Was Christ Really Crucified - (Lecture & Rebuttal) (Final... )
Was Christ Really Crucified - (Lecture & Rebuttal) (Final... )
Was Christ Really Crucified - (Lecture & Rebuttal) (Final... )
I, Dr. Mohammad Naik; Am the coordinator for today’s program. Hence I will
be Neutral. It is my honorous duty to ensure a fair and proper conduct of
today’s meeting. Therefore I would request our speakers as well as the
audience collected here today to maintain due decorum for a healthy debate.
Before we got here today, I was asked by many people why this topic? Why
these speakers only? The answer to which I could briefly summarize in the
background to this debate.
Pastor Rukni had come to the Islamic Research Foundation for a discussion
with Dr. Zakir. It was mutually agreed between them that instead of a
personal discussion between them, it would be more preferable and better to
have an open public debate at a particular topic at a convenient hall such
that the public too could hear and share in the debate; and be the final
judge. Dr. Zakir suggested the topics: “Is the Bible God’s word?”, Or “Was
Jesus God?” Pastor Rukni considered these topics too common and instead
suggested the topic selected for today’s debate that is “Was Christ really
crucified?” that’s how the topic for the debate and the two speakers are
before all of us today.
As agreed too and decided; fair by the speakers, the format for the debate
will be: Pastor Rukni would address you first for 45 minutes on the topic “
Was Christ really crucified?” then Dr. Zakir will make his presentation on the
same topic for 45 minutes. Then we would have a rebuttal session in which
Pastor Rukni would comment and respond for 15 minutes to what Dr. Zakir
has spoken. Followed by Dr. Zakir too speaking and responding for 15
minutes to what Pastor Rukni has presented. When 5 minutes are left to
conclude the talk as well as the rebuttal, I as a coordinator would hand each
speaker a 5 minutes left slip an indication slip like this in which time both
the speakers are kindly requested to conclude their talk or rebuttal. Lastly
we would have the open question and answer session in which the audience
may pose questions to each of the speakers alternately on the question
mikes we have provided. Two here next to the stage and two in the ladies
section. Only if time permits we would allow questions on slips which may be
passed on to me and I would read out to the speakers. I would like to now
briefly introduce the speaker Pastor Rukni before his talk and I would like
wise introduce Dr.Zakir before his talk.
presenting the point. Now, a few things I will be picking up from the bible
but if I go on picking up from the bible there is no end to it. Because there
are may be hundreds of versus related to the Cross. Some things I will just
say is from Bible but without really tell you where is it? May be few things I
will read from the bible. Because my purpose here is not that you memories
which part and all that. Just my purpose is that you understand the message
behind it. The spirit behind the message of the Cross.
Why is the Cross central in the Christian faith? What is the reason, the Cross
is so important? First of all let me comment on the Cross itself. Physically
the Cross. What you, many people understand, I am not saying all, many
people understand the Cross is the following. I go to Zaveri bazaar search
for a not very expensive jeweler. And have a nice shining little bit gold Cross
and hang it around my neck and that is very suitable to fashion some will
buy gold 17, some 18 some…or Gold 21, good nice attractive looking Cross,
going with fashion matching my dress colors and all etc. That is what many
people understand with the Cross, even many Christians, that is their end of
the understanding of the Cross. And that was my understanding many years
ago. I am born and brought up in a traditional Christian faith. I am a
believer Christian, only 16 years ago. O came to India not a believer. I came
to India as a plain traditional Christian. But I became a believer here through
Indians, through Indians. So I received the faith in Christ here.
And now why the Cross is so central? Now the bible doesn’t refer the Cross
as something attractive, something pleasant to decoration. In fact there is a
picture completely opposite in the bible. The portion of the bible in the old
parts of the bible that is the books of the Jews. The first half of the bible we
call it the Old Testament in the English language it refers to the Cross as
something not nice. You will be surprised it refers to the Cross as something
ugly. It says the Cross is a place of cursing. The Cross is a place where
somebody who is to be punished badly and somebody who is cursed,
somebody who is rejected by society. The Cross fits in. And there is a
statement in the books of the Jews, the first half of the bible. That says;
God’s words said by a prophet it says cursed is a man who hangs on a tree.
It was reference to the tree, reference to a Cross.
So when in the life of Jesus, the Cross was not a pleasant thing, desirable
but it was a necessity for something which I will explain. The bible as you
are aware of, some of you may not be aware just quickly, it’s made up of
two sections. It’s a sixty-six collection of sixty six books written over a
period of time of approximately 4000 years. Its not one book it’s a collection
of books. And the first half, that is the books of the Jews, It is mainly
prophetic. And written by prophets various history, in the life of the history
of the Jews. And right from the first book onwards, there is, sometime
almost directly but very often directly reference to the Cross. Now why there
is? Where doest the Cross come? Why the Cross? I have not yet explained it.
I will try to come to the point. Basically it’s the Gospel, it’s the Gospel. The
news of salvation from sin, there the cross comes. Essentially the bibles
reveals to us that man is a sinner. Man is a sinner by nature. He inherited
that from the days of Adam. “I was born and brought up and in my nature I
am a sinner. And therefore I sin”. Sin by thought, sin by word, by behavior,
many, many things. It’s a nature of man a sinner. And the bible also says,
that the person who sins he reaps death. A sentence of death. There is a
spiritual death; there is a natural death, etc. So there is a sentence of death,
on every human being on this earth because of sin. Because of sin is
offensive to God and therefore man and God cannot finish it together cannot
come together because of that enemy sin between them. And now what
happen is, this sin is so gravies and so serious and so great that whatever I
do to pay for the cost of the sin; to get rid of it; it is too small not good
enough to wipe sin from my life. See. If I give charity to the poor; it is very
nice, that’s a beautiful thing, the bible recommends to do that; but it’s not
good enough to wipe sin from my life. As far as it is a good act, it is a good
act. But not good enough to wipe sin from my life, Ok. Now God sent Jesus,
a perfect man, a man without sin, a man would prefer to suffer, rather that
sin. An exception. A person who.. sin did not enter him. He was tempted in
every way but yet he did not sin. Therefore the sentence of death does not
belong to him. As it belong to all of us. He deserves to live forever. That
was the quality of Jesus from the spiritual point of view. From the point of
view as man, he walked as man on earth. Like anybody else, like he had to
work for his bread and many different things like anybody else. But from the
spiritual point of view, he was not worthy of death because sin did not
succeed going into him. Ok. So in that sense he was a perfect man. Now this
Jesus obeyed God, to the point of being wrongly sentenced to the death of a
sinner. Ok. So therefore satisfying the justice of God, that death is the price
for sin. A perfect man, who don’t deserve to be dead don’t deserve to taste
for death and he was willing to die on behalf of others paying the price of
sin. Therefore the cost he is paying is worthy to wipe away sins. See
the..the.. sacrifices which everybody does and trying to remove sins from
there life is not successful in removing sin. But Jesus because of his value of
being sinless, because of his value of obeying God till the end. Therefore, the
sacrifice he offered was acceptable to God as a cost for sin. And there that is
why the Cross of Jesus is central in life and that is why it is necessary for
Jesus to die the death that God knew about before hand and that’s why he
was his death was the key for those who believe in him and those who
received that sacrifice in their heart and accept it, they are entitled that their
sin is paid for, You know, it is a cost for paying for the sin. You know that is
what the Cross in the Christian life. That’s why it central. That’s why you
remove the Cross from Christian life; you have removed the whole Christian
Now the dispute here is; many people not just Muslims, some other people
also; they say Jesus did not die on the Cross. That was…that was I am not…
of course Dr. Zakir, will know better than me in details, but my part; I say
Jesus did die on the Cross. And I am going to in the time available, as now I
just gave you an idea why the Cross is important, and central in our life?
Because that death was the key for my sins to be removed from my life. It’s
a free gift from God. God paid his the price himself. God himself paid the
price. Therefore what he pays is good and worthy enough to remove sin. Not
like a sacrifice I would do. It is a polluted sacrifice because a sinner
offering… a sinner offering a sacrifice, a polluted sacrifice. But Jesus, a
perfect man offering himself, though as if he was a sinner. He was willing to
receive the punishment of a sinner but he was not a sinner. It is a sentence
of spiritual death in me, he tells me he said you don’t die, give it to me and I
take it for you. And now I am just going to go, through some of the historic
things in the scripture, some of them are indirectly talking about the death
and the sacrifice of Jesus. Some of them directly, very clearly speaking,
some of them indirectly. So I go through some of few things here and there
as time permits me.
Now, you know the first five books of the bible are written by the Prophet
Moses, and the first book is geneses that describe the history of God created
the earth and first development of the human beings in the old times in the
Babylon, etc. Now one thing is, your, I am sure some of you, most of you in
the school learnt or at least heard about story of Adam and Eve. How Adam
and Eve was created? And he had fellowship with God. There was no barrier
between Adam and Eve and God therefore God and Adam and Eve see each
other. They talked each other. There is fellowship; there is no ones between
Adam, Eve and God-the creator. Why? Because there was no sin between
them Ok.. at that time before sinning. Now later, when the devil who came
in the deceiving form of a servant and he succeeded causing them to sin.
