Postoperative Hyperalgesia: Its Clinical Importance and Relevance

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Anesthesiology 2006; 104:601–7 © 2006 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Postoperative Hyperalgesia
Its Clinical Importance and Relevance
Oliver H. G. Wilder-Smith, M.B.Ch.B., M.D., Ph.D.,* Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Ph.D., D.MSc.†

PAIN after surgery continues to be a major management with these changes having the potential to be both
challenge in clinical practice. In a recent meta-analysis adaptive and maladaptive.7 These alterations may be
covering some 20,000 patients and 800 publications, detrimental in the early postoperative period for a num-
Dolin et al.1 concluded that 41% of all surgical patients ber of reasons. First, hyperalgesia tends to increase the
still experience moderate to severe acute postoperative amount of pain the patient experiences—an unwanted
pain and that 24% experience inadequate pain relief. outcome of itself— because of greater amplification of
Unfortunately, acute postoperative pain control seems given noxious inputs. Second, more pain typically means
not to have substantially improved over the last decade more patient stress in the postoperative period, with the
or so.2 The picture is equally unsatisfactory regarding possibility of negative consequences for a variety of
long-term outcomes, where chronic pain is increasingly complications and outcomes. Finally, abnormal persis-
identified as a direct consequence of surgical interven- tence of nervous system sensitization subsequent to no-
tion. Recent surveys of chronic pain after surgery dem- ciception, i.e., excitatory neuroplasticity expressed as
onstrate that this problem is much more common than hyperalgesia and increased pain, is now considered a
previously thought, with some types of surgery (e.g., major candidate mechanism for the development of
thoracotomy, mastectomy, limb amputation) being asso- chronic pain.3,5
ciated with chronic pain incidences of more than 50% at The reliable diagnosis of hyperalgesia is difficult based
1 yr postoperatively.3,4 on clinical symptoms alone. The very definition of hy-
The past two decades have seen significant improve- peralgesia—more pain accompanying a given stimulus—
ments in our understanding of the mechanisms underly- makes it clear that its detection is based on construction
ing nociception and pain. A key insight has been that and comparison of stimulus–response curves before and
nervous system processing of nociception and pain is after nociception or drug application. Therefore, the
not hardwired, and that the gain of the nervous system systematic diagnosis and quantification of hyperalgesia
can change as a result of noxious sensory inputs or the requires the formal, serial determination of stimulus
drugs used to modulate these. Nociception is now well dose–response curves under standardized conditions, a
accepted to result in sensitization of the nervous system, process termed quantitative sensory testing (QST). If
i.e., increased sensitivity regarding nociception and postoperative hyperalgesia is not diagnosed, it will not
pain.5 Increased pain sensitivity is increasingly recog- be subject to targeted treatment, which fact may—as
nized as a potential—paradoxical and undesirable— ef- will be discussed below— be a contributing factor to the
fect of analgesic use to combat surgical pain and noci- lack of substantive progress in postoperative analgesia
ception, particularly for opioids.6 In a patient, such mentioned above.2
hyperexcitability of pain processing is expressed as in- The purpose of this review is, first, to explain how
creased pain for a given stimulus, a phenomenon termed nociceptive and opioid-induced hyperalgesia may de-
hyperalgesia in the absence of modality shifts. velop in the early postoperative period; second, to pro-
The presence of hyperalgesia has a major impact on vide data indicating that such hyperalgesia can actually
primary and secondary pain processing by the brain, occur in clinical practice; third, to weigh the evidence to
date supporting the usefulness of hyperalgesia manage-
ment in the postoperative context; and fourth, to evalu-
* Associate Professor for Pain and Nociception, Pain Centre, Department of ate current knowledge regarding effective treatments of
Anaesthesiology, University Medical Centre St. Radboud. † Professor, Labora-
tory for Experimental Pain Research, Centre for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Uni-
early postoperative hyperalgesia.
versity of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark.
Received from the Pain Centre, Department of Anaesthesiology, University
Medical Centre St. Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Submitted for publica-
tion October 14, 2005. Accepted for publication November 22, 2005. Supported Causes of Postoperative Hyperalgesia
by the Department of Anaesthesiology, University Medical Centre St. Radboud,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and grant No. 11000.0002 (to Dr. Wilder-Smith)
from The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development Hyperalgesia after surgery can occur either due to
(ZONMW), Den Haag, The Netherlands. nervous system sensitization by surgical nociception (no-
Figures 1 and 2 in this article have been prepared by Dimitri Karetnikov, 7 ciception-induced hyperalgesia) or as an effect of anes-
Tennyson Drive, Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536.
Address correspondence to Dr. Wilder-Smith: Pain Centre, Department of
thetic drugs (drug-induced hyperalgesia). Both are poten-
Anaesthesiology, University Medical Centre St. Radboud, P.O.B. 9101/520, NL- tially undesirable, and both can share similar underlying
6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [email protected]. Individual
article reprints may be accessed at no charge through the Journal Web site,
mechanisms such as the involvement of excitatory amino acids via the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor.5,8 Pa-

