study of 43 plantation entities
on Bursa Malaysia showed
that most companies disclose
biological assets separately
on the face of balance sheet
as required by FRS 101 Presentation
of Financial Statements. However, very
few companies fair value their biological
assets, instead following the capital main-
tenance and amortisation methods under
the repealed MAS 8 Accounting for Pre-
Cropping costs in determining their value.
One reason could
be that MASB ED
One of the most 50 Agriculture
controversial accounting which follows IAS
41 is yet to take
standards, IAS 41 effect in Malaysia.
Agriculture which took Dif ficulty in
identifying the
effect for financial periods attributes of bio-
beginning on or after logical assets, the
cost of fair valua-
January 1 2003, defines tion, volatility and/
biological assets as living or the lack of rel-
evant information
animals or plants. are some of the
concerns in imple-
menting IAS 41, and companies are rec-
ommended to benchmark international
practices in applying fair value to bio-
logical assets in Malaysia. In Part 1 of this
two-part article, the writer looks at valua-
tion methods under IAS 41.
The fair valuation of assets is not a
simple process because different types of
assets also differ in their nature. One of
the most controversial accounting stand-
ards, IAS 41 Agriculture which took effect
accountant roles
set to strengthen in 2010s
Calum Robson
redit crunch hangovers will Fine-tuning competencies
strengthen accountants roles as
Successful management accountants will have
business advisers over the next ten
a common set of attributes, said Tabor: The
years, according to the International
Management accountants skill is both to chart the course
Federation of Accountants. Roger
an organisation has been following, and to
accountants will be Tabor, chair of IFACs Professional Accountants
guide its future journey. Increasingly, theyll be
well placed over the next in Business Committee, has said that account-
expected to complement technical knowledge
ants are well suited to contribute significantly to
ten years - if they can and analytical mindsets with leadership and
recovery. In many organisations, theyll act as
overcome the many creators and enablers of value, providing perti-
personal relationship competences of a high
challenges ahead, say nent advice that informs strategic decisions and
experts. This entails being
achieves better results, he
unafraid to come straight
to the point, however
Peter Simons, tech- Accountants will some- unwelcome the message.
nical specialist at CIMA,
agreed saying he antici- times have to tell boss- Accountants will some-
times have to tell bosses
pated that business es things they dont things they dont wish to
accountants will shift
swiftly out of crisis man- wish to hear, requiring hear, requiring strength of
character on both sides,
agement mode: During strength of character said Tabor. In hard times,
the recession, there was
an emphasis on cash- on both sides. though, organisations that
are prepared to hear and
flow and risk mitigation.
Roger Tabor, chair of IFACs respond to bad news from
Looking ahead, theyll
Professional Accountants in trusted, internal sources
need to provide tactical
input on systems invest- Business Committee are more likely to succeed
than those that are not.
ments, as well as centrali-
And when good times return, those same
sation initiatives, such as in-house or out-
values will restrain organisations from over-
sourced shared service centres. The underly-
stretching or misleading themselves.
ing trend will be to become more influential
across the business.
However Simons predicted that the relent- Becoming better informed
less drive for greater efficiencies will continue Simons predicted a need for better informa-
in the 2010s. He said: Globalisation and tech- tion over the next ten years, for both report-
nological advances have helped drive down ing and management information purposes,
the cost of finance functions. In the future, along with closer business partnering. He
instead of simply questioning costs, manage- said that management accountants will be
ment accountants will be increasingly proac- well-placed to provide the information senior
tive in process improvements. managers need to capitalise on opportunities.
Adding appeal to
Management accounting careers may
look somewhat different by the end of
the coming decade. Theres definitely
a trend towards business intelligence
providing management information, said
Simons. Commercial accountants will
need to combine accounting expertise
with business understanding and influ-
encing skills. Management accountants
have traditionally trained in accounts,
before progressing to financial or com-
mercial roles, he said. That may no
longer be the norm, with reporting and
back office functions separating out from
the front line. Accountants will be focused
on management which is a more inter-
esting proposition than one based on
transaction processing.
The accounting profession has been
increasingly vocal in claiming eligibil-
ity for CEO roles. Influencing skills will
still be crucial but Tabor warned that
In future, management accountants will have to apply CEOs also require strategic competence,
more sophisticated thinking in predicting performance. political astuteness, leadership and clar-
ity of vision. Accountants who have
This might include taking into account less obvious but become CFOs will already have devel-
more sector-specific indicators. oped those competences and be ideally
placed to hone their skills, he said. As
to whether more will become CEOs will
data strategy relates to actual require- cess of organisations and external report- depend on how well individuals perform,
ments, he said. He cited working capital ing will grow, with accountants inevitably develop and commit to exercising their
and cash reporting as examples of areas drawn closer in. He said: Their dis- strengths.
where effective reporting tools had been tinctive contribution will be to ensure Jarman concluded: The most success-
sorely missed. integration of CSR issues - along with the ful CFOs will be those who understand not
associated contribution of colleagues in just internal financial issues but also com-
Accounting for other departments - into organisational petitors, customers and the supply chain
corporate responsibility strategy and objective setting; and into and who use all available data to help
mainstream reporting processes. their employers gain competitive advan-
Another strong theme for the next dec- Indeed, the coming decade will see tage. It follows that those CFOs are strong
ade will be corporate social responsibility finance teams assuming greater respon- candidates to be CEOs of the future. n
(CSR). As organisations strive to boost sibility for reporting outside traditional
their CSR credentials, greater empha- domains, predicted Fenton: The chal- Calum Robson is a freelance journalist.
sis will be placed on measurement and lenge for management accountants will be This article first appeared in Insight,
reporting, to give tangibility to good to define sustainability data and its associ- CIMAs online bi-monthly magazine and it
intentions. ated processes, and to collaborate with is published by CIMA (Chartered Institute
Tabor said the importance of environ- other functions to help business leaders of Management Accountants) for its mem-
mental and social issues to both the suc- make better decisions. Although it may bers and students.
summaries of IFAC developments
over the past month.