Never mind what he sinned and all basically it’s written in the scripture some
fruit they were forbidden to eat and then they ate it, that fruit is not
important, what is important is..is that they did disobey God, they did
disobey God. And something God warned them that they are not allowed to
do. So when they did that then sin came to earth and then Adam and eve
was separated from God. From that day onwards the rift between God and
man started. Many people say I wish I could see God, I wish if God made, I
mean, why I can’t see him? Why I do sin? Many people wrongly give wrong,
bad attribute on God. Because they see evil around them. Actually evil is
man has made it, not God. What happened, God is righteous in his
And see some of the thing that happened in the past very small is; I am not
reading the whole thing just small part. When Adam and Eve sinned against
God and then God was so angry with the serpent, so angry with eve, so
angry with Adam each one accordingly received some major of curse in his
life. Now the serpent received a curse that the serpent will be all the day of
her life will crawl on the dust. And in the case of Eve God told that because
you tempted your husband to eat what is forbidden from now on your
husband rules over you and you will be in submission to him, you will be
dependent on him and also greatly her birth giving pregnancy there is great
pain increase on her. In case of Adam, his main problem was that from now
on when he works in the ground, the ground doesn’t give him fruit easily. He
will have to sweat and work very hard till food comes and then their life was
limited because death entered their life. From that point onwards they are
not meant to live forever they remain to, But one thing is very important is
related is about the Cross the indirect reference to the Cross. It says God
after declaring the various curses on Adam and Eve in; If you like to write
the reference you are free, just I will read just Ok; its in the beginning of the
book of genesis Chapter 3 says “therefore the lord God sent him out of the
garden of Eden that is in reference to Adam and of course and his family, of
Eden to till the ground from which he was taken and he drove the man and
he placed Cherubim and so he drove out the man and he placed Cherubim at
the east of the garden of Eden and a flaming sword which turned every way
to guard the way to the tree of life.”
See If those who wish to refer, it is Geneses Chapter 3 Verse No.23-24.
Simply is after God declared various things on them and sentence of death
basically on them God chased them out of Garden of Eden. That beautiful
garden which we normally refer to it as heaven actually some beautiful place
where they use to enjoy the place. God drove them out from that garden
and what did he placed at the entry point of the garden. He placed an
angelic being is called… angels have different types of categories one of
these is called the Cherubim the closest to God. So angelic being standing at
the starting point of the garden with the flaming sword and the sword is
going right left in all directions to make sure nobody enters that garden
again…see.. What is the way to the Garden of Eden? The way to Garden of
Eden is only if you pass through that sword. There is a sword at the Garden
of Eden which is watching over the entry to the Garden of Eden. And as a
Christian and as I related to the other things of the scripture there is death
price to enter to the Garden of Eden that’s what has to follow somebody.
Because God is righteous and his justice demands that, that sword had to
fall on somebody. You see. And Adam could not come inside. There is a
sword guarding their Garden of Eden, that sword is the death sentence on
the one who dares enter the garden. And we see later Jesus willingly gave
his life according to the will of the father and that sword fell on him. And
therefore today the door to Garden of Eden, the door to Garden of Eden is
open. Not only to Christians to all those who believe. See. I Jesus said, “I
am the door”. He said, “I am the door”. You want to know the father? You
want to know the heaven? You want to know the good things of God? I am
the door. Jesus allowed that sword to fall on him. So that is indirect
reference to the Cross. I will go little further now.
Bible is rich of indirect reference to the Cross. And also there is lot of direct
reference to the Cross, just talking about the Cross nothing else, ok.
Now another example is the famous story of the farther of the all the faithful
“Abraham”. I would like to comment something. Very few know that the
Christians and Muslims are brothers. Very few know that. Really brothers,
not just make you, not just to make you feel happy. You know really
brothers. The Christians are the spiritual descendents of Abraham through
Isaac. The Muslims are the spiritual descendents of Abraham through Isaac.
Through…I am sorry Ishmael. Ishmael is the brother of Isaac. Really
Muslims Christians they come down from Abraham. They are brothers but
they are not natural brothers, they are step brothers. They are brothers
from different mothers. So when I say brother to a Muslim is not just to feel
you nice. It’s really a brother. His spiritual earlier father is Abraham prophet
Abraham. And my spiritual earlier father is Prophet Abraham same Abraham.
Okay! So just diversion, little diversions I do here and there. I am not a very
serious teacher. Some interesting things in between I put.
Okay now we look about Abraham. Abraham had the famous story of being
tested concerning his son, Isaac. Now I know some of you are not familiar
with the bible so I add a few basics because I know not all of you have not
read the bible, some of you may have not read. So I will not just put too
much detail but to just to get the feel of it. Now Abraham, God told him to
come out of OOR because it’s a land of sin. Hood is in Iraq near Basra. I had
been their now it’s a deserted area nobody lives there, just some
monuments there. So because it’s a land of sin, God told him get out of
OOR. Come I will take you to a land much better than this, a place better
than this. Now Abraham did not know what sort of a land God told, he
obeyed God and he moved. And God did not keep his promise immediately,
he took long time and for many years he was married to Sara. And she was
barren. She couldn’t bare children. And for many years God told him I’ll give
you children’s so many look at the stars so many stars are there in the sky.
That much is your children look at the sand in the see so much sand that
much children. But for many years he never had children but by faith he
believed God. By faith he moved, you know by faith he moved. And after
many, many, many years after many years then his wife got fed up you
know, and in those days not today in those days it was not immoral for a
person to marry several wives and even their servant woman can be a wife
also. In those days it was morally, perfectly all right. Ok. Now at that time
his wife told him why you don’t marry our servant? So you can have at least
children from her. So he did had a servant from Egypt. Her name is Hager.
So he married her and had Ishmael. But then it was time for Abraham to
have a son according to the promise according to God’s word. And his own
wife Sera became pregnant and she bore a son Isaac. Imagine what is the
heart of Abraham, after so many years having a promised son? You know,
imagine you are married and..and.for say twenty-twenty five years no
children; God promised you a son; God promised you. Suppose you are very
wealthy man who is going to take all this money, they will cheat me, they
will all take. Then afterwards after twenty-twenty five years and your wife
expect a baby and the child is born. Imagine how is your feeling towards
that boy? After so many years of waiting for that boy, that what happened to
Abraham? That was his heart attachment to Isaac his son.
And then one very nice night something very interesting happened.
Something very interesting happened. It is in Genesis. Nice my pastor near
by, he will help me to pick it up. I told you I am not a very great teacher,
but the spirit of the message I will give. Okay..even though …I …okay. Now
in genesis Chapter, that is about Isaac? Chapter 22 it says “now it came to
past after these things that God tested Abraham”. Okay It is sounding very
simple, but it was very serious thing. And said to him “Abraham”, and said
“here I am”. And he said “take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom
you love and go to the land of Moriah and after him there and there offer
him, theire as a burnt offering on one of the mountain which I shall tell you.”
Very terrible thing happened to him. After so many years waiting and the
boy became a little teenage. You know quite strong, he could carry little
luggage with his dad, it is what mentioned there, so God says “I want him as
a sacrifice”. Ok. Now, I’ll come to the point, which am say… I am not putting
all things together. Ok, just few points. Then Abraham with all the pain in his
heart faithfully gets up early in the morning and takes all the tools necessary
to offer the sacrifice, the knife, the fire etc. And he goes all the way to where
God told him to go. Ok. And then he left the servant behind took his son and
went to the mountain Moriah. Where God has told him and then something
very interesting take place very, very profound statement takes place here
there. I will take short cut.
But Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said “my father” and he said
“here I am, my son” and he said “look the fire and the wood and where is
the lamb, for a burnt offering?” Son says we got fire around we got wood me
and you alone going up to the mountain where is that? Usually they offer
goat or a lamb “Where is that lamb?” Now see what happens here. And
Abraham said, “My son God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt
offering” and the two of them went together.
Very profound statement. Abraham spoke by faith. He said “God will provide
for himself an offering”, see, he didn’t say God will provide “A” sacrifice. He
said “God will provide for himself an offering” now if you read the books of
the Christian in the New Testament that is the second half of the bible. The
authors they expand on this point and they said Abraham spoke by faith.
When he spoke to Isaac, when he spoke to Isaac he was thinking that God
will raise him from the dead when he spoke to Isaac. That’s how he spoke.
Something like this happened. But not exactly he roused him from death.
And then they went up and then they came to the place where God, which
God has chosen and Abraham built the altar there and placed the wood in
order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood,
noticed that the son didn’t run away. He allowed his father to tie him up.
Although he was a big boy at that time. He could run away. Ok. And then
what happened? And Abraham stretch out his hand and took the knife to
slay is son. But the angel of the lord called him from heaven, and said
“Abraham, Abraham” and he said “here I am” and he said “do not lay your
hand on the lad or do any thing to him for now I know that you fear God
since you have not with held your son, your only son from me” Then
Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked. And there behind him was a ram
caught in the thicket by its horn. So Abraham went and took the ram and
offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham called that
name of that place the lord will provide as it is set this day in the mount of
the lord it shall be provided.
See summary of that thing is, summary of that very big drama is this,
Abraham went up and then he told “God will provide for himself a lamb”.
God is demanding a sacrifice. See I am putting my own words in between I
am just paraphrasing. God demanding a sacrifice, there is a need for a
sacrifice. God wants a sacrifice but where is the lamp for sacrifice? God will
provide for himself, the lamp. That what happened, and that what
happened. God spared Isaac. God spared Isaac. God was not even thinking
of killing Isaac. The bible summary says. He was just testing Abraham. God
is not in the business of killing the children like that. God, He gave him Isaac
as a gift. He wouldn’t just take him like that for him. Ok. And then God
through miraculous act, He stopped him in the last minute through the angel
of God in a very critical point in his life. And he say he gave him some other
thing to be sacrificed… not Isaac.
