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Foreign Exchange policy and operation of Jamuna Bank.

Prepared by
Golam Arshad Pulok
ID: Id: 10104149
Supervised by
Fairuz Chowdhury
BRAC University
Bachelor of Business Administration
26 January 2016
26 January 2016
Mr. Fairuz Chowdhury
Department of Business Administration
Brac University
Subject: Submission of internship report for completion of the course.
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I have completed the internship report on Foreign Exchange policy
and operation of Jamuna Bank., to complete the project I used these components environment
of the branches, online payment system, customer satisfaction level, foreign exchange policy,
mobile notification etc. from the perspective of Bangladesh and provide a survey result based on
Bangladeshi respondents and their feedback to complete the internship report.
In writing this case, I have followed your instructions for report writing to present my views and
understanding in the easiest way. However, I will be glad to clarify any discrepancy that may
Thank you.
Sincerely yours
Name: Golam Arshad Pulok
ID: 10104149
Table of Contents Page
No Part
A: Internship Experience 2 1. Introduction of Jamuna Bank: 2 1.1 Jamuna Banks Vision 3 1.2 Jamuna
Banks Mission: 3 1.3 Porter's Five Forces in respect of Jamuna Bank and those factors: 5 1.4 Jamuna
bank: international banking and foreign exchange policy: 6 1.4 Correspondent Banking: 6 1.5 Trade
Finance: 7 1.6 Offshore Banking: 7 1.7 Examine Porter's Five Forces in respect of Jamuna bank: 8 1.8
SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank Ltd.: 12 1.9 Interns Role and responsibility: 13 Internship Activities at
Jamuna Bank: 13 1.10 Observations, recommendations and conclusion. 15 Observation: 15
Recommendation: 15 Conclusion: 15 Part B: Research Project 16 Chapter One: Research Design,
Background, Objective, Methodology, Type of study, Limitations of study and Sampling.
1.1 Research design: 16 1.2 Background: 17 Specific components: 18 1.3 Objective: 18 1.4 Methodology:
18 1.5 Type of Study: 19 1.5.1 Exploratory research: 19 1.5.2 Conclusive Research: 19 1.6 Limitations of
the study: 20 1.7 Sampling: 20 2.0 Analysis and findings 21 3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation: 31 3.1
Conclusion: 31 3.2 Recommendation 31 3.3 Limitation and future study in this field of research: 31 4.
Reference: 33 6.0 Appendix: 34 7.1 Questionnaire sample: 39
Figures Figure 1.1: Organogram of Jamuna Bank 3 Figure 1.2: Porter's Five Forces in respect of
Jamuna Bank Ltd. 4 Figure 1.3: Jamuna banks foreign exchange policy 5 Figure 1.4: SWOT
analysis of Jamuna Bank Ltd. 12 Figure 1.1: Research paper completion chart 16 Figure 2.1:
Survey result of gender 21 Figure 2.2: Survey result of participants age 21 Figure 2.3: Survey
result of education qualification 22 Figure 2.4: Survey result of participants occupation 22
Figure 2.5: Survey result of participants average monthly income 23 Figure 2.6: Survey result of
banking service has you recently taken 23 Figure 2.7: Survey result of frequency of bank visit 24
Figure 2.8: Survey result of purpose for your foreign exchange transaction 24 Figure 2.9: Survey
result of customer satisfaction 25 Figure 2.10: Survey result of foreign exchange related services
at Jamuna bank branch relatively hassle free
Figure 2.11: Survey result of mobile notification system for foreign exchange transaction for
confirmation purpose
Figure 2.12: Survey result of possibility for you to switch to the other bank for foreign exchange
Figure 2.13: Survey result of Jamuna banks branches available at your convenient location
Figure 2.14: Survey result of employees friendly and do they always cooperate with you while
providing service
Figure 2.15: Survey result of they sometimes reduce some services in foreign exchange
Figure 2.16: Survey result of was majority of them are essential to you 28 Figure 2.17: Survey
result of Jamuna bank branch takes less time to process any foreign exchange service
Figure 2.18: Survey result of would you recommend others to take foreign exchange service
from Jamuna bank
Figure 2.19: Survey result of Jamuna banks employees provide you clear direction regarding
regulatory all requirements for foreign exchange transaction
Figure 2.20: Survey result of how many times do you visit Jamuna Bank branch in a month for
specific financial purpose
First and foremost I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my honorable faculty,
Fairuz Chowdhury, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Brac University. I would
like to thank my instructor for providing full assistance and detailed outline about how to
develop my project questionnaire, how to identify the factors those are affecting the customer
satisfaction and banking service, how to proceed with data collection and writing procedure.
With his inexhaustible guidance, valuable advice, continuous inspiration, constructive criticism
and generosity, he helped me to carry out this report successfully. Preparing a report is not very
easy. I faced many problems when I started the work on report but I am greatly thankful to
Almighty Allah for enabling me to get successfully through my responsibilities.
Finally, I would like to thank to friends those who directly or indirectly helped me to provide and
accumulate all the necessary information for the accomplishment of this internship report.
Executive summary
The intern report is describes about the financial highlights of Jamuna Bank Limited, its present
financial condition, kind of investment done by the company, customer service and satisfaction
etc. in Bangladesh. Through discussion with the instructor of my research, I have identified the
key factors like customer perception, foreign exchange facility provided by the bank, the
duration to get LC, human relationship, type of account, type of foreign direct service they
provide, customer service, environment which is highly influenced to its customers and ensure
the progress of the bank compare to the others. From the beginning, I have tried to develop a
standard questionnaire to gather all the data from the respondents and also to analyze and
interpret those to get the real scenario. To complete my intern report, I need to make a survey on
twenty five Bangladeshi respondents who have habituated and regularly taking baking service
from different banks and gather their feedback to complete the project. To make a standard
report I have taken one twenty five different people as a sample and based on the questionnaire, I
have conduct a survey on it. I also find out percentage and frequency test based on the survey
respond. And trying to show that they have significant relationship among the components or
not. I need to develop the questionnaire into two parts one is demographic and another one is
psychographic. In demographic I have included the age, gender, profession and monthly income
etc. and in psychographic section I have include several components based on literature review
of some secondary journal paper and expert opinion. Moreover, based on the questionnaire I
have concluded the calculation and interpreted the result.
Part A: Internship Experience
1 Introduction of Jamuna Bank: Jamuna Bank is one of the promising banks in Bangladesh,
which is working with pride in
Bangladesh since 2001. It is registered under the companies Act, 1994 of Bangladesh, its Head
Office currently at Hadi mansion 2, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000. The bank successfully starts its
operation on 3rd June 2001.
It is provides almost all types of financial support to trade, commerce, industry and overall
business of the country. It focuses on its retail banking, corporate banking, Islamic banking,
SME banking, NRB banking and also in international banking. From the very beginning JBL is
promised to inspire the entrepreneurs to set up new ventures and aided to the BGMEA registered
garments which is now the blooming industry in Bangladesh. Jamuna Bank itself named third
generation commercial bank, which is established by a group of people who are involved with
the banking industry since a long time and also those people who have a keen interest on trade,
commerce, industry and business in Bangladesh.
