels in the liquid and vapor systems, it would be difficult to attempt to use
the data to design a full-scale groundwater and vapor treatment system. The following
data are still needed for design of a system for full-scale treatment:
1. Estimates of the rates of NAPL recovery during and after site heating. The site
was never heated adequately, and the NAPL recovered from the pilot test area
was not separated from the NAPL recovered from the FPA wells to determine the
amount of NAPL recovered from the pilot test area.
5. True extent of the PAH precipitation problem. It is possible that PAH fouling
(i.e., precipitation and crystallization of naphthalene and other PAH) may have
been reduced by full-capacity operation per design assumptions, which would
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 84 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
have lead to higher temperatures in the overall system. It is also possible that
precipitation problems could have been worse during full capacity operations.
6. Condensate flow rates and contaminant levels achieved during maximum mass
removal periods. Methods to separately measure condensate flow and
contaminant concentration were not included in the Pilot Study design.
The pilot test area included a vapor cap with horizontal vapor collectors as well as
vapor extraction from each of the seven extraction wells. The system only functioned for
about one month of the pilot study period, and was erroneously operated with most of the
flow originating from the surface vapor-collection system. Information sufficient to
support full-scale design of an adequate vapor extraction and treatment system is
therefore not available.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
During analysis of the results of the study, technical details regarding contaminant
composition, design, construction, and operations were identified that may be useful in
implementing a new pilot study, if needed for the Wyckoff site, or may be useful to
others for implementing thermal treatment systems at other sites. Team structure,
scheduling, and budgeting were also determined to have had influences on the project.
This section includes these Lessons Learned with some suggestions on what to do
Naphthalene concentration. The pilot study area contained much higher concentrations
of naphthalene than is typical for creosote. Baseline data collected in 2001 and 2002
from the pilot test area demonstrate this fact, however, the data were not completely
analyzed prior to the start of the pilot study. Also, the physical and chemical
characteristics of naphthalene were not well understood. A thorough understanding of
the creosote composition, naphthalene characteristics, its distribution in the subsurface,
and how it interacts with other components in the NAPL is needed prior to design and
operations. A better understanding of the site conditions may have resulted in system
design changes or helped to predict and/or address problems.
This problem has been solved at other creosote sites, such as the Alhambra, CA site
where thermal treatment has been implemented. The vapors are kept above
crystallization temperatures by insulation and heating of the manifold pipes. All the
extracted naphthalene is conveyed to the thermal oxidizer for destruction in the vapor
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Several issues were identified related to the original design and design changes
made during the pilot study that adversely affected the outcome of the pilot study. The
following section includes details on how the sequencing of certain events could be
improved to be more efficient and cost effective, as well as technical details about the
pilot test area location, the sheet pile wall, the liquid and vapor extraction systems, the
GWTP, and well and instrumentation spacing.
9.2.1 Schedule
Well Field Design. The original well field design was based on assumptions
regarding aquifer hydraulic conductivity. After construction was started on the well
field using the original design, a pumping test was completed on wells within the
pilot study area, and a thermal multi-phase numerical model was run using these
results. Modeling indicated that the well spacing (between injection and extraction
wells) was at the maximum estimated to be effective for thorough heating and
transfer of steam. Closer well spacing would have been better. Though no changes
to the well spacing were deemed necessary, if changes had been necessary, it would
have been costly to change the well spacing after construction had been partially
completed since all of the 10-inch diameter wells were already installed. The pilot
study itself would have determined if the well spacing was too far apart. The contract
had optional bid items to add additional injection and extraction wells during the
Procurement. Procurement of materials and equipment (e.g., well screens) should not
be initiated until after the design has been finalized.
Liquid and Vapor Extraction System. The design of the liquid and vapor extraction
system should not be finalized until after the well field design has been completed.
An even better lesson would be to conduct vacuum tests on the wells before designing
the vacuum system. Maintaining a lag period in the schedule for the liquid and vapor
extraction system design can prevent unnecessary reworking of the extraction design
due to changes in the well field design.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 88 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
9.2.2 Pilot Test Area Location
When attempting to determine from a pilot study if stringent remedial objectives can be
achieved, the pilot test area must be isolated from the rest of the site and the
contamination within the area must be treated. This is the most effective way to evaluate
the success of the technology and ensure that the pilot test area will not have to be
revisited during full-scale treatment. Because soil contamination and NAPL remain in
the area upgradient of the pilot test area and within the sheet pile wall, recontamination of
the treated area after steam injection activities are completed is expected. This will
compromise evaluation of the ability of the system to reach project cleanup goals as well
as the evaluation of the contribution of in-situ oxidation to the reduction of site
contaminants. It was intended that this area would be re-treated during full scale
A smaller-sized pilot area may have better matched the budget and still have been
sufficient in size to establish design criteria for a larger-scale project. The pilot area
needs to be big enough to collect data and not too large to increase the cost of operations.
The pilot objectives would also need to be revised.
The Frodingham sheet pile wall used to contain the pilot test area worked well in
several respects:
The installation procedure worked well and an intact wall was installed at the
desired locations.
Steam migration was effectively arrested by the wall, as evidenced by the low
temperatures measured outside of the pilot test area.
No negative effect of the steam injection on the wall integrity was observed,
although steam was observed venting to the surface at one of the joints.
The temperatures achieved in locations next to the sheet pile wall were as high or
above pilot test volume average temperatures, indicating that the presence of the
wall did not impede heating of the material next to it. This is consistent with the
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 89 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Design Analysis thermal modeling results, and is favorable for full-scale
operations, since the treatment efficacy next to the wall (close to the receptor) is
Other observations about the sheet pile wall include the following:
Weep holes in the sheet pile were installed at the gravel surface.
Recommend also installing additional weep holes at the liner elevation.
The sealing of the barrier liner (membrane) to the sheet pile wall needs to
be improved so there is no leakage of surface water into the vapor
collection system.
This indicates that a sheet pile wall of this type will work well for containing
steam (and contaminants) during full-scale treatment, without compromising the
treatment efficiency.
Vapor stream treatment system. The vapor stream treatment system should have
adequately-sized air/liquid separators (i.e., knock-out tanks), condensate collection
vessels, and transfer pumps. Other thermal projects have used a robust knock-out vessel
equipped with a demister and level switches, designed specifically for condensate and
with excess capacity to account for surges and fluctuations. The actual equipment
installed relied on a wide vertical pipe to drop out the condensate before it reached the
liquid ring vacuum pumps. The design did not have enough of a safety factor as it might
have had with large condensate receiver tanks to handle a slug of water introduced into
the vapor line, which by design should not have occurred, but most likely did occur.
Vapor extraction system. Vapor extraction system must be capable of handling relatively
large quantities of condensate and preventing condensate from reaching the vacuum
pump. The condensate collection system should have a high-level alarm located
appropriately to provide enough time to shut down the vacuum pump if condensate
accumulates faster than it can be removed. The Visalia SEE project used water-seal
vacuum pumps, which are better able to accept water than oil-seal pumps without
compromising their function.
Vapor extraction system gauges. To better understand the vapor collection in the
subsurface, vacuum gauges should be installed on every branch of the system.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Heat exchangers. To account for crystallization and precipitation of naphthalene, two
heat exchangers should be installed in a parallel configuration in the vapor extraction
line. This would allow operation of one of the units to continue when the other unit must
be taken off-line for steam cleaning. In addition, a temperature controlled system for
removal of naphthalene along with the condensing of extracted vapors needs to be
incorporated into any re-design.
Liquid extraction line. Pneumatic pumps in the liquid extraction line need air-flow
Cooling system. The capacity of the cooling system ended up being only 10% of the
original design. This needs to be re-evaluated to make sure the system is robust enough.
Material incompatibility. The chemical incompatibility between the seals and gaskets in
the equipment and the wastewater constituents led to mechanical failure of the equipment
on a daily basis. This issue required continuous maintenance and ultimately shut down
the pilot.
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
9.2.5 Groundwater Treatment Plant
The extremely high naphthalene levels might have been a temporary condition, which
may have been because the project had only entered into the early stage of heat-up of the
pilot test area. If the pilot study had continued according to plan, it is possible that the
naphthalene-fouling problems would have dissipated when the site came up to
temperature. After the site was at temperature, the DAFT might have been capable of
providing adequate NAPL (and naphthalene) removal. Since the pilot study was
discontinued before the site came up to temperature, the duration of the naphthalene-
fouling problem and the relation to subsurface temperature remain largely unknown.
Treatment system capacity. An accurate evaluation of the true capacity of the existing
treatment system should have been done prior to the start of the pilot study. Problems
encountered here due to the lack of adequate treatment plant capacity could have been
avoided by providing a separate temporary treatment system for the liquids extracted
from the pilot test area.
Liquid conveyance system. Separate treatment and conveyance systems for the liquids
from the pilot system and the FPA would have allowed determination of the amount of
NAPL extracted from the pilot test area. However, these liquid conveyance systems were
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 92 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
combined to have some control over the temperature of the water entering the treatment
plant to minimize the risks to the microbial population.
Cooling capacity. The capacity of the effluent pipe down-gradient of treatment plant tank
303 to discharge the combined flow of treated water and non-contact cooling water was a
constraint on the steam injection rates. The capacity of the cooling system needs to be
adequate for the designed steam injection rate.
Without having operated the pilot study at the design rates, any evaluation of how
well the designed system would have worked will be inaccurate. However, the following
observations are offered based on a holistic evaluation:
During calculations of the energy balance for the pilot study volume, it was
observed that the heat loss through the sheet pile could not be calculated based on
a measured temperature gradient near the sheet-pile. If this is an objective, the
line of thermocouples outside of and perpendicular to the sheet pile wall should
be located closer to the wall and to each other.
Seven of the first set of pressure transducers were lost due to damage during
curing of the grout. Failure is believed to be the result of penetration of the
transducer membrane by silica flour used in the grout. Determination of the
failure mechanism has not been confirmed and would require excavation of the
transducers. Replacement transducers were installed just before the pilot started
in a way that prevented damage, and the density of the water level monitoring
sensors was sufficient.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 93 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The most appropriate spacing between injection and extraction wells for full-scale
remediation could not be determined because the pilot study system was not
operated at the design rates. However, several limitations to heating were noted:
o Most heating was concentrated in the vadose zone, with only modest
heating near the base of the aquifer.
o The base of the water-bearing zone stayed relatively cool, which was
partially attributed to upward flow of cold water through the aquitard. As
a consequence, a smaller average well spacing, combined with an
additional method for heating the base of the upper water-bearing zone
and the upper part of the aquitard, would add confidence to the design, and
allow for a more uniform and predictable heating than was observed
during the pilot study.
Overall, the well and instrument spacing used for the pilot study were appropriate
for the objectives. However, the full value was not realized due to the shortening of the
test and operation at injection rates that were much lower than the design rates.
Well development. Wells should be thoroughly developed with several hours of vigorous
surging until negligible sediment is removed even though they have filter packs.
Geo-membrane integrity. Holes were poked through the geo-membrane of the cap and
may not have been completely sealed. Water infiltrating the cap and the vapor collection
system may have been one reason for the inundation of the liquid ring vacuum pumps.
Equipment selection. Install only the equipment needed for the pilot test and do not
prematurely anticipate moving on to full scale. Investing in the larger boiler used up part
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 94 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
of the budget that could have been used to support some other aspects of the pilot study
that were eliminated.
Shakedown period. Allow for a proper shakedown period and do not start operations
until all equipment, including instrumentation, is installed, tested, and modified (if
necessary). Testing equipment in isolation does not necessarily provide reliable
indications of performance when all components of the system are operated together.
Some instrumentation equipment, which had been deleted during the bidding period on
the construction contract, was not purchased nor installed until after the pilot study had
Steam injection rate. Injecting steam at less than the maximum possible design rate has
several significant disadvantages. Maximum horizontal steam flow (minimum override)
requires maximum injection pressure, maximum vacuum, and maximum pumping rate. It
is possible that there will be less PAH precipitation and encrustation at maximum
capacities due to higher overall temperatures in the system. Design flows should be
reached as quickly as possible. Costs of labor and expenses are the same regardless of
level of operation, making reduced rate operations an inefficient use of money due to the
less-than-maximum effort.
Vapor extraction. With the decreased vapor extraction system size, the vacuum should
be reduced at the surface collectors, per design assumptions, so almost all of the vapor
extraction is from the wells.
Thermal Oxidizer. The thermal oxidizer was needed on the project for the period when
the boiler was not operating. Bringing the equipment to the project earlier than scheduled
in lieu of burning the non-condensable vapors in the boiler may have eliminated any
boiler stack emission issues.
Treating the aquitard. As previously noted in Section 8.3.2, a substantial upward water
flow through the aquitard occurred during extraction in the northeast corner of the pilot
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 95 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
area. This cooling will impede the treatment of the aquifer. Therefore, additional
treatment of the aquitard may be required to successfully remove the contaminants.
Monitoring plan. The monitoring plan for the system chemistry was too intense and at a
micro-scale for the majority of the operations. The approach towards system
performance monitoring needs to meet the data and timing needs of operations and
performance assessment. For example, daily extraction well samples were unnecessary;
biweekly samples likely would have been adequate, until closer to the end of the injection
phase. As another example, while the TOC data clearly showed slugs of contaminants
and were instrumental in diagnosing problems with the aeration basin, the instrument was
too sensitive for its use during this test. Additionally, the timing of some of the
monitoring efforts needs to be re-evaluated. For example, measuring natural attenuation
parameters in hot extraction well water samples is unnecessary until after the steam
injection phase has ended.
Equipment installation schedule. The pilot study was started before all monitoring
equipment was installed and before methods for sample collection and analysis were
finalized. For example, systems were never installed for measuring non-condensable gas
flow and composition or stack emissions.
Review of monitoring system. The monitoring system should be reviewed and updated
to include all parameters needed for daily performance monitoring and to evaluate the
overall system performance after the completion of the pilot study. For example, better
measurement methods need to be established for determining which contaminants are
removed, how much, and in which phase. Additionally, if the in-situ degradation
pathway is to be monitored, an analysis of what the potential breakdown products will be
needs to be done and appropriate sample collection and analysis methods determined.
Geomation Operating Software (Intellution Fix). Due to the complexity of the iFix
software, it is recommended that simpler options be considered on future projects.
Geomation has one additional possibility on the market and is developing an easier
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 96 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
interface software package that should be available for purchase. Neither of these options
was available at the time of purchase of the equipment for this project.
Power Outages. The Geomation RTUs were AC powered and plugged into an adjacent
GFI receptacle. The GFI would occasionally trip due to moisture intrusion. It would
therefore be advantageous to have battery backup at the RTUs for future similar
installations. A rechargeable battery is a standard option supplied by Geomation.
Another way to handle the power outages would be to feed the power circuit for the
RTUs from a panel inside the building with a GFI breaker to eliminate the nuisance
DTS Operating System. Communication between the controller and the PC would
occasionally lock up, requiring someone to close and restart the software and/or reboot
the controller. The graphics on the pc monitor would also occasionally not display
properly. The display problem was solved by reconfiguring the video mode selection for
pcAnywhere to compatibility mode. The communication problem was never solved even
after swapping out the laptop twice. This problem appeared to be related to the Windows
98 operating system. The DTS operating software has now been upgraded to run under
Windows 2000/XP, but has not been tested.
DTS versus Thermocouples (Geomation 3300). The USACE decided to operate two
different subsurface temperature-monitoring systems at the Wyckoff site. One was
composed of a series of thermocouples; the other was a DTS system using fiber optic
technology. This decision was based on the fact that since the Wyckoff project was a
pilot test site, it would be a good idea to test a promising new technology, DTS. The
DTS worked very well except for the communication problem discussed above.
Assuming this problem is solved with upgraded software, DTS is an excellent option for
monitoring temperatures in future projects. The thermocouples and Geomation 3300
system also worked very well. Although the installation was more complex, it functioned
almost perfectly. A few (6-10) thermocouple modules failed but were easily repaired or
replaced. The main advantage of the system is that it is also capable of reading other
types of instruments (i.e., 4-20mA, pulse counters, vibrating wire). Geomation 3300
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 97 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
systems also have the capability of communicating via radio to meet more complex site
requirements. A combination of the two systems would be an ideal solution for future
projects; DTS to monitor temperatures and Geomation 3300 to monitor everything else.
Silica Grout. The ITTAP panel recommended that silica grout be used in areas where
steam would be injected. Seven of the pressure transducers failed when installed with
silica grout. The use of standard grout or a sand filter pack around the transducer should
be investigated to see if either are acceptable alternatives.
Pump Stroke Counters. The pump stroke counters on the extraction wells manufactured
by Severn Trent did not function properly. Both the rotating dial and the digital output
failed routinely.
Automated data collection. This part of the project worked extremely well. Little lag
time was noticed for those monitoring systems where data were generated automatically
and managed by the USACE. Generally the daily process was completed in about an
hour. The most time consuming task was the creation of the sections and slices showing
temperature distributions in GMS.
Non-automated data collection. There was a lag time between data collection and posting
to the web page. Data such as steam injection rates and well pumping rates were not
transferred to the webpage fast enough for daily decision making, therefore, the data were
compiled every morning and reported verbally to the team during the daily operations
call. When data became available, it was posted, making the webpage more effective as
an accessible data archive, but less effective as a real-time source of data. The manual
nature of this data gathering was inefficient. Better data collection tools need to be
designed for this part of the project.
Web page. Having data and communications logs posted to the project web page was an
effective method for team communication.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 98 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
determined that these issues had had a strong influence on the project, beginning during
the design phase and continuing throughout the implementation of the pilot study. Issues
that were identified fell into four main categories: team continuity, the right resource for
the job, the decision making process, and the problem resolution process. This section
includes recommendations on characteristics of a team that should be considered when
implementing a pilot study.
The team should be structured in a way that allows decisions to be made at the
appropriate level. Major design changes and cost issues should be raised to appropriate
management prior to decision-making. Effort should be made to minimize bottlenecks in
decision making so day-to-day decisions can be made in a timely manner. Major
decisions affecting design, construction, and operations should involve and be approved
by the system designers. Once decisions are made, they should be accepted by the entire
team, unless changing conditions require re-analysis of the decision.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 99 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
The project schedule and budgets should be based on the anticipated level of
effort needed to complete the scope of work and meet the project objectives.
The project schedule should account for adequate time to test, and modify if
needed, all new equipment prior to starting the official pilot study.
Schedule and budget demands should not restrict the ability of the project team to
raise and resolve issues effectively.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 100 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Adenekan, A.E. Numerical Modeling of Multiphase Transport of
Multicomponent Organic Contaminants and Heat in the Subsurface, PhD thesis,
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, 1992.
Davis, E. L., Steam Injection for Soil and Aquifer Remediation, USEPA Ground
Water Issue paper, EPA/540/S-97/505, January 1998.
Davis, E. L., How heat can enhance in-situ soil and aquifer remediation:
Important chemical properties and guidance on choosing the appropriate technique,
Ground Water Issue Paper, US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/540/S-97/502,
April 1997.
Hunt, J. R., N. Sitar, and K. S. Udell, Nonaqueous phase liquid transport and
cleanup, 2. Experimental studies, Water Resources Research, 24(8):1259-1267, 1988.
Udell, K. S., and L. D. Stewart, Jr., Field study of in situ steam injection and
vacuum extraction for recovery of volatile organic solvents, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Calf., June, 1989.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2002. On-Site Water Supply Well
Report, Well 010CT01, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Island,
Washington, June 4, 2002.