So here we Christians we look at it this way. God spared me, God spared
me. I am in the place of Isaac. Anybody who believes in Jesus is in the place
of Isaac. God spared me from that sentence of death of sin. There is a
sentence of death for me and Gods justice demands that wages of sin is
death. You see. And it is right that I should die and go to hell. Ok..But what
happened? God provided a sacrifice for himself. Christ Jesus is a sacrifice on
the Cross. You look at Jesus you believe in him you receive him in your heart
therefore God’s justice is satisfied. That sacrifice, instead of me. Any man
dies for me is not good enough. But Christ dies for me is special. There are
so many people who die for each other. There are, some time husband die
for wife because he loves his wife that is a very noble act that’s a beautiful
act. Ok… But I am talking about saving from sin. Not saving from small
things, saving from eternal judgment from hell, from the fire of hell. Any
sacrifice will not do, will not do. The New Testament the Christian part of the
bible says, God he is talking to believers of course Christians and he said
“God delivered us not through the blood sacrifice of blood of goats and cows,
and animals and all that; I am not hurting your feeling I am telling you just
what it says; but he delivered us through the blood of his son, Jesus Christ.
See, that is so central, so central in the old New Testament and post New
Testament. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross my sins were paid
for. In the eyes of God there is a list of sins; that needs to be punished; in
me. But Jesus said put it on me, put it on me….I…I...That is put on Jesus.
You see, and therefore but if somebody else die for me nothing happens, I
will not be saved from sin. But only particular person, a perfect person is
having that…that privilege to die for others, you wash away their sins. You
Now there are many, many things written in the Old Testament, many,
many things. I am not going to read all I.. just going to refer it to you. If
you like to further…I will help you later. I just want to know, how much time
left is?
Pastor Ruknuddin Henry Pio: Oh… Better rush…better rush. The Old
Testament, God gave symbolism of the Cross. And you know the story of the
Jews being saved from Egypt, very famous story in the history of the Jewish
nation. They were slaves in Egypt for several hundred years and then God
visited them and he save them through miraculous act and he gave them
this symbol “tonight I am going to kill all your enemies the children of the
enemies at that time and to force them to leave you. And he made them
slay a perfect lamb, a lamb without blemish, not sick, not blind, not limping,
a perfect lamb. And God told them you put the blood of the lamb on the
doors of your house. And in the night, the angel of death will come. Any
door that didn’t have that blood, their first born will be dead. But this is what
happened to Jews in that time they obeyed and they put the blood on the
gate and the whole nation, Jewish nation that night were give permission to
leave Egypt.
Now you go later, one time in the history of the Jews they rebelled against
God. They did it many times. Ten major times they did it, in the Sinai. And
then the serpents came and just bit them one by one and many were
poisoning through serpents. It is mentioned fiery serpents. And then God
told Moses to do something very strange, very strange. He told him to make
a serpent made of bronze, Brass. And put it on a high stick. And everybody
from the Jewish nation looks at that serpent. He will be healed from the
poisoning of the serpent. Now it is mentioned in the New Testament;
comments on that; it says see the snake is the serpent, is the symbol of
devil. Snake is not the devil. Snake is just the symbol of devil. Snake is just
an animal.
Now what happened is, Jesus was hung on the Cross became a serpent for
us. He who was perfect, more perfect than Angels but he was willing to be
like the serpent sin on the Cross. You look at him. You receive him in your
heart, tonight your sins are washed away, tonight your sins are washed
away. You don’t need a religious ceremony, tonight your sins are washed
away if you receive him. Look at the Jesus who was hung on the Cross, that
is so central, so central is the Cross in the Christian faith. So central and
through out the history of the Jewish nation God told them symbolism. He
gave them symbolism to remind them of forgiveness of sin. He said you
bring a lamb that is without blemish. There is no spot on him. He is not
blind; He is not limping of certain age only that I accept as your religious
ritual sacrifice. God was reminding them the future Christ. The perfect
blameless lamb from the point of view of sin as man you are just plain man
like you and me. All his godly part, and authority, qualities he kept aside. He
walked as a plain man subject to pain and sin. I am sorry, temptation of sin.
So this is the central thing.
You come to the New Testament; it is very obvious about the Cross. The
whole New Testament is based on the Cross of the Jesus. Paul says The
Apostle Paul one of the famous leaders in the New Testament he said, “I
preach Christ crucified. I got nothing less.” Many people want it Paul to
preach the Christian faith, Christianity minus Cross. He refused to do that.
He said, “I preach Christ crucified”. That’s only it is foolishness in the eyes of
people who don’t want to believe. The Cross is foolishness from the point of
view naturally why your God goes and die on Cross. It sounds foolish. It is
sounding foolish. Actually it is God’s wisdom. It was God’s wisdom is
different. God had to satisfy his justice. God had to, a blameless person to
die for the sins of the world. Today anybody who believes in Jesus death on
the Cross he was buried after three days he roused he defeated death after
three days and received his Godly authority again.
Anybody who received that act his sins are washed away. Your destinations
changed going to hell, going to heaven, plus many other benefits. That’s just
one of the major benefits is that are in the Cross. Now in the New Testament
is based fully on the Cross. You take out the Cross; the whole bible is not
worth two paisa. Talking bible, I mean books of the Jews I mean the book of
the Christians. There is one Chapter Isaiah 53 so clearly about this… so
clearly about Jesus suffered and died. So clearly. So clearly. Isaiah Chapter
53, lastly I got couple of minutes.
Now, lastl…lastly in the last book of the New Testament, it’s a prophetic
books about the things in heaven. One servant of God by the name John the
Apostle there are two John’s there, one is John the Apostle he saw visions of
heaven. And he said things about traveling the Euphrates war and on
Euphrates that’s the Iraqi area. He predicted things what happening today in
the Euphrates. And you can see it for yourself. Just read The Times of India
and you see all the trouble in the Euphrates. Many, many things has been
said but one thing very special said, he saw in heaven the lamb that was
slain. Jesus referred to as the lamb that was slain. Of course Jesus is not
lamb physically, he is not a lamb, he is not a sheep. He is a man. But
symbolically he was that perfect Lamb of God, Where through out history of
Jews, through out the history of New Testaments, Jesus is referred to as a
lamb. In heaven he was known as the lamb that was slain. So if you take
out the Cross from the Christian faith, there is no Christian faith. Some list
of Do’s and Don’ts. That’s all. There is no salvation, there is no breaking with
sin there is nothing. The Cross is very central. The Cross is a main thing that
God gave God died on my behalf. He was willing to come down from heaven.
He was wiling to walk as man in the pains that man teste being tempted in
every way you are tempted. If you are tempted Jesus tested more than what
you think. Ok. You believe on him, he breaks that lust and that, that
addiction and that bad habit and that curse in your life. Jesus breaks all that
from your life. You have to say just Yes to him and tonight you go home just
pray to him. You receive salvation from sin. I think my time is up.
Pastor Ruknuddin Henry Pio: I have to show it? (Label)
Pastor Ruknuddin Henry Pio: Ok… good..Five minutes I can do. Miracle in
that, Ok…praise the God. Ok One thing is….
Pastor Ruknuddin Henry Pio: Five minutes not bad haan. No problem.
Right. Now there is; one evidence; of one category of evidence of the Cross
of Jesus is the bible. That is the books of the Jews, the books of the New
Testament of the Christians. Thoroughly surrounded the Cross, directly and
indirectly… directly and indirectly. You can read it for yourself. It’s very
reasonably priced. There are many bible shops in Bombay. And if you don’t
know we will tell you later.
Another level of evidence that Jesus did die and he was sentenced to death
is: I’ll give you; it’s not from the bible! It’s not from the bible! It’s from the
enemies of the Jesus those who hated Jesus. Unfortunately they Jews
themselves; historically they rejected the message of Christ they said this is
not really the Christ this is a false Christ. So finally they sentenced him to
death. Now if you are aware of the Jewish nation they maintain current
history book. As major events takes place in the Jewish nation they record it
with their religious authorities in a book called the Talmud. Some of you may
have heard of it. If you refer to the version of the Talmud; around the time
of Jesus 2000 years ago; you will read that Jesus was put to death. Of
course, they will say wrong things also; they say he was false Christ. He
gave the wrong message. He was a magician. They say wrong things. But
one things they said, they say “Jesus was put to death” because he did
wrong things. But that is another that is not religious that is outside
evidence “Jesus did die”. The people who handled him they did put him to
death. That’s it.
are doctors here they know what I am talking about Ankylosing Spondylitis,
Incurable. A disease that puts you in bed. You cannot walk with it. A disease
that will waste your life. And sixteen years ago the leaders prayed for me. I
was healed gradually within seven days. I was not religious I was just
believing in Jesus I was not knowing the bible by heart, not read the bible
even once at that time. They prayed for me. God confirmed these people are
teaching correct things. The Cross is real. See God healed me. And I know
people, I know people, roused people from the dead. You may…you may…
you may…argue with me. I got only two, maybe half a minute more. I
cannot argue with you. But the people today, rouse people. .I myself,
happened to me, I was walking near a Bombay gymkhana. One little girl,
Scooter run off over her. I carried her dead. She was little… less than
teenaged. Now I am not a doctor. I cannot tell you about her internal organs
functioning or not. But as a layman I saw her dead. She stopped breathing
and she is totally finished. And we rushed at to the hospital, I was praying in
Jesus name for her. And by the time we reached the hospital she revived
and she came back to life and Doctors just took her for observation, Saint
George hospital. Now that is not a confirmed rising from the dead, just few
example. But people confirmed people from the dead, was rouse in the
name of Jesus. They defy death today defying death. They are healing the
sick in the name of Jesus. God is giving acts of mercy and acts of love in
Jesus name, the crucified Jesus. You have faith in him. God will meet need
of your life. God will meet the need.