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 3, Mar 2006 601


tient-related factors such as age, sex, and genetic makeup cal— hyperalgesia.16 Therefore, hyperalgesia, general-
(with its effects on receptor and enzyme systems) are likely ized and localized, can be the result more directly of
to influence the development of postoperative hyperalge- central or descending facilitation, or more indirectly of
sia, but these factors are only just beginning to be investi- deficient inhibitory mechanisms.12–14 Inhibition, the in-
gated.9 tact organism’s usual defense against excitatory neuro-
plasticity, can be spinal, (i.e., segmental or proprio-
Nociceptive Hyperalgesia spinal) or supraspinal. The latter, i.e., descending
Nociception-induced hyperalgesia manifest in the post- inhibition, is closely related to parallel descending facili-
operative period is a consequence of surgical tissue and tatory systems.12,13 The absence of the ability to produce
nerve trauma.10 Nociceptive inputs, neuronal as well as an inhibitory response (e.g., descending noxious inhibi-
humoral, alter subsequent sensory (and motor) nervous tory controls) may contribute to hyperalgesia, and vari-
system processing— both peripheral and central.5,11 ations in the ability to generate these are now consid-
Such nociceptive neuroplasticity is usually initially exci- ered to be important prognostic factors for chronic pain
tatory (i.e., “sensitization”), moving from activation development in humans.17,18
(acute, transient, activity-dependent) via modulation Nociceptive excitatory neuroplasticity expresses itself
(subacute, slower, but still reversible functional clinically as increased sensitivity to pain, i.e., hyperalge-
changes) through to modification (chronic structural sia. Peripheral nervous system excitation (primary hy-
and architectural alterations).5 Activation is a rapidly peralgesia) increases sensitivity in the area of damaged
reversible physiologic process involving use-dependent tissue. For spinal sensitization (secondary hyperalgesia),
augmentation of transduction (peripheral nociceptors, hypersensitivity segmentally surrounds and extends be-
autosensitization) and transmission (central processing, yond the area of primary hyperalgesia. Supraspinal exci-
windup).5 Modulation, a more slowly reversible process tation, even more widely distributed, frequently affects
with early connotations of functional pathology, results the entire body (e.g., descending facilitation12). The neu-
in peripheral and central sensitization, due at least in roplasticity accompanying pain chronification is clini-
part to phosphorylation of neuronal receptors and ion cally manifest in three ways: first, increasing predomi-
channels.5 For the peripheral nervous system, examples nance of excitation; second, decreasing dependency on
are activation of the TPVR1 receptor or SNS/PN3 sodium original nociceptive input; and third, increasing devia-
channel; for the central nervous system, activation of tion from normal, physiologic patterns of pain process-
excitatory amino acid (e.g., NMDA or also AMPA) recep- ing.5 Figure 1 summarizes some of the mechanisms im-
tors or associated substance-gated slow calcium ion plicated in nociceptive hyperalgesia.
channels.5 Modification, generally considered the basis
of chronic, pathologic pain, involves altered regulation Opioid-induced Hyperalgesia
and cell connectivity together with cell death.5 In pe- Opioids represent the most frequently used class of
ripheral nociceptors, typical mechanisms comprise tar- drugs for acute and chronic control of moderate to
get-derived growth factors, induction of novel genes severe pain. However, the existence of the paradoxical
resulting in phenotype change and C-fiber death with phenomenon of opioid-induced hyperalgesia and the
spinal rewiring involving A-␤ fibers.5 Central changes related occurrence of tolerance are increasingly recog-
include modified gene transcription combined with loss nized in anesthesia and chronic pain therapy.8,19 There-
of inhibition, both functionally and via death of inhibi- fore, the use of opioids can be associated not only with
tory interneurons.5 loss of analgesic efficacy (tolerance) but also with acti-
The brain is now recognized to be an important mod- vation of pronociceptive mechanisms leading to in-
ulator of nervous system pain sensitivity.12 Originating in creased pain sensitivity (hyperalgesia). The circum-
medulla and midbrain, acting on the spinal dorsal horn, stances under which opioid-induced hyperalgesia may
and operating via multiple tonic and phasic systems, occur are not yet entirely understood but may include
descending modulation is an integral part of the com- high doses, long-term treatment, or abrupt changes in
plex processing nociceptive signals normally undergo concentrations.8
during transmission from peripheral to central in the Three major mechanisms are implicated in opioid-in-
nervous system.12–14 Persistent nociception may trigger duced hyperalgesia and tolerance. The first involves ac-
both descending facilitation and inhibition, with ulti- tivation of the central glutaminergic system, mainly via
mate net pain sensitivity being the result of the balance the NMDA receptor, homeostatically coupled to opioi-
between local (spinal) and descending gain effects.15 dergic and enkephalinergic systems, and also central to
These net local effects can differ according to the neu- nociception-induced hyperalgesia.8 A second mecha-
ronal pools involved (e.g., primary vs. secondary hyper- nism operates via the release of spinal dynorphin, a
algesia) and the type of nociceptive input.15 In addition, hyperalgesic substance.20 Descending spinal facilitation
spinal nociceptive input can also sensitize subcortical mediated via opioid-sensitive on-cells situated in the
structures, leading to generalized—as opposed to lo- rostral ventromedial medulla comprises the third main