In Situ Thermal Technology Advisory Panel, 1999, Meeting Minutes, June 2, 1999;
report by U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, for EPA Region 10.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 102 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 103 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 104 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
T-1 T-22 T-30
6-7 ft bgs 13.5-14 ft bgs 22-22.5 ft bgs
Silty sand & silt Clay Sand
Porosity (%) Total 30.8 50.5 28.6
Effective 2.39 9.27 23.67
Specific retention 92.23 81.65 17.17
Bulk density (g/cc) Before TC 2.066 1.663 2.082
After TC 2.187 1.753 2.146
Thermal at 30 oC 0.7186 0.5964 0.5114
Conductivity at 60 oC 0.7848 0.6640 0.6188
(BTU/hr-ft- F) at 90 oC 0.8458 0.7531 0.6976
at 120 oC 0.8635 0.7717 0.7503
Specific heat at 30 oC 0.399 0.382 0.334
capacity at 60 oC 0.307 0.290 0.236
(BTU/lb- F) at 90 oC 0.281 0.280 0.265
at 120 oC 0.338 0.306 0.282
bgs below ground surface
TC thermal conductivity analysis
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 105 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-6 E-7
Analyte Name Cleanup
(11/7/02) (11/7/02) (11/7/02) (11/5/02) (11/7/02) (11/7/02) (11/5/02) (11/7/02) (11/7/02)
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 106 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Cleanup MW17 MW18 MW18 Dup MW19
Analyte Name Level (11/7/2002) (11/7/2002) (11/7/2002) (11/6/2002)
Naphthalene 83 2940 12600 12800 13.6
Naphthalene, 1-methyl- 166 779 800 0.74
Naphthalene, 2-methyl- 50.1 1080 1100 0.91
Acenaphthylene 3.2 9.8 8.9 0.079J
Acenaphthene 3 247 291 300 0.35J
Anthracene 9 10.2 13.8 12.7 0.56
Phenanthrene 36.7 102 101 0.097J
Fluoranthene 3 19.1 9.4 9.1 0.19J
Pyrene 15 8.9 4.9 4.9 0.2J
Benzo(a)anthracene 0.0296 0.87 0.71U 0.76 0.37U
Chrysene 0.0296 0.66 0.63 0.68 0.17J
Benzo(a)pyrene 0.0296 0.25J 0.18J 0.21J 0.15J
Benzo[b]Fluoranthene 0.0296 0.34J 0.31J 0.35J 0.28J
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.0296 0.15J 0.13J 0.11J 0.075J
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.079J 0.39U 0.056J 0.12J
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.0296 0.086J 2U 0.062J 0.13J
Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 0.007 0.74U 0.78U 0.77U 0.74U
Pentachlorophenol 4.9 0.59J 1930 1920 1.2
Concentrations in g/L
Bold indicates detected concentration exceeds Groundwater Cleanup Level
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 107 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Cleanup CW05 CW09 CW15 MW02 MW04 CW05 Dup
Analyte Name Level (11/6/2002) (11/6/2002) (11/6/2002) (11/7/2002) (11/7/2002) (11/6/2002)
Naphthalene 83 0.49 8.6 98.8 0.38U 0.37U 0.55
Naphthalene, 1-methyl- 0.17J 1.1 16.4 0.38U 0.37U 0.16J
Naphthalene, 2-methyl- 0.23J 0.22J 10.1 0.38U 0.37U 0.21J
Acenaphthylene 0.36U 0.37U 0.36J 0.38U 0.37U 0.38U
Acenaphthene 3 0.43 1.3 41.3 0.021J 0.37U 0.35J
Anthracene 9 0.19J 0.21J 2.7 0.38U 0.034J 0.22J
Phenanthrene 1.1 2 38.9 0.38U 0.02J 0.85
Fluoranthene 3 1.4 0.98 9.6 0.11J 0.039J 1.6
Pyrene 15 0.76 0.61 5.2 0.12J 0.37U 0.94
Benzo(a)anthracene 0.0296 0.36U 0.37U 1.2 0.38U 0.37U 0.38U
Chrysene 0.0296 0.054J 0.16J 0.96 0.38U 0.37U 0.1J
Benzo(a)pyrene 0.0296 0.36U 0.045J 0.2J 0.38U 0.37 U 0.38U
Benzo[b]Fluoranthene 0.0296 0.36U 0.084J 0.41 0.38U 0.37U 0.38U
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.0296 0.36U 0.032J 0.14J 0.38U 0.37U 0.38U
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.36U 0.37U 0.046J 0.38U 0.37U 0.38U
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.0296 1.8U 1.9U 1.9U 1.9U 1.9U 1.9U
Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene 0.007 0.73U 0.74U 0.74U 0.75U 0.74U 0.75U
Pentachlorophenol 4.9 0.73U 0.95 0.54J 0.52J 0.74U 0.75U
Concentrations in g/L
Bold indicates detected concentration exceeds Groundwater Cleanup Level
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 108 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
System, Process or Original Design Redesign
Treatment Duration Eight to 14 months of active steam injection, followed by contaminant Six to eight months (with an optional two-month steam
extraction for six to eight months injection period) followed by contaminant extraction for
six months (plus a two-month optional period)
Steam injection 0.5 psi per foot of soil above the center of the injection screen Unchanged
Extraction well 7.3 psi (0.5 atm) 3.7 psi. (0.25 atm)
Vapor collector 1 psi 0.2 psi.
Well field arrays Well field arrays should cover the entire NAPL-contaminated portion of the The southernmost row of arrays was eliminated leaving
Pilot Test Area, with the southern-most (upgradient) injection wells outside 16 injection wells and seven extraction wells
the NAPL area. Included 25 injection wells and 16 extraction wells.
Average maximum 2 gpm liquid equivalent (l.e.) per well (1000 lb/hr). Unchanged
steam injection rate
Total steam 44 gpm l.e. (22,000 lb/hr) 32 gpm l.e. (16,000 lb/hr).
Average liquid 5 gpm per extraction well, for total of 45 gpm Unchanged per well but with a total of 25 gpm
extraction rate
Average condensable 1.2 gpm l.e. per well (640 lb/hr), for a total of 16.2 gpm l.e. (7,780 lb/hr) Unchanged
vapor extraction rate
Non-condensable gas 350 scfm, about 40% of which was vapor cap leakage recovered from 250 scfm with only 13% from surface vapor collectors.
(primarily air) flow surface vapor collectors.
Total enthalpy of 50% to 100% of injected enthalpy (ITTAP recommended that 30% be used 10%
extracted gas for design purposes)
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 109 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 110 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Table 4.2-1 Liquid Conveyance and Treatment System
Equipment 1 Design Analysis Contract Initial Installation Final Installation Impacts on Pilot2
Liquid Conveyance
Extraction EWP1 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump stroke, QED Hammerhead No impact
well pumps (DNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead stroke, QED Hammerhead pump
pump pump
EWP2 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Optional item, 11 gpm, 0.275 Not installed Delayed LNAPL recovery
(LNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead gal pump stroke, QED
pump Hammerhead pump
EWP3 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump stroke, QED Hammerhead No impact
(DNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead stroke, QED Hammerhead pump
pump pump
EWP4 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Optional item, 11 gpm, 0.275 Not installed Delayed LNAPL recovery
(LNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead gal pump stroke, QED
pump Hammerhead pump
EWP5 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump stroke, QED Hammerhead No impact
(DNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead stroke, QED Hammerhead pump
pump pump
EWP6 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Optional item, 11 gpm, 0.275 Not installed Delayed LNAPL recovery
(LNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead gal pump stroke, QED
pump Hammerhead pump
EWP7 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump stroke, QED Hammerhead No impact
(DNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead stroke, QED Hammerhead pump
pump pump
EWP8 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Optional item, 1 gpm, 0.275 Not installed Delayed LNAPL recovery
(LNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead gal pump stroke, Blackhawk
pump pump
EWP9 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump stroke, QED Hammerhead No testing of different
(DNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead stroke, Blackhawk pump pump pump performance could
pump occur
EWP10 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Optional item, 1 gpm, 0.275 Not installed Delayed LNAPL recovery
(LNAPL) stroke, QED Hammerhead gal pump stroke, Blackhawk
pump pump
EWP11 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump stroke, QED Hammerhead No testing of different
(DNAPL) stroke, Blackhawk pump stroke, Blackhawk pump pump pump performance could
EWP12 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Deleted Delayed LNAPL recovery
(LNAPL) stroke, Blackhawk pump
EWP13 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Renamed EWP12, 11 gpm, 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump stroke, QED Hammerhead No testing of different
(DNAPL) stroke, Blackhawk pump 0.275 gal pump stroke, pump pump performance could
Blackhawk pump occur
Table 4.2-1 Liquid Conveyance and Treatment System
Equipment 1 Design Analysis Contract Initial Installation Final Installation Impacts on Pilot2
EWP14 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump Deleted Inability to test pump
stroke, Blackhawk pump performance at these site
EWP15 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump conditions
stroke, Blackhawk pump
EWP16 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump
stroke, Blackhawk pump
EWP17 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump
stroke, Blackhawk pump
EWP18 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump
stroke, Blackhawk pump
EWP19 11 gpm, 0.275 gal pump
stroke, Blackhawk pump
Air RSAC-1 (for 89 CFM delivery, 100 psig, 89 CFM delivery, 100 psig, 80 CFM, 125 psig, 20 hp (with 100 SCFM air dryer) No impact
compressors extraction well 20 hp (with 100 SCFM air 20 hp (with 100 SCFM air
pumps) dryer) dryer)
RSAC-2 89 CFM delivery, 100 psig, Deleted No impact on pilot;
(backup) 20 hp (with 100 SCFM air however no backup
Piping from well field 3-inch to 2-inch main line 3-inch main line No impact
Liquid Treatment
Treatment TPFP-1 78.5 gpm, 55 ft head, 2 hp 78.5 gpm, 55 ft head, 2 hp 78.5 gpm, 125 ft head, 5 hp, TACO VM0202B No backup. Material
Plant Feed Grundfos TP50-240 ODP Grundfos TP50-240 ODP imcompatibility in seals
Pumps exists. Installed pump has
TPFP-2 78.5 gpm, 55 ft head, 2 hp Deleted no alternative seals
(backup) Grundfos TP50-240 ODP available.
TPFP-3 20 gpm, 49 ft head, 0.75 hp 20 gpm, 49 ft head, 0.75 hp 20 gpm, 180 ft head, 0.75 hp TACO VM0202B No backup. Material
Grundfos CR8-20/IU ODP Grundfos CR8-20/IU ODP imcompatibility in seals
exists. Installed pump has
no alternative seals
Heat HX-1 2.5 MBTU/hr 50 gpm, both sides 50 gpm, both sides; 50 gpm; EPDM gaskets Material incompatibility
Exchangers EPDM gaskets resulted in a bypass around
(Plate and HX-2 2.5 MBTU/hr 50 gpm, both sides 50 gpm, both sides; 50 gpm; EPDM gaskets equipment
Frame type) EPDM gaskets
Table 4.2-1 Liquid Conveyance and Treatment System
Equipment 1 Design Analysis Contract Initial Installation Final Installation Impacts on Pilot2
Cooling tower Wet induced draft, 425 Deleted Limited the ability to use
gpm less groundwater and
reduced ability to reject
heat; however no impact on
the pilot.
Float skimmer Retrofitted at tank T-401 Deleted No impact
Dissolved air flotation tank New unit downstream of T- New unit, 120 gpm capacity, 120 gpm capacity, 85 sf flotation area with recycle No impact
(Replaced depurator) 401 85 sf floatation area with
Additional bioreactor Convert existing clarifier by Deleted Reduced treatment capacity
adding spargers
Dissolved air flotation tank New unit, downstream of Deleted Reduced treatment capacity
(DAF-205) additional bioreactor
Caustic chemical tank 1000 gallons (auto feed) 1000 gallons (manual feed) Not used therefore no
impact. However, manual
operation would have
required additional labor
Acid chemical tank 500 gallons (auto feed) 500 gallons (manual feed) Not used therefore no
impact. However, manual
operation would have
required additional labor
New Piping w/in Treatment 85 ft HDPE piping between T- 85 ft HDPE piping between T- 85 ft HDPE piping between T-402 and aeration basin No impact
Plant 402 and aeration basin (T- 402 and aeration basin (T- (T-203)
203) 203)
New Multimedia filter (T- 6-ft. diameter Deleted Reduced treatment capacity
Tank T-303 Replaced with new tank Repaired No impact
(damaged in 2/28/01
Flow Measurement
Flow meters 19 in extraction wells 13 in extraction wells (stroke 7 in extraction wells (stroke counters) Stroke counters not as
counters) accurate as flow meters
None specified for product 1 at inlet to product tank 1at inlet to product tank No impact
1 in Condensate line None specified 1at HX-1 and HX-2 outlet; 1 at HX-3 condensate No impact
Equipment 1 Design Analysis Contract Initial installation Final Installation Impacts on Pilot2
Steam Generation
Water Well Pump (DWP-1) 400 gpm, 500 head, 5 in 400 gpm, 200 head, 5 in 225 gpm, 200 head, 4 in diameter column, 215 ft setting depth No impact
diameter column, 75 hp diameter column, 200 ft in well, 30 hp
setting depth in well, 30 hp
Deaerator DFP-1 109 gpm, 92 ft head, 5 hp, Deleted No backup; No impact on
Feed Pumps Grundfos HS150 5050 ODP pilot
DFP-2 50 gpm, 77ft head, 2 hp, 50 gpm, 77ft head, 2 hp, 80 gpm, 180 ft head, 7.5 hp, TACO VM0603B Operational problems due
Grundfos CR8-2OU Grundfos CR8-2OU to oversize pump
(increased labor for
operation and
DFP-3 10 gpm, 36 ft head, 0.5 hp, 10 gpm, 36 ft head, 0.5 hp, 80 gpm, 180 ft head, 7.5 hp, TACO VM0603B Operational problems due
Grundfos CR2-20/IU ODP Grundfos CR2-20/IU ODP to oversize pump
(increased labor for
operation and
Feed Water Tank size 36X70 in. 36x72 in. 36x60 in. No impact
Softeners SFT-1 100 gpm and 8 psi drop at 97 gpm and 15 psi drop at 175 gpm and 15 psi drop at continuous flow. No impact
continuous flow continuous flow.
125 gpm and 25 psi drop at 250 gpm and 25 psi drop at peak flow.
peak flow.
SFT-2 100 gpm and 8 psi drop at 97 gpm and 15 psi drop at 175 gpm and 15 psi drop at continuous flow. No impact
continuous flow continuous flow.
125 gpm and 25 psi drop at 250 gpm and 25 psi drop at peak flow.
peak flow.
Brine tank 39x48 in tank; 2500 lb salt 39x48 in tank; 2050 lb salt 39x60 in tank; 1900 lb salt capacity No impact
capacity capacity
Deaerator 25,000 lbs/hr rating, 600 gal tank, 3714 lbs/hr steam flow No impact
Air BAC-1 (for Air deliver and pressure as Air deliver and pressure as 177 CFM, 125 psig, 40 hp Excessive operator time
compressors boiler) needed, 7.5 hp needed, 7.5 hp to maintain performance;
needed redesign
Equipment 1 Design Analysis Contract Initial installation Final Installation Impacts on Pilot2
Boiler Feed BFP-1 50 gpm, 160 ft head, 5 hp 50 gpm, 160 ft head, 5 hp 84 gpm, 227 ft head, 7.5 hp, EPDM O-rings, Grundfos CR16- Operational problems due
Pumps Grundfos CR8-4OU ODP Grundfos CR8-4OU ODP 4OU ODP to oversize pump
(increased labor for
operation and
BFP-2 10.6 gpm, 181 ft head, 1.5 Deleted No impact
hp Grundfos CR2-5OU ODP
BFP-3 50 gpm, 160 ft head, 5 hp 10.6 gpm, 181 ft head, 1.5 hp 84 gpm, 227 ft head, 7.5 hp, EPDM O-rings, Grundfos CR16- Operational problems due
Grundfos CR8-4OU ODP Grundfos CR2-5OU ODP 4OU ODP to oversize pump
(increased labor for
operation and
Boiler 25,000 lb/hr 800 hp, 27,600 lb/hr, 86% 800 hp, 27,600 lb/hr, 86% efficiency No impact
Steam Conveyance
Piping to well field 6-inch to 3-inch black steel, 6-inch to 5-inch black steel, 6- inch black steel, insulated No impact
insulated insulated
Expansion Joints 47, 3-inch to 8-inch 35, 3-inch to 6-inch diameter 12, 3-inch to 6-inch diameter No impact
Flow Measurement
Flow meters 25 at injection wellheads 16 at injection wellheads 16 at injection wellheads (manual combination calibrated flow Increased time for labor
(automated averaging pitot valves) to read and record.
None specified at boiler inlet 1 at boiler inlet (Water into 1 at boiler inlet (automated meter on water softening sytem; No accurate measure of
boiler) (averaging pitot tube) however was not calibrated during pilot) water flow to boiler
None specified at boiler 1 at boiler outlet (steam to 1 at boiler outlet (orifice plate - could not calibrate during No accurate measure of
outlet injection wells) (pressure pilot and therefore not used) steam flow from boiler
compensated differential
pressure or orifice plate)
1: Equipment in process order except for flow meters
2: Impacts shown are due to design changes throughout project and not by impacts due to site conditions
Table 4.2-3 Vapor Treatment System
Equipment 1 Design Analysis Contract Initial installation Final Installation Impacts on Pilot2
Vapor cap
Vapor collection layer 8-inch gravel layer with 8-inch gravel layer with a 6-inch 8-inch gravel layer with a 6-inch protective soil layer Unknown impact;
a 6-inch protective soil protective soil layer Excessive perforation in
layer vapor barrier; Because no
Vapor collector laterals 4-inch diameter slotted 3-inch diameter slotted steel pipe 4-inch diameter slotted steel pipe soil partitions
steel pipe constructed, no
Vapor barrier HDPE geomembrane HDPE geomembrane with 12-inch HDPE geomembrane with 12-inch layer of select fill above experimentation of vapor
with a 12-inch layer of select fill above geomembrane. Geomembrane perforated due to instrument extraction rates occurred.
protective soil layer geomembrane and well installation occurring after vapor barrier placement
above geomembrane
Vapor cap partitions Soil partition cells Soil partition cells Not installed
Vapor conveyance
Piping from well field 8-inch to 6-inch main, 6-inch black steel with no insulation; 6-inch black steel with no insulation; piping sloped toward The combination of a
black steel with piping sloped toward each pipe one low point resulting in concurrent flow of condensate and single low point, a single
insulation support vapor. over-sized condensate
Vapor Line Condensate 4 at drip legs at main 4 at drip legs at main pipe anchors 1 at drip leg in vapor main (low point) near boiler building pump, and the pipe
Receiver pipe anchors sloping in the vapor
conveyance system
Condensate PDP-1, vapor 4, 0.5 gpm at 50 psi 4, Positive Displacement Pumps; 0.5 1, Centrifugal pump; 15 gpm, 18 psi head, 0.33 hp allowed vapor line to fill
pump extraction main head, 0.5 hp gpm, 50 psi head, 0.5 hp with water which entered
vapor treatment system.
