Santanelli What Hypnosis Really Is PDF
Santanelli What Hypnosis Really Is PDF
Santanelli What Hypnosis Really Is PDF
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By.... "^P'i.oS*
Master of Hypnotj
O o o o o o
Take warning
Master of Hypnotism.
He first puzzled, then completely won the
Before the public today who is
Exponent of the art ever known.
Master of Hypnotism,
Lansing, Michigan, August 25, 1896.
Before one can undersand the principles of hypotism, it is necessary to fully
comprehend the meaning- of "suggestion." That once understood, hypnotism
becomes a very simple matter.
Man has TWO BRAIN SYSTEMS, one of which I call the abdominal brain
which controls the entire mechanical actions and functions of man. This brain
is known to anatomists as the sympathetic system, and for which they know no
use. The memory brain, which is situated in the head, known as the cerebral, is
simply the recptacle of memory. Man's mind, or thoughts, are also double, i. e.,
ideas, and "associated ideas."
The center of this abdominal brain is situated directly back of the stomach and
consists of what is known as the two semi-lunar ganglia connected by the solar
plexus. Situated in all parts of the body are a number of small ganglia, or
brains; as we might say, sub-stations, in direct communication with this center.
Each ganglion, sub-station, or brain, has a specific duty to perform. Certain
parts of the body are directly under its supervision.
All functional diseases lie in the mechanical, or abdominal brain. Funda-
mental diseases are not caused primarily by the organs themselves, but by an
irritation or disarrangement of the power of intelligence that controls their
action, i. e., the abdominal brain. To better explain the action of these two brains,
we will use the phonograph as a simile. The wax cylinder on which the indenta-
tions that produce the sound waves are made, can be compared to the cerebral
brain, i. e., the brain in the head. If a cylinder of .wax that has received no in*
dentations be placed on a machine and it is started, no sound is heard, but if one
with indentations is so placed, and the machine be in proper working order, we
hear the sound reproduced from the engraven wax. If we do not, we know there
is something out of order with the mechanical portion (the abdominal brain of the
instrument). Any manipulation of the wax will injure, instead of improving,
yet, if we adjust the mechanical fault, the sound is reproduced perfectly. Thus,
in insanity, the trouble does not lie in the head, in the cerebral brain, except
when there is a pronounced lesion, but in the mechanical arrangement or abdom-
inal brain of the unfortunate being.
If one should take a healthy child at birth and keep it isolated in a room for
twenty-one years, at the end of the period one would have an adult in physique,
yet mentally an infant. Because on the wax of the memory of this being no
impressions have been made.
It is very plain to all who have studied man that outside of the natural working
of the abdominal brain, his knowledge must be all acquired, or in other words,
nature supplies the mechanical portion of the phonograph in perfect order, but
man must engrave on the mind of his fellow man, through instruction and exper-
ience, indentations that are called "intelligence."
The doctors will tell you that should an infant take hold of a hot tea cup, it
would immediately drop it from what they call "reflex action." But observation
teaches that the first time a babe takes hold of a hot object, it will grasp the
tighter, not let go until it has been taught to do so. After it has learned to associ-
ate the idea of relaxation, or the removal of the body when coming- in contact with
a hot object, it will then for the first time have learned the practical meaning of
" suggestion." In time the idea of withdrawal of any portion of the body from
any object that produces an unpleasant sensation becomes so closely allied that
the thought does not become necessary. Then the act is an " associated idea,"
suggested by the contact.
After producing anaesthesia in a hypnotized subject, slight punctures fail to
produce blood, the reason being- a contraction of the tissue around the place
where the puncture is made. The tissues also contract when going- into the cold.
All nerves communicating- with the memory brain can only be irritated at the
end (the periphery). If the tissues close over them they are protected and no
communication is possible, as pain in itself is only an idea, a telegram, a com-
munication of injury done, nature's method of stopping this communication is to
contract the tissue, i. e., make a covering over the ends of these nerves or wires.
This being the case it can very readily be seen why a child, knowing no action
from memory, naturally continues the "suggestion" caused by the ganglion or
brain in contracting the tissue, and naturally contracts the fingers, or grasp.
All animals under like conditions act in the same way until they have engraven
on the wax of their memory the proper "suggestion."
Words originally were labial pantomime; no sound was given to thought, but as
time passed on, the sound became the thought or "suggestion" for the object, the
pantomime was no longer necessary, and words now "suggest" thoughts.
