Analysis of Housing Finance Companies
Analysis of Housing Finance Companies
Analysis of Housing Finance Companies
Submitted by
Submitted by
record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Dr. A.M. Sherry,
Professor & Programme Chair, PGP (Financial Markets) and this project work is
submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Post
embodied in this project have not been submitted to any other University or Institute
Pranav Tripathi
PGDM (Financial Markets), (2016-2017)
Enrolment No._NF161719_
Place: ________________
This is to certify that above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best
of my knowledge.
This research was partially supported by Dr. A.M. Sherry and National Institute of
Financial Management. I am thankful to my colleagues Shubham Khandelwal and
Paramjit Singh Rawat who provided expertise that greatly assisted the research,
although they may not agree with all of the interpretations provided in this paper.
I am also grateful to Mr. Varun Jhanjee for assistance in using the information
from Bloomberg, and in that line improved the manuscript significantly.
I have to express my appreciation to our respected faculty Mr. Rishi Mehra for
sharing their pearls of wisdom with us during the course of this research. I am also
immensely grateful to lecturers Mr. Abhishek Singh, and Mr. Prakash Sumani for
their assistance in understanding the basics of economics and use of spreadsheets
respectively which helped in creating this manuscript, although any errors are my
own and should not tarnish the reputations of these esteemed professionals.`
Date: ___________________
Date: ____________
This is to certify that Pranav Tripathi, s/o- Sharad Kumar Tripathi and Neera
Prof. (Dr.) Alok Mohan Sherry, Professor & Programme Chair, PGP (Financial
companies listed under housing finance sector of BSE. We wish him every success
in his career.
CAGR : Compounded Annual Growth Rate
EPS : Earning Per Share
BSE : Bombay Stock Exchange
SENSEX : Sensitive Index
RoE : Return on Equity
RoA : Return on Assets
RoCE : Return on Capital Employed
EV : Enterprise Value
OPM : Operating Profit Margin
NPM : Net Profit Margin
FDI : Foreign Direct Investments
ECB : External Commercial Borrowings
EBITDA : Earning Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization
EBIT : Earning Before Interest and Tax
PBT : Profit Before Tax
This research paper focuses on the companies operating in housing finance sector. The
primary aim is to analyze the financial strength of companies which are directly or indirectly
associated with flagship program of Government of India – “Housing for All by 2022”. There
two concepts prevailing- first, stock market is always moves in unpredictable way and second,
government focuses on providing houses to disadvantaged section of society, it is prima facie
evident that housing sector is going to receive huge funding in coming days from both internal as
well as external sources.
Problem Statement:
Funds available with a company can be categorized as Debt and Equity raised. Funds can
be raised through FDI, ECB, issuance of bonds, IPO, FPO etc. Since, there are multiple ways by
which funds can go in and out of a company, it is highly imperative that we go for financial
analysis of companies before investing in sunshine sector like housing finance. Due to increasing
number of players in this sector, it is important that a financial analysis is made to distinguish
between companies where one can invest and companies in which not to invest.
Method of Analysis:
Financial analysis of a company means judging how well company going to execute the
future projects, that will be assigned to these players, based upon the analysis of its historical
financial aspects. It is possible that some companies are on the verge of bankruptcy or some
companies have such a strong balance sheet that these might go for acquisitions. Hence, due to
presence of variety of factors, it is important we go for historical financial analysis of companies
based on publicly available information in annual reports. Most of the data for analysis have
been taken from Balance sheet and Profit and Loss statement from annual reports. Historical data
analysis focused on last 5 years data (or less than 5 years whatever available) from annual
Due to varying degree of financial strength of companies, it is found that some
companies are good in one aspect such as RoCE and others are good in some other factor such as
Enterprise Value (EV). Hence, this research paper analyzed various factors affecting a company
and presented data in tabulated form for easy understanding of financial factors such as RoCE,
EV, NPM, OPM etc.
