Carolina Caroler 2010 - Fall PDF

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Fall 2010 page 1

Carolina Caroler
An official, Award-Winning publication
of the 'orth Carolina Chapter
of the American Choral Directors Association


Presidents 2

September 17 - 18, 2010 'ew ACDA Logo 2

UC Greensboro School of Music
Guest Clinician ~ Dr. Jerry Blackstone Fall Conference 3
Clinician Bio

Collegiate 3
featuring Partnership
ORTH CAROLIA SIGS! Fall Conference 4-6
A WORKSHOP Performing Choirs

FOR YOUG VOICES Fall Conference 7-9

Information &
Guest Clinician ~ Paul Caldwell Registration Form

SSA All-State 10-11

and the fourth annual 'CMEA 12-13

Luncheon Info
Hoggard Form 14
Guest Conductor & Clinician:
Chris Kiver 2011 Chicago 15-16
Conference Info

Travel Article 17

C ACDA SR. HIGH Treasurers Report 18


Application Form

January 28 - 29, 2011

Greensboro Coliseum &
War Memorial Auditorium Directories
Deanna Joseph, Conductor 'C ACDA Officers 2

'C ACDA Specially 3

Appointed Officers
ACDA ational Conference
'C ACDA R&S 4-5
March 9-12, 2011 Chairs
Chicago, Illinois Volume 11, Issue 3
Featuring Four Levels of Honor Choirs!
Fall 2010
page 2 C a r oCarolina
l i n a C aCaroler

Presidents Message
C ACDA Officers Ginger Wyrick, NC ACDA President
Still singing. You may have noticed that I Listening
President sign my writing with this phrase. It seems transcends the
Ginger Wyrick best to describe a life expressed through and mundane to the
6200 Maple Cove Lane by music. It is self-defining. extraordinary.
Charlotte, NC 28269 Kristen Hampton of WBTV recently Perhaps singing
704.948.4363 reported on Willa Mae Moore, who at 103 can be used to take
[email protected]
years old continues to make singing a part the pulse of society. Coal miners know that
of each day. Many songs are committed to as long as the canary sings, working
Past President
Daniel J. Bara memory. A hymnal fills in any missing conditions are safe. We should be alarmed
School of Music words. Music has been a part of her entire that singing is disappearing from our
East Carolina University life and now floods the front parlor of classrooms and communities. Warning
Greenville, NC 27858 White Oak Manor in Rock Hill. Willa signs of the growing silence are frighten-
252.328.6243 Mae's daughter knows that something is ing. Working conditions are becoming
[email protected] wrong if mom is not singing and says dangerous and life support is waning.
singing is what keeps her mother young at But rather than flee, let us change the
President-Elect heart. conditions.
Welborn E. Young (Bill)
UNC Greensboro Research shows that singing is great for You are a standard bearer for singing.
School of Music health. But we already know that. It does ACDA arts advocacy remains central to our
P.O. Box 26167 not seem to matter what you sing only that mission. The desire to afford every child the
Greensboro, NC 27402 you sing. It boosts immunity, improves lung opportunity to sing must extend beyond
336.334.5428 function, and reduces stress (unless you are childhood and ensure that all of society
[email protected] the conductor). It may even help in our sings. For it is when we come together to
anti-aging efforts because of its aerobic sing that we agree to work together, even
Secretary qualities. Singing makes you feel better-- if but for a few moments. And in those
Gwen Hall
for a long time. moments, we discover something about
Southwest Randolph
High School Singing accounts our history, expresses one another and perhaps see beyond our
1641 Hopewell Friends Road the present, and dreams a future. Composi- differences.
Asheboro, NC 27205 tion provides a platform for the creative So sing.
336.381.7747 to take rise. Performance becomes a A lot.
[email protected] melodic carpet carrying the heart on a And often.
magical ride that engages the spirit. As I am still singing, Ginger
Jeffrey Ward
East Carolina University
A.J. Fletcher Music Center ACDA R e le ase s Ne w L o go!
Greenville, NC 27858
252.328.2557 The American Choral Our association is made up of cally reflected this identity."
[email protected] Directors Association has inspired and dedicated choral
released its new logo, which directors, living and working It was important to blend
offers the name of the asso- as local artists-in-residence in past reputation with the look
Membership Chair
ciation through colors that communities, schools, faith and feel of a forward-thinking
Daniel J. Bara
connect with its past, a fresh organization. The design
School of Music
East Carolina University font that reflects the forward team retained this equity
Greenville, NC 27858 looking posture of the 21st by keeping the color combi-
252.328.6243 century association, and an nation that reflected the past
[email protected] iconic image that showcases by using ACDA's historic
the work of the membership. blue color, adding the 50th
ewsletter Editor anniversary color of gold.
Anne M. Saxon In a statement released by The new, clean font, is
4105 Sewanee Drive Tim Sharp, Executive Direc- traditional, but adds a
Winston-Salem, NC 27106 tor of ACDA, "Members of communities, cities, towns, timeless feature to the new
336.922.4073 the American Choral Direc- and counties throughout the look. Iconically, the new logo
[email protected] tors Association work daily to country. In our effort to showcases the actual creative
foster and promote quality convey this image, we sought conducting work of the choral
choral music throughout the to create a logo that artisti- director.
United States and the world.
Fall 2010 page 3

