Sap Mii Indexing
Sap Mii Indexing
Sap Mii Indexing
Version 1.0
Date: 19-10-2015
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
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SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
Document History
Document Version Description Author
1.0 Initial version Sindhu Hariharan
The value of y will be incremented by 1 for a new version of the How-To-Guide for a new version of MII.
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 MDO Enhancements with Indexes ............................................................................................... 1
2 Create a Persistent MDO with Indexes ................................................................................................. 1
2.1 Creating a Persistent MDO ........................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Adding Indexes to Persistent MDO .............................................................................................. 6
2.3 How to verify whether MDO indexes are created or not .............................................................. 8
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
1 Introduction
1.1 MDO Enhancements with Indexes
Manufacturing Data Objects (MDO) to define object models and data structures and to persist
data. MDO indexes supports Persistent MDO by increasing the performance of data provider
while persists the data is returned.
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
3. Add the Data Provider (Ex: Any Query Template TagQuery1) by clicking on Load
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
5. Map the Attributes of Data Provider Query to MDO
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
14. Execute the PMO1 by Click on Test button ( ) or by using Short key as Ctrl+T.
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
SAP MII How-To-Guide for MDO Indexes
5. Add one more index and provide the name as Index2
6. Select the attributes as well sort order.
7. Set the Index as Unique which acts as Unique Constraint
8. Save the MDO
NOTE: Sample syntax provided above is on MS SQL DB type. SQL Syntax may vary for different
DB types.