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Ese-2016: Test Series: Subjectwise Test No. 10 (Conventional)

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CE UPSC Engineering Services Examination



Subjectwise Test No. 10 (Conventional) : RCC

1. (a)
Effective width of isolated T-beam,

l0 5000
bf = + bw = + 250
4 + (l0 /b ) 4 + (5000/1500)
bf = 932 mm (< bf = 1500 mm)

Df 120
= = 0.27 >0.20
d 450
xm = 0.48 d = 0.48 450 = 216 mm

d 50
= = 0.11
d 450
From the given table,
fsc = 353 N/mm2 (for d /d = 0.11)
fcc = 0.45 fck
Let us assume that neutral axis is in flange
Force of tension = Force of compression
0.87 f y Ast = 0.36 fck bf x + (fsc Asc fcc Asc )
x = 75.46 mm  76 mm < Df (=120 mm)
It means neutral axis lies in flange.
Moment of resistance of T-beam is
= 0.36 fck b x (d 0.42x) + (fsc 0.45 fck) Asc (d d )
= 0.36 25 932 76(450 0.42 76) + (353 0.45 25) 1000 (450 50)
= 403.22 106 Nmm  403 kNm
Thus, the moment resistance of T-beam is 403 kNm.
6 Civil Engineering RCC

1. (b)

Area of tensile steel = 4 252 = 1963 mm2
280 280
Modular ratio, m = = = 13.33
3 cbc 3 7
Equating moment of area about neutral axis,
300 x 2
= mAst (550 x)
150x 2 = 13.33 (1963) (550 x)
150 x + 26166.79x 14391734.5 = 0

x = 234.6 mm
x 234.6
Lever arm = d = 550 = 471.8 mm
3 3
Maximum concrete stress,
Taking moments about the tension steel centroid,
M = 0.5 c b x d
140 10 6
c = = 8.43 MPa
0.5 300 234.6 471.8
Tensile stress in steel,
M = s Ast d
140 10 6
s = = 151 MPa
1963 471.8

2. (a)
Bending moment,
f A
M = 0.87 fy Ast d y st
fck b

Area of steel Ast = 6 12 2 = 678.6 mm2
Also, effective depth d = 450 25 = 419 mm
250 678.6
M = 0.87 250 678.6 419
15 250
= 55.17 kNm
Then development length
s 0.87 250
Ld = = = 54.375
4 bd 4 1
Also development length,

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Ld < + L0 ,
Given L0 = 0
Ld <
55.17 1
< 1000 mm
200 54.375
Hence, beam is not safe in bond.

2. (b)
(i) At point A, M u = 0 and Pu is maximum, so failure occurs due to axial compression. At point C,
Pu = 0 and Mu is is non zero, so failure occurs due to bending only.
(ii) Portion AB is known as compression zone and portion BC is known as tension zone.
(iii) In region BC, region of tension failure at C, the ultimate moment is Mu white the ultimate axial load is
zero. As load is of tension in nature, it produce negative moment and then net moment will be less than
Mu, so the moment carrying capacity will increases.
(iv) The minimum eccentricity is at the point A, so the load is maximum.

2. (c)
b 0.0035 0.45 fck
3 x
0.002 7 u
4 x C2
d 7 u

0.87 fy
Es + 0.002

Section Strain diagram Stress diagram

(i) In strain diagram,

+ 0.002
0.0035 Es
xu d xu
f + 0.002
d xu Es y
xu 0.0035
Given f y = 415 MPa
Es = 2 105 MPa
0.87 415
+ 0.002
d 2 10 5
1 =
xu 0.0035

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8 Civil Engineering RCC

= 2.0872
xu = 0.479 d

Limiting BM, Mu (lim) = C (lever arm)
C = C1 + C2
3 2 4
= 0.45fck xu b + 0.45 fck xu b
7 3 7
= 0.19 fck b xu + 0.17 fck bxu
= 0.36 fck b xu
C x = C1 x2 + C 2 x2

3 3 4 3
0.36 fck b xu x = 0.19 fck b xu xu + 0.17 fck b xu + xu
14 8 7 7

x = 0.42 xu
Lever arm = d 0.42 xu
Mu lim = 0.36 fck b xu (d 0.42 xu )
= 0.36 fck b 0.479 d (d 0.42 0.479 d )
= 0.138 fck bd 2

C= T
0.36 fck b x u = 0.87 fy Ast
0.36fck b (0.479 xu ) = 0.87 415 Ast
Ast = 4.78 10 4 fck bd

