Structure Magazine-June 2017
Structure Magazine-June 2017
Structure Magazine-June 2017
MoMA Tower,
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95 #4 716 4T001 T2 11'-9" 0'-4 1/2" 2'-9" 2'-9" 2'-9" 2'-9" 0'-4 1/2" 0'-2"
32 #8 902 8R025 2 10'-9" 9'-3" 1'-6" 0'-3"
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Tekla Structures
Bluebeam Software .................................. 4 Legacy Building Solutions ..................... 15 ADVERTISING ACCOUNT MANAGER
CASE .................................................... 77 Lindapter ................................................ 9 INTERACTIVE SALES ASSOCIATES
Cast Connex ........................................... 2 LNA Solutions ...................................... 75 [email protected]
Clark Dietrich Building Systems ........... 71 MAPEI Corp ........................................ 53 Eastern Sales Chuck Minor 847-854-1666
Western Sales Jerry Preston 480-396-9585
Decon USA Inc ..................................... 74 MMFX Steel Corporation of America ... 64
DEICON.............................................. 27 NCEES ................................................. 35 EDITORIAL STAFF
DeSimone Consulting Engineers ........... 78 New Millennium Building Systems ....... 11
Executive Editor Alfred Spada
Dlubal Software, Inc ............................. 61 PPI (Professional Publications, Inc) ....... 87 [email protected]
Fyfe ....................................................... 23 Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute .... 28
Editor Christine M. Sloat, P.E.
Geopier Foundation Company.............. 62 RISA ..................................................... 88 [email protected]
Hayward Baker Inc................................ 60 Simpson Strong-Tie......................... 19, 39
Associate Editor Nikki Alger
Hoover Treated Wood Products ............. 13 Steel Joist Institute................................. 31 [email protected]
ICC - Evaluation Service ....................... 63 Strongwell ............................................. 57 Creative Director Tara Smith
Independence Tube Corporation ........... 16 StructurePoint ....................................... 58 [email protected]
Integrated Engineering Software, Inc..... 69 Trimble ................................................... 3
Integrity Software, Inc ............................. 6 USG Corporation ................................. 32 EDITORIAL BOARD
ITT Enidine Inc .................................... 49 Vulcraft/Verco Group ............................ 66 Chair Barry K. Arnold, P.E., S.E., SECB
KPFF .................................................... 76 Weyerhaeuser ........................................ 43 ARW Engineers, Ogden, UT
[email protected]
Erratum Jeremy L. Achter, S.E., LEED AP
Historic Structures Lachine Rapids Bridge (April 2017) ARW Engineers, Ogden, UT
In this Historic Structures article, the explanation of Longs use of continuous bridge segments Erin Conaway, P.E.
across supports (page 42) contained an error: In other words, he made his truss continuous SidePlate Systems, Phoenix, AZ
over the intermediate supports so that the maximum positive moment (should read negative John A. Dal Pino, S.E.
moment) over the support is equal, or nearly so, to the maximum negative moment (should FTF Engineering, Inc., San Francisco, CA
read positive moment) located between the supports. Linda M. Kaplan, P.E.
STRUCTURE magazine and the author apologize for the error. The online version of this TRC, Pittsburgh, PA
article has been corrected. Thank you to H. Starzer, P.E. for pointing out the error. Dilip Khatri, Ph.D., S.E.
Khatri International Inc., Pasadena, CA
news for
Mike Mota, Ph.D., P.E.
CRSI, Williamstown, NJ
EI just finished its successful 2017 Structures Congress in Promote Performance-Based
Denver where we celebrated collaboration, innovation, and
the Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering: A Case for
Codes and Standards
Change. Reflecting on the program, sessions covered areas such A Task Committee on Performance-Based Design is reviewing the
as communications, mentoring, ethics, codes and standards, history, final drafts of white papers that will define the path required to give
performance, multi-hazards, training, professional practice, health structural engineers new tools to liberate them from the limitations
monitoring, sustainability, resiliency, construction, loads, rehabilita- of prescriptive code-checking, encourage innovation in their designs,
tion, and solutions. All areas are meant to contribute towards the and increase the value of their services.
future of structural engineering.
SEIs A Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering and Structural Lead Multi-Disciplinary Summits on
Engineers: A Case for Change was released on October 16, 2013, and
serves as SEIs blueprint for the future. For the full version of the
Technical Matters of Broad Interest
report, refer to The executive summary, dated The Committee on Biennial Interdisciplinary Technology Summits
September 2015, is also available there. has been formed to think outside of the traditional boundaries of
As part of the Congress, the SEI Board of Governors met to assess structural engineering to identify and apply the most advanced new
our progress and identify areas where we need to increase attention. technologies and science to the practice.
This primarily includes progress on the seven key initiatives that will
enable SEI to achieve the Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering. Promote the Structural Engineer
The following is our status towards fulfilling our key initiatives to
advance our vision:
as a Leader and Innovator
Each of the preceding responses to key initiatives contributes to pro-
moting the structural engineer as a leader and innovator by supporting
Reform Structural Engineering Education and encouraging the expansion of members roles to recognized posi-
The Committee on the Reform of Structural Engineering Education tions of leadership in society by equipping them with the tools they
(CROSEE) has been formed to study new educational models to need to succeed and be recognized by the public. SEI is also initiating
equip students with the broad technical, communications, and critical new digital branding to communicate our vision.
thinking skills necessary to compete in the global economy.
structures found in Chapter 15 of Equation 13.3-1 (shown below) to determine the
ASCE 7-16, Minimum Design Loads and Associated seismic design force on a nonstructural component.
Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures. The
previous article (Part 1, STRUCTURE, April Fp =
( 1+2 z ) Eqn. 13.3-1
design issues for
2017) provided an introduction to the seismic
design of nonbuilding structures.
( )Rp
structural engineers Several seismic related issues are unique to Fp shall not to be taken as less than:
nonbuilding structures. This article covers the Fp = 0.3SDSIpWp
following advanced topics in the seismic design Fp is not required to be taken as greater than:
of nonbuilding structures: Fp = 1.6SDSIpWp
The determination of seismic forces on where:
nonbuilding structures supported by Fp = seismic design force
other structures. ap = component amplification factor that varies
The determination of seismic forces on from 1.0 (rigid component Tp < 0.06 seconds) to
common nonstructural components 2.5 (flexible component). Tp is the fundamental
attached to nonbuilding structures. period of the component.
The interrelation Rp = component response modification factor
and overlap between (same concept as R for structures)
Seismic Design of Chapter 13, Seismic
Design Requirements
Ip = component importance factor (1.0 or 1.5).
Ip is not necessarily the same as the value of IE for
Nonbuilding Structures for Nonstructural
Components, and
the supporting structure.
SDS = short period spectral acceleration
and Nonstructural Chapter 15 of
ASCE 7-16.
Wp = component operating weight
z = height in structure of point of attachment of
Components Special considerations
for the seismic design of
component with respect to the base.
h = average roof height of structure with respect
tanks and vessels. to the base
Part 2: Advanced Topics The values of ap and Rp are taken from Table
related to ASCE 7-16 Nonbuilding Structures 13.5-1 for architectural components or Table
13.6-1 for mechanical and electrical components.
Supported by Other Structures Various terms in Equation 13.3-1 have sig-
By J. G. (Greg) Soules, P.E., S.E., Section 15.3 of ASCE 7-16 provides require- nificant physical meanings. The term 0.4apSDS
P.Eng., SECB, F.SEI, F.ASCE ments for the design of nonbuilding structures represents the peak ground acceleration when ap
supported by other structures for seismic forces, equals 1.0 and the constant acceleration region of
and presents three possible scenarios: the response spectrum (plateau) when ap equals
The nonbuilding structure weight is less 2.5. The term (1 + 2z /h) represents an additional
than 25 percent of the combined weight amplification of the ground motion acceleration
J. G. (Greg) Soules is a Principal of the nonbuilding structure and the due to the elevation of the point of attachment
Engineer with CB&I LLC supporting structure (15.3.1). of the supporting structure.
in Houston, Texas. He is the The nonbuilding structure weight is
Vice Chair of the ASCE 7-16 greater than or equal to 25 percent of
Main Committee, Vice Chair the combined weight of the nonbuilding
25 Percent Limitation
of the ASCE 7-16 Seismic structure and the supporting structure Where the weight of the supported nonbuilding
Subcommittee, and Chair of the (15.3.2(1)) rigid nonbuilding structure structure is less than 25 percent of the combined
ASCE 7-16 Task Committee on (T < 0.06 seconds). effective seismic weights of the nonbuilding
Nonbuilding Structures. He can be The nonbuilding structure weight is structure and supporting structure, the design
reached at [email protected]. greater than or equal to 25 percent of seismic forces of the supported nonbuilding
the combined weight of the nonbuilding structure are determined according to Chapter
structure and the supporting structure 13 where the values of Rp and ap are determined
(15.3.2(2)) flexible nonbuilding structure per Section 13.1.5. Equation 13.3-1 is used
(T 0.06 seconds). to calculate the seismic force, Fp, on the sup-
Nonbuilding structures supported by other ported nonbuilding structure. The supporting
structures see amplified seismic forces in a similar structure is designed to the requirements of
manner as nonstructural components. To dis- Chapter 12, Seismic Design Requirements for
cuss the seismic design of nonbuilding structures Building Structures, or Section 15.5, Nonbuilding
supported by other structures, a review of the Structures Similar to Buildings, as appropriate,
determination of seismic forces on nonstructural with the weight of the supported nonbuilding
components is important. structure considered in the determination of the
8 June 2017
effective seismic weight, W. Section 15.3 rep- as outlined in Table 15.4-2, and ap shall be 15.5, with the R-value of the combined
resents a clear dividing line between Chapter taken as 1.0. system taken as the lesser R-value of the
13 and Chapter 15 where the nonbuilding It is important to note that very few sup- nonbuilding structure or the supporting
structure is supported by another structure. ported nonbuilding structures qualify as structure.
rigid elements. There is a great temptation The supported nonbuilding structure and
More than 25 Percent with to assume that the supported nonbuilding its attachments are designed for the forces
structure is rigid due to the resulting ease of determined for the supported nonbuild-
Rigid Nonbuilding Structure calculation and lower loads. The period of ing structure in the combined analysis. A
Where the fundamental period of the sup- the supported nonbuilding structure must flexible nonbuilding structure supported
ported nonbuilding structure, T, is less be honestly evaluated, taking into account by another structure is by far the most
than 0.06 seconds, the supported non- such items as fluid-structure interaction common situation. Because the combined
building structure is considered to be a and the flexibility of the supporting floor structure is designed using the lesser R-value
rigid element. In this case, the supporting beams. Procedures for taking fluid-structure of the supported nonbuilding structure
structure is designed to the requirements of interaction into account can be found in or the supporting structure, the use of a
Chapter 12 or Section 15.5 as appropriate, TID-7024 (1963). high R-value structural system (e.g. special
and the R-value of the combined system concentrically braced frame) offers no eco-
is permitted to be taken as the R-value More than 25 Percent with nomic advantage. Of course, a high R-value
of the supporting structural system. The structural system may always be used to
supported nonbuilding structure is simply
Flexible Nonbuilding Structure provide better performance.
taken as another mass in the design of the Where the fundamental period of the sup- The use of a combined model requires
supporting structure. This procedure is ported nonbuilding structure, T, is greater that the structural engineer designing the
similar to that used for the case where the than or equal to 0.06 seconds, the sup- supporting structure work in close col-
supported nonbuilding structure is less than ported nonbuilding structure is considered laboration with the manufacturer of the
25 percent of the combined mass. to be a flexible element. In this case, the supported nonbuilding structure. The com-
The supported nonbuilding structure and nonbuilding structure and supporting bined model does not have to be complex.
its attachments are designed for the forces structure are modeled together in a com- An example of this type of combined model
determined using the procedures of Chapter bined model with appropriate stiffness and can be found in Appendix 4.G of ASCE
13, where the value of Rp is taken as equal effective seismic weight distributions. The Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Design
to the R-value of the nonbuilding structure combined structure is designed to Section of Petrochemical Facilities (2011).
continued on next page
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As used on American Copper Buildings (NYC), get the catalog at to find out more!
in denser areas. They were more preva- when building heights had reached six or seven
lent and taller in earlier times when American stories, as long as the construction occurred on
cities developed. One can find many old party narrow lots, masonry party walls remained the
walls in cities along the Atlantic seaboard from choice of builders.
Portland, Maine, to Charleston, South Carolina. Since the 1870s, successive NYC building
practical knowledge beyond
In the older areas of New York City, there are regulations have included specific instructions
the textbook over 15,000 existing brick masonry party walls, for party walls. There were 20 entries in the
many in four- or five-story buildings. The shared 1901 NYCBC that were mostly prescriptions
use by adjoining owners resulted in real property for the construction of party walls. Around
law developments which have added constraints the turn of the 20th century, fire science had
that FEMA 547 Techniques for the Seismic developed as a separate field, and the 1905
Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings considers over- National Building Code developed by the
riding. FEMA 547 justifies its lack of guidance: National Board of Fire Underwriters (NBFU)
For conditions along property lines or involving and the American Insurance Association had 9
party walls, the two buildings likely have different entries similar to those in the 1901 NYCBC.
ownership, and practical and legal issues may be Up to the 1916 NYCBC, the mandated party
more significant than technical ones. This article wall thickness was the result of empirical struc-
introduces the reader to historical party walls and tural considerations related to applied weight.