The bank avail the opportunity to provide conventional and Islamic banking through its different
branches. The bank is managed and operated by a highly qualified and professional team with
diversified experience who working in the industry for a long time. The bank is focus on its
customer needs which are changes time to time. Moreover, the bank is taking initiative to cope
up with customer needs and following the strategies to full fill all the needs which are needful for
the customer. Jamuna bank is operating in Bangladesh more than ten years and through its
journey it shows a tremendous progress and is able to make loyal customer who are dedicated to
take the service from Jamuna bank. The bank has different branches around the rural and urban
area of Bangladesh. It has a strong IT infrastructure which leads the bank to provide online
baking and its own ATM operations and also it have the opportunity to share ATM of the other
Jamuna Bank is now focusing on:
Remaining with time
Managing change
Developing human capital
Creating true customers value
1.1Jamuna Banks Vision To become a leading banking institution and to play a significant role
in the development of the country.
1.2 Jamuna Banks Mission: The Bank is committed for satisfying diverse needs of its customers
through an array of products
at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely service so that a
sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of the country can be
ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.
Figure 1.1: Organogram of Jamuna Bank
1.3 Porter's Five Forces in respect of Jamuna Bank and those factors:
Figure 1.2: Porter's Five Forces in respect of Jamuna Bank Ltd.
1.4 Jamuna bank: international banking and foreign exchange policy:
Figure 1.3: Jamuna banks foreign exchange policy
1.4 Correspondent Banking: Jamuna bank maintaining correspondent banking relationship with
306 international Banks
around 85 Countries in 836 different strategic locations worldwide to ensure the best and
steadfast trade services. Presently we are maintaining 20 Nostro Accounts in different Major
Currencies like USD, GBP, EURO, JPY, CHF, SAR, AED & ACU Dollar with various world
reputable Banks.
Since we have wider Correspondent Network with sustainable Credit Limit and good
relationship globally, we can provide the following services smoothly:
L/C Advising
L/C Confirmation
Bank Guarantee
Hajj Guarantee
Purchasing/Discounting/Negotiating of export bills
Foreign Remittance
1.5 Trade Finance:
International Trade forms the major business activity undertaken by Jamuna Bank Ltd. The Bank
with its worldwide correspondent network and close relationships with key financial institutions
provides an extensive trade services network to handle your transactions efficiently. Our key
branches throughout the country and Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) are staffed by personnel
experienced in International Trade Finance. These offices are the focal point for processing
import and Export transactions for both small and large corporate customers. We offer a
complete range of Trade Finance services. Our professionals will work with you to develop
solutions tailored to meet your requirements, through mobilizing our full range of trade services
locally, and drawing on our global resources. We can offer you professional advice on all aspects
of International Trade requirements, namely:
Foreign Currency Dealing etc.
1.6 Offshore Banking: An Offshore banking Unit (OBU) of a Bank is a deemed foreign branch
of the parent bank
located within Bangladesh, and shall undertake International Banking business involving foreign
currency denominated assets & liabilities. An offshore bank is simply a bank based in a
jurisdiction outside of your country of residence. Accordingly, Jamuna Bank Limited has started
its OBU operation on 22nd April 2010 having following objectives:
Off Shore Banking Services
Trade payment settlement
Issuing, advising and confirming of Documentary Credits.
Pre-shipment and post-shipment finance.
Negotiation and purchase of Export Bills.
Discounting of Bills of Exchange.
Collection of Bills.
To encourage and foster establishment and development of industries and commercial
enterprises in EPZs in order to wider and strengthen the economic base of Bangladesh.
Jamuna Bank Limited offers the following range of Offshore Banking Services:
Offshore Bank Accounts
We offer a professional no obligation advice service because we understand that the offshore
world offers many advantages but can be complex and sometimes daunting; and we remain
independent when it comes to solution provision. This means we have access to the complete
spectrum of offshore products and we can assist you to make well-informed, secure and
profitable decisions and to select the right offshore bank account for your needs.
To widen and diversify JBLs area of services to the foreign investors as they do not have
the opportunity of availing credit facilities from different Financial Institution in
Bangladesh. To diversify the sources of foreign exchange earnings by increasing export
of Bangladesh through the EPZs.
Foreign Currency Deposites( Non Resident entitles and NRBs)
Loan in Foreign Currencies
Credit Facilities including Trade Financing
Negotiation/Purchase of Export Bills
Discounting of Export Bills
Corporate Treasury Services.
Competitive interest rates
Easy international transfers
Fee free accounts
1.7 Examine Porter's Five Forces in respect of Jamuna bank:
Threat of New Entry:
If new businesses can be easily started up in your sector without substantial investment, then this is a
threat. The Internet has made this a reality in many sectors, especially publishing! So follow these
questions to identify the threat:
Whats the threat of new businesses starting in this banking sector?
It is very hard to get the permission to establish a bank nowadays in Bangladesh. It will require much
more capital as security, licenses, company agenda etc. which makes it tough to start a business in
banking sector.
How easy is it to start up in this banking business?
It is not easy to set up banking business in Bangladesh. It is not common to find the perfect location for
branches, corporate branches in the right place, poor human resource, weaken infrastructure which makes
the startup business passes a tough time.
What are the rules and regulations?
There are different rules and regulations for banks like foreign exchange rules and regulations, anti-
money laundering act, financial institution rules and managing core risk etc. which is really complex and
have to follow by the bank and regulated by Bangladesh Bank.
What finance would be needed to start-up?
To start a banking business directors needs to accumulate the primary fund by their own and after
registering with stock and exchange commission they can gather money by selling the company share in
the share market to gather the capital to start the business.
What are the barriers to entry which give you greater power?
It is tough for any bank at their initial level to operate its operation but after it finished its establishment
through its marketing and Far East business mind set will take it up to the mark where it should belong.
Buyer Power:
Where there are fewer buyers, they often control the market. Questions here include:
How powerful are the buyers?
In banking sector buyers are really powerful like if customer didnt find the proper service from the bank
they can switch to other banks it is really easy and less cost effective.
How many are there?
Every day numerous customers taking banking service from different banks which is roughly numerous in
terms of estimation. Their buyer number is high enough to take them the free decision regarding the bank
service provider.
Can the buyers get costs down?
Sometimes buyer compares a bank with other in terms of cost. Many customers are cost sensitive and
they usually compare a bank by their charge and way of bank serve to the customers.
Do they have the power to dictate terms?
In every company customer will get the first priority just like the same if customer demand anything a
banker always try to follow up to full fill the demand of the customer. It is not like dictating it is like
ensuring customer satisfaction through banking service.