Today I don’t have time or I would have prayed for all of you. There is no
time. But some other time may be you could come to our meeting at
Damodar hall class room on 9 o’ clock, next Sunday, Parel Naka. We could
pray for all of you. My Pastor will pray for you. Some people in the church
will pray for you. We are not great people. We are not great healers. As
Brother….haa….We are just ordinary people. I am just a tuition giver person;
I just go around houses and giving tuitions. I am not a great fellow. Even my
pastor he is managing his living somehow and his wife is working in some
hospital. Like that managing, we are not some great healer. We just pick
things happen. But in Jesus naming the hands most of the time people
receive healings, according to the faith of course. God confirming that the
message of the Cross is true in many different levels of the proof of the
Cross. Thank you.
Dr. Mohammad Naik: Thank you Pastor Rukni for your presentation. Now
we have the second speaker for the day Dr.Zakir.
Dr. Mohammed: Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik, 33 years, is the President of
the Islamic Research Foundation, Bombay. A medical doctor by professional
training, he has turned around to make the proper clarification as well as
removing misconceptions about Islam, his main mission in life. He’s a keen
student of Islam and comparative religion. In the last 3 years itself; Dr.
Zakir has delivered more than 300 public talks’s abroad in addition to his
many talks in India. He has also participated in many symposia and debates
with prominent personalities of other faith. May I call upon Dr. Zakir to make
his presentation on the topic of the day: Was Christ Really Crucified? Dr.
Rabbish rahli Şadri Wa Yassir Li 'Amri Wa Ahlul `Uqdatan Min Lisani Yafqahu
Before I dwell into the topic, I would like to clarify the position of Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him) in Islam.
Islam is the only non Christian faith which makes it an article of faith to
believe in Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not
believe in Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). We believe that he was one of the
mightiest messengers of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)
of Almighty God. We believe that he was the Messiah, translated Christ. We
believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which
many modern day Christians today do not believe. We believe that he gave
life to the dead with Gods permission. We believe that he healed those born
blind and lepers, with Gods permission.
One may ask that if Muslims and Christians both love and respect Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him), then where is the parting of ways? The major
difference is the Christians insistence on the supposed divinity of Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him). And they say that he was crucified on the cross and
he died for the sins of humanity.
The topic of today’s debate; if you have forgotten is: “Was Christ Really
Crucified?” And since; we Muslims and Christians both believe in Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him), it’s obligatory that we put forth both point of view.
The Muslim and the Christian point of view.
“ Wa Qawlihim”
"They said, the Jews (in boast)”,
“Inna Qatalnal Masiha Isabna Maryama Rasool Allah”
“That we killed Christ, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”, “Wa Ma
Qataluhu Wa Ma Salabuhu”
“They did not kill him, Neither did they crucify him”,
“Wa Lakin Shubbi ha Lahum”
“but it was made to appear so”,
“Wa Innal Lazinakhtalafu Fihi Lafi Shakkim Minh.”
“And all those who differ therein are full of doubts”,
“Ma Lahu bihi Min Ilm”
“with a no certain knowledge”,
“Illati Baa’zzan” “with only conjectures to follow”,
“ Wa Ma Qataluhu Yaqinaa” “for a surety, they killed him not”.
No one can be more explicit, more unambiguous, more unequivocal than the
Qur’an in this Verse saying that he was not killed. If I conclude my
presentation right now, without commenting or refuting on the Biblical point
of view, what the Pastor has presented; as far as the debate is concerned; it
will be a draw, it will be neutral. That the Muslims say, according to the
Qur’an, Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was not really crucified. And the
Christian according to their understanding of the Bible, they say he was
crucified. It would be a draw. But I will not do that. I will prove from the
Bible itself which the Christians believe to be the word of God, that Jesus
Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was not really crucified.
Let me first clarify that we Muslims, we do not consider the Bible to be the
word of God. The Bible may contain certain portions which we may consider
it to be the word of God. It contains the word of the Prophets, the word of
the historians. It also contains absurdity. Obscene statements, which if
someone even pays me a thousand rupees now, I will not be able to read
from the Bible. Such obscene Verses, obscene Chapters, It also contains
contradictions. But even though I don’t believe that the Bible is the word of
God, yet I will prove from the Bible that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him)
was not crucified because, Pastor Rukni and many Christians out here, they
agree the Bible to be the word of God. So I’ll prove from their evidence.
Because the Qur’an says in Sure Baqarah, Chapter No.2 Verse No.111
They say; the Jews and Christian; “you Muslims, you shall never enter
With all your piety, with all your righteousness; as Pastor said; with all the
good deeds you shall not get salvation. That’s what the Pastor said in his
talk. Its useless, with all your Zakat, with the Hajj, with the Salah, with the
mark on your forehead, you shall never enter Jannah unless you be a Jew or
a Christian.
“Wa qalu lay yad khulal Jannah illa man-Kana Hudan aw Nasara” “Unless
you are a Jew or a Christian”.
Allah says
“tell them”
“Haatu Burhanakum”
“Produce your proof”
Allah says ask them to produce their proof. If I tell from the Qur’an that
Jesus was not crucified, the Christians they don’t agree the Qur’an to be the
word of God. So we have to ask them “Qul Haatu Burhanakum” “Produce
your proof” “In Kuntum Sadiqin” “But if you are truthful”. And the Christians,
they have produced their proof, the Bible as the Burhan. The Christian says,
my Bible says this, my Bible says that, my Bible says this, my Bible says
that. Let’s analyze what does their Bible says. And they have produced this
Bible in no less than two thousand different languages of the world. So let’s
analyze, from the Bible whether Christ was really crucified. And while doing
so, whatever conclusion I draw from the Bible, need not necessarily be the
Islamic viewpoint. Let me remind you that. The conclusion drawn from the
Bible need not necessarily be the Islamic viewpoint.
The Islamic viewpoint I have made it very clear according to Sure Nisa,
Chapter 4 Verse No.157 “Wa Ma Qataluhu Wa Ma Salabuhu” “They killed him
not, neither did they crucify him.” It’s clear cut.
The topic: Was Christ Really Crucified? What is the meaning of the English
word Crucify? According to the Oxford Dictionary, crucify means, “To put to
death by fastening onto the cross”. According to the Webster’s Dictionary,
crucify means, “To put to death by nailing or binding to the cross”.
According to Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), he says in the
“A person can obtain salvation by keeping the law and the commandments.”
But according to St. Paul, he nails the laws and commandments to the cross,
cross, cross, cross, as you heard Pastor Saying cross, cross. He nails the law
and commandment to the cross as he says in
“And Paul says that salvation can be obtained by believing in the death and
resurrection of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)”
And he quotes, if you read the New Testament 1st Corinthians Chapter No.15
Verse No.14
I give the reference so that you people realize I’m not pulling a fast one. I
prefer giving references. Otherwise if I say Bible says this, New Testament
says this, in this encyclopedia of more than a thousand pages, where will
you find? To make it easy I give references
“And if Christ has not risen from the dead our preaching is in vain and your
faith is in vain”.
As the Pastor said, that all your good deeds, all your charity, without
believing in Christ died for the sin, it is useless. And the Christian
missionaries, the reference they didn’t give.
“That all our righteousness, all our good deeds are like filthy rags”.
If you don’t believe Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) died on the cross for
the sin of humanity, all your righteousness, all your good deeds are like
filthy rags. And in the words of the Pastor, which I wouldn’t ever say. He
says if there’s no cross, if there’s no crucifixion, Bible is less than two paisa.
And he says, “If no crucifixion, there’s no Christianity”. And I agree with
him, and I agree with him.
And the Pastor said that he came to India and he spent more than two
decades here. And only when he came to India, he really realized the
message of Christianity. Previously he was only a Christian, but he became a
practicing Christian from the Muslims here. I would like to remind him, that I
have only met one Arab Christian before in my life, before meeting Pastor.
One Arab Christian I met in Jeddah, from Syria. And after he attended my
talk, Al Hamdulillah, by Allah’s grace, he accepted Islam. This is the second
time in my life that personally I’m meeting an Arab Christian. And
InshaAllah, with Allah’s help and I pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) to
give him Hidaaya, that since he got the teaching of Christianity from the
Indians, he will come back to the original faith which is Islam. Which every
human being is born in. Insha Allah, after this talk, or after having
discussion, InshaAllah, I pray that he comes back to the original faith,
InshaAllah, realizing, that if no crucifixion, no cross, no Christianity which
InshaAllah I will do in the course of my time.
Let’s see what St. Paul has to say regarding resurrection. St. Paul, he
comments on resurrected bodies, in the same Chapter where he says if
Christ hasn’t risen, our faith is in vain, and our preaching is in vain, same
1st Corinthians, Chapter 15. towards the end of the Chapter St. Paul says in
1st Corinthians, Chapter15, Verse No.42 to 44, he says, that
According to St. Paul the resurrected bodies are spiritualized. They are
spiritualized. Same is said by his lord and master, Jesus (Peace Be Upon
Him) in the
Gospel of Luke Chapter No.20, Verse No.27 to 36, if you remember the story
of a woman who had seven husbands, and the Jews come with a poser to
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) and it’s a Jewish practice, that if a man marries
a woman and if he dies, without leaving any children, the second brother
marries the wife of the deceased brother, so that he can give her his seed. If
the second brother dies without leaving any children, the third brother
marries. So on and so forth.
So here they come with a poser that this woman married seven brothers one
after the other and all of them had her here. Means they had her as a wife
here one after the other. But there was no problem, why? Since each one of
them had turn by turn. So there was no problem. And later on even she
dies. But they pose the question to Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) that in
resurrection, who will have her there? Indicating during resurrection all the
seven brothers will be raised simultaneously along with the woman. Who will
have her there?
So Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) says in the Gospel of Luke Chapter No.20,
Verse35 and 36,
“Neither shall they die anymore. They are equal unto the Angels”,
And there’s not a single Verse any where in the Gospel which says that Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him) was resurrected. In fact if you read, its mentioned, if
you remember the story, that after the alleged crucifixion when the
disciples, they meet in the upper room, Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) he
its mentioned in Gospel of Luke Chapter No.24, Verse No.36, he comes and
he says to the disciple,
“But they were terrified and affrighted and supposed him to be a spirit”.
I’m asking a question, why did the disciples think Jesus (Peace Be Upon
Him) to be a spirit? Did Jesus look like a spirit? And when I ask this question
to the Christians, all of them said, no. And they are right. Jesus Christ
(Peace Be Upon Him) did not look like a spirit, when he comes to the upper
room after the alleged crucifixion. So why did they think that he was a
spirit? The reason is because they had heard from the hearsay that their
master Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was put on the cross. They had learnt
from hearsay that he had given up the ghost that he had died. They had
learnt from hearsay that he was dead and buried in the grave for three days.
Hearsay, hearsay. You know why? Because they were not eyewitnesses.
According to Mark, Gospel of Mark Chapter No.14 Verse No.50 it says, that
In the most crucial juncture in the life of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) when
he required them the most. All the disciples, 100%. All of them according to
Mark, Chapter14 Verse No.50, they forsook him and fled.
Who says that? Not Dr. Zakir Naik, Gospel of Mark Chapter 14 Verse No.50.
All of them forsook. So it was from hearsay. Therefore they think and they
thought that he was a spirit. But Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) to clarify their
doubt, it’s mentioned in the next two Verses in the
Gospel of Luke Chapter No.24 Verse No.39 and 40 Jesus (Peace Be Upon
Him) says, that
“Behold my hands and feet, it is I myself. Handle me and see for a spirit has
no flesh and bone”,
As you see me have. And saying so he shows them his hands and feet. He
tells them behold my hands and feet, it is I myself, what has happened to
you? It is me, your lord and master Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), why you’re
frightened? Handle me and see, behold my hands and feet for a spirit has no
flesh and bones. What was he trying to prove by showing his hands and
feet? Was he trying to prove that he was resurrected, was he trying to prove
he was spirit. He was trying to prove that he was not a spirit. He was not
Next two Verse, Gospel of Luke, Chapter No.24, Verse No.41 to 42, it says,
They thought he is dead and now they are happy that their lord and master
is alive, physical with flesh and bones in front of them. They are happy.
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) yet to confirm them says that,
“Do you have any meat here?” And they gave him a piece of broiled fish and
a honeycomb. And he took it and he ate before them. To prove what? That
he was resurrected? To prove that he was a spirit? To prove that he was a
physical body. He ate and he chewed in front of them. A piece of broiled fish
and honeycomb, to prove that he was not resurrected, he was not a spirit.
But he was in flesh and bones, a physical body if no resurrection, no
crucifixion, no Christianity.
If you remember the story of Mary Magdalene, when she goes to the tomb
of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) on the third day.
It’s mentioned in the Gospel of John, Chapter No.20, Verse No. 1 as well as
Gospel of Mark, Chapterno16, Verse No.2, that
it was the first day of the week, meaning it was a Sunday, Sabbath day is
Saturday for the Jews. So first day of the week is Sunday.
“It was the first day of the week that Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb.”
Now why should Mary Magdalene go to the tomb on third day after Jesus
Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) supposedly was dead? Why should she go? The
reply is given in the Verse earlier, in
The word is anoint, which the original Hebrew word is ‘Masahaa’, means to
massage, to rub, to anoint. And from this root word you can even derive the
Arabic word ‘Masih’, or the Hebrew word ‘Messiah’ which means the anointed
one, which if you translate to Greek it means ‘Christos’, from which you get
the word Christ, the anointed one.
I am asking the question, do Jews massage dead bodies on the third day?
Have you any time heard? Jews massaging dead bodies on third day? And
the answer is No. I am asking the Christians, do Christians massage dead
bodies on third day? And the answer is no…Do Muslims, do we massage
dead bodies on third day? And the answer is No. So why is she going to the
tomb to massage Jesus who has died on the third day, according to the
Christians. You know why? Because she was the only one besides Joseph of
Arimathea and Nicodemus who gave the burial bath to Jesus (Peace Be Upon
Him). And when Jesus’s body was brought down (Peace Be Upon Him) from
the cross, she might have seen some life in the limp body. But natural, she’s
not going to say, “he’s alive”. Otherwise they will put him to death again.
Seeing certain life in the limp body of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) she comes
back on the third day after the Sabbath day to look for “Alive” Jesus (Peace
Be Upon Him). Alive Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him).
And it’s mentioned in the Gospel of John, Chapter No.20, Verse No.1, and
the Gospel of Mark Chapter No.16, Verse No.4, that
“She finds that the stone has been removed, and even the winding sheets
they are unwound and placed in a pile.”
The question is why should the stone be removed and why should the
winding sheets be unwound and placed at the side, piled up at the side? If
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was resurrected as a spiritual body, does a spirit
require the stone of the entry of the tomb to be removed? If it’s a spirit,
doors cannot stop a spirit from entering. The stone need not be removed.
Why was the stone removed? And if a spirit has to move does it have to un-
wound the winding sheets? It’s not required. But if it’s a physical body the
stone blocking the entry of the tomb has to be removed. The winding sheets
have to be unwound, proving that Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) the person
who came out of the tomb was a physical body. And the tomb was a private
property of the sacred disciple, of Joseph of Arimathea who was a rich and a
influential Jew. And he had carved a big roomy tomb may be for himself for
future, in which Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was kept, the tomb or the
And according to Jim Bishop, he says, Jim Bishop, not Bible, Jim Bishop says
it was very roomy, very big five feet wide, Seven feet in height and fifteen
feet in depth. Why do you require a roomy tomb? So that if any one wants
to help a person it can be done easily. These are small room in Bombay. It is
approx 75 sq.feet. 75 sq.feet flat is big in Bombay. We find five-six people
living in that room, in Bombay; One of the most expensive places in the
world. 75 sq.feet you find 4-5 people living in it. So roomy enough, if they
want to help the person why would they want to help a spiritual body?
Spiritual body doesn’t require help. But natural they wanted to help a
physical body.
Further if you read. In the Gospel of John, Chapter No.20, Verse No.15,
“Jesus he sees that Mary Magdalene, from the earth from Terra Firma not
from the heaven. He sees her. And she’s weeping and he comes to her and
ask, “Women why weepiest thou? Whom seekest thou?”
“Where have you taken him?” and laid him? So that I may take him away”
I’m asking you a question, why did Mary Magdalene supposed Jesus to be
(Peace Be Upon Him) a gardener? I’m asking a question; do resurrected
bodies look like gardeners? Do they? Yes or no? No! So why should she
suppose that Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was a gardener? And the answer is
because he was disguised as a gardener. Now, why should a spiritual body
be disguised as a gardener? Jesus Christ was disguised as a gardener (Peace
Be Upon Him) because he was afraid of the Jews. A spiritual body need not
be afraid of the Jews, why?
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) said in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter No.20, Verse
“Neither shall you die anymore”.
Means if you are spiritualized you don’t have to be afraid of anyone. No one
can harm you. You cannot die a second time. If he’s spiritualized why should
he be disguised? Why should he be afraid? Why should he be in hiding? Why
should he run away from the Jews? Proving that he was not a spiritual body,
but he was alive.
And he says to Mary, “Mary”, the one word is sufficient for Mary to recognize
her lord and master. You know because every one has a particular style of
calling their beloved one. And the tone, in the style which you call your
beloved one is sufficient to recognize who is the person. She immediately
recognizes that it is Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) and she rushes forward
towards him
And then continues and says, in Gospel of John, Chapter20, Verse No.17, “I
have not yet ascended unto my father” meaning what? That he has not yet
been dead. Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) unequivocally says that he has
not yet been resurrected, proving that he was alive. Later on it’s mentioned,
“The disciples they had heard that Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was alive.
From her, Mary Magdalene. But they believed not.”
You know the Jews they had a habit of posing questions. Troubling the
Messengers. The Qur’an says that, the Bible says that. They posed questions
to Moses (Peace Be Upon Him), they troubled him and they harassed him.
Same they did with Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him).
Further its mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No.12, Verse No.38,
the Jews come up to Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) and said “Master” ‘Rabbi’
meaning ‘O lord’, “why don’t you give us a sign?”, Sign meaning, a miracle,
miracle. All the good works that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) did was
not sufficient to convince the Jews, they said give us a sign, give us a
miracle. May be like flying in the air. Like walking on the water, like walking
on burning charcoal, they wanted some miracle. Sign here doesn’t mean a
sign on a lamp post, you know. Like you have signs on the roads, its not
that sign. It particularly means a miracle. And if you read the New
International Version, it says ‘a miraculous sign ’. What’s the reply Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him) gives? What’s the reply he gives? In the next Verse,
“You evil and adulterous generation seeketh thee after a sign”, you seek for
a miracle, “no sign shall be given to you, but the Sign of Jonah, for as Jonah
was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale so shall the son of
man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”.
