Newman News July 2017 Edition

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PO Box 618, Newman WA 6753 | [email protected].

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Proudly Supported by
The objective of Red Desert Events is
to involve the community in projects or
events that promote community cohesion,
development and identity. Red Desert
also encourages a community based
coordinated approach to improve the
economic, social & physical environment. NEWMANS COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER
To get involved call: 9177 8290
July 2017, Issue 177

Colour Run

Newman Visitor Centre
Newman Little Athletics
Newman Netball Association
Centrals Football and Sporting Club held
Lend lead Services
its first annual Colour Run on Sunday 4
East Pilbara Shire
June. The event had over 300 participants
register for the mornings frivolity.
This was a much needed fundraising boost
for the club, who have been short on
The club was a well oiled machine, with
sponsorship with the recent downturn in
volunteers marking off the participants
the community and the Committee have
as they arrived and issuing out the
been working overtime to keep the club Winning team members: Darrel Hamilton,
white tops that were included as part of
afloat. Treasurer, Lee Lockyer said From Corrie Chapman and Caity Jones
the registration fee. While other club
little things big things grow, so look out for Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography
volunteers began the task of cooking for
the 2018 Colour Run.
the masses.

DTR Fitness, Derrick and Brooke, assisted

Centrals in setting up the obstacle course
and provided some of the equipment.
Participants took to the field, with groups
of 40 setting off at a time around the oval.
In the end everyone just meshed together
as they continued around the course
numerous times.

The volunteers seemed to take great joy

Groups heading off from the starting line Young participant, Eamon Cottrell having a
in soaking the runners/walkers as they
Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography wow of a time with Mum
came past the water and colour stations, Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography
with the volunteer Saint John Ambulance
officers getting in on the fun.

Centrals Football and Sporting Club

would like to make special mention to
the following businesses for contributing
towards making the morning a success;

DTR Fitness
North West Waste Alliance
RGR Transport
River gums Newman
East Pilbara Tyres
Centurion Transport
St John Ambulance
Serene Bedlam Photography
Red Desert Events/The Beach Indoor Group shot of all participants and volunteers at the end of the event
Play Centre Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography
WA Rocks Newman Police
The rock craze that is WA Rocks has taken Officers at the Newman Police Station have
over Newman. Community organisations made their presence felt in the community
such as The Beach Indoor Play Centre and this year. From cracking down on crime,
Newman Neighbourhood Centre have to kicking around the football with the
cottoned on to the craze and are offering children of town, to bringing back the Blue
Newman News, your independent craft session throughout their opening Light events. This is positive policing at its
local community newspaper, would hours. best. Well done to all the team.
be delighted to hear from you. Please
Other families are also getting on board
send us your stories, photos, events, and already the drops around town have
birth notices and the like. Published Anthony Grzelka
begun. When out walking with the family
monthly. You can submit your article be sure to look around you, as you might On Wednesday 21 June, The Beach Indoor
to Red Desert Events email: just find a decorated gem in amongst the Play Centre was transformed for the
[email protected] other Pilbara rocks. Mediumship event. Anthony came into the
room, made a little tongue in cheeky joke
about the other Male performers in town
Earthquake on the same night, before explaining to the
room how the night will unravel.
On Wednesday 14 June at 07:28, a 2.5
Proudly Supported by earthquake was recorded north-east of All attendees were hanging on to Anthonys
Newman. While no damage was caused, every word, quite a few people received a
Geoscience Australia said the event was reading, but many more were on the edge
significant in terms of research. of their seats hoping that a loved one
would come through for them. Anthony
The last significant earthquake that erupted ended the night explaining how his gift
conversation on the Newman Community works and answered questions about the
Discussion pages was recorded back on 20 afterlife, before promising to return in the
May 2011. Ironically the predicted day the coming years and thanking the room for
World was meant to end, instead the earth their ongoing support.
moved for Newman residence.

