PM4DEV Project Budget Management

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Project Budget Management



A methodology to manage development

projects for international humanitarian
assistance and relief organizations

PM4DEV 2015
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Project Budget Management


A project budget is the total sum of money allocated for the particular
purpose of the project for a specific period of time. The goal of budget
management is to control project costs within the approved budget
and deliver the expected project goals.

Our definition of a successful project is one that meets four success

criteria: that the projects scope is delivered on schedule, it is
delivered within budget and, once delivered, it meets the quality
expectations of the donor and the beneficiaries. For project managers
to be truly successful they must concentrate on meeting all of those

The reality is that most project managers spend most of their efforts
on completing the project on schedule. They spend most of their time
on managing and controlling the schedule and tend to forget about
monitoring and controlling the budget.

The focus of this chapter is on managing and controlling the project

budget throughout the entire project life cycle while relating budget
control to the other success criteria.

Budget management consists of a series of tasks and steps designed

to help manage the costs of the project, the steps are:

Defining the Budget

Executing the Budget
Controlling the Budget
Updating the Budget

Inputs: Inputs for the project budget management include the

following documents or sources of information:

Project contract or initial budget
Resource requirements
Resource cost estimates
Activity duration estimates
Historical information
Market conditions
Donor and organization policies
Project Budget Management

Chart of accounts structure (COA)

Outputs: The project team will use the above information to develop
three important documents for the project:
Cost estimates by activity
The Project Budget
The Budget Variance Report

Inputs Process Outputs

WBS Plan - Define and estimate the Project Budget
Resource resource requirements and develops Baseline
requirements a budget Budget variance
Cost estimates Do Obtain approval, and publish report
Schedule budget, authorize expenses Budget updates
Historical Check Budget control and
information performance analysis
Market Adapt Update budget, set corrective
conditions actions

Project Budgeting is performed on the initial stages of project planning

and usually in parallel with the development of the project schedule.
The steps associated with budgeting are highly dependent to both the
estimated lengths of tasks and the resources assigned to the project.

Budgeting serves as a control mechanism where actual costs can be

compared with and measured against the budget. The budget is often
a fairly set parameter in the execution of the project. When a schedule
begins to slip, cost is proportionally affected. When project costs begin
to escalate, the project manager should revisit the Project Plan to
determine whether the scope, budget, or schedule needs adjusting.

To develop the budget, the applicable cost factors associated with

project tasks are identified. The development of costs for each task
should be simple and direct and consist of labor, material, and other
direct costs. The cost of performing a task is directly related to the
personnel assigned to the task, the duration of the task, and the cost
of any non-labor items required by the task.
Project Budget Management


The project manager is responsible to estimate the budget required to

complete project activities. The Project Manager should allocate all
costs to project activities, and all aspects of the project, including the
cost of internal and external human resources, equipment, travel,
materials and supplies, should be incorporated. The budget should be
much more detailed and more accurate than it was on the project
proposal. In the case the project manager starts her job with a
contracted budget, the project manager needs to review the
assumptions made during the project proposal stage and verify that
the agreed on the scope can be accomplished in the contract budget.

The Project Manager can use manual or automated tools to generate

the budget estimate. The budgeting tools may be simple spreadsheets
or complex budget estimating tool. For historical purposes, and to
enable the budget to be refined, the Project Manager should always
maintain notes on how this budget was derived. Cost estimating
checklists help to ensure that all preliminary budgeting information is
known and all bases are covered. The Project Manager must also
include in the budget the cost of both the human resources and the
equipment and materials required to perform the work. The method by
which staff and products will be acquired for the project will directly
affect the budgeting process.

A number of constraints, financial, political, and organizational, may

dictate the methods by which resources such as personnel, equipment,
services and materials are acquired. The Project Manager needs to be
aware of existing resources acquisition policies, guidelines, and
procedures. In addition, the preferences of the beneficiaries and/or the
donor representatives may influence acquisition decisions. Information
from similar past projects can be used to gain an understanding of
budgeting strategies; those that were successful and applicable may
be considered for implementation for the current project.

As the budget estimate is being developed, additional tasks may be

identified because the work is being further defined. It may be
necessary to update the WBS and the project schedule to include the
activities identified during the budget estimating, such as equipment,
materials, and other non-human resources.

The budget management plan is a description of the method for how

expenses will be managed, including a preliminary disbursement
Project Budget Management

schedule. For example, the accounting, expense verification, and

purchase payment procedures should all be explained in the budget
management plan. The plan may be formal or informal based on the
needs of the project stakeholders. The budget management plan can
describe the authorization levels for purchasing, donor regulations or
expenses not authorized by the donor.