Threat of Substitution:
If there are available alternatives then the threat of substitution increases.
How easy is it to find an alternative to this product or service?
There are 54 banks in total in Bangladesh and most of them provide almost same banking service in
Bangladesh. It is really not hard to find an alternative of banking service providers.
Can it be outsourced? Or automated?
In almost every bank they use outsource employees of third party who helps them to full fill the minor
work for them. It is not possible to make everything automated and human helps is necessary for some
subjects and issues where human judgment is very important.
Supplier Power:
Markets where there are few suppliers who retain the power.
Examine how many suppliers are in the market exists?
There are many suppliers in the market who supplies goods like banking software, customize software,
AC, chair, table, furniture etc. to the bank and the number of the supplier are many. The switch cost of the
supplier is not as high as because there are many more who can take the advantage as a supplier.
Are there a few who control prices?
Price is not fixed in Bangladesh for almost every supplier, almost everywhere people like to bargain in
term of price of a product which can help them to reduce the cost of the product.
Does the supplier hold the power?
It depends on the product. Like if there is software which is high patent issue, sacristy in the market it is
obvious that the price of the product will be high.
How easy is it to switch, whats the cost?
As the number of supplier is high the switching cost for the customer is not so high. A bank should
always allow two or more supplier not the only one supplier as because for any reason they can switch to
other supplier at their wish.

Competitive Rivalry:
Markets where there are few competitors are attractive but can be short-lived. These are highly
competitive markets with many companies chasing the same work reduce your power in the market.
Whats the level of competition in this banking sector?
The number of banks is high in Bangladesh and most of the banks operations same. It is really tough
competition for almost any bank with others. There is always high competition going on among the
Whats the competitor situation?
Most of the bank in Bangladesh is quite same in terms of banking service some of them are different in
terms of their own traits. Every bank every time tries to beat each other through their banking agent,
policy and packaging.
1.8 SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank Ltd.:
Figure 1.4: SWOT analysis of Jamuna Bank Ltd.
1.9 Interns Role and responsibility:
Internship Activities at Jamuna Bank:
I was one of them who got chance to complete the internship in Jamuna Bank as an intern. First of all I
have to apply to the bank to express my desire to complete internship in Jamuna Bank and after that they
call me via phone and told me that I have selected as an intern for three months in Jamuna Bank and also
told me to take the appointment letter from the head office which located at Dilkusha, Motijheel. I
couldnt believe the news that; I got the chance to complete my internship in Jamuna bank which is also a
well-known bank in Bangladesh. It was one of my lifes great experience and get into the touch of
corporate people, their values, culture, life style, how they complete any task, how they face the challenge
at any time arise, how they provide solution of their problem and how they maintain good relationship for
a long time for their customers. In addition, working with the employee of the bank was full of fun and
fantasy. The main facts, I have learned over there is given below:
Interaction ability.
Why I have chosen to do internship?
The below reasons best define why I have chosen internship program:
Meaning of responsibility.
Necessity of commitment.
Punctuality and regularity.
The opportunity to test drive a career.
Chances to network.
Establishing relationships with mentors.
Possible college credit or certification.
An introduction to the fields culture and etiquette.
Accumulating new skills.
Gaining a real world perspective on an occupation.
Workload of a full time job holder.
Chances to get job after the internship if they like my performance.
I would like to post the internship skills as an experience in my Resume or CV.
Understand the difference between practical and theoretical framework.
Having a conceptual framework about corporate environment and culture.
Jamuna bank is mostly famous for foreign exchange and foreign trade, money transfer and so on. It is a
popular bank for the freshers to get the experience at the beginning of their corporate life. Throughout
the whole duration I used to work in different department, general banking, deposit, account opening, data
entry, foreign exchange department, card department. Move over, I used to work for different department
as per the banks requirement and necessity.
Tracking remittance in Global Positioning System (GPS)
Every employee has his own set of work. But still, if any one needs any help, the employees come
forward in helping him with his work despite having a huge workload. I have also learned about the
corporate structure of the bank which are-
The client comes first.
Search for professional excellence.
Openness to new ideas& new methods to encourage creativity.
Quick decision-making.
Flexibility and prompt response.
Sense of maintaining ethical standard.
Try to find out the easiest way to serve the client.
Rules and regulation is a framework, we should use our judgment too.
Gain confidence, self-motivation, strong mind set.
Preparing pay orders, remittance form, input the document in MS Excel.
Opening new account and motivate them to take debit card.
Assisting in auditing.
Data entry, document endorsing and advising.
Attaching L/Cs to the documents.
Prepare the paper for remittance
Checking paper for remittance.
1.10 Observations, recommendations and conclusion.
Observation: I have noticed below observation meanwhile my internship period:
Graduate should confident, self-motivated, enthusiastic, eagerness to learn and have the Can
Do attitude.