Following the lead of the NBFU, the 1916
NYCBC introduced the concept that firewalls
12 June 2017
that the facade was common to two attached
buildings. The interior inspection revealed a PARTY WALL
WALL 5-inch crack (Figure 1) that had developed
along the line where the party wall used to
be keyed into the facade. Each building was
owned separately, and the owners could not
reach an agreement to repair the crack. The
fire separation was compromised and the EXISTING
WALL collapse of the facade onto the street was UNDERPIN
FLOOR WALL (in white)
Adjoining Demolition SHEAR WALL
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have saved material and have performed
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S Structural
eismic assessment of earthquake-damaged
buildings typically involves damage surveys
and structural analyses. In this unique proj-
ect, the evaluations also included the seismic
testing of nine full-scale beam-column connections
and two portions of shear wall slab connections,
extracted from reinforced concrete buildings with
minor damage. The concrete specimens had to be issues and advances related
tested in less than a year. As the number of specimens Figure 2. Test frame deflected shape under maximum to structural testing
and limited time exceeded the capacity of available actuator load.
testing facilities, a local warehouse was turned into a
temporary testing facility. With the lack of a strong
floor and strong wall, the project team designed a
self-equilibrating steel test frame so that the reaction
forces transferred to the warehouse slab were mini-
mized. The innovative test frame accommodated
all the different specimens in earthquake-type cyclic
tests while simulating the boundary conditions of
the specimens inside the buildings. Figure 3. Contact pressure distribution under
maximum actuator load.
supported the actuators,
Innovative Test Frame were welded-column (WC)
The test frame, shown in Figure 1, consisted of sections WC400 and were Temporary Testing Facility
two 20-foot-high steel towers separated by 20 feet perforated at various levels
and supported by 3-foot-thick steel-concrete (SC) to enable adjustment of the
composite footings resting on top of the warehouse actuator to match the different specimen heights. All Evaluating the Seismic
slab. Horizontal steel diaphragms connected the two tower columns were bolted to the SC footings, which
towers at the top and bottom. The top diaphragm consisted of steel boxes filled with 52 yards of high
Performance of Concrete
was made removable to facilitate installation of the early-strength concrete, each, and reinforced with Elements
heavy specimens inside the frame. The bottom internal steel diaphragm plates. The SC footings sat
By Giulio Leon Flores, P.E.,
diaphragm was elevated from the floor so that the on top of the warehouse slab and provided stability
Hussien Abdel-Baky, Ph.D., P.E.,
specimen reactions were transferred to the end towers and limited vibration during testing.
and James C. Hays, P.E.
without damaging the warehouse slab. Removable The biggest challenge during the frame design
V-braces connected the bottom diaphragm to the was the low bearing capacity of the warehouse slab,
two towers. estimated at 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi).
Giulio Leon Flores (giulio.leon@
The test frame was designed under strict deflection The frame was designed to internally equilibrate, is a Engineering
requirements so as not to influence the accuracy of the applied and reaction forces to overcome this
Manager with RIZZO Associates,
the test results. The maximum lateral and vertical limitation, as shown schematically in Figure 2. The
a consulting company in
deflection were limited to 18 inch and 116 inch (down- actuator, at its maximum capacity, imposes up to
Pittsburgh, PA. He was the lead
wards), respectively, while no uplift was allowed. The 3,688 kip-feet applied moment at the base of the
engineer for the seismic tests.
efficient structural system of the frame provided frame. This moment generates a force couple (shown
the necessary lateral and vertical stiffness. The two in red in Figure 2) that applies a high bearing pressure Hussien Abdel-Baky
end towers were comprised of Universal Column underneath one tower and large uplift forces on the ([email protected]),
(UC) sections UC310 and UC200, which were other tower. On the other hand, the specimen reac- is a Senior Structural Engineer
braced at different levels and stiffened by 38-inch- tion forces (in green in Figure 2) generate a reaction with the Shockey Precast Company
thick steel plates. The middle tower columns, which moment which equilibrates the applied moment. in Winchester, VA. Previously, he
This equilibrium of forces requires the middle plat- worked for RIZZO Associates and
form to behave in flexure, similar to a strap footing. served as structural engineer for the
The middle platform was raised 2 inches from the design of the test frame.
warehouse slab to function as required. As the reac-
James C. Hays (james.hays@
tion forces along the middle platform act in the, is a Chief
opposite direction to the applied vertical forces, the
Structural Design Engineer with
bearing pressure applied to the warehouse slab was
RIZZO Associates. He supervised
gradually reduced, as shown in Figure 3 for the case
the design, fabrication, and
of maximum applied actuator force of 450 kips. The
erection of the test frame.
SC footings uniformly spread the applied pressure on
the warehouse slab, eliminating any localized stress
concentration underneath the towers and ensured
contact to the slab at all times (i.e., no uplift). The
Figure 1. Self-reacting test frame.
SC footings were connected by the 20-inch-thick
STRUCTURE magazine 17
Figure 4. FE model of test frame with the largest Figure 5. Assemblage of test frame in the warehouse. Figure 6. Specimen layout under cyclic testing.
specimen inside.
middle platform which consisted of steel beams Secondary supports consisting of heavy steel American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee
partially encased by a 16-inch concrete slab that caps at the bottom and top of the column, and 374.1. The loading consisted of the application
reduced deflection and vibration during the seis- double-pinned struts at the beam ends, forced of incremental displacements at the top of the
mic testing. The middle platform beam along the specimen to deflect as during a seismic event. specimens, up to a drift of 3% or failure of the
the same axis of the actuator column was drilled In other words, a zero moment at the beam and specimen. After each cyclic loading, the test was
with anchor points to enable the adjustment of column ends (pin connections) and free transla- stopped to identify and measure cracks and also
the struts supporting the specimen beam ends. tion except at the column bottom, which is the take photographic records. The test results con-
Each anchor point location was designed for an reference point for relative displacement (Figure sisted of force versus deformation plots at critical
allowable vertical load of 340 kips in tension 6). The double-pinned struts consisted of 10- x sections of one of the specimens. Figure 8a shows
or compression, and for a maximum vertical 10-inch-square hollow sections with 80-milli- the moment versus rotation plot at the beam-to-
deflection of 116 inch. The finite element analysis meter-diameter pins attached at both ends. The column section of the specimen, shown at different
of the frame was carried out using STAAD Pro bottom pin was bolted to a load cell used to cycles. Figure 8b shows the damaged suffered at the
software (Figure 4). measure the specimen reactions. Pretension rods beam-column joint after the last cycle. During the
Because of the warehouse limitations in height attached the steel caps to the column, and the tests, the deformations at critical locations of the
and access, the test frame was designed and double-pinned struts to the beam ends. The axial test frame were also recorded, being the maximum
fabricated as four separate modules which were forces in the pretension rods in the columns rep- displacement around 116 inch at the top of the
assembled at the site (Figure 5): the bottom resented the gravity load carried by the column frame, which was only 1% percent of the maxi-
platform including foundation boxes, the two inside the building. mum applied displacement (+/-5 inches) and thus
towers, and the top platform. This design allows The slab-wall specimens consisted of portions considered negligible.
future transportation and reassembly at a dif- of a concrete shear wall with its tributary slab
ferent location. and were intended to test the shear transference
at the slab-wall interface during a seismic event
(i.e., shear friction). In this test configuration, the The temporary testing facility, equipped
Testing Process walls of the specimen were placed flat on the test with a self-reacting steel test frame, proved
Two 20-ton-capacity Franna cranes lifted and frame floor while the slab stood upright (i.e., in to be a successful alternative to performing
installed all the concrete specimens inside the the vertical position). A secondary frame consist- seismic testing of large concrete elements
test frame. Accurate synchronization of the crane ing of UC310 sections with lateral bracing was on time and within budget. The innovative
movements was essential for proper lifting and designed to transfer the actuator force from the self-reacting frame, which can be transported
movement of the heavy specimens, which were top to the lower part of the steel columns and then and re-assembled at a different location,
carefully braced before installation. Two 450-kip to the slab-wall interface via grout pads (Figure 7). eliminates the need for strong-floor and
double-acting MTS hydraulic actuators applied The beam-column joint regions and slab-wall strong-wall, thus dramatically reducing
the lateral forces at the top of the specimens, interfaces were externally instrumented with high costs. The test results pro-
simulating the earthquake action (Figure 6). accuracy string potentiometers to record beam vided valuable information to
For the beam-column connections, the load- and column flexural rotations and shear deforma- evaluate the buildings seismic
ing represented seismic forces acting on the tions. The specimens were subjected to quasi-static performances.
specimens as if they were inside the buildings. reversed cyclic loading in accordance with the
Figure 7. Slab-wall specimen in test frame. Figure 8a. Moment vs. rotation results. Figure 8b. Specimen damage after cyclic testing.
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composite beam design, column 500
design, or beams with compression reinforcing. ANALYSIS MODEL
n Factor. That is the factor that defines the ratio ANALYSIS MODEL 500
of the moduli of elasticity between materials. It
discussion and advances
is used in calculations to convert the stiffness of PICTURE 1
related to structural and different materials to a common one. This was the
component systems foundation for understanding that stiffness plays Figure 1. Analytical model connected beams.
a role in the distribution of forces in a section.
However, material stiffness, the modulus of elas- the case. In these instances, the load is distributed
ticity, and cross-sectional area are not the only to the members in proportion to the ratio of
components that influence the distribution of their stiffnesses.
force flow. Geometric constraints, such as length A simple model can demonstrate the interac-
of members, support conditions, and sectional tive effect of members with different stiffnesses
properties all influence the force flow in a system. (Figure 1). The beams were first sized as inde-
In fact, all of structural engineering is dictated one pendent, unconnected beams based on a linear
way or another by the ratio of stiffness between load of 500 pounds per linear foot (plf ). From
components in a structure. Force flow is defined the resultant moment, a W 10 x 15 was selected
here as the distribution of all for the 20-foot long top beam and a W 10 x 30
internal systems forces, such was selected for the 30-foot long bottom beam.
20 June 2017
very limited diaphragm composed of joists that support metal roof
action. Often members in deck. Edge members around the panels
these structures are designed form borders that support the deck on the
based on the contribut- long sides and the joists on the short sides.
ing load and spans without The panels were prefabricated and lifted
regard to the fact that they are onto the cable net. The members along the
interconnected. Thus, load cables are clamped to the cable to prevent
sharing is ignored. However, the panel from sliding and to resist uplift
if the structure is analyzed from wind. The modulus of elasticity (E)
three-dimensionally, which of the cable is 20 x 106 kips per square inch
reflects load sharing among (ksi), and its working strength is 90 ksi, with
the members, it is evident a factor of safety of 2.2. The edge member
that the assumed load allo- that is clamped to the cable is a structural
cation is incorrect and that section with a modulus of elasticity of 29
the ridge member, which x 106 ksi and a working stress 21.7 ksi. If
was properly sized for the the cable and the edge member are rigidly
assumed contributing load, bolted together, the strain compatibility
is overloaded. The behavior is must be checked. The cables are pre-ten-
Figure 2b. Impact of bottom beam size increase. similar to that demonstrated sioned to 50% of their allowable capacity
in the example above. before placing the panels. The differential
scenario, 300 pounds was added to the struc- Again, the reason is that the ridge member strain between preload and maximum load
ture while the steel weight was increased by is stiffer compared to the valley rafter and for the cable is (0.5 x 90)/(20 x 10 6) = 2.25
only 240 pounds in the second scenario. attracts a greater share of the total load. x 10-6 and for the edge member it is 21.7/
However, the beam depth increased from 10 Most engineers would increase the ridge (29 x 106) = .75x10-6. This means that the
inches to 14 inches. The 14-inch deep beam member size, usually its depth, because strain in the cable under full load is 3 times
was chosen because the moment of inertia this is more effective in resisting moments. greater than the allowable strain in the edge
and stiffness increases significantly without However, what is needed is to modify its member, which would cause failure of the
a large increase in weight. If the depth could stiffness as well as its strength. As shown edge member. The solution was to rigidly
not be more than 10 inches, then the beam in the example above (Figures 2a and 2b), clamp the edge member of a panel to the
size would have had to become a W10 x 68. the increase in size, specifically the depth, cable at only one location and allow the
A third solution would have been to change increases the section modulus. At the other connections to slide. These additional
the boundary condition of the lower beam, same time, the moment of inertia is also connections were required to resist wind
i.e. restrain the rotation at the support. increased by a larger factor. Increased stiff- uplift. The detail for the sliding connection
So, where do these conditions occur in ness attracts even more load, resulting in consisted of a split pipe with a neoprene
practice? They are more widespread than larger moments. liner between the surface of the cable on
one may realize. Investigating the compatibility of stress the inside face of the pipe. The split pipe
A simple example is a wooden roof struc- and strain, an indicator of material stiffness was bolted on the cable using U bolts.
ture to form dormers, frequently used in and cross section, is essential when com- There are a few structural systems where defor-
residential buildings (Figure 3). The ridge bining sections of different stress capacities mations increase their capacity. In catenary
beam is linked to the valley rafters by the and or stress/strain behavior. An example systems, elastic deformations amplify the sag
sloped rafters. The roof sheathing is 2 x 6 is a cable roof clad with prefabricated and, thus, its load carrying capacity. Membrane
tongue and groove decking which provides roof panels (Figure 4). The roof panels are and cable structures often incorporate catenaries.
continued on next page
Figure 3. An example of load sharing members in a wood roof. Figure 4. Floating roof panels in a cable roof.