Oil Sealed LRVP-1 450 ACFM capacity, 25 450 ACFM capacity, 25 hp 450 ACFM capacity, 25 450 ACFM capacity, 25 HP, Material incompatibility
Liquid Ring hp HP, EPDM seals Teflon seals (Seals replaced after impacted pump
Vacuum pilot) performance
LRVP-2 450 ACFM capacity, 25 450 ACFM capacity, 25 hp (became 450 ACFM capacity, 25 450 ACFM capacity, 25 HP, Not operated during pilot;
hp backup) HP, EPDM seals EPDM seals no impact
LRVP-3 450 ACFM capacity, 25 Deleted No impact; however no
(backup) hp backup
Condensate PDP-3, vacuum 1, 0.5 gpm at 50 psi 1, Positive Displacement Pumps; 0.5 Not installed (piping configuration revised eliminating this Unknown impact; the
pump pump header head, 0.5 hp gpm at 50 psi head, 0.5 hp pump) addition of this pump
could have prevented
liquid from entering the
vacuum pump
LRVP condensate receiver Not in original design Not installed 15 gal tank; 10 gpm @ 25 ft head Unknown impact
(drains LRVP filters) (installed after pilot)
Table 4.2-3 Vapor Treatment System
Equipment 1 Design Analysis Contract Initial installation Final Installation Impacts on Pilot2
Vapor Treatment
Heat HX-3 2.5 MBTU/hr Plate and Frame or Shell and Tube Plate and Frame Type, 50 Shell and Tube type, 50 gpm The following
Exchangers Type, 50 gpm liquid side, 2,500 gpm liquid side, 2,500 liquid side, 2,851 lb/hr vapor side contributed to the
lb/hr vapor side lb/hr vapor side, EPDM (installed after pilot study ended) eventual vapor system
gaskets shut down: Liquid in the
HX-4 (backup) 2.5 MBTU/hr Deleted vapor system; Material
incompatibility in the
Condensate PDP-2, heat 2, 30 gpm, 50 psi head, 2, Positive Displacement Pumps; 2, Centrifugal pumps; 30.0 gpm, 100 psi head, 1.5 hp (these heat exchanger and
pump exchanger (HX-3 hp 30.0 gpm, 50 psi head, 3.0 hp pumps became named CP-2A and CP-2B) pumps; condensate tank
3) too small for plate and
HX-3 condensate tank 2 ft x2 ft x2 ft (60 gal) 2 ft x2 ft x2 ft (60 gal) tank (initially 15 gal tank; 10 gpm @ 25 30-inch diameter x 48-inch length frame type heat
tank to be used as a condensate receiver) ft head (47 gal) steel vacuum rated exchanger.
(installed after pilot - to be used as
a separator (knockout tank))
Thermal Oxidizer (replaced Not in original design 250 SCFM (not operated 250 SCFM (installed after pilot) No impact
GAC sorber) during pilot)
Flow Measurement
Flow meters 14 at extraction wells 8 at extraction wells (flow calculated 7 at extraction wells (flow calculated from pressure No flow information
from pressure differentials from differentials from pressure valves - not installed) ; 1 at EW-4 available during pilot
pressure valves);1 at EW-4 (automated averaging pitot tube);
(automated averaging pitot tube);
8 at vapor cap branch 8 at vapor cap branch (TASCO flow 8 at vapor cap branch (TASCO flow control valves) No impact
control valves);
1 for non-condensable 1 at HX-3 inlet (calibrated 1 at HX-3 inlet (averaging pitot tube); 1 at HX-3 outlet No flow information
gases combination flow control valve); 1 (averaging pitot tube) (HX-3 meters were installed after pilot; available during pilot
at HX-3 outlet (calibrated not calibrated.)
combination flow control valve)
1: Equipment in process order except for flow meters
2: Impacts shown are due to design changes throughout project and not by impacts due to site conditions
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 118 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
ACRONYMS used in Tables 4.2-1 through 4.2-3
acfm Actual cubic feet per minute
BAC Boiler air compressor
BFP Boiler feed pump
cfm Cubic feet per minute
DFP Dearator feed pump
DNAPL Dense non-aqueous phase liquid
DWP Deep water pump
EPDM Ethylene propylene diamine monomer
EW Extraction well
EWP Extraction well pump
GAC Granular activated carbon
gal Gallons
gpm Gallons per minute
HDPE High density polyethylene
hp Horsepower
HX Heat exchanger
LNAPL Light non-aqueous phase liquid
LRVP Liquid ring vacuum pump
MBTU/hr Million British Thermal Units/hr
ODP Open drip proof
PDP Positive displacement pump
psi Pounds per square inch
RSAC Rotary screw air compressor
scfm Standard cubic feet per minute
sf Square feet
SFT Softener
TPFP Treatment plant feed pump
NOTE: Acronyms not defined here are manufacturer names
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 119 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Vapor pressure
Component group Solubility (mg/L) (Pa)
LPAH1 2910 14
HPAH2 2 3
Aliphatic 52 47
Light Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Includes the substituted-PAH
Heavy Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 120 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 121 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Media Locations Parameter Frequency Implemented?
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 122 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Media Locations Parameter Frequency Implemented?
Extracted liquid Extraction wells (7) Flow (Stroke Counter) Daily Yes
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 123 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Temperature Daily
D.O. Daily
PH Weekly
COD Weekly
TPH Weekly
PAH/PCP Weekly
NH3 Weekly
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 124 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Media Locations Parameter Frequency Implemented?
Dissolved Oxygen
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 125 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Media Locations Parameter Frequency Implemented?
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Key to Parameters
PCP = Pentachlorophenol VS = Volatile solids
24-hour composite sample.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 126 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Media Locations Parameter Frequency Implemented?
Noise Various: on and Four times during No
off site dBA first 6 mos of
Air Quality 2 monitoring Total Suspended Particles Samples will be No
stations will be collected every 24
placed around hours. Baseline
the perimeter of PCP sampling followed
the treatment by three monitoring
plant (one PAH events once
upwind of groundwater
operational Naphthalene temperatures
activity and one stabilize.
downwind of the
Worker Safety Treatment Plant PAH and PCP Samples to be Yes
Air Quality DAF-104 collected once at
startup and once
Treatment Plant
during operations
Treatment Area
Boiler Air Stack Dioxins/Furans, PAHs, Volatile Up to 12 samples No
Emissions Organics, Semivolatile Organics, throughout
Total Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen operations
chloride, Chlorine, Particle Size
Joint J09, J10, J11 Semivolatile organics (including Within three No
Observation naphthanols and quinones) months of sheet
Well pile wall
Groundwater installation and
after active steam
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 127 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Support Groups/
Subcontractor Service
URS Corporation Sampling and analysis of perimeter, source and fugitive air
emissions not implemented
SteamTech Environmental Services Expert consultant services for steam injection operations
USEPA Region 10 CLP Groundwater analysis for water supply well and extraction
well sampling
USEPA Office of Research and Soil analysis for microbiological baseline testing (microcosm
Development (Battelle Memorial Institute studies and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses)
and Microbial Insights, Inc.)
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 128 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Data Source Data Type
Subsurface Data: Temperature: 3D Views
Vertical Sections
Horizontal Slices
Individual Well Profiles
Pressure: Water Level Contours
Time History
Injection Well Data: Injection Rate Summary Table
Rate and Mass of Steam
Cumulative Rate and Mass of Steam
Extraction Well Data: Vapor Flow Rate
Dissolved Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide of Extracted Liquid
Automated Pumping Rates
Contractor Pumping Rates
Extraction Rate Summary Table
Vapor Collector Lines: Pressure
Heat Exchanger: Flow
Thermal Remediation Totals: Total Organic Carbon
Liquid Flow Rate
Reports: Operations Report This report included the daily hours of
operation for the boiler, treatment plant, vapor extraction
system, injection wells, and extraction wells. This report
also included meteorological data.
Operations Log Daily operations meeting minutes were
posted on this message board by the Team Coordinator.
Additionally, updates on the status of particular systems
and repairs were posted by technical team members.
Message Board Technical discussions on monitoring or
system performance were posted on this message board by
technical team members.
Links shown as bold italics were never activated, either because instruments were
not installed (or not monitored) or a format was not developed for posting to the website
before operations ceased.
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 129 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 130 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Table 6.6-1. Groundwater Treatment Plant Data Summary
SP-0: Combined Extracted DAFT SP-6: Clarifier SP-8: Multi-Media Filter Carbon Treatment
Liquid Influent to GWTP Compliance Levels DAFT Efficiency Aeration Basin Efficiency
Effluent SP-4: T-402 Effluent Effluent Effluent SP-9: Lead Carbon SP-12: Mid Carbon SP-10: Lag Carbon SP-11: Treated Effluent System Efficiency
2113 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2116 2107 2108
Week Total PAH PCP O&G O&G Total PAH PCP Total PAH PCP PCP Total PAH PCP Total PAH PCP Total PAH PCP Total PAH PCP Temp. D.O. Total PAH PCP Temp. D.O. O&G Removal PAH Removal PAH Removal PCP Removal PAH PCP
Date Number (ug/L) (ug/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) Total PAH (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) pH (deg. C) (mg/L) (ug/L) (ug/L) pH (deg. C) (mg/L) (%) (%) (%) (%) Removal Removal
10/7/02 41 9443.59 300 6.21 5.71 499.09 460 0.858 7.2 0.796 3.3 0.14 0.12 -- -- 0.01 0.074 0.01 0 7.96 15.6 3.9 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 8.05 94.72 99.83 98.43 99.99 99.98
10/14/02 42 11028.33 340 6.41 5.86 618.57 340 0.35 22 0.211 12 0.21 0.27 -- -- 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.0088 8.24 13.6 3.9 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 8.58 94.39 99.94 93.53 99.95 99.99
10/21/02 43 9803.71 220 5.65 5.93 717.56 290 0.929 7.3 0.444 3.2 0.19 0.11 -- -- 0.052 0.074 0.01 0.0048 7.92 15.8 3.8 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -4.96 92.68 99.87 97.48 99.88 99.98
10/28/02 44 13266.02 310 6.75 5.75 398.22 320 1.871 6.6 0.526 2.2 0.273 0.11 -- -- 0.05 0.074 0.01 0.074 7.91 13.2 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 14.81 97.00 99.53 97.94 99.90 99.97
11/4/02 45 12106.72 330 5.6 5.41 424.65 400 2.615 14 0.35 6.7 0.243 0.23 -- -- 0.121 0.074 0.01 0.074 8.07 10.5 4.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 3.39 96.49 99.38 96.50 99.65 99.99
11/11/02 46 11648.97 270 10.7 6.1 4041.61 290 3.992 9.8 1.634 4.1 0.26 0.0059 -- -- 0.091 0.0069 0.01 0.074 8.26 13.8 4.2 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 42.99 65.31 99.90 96.62 99.94 100.00
11/18/02 47 36467 260 34.9 22.9 21301.200 240 7.344 11 3.404 9.1 0.59 0.0064 -- -- 0.327 0.074 0.15 0.074 7.79 13.8 4.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 34.38 41.59 99.97 95.42 99.90 99.99
11/25/02 48 24697.4 220 14.9 10.8 11830.800 250 5.498 14 2.1 10 0.33 0.014 -- -- 0.01 0.0084 0.01 0.074 7.75 15.8 3.8 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 27.52 52.10 99.95 94.40 100.00 100.00
12/2/02 49 2628477.5 220 1570 50.7 32181.600 260 5.021 15 2.989 13 0.23 0.012 -- -- 0.01 0.074 5.84 0.074 7.73 13.5 3.8 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 96.77 98.78 99.98 94.23 100.00 99.99
12/9/02 50 133908 190 205 92.2 86415.700 250 365.2 84 628.99 79 24.12 7 -- -- 10.114 0.23 2.459 0.083 7.38 13.8 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 55.02 35.47 99.58 66.40 99.98 100.00
12/16/02 51 27069.800 270 28.6 13.1 75339 290 1945.04 190 0.52 180 132.97 52 -- -- 5.187 0.29 6.55 0.36 7.31 14.8 3.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 54.20 -178.31 97.42 34.48 90.03 100.00
12/23/02 52 24244.4 347 31.8 140 5037.02 385 4.095 154 3.788 146 0.01 0.0895 -- -- 0.01 0.0681 0.01 0.0851 7.74 11.3 4.2 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -340.25 79.22 99.92 60.00 100.00 100.00
12/30/02 1 25924.9 440 17 7.38 7839.67 440 3.21 220 3.1 0 0.613 0.051 -- -- 0.526 0.029 0.542 0.034 7.92 10.4 5.8 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 56.59 69.76 99.96 50.00 99.83
1/6/03 2 109017.9 610 103 729 52132.4 510 7.31 120 1.997 110 0.209 0.029 -- -- 0.087 0.021 0.93 0.031 7.91 12.1 4.8 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -607.77 52.18 99.99 76.47 99.96 100.00
1/13/03 3 42316.6 570 54.4 13.3 33866.1 660 8.95 81 4.69 73 1.297 0.22 -- -- 0.01 0.047 0.17 0.064 7.54 14.2 3.4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 75.55 19.97 99.97 87.73 100.00 100.00
1/20/03 4 24,876.30 680 20.1 30.5 32190.3 700 8.79 15 6.31 0 3.296 0.42 -- -- 0.635 0.036 2.8 0.063 7.52 15.1 4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -51.74 -29.40 99.97 97.86 99.90
1/27/03 5 31589.4 760 34.5 21.5 31017 560 5.649 18 3.15 10 1.238 0.82 -- -- 0.39 0.046 1.59 0.041 7.55 16.7 5.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 37.68 1.81 99.98 96.79 99.88 100.00
2/3/03 6 78047.6 1000 76.8 694 66412.1 930 5.94 11 5.94 11 1.73 0.98 -- -- 1.25 0.053 2.276 0.066 7.45 17 3.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -803.65 14.91 99.99 98.82 99.79 100.00
2/10/03 7 29700.8 550 18.9 19.5 32846.39 970 5.24 9 3.723 4.8 2.154 0.97 -- -- 1.36 0.053 0.68 0.058 7.56 14.5 4.3 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -3.17 -10.59 99.98 99.07 99.63 99.99
2/17/03 8 64357.7 900 90 17.2 33835.3 1100 3.84 9.2 2.561 7.5 1.001 1.4 -- -- 0.7 0.053 0.69 0.062 7.7 14.1 4.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 80.89 47.43 99.99 99.16 99.73 99.99
2/24/03 9 51327.2 920 50.3 34.1 41505 1000 3.35 9.7 0 6.7 1.288 0.11 -- -- 0.32 0.014 1.4 0.051 7.81 13.7 4.9 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 32.21 19.14 99.67 99.03 100.00
3/3/03 10 113134.4 1000 67.4 26.7 35742.7 910 7.254 9.7 5.645 5.8 2.438 0.066 -- -- 1.895 0.016 0.01 0.0063 7.72 14.1 4.9 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 60.39 68.41 99.98 98.93 99.66 100.00
3/10/03 11 35476.3 720 36.6 21.3 30386 1100 3.606 5.9 2.963 5.7 1.496 0.073 -- -- 0.237 0.0061 0.29 0.073 7.78 15.3 4.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 41.80 14.35 99.99 99.46 99.92 100.00
3/17/03 12 55207.69 630 87.8 394 65211.1 850 9.973 3 6.93 3.2 2.17 0.12 -- -- 0.7 0.0084 1.12 0.074 7.49 16.2 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -348.75 -18.12 99.98 99.65 99.90 100.00
3/24/03 13 36445.4 1000 46.9 21.8 33601.2 950 4.1 14 3.49 12 2.09 0.13 -- -- 1.54 0.0043 1.2 0.074 7.61 16.8 4.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 53.52 7.80 99.99 98.53 99.56 100.00
3/31/03 14 65675.9 970 101 113 26952 770 4.651 9.5 3.109 9 3.58 0.23 -- -- 1.24 0.011 1.25 0.073 7.69 18.7 4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -11.88 58.96 99.98 98.77 99.60 100.00
4/7/03 15 28350.2 970 20.6 46.4 24080.4 920 2.74 24 3.17 25 2.55 0.35 -- -- 0.33 0.074 2.374 0.079 7.94 15 5.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 -125.24 15.06 99.99 97.39 99.90 100.00
4/14/03 16 28378 700 23.5 21.6 22390.9 870 2.52 20 2.67 17 1.68 0.21 -- -- 0.85 0.004 0.88 0.02 7.65 16 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 8.09 21.10 99.99 97.70 99.68 100.00
4/21/03 17 27519.8 520 21.9 10.9 13816.8 660 3.587 13 1.72 17 1.89 13 -- -- 0.01 0.073 0.818 0.074 8.05 15.6 4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 50.23 49.79 99.97 98.03 99.99 100.00
4/28/03 18 29030.8 630 23.2 10.1 12580.92 880 1.4 9.2 1.07 5.2 0.63 0.0055 -- -- 0.54 0.074 0.01 0.074 7.98 15.7 4.4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 56.47 56.66 99.99 98.95 99.50 99.99
5/5/03 19 18903.1 930 14.5 8.9 13700 1200 0.24 3.1 1.32 1.3 0.0077 0.0077 -- -- 0.074 0.074 0.01 0.074 7.79 16.3 4.8 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 38.62 27.53 100.00 100.00 99.94 99.94
5/12/03 20 21411.1 530 30.1 10.4 10839.5 780 1.77 1.9 1.83 0.81 0.73 0.064 -- -- 0.01 0.073 0.2 0.073 7.57 16.9 3.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 65.45 49.37 99.98 99.76 99.99 99.91
5/19/03 21 23816.4 620 16 8 7561.72 990 0.81 2.5 0.46 1 0.29 0.38 1.39 0.0066 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.073 7.81 15.4 4.3 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 50.00 68.25 99.99 99.75 99.98 99.93
5/26/03 22 17818.3 560 57.9 6.8 3691.74 770 0.3 3.1 1 1.9 0.53 0.049 0.09 0.074 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.025 7.74 18 4.4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 88.26 79.28 99.99 99.60 99.99 99.96
6/2/03 23 21475.2 600 22.6 7 6814.81 610 4.185 13 0.87 12 0.46 0.048 0.14 -- 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.0039 7.72 18.4 4.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 69.03 68.27 99.94 97.87 99.99 99.99
6/9/03 24 37119.8 600 23.8 5.9 5094.05 600 0.86 2.5 1.03 1.6 0.19 0.057 0.01 0.0079 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.0078 7.88 20.4 4.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 75.21 86.28 99.98 99.58 99.99 99.95
6/16/03 25 11091.4 450 13.9 5.8 1514.83 600 1.663 2.8 0.559 1.8 0.01 0.046 0.22 0.0041 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.0076 7.84 19.3 4.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 58.27 86.34 99.89 99.53 99.98 99.96
6/23/03 26 32063.6 560 14.6 5.3 675.82 500 0.53 2.5 0.733 1.8 0.379 0.032 0.18 0.004 0.12 0.074 0.41 0.0093 7.75 18.4 5.8 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 63.70 97.89 99.92 99.50 99.84 99.96
6/30/03 27 19238.2 430 13.7 7.3 810.57 510 1.78 4.8 0.49 2.1 0.031 0.031 0.13 0.074 0.075 0.075 0.973 0.0094 7.74 20.1 4.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 46.72 95.79 99.78 99.06 99.85 99.96
7/7/03 28 17212.1 450 9.6 5 660 670 2.06 4.4 0.66 1.9 0.22 0.031 0.13 0.0044 0.17 0.074 0.088 0.0096 7.81 19.7 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 47.92 96.17 99.69 99.34 99.74 99.96
7/14/03 29 17768.5 560 18.8 9.4 688.03 530 2.4 2.8 0.41 1.6 0.21 0.03 9.17 0.011 0.14 0.074 0.01 0.0035 7.78 21 4.2 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 50.00 96.13 99.65 99.47 99.66 99.95
7/21/03 30 14477.77 430 9.1 5.1 652.54 600 1.96 1.7 0.4 1.5 0.21 0.047 0.14 0.073 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.074 7.84 21.8 4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 43.96 95.49 99.70 99.72 99.98 99.95
7/28/03 31 13737.4 720 13.3 5.1 589.61 650 1.37 2.7 0.14 2 0.037 0.037 0.01 0.0055 0.074 0.074 0.24 0.074 7.79 21.1 3.9 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 61.65 95.71 99.77 99.58 99.47 99.96
8/4/03 32 20452.6 550 28.6 6.4 556.42 650 1.19 4 0.13 3.9 0.01 0.033 0.01 0.073 0.01 0.073 0.01 0.073 7.9 20.4 5.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 77.62 97.28 99.79 99.38 99.92 99.98
8/11/03 33 152153.2 490 8.4 6.6 491.35 540 0.34 4.5 0.6 3.2 0.22 0.039 0.16 0.0046 0.15 0.075 0.15 0.074 7.9 18.9 6.9 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 21.43 99.68 99.93 99.17 99.75 99.98
8/18/03 34 13661.9 450 31.2 3.2 602.44 450 1.92 11 0.64 9.6 0.83 0.032 0.31 0.0067 0.16 0.073 0.14 0.0087 7.8 21.1 4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 89.74 95.59 99.57 97.56 99.75 99.99
8/25/03 35 20460.1 510 18.3 7.1 682.84 550 1.18 9.8 0.35 8 0.12 0.04 0.01 0.011 0.01 0.0076 0.01 0.074 8 20 3.6 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 61.20 96.66 99.83 98.22 99.97 100.00
9/1/03 36 12767.1 470 10.2 8.6 751.63 420 1.36 11 0.24 7.9 0.11 0.043 0.17 0.012 0.01 0.014 0.01 0.0072 7.9 20 4.3 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 15.69 94.11 99.82 97.38 99.96 100.00
9/8/03 37 23331.6 450 30.4 4.2 633.36 390 0.62 14 0.28 9.8 0.11 0.046 -- -- 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.007 7.9 20 3.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 86.18 97.29 99.90 96.41 99.96 99.99
9/15/03 38 13470.2 340 11.6 5 563.43 420 1.02 22 0.15 21 0.01 0.063 0.01 0.015 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.0052 8 17 3.3 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 56.90 95.82 99.82 94.76 99.93 100.00
9/22/03 39 77840.8 480 146 5 840.8 370 0.38 16 0.36 13 0.23 0.075 0.01 0.074 0.21 0.0049 0.8 0.0056 7.9 17 4.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 96.58 98.92 99.95 95.68 99.42 100.00
9/29/03 40 12309.17 340 7 5 566.27 380 0.45 18 0.036 16 0.01 0.099 0.01 0.0095 0.01 0.0076 0.24 0.074 7.8 19 3.2 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 28.57 95.40 99.92 95.26 99.72 100.00
10/6/03 41 30697.5 470 16.5 7.4 521.47 410 0.44 14 0.1 14 0.01 0.17 0.01 0.011 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.074 8 17 3.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 55.15 98.30 99.92 96.59 99.90 99.99
10/13/03 42 9394.94 340 5 5 281.86 450 0.01 19 0.11 15 0.01 0.28 0.17 0.0043 0.01 0.073 0.01 0.073 7.9 20 6.6 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 0.00 97.00 100.00 95.78 99.91 100.00
10/20/03 43 20228.2 470 10.9 5 752.34 440 0.24 16 0.21 14 0.01 0.29 0.01 0.074 0.01 0.0055 0.01 0.074 8 17 3.2 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 54.13 96.28 99.97 96.36 99.95 100.00
10/27/03 44 40244.7 780 52.2 5.2 1050.04 750 0.01 32 0.47 24 0.18 0.43 0.01 0.0047 0.01 0.074 0.27 0.0048 7.8 16 4.3 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 90.04 97.39 100.00 95.73 99.98 100.00
11/3/03 45 18928.9 740 25.8 5 714.57 660 0.9 96 0 83 0.01 3.4 0.01 0.012 0.01 0.0093 0.01 0.0049 8.1 12 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 80.62 96.22 99.87 85.45 100.00
11/10/03 46 27564 560 34.9 7.9 2781.3 650 0.61 82 0.7 65 0.47 3.2 0.01 0.012 0.01 0.009 0.01 0.009 7.7 14 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 77.36 89.91 99.98 87.38 99.99 100.00
11/17/03 47 20720.7 480 20.5 5 576.84 480 1.63 67 0.73 83 0.22 3.9 0.01 0.0092 0.01 0.0056 0.21 0.0074 7.91 15 3.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 75.61 97.22 99.72 86.04 99.99 100.00
11/24/03 48 20768.9 670 27.9 7.1 953.49 840 0.81 180 0.33 180 0.36 21 0.18 0.033 0.01 0.012 0.01 0.0075 7.88 13 5.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 74.55 95.41 99.92 78.57 99.97 100.00
12/1/03 49 25305.1 1000 51.8 6.8 1704.3 860 0.78 85 0.809 99 0.19 9.1 0.21 0.026 0.42 0.075 0.01 0.0069 7.8 12 5.3 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 86.87 93.26 99.95 90.12 99.48 100.00
12/8/03 50 14521.1 650 25.8 5 14468.33 870 0.01 88 0.98 69 0.34 7.3 0.33 0.029 0.01 0.011 0.39 0.0064 7.7 12 4.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 80.62 0.36 100.00 89.89 99.99 100.00
12/15/03 51 22055.9 810 25.9 11.9 3236.8 820 0.11 72 1 50 0.59 5.8 0.71 0.034 0.28 0.011 0.26 0.037 7.8 12 4.5 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 54.05 85.32 100.00 91.22 99.72 100.00
12/22/03 52 19708.2 660 15.9 8.9 1201.61 730 2.35 28 0.15 31 0.25 3.8 0.18 0.033 0.13 0.062 0.27 0.022 7.7 13 4.1 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 44.03 93.90 99.80 96.16 99.13 100.00
12/29/03 1 16597.9 790 22.6 7 957.74 680 1.5 29 0.65 25 0.24 3.7 0.57 0.028 0.26 0.0088 0.1 0.00084 7.8 11 5.2 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 69.03 94.23 99.84 95.74 99.60 100.00
1/5/04 3 21332.2 700 15.4 5 991.75 900 0.78 110 0.33 85 0.16 17 0.52 0.11 0.093 0.018 0.14 0.0003 7.7 12 4 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 67.53 95.35 99.92 87.78 99.72 100.00
1/12/04 4 29478.4 600 14.3 6.7 1994.07 620 1.05 16 1.07 14 0.49 2.8 0.16 0.053 0.16 0.0055 0.01 -- 7.68 14 3.7 20 6 6-9 < 25 >6 53.15 93.24 99.95 97.42 99.85 100.00
Note: Total PAH does not include those values with a U qualifier
Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 133 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 134 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Figure 1.0-1. Site Vicinity Map.
