Ccs Rte-Rules Maharashtra 1
Ccs Rte-Rules Maharashtra 1
Ccs Rte-Rules Maharashtra 1
No. PRE-2010/C.R-211 (B)/PE-1. Whereas the Government of India has
brought into force the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act,
2009 (35 of 2009) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) with effect from the 1st
April 2010;
And whereas, it is expedient to make the rules under this Act.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and
(2) of section 38 of the said Act, the Government of Maharashtra hereby makes the
following rules as follows:-
1. Short title, name, extent and implementation-: (1) These rules may be
called the Maharashtra Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education
Rules, 2011.
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(d) Child means any person of the age of 6-14 years.
(k) Migratory Children means children shifting from the place of the
school where they are enrolled, to new place, for a period less than an
academic session, along with their parents or otherwise;
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(n) Period means the minimum or shortest time period, shown in the
school time-table, for teaching one subject in one class, in accordance with
the Governments directions;
(o) Pupil Cumulative Record means record of the progress of the child
based on comprehensive and continuous evaluation;
(p) School Mapping means planning and deciding upon the location of
a school in order to minimize geographical distance and linguistic, physical
and social obstacles in accessing the school;
(2) Words and terms used in these rules but not defined therein, but
defined in
the Act, shall have the same meanings assigned to them in the Act.
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
3. Special Training for purposes of the provisions of section 4.- (1) The
local authority shall identify, every year, by means of a survey, to be
conducted by an officer notified by the State Government in this behalf,
such children who are out of school, and shall admit them to age-
appropriate class. It shall, according to the need, organize the special
training in the following manner, namely:-
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(c) such training shall be imparted preferably by teachers working in
the school, or by teachers appointed specially for that purpose ;
(d) the State Council of Educational Research & Training shall lay
down thee time duration for such training programme.
(2) After admitting such a child to the age-appropriate class and during
the special training and after she completes the special training, the teachers
shall give her, the special attention required to help him integrate with the
class, both academically and emotionally.
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(b) In respect of children in classes VI-VIII, a school shall be established
as far as possible within a distance of three kilometers of the
neighbourhood and which has not less than 20 children in class 5th of the
feeding primary schools, taken together, available and willing for
enrollment in that school.
(2) The State Government may suitably alter the minimum distance
specified in sub-rule (1) in cases of hilly areas or areas that are not easily
accessible and make available the schools run by the Government or Local
Authority for the childen having no facility of further elementary education in
their schools in such areas.
(3) For children from small hamlets, as identified by the State Government
or local authority, where no school exists within the area or limits of
neighbourhood school specified under sub-rule (1) and for children falling
within the purview of 4(1) (a), the State Government or local authority shall
make adequate arrangements such as free transportation, residential facilities
and other facilities, for providing elementary education in the school, in
relaxation of the limit specified under sub-rule (1).
(4) In areas of greater population density (urban and semi-urban areas), the
State Government or the local authority shall establish more than one
neighbourhood school, having regard to the number of children the age group
of 6-14 years in the said area.
(5) The Local Authority shall designate a neighbourhood school for every
settlement or area and shall make this information known to the public.
(7) (a) The Government or the Local Authority shall ensure that no chinild
is barred from going to school for any reason and that there is no hindrance to
his or her completing the elementary education on the ground of linguistic,
social or cultural differences;
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(c) if the appropriate medium of instructions is not available in the
neighbourhood school then, the transportation facilities for attending the
school, or a seasonal residential hostel and other facilities shall be provided by
the Local Authority.
Provided that a child with disabilities shall also be provided free special
learning and support material.
(3) The Government or the Local Authority shall undertake school mapping
to be carried out by the officers notified by the Government, in this behalf for
the purpose of establishing a neighbourhood school and shall conduct a survey
to identify and obtain statistical information about all children in the area,
including children living in remote areas, children with disabilities, children
belonging to disadvantaged groups, children of weaker sections of society, out-
of-school children, as well as, children who have dropped out of school, within
one year of the appointed date and every year and thereafter.
(4) The State Government or the Local Authority shall ensure that no child is
subjected to caste, class, religious or gender abuse in the school.