Resource Requirements

Resource requirements involve determining what resources (people,

equipment, services, and material) and the quantities of those
resources are required to complete the project.

The projects WBS, scope statement, historical information, resource

information, and policies are inputs used to determine the resources
for the project. The main output is a list of resource requirements that
provide the basis for budget estimating and budget controls, and
provide valuable information to the project resource management
process. There are four typical types of resources under which all
requirements can be grouped:

Human or Labor resources; including consulting services, consist

of the right people with the expertise and skills needed to complete
the activities on the project schedule. People may come from the
organization, or hired for the duration of the project. People skills
also include consultants who bring a high level technical expertise
that is not found in the organization or in the local labor market. The
project will develop a list of the human resource requirements
detailing the expertise level, areas of experience, education and
language requirements. This information will be used in the Resource
management process to acquire or contract the right people. For
example the following list the human resources needed by a project:

Project Human Resource Requirements

Personnel Units Months

Project manager 1 12
Project staff 2 11
Administrator 1 12
Driver 1 10
Technical Advisor 1 8
M&E specialist 1 10

Total 7
Project Budget Management

Equipment and Material resources; equipment include all the

specialized tools needed by the project, from water pumps to
electrical generators that will be used by the project or delivered to
the beneficiaries, it also includes the need for vehicles and office
equipment such as computers and printers. The materials include a
wider category of requirements such as utility services such as
electricity, telephone lines, access to the internet, office material,
office space and used by the project. The material may also include
building materials that will be used to build facilities, or food and
medicines that will be delivered to the beneficiaries

As a final output of this exercise the project will have a complete list of
all the requirements needed for the project, this can be in the form of
a spreadsheet organized by either the order that came from the WBS
or by the organizations or donors chart of accounts.

Example of a requirements list using a COA or all the construction

materials needed by the project

Account 5300 - Training Materials

Material # of Units
Books and Manuals 100
Writing instruments 100
Notebooks 100

Account 5101 Consulting Fees

Consulting # of Units
Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant 30 days
EPI Info Consultant for data analysis 40 days
Nutritionist Trainer 20 days

A popular format used to capture and facilitate the identification of

requirements and estimate the project budget is the use of Unit Cost
Analysis (UCA) which is essentially a worksheet for each activity on the
WBS that lists the labor, equipment and materials needed. The
example below shows the requirements for a training activity.
Project Budget Management

Code No TR-121 -Activity name: Classroom Training for 20-30 people

Requirement Unit Description Units Required

Labor Day Trainer 1
Day Facilitator 1

Equipment Day Transportation 2

Material Piece Manuals 20

Piece Pencils 20
Piece Notebooks 40

One advantage of the above format is that the project can track the
expenses by activities and can develop a better estimate of the project
costs for each objective.

Budget Estimate

Once all project requirements have been documented, the next step is
to determine the costs of each requirement which will result in the
creation of the project budget. A cost estimate, which is the process to
approximate the costs that the project will spend to get or use the
project resources

Budget estimates are obtained from the people responsible for

managing the work efforts. They provide the required expertise to
make the estimate and provide buy-in and accountability during the
actual performance of the activities. The team members identify
people or labor categories required to perform the work and multiply
the cost of the labor by the number of hours or days required to
complete the task, as discussed in schedule management. Determining
how long the task performance takes is the single most difficult part of
deriving a cost estimate. The labor costs should factor in vacation
time, sick leave, breaks, meetings, and other day-to-day activities. Not
including these factors jeopardizes both schedule and cost estimates.
Non-labor charges include such items as material costs, travel,
computer equipment, and vehicle costs.

As with developing a project schedule, documenting assumptions

made while developing the project budget are critical to the success of
the project. Without a clear documentation of these assumptions,
tracking the budget is not only difficult but risky.
Project Budget Management

If, for example, a budget assumed that the material would be acquired
at one price, but months after the project has started the cost of the
material has increased due to market, which creates a budget
problem. If the assumption is not documented, the project manager
may inadvertently increase project costs and unknowingly and may
jeopardize the chances for the projects success.

Development of project budgets typically requires more than one

person. A good process is to have the same people who reviewed the
WBS activity list and schedule review the budget. Upon completion of
a draft budget, interview the team and determine if the work
descriptions, schedule, and associated budgets are complete and

In addition to estimating the budget the project needs to take into

account all corresponding taxes, fees or other expenses don't relate to
resources. This will help give a total view of the project budget.