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 3, Mar 2006


Fig. 1. Schematic summary of mecha-

nisms of nociception-induced hyperalge-
sia. NMDA ⴝ N-methyl-D-aspartate.

mechanism.12 The latter two mechanisms have recently ated, it may remain latent for long periods of time,
been recognized as at least partially linked to increased permitting rekindling of hyperalgesia by later opioid
rostral ventromedial medulla cholecystokinin levels.21 application.24 It has been suggested that this effect on
Spinal dorsal horn expression of calcitonin gene–related nociceptive memory may be linked to an increased—as
peptide and substance P may also be increased.21 Fur- opposed to decreased—incidence of development of
ther mechanisms include increased expression of the chronic pain with preemptive use of opioid analgesia in
opioid receptor in the excitatory Gs-coupled versus the the surgical context.25 Finally, other anesthetic drugs,
inhibitory Gi/Go-coupled state and antiglycinergic ef- including volatile (e.g., isoflurane26) and intravenous
fects of the excitatory morphine metabolite morphine- agents (e.g., propofol,27 clonidine28), have also been
3-glucuronide.8 Some of the mechanisms implicated in linked to hyperalgesia, especially at concentrations likely
opioid-induced hyperalgesia are shown in figure 2. to be encountered in the early postoperative period.
The precise circumstances controlling the appearance
of opioid-induced hyperalgesia are not well understood.
As for nociception-induced hyperalgesia, opioid-induced Does Postoperative Hyperalgesia Occur?
hyperalgesia manifests itself by increased sensitivity to
pain,22,23 typically diffuse and present over the entire It should be emphasized that both nociception- and
body.8 Its induction reduces the analgesic efficacy of opioid-induced hyperalgesia can only be formally and
subsequent applications of opioid,8,24 and, once gener- reliably diagnosed using some form of perioperative

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 3, Mar 2006


Fig. 2. Schematic summary of mecha-

nisms of opioid-induced hyperalgesia.
NMDA ⴝ N-methyl-D-aspartate; RVM ⴝ
rostral ventromedial medulla.