(5)For the purpose of the clause (c) of section 8 and clause (c) of section 9,
the State Government or the Local Authority, as the case may be, shall
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take strict measures to ensure no child belonging from disadvantaged group or
a deprived section shall face discrimination or be segregated in class, during
mid-day meals, on the playground, at common drinking facilities or while using
common toilet facilities and in the cleaning of toilets or classrooms.
(2) The record, referred to in sub-rule (1), shall be updated each year.
(c) pre-primary school or Anganwadi centre that the child attends upto
the age of six years (with details of location);
(d) details of the elementary school where the child is admitted with
details of name, address, etc;
(e) permanent address and present address of residence of the child;
(f) class in which the child is studying (for children between age 6-14) ,
and if education is discontinued in the territorial jurisdiction of the Local
Authority, the cause of such discontinuance;
(g) whether the child belongs to the weaker section within the meaning of
clause(e) of section 2 of the Act (if so details to be given);
(h) whether the child belongs to a disadvantaged group within the
meaning of clause (d) of section 2 of the Act (if so details to be given);
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(i) details of special facilities or residential facilities required by children
on account of migration, sparse population, age appropriate admission,
disability, transport facility, home visit-based education, etc.
(b) the Local Authority shall ensure that the names of all children in the
age group of 6 to 14 years in the area under its jurisdiction are publicly
displayed in each school before the beginning of the first and the second
Explanation.- It shall be necessary to obtain information about children
with disabilities every year till they attain the age of 18 years for the purposes
of sub-sections (26) and (27) of section 2 of the Persons with Disabilities
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995
(1 of 1996)
Responsibilities of School and Teachers
7. Admission of children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged
group for the purpose of clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 -(1) The
school referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of section 2, i.e
schools of specified category or non-aided schools not receiving aid or grant
of any kind shall ensure that children admitted in pursuance of clause (c) of
sub-section (1) of section 12 shall not be given discriminatory treatment,
segregated from the other children in the classrooms, nor shall their classes
be held at places and timings different from the classes held for the other
children, nor shall any programmes be conducted separately, other than extra
classes, for them and for other children.
(2) The School referred to in clauses (iii) and (iv) of sub-section (n) of
section 2, i.e schools of specified category or non-aided schools not receiving
aid or grant of any kind shall ensure that children admitted in pursuance of
clause (c) to sib-section (1) section 12 shall not be discriminated from the rest
of the children in any manner pertaining to entitlements and facilities such as
text books, uniforms, library, Information and Communication Technology
facilities, extra-curricular activities and sports, etc.
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Provided that, the school shall, if necessary for the purposes of filling up
the requisite percentage of seats for children referred to in clause (c) of sub-
section (1) of section 12, extend these limits with the prior approval of the
8. Reimbursement of per-child expenditure by the State Government for
the purpose of sub-section (2) of section 12.- (1) The total annual recurring
expenditure incurred by the Government, whether from its own funds, or
from funds provided by the Central Government or by any other authority,
for elementary education in respect of all schools established, owned or
controlled by it or by the Local Authority, divided by the total number of
children enrolled in all such schools, shall be the per-child expenditure
incurred by the Government.
Explanation For the purpose of determining the per child expenditure,
the expenditure incurred by the Government or Local Authority on schools
referred to in clause (ii) of sub-section (n) of section 2 i.e schools of specified
category or non-aided schools not receiving aid or grant of any kind and the
children enrolled in such schools, shall not be included.
(2) Every school referred to in clauses (iii) and (iv) of sub-section (n) of
section 2 i.e schools of specified category or non-aided schools not receiving
aid or grant of any kind shall maintain a separate bank account in respect of
the amount received by it as reimbursement under sub-section(2) of section
12. The amount of reimbursement shall be equal to the actual amount of
expenditure incurred per child by the school or the amount of expenditure per
child provided for under sub-rule (1), whichever is less.
(b)Anganwadi record;
(c) in case the record is not available a declaration by either the father or
mother of the child stating the date of birth in case of a child belonging to
disadvantaged group or weaker section, declaration of the age of the of the
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child by the parent or guardian certified by the Sarpanch of the village or
Head Master of the local school, or in case of urban or semi-urban area, by an
officer notified by the Government in that behalf
Explanation:- In such cases, an officer of a rank senior to that of the officer
admitting the child to the school shall confirm of the child that the other
documents acceptable in place in place of the birth certificate are in fact, not
available or cannot, in fact, be obtained.