3. (a)
Axial load = 1400 kN
Assuming 10% of column load as weight of footing and soil, approximate area of footing required
1.1 1400
= = 15.4 m 2
Provide 4.0 m 4.0 m square footing giving total area = 16 m2
Bending moment
The net earth pressure acting upwards due to factored load is
1400 1.5
p= = 131.25 kN/m2
4 0.4
Mu = 131.25 4 = 851 kNm
2 2
The effective depth required is,
BM = 0.138 fck bd 2

851 10 6
d= = 248.33 mm
0.138 25 4000

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Adopt 550 mm effective depth and 600 mm overall depth. Increased depth is taken due to shear

fy Ast
Area of tension steel is given by, BM = 0.87 fy Ast d
fck b 4000

Ast = 4434 mm2

Use 12 mm bars @ 100 mm c/c

4520 100
p= = 0.2%
4000 550
One-way shear
The critical section is taken at distance d away from the face of column.
4 0.4
Shear force, Vu = 131.25 4 0.55 = 656.25 kN

Vu 656.25 103
Nominal shear stress, v = = = 0.298 N/mm2
bd 4000 550
Shear strength of M25 concrete with 0.2% steel from Table 19 of IS 456:2000 is,
c = 0.327 N/mm2 > v
Two-way shear
The critical section taken at a distance 0.5 d away from the face of column,
Shear force Vu = 131.25[16 (0.4 + 0.55)2] = 1981.5 kN

Vu 1981.5 1000
Nominal shear stress v = = = 0.948 N/mm2
bd 4 (400 + 550 ) 550
Shear strength of M25 concrete,
c = ks c ,
where, k s = 0.5 + c >/ 1 and c = 1 for square column
k s = 0.5 + 1 >/ 1.0, ks = 1.0

c = c = 0.25 fck = 1.25 N/mm2 > 0.948 N/mm2

This shows that a footing having an effective depth of 550 mm will safe in shear.
Development length
Development length of 10 mm bars

0.87 fy 0.87 415

= = 40
Ld = 4bd 4 (1.6 1.4 )
Ld = 40 12 = 480 mm
Actual embedment length provided from face of the column is,
4000 400
= 50 mm (cov er )
= 1750 mm > Ld (ok)

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10 Civil Engineering RCC

600 mm

12 @ 100 c/c

400 mm 4000 mm


4000 mm
Reinforcement Details

3. (b)
Area of section = 150 300 = 45000 mm2

300 3
Moment of inertia of beam section = 150 = 337.5 106 mm4
Es = 200 kN/mm2
Ec = 5000 fck = 5000 40 = = 31622.78 N/mm2

force of prestress = 1000 7 7 2 = 270 kN
E s 200 1000
m = E = 31622.78 = 6.32
Stress in concrete at the level of steel
P Pey
c = +

270000 270000 50 50
= + = 8 N/mm2
45000 337.5 106
(i) Loss of prestress due to elastic shortening
= m c = 6.32 8 = 50.6 N/mm2

Stress in wire after transfer = 1000 50.6 = 949.4 N/mm2

Stress in concrete at the level of steel

8 949.4
c = = 7.60 N/mm2

(ii) Loss of prestress due to creep of concrete

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= m c

= 6.32 1.6 7.60

= 76.85 N/mm2
(iii) Loss of prestress due to shrinkage of concrete
= sh Es
= 3 10 4 200 1000 = 60 N/mm2
(iv) Relaxation of steel stress is given as 4%

= 1000 = 40 N/mm2
Total loss of stress = 50.6 + 76.85 + 60 + 40 = 227.45 N/mm2

227.45 100
Percentage loss = = 22.745%

4. (a)
Since length of slab in more than twice the width, it is a one-way slab
Minimum depth of slab, d =
d= = 175 mm
Let us adopt an overall depth D = 190 mm
Self weight of slab = 0.19 1 25 = 4.75 kN/m
Superimposed load = 5 1 = 5 kN/m
Total laod = 9.75 kN/m
Factored load = 1.5 9.75 = 14.625 kN/m  14.63 kN/m

w u l2
Maximum BM at centre of shorter span =
Assume reinforcement bar is 10 mm diameter with 15 mm clear cover.
Effective detph = 190 15 5 = 170 mm
Effective span of slab = 3.5 + d = 3.5 + 0.17 = 3.67 m
3.67 2
BM = 14.63 = 24.63 kNm
w u le 14.63 3.5
Maximum shear force = = = 25.6 kN
2 2
Depth of the slab is given by
BM = 0.138 fck bd 2

