Structural Macroeconometrics: David N. Dejong Chetan Dave
Structural Macroeconometrics: David N. Dejong Chetan Dave
Structural Macroeconometrics: David N. Dejong Chetan Dave
of two preparatory stages. One stage involves preparation of the model to be analyzed; this
is the focus of the current chapter. The other involves preparation of the data; this is the
focus of Chapter 3.
Regarding the model-preparation stage, DSGE models typically include three compo-
nents: a characterization of the environment in which decision makers reside; a set of de-
cision rules that dictate their behavior; and a characterization of the uncertainty they face
in making decisions. Collectively, these components take the form of a non-linear system
of expectational dierence equations. Such systems are not directly amenable to empirical
analysis, but can be converted into empirically implementable systems through the comple-
The rst step involves the construction of a linear approximation of the model. Just as
non-linear equations may be approximated linearly via the use of Taylor-series expansions, so
too may non-linear systems of expectational dierence equations. The second step involves
the solution of the resulting linear approximation of the system. The solution is written in
terms of variables expressed as deviations from steady state values, and is directly amenable
to empirical implementation.
While this chapter is intended to be self-contained, far more detail is provided in the
literature cited below. Here, the goal is to impart an intuitive understanding of the model-
note that there are alternatives to the particular approaches to model approximation and
by perturbation methods; for a textbook discussion see Judd (1998). And a leading alter-
native to the approaches to model solution presented here is based on the use of projection
methods. This alternative solution technique is discussed in this text in Chapter 10; for
additional textbook discussions, see Judd (1998), Adda and Cooper (2003) and Sargent and
Ljungqvist (2004).
1 Linearization
(xt+1 ; xt ) = 0; (1)
where the xs and 0 are n 1 vectors. The parameters of the system are contained in the
vector : DSGE models are typically represented in terms of such a system, augmented to
include sources of stochastic behavior. We abstract from the stochastic component of the
model in the linearization stage, since models are typically designed to incorporate stochastic
behavior directly into the linearized system (a modest example is provided in Section 2.2;
detailed examples are provided in Chapter 5). Also, while expectational terms are typically
included among the variables in x (e.g., variables of the form Et (xt+j ); where Et is the
conditional expectations operator), these are not singled out at this point, as they receive
Before proceeding, note that while (1) is written as a rst-order system, higher-order
observed at dierent points in time. For example, the pth -order equation
2 3 2 32 3
6 ! t+1 7 6 1 2 p 7 6 !t 7
6 7 6 76 7
6 7 6 76 7
6 ! 7 6 1 0 0 76 ! 7
6 t 7 6 76 t 1 7
6 7 6 76 7 = 0;
6 .. 7 6 .. .. .. 76 .. 7
6 . 7 6 . . . 76 . 7
6 7 6 76 7
6 7 6 76 7
4 5 4 54 5
! t p+2 0 0 1 0 ! t p+1
or more compactly, as
xt+1 xt = 0; xt+1 = [! t+1 ; ! t ; :::; ! t p+2 ] :
The goal of the linearization step is to convert (1) into a linear system, which can then
be solved using any of the procedures outlined below. Anticipating the notation that follows
Denoting the steady state of the system as (x) = 0, where x is understood to be a function
its steady state, given by
@ @
0 (x) + (x) (xt x) + (x) (xt+1 x); (3)
@xt @xt+1
where (xt x) is n 1, and the n n matrix @xt
(x) denotes the Jacobian of (xt+1 ; xt ) with
@ @
equation in (1) with respect to the j th element of xt . Dening A = @xt+1
(x) and B = @xt
yields (2), where variables are expressed as deviations from steady state values.
It is often useful to work with log-linear approximations of (1), due to their ease of
interpretation. For illustration, we begin with a simple example in which the system is 1 1;
xt+1 = f (xt ):
Taking logs and using the identity xt = elog xt ; the system becomes
Then approximating,
f 0 (x)
log xt+1 log [f (x)] + (log(xt ) log(x)) ;
f (x)
It is also possible to work with higher-order approximations; e.g., see Schmitt-Groh and Uribe (2002).