10. Extended period for admission for the purposes of section 15.-(1) The
extended period of admission from the date of commencement of the academic
year of a school shall be till the last date, before the end of the first term.
(2) A child may be admitted in a school even after the expiry of the extended
period. However, he or she shall be entitled to complete the studies with the
help of special training under Special Training Programme as formulated by
Maharashtra State Council for Educational Research and Training under rule 3,
for a period to be determined by the head of the school.
11. Recognition of schools for the purposes of section 18-(1) Every school,
other than a school established by the Government or the Local Authority,
established before the commencement of this Act (or any school which has
received permission from, or been recognized by the Government), shall make
a self declaration within a period of three months of the commencement of this
Act in Form No.1 to the concerned District Education Officer regarding its
compliance or otherwise with the norms and standards prescribed in the
Schedule and that the school fulfills the following conditions. In case, a school
is being run without recognition from the Government without permission
before or even after the commencement of this Act, by a fine and shall also
face legal action,-
(a) Conditions that the school is run by a society registered under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or under the Bombay Public
Trusts Act, 1950 (Bom. XXIV of 1950) ;
(b) that the school is not run for profit of any individual, group or
association of individuals or any other persons;
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(c) that the school confirms to the values enshrined in the Constitution of
(d) that the school buildings and other structures as well as the grounds
are used only for the purposes of education and skill development;
(e) that the school is open to inspection by any officer authorized by the
State Government or the Local Authority;
(f) that the school furnishes such reports and information as may be
required by the Director of Education or District Education Officer from
time from time to time and complies with such instructions of the State
Government or the Local Authority, as may be issued to secure the
continued fulfillment of the conditions of recognition or the removal of
deficiencies in working of the school;
(2) Every self declaration received in Form-1 shall be placed by the District
Education Officer in public domain displaying it on a notice board, website
etc, within fifteen days of its receipt.
(3) The District Education Officer shall conduct on-site inspection of such
schools which claim in Form-1 to fulfill the norms and standards prescribed
in the schedule and the conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1) within three
months of the receipt of the self declaration. The said Officer shall personally
verified either by himself or through an officer sub-ordinate to him about
such fulfillment and prepare a report in the prescribed form.
(4) After the inspection referred to in sub-rule (3) is carried out, the
inspection report shall be placed by the District Education Officer in public
domain, web-site and schools found to be conforming to the norms, standards
prescribed in the schedule and the conditions shall be granted recognition by
the District Education Officer in Form-2 within a period of 15 days from the
date of inspection.
(5) Schools that do not conform to the norms, prescribed in the Schedule
and conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall be listed by the District
Education Officer through a public order to this effect, and any time within
the next two and a half years, after the report under sub-rule (3) is submitted
to the authorities such schools such schools may apply to the District
Education Officer for an on-site inspection for grant of recognition.
(6) The Schools which fails to conform to the norms and standards
prescribed in the Schedule and conditions mentioned in sub rule (1) after
three years from the commencement of the Act, shall cease to function.
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(7) Every school, other than a school established by the Government or
Local Authority, established before the commencement of the Act (or any
school which has received permission from, or been recognized by the
Government), shall conform to the norms and standards prescribed in the
Schedule and conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1) in order to qualify for
recognition. It is the responsibility of the state Government to ensure that the
schools established, owned or controlled by state government or local
authority shall comply with the norms and standards prescribed in the
Schedule and conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1) within a period of 3 years
from the commencement of the act.
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by a committee of three to five members comprising of educationists,
civil society representatives, media, and government representatives,
which shall make due inquiry and submit its Report, along with its
recommendations for continuation of recognition or its withdrawal, to the
District Education Officer.
(c) The District Education Officer shall forward the Report to the
Director of School Education (Primary), along with his comments, a copy
of the report may be forwarded for information to the State Commission
for protection of Child Rights.