There are three types of budget estimates that occur during the
project cycle, these estimates rough order of estimate, contract and
definitive, vary primarily on when they are done, how they are used
and how accurate they are.

Rough estimate, Project managers develop the first budget

estimate used before or during the project initiation phase; to get a
quick estimate of what would the costs of the project be to see if
there is an interest in the organization or donor. It provides a rough
idea of the project budget, estimates are based on high-level
objectives, provides a quick view of the project deliverables, Most
rough estimates, depending on the project, have a range of variance
from 25% to +75%. The project manager shouldn't invest too
much time in creating these initial estimates. Rough estimates, are
simply used to have a good look at the project's initial perceived
costs, and should not be used as a definitive estimate or an estimate
for RFP purposes

Contract estimate, is more accurate, it is formulated late in the

project's initiation stage, it's done either from the donors RFP
requirements, which sometimes includes conditions and formats on
how to present a budget such as an account code. It is based on
analogous estimatingtaking budget lessons learned from a similar
project and applying them to the current project. The contract
estimate, starts from objectives and works its way down into the
project details. Like the rough estimate, this estimate should include
Project Budget Management

conditions, a range of variance, and any assumptions that went into

the calculations. A contract estimate is quick, but not very accurate.
The range of variance in the budget estimate is from 10 percent to
+25 percent. This is the estimate that most of the time goes into a
proposal and its the basis for project negotiations between the
donor and the organization.

Definitive Estimate, is the most accurate of the estimate types, but

takes the most time to create. The definitive estimate makes use of
the work breakdown structure (WBS); which is a deliverables-
oriented decomposition of the project scope. This type of estimate is
usually made during the planning phase of the project to get detailed
information on all the project costs and it uses the organization chart
of accounts to track costs in the accounting system. The definitive
estimate is used to for estimating final project costs and used for
making purchase decisions where the actual costs are required
before making payments. The definitive estimate is used throughout
the project life cycle and updates as soon as new information is
made available. The accuracy of this estimate is normally -5 percent
to +10 percent, meaning the actual costs could be 5 percent less or
10 percent more than the definitive estimate.

Type of Estimate When Why Accuracy

Rough Estimate Pre- Get a quick idea of Low
proposal the project costs -25%, +75%
Contract Estimate Initiation RFP responses and Medium
Phase donor negotiations -10%, +25%
Definitive Estimate Planning Monitor actual costs High
Phase and purchases -5%, +10%

There are four basic methods to estimate a budget: analogous, top-

down, bottom-up and parametric estimating.

Analogous, this estimate technique uses the actual costs of a

previous, similar project for the basis for estimating the costs of the
current project. This method is generally less costly than others,
takes less time but is less accurate. Analogous estimates are most
reliable when a previous project is similar in the objectives and
activities to the current one. Additionally the people preparing the
estimates must have the required expertise to determine if certain
activities will be more or less expensive on the new project.

Top-down estimate, it is a budget estimate when the total project

budget is known and the project needs to know the costs of each
Project Budget Management

individual activity, in this scenario the project determines the

number of activities or outputs the project can produce with a given
budget. A fixed budget is the broken down using the WBS to
determine the number or quantity of activities that can be achieved
with the budget. The project may decide to reduce or increase
certain activities or reduce the number of WBS levels to fit the
budget limitations. Top down uses actual budgets from activities in
similar past projects.

Bottom Up estimate requires estimating the individual activities and

the cost of each input and is adding them up to get the project total.
A detailed WBS is needed to determine all the activities in the project
and determine all required resources such as personnel, equipment
and materials. Staff responsible for an activity or with expertise in a
specific area develops the estimates of the lowest level of the WBS
and all estimates are added to create estimates for each higher level
of the WBS and finally for the entire project. In this technique the
estimate starts with a fixed number of activities and the estimate
calculates the total budget.

Parametric estimates use standardized parameters that define the

costs of an activity or task for a specific rate or output. For example
the costs of training one person are a rate that can include people,
material and equipment costs that once it is multiplied for the
required number of people that need to be trained, gives the total
budget for the activity. For this example the parameter may include
the type of location, length of the training. Parametric model is quite
popular in construction projects, costs can be estimated based on
square meters of construction to arrive at the total cost for a
building. The accuracy of this method depends on the data available
and whether or not the model can be scalable to different conditions.

Budget Development

This step involves putting it all together, including information from

the organization about cost recovery fees, shared cost pools, taxes,
fees, and donor regulations or restrictions.