Fa l l C o n f e r e n c e C l i n i c i a n
Dr. Jerry Blackstone C ACDA Specially
Appointed Officers
Grammy Award-winning conductor Jerry prepared by Dr. Black-
Blackstone is Director of Choirs and Chair of stone have appeared Auditions
the Conducting Department at the University of under the batons of Sam Doyle
Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance Valery Gergiev, Neeme 1313 Westminster Drive
where he conducts the Chamber Choir, teaches Jrvi, Leonard Slatkin, Greensboro, NC 27410
conducting at the graduate level, and adminis- John Adams, Helmuth 336.282.0549
ters a choral program of eleven choirs. Rilling, James Conlon, [email protected]
Nicholas McGegan,
In February 2006, he received two Grammy Rafael Frhbeck de Burgos, Peter Oundjian, Conference Exhibits
Awards (Best Choral Performance and Best and Yitzak Perlman. Aaron Jackson
Classical Album) as chorus master for the Christ Baptist Church
critically acclaimed Naxos recording of As conductor of the University of Michigan 400 Newton Road
William Bolcoms monumental Songs of Mens Glee Club from 1988-2002, Professor Raleigh, NC 27615
Innocence and of Experience. In addition to Blackstone led the ensemble in performances 919.573.5454
Professor Blackstones choral conducting work at ACDA national and division conventions [email protected]
at the University, he has led operatic produc- and on extensive concert tours throughout
tions with the University of Michigan Opera Australia, Eastern and Central Europe, Asia, Conference Site Host
Theatre, including productions of Janaceks South America, and the United States. The Carole Ott
The Cunning Little Vixen and Strausss Die recently released UM Mens Glee Club CD, I UNC Greensboro
Fledermaus. have had Singing, is a retrospective of his School of Music
tenure as conductor of the ensemble. P.O. Box 26170
Professor Blackstone is considered one of the Greensboro, NC 27402
countrys leading conducting teachers, and his Santa Barbara Music Publishing distributes Dr. 336.334.5428
students have received first place awards and Blackstones acclaimed educational video, [email protected]
been finalists in both the graduate and under- Working with Male Voices, and publishes the
graduate divisions of the American Choral Jerry Blackstone Choral Series, a set of choral Lara Hoggard
Directors Association biennial National Choral publications that presents works by several Award Chair
Conducting Awards competition. composers in a variety of musical styles. Sam Doyle
(see Auditions info listed
In 2004, Dr. Blackstone was named Conductor Prior to coming to the University of Michigan above)
and Music Director of the University Musical in 1988, Professor Blackstone served on the
Society Choral Union, a large community/ music faculties of Phillips University in SSA All-State Coordinator
university chorus that frequently appears with Oklahoma, Westmont College in California, Jeremy Truhel
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Choirs and Huntington College in Indiana. Forsyth Country Day School
5501 Shallowford Road
P.O. Box 549
Lewisville, NC 27023-0549
ACDA Partners with North Carolina [email protected]
on Collegiate Membership
Technology Chair
Executive Director Tim Sharp announced a new initiative to help collegiate Webmaster
students become involved in ACDA. The national office is willing to partner with Bert Fox
states to help offset the cost of student membership dues. Lufkin Road Middle School
1002 Lufkin Road
Current student membership dues are $35.00 annually. ACDA is asking students Cary, NC 27539
to pay only $5.00. The remaining amount will be shared between the state chapter 919.387.4465
and the national office, each paying $15.00. [email protected]
NC ACDA has allotted funds from our cash reserve to participate in this initiative.
Collegiate students who want to participate must register and attend the Fall Conference Reading Sessions
Conference in September. At conference, interested students should contact Eric Johnson
Treasurer Jeff Ward to complete the ACDA membership form and pay their $5.00 James E. Holmes
dues. Treasurer Ward will complete the membership process on their behalf. Middle School
211 N. Pierce Street
NC ACDA has supported collegiate memberships over the past several years by Eden, NC 27288
underwriting the full amount of student dues. Although state chapters are not [email protected]
required to participate, this new program will allow our funds to go even further in 336.623.9791 x108
an effort to encourage students to become active members in ACDA.
page 4 Carolina Caroler

NC ACDA Fall Conf ere nce 2010 Per f or ming Gr oups

R&S Chairs The Guilford Colle ge Chamber Singer s
Dr. Wendy Looker, Conductor
Jeremy Truhel
Forsyth Country Day School
5501 Shallowford Road
P.O. Box 549
Lewisville, NC 27023-0549
[email protected]

Childrens Choirs
Heather Potter
2005 Scott Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28203
[email protected]

College/University Choirs
Carole Ott The Guilford College Chamber Singers is a select ensemble of 15-20 voices established by
UNC Greensboro director Wendy Looker in 2004. While roughly half of the singers are music majors, the ensemble
School of Music supports a richly diverse membership that includes students from the Early College at Guilford as
P.O. Box 26170 well as traditional students, adult students, and alumni. Dedicated to the art of chamber ensemble
Greensboro, NC 27402 performance, the majority of programs focus on a cappella literature of the Medieval, Renais-
336.334.5428 sance, and Baroque periods. The Chamber Singers tour annually with the Guilford College Choir
[email protected] and the Guilford College Guitar Ensemble. All three ensembles traveled to Ireland in 2009 and
will tour Spain in May 2012.
Community Choirs
Aaron Jackson
Christ Baptist Church Dr. Wendy Looker is the Director of Choral Activities and Assistant
400 Newton Road Professor of Music at Guilford College, where she teaches courses in
Raleigh, NC 27615 Conducting and Music History and directs the College Choir and Chamber
919.573.5454 Singers. A native of Buffalo, New York, Looker holds the Doctor of Music
[email protected] degree in Choral Conducting from the Indiana University Jacobs School of
Music, the Master of Music degree in Conducting from the University of
Ethnic and Multicultural Michigan, and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Vocal Performance from the
Perspectives State University of New York College at Geneseo.
Wendy Looker Looker has served as a guest clinician for Guilford County All-County
Guilford College
Choruses and is presently the NC-ACDA Repertoire & Standards Chair for Multicultural Perspec-
5800 W. Friendly Avenue
tives. She is a member of ACDA, NCCO, Chorus America, and the College Music Society. An
Greensboro, NC 27410
avid singer, Looker performed with the Bel Canto Company from 2004-2006, and has sung with
[email protected] and directed the Greensboro-based early music vocal ensemble, The Kensington Consort. In April,
Dr. Looker was named the new Artistic Director of the Piedmont Chamber Singers. She resides in
Jazz Choirs Kernersville with her husband Jeremy Truhel and their two-year-old daughter, Madeleine.
Greg Parker
Chowan University
Department of Music Festival Singers
1 University Place Donna Hill, Conductor
Murfreesboro, NC 27855-1823
252.398.6201 Now in her seventh season as director of the Festival Singers, Donna
[email protected] has successfully led the group in inspiring concert seasons including
Holocaust Remembrance, as well as, the premiere of two new works
Music & Worship Beatitude Mass by Henry Mollicone and Psalm 138 (text from the Dead
Andy Roby Sea Scrolls exhibit and commissioned by Carolina Voices) by David
120 North Lafayette Street Crowe. As the director, Donna looks for opportunities to program music
Shelby, NC 28150 that has social and spiritual relevance, as well as, new choral music, some-
704.482.3467 times untraditional and most especially music that touches and inspires the
[email protected] heart. She currently serves as the Choir Director for Central United
(Continued on Page 5)
Fall 2010 page 5
NC ACD A Fall Conference Pe rforming G roups (Continued f rom page 4)