As one proceeds through this research paper, it is found that from 13 housing finance
companies selected initially, only 6 companies are found suitable for investing in long term
perspective. Various filter criterion are used for eliminating the contestant.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Objective 1
1.2 Historical Perspective 1
1.3 Why need of Analysis 1
1.4 Scope and Limitations 2
Chapter 2: Research Methodology 3
2.1 Data Collection 3
2.1.1 Selection of Housing Finance companies 3
2.1.2 Financial ratios 3 Profitability Ratios 3 Liquidity Ratios 4 Per Share Ratios 4 Valuation Ratios 4
2.1.3 Stock Returns 4
2.2 Methodology 5
2.3 Tools for Analysis 5
2.4 Presentation of Data 5
Chapter 3: Development of the Assessment Model 6
3.1 Selection of Financial Metrics 6
3.2 Profitability and Growth Metrics 7
3.3 Valuation Metrics 8
3.4 Minimum values for selected Metrics 8
3.4.1 Earnings Per Share 9
3.4.2 Operating Profit Margin 10
3.4.3 Net Profit Margin 12
3.4.4 Return on Capital Employed 14
3.4.5 Enterprise Value 15
3.5 Model 17
Chapter 4: Validation of the Model 18
Chapter 5: Findings & Inferences 20
5.1 Findings and Inferences 20
Chapter 1: Introduction
“Housing for All by 2022” aimed for urban areas with following components/options to
States/Union Territories and cities:-
a) Slum rehabilitation of Slum Dwellers with participation of private developers using land as a
b) Promotion of affordable housing for weaker section through credit linked subsidy;
c) Affordable housing in partnership with Public & Private sectors and
d) Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction or enhancement.
1.1 Objective
As per basic objective of “Housing for All by 2022” project, it is clear that there will be
participation of both public and private players in execution of this flagship program.
Housing finance is relatively new concept in India as compared to other financial
services that are widely available across country since a long year back. However,
speedy development in housing and various activities led to the growth of Indian
housing finance market. As a result, a number of players have barged into the market.
invest. So, financial analysis is the way which can answer such queries as which
company to invest for next five-six years to get good return.
Therefore, two points are very much clear by now that-
1. Housing sector is currently a sunshine sector
2. Investor need to know which company to invest
Whole idea of preparing this project report has focused on answering above two
questions satisfactorily.
The primary source of data for return analysis is the price performance of the stock which
will indicate the annual returns given by selected stock. The returns due to dividends have not
been taken into account as for most cases these returns are negligible in comparison to the capital
gains. The security wise price data of the BSE Housing Finance3 sector has been obtained
directly from the stock exchange i.e. the BSE and various websites. The price data is organized
year wise tabulating returns for each stock for two periods i.e. three years and one year based on
the requirement to assess historical returns for stock selection and thereafter verify and validate
the returns of the portfolio of the stocks selected. The returns of the constituent stocks of the BSE
Housing Finance sector constituents are tabulated in Appendix B.
2.2 Methodology
Basic idea behind development of a model is that it should be based on freely available
information accessible to all investors. Hence, data used in this report is not based on paid or
subscription sources. Any form of proprietary data or analysis has not been used for the same
reasons. The data so obtained is transformed into standard variables so as to enable easy
2.3 Tools for Analysis
Once all the required data is gathered corresponding to constituent companies of housing
finance sector of BSE, simple statistical tools such as averages, percentage growth were used as
well as powerful tools of spreadsheets for comparing, sorting, filtering to arrive at most effective
factors. The historical price performance of selected stocks was then mapped with the selected
factors to arrive at a decision on investment.
2.4 Presentation of Data
The entire data on the financial ratios and returns of the companies comprising the housing
finance sector of BSE which were studied has been collated in the numbers format and organized
as tables which have been attached as Appendices to the report.
stocks is low and dividend distribution is not exact predictor of the stock’s performance on the
Profit per share metrics are indicators of profits but they do not convey any predictive
knowledge or meaning. For example, say the Net profit per share of Company A is Rs 10. Now
is this good or bad? Is this adequate? The profit margins give a more accurate picture and help us
to evaluate the performance of the company. The Operating Profit Margin (EBDIT Margin (%))
tells us whether the firm is making profits in course of its business i.e. whether its core activity
devoid of financing, investing and accounting practices is profitable. Similarly, Net Profit Margin
(Net Profit Margin (%)) conveys that at the end of the day how much money the business has
actually made for the shareholders. Thus, these are two very important metrics that we will
consider for evaluation of stocks, even though making profits is no guarantee that the bourses
will reward the stock with higher valuations but it seldom happens that the bourses ignore good
profitability in the long run.
Return on Equity (RoE) and Return on Assets (RoA) are valuable inputs but what is
important is that the Return on Capital Employed (RoCE), irrespective of its source - debt or
equity. RoCE is required to generate a return which not only beats the opportunity costs - the risk
free returns but provides adequate risk compensation. RoCE reflects this and is therefore, chosen
as a parameter in preference over other metrics of return.