TOP FLANGE OF W 30 x 132
5. End detail a cover plate. Figure 6. Wooden scarf joint connections.
the magnitude of load transfer to match the Scarf splices in wood connections (Figure 6)
Connections capacity of the welds or match the welds use the same principal. By tapering the con-
The importance of exploring compatibil- to the stiffness of the cover plate. Here is nected section against each other, a smooth
ity in connections cannot be overstated. an example: load transfer is achieved without overstress-
However, detailed free-body analyses of A W30 x 132 beam has a moment of 665 ing the glue line. They are usually used to
load transfers in connections are often kip-feet resulting in a bending stress (fb) of
extend the length of a member. Failure in
ignored. 21 ksi. A -inch-thick cover plate is to be these connections usually originates at the
An example of connection compatibil- welded to the flange of the beam. The strain apex of the tapered joint. If the glue line
ity is the connection of a cover plate that resulting from the stress in the beam flange fails at this location, the joint peels apart.
reinforces a girder. The end connection of must become the same in the cover plate. The cause is an increase of stress in the
a cover plate to the flange of a girder is the The plate is welded to the flange with a remaining glue line.
critical area because the cover plate strain 3
8-inch fillet weld. The capacity of the weldAnother example of how the stiffness of a
has to catch up with the strain in the is 5.6 kips per inch. For welds on both sidescomponent in a connection affects its per-
girder flange. of the plate, the load that can be transferred
formance can be shown at a simply-bolted
The load is transferred from the top flange is F = 2 x 5.8 = 11.6 kips per inch. The splice of a wide flange beam. The force in
to the cover plate through welds. The welds locally increased area of the cover plate at one beam is transferred to another beam
provide a shear connection between the two this location should not exceed A = F/fb; by splice plates.
components. Thus, the shear capacity of A = 11. 6/ 21 = .552 square inches. The Plates on each side of the web, on the
the weld is critical for the integrity of the stress of the flange is used here because theoutside of the flanges, and on the under-
connection. Using a free body diagram and strain in the cover plate must match the side of the flanges are bolted together to
looking at the strain compatibility between one in the flange. The modulus of elastic- form the connection (Figure 7). The con-
the connected area of the cover plate and ity (E) is the same for the flange and the necting bolts are loaded in double shear.
the flange, the weld, as well as the shape cover plate. Thus, the differential increase The plates on the outside of the flanges
of the end of the cover plate, can be deter- of the -inch plate width over 1 inch is differ from those on the underside of the
mined. The flange is under load and, thus, .552/ 0.75 = .736. Both sides of the plate flange. The width of the outside plates can
has deformations. The cover plate needs to edges are tapered in plan. Thus, the taper isbe the full width of the flanges. The plates
adapt to this deformation for a safe load 2/.736 or 1: 0.368 or 1 inch: 38-inch (Figure
on the underside of each flange are placed
transfer. The limit of how much load can be 5). The magnitude of the total load that is on each side of the web to clear the web
transferred is defined by the capacity of the transferred depends on the width of the plate in
and fillet; thus, the combined width of these
welds that connect the plate to the flange. this example. As more and more load is trans-plates is less than that of the top plate. The
The local stiffness of the cover plate section ferred to the plate, the stress level in the beam
full capacity of a bolt in double shear can
dictates how much load is attracted. In the flange is reduced and, theoretically, the slope
only be realized if both bolt shear planes
design, one can tailor the shape of the end of the taper could be increased. A more practi-
are stressed to their maximum allowable
of the cover plate, thereby manipulating cal solution would be to reduce the weld size.
shear stress. This can only happen when
the strain of top flange plate is
A equal to that of the underside.
Consequently, the area of the top
plate must equal the sum of areas
of the under-the-flange plates.
The total width of the under-
the-flange plates is less than that
0.5A of the top plate due to the inter-
ference of the web and fillet. By
increasing the thickness of the
SIDE VIEW under-the-flange plates, the same
area of that of the top plate can
be obtained resulting in an equal
Figure 7. SteelBEAM SPLICE
beam splice. strain in the connection plates.
STRUCTURE magazine 22 June 2017
more economical and safer design. There
The Final Word are computer programs that analyze these
The stiffness distribution in a structural relationships and more that can incorpo-
system affects its force flow. By manipu- rate the non-linear behavior of materials.
lating its stiffness, the force and moment However, finite element analyses of connec-
HIGH STRENTH WIRE distribution can be rearranged. Components tions often still lead to unrealistic results,
in structures are rarely isolated, even though because these analyses do not reflect the
it is often assumed that they are. Looking plasticity of the materials.
MILD STEEL at the deformations and strain compat- The evaluation of strain compatibility
ibility between components, one may get in the design of pure elastic materials is
a better understanding of the force and essential. Without that, the possibility of
moment distributions that may result in a sequential or progressive failure is high.
All the above examples are based on materials
with pure elastic behavior. Elastic behavior
means that the stress/strain relationship is
linear. Most designs assume that the mate-
rials behave linearly, which allows one to
readily extrapolate the forces and stresses
of a structure or connection. It allows the
superposition of load effects. However, most
materials exhibit non-linear behavior in
higher stress ranges. Figure 8 shows the stress-
strain curve for steel, high strength wires, and
glass and ceramic materials. Note that mild
steel in the plastic range (yield range) deforms
Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS). The zines July 2015 issue.
difference between the segmented and perforated To facilitate the following design example, a free
shear wall design approach and an overview of non-printable PDF version of the 2015 SDPWS
various hold-down design methods is discussed. and 2015 WFCM is available from the AWC
solutions for the practicing Designers will likely find that the 2015 WFCM website for those who do not already have a copy
structural engineer contains time-saving features for calculation of of the standards.
loads and design of shear walls and other build-
ing systems and components within the scope of
the document. Wood Shear Wall
Design Example
2015 WFCM The following design assumptions are used for
The 2015 WFCM is referenced in both the 2015 development of a comparison of shear wall designs
International Residential Code (IRC) and the 2015 using the 2015 WFCM and 2015 SDPWS.
International Building Code (IBC). The WFCM Gypsum is assumed as interior shear wall sheath-
includes prescriptive and engineered design provi- ing, but the approach will show the difference
sions for wood wall, floor, and roof systems and when not including its capacity. Both the seg-
their connections. A range of structural elements mented shear wall (SSW) approach and perforated
shear wall (PSW) approach are
utilized and compared. Note
Wood Shear Wall Design Examples for Wind this is not a comprehensive
shear wall design. Issues such
as deflection, wind uplift, base
is covered, including sawn lumber, structural shear, and summing hold-downs from upper floors
Per 2015 WFCM and glued laminated timber, wood structural sheath- are not addressed.
2015 SDPWS ing, I-joists, and trusses. While the WFCM is
Summary of Design Assumptions
geared primarily to one- and two-family dwell-
By John Buddy Showalter, P.E. ings, IBC 2309 also allows the WFCM to be used 130 mph (700-yr, 3-second gust) Exposure B
for small commercial applications assigned to L=36 feet
Risk Categories I and II. As an example, a single- W=30 feet
story, slab-on-grade, light commercial structure 5/12 roof pitch
with building length and width less than 80 feet Top plate to ridge height = 6.25 feet
(i.e., restaurants, office buildings, etc.) could be 2-story
designed for lateral (wind or seismic) and gravity 8-foot wall height
loads per the WFCM. 6.75-foot door height
4-foot window height
John Buddy Showalter is Vice ASCE 7-10 Load Provisions
Wood Structural Panel (WSP) Exterior
President of Technology Transfer
Tabulated engineered and prescriptive design pro- Sheathing
for the American Wood Council
visions in WFCM Chapters 2 and 3, respectively, Vary interior walls with and without
and serves as a member of the
are based on the following loads from ASCE 7-10 -inch gypsum
STRUCTURE magazine Editorial
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Figure 1 provides an elevation view showing
Board. He may be reached at
Structures: window and door openings. Only first-floor shear
[email protected].
0 to 70 psf ground snow loads walls and hold-downs will be analyzed in this
110 to 195 mph 700-year return period example.
3-second gust basic wind speeds
2015 WFCM Prescriptive Segmented
Seismic Design Categories A D
Shear Wall
Additional information concerning changes to
2015 WFCM appeared in STRUCTURE maga- The 2015 WFCM Table 3.17A gives length
zines February 2015 issue. requirements for an SSW resisting wind loads. For
a 30-foot building wall length, W, the interpolated
value is 12.3 feet. Table 3.17A, Footnote 4, pro-
2015 SDPWS vides required sheathing length adjustments based
The 2015 SDPWS contains provisions for design on wall heights and top plate-to-ridge heights
of wood members, fasteners, and assemblies to other than what is assumed in the table which
resist wind and seismic forces and is referenced in is 10 feet for each. For this example, the adjust-
the 2015 IBC Chapter 23 on wood for the design ment is 0.68. Therefore, an SSW would require
of lateral force resisting systems. It contains many 8.4 feet of full-height wall segments. Figure 1
24 June 2017
Segmented Shear Wall
shows 4 feet of shear wall at each corner and shear capacity for which it is designed. The Without interior gypsum, the segmented
2.5 feet between the windows for a total of capacity shown in Table 3.17D is 336 plf method required 10.9 feet which is 30% of
13 feet, which is sufficient. Hold-downs are (gypsum is assumed to have 100 plf capacity full-height wall sheathing. So, the 1.72 factor
required at the ends of each segment and will for wind), and an adjustment factor of 1.3 is from WFCM Table 3.17E results in 18.7 feet
be designed later (Figure 2). tabulated which can be used to adjust sheath- required for the PSW. Either one of these
WFCM Table 3.17D facilitates variation ing length requirements that were calculated results is sufficient because there are 21 feet
of exterior and interior sheathing materials, from Table 3.17A earlier. That would then of full height wall sheathing. The 21 feet of
nail diameter and spacing, panel thickness, require 10.9 feet of sheathing length rather full-height sheathing is based on wall portions
and stud spacing. WFCM shear wall baseline than 8.4 feet. In this particular example, if that meet maximum aspect ratio limits.
assumptions are 716 wood structural panels interior gypsum is excluded, the 13 feet of As noted, a major benefit of the PSW
on studs at 16 inches on-center, 8d common full-height segments determined earlier is method is that, for examples such as this,
nails, 6-inch panel edge nail spacing, and sufficient. As noted, hold-downs are required hold-downs are only required at the corners.
12-inch panel field nail spacing (6 and 12). at the ends of each segment (Figure 2). By simply accounting for the benefit of a
Shear wall tables for wind also assume con- wall fully-sheathed with WSPs, which is fairly
2015 WFCM Prescriptive Perforated
tribution of half-inch unblocked interior common in most parts of the country, hold-
Shear Wall
gypsum. Note the allowable stress design downs can typically be eliminated around
(ASD) unit shear capacity of 436 plf for wind For the PSW approach, the entire wall is window and door openings (Figure 2).
and a maximum shear-wall-segment aspect sheathed on one or both sides with wood
2015 WFCM Prescriptive Hold-Down
ratio of 3.5:1. All shear wall capacities in Table structural panels. For wind design, interior
3.17D are derived from the 2015 SDPWS. gypsum can also be used additively with exte-
Table 3.17D, Footnote 2, requires block- rior wood structural panels. The contribution In the WFCM, overturning loads are dif-
ing of gypsum wallboard edges where the of sheathing above and below window open- ferentiated from uplift loads. Overturning
aspect ratio exceeds 1.5:1. SDPWS does not ings, and above the door opening, can also be moments result from lateral loads which are
contain aspect ratio limits for the case where included. Nail spacing requirements for WSPs resisted by shear walls. Uplift forces arise
exterior and interior sheathing materials are may be decreased (e.g. from 6 and 12 to 4 and solely from wind uplift on the roof and are
combined for wind resistance. SDPWS does 12). By increasing wall capacity, hold-downs transferred directly into walls supporting
state that unit shears can be combined. Prior can be eliminated around window and door roof framing. A conservative assumption of
practice within WFCM for aspect ratios has openings. This is a major benefit of the PSW WFCM tabulated hold-down capacities is
been to limit use of the combined materi- method. that ASD unit shear capacities for the refer-
als to the higher aspect ratio material. For WFCM Table 3.17E is used to determine ence shear wall are multiplied by wall height
example, WSP alone has a maximum aspect the PSW full height sheathing adjustment. to determine maximum hold-down capacity.
ratio of 3.5:1. Blocked gypsum wallboard There is a 6.8-foot door opening in the Therefore, the same hold-down capacity can
has a maximum aspect ratio of 2:1. WFCM middle of the wall, which will be used as the be calculated for both the SSW and PSW.
has permitted the use of combined resistance maximum, unrestrained opening height. Calculating the wind hold-down capacity in
resulting from WSP exterior sheathing and The full-height sheathing length required WFCM Table 3.17F is based on both wood
blocked GWB interior sheathing on walls for the SSW was 8.4 feet when includ- structural panels and gypsum, resulting in
with an aspect ratio up to 3.5:1. ing gypsum. The PSW length adjustment 3,488 pounds for this example. If gypsum
What if interior gypsum capacity is is based on the tabulated length of SSW is excluded, then the capacity is lower. Table
excluded from wind design? There may be required. So, 8.4 feet divided by the full 3.17F, Footnote 1, states that the tabulated
cases, such as unfinished garages, where there wall length is 23% of full-height sheath- hold-down capacity is divided by the sheath-
is no interior gypsum. Note also, if con- ing. Interpolation gives a factor of 1.86. ing type adjustment factor from Table 3.17D,
tractors dont install gypsum with assumed Multiplying by the length required for the which is 1.3 as determined earlier, so a 2,683-
nail spacings, it doesnt provide additional segmented method results in 15.6 feet. pound hold-down is required if excluding
gypsum. Note also that hold-down capacities Floor diaphragm load is 105 plf (after a wall comparison of shear wall requirements
are tabulated per story. Required hold-down height adjustment per Footnote 2). Add those for SSW versus PSW assuming gypsum
capacities need to be summed from the story up for 199 plf, multiply by building width, contribution.
above, but are not shown in this example for and divide by two because half the load goes
2015 WFCM Engineered Hold-Down
simplicity. to each shear wall. The result is 2,985 pounds
Another conservative assumption in at the top of the first-floor shear wall.