Self-evaluation report could be an important reflection of an intern during his or her internship

Overall, it was a nice experience during my internship period in Jamuna Bank Ltd. I have got the chance
to network, also meet with some enthusiastic people who are ideal for me to get the inspiration to carry
out my corporate life and personal life too. The short time experience in JBL learns the difference
between practical and theoretical framework, how to develop a conceptual framework and what are the
steps to implement the conceptual framework in real life and how it would adept with current scenario.
JBL is strict with daily attendance of any employee.
Employees are too busy with their work that may hamper their casual life trend.
Work load is very high in JBL; more people should be recruited to keep the work load minimal.
Graduates should have sound knowledge about different program like MS Word, Excel, Power
point, Tally, Lotus Notes (LN), Global Positioning System (GPS), typing etc.
Client satisfaction is the first priority for any business organization.
Graduate should get trained for the banks own computer program which is common to other
Graduates should get tested with different exams which is available in different banks.
Every intern should have an open discussion session with the line manger to query about the traits
of an ideal candidate they are looking for in interview session.
Intern should get treated as prospective employees of the company.
Part B: Research Project
Chapter One: Research Design, Background, Objective, Methodology, Type
of study, Limitations of study and Sampling.
1.1 Research design:
Figure 1.1: Research paper completion chart
I have planned to complete my research paper by following three stages. In the very first stage, I will
propose few topics to my supervisor and then by consulting with him I will select the topic for my
research paper. In the following steps, I will find out some online research paper which is very similar to
my research and try to follow what components their have used for their own research and does those
components have a similar correlation with mine topic. Based, on the research paper I will prepare a
proposal and through that I will finalize my topic. Afterwards, I will try to identify some key factors for
the topic like what are the foreign activities Jamuna banks offers for their client, how these foreign
banking activities has been performed, how Jamuna bank set the bank step aside from the others etc.
Finally I have conducted a survey on foreign exchange policy and procedure of Jamuna bank and I will
interpret the compared data based on the numerical values as well as the chart.
1.2 Background:
Large number of Bangladeshi businessman engage with foreign companies for their business as a reust
they need to use the foreign exchange service from different financial company. Jamuna Bank also
provides different financial service which is related to foreign exchange and foreign financial activities. A
large number of people who has been working in abroad and they send remittance for their family
member in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a developing country and it is trying to develop its infrastructure at
an automated way. Most of the time it found that remittance takes long time like 7-12 days to reach at the
senders family member. Moreover, as a large number of people are living in rural area they dont have
the understanding to how to collect remittance and have no idea about business exchange procedure at a
proper channel. Most of the business is involved with foreign exchange and foreign aid which make it
clear to every bank to have the foreign exchange service for their customer.

Management decision problem:

Does Jamuna banks foreign exchange policy satisfy their customer?

Marketing decision problem:

To determine customer awareness, preference and service taking intentions from Jamuna bank.

Broad Statement:
To identify the customer attitudes toward foreign exchange policy of Jamuna bank.
Literature review:
Nowadays commercial bank has its own financial activities. Most of the bank is performing
foreign exchange operation and has its own policy. In other words, a banks success is now
depending on the foreign operational activities and policies it has offered for its customers. In
project paper I am working on the Foreign Exchange policy and operation of Jamuna Bank for
Bangladeshi perspective. To identify the basic components I need to find out some components
make my own questionnaire and I have gone through these journal paper:
Singh (September 2005), released a research paper on foreign exchange reserve usage in India.
this journal paper the writer went for foreign exchange management to the development of
financial infrastructure. The title itself is self-explanatory Should India use Foreign Exchange
Reserves for Financing Infrastructure?. In this journal the writer explained how India earns
this reservation of the foreign currency and how they have planned to develop it through its own
Chakrabarti (October 2002) revealed a journal paper named Foreign Exchange Markets in
the perspective of India in the perspective of Bangladesh and in this journal paper they are
focusing on the foreign exchange policy India has established, foreign exchange markets in
India, intervention in foreign exchange markets, regulation of cross-border currency flows,
regulation of cross-border currency flows etc. The journal paper is very useful to understand the
concept of the foreign exchange market and who currency flow has been determined for other
countries. This journal paper is really milestone for preparing this report.
Khan (04, October 2014) had published a research paper on Indian foreign exchange market
recent developments in which he discussed about developments in the Forex market,
downside risks, hedging of currency exposures by corporates, foreign exchange derivatives
requirement of underlying exposure, long term hedging development of forward market
beyond one year etc. A wide discussion regarding the Indian foreign exchange development and
I have found few similarities which I should include in my research paper by the reference of
this research paper. The research paper works a guide line for me to prepare and understanding
the foreign exchange policy and operation held in Bangladesh. In addition, Bangladesh and
India has the similarity in their economic development and also their financial market and
condition is also similar.
Last but not the list, I found only few information regarding my topic. By analyze that research
paper, I try to identify those factors that could have been significance and usable for my topic
and research paper.
Specific components: The specific components that I found from my research are,
Direction regarding foreign policy.