Figure 3.2-1. Location map showing profiles through the Pilot Study Area.
99SE13 99SE39
I-01 E-02
00PP21 C'
229380 E-01
99SE16 I-02
I-06 99SE38
I-03 I-04 E-06B
229340 99SE18
t Pi
le W
B E-07
97AP19 I-11 I-09 99SE19
W I-10
229300 I-08
I-13 E-05
97AP28 B'
00PP22 E-09
E-13 I-14 I-15
I-17 I-18
229260 I-20
I-19 E-12
97AP36 I-22
0 15 30 45 60 97AP37
A 00PP09 C
1228900 1228920 1228940 1228960 1228980 1229000 1229020 1229040 1229060 1229080 1229100 1229120 1229140 1229160 1229180 1229200 1229220 1229240 1229260
Figure 3.5-1. Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Monitoring Well Network
CW15 OB-3-1 EW12
229700 MW15
229475 OB-2-2
RPW1 OB-2-1 CW04
229470 OB-3-2 1229270 1229280 1229290 1229300 1229310
229650 RPW3
OB-1-2 EWC3
229465 MW16
OB-1-1 PO01
229600 229460
1229050 1229060 1229070 1229080 CW09
229500 PO13
PO09 MW15
RPW1 229300
CW14 OB-1-2
Northing (NAD 83)
229450 CW10
PO05 OB-4-4
MW17 CW12 OB-4-3
229400 E-02
229280 OB-4-2
EW03 EW07
MW18 OB-4-1
229350 229270
E-07 E-03
1229370 1229390 1229410
229300 E-05 OB-4-4
229250 CW03
229200 7
229150 18
MW23 02 C2
MW19 MW21
229100 229250
1229440 1229450 1229460 1229470
0 30 60 90 120
1228400 1228450 1228500 1228550 1228600 1228650 1228700 1228750 1228800 1228850 1228900 1228950 1229000 1229050 1229100 1229150 1229200 1229250 1229300 1229350 1229400 1229450 1229500 1229550
Easting (NAD 83)
Figure 4.0-1 Construction Timeline
Prime Month/Year 000-July 200 Aug-01 Sep-01 Oct-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02
Contractor Task Date All 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22
Site Infrastructure
Bay West Sheet Pile Wall 11/01/00-2/14/01
MarVac Vapor Cap Installation 8/29/01-9/24/02
MarVac Boiler Room Access Pad 1/2/02-1/7/02
MarVac Boiler Building Erection 1/2/02-2/27/02
MarVac Fuel Storage Tank Pads 1/10/02-1/16/02
MarVac Water Storage Tank Pad 1/10/02-1/16/02 BEGIN
MarVac Piping to TP 1/18/02-1/23/02 STEAMIN
MarVac Pump House Shed 1/27/02-2/24/02
MarVac Water Well Utilities 10/17/01-4/1/02
MarVac Building Foundation Slab 11/6/01-12/23/01
MarVac Electrical Utilities 12/21/01-1/7/02
Pease PSE Power to Mechanical Bldg 9/10/2002
Pease Transformer 6/25/2002
Steam Generation/Conveyance
MarVac Water Well Installation/Development 8/20/01-1/14/02
MarVac Water Well Pump 8/20/01-1/14/02
MarVac Injection Wells 10/31/01-1/28/02
MarVac Remove Exposed West Dock Pilings 11/15/01-11/17/01
Pease Water Tank 6/13/02-7/11/02
Pease Expansion Joints 6/25/02-7/24/02
Pease Air Compressors 6/25/02-7/29/02
Pease St. Inj. Piping to Well Field 6/26/02-7/24/02
Pease Steam Injection Piping 6/26/02-7/24/02
Pease Boiler 6/26/02-8/8/02
Pease Blow Down Tank 7/18/02-9/11/02
Pease Water Well/Feed Piping 7/23/02-8/16/02
Pease Boiler Feed Pumps 7/30/02-7/31/02
Pease Deaerator Feed Pumps 7/30/02-7/31/02
Pease Treatment Plant Feed Pumps 7/30/02-8/9/02
Pease Boiler Stack 8/6/02-9/10//02
Pease Deaerator 8/12/02-8/16/02
Pease Feed Water Softeners 9/2002
Installed at
various times
prior to and
Pease Flow Meters during pilot
Liquid Conveyance/Treatment
MarVac Extraction Wells 9/2/01-5/6/02
Pease Tank T-303 2/7/02-2/15/02
Pease Piping from Well Field 4/16/02-9/10/02
Pease Extraction Well Pumps 6/10/02-6/17/02
Pease New TP Piping 7/19/02-8/22/02
Pease Heat Exchangers 8/1/02-9/4/02
Pease Caustic Chemical Tank 8/14/02-8/21/02
Pease Acid Chemical Tank 8/14/02-8/21/02
Pease DAF-104 (Dissolved Air Flot. Tank) 8/23/02-9/16/02
Pease Multimedia Filter 9/2002
Installed at
various times
prior to and
Pease Flow Meters during pilot
Pease Demolish T-101, Sep-102 in TP 8/9/2002
Vapor Treatment
Pease Vapor Collector Laterals 5/9/02-7/22/02
Pease Piping from Well Field 4/16/02-7/29/02
Pease Sour Gas Line Condensate Receiver 7/12/02-7/17/02
Pease Sour Gas Piping 7/12/02-8/23/02
Pease Condensate Pumps 7/30/02-7/31/02
Pease Heat Exchanger (HX-3) 8/1/02-9/4/02
Pease HX-3 Condensate Tank 8/1/02-9/4/02
Pease Oil Sealed LRV Pumps 6/28/02-7/30/02
Pease Thermal Oxidizer 8/16/02-8/23/02
Installed at
various times
prior to and
Pease Flow Meters during pilot
Pease Pilot Area Piping 4/19/02-8/20/02
Deaerator Boiler
Water from well
From vapor
extraction wells Heat Exchanger
and vapor HX3
Boiler Emissions
Condensate to WTP
Monitoring TOC
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
Phase I Phase II
Systems 23-Oct-02 24-Oct-02 25-Oct-02 26-Oct-02 27-Oct-02 28-Oct-02 29-Oct-02 30-Oct-02 31-Oct-02 1-Nov-02 2-Nov-02 3-Nov-02 4-Nov-02 5-Nov-02 6-Nov-02 7-Nov-02 8-Nov-02 9-Nov-02 10-Nov-02 11-Nov-02 12-Nov-02 13-Nov-02 14-Nov-02 15-Nov-02
Liquid (gpm) 4 3 4 2 4 9 8 8 4 5 6 13 16 19 7 10 14 26 24
Vapor Training Training Training Training Training Training Training On On On Off-On Off Off-On On On Off-On
Boiler Training Training Training Training Training Training Training On On On Off-On Off Off-On On On On
Injection (lbs/hr) 778 5893 7649 1195 4955 958 7134 6264 8100 11935 0 2574 5266 5287 4323
Treatment Plant On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
DTS Off On On On On On Off On On On On On On Off On On On On Off Off On On On On
Thermocouples On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On
TOC On On On On On On Off
Pressure On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On
vacuum pumps
receiver failed
receiver failed
Liquid in
Treatment Plant
Monitoring TOC
sensor inop
sensor inop
sensor inop
sensor inop
E-3 temp
E-3 temp
E-3 temp
E-3 temp
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
Phase II
Systems 16-Nov-02 17-Nov-02 18-Nov-02 19-Nov-02 20-Nov-02 21-Nov-02 22-Nov-02 23-Nov-02 24-Nov-02 25-Nov-02 26-Nov-02 27-Nov-02 28-Nov-02 29-Nov-02 30-Nov-02 1-Dec-02 2-Dec-02 3-Dec-02 4-Dec-02 5-Dec-02 6-Dec-02 7-Dec-02 8-Dec-02 9-Dec-02
Liquid (gpm) 19 21 22 21 20 20 16 22 20 21 14 13 14 15 15 20 21 20 17 20 20 20 22
Vapor Off-On Off-On On On Off On On On Off Off Off Off-On Off-On Off-On On On On Off-On Off Off-On On On On Off-On
Boiler Off-On Off-On On On On On On On Off Off Off Off-On Off-On Off-On On On On Off-On Off Off-On On On On Off-On
Injection (lbs/hr) 0 3942 5809 3864 3863 3837 3846 5182 0 0 0 5036 0 0 4988 5189 5264 5261 0 0 5671 7276 7276 7609
Treatment Plant On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off-On
DTS On Off On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On On
Thermocouples On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On On
TOC Off Off Off On On On On On On On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On On
Pressure On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off On On On On On On On On
exhaust port
lowered 2 ft
Field condensate
Liquid in vapor
vacuum system
Crystal fouling
differential in
in condenser
pump seals
to chem incompatibility
Treatment Plant
Monitoring TOC
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
Phase II Phase III
Systems 10-Dec-02 11-Dec-02 12-Dec-02 13-Dec-02 14-Dec-02 15-Dec-02 16-Dec-02 17-Dec-02 18-Dec-02 19-Dec-02 20-Dec-02 21-Dec-02 22-Dec-02 23-Dec-02 24-Dec-02 25-Dec-02 26-Dec-02 27-Dec-02 28-Dec-02 29-Dec-02 30-Dec-02 31-Dec-02 1-Jan-03 2-Jan-03
Liquid (gpm) 4 4 11 18 23 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vapor Off Off-On Off-On On On Off-On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off
Boiler Off Off-On Off-On On On Off-On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off-On Off Off Off Off Off Off-On
Injection (lbs/hr) 0 0 7847 7795 8364 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Treatment Plant Off Off-On On On On On Recycle Recycle On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
DTS On On On On On Off On On On On On On On On On Off On On Off Off On On Off On
Thermocouples On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
TOC On On On On On On On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off
Pressure On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
Field condensate
pump air-locked
Seals in vacuum
exchanger (HX-
pumps failed;
3) failed
Condensate receiver pump
discharge to outfall
Loop 2
Monitoring TOC
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
No readings
all sensors
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
Phase III Phase IV
Systems 3-Jan-03 4-Jan-03 5-Jan-03 6-Jan-03 7-Jan-03 8-Jan-03 9-Jan-03 10-Jan-03 11-Jan-03 12-Jan-03 13-Jan-03 14-Jan-03 15-Jan-03 16-Jan-03 17-Jan-03 18-Jan-03 19-Jan-03 20-Jan-03 21-Jan-03 22-Jan-03 23-Jan-03 24-Jan-03 25-Jan-03 26-Jan-03
Liquid (gpm) 4 3 16 11 29 31 4 30 17 25 22 20 23 17 18 16 16 14 15 19 19 20
Vapor Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off
Boiler Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off-On Off Off Off-On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
Injection (lbs/hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3253 3223 3192 3146 2787 2801 2833 2830 2778 2789 2751 2772 2837 2788
Treatment Plant On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
DTS Off Off Off On On On On On Off Off On On On On On Off Off Off On On On On Off Off
Thermocouples Off Off Off On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
TOC Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On On On On On On On
Pressure Off Off Off On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On Off
Declining DO
Treatment Plant
Monitoring TOC
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
No readings
No readings
No readings
all sensors
all sensors
all sensors
T-29 pressure
E-3 exhaust air/vapor lock T401 flow valve not working to chemical
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
TOC pump
T-29 pressure
clogged w/
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
Heat exchanger plugged Feed water flow control valve T401 flow meter plugged with PAH T-29 pressure
with PAH failed; feed water pump trip crystals; clarifier pump not working inop
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
T-29 pressure
Phase IV
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
Unstable DO
Injection (lbs/hr)
Liquid (gpm)
Treatment Plant
Treatment Plant
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
clogged inop
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T401 flow valve clogged with waxy TOC sampling T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
Feed water pump trip DAF pump; T401 flow valve cleaned
but still inop
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
Liquid (gpm)
Treatment Plant
Treatment Plant
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
Phase IV Phase V
Systems 16-Mar-03 17-Mar-03 18-Mar-03 19-Mar-03 20-Mar-03 21-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 23-Mar-03 24-Mar-03 25-Mar-03 26-Mar-03 27-Mar-03 28-Mar-03 29-Mar-03 30-Mar-03 31-Mar-03 1-Apr-03 2-Apr-03 3-Apr-03 4-Apr-03 5-Apr-03 6-Apr-03 7-Apr-03 8-Apr-03
Liquid (gpm) 22 23 22 24 24 21 20 20 18 20 19 18 18 18 18 17 10 10 8 12 11 10 11 10
Vapor Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off
Boiler On Off-On Off-On Off-On On On On Off-On Off-On Off-On Off-On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off-On Off-On Off Off Off Off Off
Injection (lbs/hr) 2252 0 2240 2246 2206 2222 2169 0 0 0 2222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Treatment Plant On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
DTS On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
Thermocouples On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
TOC On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
Pressure On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On On
DAF recycle pump completely clogged
with NAPL wax
Treatment Plant
drain part
Monitoring TOC
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
T-22 pressure
T-29 pressure
T-29 pressure
Figure 5.1-1 Operations Timeline
Phase V
Systems 9-Apr-03 10-Apr-03 Notes
Liquid (gpm) 10 9 Records incomplete
Vapor Off Off 5 Records incomplete (gpm operating condition if known)
Boiler Off Off-On Training Training
Injection (lbs/hr) 0 1804 9 System operating (gpm or lbs/hr operating condition)
Treatment Plant On On On System operating
DTS On On Off System not operating
Thermocouples On On 0 System not operating (0 gpm or lbs/hr operating condition noted)
TOC On On Off-On System turned on or off during day
Pressure On On 1647 System turned on or off during day (gpm or lbs/hr operating condition)
Treatment Plant
Monitoring TOC
T-22 pressure
Figure 6.1-1. Total steam production rates calculated based on water usage, fuel
usage, and well-head measurements
Energy injected based on fuel usage Energy injected based on feed water flow Energy injected based on well steam flows
Energy injection rate (million BTU/hr)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-2. Steam injection rates for all 16 injection wells combined
Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V Phase VI
Total steam injection rate (lbs/hr)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-3. Steam injection rates for the 16 injection wells during 2002
operations. No steam was injected after 12/16/02 that year
I-01 I-02 I-03 I-04 I-05 I-06 I-07 I-08
Steam injection rate (lbs/hr)
10/22 10/27 11/1 11/6 11/11 11/16 11/21 11/26 12/1 12/6 12/11 12/16
Figure 6.1-4. Steam injection rates for the 16 injection wells during 2003
Steam injection rate (lbs/hr)
1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30
Figure 6.1-5. Cumulative steam injection volumes for each of the 16 injection
I-01 I-02 I-03 I-04 I-05 I-06 I-07 I-08
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-6. Liquid extraction rates from each of the seven extraction wells.