Tenants leave their mark

Advertise with Newman News Department of Housing have experienced
Newmans independent community newspaper increased damage to properties. Recently
Our advertising rates include G.S.T. released list of the worse suburbs for
You can submit your advertisements to the editor in the following ways: property damage has Newman tipping
Phone / Fax: (08) 9177 8290 the list at second behind Moora in the
In Person: Red Desert office, Newman Community Hall (Mindarra Drive) Wheatbelt. It is estimated that damaged
Email to: [email protected] caused to homes in Newman is in excess of
Ad Size Bus/Gov Bus/Gov Community/ Community/
regular rate singular rate Non-profit Non-profit
min. 3 issues min. 3 issues singular rate Chasing Dinosaur Eggs
Full page B&W 150.00 175.00 100.00 120.00
As part of the Shires WA Day festival
Full page colour 350.00 400.00 350.00 400.00 people were seen wandering strangely
Half page B&W 100.00 120.00 70.00 90.00 around Boomerang Oval with their iPads
and other devices out. What were they
Half page 200.00 240.00 200.00 240.00 doing? Chasing dinosaur eggs as large
prehistoric animals stepped over them.
Quarter page 70.50 80.50 50.00 60.00 Others were rescuing meowing kittens
from an evil witch. Using the Magical Park
Quarter page 140.00 160.00 140.00 160.00 app temporarily set-up for the area, it
colour worked like Pokemon Go where the images
Classifieds n/a n/a n/a 15.00 were overlaid on the street view and could
Inserts * 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 be interacted with. This was followed by a
delicious roast chicken dinner in real life.
Please contact us for our full rates chart and sizes.
Blue Light Disco Johns Ambulance, Shire of East Pilbara
Ranger - Leigh for his great footy skills,
BSC T-Shirt Design
returns Woolworths and Red Sands.

by Constable Laura Vernon
Blue Light events are run under the Senior Sargent Mark Flesker, attended
It has been five years since the local Police guidance of PCYC (Police and Community both of the Primary Schools early in Term
held a Blue Light Disco in Newman, so it Youth Centres) but driven by community One to invite the students to participate in
was good to see its return on Saturday 10 members, and in the case of Newman, this years shirt design for the Bloody Slow
June. The event was run in conjunction it was local Newman Police Officers Cup. It had been two years since Newman
with the Shire of East Pilbara Youth Centre. who have got Newman Blue Light up Primary School had last participated in the
and running and are looking forward to design competition and so it was decided
The Blue Light event was made possible future events. So keep an eye out on the this year that there would be one winner
thanks to the enthusiasm of the new Officer Newman Community Discussion Facebook from each school.
in Charge at Newman Police Station, Senior Page as well as advertising posters around
Sergeant Mark Fleskens, who takes a strong town, for the next Blue Light event for our All students were welcome to submit
community focused approach to policing. It Community. their unique designs for this years
was encouraging to see the support from childrens t-shirts. Collectively there
the Newman youth, particularly those in were over 300 designs received and one
the 8-12 age bracket, who turned up in volunteer committee member took over
great numbers. Excellent feedback was five hours to select the final two designs.
received from both the children and their Congratulations to Sienna McMaster and
parents, who appreciated a safe and secure Faustina Lee. Both girls won gift vouchers
environment. from the soon to be opened Sportspower
Blue Light Youth Activities are delivered
throughout the state. Approximately Both t-shirt design incorporated both
60,000 young people attend Blue Light the Australia and New Zealand colours,
Youth Activities annually. Blue Light with some Aboriginal inspired artwork,
provides young people with positive And the fun begins, parents signing in their which was past by a local Martu Elder for
lifestyle alternatives and strategies to avoid children. approval. The designs will be available
Photography by Newman Police
becoming an offender or victim of crime to order through either South Newman
through positive interaction with police, Primary or Newman Primary School. All
youth workers and community volunteers. other merchandise will be available for
purchase in the weeks leading up to the
The Newman Blue Light Disco was a fun- event.
filled, exciting and vibrant event with
children running, dancing and generally
having a great time. The success is due
in large to the volunteers, including the
infamous-volunteers Nicole Dwyer and
Linda Lewis, DJ Gareth, South Newman
Primary School teachers, Department of
Child Protection, Runner-Up Miss Legacy
2016, Jodi Andreas, Off-Duty Police
Police and Ambulance providing some of the
Officers and partners, who all need to be
ambient lights for the event
thanked for their involvement as well as Photograph by Newman Police
local businesses, Coates Hire: for providing
essential heating in the icy conditions, St
SNPS Winner; Sienna McMaster with Snr Sgt
Mark Flesker and Mum, Ginny.
Photography by Newman Police

The first group of children enjoy themselves at the Disco NPS Winner; Faustina Lee with Snr Sgt Mark
Photograph by Newman Police Flesker and Mum, Meresianna.
Photography by Nicole Willis
Reconciliation Ball and spirit of our community.