or since log [f (x)] = log x,
xt+1 f 0 (x) xt
log log( ) :
x f (x) x
f 0 ()
Note that f ()
is the elasticity of xt+1 with respect to xt : Moreover, writing xt as x + "t ; where
xt "t "t
log = log 1 + ;
x x x
and thus log x
is seen as expressing xt in terms of its percentage deviation from steady
since it is not possible to take logs of both sides of (1). Again using the identity xt = log ext ;
log 1 (log e ; log ext ) log 2 (log e
; log ext ) = 0: (5)
The rst-order Taylor series approximation of this converted system yields the log-linear
@ log[ 1 ] @ log[ 1 ]
where @ log(xt )
(x) and @ log(xt+1 )
(x) are n n Jacobian matrices, and log( xxt ) and log( xt+1
are n 1 vectors. The approximation of the second term in (5) is analogous. Then combining
the two approximations and rearranging yields (2), which takes the specic form
The elements of A and B are now elasticities, and the variables of the system are expressed
In Part II of the text we will discuss several empirical applications that involve the need
to approximate (1) or (5) repeatedly for alternative values of : In such cases, it is useful to
automate the linearization stage via the use of a numerical gradient calculation procedure.
We introduce this briey here in the context of approximating (1); the approximation of (5)
is analogous.
Gradient procedures are designed to construct the Jacobian matrices in (3) without an-
alytical expressions for the required derivatives. Derivatives are instead calculated numeri-
cally, given the provision of three components by the user. The rst two components are a
designed to return the n 1 vector of values z generated by (1) for two cases. In the rst
case xt+1 is treated as variable and xt is xed at x; in the second case xt is treated as variable
and xt+1 is xed at x: The gradient procedure delivers the Jacobian @xt+1
(x) = A in the rst
case and @xt
(x) = B in the second case. Examples follow.
1.3 Examples
y t = c t + it ;
indicating that output (yt ) can be either consumed (ct ) or invested (it ). This equation is
yt ct it = 0;
and in terms of (3), with xt = [yt ct it ]0 and the equation representing the ith of the system,
the ith row of @xt
(x) = [1 1 1] : In the notation of (5), the equation appears as
@ log [ 1 ] @ log [ 2 ] 1 c i
(x) (x) = : (8)
@ log(xt ) @ log(xt ) y c+i c+i
Finally, to use a gradient procedure to accomplish log-linear approximation, the ith return
As an additional example consider the Cobb-Douglas production function
where output is produced by use of capital (kt ) and labor (nt ) and is subject to a technology
accomplish log-linear approximation, taking logs of the equation and rearranging maps into
h i0
With xt = log yyt log aat log kkt log nnt ; the ith row of the right-hand-side matrix in (7) is
@ log [ 1 ] @ log [ 2 ]
(x) (x) = [1 1 (1 )] : (9)
@ log(xt ) @ log(xt )
And to use a gradient procedure to accomplish log-linear approximation, the ith return of
2 Solution Methods
Having approximated the model as in (2), we next seek a solution of the form
This solution represents the time series behavior of fxt g as a function of f t g ; where t is a
Here we present four popular approaches to the derivation of (10) from (2). Each approach
involves an alternative way of expressing (2), and employs specialized notation. Before
describing these approaches, we introduce an explicit example of (2), which we will map into
the notation employed under each approach to aid with the exposition.
The example is a linearized stochastic version of Ramseys (1928) optimal growth model:
yet+1 e
at+1 e
kt+1 = 0 (11)
yet+1 ce
ct+1 e
i it+1 = 0 (12)
1c Et (e
ct+1 ) + a Et (e
at+1 ) + e
k Et (kt+1 ) + 2c e
ct = 0 (13)
kt+1 e
k kt
i it = 0 (14)
at+1 e
at = "t+1 : (15)
n o
The variables yet ; e e e
ct ; it ; kt ; aet represent output, consumption, investment, physical capital,
and a productivity shock, all expressed as logged deviations from steady state values. The
variable "t is a serially uncorrelated stochastic process. The vector
=[ c i 1c a k 2c k i; ]0
Two modications enable a mapping of the model into a specication resembling (2).