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) doesn’t say, that see, go and meet Bartimaeus,
the blind person who I gave sight. Why don’t you ask the women with issues
who only on touching me she was healed. He didn’t refer to the 2000 pigs he
had killed to heal a possessed man. He doesn’t say, that the 5000 and the
3000 people he fed with a broiled fish and with bread. He says “no sign shall
be given to you, but the Sign of Jonah”. Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) is
putting all his eggs in one basket. The Sign of Jonah. And for a person to
know the Sign of Jonah he doesn’t have to be a scholar of the Bible, he
doesn’t have to be a doctor of divinity, because it is taught in Sunday
schools and in most countries including India. Irrespective whether you are a
Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu, somewhere or the other it is taught either
in comics, or in moral science lessons, the Sign of Jonah or Jonah and the
Whale. They know, but if you want to know the Sign of Jonah actually, in the
Bible. In this big book, the Sign of Jonah is less than 2 pages. Less that one
and a half page. I had the Xerox copy done from the same Bible to make it
easy. Less than one and a half side. Less than one and a half side only four
Chapters. And to find one page in encyclopedia of more than a thousand
pages is difficult. But everyone knows the outline of this story. That Almighty
God, He asks his messenger Jonah (Peace Be Upon Him), to go and deliver
the message to the Ninevites, to go to Nineveh. But he says these Ninevites
they are so sinful, what will they listen to the message. He thinks that they
will make fun of me. It will be waste of time. So he goes to Joppa and from
there he set sail to Tarshish. Now while he’s at sea there’s a huge storm.
And it was the superstition of the marines of that time that if there’s a storm
at sea it is because someone has disobeyed the master. And they had their
own ways in trying to find, who was the person responsible? They had the
system of casting of lots. And when they cast lots it comes to the turn of
Jonah (Peace Be Upon Him). And Jonah being the messenger of Almighty
God, he agrees and he says that see I’m the person responsible. I was told
by my master lord to go to Nineveh but from Joppa I’m setting sail to
Tarshish, running away. I’m at fault you take me and throw me over board.
But they say this person, such a pious person, why should simply he be
killed. So they try and steer the ship, but yet they are not successful, the
storm is yet there. So he says that why don’t you throw me overboard. And
finally they agree, and they throw him overboard. When they throw him
overboard the storm subsides. May be it was a coincidence. Later on a big
fish, a whale comes and swallow’s Jonah (Peace Be Upon Him). Jonah prays
to Almighty God from the belly of the whale. The whale takes Jonah (Peace
Be Upon Him) for three days and three nights, round the ocean. And then
vomits him out on the sea shore.
What was the Sign of Jonah, Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) says that no sign
shall be given to you but the Jonah, for as Jonah was three days and three
nights in the belly of the whale so shall the son of man be three days and
three nights in the heart of the earth. Now I’d like to ask you a question.
When Jonah was thrown overboard, was he dead or alive? Before you
answer, I would like to make it easy for you that see Jonah volunteers. He
says I’m the culprit, I’m responsible. Throw me overboard. If someone
doesn’t agree, may be we’ll have to break his leg. You may have to break his
neck. You may have to twist his arm. But here he volunteers, so you don’t
have to do all that. So they throw him overboard. I’m asking you a question,
when Jonah was thrown overboard was he dead or was he alive? Alive!
The fish comes and swallows him was he dead or alive? Alive!
He prays to Almighty God from the belly of the whale, was he dead or alive?
Do dead men pray? Was he dead or alive? Alive!
The whale takes Jonah three days and three nights in the ocean. Dead or
alive? Alive!
Fish vomits him out on the sea shore was he dead or alive? Alive!
When the person is thrown overboard in the ragging sea, he ought to die, if
he dies no miracle. If he’s alive it’s a miracle. Fish comes and swallows him,
he ought to die. He doesn’t die, it’s a miracle. Three days and three nights,
suffocation and heat, in the belly of the whale, he ought to die, he doesn’t
die, it’s a miracle. It’s a miracle of a miracle of a miracle. Miracle of a
miracle of a miracle.
Jesus said (Peace Be Upon Him), “As Jonah was, three days and three
nights, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights”. “As Jonah
was, three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son
of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”.
Jonah was alive. But when I posed the question to my Christian brothers and
they are our brothers, they are our cousins, whatever you call, they are our
brothers. When I posed the question to the Christian, that how was Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him) in the tomb according to you, and all of them say that
he was dead. He was dead. I’m asking you a question. Jonah was alive.
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was dead. So was Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)
alike or unlike Jonah, Like or unlike? Unlike! So Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)
does not fulfill the prophecy. He puts all his egg in one basket and says no
sign shall be given but the sign of Jonah. And here the prophecy is not
fulfilled. For the prophecy to be fulfilled, he should be alive. As I proved in
the earlier part of my talk, he was alive. Otherwise Jesus (Peace Be Upon
Him) will be a liar NAUZBILLAH which we cannot agree. We respect him, we
revere him, so for him to fulfill the prophecy he should be alive.
And Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was alive as I proved in the earlier part of
my talk. As I said that for a person to be crucified, he should be put to death
on the cross. If he does not die on the cross he is not crucified. There are
some people who may say, that see here the main part of the sign is not
dead or alive, it’s the time factor. Time factor. You know three days and
three nights. As Jonah was in the belly of the whale so shall the son of man
be three days and three nights. Three is mentioned four times. The main
important emphasis is three, three, and three. It is not dead or alive. I say
what is so unique about three? If I say I took three days and three nights to
reach Delhi, is it a miracle? What so miracle about three? Three days or
three weeks. It’s not a miracle. But they say no, it is a time factor. Let’s
analyze whether Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) fulfills the time factor
which the Christians, some Christians say is the main theme of the sign.
As I said earlier and we know that when we ask the Christians that when
was Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) crucified? And according to the Bible,
the Christians will say, on a Good Friday. So we ask him, what is so good
about the Friday? They say Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) died for our
sins. Therefore it’s a Good Friday. And if you read that it was the trial was in
a hurry, they were hurried for the trial, they were in a hurry to put him up
on the cross. They were hurried to get him down because as Pastor said no
one can stay overnight hanging on the cross, on the Sabbath according to,
he didn’t mention the reference, Deuteronomy Chapter No.21 Verse No.23.
“The land will get cursed”. So they were in hurry to get him down. And they
give the burial bath and it is by the time late in the evening. He’s put in the
sepulcher late in the evening. And according to Gospel of John Chapter 20,
Verse No.1, it was the first day of the week, Sunday morning that the tomb
was found empty by Mary Magdalene. So supposedly Jesus was in the tomb
on Friday night. Why do I say supposedly? Because the Bible does not say
when does Jesus leave the tomb? May be he left on Friday late night. Or
Saturday morning. It doesn’t say. Agreeing that latest he might have left is
in early morning on Sunday. So Jesus was in the tomb, Friday night,
supposedly. He was there in the tomb Saturday day, supposedly. He was
there in the tomb Saturday night, supposedly. Sunday morning the tomb is
empty. So he was there for two nights and one day. But the sign says three
days and three nights…three days and three nights. As Jonah was in the
belly of the whale so shall the son of man be in the heart of the earth, three
days and three nights but Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was actually one day
and two nights. Is three days and three nights equal to one day and two
nights? Is it equal? Three days and three nights equal, No! So even the time
factor which they boast about is not fulfilled, the real thing is Jesus Christ
(Peace Be Upon Him) was alive. For a person to be crucified, he should die
on the cross.
Just to make easy for the Pastor in the rebuttal time he has I’ll list the major
points proving that he was not crucified… he was not resurrected, because
he was alive. If he’s alive, no crucifixion, no resurrection.
He was put on the cross and bought down very fast. In three hours. In three
hours it’s difficult for a person to die. Therefore Jesus was alive.
When he’s bought down, even his two cross mates they are alive. Proving
that even Jesus was alive.Point number two.
Point number three” his legs were not broken. What use is a broken leg to a
dead man? Proving that he was alive.
Point number four: That the stone was removed and the winding sheets
were unwound, proving that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was alive.
Point number six: The tomb was roomy. It was spacious. What use is a
spacious tomb for a dead person? Proving Jesus was alive.
Point number seven: That when Mary Magdalene goes to touch Jesus (Peace
Be Upon Him) he says touch me not. Why? He was a physical body. He was
alive. It will hurt him, he was in pain. Proving that he was alive.
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) says that I have not yet ascended unto my
father. That means he was alive.
Point number nine: Mary Magdalene could not afraid recognizing Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him).
Point number ten: Tthat in the upper room he shows his hands and feet to
prove that he was not a spirit but he was alive.
Point number eleven: That they were overjoyed to see him. Why? Because
they thought he’s dead and the spirit form. They were overjoyed to see
because he was alive.
Point number twelve: He ate a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb to prove
that he was alive.
The disciples had heard from Mary Magdalene that he was alive.
Point number fourteen: The Sign of Jonah. As Jonah was three days and
three nights in the belly of the whale so shall the son of man be three days
and three nights in the heart of the earth alive, alive, alive; if he’s alive, no
crucifixion, no resurrection.
So in short, Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was put on the cross
according to the Bible, but he did not die.
Now the topic is “Was Christ Really Crucified?” If he’s put on the cross and if
he dies he’s crucified. If he’s put on the cross and does not die, what is one
word that we will use? See English language is deficient. If you look up in
the dictionary for a word for a person who’s put on the cross but does not
die, you will not find any word. So we have to coin a new word. The best
word that we can coin is that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was not
Crucified but he was Crucificted. It is not Crucifixion.
C.R.U.C.I.F.I.X.I.O.N. but it is Crucifiction. C.R.U.C.I.F.I.C.T.I.O.N. it’s a
fiction. We have to coin a new word.
I would like to end my talk by giving the quotation of the Glorious Qur’an
from Sure Al Imran, Chapter No. 3 Verse No.54 which says
“They planed and plotted. Allah too planed, Allah is the best of planner”
Dr. Mohammad Naik: JazakAllah. Now we have the second part of the
programme the rebuttal session. May I call upon Pastor Rukni to present his
rebuttal for fifteen minutes? Pastor Rukni.