Pumping rate (gpm)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-7. Cumulative water volumes extracted from each extraction well
E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7
Cumulative volume (gallons)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-8. Total liquid extraction rates from the seven wells
Total liquid pumping rate (gpm)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-9. Water levels observed in extraction wells during operation
E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7
Water level (ft MLLW)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-10. Water levels observed in monitoring well locations during
T-12 T-14 T-22 T-25 T-27 T-29 T-40 T-46 T-63
Water level (ft MLLW)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-11. Water flow rates for the pilot test area
Steam injection rate Liquid extraction rate Condensate production rate
Total extraction rate Net extraction rate
Flow rate (gpm)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-12. Cumulative water balance for the pilot test area
Water injected as steam Water extracted Condensate produced from vapor
Total extracted Net extraction Water in pilot test volume
Water net inflow
Cumulative volume (gallons)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-13. Enthalpy fluxes for the pilot test area during operation.
Enthalpy flux (million BTU/hr)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-14. Energy balance for the pilot test area during operation
Steam energy injected Energy extracted in water
Energy in extracted steam Energy in extracted non-condensable vapor
Total energy extracted Net energy added to site
Energy stored based on measured temperature Total heat loss
Cumulative energy (million BTU)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.1-15. Cumulative energy losses estimated based on temperature
gradients at the boundaries of the pilot test volume
Through top Through bottom Through sheet-pile Total heat loss
Cumulative energy (million BTU)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.2-1. Temperatures of the liquid extracted from six of the seven extraction
wells. No temperature measurements were made for E-4
Temperature (F)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.2-3. Comparison of temperature profiles from DTS and
thermocouples for instrument string T-7.
Thermocouple DTS
Figure 6.2-4. Interpolated temperature maps for pseudo-horizonal Slices A-D and horizontal Slice E.
Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV
28 Oct 02 04 Nov 02 11 Nov 02 18 Nov 02 25 Nov 02 02 Dec 02 10 Dec 02 16 Dec 02 23 Dec 02 30 Dec 02 06 Jan 03 13 Jan 03 21 Jan 03 27 Jan 03
Slice E
Vadose Zone
Slice D
Slice C
Slice B
Aquitard Slice A
03 Feb 03 10 Feb 03 17 Feb 03 24 Feb 03 03 Mar 03 10 Mar 03 17 Mar 03 24 Mar 03 31 Mar 03 07 Apr 03
Slice E Available
Temp (deg C)
Slice D 110
90 Phase I Commissioning
80 Phase II Continuous steam injection
Phase III Engineering evaluations
Slice C 60
Phase IV Low-level steam injection
40 Phase V Sporadic low-level steam injection
30 Phase VI Liquid extraction (not shown)
Slice B
Slice A
Section F
Phase I Phase II Phase III
F 28 Oct 02 F' 04 Nov 02 11 Nov 02 18 Nov 02 25 Nov 02 02 Dec 02 10 Dec 02 16 Dec 02 23 Dec 02
Cold temperature
Surface Cap
Temp (deg C)
Vapor Collectors
December 12, 2002 50
Cold temperature 10
Surface Cap
Vapor Collectors
Figure 6.2-8. SeaTac airport precipitation and collector layer
temperature at instrument string T-52.
December 2002
1.4 100
Precipitation (inches)
Temperature (deg C)
1 70
0.8 60
0.6 40
0.4 30
0 0
1-Dec-02 8-Dec-02 15-Dec-02 22-Dec-02 29-Dec-02
March 2003
1.4 100
Precipitation (inches)
Temperature (deg C)
1 70
0.8 60
0.6 40
0.4 30
0 0
1-Mar-03 8-Mar-03 15-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 29-Mar-03
Figure 6.2-9. Temperature sensor locations in the vapor collector layer
exhibiting a temperature drop of greater than 20 degrees C.
E-7 E-3
Temperature Sensors
Extraction well
Sensor with less than 20 deg C change
Sensor with greater than 20 deg C change
E-7 E-3
Temperature Sensors
Extraction well
Sensor with less than 20 deg C change
Sensor with greater than 20 deg C change
Elevation (ft MLLW) Elevation (ft MLLW)
Figure 6.2-10. Instrument string temperature profiles along the inside of the sheet-pile wall for October-December 2002.
Elevation (ft MLLW)
Elevation (ft MLLW)
Elevation (ft MLLW)
Elevation (ft MLLW) Elevation (ft MLLW)
Figure 6.2-11. Instrument string temperature profiles along the inside of the sheet-pile wall for January-May 2003.
Elevation (ft MLLW)
Elevation (ft MLLW)
Elevation (ft MLLW)
Elevation (ft MLLW)
-15 Elevation (ft MLLW) Elevation (ft MLLW)
Figure 6.2-12. Instrument string temperature profiles for the E-4 array for October-December 2002.
Temperature (deg C)
Elevation (ft MLLW)
E-1 80 6-Nov-02
E-4 12-Nov-02
E-7 E-3
40 19-Nov-02
20 10 0 -10 -20
Elevation (ft MLLW)
Figure 6.2-13. Instrument string temperature profiles for the E-4 array for January-May 2003.
20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature (deg C)
E-4 9-Apr-03
E-7 E-3
Average temperature (C)
All sensors (inside and
outside sheet-pile wall)
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.3-2. Comparison of the measured average pilot test area temperature to
the average temperature calculated from energy balance data and an assumed
volume and heat capacity
Net energy added to site Measured average temperature Average temperature (calculated w/o loss)
5,000 250
4,000 200
3,000 150
2,500 125
2,000 100
1,500 75
1,000 50
500 25
0 0
10/2 10/12 10/22 11/1 11/11 11/21 12/1 12/11 12/21 12/31 1/10 1/20 1/30 2/9 2/19 3/1 3/11 3/21 3/31 4/10 4/20 4/30 5/10 5/20
Figure 6.3-3. Cumulative volume of water (in thousand gallons) extracted from each E well during steam
500 750
100 777
19 172 750
Figure 6.3-4. Average steam injection rate (in lbs/hr) for each of the 16 injection wells in the
period between 10/30/02 and 12/14/02
244 311
378 302
200 300
Figure 6.4-1. Extracted Liquid PAH Concentrations
(November 7, 2002 through January 27, 2003)
Concentration in ug/L
Figure 6.4-2. Extracted Liquid PAH Concentrations
(January 28, 2003 through May 12, 2003)
Concentration in ug/L
Figure 6.4-3. Extracted Liquid PCP Concentrations
(November 7, 2002 through January 27, 2003)
Concentration in ug/L
11/7/02 11/14/02 11/21/02 11/28/02 12/5/02 12/12/02 12/19/02 12/26/02 1/2/03 1/9/03 1/16/03 1/23/03
Concentration in ug/L
1/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
2/ 3
3/ 3
(January 28, 2003 through May 12, 2003)
3/ 3
3/ 3
Figure 6.4-4. Extracted Liquid PCP Concentrations
3/ 3
3/ 3
3/ 3
3/ 3
3/ 3
3/ 3
Figure 6.4-5. Average daily TOC and cumulative TOC (estimated where no data). Also shown are maximum average daily TOC, average
TOC removal rate per day, and average subsurface temperature and average extraction rate for each operational phase.
2,500 12,000
Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V
Avg. TOC 757 mg/L No data 860 mg/L 566 mg/L
Max. TOC 1962 mg/L No data 1401 mg/L 731 mg/L
Cum. TOC 2557 kg 166 kg (est.) 6261 kg 849 kg
Avg. TOC/day 67 kg/day 6 kg/day (est.) 91 kg/day 45 kg/day
Avg. site temp. 46.6 deg C 62.1 deg C 72.8 deg C 72.3 deg C 10,000
2,000 Avg. extr. rate 16 gpm 1.6 gpm 20 gpm 14 gpm
TOC (mg/L)
TOC (kg)
0 0
7-Nov-02 5-Dec-02 2-Jan-03 30-Jan-03 27-Feb-03 27-Mar-03
Figure 6.6-1. Total PAH and PCP Concentrations in Treatment Plant Influent
Prior to and at Start of Pilot Study
Concentration in ug/L
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Week of 2002
Figure 6.6-2. Total PAH Concentrations Into (SP-0) and Out of (SP-4) DAFT
SP-0 SP-4
Total PAH Concentrations in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-3. Naphthalene Concentrations Into (SP-0) and Out of (SP-4) DAFT
SP-0 SP-4
(1,150,000 ug/L on 12/2/02)
Naphthalene Concentration in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-4. PCP Concentrations Into (SP-0) and Out of (SP-4) DAFT
SP-0 SP-4
PCP Concentration in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-5. NAPL Removal per Month and Cumulative Total NAPL Removal
Figure 6.6-6. Total PAH Concentrations Into (SP-4) and Out of (SP-6) Aeration Basin
SP-4 SP-6
Total PAH Concentration in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-7. Naphthalene Concentrations Into (SP-4) and Out of (SP-6) Aeration Basin
SP-4 SP-6
93,700 ug/L on 12/15/02
Naphthalene Concentration in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-8. PCP Concentrations Into (SP-4) and Out of (SP-6) Aeration Basin
SP-4 SP-6
PCP Concentrations in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-9. Aeration Basin Total PAH and PCP Removal Effectiveness
Percent Removed
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-10. Dissolved Oxygen and Total PAH Concentration In Aeration Basin
8.00 100,000
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in mg/L
4.00 50,000
0.00 0
9/1/02 9/21/02 10/11/02 10/31/02 11/20/02 12/10/02 12/30/02 1/19/03 2/8/03
Figure 6.6-11. Total PAH Concentration Into (SP-8) and Out of (SP-10) Carbon
Treatment System
SP-8 SP-10
629 ug/L on 12/9/02
Total PAH Concentration in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-12. PCP Concentration Into (SP-8) and Out of (SP-10) Carbon Treatment
SP-8 SP-10
PCP Concentration in ug/L
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-13. Carbon Treatment System Total PAH and PCP Removal Effectiveness
Percent Removed
90% on 12/16/02
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-14. Total PAH and PCP Concentrations in GWTP Effluent
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-15. pH Concentration in GWTP Effluent
Discharge Limit < 9
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
Figure 6.6-16. Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen in GWTP Effluent
Dissolved Oxygen Discharge Limit > 6 mg/L
10 6
0 0
9/1/02 10/21/02 12/10/02 1/29/03 3/20/03 5/9/03 6/28/03 8/17/03
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Thermal Remediation Pilot Study Summary Report 136 October 2006, Revision 3.0
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Soil and Groundwater Operable Units
Appendix A Site Cleanup Levels
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Appendix B Pilot Test Area Selection Memorandum
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P.O. BOX 3755
2. The changes were made in consultation between EPA Region 10 and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE), as well as USACEs expert consultants for the pilot
study design: Roger Aines and Robin Newmark of Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Gorm Heron of SteamTech, Inc., and Kent Udell of the University of
California Berkeley.
2.2 Design Data Total NAPL Removal and Aquitard Heating are limited to
the upper aquifer. NAPL contained in the aquitard will not be remediated as part
of the pilot study, based upon discussions between Hanh Gold of EPA Region 10
and Kathy LeProwse of USACE in January 2000. Aquitard heating will be
limited to heating at and near the upper surface of the aquitard, to allow NAPL
located at the bottom of the aquifer (e.g., sitting on top of the aquitard) to be
5.2 Comparison of Alternative Test Areas See the change to 5.1 relative to
selection criteria 7 and 8.
1 of 2
5.3 Preferred Alternative Test Area The proposed pilot study location has been
modified to reduce the total volume of soil to be treated from approximately
40,000 yd3 to approximately 25,000 yd3. The volume reduction was made by
moving the western portion of the pilot study sheet pile wall eastward from the
alignment proposed in the Pilot Study Location Selection Memorandum. The
primary purpose for this size reduction was to allow successful completion of the
pilot study within the EPAs budget. Due to this change, the estimated NAPL
volumes decreased from 17,000 gallons of LNAPL and 41,000 gallons of DNAPL
to 13,000 gallons of LNAPL and 29,000 gallons of DNAPL. EPA has indicated
that the size of the pilot study will not be less than 25,000 yd3 and, if funds allow,
the size will be larger.
Figures 1, 2, and 3 Area C does not extend as far west as shown in this figure,
based on the changes described for 5.3 above. Please refer to Pilot Study
Conceptual (10%) Design, Figure 4, to see the revised alignment for Area C.
5. Any questions related to this addendum or the Thermal Remediation Pilot Test Area
Location Selection Memorandum should be directed to Ms. Kathy LeProwse of
USACE (206-764-3505).
2 of 2
Thermal Remediation
Pilot Test Area Selection
Prepared by
Department of the Army
21 April 2000
DNAPL dense non-aqueous phase liquid
EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
FS Feasibility Study
ITTAP Insitu Thermal Technologies Advisory Panel
LNAPL light non-aqueous phase liquid
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
NAD83 North American Datum
NAPL non-aqueous phase liquid
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum
OU operable unit
ppm parts per million
ppt parts per thousand
RI Remedial Investigation
USGS United States Geological Survey
WSPCS Washington State Plane Coordinate System
Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site
Pilot Test Area Selection Memorandum
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this memorandum is to document the decision process involved in the selection
of the Thermal Remediation Pilot Test location at the Wyckoff Superfund Site. The
memorandum will also include descriptions of each test area, as well as a comparison of the test
areas based on the test objectives, and a proposal for a preferred pilot area.
1.2 Background
Due to the site-specific nature of thermal processes, EPA has determined that a pilot test must be
completed prior to implementing a full scale thermal remediation. The pilot test area will be
separated from the rest of the site by a sheetpile wall, to prevent recontamination by inflow of
groundwater and NAPL from adjacent untreated soil, and to allow an objective evaluation of the
results of the thermal treatment. Three possible locations for a pilot test were discussed at the
ITTAP meeting on 19 October 1999:
A. Upgradient (south) end of site, east shoreline
B. Upgradient (south) end of site, west shoreline
C. Downgradient (north) end of site, east shoreline
Areas A and B were considered to be the most representative of the project site, since the sheet
pile enclosure can be open at the upgradient end to allow recharge by oxygenated groundwater.
Area C was eventually eliminated from further consideration due to its downgradient location,
and subsequent evaluations have focussed on upgradient areas. Three upgradient alternatives
will be compared in this memorandum, including the two original upgradient areas (See Figure
A. East shoreline
B. West shoreline
C. Central Area
All three areas have the potential to be configured to the approximate shape of the full site, and
the surrounding sheetpile walls can be terminated upgradient, in relatively uncontaminated soils,
to allow lateral groundwater recharge into the treatment zone.
Additional push-probe explorations in 2000, delineating the upgradient extent of the
proposed pilot test locations, and filling data gaps revealed during conceptual thermal design
(U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2000b).
2.1 Performance
EPA has developed performance expectations for the pilot test, which will demonstrate the
ability of the thermal technologies to meet the cleanup goals:
1. All mobile NAPL is removed from the pilot test area.
2. NAPL component concentrations are reduced sufficiently to allow site groundwater to be
fully remediated by continuing thermally-enhanced natural processes, after the active
treatment is completed. EPA will use site-specific laboratory testing and modeling to
predict the degradation rates which will occur after treatment, and the conditions required for
the residual contamination to be reduced to concentrations that are protective of marine water
quality, surface water quality, and sediment standards in Puget Sound.
3. Contaminant levels in surface soils (0-15 depth) are reduced to MTCA Method B cleanup
If expectation 3. is not fully achieved, other measures such as soil capping may be implemented.
Failure to meet expectations 1. and 2., however, could result in institution of the containment and
pump-and-treat alternative instead of full-scale thermal remediation.
Community impacts
Potential adverse effects to Eagle Harbor
Vapor cap performance
Dioxin removal from site soil
Total NAPL removal
Steam migration patterns
Aquitard heating
Treatment plant performance
Microbial populations and contaminant oxidation rates before and after treatment
Operational approaches
Engineering data such as well diameter, depth, and spacing; monitoring requirements; vapor
cap thickness; extraction and injection rates; surface temperatures; sheetpile permeability;
construction material requirements; etc..
The Wyckoff property occupies approximately 57 acres, including a spit with about 0.8 miles of
shoreline extending northward into Eagle Harbor. The spit has been extended and filled at least
twice prior to the 1950s, and was the location of wood treatment activities that have caused the
current soil and groundwater contamination. The spit covers approximately 8 acres, and
contains the majority of the on-site contamination.
The Wyckoff Soil and Groundwater Operable Units (OUs) occupy a relatively flat lowland (the
spit and the log peeler area) and intertidal area, bounded by a densely vegetated bluff on the
south. The lowland area has an average elevation of approximately 15 feet MLLW, while the
hillside area rises to elevations above 200-feet. The north and west portions of the spit are
bounded by Eagle Harbor, and by Puget Sound along the eastern margin. A summary of the
geologic materials present in the onshore portion of the Soil and Groundwater OUs are provided
3.1 Fill.
Fill material, imported from nearby sources, was placed on the property to extend the shoreline
into Eagle Harbor and Puget Sound. The fill consists of silt and fine-grained sand similar in
physical characteristics to the underlying marine sand and gravel unit, making it difficult to
differentiate between the two units. Locally, the fill consists of fine brown sand containing
bricks, broken glass, metal fragments, and other anthropogenic material, and generally lacks
shell fragments.
fragments and occasional red-brown wood debris and other organic material. The marine silt
often overlies the glacial clay, silt, and sand unit, but may also be separated from the glacial
deposits by thin layers of marine sand.
4.1 Area A
Pilot Test Area A is located on the east side of the project area, directly north of the treatment
4.1.1 Geology
The upper aquifer at Area A consists of fill material and marine sand and gravel totaling 26 to 53
feet thick. The fill material is 5 to 10 feet thick over most of Area A and thins slightly to the
south. Marine sand and gravel underlies the fill material and is approximately 16-feet to 43-feet
thick. Marine silt is present in the northern half of Area A, lying directly below the marine sand
and gravel unit, and directly above the glacial clay, silt and sand unit. The maximum thickness
of the marine silt is 6 feet (99CD05), thining southward and pinching out beneath the treatment
plant. The glacial aquitard is composed of the brown, silty sand facies.
Two separate cobble zones up to six-feet thick have been identified in the marine sand and
gravel within Area A. In addition, cobbles have been observed at the glacial contact with the
marine silt (99CD05, RPW7 and 97AP22) and within the glacial aquitard (99CD05, RPW7 and
4.1.2 Contamination
Mobile NAPL is primarily restricted to the fill and marine sand and gravel units at Area A.
Some small blobs of a waxy form of contaminant were noted associated with a heavy sheen
within the marine silt unit in contact with the glacial aquitard at 99CD05. The maximum
thicknesses of LNAPL and DNAPL in Area A are approximately 9 feet and 18 feet, respectively,
at boring 97AP01.
The existence of NAPL beneath the treatment plant is a primary concern in Area A. Ten feet of
DNAPL was observed at CW03 approximately 20 feet north of the treatment plant pad. Boring
00PP01, just north of the treatment pad, showed a total of 5.5-feet of mobile NAPL at various
intervals. Boring 00PP05, drilled through the treatment plant pad, revealing about 1 foot of
residual NAPL. Boring 00PP04, approximately midway along the seaward side of the plant,
encountered 0.5-foot of mobile LNAPL as well as significant residual NAPL.