First, the expectations operator Et (:) is dropped from (13), introducing an expectational
error into the modied equation; let this error be denoted as ct+1 : Next, the innovation
2 32 3 2 32 3
6 1 0 0 1 76 yet+1 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 76 yet 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 0 0 0 0 1 7 6 ect+1 7 6 0 0 0 0 76 ect 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 0 7 6 eit+1 7 6 0 76 eit 7
6 1 c i 0 76 7=6 0 0 0 0 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 0 0 76 kt+1 7
e 6 0 0 0 0 76 kt 7
6 1c k z 76 7 6 2c 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
4 54 5 4 54 5
0 0 0 1 0 zet+1 0 0 i k 0 zet
| {z }| {z } | {z }| {z }
A xt+1 B xt
2 32 3 2 32 3
6 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 0 0 0 0 1 76 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 76 7
6 76 0 7 6 76 0 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 0 0 0 0 0 76
76 0
7 6 0 0 0 0 0 76
76 0
7: (16)
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
6 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 7 6 0 0 0 1 0 76 ct+1 7
6 76 7 6 76 7
4 54 5 4 54 5
0 0 0 0 0 "t+1 0 0 0 0 0 0
| {z }| {z } | {z }| {z }
C t+1 D t+1
2.1 Blanchard and Kahns Method
The rst solution method we present was developed by Blanchard and Kahn (1980),
2 3 2 3
6 x1t+1 7 6 x1t 7
6 e6
7=A 7 + Eft ; (17)
4 5 4 5
Et (x2t+1 ) x2t
where the model variables have been divided into an n1 1 vector of endogenous predeter-
mined variables x1t (dened as variables for which Et x1t+1 = x1t+1 ), and an n2 1 vector of
Following the approach of King and Watson (2002), a preliminary step is taken before
casting a given model into the form (17). The step is referred to as a system reduction: it
involves writing the model in terms of a subset of variables that are uniquely determined.
at and e
In terms of the example, note that observations on e kt are su cient for determining yet
using (11), and that given yet ; the observation of either e ct or eit is su cient for determining both
n o
variables using (12). Thus we proceed in working directly with e ct ; e
kt ; aet using (13) (15),
n o n o n o
and recover yet ; it as functions of e e
ct ; kt ; aet using (11) and (12). Among e e
ct ; kt ; aet ;
kt is predetermined (given e
kt and eit ; e
kt+1 is determined as in (14)); e
ct is endogenous but
not predetermined (as indicated in (13), its time-(t + 1) realization is associated with an
expectations error); and aet is an exogenous forcing variable. Thus in the notation of (17),
we seek a specication of the model in the form
2 3 2 3
6 e
kt+1 7 6 e
kt 7
6 e6
7=A 7 + Ee
at : (18)
4 5 4 5
Et (e
ct+1 ) e
0 0
To obtain this expression, let t = yet eit , t = e
kt e
ct , and note that Et (e
at+1 ) =
at . In terms of these variables, the model may be written as
2 3 2 3 2 3
6 1 0 7 6 0 7 6 1 7
6 7 = 6 7 +6 7at
4 5 t 4 5 4 5e
t (19)
1 i 0 c 0
| {z } | {z } | {z }
2 30 2 1
3 2
2 3 2 3
6 k 1c 7 6 0 2c 7 6 0 0 7 6 a 7
6 7Et ( ) = 6 7 + 6 7 t+6 7e (20)
4 5 t+1 4 5 t 4 5 4 5at :
1 0 k 0 0 i 0
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
3 4 5 6
1 1
3 Et ( t+1 ) = 4 + 5 0 1 t + 6 + 5 0 2 e
at : (21)
Finally, premultiplying (21) by 3 yields a specication in the form of (18); Blanchard and
Kahns solution method may now be implemented. Hereafter, we describe its implementation
e yielding
The method begins with a Jordan decomposition of A;
A 1
J ; (22)
e are ordered in increasing
where the diagonal elements of J, consisting of the eigenvalues of A,
2 3
6 J1 0 7
J =6
5 (23)
0 J2
where the eigenvalues in J1 lie on or within the unit circle, and those in J2 lie outside of
the unit circle. J2 is said to be unstable or explosive, since J2n diverges as n increases. The
2 3 2 3
6 11 12 7 6 E1 7
5 E=6
5 (24)
21 22 E2
the number of non-predetermined variables, the system is said to be saddle-path stable and
a unique solution to the model exists. If the number of explosive eigenvalues exceeds the
source); and in the opposite case an innity of solutions exist (and the system is said to be
a sink).
e in (18) yields
Proceeding under the case of saddle-path stability, substitution for A
2 3 2 3 2 3
6 x1t+1 7 6 x1t 7 6 E1 7
6 7= 1
J 6 7+6 7 ft : (25)
4 5 4 5 4 5
Et (x2t+1 ) x2t E2
Eigenvalues of a matrix are obtained from the solution of equations of the form e = e; where e is
an eigenvector and the associated eigenvalue. The GAUSS command eigv performs this decomposition.
