Marco Tting

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Marcotting method in plant propagation

- is an old term for plant propagation technique now called air layering, where a stem is
induced to form roots white still on the parent plant.

Marcotting or air layering

- an asexual or vegetative method of Plant Propagation.


Sharp knife

Plastic sheet, 3 inches wide and 6 inches long 1-pc

Tie wire, 1 inch long 2pcs

Fertile soil/Coconut hust/Coconut dust


1. Select Branch for Air Layering/Marcotting

2. Remove a ring at bark 3 to 5 cm long below node
3. Scrape the Cambium layer to prevent healing before root formation takes place
4. Do not scrape too deep in the wood
5. Wrap the cut
6. Surface with fertile soil
7. Cover the marcot securely with a plastic sheet
8. Frequent watering must be done because it dries faster than plastic
9. When sufficient rots have formed

T-Budding method in plant propagation

- T-budding or shield budding is a technique of grafting to change varieties of fruit trees. A

bud is attached to a rootstock to make a new plant.


Sharp knife



1. Cut a bud stick from its source. Search for fully matured buds growing along the original
plant (often called a scion in budding
2. Caru a bud shield for grafting
3. Make a T-cut in the new plant
4. Create a pocket
5. Trim the bud shield if needed
6. Graft the bud shield to the root stock
Seedling will take longer to produce fruit

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