1.3 Objective:
To analysis the contribution of foreign exchange on the performance and financial health of
national development.

1.4 Methodology:
Research method:
In order to reach in my destination or to complete the report with proper and relevant
information, I collected data from several sources. I collected data from both primary and secondary

Primary source:
Primary source refers historical data or eye witness information which other organization or company
investigates and I can take help from their study to complete my own research paper. The source refers a
particular time and a framework of a company or a subject at a time period which is necessarily attached
with the study. For my primary source, I have been searching in my university library archive for report,
Face interaction,
Reduce some service,
Mobile notification,
To highlight the foreign exchange policy of Jamuna bank in Bangladesh.
To observe the foreign exchange activities of Jamuna bank.
several assignments, and term paper. I are looking for the statistics and article of variety magazine,
books, annual report, Bangladesh Bank report quarterly and yearly to find the foreign exchange activity

Secondary source:
The secondary source is the documents shown by various websites. I also visited several websites to
collect relevant information regarding the foreign exchange activities, remittance, how remittance
currently process in Bangladesh, how the remittance reach in Bangladesh, how foreign exchange money
works and it exchange through one bank to another, why it takes a time duration to reach at Bangladesh,
how to minimize the time framework, what is the remittance last received from different countries etc. It
is also importance to find some research paper which shows what the usage of foreign exchange in
Bangladesh and how it is making an impact in our GDP and economy. I also go through with online
journal, research paper, scholar report and quarterly newsletter based on remittance.

1.5 Type of Study:

1.5.1 Exploratory research:
For identifying the factors considered by other researchers in their own research paper based on foreign
exchange, after analyze those research paper I have decided to conduct an exploratory research. That
exploratory research is a qualitative one. I have gone for an indirect approach using projective technique
for this research which is also known as random sampling. The questionnaire for that exploratory research
is developed in light of association technique. Here, respondents were asked to mention five factors they
consider while choosing their expected brands. After exploring the factors, I need to conclude the results.

1.5.2 Conclusive Research:

At the next phase of me study; I have gone for another research which was a conclusive one. I wanted to
see whether they explored factors can influence consumers decision for choosing bank in respect of
foreign exchange service provided by the bank, I went for a causal research to see the cause and effect.
Experimentation was necessary for such a causal research design.
I have mentioned few components earlier and based on the variables I would like to see the response of
the customer who is taking the foreign exchange service from the bank and their thoughts and opinion
regarding the questionnaire. It is also identifiable to find the relationship between the selected variables,
remittance, customer satisfaction and tendency to recommend the bank to others.
1.6 Limitations of the study: I faced a lot of problem to complete this term paper. Collecting information
from university archive is not
an easy task, I need to search several books, websites to gather relevant and accurate data about the topic
by spending most of our time to prepare this term paper so that, it looks better and also error free.
Most of the Bangladeshi website contains old data regarding the remittance received and usage practice
issue. Current data is absent over their websites. The information given was insufficient and really
puzzled me. Yet I hope and believe that I have succeeded in making standard research paper.