This step also includes the creation of a document that defines budget
authority and control mechanisms; the project budget management
Project Budget Management

The project budget is used to communicate what amounts will be

spent on categories of resources within a given time period. Most
project budgets are broken down by month.

Chart of Accounts, The budget is usually managed in two formats,

a donor format that follows the accounting reporting requirements
set by the donor and the organization's own accounting reporting
formats to use to help aggregate accounting information. A chart of
accounts is a list of all accounts tracked by a single accounting
system; it is designed to capture financial information to make good
financial decisions. Each account in the chart is assigned a unique
identifier, typically an account number. Each account in the chart is
classified into one of the five categories: Assets, Liabilities, Equity,
Income and Expenses. A project budget will use the Expense
accounts to track project expenses. The organizations accounting
department is more interested in tracking the other accounts such as
assets, liabilities, and income. An organization has the flexibility to
tailor its chart of accounts to best suit its needs, including adding
accounts as needed.

Budget Reports Requirements, reporting requirements come from

three sources: the donor, management and the project. The donor
has specific reporting requirements of the project budget; these
include reporting on the donors chart of accounts, following the
donors fiscal year and the current reporting requirements. The
organizations management also has some similar reporting
requirements, requiring the use of the organizations COA so that all
project financial information can be aggregated; a specific fiscal year
and reporting in the currency used by the host country and the
currency used by the organizations headquarters, For example,
Pesos and Euros. Finally he project must determine the reports it will
need to properly manage the budget and ensure that all activities
are using the assigned budget resources as planned. A good practice
is to develop a table that lists all budget reporting requirements
internal and external to the project and the dates or periods when
these reports need to be available.

Budget Management Plan, is a document that describes how

budget variances will be managed at the project, the level of
authority for approving changes to the budget and the process to
request changes to the budget. The plans can be as simple as a one
page document or complicated to include detailed policies and
Project Budget Management

procedures. Each organization must follow its own internal processes

to define the who, when and how to manage the project budget.

Budget Approval

The final steps in estimating the budget are getting approval. The
completed project budget should be reviewed by the project team and
be reviewed by the representative from the finance department. Once
the project budget has been completed the next steps is to get
approval for the project budget, this occurs at three times during the
project lifecycle, During project negotiations with the donor which
leads to the contact budget, during the planning phase of the project
when the project budget is developed in more detail, following the
organization chart of accounts, and becomes the baseline budget.

Approval of the project budget can result in negotiations between the

organization and the donor, depending on the size of the budget these
negotiations can take some time before the budget is approved and a
contract is signed.


Budget Baseline

Once the project budget has been reviewed and approved the next
step is to create a budget baseline, the baseline is a time-phased
budget that project managers use to measure and monitor budget
performance. The baseline will be used to compare with the actual
costs incurred by the project as it makes progress, every month new
data come from the expenses in personnel, purchases of goods and
services and other project expenses such as benefits and shared costs.

The budget baseline will be used to control the budget using the
Earned Value calculations to determine how the project is performing
according to the progress made. Usually the total project is divided the
total months/years of the project duration. One of the problems with
this approach is that project seldom follow a linear progression. Most
project budgets follow an S curve progression in which the initial
months the project doesnt incur in many expenses, the chart below
shows an example of a project budget chart in which the planned
budget is a dotted line and the actual budget is shown as a solid line.
Project Budget Management









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure, the project S chart

The problem with the above baseline is that the project will have times
when the funds are requested but not used and times when the project
spends more that what has been requested from the donor, this can
lead to variances in the project cash flow that only organizations with
large pockets can sustain until all project costs have been recovered.
The idea is to use a baseline that most closely approximates an S
curve to reduce the variances in cash flow

Publish Budget

The approved budget needs to be communicated to all people that will

use it to monitor, control and make decisions based on the information
about the budget. The list of people comes from the stakeholder
communication needs developed in the project communication
management plan. Not all project stakeholders need to have a copy of
the budget and in some instances the organizations or the donors
regulations may dictate who has access to the budget information, as
these may contain private information such as salaries or benefits.

An important element of publishing the budget is to include

information on the assumptions that were made to estimate the
budget, it is important that the donor, management and the project
team understand these assumptions as they will be revised as the
Project Budget Management

project makes progress and if not treated accordingly can create

unnecessary risks to the project. For example, the donor may require
the purchase or a specific brand of vehicle and the costs is based on
the assumption that the vehicle can be acquired in the country at the
cost quoted by a vendor, but if the vendor is not able to provide the
same vehicle at the costs originally quoted, due to changes in market
conditions, then the project will need to incur in additional expenses to
import the required vehicle as requested by the donor. BY making the
assumptions explicit the project has a better opportunity to negotiate
alternatives and propose solutions.