QST. For the clinical perioperative detection of hyperal- Nociception-induced Hyperalgesia

gesia, QST (e.g., measurement of pain thresholds) must The development of mechanical hyperalgesia, both
be performed both preoperatively/preopioid (baseline) primary and secondary, after experimental skin incision
and postoperatively/postopioid (change vs. baseline). has recently been documented in detail in human volun-
QST evidence of this type is now available supporting teers.29 A number of patient studies have demonstrated
the occurrence of both nociception- and opioid-induced various forms of nociception-induced hyperalgesia post-
hyperalgesia in human volunteers.6,29,30 Nociception-in- operatively using QST10,34,36 (for review of studies up to
duced hyperalgesia has similarly been demonstrated in 1999, see Wilder-Smith34). Taken together, these studies
several QST studies in the clinical postoperative context, document marked primary hyperalgesia (i.e., on the
but there is currently only one QST study available for- wound) to mechanical and thermal stimulation from
mally clinically demonstrating postoperative opioid-in- hours up to 4 days postoperatively (hysterectomy, her-
duced hyperalgesia31—although other indirect clinical nia). Secondary mechanical hyperalgesia (i.e., tissue near
evidence is accumulating.32,33 the wound) has been seen from hours up to 7 days after
It is important to note that the relation between QST- surgery (hysterectomy, nephrectomy). Using electrical
demonstrated hyperalgesia and clinical pain measures skin stimulation, segmental hyperalgesia is visible from
such as visual analog scale or morphine consumption is hours up to 5 days postoperatively, with generalized
consistently weak.10,34 The weakness of this relation is hyperalgesia also becoming apparent at 5 days (back
not surprising in view of the multistep serial processing surgery). An example of one of these studies is illustrated
that nociceptive input undergoes from spinal cord to in figure 3. It should be emphasized that clinical exper-
cortex before ending as subjective pain experience.14 As imental evidence directly linking reduced postoperative
a result, subjective pain experience is subject to multi- hyperalgesia to better acute and chronic pain outcomes
factorial modulation, making this measure subject to after surgery is scarce, although first clinical studies
more variability than, e.g., QST measures of hyperalgesia. supporting such a link are now becoming available.37
Hence, demonstrating the impact of analgesic therapeu-
tic interventions is often easier (in statistical terms, e.g., Opioid-induced Hyperalgesia
sample size) using QST-measured hyperalgesia as com- Opioid-induced hyperalgesia is well documented during
pared with clinical pain measures.10,31,33–35 The perti- clinical long-term use of opioids.22 The reality of the phe-
nent question of the clinical usefulness of diagnosing nomenon after acute opioid use has recently been formally
hyperalgesia in the context of postoperative pain man- demonstrated using QST in a number of human volunteer
agement will be addressed in the next section. studies and one clinical perioperative study.6,30,31 All of

