Healthy Bones - 9 July 2017

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Structural integrity
We are told to maintain bone strength but few of us know
exactly why we have to. See inside to find out more about the
importance of strong bones.
2 Healthy Bones SUNDAY STAR, 9 JULY 2017

Growing pains
NATURAL height is widely accepted
to be unchangeable. Look a little
deeper, however, and one may
unearth the world of stature
adjustment that has been growing
and developing for more than half
a century.
Surgeons who perform stature
or limb-length adjustment
To kick-start
procedures are scattered sparsely regrowth, a
lengthening device is
throughout the world, many with
centres that offer long-term
residential aftercare quarters for
patients to stay in during their
implanted into a long
recovery term. bone and the bone
gently cracked in half,
While the cosmetic aspect of
the surgery has gained popularity
in the past decade, the usefulness
of bone lengthening and before being reset
reformation has not waned in the
field of reconstructive limb
a distance apart to
treatment. begin the lengthening
People suffering from length
discrepancy between limbs due to process.
congenital birth defects, scoliosis or
atrophied muscles can also benefit
from stature adjustment surgery.
A persons final stature and limb
length are naturally unalterable between the two halves and the The period between initial muscular atrophy from pull both halves apart.
after a certain period due to the whole bone eventually consolidates contact with surgeon and poliomyelitis, it was eventually To preserve integrity in a
fusing of their growth plates. into a homologous structure. consultation itself could take discovered that the healing patients overall skeletal structure,
These growth plates are located This basic principle is also used months to complete, depending potential of broken bone across a only long bones are suitable to be
at either end of each of their bones in stature adjustment to treat heavily on whether the surgeon tiny distance of separation could be lengthened.
and continue regenerating and complications resulting from deems an applicant suitable. used for limb lengthening and, Bones most commonly operated
lengthening bone until late leg length discrepancy where the consequently, stature lengthening. on for cosmetic procedures are
teenagehood or early adulthood,
when these growth plates ossify to
patients spine and joints are
subject to abnormal pressure from
Mechanics of limb Today, the Ilizarov apparatus is
used for both medical and cosmetic
the femur and tibia in the leg as
well as the humerus in the arm,
halt bone growth. uneven gait. lengthening limb-lengthening procedures. but medical procedures are
However, some arm-lengthening For cosmetic procedures, Different surgeons offer different performed on a wider range of
surgeries have been performed on interested patients are often Limb lengthening originated methods of limb lengthening. The bones depending on the affected
children with bone deformities required to answer a screening with a bone treatment device by ever-popular Ilizarov apparatus is area.
whose growth plates were still questionnaire before they are Russian orthopaedic surgeon one and others are newer, fully Patients seeking limb-
active. granted a consultation with the Gavriil Ilizarov. internal implanted lengthening lengthening surgery are advised to
To kick-start regrowth, a surgeon. The device, called the Ilizarov devices that come in the form of conduct extensive research and
lengthening device is implanted The screening helps surgeons apparatus, was monumental in the intramedullary nails such as gain expert medical opinion to
into a long bone and the bone ensure potential patients are treatment and healing process of Precice, Fitbone or Albizzia. make the most informed decision
gently cracked in half, before being serious about undergoing the broken bones and is still used The rods of these devices are they can before undergoing this
reset a distance apart to begin the procedure and are aware of risks today. inserted into the cavity of a long irreversible procedure.
lengthening process. associated with the procedure and Initially used to correct bone and the nails are anchored
New growth of bone forms its permanence. congenital limb abnormalities and to either end of the bone to slowly > TURN TO PAGE 4
SUNDAY STAR, 9 JULY 2017 Healthy Bones 3