Enterprise Value (EV) is a very fair calculation of the worth of the company. It takes into
account debt and cash reserves and is calculated as per the formula:
EV = Market Capitalization + Debt + Preferred Stock + Minority Stock - Cash and
All the factors used in the formula are easily and accurately available thus making the EV a
fair calculation of the valuation of a company especially, as it takes into account the liabilities
which will have to borne during a theoretical takeover and gives credit for the cash and
investments. It reflects what should be paid for buying the business which should be in line with
what an investor should pay for buying this stock.
Thus, to sum up the following metrics are selected for further analysis of housing finance
i. Earnings per Share & EPS Growth Rate
ii. Operating Profit Margin & 3 Year OPM Growth
iii. Net Profit Margin & 3 Year NPM Growth
iv. Return on Capital Employed
v. Enterprise Value & EV Growth Rate
a 20% profit margin means a company keeps Rs 20 from every 100 rupees that it earns as revenue.
The profit margin ratios measure what percentage of sales is making up the net income. These
ratio also indirectly measures how well a company manages its expenses relative to its net sales.
Profit margin ratios can be increased by either increasing sales or reducing expenses. Reducing
expenses is much easier for a firm than expanding its sales base. So, many times firms are seen
with applying cost cutting strategies.
First step in the financial analysis is that a company should be able to generate an operating
profit i.e sale price of the product manufactured should be more than the cost of manufacture and
selling of the product. Taxes, financing activities, debt, investing activities etc are the core activity
of the business. The operating profit margin ratio is a key indicator for investors and creditors to
see how businesses are supporting their operations. A higher operating margin is more favourable
compared with a lower ratio because this shows that the company is making enough money from
its ongoing operations to pay for its variable costs as well as its fixed costs.
After all accounting procedures have been taken into account and all governmental and
regulatory requirements met, the net profit generated is what is available to the shareholders
making the net profit margin the second metric which is considered to evaluate a business. Net
income measures the amount of total revenues that exceed total expenses.
Earnings of a business are reflected by the Earnings per Share (EPS) which indicates the
quantum of profits available to the equity holders or owners and is expressed in per share terms.
Not only should the business have a positive EPS but it should be growing at a healthy rate.
A business employs capital to generate profits. This capital may be the owner’s equity or debt;
generally both. There are costs associated with capital and the minimum profit acceptable for any
business has to be the opportunity cost of the capital employed plus a risk premium. Thus Return
on Capital Employed (RoCE) indicates whether the business is creating wealth for the owner’s or
3.3 Valuation Metrics
The valuation of a business may be carried out by using a number of financial metrics but the
most popular and accurate method is to find its Enterprise Value (EV). EV is calculated as:
EV= Market Cap + Debt – Cash
Enterprise Value indicates the worth of the company. In other words it's a theoretical take
over price representing the economic value of a company. EV helps in comparing capital
structures of different companies. For the stock market investors, it is used to assess the risks and
accordingly compare the returns expected. Any kind of investments whether in stocks or a
particular company as a whole would need detailed information on the fundamentals of the
company, its comparison with the peers and this can be done with the help of EV. The enterprise
multiple gives an indication of how expensive or cheap a stock is based on the past and expected
cash flows.
3.4 Minimum values for selected Metrics
We need to lay down minimum benchmark values against which the selected metrics will be
compared. It will reflect whether the business is growing and that it is growing at a rate faster
than its peers in the same sector / industry because comparative performance will lead investors
to place a premium on the stock. The selected financial metrics and their minimum standards to
be considered are discussed in detail in the following subsections.
3.4.1 Earnings Per Share
The EPS of the constituents of Housing Finance sector of BSE for the years 2013-16
were collated and the three year average EPS growth calculated. The EPS growth rate is a direct
reflection in the growth of the earnings of the company, assuming equity is constant, therefore a
minimum level of 10% growth in EPS is taken and the stocks sorted.
