LFA Method
LFA Method
LFA Method
o f A c h ie v e m e n t s in M a t e r ia ls October
a n d M a n u f a c t u r in g E n g in e e r in g 2008
Mat er ials
Ab s t r Ac t
Pur pose: The purpose of this paper was to investigate the parameters which effect the results of determining the
thermal conductivity of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) by laser-flash method.
Design/methodology/approach: The air plasma-spray (APS) technique was used to deposition of two- and
three-layered samples. Two-layered samples were composed of metal substrate (321 stainless steel), and ceramic
top coat (8YSZ). Three-layered samples were composed of metal substrate (321 stainless steel), bond coat
(NiCrAlY) and top coat (8YSZ). Thermal diffusivity of each layer have been measured in the temperature range
from room temperature (RT) to 900C by laser-flash method. The thermal conductivity was calculated with
respect to density, specific heat and diffusivity of the materials.
Findings: Obtained results show that the specific heat, density and thicknesses of metal substrate, bond coat and
top coat play important role in the thermal conductivity measurement.
Research limitations/implications: To obtain the correct results in laser-flash technique thickness, density, and
cp of the materials are needed to be measured accurately and surface smoothness of samples should be provided
sensitively. Errors in these parameters cause high deviations in measurements.
Pr actical implications: It has been aimed offer an insight into the experimental determination of thermal
conductivity of layered TBC system which are used in high technologic applications.
Or iginality/value: Laser-flash method is the most widely used experimental technique to determine the
thermal conductivity of APS TBCs at high temperatures. The research contributes to better understanding and
recognition the importance of sample preparation in laser-flash method.
Keywor ds: Ceramics; Thermal conductivity; TBCs; Laser-flash method
Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2008 R es ear c h p ap er 115
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 30 Issue 2 October 2008
MCrAlY (M = Ni, Co) and a top coat of yttria partially stabilized It is essential to know the thermal diffusivity value of each
zirconia made by the atmospheric plasma spraying or electron beam- layer for layered systems in laser-flash method [18-20]. Hence,
physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) [6-7]. diffusivity of 321 stainless steel was measured first. Then for the
Within the last decade there has been a consistent growth in samples composed of substrate and bond coat, thermal diffusivity
the use of composite ceramic materials and layer-coated ceramics. of the bond coat was recorded. Finally diffusivity of Air Plasma
Excellent chemical and wear resistance, a wide range of electrical Sprayed (APS) coating was measured. The specific heat of each
and thermal properties, and high service temperatures have made layer was determined for the purpose of calculating thermal
these materials extremely valuable to industry. Due to their conductivity in view of past literature data.
increasing importance, and the wide range of shapes, sizes, and
composition in which these materials are produced, it is essential
to have reliable methods available to measure their thermal 2.1.
2 .1 .Lazer
L a z eflash
f l a technique
h e h n iq u e
conductivity and diffusivity [8].
There are a variety absolute and comparative methods The heat balance equation for transient conditions may be
currently used to measure thermal conductivity or diffusivity, written as
including both transient and steady-state [8-10] techniques. Laser-
flash [11-13], hot-wire, and three-omega methods are the most dT (1)
widely used transient techniques [14]. The laser flash method is T intrenal source/sink Cp
used commonly and typical of the non-contact transient method.
An instantaneous heat pulse is generated by the absorption of the If there are no internal source:
laser energy on the front surface of the sample and it transmits to
the rear surface on which the temperature rise is detected by an IR dT (2)
sensor [15]. This method is widely used because of the small T Cp
sample size required and the ease and rapidity with which dt
measurement can be taken. The disadvantage of this method is
that density and heat capacity also need to be known or measured For homogeneous materials whose thermal conductivity is nearly
to calculate thermal conductivity. In addition, the use of indirect independent of temperature, we may treat as a constant. Then
transient methods may yield questionable results in complex T becomes T , and Eq. (2) can be written as:
composites or layered ceramics where there are unusual patterns
of heat flow within the body of the material [8]. 2 dT (3)
The thermal conductivity of plasma sprayed zirconia dt
(stabilized with 7, 8, and 20 wt % yttria) and of NiAl, NiCr,
NiCrAl, NiCrAlY and NiCoCrAlY bond coatings have been or
measured in the temperature range 27 C 727 C with the use of 2 1 dT (4)
laser-flash method [16]. dt
Plasma sprayed coatings have been investigated between the
room temperature and 1200 C [17] as an example of Al2O3 and where / Cp is the thermal diffusivity. For one-dimensional
ZrO2 based coatings.