Next, the system is pre-multiplied by ; yielding
2 3 2 32 3 2 3
6 x1t+1 7 6 J1 0 7 6 x1t 7 6 D1 7
6 7=6 76 7+6 7 ft ; (26)
4 5 4 54 5 4 5
Et (x2t+1 ) 0 J2 x2t D2
2 3 2 32 3
6 x1t 7 6 11 12 7 6 x1t 7
6 7 = 6 76 7 (27)
4 5 4 54 5
x2t 21 22 x2t
2 3 2 32 3
6 D1 7 6 11 12 7 6 E1 7
6 7 = 6 76 7: (28)
4 5 4 54 5
D2 21 22 E2
Having de-coupled the system, we derive a solution for the non-predetermined variables
by performing a forward iteration on the lower portion of (26). Using f2t to denote the
which can be substituted into (29) to obtain
In writing (31) we have exploited the Law of Iterated Expectations, which holds that
Et [Et+1 (xt )] = Et (xt ) for any xt (e.g., see Ljungqvist and Sargent, 2004). Since J2 con-
Mapping this back into an expression for x2t using (27), we obtain
1 1
x2t = 22 21 x1t 22 J2 D2 Et (f2t+i ): (33)
In the case of the example model presented above, Et (f2t+i ) = e
at ; and thus (33) becomes
1 1 1 1
x2t = 22 21 x1t 22 J2 I J2 1 D2 e
at : (34)
Finally, to solve the non-explosive portion of the system begin by expanding the upper
portion of (25):
e11 x1t + A
x1t+1 = A e22 x2t + E1 ft ; (35)
e11 and A
where A e22 are partitions of 1
J conformable with x1t and x2t : Then substituting
for x2t using (33) yields a solution for x1t of the form given by (10).
First, a model-specic system reduction is employed to obtain an expression of the model
that consists of a subset of its variables. The variables in the subset are distinguished as
0 and 3 is required in order to obtain a specication of the model amenable for solution.
Exercise 1 Write computer code for mapping the example model expressed in (11)-(15) into
is unnecessary because the variables in xt are expressed in terms of deviations from steady
state values. Like Blanchard and Kahns (1980) method, Simsmethod involves a de-coupling
of the system into explosive and non-explosive portions. However, rather than expressing
variables in terms of expected values, expectations operators have been dropped, giving
rise to the expectations errors contained in t+1 : Also, while Blanchard and Kahns method
entails isolation of the forcing variables from xt+1 ; these are included in xt+1 under Sims
method; thus the appearance in the system of the vector of shocks to these variables t+1 :
Third, Simsmethod does not require an initial system-reduction step. Finally, it does not
The programs available on Simswebsite perform all of the steps of this procedure. The web address is: The programs are written in Matlab; analogous code written in GAUSS
is currently under construction.
entail a distinction between predetermined and non-predetermined variables.
Note from (16) that the example model has already been cast in the form of (36), thus
we proceed directly to a characterization of the solution method. The rst step employs a
A = Q0 Z 0 (37)
B = Q0 Z 0 ; (38)
where (Q; Z) are unitary, and ( ; ) are upper triangular.4 Next, (Q; Z; ; ) are ordered
such that, in absolute value, the generalized eigenvalues of A and B are organized in and
in increasing order moving from left to right, just as in Blanchard and Kahns Jordan
decomposition procedure.5 Having obtained the factorization, the original system is then
pre-multiplied by Q, yielding the the transformed system expressed in terms of zt+1 = Z 0 xt+1 :
zt = zt 1 + QE + QC t + QD t ; (39)
where we have lagged the system by one period in order to match the notation (and code)
of Sims.
Next, as with Blanchard and Kahns (1980), method, (39) is partitioned into explosive
A unitary matrix satises 0 = 0
= I. If Q and/or Z contain complex values, the transpositions
reect complex conjugation, that is, each complex entry is replaced by its conjugate and then transposed.
Generalized eigenvalues of are obtained as the solution to e = e; where is a symmetric matrix.