Table 3.1 Earning Per Share
1 Yr %
COMPANY 2016 2015 2014 2013 CAGR% Gain
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 59.02 41.45 36.96 26.42 30.72 97.41%
CORAL INDIA FINANCE & HOUSING LTD 6.36 10.35 6.70 15.28 -25.34 127.42%
25.69 24.72 41.23 38.47
CORPORATION LTD -12.59 77.83%
GIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD 23.12 19.12 18.12 15.79 13.55 62.72%
GRUH FINANCE LTD 6.70 5.57 9.86 8.21 -6.55 43.65%
44.43 38.13 34.89 31.84
CORP.LTD 11.75 26.00%
Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd 59.84 54.95 47.96 40.19 14.19 48.90%
IND BANK HOUSING LTD. -11.50 -7.35 -9.24 -8.55 10.39 113.36%
INDIA HOME LOAN LTD. 0.76 0.51 0.55 0.38 25.99 93.24%
LIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD. 33.05 27.65 26.12 20.76 16.77 41.67%
REPCO HOME FINANCE LTD. 24.04 19.78 17.71 17.07 12.09 8.14%
2.69 3.13 3.77 2.86
LTD. -2.02 40.98%
SRG HOUSING FINANCE LTD 1.65 1.43 1.48 0.98 18.97 110.69%
The firms whose EPS growth was less than 10% were filtered out. There were 9 stocks which
had an EPS CAGR of more than 10% with an average gain of 66.90%. But it is not possible to
invest in 9 stocks.
So, EPS growth was juxtaposition with a minimum three year growth of 75%. This gave us a list
of 6 stocks and all of which gave more than 20% returns in one year. The vagaries of the bourses
is such that five stocks which have given >60% returns in last 3 years have given less than the
index or negative returns. However investment can only be made in a few stocks and it is
assumed that in our portfolio, not more than 3 stocks are to be selected. Thus, based on the three
year returns if the top 2 stocks are chosen for investment, the average return that will be achieved
will be 95.32% which is almost five times the index returns and almost 7-8 times the risk free
bank deposit rates.
Top 2 stocks based on the criterion-
1. EPS CAGR>10%
2. 1 Year % Gain > 60%
3. 3 Year % Gain > 75%
Table 3.2 Top 2 Companies with EPS CAGR >10%
EPS 1 Yr % 3 Yr %
COMPANY 2016 2015 2014 2013 CAGR% Gain Gain
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 59.02 41.45 36.96 26.42 30.72 97.41% 185.73%
INDIA HOME LOAN LTD. 0.76 0.51 0.55 0.38 25.99 93.24% 172.31%
SRG HOUSING FINANCE LTD 1.65 1.43 1.48 0.98 18.97 110.69% 17.06%
LIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD. 33.05 27.65 26.12 20.76 16.77 41.67% 105.54%
Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd 59.84 54.95 47.96 40.19 14.19 48.90% 70.38%
GIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD 23.12 19.12 18.12 15.79 13.55 62.72% 43.66%
REPCO HOME FINANCE LTD. 24.04 19.78 17.71 17.07 12.09 8.14% 92.88%
44.43 38.13 34.89 31.84
CORP.LTD 11.75 26.00% 120.40%
-7.35 -9.24 -8.55
IND BANK HOUSING LTD. 11.50 10.39 113.36% 70.15%
2.69 3.13 3.77 2.86
LTD. -2.02 40.98% 73.18%
GRUH FINANCE LTD 6.70 5.57 9.86 8.21 -6.55 43.65% 52.06%
25.69 24.72 41.23 38.47
CORPORATION LTD -12.59 77.83% -3.77%
CORAL INDIA FINANCE & HOUSING LTD 6.36 10.35 6.70 15.28 -25.34 127.42% 215.07%
% of
No of Total EPS Avg
stocks stocks CAGR Gain
>10% 9 69.23% 17.16 66.90%
3 yr gain > 75% 5 55.56% 19.46 53.29%
1 yr gain >60% 2 40.00% 28.36 95.32%
Top 2 stocks 2 100.00% 28.36 95.32%
calculated. The three year average OPM is a direct reflection in the profit margins and the
efficiency of the core operations of the firm. A minimum level of 20% average OPM is taken and
the stocks sorted.
