Outfit Weight

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Outfit Weight

Outfit can be considered to include:

Hatch covers, Cargo handling equipment, Equipment and facilities in the
living quarters (such as furniture, galley equipment, heating, ventilation
& air conditioning, doors, windows & sidelights, sanitary installations,
deck, bulkhead & deckhead coverings & insulation and non-steel
compartment boundaries) and Miscellaneous items (such as anchoring
& mooring equipment, steering gear, bridge consoles, Refrigerating
plant, paint, lifesaving equipment, firefighting equipment, hold
ventilation and radio & radar equipment).
The majority of outfit weight items can be considered to be
proportioned between similar ships on the basis of Deck Area
i.e. using a square number approach where Wo L x B.
The square number method is applied as follow

An alternative approach holds half of the outfit weight constant

and proportions the remainder by the square number. This
variation is applied as follows

This approach can be further refined if a known weight item such
as a heavy lift derrick is either common to both ships or is present
in the basis ship but not in the new design.
The known item should be deducted from the basis Wo, the
revised value scaled suitably and the known item added back on if
Once again if a more detailed breakdown of the outfit weight of
the basis ship is available then more refined methods can be
applied to each part

Machinery Weight
Representing: - Main Engine(s), Gearbox (if fitted), Bearings,
Shafting, Propeller(s), Generators, Switchboards, Cabling, Pumps,
Valves, Piping etc.
The fundamental parameter by which machinery weight can be
proportioned is the installed power of the main machinery,
conventionally taken as Shaft Power, Ps.
For the purpose of making the very first estimate of Ps for small
changes in dimensions and speed from a basis ship we can take
Given that a value of Ps has been obtained for the new design it is
possible to take

D. G. M. Watson has presented a very simple two-group breakdown of

machinery weight in a range of vessels. Their two groups are made up as
(1) The main engine itself
(2) The remainder of the machinery installation
By studying engine manufacturers' data he found that over a wide range
of engine type he could express the bare weight of an engine in the form

For a given MCR the higher the RPM then the lower the torque the engine
produce. The lower the torque, the smaller are the forces produced
inside the engine and hence the smaller are the components and the
lower is its weight.
Weight consumables: Fuel Oil & Diesel Oil

The requirement for fuel is based on Engine Power, Fuel Consumption

(SFC) and the duration of the voyage - i.e. Endurance / Speed.

A similar calculation should be carried out for the fuel required for
electrical power generation based on a suitable number of generators
running for the duration of the voyage plus a margin for the time spent
in port.
Weight consumables: Lubricating Oil
The requirement for Lubricating Oil is based on Engine Power, Lubricating
Oil Consumption and the duration of the voyage. For similar engines it is
therefore proportional to the product of the power of the main engine(s)
and the duration of the voyage.

Weight consumables: Fresh water

The requirement for Fresh Water can be satisfied in one of two
ways. Many ships are fitted with equipment to produce Fresh
Water from Sea Water on a continuous basis either by
distillation or by reverse osmosis. In this case it is only
necessary to store a few days supply of water in two tanks each
capable of holding say two or three days consumption at a rate
of about 100 litres per person per day. Ships which do not have
such equipment need to carry enough water to last the
duration of the voyage at the same daily rate. This would
normally be split between two tanks to guard against the whole
supply becoming contaminated. The tanks would then be filled
in each port of call.
Approximately 133 tonnes of fresh water would be required by
a crew of 32 on a voyage of 16000 nautical miles at 16 knots
with a consumption of 100 litres per day. Distillation plant will
typically produce 10 tonnes of water from the heat input of one
tonne of fuel oil so the fresh water for the above voyage could
be provided from two storage tanks of 10 tonnes each plus
distillation plant plus the carriage of an extra 13 tonnes of fuel

Weight consumables: Stores, spares, crew and passengers

Stores in the sense of food, drink etc, are normally assessed on
the basis of so much per person per day. The weight carried is
therefore proportional to the product of the number of crew (+
passengers if appropriate) times the voyage duration in days.
Spare gear is notoriously difficult to estimate. It is very much
dependent on the advice from the manufacturers of all the
various pieces of equipment on board the ship and so accurate
information is unlikely until the ship is ready for sea. A fixed
weight based on a similar ship is probably sufficiently accurate
for preliminary design.
The present allowance for an average crew member is 75 kg
and if effects (personal belongings, luggage, baggage etc.) are
included then the value should double. You should allow 75 kg
for each passenger on a daytime commuter or excursion trip
and up to 150 kg (i.e. with baggage) on a longer-term holiday
or cruise.