This event is one of many the East Pilbara

Newman held its first ever Reconciliation
Shire are providing to the community
Ball on Saturday 27 May to coincide with
together with the support of BHP. It would
start of Reconciliation Week. The week
also not be made possible without the
runs annually from 27 May to 3 June to
ongoing support of local organisations,
mark two significant historic dates for
businesses and not-for-profit groups.
Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islands, the
1967 Referendum and the Mabo decision
With the positive response of this event,
of 1992.
it is hoped that it will become a staple in
Newmans calendar of yearly events. Well
Over 200 community members attended Event organiser and Shire of East Pilbaras
done to all involved.
the Ball held at the East Pilbara Art Centre Community and Wellbeing Administration
Void. The room was transformed in to a Officer, Danielle Airton with Husband, Graham.
sea of tables and chairs, brought to life by Taking time to enjoy the event.
rope lights hanging from the ceiling. Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography

The night was hosted by comedian, Sean

Choolburra. Along with special guest Kevin
Michel and Kyle McGinn from the West
Australian Parliament. Guest enjoyed the
musical stylings of The Mexicans, a reggae-
roots Broome band, and local artist, Tiriki
Henare, while enjoying a scrumptious
buffet provided by Seasons Hotel.
Sisters, Mel and Christine having some
photobooth fun.
Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography

Back: Sidney tinker, Loretta Marney, Ruby-Lea

Whitby, Ansel Egan and Vivian Landy
Front: Steve Arthur, Timille Whitby and Leslie
Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography

Comedian Sean Choolburra entertaining the

Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography

Shire president, Lynne Craigie said You Trina Bateman,Tina Ewen, Lee Lockyer and
have made genuine history by being a part Kelly Cooke having a blast.
of the East Pilbaras first Reconciliation Ball Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography
and tonight is a great symbolic gesture that
reflects the wonderfully changing heart
The ever lovely ________, Phyllis Lockyer and
Tina Ewen
Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography

Zyrack Frank with Petrina Jackman, enjoying

Guest speakers on the night L-R: Mel Nelson, Kate Mackie, Vivianne Landy, Gary Earl-Spurr (Duke), the night.
Victor Parker, Allan Ewen and Deb Stockton Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography
Photograph by Serene Bedlam Photography
2-9 July NAIDOC Week National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee Its
origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920s which sought
to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous

7 July Pink Ribbon fundraising luncheon Sponsored by Pilbara Community Legal Service and
supported by Shire of East Pilbara, 12:00-14:00 at Newman House, $20 individuals, $25
family group, door prizes including best dressed, entertainment, contact Ettie on 9175
0148 or [email protected]

8 July Big Bad Barry Hall, 18:00-01:00 at the Saints Football and Sporting Club, $60 pp
including nibbles and live entertainment, semi-formal/cocktail attire, for tickets or more
information call Melanie Wood on 0423 000 203

12-14 July Funky Bus workshops for youth aged 10-17 years, the Newman Youth Centre, mural artist giving workshop resulting in a funky youth
bus, register with the Youth Centre soon [email protected] or 9175 1963 those registering for the course are to attend all days

15 July High Tea at the Tigers Clubroom, Capricorn Oval, 15:30-18:00, limited tickets are available for $50 including a glass of sparkling wine and
afternoon tea, 0429 790 771 or 0468 993 858

15 July UN World Youth Skills Day

23 July Mainstreet Chrissy in July Twilight Markets by Red Desert Events, 15:00 - 18:00, The Beach Indoor Play Centre, for more information
or to book email: [email protected]

28 July Shire of East Pilbara Council Meeting, 10:00 in Newman

29 July Newman Vets Football Celebrity Match, Capricorn oval, for ticket information contact

30 July United Nations International Day of Friendship

4 August National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day

5 August Filipino Association of Newman FIRE & ICE, 18:30 onwards at the East Pilbara Art Centre, tickets $60 per person, this event is also for the
benefit of St. John Ambulance, WA Police Legacy, Newman SAFE and a feeding program in Philippines, Filipinoassociationnewman2017@