Simswebsite also provides a program that orders the eigenvalues appropriately.
and non-explosive blocks:
2 32 3 2 32 3 2 3
6 11 12 7 6 z1t 7 6 11 12 7 6 z1t 1 7 6 Q1 7
6 76 7=6 76 7+6 7 [E + C + D t] : (40)
4 54 5 4 54 5 4 5 t
0 22 z2t 0 22 z2t 1 Q2
The explosive block (the lower equations) is solved as follows. Letting wt = Q(E +C t +D t )
(partitioned conformably as w1t and w2t ), the lower block of (40) is given by
z2t = M z2t+1 22 w2t+1 ; (42)
where M = 22 22 : Then recursive substitution for z2t+1 ; z2t+2 ; ... yields
z2t = Mi 1
22 w2t+1+i ; (43)
since lim M t z2t = 0. Recalling that wt is dened as wt = Q(E + C t + D t ); note that (43)
expresses z2t as a function of future values of structural and expectational errors. But z2t is
known at time t, and Et ( t+s ) = Et ( t+s ) = 0 for s > 0; thus (43) may be written as
z2t = Mi 1
22 Q2 E2 ; (44)
where Q2 E2 are the lower portions of QE conformable with z2 :6 Postmultiplying (44) by
22 Q2 E2 and noting that Mi = (I M ) 1 ; the solution of z2t is obtained as
z2t = ( 22 22 ) Q2 E: (45)
Having solved for z2t ; the nal step is to solve for z1t in (40). Note that the solution of
z1t requires a solution for the expectations errors that appear in (40). As Sims notes, when a
unique solution for the model exists, it will be the case that a systematic relationship exists
between the expectations errors associated with z1t and z2t ; exploiting this relationship
yields a straightforward means of solving for z1t : The necessary and su cient condition for
Q1 D = Q2 D; (46)
which represents the systematic relationship between the expectations errors associated with
z1t and z2t noted above. Given uniqueness, and thus the ability to calculate as in (46),
the solution of z1t proceeds with the pre-multiplication of (39) by [I ]; which yields
2 3 2 3
6 z1t 7 6 z1t 1 7
6 7= 6 7+[Q1 Q2 ] [E + C + D t] :
11 12 22 4 5 11 12 22 4 5 t
z2t z2t 1
Then due to (46), the loading factor for the expectational errors in (47) is zero, and thus the
Sims also considers the case in which the structural innovations t are serially correlated, which leads
to a generalization of (44).
system may be written in the form
xt = E + 0 xt 1 + 1 t; (48)
2 3
1 1
6 11 11 ( 12 22 ) 7
H = Z6
5 (49)
0 I
2 3
6 Q1 Q2 7
E = H6
5 (50)
( 22 22 ) Q2
1 0
0 = Z [ 11 ( 12 22 )]Z (51)
211 3
6 Q1 Q2 7
1 = H6
7 D:
5 (52)
Exercise 2 Using the code cited for this method, compute the solution for (11)-(15) for
given values of .
Klein (2000) proposes a solution method that is a hybrid of those of Blanchard and
Kahn (1980) and Sims (2001).7 The method is applied to systems written as
e t (xt+1 ) = Bx
AE e t + Eft ; (53)
GAUSS and Matlab code that implement this solution method are available at
where the vector ft (of length nz ) has a zero-mean vector autoregressive (VAR) specication
Like Blanchard and Kahn, Klein distinguishes between the predetermined and non-
predetermined variables of the model. The former are contained in x1t+1 ; the latter in x2t+1 :
Et (xt+1 ) = x1t+1 Et (x2t+1 ) . The solution approach once again involves de-coupling the
system in to non-explosive and explosive components, and solving the two components in
Returning to the example model expressed in (11)-(15), the form of the model amenable
to the implementation of Kleins method is given by (21), repeated here for convenience:
1 1
3 Et ( t+1 ) = 4 + 5 0 1 t + 6 + 5 0 2 e
at : (54)
The main advantage of Kleins approach relative to Blanchard and Kahns is that 3 may
be singular. To proceed with the description of Kleins approach, we revert to the notation
employed in (53).
e by implementing a com-
Kleins approach overcomes the potential non-invertibility of A
e and B:
plex generalized Schur decomposition to decompose A e This is in place of the QZ
e and B:
the QZ decomposition that allows for complex eigenvalues associated with A e Given
e and B;
the decomposition of A e Kleins method closely follows that of Blanchard and Kahn.
See Chapter 4 for a description of VAR models.
e and B
The Schur decompositions of A e are given by
QAZ = S (55)
QBZ = T; (56)
where (Q; Z) are unitary and (S; T ) are upper triangular matrices with diagonal elements
e and B:
containing the generalized eigenvalues of A e Once again the eigenvalues are ordered
2 3
6 Z11 Z12 7
5 (57)
Z21 Z22
Z11 is n1 n1 and corresponds to the non-explosive eigenvalues of the system. Given saddle-
path stability, this conforms with x1 ; which contains the predetermined variables of the
Having obtained this decomposition, the next step in solving the system is to triangularize
zt = Z H xt ; (58)
Given a matrix , if the lower triangular portion of is the complex conjugate transpose of the upper
triangle portion of , then is denoted as Hermitian.