Table 3.4 Operating Profit Margin (EBDIT Margin (%))
3 Yr CAGR 3 Yr Avg 1 Yr %
COMPANY 2016 2015 2014 2013 OPM OPM Gain
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 92.41 92.05 92.02 91.53 0.32 91.87 97.41%
101.18 81.64 79.59 61.86
HOUSING LTD 17.82 74.36 127.42%
DEWAN HOUSING FINANCE 84.60 84.94 91.16 90.68
CORPORATION LTD -2.29 88.93 77.83%
GIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD 95.74 91.13 88.93 88.43 2.68 89.50 62.72%
GRUH FINANCE LTD 91.90 92.41 93.47 92.73 -0.30 92.87 43.65%
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT 95.57 97.18 97.34 97.04
FINANCE CORP.LTD -0.51 97.19 26.00%
Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd 97.95 99.54 97.28 90.15 2.80 95.66 48.90%
103.45 1723.47 83.87
IND BANK HOUSING LTD. 70.35 -213.72 579.00 113.36%
INDIA HOME LOAN LTD. 59.98 42.51 42.73 35.91 18.65 40.38 93.24%
LIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD. 95.82 97.61 97.84 95.96 -0.05 97.14 41.67%
REPCO HOME FINANCE LTD. 88.85 89.69 89.16 92.17 -1.22 90.34 8.14%
SAHARA HOUSINGFINA 76.16 75.26 78.32 80.39
CORPORATION LTD. -1.79 77.99 40.98%
SRG HOUSING FINANCE LTD 67.48 69.25 64.89 66.17 0.66 66.77 110.69%
The firms whose average OPM was less than 50% were filtered out. There were 12 stocks
which had an average OPM of more than 50% with an average gain of 128.47%. But it is not
possible to invest in 12 stocks.
So, average OPM was juxtaposition with a minimum three year growth of 75%. This gave us
a list of 6 stocks of which 5 gave more than 60% returns in one year. The vagaries of the bourses
is such that six stocks which have given >60% returns in last 3 years have given less than the
index or negative returns. However investment can only be made in a few stocks and it is
assumed that not more than 3 stocks are chosen. Thus, based on three year returns if the top 3 are
chosen for investment, the average return that will be achieved will be 77.67% respectively
which is almost five-to-six times the index returns and almost 8-9 times the risk free bank
deposit rates.
Table 3.5 Average OPM >50%
No of % of Total 3 yr Avg Avg
stocks stocks OPM Gain
3 yr avg OPM
>50% 12 92.31% 128.47 66.56%
Top 5 companies with average OPM greater than 50% are given below.
Table 3.6 Top 5 companies Avg OPM >50%
3 Yr CAGR 3 Yr Avg 1 Yr % 3 Yr %
COMPANY 2016 2015 2014 2013 OPM OPM Gain Gain
67.48 69.25 64.89 66.17
FINANCE LTD 0.66 66.77 110.69% 215.07%
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 92.41 92.05 92.02 91.53 0.32 91.87 97.41% 185.73%
FINANCE & HOUSING 101.18 81.64 79.59 61.86
LTD 17.82 74.36 127.42% 172.31%
103.45 1723.47 83.87
LTD. 70.35 -213.72 579.00 113.36% 120.40%
95.74 91.13 88.93 88.43
FINANCE LTD 2.68 89.50 62.72% 105.54%
LIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD. 13.43 13.06 14.34 13.76 -0.81 13.72 40.98%
REPCO HOME FINANCE LTD. 17.04 17.78 20.61 19.72 -4.75 19.37 43.65%
14.73 12.60 13.24 10.18
LTD. 13.11 12.01 77.83%
SRG HOUSING FINANCE LTD 18.27 22.44 25.18 27.12 -12.34 24.91 127.42%
8 stocks with an average NPM of more than 15% were shortlisted of which 4 gave a three
year return of more than 75%. The one year gain of 2 stocks from these 4 was more than 60%.
These 2 shortlisted stocks returned a gain of 110.33%. Further the returns being given by the
stocks selected on the basis of these parameters are similar i.e. for Top 5, 95 -105%. Thus,
mapping both OPM and NPM does not add any value to the selection model. OPM is a more
basic factor and is returning marginally better returns therefore, we discard NPM as a selection
criterion. The top 2 companies based on NPM are highlighted below.