6 August Newman Family Fun Run with 21, 10, 5 or 1.8 km with a brunch and competitor bag with entry fee, $20 adults, $10 under 18 y.o., entry
is free for under 6 y.o. registrations through the recreation centre

12 August Newman National Football League Grandfinal, Capricorn Oval.

18 August Newman Lions Clubs Fortescue Festival Ball Rockabilly theme, tickets $80 including tapas food, live band, 8 seats to a table, single
tickets available but whole tables preferred, contact 0467 323 517

20 August Fortescue Festival

25 August Full Steam Ahead - Astronomy Night in collaboration with EPIC, NSHS and NVC, for more information email newman@empoweringpeople.

26 August Newman Races,

2 September Fathers Day markets by Red Desert Events [email protected]

8-10 September Outback Fusion Festival

21-22 October Bloody Slow Cup weekend and memorial service

29 October Halloween markets by Red Desert Events [email protected]

3 December Christmas markets by Red Desert Events [email protected]

Lighting of the Shires Christmas tree

Disclaimer of Liability: Newman Mainstreet Project T/A Red Desert Events undertakes to ensure that accurate information is disseminated through its community
newspaper, Newman News. Every care is taken to ensure accuracy and we will publish any corrections that are brought to our notice. However, Red Desert Events makes
no warranty, guarantee or promise expressed or implied concerning the content or accuracy of the information provided by this service. Red Desert Events accepts no
liability for any loss or damage a person or organisation may suffer because that person or organisation has directly or indirectly relied on any information presented in
this publication. The views expressed in the Newman News are not necessarily those of the editor or the Red Desert Events Coordinator or Committee.
Monday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
08:30 Time Out session with crche until 11:30am, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516
09:00 Newman Playgroup until 11:00 for 0-4 y.o., Moondoorow Street, [email protected] or 0407 450 491
09:30 Newman Library open until 17:00, Kalgan Drive, 9177 9600, [email protected]
17:30 Newman Girl Guides 5-7 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624, [email protected]
19:00 Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541
19:30 Anglican Church bible study, location to be advised, 0499 778 116

Tuesday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
08:30 Time Out with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]
09:30 Newman Library open until 17:00, Kalgan Drive, 9177 9600, [email protected]
10:00 Newman Playgroup until 12 noon for 0-4 y.o., Moondoorow Street, [email protected] or 0407 450 491
17:30 Newman Girl Guides 7-18 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624, [email protected]
18:30 Newman Running/Walking Club, Fitness Station on Fortescue Ave, opposite Ethel Creek Street turnoff.
19:00 Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541
19:00 Study the Bible with Jehovahs Witnesses, The Newman Neighbourhood Centre 2 Mackay St, John Wolak on 0412 991 551
19:30 Newman Lions Club, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Lions Park on Corwa Drive, Jessica Mclean-Middleton on 0415 699 991

Wednesday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
08:30 Time Out with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]
09:00 Newman Playgroup until 11:00 for 0-4 y.o., Moondoorow Street, [email protected] or 0407 450 491
09:30 Newman Library open until 17:00, Kalgan Drive,9177 9600, [email protected]
14:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 5:00pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
14:30 Lego until 16:30 for School aged children, Newman Library, Kalagan Drive.
15:30 Beats, free and inclusive dance session for children and adults, Boomerang Oval sport pavilion by EPIC, 9175 0015
17:00 Newman Community Baptist Churchs Teens Adopt a Nation until 18:00, Welsh Drive Youth Centre
18:30 Newman Scouts 10-14 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624, [email protected]
18:30 Casual Futsal, enquire regarding charges, Newman Rec Centre, 9177 8075
18:30 Newman Running/Walking Club, Fitness Station on Fortescue Ave, opposite Ethel Creek Street turnoff.
19:00 Corporate bowls new players welcome, Newman Club, Nick 0419 192 691, Adelle 0418 860 364
19:00 Womens Darts, Newman Club

Thursday 08:20 Anglican Church Young mums bible study, location to be advised, 0499 778 116
08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
08:30 Time Out with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]
09:30 Newman Library open until 19:00, Kalgan Drive,9177 9600, [email protected]
09:30 Gumnuts story and nursery rhyme time 0-2 y.o., parent facilitated, free, Newman Library
15:00 CoderDojo until 17:00 for 7-12 y.o., Newman Library, Kalagan Drive.
16:30 Newman Joey Scouts until 17:30, Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624, [email protected]
18:00 Newman Cub Scouts until 19:30, Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624, [email protected]
19:00 Mens Darts, Newman Club
19:30 Music practice, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Avenue, 9175 1350