24.63 106
d= = 85 mm
0.138 25 1000
Adopt effective depth, d = 130 mm and D = 150 mm
Area of steel is given by,

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12 Civil Engineering RCC

f A
M = 0.87 fy Ast d y st
fck b

Ast = 541.6 mm2

Use 10 mm bars @ 140 mm c/c
Temperature reinforcement equal to 0.15% of the gross concrete area will be provided in the longitudinal
= 0.0015 1000 155
= 232.5 mm2
Use 6 mm MS bars @ 100 mm c/c giving total area,
= 28.26 = 282 mm2
Check for shear
100 Ast
Percentage tension steel =

100 (78.5 1000 / 280)

= = 0.22%
1000 130
Shear strength of concrete for 0.22% steel,
c = 0.34 N/mm2
Vu 25600
Nominal shear stress, v = =
bd 1000 130
= 0.197 N/mm2 < c (ok)
The slab is safe in shear
10 @ 100 c/c

150 mm

10 @ 100 c/c

10 @ 100 c/c

4. (b)
b = 200 mm, d = 400 mm
200 mm
L = 12 m, e = 70 mm at mid span = 0 at ends
Effective prestress, P = 800 kN
c = 25 kN/m3
Area of cross-section,
400 mm
A = bd = 200 400 = 80 103 mm2
bd 3 200 4003
Moment of inertia, I= = = 1.067 109
12 12
At mid span,

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e = 70 mm
y t = 270 mm
yb = 130 mm
1.067 10 9
Zt = = 3.952 106 mm3
1.067 10 9
Zb = = 8.208 106 mm3
Hence at service load
P Pe Md M l
bot = +
A Zb Zb Zb
Now self weight of beam
w = A 1 yc = 0.2 + 0.4 25 = 2 kN/m
So dead load moment,
w l 2 2 122
Md = = = 36 kNm
8 8
Live load moment, Ml = = 3W
800 103 800 103 70 36 106
bot = + 3W
80 103 8.25 106 8.206 106
= 10 + 6.788 4.388 3 W
= 12.437 3W
For no tension in beam,
bot = 0
W= = 4.15 kN

5. (a)
Effective length = 0.8 L
= 0.8 400 = 320 cm

Slenderness ratio = = 8 < 12 (short column)

l D
Minimum eccentricity emin = + = 19.7 mm < 20 mm
500 30
Also 0.5D = 0.05 400 = 20 mm = emin
The strength of column section is given by,
Pu = 0.4 fck Ac + 0.67 fy Asc

1500 1000 = 0.4 20 400 Asc + 0.67 415 Asc
Asc = 1830 mm2 (> 0.8% of area)
Use 6 20 mm bars

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14 Civil Engineering RCC

5. (b)
A = 150 300 = 450 cm2

I = 150 = 33750 cm2
Shear force at support = 7.5
= 30 kN
Maximum shear stress at support occurs at neutral axis,
VAy 30 15 15 7.5
max = = = 0.1 kN/cm2 = 1 MPa
Ib 33750 15
3 30
Alternatively, max = = 0.1 kN/cm2
2 15 30
Axial stress, x = = 0.45 kN/mm2 = 4.5 MPa

x x2 4.5 4.5 2
Principal stresses, 1,2 = + 2 = + 12
2 4 2 4
= 0.21 MPa (tensile), 4.71 MPa (compression)

5. (c)
Percentage area of steel,

100As 100 4 4 25
p= = = 1.12%
bd 500 350
Shear strength of concrete = 0.64 N/mm2 (from table)

Vu 350 1000
Nominal shear stress v = =
bd 350 500
v = 2 N/mm2
Maximum shear stress, c max for M20 = 2.8 N/mm2
c < v < c max (Shear reinforcement required)
Strength of shear reinforcement required,
Vus = Vu c bd
= 350 1000 0.64 350 500
= 238000 N
Adopt 8 mm 2 legged vertical stirrips,
2 82
Asv = = 100.5 mm2
Spacing of shear reinforcement,
0.87 fy Asv d 0.87 415 100.5 500
x= = = 76.23 mm c/c.
Vu 238000
Provide minimum spacing of 100 mm

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0.4 350 100

A0 = 38.8 mm2
0.87 415
Vus x 238000 100
Also, Asv = 0.87f d = 0.87 415 500 = 131.8 mm2 > A0
Area of one leg = 131.8/2 = 66 mm2
Use 10 mm 2 legged stirrups @ 100 mm c/c.

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