Let Principles of Teaching-Notes
Let Principles of Teaching-Notes
Let Principles of Teaching-Notes
Learning is acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to perform new behaviours. It is common to think of
learning as something that takes place in school, but much of human learning occurs outside the classroom, and people
continue to learn throughout their lives.
Learning is a change in an individual caused by experienced (Mazur, 1990)
Learning refers to outcomes, or results of an experience: knowledge and understanding, abilities and skills, and
habits and attitudes.
Learning is a complex process that takes place INSIDE the brain but relying heavily on OUTSIDE stimuli.
Law of Readiness is associated with mindset. States that when an organism is prepared to respond to a stimulus,
allowing him to do so would be satisfying while preventing him would be annoying.
Law of Exercise involves the constant repetition of a response that will strengthens connection with the
stimulus, while disuse of a response weakens it.
Law of use pre-supposes that the more frequent a modifiable connection between situation and the response is
utilized the stronger is the connection.
Law of disuse which states that when a modifiable connection between a stimulus and a response is not used
over a period of time that connection is weakened.
Law of effects states that when a modifiable connection between a stimulus and response has been made, it is
strengthening if it results to satisfaction and weakens if it leads to annoyance.
Law of Belongingness means that the strength of connection is increased if the paired stimuli possess
Law of Association is employed when new connections formed through the association of the past and the new
situation. It is the process of relating two or more experiences to each other.
Law of Multiple Response occurs when different reactions/response are elicited by the same stimulus.
Law of frequency the more often the response is repeated the greater is the tendency for its use when the right
situation occurs.
Law of Recency states that the response which has been exercised and rewarded most recently is the one which
is most likely to occur when the organism is in a given situation.
3. Motivation is the process of initiating, sustaining and directing an activity and can intrinsic of extrinsic in nature.
4. Thinking skills
= Essential Cognitive processes are fundamental tools of thinking such as observing finding patterns,
generalizing, forming conclusions, evaluating, analysing critically.
= Domain specific knowledge define as knowledge in a specific content such as math or science.
= Meta cognition
Memory = process by which people and other organisms encode, store, and retrieve
Short- term memory is the memory system that is able to hold and retrieve information
for short period of time [seconds or minutes]
Long term memory is the memory system that allows the learner retention and
retrieval of information over longer period of time [ hours and days].
Rote memory allows the learner to remember something they do not understand such as
statistical formula.
Sequential memory is the ability to retrieve information in a specific order such as
counting, reciting letters of the alphabet.
Multiple Intelligences
What is intelligence ?
= the capacity to do something useful in the society in which we live the ability to respond successfully to new
situations and the capacity to learn from ones past experiences.
Alfred Binet French Psychologist who introduced the concept of Intelligence Quotient (IQ). IQ primary
measure of a persons learning capability Came up with the categories of intelligence (genius to imbecile)
Multiple intelligences is a psychological and educational theory put forth by psychologist Howard Gardner.
According to Gardner, an array of different kinds of "intelligence" exists in human beings. He states that each individual
manifests varying levels of these different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique "cognitive profile.
( Source: Harvey F. Silver, et al. So Each May Learn. Virginia, USA: Silver Strong
Associates, Inc. 2000)
Researchers have identified three learning modalities most often used by students in taking in information.
Learners take in information faster and more efficiently if taught in their preferred modalities.
Have difficulty remembering names but may remember details about person.
Learn best when there are visual tools to help explain the learning
Would rather read a story than have someone tell it to them
Organize thoughts by writing them down
Have difficulty remembering directions told them
Made up the smallest number of learners in the classroom
Remember names better than faces
Forgot what ie read unless discussed
feel comfortable in group discussion
sre easily distracted by sounds
are good story tellers
Learning styles indicate the manner in which an individual perceives, interacts with and responds to the
learning environment.
The cognitive, effective and physiological traits a learner uses to approach learning events
Concerned with how learner perceive information and process it.
Teaching is the noblest and the most important profession in the world. It is in this context that teacher is
considered as the key figure in the educational system. In the hands of the teacher lies the development and intellectual
growth of an individual. With this teacher should possess the qualifications and qualities needed to make her teaching
effective, efficient, productive, and meaningful in the life of the learner. What is a good teacher?
Aside from educational preparation a teacher should possess the professional qualities, instructional
competencies, personal qualities and characteristics to be able to be considered a good teacher.
1. Intelligence
2. Punctuality and enthusiasm
3. Good physical and mental health
4. Loyalty and commitment
5. Respect for the dignity of the individual
6. Fair level of tolerance, firmness and impartiality
7. Adaptability
8. Alertness, resourcefulness, creativity
9. Appropriate grooming
10. Christian outlook, missionary spirit
11. Clean sense of humor
12. Good professional and human relations
13. Good and moral and ethical character
14. Desire to grow professionally
15. Leadership and fellowship
16. Love for children
17. Observes the Code of Professional Ethics
There are many characteristics, techniques, etc. that make for a successful teacher. These may be as varied as the
teachers themselves. However, there are certain time-tested attributes, characteristics, and practices which contribute
immensely to teacher success. The following list contains items that students have used to describe their best teachers.