WFCM Prescriptive Design provisions The 2015 WFCM references 2015 SDPWS WFCM section 2.2.4 allows for offsetting
(Chapter 3) is that design dead load is only for shear wall capacities. However, as discussed hold-down capacity with up to 60% of design
used to offset uplift loads and not overturn- earlier, WFCM Table 3.17D tabulates 436 dead load. The same approach for determin-
ing loads. However, WFCM Engineered plf and 336 plf shear wall capacities for this ing hold-down capacities based on ASD unit
Design provisions (Chapter 2) allow for up example, with and without gypsum, respec- shear wall capacity is used for this example.
to 60% of design dead load to offset over- tively. Therefore, length requirements are: Therefore, hold-down capacities are as shown
turning. Of course, engineering judgment 2,985/436 = 6.8 feet (with blocked earlier for the prescriptive design approach.
is required to determine what portion of gypsum)
2015 SDPWS Segmented Shear Wall
design dead load is tributary to the hold- 2,985/336 = 8.9 feet (without gypsum)
down, which is a major reason for the Based on these results, the 4-foot segments at SSW design per the SDPWS is identi-
conservative approach. each building corner are sufficient if blocked cal to what was shown earlier under the
gypsum is included in the shear wall capacity WFCM Engineered approach. As noted, the
2015 WFCM Engineered Segmented
(Figure 3). This also shows that the WFCM WFCM references the SDPWS for shear wall
Shear Wall
engineering provisions provide more efficiency capacities.
Engineered requirements in WFCM Chapter in the design process than the prescriptive
2015 SDPWS Perforated Shear Wall
2 allow calculation of loads that are assumed design provisions.
in the prescriptive requirements of WFCM Figure 5 summarizes PSW calculations per
2015 WFCM Engineered Perforated
Chapter 3. WFCM Table 2.5B shows lateral SDPWS Equations 4.3-5 and 4.3-6. These
Shear Wall
loads on the roof and floor diaphragm. With equations provide more accuracy by allow-
a 5/12 roof pitch, a roof span of 30 feet and Figure 4 summarizes PSW calculations per ing the total sheathed area to be included
loads parallel to the ridge, interpolate 94 plf. SDPWS Table Figure 3 shows the in capacity calculations. Note that SDPWS
V = 2,985 lbs (blocked gyp)
Shear Capacity Adjustment Factor
hV== 2,985
lbs (blocked gyp)
2,985Vlbs (blocked gyp) gyp)
h = 8 Capacity Adjustment Factor
V =
2,985 =lbs (blocked
2,985 gyp)
lbs (blocked
L = 8
hi = 16 + 2[2(2.5)/8]2.5 = 19.1 Co = h= 1
8' h = 8'
C h == 8'
0.77 Co = 0.77
i ==
Ltot 36+ 2[2(2.5)/8]2.5 = 19.1
16 = 0.77
Li o=Co16 + 2[2(2.5)/8]2.5
Li = = 0.77
Co16 + 2[2(2.5)/8]2.5
Li = 16 + 2[2(2.5)/8]2.5
Ao =
Ltot =4(4)(2.5)
36 + (5)(6.67) = 73.4 ft2 Li =LLi19.1'
= 16 + 2[2(2.5)/8]2.5
= 16 + L = 2[2(2.5)/8]2.5
4(4)(2.5) + (5)(6.67) = 73.4 ft2 Li =
iL i 19.1'
= 19.1' i
T =L1,624
T = 1,624 lbs
r o==0.68
0.77 (based on total sheathed area) T=T i1,624
= lbs
Co = 0.77 (based
Comparison: SDPWS/WFCM Engineered
on total sheathed T=
(tabulated) Co = 0.59
area) V =lbs
1,840 lbs (w/o gyp) the design of perforated shear walls, the length of each
Comparison: SDPWS/WFCM Engineered (tabulated) CV
= = 1,840
V = lbs
1,840T lbs
= (w/o
(w/o gyp)
1,001 gyp)
perforated shear wall segment with an aspect ratio greater than 2:1
shallthe design by
be multiplied of 2b
/h for the purposes
the length
determining L and Lof each
shear walls,
walls, the
each i
perforated shear wall segment with an aspect ratio greater than 2:1
Note: Li per SDPWS adjustment = 2bs/h TT==T
1,001 lbs
1,840 lbs (w/o gyp)
shall be
segment with
2b for/h
with an aspect
aspect ratio
the purposes
of determining
of determining
s determining LLand
L and L
and L L i i i ii i the design of perforated shear walls, the length of each
Note: Li per SDPWS adjustment = 2bs/h perforated shear wall segment with an aspect ratio greater than 2:1
Figure 5. Calculation summary of PSW shear capacity adjustment factor per 1,001 lbs
Figure 6. Summary of perforatedshall
shear wall calculations
be multiplied of hold-down
by 2bs/h for the capacity Li and Li
purposes of determining
2015 SDPWS Equations 4.3-5 and 4.3-6. per 2015 SDPWS.
DEICON provides the most effective
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E i g h t h Editio n
investigating failures, along
with their consequences
and resolutions
Failure caused by compacted snow pile, Secaucus, NJ.
tructural engineering always has been a Saturday, 01/24/15, Secaucus, NJ
conservative profession. This is particu-
larly evident in the structural building A 3-level garage with 600 parking spaces serves the
codes and standards. These regulations Harmon Plaza office tower, the Clarion Empire
are intended to protect the public from defi- Meadowlands Hotel, and the Osprey Cove apart-
ciencies in design and construction. For the ments. A Bobcat utility vehicle was plowing the
most part, they are effective. Why then do so top deck of the garage following a snowfall of 4
many parking garages collapse? inches or less. The weight of the Bobcat was not
In 2015, at least six parking garages partially a problem, nor was the weight of
collapsed in the United States. More collapsed the accumulated snow. However,
in 2016. Some failures might be due to deficient
design or construction, or to inadequate main-
compacted snow weighs about 20
pcf, and 30 pcf or more if wet.
Failure of Imagination
tenance, but most are due to excessive loading. The snow had been pushed into
For decades, the codes and standards have a compacted pile. At 7:00 am, with the pile more
stipulated that parking garages be designed for than 4 feet high, the top deck of the garage col-
a minimum live load of 50 psf. This is more lapsed under the combined weight of the snow
than adequate for sedans, SUVs, and half-ton pile and the Bobcat. The resulting opening swal- By Stan Caldwell, P.E., SECB
pickup trucks. The average vehicle in the United lowed the Bobcat and one vehicle parked below
States today weighs 4,009 pounds and can safely was crushed. No one was injured except the
be parked in any code-compliant garage. With Bobcat driver, who had a mild concussion. On
the margin of safety inherent in the codes and weekdays, the garage would have been filled with
standards, failure becomes imminent only when vehicles and people.
actual live loads approach twice the minimum.
Friday, 05/01/15, Washington, D.C.
Some parking garages post maximum vehicle
weights at their entrances. More commonly, the A 3-level garage serves the iconic Watergate
entrances limit vehicle height (thus, vehicle size/ mixed-use complex. Now more than 50 years
weight) with clearance bars typically set at 7 feet old, the complex was undergoing a comprehen- Stan R. Caldwell
or less. Here are four examples where parking sive restoration. A landscaping contractor placed ( is
garages collapsed due to excessive loading. soil and debris on the top deck of the parking a consulting structural engineer in
Plano, Texas. He can be reached at
[email protected].
STRUCTURE magazine 29
contacted structural engineers for approval
before the placement of any soil or debris,
even temporarily, on the top decks of the
garages. In Houston, an above-grade security
fence or rail at the perimeter of the under-
ground garage footprint would have kept
heavy trucks off of the top deck.
Imagination is a difficult thing. The build-
ing codes and standards will never adequately
address that which is unforeseen. This shifts
Pancake failure, Dallas, TX. the burden to structural engineers, and
simply designing for large imaginary loads
garage. Soil weighs about 75 pcf if dry, and eventually failed under the weight of the is clearly not the answer. Perhaps structural
up to 125 pcf if wet. Thus, only one foot of rear wheels. Fortunately, no one was injured. engineers should consider changing their
soil might cause failure. approach to future parking garage projects.
At 10:00 am, the top deck of the garage col- In conclusion, the following describes two
lapsed beneath the soil and debris. Everything
Failure of Imagination imaginative suggestions.
on the two levels below was crushed in a pan- In the wake of the terrorism that jolted the First, to reduce the likelihood of overload,
cake failure. Two people were injured, one United States on the morning of September structural engineers should seek buy-in
critically, and about 35 vehicles were destroyed. 11, 2001, some smart person declared that from the owners of parking garages regard-
the attacks succeeded in part because of a ing loading limitations. Most manufactured
Friday, 10/23/15, Dallas, TX
failure of imagination by multiple American products come with a manual that clearly
A 7-level garage with 800 parking spaces serves security agencies. No one imagined that a defines intended use and a statement that the
the upscale Renaissance on Turtle Creek con- zealous group of young men would simulta- manufacturer is not liable when their product
dominiums. The pool and amenities deck at neously hijack four airliners full of fuel and is used in other ways. Parking garage designers
the top of the garage were being renovated, fly them into predetermined targets using should consider a similar approach.
and the contractor piled soil and miscellaneous nothing more than box cutters, which were There is a precedent for this. In areas with
debris at the toe of a ramp near one corner of entirely legal to carry on flights at that time. expansive clay soils, prudent structural engi-
the top deck of the garage. A video taken just The parking garage collapses described in this neers require building owners to sign off on
a few hours before the collapse shows that the article are not directly related to any known the acceptable differential movement of slabs
pile was about 3 feet high and was covered design, construction, or maintenance defi- on grade. A structural engineer could write a
with plastic sheeting. ciencies. Nevertheless, with hindsight, all project-specific loading statement for a park-
During a rainstorm, water flowed down were preventable. In each instance, it could ing garage and require the owner to sign a
the ramp and partially saturated the pile. be argued that there was a failure of imagi- brief document indicating that he or she has
At 5:00 pm, the top deck of the garage col- nation. That is, a failure by parking garage read, understands, and accepts the loading
lapsed beneath the pile. Everything on the six designers and owners to imagine the utter limitations for that garage.
levels below was crushed in a pancake failure. lack of common sense among some of those Second, to limit the damage of a collapse,
Amazingly, no one was injured. Numerous working in and around the garages. structural engineers should design parking
vehicles were destroyed, and about 250 In Secaucus, the garage probably did not need garages to avoid progressive collapse or pan-
vehicles and their contents remained inac- to be plowed. The light snow likely would have cake failure. This is particularly important
cessible to their owners for 58 days. The melted within a day or two. If snow removal at the level immediately below the top deck.
garage remained closed for several months was necessary, it should have been done in a While not easily or inexpensively accom-
until reconstruction was completed. manner that avoided creating compacted piles. plished, this is doable and would substantially
In Washington and Dallas, the owners and limit any damage caused by an overload at
Friday, 04/22/16, Houston, TX
the landscaping contractors should have the top level.
An underground garage with an at-grade top
deck serves adjacent office buildings on Town
& Country Boulevard in Houston. The garage
had been flooded during a period of record
rainfall. A tanker truck was summoned to the
site to pump out the water. The entrance to
the top deck was blocked by a clearance bar
proclaiming MAXIMUM WEIGHT 4,000
LBS, so the truck driver backed his tanker
over the curb and onto the deck a few feet to
the right of the entrance.