No contaminant has been observed within the aquitard at Area A. The results from 00PP16 and
99SE25 indicate that the area upgradient of Area A is free of contamination.
4.2 Area B
4.2.1 Geology
The upper aquifer at Area B consists of fill material, non-marine clay, and marine sand and
gravel. These units are underlain by the glacial clay, silt and sand unit. Upper aquifer thickness
ranges from 16 to 36 feet. Fill material averages about 10 feet thick, reaching a maximum
thickness of 22 feet. Most of the fill in Area B consists of a sequence of a few feet of basalt
cobbles, overlying silty sand which has been placed over non-marine clay fill. The maximum
thickness of the non-marine clay fill is approximately 17 feet, thinning northward and pinching
out at the north end of the Area (see Figure 2).
Marine sand and gravel underlies the fill material and varies from 3 to 26 feet thick. Several thin
gravel deposits exist at Area B but no cobble zones have been observed. Organic-rich materials
underlie the clay fill in the north and east portions of the Area (3 feet in boring 97AP18); these
have been interpreted as lagoon deposits, and are mapped as either marine sand and gravel or
surficial marine sediment. Both the marine sand and gravel and the lagoon deposits directly
overly the glacial clay, silt and sand unit.
The glacial aquitard is composed of both the brown, sandy, gravelly silt and gray, clayey silt
facies within Area B. No cobbles have been observed in association with the glacial aquitard in
this area of the Wyckoff site.
4.2.2 Contamination
The maximum thickness of LNAPL and DNAPL in Area B is approximately 1.5 and 14.5 feet,
respectively (borings 99SE47 and 99SE40). The extent of LNAPL is limited, and has only been
detected at borings 97AP41, 99SE42, and 99SE47. Mobile NAPL is present in all units at Area
B, including the glacial aquitard. In general, the thickest NAPL-contaminated intervals occur in
the marine sand and gravel unit; however boring 97AP29, in the extreme northern portion of the
Area, revealed a 6-foot NAPL-saturated zone in the lagoon bottom sediments. The northeastern
edge of the Area may contain solid-phase PAH deposits associated with lagoon sediments
(borings 00PP13, 00PP14, 00PP30, see Figure 5).
Up to 3 feet of NAPL has been observed in both the marine silt and the non-marine clay unit.
Approximately 6 feet of DNAPL is in contact with the aquitard in the vicinity of boring 97AP29,
and LIF data indicate that NAPL is present within the aquitard at 99SE40, 99SE46 and 99SE47.
The maximum contaminant thickness in the glacial aquitard may be as much as 5 feet,
penetrating as deep as 11 feet below the top of the aquitard.
Results from borings 00PP24, 99SE21 and 99SE22 indicate that the area upgradient of Area B is
free of NAPL; however, a pilot soil boring 24 feet north of MW19 noted a naphthalene odor and
petroleum sheen at approximately 20 feet below ground surface. A sample collected from boring
00PP24 contained 160 mg/kg diesel range hydrocarbons at the interface between the upper
aquifer and the underlying glacial material. The analysis of PAHs in this sample revealed the
presence of phenanthrene (33 mg/kg) and fluoranthene (16 mg/kg). Other PAHs including
naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene, anthracene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene and
benzo(k)fluoranthene were each detected at concentrations less than 10 mg/kg. In addition,
small pieces of asphalt-like material were visible in soils collected from 4 to 8 feet in depth.
4.3 Area C
4.3.1 Geology
Surface soils at Area C is consists of fill material and non-marine clay. The fill material consists
primarily of silty sand with occasional basalt cobbles, averaging about 7 feet thick and reaching
a maximum thickness of about 14 feet in the northern portion of the Area. In the southwest half
of Area B, the silty sand overlies as much as 10 feet of non-marine clay; the clay thins northward
and pinches out on the northeast margin.
The upper aquifer in Area C consists of marine sand and gravel, underlying the fill and
nonmarine clay, with thicknesses from of 2 to 33 feet. Several thin, fine gravel deposits exist in
the Area, but no cobble zones have been observed. Lagoon deposits appear to be absent from
Area C, although organic debris was noted in the west side, indicating the probable eastern limit
of the former lagoon. The marine sand and gravel directly overlies the glacial clay, silt and sand
unit at Area C. The glacial aquitard is composed of both the brown, sandy, gravelly silt facies
and the gray, clayey silt facies. No cobbles have been observed in association with the glacial
aquitard in Area C.
4.3.2 Contamination
The maximum thickness of mobile LNAPL and DNAPL in Area C is approximately 13 and 9
feet respectively; both maximums were encountered at boring 00PP21. The thickest NAPL
zones occur at the north end of the Area, thinning to the south as the aquitard becomes
shallower. Mobile NAPL is present in all units, including the glacial aquitard. Most of the
NAPL occurs in the marine sand and gravel unit; NAPL in the non-marine clay is primarily in
the lower 1 foot of the unit, at the contact with the marine sand and gravel (borings 00PP22 and
97AP28). In the vicinity of boring 00PP21, approximately 6 feet of DNAPL lies directly on the
aquitard. At the southwest corner of the Area, LIF data from boring 99SE45 indicate the
existence of 5 feet of NAPL located 11-feet below the top of the aquitard.
Twelve direct-push borings have been completed upgradient of Area C to delineate the southern
extent of contamination. With the exception of boring 00PP09, each of the pushes contained
some level of residual contamination, including asphalt or charcoal debris. Analytical results
indicate two broad categories of residual contamination upgradient of Area C:
This pattern of contamination occurred in samples from pushes 00PP08, 00PP10, 00PP18,
00PP27 and 00PP29; with the highest concentrations occurring at 4 to 8 feet depth in push
00PP10. Hydrocarbon contamination in this sample included 2200 mg/kg motor-oil-range
TPH and 20 mg/kg total HPAH; total LPAH was below the laboratorys reporting limit
(USACE, 2000b).
The second category of contamination more closely resembles chemical patterns observed
throughout the Wyckoff site, associated with creosote. This pattern is characterized by higher
concentrations of diesel-range hydrocarbons relative to motor-oil-range hydrocarbons, and
high concentrations of LPAH relative to HPAH. The LPAH component is comprised mostly
of naphthalene. These characteristics are present at pushes 00PP23, 00PP25 and 00PP26.
The highest concentrations occurred in boring 00PP25 at a depth of about 5 feet, at the
interface between the nonmarine clay and the glacial unit. The analysis of this sample
revealed 3000 mg/kg diesel-range hydrocarbons, 1400 mg/kg motor-oil-range hydrocarbons,
and 1156 mg/kg total LPAHs (USACE, 2000b). Contamination with these same
characteristics was also detected in sand and gravel zones within the glacial aquitard, in
pushes 00PP23 and 00PP26.
The following comparison of proposed pilot test areas is based on the four critical criteria and
five desirable criteria outlined in Paragraph 5.1. Results of the comparison are summarized in
Table 2.
5.2.9 Shoreline Location
The east margin of Area A consists of approximately 150-feet of intertidal shoreline. Area B is
bounded on the west by about 250-feet of bulkheads, with subtidal sediment surfaces. Area C is
at least 250 feet from the nearest shoreline.
No structures which would restrict drilling activity are present in Area C. Approximately 17,000
gallons of LNAPL and 41,000 gallons DNAPL are present, with no mobile NAPL detected
upgradient of the Area. The stratigraphy is similar to the overall project area, including about
7% (by volume) non-marine clay in the southwest corner (see Figure 2). DNAPL is in contact
with the glacial aquitard over a large area, primarily in the north end of the Area. Area C also
provides an opportunity to test electrical heating technology, with NAPL present in both the
glacial aquitard and in the non-marine clay.
It is recommended that Area C be accepted as the Pilot Test Area for thermal remediation at
the Wyckoff Superfund Site.
Although Area C exhibits all of the critical characteristics for pilot testing, it does not have
an intertidal shoreline which would allow evaluation of thermal impacts to the marine
environment. Thermal monitoring during the pilot study should be used to refine the
thermal parameters employed for pilot test design, and these improved parameters should
then utilized to make better predictions of heat transfer along the shoreline.
A limitation common to all upgradient test areas is the shallow depth of testing, compared to
average aquifer depths over the project site. Well installation costs, injection pressures,
steam temperatures, and extraction rates will all increase as deeper portions of the aquifer are
treated. These differences need to be considered when extrapolating pilot test results to the
full-scale remediation.
Residual hydrocarbons detected upgradient of Area C may be a source of contaminated
groundwater which could affect the interpretation of the pilot test results. This issue should
be evaluated, and the contaminated soils should be removed as necessary.
Although sufficient explorations exist to allow selection of a test area, well screen and
electrode locations can only be estimated at this time. The exact locations should be
determined in the field, utilizing data obtained during drilling for the wells, electrodes, and
thermal probes.
Berkeley Hydrotechnique, 1989, Groundwater Extraction System for the Wyckoff /Eagle Harbor
Site, Bainbridge Island, Washington: Report to EPA Region 10.
CH2M HILL, 1999a, Draft groundwater flow and transport modeling report, Wyckoff/Eagle
Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Island, Washington: Report to EPA Region 10.
CH2M HILL, 1999b, Draft parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of the Wyckoff
groundwater flow model, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Island,
Washington: Report to EPA Region 10.
CH2M HILL, 1997, Final Remedial Investigation (RI) report for the Wyckoff Soil and
Groundwater Operable Unit, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Island,
Washington: Report to EPA Region 10.
CH2M HILL, 1995, Extraction Well Construction Report, Wyckoff Facility and Groundwater
Operable Units, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Kitsap County, Washington: Report to
EPA Region 10.
Freeze, A. F, Cherry, R. A., 1979, Groundwater: Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Incropera, P. F., DeWitt, D. P., 1996, Introduction to heat transfer: New York NY, John Wiley
and Sons, Inc.
Western Regional Climate Center, 1999, Bremerton, Washington monthly average temperature:
website http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/summary/climsmwa.html
Sellmeijer, J. B. and Shouten, C. P., 1995, Hydraulic resistance of steel sheet pile joints: Journal
of Geotechnical Engineering, v. 121, no. 2.
Sellmeijer, J. B. and Shouten, C. P., 1993, Steel sheet pile seepage resistance: Proceedings of the
Fourth International Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy.
Todd, D. K., 1980, Groundwater hydrology: New York NY, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2000a, Wyckoff NAPL field exploration draft comprehensive
report, Soil and Groundwater Operable Units, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site: Report to
EPA Region 10.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2000b, Supplemental NAPL field exploration report, Soil and
Groundwater Operable Units, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site: Report to EPA Region 10.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1999a, Draft conceptual design, Soil and Groundwater Operable
Units, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site: Report to EPA Region 10.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1999c, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Groundwater and Soil
Operable Units thermal modeling protocol: Report to EPA Region 10.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1999d, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund East Harbor Operable
Unit Intertidal Area natural recovery study, LNAPL flux calculations: Report to EPA Region 10.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1998a, East Harbor Operable Unit Intertidal Area natural
recovery study, Phase 1: Report to EPA Region 10.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1998b, Onshore field investigation report for the barrier wall
design project; Wyckoff Groundwater Operable Unit: Report to EPA Region 10.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1998c, Offshore field investigation report for the barrier wall
design project; Wyckoff Groundwater Operable Unit: Report to EPA Region 10.
Pilot Test Site Selection Memorandum Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Is., WA
Pilot Test Site Selection Memorandum Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Is., WA
Pilot Test Site Selection Memorandum Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Is., WA
Appendix C Well E4 Pumping Test Results
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mme 11/16/01
1.1 General
Pumping tests at extraction well E4 were conducted to provide estimates of subsurface hydraulic
parameters for thermal treatment design and operations. The tests consisted of: 1) an 8-hour
step-discharge test with overnight recovery; 2) followed by a 3-day constant-discharge test and
3-day recovery. Well locations are shown on Figure 1, and well data are shown on Table 1.
Discharges and durations for the pumping tests are shown on Table 2.
1.2 Equipment
Pumping was performed using a 3.75-inch Goulds submersible pump driven by a Franklin 2-
horsepower electric motor. The pump and motor combination were designed to deliver a
maximum of 30 gpm at the maximum total dynamic heads which would be incurred with
anticipated water levels along with the pipeline and treatment plant.
A check valve was mounted just above the pump, and the pump and motor assembly was
suspended on a 1.25-inch ID flexible polyethylene column long enough to position the pump
intake at the bottom of the well screen. A 1-inch PVC stilling pipe was clamped alongside the
column pipe, extending to a few feet above the pump intake. The flexible column pipe curved
from vertical to horizontal as it exited the well, and was laid on the ground surface. A spigot for
sample extraction was mounted on the horizontal portion of the pipe, followed in the down
stream direction by two flow meters and a globe valve. The column and discharge pipe
extended 150 feet to a Baker tank, where the discharge was collected before pumping to the site
groundwater treatment plant.
Flows were measured using two 2-inch totalizer meters: a Precision meter measuring cubic feet
per minute, and a Master Meter measuring gallons per minute. The meters were calibrated and
sealed by the manufacturer prior to shipping, and were found to agree within 1% during
simultaneous testing before the step-discharge test. The meters were also checked every 8 hours
during each pumping test, and showed continuing agreement within 1%. Totalizer readings were
used to calculate average discharges for each test period.
2.1 Procedures.
2.1.1 General.
Data logger files for the 72-hour constant discharge pumping tests were converted to separate
computer files of elapsed time and drawdown for each well, which were imported to customized
EXCEL spreadsheets. The spreadsheets were used to make data corrections, to plot graphs, and
to perform data analyses. Neuman (1975) analyses and numerical model data fits were
performed for all of the observation wells in the Pilot Area except E5 and E6; these data were
not analyzed due to strong tidal effects. The Neuman method is the standard analysis for
unconfined aquifer test data, however review of the Neuman results indicated the need for
additional work with the existing numerical model. Pumping well (E4) data were not analyzed
because head losses and uncertainties regarding effective diameters for pumping wells preclude
accurate estimates of formation parameters (Driscoll, 1986; Fetter, 1980; Todd, 1980; U.S. Dept.
of Interior, 1985). Well E4 data was used, however to perform well efficiency calculations.
Barometric effects were not discernable in the water-level data, primarily because of tidal and
trend effects, therefore no barometric corrections were made. An attempt was made to correct
data from wells E5 and E6 for tidal effects, however the relative amplitude of well fluctuations
was different from the marine tidal fluctuations, preventing effective scaling and superposition of
well and tide data. All observation well data was corrected for unconfined conditions by the
method of Jacob (1963).
The numerical model had been previously prepared as an independent project with no cost to the
Government, for the purpose of simulating steam injection operations. It utilizes the multiphase
code NUFT, and contains the same stratigraphy, material and fluid parameters as the NUFT and
MODFLOW models used in the 90% Design Analysis (USACE, 2001). The Pilot Area and
surrounding vicinity was simulated by a 3-dimensional grid consisting of 50,000 nodes, with a
horizontal grid spacing of 2 meters inside the Pilot Area, and a vertical grid spacing of 1.5
meters in the upper aquifer. Fixed head boundaries were used on the north and south sides of the
domain, to create average northward flow conditions at the site. This model provides a valid
representation of partially-saturated delayed-yield conditions, as well as an accurate portrayal of
the sloping aquitard and irregularly-shaped sheet pile wall. Some error is inherent in the use of a
numerical model for pumping test analyses, however, because wells can only be located at the
centers of cells. Since the Pilot Area NUFT model has a 2-meter horizontal grid spacing, wells
might be simulated at locations as far as 3 feet from their actual locations.
2.2 Results.
2.2.1 General.
Results of the test data analyses are shown in Table 4. Data points were scattered over early
portions of the drawdown curves, probably due to a combination of instrument sensitivity and
heavy equipment operations near the test area. Nevertheless, data from wells E1, E2, and E3
generated drawdown curves of good quality that matched well with the Neuman type curves.
Matches with NUFT model output were fair to good, and could be improved with additional
model runs. Wells E5 and E6 were strongly affected by tides, and reliable fits could not be
obtained. For all curve fits, emphasis was placed on late time data, since the early data may be
affected by borehole conditions. The results of pumping test analyses for both pumping tests are
shown on Table 4. In general, results from Neuman analyses show higher horizontal hydraulic
conductivities and vertical anisotropy ratios (Kr/Kz) than the NUFT model fits.
Twenty-five model runs were performed, with horizontal hydraulic conductivities ranging from
10 feet/day to 31 feet/day, and vertical anisotropy ratios ranging from 2 to 55. The best data fits
were for model runs with 26 feet/day and vertical anisotropy values ranging from 3 to 7,
averaging 4.7. All model runs employed the porosity and residual saturation values used for
Pilot Test design: 0.28 and 0.15 respectively, or a specific yield of 0.13. The best-fit modeled
drawdown curves are still offset slightly from the test data. This offset may be caused by
discretization error, or by differences in the formation specific yield versus the modeled storage
capacity. The groundwater storage capacity in the model can be adjusted as a function of
porosity and pressure-saturation-permeability characteristics, however several more model runs
would be required to obtain exact fits with the test data.
The NUFT model data-fitting appears to be the most appropriate method of analysis for
the test data, because it incorporates partially-saturated vertical drainage, sheet pile
boundaries, and 3-dimensional stratigraphy.
The average horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the Pilot Area appears to be about 26
feet/day, greater than the value of 10 feet/day used for Pilot Test design.
The average vertical hydraulic conductivity in the Pilot Area appears to be about 5
feet/day; i.e. the average vertical anisotropy ratio is about 5, considerably less than the
value of 20 used for Pilot Test design.
Pumping test results are consistent with the porosity value used for Pilot Test design
(0.28) and also with the pressure-saturation-permeability relationships used for design.
Pumping test data show strong tidal influence at well E6, and moderate influence also at
well E5. This phenomenon suggests that the aquitard is thin on the east side of the Pilot
Area, particularly in the deepest portion around well E6.
Because of the unique conditions at the Wyckoff site, upper aquifer pumping test
analyses should be performed using a 3-dimensional numerical model. The most reliable
results will be obtained from a multiphase model.
Since the average permeability of soils in the Pilot Area is greater than anticipated, the
injection well screen length can be reduced to 5 feet. Injection rates for the reduced
screen length will be similar to design assumptions for 10-foot screens.
The low vertical anisotropy values predicted from pumping test data also support a
reduced injection screen length. Conditions appear to be favorable for upward steam
migration into near-surface soils, the shorter screens should not significantly inhibit
vertical steam flow.
The steam injection model used for Pilot Test design should be revised using the aquifer
parameters predicted from the pumping test data.
Future site operations should emphasize vertical hydraulic control in the well E6 vicinity.
The aquitard may be thin or absent at this location, and the lower aquifer may be
vulnerable to contamination from above.
Akindunni, F. F., and Gillham, R. W., 1992, Unsaturated and Saturated Flow in Response to
Pumping of an Unconfined Aquifer: Numerical Investigation of Delayed Drainage:
Groundwater, v. 30, n. 6, p. 873-884.
Driscoll, F. G., ed., 1986, Groundwater and wells: St. Paul MN, Johnson Filtration Systems Inc.
Fetter, C. W., 1988, Applied geohydrology: Columbus OH, Merrill Publishing Co..
Jacob, C. E., 1963, Determining the permeability of water-table aquifers, in Bentall, R., ed.,
Methods of determining permeability, transmissibility and drawdown: U. S. Geological Survey
Water-Supply Paper 1536-I, p. 245-271.
Halford, K. J., 1997, Effects of Unsaturated Zone on Aquifer Test Analysis in a Shallow
Aquifer System: Groundwater, v. 35, n. 3, p. 512-522.
Neuman, S. P., 1975, Analysis of pumping test data from anisotropic unconfined aquifers
considering delayed gravity response: Water Resources Research, v. 11, n. 2, p. 329-342.
