Across: (Questions and Answers Taken From How To Succeed at Interviews, by Dr. Rob Yeung.)
Across: (Questions and Answers Taken From How To Succeed at Interviews, by Dr. Rob Yeung.)
Across: (Questions and Answers Taken From How To Succeed at Interviews, by Dr. Rob Yeung.)
A) Match the interview questions to the correct answers (two questions remain unanswered):
1. What do you like least about your current job? 5. What have you done recently to develop yourself?
2. Why are you looking for another job? 6. How many other jobs are you applying for?
3. What motivates you? 7. What is your greatest strength?
4. How do you respond to authority? 8. What is your greatest weakness?
( ) As Ive decided that I want to work only for a ( ) I spend most of my time visiting clients at their
top-flight graduate trainee programme, Im offices. However, it continually irritates me
applying to about a dozen companies, mostly in that we dont have the facility to log on to the
fast-moving consumer goods and retail. What server remotely from our laptop computers. I
all of these companies have in common is they have tried to convince the IT manager that we
are all leaders in their fields with good brands need to upgrade our system, but he says that
and reputations for developing good managers. we wont have the budget until next year.
( ) Ive just started a diploma course in marketing ( ) Ive had a great time with my company. But I
and sales management. It will take me two have ambitions and realise that I can do more. I
years to complete, but Im confident that it will want to feel more stretched and so this new,
allow me to be more effective in what I do. bigger role is exactly what I feel I need.
( ) I like to know that my work is making a ( ) I know that I can get frustrated very quickly
difference and to be surrounded by other bright when people dont make decisions. However,
people who are also committed to the same now that I am aware of it, I try to remember
goals. For example, in my current role, we that colleagues may need time to think
launched a new fund-raising initiative and I got something through before giving me an answer.
such a buzz from thinking through how we could
make it happen.
(Questions and answers taken from How to Succeed at Interviews, by Dr. Rob Yeung.)
1. Person who has been selected for a job
5. Kind of clothes you should not wear for
an interview.
7. A small part of something intended as
representative of the whole.
8. Type of interview which is based on
discovering how the interviewee acted
in specific employment-related
10. That which a person should write after
he/she has been interviewed for a job:
2. The way a candidate should be dressed
for an interview.
3. To examine the candidate in order to
judge him/her.
4. Characteristic of arriving on time.
6. A summary of somebody's educational
and work experience, for the
information of possible future
9. Section of the newspaper which you
read if you are interested in looking for
a job.