This method was extended to the numerical approach was heat flow,
chosen for the determination of contact resistance, which
considers finite pulse time, heat loss, and transparency [18]. d 2T dT
Hohenauer and Vozr [19] have been presented measurements of dx 2 dt
the thermal diffusivity on two- and three-layered copper/alumina
composites using the laser-flash method. For heterogeneous materials, is not independent of
In this study the thermal conductivity of two-layered samples
position and should not be moved from behind the gradient
which are composed of substrate, ceramic coating and three-
operator (Eq.(2) and Eq.(3)). In principle, then, the concept of
layered samples which are composed of substrate, bond coat,
diffusivity is inapplicable to heterogeneous materials. However,
ceramic coating have been measured by laser-flash method.
in practice, materials are never homogeneous, as point defects,
The parameters which will effect the measurement results in
dislocations, grain boundaries, voids and so on are present even in
determining the thermal conductivity of air plasma sprayed TBC
so-called homogeneous materials. Yet diffusivity techniques have
coating (APS) by laser-flash method and will increase the
been applied to these materials for many years. Successful
sensitivity of measurement and the reasons of errors in results
attemps to extend diffusivity techniques to obviously
were disscussed.
heterogenous materials have been made for many years. These
efforts have been intensified since the 1960s owing to the
development of the flash method of measuring diffusivity. This
2. .Mater
2 M a eialia
l a nmethod
d m e hod method uses relatively simple sample geometry, permits rapid
measurements, and it can handle materials with a large range of
In this research, as type of the coating using yttria stabilized diffusivity values over extended temperature intervals with a
zirconia 8 wt % (8YSZ) air plasma sprayed thermal barrier single apparatus [17].
coating was analyzed.
The laser flash method, ASTM E1461-02 [21], is shown pulse lenght of 0.2-1.2 ms. The temperature rise of the rear side of
schematically in Figure 1. The samples front surface recevies a the sample is recorded without contact by means of an indium
pulse of energy from the laser, which soon raises the back face antimonide infrared detector. Before the measurement, the coated
temperature a degree or two. The rear face temperature response surface of the samples were coated with a thin layer of gold. This
is normalized and compared with the theoretical model based on thin golden layer prevents the direct transition of the laser beams
Carslaw and Jaegers solution to one-dimensional heat flow. A and it helps the energy transfer to the sample. All samples (two
solition of a one-dimensional thermal diffusion equation with an
and three-layered samples) were graphite coated for absorption
initial condition of a heat pulse is,
and emission.
(5) Furthermore, using the programs that take the radial heat loss
Q n2 2
t into acount, calculations were made.
T (d , t ) 1 2 ( 1) n exp
Cpd r 2 n 1 d 2
3 .D i u io n o f h e
where Q is the absorbed energy at the front surface, and d and r 3. Discussion
e x p e im eofn the
a l exper
e uimental
l r esults
are the thickness and the radius of the sample, respectively. The
thermal diffusivity is deduced from the time to reach one half
The thermal conductivity of samples were calculated from the
of the maximum value according to the formula,
thermal diffusivity, specific heat and density data with the aid of
equation (7).
1.37d 2 (6)
t1/ 2
Cp . . (7)
where d is the sample thickness and t 1 / 2 is the elapsed time
where Cp specific heat, density and thermal diffusivity.
needed for the rear face temperature to reach one-half of its
maximum rise (Figure1) [17].
321 Stainless Steel: Small disc-shaped samples of 321 stainless
steel which 12.7 mm in diameter with a thickness of 4.21 mm
have been used. The density was measured by the Archimedes
method and evaluated 7.97 g/cm3. Specific heat values of steel
were obtained from literature [22] and properties of the samples
are given in Table 1.
Table 1.
321 Stainless steel sample
Sample thickness Density Specific Heat
(mm) (g/cm3) (J/g.K)
4.21 7.970 0.5
Problems for determining the thermal conductivity of TBCs by laser-flash method 117
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 30 Issue 2 October 2008
25 25
20 20
k (W/mK)
k (W/mK)
15 15
10 10
LFA 457-Group1
5 5 Brandt and Pawlowski (1986)
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
T (C) T( C)
Fig. 2. Thermal conductivity of 321 stainless steel Fig. 3. Thermal conductivity of plasma sprayed NiCrAlY
Table 3.
Three-layered plasma-sprayed zirconia coatings samples
Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Steel thickness/mm 4.28 4.19 4.37 4.34 4.24 4.26 4.21 4.33 4.21
Coating thickness/mm 0.5 0.59 0.57 0.72 0.85 0.66 0.46 0.54 0.75
NiCrAlY bond coating/ mm 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21
4. .Conclusion
4 c o n lu io n
The thermal conductivity of 8YSZ are not strongly
10 temperature dependent. Reliable thermal conductivity values for
k (W/mK)
Problems for determining the thermal conductivity of TBCs by laser-flash method 119
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 30 Issue 2 October 2008
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