Nwankwor, G. I., Gillham, R. W., van der Kamp, G., Akindunni, F. F., Unsaturated and
Saturated Flow in Response to Pumping of an Unconfined Aquifer: Field Evidence of Delayed
Drainage: Groundwater, v. 30, n. 5, p. 690-700.
Todd, D. K., 1980, Groundwater hydrology: New York NY, John Wiley and Sons, Inc..
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2001, Final Design Analysis, Thermal Remediation Pilot Study,
Soils and Groundwater Units, Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Bainbridge Island,
Washington: Report to EPA, in progress.
U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1981, Ground water manual:
Washington DC, U. S. Government Printing Office.
Table 1.
Pumping Test Well Data
Coordinates Elevation (MLLW) Hole Screen Static water level Aquifer base Completion
Well Diameter (in) Top Bottom Elevation
no. N E Casing Ground Dia.(in) Depth ID OD depth depth Depth (MLLW) Date Depth Elevation Date Method
E1 229375.7 1229072.3 21.20 18.60 16.00 36.4 10.00 10.75 6.6 31.5 10.36 8.2 10/16/01 31.35 -12.75 10/1/01 tool
E2 229389.7 1229136.6 21.10 18.66 16.00 40.5 10.00 10.75 6.7 35.5 10.52 8.1 10/16/01 35.50 -16.84 10/1/01 tool
E3 229318.5 1229064.0 20.00 18.57 16.00 38.8 10.00 10.75 7.7 31.0 10.79 7.8 10/16/01 28.80 -10.23 10/9/01 tool
E4 229332.0 1229124.0 20.80 18.84 16.00 36.5 10.00 10.75 7.2 31.6 11.04 7.8 10/16/01 31.50 -12.66 10/8/01 tool
E5 229287.8 1229171.7 20.70 18.30 16.00 35.0 10.00 10.75 6.8 29.6 10.47 7.8 10/16/01 30.00 -11.70 10/2/01 tool
E6 229348.1 1229191.8 20.00 18.50 16.00 43.0 10.00 10.75 7.7 38.1 10.05 8.5 10/16/01 38.00 -19.50 10/4/01 tool
1. All dimensions are in feet unless otherwise noted.
Static water levels were measured just prior to the E4 constant-discharge
2. test.
Table 2
Well E4 Pumping Test Summary
Test Start date Q (gpm) Duration (min) s max (ft) SC (gpm/ft) Efficiency (%)
Step 1 10/15/01 3.01 125 3.5 0.85 39.7
2 6.13 121 9.3 0.66 30.7
3 8.10 30 18.3 0.44 22.5
4 6.73 90 13.9 0.48 20.6
Constant Discharge 10/16/01 2.90 4320 6.01 0.48
Q = discharge
smax = maximum drawdown in the pumping well
SC = specific capacity
Table 3
Precipitation Data for Wyckoff Superfund Site
Test Period (October
2001) Precipitation
12 0.04
background 13 0.04
14 0.03
Step test 15 0.00
16 0.08
discharge test 17 0.00
18 0.60
19 0.05
Recovery 20 0.00
21 0.20
22 0.05
Post-test 23 0.20
recovery 24 0.10
25 0.05
Table 4
Results of Pumping Test Analyses
Q = discharge
r = distance from pumping well to observation well
b = saturated aquifer thickness Notes: 1. E4 (pumping well) data were not analyzed.
smax = maximum drawdown 2. E5 and E6 data were strongly affected by tides and were not analyzed.
Kr = horizontal hydraulic conductivity
vertical hydraulic
Kz = conductivity
S = storativity
Sy = specific yield
Figure 1. Pumping Test Well Layout
Fit Results: Kr= 42.4 ft/d S= 0.013
Pumping Well: E4
Observation Well: E1 Kz= 0.82 ft/d Sy= 0.018
2.00E+01 1 100 1000 10000 0.004 1
1E+1 0.03
0.4 1 10 100
sD 1E+0 1.
3. Type Curves
0.001 Test Data (A fit)
0.2 5. Test Data (B fit)
6. Match Points
7. A Scales (ft vs min)
B Scales (ft vs min)
1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3
ty 1E-1
1 1 100 1000 10000 0.004 1
1E+1 0.03
0.41 10 100
sD 1E+0 0.8
2. Type Curves
2.5 Test Data (A fit)
1E-1 0.2 Test Data (B fit)
4. Match Points
5. A Scales (ft vs min)
6. B Scales (ft vs min)
0.03 7.
1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1
1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 1E+3
1 1 100 1000 10000 1
1E+1 0.01
1 10 100
sD 1E+0
0.001 1.5
Type Curves
2.5 Test Data (A fit)
1E-1 0.2 3. Test Data (B fit)
4. Match Points
s (ft)
Test data
1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00 100000.00
t (min)
s (ft)
Test data
0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00
t (min)
s (ft)
Test data
0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 10000.00
t (min)
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The microbial communities from eighteen soil samples from a microcosm study were characterized by
phospholipid fatty acid content (PLFA Analysis). Results from this analysis revealed the following:
Generally, biomass estimates were higher in the vadose zone samples than in the saturated zone
PLFA profiles showed that there were noticeable differences between the microbial communities in the
vadose and saturated zones.
Ratios of fatty acid biomarkers that provide indication of activity showed that overall turnover rates
appeared to be noticeably slower in the vadose zone samples, as compared to the saturated zone
Ratios of fatty acids biomarkers that indicate a metabolic response to environmental conditions showed
that the Gram-negative bacteria in the saturated zone were showing a much greater response to
environmentally induced stress conditions (i.e. toxicity, starvation) than in the vadose zone samples.
Microbial Insights, Inc. Project: Eagle Harbor
Overview of Approach:
The analysis of microbial membrane lipids, specifically phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), is an effective tool for
monitoring microbial responses to their environment. Lipids are essential cellular components of the membrane
of all cells and play a role as storage materials. The PLFA profiles simultaneously contain general information
about the phylogenetic identity and physiological status of microbes. The microbial membrane reflects the
nature of both the intracellular components and the extracellular environmental conditions. Thus, PLFA analysis
tells us what types of microbes are present in a system and how they are reacting to environmental factors (e.g.,
pollution or disturbance). PLFA analysis is based on the extraction and separation of lipid classes, followed by
quantitative analysis using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The individual fatty acids differ in
chemical composition depending on the organism and environmental conditions. PLFA analysis provides
quantitative insight into three important attributes of microbial communities: viable biomass, community
structure, and metabolic activity.
PLFA analysis
Lipids were recovered using a modified Bligh and Dyer method (3). Extractions were performed using one-phase chloroform-methanol-
buffer extractant. Lipids were recovered, dissolved in chloroform, and fractionated on disposable silicic acid columns into neutral-, glyco-,
and polar-lipid fractions. The polar lipid fraction was transesterified with mild alkali to recover the PLFA as methyl esters in hexane. PLFA
were analyzed by gas chromatography with peak confirmation performed by electron impact mass spectrometry (GC/MS). PLFA
nomenclature follows the pattern of A:BC. The A position identifies the total number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid. Position B is the
number of double bonds from the aliphatic () end of the molecule. Position C designates the carbon atom from the aliphatic end before
the double bond. This is followed by a c for cis or a t for trans configuration. The prefix i and a stand for iso and anteiso branching.
Mid-chain branching is noted by me, and cyclopropyl fatty acids are designated as cy (4). Example: 18:17c is 18 carbons long with
one double bond occurring at the 7th carbon atom from the end, and the hydrogen molecules attached to the doubly bonded carbon
molecules are in the cis conformation.
Biomass Content
Phospholipid fatty acids are found in the membranes of all living cells but decompose quickly upon cell death
because cellular enzymes hydrolyze the phosphate group within minutes to hours of cell death (3, 5). Thus,
measuring the total amount of PLFA content provides a quantitative measure of the viable microbial biomass
Generally, biomass estimates (as determined by the total concentration of PLFA) showed that the vadose zone
samples contained higher biomass levels than in the saturated zone samples. Biomass levels averaged 2,461
pmoles of PLFA/g dry wt. (1,312) in the vadose zone as compared to 1,628 pmoles PLFA/g dry wt. (1,004) in
the saturated zone samples.
Within the saturated zone samples, biomass concentrations were at least 2 times higher in the P1-A and P1-B
Microbial Insights, Inc. Project: Eagle Harbor
Pmoles PLFA/g dry wt.
3,000 Eukaryotic
2,500 Bacterial
ate 2
ate -A
a tc
a tc
a tc
a tc
a tc
a tc
Figure 1. Biomass content is presented as the total amount of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) extracted from a given sample. Bacterial
biomass is calculated based upon PLFA attributed specifically to bacteria, whereas eukaryotic biomass is based on PLFA associated with
higher organisms.
Community Structure
The PLFA patterns derived from environmental samples provide a quantitative profile of the microbial
population, which accurately mirrors differences in community composition among samples. Specific groups of
microbes contain different fatty acid profiles making it possible to distinguish between them (1, 2, 4, 6). Table 1
describes the six major structural groups employed.
Comparison of the PLFA profiles from these samples showed that there were noticeable differences between
samples collected from the vadose and saturated zone (see Figure 2). Cluster analysis of the PLFA profiles
clearly shows distinct branching for samples collected from each zone (Figure 3). Within each cluster, replicate
samples from the various sampling locations (P3, P4, etc.) cluster together indicating that each replicate were
similar in community composition.
Microbial Insights, Inc. Project: Eagle Harbor
% of total PLFA
a tc
a tc
a tc
Gram+/Anaerobic Gram - (TerBrSats) Gram - (Monos)
Anaerobic Metal Reducers (BrMonos) SRB/Actinomycetes (MidBrSats)
Genera (Nsats) Eukaryotes (polyenoics)
Figure 2. A comparison of the relative percentages of total PLFA structural groups in the samples analyzed. Structural groups are assigned
according to PLFA chemical structure, which is related to fatty acid biosynthesis. See Table 1 for detailed descriptions of structural groups.
Samples collected from both the saturated and vadose zones were primarily composed of Gram negative
bacteria (indicated by percentage of monoenoic PLFA). High proportions of Gram-negative bacteria are of
particular interest in contaminated ecosystems due to their ability to utilize a wide range of carbon sources and
adapt quickly to environmental conditions. Proportions of Gram-negative bacteria were higher in the saturated
zone samples (~716%) than in the vadose zone (~503%).
Principal components analysis (PCA) indicated that all of the vadose zone samples formed a tight cluster
together indicating few differences within their microbial communities. This clustering was strongly influenced
by the proportion of cy19:0, cy17:0, 18:1w9c and 10me16:0. The Gram-negative biomarkers cy17:0 and cy19:0
are produced when the turnover rates of bacteria decrease (discussed in further detail in the metabolic status
section). Further insight into this trend will be evaluated after the final event, as high proportions of cyclopropyl
fatty acids have also been found in certain anaerobes (members of thiobacillus contained unusually high
proportions of cy17:0 and cy19:0). The biomarker 18:19c, is a precursor for eukaryotic organisms but is also
found in Gram negative bacteria. Due to its strong correlation with 18:26 (prominent in fungi) it is considered
to be from eukaryotic origin (correlation 0.89). The mid-chain branched biomarker 10me16:0 is common in
anaerobic metal reducing bacteria (Desulfobacter-type) and likely indicate increased proportion of this type of
bacteria in the vadose zone samples.
Saturated zone samples formed a loose cluster together, which was mainly influenced by the Gram-negative
biomarkers (18:17c, 16:17c, 18:17t, and 16:17t) and the normal saturated biomarker 16:0 (found in higher
proportions in bacteria). High proportions of trans fatty acids (18:17t and 16:17t) within several of the
saturated zone samples are indicative of a metabolic response due to environmentally stress full conditions
such as toxicity or starvation (again further details provided in the metabolic status section).
Microbial Insights, Inc. Project: Eagle Harbor
VP4_1 Vadose Zone
SP6_1 Saturated Zone
Microbial Insights, Inc. Project: Eagle Harbor
0.06 VP3-2 V
VP6-2 P4-2
VP1 VT77
Factor 2
0.00 SP3-2
ST77B SP3-1
S6-2 SP-4-2 SP6-1
0.184 0.186 0.188 0.19 0.192 0.194 0.196
Factor 1
0.2 i17:1w7c
Factor 2
-0.1 '16:0
-0.3 18:1w7c
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Factor 1
Figure 4. Principal components analysis (PCA) is built on the assumption that variation implies information in the same way that HCA is built
on the assumption that short multivariate distance implies similarity. Principal components analysis projects the multivariate data (PLFA
profiles) onto a reduced number of dimensions (principal components) thereby simplifying the data so relationships between sample sets can
be observed easily. Thus, PCA analysis can show which microbial communities are similar by visually overlaying the top graph onto the
bottom graph.
Metabolic Activity
Lipid composition of microorganisms is a product of metabolic pathways and thus reflects phenotypic responses
of the organisms to their environment. Knowledge of specific lipid biosynthetic pathways can provide insight into
the metabolic activity of the microbial community because certain fatty acids provide indications of turnover rate
and physiological responses to environmental conditions. In Gram negative bacteria there are two main
biosynthetic pathways: one that preferentially synthesize 16:17c (herein referred to as Group A Gram negative
bacteria) and another that preferentially synthesize 18:17c (Group B). Ratios of cy/7c and 7t/7c can be
Microbial Insights, Inc. Project: Eagle Harbor
used as quantitative indicators of how a portion or all of the Gram-negative community is responding to
environmental factors (toxicity, starvation, etc.) and/or engineered treatment. Specifically, Gram-negative
bacteria form cyclopropyl fatty acids (f.a.) (cy17:0 & cy19:0) preferentially over monoenoic f.a. (16:17c and
18:17c) as the turnover rate decreases.
Ratios of cy /7c showed that overall turnover rates appeared to be noticeably slower in the vadose zone
samples, as compared to the saturated zone samples. However, as mention previously some anaerobic
bacteria contain high proportions of cyclopropyl fatty acids. Further insight into this trend will be evaluated after
the final event of the microcosm study.
1.40 group A (cy17:0/16:1w7c)
Ratio cy/w7c
group B (cy19:0/18:1w7c)
a tc
a tc
a tc
a tc
a tc
a tc
Figure 3. Growth rate of the Gram-negative community as assessed by the ratio of cyclopropyl f. a. to 7c f. a. Specifically, 16:17c and
18:17c fatty acids are converted to cyclopropyl fatty acids (cy17:0 & cy19:0) as microbial growth slows (i.e., a high ratio indicates decreased
turnover rate).
Gram-negative bacteria also generate trans fatty acids to minimize the permeability of their cellular membranes
as an adaptation to less favorable environments (5). Ratios of trans to cis fatty acids were markedly higher in
the saturated zone samples than calculated in the vadose zone samples. This observation suggests that the
Gram-negative bacteria (particularly the Group A Gram negatives) were showing a much greater response to
conditions of environmentally induced stress (i.e. toxicity, starvation) in the saturated zone samples.
0.60 group A (16:1w7t/16:1w7c)
Ratio w7t/w7c
Figure 4. Adaptation of the Gram-negative community to changes in the environment is determined by the ratio of 7t/7c fatty acids. Ratios
(16:17t/16:17c and 18:17t/18:17c) greater than 0.1 have been shown to indicate an adaptation to a toxic or stressful environment,
resulting in decreased membrane permeability.
Table 2. Summary of PLFA results.
Biomass (pmoles PLFA/g dry wt. of sample) Community Structure (% of total PLFA) Metabolic Activity Physiological Response
Sample Name Total Biomass Cell equivalent Bacterial Eukaryotic Ratio Gram+/ Gram - Anaerobic SRB/ Genera Eukaryotes Group A Gram Group B Gram Group A Gram Group B Gram
value1 biomass biomass bacteria/ anaerobic (Monos) metal Actinomycetes (Nsats) (polyenoics) (cy17:0/16:17c) (cy19:0/18:1w7c) (16:17t/16:17c) (18:17t/18:17c)
eukarya Gram - reducers (MidBrSats)
(TerBrSats) (BrMonos)
VP3 Live1 1,212 2.42E+07 1,017 195 5 9.3 45.6 3.5 6.9 18.5 16.1 0.31 0.46 0.03 0.05
VP3 Live2 1,572 3.14E+07 1,303 269 5 8.2 46.6 3.4 6.8 18.0 17.1 0.34 0.47 0.04 0.04
VP4 Live1 2,986 5.97E+07 2,665 321 8 9.7 49.1 3.2 7.4 19.9 10.8 0.66 0.78 0.05 0.01
VP4 Live2 2,155 4.31E+07 1,923 233 8 9.0 49.7 3.3 7.6 19.7 10.8 0.67 0.74 0.05 0.00
VP6 Live1 4,110 8.22E+07 3,824 286 13 10.2 50.5 2.5 8.1 21.7 7.0 1.39 1.03 0.10 0.08
VP6 Live2 4,370 8.74E+07 4,059 310 13 10.1 50.1 2.7 7.8 22.2 7.1 1.51 1.06 0.10 0.08
Vadose P1 739 1.48E+07 685 53 13 6.1 56.2 2.5 10.7 17.2 7.2 0.88 0.75 0.05 0.00
Vadose T77 2,547 5.09E+07 2,411 137 18 6.2 52.9 1.8 12.1 21.6 5.4 1.41 0.84 0.12 0.07
SP3 Batch1 1,130 2.26E+07 1,077 53 20 3.7 64.8 0.6 2.6 23.5 4.7 0.14 0.10 0.60 0.15
SP3 Batch2 943 1.89E+07 876 68 13 5.2 57.2 2.0 4.7 23.8 7.2 0.22 0.13 0.28 0.13
SP4 Batch1 1,481 2.96E+07 1,448 33 44 1.6 72.5 0.5 1.7 21.5 2.2 0.10 0.04 0.54 0.14
SP4 Batch2 1,529 3.06E+07 1,512 17 90 1.4 74.2 0.0 0.4 22.9 1.1 0.10 0.04 0.46 0.12
SP6 Batch1 1,468 2.94E+07 1,450 17 83 1.2 72.7 0.0 0.2 24.6 1.2 0.18 0.05 0.43 0.10
SP6 Batch2 1,394 2.79E+07 1,382 11 122 1.2 72.7 0.0 0.7 24.6 0.8 0.16 0.04 0.34 0.09
Saturated P1-A 3,479 6.96E+07 3,435 44 78 1.2 77.5 0.3 0.7 19.0 1.3 0.20 0.06 0.09 0.02
Saturated P1-B 3,412 6.82E+07 3,361 52 65 1.6 76.5 0.6 0.7 19.2 1.5 0.20 0.06 0.08 0.02
Saturated T77-A 814 1.63E+07 783 31 26 2.0 72.9 0.0 0.5 20.8 3.8 0.22 0.10 0.18 0.05
Saturated T77-B 635 1.27E+07 569 66 9 1.4 68.7 0.4 0.5 18.6 10.4 0.34 0.10 0.18 0.05
1 12 8
The cell equivalent value is calculated from experiments with typical bacteria isolated from soil and water. This value is based on 2.0 x 10 cells per gram dry weight of cells and 10 picomoles of
phospholipid/gram dry weight of cells. The number of cells/gram of dry weight may vary and is dependent on the environmental conditions from which the microorganisms were recovered.
Microbial Insights, Inc. Project: Eagle Harbor
Eighteen samples were received between 10/30/01 and , accompanied by a chain of custody form. All arrival
conditions and required holding times were acceptable according to SOP #SREC.
Samples were analyzed under the U.S. EPA Good Laboratory Practice Standards: Toxic Substances Control
Act (40 CFR part 790). All samples were processed according to standard operating procedures.
All laboratory equipment and instruments used throughout the analyses were calibrated and operated within
acceptable ranges. The instruments were calibrated according to Standard Operating Procedures (EQ4). All
solvents used in these analyses were tested for purity.