Budget Execution

Executing the budget is the action of authorizing the expenses

approved in the project budget, the project manager then initiates to
carry the activities that lead to hiring project staff, purchase of
equipment, materials and services, all according to a project
procurement plan developed during the resource management
process. This step occurs after the budget has been approved and the
project authorized to start its activities according to the project plan.
At this moment the finance department of the organization and the
donor has established the disbursement schedule that will put financial
resources on a bank account available for the project.

Budget Targets

Project budgets are usually set against finance department guidelines

to track against established targets such as a fiscal year, but the
project may need its own targets to monitor for specific areas of
activities of the project. One of these areas is the project milestones
set in the project schedule and its corresponding set of activities. By
setting budget targets against a schedule the project will be able to
have a better opportunity to monitor and control the budget. For
example a phase target is set at $60,000 for starting March 1st for
three months. On May 30 the budget monthly reports that $55,000
were spent, which may indicate the project is on track, but a revision
of the activities for that phase shows that only 60% have been
completed, and with only $ $5,00 left the project will not be able to
complete the activities of the phase. The project manager needs to set
budget targets to monitor the performance of the project work.
Project Budget Management

Authorize Expenses

Authorizing expenses follow the organization's policies that determine

who can authorize expenses on behalf of the project and the limits of
the authorizations, based on the amount some organizations choose to
have different levels of authorization, for large amounts tow or three
signature may be needed to ensure the donor that proper controls are
applied to safeguard the correct use and application of the funds
received from the donor. The project manager usually approves the
purchase orders for all project expenditures for material, equipment
and services following the project schedule plan and the resource
requirements list.

The project will usually rely on the financial and accounting procedures
that the organization has in place for purchasing good and services,
especially when purchasing items of high costs. The section Resource
management discusses the procurement plans in more details and the
processes the project gets involved to obtain vendor quotes and
manage vendor contracts.


Monitoring and controlling the project budget ensures that only the
appropriate project changes are included in the budget baseline, that
information about authorized changes are communicated and
corrective actions are taken by those in charge. The action of budget
control is also a process of managing the budget.

Budget management is the process by which costs or expenses

incurred on the project are formally identified, approved and paid.
Purchase order forms are completed for each set of related project
expenses such as consulting services, equipment and material costs.
Depending on the authorization level the purchase order forms are
approved by the project manager and recorded by the finance unit for
tracking, donor reporting and auditing purposes.

Controlling the budget is a critical responsibility of the project

manager, and it is equally important that the organization defines the
roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in budget control.
Usually the finance department's responsibility is to record, track and
monitor the budget from a cost accounting perspective and generates
reports for the organization management and the donor as part of the
Project Budget Management

compliance requirements such as ensuring the correct accounts are

properly used and recorded.

The finance unit is not responsible for monitoring if the project budget
follows the project goals and targets, that is the responsibility of the
project manager who needs to use the reports and monitors the
budget and determine if the resources are used according to plan and
identify any deviations, changes or modifications to the budget.

The emphasis on project budget control is fundamentally different

from the traditional cost accounting. Cost accounting deals with issues
involved in reporting the expenses to the correct components of the
established budget cost centers and account codes and focuses on
collecting accurate actual cost information with specific attention to the
elements of the code of accounts. On the other hand project budget
control, on the other hand, focuses on areas of described in the WBS.

Cost accounting is not the main concern of the project manager it is

the expenditure related to the specific deliverables of the project. Cost
accounting usually focuses on historical information, whereas a project
budget control focus on improving performance and predicting the

Small projects may work through the procurement and accounting unit
of the organizations main financial function. The project manager
usually maintains basic information as part of the project's control and
reporting activities.

Larger projects may need their own finance function capability. Large,
complex or joint-partnership projects might even need a professional
accountant and a team to deal with the volume of work. Some projects
under a joint partnership are run as entirely separate units requiring
their own legal, financial and organizational structure. The project may
even use accounting software to manage the project's finances
independently of the organizations overall accounting, but the data
would be consolidated into the parent organizations' books.