Give your Flex up and move freely

POORLY functioning joints can rob you of that is readily absorbed into the joints.
your freedom and joy in living. It can also This allows for a strong binding between
cause emotional stress, which adds to your HA and joint cell receptors to stimulate the
pain. body into reproducing its own supply of HA
A joint is where two or more bones meet. in addition to the current supply, for an

the best
In healthy joints, bone ends are covered with optimal joint health.
a layer of tough but slippery tissue known as MSM is an organic sulphur-containing
Biogrow DPF High Vitamin D3 + Protein + cartilage. It acts as a cushion between the compound vital in maintaining and
Fiber Powder with cocoa flavour is specially bones. repairing connective tissue in the joints. Its
formulated to meet the nutritional needs of The inner membrane of synovial joints, anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial
known as synovial membrane, secretes to alleviate joint pain, stiffness and swelling.
growing children.
lubricating synovial fluid into the joint cavity Why let joint pain ruin your life when you
to reduce friction to the articular cartilage can fix it? Get relief, move freely and live a
THE Nutrition Survey of Malaysian Children strong bones and teeth during movement. fulfilling life without the pain of joint woes
(SEANUTS Malaysia) was carried out to l Magnesium promotes calcium However, factors such as ageing, repetitive today.
comprehensively assess the nutritional absorption and retention wear and tear, and forceful movements put
status of Malaysian children. It unveiled l Vitamin D helps the body utilise calcium an incredible amount of stress on your This informational article is brought to
some unexpected results almost half of the and phosphorus cartilage. Eventually, the cartilage between you by VitaHealth.
children are vitamin D-deficient. the joints breaks down and wears away,
The reasons for vitamin D deficiency could Biogrow DPF High Vitamin D3 + Protein + causing adjacent bones to rub against each n For more information, call 1800 183 288.
be low dietary intake of vitamin D and Fiber Powder with cocoa flavour is specially other.
calcium as well as lack of sun exposure formulated to meet the nutritional needs and The friction leads to aggravating pain,
among urban children. dietary requirements of growing children swelling and stiffness in the affected joints. Hyaluronic acid and methylsulfonylmethane
Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is formed in with the rich chocolatey taste they love. This condition is known as osteoarthritis. It (MSM) are the answer to optimal joint health.
the body when the skin synthesises sunlight One scoop ( 25g) of it provides more than develops gradually over the years and the
on its surface. Staying indoors most of the 27% of plant protein (from non-genetically symptoms tend to worsen over time.
time could lead to deficiency in this sunshine modified organisms soy and pea), with all A comprehensive joint-health formula
vitamin and a possible negative impact on nine essential amino acids, calcium, comprising hyaluronic acid (HA) and
bone growth. magnesium, vitamin D3 and soluble fibre methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) can give
Children should have a balance of dextrin. you the support you need to stay active in
dietary energy intake and regular physical It is a combination of plant protein and your golden years. It helps enhance joint
activities. To maximise height growth, fibre with additional bone and digestive mobility, keeping you moving flexibly and
achieving healthy muscles and bone health benefits. It contains soluble fibre comfortably.
structure is necessary through adequate (wheat-resistant dextrin) to promote regular Naturally occurring in synovial fluid, HA
intakes of protein, calcium and vitamin D3. bowel movement. Dextrose and malt lubricates and cushions the joints to
Histidine, leucine and lysine are three extracts are added as sources of instant reduce bone-to-bone friction. It also
specific essential amino acids required to energy for children and active individuals. helps absorb shock in joints during
produce growth hormones in the body. A In addition, it is dairy free, lactose free rapid movements. However, the level
combination of calcium, protein, vitamin D3 and suitable for all ages, including of HA tends to dwindle as you age,
and magnesium would produce higher bone vegetarians and adults leading active leaving your joints stiff and painful.
density and structure for optimal growth. lifestyles. Therefore, it is important to
These are the health claims allowed on consider taking oral supplementation
food products by the Health Ministry: n For more information, call 03-7956 2220 to replenish the diminishing supply of
l Protein is essential for growth and (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm), e-mail HA in the body. HA extracted from
development [email protected] or visit streptococcal fermentation is animal-
l Calcium aids in the development of free and has an optimal molecular weight
4 Healthy Bones SUNDAY STAR, 9 JULY 2017

Forewarned is forearmed
> FROM PAGE 2 of open wounds presents an increased risk
of diseases being passed on through blood or
Every body heals and reacts differently to bodily fluids.
changes. This holds true for any major l Age Tissue regeneration ability in the