Pastor Ruknuddin Henry Pio: Ok. Thank you, Dr. Zakir for you point. I
saw a lot of illogical discussion. Some of the things missed the spirit of the
word. In many many different, so badly he went illogical, it is difficult to
even discuss it. But just a few points I am making around. I am not
commenting on every thing. A few points I am just bringing about because
my purpose here is not to win an argument. My purpose here is to present
solution for your life from sin, “Jesus the crucified”. That’s my purpose even
if I lose the argument. Ok. That’s my purpose here. Alright.
Now number one is: about talking about embarrassing thing in the bible is
this, the bible is so faithful in the truth is like a faithful mirror. If I have ugly
face, my mirror will tell me you are ugly. If I have handsome face my mirror
will tell me you are handsome. Bible is like that. That’s why it represents
both sides of people. It shows the sin and disgrace of people to what extent
people sin against God at the same time; it shows to what extent people
could be pleasing in the sight of God. That’s why the Bible is a balanced
record of a human condition. He will not tell you Saint Paul; a wonderful
man; never made mistake, No. He will show you false of Saint Paul. You look
at other literature even Islam and other literature they make a man like
God. They show him so perfect; never made a mistake; only Jesus never
sinned. Ok. Shows Paul his good points he was so bad tempered; I would
never want Saint Paul to be my senior Pastor. You see he had a fight with
his Pastors. He had fight with Peter I think about food or something; John;
right? And so many other things; Show you both sides… many other things.
The servant of God Joseph in his secret life he was a practicing divination.
He had a of divination. He was a wonderful servant of God but he had a
weak point. He was seeking the secrets through divination. It is not true
sign. Many, all so many people they have the good points, they have the bad
points. The Bible shows you that no one is perfect. Shows you the good
point and bad points. Jesus is the only one who never sinned against God-
the father. Even that when he was a small boy he disobeyed his parents but
later he followed them. He did not accompanying them as it was expected
from a young boy 16 years old or 12 years old. Then when they came back
and rebuked him, he followed them. He was learning; he was growing; as a
man he was learning. The bible says in the book of Hebrews. He learned…he
learned obedience. That means he was less and he learned that is a natural
Jesus. But as far as sin he never sinned against God. Ok.So the Bible a
faithful record, good and bad, you see…you want to see how man can be?
read the bible. You want to see how wonderful man can be? read the bible. A
criminal like Paul can be Saint Paul. God can make any one of us like that.
This is a simple uneducated fisherman can be a leader of the world. Read
that in the bible. You don’t need a Ph.D. you don’t need some M.Sc. You
don’t some degree. You read what John did and what ordinary man without
education, he lead the whole world. Ok. So in terms of looking at the Bible…
Second thing the Bible is full of symbolism also many ways God talks about
many things in symbolism. That’s one thing. Concerning that capital “R” and
small “r” in the dictionary I have not examined that point but from Dr.
Zakir’s words I get it resurrection with capital “R” is an example of
resurrection and I think he misunderstood it.
Resurrection is rising from the dead comma and example resurrection of
Jesus from the dead capital R. That was just an example; it’s
misunderstanding of the sentence. I don’t think it’s a religious point. Just
example most dictionaries give you example with the word. So I don’t think
its something to do with we Christian take capital R makes it resurrection of
Jesus and small “r” resurrection of something else. I don’t think it’s like that,
its not that way he is misunderstanding that way. Right.
Ok. About Jesus roused from the dead, the whole bible is…Dr.Zakir is saying
that “No where in the Bible says, Jesus rouse from the dead.” I was so
shaked to hear that. Now I would; took me just one second to locate it and
my pastor located, you can read some time…something in like example
Mathew 28 Verse No.6 read a little before or little after later and concerning
another one is you look at Revelation Chapter 1 Verse No.18 Christ through
the spirit he talks about himself “I was dead now I am alive” I was dead Now
I am alive there is no philosophy about it there was dead man and now he is
a live man.
Nothing… nothing playing in words or some greek word or something. Very
Now next thing is, talking about being confused about whether this one
looks like Jesus. There is a lot of mystery about the new body God promised
to those who die in Christ. And little bit reveled about it. Number 1 Jesus
walked through the walls. The doors were closed and he walked through the
walls. That new body is able to overcome the natural things. Number 3…that
body looks like is able to hide itself. See. Jesus walked with two disciples
after he roused from the dead. The eyes was prevented from recognizing
him to the way of Emmaus. And then he explained to them scripture…
explained to them scripture and then came to their house he broke bread
then the eyes opened and they said Jesus. Not only Mary Magdalene did not
recognized him there are others who did not recognize him. Till the point he
wanted to reveal himself. Then they recognize him. It looks like that body
had some thing very special is, it can change its form. And why did, why did
Jesus show his hand. He wanted to show something special on his hand.
There was a…There was a…a hole in his hand. See I am the one. Look the
pierce. I am Jesus see. I am Jesus…He showed them…he showed them his
side also because the soldier pierced him on his side. See I am Jesus. I am
not different one. This body having the mark of the cross. The mark which I
received. It looks like this body even though it’s a new body but it has
resemblance of the old body. Mystery! We don’t know any thing about the
new body. But we know it is supernatural body. It has a new glory it’s a
greater glory. And it resemble…it is able to…to you could say that is brother
Rukni. A Resurrected body…but in times you cant recognize me. I can…I can
just walk through the wall…and there are marks in body and I can show you
see this is my mark you remember there was mark here. See that is me
Rukni. Some thing special that…that what Jesus...Jesus was trying to say
Secondly concerning the Tomb being big. It is very clearly written in the
bible that Tomb belongs to a rich man. A rich man will not go to cheap small
room. He will have a nice spacious place for his full family. It’s not a
question Jesus living inside the Tomb. You won’t go and live in a Tomb in a
Makbarastan. That’s not a good place for him. It is very clearly writ…
mentioned that the tomb was provided by a rich man. And a rich man you
expect him to have a nice big tomb for his full family members.
Second thing, just we will like to remind you. It was the custom from the
time of Abraham to burry the dead in a cave not in the dust. In some cases
people were buried in the dust. Some peoples…some time they were
cremated but mostly people were put in a cave. Abraham and his wife Sara
they were put in the Tomb which is a cave. It was not buried in the dust. So
this rich man provided a stone cave fitting for a rich man big size and all
that. Now you may say why the stone was open? The answer is very simple
it is very clearly mentioned the Angel of the Lord removed the stone. When…
one of those…I think Mary Magdalene or some other one; came a mighty
Angel removed the stone and the earth shook and the two soldiers got
frightened and fell down like a dead two men. And the Angels told these two
women you don’t be scared it’s not meant for you to be scared. It is only for
something; I am just putting my words; it is meant for this fellow to be
scared not for you. I have just removed it to show you, “Look he is not in
the Tomb”. See the Tomb is empty, that what it is. It the Tomb was empty.
This was the purpose of removing the stone to confirm to them that his body
is not inside. His body is not inside. The…the clothes fitting a grave is not
fitting for him. The clothes fitting the grave…for the grave that is the white
cloth they wrap the people now a days those days I don’t know; It’s not
suitable for him just kept aside, folded aside. It is written folded aside. So
that is concerning the tomb is big.
Ok. The next point is… concerning Jonah the Prophet. Jesus said “Like Jonah
was in the ….in the whale three days and so and so. Jesus did not say “I am
going to be put in the whale’s mouth.” He did not say, “I am going to be in
the whale’s mouth the whale will take me the three days in the sea. He did
not say that. He said like his; similar to, an example of Jonah. I will also be
three days. In the bottom of the earth. If you want to take literally, did
Jesus go in the …in the…in the whale…mouth? No. He was in a cave in a cave
which is considered to be a grave yard, Makbarastan. It was a symbolism.
Just like Jonah was three days in the mouth…in the stomach of the whale.
So I will be also buried in a tomb three days.
reveal himself to you if you go the way of faith. Receive the words by faith,
simple faith pure faith; receive him as a gift from God. He will reveal himself
to you. If you had in your self say this comma is twisted right and that
comma is twisted left and then you will end up like the Jews; be rejected.
Don’t do that receive him tonight. Soften your heart…you will receive
forgiveness of sin and resurrection from the dead at the appointed time.
Thank you.
Dr. Mohammad Naik: Thank you Pastor Rukni. About one minute left. May
I now call upon Dr. Zakir to present his rebuttal for fifteen minutes?
Waqul jaa’al haq wa zahaqalbatil Innal batila kana zahooqa. Bismillah hir
Rahman nir Raheem.
Rabbish rahli Şadri Wa Yassir Li 'Amri Wa Ahlul `Uqdatan Min Lisani Yafqahu
The Pastor said that the definition in the dictionary he hasn’t checked but he
agrees that I have spoken the truth. The capital “R” according to the
dictionary Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was risen from the dead. For
resurrection he has to rise. I don’t tell Pastor, to agree with the dictionary.
Because he may not agree with the dictionary, I may not agree. But he has
to agree with the bible. Saint Paul says that, in first Corinthians Chapter No.
15 Verse No. 44 that
“Resurrected bodies are spiritualized.”
Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) says, in the Gospel of Luke Chapter No.
20 Verse No. 36 that
body. And all the fourteen points which I mentioned proves that he was
He said that nailing to the cross the law and the commandments; who said
that? Paul. Not I. Paul in Colossians Chapter No.2 Verse No.14 which went
against the teaching of Jesus, Gospel of Mathew Chapter No.19 Verse No.16
and 17 who says, “Keep the law and the commandment”. I agree with Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him) “if you want salvation keep the law and
commandment”. Paul says “nail it to the cross” and Pastor said “all your
good deeds are useless” if no crucifixion bible is less than two paisa. And I
have proved there was no crucifixion in the bible. Jesus Christ (Peace Be
Upon Him) did not die.
