PM4DEV Project Budget Management
PM4DEV Project Budget Management
PM4DEV Project Budget Management
Project Budget Management
PM4DEV 2015
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Project Budget Management
A project budget is the total sum of money allocated for the particular
purpose of the project for a specific period of time. The goal of budget
management is to control project costs within the approved budget
and deliver the expected project goals.
The reality is that most project managers spend most of their efforts
on completing the project on schedule. They spend most of their time
on managing and controlling the schedule and tend to forget about
monitoring and controlling the budget.
Project contract or initial budget
Resource requirements
Resource cost estimates
Activity duration estimates
Historical information
Market conditions
Donor and organization policies
Project Budget Management
Outputs: The project team will use the above information to develop
three important documents for the project:
Cost estimates by activity
The Project Budget
The Budget Variance Report
Project Budget Management
Project Budget Management
Resource Requirements
Total 7
Project Budget Management
As a final output of this exercise the project will have a complete list of
all the requirements needed for the project, this can be in the form of
a spreadsheet organized by either the order that came from the WBS
or by the organizations or donors chart of accounts.
Material # of Units
Books and Manuals 100
Writing instruments 100
Notebooks 100
Consulting # of Units
Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant 30 days
EPI Info Consultant for data analysis 40 days
Nutritionist Trainer 20 days
Project Budget Management
One advantage of the above format is that the project can track the
expenses by activities and can develop a better estimate of the project
costs for each objective.
Budget Estimate
Once all project requirements have been documented, the next step is
to determine the costs of each requirement which will result in the
creation of the project budget. A cost estimate, which is the process to
approximate the costs that the project will spend to get or use the
project resources
Project Budget Management
If, for example, a budget assumed that the material would be acquired
at one price, but months after the project has started the cost of the
material has increased due to market, which creates a budget
problem. If the assumption is not documented, the project manager
may inadvertently increase project costs and unknowingly and may
jeopardize the chances for the projects success.
There are three types of budget estimates that occur during the
project cycle, these estimates rough order of estimate, contract and
definitive, vary primarily on when they are done, how they are used
and how accurate they are.
Project Budget Management
Project Budget Management
Budget Development
This step also includes the creation of a document that defines budget
authority and control mechanisms; the project budget management
Project Budget Management
Project Budget Management
Budget Approval
The final steps in estimating the budget are getting approval. The
completed project budget should be reviewed by the project team and
be reviewed by the representative from the finance department. Once
the project budget has been completed the next steps is to get
approval for the project budget, this occurs at three times during the
project lifecycle, During project negotiations with the donor which
leads to the contact budget, during the planning phase of the project
when the project budget is developed in more detail, following the
organization chart of accounts, and becomes the baseline budget.
Budget Baseline
Once the project budget has been reviewed and approved the next
step is to create a budget baseline, the baseline is a time-phased
budget that project managers use to measure and monitor budget
performance. The baseline will be used to compare with the actual
costs incurred by the project as it makes progress, every month new
data come from the expenses in personnel, purchases of goods and
services and other project expenses such as benefits and shared costs.
The budget baseline will be used to control the budget using the
Earned Value calculations to determine how the project is performing
according to the progress made. Usually the total project is divided the
total months/years of the project duration. One of the problems with
this approach is that project seldom follow a linear progression. Most
project budgets follow an S curve progression in which the initial
months the project doesnt incur in many expenses, the chart below
shows an example of a project budget chart in which the planned
budget is a dotted line and the actual budget is shown as a solid line.
Project Budget Management
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The problem with the above baseline is that the project will have times
when the funds are requested but not used and times when the project
spends more that what has been requested from the donor, this can
lead to variances in the project cash flow that only organizations with
large pockets can sustain until all project costs have been recovered.
The idea is to use a baseline that most closely approximates an S
curve to reduce the variances in cash flow
Publish Budget
Project Budget Management
Budget Execution
Budget Targets
Project Budget Management
Authorize Expenses
The project will usually rely on the financial and accounting procedures
that the organization has in place for purchasing good and services,
especially when purchasing items of high costs. The section Resource
management discusses the procurement plans in more details and the
processes the project gets involved to obtain vendor quotes and
manage vendor contracts.
Monitoring and controlling the project budget ensures that only the
appropriate project changes are included in the budget baseline, that
information about authorized changes are communicated and
corrective actions are taken by those in charge. The action of budget
control is also a process of managing the budget.
Project Budget Management
The finance unit is not responsible for monitoring if the project budget
follows the project goals and targets, that is the responsibility of the
project manager who needs to use the reports and monitors the
budget and determine if the resources are used according to plan and
identify any deviations, changes or modifications to the budget.
Small projects may work through the procurement and accounting unit
of the organizations main financial function. The project manager
usually maintains basic information as part of the project's control and
reporting activities.
Larger projects may need their own finance function capability. Large,
complex or joint-partnership projects might even need a professional
accountant and a team to deal with the volume of work. Some projects
under a joint partnership are run as entirely separate units requiring
their own legal, financial and organizational structure. The project may
even use accounting software to manage the project's finances
independently of the organizations overall accounting, but the data
would be consolidated into the parent organizations' books.