Methodist Church in Concord, NC. C ACDA

A familiar face in the Charlotte music R&S Chairs
community, she served as the Associate Male Choirs
Conductor for ten years and singer for twenty- Dan Huff
five years for the Oratorio Singers of Char- UNC Chapel Hill
lotte. She also directs the Good Friends Choir CB#3320 Hill Hall
during their annual Holiday luncheon. Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3320
Donna received her Bachelors of Music [email protected]
Education in Choral Conducting from
Junior High/Middle School
Winthrop University. She has studied choral Choirs (Co-Chairs)
conducting with Dr. Robert Edgerton and Susan Townsend
former Oratorio Director, the late, Dr. Mary 4236 Huntsville Road
Nell Saunders. She is an active member of the Fayetteville, NC 28314
American Choral Conductors Association. 910.433.9085
[email protected]
Festival Singers, Carolina Voices classical
chamber choir, is comprised of 26-32 Claire Olinik
auditioned singers under the direction of Rosman Middle School
Donna Hill. The ensemble specializes in 2770 Old Rosman Highway
Rosman, NC 28722
presenting programs that have connections
to spiritual and social topics of profound colinik@transylvania.
relevance and meaning, in an effort to inspire,
engage and entertain its audiences. Repertoire
ranges from traditional classical works to Senior High School Choirs
spirituals, folk songs and contemporary choral music. Carol Earnhardt
Glenn High School
The Festival Singers maintains a performance schedule of three concerts a year in and around the 1600 Union Cross Road
Charlotte area. In addition, the Festival Singers has performed as part of the Piccolo Spoleto Kernersville, NC 27284
Festival in Charleston, SC for 23 consecutive years. 336.771.4500
[email protected]
Show Choirs
Gardner-Webb Concert Choir Mary D. Summerlin
Dr. Paul Etter, Conductor C.E. Jordan High School
6806 Garrett Road
As the auditioned, touring choir of Gardner-Webb University located in Boiling Springs, NC, Durham, NC 27702
the Concert Choir performs in churches, schools, and at University functions. Its members are 919.560.3912
engaged in many fields of study. The choir maintains a high standard of excellence, performing [email protected]
sacred and secular choral music from all historical periods. The Concert Choir has sung through- Two-Year College Choirs
out the Carolinas and the Southeast, as well as in New York, DC, Europe, and Costa Rica, with Frances Wilson
plans to tour Ireland in 2011. (Continued on page 6) Sandhills Community College
3395 Airport Road
Pinehurst, NC 28374
[email protected]
Womens Choirs
Laura Sam
Walter M. Williams
High School
1307 South Church Street
Burlington, NC 27215
[email protected]
Youth & Student Activities
Fred Spano
UNC Charlotte
Department of Music
9201 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28223
[email protected]
page 6 Carolina Caroler
NC ACD A Fall Conference Pe rforming G roups (Continued f rom page 5)

Paul J. Etter is in his tenth year as Director of Choral Activities/Coordinator of Sacred Music at Gardner-
Webb University in Boiling Springs, NC. He teaches conducting classes, all sacred music classes, conducts
the GWU Concert Choir, Chorale, Choral Union, Handbell Ensemble (having studied with Cynthia Dobrin-
ski), and hosts the annual GWU Choral Clinic which brings 200 students to campus. Every spring, he leads
the Concert Choir on tour to places such as New York City, Europe, or Costa Rica, as well as singing in area
churches. The Choral Union performs choral/orchestral works each spring, performing such works as
Haydns The Creation, Handels Messiah, Mozarts Requiem, and Brahms Requiem. He has been actively
involved leading church music for over twenty-five years, and is in demand to lead clinics and festivals in
area churches and schools.

Dr. Etter graduated with a Ph.D. in Fine Arts with an Emphasis in Choral Conducting from Texas Tech
University in Lubbock, Texas. While there, Dr. Etter helped prepare the auditioned choir in concerts to the
national ACDA Convention in San Diego, Lincoln Center in New York, and the Texas Music Educators
Association convention. Originally from Missouri, he completed a Bachelor of Music at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar,
Missouri, and a Master of Music at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He is a member of the
ACDA, National Collegiate Choral Organization, North Carolina Music Educators Association, and the National Honor Music
Society Pi Kappa Lambda.

Musical Heirs
Barbara Van Patter, Conductor

Musical Heirs celebrated their 18th year anniversary this past May. The group started out with 8 home educated
students who wanted to sing and become more knowledgeable about music. From this choir, the CHEA choir program
was formed and has grown into a program educating 275 children through 5 graded choirs. Musical Heirs exists to bring
beauty and hope to those in need.