Data Validation:
All data analyses were performed correctly. All calculations and transcriptions of raw and final data were
1. Dowling, N. J. E., F. Widdel, and D. C. White. 1986. Phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid biomarkers
of acetate-oxidizing sulfate reducers and other sulfide forming bacteria. Journal of General Microbiology
2. Edlund, A., P. D. Nichols, R. Roffey, and D. C. White. 1985. Extractable and lipopolysaccharide fatty
acid and hydroxy acid profiles from Desulfovibrio species. Journal of Lipid Research 26:982-988.
3. White, D. C., W. M. Davis, J. S. Nickels, J. D. King, and R. J. Bobbie. 1979. Determination of the
sedimentary microbial biomass by extractable lipid phosphate. Oecologia 40:51-62.
5. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1995. Utility of signature lipid biomarker analysis in determining in
situ viable biomass, community structure, and nutritional / physiological status of the deep subsurface
microbiota. In P. S. Amy and D. L. Halderman (ed.), The microbiology of the terrestrial subsurface.
CRC Press, Boca Raton.
6. White, D. C., J. O. Stair, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Quantitative comparisons of in situ microbial
biodiversity by signature biomarker analysis. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 17:185-196.
Appendix E Instrumentation Design and Construction
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Appendix E - Instrumentation Design and Construction
are Constantan and Chromel. The other two standard types, J and T, were not considered
because they use iron and copper conductors respectively and are thus more susceptible
to corrosion. There was some evidence that at other monitoring projects thermocouples
had a high rate of failure. For this reason, care was taken in selecting the appropriate
insulation material for the thermocouples. The typical insulation used in thermocouple
construction is Magnesium Oxide (MgO). MgO is hydroscopic (absorbent), therefore not
an ideal insulation material to use in subsurface installations. The insulation used in the
construction of the Wyckoff thermocouples was Teflon, with Teflon jacketing, and a
stainless steel overbraid to protect the leads from physical damage. They were purchased
from Conax Buffalo Technologies.
E.3.0 Automation Systems Design
The ADAS that was selected is the Geomation System 3300 manufactured by
Geomation, Inc. of Golden, Colorado. The system was selected because of its capability
of reading all of the instrument types at the project in all weather conditions, and that it
had built-in transient (lightning) protection. The system is a secure supervisory and data
acquisition (SCADA) system which is a computer system designed to gather and analyze
real-time data. SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in
industries such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas
refining, and transportation. A SCADA system is centrally driven, meaning that all data
requests are initiated from a central computer.
The hardware components of the System 3300 include remote terminal units
(RTUs), input/ouput (IO) module assemblies, and a PC running the SCADA software. At
the Wyckoff site six RTUs were used, five attached on the steam line supports in various
locations monitoring all the field instruments and one in the boiler room monitoring
readings from the TOC instrument. The RTUs ran off alternating current (AC) power
distributed along the steam line and were connected by wireline to a PC located in the
instrumentation trailer adjacent to the DTS PC. The appropriate number of modules were
housed in a rainproof enclosure mounted on a 4x4 wooden post adjacent to each well
or boring. The module is the device that contains the electronics to read each type of
instrument. Four types of modules were used; thermocouple, 4-20mA, pulse counter, and
vibrating wire. As many as two thermocouples could be attached to each thermocouple
module, one 4-20mA transmitter to each 4-20mA module, two stroke counters to each
pulse counter module, and one vibrating wire instrument with thermistor to each
vibrating wire module. A single cable carrying power and communications was run from
each RTU to a number of module enclosures. The all-weather cable was laid on the
surface of the gravel pad.
The SCADA software used to run the Geomation 3300 ADAS was Intellution
iFix. Intellution iFix is an operating software normally used for data acquisition, process
visualization, and supervisory control of plant operations (wastewater, manufacturing,
utilities, etc). The driver used to communicate with the Geomation 3300 system was
Modbus. The iFix software is extremely powerful and therefore complex. It was overkill
for this application but was recommended by Geomation as the appropriate software to
run the 3300 system.
A data management and review process was designed for the Wyckoff project.
The goal of the process was to make all data available in plot format on a commercial
web site so that all parties concerned (USACE, USEPA, contractor, and consultants)
could review the data on a daily basis and use the data to make decisions on the operation
of the system. The following tasks had to be accomplished to meet this goal.
1. Convert the DTS data stored in bin files and load into a master database
2. Query the Geomation data stored in an iFix database and load it into the master
database with the DTS data
3. Query the master database on a daily basis to create a series of ASCII files used
for plotting and for loading into a GMS package
4. Create temperature sections and slices of the pilot site with the GMS software
5. Plot data time history and temperature profile data
6. Store the plotted data on the commercial web site
7. Store the contractors plots and data on the commercial web site
8. Incorporate a review and comment procedure (message board) accessed via a link
on the web site
9. Automate the procedure as much as possible to keep labor to less than one hour
per day
Items one through three were accomplished with a single visual basic program
which ran automatically via Windows scheduler. Grapher form Golden Software was
used to create the time history and profile plots. This process was also automated so that
the numerous plots could be created in just a couple of minutes. All data plots were
transferred to the extranet web via ftp protocol. The message board was called Simple
Message Board and was hosted on the same commercial web site at no additional cost.
the grout through the porous filter stone, locking the diaphragm in place or the grout was
too tight to allow for the transfer of pressure to the sensor.
Nine additional transducers were therefore installed to replace the failed
instruments. Five were located adjacent to the original piezometer borings inside the
steam line loop, since they were easily accessible. The four outside the loop were not
replaced due to access difficulties; instead an additional three were installed inside the
loop in various locations to improve the understanding of groundwater pressures in the
E4 quadrant and one was installed near instrumentation string T46 to provide better up-
gradient data on the east side of the pilot test area. The new transducers were installed
with a sand filter around the sensor then grouted up with the silica flour grout.
E.5.2 DTS
The installation of the DTS was conducted in two phases. The first phase was the
installation of the in stainless steel tubing in each of the wells or borings. The tubing
was delivered to the site in pre-designated lengths, uncoiled and strapped to 3/8 in
diameter fiberglass rods. The fiberglass rods helped to keep the tubing straight and
allowed for easier transport around the site. The rods were then strapped to the extraction
well casing, using fiberglass channel spacers to keep the tubing separated from the
stainless steel casing. A representative from Sensa was on site during the drilling of the
first two extraction wells to assist with the installation. The tubing was also installed in
eleven instrumentation borings drilled with a Geoprobe rig. The tubing strapped to the
fiberglass rods was installed inside the drill casing, once a final depth had been achieved,
and the boring was then grouted up.
The second phase of the installation was completed by two Sensa personnel after
all subsurface tubing had been installed. In this phase the Sensa personnel made in
stainless steel tubing surface connections to all 18 wells, pumped fiber into each of the
two control lines, installed the splice enclosure, spliced the tubing to the flexible fiber
cable, installed the controller and portable computer (pc) in the instrumentation trailer,
connected the flexible fiber to the controller and the controller to the pc, and programmed
the operating software on the pc. This installation phase took one week.
E.5.4 USACE Involvement
Subsurface and automated instrumentation. USACE designed, procured,
installed, and operated the instrumentation system with assistance from Sensa
(two weeks) for the installation of the DTS and from Geomation (one week) for
assistance in programming the iFix software. The monitoring system was
operational at the start of the pilot test.
correct this, but it was never done. The offset was constant and independent of
temperature so it was easy to correct for.
DTS versus Thermocouples (Geomation 3300). The DTS worked very well
except for the communication problem discussed above. Assuming this problem
is solved with upgraded software, DTS is an excellent option for monitoring
temperatures in future projects. The thermocouples and Geomation 3300 system
also worked very well. Although the installation was more complex, it functioned
almost perfectly. A few thermocouple modules failed (6-10) but were easily
repaired or replaced. The main advantage of the system is that it is also capable
of reading other types of instruments (i.e., 4-20mA, pulse counters, vibrating
wire). Geomation 3300 systems also have the capability of communicating via
radio to meet more complex site requirements. A combination of the two systems
would be an ideal solution for future projects; DTS to monitor temperatures and
Geomation 3300 to monitor everything else.
Silica Grout. The ITTAP panel recommended that silica flour grout be used in
areas where steam would be injected. Some of the pressure transducers (7) failed
when installed with silica grout. The use of standard grout or a sand filter should
be investigated to see if either are acceptable alternatives.
Pump Stroke Counters. The pump stroke counters on the extraction wells
manufactured by Severn Trent did not function properly. Both the rotating dial
and the digital output failed routinely.
Automated data collection. This part of the project worked extremely well. Little
lag time was noticed for those monitoring systems where data were generated
automatically and managed by the USACE. Generally the daily process was
completed in about an hour. The most time consuming task was the creation of
the sections and slices in GMS.
Non-automated data collection. There was a lag time between data collection and
posting to the web page. Data such as steam injection rates and well pumping
rates were not transferred to the webpage fast enough for daily decision making,
therefore, the data were compiled every morning and reported verbally to the
team during the daily operations call. When data became available, it was posted,
making the webpage more effective as an accessible data archive, but less
effective as a real-time source of data. The manual nature of this data gathering
was inefficient and costly. Better data collection tools need to be designed for
this part of the project.
Web page. Having data and communications logs posted to the project web page
was an effective method for team communication.
Table E 1.1-1 Instrument Types and Numbers in Each Well or Boring
Well Thermocouples DTS Pressure Transducer
I-1 3
I-2 3
I-3 3
I-4 3
I-5 3
I-6 3
I-7 3
I-8 3
I-9 3
I-10 3
I-11 3
I-12 3
I-13 3
I-14 3
I-15 3
I-16 3
E-1 11 1
E-2 12 1
E-3 10 1
E-4 11 1
E-5 10 1
E-6 13 1
E-7 9 1
T-1 8
T-2 8
T-3 10
T-4 8
T-5 8
T-6 8
T-7 9 11
T-8 9
T-9 9
T-10 9
T-11 8
T-12 8 1*
T-13 9
T-14 7 1*
T-15 8
T-16 8
T-17 8
T-18 7
T-19 7
T-20 7
T-21 8
T-22 7 1*
T-23 7
Well Thermocouples DTS Pressure Transducer
T-24 7
T-25 8 1*
T-26 8
T-27 8 1*
T-28 8
T-29 8 1*
T-30 8
T-31 8
T-35 8
T-36 8
T-37 7
T-38 8
T-39 8
T-40 8 1*
T-41 7
T-42 7
T-43 9
T-44 9
T-45 7
T-46 7 1*
T-47 9
T-48 8
T-49 9
T-50 9
T-51b 9
T-52 8
T-53 8
T-55 7
T-56 7
T-57 8
T-58 7
T-63 7 1*
T-72 7
T-73 7
T-74 7
T-75 7
T-76 8
T-77 8
T-78 2
T-79 2
T-80 2
T-81 9
* Vibrating wire replacement pressure transducer located in Geoprobe boring adjacent to original
Appendix F Operations Logs (CD ROM Only)
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Appendix G PAH Precipitation and Encrustation Evaluation
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Appendix G PAH Precipitation and Encrustation Evaluation
G.1 Introduction
G.1.2 Precipitation from the Vapor Phase
LPAH encrustation, primarily naphthalene crystals, also occurred in the vapor-
extraction system, and was seen to precipitate from steam plumes discharging from
pump-exhaust ports and open wells. These observations are consistent with data shown
in Figure G-1 for predicted naphthalene concentrations in the gas phase. Naphthalene is
classified as a semi-volatile compound, and will partition into the gas phase from NAPL
according to Raoults Law, and from naphthalene-saturated water according to Henrys
Law. The data in Figure G-1 suggest that gas in the presence of water containing
dissolved creosote components can contain even higher naphthalene concentrations than
gas associated with creosote alone. The implication is that the problem of solids
precipitation in the vapor extraction system was exacerbated by operating the pilot study
as a hot-water-circulation process rather than a balanced SEE operation.
Both gas-phase and aqueous-phase removal shown in Figure G-2 are assumed to be at
equilibrium with the NAPL phase, and may be over-estimated relative to actual field
conditions. On the other hand, the projected NAPL-removal rate includes considerable
vapor-transported product that condenses in the cooling and treatment system, and in and
around the extraction wells. These data indicate that a primary objective for thermal
remediation of creosote should be aggressive steam flushing throughout the treatment
area, and that hot-water circulation without significant hydraulic mobilization of NAPL is
not an effective process.
1. All values are estimated for 100 deg. C and atmospheric pressure, with all phases
in equilibrium.
2. Mass fractions are based on an average of all NAPL samples taken to date.
3. Gas phase is assumed to be primarily air.
Figure G-1. Theoretical Naphthalene Concentrations in Gas Phase
Figure G-2. Theoretical Contaminant Mass Removal Rates
Removal Rate (kg/d)
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Vacuum Pressure (atm)
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Appendix H - Calculation Methods for Process Streams
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Appendix H Calculation Methods for Process Streams
Note: Discrepancies exist between some fundamental assumptions (pilot area, pilot volume, soil
porosity) used in Appendix H and those used in the body of the text of this report, as well as in previous
design documents. There was not an opportunity to correct the differences prior to publication of this
rates based on observed temperatures, and experience from other steam sites (Alameda
Point, Young-Rainey STAR Center Area A).
The net extraction was estimated based on the water balance equation presented in
the beginning of this section. Similarly, net water extraction rates were estimated by the
difference of the measured flows:
mnet extraction = mliquid + mvapor - min,steam
Due to the absence of a flow meter for the produced condensate, Mvapor and mvapor
had to be estimated.
Ideally, for the extracted fluid stream, the energy flux in vapor and steam should
be estimated based on treatment system data:
Qsteam out = mcondensate x Hsteam-ambient
Where m is mass, H is specific enthalpy (in BTU/lb), cp is heat capacity (in
BTU/lb/F), and T is temperature. Since very limited and unreliable vapor flow data is
available for periods other than November 26, 2002 through December 16, 2002, an
assumed average flow rate of 100 scfm was chosen based on the average rate observed
during this period for the vacuum system. After December 16, when the vapor extraction
system was turned off, zeroes were inserted. The calculation shows that the actual vapor
flow rate has a very small effect on and energy balance, due to the low heat capacity of
air. Similarly, the rate of condensate production was estimated based on observed
temperatures and experience from other sites.
The total energy removal from the pilot test volume was estimated as follows:
Qout, total = Qliq + Qnon cond. gas + Qsteam out + Qheat loss
The actual heat loss cannot be calculated using accurate measures. An estimate
can be made based on thermal profiles at the bottom and top of the treatment cell, and
along the sheet-pile wall, using the following calculations:
Qheat loss = A x KT x dT/dz
Where A is the surface area through which energy is conducted, KT is the thermal
conductivity of the subsurface material (saturated sand/clay near the aquitard, partially
saturated sand near the vapor cap), and dT/dz is the temperature gradient. No heat loss
was calculated for the southern boundary, since inflow of water due to the net extraction
would carry the conducted energy back into the pilot test area.
For the loss through the vapor cap, the temperature difference between the two
uppermost temperature sensors were used to calculate the gradient dT/dz. The area of the
heated zone was estimated at 27,500 ft2, which is slightly larger than the foot print of the
wells due to the steam migration south of the pilot test wells. For the heat loss through
the bottom of the site, the temperature gradient was estimated based on the bottom two
sensors in the monitoring locations, and the steam wells. The heat loss through the sheet-
pile wall was estimated based on average temperatures on the inside of the sheet pile wall
(using daily values for all the sensors), and assuming that near ambient temperatures
exists five ft away from these sensors. This is a relatively rough assumption, but no data
exists for an improved estimate.
Thermal conductivities of 2.5 W/mK were used for the heat loss calculations
through the bottom and sides, which is based on saturated soils. It was assumed that
saturated conditions exist along the boundaries of the site, due to steam condensing as it
cools. For the vapor cap heat loss, a value of 1.5 W/mK was used, corresponding to
partially saturated soil.
The temperatures achieved and measured using the temperature sensors were
compared to the temperatures estimated based on the calculated energy balance. The
stored energy is related to the pilot test heat capacity, and the measured average
temperature as follows:
Estorage = Cp,site x (Tavg - T0) + msteam x Hsteam-ambient
Where Cp,site is the overall heat capacity of the pilot test area, estimated from the
volume, saturation, and specific heat capacity of the soil and water:
Cp,site = Vsoil x cp, soil x Vwater x cp, water
The steam energy stored as a vapor at any given time is relatively small, and was
neglected in the calculations. For comparison with the measured temperatures, the
energy balance was used to estimate the average temperature (Tenergybal)of the pilot test
Tenergybal = T0 + Estorage/Cp,site = T0 + (Ein, steam - Eout - Eloss)/ Cp,site
Where T0 is set as the average background temperature (57 oF = 13.9 oC).
The number of pore volumes of steam injected has been used as a measure at
other sites, and during laboratory scale treatability studies. For this pilot test, the pilot
test pore volume was estimated as follows:
pvpilot test = * Vpilot test
Where is the average porosity, and V is the volume. For the injected volume, a
direct calculation from the steam flow rate measurements and the energy balance is made,
yielding the amount of water that entered the site as steam:
Vsteam = Min,steam * water = water * (min, steam x t)
Where water is the density of water.
The number of pore volumes injected is then derived from
pvsteam = Vsteam / pvpilot test
The vadose zone is included in this estimate, since the steam is intended to heat
both the saturated and vadose zones.
Appendix I Pilot Study Data Summary (CD-ROM ONLY)
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Appendix J Installation Report for Well 02CD-MW01
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CENWS-EC-TB-GE 26 September 2002
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Additional Monitoring Well at the Wyckoff Superfund Site,
Bainbridge Island, Washington
1. Recent acquisition of continuous water level data in extraction well E-6 has reinforced
interpretations and conclusions presented in a report titled Well E4 Pumping Test Summary by
Mick Easterly, dated 16 Nov 01. In that report strong tidal influence was noted for wells E-5 and
E-6. The report concluded that the aquitard between the upper and lower aquifers may be thin or
absent near E-6 and that vertical hydraulic control should be a goal during remediation
operations. Data collected recently from well E-6, in particular, have exhibited clear influence
from tides. The effect is not nearly as apparent for E-5.
2. Under current conditions, the upper aquifer beneath the site in general and the Pilot Area
specifically has been isolated from water level fluctuations in Eagle Harbor by the presence of
two sheet pile walls. Consequently, tidal effects should be minimal to nonexistent in the upper
aquifer. The presence of tidally influenced fluctuations in E-6 implies hydraulic connection with
the lower aquifer. The connection is apparently limited in areal extent, because other wells in
the Pilot Area exhibit minimal cyclic fluctuations.
3. The closest boring (for monitoring well 99CD-MW04) that penetrates through the glacial till
aquitard beneath the upper aquifer is approximately 80 feet to the northwest of E-6. The
aquitard at that location consists of roughly 20 feet of till with sand interbeds. The occurrence of
sand interbeds provides one mechanism for hydraulic connection between the upper and lower
aquifers, depending on the degree of interfingering of the interbeds. In the absence of direct
evidence at E-6, it is impossible to know the actual nature of the connection between the two
4. To evaluate existing conditions in the aquitard and lower aquifer near E-6, it is recommended
that one monitoring well be installed in the lower aquifer to a maximum depth of approximately
70 feet below ground surface. Due to imminent commencement of thermal remediation
activities in the Pilot Area, the well will have to be located outside the sheet pile wall. The
chosen location should be as close to the sheet pile wall as practical, taking into account safety
concerns resulting from the proximity to high pressure steam conveyance lines. It is further
recommended that continuous soil sampling (by split-spoon or other equivalent methods) start at
28 feet below ground surface, which should be 5 feet above the glacial till aquitard.
only by fully understanding current conditions near E-6 and by periodically monitoring to ensure
that existing conditions are not made worse during Pilot operations.
6. If you have any questions about this memorandum, please feel free to contact the undersigned
at 206-764-6682.
Michael M. Bailey