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 3, Mar 2006


Fig. 3. Change in arm electric pain tolerance thresholds (vs. Fig. 4. Change in pressure pain tolerance thresholds (vs. base-
baseline, in mA) after back surgery under volatile anesthesia line, in kPa) during remifentanil or placebo infusion. Values are
(isoflurane in oxygen–nitrous oxide) supplemented by placebo means and 95% confidence intervals. M2 ⴝ measure during 1
or fentanyl. Values are means and 95% confidence intervals, the ng/ml target concentration of remifentanil (or placebo equiva-
difference between the placebo and fentanyl-supplemented lent); M3 ⴝ measure during 2 ng/ml target concentration of
groups is significant in the overall time course (analysis of remifentanil (or placebo equivalent); M4 ⴝ measure during 1
variance, P < 0.05). * Significant change versus baseline value ng/ml target concentration of remifentanil (or placebo equiva-
(P < 0.05 on post hoc testing). Modified from figure 3 in Wilder- lent); M5 ⴝ measure 10 min after discontinuing infusion. *
Smith et al.10 with permission. Significant change versus baseline value (P < 0.05). Modified
with permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, from fig-
ure 2B in Luginbuhl et al.30
these studies used remifentanil infusions at clinically typical
rates, and all of them showed clear hyperalgesia (i.e., de- operative hyperalgesia, as a factor separate from the
creased pain thresholds, increased size of hyperalgesic
subjective pain experience, could have significant ef-
area, or more evoked pain) either shortly after discontinu-
fects on acute and chronic pain outcomes after surgery.
ing infusion (volunteer studies) or 1 and 2 days postoper-
Pain processing in the context of hyperalgesia differs
atively. In the clinical study cited, greater 48-h cumulative
quantitatively and qualitatively from pain processing in
postoperative morphine consumption accompanied in-
its absence.7 The presence of hyperalgesia in the acute
creased postoperative hyperalgesia without any differences
postoperative period is likely to increase the amount of
in clinical pain scores.31 The studies did not investigate
pain experienced. This, in turn, potentially increases the
how long such hyperalgesia lasted, nor did they study
overall impact of subsequent and ongoing nociception
effects on subsequent opioid application. An example of
(e.g., from the wound) on the patient regarding stress,
such a study is provided in figure 4. Supporting indirect
immunity, and tissue trophism. Such effects carry the
evidence for the clinical reality of this phenomenon is
risk of more complications, impaired mobilization, pro-
provided by anesthesia studies demonstrating that higher/
longed hospital stay, and many other undesirable out-
additional intraoperative remifentanil infusion is associated
comes after surgery. More pain frequently results in
with greater postoperative pain and morphine require-
more analgesia use, leading to an increase in analgesia-
ments.32,33 We therefore have early evidence that opioids
associated side effects, well documented for opioids and
may cause hyperalgesia and that this can negatively impact
respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urologic function. Hy-
early pain outcomes. However, further studies are clearly
peralgesia itself may make opioid analgesic titration
needed in this area, particularly with regard to chronic pain
more difficult, as suggested by the quantal dose–re-
sponse relation for acute postoperative pain38 versus the
linear dose–response curve for experimental pain with-
Could Postoperative Hyperalgesia out hyperalgesic component.
Management Be Useful? Taken together, these acute potential effects of hyper-
algesia suggest that hyperalgesia diagnosis followed by
From the above, both nociceptive and drug-induced specific antihyperalgesic therapy might improve pain
hyperalgesia have the potential of combining in the early and nociception management in the early postoperative
postoperative period to create a period of high vul- period. How strong is the evidence for such benefits?
nerability to nociception and pain. Interestingly, recent That perioperative hyperalgesia can be diagnosed clini-
animal studies have suggested synergism between opi- cally using QST is relatively well established.10,30,31,39
oid- and nociception-induced hyperalgesia.23 In the fol- Currently, we have only early formal evidence that less
lowing section, we will weigh the evidence that post- postoperative hyperalgesia results in better acute post-