Barbara Van Patter is founder and director of Musical Heirs. Mrs. VP, as her students enjoy
calling her, has a bachelors degree in Music Education from Temple University in Philadelphia
and a Masters in Education from Arcadia University in Glenside, PA.
Van Patter has directed school choirs on all levels, church choirs, and musical theater. Her
passion in life is teaching children of all ages. Presently, she teaches Aesthetics at Greyfriers
Classical Academy, directs Musical Heirs, operates a piano studio, and directs the childrens
choirs at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews. She is the wife of Scott and mother of four
Fall 2010 page 7

Ma le Voca l Ar t s Sy mp os iu m 2 010
D r . C hr is K ive r , Cond uc tor
The Fall Conference will feature the fourth annual Male Vocal Arts Symposium. Conference attendees are invited to attend
MVAS rehearsals that will run concurrently with the Fall Conference Schedule. The conference will end with a concert
session of the MVAS singers.
To promote choral singing and vocal artistry among boys and men who currently sing in school, university, church, and
community choirs in North Carolina.
To facilitate multi-generational musical fellowship and mentorship through the formation of a state-wide mens ensemble
which would encompass singers from 8th grade to retirement age.
To introduce male singers to male university voice faculty from North Carolina colleges / universities who will be offered
the opportunity to sing in the MVAS choir, as well as perform in a solo recital for the MVAS participants.
To engage a national caliber conductor/clinician who will lead rehearsals culminating in performance of varied mens
chorus repertoire.

Dr. Chris Kiver joined the Pennsylvania 2002 Sydney World Symposium Foundation Scholarship.
State University faculty in 2005, and In February 2006, he was a double Grammy Award winner
directs the Penn State Glee Club and ("Best Choral Performance" and "Best Classical Album") as
the Chamber Singers. Kiver also teaches chorusmaster for the critically acclaimed Naxos recording of
classes in choral conducting and choral William Bolcoms monumental Songs of Innocence and of
literature. He is a graduate of the Univer- Experience.
sity of London, Florida State University, Choirs under Kivers direction have performed at state and
and the University of Michigan where he regional conventions of the American Choral Directors
received the D.M.A. in choral conducting. Association and the Music Educators National Conference.
He has studied conducting with Jerry Blackstone, Rodney
Eichenberger and Theodore Morrison. Kiver has also partici- He is President-Elect for the Pennsylvania American
pated in master classes with Anton Armstrong, Frieder Choral Directors Association and has taught at the
Bernius, Simon Halsey and Stefan Parkman. Westminster Choir College summer and Saturday seminar
programs. Kiver has appeared as guest conductor, clinician
A native of the United Kingdom, he has received numerous and adjudicator in the United States, Australia and New
prizes and scholarships including a Fulbright Award, and the Zealand.

Nor th Carolina Sings!

Paul Caldwell, Composer & Conductor
The Childrens Choir R&S Area of NC ACDA is Boychoir's summer festival in Princeton,
sponsoring a vocal workshop for children in grades 3-6 from New Jersey, to devote more time to
NC school, religious, and community choirs. These young composing and arranging.
singers will make music in a positive environment designed Paul's music, created collaboratively with
to encourage enthusiasm for choral singing. Music will be Sean Ivory, has been recorded by the
learned throughout the course of the day-long workshop. The world's finest choirs and telecast nationwide on PBS and
participants will give a demonstration concert on Saturday of A&E. Recently, they completed new works for performances
the Fall Conference. at Carnegie Hall, the Sydney Opera House, and Orchestra
Hall (Minneapolis). Paul has served as Artist in Residence for
Paul Caldwell is Artistic Director of the Youth Choral both the Children in Harmony Choral Festival at Walt Disney
Theater of Chicago, a training and performance company World and the Crescent City Choral Festival in New Orleans.
involving nearly 300 young people. The ensemble specializes
in music from diverse cultures and multi-media, interdiscipli- Additionally, he has completed two engagements as
nary performances. Under his leadership, the troupe was cited Composer in Residence for the Choral Music Experience
for Chicago's "best concert of the year" by The Pioneer Press. training course for conductors at Elon University. He is
The chorus has appeared twice at the Kennedy Center in a member of the Board of Directors for Chorus America,
collaborative performances with the Joffrey Ballet. Paul the nation's premier service organization for choruses and
recently retired as Music Director of the American conductors.
page 8 Carolina Caroler