Table 3.9 Net Profit Margin with 3 yr gain > 75%
3 yr 3 Yr
NPM Avg 1 Yr % 3 Yr %
COMPANY 2016 2015 2014 2013 CAGR NPM Gain Gain
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 14.50 10.56 13.10 13.78 1.71 12.48 97.41% 185.73%
CORAL INDIA FINANCE & 79.11 63.82 61.98 49.20
HOUSING LTD 17.15 58.33 127.42% 215.07%
FINANCE CORPORATION 9.47 9.98 10.64 10.96
LTD (4.75) 10.53 77.83% -3.77%
14.23 14.08 15.64 15.39
LTD (2.58) 15.04 62.72% 43.66%
GRUH FINANCE LTD 19.09 19.22 20.92 22.42 (5.22) 20.85 43.65% 52.06%
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT 22.95 21.86 22.53 22.96
FINANCE CORP.LTD (0.01) 22.45 26.00% 120.40%
Indiabulls Housing Finance
28.38 29.40 28.94 26.77
Ltd 1.97 28.37 48.90% 70.38%
(3548.36) (1640.71) (4488.54) (5227.16)
IND BANK HOUSING LTD. (12.11) 3785.47 113.36% 70.15%
INDIA HOME LOAN LTD. 20.71 23.41 29.57 26.55 (7.95) 26.51 93.24% 172.31%
13.43 13.06 14.34 13.76
LTD. (0.81) 13.72 41.67% 105.54%
17.04 17.78 20.61 19.72
LTD. (4.75) 19.37 8.14% 92.88%
SAHARA HOUSINGFINA 14.73 12.60 13.24 10.18
CORPORATION LTD. 13.11 12.01 40.98% 73.18%
18.27 22.44 25.18 27.12
LTD (12.34) 24.91 110.69% 17.06%
3 yr avg RoCE
>13.5% 4 30.77% 16.54% 61.49%
Table 3.11 Average RoCE more than 13.5% and 3 yr gain > 75%
3 yr
AVG 1 Yr % 3 Yr %
COMPANY 2016 2015 2014 2013 RoCE Gain Gain
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 12.76% 12.09% 11.08% 10.73% 11.30% 97.41% 185.73%
CORAL INDIA FINANCE 9.68% 17.22% 12.87% 31.66%
& HOUSING LTD 20.58% 127.42% 215.07%
FINANCE CORPORATION 12.97% 12.86% 12.48% 12.41%
LTD 12.58% 77.83% -3.77%
12.26% 12.69% 12.47% 13.08%
LTD 12.75% 62.72% 43.66%
GRUH FINANCE LTD 12.09% 13.12% 13.75% 14.11% 13.66% 43.65% 52.06%
DEVELOPMENT 13.37% 13.65% 14.16% 13.17%
FINANCE CORP.LTD 13.66% 26.00% 120.40%
Indiabulls Housing Finance
16.78% 17.52% 19.61% 17.59%
Ltd 18.24% 48.90% 70.38%
LTD. 149.39% 100.24% 891.93% 1216.40% 736.19% 113.36% 70.15%
INDIA HOME LOAN LTD. 2.98% 2.67% 3.78% 2.70% 3.05% 93.24% 172.31%
11.61% 11.58% 11.83% 11.56%
LTD. 0.12 41.67% 105.54%
12.70% 12.85% 12.78% 13.09%
LTD. 12.91% 8.14% 92.88%
SAHARA HOUSINGFINA 6.79% 8.20% 9.44% 9.47%
CORPORATION LTD. 9.04% 40.98% 73.18%
3.36% 3.88% 4.08% 3.89%
LTD 3.95% 110.69% 17.06%
EV 1 Yr % 3 Yr %
COMPANY 2016 2015 2014 2013 CAGR Gain Gain
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 11680.88 8546.24 5075.21 3346.80 51.69 97.41% 185.73%
FINANCE & HOUSING 52.49 41.82 14.45 13.73
LTD 56.36 127.42% 215.07%
FINANCE 53784.29 46608.66 35726.48 29013.63
CORPORATION LTD 22.84 77.83% -3.77%
7405.11 6162.41 4594.67 3849.39
FINANCE LTD 24.37 62.72% 43.66%
GRUH FINANCE LTD 17292.38 16357.50 10712.64 7505.36 32.08 43.65% 52.06%
DEVELOPMENT 320042.76 333977.94 242725.26 230730.41
FINANCE CORP.LTD 11.52 26.00% 120.40%
Indiabulls Housing
74177.43 57308.51 32792.55 0.00
Finance Ltd 0.00 48.90% 70.38%
122.20 105.89 95.76 88.55
LTD. 11.33 113.36% 70.15%
55.56 57.05 56.69 61.71
LTD. -3.44 93.24% 172.31%
116877.37 102305.47 80279.72 68542.01
LTD. 19.47 41.67% 105.54%
9127.09 8334.20 5331.43 0.00
FINANCE LTD. 0.00 8.14% 92.88%
HOUSINGFINA 110.69 133.14 154.40 143.54
CORPORATION LTD. -8.30 40.98% 73.18%
118.35 133.22 52.45 24.54
FINANCE LTD 68.95 110.69% 17.06%
There are a total of 7 stocks which have an EV growth rate of more than 15% of which 3
stocks returned a gain of more than 75% in three years which is 43% of the stocks being
evaluated. However this conversely also means that almost 57% of the stocks with an EV growth
rate of 15% or more have given less than the Index returns. The Top 3 stocks have returned
88.83%. We can thus conclude quite safely that EV is an accurate measure of valuation and EV
growth manifests itself in increased stock prices.