The missing link

invasive procedure. For this reason, patients body exhausts with age and can impair the
are subject to a list of requirements to lengthening process.
undergo stature or limb-length adjustment l Natural immunity Weakened
procedures. immune systems are more susceptible to
These requirements are more stringent for infections and complications.
cosmetic surgeries than medical ones as the
latter sometimes involve patients with Patients are also at risk of several
urgent need for treatment. complications that could decelerate or halt
THE pace of bone regulation and metabolism Without vitamin K2, calcium that we The following are some typical the lengthening process.
differs among individuals and slows down consume floats freely in the bloodstream considerations for undergoing stature These risks rarely occur due to stringent
with age. Osteoporosis occurs when the and deposits in the arteries. adjustment or limb-lengthening procedures. monitoring by surgeons and aftercare
creation of new bones cannot keep up with This makes the arteries progressively stiff l Weight Limb-lengthening devices centres, but patients are advised to
the breaking down of old bones. and narrow (calcification), impeding healthy have a weight-bearing limit that could cause inform themselves of issues they may
Osteoporosis affects men and women of blood flow to and from the heart. Over time, breakage and malfunction when exceeded. encounter.
all races and is more commonly seen in poor blood flow leads to a burdened heart l Chronic infectious illnesses The
postmenopausal women. The disease leads and the increased risk of heart diseases. requirement for constant treatment > SEE NEXT PAGE
to an increased risk of broken bones with Calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K2 have a
various risk factors such as age, gender,
family history and dietary factors coming
synergistic effect, which cannot be achieved
when one is missing.
into play. Dietary calcium is linked to many
For the longest time, calcium was thought benefits, especially bone health. Vitamin D3, Infection Infections at sites where the lengthening device comes
to be the answer to bone health concerns. a natural form of vitamin D, helps your body into contact with human tissue are treatable with regular cleaning and
However, a study published by The BMJ absorb calcium but vitamin K2 completes antibiotics.
found that women supplemented with the puzzle by directing that calcium to your Minor
calcium to prevent osteoporosis are at higher skeleton.
risk of suffering from atherosclerosis, heart Without vitamin K2, the calcium that Scars The lengthening procedure is not overly invasive but does
attack and stroke. vitamin D3 so effectively lets in might work require making several incisions in the flesh, causing scarring after
How can something good be bad for us in against you, building up in your coronary healing that can be treated with cosmetic surgery or topical lotions
another way? What could be the missing link arteries rather than your bones. and creams.
in calcium supplementation? Thus, calcium taken together with vitamin
Vitamin K is a group of fat-soluble D3 and K2 may help circumvent the risks of
vitamins. Vitamin K1 is a blood-clotting heart diseases. Premature consolidation The bone heals before target length is
factor easily found in green leafy vegetables Patients receiving oral anticoagulant achieved due to too slow of a lengthening rate.
while vitamin K2 plays the crucial role of treatment should consult their medical
calcium regulation. Much like biological glue, doctor before taking vitamin K2 Non-union Both halves of the broken bone heal separately without
vitamin K2 helps plug calcium into our bone supplements. Major having joined in the middle due to a lengthening rate that is too fast.
Studies have shown that vitamin K2 helps This article is brought to you by Medispec
improve bone strength and density. At the (M) Sdn Bhd. Nerve and blood vessel damage When connective tissue
same time, it prevents heart diseases by surrounding a lengthened bone is stretched along with the bone, it
effectively depositing calcium into where it n For more information, call 1300 800 228 or may be damaged in the process.
belongs the bones and teeth. e-mail [email protected].
SUNDAY STAR, 9 JULY 2017 Healthy Bones 5