The tanker has a capacity of 5,800 gallons.
That amounts to 48,400 pounds of water,
not including the weight of the truck. As
the tanker filled with water, the top deck Deck failure, Houston, TX.
Its well known that steel joists, with their impressive Upcoming Webinars September
he Sichuan Airlines Center (SAC) Tower occupies
a prominent site in the city center of Chengdu and
has become a glittering symbol of the citys urban
transformation. The distinctive 650-foot tall (200
meter) tower is a recognizable city landmark, occupying a
pivotal location on the Chengdu skyline. The Tower form
is a natural reconciliation of geometry, structure, and space
made possible through a systematic approach to its construc-
tion. The towers design is focused on the creation of flexible,
high-quality office spaces and a thoughtful engagement of the
public realm, inviting the life of the street into the site. The
unique form of the tower folds open vertically, responding
to the local climate, capturing light and views for occupants.
As the tower rises, its shape is organically transformed in
response to the changing relationship of the interior spaces to
their elevation; each floor slab changes slightly in shape from
the one below at a consistent rate. The perimeter columns
follow the buildings changing shape, shifting slightly from
one level to the next. To achieve this unique building form,
surfaces of the tower skin gently twist as the building rises.
This subtle movement is achieved by precisely bending each
glazing panel onto the building using adjustable exterior wall
anchors. Overall, the result is a single, continuous form that
accommodates both the required footprint and setbacks,
while extending the southeast corner of the building as a
large gentle arc, visually unifying the buildings relationship
with the corner of the site and the surrounding civic space.
continued on next page
wall, the quality of the interior office space is often left lacking. DN
vertically through the space. Since the exterior wall changes dra-
matically from the base of the building to the roof, the column
P9 P10 P11 P12
The Sichuan Airlines Center tower is an example of transforma-
tive urban architecture, quality office space, integrated
design, and seismic safety. Its construction in a rapidly
evolving Chengdu city skyline will provide a quality
precedent for future construction in Sichuan Province.
The site unifies the buildings relationship with the corner of the site and the
surrounding civic space. Mark Sarkisian, S.E., is the Structural and Seismic Engineering
Partner of the San Francisco office of SOM. He can be reached
The Chinese regulations require buildings that exceed code pro- at [email protected].
visions to undergo expert panel reviews (EPR). The level of
review depends on a buildings code-exceeding characteristics such Neville Mathias, S.E., is an Associate Director at the San Francisco
as structural height, the uniqueness of the lateral force resisting office of SOM and can be reached at [email protected].
system, building complexity, inherent torsion, etc. Due particularly David Shook, P.E., is an Associate Director and Structural
to the height of the building, which exceeded code limits for the Engineer at the San Francisco office of SOM. He can be reached
structure type, a regional level EPR was required, as opposed to at [email protected].
a more stringent national level EPR. The regional EPR process is
An NCEES Record makes it
fast, easy, and convenient to
apply for additional P.E.
licenses in other states.
Alexander Zuendt, P.E.
Zuendt Engineering
Record holder since 2011
pal Sands Resort is a new 17-story plus, 380,000-square- 3) Design a heavy concrete building on a site overlaid with loose
foot premier hotel located directly on the Gulf of Mexico beach sands.
in Clearwater Beach, Florida. The recipient of the 2016 4) Eliminate a critical transfer beam over the lobby during construc-
ENR Southeast Regional Best Project Award, the Opal tion and after many of the upper floors had been constructed.
Sands Resort was born from the vision of the owner/developer,
Ocean Properties, LTD (OPL). The owner desired a new flag-
ship hotel to add to their portfolio of international resort hotels.
The Building
Soon enough, that vision became a reality because of the innova- The Opal Sands Resort consists of 12 floors of hotel rooms, each
tive work by project architect, Nichols Brosch Wurst Wolfe & of which has a magnificent view of the Gulf of Mexico. The hotel
Associates, Inc. of Coral Gables, Florida, and their team of con- rooms sit above a spacious lobby, restaurant, numerous meeting
sulting engineers, including the structural engineers, McCarthy room floors, and two levels of parking. At the lobby level, on the
and Associates, a Division of Pennoni, and the general contractor, west waterfront side of the main tower, is a plaza deck with swim-
Moss & Associates LLC. ming pools, volleyball courts, and tiki hut bars. A large portion
of that deck is cantilevered out over the water. A sand ramp was
constructed, in cooperation with the City of Clearwater, to allow
The Challenges for visitors to easily access the beach from the deck above. On
From the beginning, the apparent structural design challenges were the east side of the main tower is another expansive space that
numerous: contains a large ballroom, meeting rooms, and escalators from
1) Design a 17-story curvilinear building, with a coastal exposure, the main entrance up to the lobby level. Valet parking for guests
to resist Floridas high hurricane wind loads. is required because the hotel takes up the entire site and access to
2) Design a building located in multiple flood zones includ- the parking levels is only available from a ramp on the street side
ing two different FEMA V-zones, the Pinellas Gulf Beaches and two large vehicle elevators. Considering the sheer size of the
Coastal Construction Zone, and the Florida Department of building, along with its ideal location and innovative design, it
Environmental Protection (DEP) Coastal Construction Control comes as no surprise that the hotel was an instant success upon
Line (CCCL). opening in February 2016.
Beach Hotel
the main tower where wind accelera-
tions are likely to affect pedestrians
adversely. Screen walls, landscaping,
and other types of buffers were then
incorporated into the building design
to mitigate this concern.
The initial building design included
multiple shear walls to resist power-
By E. Michael McCarthy, P.E., M.ASCE ful coastal winds but, as the design
progressed, many of those walls were
future replacement of the equipment. The exterior walls of the build- reduced or eliminated to accommodate interior space planning. It
ing are a combination of glazing, in-fill masonry, and concrete shear soon became apparent that the remaining shear walls were no longer
walls. The size and configuration of the building dictated the need adequate. The 3D RAM analysis/design model was changed to supple-
for expansion joints. The most logical location was between the main ment the shear walls with the natural stiffness of the columns and slab
tower and lower building components on both the east and west sides. framing to develop shear wall/frame interaction. While this solution
The building foundations were designed in accordance with a geotech- solved the lateral bracing problem, the reinforcing steel and shear head
nical report prepared by the project geotechnical engineers, Driggers reinforcing in the slabs and columns had to be increased to account
Engineering Services, Inc. (DESI). DESI conducted a series of deep for the additional bending moment transfer at each column-to-slab
borings and discovered that the site is underlaid with mostly sandy intersection. The model did not indicate excessive diaphragm shear
soils of varying densities down to lime rock deep underground. Based force transfer at the upper level(s) of the building at the interaction
on those findings and point of the flexural deflection of the shear walls as they tried to
the column and wall exceed the lateral shear distortion of the frame. All wind pressures
loads provided by were input into the RAM 3D model as load cases in the overall design
McCarthy, DESI rec- of the building.
ommended reinforced
concrete drilled shafts
or caissons for build-
Flood Design
ing support. The The 2010 FBC incorporates by reference ASCE 24-05 Flood Resistant
drilled shafts varied Design and Construction which was used in conjunction with the
in diameter from 2 national, state, and local flood regulations in the design of the Opal
feet to 5 feet and were Sands Resort. These included two different FEMA V-zones, Pinellas
drilled into the rock Gulf Beaches Coastal Construction Code, and the Florida DEP
about 70 feet below CCCL. The lowest horizontal beam supporting the first elevated and
the ground surface. occupied floor of the building was required to be either at or above
Opal Sands with Sand Key Bridge in the background. Before construction, the design flood elevation (DFE), derived from the FEMA maps
screw anchor
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slender, high-rise pyramid is the architectural principle behind the
53W53 project, also known as the MoMA Tower or Torre Verre.
The 1,050-foot tall high-rise is now under construction and, upon
topping out in 2018, it will house 728,000 square feet of ultra-luxury
residential condominium apartments. The complex includes amenities such as
a 65-foot long lap pool, wellness center, wine vaults, and a private lounge with
Manhattan skyline views, as well as 65,000 square feet of additional gallery space
for the Museum of Modern Art.
The 53W53 project was conceived by Developer Hines and designed by Jean
Nouvel. WSP USA serves as both the structural engineer of record and the
provider of engineering of building services. The construction manager of this
expansive project is Lend Lease. The 53W53 tower is located in the heart of
Midtown Manhattan, occupying a 17,000-square-foot midblock lot between
Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue, with access from both 53rd Street and 54th Street.
Project Description
The 53W53 site neighbors the New York City Museum of Modern Art to the
west and the 1330 Avenue of the Americas building to the east. The project
comprises two levels below grade and 82 floors above street level. The 53W53
tower will rise to a total height of 1,050 feet when complete, including addi-
tional architectural elements. The site is approximately a rectangle, measuring
195 feet between 53rd and 54th streets and 87 feet in the East-West direction,
which results in a tower with a slenderness ratio of 1:12.
Early in 2007, developers Hines, Goldman Sachs, and Pontiac Land Group
carried out a comprehensive floor-area ratio analysis which showed that only
by combining the air rights of its three neighbors was the 53W53 project
able to reach the intended height envisioned by Pritzker Prize-winner, French
architect Jean Nouvel, who is the head of Atelier Jean Nouvel and serves as the
Design Architect. Also participating in the project are Adamson Associates
Architects of Toronto as the Architect of Record, SLCE Architects, and The
Office of Thierry W. Despont serving as the architects for interior design.
Panoramic 3D rendering of the 53W53 Project.
Courtesy of Hines.
STRUCTURE magazine
Architect Jean Nouvels concept for 53W53 a super-slender tower of
pyramidal form with northern and southern faades gradually sloping
away at two distinct angles from 54th and 53rd streets, respectively is
founded on the aesthetics of exposed elements arranged in an asym-
metric, almost random pattern on all faades of the building. Given
the number of inclined members forming an unorthodox lattice, these
patterns have been termed diagrids. The structural solution envisioned
by WSP USA smoothly merged with the architectural intent by using
the elements of the diagrid as a continuous system, providing sup-
port not only for the building envelope but also adequate in terms
of stability and strength for the entire structure.
of Modern Art, shear walls and interior columns were relocated to mass was increased towards the top of the building by using a slab
the periphery, allowing for a highly flexible floor layout. Steel trusses thickness of 20 inches at the 73rd, 74th, and 76th floors. Second,
over these large, unsupported spans were used to pick up the loads a 650-ton Tuned Mass Damper was placed at the double-height
delivered by the few interior columns and to transfer them to the space between the 74th and 76th floors.
east shear wall core.
Another structural engineering challenge was the need to span over
the existing ConEdison emergency generator servicing the Museum
Integrated Buildings SMEP Design
of Modern Art, which required a 24-foot long overhang cantilevered WSP USA provided not only the services for structural design, but was also
from the towers northeast corner. The overhang was integrally con- responsible for the engineering of building services including mechanical,
nected to the exposed members of the diagrid. electrical, plumbing, fire protection, telecommunications, and others. This
The required lateral stiffness and strength of the tower was accom- allowed for a very close and effective collaboration among the design and
plished by placing outrigger walls, effectively connecting the central construction teams and good interaction between engineering disciplines.
shear wall core to the exterior diagrid system at Levels 35, 36, and 37,
which created the effect of a belt floor approximately at mid-height
of the structure. These outrigger walls were added to the structure
Construction Progress
with negligible impact to the marketing plan, as these floors housed Foundation construction was completed at the end of 2015. At the
the mechanical rooms required to handle the distribution of the time of this publication, the superstructure work has reached the
building services at that elevation. 40th floor, which is approximately 500 feet above street level. As the
As the many faade planes converge at different locations and elevations tower tapers and reduces its footprint towards the top, construction
of the building, small pyramids or apexes were created. To minimize progress is expected to be a 4- or 5-day cycle per floor, standard in
the impact of these volumes on interior spaces and to facilitate their New York Citys construction environment. The project
construction, it was determined that the five clearly delineated vertices is scheduled to top out in the summer of 2018. The
of the building be constructed of steel framing. This solution allowed installation of curtain wall began in 2016 and will be
for the possibility of prefabricating portions of the frames to be erected completed by the beginning of 2019.
after the surrounding concrete structure had been cast.
Silvian Marcus, P.E, F.ASCE, is Director of Building Structures
at WSP USA, Principal in Charge of the project.
Wind Tunnel Testing and
Gustavo J. Oliveira, P.E., is Vice President of Building Structures
Structural Analytical Modeling at WSP USA, Project Director.
This intricate structure required complex analyses including full
Fatih Yalniz, P.E., is Structural Analysis Manager and Vice
three-dimensional sequential construction analysis, with con-
President of Building Structures at WSP USA.
sideration to time-dependent changes in material properties
and loading demands, which were used to estimate the required Nicholas Chack, P.E., is Project Manager of Building Structures
elevation and position compensations to be implemented during at WSP USA.
Additional Credits
In addition to analytical models, a series of comprehensive aero-
dynamic tests to accurately determine the wind pressures and Ahmad Rahimian, Ph.D., P.E, S.E, F.ASCE, is Director of
wind-induced vibrations were performed by RWDI Consulting Building Structures at WSP USA.