(2) The School Education and Sports Department, shall, convey its
decision to the District Education Officer through the Directorate of
(3) The District Education Officer shall, on the basis of the decision of
the School Education and Sports Department, pass an order canceling the
recognition granted to the school. The order of de-recognition shall be
operative from the immediately succeeding academic year and shall specify
the neighbourhood schools in which the children of the de-recognised
schools shall be admitted. The District Education Officer shall also give the
concerned neighbourhood schools, in advance, a list of the children to be
admitted, with detailed information about the children.
School Management Committee
13. Composition and functions of the School Management Committee for
the purpose of section 21.-(1) In every school, other than permanently
unaided school, a School Management Committee shall be constituted in the
area limit of the school, within three months from the date of
commencement of the new academic year and reconstituted every two
(2) This School Management Committee will perform the functions
mentioned in these Rules, for the classes of standards 1 to 8. (in whichever
administrative pattern the school is functioning).
(3) Two students of which at least one is girl shall be co-opted as members.
Such co-opted members shall have no voting rights.
(4) 50 per cent. of members of such committee shall be women.
(5) Seventy five per cent. of the strength of the School Management
Committee shall be from amongst parents or guardians of children. They
shall be selected or elected in a meeting of parents of the school.
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(6) Parents of children of the weaker and deprived sections so also the parents
of children with three different levels (high, medium and low) of achievements
shall be represented adequately.
(7) The remaining twenty-five per cent. of the strength of the School
Management Committee shall be formed amongst elected members of Local
Authorities, members of management, head teachers or senior teachers,
teachers, educationists or child development experts.
(9) The Head Teacher of the school or where the school does not have a Head
Teacher, the senior most teacher of the school, shall be ex-officio Member-
secretary of the School Management Committee and will carry out all election-
related work. He or She shall also be responsible for conducting the monthly
meetings of the School Management Committee.
(10) The School Management Committee shall meet at least once a month
and the minutes and decisions of the meetings shall be properly recorded and
made available to the public.
(11) The School Management Committee shall either itself or through its sub-
committees, in addition to the functions specified in the clauses (a) to (d) of
sub-section (2) of section 21, namely:-
(a) Communicate in simple and creative ways to the population in the
neighbourhood of the school, the rights of the child as enunciated in the
Act; as also the duties of the State Government, local authority, school,
parent and guardian;
(b) ensure the implementation of clauses (a) and (e) of sub-section (1)
of section 24 and section 28;
(c) monitor that teachers are not burdened with non academic duties
other than those specified in section 27;
(d) ensure the enrollment and continued attendance of all the children
from the neighbourhood in the school;
(e) monitor the maintenance of the norms and standards prescribed in
the Schedule;
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(f) bring to the notice of the Local Authority any deviation from the
rights of the child, in particular mental and physical harassment of children,
denial of admission, and timely provision of free entitlements as per sub-
section (2) of section 3;
(g) for the provisions of section 4, identify the needs, prepare a Plan,
and monitor the implementation ;
(h) monitor the identification and enrollment of disabled children, and
the availability of learning materials and other facilities and ensure their
participation in, and completion of elementary education;
(i) monitor the implementation of the Mid-Day Meal and other
Government schemes in the school;
(j) cause to prepare an annual account of receipts and expenditure of the
(k) take childrens opinion through the report of Bal Panchayats formed
in the school.
(12) Any money received by the School Management Committee in the
discharge of its functions under the Act, shall be kept in a separate account,
to be made available for audit every year.
(13) The accounts referred to in clause (j) to sub-rule (11) and sub-rule (12)
shall be signed by the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Member-secretary
of the School Management Committee and be made available to the Local
Authority within one month of their preparation.
14. Preparation of School Development Plan for the purpose of Section
22,-(1) The School Management Committee shall prepare a School
Development Plan at least three months before the end of the financial year in
which it is first constituted under the Act.
(2) The School Development plan shall be a three year plan comprising three
annual sub-plans.
(3) The School Development plan shall contain the following details,
(a) estimates of class-wise enrolment for each year;
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(b) requirement, over the three period, of the number of additional
teachers, including Head Teachers, subject teachers and part time teachers
besides other appointments, separately for Standards I to V and standards
VI to VIII, calculated, with reference to the norms specified in the Schedule
to the said Act;.
15. Minimum Qualification for the purposes of section 23(1).-(1) The
academic authority notified in pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 23, shall,
within three months of such notification, lay down the minimum qualifications
for persons to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in an elementary school.
