Foxhall Square Garage Post-Tensioned Cable Repair and Replacement
Foxhall Square Garage Post-Tensioned Cable Repair and Replacement
Foxhall Square Garage Post-Tensioned Cable Repair and Replacement
Post-Tensioned Cable
Repair and Replacement
By Michael K. OMalley
Fig. 1: Temporary shoring and dust control measures Fig. 2: Workers exposing tendons with small
chipping hammers
Fig. 9: Tensioning new cables on deck Fig. 10: Newly stressed tendon
the full extent of the cable deterioration became New area drains installed: three.
evident, the owner contracted with a firm that Some of the challenges faced during the construc
specializes in corrosion mitigation to have it conduct tion process were:
a cable corrosion evaluation. The firms findings No as-built documents from previous repair
validated the extent of the cable corrosion and the efforts;
repairs proceeded as planned. Original structural drawings that were not
Stressing of the new post-tensioned cables entirely accurate;
(Fig. 8 and 9) was initially performed as planned; The building was heavily visited and noise
however, the project engineer had to make adjust- restrictions allowed for only 4 hours of demolition
ments to the stressing tension after a few cable each day from 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Work
tendons ruptured during the tensioning operation. was limited to the summer months and was
A completed stressing of an intermediate stressing completed in two consecutive seasons;
anchorage with the wedges seated is shown in Post-tensioned cable and end anchorage repairs
Fig. 10. Following the tensioning operation, concrete were performed over a restaurant, requiring
was placed in the repair cavities (Fig. 11 and 12). shoring and dust protection within the restaurant
The newly placed concrete was finished to match to be set up;
the surface and texture of the adjacent concrete as Even though parking of vehicles was largely
closely as possible (Fig. 13). performed by valets, it became clear that when
The work items for the Foxhall post-tensioned one of the ramps to the upper deck was closed,
cable repair project included: a flagman was needed to direct the one-way flow
New cable installed: 67,000 ft (20,420 m); of traffic on the remaining single-lane ramp. This
New end anchors: 1156; control was critical when a front-end loader had
New intermediate stressing anchorages: 386; to use the ramp to move construction debris to the
New lockoffs: 200; dumpster adjacent to the garage entrance; and
Partial-depth repairs: 1500 ft2 (140 m2); Large planter boxes that ran along certain areas
Full-depth repair: 5000 ft2 (465 m2); of the upper deck perimeter had to be removed
New reinforcing steel: 4500 ft (1370 m); and completely, including the soils and all vegetation.