1.7 Sampling:
In this research work I have taken opinion from different aged Bangladeshi male and female who have
been taking banking service from different banks. Sample units were selected through non-probability
convenience technique which is also known as random sampling. Sample size of exploratory research was
not so big (total 30 respondents). Unsophisticated data analysis and resource constraints were other
reasons for small sample size. Moreover, time duration of the research paper is also an important factor
which gets priority before sample has been taken.
2.0 Analysis and findings 2.1 Gender:
Figure 2.1: Survey result of gender
Interpretation: The above graph shows the gender percentage of my survey and it shows 60%
of the total surveyor are male and rest of the 40% are female.
2.2 Age:
Figure 2.2: Survey result of participants age
Interpretation: The bar graph shows the age of the total population of my survey and it signifies
highest number of people in the survey is less than 25 and 26-35 years.
2.3 Educational Qualification:
Figure 2.3: Survey result of education qualification
Interpretation: the pie chart refers to the education level of the total participants of the survey.
Moreover, it shows 44% of them appeared at graduate and post graduate level.
2.4 Occupation:
Figure 2.4: Survey result of participants occupation
Interpretation: This column chart shows the occupation of the participants in the survey and it
shows most of the participants are govt. job holder, private job holder and also businessman.
2.5 Average monthly income:
Figure 2.5: Survey result of participants average monthly income
Interpretation: the graph presents the monthly income of my total surveyor and it represents
32% of them earned greater than 4500 BDT and 28% earned 28% respectively.
2.6 What type of banking service have you recently taken at Jamuna bank branch?
Figure 2.6: Survey result of banking service has you recently taken
Interpretation: Among the 25 participants 40% of them take money deposit service and 36%
among them take current account service from Jamuna Bank.
2.7 How frequently bank do you visit Jamuna Bank branch in a month?
Figure 2.7: Survey result of frequency of bank visit
Interpretation: In the survey, 23 participants rated that they visit frequently for the banking
service and it is less than 5 to less than 10 times.
2.8 What is the purpose for your foreign exchange transaction?
Figure 2.8: Survey result of purpose for your foreign exchange transaction
Interpretation: In my survey, 17 of the participants rated they use their Jamuna bank service for
money transfer for different financial issues and 5 of them rated they used it for inward
2.9 Are you satisfied with the service of Jamuna bank branch regarding foreign exchange
Figure 2.9: Survey result of customer satisfaction
Interpretation: In the question of satisfaction, 60% and 24% of the participants rated that they
are satisfy with the banking service provided by the bank, which represents a positive impact of
their loyalty.
2.10 Do you consider foreign exchange related services at Jamuna bank branch relatively
hassle free?
Figure 2.10: Survey result of foreign exchange related services at Jamuna bank branch relatively
hassle free
Interpretation: In the question hassle free service, 11 and 6 of my survey participants rated that
they got hassle free service from the bank and apart from them 4 participants rated that they are
not satisfied with the banking service.
2.11 Do you think they should have mobile notification system for foreign exchange
transaction for confirmation purpose?
Figure 2.11: Survey result of mobile notification system for foreign exchange transaction for
confirmation purpose
Interpretation: In the question mobile notification system for foreign exchange transaction 44%
of the total participants rated they should have the mobile notification system for foreign
2.12 Is there any possibility for you to switch to the other bank for foreign exchange
Figure 2.12: Survey result of possibility for you to switch to the other bank for foreign exchange
Interpretation: 40% of the total participants rated disagree to switch the bank for the foreign
exchange service and another 20% strongly disagree to switch to other bank for the foreign
exchange service.
2.13 Are Jamuna banks branches available at your convenient location?
Figure 2.13: Survey result of Jamuna banks branches available at your convenient location
Interpretation: In case of convenient location 16 participants among 25 rated that Jamuna
banks branches are located at their convenient location and they can easily go to there to take
2.14 Are the employees friendly and do they always cooperate with you while providing
Figure 2.14: Survey result of employees friendly and do they always cooperate with you while
providing service
Interpretation: The graph shows that the employees friendliness toward their customers and
48% of my participants scored that they are satisfied and another 40% of them scored neutral in
the question.
2.15 Do you think they sometimes reduce some services in foreign exchange?
Figure 2.15: Survey result of they sometimes reduce some services in foreign exchange
Interpretation: In the question to reduce the foreign exchange service 21 participants score to
no whereas 4 rated to yes.
2.16 If yes, was majority of them are essential to you?
Figure 2.16: Survey result of was majority of them are essential to you
Interpretation: Those who rated yes, they give their preference that all the foreign exchange
service are not essential all time at a same demand and among them 13 of the participants scored
disagree and 2 of the participants rated strongly disagree.
2.17 Do you think Jamuna bank branch takes less time to process any foreign exchange
Figure 2.17: Survey result of Jamuna bank branch takes less time to process any foreign
exchange service
Interpretation: In the question, Jamuna bank takes less time to process foreign exchange
transaction, 12 of the participants scored agree and 6 of them rated strongly agree and among rest
of them 3 participants rated disagree.
2.18 Would you recommend others to take foreign exchange service from Jamuna bank?
Figure 2.18: Survey result of would you recommend others to take foreign exchange service
from Jamuna bank
Interpretation: The graph represent the question to recommend the bank to others and 44% of
them participants rated they will and 36% of the rest of the participants rated they have a neutral
opinion in the particular question.
2.19 Do Jamuna banks employees provide you clear direction regarding regulatory all
requirements for foreign exchange transaction?
Figure 2.19: Survey result of Jamuna banks employees provide you clear direction regarding
regulatory all requirements for foreign exchange transaction
Interpretation: In the term of clear direction regarding regulatory policy 18 of the participants
rated yes the banks employee shows it to them whereas 4 of the total participants rated disagree
with the statement in the question.
2.20 How many times do you visit Jamuna Bank branch in a month for specific financial
Figure 2.20: Survey result of how many times you visit Jamuna Bank branch in a month for
specific financial purpose
Interpretation: In the term of people visit Jamuna bank with specific financial purpose at Sat
branch. In this question participants rated 15 to 10 times to 15 and 10-15 times rated at 6 which shows
that people are frequently visit Jamuna bank for any sort of financial purpose.
3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation:
3.1 Conclusion:
From this study I have learned that there is a positive relationship among chosen
components like face to face interaction, branches, reduce some service, mobile notification,
direction regarding foreign policy etc. It also states to ensure greater customer satisfaction can
ensure long term loyal customer for the bank. As I took twenty five random people for the survey
and most of them provide their opinion in the favor of Jamuna bank and its means they have a
relatively positive view and mind set regarding the service of Jamuna bank. Moreover, the
financial highlights also shows that the performance of Jamuna bank in foreign exchange is
remarkable and also it going to make difference itself to others. It ensure short possible time to
process the paper, LC service, collection which is really business friendly for any businessman.
3.2 Recommendation
In my internship period I have identify that when businessman provide their LC paper, bank need
to send the paper to the respective authority for checking and it takes 2-3 days. But if the task
could be complete in the banks end then it might be possible to complete the whole service in 2