Engineers. A two-prong approach was necessary to achieve the
Gerardo Aguilar, Ph.D., is Technical Manager of Building
industry-recommended comfort level for human occupancy in
Structures at WSP USA.
terms of vibration and acceleration due to wind. First, the structural
, Trus Joist and Parallam PSL are registered trademarks of Weyerhaeuser NR. 2016 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved.
Salesforce Tower
hen completed in 2017, Salesforce By Ron Klemencic, P.E., S.E., Hon. AIA,
Tower will be the tallest building in Michael T. Valley, P.E., S.E., and
San Francisco at a height of 1,070 feet John D. Hooper, P.E., S.E.
(901 feet to the top occupied floor).
This super-tall building advances the state-of-the-art
of high-rise seismic design through implementation
of a number of first-ever design and analysis methods
that push limits and set new industry benchmarks. The
structural innovations required to create this record-set-
ting, city-defining tower address enhanced performance
objectives, foundation challenges, and interactions with
adjacent buildings issues applicable both to this build-
ing and future tall buildings in areas of high seismicity.
Commons in Tall
he tallest contemporary wood building in the world was The key goals of the project were to create a safe, functional, sustain-
recently constructed at the University of British Columbia able, and cost-effective residence for UBC students. Delivering a mass
(UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. Brock Commons is an timber building with a construction cost that aligned with the unit
18-story student residence that is a mass timber hybrid and cost of a comparable traditional concrete tower in Vancouver was an
measures a record 174 feet (53 meters). Fast + Epp are the structural important goal, demonstrating the viability of wood as a practical
engineers, working in conjunction with Acton Ostry Architects and material for tall building applications.
Hermann Kaufmann Architekten. (The Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong An integrated design team was assembled by the University to facili-
Temple built in China in 1056 stands 220.83 feet (67.31 meters) and tate this effort. The construction manager was appointed, and the
is the tallest wood building in the world.) timber installer and concrete trades joined the team in a design-assist
role, providing real-time feedback on the evolving structural design
Project Background and offering valuable constructability advice.
The structure is comprised of 17 stories of five-ply cross-laminated
UBC is experiencing an increase in demand for student housing and timber (CLT) floor panels, a concrete transfer slab on the second
has a sustainability commitment to a campus that acts as a Living floor, and a steel framed roof. The CLT panels are point supported on
Laboratory where innovation is encouraged, not only in academia glulam columns on a 9.35- x 13.1-foot (2.85m x 4.0m) grid. Beams
but also in building and infrastructure. By pairing this drive with were eliminated from the design by utilizing CLTs two-way span-
the potential for external funding related to mass timber research, ning capabilities. Two full-height concrete cores provide the lateral
the project was born. stability for the structure.
Figure 5. Braced columns. Courtesy of Seagate Figure 6. CLT panel installation. Courtesy of Figure 7. Perimeter envelope installation. Courtesy of
Structures and Pollux Chung. Seagate Structures and Pollux Chung. Naturally: Wood and Steven Errico.
y re-examining standards long taken for granted by develop- floor and all basement diaphragms were modeled with shell elements,
ers, 350 Mission received LEED Platinum certification and as the ramp and basement levels are sloped in a corkscrew basement.
is reinventing a ubiquitous building type. The form, struc-
ture, and systems of this Class-A office tower are generated
by rigorous goals of environmental performance, social engagement,
Long-Span Flat Plate Slab Design
and material efficiency. A flat plate solution using conventional practices would need to be
The 30-story volume embodies the higher workforce densities and at least 14 inches thick, with very high quantities of post-tension-
flexible space planning of 21st-century offices, thanks to floor plates ing and reinforcement. To reduce the slab thickness to 11 inches
that span nearly 45 feet between core and perimeter. 350 Mission and post-tensioning quantities to levels commonly associated with
achieves a new paradigm for office tower structures by utilizing 30-foot residential spans, a cambered solution was proposed in
post-tensioned long-span flat concrete slabs, a method traditionally tandem with the post-tensioning system. The primary purpose of
reserved for residential construction. The innovative structure lifts the post-tensioning system is to counteract a large portion of the
the first office floor to create a transparent 50-foot-tall by 43-foot slab self-weight while mitigating flexural cracking. Due to the mag-
-deep lobby, dubbed the urban living room. Energized by a 70- by nitude of the span and modest post-tensioning, elastic and inelastic
40-foot LED screen, the generous public space has 90 linear feet of creep deflection of the slab, up to 2.5 inches, was anticipated. This
glass panels that slide open to the sidewalk and blur the threshold would not be acceptable for non-structural components such as
between public and private realms. partitions and could be visually perceivable in an exposed ceiling
condition. Thus, a digitally mapped camber plan and camber values
for individual shoring posts were developed with the collaboration of
Performance-Based Seismic Design the concrete contractor. Changes in camber slope were also coordi-
Dual seismic force resisting systems are required by ASCE 7 for nated with the concrete contractor, Webcor Concrete, to ensure the
buildings over 240 feet unless appropriate justification is provided. specified geometry could be achieved without significant changes
Administration Bulletin 82 and 83 of the San Francisco Building Code in labor. The direct collaboration of the structural design team with
prescribe the design and peer review process needed to demonstrate all concrete field superintendents, including those responsible for
code-equivalence of the core-only seismic force resisting system. This shoring, forming, placement, and finishing, were vital.
performance-based seismic design approach permits the core-only Conventional 5,000 psi concrete was utilized along with A615
seismic force resisting system and avoids traditional dual systems Gr. 60 reinforcement for both the post-tensioned floor slabs and in
which often include costly moment frames. non-cambered, mild-reinforced below-grade slabs. Average compres-
The latest advances in nonlinear time history analysis, seismic design sive strength determined in cylinder testing from the below-grade
methods, and reinforcement detailing were incorporated into this slabs was to be 7,200 psi. The high strength was due to contractor
project, drawing upon the knowledge and experience of the city- requirements for early strength to tension tendons to keep the project
appointed seismic design review panel. All gravity framing members on schedule. Thus, the camber of above-grade decks was adjusted
and their associated effects on building performance, including P-delta using this more accurate concrete strength.
effects and nonlinear behavior, were modeled. Due to the potential Two comprehensive analytical investigations were conducted in
interaction of the slabs on the gravity columns and their cumulative parallel using separate software packages to ensure both strength
effect on the tall lobby condition, this was vital. Additionally, ground and serviceability were satisfied. The primary software used for
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analysis was SAFE by Computers and Structures, Inc., while a 60, and 90 days afterward. The tracking of deflections was determined
checking analysis model was built in ADAPT Floor by ADAPT to be very close to analysis model predictions, which incorporated a
Inc. Both analysis tools calculated cracked section properties novel iterative cracked section analysis procedure recommended by
based on actual rebar placement for increased accuracy. With the ACI 435 committee and creep and shrinkage methods recom-
the incorporation of camber, post-tensioning material quantities mended by the ACI 209 committee. This design, with contractor
were competitive with shorted 30-foot spans often encountered collaboration, has set a new standard in office buildings and created
in high-rise residential towers. a new efficient architecture which gives further enhancement to
For calculation of long-term deflection, methods recommended core-only tall buildings.
by ACI Committee 435 in ACI 435R-95, Control of Deflection in An important feature of the concrete framing design is a dramatic
Concrete Structures, were utilized. As noted in the ACI 435 docu- 30-foot corner cantilever achieved with a 25-inch deep post-tensioned
ment, methods recommended by Graham and Scanion (1986) are upturned beam. The upturn is concealed in a raised floor system which
appropriate where stiff lateral systems such as shear walls are utilized. permitted underfloor mechanical air circulation, electrical conduits,
The concrete modulus of rupture is lowered from 7.5fc to 4fc and plumbing lines. Thus, the underside of the slab is kept free of
for calculation of cracked section properties. Also, the computed these visual hindrances. The corner post-tensioned beam has a unique
deflections using cracked section properties are amplified by a factor tendon profile that differs from conventional post-tensioned layouts.
of 3.5 to determine the total long-term deflection. Instead of starting high at the support and draping linearly to mid-
While both analysis models could amplify ACI 435 recommend depth at the cantilever tip, it has a slight parabolic drape between the
values of cracked section deflections, SAFE was found to be more two ends. This was incorporated to avoid sagging at the cantilever
accurate with its age-adjusted modulus of elasticity method which mid-span which can occur in very long cantilever conditions.
accounts for long-term creep and shrinkage based on methods sug- In elevation, the tower superstructure appears as 11-inch plates. The
gested by ACI 209. depth of similarly performing steel or waffle-slab construction would
Although recommendations of ACI 318 for the modulus of rupture measure nearly 3 feet. If the concrete slabs remain exposed overhead,
(7.5fc) and long-term deflection multipliers (3.0) are appropriate then the typical office floor will reach over 11 feet high, a dramatic
when compared to laboratory testing, they do not account for critical increase from the 9-foot heights traditionally associated with Class-A
construction effects such as early shrinkage cracking due to restraint office buildings. Using ultra-thin concrete instead of steel maximizes
and early loading of the concrete when shoring is removed. It is highly perimeter glass, achieves more daylight, and supports energy efficient
recommended that appropriate provisions be made in ACI 318 to give HVAC systems.
guidance to structural engineers designing concrete gravity framing
which more appropriately addresses these important issues, and that
practicing engineers consider this during design.
Innovative Multi-Story Construction Methods
Slabs are engineered to be flat and to deflect no more than inch Construction methodologies were coordinated among the concrete,
between the core and perimeter 90 days after casting when raised rebar, post-tensioning crews, and the place and finish crews. Handset
flooring is to be installed. The -inch deflection limit is important Pro-Shore formwork was used to achieve non-traditional camber
as that is the maximum deflection a standard partition slip track can profiles and reduce the floor-to-floor cycle from 7 to 5 days. The
accommodate. Slab elevations were surveyed at casting, as well as 30, design team met with the crew superintendents to ensure a full
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New Products and Services Keep Pace with Construction Changes for Tall Buildings
By Larry Kahaner
ompanies involved in tall building construction are seeing everyone on the project team can now be fully aware of project
increased growth thanks to advances in ground improve- performance. In some cases, data can be obtained and plotted within
ment, software, and materials. minutes or even seconds of collection. Although there is an added cost
At Hayward Baker (, Director to provide these cutting edge services, the added value outweighs its
Jeff Hill has seen two significant changes in the specialty geotechnical cost through the use of more efficient designs and quicker evaluation
construction industry. The first would be the wide-spread acceptance of the projects geotechnical risk. Real-time monitoring can be so
of ground improvement as a foundation solution. The second is an effective at mitigating or managing risks that projects once deemed
increased use of geotechnical instrumentation to streamline design un-constructible, or too risky for the owner, may now become viable.
and allow for real-time subsurface risk mitigation for the owner and (See ad on page 58.)
project team alike. StructurePoint (, formerly the Engineering
Hill adds a warning, though: From coast to coast in North America, Software Group of the Portland Cement Association (PCA), continues
ground improvement has allowed the use of economic spread footing to develop and enhance the full range of advanced PCA software and
foundation solutions. Industry experience and satisfactory building engineering services to model, analyze, and design reinforced con-
performance have increased the willingness of engineers and owners crete structures, according to Tim Schulz, the companys Marketing
to consider its use further. Perhaps to a fault, however, the acceptance Coordinator. Our newly released spColumn v5.50 program features a
of these techniques has become so widespread that one might argue dynamic spSection module to create and modify irregular sections, and
many ground improvement projects would be better suited as tra- a 3D failure surface viewer to investigate biaxial runs more thoroughly.
ditional pile supported projects. More bluntly stated, inexperienced Additionally, our spMats program now utilizes a sophisticated FEM
contractors are installing ground improvement on projects that should solver to expedite solution of large-scale, complex models. Equipped
be supported on deep foundations. Of course, deep foundations have with the latest American (ACI 318-14) and Canadian (CSA A23.3-
been around for centuries and are required where certain unsuitable 14) concrete codes, StructurePoint software assists engineers to work
soils, larger structure design loads, and allowable settlement criteria quickly, simply, and accurately.