3.5 Model
The selected parameters for stock selection based on the above discussion and analysis are as
i. EPS CAGR of more than 10%
ii. Three Year Average OPM of more than 50%
iii. Enterprise Value CAGR of more than 15%
iv. Three Year Stock return of more than 75%
Applying these parameters to the housing sector of BSE and filtering stocks which do not
meet the criterion, we get a very short list of 8 stocks which are:
i. Can Fin Homes Ltd.
ii. Coral India Finance & Housing Ltd.
iii. SRG Housing Finance Ltd.
iv. IND Bank Housing Ltd.
v. GIC Housing Finance Ltd
vi. India Home Loan Ltd.
The Index returns for the period are approximately 32% thus, our portfolio has given us
almost five times the index return. This is not to say that there are no other stocks or portfolios
which would give better returns than the selected stocks, however the selection of these stocks is
through a simple method. The strategy can be executed by any layman and does not require
detailed knowledge or analysis and as such it score over tips and speculation to which almost all
retail buyers fall prey.
However, even though the set of calculations above validates the logic of the arguments
developed, it does not prove the infallibility of the model. It can be argued logically that
expecting a foolproof model for selection of stocks which give high returns and is never wrong is
not justified to expect. There have been numerous attempts to find a pattern to the behavior of the
stock markets by the greatest of minds over decades. Reams and reams of paper have been
devoted to the topic and billions of bytes of data analyzed and reanalyzed. Even after all the
analysis the most complicated of methods / algorithms are not correct hundred per cent of times.
In such a case to expect this simple model to be so is really unrealistic. However the simplicity
of the model gives it a unique character and possibly works in its favor. Even if it is correct 60-
70% times, an investor who stays invested over the long term, it would invariably provide high
returns. This confidence stems from the fact that all the shortlisted stocks whether they have
given positive, sub-Index or negative returns are fundamentally strong, profit making, and high
growth companies. The risks of incorrect selection can be mitigated by taking the base or pool
for selection intelligently. In this case the Housing Finance sector of BSE which has been chosen
as the base automatically eliminates hundreds of small unscrupulous fly by night operators, as it
limits the field to only housing finance sector which is sunshine sector as of now.
ii. Adequate information required to analyse stocks for potential growth is available in
the open domain freely over the internet.
iv. There is a definite correlation between historical growth and future prospects of a
stock. It is seen that almost 73% of the stocks which have given historically index
beating returns have continued to do so in the future.
v. There is a significant outperformance of stocks selected using the model with the
Housing Finance sector of BSE. In the period under study, the SENSEX returned
17% while the selected portfolio of 6 stocks gave a return of almost 76%.
vi. Profitability, Growth and Valuation metrics are sufficient to analyse and predict future
stock performance.
vii. There were 9 stocks which had an EPS CAGR of more than 10% with an average
gain of 66.9%. 5 stocks gave more than 75% returns in three year and out of these 5,
only 2 gave 1 year gain more than 60%. These returns are almost five - six times the
index returns and almost 7-8 times the risk free bank deposit rates.
viii. There were 12 stocks which had an average OPM of more than 50% with an average
gain of 66.56%. 5 stocks gave more than 60% returns in one year and >75% returns in
three years.
ix. The stocks shortlisted using the parameters of OPM and NPM are more than 70%
same. The returns given by the stocks selected on the basis of these parameters are
also similar i.e. for Top 3, 70 -77% same. Thus, mapping both OPM and NPM does
not add any value to the selection model. OPM is a more basic factor and returning a
marginally better predictive performance is selected and NPM discarded.