Make no
bones about it
Protein for strength
PROTEIN is built from building that the body absorbs more calcium
blocks called amino acids. Good when the diet includes adequate
> FROM PREVIOUS PAGE protein contains all 20 amino acids, protein.
including the nine essential amino Biogrow HPF-5 is a blend of plant
For patients, the most important part of undergoing acids that our body cannot produce protein and digestive fibre,
limb-lengthening and stature adjustment procedures is to know and must obtain from dietary enhanced with nutrients for bone
exactly what they are signing up for, as listed in the infographic below. sources. health such as calcium, magnesium
Besides professional consultations and advice, interested patients can High consumption of animal and vitamin D3. It is suitable for all
seek more anecdotal information from people who have undergone protein could result in many ages.
the process through support groups, both online and offline. adverse health effects such as Replacing one or two servings of
osteoporosis and long-term risk of meat protein with plant protein can
1 developing diabetes.
According to a study published
make a big health difference.
Unlike dairy products, the high
Physical preparation
in The American Journal of Clinical protein-fibre powder contains no
2 Nutrition in 2006, poultry, fish and Biogrow HPF-5s high protein-fibre lactose and cholesterol, is low in
Potential patients should: shellfish as the main sources of powder provides your body with a saturated fats, and has lower risk
First contact with surgeon l Begin preparation up to dietary protein led to an increased good supply of plant protein, of being contaminated with
l Interested patients submit a year before they intend to risk of gout, while plant-based digestive fibre, calcium, magnesium antibiotics and growth hormones.
an enquiry to a limb- undergo limb lengthening proteins reduced the risk. and vitamin D3. Take one scoop of Biogrow
lengthening surgeon. l Maintain the body in an Animal protein contains a higher HPF-5 daily to obtain a high
active regenerative state to amount of acid-based amino A consistent supply of plant amount of plant protein, calcium,
ease bone growth process acids that can cause greater loss of protein along with sufficient magnesium and vitamin D3 for the
l Include weight- calcium through urine and a calcium and vitamin D in ones diet development of strong muscles,
3 Screening phase
bearing and flexibility bone-weakening effect. is important for the maintenance of bones and teeth.
exercises to improve Plant proteins such as soy and bone and muscle mass.
(at surgeons regeneration rate of
discretion) peas, on the other hand, can Studies have shown that people This article is brought to you by
soft tissue around the provide all the essential amino who meet their daily protein Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
l Patients are asked to bone acids packaged with plenty of requirements maintained
write essays on questions fibre and other phytonutrients their bone health compared to n For more information,
the surgeon has prepared,
which include matters such
4 when consumed in the right
those who eat less than the
recommended levels, as it is proven
call 03-7956 2220 or e-mail
[email protected].
as mental well-being, Consultation
physical health and reasons
they want to undergo limb l The surgeon listens to
lengthening. the patients needs and
l Only shortlisted sets a realistic target and
applicants are contacted by timeline for the
the surgeon for their first procedure.
consultations. l At this stage, if the
patient decides to go
through with the process,
5 the surgeon sets an
First surgery appointment for the
surgery from a few
l The surgeon implants the months up to a year into
limb-lengthening device. the future to allow the
patient time to prepare.

Lengthening phase (50 to 75 days)

l Bones are moved apart 0.667mm to 1mm daily with a series of

clicks to the lengthening device.
l Supplements with calcium and vitamin D are popular, but
patients are also encouraged to consume silica supplements to
improve calcium absorption in the body.

7 8
Consolidation phase
(20 to 60 days) In case of complication

l No weight-bearing l Surgeons either slow

activity or walking to down or terminate the
encourage hardening lengthening process
of the newly formed altogether.
bone. l Additional surgery
l Some lengthening might be needed for
devices allow for more severe cases.
light movement on
crutches during this
l The patients final
height is measured. Physiotherapy

l Patients are to perform

stretching and exercises with
10 lower impact than what they
Full recovery did before starting the
process, but slightly more
l Patients return to life as strenuous ones than what
normal. they did during the
l Some internal lengthening lengthening phase.
devices require patients to
return after one or two years
to have the structural rods

There are certainly limits to how much bones can be lengthened,

but these limits differ from case to case depending on how well a
patient may be recovering or how well the body responds to the
stress of lengthening.
Although limb-lengthening and stature adjustment procedures
may seem like an extreme measure, they are monumental in
improving the quality of life for some individuals, whether they
undergo the procedure for cosmetic or medical reasons.
6 Healthy Bones SUNDAY STAR, 9 JULY 2017