dictate a structural solution instead of ground improvement. Ground He says that now, more than ever, engineers are asked to meet the
improvement is a terrific tool for SEs to use; however, we must all rising demand for new construction as infrastructure spending trends
understand the limitations. Each projects soil and loading conditions positively. Clients not only use our continuously developing soft-
dictate the use of the correct technique. ware, but they benefit from our engineers experience in the concrete
Hayward Baker has recently acquired Geo-Instruments of industry to relieve heavy workloads, augment their staff, and advise
Narragansett, Rhode Island, which allows HB to add robust geo- on all of their concrete project needs, says Schulz, who encourages
technical instrumentation and real-time monitoring services to their engineers to visit their website. Our websites improved layout show-
offerings. Says Hill: Over the past decade, geotechnical instrumen- cases design examples which aim to expedite the learning process for
tation and monitoring systems have advanced to the point where engineers who are new to reinforced concrete design. For experienced
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unching shear behavior is a topic that has slabs with shear reinforcement recently tested by
attracted much attention from engineers the authors and presenting a failure due to crush-
in the last decades because of several col- ing of concrete struts (Figure 2). The origin of this
lapses caused by punching shear failures. delamination can be explained by the tangential
c Equation 1
new trends, new techniques r
that aim, several transverse reinforcement systems
and current industry issues may be used, not only to increase the punching Where is the rotation of the slab, r the radial
shear resistance but also to significantly increase distance from the center of the column, and c
the deformation capacity and the residual strength the height of the compression zone. For large
after a local failure. If usual detailing rules are ful- rotations, tangential strains in the vicinity of the
filled, the design of slabs with shear reinforcement column may largely exceed the peak uniaxial
is governed by one of the following three poten- strain of concrete (more than 0.5% in many
tial failure modes: 1) crushing of the concrete cases). The concrete cover, which is not confined
struts in the column vicinity (maximum shear by any reinforcement, enters a softening stage and
strength, see Figure 1a); 2) punching within the a strain localization (horizontal cracking) occurs
shear reinforcement (governing the dimensioning at the level of the compression reinforcement.
of the transverse reinforcement, Figure 1b); and This effect becomes more pronounced for large
3) punching outside the shear-reinforced region rotations, which are normally observed in slender
(governing the dimensioning of the slabs with shear reinforcement. The delamina-
size of the zone with shear reinforce- tion of the concrete cover typically occurs in the
Punching of Slabs
ment), Figure 1c. critical shear region and reduces the lever arm
Several experimental investigations in both radial and tangential directions. This
of slabs with transverse reinforce- phenomenon may constitute a limitation of the
ment available in the literature have maximum punching shear strength. The impact of
revealed the development of horizontal cracking this effect on the efficiency of different transverse
A Discussion on at the height of the compression reinforcement, reinforcement systems deserves further research.
the Development of which can be seen as a delamination of the con- Another common situation where delamination
crete cover in the soffit of the slab. Questions is observed occurs in a punching failure outside the
the Delamination of might arise whether its potential occurrence influ- shear-reinforced region. In this case, an inclined
Concrete Cover in ences or even governs the punching shear behavior shear crack develops between the flexural rein-
and whether this effect should be accounted for forcement and the bottom of the last perimeter
the Soffit of the Slab in the design. To investigate the influence of this of transverse reinforcement (Figure 1c), together
phenomenon, the origin and the development of with horizontal cracking joining the bottom of
By Aurelio Muttoni, Ph.D.,
such cracking should be understood. According the inclined shear crack and the column face.
Miguel Fernndez Ruiz, Ph.D.,
to the several test programs, the phenomena lead- The Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010
and Joo T. Simes
ing to cover delamination appear to be multiple. (International Federation for Structural Concrete)
Several authors of experimental studies have already accounts for this phenomenon in the
Aurelio Muttoni is a Professor at mentioned that delamination of concrete cover in punching shear design for a failure outside the
cole Polytechnique Fdrale de the soffit of the slab could be observed before fail- shear-reinforced area (considers a reduced effec-
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. ure, even in cases where failures were shown to be tive depth).
He can be reached at aurelio. within the shear-reinforced region or by crushing Delamination of the concrete cover under
[email protected]. of concrete struts. This has also been observed in transverse reinforcement can also occur when
Miguel Fernndez Ruiz is a Senior (a) (b)
Lecturer at cole Polytechnique
Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Joo T. Simes is a PhD student
at cole Polytechnique Fdrale (c) (d)
de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland. He can be reached
at [email protected].
Figure 1. Different failure modes of flat slabs with shear reinforcement: a) crushing of concrete struts; b) failure
within the shear-reinforced region; c) failure outside the shear-reinforced region; d) failure by delamination.
70 June 2017
Figure 2. Specimen tested by the authors with failure due to crushing of concrete struts near the column;
pronounced delamination observed in the soffit of the slab. FASTCLIP SLIDE CLIP.
a large tangential distance between rows of failure mode. In this case, the inclination of Need a deection solution that
transverse reinforcement is present in a radial the failure surface in the areas between the also accommodates horizontal
and particularly in a cruciform arrangement. transverse reinforcement rows is flatter than
drift? Drift FastClip allows 2-inch
In these cases, inclined shear cracks might that developing in the regions of transverse
start developing first in between the rows reinforcement (Figure 3b). vertical and lateral deection,
of transverse reinforcement, followed by a To deal with the development of non-uni- and works with FastClip screws
tangential propagation until reaching the form failure surface, codes normally limit for friction-free sliding. Get
transverse reinforcement elements. If the both 1) the tangential distance between more details and data at
amount of transverse reinforcement is low, rows of transverse reinforcement at the loca-
Figure 3. Scheme of punching shear failures with non-uniform location of the failure surface:
a) failure outside the shear-reinforced region; b) failure by concrete crushing.
Sciotoville Bridge
By Frank Griggs, Jr., Dist. M.ASCE, D.Eng., P.E., P.L.S.
he Sciotoville Bridge, designed by Lindenthal incorporated a unique inverted He, in association
Gustav Lindenthal (STRUCTURE, two-hinged arch, building the floor beams into with McClintic
August 2010) over the Ohio River, the verticals, with the thrust at the upper ends Marshall, the
is located about 90 miles upstream being taken by the upper lateral bracing This contractor, built
from Cincinnati. The Chesapeake and Ohio design allowed for smaller floor beams to span the Ohio side on
Railroad, in order to make Chicago accessible the distance between trusses, which were 38 feet falsework and
for its coal-carrying trains out of Kentucky, built 9 inches center-to-center. then cantilevered
a 30-mile line from its tracks in Edgington, First, he designed trusses with 16-inch eye out to the eighth
Kentucky northerly across the Ohio River bars for all tension members that would not panel point from
to Waverly where it connected with a line to see a reversal of stress under live load. He then the Kentucky side
Columbus, Ohio and then on to Chicago. The designed all members built up of riveted mem- and placed a steel
Ohio was about 1,500 feet across at the selected bers and fully riveted connections and requested bent in the river.
site, with bedrock only 10 feet or so below low bids on both designs. The cost of steel came in He then jacked up Rigid frame tying floor
water. The Ohio had been bridged for railroads lower with the eye bars, but he chose the fully the span a desired beams into truss verticals.
several times by Jacob Hays Linville and others, riveted structure in view of its superior rigid- (calculated) amount and continued canti-
starting with the Steubenville, Parkersburg, and ity, durability, and safety. Moreover, finally, levering out to the fourth panel point from
Benville Bridges upstream and downstream at Lindenthal calculated the secondary stresses Kentucky and jacked up the span once again.
Cincinnati. The railroad was looking for a twin that would occur under normal erection pro- He completed the span by cantilevering out to
track structure that would meet demands of cedures and found them very high. He wrote, the Kentucky abutment. When the span reached
the War Department to provide for passage on account of the rigid truss connections; it panel point, Lo, the truss was 16 inches low
of steamboats. was considered advisable to reduce the second- at which time the end was jacked up and set
Lindenthal, as was his custom, looked at all ary stresses as far as possible, not only near the on the rocker bearings. The superstructure was
types of bridges that had been used to carry center support but throughout the truss, in the finished on August 17, 1917.
heavy railroad loadings over long spans. He chords as well as in the web members. This was The Engineering Record published an article on
determined that a continuous truss with two done by cambering the trusses for full dead load the bridge and in an editorial wrote:
spans of 775 feet best met the site conditions. plus one-half the live load, covering both spans, In the final selection of type of structure, the
The fact that rock was accessible at a shallow but assembling and erecting them so that the particular nature of the profile at the crossing, the
depth removed one of the factors that ruled angles between the members and the bevels of clear opening required during erection and the
against continuous spans in the past settle- the joints would correspond to the geometric nature of the foundations at possible locations
ments of the central piers could be eliminated. form of truss. In other words, under the load of piers or abutments are all determining factors.
The other reason continuous spans were not (d+ l), the trusses are calculated to assume The advantages in erection and the fact that solid
adopted, with notable exceptions of C. Shaler their true geometric form and the members to rock foundations were found at small depths
Smiths Lachine Rapids Bridge (STRUCTURE, become straight and free of secondary stresses. so that the settlement at the piers should be
April 2017) across the St. Lawrence and He determined his secondary stresses under practically negligible, were the most important
Lindenthals two smaller, shorter span continu- dead load only are equal, but of opposite sign, considerations in the selection of the continu-
ous spans in the Pittsburgh area in 1883 and to those under full live loads covering both ous [structure] type in this case. Economy for
1890, was the difficulty in making calculations spans, and, in absolute value, equal to one-half this type can generally be easily shownThe
for an indeterminate structure. He indicated of those which would be produced by full live indeterminate character of the stress analysis is
that temperature effects were minimized in his load if the angles between the members would also generally considered a disadvantage. The
design with a fixed support at the river pier and correspond to the cambered form of truss. This experience with the Queensborough Bridge
rollers at the abutments. With the help of O. cambering of the trusses required that members may be cited in this connection. The continuous
H. Ammann and D. B. Steinman, Lindenthal be preloaded to allow connections to be made span on many supports was shown by the report
designed the longest continuous span in the that resulted in the cambering he needed. This of the investigation engineers to be designed
United States. The main advantages of the was the first time that this expedient was uti- with astonishing errors in the distribution of
continuous structure were savings in material lized in American bridge building. Building on the metalIt is notable, however, that methods
and its ability to be constructed by cantilever temporary falsework by cantilever methods also of treating indeterminate structures are now
methods. He estimated savings in the mate- resulted in many different loading conditions of becoming well standardized and should soon
rial of nearly 25%, with an increased rigidity his members during erection and after comple- be simplified into such form as to make the
when compared to a cantilever bridge and an tion. As would be expected, he used all of these cost of designing low.
equal rigidity when compared to the simple span various loading conditions to determine the Lindenthal did not describe the bridge in the
truss. He also stated, From the esthetic point of maximum load that would fall on each member Transactions of ASCE until 1922 when he wrote
view, the continuous bridge can well compete and designed the member to resist that load. a 43-page article entitled, The Continuous
with the simple span or cantilever, if properly For his erection process, he built the Ohio Truss Bridge over the Ohio River, at Sciotoville,
designed, but not with the more artistic arch or side of the bridge on false work but could not Ohio of the Chesapeake and Ohio Northern
suspension bridge. use as much falsework on the Kentucky side. Railroad. Engineering and Contracting ran a
Since 1988 DECON Studrails have provided a superior engineered and economical solution to enhance punching
shear capacity in elevated flat plate slabs, post-tensioned slabs, foundations, and hold-down applications. Always at
the cutting edge of technology, it was punching shear research performed by DECON and its consultants that formed
the foundation of report ACI 421.1R by ACI Committee 421. This report has provided the basis for the design procedures
contained in the current ACI 318, IBC and CSA A23.3 design codes.
esign agreements often stipulate and _____ as agent for the Lenders occurred under the Assignment, it will per-
that neither the owner nor the (together with its successors in such capac- form all of its obligations under the Design
engineer can assign the agree- ity, the Agent). Agreement for the benefit of Lender.
ment without the consent of Alternatively, it may be structured as an Regardless of how the consent is struc-
the other party. As a result, the engi- agreement between the owner and the tured, the intent is to ensure that if the
neer may be asked to sign a Consent to engineer, with the lender as a third-party owner defaults on its loan and the lender
Assignment (sometimes referred to as an beneficiary. takes over, the engineer will continue to
Acknowledgement and Consent) from the This CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT of provide the services called for under the
bank providing the construction loan. A Engineers Contract (this Agreement) is design agreement if requested to do so. The
typical consent form requires the engineer made as of _____ by and between _____ agreement typically also gives the lender
to agree that the design agreement can be (Borrower) and _____ (Engineer) for the right to use the engineers Instruments
assigned to the lender. The assignment will the benefit of _____ (Lender). of Services to complete the project with
actually occur at the time the loan is closed; It may also be structured as an agreement another engineer.
however, the assignment is conditional in between the engineer and the lender:
the sense that the lender can only assume This CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT
the design agreement if the owner defaults (this Consent) is dated as of _____ by Payment of Outstanding
on the loan. _____ (Engineer) to _____ (Lender).
