Specification For Seamless Copper Tube
Specification For Seamless Copper Tube
Specification For Seamless Copper Tube
(Identical with ASTM Specification B 75-95a for the alloys and tempers covered except that mechanical testing and certification
have been made mandatory.)
Outside Dia.,
or Major Rockwell Yield
Temper Designation Distance Between Hardness Average Tensile StrengthA
Outside Parallel Grain Strength, min.,
Standard Former Surfaces, in. Wall Thickness, in. Scale Hardness Size, mm ksiB ksiB
H55 Light-drawn All All 30T 30 to 60 3647 30
O60 Soft anneal All 0.015 to 0.035 15TE 60 max. 0.040 min. 30 min. 9F
O50 Light anneal All 0.015 to 0.035 15TE 65 max. 0.040 max. 30 min. 9F
7.1.1 These specification limits do not preclude 8.2 The requirements and size availability of tube
the presence of other elements. Limits may be estab- in the annealed tempers O50 and O60, as defined in
lished and analysis required for unnamed elements by Practice B 601, are specified in Table 2.
agreement between the manufacturer or supplier and
NOTE 1 The purchaser should confer with the manufacturer or
the purchaser. supplier for the availability of product in a specific temper.
produced from Copper UNS No. C10200 or C12000 12. Performance Requirements
shall have an electrical mass resistivity, ohm g/m2,
12.1 Expansion Test for Round Tube:
not to exceed the following limit for the specified
copper and temper when tested in accordance with Test 12.1.1 When specified in the contract or purchase
Method B 193: order, annealed tubes shall be capable of withstanding
an expansion of the outside diameter of 40% for tube
Copper UNS No. 3
4 in. and under and 30% for tube over 34 in. The
Temper C10200 C12000
tube shall show no cracking or rupture visible to the
O60, O50 0.15328 0.17031 unaided eye.
H55, H58, H80 0.15737 0.17418
NOTE 3 Refer to Appendix X2 for the International Annealed 13. Microscopical Examination
Copper Standard (IACS) electrical conductivity equivalents.
13.1 Tubes furnished in Copper UNS Nos. C10200
and C12000 shall be essentially free of cuprous oxide
as determined by Procedure A of Test Methods B 577.
11. Mechanical Property Requirements
11.1 Tensile and Yield Strength:
14. Hydrogen Embrittlement
11.1.1 The tube shall conform to the requirements 14.1 When specified in the contract or purchase
of Table 2 for the specified temper and wall thickness. order, tubes produced in all designated copper material
11.1.2 For any combination of diameter and wall shall be capable of conforming to the requirements of
thickness not listed under H80, the requirements for Procedure B of Test Methods B 577.
H58 shall apply.
not be subjected to a pressure gage reading over 1000 17.1.3 Length Tolerances Refer to Tables 5
psi unless specifically stipulated in the contract or and 6.
purchase order.
17.1.4 Straightness Tolerance Refer to Table 7.
16.4 Pneumatic Pressure Test: 17.1.5 Corner Radius for Rectangular Including
Square Tube Refer to Table 8.
16.4.1 When specified in the contract or purchase
order, each tube shall be capable of withstanding an 17.1.6 Roundness, Squareness of Cut, and Twist
internal air pressure of 60 psi, minimum, for 5 s without Tolerances for Rectangular and Square Tubes Refer
leakage. to titled sections.
17.2 Length Tolerances for Tube in Coils Refer
to Tables 3, 4, and 5 of SB-75.
1 to 50 1
51 to 200 2
201 to 1500 3
TABLE 3 Each test portion shall be taken from a separate tube.
18.2 Chemical Composition:
(Specific Lengths)
Tolerances: in.,
18.2.1 The composite sample shall be taken in
All Plus, for Nominal Lengths in approximate equal weights from each portion piece
Feet selected in 18.1.2 and in accordance with Practice E
Outside Dia. or Major 255. The minimum weight of the composite shall be
Distance Between Over 50 to
Parallel Surfaces, in. Up to 50, incl 100, incl
150 grams.
Up to 2, incl 12 24
18.2.2 The manufacturer shall have the option of
sampling at the time castings are poured or taken from
(Applicable only to full length pieces)
Tube Outside Diameter or Tolerances, %, for Nominal Lengths in Feet
Major Distance Between
Parallel Surfaces, in. Up to 100, incl Over 100 to 2000, incl
Shortest Max.
Permissible Permissible
Length, Weights of
Tube Outside Diameter or Ma- % of Ends, %
jor Distance Between Parallel Nominal of Lot
Surfaces, in. Nominal Length, ft Length Weight
the semi-finished product. The number of samples taken 19.1.3 Other Tests At least two specimens shall
during the course of manufacture shall be as follows: be prepared for each of the other tests and each must
conform to test requirements. When sampled at the time castings are
poured, at least two samples shall be taken, one after 19.2 Retests:
the start and one near the end of the pour, for each
group of castings poured simultaneously from the same 19.2.1 When requested by the manufacturer or
source of molten metal. supplier, a retest shall be permitted when test results
obtained by the purchaser fail to conform with the When samples are taken from the semi- product specification requirement(s).
finished product, a sample shall be taken to represent
each 10,000 lb or fraction thereof, except that not more 19.2.2 Retesting shall be as directed in this specifi-
than one sample per piece shall be required. cation for the initial test except for the number of test
specimens which shall be twice that normally required When composition is determined during for the test.
the course of manufacture, sampling and analyses of
the finished product is not required. 19.2.3 Test results for all specimens shall conform
to this specifications requirement(s) in retest and failure
18.3 Other Tests:
to conform shall be cause for lot rejection.