Friday 08:30 The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
09:30 Newman Library open until 17:00, Kalgan Drive,9177 9600, [email protected]
09:30 Newman Playgroup until 11:30 for 0-4 y.o., Moondoorow Street, [email protected] or 0407 450 491
10:00 Story time and craft for 2-5 y.o. during school terms, parents to supervise, free, Newman Library
18:30 Casual Futsal, enquire regarding charges, Newman Rec Centre, 9177 8075
19:00 Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]
19:00 Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541

Saturday 09:00 Newman Library open until 12:00, Kalgan Drive, 9177 9600, [email protected]
10:00 Newman Playgroup until 12 noon for 0-4 y.o., Moondoorow Street, [email protected] or 0407 450 491
18:30 Mass / Eucharist Celebration 1st and 2nd weekend of the month, St Josephs Catholic Church, Warman Avenue,
9175 2344, Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion 3rd and 4th weekend, every 5th by rotation
19:00 Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516, [email protected]

Sunday 08:30 St Josephs Catholic Church Mass / Eucharist, Holy Communion, Liturgy of the World, Warman Avenue, 9175 2344
09:00 Worship, Vibrant evangelical, holding to biblical teaching, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Ave, 9175 1350
09:30 Newman Community Baptist Church Worship, Praise and Kids Church, Welsh Drive
09:30 Newman Community Baptist Churchs Teen Church, Welsh Drive
10:00 Study the Bible with Jehovahs Witnesses, The Newman Neighbourhood Centre 2 Mackay St, John Wolak on 0412 991 551
13:00 The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 4pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
13:30 Freestyle craft, art, sewing, quilting etc. session until 16:30, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
16:30 Sunday Scroungers bowls new players welcome, $5 per player, bowls provided, Newman Club, 0419 192 691 or 0418 860 36
Two way learning with Ahrens Committed to relationships with all participants, including
local communities.
WA Police Newman Ahrens welcomed the opportunity to
by Zan King, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa by Shaley Gonzales, Business Coordinator
complete further projects within the
Last month Martu Leadership Program Three young aspiring local talents Newman area and in turn, be able to offer
participants visited the Police HQ in Perth have gained employment in the local employment to more local youth.
to meet with senior police, including construction services industry due to an
the Assistant Commissioner and the WA influx of works.
Regional Commander. This meeting was
an opportunity for Martu to showcase Over the past few months, Ahrens Newman
the Martu ranger program and the Martu Division has experienced an increase in
Leadership Program. The participants projects requiring an additional number of
proudly talked about these programs and different trade skills to complete works. To
what they have achieved so far. Its clear address this growth, Ahrens has welcomed
that these men and women are excited three new apprentices from the Newman
about making positive change in their township, including a Newman High School
communities. student.

This month a small group of Martu visited Ahrens aligned with AMA Apprenticeship
the Newman Police Station. Here the and Traineeship Services and its Pilbara
group met the newly appointed OIC Mark Consultant, Erin Walker, who assigned
Fleskens and five of his fellow police Ahrens with two well-suited candidates for
officers. This was an opportunity for the electrical apprenticeships. The third new
local police to hear from Martu about face was a local worker within Ahrens who
what they are doing on country and the has taken on a new challenge, determined
aspirations they have for their people. It to complete his carpentry apprenticeship.
was an encouraging exchange and seen as
the start of a positive relationship between Ahrens General Manager Resource
Martu and Newman police. Operations, Glyn Stevens, said Ahrens
was dedicated to maintaining a
It is likely that the next meeting with some strong sense of community presence,
of these senior police will be when they join providing sponsorship and employment
Martu on country for a three-day camp. opportunities for skilled young local
Some of the key areas for discussion will be residents. Something Ahrens prides itself
looking at options for diverting Martu from on is our current workforce being primarily
court, ways to change the lock-up story made-up of Newman-based employees
to a community-based and on country and we are always pursuing to broaden that
story, sharing knowledge, and exploring by looking directly to residential candidates
the challenges that authorities and Martu first and foremost in our recruiting criteria,
face both in Newman, Hedland and in the Mr Stevens said.
Mr Stevens added Over the past 110
years Ahrens as a business has worked
hard to set a benchmark for its core values
and principles that define our culture
and influence our behaviour. Through
embracing these values we can achieve our
company vision and build an even stronger
company by underwriting and enhancing