Relieving pain in your hand

DOES your hand feel numb? Does nerve, says Dr Lim.
the numbness only involve the
hand area (palm and fingers) and
Dr Gopinath adds, After surgery,
patients may experience brief
Carpal tunnel
not the arm? If so, you are discomfort that lasts from 24 to 72 syndrome is caused
probably experiencing carpal
tunnel syndrome.
hours. Recovery time varies
depending on the patients age, by pressure on the
Carpal tunnel syndrome is
caused by pressure on the median
general health, severity of carpal
tunnel syndrome and the length
median nerve at
nerve at the wrist. Believed to be of time symptoms have been the wrist. Believed
caused by too much pressure or
work using the hands, the
Many patients who undergo to be caused by
syndrome is commonly
experienced by musicians,
carpal tunnel release surgery
achieve nearly complete relief of
too much pressure
carpenters, construction workers all symptoms. or work using the
hands, the syndrome
and people who use computers for It is important to effectively treat
many hours throughout the day. carpal tunnel syndrome as
In its early stages, symptoms
may include tingling or numbness Dr Gopinath Mathavan. Dr Lim Li Aik.
promptly as possible. The longer
the median nerve remains
is commonly
in your thumb, index finger, compressed, the more damaged it experienced
by musicians,
middle finger and outer border of syndrome include pins and needles Melaka Straits Medical Centre. can become.
your ring finger. a numbing, burning or tingling Other health conditions, such as If the nerve is compressed for
sensation in your thumb, index pregnancy, obesity, kidney failure too long, it may not recover even
construction workers
What causes numbness? and middle fingers. and thyroid diseases, can also give after the pressure is relieved.
In addition, you may feel pain rise to excess body fluids, thus Eventually, that could lead to and people who
use computers
Carpal tunnel syndrome that moves up your arm to your contributing to hand swelling. permanent weakness and lack of
happens when the space in the elbow or experience pain that coordination in your fingers and
carpal tunnel becomes smaller or
the tendons in the tunnel thicken,
worsens at night, interrupting
Treatment thumb.
for many hours
placing pressure on the median
nerve. Anatomically, the carpal
You may also experience hand
weakness and difficulty gripping
Surgery is recommended when
a patient does not respond to
n For more information, call
Oriental Melaka Straits Medical
tunnel is a narrow passageway at objects with your hands or non-surgical treatments or the Centre at 06-315 8911. the day.
the palm side of your hand (near dropping objects easily, adds Dr syndrome has become severe.
the wrist), explains Dr Lim Li Aik, Lim. Surgery for carpal tunnel
consultant orthopaedic and trauma Other conditions or risk factors syndrome is an outpatient
surgeon of Oriental Melaka Straits such as diabetes and heavy alcohol procedure, which means it does
Medical Centre. drinking are also associated with not require an overnight stay in
Through this opening passes the carpal tunnel syndrome. the medical centre.
median nerve and several tendons Inflammation caused by During surgery, the surgeon will
used to bend the fingers. In carpal rheumatoid arthritis and infections make a single cut in the front of
tunnel syndrome, there could be can also affect the wrist tendons your wrist at the base of your
some swelling and narrowing of passing through the carpal tunnel palm. The surgeon will then open
this opening, thus compressing the passageway, explains Dr Gopinath the carpal tunnel and release the
median nerve. Mathavan, consultant orthopaedic transverse carpal ligament to
Symptoms of carpal tunnel and trauma surgeon of Oriental relieve the pressure on your

Vitraplus J-Flex with Pomegranate

and Green Lipped Mussel Extract
Complex Softgel contains
pomegranate and green-lipped
mussel to manage osteoarthritis.


Natural remedy
for osteoarthritis
DID you know that you cannot prevent ingredients have been clinically tested to
osteoarthritis (OA)? provide relief from joint pain.
The ends of each of our bones are covered Pomegranate seed oil is rich in punicic
with cartilage that acts as a cushion between acid, ellagic acid, sterol, fatty acids and
the bones. polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) while
Over time, the cartilage breaks down and the fruit is a great source of anthocyanins
causes pain and swelling when the joints and hydrolysable tannins.
rub together. Excess weight and repetitive These components protect the cartilage
movements speed up wear and tear of the and help prevent the onset and severity of
cartilage. inflammatory arthritis.
Healthcare practitioners today are looking Green-lipped mussel extract relieves joint
at the pomegranate and green-lipped mussel inflammation that causes pain and stiffness.
to manage OA.
Both these ingredients are used in This article is brought to you by Vitraplus
Vitraplus J-Flex with Pomegranate and Green J-Flex with Pomegranate and Green Lipped
Lipped Mussel Extract Complex Softgel, the Mussel Extract Complex Softgel, the all-
all-natural remedy for relief from joint pain. natural remedy for relief from joint pain.
Each softgel contains 150mg of
pomegranate fruit extract, 100mg of n For more information, call AJ Research &
pomegranate seed oil and 100mg of green- Pharma Sdn Bhd at 03-2161 1585.
lipped mussel extract. These active KKLIU No.2243/2016
SUNDAY STAR, 9 JULY 2017 Healthy Bones 7