Budget Reporting

Reports from the finance unit, request for purchase approval from the
procurement unit, and reports from the project team are used to track
the project budget and provide a picture of how the project spending is
tracked with the budget. The project will need to determine the format
Project Budget Management

and the content of the budget reports it needs to control project


The typical report contains a list of all budget accounts (COA) and
columns that list the budget baseline, the cumulative expenses to
date, the balance to date and the burn ration or how the budget is
spent according to the yearly budget plan. Below is a simple example
of a budget report:

Expense Reports, reports provide the expenses to date by

account, project number and funding code.
Variance Reports, show the difference between what has
been expensed and the approved budget, the balance for each
Burn Ratio Reports, show the rate at which the project is
using the budget according to the original plan, a quick method
to see if the project budget is on track.

Project reports contain direct project expenses, administrative or

overhead expenses and personnel costs including benefits.

Budget Performance

Budget performance is the activity to see if the project expenses are

being executed according to the budget plan and helps identify
deviations and develop corrective actions. The method uses to monitor
the performance of the budget depend on the accounting system used
by the organization to track costs expenses. If the project only uses
the accounting system to record what funds are available, the picture
may not be completed as the accounting system may only show actual
expenses and doesnt take into account the contacts, purchase orders
and other monetary commitments that are still not accounted for on
the general ledger.

Accounting reports typically report on invoices that have been paid to

date. The project manager needs to track actual expenditures and all
monetary commitments made to vendors or consultants in the form of
contracts or purchase orders that will only be recorded in the
accounting system once the invoices are paid. Otherwise, by just
looking at the accounting reports may give the impression that the
project has more money that what is actually available.
Project Budget Management

Earned Value Management

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a project management technique

that measures project progress objectively. EVM combines
measurements of scope performance, schedule performance, and cost
performance, within a single integrated methodology. EVM provides an
early warning of performance problems while there is time for
corrective action.

EVM improves the definition of project scope, prevents scope creep,

communicates objective progress to stakeholders, and keeps the
project team focused on achieving progress.

EVM emerged as a financial analysis specialty in the United States

Government programs in the 1960s, but it has since become a
significant branch of project management. EVM can be scaled to fit
projects of all sizes and complexity.

One of the most powerful aspects of EVM comes when a project

measures actual costs to earned value. For example: as of 10/1/07 , a
project, having a budget of $1,000,000, is planned to be 50 percent
complete. The organizations finance manager, looking at the financial
data that show that $400,000, or 40% has been spent on the project
to date, can report to management that the project is in good financial
shape. However, the project manager, measuring actual percent
complete, knows that they have only accomplished 30% of the project
scope. The project is not only behind schedule, but has spent
$400,000 to only do $300,000 worth of work. The finance manager is
using only the accounting view of the project progress and its data
don't take into account the work accomplished. The project financial
condition (the cost variance) must be measured against the actual
accomplishment, not the planned accomplishment. This is the basis of
cost variance measurement and reporting in EVM

EVM involves calculating three values for each activity or objective

from the projects WBS (it can also be used on the total project value)

Planned Value (PV), is the total budget for an activity or the

planned budget to be spent on an activity during a give period. If an
activity is scheduled to last 5 days and will have a total cost of
$1000, then each day costs $200. To get the planned value at a
given date one needs to compare the value between the start date
Project Budget Management

and the status date, For example, on the third date the planned
value of the activity is $600 or $200 times 3.
Actual Cost (AC), is the total direct and indirect costs incurred in
accomplishing work on an activity during a given period. For the
example above the actual costs incurred for each day of work, even
though the example above showed a cost of $200 per day, the
project may have incurred in $100 of additional costs, making the
actual costs in the third day higher than the planned $600. Actual
cost data comes from the accounting records.
Earned Value (EV), is the percentage of work actually completed
multiplied by the planned value. Using the example above the
project estimates a 50% completion, multiplied by $600 gives a
value of $300 for that activity on the third day.
Cost Variance (CV), is the value obtained by deducting the project
actual costs from the earned value, it shows the difference between
the estimated cost of an activity and the actual costs of the activity.
A negative number means that the work done cost more than
planned, a positive number means the work done cost less than
planned. IN the example the Cost Variance will be $300- $700 = -
$400 a negative value meaning the work cost more than planned
Schedule Variance (SV), schedule variance shows the difference
between the scheduled completion of an activity and the actual
completion of that activity. SV is calculated by deducting planned
value from earned value. A negative schedule means it took longer
than planned to perform the work of an activity, a positive schedule
variance means it took less time than planned to do the work. Using
the example the SV will be $300 - $600 = -$300 a negative value
meaning it took longer to do the activity that originally planned.
Cost Performance Index (CPI), is the ratio of earned value to
actual cost and is used to estimate the projected cost of completing
the project. A CPI equal to one or 100% means the planned and
actual costs are equal or the costs equal the budget. A value of less
than 1 or less than 100% means the project is over budget, if the
CPI is greater than one or more than 100% then the project is under
budget, a valuable indicator to know if the project budget is being
used as planned and helps the project manager avoid surprises at
the end of the project.
Schedule Performance Index (SPI), is similar to the CPI, is used
to estimate the projected time to complete the project. A schedule
performance index of one or 100% means the project is on schedule,
a value greater than one or higher than 100% means the project is
ahead of schedule, a value of less than one or less than 100%
means the project is behind schedule.
Project Budget Management