1. Enthusiasm
o Students can feel the excitement
o Students easily detect the teacher's love for job and subject
2. Preparation
o Teacher knows the subject
o Teacher plans and prepares lessons daily
3. Punctuality
o Always arrives on time
o Begins and ends class on time
o Expects and encourages students to arrive on time
4. Support and concern for students
o Lets students know that he/she cares about their success
o Takes time with students
o Allows for creativity
o Is friendly and courteous
o Is supportive and encouraging
o Is smiling, caring and loving
5. Consistency
o Does not miss class
o Is consistent in attitude and dealings with students
o Is always well prepared to teach class
6. Politeness
o Treats students with respect
o Does not condescend
o Avoids embarrassing students in class
7. Firmness and control
o Is firm in a kind manner
o Avoids tangents in teaching
8. Does not play favorites
9. Provides personal help
o Takes time to explain concept
o Gives individual attention
10. Accepts individual differences
11. Employs an effective delivery
o Clarifies for understanding
o Creates a sense of fun with the learning task
o Eliminates bad, irritating and/or distracting habits
12. Does not make students lose face
o Avoids criticizing students
13. Has high expectations of class members
14. Is humble
15. Is fair
16. Uses variety
o Uses a variety of learning activities
o Experiments
o Allows for spontaneity
17. Has a sense of humor; is relaxed
18. Use of engaged time
o Sets a good pace and provides for a change of pace
o Avoids engaging students in "busy work"
19. Use of text
o Is not a slave to the text
o Uses text as a road map
20. Keeps within 1-2 days of the scheduled course outline
21. Field trips and other activities
o Applies student experiences to class work
22. Does not always teach from a sitting or leaning position
23. Interpersonal relationships with students
o Does not allow students to call him/her by first name
o Does not try to win a popularity contest
o Maintains a healthy teacher-student relationship
o Respects students (remember that sometimes what you think is healthy, fun joking with students may be
interpreted by them as disapproval and dislike.)
24. Does not allow one or two students to monopolize or dominate the class
25. Keeps accurate records of
o Work completed
o Attendance
o Test results
o Grades
Additional Suggestions
1. Provide for activity changes -- perhaps something not on the lesson plan; for example, scrabble, hangman,
2. Be somewhat unpredictable -- Students will not know what comes next. Keep students in some suspense.
3. Variety -- In teaching, variety provides for renewed interest in the subject matter. Use variety in how you have
students work together. Do not always pair the same ones together. Provide for a variety of learning activities.
Some suggestions are:
o Assignments
o Brainstorming o Charts and maps
o Buzz sessions o Displays and mobiles
o General discussion o Filmstrips
o Panel discussion o Flannelboard
o Problem-solving discussion o Flashcards
o Music o Motion pictures
o Instructional games o Opaque projections
o Questioning and quizzes o Overhead transparency projections
o Reports and talks o Pictures, posters
o Role playing o Tape recordings
o Worksheets o Video tape recordings
o Demonstrations o Videodisk recordings
o Dramas o Videotaping class presentations or
o activities
o Storytelling
o Guest appearances
o General chalkboard use
o Combined activities with
o Chalkboard illustrations
another class.
4. Instant Involvement -- Create a variety of instant involvement techniques that can be used to capture students
attention for what will be presented.
5. Give eye-to-eye contact.
6. Change teaching style for variety.
7. Pace -- A change of pace is refreshing and helps students re-enter the learning process.
8. Change of setting -- At appropriate times it is stimulating and interesting to meet in a different location or setting
for a specific learning task.
Teaching Styles
1. Formal Authority
Teachers who have a formal authority teaching style tend to focus on content. This style is generally teacher-
centered, where the teacher feels responsible for providing and controlling the flow of the content and the student is
expected to receive the content.
One type of statement made by an instructor with this teaching style is "I am the flashlight for my students, I
illuminate the content and materials so that my students can see the importance of the material and appreciate the
Teachers with this teaching style are not as concerned with building relationships with their students nor is it as
important that their students form relationships with other students. This type of teacher doesn't usually require much
student participation in class. "Sage on the stage" model.
Teachers who have a demonstrator or personal model teaching style tend to run teacher-centered classes with an
emphasis on demonstration and modeling. This type of teacher acts as a role model by demonstrating skills and processes
and then as a coach/guide in helping students develop and apply these skills and knowledge.
A teacher with this type of teaching style might comment: "I show my students how to properly do a task or work
through a problem and then I'll help them master the task or problem solution. It's important that my students can
independently solve similar problems by using and adapting demonstrated methods."
Instructors with this teaching style are interested in encouraging student participation and adapting their
presentation to include various learning styles. Students are expected to take some responsibility for learning what they
need to know and for asking for help when they don't understand something.
3. Facilitator
Teachers who have a facilitator model teaching style tend to focus on activities. This teaching style emphasizes
student-centered learning and there is much more responsibility placed on the students to take the initiative for meeting
the demands of various learning tasks.