days, where it is now takes 4-5 days with proper recommendation and reference. The more banks
will be powered the more they will perform. On the other hand, bank could send the documents
in online and after checking all the relevant data and terms and condition respective authority
could give their feedback to the bank and the bank will initial step to confirming LC at the
earliest days. Another, important point is, Jamuna bank should increase its number of branches,
according my survey few people rated it wasnt convenient for them.
3.3 Limitation and future study in this field of research:
The significant limitation of the study is the sample size. 30 Peoples survey is not enough in this
field of survey. This survey result represents the Jamuna bank service and mostly the
questionnaire is based on foreign exchange service provided by the bank. In a wide range the
components should increase an also the question could be modified and also need to have their
own opinion written part in the question. Moreover, it is found that few respondents are not
interested to fill up the questionnaire carefully. When I am conducting the survey I have found
that the time is limited compare to the work, I would like to suggest that those who conduct new
research on Foreign Exchange Policy and Operation of Jamuna Bank Ltd they should get much
more time to finish the task. This study shouldnt follow to the other country because their
peoples behavior pattern might be different than Bangladeshi consumer. If someone follows
the same procedure they might not get the expected result in their country perspective.
4. Reference:
1) Web.stanford.edu, (2016). [online] Available at: http://web.stanford.edu/group/siepr/cgi-
bin/siepr/?q=system/files/shared/pubs/papers/pdf/SCID256.pdf [Accessed 24 Jan. 2016].
2) http://forexdatabases.com, (2016).Harun R Khan Indian foreign exchange market recent PDF |
page 1 of 10 | ForexDatabases.com. [online] Available at:
recent/ [Accessed 24 Jan. 2016].
3) Isb.eduIsb.edu, (2016). [online] Available at:
http://www.isb.edu/faculty/RajeshChakrabarti/FX_Basu [Accessed 24 Jan. 2016].
4) Jamunabankbd.com, (2015). Jamuna Bank Ltd.. [online] Available at:
http://jamunabankbd.com/front/productdetails/21/107 [Accessed 27 Dec. 2015].
5) Wikipedia, (2015). Jamuna Bank Limited. [online] Available at:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamuna_Bank_Limited [Accessed 27 Dec. 2015]
6) Assignment Point, (2013). Overview of Jamuna Bank Limited - Assignment Point. [online]
Available at: http://www.assignmentpoint.com/business/organizational-behavior/overview-of-
jamuna-bank-limited.html [Accessed 27 Dec. 2015].
7) Assignment Point, (2013). Intern Report on Jamuna Bank Limited - Assignment Point. [online]
Available at: http://www.assignmentpoint.com/business/intern-report-on-jamuna-bank-
limited.html [Accessed 27 Dec. 2015].
8) thesis4u, (2012). Internship Report On General Banking Of Jamuna Bank Limited. [online]
Available at: https://othesis4u.wordpress.com/2012/06/16/internship-report-on-general-banking-
of-jamuna-bank-limited/ [Accessed 27 Dec. 2015].
9) Bb.org.bd, (2015). Economic data. [online] Available at:
https://www.bb.org.bd/econdata/index.php [Accessed 27 Dec. 2015].
6.0 Appendix: Foreign Exchange Policy and Operation of Jamuna Bank Ltd. Excel file
calculation and data
plotting given below:
Gender Age Educational Qualification Occupation Monthly Income Male 19 Graduate school
Student less than 15000 Male 22 Graduate school Student less than 15000 Female 25 No Formal
Education Businessman greater than 45000 Male 30 Post Graduate School Private job holder
greater than 45000 Male 45 Post Graduate School Govt job holder greater than 45000 Female 25
Graduate school Private job holder less than 15000
Male 50 No Formal Education Businessman greater than 45000 Male 30 Post Graduate School
Govt job holder 25000-35000 Female 27 Graduate school Govt job holder less than 15000
Female 22 Graduate school Student less than 15000
Male 48 Post Graduate School Private job holder greater than 45000 Male 46 Post Graduate
School Private job holder greater than 45000 Male 33 Post Graduate School Govt job holder
25000-35000 Male 26 Graduate school Private job holder 35000-45000 Male 28 Graduate school
Private job holder 25000-35000 Male 18 Graduate school Student less than 15000 Female 29
Graduate school Housewife 25000-35000
Male 23 Graduate school Student less than 15000 Female 32 School level Businessman 15000-
25000 Female 37 Post Graduate School Govt job holder 25000-35000
Male 45 Post Graduate School Businessman greater than 45000 Male 43 Post Graduate School
Businessman greater than 45000 Female 42 Post Graduate School Govt job holder 35000-45000
Female 41 Graduate school Housewife 25000-35000 Female 42 Post Graduate School
Housewife 15000-25000
Type of Bank service
Visit Purpose Satisfaction
Money deposit <5 Times Money transfer Agree Money deposit <5 Times Money transfer Agree
Money deposit <15 times Inward Foreign Remittance Strongly Agree Money deposit <5 Times
Money transfer Agree Money deposit <10 Times Money transfer Agree Money deposit <10
Times Money transfer Agree LC <15 times Inward Foreign Remittance Strongly Agree Money
deposit <15 times Money transfer Agree Money deposit <5 Times Money transfer Neutral
Money deposit <5 Times Money transfer Agree Current account maintenance <5 Times Money
Current account maintenance <5 Times Money transfer
Money deposit <5 Times Money transfer Agree Current account maintenance <10 Times Money
Current account maintenance <5 Times Money transfer
Current account maintenance <5 Times Money transfer
Remittance <10 Times Inward Foreign Remittance Agree Current account maintenance <5
Times Money transfer
Current account maintenance <10 Times Import
Current account maintenance <10 Times Money transfer
LC <10 Times Export Strongly Agree LC <10 Times Export Strongly Agree Current account
maintenance <5 Times Money transfer
Strongly Agree
Remittance <10 Times Inward Foreign Remittance Agree Remittance <10 Times Inward Foreign
Remittance Strongly Agree
Hassel free service Mobile Switch Convenient location Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree
Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree
Disagree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Agree Disagree
Neutral Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Agree Agree Strongly Disagree
Agree Agree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Agree
Disagree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral
Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly
Disagree Strongly Agree
Friendly Reduce service Majority Time Neutral Yes Disagree Agree Disagree No Disagree
Agree Strongly Agree No Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral No Neutral Agree Neutral No
Disagree Agree Disagree No Disagree Agree Strongly Agree No Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Agree No Agree Agree Agree No Disagree Agree Neutral No Disagree Agree Neutral No
Disagree Agree Agree No Disagree Disagree Agree Yes Disagree Agree Neutral No Disagree
Agree Neutral No Disagree Agree Neutral No Neutral Neutral Agree No Agree Neutral Agree
No Strongly Disagree Neutral Neutral No Disagree Neutral Agree Yes Disagree Disagree
Strongly Agree No Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree No Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Yes
Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Agree No Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
No Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Recommend Regularity policy Specific financial purpose Disagree Agree Five to ten
Disagree Agree Five to ten Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Five to ten Disagree Disagree Five to
ten Neutral Disagree Five to ten Agree Disagree Ten to fifteen Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Ten to fifteen Agree Agree Ten to fifteen Agree Agree Ten to fifteen Neutral Agree Ten to
fifteen Agree Agree Fifteen to twenty Disagree Neutral Ten to fifteen Agree Neutral Five to ten
Neutral Agree Fifteen to twenty Neutral Agree Five to ten Neutral Agree Five to ten Neutral
Neutral Five to ten Neutral Agree Five to ten Neutral Agree Five to ten Neutral Agree Fifteen to
twenty Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Five to ten Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Five to ten
Disagree Disagree Fifteen to twenty Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Five to ten Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree Five to ten
7.1 Questionnaire sample:
Questionnaire Dear respondents, I am a student of Brac University from Business Administration
department. I am
conducting a research to identify the Jamuna bank: Foreign exchange and operation policy.