Negative values on the performance indexes mean the project is either

running out of money faster than planned or will take longer than
planned, these are the value a project manager needs to monitor. The
project manager may choose to calculate the earned value for all
activities of the project and then add the values to get the project
value. Depending on the size of the project and the need to measure
these values the project manager may choose to either use EVM on all
project activities or at the objective level of the WBS. It's important
that the organization's accounting system is able to report costs by
activity or objectives, if not then EVM can only be used at the total
project level, making it difficult to identify which activities cost more
and which one are costing less or ruing late or is ahead of schedule.

The table below summarizes our example on EVM for an activity that
last 5 days, budget at $100 and performance analysis is done on day

Activity Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Total to date

Planned Costs/day $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $1000
Planned Value (PV) $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000
Expenses per day $200 $300 $200 0 0 $700
Actual Costs to date $700
% completed 50%
Earned Value, EV $300
Cost Variance, CV -$400
Schedule Variance, SV -$300
Cost Performance Index, CPI 0.42
Schedule Performance Index, SPI 0.50

Term Formula
Earned Value, EV EV = PV to date X percent completed
Cost Variance, CV CV = EV AC
Schedule Variance, SV SV = EV PV
Cost Performance Index, CPI CPI = EV / AC
Schedule Performance Index, SPI SPI = EV / PV

Example. A 12 month project is in its 4th month (33% of the time has
been used), but has accomplished only 25% of its activities and has
spent 41% of its financial resources according to the latest financial
report. The project is at 33% planned progress. How can a project
manager know if his project is on track or not?

The total budget for the projects is $1,200,000

A. The cost of activities planned for the 4th month is $400,000 (33% x
1,200,000), i.e. What we should have spent based on plans. Known
as the Planned Value (PV)
Project Budget Management

B. The actual cost of activities completed is $500,000 (from financial

reports). The actual expenditures on month 4. Or Actual Cost AC

C. The cost of activities delivered is $300,000 (25% x 1,200,000), the

cost of all activities completed to date. Or Earned Value - EV

The above elements are part of the Earned Value analysis; Earned
Value is a performance measure that compares the amount of
activities (work) that was planned with what was actually performed to
determine if cost and schedule are proceeding as planned.

To know whether or not the project is on schedule calculate the


Schedule Variance (SV) = EV PV , SV = $300,000 - $400,00 =

($100,000). A negative number means the project is behind schedule.
It has spent more time than planned to deliver the activities

Another way to calculate the variance is by the Schedule Performance

Index or SPI = EV/PV, SPI = $300,000/$400,00 = 0.75, a value less
than 1 means the project is behind schedule.

To know whether or not the project is on budget calculate the


Cost Variance (CV) = EV AC (or the difference between the budgeted

costs and the actual costs. For this example. CV = $300,000 -
$500,000 = ($200,000). The negative result indicates a budget
overrun. Another way is by the Cost Performance Index (CPI) =
EV/AC, CPI= $300,000/$500,000 = 0.6. A value less than one means
the project has a budget overrun, in other words the project has spent
more money that the value of the activities delivered to date.
Project Budget Management

Budget Analysis

Identify the causes for the deviations from plan. Major deviations from
the budget baseline need to be analyzed to determine what caused the
difference so that steps can be taken to prevent the situation from
happening again in the future, or with similar projects.

Forecasting, Earned Value enables the project manager to forecast

the probable final cost and schedule results of the project. With
Earned Value, the project does not have to wait until it is almost
complete to know that it has a cost problem. Earned Value gives a
project manager an early warning signal in time to take corrective
action, in time to influence the final results by taking corrective

What if Scenario Analysis, Scenario analysis uses mathematical

models to aid the project manager get results based on different
alternative situations; a project manager can use a spreadsheet and
to place different values to determine the impact on the budget for
different situations that range from increasing personnel to reduce
the time to complete the project, to the implications for the project
budget based on currency fluctuations.