Principal Items of Machinery Weight

Propulsion: Main Engine(s), Gearbox(es), Propeller(s) and Shafting
Pumps, Compressors & Separators, Engine Room Pipework,
Air Intakes, Exhaust uptakes
Services: Fresh Water Plant, Sewage Plant, Cargo pumps,
Gratings, Ladders, Walkways, Insulation in Engine Room.
Electrical: Electrical Generators, Switchboards, Cabling, Lighting
Principal Items of outfit Weight

Group 1 : Hatch Covers & Drive Mechanisms

Group 2: Cargo Handling Equipment, Derricks, Winches &
Cranes, Hold Ceilings, Container Lashing Gear
Group 3: Accommodation, Divisional/Non-structural
Bulkheads, Deck/Bulkhead/Deckhead Coverings,
Doors, Windows & Sidelights (Portholes), Sanitary
Installations &Piping, Heating, Ventilation & Air
Conditioning (HVAC), Galley and Dining Equipment
Furniture & Bedding
Group 4:Miscellaneous, Anchors, Chain, Hawsers,
Anchor/Chain/Hawser Handling Equipment, Steering
Gear & Control Equipment, Navigation &
Communication Equipment, Firefighting Equipment, Life Saving
Appliances (LSA), Guardrails, Ladders etc, General Pipework, Hold
Ventilation, Cargo Refrigeration, Paint, Deck Coverings excluding
Accommodation Areas

Typical Weight and cost groups

Estimation of center of gravity

Weight estimates alone are not sufficient to allow ship design

to progress the position of the centre of gravity (C of G) -
Vertically, Longitudinally and Transversely of each item of
weight must also be determined in order to find the overall
Centre of Gravity of the ship.
This must be assessed to give reasonable assurance that the
ship will be stable, float at the intended fore and aft trim and
float upright. In the early stages of Design Port/Starboard
symmetry is often assumed and the Transverse Centre of
Gravity is thus sometimes ignored.

b) Real C of G (later design stages)

The position of the LCG, VCG or TCG of an item is measured
from a suitable datum on a scale drawing of the vessel or is
known by definition, e.g. if the height of a tween deck above
base is 7.6 m then the VCG of the plating will be 7.6 m plus one
half of its thickness above base. As the VCG of the stiffening will
be slightly below 7.6 m a reasonable estimate of the VCG of the
deck will be 7.6 m.
If the C of G of an engine is given by the manufacturer as x
metres above a datum level then position the engine in the
machinery space, find the height of the datum above base and
the VCG can be found.

The weight of an item may have a recognizable geometric

distribution - rectangular, triangular, parabolic etc. The
formulae for finding the centroids of such shapes may then be
useful in determining the C of G of the item with respect to one
or more of the usual axes.
As you progress through successive iterations of weight
calculations or successive stages of the design process as a
whole you should always consider the use of more refined and
more detailed weight/centre estimation techniques
appropriate to your increasing knowledge of the design -
subdivide weight groups, use real engine data etc.
In the later stages of the ship design project you are likely to
have real centers for the majority of the deadweight items
although the Lightship centers will probably still be scaled.
Variations or combinations of these basic procedures may be
appropriate in particular cases. You may be asked to move the
engine room or superstructure from one location on the vessel to
another. From the given data find the C of G of the machinery
relative to one of the Engine Room boundary bulkheads.
If you then move the entire engine room along the vessel the C of
G will move by approximately the same distance as the datum
If you move a superstructure you may have to estimate its weight and C
of G, deduct it from the total steel weight to find a Hull steel weight
and C of G and then add it back on, scaled for dimensional change if
necessary, at a C of G corresponding to its new position

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