Keeping people physically active

A HEALTHY, active lifestyle is the of biomolecules including proteins, from your diet throughout the day.
goal of many modern consumers. water and small molecules that help Vitamin C is required as a cofactor
Essential to achieving this are strong reduce friction and keep joints in a number of biochemical
bones and joints. As you grow older, healthy. One of those proteins is reactions and it is also an important
age-related stiffness and discomfort collagen, which makes up the bulk antioxidant.
in the joints become a fact of life. of the cartilage in your joints. Vitamin C is required for the
Activities once routine become a Type II collagen is the basis for proper development and functions
challenge as limited mobility cartilage. Type II collagen does form of many parts of the body such as
hampers your every move. To fibrils. This fibrillary network of helping to boost the immune system
protect your joints, practise healthy collagen allows cartilage to entrap and may also help in building
lifestyle habits. Use your joints the the proteoglycan aggregate as well collagen.
right way. as provide tensile strength to the Opceden Fortigen is specially
These tips can help you have tissue. formulated in a flavourless powder
healthier joints now and for years to Opceden Fortigen is using to dissolve instantly in water. You
come. Germany bioactive patented type II can add it to your favourite drinks
l Lose weight (if you need) collagen peptides. It contains small for a collagen-boosting treat.
One of the kindest things you can do molecular size. Opceden Fortigen does not contain
for your joints is not to carry too In a healthy joint, a thick preservatives, artificial colouring,
much body weight. substance called synovial fluid additives, sugar and dairy products.
l Stay active Regular exercise provides lubrication, allowing bones
helps your joints work like they to glide against one another. The n For more information, call Asia
Arthritis is a joint disease that occurs when the cartilage covering the should, eases stiffness and relieves critical substance in synovial fluid Healthcare at 03-6156 2836.

bones is damaged. fatigue. It strengthens the muscles known as hyaluronic acid breaks
that support your joints. down. This is a supplement product
l Practise good posture Proper Loss of hyaluronic acid appears to advertisement.
posture protects your shoulder, hip contribute to joint pain and stiffness. KKLIU No.0320/2017
and knee joints. It is a substance that is naturally
l Eat for joint health Choose a present in the human body. It is

diet with calcium content, omega-3, found in the highest
type II collagen peptides or concentrations in fluids in the
hyaluronic acid to protect your eyes and joints.
joints. Hyaluronic acid works by
acting as a cushion and lubricant

Opceden Fortigen is formulated in the joints and other tissues. In
with type II collagen peptides, addition, it might affect the way
hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to the body responds to injury.
keep people physically active and Vitamin C is a water-soluble
mobile. vitamin. This means it is not
What is type II collagen? stored in your body and you
Cartilage is composed of a variety must consume adequate amounts
JOINTS are places in the body l Collagen Type II collagen
where two or more bones meet. represents the largest group of
A firm material called cartilage collagens in the cartilage. It
covers the end of each bone. helps to maintain the tensile
Cartilage acts as a cushion strength of the cartilage or
between bones and provides a resist stretching force on the
gliding surface for joint motion. cartilage.
Arthritis usually refers to any
joint pain or joint diseases. A combination of glucosamine
There are various types of and chondroitin is more
arthritis, including: effective in providing clinically
l Degenerative arthritis meaningful and sustaining
Also known as wear and tear analgaesia in knee OA.
joint disease, osteoarthritis (OA) Lifestyle modifications also
is the most common type of help to improve joint functions.
arthritis. It happens when the l Maintaining a healthy
cartilage breaks down and weight A person who is 4.53kg
bones start rubbing each other, (10 pounds) overweight has
causing pain, swelling and 18.1kg (40 pounds) of extra
stiffness. pressure on the knees. Besides
l Inflammatory arthritis causing extra pressure on
Inflammatory arthritis happens weight-bearing joints, excess fat
when the immune system that accumulates in the body
attacks the joints with could also release chemicals into
uncontrolled inflammation, the body that promote
potentially causing joint erosion. inflammation.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and l Exercise Exercise can
psoriatic arthritis are examples help to increase flexibility,
of inflammatory arthritis. reduce joint pain and maintain
l Metabolic arthritis When a healthy weight, which helps
the body produces more uric to reduce stress on painful
acid than needed or the body joints.
cannot get rid of it quickly Some of the exercises that are
enough, the excess uric acid suitable for those facing arthritis
might build up and form needle- problems include walking,
like crystals in the joint. This will stretching and swimming.
result in sudden joint pain also Some people might feel pain
known as gout attack. when doing exercise. However,
do not stop exercising, just
There are some medicine that reduce the time and frequency
can be taken as arthritis slightly. Excluding exercise can
management: make the arthritis worse, which
l Glucosamine can then cause more pain.
Glucosamine is an amino sugar l Diet There is no specific
and prominent precursor in the diet that helps arthritis. Our
biochemical synthesis of joints thrive on the same healthy
glycosylated proteins and lipids, diet as other organs, requiring
including glycosaminoglycans plenty of fruits, vegetables,
(GAG). whole grains and oily fish.
Glucosamine acts as the For people having gout
cartilage building block in problem, they need to take
reducing friction between joints. control of their diet by avoiding
l Chondroitin Chondroitin alcohol and high-purine food.
is a molecule naturally found in
the body. It is a vital part of This article is brought to you
cartilage that cushions the joints, by BiO-LiFE Marketing Sdn Bhd.
maintains cartilage elasticity by
retaining water, and reduces the n For more information, call
activity of enzymes that break 03-7882 6419 or visit
down cartilage.
8 Healthy Bones SUNDAY STAR, 9 JULY 2017