Budget Changes

Updates to the budget come from approved changes to the budget.

For most projects changes to the budget need to be approved by the
donor, in some instances the donor can give the project a small
percentage that the project can use to cover small budget
modifications. In other instances the donor may have strict limitations
to allow budget changes, for example the donor may specify that any
unauthorized project expenses will not be covered by the donor and
leaving the organization with the responsibility to absorb those

It is important that the project manager understands the donor

contract clauses and monitors, with special attention the accounts or
Project Budget Management

budget items that have restrictions. Not doing so may result in losses
to the project and the organization.

Other types of changes comes from causes external to the project that
may limit the activities or work it needs to perform. Civil unrest or
another critical event may cause the cancellation of project activities,
in this case the project manager may request that the funds originally
budgeted to that activity be reallocated to another activity that the
project can still work.

Other changes come from the donor which may reduce the original
project budget or changes caused by currency fluctuations that impact
the funding available to the project.

Approved changes to the budget will need to be reflected in the

accounting system used by the organization and new project budget
reports will need to reflect this change.

Corrective Actions

Some project may include a predefined limit by which a project may

be under or over budget during the project implementation phase, it is
usually set as a small percentage of the total, if the project is above
the defined limit then the project manager needs to take corrective
actions to bring the budget back on track, these actions may include
trade-offs that will need to be discussed with management and the
donor, trade-off include reducing the scope or lowering the quality.

Corrective actions may include the use of alternative options to

produce the similar output using different inputs, the project manager
will implement the corrective actions and monitor their performance to
see if they are effective in reducing the project expenses and help
bring the project back on track. Corrective actions need to be
consulted with the project team and the staff in charge of the activities
so that changes are implemented.

Capture Lessons Learned

The lessons can apply to the remainder of the project activities or two
future projects. For example, the initial estimates used to develop the
budget may have used wrong assumptions about the time it takes one
person to collect beneficiary data or poor road conditions increases the
Project Budget Management

costs of vehicle maintenance. The lessons captured need to be written

as action steps that the project will monitor and evaluate in the next
reporting period. It makes no sense for a project to capture lessons if
the lessons are not used.

Communicate Changes

Changes to the budget need to be communicated and incorporated in

the system that track cost performance. Communicating the changes
of the budget to the people that will use the information helps reduce
the chances that the work will be done on activities that have been
either cancelled or postponed.
Project Budget Management


and services are delivered, PM4DEV offers the only adapted Project
Management Methodology for development organizations. Our services
Consulting, to help organizations implement a project
Management methodology that will increase the impact of their
On Site Training on project management methods to increase
To get more information on these services, visit our web site at[email protected].
We offer competitive prices and high quality material developed by
Effective Project Management

An advanced level, hands-on course, that will give you the
skills to ensure your projects are completed on time and on
budget while satisfying the needs of stakeholders. You will
gain a strong working knowledge on the nine processes of
project management, and be able to immediately use that
knowledge to effectively manage your project. Participants
will work on a case study to complete all exercises. Upon
successful completion of the Effective Project Management
Online course participants will: Understand the nine
process areas of project management, know the steps
required to plan and manage each project management
process and use the primary planning and monitoring
documents of a project.

Fundamentals of Project Management

This course is a comprehensive introduction to

development project management. Designed for people
who want to build or increase their skills in project
management and who work or are looking to work with
international development organizations, donor and public
institutions, NGOs, non-profit and community based
organizations, Government and donor agencies, and
anyone interested in a career in development project
management. You will also learn the essential project
management methods and techniques to deliver projects
on time and within budget while meeting the expectations
of key stakeholders. This course is especially designed to
give you a complete understanding of what is project
management and how it is used in development projects.

Project Design Monitoring and Evaluation

This is an introductory level course that will present the

fundamentals of the DM&E Cycle of development projects,
with practical applications of concepts, methods and best
practices. This course will provide participants with tools,
techniques and resources needed for designing, planning,
organizing, monitoring and evaluating development
projects. At the end of the course, participants will become
familiar with the methods and tools to design, monitor and
evaluate a development project. You will learn the steps
required to design a project using the logical framework,
elements of a good project proposal and the components
of an effective monitoring and evaluation plan.

Project Budget Management



ThisPointofviewprovidesa TheSustainableDevelopment
summaryofthemes,thatin Goals(SDG)aimby2030toend
PM4DEV'sexperience,have poverty,protecttheplanet,and
provedcriticalinthesuccessful ensureprosperityforall.



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