18.3.1 Specimens for all other tests shall be taken
from two of the sample portions taken in 18.1.2. In
the event only one sample portion is taken, all specimens
shall be taken from the portion selected. 20. Specimen Preparation
20.1 Chemical Analysis:
19. Number of Tests and Retests 20.1.1 Preparation of the analytical specimens shall
be the responsibility of the reporting laboratory.
19.1 Tests:
19.1.1 Chemical Composition Shall be deter- 20.2 Tensile and Yield Strength Test:
mined as the arithmetic mean of results from at least
20.2.1 The test specimens shall be of the full section
two replicate determinations for each specified element.
of the tube and shall conform with the requirements of
19.1.2 Grain Size, Electrical Resistivity, Tensile the test specimen section of Test Methods E 8, unless
and Yield Strength, and Rockwell Hardness Shall the limitation of the testing machine precludes the
be reported as the average of results from two test use of such specimen, in which case test specimen
specimens and each specimen must conform to specifi- conforming to Type No. 1 of Fig. 13 in Test Methods
cation requirements. E 8 shall be used.
20.3.1 The test specimen shall be of a size and 20.8.1 The test specimen shall conform to the
shape to permit testing by the available test equipment. appropriate requirements of Procedure B of Test Meth-
ods B 577.
20.3.2 The surface of the test specimen shall be
sufficiently flat and smooth so as to permit the accurate
determination of hardness. 21. Test Methods
20.3.3 The test specimen shall be free from scale 21.1 Chemical Composition The copper composi-
and foreign matter and care shall be taken to avoid tion shall be determined, in case of disagreement, as
any change in condition, for example, heating or cold follows:
working. Element Method
21.2.3 Rockwell hardness shall be determined on Alternatively, at the option of the manu-
the inside surface of the tube and a minimum of three facturer, using speed insensitive eddy-current units that
readings shall be taken on each specimen, each at a are equipped so that a fraction of the maximum imbal-
different location. ance signal can be selected, the following percent
maximum imbalance signals may be used: When suitable equipment is not avail-
able for determining the specified Rockwell hardness, Maximum Percent
other Rockwell scales and values may be specified by Standard Tube Size, in. Signal Magnitude
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
Up to 38, incl 0.2
2 to 2, incl 0.3
21.2.4 Grain size shall be determined, in case of Over 2 to 3, incl 0.4
dispute, by the intercept method. Tubes that do not activate the signalling
21.2.5 Electrical revistivity the limit of measure-
device of the eddy-current tester shall be considered
ment uncertainty shall be 0.30% as a process control
as conforming to the requirements of this test. Tubes
method and 0.15% as an umpire method.
with discontinuities indicated by the testing unit may,
21.2.6 Microscopical examination cuprous oxide at the option of the manufacturer, be reexamined or
content shall be determined in accordance with Proce- retested to determine whether the discontinuity is cause
dure A, or in case of dispute, Procedure C, Closed for rejection. Signals that are found to have been caused
Bend test, of Test Methods B 577 shall be followed. by minor mechanical damage, soil, or moisture, shall
not be cause for rejection of the tubes provided the
21.2.7 Hydrogen Embrittlement Procedure B tube dimensions are still within prescribed limits and
shall be followed, or, in case of dispute, Procedure C, the tube is suitable for its intended application.
Closed Bend Test, of Test Methods B 577 shall be
followed. 21.2.9 Hydrostatic test The internal hydrostatic
pressure necessary to produce the required fiber stress
21.2.8 Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Test shall be determined by the following equation for thin
Each tube up to and including 318 in. outside diameter hollow cylinders under tension.
shall be subjected to an eddy-current test. Testing shall
follow the procedures in Practice E 243. Tubes shall P p 2 St /(D 0.8t) (1)
be passed through an eddy-current test unit adjusted
to provide information on the suitability of the tube
for the intended application.
Pp hydrostatic pressure, psi (or MPa) Either notch depth or drilled hole stan- tp thickness of tube wall, in. (or mm)
dards shall be used. Dp outside diameter of the tube, in. (or mm)
(a) Notch depth standards, rounded to the nearest Sp allowable fiber stress of the material, psi (MPa)
0.001 in. shall be 22% of the wall thickness. The notch The tube need not be tested at a pressure
depth tolerance shall be 0.0005 in. gage reading over 1000 psi unless so specified.
(b) Drilled holes shall be drilled radially through the
wall using a suitable drill jig that has a bushing to 21.2.10 Pneumatic test The test method shall
guide the drill, care being taken to avoid distortion of permit easy visual detection of leakage, such as having
the tube while drilling. The diameter of the drilled the material under water or by the pressure differential
hole shall be in accordance with the following and method.
shall not vary by more than +0.001, 0.000 in. of the
hole diameter specified. 22. Certification
(Nonmandatory Information)