(2) The minimum qualifications laid down by the academic authority referred
to in sub-rule (1) shall be applicable for every school referred to in clause (n) of
section 2.
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16. Relaxation of minimum qualification for the purpose of section 23(2).-
The Government shall estimate the teacher requirement as per the norms
mentioned in the Schedule for all schools referred to in clause (n) of section 2
within the State, within six months from the commencement of the Act, and the
number of institutions required for offering courses or training in teacher
education. If the number of such institutions are found to be inadequate to train
estimated requirement of teachers or the number of teachers available is less
that the estimated number of teachers, the Government shall make
representation to the Central Government for relaxation of minimum
qualifications required for appointment as a teacher.
18. Salary and allowances and conditions of service of teachers for the
purpose of section 23 (3).-(1) The Government or the Local Authority, as the
case may be, shall specify terms and conditions of service and salary and
allowances of teachers employ only if in order to create a professional and
permanent cadre of teachers.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to sub-rule (1), the terms and
conditions of service shall take into account the following norms, namely:
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(1) of section 24 and in order to fulfill the requirements of clause (h) of sub-
section (2) of section 29, the teacher shall maintain a file containing the Pupil
Cumulative Record for every child which shall form the basis for awarding the
completion certificate specified in sub-section (2) of section 30.
(2) In addition to the functions specified in clause (a) to (e) of sub-section (1)
of section 24, a teacher may perform the following duties assigned to him or
her, without interfering with regular teaching, namely:-
(c) identification of out of school children within the locality and ensuring
their enrollment in the neighbourhood school.
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21. Maintaining Pupil-Teacher Ratio in each school for purposes of section
25.-(1) The Government or the Local Authority, as the case may be, may
redeploy teachers of schools having a strength in excess of the sanctioned
strength on 31st of July every year.
(2) If any officer or employee of the Government or the Local Authority
violating the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 25, he or she shall be
personally liable for disciplinary action.
Curriculum And Completion Of Elementary Education
22. Academic Authority for the purposes of section 29.-(1) For the purposes
of section 29 the Government shall notify the academic authority.
(2) For promoting quality at the district and block level the Academic District
and block Resource Group shall be formed by inviting or selecting through a
defined process, members from amongst educationists, educators,
academicians, experts, researchers, Non-Government Organisations,
experimental schools, secondary and elementary teachers and others.
(3) The Academic Authority shall lay down the curriculum and evaluation
procedure. It shall lay down the learning outcomes for each class which will
include knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. The curriculum shall also
include the conduction of activities like Balbhavan, science clubs, arts clubs,
music clubs, sports teams, etc conducive for all round development of the
(4) The Academic Authority shall also prepare the textbooks with the help of
the Maharashtra State Bureau of Text Books Production and Curriculum
Research, Balbharti, Pune (M.S.B.T.P.C.R) and other Teaching Learning
Methodologies with the help of State Institute of Educational Technology,
Balchitrawani, Pune (S.I.E.T)
(5) The Academic Authority shall develop teacher-training design of different
natures and shall also develop such capacity in District Institute of Educational
Training (D.I.E.T.) and Block Resource Centre (B.R.C.); and Urban Resource
Centre (U.R.C.) Academic District Resource Group and Academic Block
Resource Group, etc. Maharashtra State Educational Research and Training
Council shall periodically evaluate the teacher training programmes and make
necessary improvements.
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(6) The Academic Authority shall prepare guidelines for meaningful and
innovative schools for granting permission to such schools.
(7) The Academic Authority with the help of the Maharashtra Institute of
Educational Planning and Administration, (M.I.E.P.A) Aurangabad, shall
design process of holistic school quality assessment on a regular basis. The
implementation of these assessments at the block level will be performed by
the block education officers, extension officers and Block Resource Group and
others as may be defined by the Academic Authority.
(8) All State, district and block level institutions, including Academic
Authority, shall be evaluated periodically. Such evaluation may be done
through internal or external agencies as may be decided. The reports of such
evaluations should be in public domain. The time elapsed between two such
evaluations shall not exceed more than five years.