IAASB Staff Issues Q&As to Raise (IPSASB) has published three new standards that or nominal consideration have been a feature
Awareness of XBRL Uses in Business cover all aspects of the accounting for and disclo- of government interventions during the global
Reporting sure of financial instruments: International Public crisis - often, they are for very large amounts and
(New York/January 19, 2010) - Recognizing the Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) 28, Financial could not be provided by private sector guaran-
growing international use of Extensible BusinessInstruments: Presentation; IPSAS 29, Financial tors. IPSAS 29 provides guidance on the account-
Reporting Language (XBRL)--a language for the Instruments: Recognition and Measurement; and ing treatment of such guarantees, both at initial
electronic communication of business and finan- IPSAS 30, Financial Instruments: Disclosures. They recognition and subsequently.
cial data that is changing business reporting fill a significant gap in the IPSASB literature. Concessionary loans are granted or received
around the world - the staff of the International
These new IPSASs provide a coherent set of at below market terms, often for social policy
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) requirements that enhance accountability for objectives. IPSAS 29 provides guidance on the
has developed a new question-and-answer pub- financial instruments in the public sector; this determination of fair value. It also addresses the
lication. It is designed to raise awareness about
need was reinforced by the global financial crisis, treatment of the difference between the fair
how XBRL-tagged data is prepared and how it and the scale and range of interventions made value of a loan and the loan proceeds. IPSAS 30
may affect financial reporting. by governments, states Andreas Bergmann, who requires disclosures relating to such loans.
Entitled XBRL: The Emerging Landscape, the became Chair of the IPSASB on January 1, 2010. The IPSASB recognizes the need to closely
publication explains that the IAASBs current The three new IPSASs are primarily drawn from monitor global developments in the accounting
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) were the International Accounting Standards Boards for financial instruments and to evaluate such
not developed with XBRL in mind and, accord- standards, but address a number of public sec- changes promptly in a public sector context,
ingly, do not require auditors to perform proce-tor-specific issues: says Bergmann, adding that, together with the
dures on XBRL-tagged data as part of a financial IPSAS 28, Financial Instruments: Presentation, soon-to-be-issued IPSAS on intangible assets,
statement audit. It clarifies how XBRL may lead primarily draws on IAS 32 and establishes prin- IPSASs 28-30 represent the substantial attain-
to a demand for various types of assurance and ciples for presenting financial instruments as ment of IPSAS convergence with IFRSs (dated
related services engagements, and describes the liabilities or equity, and for offsetting financial December 2008). n
scope of the IAASBs planned consultations to assets and financial liabilities.
determine whether to develop a new interna- IPSAS 29, Financial Instruments: Recognition IFAC Posts Notice of Withdrawal of
tional pronouncement addressing XBRL. and Measurement, primarily draws on IAS 39, Report on 2009 Third Annual Global
As more and more financial authorities begin to establishing principles for recognizing and Leadership Survey
require or permit entities to provide financial infor-
measuring financial assets, financial liabilities, (New York/January 22, 2010) - The International
mation in XBRL, now is the time to help educate and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has posted a
users about some XBRL fundamentals, and for items. notice to alert its members, recognized region-
the IAASB to explore whether and how a related IPSAS 30, Financial Instruments: Disclosures, al organizations, acknowledged accountancy
international standard might help address assur- draws on IFRS 7 and requires disclosures for the groupings, and the public of the withdrawal
ance needs, says James Gunn, IAASB Technical types of loans described in IPSAS 29. It enables of the report on the 2009 Third Annual Global
Director. A number of organizations are involved users to evaluate: the significance of the finan- Leadership Survey. The report was issued on
in XBRL initiatives and we look forward to hear- cial instruments in the entitys financial position January 15, 2010.
ing the viewpoints of preparers, users, regulators,and performance; the nature and extent of risks The report has been withdrawn to incorpo-
national standard-setters, auditors, and others on arising from financial instruments to which the rate additional responses and update the list of
this important topic, adds Gunn. n entity is exposed; and how those risks are man- respondents. The report will be re-issued within
aged. the next few weeks.
IPSASB Publishes Three New These IPSASs address some key public sector If you have any questions, please contact Alta
Standards on Financial issues, including financial guarantee contracts Prinsloo, Director, Governance and Operations,
Instruments provided for nil or nominal consideration and at [email protected] or Sylvia Barrett, Acting
(New York/January 19, 2010) - The International concessionary loans. Deputy Director, Communications at sylviabar-
Public Sector Accounting Standards Board Financial guarantee contracts provided for nil [email protected]. n