Schedule of Events Conference Sites
UNCG School of Music hosts our Fall Conference. The building
Friday, September 17, 2010 is located at the corner of McIver and Market Streets in Greens-
boro. Visit for campus and driving
12:00 noon Registration
12:30-6 pm Exhibits Open
Guilford College, located at 5800 West Friendly Avenue, hosts
1:00 Opening of Conference
the Male Vocal Arts Symposium rehearsals on Friday of the
1:10 Concert Session I conference. Visit
Concert Choir, Gardner-Webb University contact_directions/directions.html for campus and driving
Paul Etter, Conductor directions.
Musical Heirs, Barbara Van Patter, Conductor
2:20 Clinician Session I: The Conductors Dream
Conference Parking
Parking is available in the McIver Parking Deck adjacent to the
3:35 R&S Reading Session I School of Music. Rates are assessed hourly. Each time you enter
and leave the deck, charges will be assessed. A limited number
4:15 Interest Session I of parking spaces may be available on nearby streets.
Conversation with Paul Caldwell, & Choral Jazz
5:25 Clinician Session II: Compelling Performances Parking Deck Instructions
6:30 Meet the Clinician Reception Recital Hall Portico 1. Drive into the parking deck and take the white ticket as you
2. Bring the parking deck ticket with you when you leave
Saturday, September 18, 2010 your car.
9:00 - 4:00 Exhibits Open 3. When you are ready to leave and BEFORE GOING TO
9:00 R&S Reading Session II YOUR CAR - go to the big Yellow box (on the right as you
approach the parking deck) that says Pay Here.
9:45 Clinician Session III: Had We Known This Back When
4. Place your parking ticket in the appropriate slot.
10:55 Interest Session II: The Venus Factor
11:45 5. Pay for parking.
Browse Exhibits & Lunch (on your own)
1:05 6. Take the white ticket (receipt) with you to your car.
Concert Session II
Guilford College Chamber Singers 7. Insert the ticket in the machine to activate the crossbar to
Wendy Looker, Conductor leave the deck.
& Carolina Voices, Donna Hill, Conductor
2:05 Concert Session III Conference Accommodations
NC Sings! Workshop Demonstration The Greensboro Marriott Downtown serves as our
Paul Caldwell, Clinician and Conductor conference hotel. Rooms are available under the NC ACDA title
at a convention rate of $99.00 per night. Rooms will be held
3:10 Clinician Session IV: Had We Known This Back When until August 18th. You may contact the Marriott at
336.379.8000. Book early!
4:10 Concert Session IV
The Male Vocal Arts Symposium Chorus
Chris Kiver, Conductor Directions to Greensboro Marriott Downtown
From the Raleigh-Durham area: Follow 85 South/40 West to
4:40 End of Conference
the Elm/Eugene Street exit (125). At the stoplight, turn right on
5:15 NC ACDA Board Meeting and Dinner Elm/Eugene Street. Follow Elm/Eugene Street into downtown
area. Turn right on Smith Street. Follow Smith Street to Greene
Street. Turn right on Greene Street. The hotel entrance is
located 2 blocks on the left.
Male Vocal Arts Symposium & NC Sings! Rehearsals From the Charlotte area: From I-85 North, exit 122B (Highway
220 North/Coliseum area). Continue straight across Highway
The MVAS and NC Sings! rehearsals will run concurrently with the 40 and this changes into Freeman Mill Road. Follow Freeman
conference, and will each conclude with a conference presentation. Mill Road approximately 5 miles into the downtown area. Turn
Conference attendees are welcome to observe the rehearsals in progress. right on Smith Street. Follow to Greene Street. Turn right on
Greene Street. The hotel entrance is located 2 blocks on the left.
College Students Please Note:
Join ACDA for only $5.00!! NC ACDA and the National Office will share the For more information:
cost of your student membership when you attend Fall Conference. NC Bill Young, Conference Chair
students that pay the $20.00 student conference fee AND attend the fall Phone: 336.334.5428 ~ [email protected]
conference are eligible. Speak with Treasurer Jeff Ward at Fall Conference.
Carole Ott, Site Coordinator, UNC Greensboro
Phone: 336.334.5428 ~ [email protected]
Fall 2010 page 9


Pre-Registration Deadline Conference Costs
August 18, 2010
(Postmarked on/before August 18, 2010)

___ $60 Active ACDA member

___ $40 first time member
ACDA membership number______________________ (joining ACDA to attend conference)
(Visit for member information)
___ $70 Non-ACDA Member, Spouse, Guest

Home Information ___ $20 Collegiate member

Address______________________________________ ___ $35 One day rate

___ $30 Retired member
City, State, Zip________________________________

Phone_______________________________________ Registration (After August 18, 2010)

E-mail_______________________________________ ___ $70 ACDA member

___ $50 First time member (joining ACDA to attend
Work Information
___ $80 Non-ACDA Member, Spouse, Guest
___ $30 Collegiate member
City, State, Zip________________________________
___ $40 One day rate
Phone_______________________________________ ___ $40 Retired member
Total amount enclosed $_______________

I have special needs and wish to be called about

CEU Credit
If you would like to receive CEU credit for attending the
I WILL be attending the Conference Reception. conference, please obtain the pre-approval form from your
school system. NC ACDA will provide a documentation
I am a First-Year Teacher/Director
of your attendance.
NC ACDA will take photographs during the 1. Fill out the registration form and return as indicated
conference for archival and publicity purposes. These below by August 18th. Conference music packets cannot
pictures may be used on the website, conference be guaranteed for those who register after August 18th.
recordings, newsletters and other NC ACDA print Registration fees are nonrefundable. Your cancelled check
materials. NC ACDA has permission to use photographs is confirmation of registration.
taken during the Fall Conference on their website,
conference recordings, newsletters and other NC ACDA 2. Mail registration form and check (payable to NC
ACDA) to: Jeffrey Ward, NC ACDA Treasurer
mailings without any other express written consent.
East Carolina University
A.J. Fletcher Music Center
Greenville, NC 27858
page 10 Carolina Caroler

NC ACDA 2011 Sr. High All State Womens Choir

Jeremy Truhel, NC ACDA Sr. High All-State Womens Choir Chair
Deanna Joseph, Conductor

DOT MISS THE SEPTEMBER 10TH DEADLIE to mail your registration form for the
NC ACDA Sr. High All State Womens Choir to be held at the Greensboro Coliseum January
28 - 29, 2011. A registration form can be downloaded from the NC ACDA website
( or the NCMEA website (, or, use the
one on the facing page.
Please remember that attendance at a zone rehearsal by participating students and directors is an All State
requirement. (These rehearsals are listed on the NCMEA website.)
I look forward to working with you as we provide our young women this enrichment experience in choral music. Please
contact me with any questions you may have. --Jeremy

has served on the choral and
conducting faculties at the
University of Massachusetts Same as 2010
at Amherst and Smith College. The Echoing Green, William Mathias
At UMass, Joseph conducted
(Oxford) ISBN 0-19-342603-X
the Chamber Choir, the
University Chorale, the
Women's Choir, and taught Ave Maria, Opus 12, Johannes Brahms
choral conducting in the (J.W. Pepper) 1278191
Deanna Joseph
Department of Music and
will conduct the Dance. At Smith College, Opus 26, Edward Elgar
2011 Sr. High All-State Ms. Joseph was the conductor o. 1: The Snow
of the Smith College Chorus, (J.W. Pepper) 4063855
the Smith Chamber Choir, and the Smith Wind o. 2: Fly Singing Bird
Ensemble. She also taught sight singing, conducting, (J.W. Pepper) 1897404
and choral literature.
In addition to her academic positions, Joseph was the Love's Philosophy, David Childs
founder and artistic director of the semi-professional (Santa Barbara) SABA SBMP628
chorus, Hodie, and was the conductor of the South
Hadley Chorale, which she led in performances of works
Music Down in My Soul, Moses Hogan
such as Mendelssohn's Elijah and the Beethoven Mass
in C. Joseph also holds a position on the Artist Faculty
of the New York State Summer School for the Arts ~
School of Choral Studies. Joseph is an active soprano
soloist performing regularly with the Rochester, New
Application for
York ensemble, Voices, and formerly with the Arcadia Choral Performance
Players and the vocal sextet, Cantabile, in Massachu-
setts. at the 2011 Fall Conference
Joseph currently serves on the faculty at Hobart and is included on our website at
William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY where she
conducts the College Community Chorus. She is a
doctoral candidate in choral conducting at the Eastman Postmark deadline is
School of Music where she also serves as an instructor
of undergraduate conducting and assistant conductor of April 15, 2011!
the Eastman Chorale and the Eastman-Rochester Chorus.
Fall 2010 page 11
(GRADES 9, 10, 11, & 12)
(Failure to complete this application accurately and in its entirety may result in disqualification.)

