Financial Health Analysis
Financial Health Analysis
Financial Health Analysis
Key principle: Analyze the financial performance of the firm with respect to the industry (or its peers)
Trend over time
1) Profitability ratio Gross profit margin, Net profit margin, EBITDA margin, ROA, ROE
2) Liquidity ratio Current ratio, quick ratio
3) Leverate ratio Debt/ Equity
4) Cashflow ratio CFO/ Current liabilities
The score can also be compared over time (historically) to decipher the trend and see if things are improving or getting worse o
are improving or getting worse over time
Calculation of Ratios
Actual ratios
Ashok Leyland Ltd. Eicher Motors Ltd.
1) Profitability ratio 1.2% 16.4%
2) Liquidity ratio 1.0154780726 0.9819852941
3) Leverage ratio 1.4386333342 0.5934033234
4) Cashflow ratio 0.3210957487 1.2238552807
We can see from the Overall Score that Eicher Motors seems to be doing very well and Tata Motors is clearly not d
0 10
Force Motors Ltd. Tata Motors Ltd. Average Minimum Maximum S M L Isuzu Ltd.
3.2% 0.5% 5.3% 0.5% 16.4% -0.1%
1.6139913552 0.6160492885 105.7% 61.6% 161.4% 1.5032906334
0.6249113445 1.5650149678 105.5% 59.3% 156.5% 1.3926555333
0.3232477037 0.1278634919 49.9% 12.8% 122.4% -0.0345516512
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