spare some time to answer the following questions. The information provided by you is purely for
research purposes and will be kept strictly confidential.
1. Gender
a) Male b) Female c) Others 2. Age
a) <25 years b) 26-35 years c) 36-45 years d) 46-55 years e ) > 55 years
3. Educational Qualification
a) No Formal Education
b) School level c) Graduate
d) Post Graduate School
e ) Professional Qualification
4. Occupation
a) Student b) Govt. Employee c) Private Employee
d) Businessman e) Others
5. Average monthly income
a) < 15,000 BDT b) 15,000-25,000
c) 25,000-35,000 BDT
d) 35,000-45,000 BDT
e) > 45,000 BDT
6. What type of banking service have you recently taken at Jamuna bank branch?
a) Money deposit b)LC c) Current account
d) Remittance e) Others
7. How frequently bank do you visit Jamuna bank branch in a month?
a) <5 Times b)<10 Times c) <15 times d)< 20 times e) <25 + times
8. How many times do you visit Jamuna bank branch in a month for specific financial purpose?
a) 1-5 times b) 5-10 times c) 10-15 times d) 15-20 times e) 20-25 times
9. What is the purpose for your foreign exchange transaction?
a) Export b) Import c) Money transfer d) Inward Foreign
e) Outward Foreign Remittance
10. Are you satisfied with the service of Jamuna bank branch regarding foreign exchange issues?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
11. Do you consider foreign exchange related services at Jamuna bank branch relatively hassle free?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
12. Do you think they should have mobile notification system for foreign exchange transaction for
confirmation purpose?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
13. Is there any possibility for you to switch to the other bank for foreign exchange service?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
14. Are Jamuna banks branches available at your convenient location?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
15. Are the employees friendly and do they always cooperate with you while providing service?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
16. Do you think they sometimes reduce some services in foreign exchange?
a) Yes b) No
17. If yes, was majority of them are essential to you?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
18. Do you think Jamuna bank branch takes less time to process any foreign exchange service?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
19. Would you recommend others to take foreign exchange service from Jamuna bank?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
20. Do Jamuna banks employees provide you clear direction regarding regulatory all requirements for
foreign exchange transaction?
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree
Table of Contents Part A: Internship Experience
....................................................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction of Jamuna Bank: ........................................................................................................... 9
1.1Jamuna Banks Vision ...........................................................................................................................
1.2 Jamuna Banks Mission: .......................................................................................................................
1.3 Porter's Five Forces in respect of Jamuna Bank and those factors: ......................................................
1.4 Jamuna bank: international banking and foreign exchange policy: ......................................................
Figure 1.3: Jamuna banks foreign exchange policy ...................................................................................
1.4 Correspondent Banking: .......................................................................................................................
1.5 Trade Finance: ...................................................................................................................................... 13
1.6 Offshore Banking: .................................................................................................................................
1.7 Examine Porter's Five Forces in respect of Jamuna bank: ....................................................................
1.8 SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank Ltd.: .................................................................................................
1.9 Interns Role and responsibility: ............................................................................................................
Internship Activities at Jamuna Bank: ........................................................................................................
19 1.10 Observations, recommendations and conclusion.
............................................................................... 21
Observation: ................................................................................................................................................
Recommendation: .......................................................................................................................................
Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................................
Part B: Research Project .............................................................................................................................
23 Chapter One: Research Design, Background, Objective, Methodology, Type of study, Limitations of
study and Sampling. ....................................................................................................................................
1.1 Research design: ............................................................................................................................. 23
1.2 Background: ..........................................................................................................................................
Specific components: ..................................................................................................................................
1.3 Objective: ..............................................................................................................................................
1.4 Methodology: ........................................................................................................................................
1.5 Type of Study:....................................................................................................................................... 27
1.5.1 Exploratory research: .........................................................................................................................
1.5.2 Conclusive Research: .........................................................................................................................
1.6 Limitations of the study: .......................................................................................................................
1.7 Sampling: ..............................................................................................................................................
2.0 Analysis and findings ............................................................................................................................
2.19 Do Jamuna banks employees provide you clear direction regarding regulatory all requirements for
foreign exchange transaction? ....................................................................................................... 39
2.20 How many times do you visit Jamuna Bank branch in a month for specific financial purpose? 39
3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation: ................................................................................................... 41
3.1 Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................................... 41
3.2 Recommendation .............................................................................................................................. 41
3.3 Limitation and future study in this field of research: ........................................................................ 41
4. Reference: ...............................................................................................................................................
6.0 Appendix: ..............................................................................................................................................
7.1 Questionnaire sample: ....................................................................................................................... 49

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