23. Award of certificate for the purposes of section 30.-(1) The certificate
of completion of elementary education shall be issued at the school or block or
district level within one month of the completion of elementary education.
(2) The Certificate referred to in sub-rule (1) shall-
(a) certify that the child has completed and acquired all courses of study
as per section 29 with laid down learning levels.
(b) contain the Pupil Cumulative Record of the child and also specify
achievements of the child in areas of activities beyond the specified course of
study and may mention attainment in music, dance, literature, sports etc. The
Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training, shall
design the format of this record.
Protection of Rights of Children
24. Performance of functions by the State commission for Protection of
Child Rights, for the purposes of section 31.-(1) The State Commission for
Protection of Child Rights, shall set up a child help-line, accessible by
S.M.S., telephone and letter, or any other such facilities, which would act as
the forum for aggrieved child or guardian to register complaint regarding
violation of rights under the Act, in a manner that records his or her identity
but shall not disclose it.
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25. Constitution and Functions of the State Advisory Council for the
purpose of section 34.-(1) The State Advisory Council shall consist of a
Chairperson and fourteen Members.
(2) The Minister and Minister for State for School Education, of the
Government shall be the ex-officio Chairperson and Vice-chairperson,
respectively, of the Council.
(3) Members of the Council, shall be appointed by the State Government
from amongst persons having knowledge and practical experience in the field
of elementary education and child development, as under namely:-
(a) At least four members should be from amongst persons belonging to
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Minorities;
(b) At least one member should be from amongst persons having
specialized knowledge and practical experience of education of children
with special needs;
(c) One member should be from amongst persons having specialized
knowledge in the field of primary education.
(d) At least two members should be from amongst persons having
specialized knowledge and practical experience in the field of teacher
(e) Fifty percent of such members shall be from amongst women.
(2) The Departmental of School Education and Sports shall provide logistic
support for meetings of the Council and its other functions.
(3) The procedure for transaction of business of the Council shall be as
under, namely:-
(i) the Council shall meet regularly at such times as the Chairperson
thinks fit but a period of three months shall not intervene between its last
and the next meeting;
(ii) the meeting of the Council shall be presided over by the
Chairperson. If for any reason the Chairperson is unable to attend the
meeting of the Council, he may nominate Vice-chairperson of the
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Council to preside over such meeting on his behalf. Quorum of the
meeting of the Council shall be considered complete if at least 50% of its
members are present.
(4) The terms and conditions for appointment of Members of the Council
shall be as under, namely:-
(a) every non-official member shall hold office for a term of two
years from the date on which he assumes office:
Provided that, no member shall hold office more than two terms:
(b) the member may be removed from his office by an order of the
Government on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity, or on
the happening of any one or more of the following event, namely:-
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Centre for Civil Society, A-69 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
(See sub-rule (1) of Rule 11)
The District Education Officer
(Name of District and the State)
I forward herewith with a self declaration regarding compliance with the norms
and standards prescribed in the Schedule to the Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and an application in the proforma for the grant of
recognition to (Name
of the school) with effect from the commencement of the school year 20
Enclosure :
Date : Chairman/Manager
School Management Committee
A. School Details
1. Name of the School
2. Postal Address
3. Village/ City
4. Taluka
5. District
6. Pin Code
7. Phone No. with S.T.D Code
8. E-mail address, if any
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Centre for Civil Society, A-69 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
9. Fax No.
10. Name of the nearest Police Station
B. General Information
1. Year of Foundation of School
2. Date of First Opening of School
3. Academic session of the School
4. School Timings : Full time
5. School Timings : Part time
5. Timings for academic instruction in each class
6. Timings for mid-day meal in each class-
7. Timings for sports and physical education in each class
8. Name of Trust/Society/Managing Committee
9. Registration Number
(a) Under the Societies Registration Act, 1860:
(b) Under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950
10. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society/Managing Committee is valid