Budget Reporting
Reports from the finance unit, request for purchase approval from the
procurement unit, and reports from the project team are used to track
the project budget and provide a picture of how the project spending is
tracked with the budget. The project will need to determine the format
Project Budget Management
The typical report contains a list of all budget accounts (COA) and
columns that list the budget baseline, the cumulative expenses to
date, the balance to date and the burn ration or how the budget is
spent according to the yearly budget plan. Below is a simple example
of a budget report:
Budget Performance
Project Budget Management
Project Budget Management
and the status date, For example, on the third date the planned
value of the activity is $600 or $200 times 3.
Actual Cost (AC), is the total direct and indirect costs incurred in
accomplishing work on an activity during a given period. For the
example above the actual costs incurred for each day of work, even
though the example above showed a cost of $200 per day, the
project may have incurred in $100 of additional costs, making the
actual costs in the third day higher than the planned $600. Actual
cost data comes from the accounting records.
Earned Value (EV), is the percentage of work actually completed
multiplied by the planned value. Using the example above the
project estimates a 50% completion, multiplied by $600 gives a
value of $300 for that activity on the third day.
Cost Variance (CV), is the value obtained by deducting the project
actual costs from the earned value, it shows the difference between
the estimated cost of an activity and the actual costs of the activity.
A negative number means that the work done cost more than
planned, a positive number means the work done cost less than
planned. IN the example the Cost Variance will be $300- $700 = -
$400 a negative value meaning the work cost more than planned
Schedule Variance (SV), schedule variance shows the difference
between the scheduled completion of an activity and the actual
completion of that activity. SV is calculated by deducting planned
value from earned value. A negative schedule means it took longer
than planned to perform the work of an activity, a positive schedule
variance means it took less time than planned to do the work. Using
the example the SV will be $300 - $600 = -$300 a negative value
meaning it took longer to do the activity that originally planned.
Cost Performance Index (CPI), is the ratio of earned value to
actual cost and is used to estimate the projected cost of completing
the project. A CPI equal to one or 100% means the planned and
actual costs are equal or the costs equal the budget. A value of less
than 1 or less than 100% means the project is over budget, if the
CPI is greater than one or more than 100% then the project is under
budget, a valuable indicator to know if the project budget is being
used as planned and helps the project manager avoid surprises at
the end of the project.
Schedule Performance Index (SPI), is similar to the CPI, is used
to estimate the projected time to complete the project. A schedule
performance index of one or 100% means the project is on schedule,
a value greater than one or higher than 100% means the project is
ahead of schedule, a value of less than one or less than 100%
means the project is behind schedule.
Project Budget Management
The table below summarizes our example on EVM for an activity that
last 5 days, budget at $100 and performance analysis is done on day
Term Formula
Earned Value, EV EV = PV to date X percent completed
Cost Variance, CV CV = EV AC
Schedule Variance, SV SV = EV PV
Cost Performance Index, CPI CPI = EV / AC
Schedule Performance Index, SPI SPI = EV / PV
Example. A 12 month project is in its 4th month (33% of the time has
been used), but has accomplished only 25% of its activities and has
spent 41% of its financial resources according to the latest financial
report. The project is at 33% planned progress. How can a project
manager know if his project is on track or not?
A. The cost of activities planned for the 4th month is $400,000 (33% x
1,200,000), i.e. What we should have spent based on plans. Known
as the Planned Value (PV)
Project Budget Management
The above elements are part of the Earned Value analysis; Earned
Value is a performance measure that compares the amount of
activities (work) that was planned with what was actually performed to
determine if cost and schedule are proceeding as planned.
Project Budget Management
Budget Analysis
Identify the causes for the deviations from plan. Major deviations from
the budget baseline need to be analyzed to determine what caused the
difference so that steps can be taken to prevent the situation from
happening again in the future, or with similar projects.
Budget Changes
Project Budget Management
budget items that have restrictions. Not doing so may result in losses
to the project and the organization.
Other types of changes comes from causes external to the project that
may limit the activities or work it needs to perform. Civil unrest or
another critical event may cause the cancellation of project activities,
in this case the project manager may request that the funds originally
budgeted to that activity be reallocated to another activity that the
project can still work.
Other changes come from the donor which may reduce the original
project budget or changes caused by currency fluctuations that impact
the funding available to the project.
Corrective Actions
The lessons can apply to the remainder of the project activities or two
future projects. For example, the initial estimates used to develop the
budget may have used wrong assumptions about the time it takes one
person to collect beneficiary data or poor road conditions increases the
Project Budget Management
Communicate Changes
Project Budget Management
and services are delivered, PM4DEV offers the only adapted Project
Management Methodology for development organizations. Our services
Consulting, to help organizations implement a project
Management methodology that will increase the impact of their
On Site Training on project management methods to increase
To get more information on these services, visit our web site at[email protected].
We offer competitive prices and high quality material developed by
Effective Project Management
An advanced level, hands-on course, that will give you the
skills to ensure your projects are completed on time and on
budget while satisfying the needs of stakeholders. You will
gain a strong working knowledge on the nine processes of
project management, and be able to immediately use that
knowledge to effectively manage your project. Participants
will work on a case study to complete all exercises. Upon
successful completion of the Effective Project Management
Online course participants will: Understand the nine
process areas of project management, know the steps
required to plan and manage each project management
process and use the primary planning and monitoring
documents of a project.
Project Budget Management
ThisPointofviewprovidesa TheSustainableDevelopment
summaryofthemes,thatin Goals(SDG)aimby2030toend
PM4DEV'sexperience,have poverty,protecttheplanet,and
provedcriticalinthesuccessful ensureprosperityforall.
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