L-R: Slim Williams, Ralph Samson,

L-R: Chris Meldrum (Division Manager), Nick
_____________, Snr Sgt Grant Berry, Snr Sgt
Buddeke, Tyson hunter, Erin Walker, Cooper
Mark Flesker, Constable Jess _______ and
Henare and Glyn Stevens (General Manager)
Photography by Ahrens
Local Body Builder a strong empowering role model for her
daughters. She added that your dreams
competed in Nationals are possible regardless of where you might
live, if anything living in a regional Australia
by Megan Chandler
just makes you more determined to reach
Megan Chandler has been a Newman your goals.
resident for 13 years. Having always been
an active person, Megan began her fitness Megans long term goal is to become a
journey teaching Les Mills classes at the professional bodybuilder and represent
Recreation Centre, before feeling the need Australia in overseas competitions and to
for something more challenging. place in the top four. However, in the short
term Megan has already set her sights
Since 2012 Megan has been competing on Brisbane in April for the pro-qualifier.
in Body Building competitions and loving Megan welcomes any Woman wanting to
it more every year. One of her biggest change their bodies and be empowered
highlights was qualifying for the Arnolds to feel strong, should contact Sis Star
Classic competition in Melbourne, which is Production on Facebook, and start their Megan after receiving her placement at the
an international competition. Megan was journey in the right direction. WFF competition
onstage representing Australia against 25
other amazing Figure athletes from around All photographs courtesy of Megan Chandler.
the world and came 11th.

Megans latest Comp was April in Sydney,

where she competed at the WFF Ms
Universe. Qualifying second, Megan is now
able represent Australia at the Worlds in
Brazil. Unfortunately due to the expense of
competing internationally, Megan is unable
to make the trip to Brazil, but what a great

As a Mother of three, Megan loves being

Shake Jakeys Visit Jack and his difficulties with his condition.
Knowing how difficult it can be to deal with
a physical condition and how it can effect
Jacob Butler, aka Shakey Jakey, is an artist
on your confidence, Jacob wanted to show
who suffers from tremors, which he feels
the kids that you should accept yourself
gives him more confidence with his artistic
and your challenges and be happy for who
ability. During a recent trip north, Jacob
you are as it makes you unique. Identify
made a detour into Newman Primary
your difficulties and use them to your
School for a special visit to meet one of his
biggest fans, Jack Holben.
The students from Pre-Primary/Year 1 and
Jacob knows what it is to have tremors
Jacks Year 2 classmates collaborated with
and related to Jack, who has cerebral
Jacob to create a spectacular masterpiece,
palsy. Jacob said that he chose to attend
that has been showcased at the School.
the Primary School as he had heard about Pre-Primary/Year 1 and Year 2 Classes with
Shakey Jakey
Photograph by Jacob Butler

Shakey with his number 1 fan, Jack Holben Shakey Jakey creating a masterpiece with
Photography by Jacob Butler students
Photograph by Jacob Butler

The Beach has two fun filled weeks of activities that will be run during the
School Holidays, beginning Monday 3rd of July. All activities will be a gold
coin donation*

NAIDOC week activities will be on around town, The beach will be open as
normal with craft tables set up daily. Activities will be run as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8.30-11.30am 8.30-11.30am 8.30-11.30am 8.30-11.30am 8.30-11.30am

3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th


10th 11th 12th 13th 14th

Cupcake Arts and Disco Day
Princess and Decorating Superhero Crafts day
Fairy Day Day

* normal Beach entry fees apply.

Mt Whaleback: 1967-2017
A place in history.
BHP proudly recognises this significant achievement and the history created through its
ongoing development and growth of all associated communities.
From discovery through modest beginnings, Mt Whaleback has grown to become the
shining jewel of the Pilbaras iron ore industry.