"Suggestion" may be defined as A HINT WHICH UNCONSCIOUSLY
The mind, like the brain, is divided into two parts, ideas, and "associated
ideas." An understanding of their relationship ends the mystery of hypnosis.
Around every idea is grouped a series of " associated ideas," the size of the
group depending on the person's experience, education, etc. When once associ-
ated around a predominant thought, they follow up that thought, and become part
of it, as the background to a picture.
When a ganglion of a limb has engraven on its memory the "associated idea"
of the withdrawal of that limb from contact with anything that produces a dis-
agreeable sensation, no action of the brain in the head, the cerebral brain, is
necessary. The brain was placed by nature in the limb to care for it, and, as
soon as learns what to do, it will always act the same way by the same " sug-
gestion." This we prove after decapitating- a frog and irritating any point; we
always find that it goes through the usual normal action.
This is what the doctors have called "reflex action." The cause of the action
they have never been able to explain. Yet they find that these ganglia are com-
posed of white and gray matter, the same as in the head, yet because they are not
in the head, the doctors have failed to appreciate that they are brains. It is a well
known fact that the ends of the fingers of the blind have a greatly increased
amount of gray matter, which very plainly shows that when a sub-brain is kept
constantly in action the gray matter increases, i. e., the brain enlarges, and it
can be easily understood how the blind can use their fingers in place of their
normal sight.
In our cerebral brain is impressed memory, or thoughts, around which are
grouped different "associated ideas," according to the different experiences in
relationship to ideas. Thus, in the general mind, around the thought of doctor, is
associated the idea of pain, expense, nauseating drugs, confinment to the house,
etc. In each separate mind are further grouped individual experiences differing
in many ways. To further explain, we will take the idea of dinner, and follow it
and its " associated ideas " in the mind of a king, a merchant, an ignorant laborer,
and a beggar. The predominating thought, " dinner," carries with it common to
each, a picture or vision of something that will satisfy the hunger. The " associ-
ated idea " in the mind of the king is that of a magnificent banqueting hall,
liveried servants, fine wines, a company of gorgeously dressed guests, an elabor-
ate menu, music, and perhaps the gout. In the mind of the merchant, a meeting at
the door, a loving kiss from a devoted wife, the greeting of happy children, a
tastily arrayed table, smiling faces of his family, a modest fare, and a peaceful
evening. Those in the mind of the laborer, a quantity of coarse food, beer, a dirty
wife, still more dirty children, damaged table service, a quarrel, and an eager
desire to reach the corner saloon. With the beggar, the scowling face of some
good housewife, apt to set the dog on him, or some sympathetic old lady who will
hand him from the back door a piece of cold bread and meat.
It can thus be readily seen how different may be the "associated ideas" that in
different people surround the predominating one. The king sitting at his regal
board, seeing happy faces and rich costumes, will, through his eye, have "sug-
gested" to him the thought of gaiety, which in itself will "suggest" entertain-
ment, which in turn would "suggest" music, dancing, and the drama. The
merchant, if he found a bountiful repast of some delicacy would "suggest" his
wife's having spent something extra for the meal, which of itself if business was
good would "suggest" prosperity, or vice versa, and naturally the topic for con-
versation would be as to the state of business, confidences would be exchanged
between husband and wife as to money matters at the store or in their domestic
economy. With the laborer, the broken furniture and the broken dishes would
immediately "suggest" previous quarrels, which in itself would "suggest" and
put one in action. With the beggar, the being turned away from the door would
" suggest " scarcity, which of itself would " suggest " hard times, and whoever yet
has met a beggar who could not glibly discuss the times of the day?
Three commercial men having just met the first time for several months, are
sitting in the lobby of a hotel. The first talks of a divorce proceeding of a mutual
friend the second of horse racing; and the third tells of the defalcation of the
clerk of a mutual friend. These three topics are not chosen at random, but by
"suggestion." The first traveler on meeting his friend had "suggested" to him.
(that is an " associated idea " aroused), of a lady acquaintance with whom his friend
had been somewhat smitten. The idea of this lady acquaintance was an "associated
idea " associated with her was the knowledge that she was getting a divorce from
her husband then came the "associated idea" that his friend would be interested
Several times a year a long article appears in the papers purporting to be an
expose (?) of some hypnotist, by what is known as the hypnotic " horse; " i. e., a sub-
ject who has been hypnotized so often that he can instantly accept a " sugges-
tion " and is as much at home under "suggestion " as an expert swimmer in the
water, and is one who makes his living by traveling with a professional hypnotist.