x. The RoCE is important as it indicates the return achieved on the capital deployed,
both debt and equity. There are 4 stocks with a RoCE more than 15% and historic
return of more than 60% per annum give an average return of 61.49%. Though this is
higher than the Index returns it is much lower than return given by stocks selected by
other parameters thus RoCE as a defining criterion is discarded.
xi. There are some financial metrics which are more important and give a fairer idea of
price performance than others. However, there is not a single parameter which
independently can predict future returns.
xii. Enterprise Value is a very powerful metric and in a single figure conveys the strength
of the company being analysed. However, even EV is not an absolute criterion with
100% predictive capability. It is correctly predicting superior returns in
approximately 70% of the stocks.
xiii. The selected parameters for stock selection based on the above discussion and
analysis are as follows :
a. EPS CAGR of more than 10%
b. Three Year Average OPM of more than 50%
c. Enterprise Value CAGR of more than 15%
d. Three Year Stock return of more than 85%
xiv. The annualised return of stocks selected based on the developed model works out to
be 76.57%. The BSE SENSEX Index which was taken as a base for the study
returned 17% in the same period.
xv. The model selects a portfolio of stocks for investment and predicts a better than index
performance for the same. The model cannot predict the performance of individual
stocks 100% of the time as even stocks which clear all selected standards have given
negative returns. Approximately, 30-40% of the stocks shortlisted give less than
Index returns.
Appendix A
S.No Ratio Name / Year -> 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Type I : Per Share Ratios
1 Basic EPS (Rs.) 59.02 41.45 36.96 26.42 21.36
25 Cash Earnings Retention Ratio (%) 66.09 64.57 69.88 69.83 66.92
Type IV : Valuation Ratios
26 Enterprise Value (Cr.) 17292.38 16357.50 10712.64 7505.36 5137.60
27 EV/Net Operating Revenue (X) 13.56 15.43 12.67 11.54 10.00
28 EV/EBITDA (X) 14.75 16.69 13.55 12.44 10.81
29 MarketCap/Net Operating Revenue (X) 6.82 8.33 6.23 5.77 4.36
30 Retention Ratios (%) 65.65 64.33 69.46 69.41 66.26
31 Price/BV (X) 10.41 12.42 8.68 7.64 5.81
32 Price/Net Operating Revenue 6.82 8.33 6.23 5.77 4.36
23 Dividend Payout Ratio (CP) (%) 37.57 39.23 39.92 39.67 39.21
24 Earnings Retention Ratio (%) 62.14 60.57 59.85 60.14 60.60
25 Cash Earnings Retention Ratio (%) 62.43 60.77 60.08 60.33 60.79
Type IV : Valuation Ratios
26 Enterprise Value (Cr.) 320042.76 333977.94 242725.26 230730.41 189998.48
27 EV/Net Operating Revenue (X) 10.36 12.19 10.05 10.93 10.96
28 EV/EBITDA (X) 10.84 12.54 10.33 11.26 11.28
29 MarketCap/Net Operating Revenue (X) 5.65 7.54 5.71 6.05 5.74
30 Retention Ratios (%) 62.13 60.56 59.84 60.13 60.59
31 Price/BV (X) 5.12 6.67 4.93 5.14 5.23
32 Price/Net Operating Revenue 5.65 7.54 5.71 6.05 5.74
Appendix B
3 Year
Company YTD 1 Year 3 Year CAGR
CAN FIN HOMES LTD 39.80% 97.41% 185.73% 183.26%
CORAL INDIA FINANCE & HOUSING LTD 15.36% 127.42% 172.31% 162.74%
CORPORATION LTD 32.42% 77.83% 17.06% 10.04%
GIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD 45.03% 62.72% 105.54% 80.70%
GRUH FINANCE LTD 16.11% 43.65% 70.38% 48.37%
CORP.LTD 15.14% 26.00% 43.66% 27.73%
Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd 25.89% 48.90% 92.88% 68.32%
IND BANK HOUSING LTD. 13.25% 113.36% 120.40% 96.40%
INDIA HOME LOAN LTD. 12.10% 93.24% 70.15% 48.18%
LIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD. 18.42% 41.67% 73.18% 50.72%
REPCO HOME FINANCE LTD. 20.92% 8.14% 52.06% 33.89%
LTD. 23.08% 40.98% -3.77% -2.09%
SRG HOUSING FINANCE LTD 63.28% 110.69% 215.07% 232.83%
BSE SENSEX 7.83% 14.59% 17.50% 10.31%
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