Thermodynamics of Freezing
Thermodynamics of Freezing
Thermodynamics of Freezing
,t: Lwo - w -(*o - n*,l!:!)
"'To-T (6)
Dimensionless Eqs. 5 and 6 can be used with temperatures
-18 in K, or oF. The combined weight fraction of solutes
and solids in the food is n. : (1 - n*o).
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 VOLUME CHANGES
Weight Fraction Solutes The respective densities of liquid water and ice are
Ftg. 1 Freezing point vs. solute weight fraction for wine and
1000kgm-3 and 917kgm-3. Therefore as aqueous
juices. (From Ref. 4, p. 137.) solutions freeze, expansion occurs. Freeze-concentrated
solution may exude from spaces between the growing ice
crystals. Gas-filled pores in foods may compact as ice
forms. Therefore, extents of freezing-induced expansion in
porous foods are difficult to predict.
350 At temperaturesT 1 Ti, enthalpies (heat contents) of foods
undergoing freezing can be obtained by summing up the
70 300 enthalpy contributions of the components involved, i.e.,
60 ll H : nnH* * n1H1 * nrH, O)
50 where 1, H*, Hb and H* are the enthalpy per unit mass for
200 = the food, liquid water, ice, and the combined solids and
40 o- solutes, respectively. The 1/s are measured with respect to
150 a reference temperature Ip, usually 233.16K ( - 40'C or
30 -F - 40'D, where each H is zerc. n* at T can be obtained
100 z from modified \. I , n1: flwo - *. If, instead , n* and ni
20 LrJ
are obtained from Eqs. 5 and 6, respectively, the relative
50 error will be at most 0.47o. H*: LHo + C*(I - 7n),
h: C{T - In), and I/. : C"(T - Zn). C. is the partial @
0r- J0 heat capacity for the combined solutes and solids in the
-50 -44 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 food. Using Eqs. 5 and 6, substituting for II", H*, H ns,
T(oC) z*, and ny arld rearranging, one obtains
Fig. 2 Enalpy vs. temperature for lean beef. Sod lines--data H : (T - r*) fc, *(n*o - Bn")LHo!!:-T'1
from Eqs. 6 ad 7. O---+alorimetric data by Reidel.t5]
The heat capacity of the food in the completely frozen crystals instead of dendritic crystals. ,t, given by Eq. 11,
state is C o (n*o - bn")Ct I bn"C* * n"C". If 1 vs. 7 and C. from Eq. 10 or.Fl from Eqs. 8 and t have been used
data obtained by calorimetry are available, C, B, andT,for in modeling how 7 varies with time and position during
use in Eq. 8, can be found by best-fit methods. Above [, fre,ezing and thawing.
ftq and t are the thermal conductivities of food in the fully REFERENCES ,j
thawed and fully frozen states, respectively. At T > Ti,
Eq. I 1 no longer applies and : h.Bq. 1 1 does not fully
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