CW 800
CW 800
CW 800
Technology and
Performance in Harmony
A history of success
Atlas Converting Equipment Ltd. metres wide. The fastest machines
was established in 1976 and run at up to 1500 metres per minute
specialises in the design and (m/min).
manufacture of primary and
secondary slitter rewinders for a There are more than 200 Atlas
wide range of flexible materials primary film slitters in production
including plain and metallized worldwide exceeding 6 metres in
plastic film, labelstock, paper & width and more 2 metre wide Atlas
board. slitter rewinders in the global
labelstock industry than from any
The company's dramatic success has other manufacturer.
made it one of the most successful
manufacturers and a world leader in Atlas can also provide bespoke
slitting & rewinding technology for solutions for automated parent roll
the global converting industry, with and finished roll handling systems,
an installed base of over 1000 with turn-key systems including
machines. conveying and robotic palletisation
to meet customers specific
The majority of Atlas slitting requirements.
machines are sold to customers
outside the UK and as a result, the Over many years, Atlas expanded its
company has twice won the operations with several company
prestigious Queens Award for acquisitions in the converting industry,
Export Achievement. including Titan slitter rewinders. This
added a highly successful range of
Atlas is the only company to have
secondary slitter rewinders to its
designed and successfully installed
portfolio with machines less than 2m
the world's largest film slitters at 10
Solutions for bi-oriented films (BOPP & BOPET)
Computer control
Automatic knife
Large rolls on an 8m wide film slitter
Automatic rewind arm
Automatic cut-off at
rewinds (option)
AC motor technology
Improved operator
Primary Film Slitters
Atlas is the only company to
have supplied 10m wide
primary slitter rewinders for
BOPP film.
Compact drive technology requires Atlas 8.2m wide primary film slitter
much reduced space
Atlas has always maintained a highly pro- Machine speed up to 1500 m/min
active approach in developing its slitting and Slit widths 350 4,500 mm
rewinding technology to improve machine
Material thickness: 10 80 micron
performance, increase productivity and
provide the highest quality finished reels, Edge trim widths 50 - 200 mm
irrespective of width or rewind diameter.
Secondary film slitters
Atlas centre or centre-surface slitter rewinders
in widths up to approx. 5m have provided
solutions in secondary slitting technology for
many years for many types of plain, metallized
or coated films.
Typical operator desk with touchscreen Atlas CW800 rewinding full width rolls
Secondary Film Slitters
Narrow width slitters
Secondary film slitters providing narrower slit widths are
widely used in the tobacco industry for both cigarette
carton overwrap and film for individual cigarette packs.
The Atlas CW500 slitter rewinder has been the most
successful machine sold in this market sector.
Computer control Automated unloading and core re-loading on a cigarette film slitter
OCS-2 slitter rewinder
A progressive and innovative product development strategy
to increase machine productivity and to constantly improve
the quality of rewind reels has enabled Atlas to install more
slitter rewinders in the labelstock industry worldwide than
any other manufacturer.
Slitter Rewinders for Labelstock
Universal LS slitter rewinder
The Universal LS is the latest generation of Atlas centre
surface slitter rewinders for pressure sensitive, self-
adhesive materials and especially for all types of filmic
labelstock. The machine features fully automated rewind
stations (internal and external) - each station using two
individual rewind arms. The rewind stations have
electrically driven individual AC servo motors and a
cylinder to provide contact pressure against the winding
Shaftless Unwind
Anti-telescoping control
Computer Control Systems
Trending screen
Drawings for fault diagnostics
Computer Control & Roll Handling
Automated Roll Handling Solutions
Service & Customer Support
The principle in providing Spare Parts
service and support Atlas has a dedicated team of technical sales engineers for
packages is not only to providing spare parts and giving a rapid response to spare
improve customers' parts enquiries. Machine parts are delivered either from the
productivity but also to UK Service Centre or from regional locations globally.
improve process quality. Upgrades & Retrofits
Standard machine upgrades are available across the range
These packages will also
of equipment, as well as replacements for obsolete parts. In
help maintain trouble-
addition, customised machine upgrades and retrofits can be
free machine operation provided, including computer control and hardware to meet
with Product Support customers' specific production requirements.
Engineers based in the
Service Centre to offer In-house & On-site Training
Customer training
advice on technical difficulties.
packages will not only
In addition to machine installation & commissioning the improve the operating
global customer service organisation can also provide the performance of
following service products:- production staff, but also
enhance their skills in
Machine Inspections basic machine
Machine inspections are available to establish the current maintenance thereby
machine status and efficiency of the converting operation. relieving pressure on the
After inspection, technicians give recommendations for customer's maintenance
additional maintenance and advise customers on available team. Training can be
upgrades and retrofits. Information can also be provided on provided in conjunction
enhancing older equipment to meet the demanding with machine trials &
production requirements of today. testing at the Atlas UK production facility or service centre,
Annual Service Contracts (ASC's) or at the customers own premises.
The ASC is intended to be an integral part of a preventative Machine Re-location
maintenance programme, designed to keep a machine Atlas can provide machine relocation services including
running efficiently machine de-commissioning, removal and transportation to
throughout the year. The a new site, re-installation, re-commissioning and training of
contract provides for new operators.
planned interventions by
e x p e r i e n c e d ,
professional engineers
to meet specific
requirements and ensure
machine reliability and
minimum downtime.
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