(53) may be written as
2 3 2 3 2 32 3 2 3
6 S11 S12 7 6 st+1 7 6 T11 T12 7 6 st 7 6 Q1 7
6 7 Et 6 7=6 76 7+6 7 Eft ; (59)
4 5 4 5 4 54 5 4 5
0 S22 ut+1 0 T22 ut Q2
once again, the linear portion of (59) contains the unstable components of the system. Solving
ut = M ft (60)
T 1
vec(M ) = ( S22 ) Inz T22 vec(Q2 E): (61)
This solution for the unstable component is then used to solve the stable component, yielding
st+1 = S111 T11 st + S111 fT12 M S12 M + Q1 Egft Z111 Z12 M t+1 ; (62)
where t+1 is a serially uncorrelated stochastic process representing the innovations in the
VAR specication for ft+1 : In the context of our example model, ft corresponds to e
at ; the
The appearance of the vec operator accommodates the VAR specication for ft : In the context of the
example model, T is replaced by the scalar T ; and (61) becomes M = T S22 T22 Q2 E:
innovation to which is "t : In terms of the original variables the solution is expressed as
L = Z11 S111 T11 Z111 Z12 M + Z11 S111 [T12 M S12 M + Q1 E] + Z12 M : (66)
x1t+1 = Z11 S111 T11 Z111 Z21 Z111 x1t + Z11 S111 T11 Z111 N + L ft : (67)
Uhlig (1999) proposes a solution method based on the method of undetermined coe -
Matlab code available for implementing this solution method is available at:
GAUSS code is currently under construction.
With respect to the example model in (11)-(14) let xt = [yt ct it kt ]0 : Then lagging the rst
two equations, which are subject neither to structural shocks nor expectations errors, the
2 3 2 3
6 0 0 0 0 7 6 1 0 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 0 0 0 0 7 6 1 0 7
6 7 6 c i 7
F =6
7 G=6
7 (70)
6 0 0 7 6 0 0 0 7
6 1c k 7 6 2c 7
6 7 6 7
4 5 4 5
0 0 0 1 0 0 i k
xt = P x t 1 + Qft : (71)
In deriving (71), we will confront the problem of solving matrix quadratic equations of the
P2 P =0 (72)
for the m m matrix P . Thus we rst describe the solution of such equations.
To begin, dene
2 3 2 3
6 7 6 0m m 7
5 =6
5 (73)
2m 2m 2m 2m
Im 0m m 0m m Im
Given these matrices, let s and denote the generalized eigenvector and eigenvalue of
with respect to ; and note that s0 = [ x0 ; x0 ] for some x 2 <m . Then the solution to the
P = ; = [x1 ; :::; xm ]; = diag( 1 ; :::; m ); (74)
so long as the m eigenvalues contained in and (x1 ; :::; xm ) are linearly independent. The
solution is stable if the generalized eigenvalues are all less than one in absolute value.
Returning to the solution of the system in (68)-(69), the rst step towards obtaining (71)
is to combine these three equations into a single equation. This is accomplished in two steps.
First, write xt in (68) in terms of its relationship with xt 1 given by (71), and do the same
Next, write ft+1 in terms with its relationship with ft given by (69). Taking expectations of
Note that in order for (76) to hold, the coe cients on xt 1 and ft must be zero. The rst
0 = F P 2 + GP + H; (77)
the solution of which is obtained as indicated in (73) and (74). The second restriction
Q=V [ vec(LN + M )] ; (79)
where V is dened as
V = N0 F + Ik (F P + G): (80)
The solutions for P and Q will be unique so long as the matrix P has stable eigenvalues.
As noted by Christiano (2002), this solution method is particularly convenient for working
with models involving endogenous variables that have diering associated information sets.
Such models can be cast in the form of (68)-(69), with the expectations operator Et replacing
2 3
6 E(X1t j 1t ) 7
6 7
6 .. 7
Et (Xt ) = 6
6 . 7;
7 (81)
6 7
4 5
E(Xnt j nt )
where it represents the information set available for formulating expectations over the ith
using an expansion of the system (68)-(69) specied for a representative agent. The solution
of the expanded system proceeds as indicated above; for details and extensions, see Christiano
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