Sticky Notes
Sticky Notes
Sticky Notes
Rebecca Jackson
Talking Back to Books
The Sticky Note Strategy can be adapted for all reading comprehension
on Sticky Notes
outcomes. It is a flexible tool that not only helps students with understanding
Ask questions & make and comprehending the text they are reading, it can help them organize and
observations to help increase categorize their thoughts. And as a plus, teachers may use Sticky Notes for
comprehension. praise and as a classroom management tool!
Increases opportunities for positive feedback
Encourages metacognition
Helps increase students sense of self-efficacy
Works across all grade levels
Breaks down large intimidating tasks into small workable steps
Helps focus attention on the essential elements
Encourages questioning
Helps students who struggle with organization and chronological order
Offers visual aid that allows students to interact with the process physically
Students can take with them and use at home
Kids love Sticky Notes!
Practice each comprehension skill separately before widening the scope and purpose of Sticky Notes.
Harvey, Stephanie & Goudis, Anne (2013) Comprehension at the core. The Reading Teaching, Vol. 66(6)
Dugan, J. R., Linder, P. E., Sampson, M. B., & Brancato, B. A. (2004). Celebrating the Power of Literacy. The
Twenty-Sixth Yearbook: A Peer Reviewed Publication of The College Reading Association [Papers from the
College Reading Association Conference, 2004]. College Reading Association. Pps 182-192
Stormont, Melissa A. (2008). Increase academic success for children with ADHD using sticky notes and highlighters.
Intervention in School and Clinic, Vol. 43, No5 DOI 10.1177/1053451207311768
Zentall, Sydney D. (2005). Theory and evidence-based strategies for children with attentional problems. Psychology
in the Schools, Vol. 42(8) DOI: 10.1002/pits.20114 2