The undersigned makes application to enter selected students in the 11th - 12th_____, 9th - 10th_____, Womens Choir______ to be held
on January 28 and 29, 2011 at the Greensboro Coliseum Special Events Center /War Memorial Auditorium.

School Name (In full)_____________________________________________________________________________________

Choral Director_________________________________ Directors E-Mail Address___________________________________

Street Address ______________________________________________ City _____________________ Zip __________________


School Phone ___________________ Home Phone _____________________ Cell _____________________ (Please list all)

Total Number of Students in the PRESENT CHORAL program in your high school Please count students enrolled in year-long courses
only onceCount only once, even if enrolled in more than one class. If you change students at the semester, then count both semesters
separately. (9th - 10th and 11th - 12th grade enrollment should equal the total choral enrollment.)

TOTAL 9th - 10th grade enrollment_________ Total female enrollment (9th - 12th) _______

TOTAL 11th - 12 grade enrollment __________ TOTAL CHORAL ENROLLMENT___________

**Students are required to attend an All State District Rehearsal in order to participate in C All State Choir.
Directors or a principals designee MUST accompany all students and remain with them the entire time.
Unsupervised students will not be allowed to remain at rehearsals.

We will attend the _______________ District Rehearsal held at _________________________ on_____________________.

District #

Choral directors must be a current member of the Choral Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association (NCMEA) to
participate in the 9-10 and the 11-12 choir. To participate in the SSA choir, directors must be a member of the American Choral
Directors Association (ACDA). For NCMEA membership information, contact: or Music Educators National
Conference, 1806 Robert Fulton Dr., Reston, VA 20191. For ACDA membership information, contact, or
American Choral Directors Association, PO Box 2720, Oklahoma City, OK 73101. (For questions about the Womens Choir,
contact Jeremy Truhel, SSA Coordinator).

MENC I.D. # _______________ Expiration Date ___________ ACDA I.D. #_________________ Expiration Date__________

Principal Name (PRINT): _______________________________ Principals Signature_____________________________________


PLEASE RETURN ALL FORMS TO: BEVERLY ALT (336) 643-9264 -home or (336)-605-3300, ext. 2087-school
For specific information concerning the SSA Choir, please contact Jeremy Truhel at [email protected]
****Student Allotments per school will be determined (on a percentage basis) by the All-State Coordinators and sent to each school.
Acceptance by each school will be the timely return of registration fees.******
page 12 Carolina Caroler

N C M E A L u n c h e o n Pe r f o r m i n g C h o i r
Charlotte Childrens Choir ~ Sandy Holland, Conductor
The Charlotte Childrens Choir serves children between
the ages of 8 - 18 by providing the highest level of artistic
excellence in choral music. With 250 children in 7 ensembles,
the choir represents nine counties, two states, and over 100
public and private schools.
The Concert Choir has enjoyed unique and exceptional
performance opportunities with the Charlotte Symphony,
Opera Carolina, and Carolina Voices, has appeared with the
American Boychoir, on an A&E television special with Judy
Collins, and with the Grammy Award winning Canadian
Brass. The Choir has also appeared at state, regional, and
national conferences including a North Central MEA
Conference, ACDA Southern Division Convention, the
AOSA Conference and at the 2006 National Conference of
OAKE. In 2008 the Concert Choir appeared on National
Public Radios From the Top, a program featuring Americas most talented young musicians.

Sandy R. Holland has been with the Choir since 1991. She received her Bachelors degree from
Pfeiffer College and Masters degree from Indiana University where she served as assistant conductor
of the University Childrens Choir under the direction of Dr. Mary Goetze. She was recently selected as
a Chorus America Masterclass Conducting Fellow with Dr. Joseph Flummerfelt and Dr. Ann Howard
Holland is the founding director of the Childrens Celebration in Song summer program for 150
children in the greater Charlotte area, and co-founder of the Annual Piedmont Invitational Childrens
Choir Festival for childrens choirs across the state of North Carolina. An experienced and sought after
choral clinician, she has conducted all-state choruses, workshops and clinics in twelve states.
She is a member of the Organization of American Kodly Educators, American Orff-Schulwerk
Association, Chorus America, and ACDA. She is certified in Orff-Schulwerk and has received the Artist Teacher Diploma from
the Choral Music Experience Institute with Doreen Rao. Holland is the past-chair of the Repertoire and Standards Committee on
Childrens Choirs for the Southern Division of ACDA, and the 2008 Chair of the ACDA Southern Division Honors Choir.

Southern Division Conference

2012: Winston-Salem, NC

An ACDA Focus on Sacred Spaces
Fall 2010 page 13

North Carolina ACDA Luncheon

at the
North Carolina Music Educators Association
Annual In-Service Conference
November 8, 2010
Embassy Suites Garden Terrace~ Winston-Salem, North Carolina ~ 12:00 Noon

Guest Choir:
Charlotte Childrens Choir
Sandy Holland, Conductor

Hoisin Chicken Salad
Cheesecake with Strawberry Topping
Rolls, Tea & Coffee

Luncheon Cost: $21.00 ~ Meal Tickets MUST be ordered in advance!