If the owner defaults and the lender takes Finally, although less commonly, it may
over, the lenders chances of finding a buyer simply be written as what it is, which is a If the owner has defaulted on its loan, it is
for the project are significantly better if the one-sided agreement under which the engi- likely to be behind in its payments to the
buyer has the option of assuming all of the neer agrees to do, or not do, certain things: engineer. Thus, a key issue is the lenders
key contracts for the project. Thus the The undersigned, as Engineer under the obligation with respect to outstanding
lender may ask the contractor, the engineer, Design Agreement dated as of _____ (the amounts due to the engineer.
and the other key design consultants to Design Agreement) between _____ It is not uncommon to see consents with
consent to an assignment of their contracts. (Borrower) and the undersigned, which the following wording:
While Consent to Assignment requests is one of the contracts referred to in the Upon a Default under the Loan Agreement,
are common, particularly on large projects, Assignment of Agreements (Assignment) Engineer, at Lenders request, shall con-
there is no standard form. The consent between Borrower and _____(the tinue performance on Lenders behalf in
should be read carefully and preferably Lender), agrees that upon receipt of accordance with the terms of Engineers
reviewed by the engineers legal counsel. notice from Lender that a Default has Contract, and shall be reimbursed in
Although the lender cannot assume
the design agreement unless the owner
defaults, the forms used by many Connect Steel to Steel without
banks contain provisions completely
unrelated to the design agreement. Welding or Drilling
Engineers who are not careful may find Full line of high-strength, corrosion-resistant fasteners
istration, it may not have a significant
risk with respect to payment. However,
Session Topics
Strategies Forensic Engineers Use to Unravel
Construction Disputes
Information Security in Contracting
Case Studies for Professional Liability
DeSimone Consulting Engineers was an Award Winner for its 45 East 22nd Street project
in the 2016 NCSEA Annual Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards Program in the
Category New Buildings $30M to $100M.
n one of the few Manhattan neigh- height. Thicker slabs are used at mechanical
borhoods not entirely punctuated areas, including a 20-inch slab at the west side
by mirror-clad high-rises, Madison of the roof to support a 1.2 million-pound tuned
Square Park Tower blends turn of the mass damper system. The lateral system is com-
century design with modern composition prised of one full-height shear wall core centered
and accomplishes the tallest development on the south side of the building, with wall
between Midtown, Manhattan, and the thicknesses ranging from 42 inches at the base
Financial District. to 24 inches at the roof. The core is connected to
Located at 45 East 22nd Street and designed perimeter columns at the 33rd floor mechanical
by architects Kohn Pedersen Fox, the tower level with a 1-story outrigger/belt wall.
topped out at 777 feet comprised of 65 resi- In addition to the unique shape of each plate
dential and amenity levels. However, unlike above the sixth floor, column-free interiors
any other development in the area, the towers were required. A two-way flat plate system was
floor plate progressively expands as it rises to implemented to accommodate these specifica-
maximize saleable area on the buildings most tions. The system provides flexibility in locating a multi-story bracket braced to the core with
premium levels. The design strategy introduced columns, including sloped and walked columns, the base of the bracket (compression) reacting
complex geometric constraints that required while providing maximum ceiling height for through 8-foot wide by 2-foot deep bracing
close collaboration among all design consultants floor-to-ceiling glass walls. beams, and the top of the bracket reacting
and construction team members. The design of the lateral system was the great- (tension) through groups of #14 GR97 SAS
Overall, the design and structural components est challenge of the development. The system threaded bars.
from ground-floor to pinnacle were impacted required a robust design to resist required forces, Above the 11th floor, the building was con-
by the historical significance of the Flatiron including strict drift and acceleration limits and structed on a fast-track, two-day pour cycle,
neighborhood and tight constraints of the build the inherent gravity overturn resulting from the alternating the pour of the vertical concrete ele-
site. At ground level, the tower rises from a top-heavy design. ments and the horizontal concrete elements. This
75-foot wide site wedged between two historic The selected lateral system is comprised of allowed for a shortened construction schedule
structures on each side. The design team opted high-strength concrete shear walls, measuring that wouldnt be possible with other structural
for a granite-clad podium, rather than a top- 14,000 psi at the base down to 8,000 psi at the systems. Throughout the project, GR75 vertical
to-bottom glass faade, to complement the roof, which are coupled to perimeter columns reinforcement was used in the shear core and
neighborhoods Chicago School architecture at mid-height of the building with the belt wall. columns to reduce reinforcement congestion.
dating back to the early 1900s. The design of this system was accompanied by The belt wall at the 33rd-floor mechanical level
The tower is sculpted so that the floor plate wind tunnel shaping studies to determine the was constructed with 2-foot thick perimeter
is as small as 62 feet wide by 52 feet deep near optimum configurations. While the concrete walls that couple to the core of the perimeter
the base, producing a maximum slenderness system alone meets the drift requirements, a columns. Large openings for mechanical louvers
ratio of about 13 to 1. Above the 5th floor, the 600-ton tuned mass damper at the roof level was were accommodated with careful analysis and
structure transitions into a more modern, glass implemented to reduce building accelerations added reinforcement. The tuned mass damper
faade and then cantilevers westward above its to acceptable levels. is located on the west side of the roof level with
low-rise neighbor as it rises to a maximum floor The building is supported on a 50-foot wide its weight bearing half on the core and half on
plate of 94 feet wide by 52 feet deep. The canti- by 80-foot long mat slab that is 8 feet thick. the slab. A system of a 20-inch slab with 48-inch
lever allows the tower to expand to a maximum The mat bears on 20 tsf bedrock and includes wide by 40-inch deep beams was utilized at the
width of 125 feet at the top creating a flared, 32,270-ton rock anchor tie-downs to resist slab support to provide adequate strength for
champagne flute silhouette. The cantilever also overturning. The mat is reinforced with four the 1.2 million-pound steel damper assembly.
ensures that every floor above the sixth level is layers of rebar top and bottom and local shear
a unique shape. reinforcement as required. Joseph Savalli is a Principal in DeSimones
The gravity system is comprised of flat slabs Construction below the 11th floor included New York office.
spanning from the interior shear wall core to numerous structural transfer elements as the Matt Peuler is a Senior Project Manager at
perimeter columns with varying cantilevers, a tower reduces to its minimum footprint at the DeSimones New York office.
result of the towers complex geometry. Floor 7th floor. From the 7th to 11th floor, the west
plates vary from 10 to 12 inches thick at residen- side of the tower cantilevers 16.5 feet out over Leslie Morris is a Senior Project Engineer
tial levels as the spans lengthen with increasing an adjacent building. The system is designed as at DeSimones New York office.
engineering profession. In late 2016, the committee completed members. The perspectives were broad, but the group identified
the Structural Engineering Curriculum Practitioners Survey changes which are common across the industry, not just those
of the NCSEA membership to determine which topics are pertaining to designing and building with wood.
relevant to the profession. The survey asked respondents to rate The key elements identified and which align with BEC objectives
the importance of material design classes, analysis coursework, are: teaching building systems in context versus component or
plus allied professional skills such as: communication, elemental design change the way in which wood or material
sustainability, architecture, and construction management. design is taught; exposure to connections and load path at the
The committee is interpreting the data and evaluating trends detail level; use real world problems so students understand the
related to wood and masonry design, computer software context; the need to produce thinkers and problem solvers, not
use and its relationship to structural analysis, similarities or just graduates with analytical skills; and material behavior
differences between newly hired and experienced engineers, wood is not isotropic, but teaching material behavior should be
regional hiring preferences, and office size. It is anticipated a requirement for all design materials.
that the findings, which will be distributed later this year, will Interestingly, about 40 percent of the attendees in the design
help inform the committee about the recommended NCSEA professional subgroup had no formal timber education, yet, their
basic education curriculum. career paths and company interests required some wood design
The Structural Engineering Curriculum Survey is conducted knowledge so they were self-taught. Thus, the critical question arose,
to better understand the course requirements and class availability should timber design be taught in the classroom? Additionally,
within accredited civil engineering, architectural engineering, there was no clear consensus when the subgroup was asked about
engineering technology, and structural engineering programs. the importance of wood design experience as a factor in hiring. It
The results are compiled triennially from universities around was evident that wood education is not critical to companies that
the country and then published in STRUCTURE magazine. do not design wood structures and, conversely, those that work with
The last survey results may be accessed following this link: wood structures consider wood design a requirement. So another question was posed, is the demand for structural engineers with
In past years, the committee has observed trends when wood design experience being met? And if the answer is yes,
identifying which institutions fulfilled the recommended then does it need to be taught at every university with a civil or
curriculum and those which only fulfilled part. Those that met structural engineering program? Questions such as these and many
part of the curriculum typically lacked the timber or masonry more will be evaluated over the next year.
design component; the significance of this has been debated at As the BEC interprets the results from the practitioner survey
the committee level and led to NCSEA involvement in the Wood and assesses the implications of the Wood Education Symposium,
Education Symposium sponsored by the American Wood Council it will determine if the coursework recommendations should be
(AWC)/American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Structural modified and proposed for the 2019 survey. This information
Engineering Institute Wood Education Committee. The next was presented during an NCSEA MO Communication webinar
education survey will be conducted in 2019 and will reflect results on May 26, 2017 to showcase this material in more depth and to
of the practitioners survey as well as take into consideration the engage the NCSEA community in additional dialog. A recording
ASCE-SEI/AWC Wood Education Symposium when forming of this webinar can be found in the NCSEA Member Portal on
the recommended curriculum and survey. the MO Communication Meeting Resources page.
The Wood Education Symposium was held on April 5th, 2017
in Denver, CO. The event was held to discuss the importance of Professor Kevin Dong, California State Polytechnic University,
wood education at the university level; what should educators, NCSEA Basic Education Committee Co-Chair.
continuing education. Approved
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or some people, networking can feel and thoughtful people. That is when network- with other interesting people who live and
awkward, seemingly self-serving, ing becomes fun and worthwhile! work in different marketplaces. Gaining a
discouraging, and embarrassing. different perspective is a great way to grow
Many people consider the term 2) Make time for networking. and develop and you may be an interest-
networking a dirty word and dont like ing voice to someone else on the other side
the uncomfortable feelings that come from This might seem like a very basic technique, of the country.
attending a networking event. Uncomfortable but if it is so easy to do, why is it that people
or not, if you are not networking it is going do not make time for networking? Typically,
to be much harder to grow and develop as people say that they are too busy with work
4) So, what do you do?
a professional. Networking has the power to network. Later, when they are ready to make Be ready to answer that all-too-common
to help you in very significant ways in your a job change, or ready to hire a new person for question. In answering, you have a chance
professional and personal life. the firm, they find themselves with weak con- to differentiate yourself from other people.
Here are four techniques to help you navi- nections to people in their network. Stop and think about it. That question can
gate the world of networking more effectively: It is imperative to invest in people within your be a conversation killer. After you answer the
professional circles so that you have time to get question, you typically ask them back, And
1) Know the difference between to know them, help them get to know you, what do you do? Then where do you go with
and build trust and respect. In the future, you the conversation? Its a dead-end question.
types of networking. will be able to comfortably contact them when The best advice do not ask the dreaded So,
Networking is not limited to attending youre looking to make a job change or add to what do you do? Instead, ask other thought-
a luncheon to hear a guest speaker share your team. If you find yourself feeling awkward ful questions that will help you to engage in
thoughts about an engineering-related at networking events, its likely you are not par- better conversations. Some thought provoking
topic. Networking can look like many dif- ticipating in something that is interesting and questions might include:
ferent things, such as volunteering for a cause thought provoking for you. What brings you to this conference?
that youre interested in, participating in an Action item: Look at your calendar and mark What have you learned at this trade show
industry conference, taking additional college out two lunch periods in the next month to that is the most intriguing to you so far?
courses and getting to know your classmates meet up with people from your network. These What does your firm specialize in?
through group projects, joining a running networking lunches may well be some of the best Conversations get much more interesting
club, etc. Networking should never just be work time you will spend each month because and far less awkward when you are discussing
limited to a bunch of people in a room trying you are likely to connect on a deeper level, gain meaningful information beyond telling each
to get other peoples business cards! valuable professional and technical insights, and other your job titles.
It can be valuable to attend luncheons and also make an impact in someones life.
learn from other professionals, but take some In the end, networking can lead to great con-
time to evaluate how you want to make a dif- versations and professional opportunities. Do
ference in the world. For example, the author
3) Follow-up on social media. not hold yourself back. Plan to attend. Go. Bring
has a colleague who is interested in STEM After meeting new people, follow-up and your business cards. Have a goal of meeting 2
initiatives (Science Technology Engineering connect through social media. LinkedIn is a to 3 people at the event. Then, wash, rinse, and
Math) to help adolescents learn about differ- good place for connecting with other profes- repeat. You will find, over time, that networking
ent ways they can engage with the world of sionals. LinkedIn is where most people think is truly a wonderful way to meet and keep in
science. She believes it is important to help to connect professionally. touch with other interesting and thought-pro-
children and teens learn about how science However, just because you are connected voking professionals. This will, in turn, provide
and math help better our world. As those on LinkedIn or any social media platform, you the opportunity to build your professional
children come to realize the importance of does not mean you are instantly best friends. network, enhance the probability
STEM, their eyes are open to more possibili- You will still need to nurture and cultivate for future opportunities in your
ties and they find themselves more interested relationships. Look for ways to stay in touch. career, and add interesting people
in math and science courses. The ripple effect Find articles to share that you think will be to your firm.
is quite substantial in their education and interesting to specific people, then copy the
career. Along the way, the authors colleague URL and share it in a message. Periodically Born into a family of engineers but focusing
has met numerous individuals that have check-in with your connections. Even a quick on the people side of engineering, Jennifer
helped her stay connected in her field. hello message goes a long way. Anderson (
As you find groups of people that are inter- One major benefit of being active on social has nearly 20 years helping companies hire
ested in similar hobbies, community causes, media is that you will be exposed to other and retain the right talent. She may be
professional development, and so on, you will people who are likely outside your immediate reached at [email protected].
come to meet some interesting, passionate, circles. Join groups on LinkedIn to interact