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 3, Mar 2006


operative pain control.31,37 Indirect support is provided sparser. Only one clinical study is currently available,
by studies demonstrating that interventions associated demonstrating that multimodal perioperative analgesic
with alterations of postoperative hyperalgesia are also management can reduce postoperative hyperalgesia and
associated with changes in acute postoperative pain out- that this is associated with better early and late pain
comes32,33 (for review, see Richebe et al.40). outcomes.37 We have found no studies studying the
Postoperative hyperalgesia may also influence chronic treatment (vs. prophylaxis) of established hyperalgesia
outcomes after surgery. It has recently been highlighted in the postoperative context.
that chronic pain as a direct result of surgery (not due to
preexisting or underlying conditions) is more common Opioid-induced Hyperalgesia
than previously recognized.3 Reviews particularly iden- With regard to opioid-induced hyperalgesia, the major-
tify two somatic factors as increasing risk for postoper- ity of the animal studies published to date involve NMDA
ative chronic pain: nerve injury and increased and/or receptor antagonists, particularly ketamine.8 Here, the
persistent pain in the early postoperative period (e.g., in use of ketamine has proven effective in inhibiting both
the first week postoperatively).3,4 Both of these factors short- and long-term consequences of opioid-induced
are closely associated with hyperalgesia: nerve injury as hyperalgesia. The few available human volunteer studies
a cause, and persistent and/or increased pain as a symp- on modulation of opioid-induced hyperalgesia concen-
tom thereof. Moreover, pain and other consequences of trate mainly on the short-term effects of concurrently
nerve injury are liable to be increased in the presence of applied ketamine, where two studies have shown ket-
hyperalgesia. Furthermore, the abnormal persistence of amine to be effective in suppressing hyperalgesia shortly
excitatory neuroplasticity (expressed as hyperalgesia) is after cessation of remifentanil infusion, with one further
now considered to be a major mechanism for the devel- study reporting equivocal results.6,30 The first clinical
opment of chronic pain.5 These two major lines of evi- study showing that 48-h perioperative administration of
dence in combination suggest that the presence of hy- small-dose ketamine successfully suppresses postopera-
peralgesia in the postoperative period—particularly if tive hyperalgesia after intraoperative large-dose remifen-
abnormal in extent or duration—may also be a signifi- tanil has recently been published.31 This study also dem-
cant risk factor for the subsequent development of onstrated that suppression of hyperalgesia improved
chronic pain. However, it should be noted that, cur- acute pain outcome in the sense of reduced postopera-
rently, clinical research evidence supporting this sce- tive opioid consumption.31 Further indirect support for
nario is limited to one study linking decreased postop- the effectiveness of ketamine supplementation for mod-
erative hyperalgesia to less residual pain up to 1 yr after ulating opioid-induced hyperalgesia and tolerance is pro-
surgery.37 vided by studies showing decreased intraoperative
remifentanil doses and reduced postoperative morphine
Modulation of Postoperative Hyperalgesia consumption with better pain scores after anesthetic
ketamine supplementation.35 No clinical studies are cur-
Nociception-induced Hyperalgesia rently available addressing the impact of postoperative
The specific effects of a variety of drugs on nocicep- hyperalgesia modulation on chronic pain outcomes.
tion-induced hyperalgesia have been confirmed and elu-
cidated in animal studies.41 The most well-characterized
effective substances include opioids (particularly if used Summary and Conclusions
preemptively), nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs,
NMDA-antagonists such as ketamine, and substances A key insight deriving from pain research of the past
binding to the voltage-gated calcium channel ␣2␦ pro- decade or so is that hyperalgesia can occur in the early
teins such as gabapentin and pregabalin.23,42– 44 The ef- postoperative period as a result of surgical nociception
fect of drugs specifically on nociception-induced post- as well as drug (particularly opioid) use. That such hy-
operative hyperalgesia in humans is much less well peralgesia can and does occur postoperatively in the
studied. A limited number of studies support the effec- clinical context is now increasingly established. Such
tiveness of opioids10 (particularly if started preopera- hyperalgesia is undesirable because it can increase pain
tively) and NMDA antagonists37,39 (mainly ketamine) and resulting stress, negatively impacting the early post-
given for anesthesia supplementation in inhibiting post- operative course of surgery. Moreover, evidence is in-
operative hyperalgesia.34 One study of nonsteroidal an- creasingly available that hyperalgesia in the days after
tiinflammatory drug supplementation10 (ketorolac) surgery may be linked to subsequent development of
failed to demonstrate antihyperalgesic effects postoper- chronic pain, an ever more recognized but unwanted
atively. Figure 3 illustrates the effect of preemptive fen- surgical outcome.
tanyl on postoperative hyperalgesia. The evidence re- In clinical practice, it is difficult to reliably diagnose
garding the relation between hyperalgesia modulation hyperalgesia based on clinical symptoms alone. How-
and improved acute and chronic pain outcomes is much ever, with the introduction and adaptation of QST to

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 3, Mar 2006


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Anesthesiology, V 104, No 3, Mar 2006

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