Mt Whalebacks place in history as a world class iron ore mining facility already spanning some 50 years is
assured. The mining of iron ore from the Mt Whaleback mine over the years has seen the physical expansion
and vision of the site change dramatically. With at least another 20 years and around 800 million tonnes
of iron ore extraction and distribution to come, Mt Whaleback will continue to play a significant role in the
ongoing development of the Pilbara region and all its people.

For more Mt Whaleback 50th Anniversary details please email [email protected], phone
9175 3502 or check out the BHP Western Australia Facebook page.

The First Office on The Hill at Mt Whaleback with
The exploration camp known as tent citysituated
7km north-east of Mt Whaleback.
1969 Left to Right: Workers Mick Smith, Jimmy McGee
and Dave Smith at Mt Whaleback. Photo courtesy of
Dave Smith and supplied by Lisa Rickert.

The official opening of the Beneficiation Plant

foreman Dave Smith. Photo courtesy of Dave Smith in June 1979 by then General Manager, Irwin
supplied by Lisa Rickert. Newman. The Plant was the worlds first fully-
automated heavy media separator.

The first ore from Mt Whaleback was railed from

Newman to Port Hedland, a distance of 426 km,
in January 1969 and three months later shipped
to Japan on board theOsumi Maru.

Blast preparation on Mt Whaleback blast holes
The diesel Power Station was originally built with a
9.9 megawatt capacity and later upgraded to a 66.8
megawatts facility delivering around 40% of power to
the town and 60% to the mining operations.

up to 25cm were filled with ammonium nitrate.

@bhpbilliton @BHPWA

Netball Northwest The under 12 team made the grand final,
only going down 16-24 against Karratha.
region umpiring academy, which develops
provision umpires. Great overall effort for
Championships The under 14 came fifth and under 17 were
third overall.
the Newman Netball Association.

On the middle weekend of June the annual The Association has two significant rounds
Northwest Netball Championships are A number of local players were selected left in their season; NAIDOC round on
held around the Pilbara and Kimberley. to participate in the regional development 21 July and the Grand Final on Friday 11
Last year Newman hosted the event, but and Academy camp, which players are then August. So get on down and show your
this year our local teams made the trip to selected to represent the region in Perth support to the teams.
Karratha to represent Newman. for the Cadet Cup in October.

Three teams totalling 31 girls, coaches Congratulations to the following girls:

and support team put on the Blue, White
and Black of Newman Netball Association. Under 12s:
From the first game the girls fought hard Summer Housten,
Jettah Cuimara, Newman Netball Association Umpire, Trina
across all three age levels, competing Bateman in action
against the other six towns. Kyla Jerry, and
Photograph by Nicole Allan-Hayward
Mikaela Ledger

Under 14s:
Sheree Lockyer,
Kunyanee McColl,
Iesha Dorey, and
Olivia Wellstead

Under 17s:
Alliyah Ewen,
Tina Jacobs, and
Martha Wilmont
Under 17 team in action
Photograph by Nicole Allan-Hayward In addition to the players being selected,
Trina Bateman was also selected for the Ieisha Dorey and Kunyee McColl defending the
Photograph by Nicole Allan-Hayward
Rugby League 9s off.
By Semi Michael Fiso
The competition was against the Port
Hedland Hawks, Karratha Roosters and
Newman has a big following for rugby
league. So when a group of men found out
there was an opportunity to play in a 9s
They put in everything they had. The
competition in Port Hedland in May this
Newman team had to forfeit their last
year, they jumped at it. Unfortunately, due
game due to having five injured players.
to work and other commitments they were
Despite this, they thoroughly enjoyed the
not able to take a full side there.
event and said they would do it again in a
heart beat.
One player had not played in 14 years
since an injury sustained playing league
They believe that it would be a fantastic
as a young fellow. Other players had not
opportunity to offer such a competition in Alliyah Ewan protecting the goals
been on a field for over seven years. It was Photograph by Nicole Allan-Hayward
Newman in the future.
definitely a passionate team who headed

Front row (l-r): Michael Adidi, Michael Fiso, Connor Fevell, Puipuia Fiso
Back Row (l-r): Henry Waller, Derek Rangi, Junior Sutherland, Clint Arnold, Dean Sae, Laen Diamond, Layne Bateman and Kyla Jerry having some fun
Ben Haigh in between games
Photograph by Kirsty Weller Photograph by Nicole Allan-Hayward

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