AS people age, their bodies become

more susceptible to wear and tear.
Regeneration of new tissue takes a
longer time, resulting in decreased
overall strength in the body.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease
Goat's milk contains
affecting more than 40% of the
elderly in Malaysia. It is often
certain minerals that
caused by hormonal changes function to increase
or a deficiency of calcium and bone mass and bone
vitamin D. structure integrity.
Osteoporosis is more occurrent
in the elderly. This disease involves
the deterioration of bone tissue
and decreases bone mass,
resulting in bones so brittle that a

Nutritious goat's milk

minor fall could cause breaks and
Osteoporosis typically affects all
bones, but breaks are more
common in the hip, spine and

to boost bone mass

wrist. This disease is difficult to
treat but highly preventable when
the right precautions are taken.
The consumption of bone-
assisting nutrients and minerals is
one of the best ways to prevent
essential nutrients including Vitamin B is important for for consumers.
A different type of milk calcium, magnesium, sodium,
phosphorus and vitamin A to
preventative care and also
promotes healthy metabolism.
Osteoporosis is a Although most of Karihomes
range of products is for children,
Milk has long been said to be a ensure healthy bones in old age. It Karihome is a brand imported bone disease affecting the basic product is suitable for

more than 40% of the

good supplement for bone health. comes from goats that are fed exclusively from New Zealand and ages seven to late adulthood.
Goats milk is a relatively less naturally on grasslands so the formulated for different stages of Karihome goats milk packs an
popular type of milk. However, it
delivers the same or more benefits.
resulting product contains natural
New Zealands strong and elderly in Malaysia. impressive nutritional punch per
100g of milk powder. Every 100g
It contains important proteins
and minerals. Certain minerals
It also contains bioactive well-bred free-range goats are
cared for in a nourishing
It is often caused by contains 960mg of calcium, 88mg
of magnesium and 390mg of
hormonal changes or
compounds (nucleotides, calcium
that can be found in goats milk phosphopeptide (CPP) and taurine) environment, consequently vitamin A.
function to increase bone mass and
bone structure integrity.
that are highly beneficial to
strengthen and generate healthy
yielding rich and nutritious milk.
Karihome also supplements the a deficiency of calcium It is advisable to consume
approximately one and a half cups
Goats milk is also high in
calcium, which is an essential
bones. CPP is a type of carrier
protein that transports and
goats feed with fresh grass,
allowing them to receive unique
and vitamin D. of Karihome whole goats milk
daily to meet the average persons
building block in the human body increases absorption rate of nutrients. This results in high daily intake of calcium.
and needs to be ingested in minerals. levels of natural bioactive
adequate quantities. In addition, it compounds in the final milk This article is brought to you by
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