This type of teaching style works best for students who are comfortable with independent learning and who can
actively participate and collaborate with other students.
Teachers typically design group activities which necessitate active learning, student-to-student collaboration and
problem solving. This type of teacher will often try to design learning situations and activities that require student
processing and application of course content in creative and original ways.
4. Delegator
Teachers who have a delegator teaching style tend to place much control and responsibility for learning on
individuals or groups of students.
This type of teacher will often give students a choice designing and implementing their own complex learning
projects and will act in a consultative role.
Students are often asked to work independently or in groups and must be able to maintain motivation and focus
for complex projects. Students working in this type of setting learn more than just course specific topics as they also must
be able to effectively work in group situations and manage various interpersonal roles.
Kinds of Motivation
Extrinsic promoted by factors external to the individual and un related to the task being performed
such as recognition or a high grade.
Application of Principles of Motivation to Classroom Teaching
- motives
= Classroom/shop management refers to the control and operation taking place in the classrooms or shops.
= The main purpose of classroom/shop management is optimum efficiency in the use of time, effort, supplies and
materials, equipment and the like, during the class period.
= The success of teaching can be determined by a well organized and managed classroom or shops.
= Cooperation in the shops or classroom can be attained if the facilities are arranged in order, the students are properly
given appropriate tasks.
= Good management can be learned by an individual under the leadership of the good teachers.
= A teacher who runs a well-organized classroom, will surely tend to develop orderly habits among his students.
= A well organized and managed classroom/shop will:
a. give the learners richer opportunities for mental growth and development.
= As a custodian of the learning opportunities, a teacher before attempting to teach, he must first know how to organize
and manage his own shop or classroom in order to have effective and efficient teaching-learning process.
2. Rules and regulations on absences, tardiness and failures should be in consonance with administrative
3. Routine activities should be handled with extra care to same time and avoid confusion. Proper management of
routine will help attain effective classrooms or shop management.
4. The needs, nature and conditions of the learners should be considered. Effective teaching takes place when the
learners are properly conditioned Proper lighting and ventilation of the room or shop should be emphasized.
Chairs, tables should be of the right size and height to give comfort to the occupants.
5. Positive approach to classroom/shop management and control is more effective than the negative approach. This
approach is anchored in the premise that self motivation is more effective and lasting or even permanent that those
that are imposed. Extrinsic motivation should, if ever possible be avoided or minimized.
6. The students should be involved in the physical arrangement of the classroom or shops. They are the users thus,
the need to have their active participation.
= Room or shop layout is a floor plan showing the arrangement of the chairs, tables different machines,
equipment, and other instructional facilities.
= A good layout is one that will tell any individual in the actual space area allotted to the classroom facilities.
= The design of the building should maximize the use of natural lighting and ventilation.
= A well designed room or buildings have windows openings wide enough to allow the passage of natural light
and fresh air.
= The lightning of the room should be considered in laying out the building or room
= Ventilation refers to the circulation or movement of fresh air. Windows and doors provide the best openings for
natural ventilation. Installation of electric fans or air conditioning units may be used.
= Classroom activities are generally routine in nature. Teacher should provide a good working place.
= A place for everything and everything in its proper place. Every individual in the classroom or shop should
know there to place things and how to place them.
= Proper management of routine will provide the learners the opportunity to learn, save time and effort.
= Students should perform routine activities. (Lighting and ventilation, storing of equipment, seating plan of
students, and cleanliness and orderliness of the room, movements of pupils, getting books, tools, collecting papers,
disposing waste materials).
2. Checking of Attendance. A good teacher has to account for his students as they enter the classroom or shop.
3. Seating Arrangement. For larger classes such as in the academic classes, assigning seats would be a welcome
move. Pupils that are small and short should be seated in front together with those students who are suffering
from defects of the eye and ears. Assigning of seats has a lot advantages that may contribute to affective
teaching/learning process.
4. Record Keeping. This is very important for the teacher. As a teacher, you to have to accomplish at least two
types of records. These are the administrative records which are badly needed by the teacher. Some of this records
are the school register, report of monthly enrollment, memorandum receipts of tools and equipments, daily time
record, personal records, and others. The second type of forms and records are the instructional records, which
includes instructional sheets, grade sheets, job sheets, project, information, operation sheets and other kinds of
instructional sheets, daily lesson plans, and the like.
b. movements in hallways,
c. sharpening of pencils,
e. use of library,
While demonstrating on the board, enlist the assistance of inattentive or misbehaving student.
Give a child an assignment which changes his attention.
Re-seat an offender.
Remove temporarily a privilege which was abused.
Require a child to remain after school to finish a task.
Ignore show off, but later assign him productive task.
Cast eyes over the entire class every minute to prevent anti-social capers before they start.
Firmly say NO or STOP to an action that may become more serious.
Without losing learners emotional composure, show his annoyance or disgust.
Require child to stay behind for a short conference about the misbehavior committed.
Stop all activities when a new offense is committed and have the class discuss this type of action
and provide new rules.