NCMEA Members Pre-register for the Luncheon

On the Conference Pre-Registration Form Provided in
The North Carolina Music Educator
Or on the NCMEA Website: www.
Non-NCMEA / NC ACDA Members Place Luncheon Ticket Orders
by Submitting Form with Check

Name: __________________________________ ACDA Membership #: ________________

Address: ______________________ City: _______________________ Zip: _____________

NC ACDA Luncheon: ________ @ $21.00 = Total Amount Submitted: $ ______________

Make checks payable to: NCMEA

Mail this form and your check to: Dr. Reta R. Phifer, Executive Director
PO Box 2632
Matthews, NC 28106-2632
[email protected]

Deadline for Pre-registration for the ACDA Luncheon: October 15, 2010
page 14 Carolina Caroler




Nominees Name ______________________________________________________________

Nominees Address ______________________________________________________________


Nominees Phone ______________________________________FAX____________________

Nominators Name ______________________________________________________________

Nominators Address ____________________________________________________________


Nominators Phone ______________________________________FAX____________________

Nominators Email ______________________________________________________________

1. Nominee has distinguished himself/herself as an outstanding choral director within NC.
2. Nominee has consistently demonstrated the highest musical standards throughout his/her career.
3. Nominee has been active in several areas of education (i.e. school, community, church work).
4. Nominee has served and/or held office in choral areas of appropriate professional
organizations such as NCMEA and NC ACDA.
5. Nominee provided statewide leadership in the choral art for a minimum of 10 (ten)
years within the state of NC.
6. Nominee must be nominated by a member of NC ACDA by a letter of recommendation
citing the merits of the nominee.

This form and a letter of recommendation must be submitted via mail, email, or FAX by
the nomination deadline of September 30th to:

Sam Doyle, Hoggard Award Chair

1313 Westminster Drive
Greensboro, NC 27410
336.370.8287 (FAX)

If you prefer you may e-mail the information to: [email protected]

For more information and a list of past recipients, visit
Fall 2010 page 15

2011 National Conference, Chicago, Illinois

March 9-12, 2011

The ACDA National Conference will meet in Chicago, Illinois,

Chicago March 9-12, 2011. Performance venues will include the historic
Orchestra Hall and the Auditorium Theater. Most other sessions
will meet in the McCormick Place Convention Center, just across
the street from the luxurious Hilton Chicago Hotel.
Two different types of worship sessions will be offered at this
particular conference. One is a Shabbat Service at the Anshe Emet
Synagogue. This will be led by Cantor Alberto Mizrahi,
whos voice is described as clarion-like, rich, vibrant,
and powerful. The Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath, where
one is freed from the everyday labors of regular life.
The Christian Worship Service will be designed by John
Ferguson, and will be held in the beautiful Rockefeller
Chapel on the campus of Chicago University. Led by Dr.
Anton Armstrong, it will feature the Cantorei of St. Olaf.
This 105-voice ensemble is a musical organization of sing-
ers and instrumentalists of the distinctive St. Olaf choral
Cantor Mizrahi Dr. Anton Armstrong
A major conference highlight will be the performance of
Mendelssohns Elijah, by the Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra and Chorus. It will be directed by Helmith Rilling,
Artistic Director of the Oregon Bach Society since 1990.
A special performance will be given by the professional
male chorus, Chanticleer, which will feature the Raymond
Brock Memorial Commission by composer Steven Sametz.
Other invited choirs include musica intima from
Helmith Rilling will conduct Mendelssohns Elijah Vancouver, British Columbia, Tiapei Philharmonic
Chamber Choir from Tiapei City, Taiwan, and Youth
Choir Kamer from Riga, Latvia.

Look for information this fall, or visit:

Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir
page 16 Carolina Caroler

National Honor Choirs, Chicago Conference 2011

Henry Leck Rollo Dilworth Lynne Gackle Peter Bagley

*Childrens Honor Choir, Directed by Henry Leck: unchanged treble voices, grades 49
*Middle School Honor Choir, Directed by Rollo Dilworth: treble, changing, & changed voices, ages 11-15
(grades 6-9)
Womens Honor Choir, Directed by Lynne Gackle: SSAA, Grades 1012, Collegiate, & Adult
Mens Honor Choir, Directed by Peter Bagley: TTBB, Grades 1012, Collegiate, & Adult
*It is to be noted that grades 6-9 overlap for the Childrens/Youth Honor Choir and the JH/MS Honor Choir. Teachers are asked to make the deci-
sion that best represents their choral situation. Singers from elementary schools and community-based childrens/youth choirs and boys with un-
changed voices may choose to submit their applications to participate in the Childrens/Youth Honor Choir under the direction of Henry Leck since
they are coming from a comparable ensemble. Likewise, students from Junior High and Middle School choral programs, along with boys whose
voices have changed or are changing may choose to submit applications to participate in the JH/MS Honor Choir, directed by Rollo Dil-
worth. However, it is up to the conductor/teachers discretion.
TEACHER/CONDUCTORS MAY NOT SUBMIT A SINGER TO BOTH HONOR CHOIRS. Any singer found to have been submitted to both
will be eliminated from consideration.
Fall 2010 page 17