Point No.3 he said, “I said show me one Verse in the Gospel, where Jesus
Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) is mentioned as he is resurrected”. Not a single.
He quoted Gospel of Mathew Chapter 28 Verse No. 6 he said and I am
reading he is not here for he is risen as he said come see the place where
the lord live. He is risen it is not said he is resurrected. Risen means he is
alive. I sleep and I rise. Does it mean I’m resurrected? Does it mean that?
The Pastor said, “He saw a girl” according to him she was dead the doctors
he says according to Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) she was healed. She
comes back to life. Was she resurrected Pastor? No. She was resuscitated.
Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was not resurrected from the dead from
the cross. He was resuscitated.
Point No. 4. He says “The bible says, Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him)
walked through the wall. No where it is mentioned in the bible, it’s an
assumption. It’s an assumption. No where it is mentioned in the Gospel he
worked through. It’s an assumption which we can clarify. If you know the
background, which time doesn’t permits?
Jesus wanted to show his hands and feet why? to show the holes, whose
saying that? the Pastor not the Bible. Gospel of Luke Chapter No. 24 Verse
No.37 says that
He doesn’t say, see the mark on hand it’s of nails. That’s what Thomas
wanted. Thomas wanted to see…. In the upper room he shows to say I am
not the spirit to prove what he was not resurrected.
Point No. 6. He says that the Tomb was big because it was the rich man’s
tomb which I already said in my talk. It was the tomb of the rich and
influential Jew, Joseph of Arimathea. I didn’t hide that.
Point No. 7. Why was the stone removed? And the Pastor said, the angel
removed the stone. I didn’t ask who removed the stone. I asked, why was it
removed and the pastor said, “To show to the people that Jesus is not
there.” If I agree with you for the sake of argument, to show to the people
that Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was not there why was it necessary for the
winding sheets to be unwound? The question is clubbed together stone
removed and winding sheets unwound. It was unwound and placed. It is
mentioned in the Gospel of John Chapter 20 that it was unwound and kept
even Gospel of Mark Chapter No.16 which there is no reply. The only answer
is because Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) he was alive and because he was
alive, we had to unwind the sheets as well as move the stone.
He said that Jesus did not go into the whale (Peace Be Upon Him). Where
did I say Jesus goes into the whale? His English was very clear. Jesus (Peace
Be Upon Him) says in the
“As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale so shall
the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of earth.”
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) did not say he will be three days and three
nights in the belly of the whale. I think you cannot understand the plain
English which Jesus said “As Jonah was three days and three nights in the
belly of the whale so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in
the heart of the earth”. So where is the question of he going in the belly of
the whale? It’s plain English. Like Jonah was in the belly of the whale so
shall the son of man be in the heart of the earth. Jonah was alive. So Jesus
(Peace Be Upon Him) to fulfill the prophecy even he has to be alive. But the
Christian say he was dead. So for him to fulfill the prophecy he has to be
alive. The Pastor said, time factor.
And I do agree that the Gospel says “he roused on the third day”. So he
fulfills the prophecies of time factor. And there are other Christian
missionaries who when I spoke to they said that see as Pastor said one day
doesn’t mean twenty four hours and for the sake of argument you can
agree. And there was a missionary who told me, “If I go to New York. 2 o’
clock in the afternoon. Monday afternoon. And I leave from New York next
day early in the morning and someone asked me how many days have I
stayed in New York. I will say two days. Technically he is wrong but for sake
of understanding I may agree with him, no problem two days though he not
even spend twenty four hours. If he says two days, we can take it for sake
of argument. The bible says; according to Pastor, and I do agree with him;
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) roused on the third day. Part of a day can be
taken as a full day so if I agree with the Pastor don’t go into the details you
know when was he put into the tomb late in the evening on Friday, if he
says early in the evening I agree for sake of argument he says afternoon I
agree. He says suppose that Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) did not leave the
tomb early in the morning on Sunday. He left in the afternoon, I agree. So
Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was part of the day take it as a whole. He was
Friday, one day. Friday night, Saturday day, Saturday night, Sunday
morning. Even if you stretch and give few hours here and there, it comes to
three days and two nights. The sign of Jonah doesn’t say as Jonah was three
days in the belly of the whale so shall the son of man will be three days in
the heart of the earth”. It says as Jonah was three days and three nights” so
shall the son of man be three days and three nights…in the heart of the
earth”. How much is it? Three days and two nights. It is not three days and
three nights. What ever gymnastics you try, even if you ask Einstein to help
you, you can never prove from the bible it is three days and three nights,
And he says the last point he says; “No one saw Jesus Christ (Peace Be
Upon Him) alive. Which I have proved in my talk and I have given fourteen
points which you touched on the few which I have again clarified logically
that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was alive. That means according to
Saint Paul, according to Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him), according to
Oxford dictionary, according to Webster’s dictionary he was not crucified
neither was he resurrected. If he is not crucified: No crucifixion, No
And in his talk Pastor said and he explained very well in the talk about the
original sin and he said that “every human being” and according to teachings
of the church “every human being is born in sin”. Every human child has the
taint of the original sin. The original sin that he described he rightly says
what he described but the deduction is not logical. He said that “Adam and
Eve (May Peace Be Upon them) they disobeyed God and they ate the
forbidden fruit…from the forbidden tree. Therefore Almighty God He
punishes them”, and he says that He removes them from paradise. Isn’t that
enough? It further say, he didn’t gave the reference its
Pregnancy is the curse according to the Bible. After that the Christians say
that every child that is born from the time of Adam (Peace Be Upon them)
till the last child born till the end of the end of the world is born in sin. I am
asking a question when Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) ate the forbidden food
did he ask me? Did he ask me before eating? No. He may have asked the
Pastor. I don’t know. He didn’t asked me. If he didn’t asked me, why should
I be responsible? Why? Illogical. Is God, Illogical? No.
And they have the system atonement of sin. That God send his only
begotten son beloved son for sacrifice so that he can sacrifice for the sin.
Lets see, what is the Bible has to say about that. They talk about atonement
of sin. That Jesus Christ gave his life for the sin of humankind. And it says,
and he said, and the Christian missionaries also say that you know, the sole
that sinneth it shall die.
It’s mentioned twice in the Old Testament Ezekiel Chapter No. 18 Verse
No.20, Ezekiel Chapter No. 18 Verse No.4
But if you read Ezekiel Chapter No. 18 Verse No.20 that’s not the end of the
Verse; it is only the starting of the Verse. The complete Verse is, the
Christian missionary says the sole that sinneth it shall die therefore every
human being is born in sin. Therefore you have to believe in the crucifixion
to get salvation.
“the sole that sinneth it shall die but the son shall not bear the inequity of
the father neither shall the father bare the inequity of the son. The
righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, the wickedness of the
wicked shall be upon him”
“but if the person turns away from the sin and he does all that is lawful and
right he shall live and he shall not die”.
Who says that… Bible. Old Testament Ezekiel Chapter No. 18 Verse No.20-21
“you shall not die”.
If you do righteous deed you shall not die. Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him)
says if you want salvation Keep the laws and the commandment. It is Paul
who says that “if Christ is not risen from dead our preaching is vein and your
faith is vein”. And I have proved that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was
not really crucified.
And people may ask me that do Christians have one particular view only
about crucifixion. It’s a misconception that all the Christians have only one
view that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was really crucified. It a
misconception. Because there are Christians biblical scholars who say that
Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) did not die on the cross. He was put on
the cross but he was bought down he was alive. In early Christianity there
are no less than seven sects which believed that instead of Jesus there was
somebody else put on the cross. It’s known as the substitution theory. The
early Basilinians they believed in that, the Carpocrates, all Christians they
believed in that that Nazareth’s they believed in that, the Corinthians they
believed in that. The Christians many of the sects believed that instead of
Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) somebody else was put on the cross. You
see the Gospel of Barnabas Pastor may not agree with that, He was the
contemporary of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) and eye witness. He says
instead of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) Judas was put on the cross. If
you read the scrolls of Najah Hammadi, it says “Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon
Him) was not crucified”. All Christians. I didn’t say these things in my talk
because Pastor will say I don’t believe in the Gospel of Barnabas, I don’t
believe in the scroll of Najah Hammadi. So what does he believe in? He
believes in the Bible. So I have proved from the bible that Jesus Christ
(Peace Be Upon Him) he was not crucified.
And they say Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) he died for the sins.
Willingly he gave.
If you read Gospel of Mathew Chapter No.27 Verse No.46 and the Gospel of
Mark Chapter No.15 Verse No.34 when Jesus was put on the cross he cried
“Oh God, Oh God why has thou forsaken me?”
Imagine Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) willingly going on the cross and
then crying on the cross “Oh God, Oh God why has thou forsaken me?”
Proving that he did not willingly go on the cross why should he cry and every
bible you pick up whether the English bible, whether the Hebrew, whether
you pick up the Marathi Bible or the Urdu Bible. The original Hebrew
statement is there “E’lo-i, E’lo-i, la’ma sabach-tha’ni?” and then the
translation “Oh God, Oh God why has thou forsaken me? To prove that Jesus
Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) did not willingly go on the cross.
And I would like to say in the conclusion that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon
Him) he was not Crucifixed but was Crucificted. And I would like to give the
translation of the Verse which I recited in the beginning of my talk from sure
Israa Chapter 17 Verse No.81 which says,