As hypnotism is self induced, there are a certain number of startling tests that
the subject in a short time can learn to reproduce, such as being insensible to
feeling, being rigid, raising or lowering the pulse, suspending hunger, thirst, or
bowel action for twenty-four hours. The limit is twenty-four hours on a suspen-
sion of the functions inasmuch as the " suggestion " has to be renewed.
The alleged expose consists in the subject, or "horse," who has been discharged
^>y the hypnotist, going to some newspaper, and for a consideration reproducing
these tests, and claiming, or asserting that he himself is the wonder, and hypno-
sis is not used. The newspapers, eager for a sensation, overlook the point that
these wonderful tests are produced by the hypnotist with hundreds of different
people through the year, and call it what they may, there must be a science at the
bottom of it, for no one but the hypnotist seems to have the good luck to find
these wonders. (?) The doctors operating in the hospitals and having a large
practice, fail to find people who can reproduce these tests. Yet, as I said
before, these fake (?) hypnotists find them in every town they go into, in
fact every hypontist finds them without the least trouble. As our doctors can't do
so the hypnotist must either have an art or some miraculous discriminating ability.
These "horses" begin their story by telling how they wish to expose (?) the
hypnotist in revenge for some alleged wrong, which, on its face, pronounces them
unworthy of belief. They ask some one to give them the command to sleep, and
then reproduce the test. A bewildered look appears on the face, c-r in other words
they go into hypnosis by " suggestion," act on and awaken through auto-
" suggestion."
In all the alleged exposes in the metropolitan papers, the reporters have noted
this. Yet the desire for sensation has been so great that they have devoted more
space to the claims of the " horse " than to the protection of the art. A few weeks
ago a "horse" submitted to a twenty-four hours' sleep in one of our large cities
claiming the sleep to be a "fake." During his test the wise (?) physicians, to
prove that it wasn't hypnosis, submitted him to the most horrible torture, and
when at the end of twenty-four hours the subject awakened, none offered an in-
telligent opinion. First, because none of them knew hypnosis when they saw it,
and secondly, they tried to form opinions, based on their own theories formulated
on the spur of the moment, having no premise whatever. All that they could
prove by the tests made, was anaesthesia, and if anaesthesia is the test for hypno-
sis, there is no hypnosis. As before stated, HYPNOSIS IS A SIMULATED
SLEEP, and carries with it no condition other than a certain relaxation of the
muscles, the extent of which differs in different subjects.
A twenty-four hours' sleep could not be an expose because the object of the
sleep is to prove the suspension of certain functions. Any one with a little will
power could suspend them for twenty-four hours, but no man in his normal state
can go five or seven days without water and not suffer severely, neither could
he simulate sleep for that length of time. To a certain extent hunger would act
in the same way and no man in his normal state could voluntarily keep his bowels
inactive for a week without injury. But the "horse" gets his money, the news-
papers a sensation, a doubt has been raised in the mind of the unthinking public,
and science indirectly benefited inasmuch as the first time a hypnotist offers the
test to the public they will be skeptical, watch the sleeper with the eye of a hawk,
become convinced of the genuineness of the claims of the hypnotist, and many
are interested who would not otherwise have been had they not read the alleged
" expose."
These illustrations, reproduced from photographs, show different emotions
evoked at will, by Santanelli, in his subjects. He places them in hypnosis, and
tells them that when they open their eyes they will see the funniest thing- they
have ever looked upon. When they are convulsed with laughter, with a word he
throws them into complete catalepsy, and they become as rigid as marble. They
cannot move, or change their expressions until Santanelli awakens them, nor can
any other human agency release or relieve them. No living creature could train
himself to retain such inflexibility. The same system of suggestion is followed in
producing the emotions of fear, hatred, pity and joy. If Santanelli could teach
people to act with the realistic effect made known by his untutored subjects, there
would be plenty of better actors than Booth or Salvini on our boards. He is a
wonder. New York Dramatic News.
Svengali is outdone. His glory has departed with the advent of a western rival.
He came, he saw, and he conquered yesterday at the Herald Square Theatre. His
name is Santanelli. New York Morning Advertiser.
The doctors testified to the genuineness of the experiments. New York Herald.
Tb^ audience realized that they had a very remarkable man before them. New
} or& Mercury.
His actual performance before the astonished faces and eyes of the doctors are
more amazing than anything in Du Maurier's " Trilby." New York Morning
The doctors declared that this exhibition was the most remarkable thing of the
kind that they had ever seen. New York Tribune.