Tr ave l w ith a Pur pose : A Choral Per f or me r s D re am C ome Tr ue

Bryan McDow ell, W orld C ultura l To ur s
Why travel with a choir? What are the benefits? Many directors -The growth that you notice in the students: For years, direc-
have asked me this over the years its a compelling question - tors have told me about the growth they have seen in their choirs
so I would like to share with you what we as leading up to tours. When the
a company have learned through our choir students know that they are
travel tours. First and foremost, travel of We knew that we had a unique opportunity to preparing to perform on a global
any kind can enrich everyones lives and sing three different times in Italy, but it wasn't stage they begin to take more
broaden their perspective but travel with a until we completed the third performance at a responsibility within the organiza-
purpose and in this instance, travel with a public mass at St. Peter's Basilica that we tion. Leaders emerge within the
musical purpose can bring educational realized that our lives were changed forever. group both musically and person-
and experiential benefits beyond what any Barbara Swigart, Croatan High School ally. As the group begins to learn
individual travel excursion has to offer. the new repertoire and tour program,
they take ownership and start performing like never before.
First I should say that an international choir tour does take some Performing a program more than once encourages the sense of
time to plan. Most directors begin the planning process for their ensemble, community and musicianship within the choir to grow
international tours about a year and a half prior to the trip. This exponentially, says Dr. Wendy Looker of Guilford College.
time frame allows for ample time in getting Experiences like this will undoubt-
approval from administration, boosters, and edly strengthen the presence of
support of the students and parents. The An international tour is an invaluable opportunity ensemble music at Guilford.
biggest decisions affecting a tour are choos- for members to form deep and lasting bonds,
ing the company to use and the place to go. not only to each other, but to the music itself. -The experience of performing in
When making a decision about which com- Dr. Wendy Looker, Guilford College famed venues before appreciative,
pany to use, you should consider its areas of international audiences: Of course
expertise, safety policies and procedures, as the main purpose of a performance
well as how comfortable you are with your representative within tour is to perform your music in beautiful, historic venues in front
the organization. Do not hesitate to ask for referrals from groups of appreciative audiences. Whether your tour takes you to Ireland
like your own. One of the biggest mistakes made when selecting or Italy, Austria or France, Spain or Argentina, the venues will
a provider is choosing the company with the lowest price. Under- leave you breathless. From St. Patricks in Dublin, St. Marks in
stand all the inclusions and be sure you are comparing apples Venice, St. Stephens in Vienna or countless other large and
to apples when making a decision. small venues, the experi-
ences, sights, and sounds
When considering a destination, pick the choir presented their best performance of the year at the are something you will
a location that excites you. If you are Basilica di Sant'Eustachio. It was exciting to hear the ensemble
always remember. Dr.
not excited about the destination it grow over the first days of the tour and to sing in such beautiful
Greg Parker of Chowan
will be obvious to the members of the settings for appreciative audiences, who responded most favorably University reflects on his
ensemble. Others factors to consider to our singing of the Allegri Miserere and Moses Hogan's Elijah
recent tour to Italy The
include musical importance, venues, Rock. Dr. Brian Gorelick, Wake Forest University
venues in which we
language, travel time, costs, and the performed were excel-
amount of time that you have for your performance tour. Now lent! Of course, while the opportunity to sing for Mass at St.
that the process is out of the way, lets take a look at how you, Peter's Basilica was very exciting for all of us; it was especially
the students, and the ensemble will benefit from your experience meaningful for the two Catholic members of my group who were
at home and abroad. able to take Communion during that Mass. Both had tears in their
-The opportunity to see and experience new cultures: One of eyes as they returned to the choir loft. Parker continues, The
the great advantages of my job is audiences were
helping todays student visit new These types of trips require a lot of work and cost a lot of money. However, great! Attendance
and exciting places. I recently did they are worth every minute, every sacrifice, and every penny that goes into at the concerts was
a presentation for a school in them. One of the best things that we can do for our students is to take them very good and the
which half of the students in at- out of the U.S. so they can experience the richness of the world beyond our audiences received
tendance were about to embark on borders. They come back with broader minds, a greater respect for other us warmly. The
their first trip overseas. The cultures, and a deeper appreciation of what it means to be an American. priest at Sant'Eusta-
excitement and anticipation in the Dr. Greg Parker, Chowan University chio in Rome said
room was overwhelming. As that we were one of
Barbara Swigart of Croatan High the best choirs that
School in Newport said, To see the works of the great masters had sung there in his many years of service.
was a moment in time that history came alive for my students, the In closing, if there is anything I would ask you take away from
parent chaperones, and for me. I was so moved that I had been a this, it is the idea that a music performance tour designed with a
part of making a dream come true for them. purpose will have an everlasting impact on both you and the
members of your ensemble. Brian
page 18 Carolina Caroler
Fall 2010 page 19
page 20 Carolina Caroler
Carolina Caroler
North Carolina American Choral Directors Association
c/o Anne M. Saxon, Editor
4105 Sewanee Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Included in this Issue: Conference Information, Forms, and the Coming Year

The Carolina Caroler is the official newsletter of the North Carolina chapter of
Newsletter Update the American Choral Directors Association. Articles and advertisements may be
Anne Saxon, Editor submitted to: Anne M. Saxon at [email protected]. Articles may be submitted
via email as Word documents. Times New Roman, or similar, with font size 11 is
preferred. Please do not double space after punctuations (periods)a practice held
Plans are complete for the back in the days of typewritersit is not necessary with word processing.
fall conference, NC Issue Deadline Publication
ACDA Luncheon at NCMEA, and
SSA Womens All-State! This issue is Fall June 15 July 15
Spring Dec. 15 Jan. 15
loaded with information about these Summer April 15 May 15
events, as well as most forms needed.
Do not hesitate to contact the choral NC ACDA reserves the right to edit any application for appearance and to edit all
professionals listed in this newsletter for materials proposed for distribution.
more information and a full connection
to the state choral community. Advertising Rates
The Carolina Caroler will accept advertising at the following rates:
For a complete list of forms and Full page-$150.00 (c. 7.5x10)
conference brochure be sure to check Half page-$100.00 (c. 7.5x4.5)
our website at Quarter page-$50.00 (c. 3.75x4.5)
The leadership directory is included
Discounts are available on multiple ads of the same design. Rates listed are for
also, along with links to other sites and
camera-ready copy or digital .jpg or .pdf file. A check made payable to North
information. Carolina ACDA must accompany the order. Advertisers will NOT be billed.
I hope to see you at fall conference and Copy will not run without advance payment. Advertising copy is subject to edito-
throughout the coming year! --Anne rial approval. The editor reserves the right to head and/or box any advertisement
bearing confusing resemblance to editorial material.

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