11. Whether there is proof of non-proprietary character of the
Trust/Society/Managing Committee supported by the list of members with their
address on an affidavit in copy
12. Name an Official address of the Manager, Chairman and Secretary of the School.
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Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
13. Total Income and Expenditure during last 3 years surplus/deficit
D. Enrollment
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Particulars Std VI Std VII Std VIII
No. of Students
No. of Division
No. of sanctioned teacher
If the Head Teacher is additional to the above, give his name and educational
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Centre for Civil Society, A-69 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
G. Particulars of Teaching Staff:
Sr. Teachers Fathers Date of Academic Professio- Trained Teaching Appoint- Class
No. Full Name Spouse Name Birth Quali- nal Quali- or Experi- ment Assig-
fication fication Untrained ence Date ment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
2. Teaching at both Elementary and Secondary level (give details of each teacher
Sr. Teachers Fathers Date of Academic Professio- Trained Teaching Appoint- Class
No. Full Name Spouse Name Birth Quali- nal Quali- or Experi- ment Assig-
fication fication Untrained ence Date ment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Sr. Head Teachers Fathers Date of Academic Professio- Trained Teaching Appoint- Class
No. Full Name Spouse Name Birth Quali- nal Quali- or Experi- ment Assig-
fication fication Untrained ence Date ment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
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Certified that the school is open to inspection by any officer authorized by the
appropriate authority;
Certified that the school undertakes to furnish such reports and information as
may be required by the District Education Officer from time to time and
complies with such instructions of the appropriate authority or the District
Education Officer as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the
condition of recognition or the removal of deficiencies in working of the
Certified that records of the pertinent to the implementation of this Act shall
be open to inspection by an officer authorized by the District Education
Officer or appropriate authority at any time, and the school shall furnish all
such information as may be necessary to enable the Central and / or State
Government/ Local Body or the Administration to discharge its or his
obligations to Parliament or Legislative Assembly of the State/Panchayat/
Municipal Corporation as the case may be.
Managing Committee
Place :
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Centre for Civil Society, A-69 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
Form II
Gram :
E-mail: Fax:
Outward No:
Dated :
(Name of District / State)
No. Dated:
The Manager,
Dear Sir/Madam,
1. The grant for recognition is not extendable and does not in any way
imply any obligation to recognize or affiliate beyond Class VIII.
2. The school shall abide by the provisions of the Right of Children to Free
and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Annexure I) and the Maharashtra
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules,
2011(Annexure II).
3. The school shall give admit in class I, to the extent of 25% of the
strength of that class, children belonging to weaker section and
disadvantaged group in the neighbourhood and provide to them free and
compulsory elementary education till its completion. Provided, further
that in case of pre-primary classes also, this form shall be followed.
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Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
4. For the children referred to in paragraph 3, the School shall be
reimbursed as per Section 12(2) of the Act. To receive such
reimbursements school shall provide a separate bank account.
5. The society/school shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the
child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure.
6. The school shall not deny admission
- To any child for lack of age proof.
- On the ground of religion, caste or race, place of birth or any of them.
(iii) No child is required to pass any board examination till the completion
of elementary education;
(vi) The teachers are recruited with minimum qualifications as laid under
section 23(1) of the Act. Provided that the current teachers who, at
the commencement of this Act do not possess minimum
qualifications shall acquire such minimum qualifications within a
period of 5 years:
(vii) The teacher performs his or her duties specified under section 24(1) of
the Act and
(viii) The teachers shall not engage himself or herself for private teaching
8. The school shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum laid
down by appropriate authority.
9. The school shall enroll students proportionate to the facilities available
in the school as prescribed in section 19 of the Act.
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Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
10. The School shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as
specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of
last inspection are as given under:-
12. The school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used
only for the purposes education and skill development.
14. The School is not run for profit to any individual, group or
association of individuals or any other person or for any other
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Centre for Civil Society, A-69 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
17. The school furnishes such reports and information as may be required
by the Director of Education/District Education Officer from time to
time and complies with such instructions of the Government or Local
Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the
condition of recognition or the removal of deficiencies in working of
the school;
18. Renewal of Registration of Society if any, be ensured.
19. Other conditions as per Annexure III enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
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Centre for Civil Society, A-69 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /
(see rule 23)
This is to certify that Shri/Miss/....
has completed his/her elementary education up to 8th Standard, as per the
requirements under section 29 of Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act,
2009. He/She acquired the qualification and academic skills upto 8th Standard.
Seal of school
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Centre for Civil Society, A-69 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91 11 2653 7456, 2652 1882 | Web: /