Fehr Rigging Hardware
Fehr Rigging Hardware
Fehr Rigging Hardware
. . .since 1857
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Do NOT use Breaking Strength for design or
No product can operate indefinitely at its rated
rating purposes. Use Working Load Limit instead.
capacity. Cable, Wire Rope, Chain and Attachments,
Breaking Strength is an average figure at which
must all be inspected regularly for visible damage,
samples have been found to break under laboratory
or distortion, elongation, corrosion, cracks, nicks,
conditions, in straight line pulls with constantly
or abrasion which may cause failure or reduce
increasing loads. These conditions are rarely
the strength or ability of the products to perform
duplicated in actual use.
Loads which exceed the static load caused by rapid
U.S. Customs Law requires that the end user
change of movement, such as jerking, impacting,
of imported products be informed of the country
or swinging of loads. Working Load Limits will not
of origin. All imported products sold by Fehr Bros.
are marked accordingly. Resellers are responsible
AVOID SHOCK LOADS. for relaying country of origin information to the
end user.
Icon Key
Throughout the catalog, the following icons
will appear providing additional, important
Product Provides additional information for specific
information relating to specific products. Information products.
Safety Calls your attention to warnings Options Details other choices for a particular product
Alert specific to the adjacent products. than those listed on the charts.
Keep out from under any raised loads and keep
Maintain control of handle under load. Inspect out of the line of force of any load.
and secure the handle regularly.
Fax: 845-246-3330 • www.fehr.com 5
Terms and Conditions
How to Measure Cable Diameter
The Proper Way to Wind
Cable and Wire Rope
When re-reeling wire rope from
a horizontally supported reel to a
drum, it is preferable for the rope
to travel from the top of the reel to
the top of the drum; or, from the
bottom of the reel to the bottom
of the drum.
Tree Grips
Part # Cable Size Weight/ea (lbs)
TG250 1/4" .25
TG312 5/16" .55
TG375 3/8" .90
Extension Assemblies
• Inspect regularly for visible damage, distortion, elongation, corrosion, cracks, nicks or
abrasion, which may cause failure or reduce the strength of wire rope.
Safety • Wire Ropes and Cables must be stored, used, lubricated and maintained in accordance
Alert with normal safety standards.
• Verify that replacement Wire Ropes are correct for your application and meet your specifications.
• Avoid shock loads. Do not load Wire rope to the breaking strength limits. End user must
determine an appropriate safety factor for the application.
6 x 37
Components of Cable
and Wire Rope
AN Type Standard Duty Heavy Duty
Zinc Plated Zinc Plated Hot Galvanized
Part # TAN _ _ _ Part # TSD _ _ _ Part # THD _ _ _
Wt/100 pcs Wt/100 pcs Wt/100 pcs
Size Pcs/Pk (lbs) Pcs/Pk (lbs) Pcs/Pk (lbs)
1/16" 100 .15 AN Type
Safety • Apply wire rope clips correctly. U-bolt should be on end of rope.
• Re-tighten clips after initial load.
Alert • Refer to chart for minimum number of clips required for each size.
Zinc Plated
Copper Sleeves Copper Sleeves
Cable Part Wt (lbs)/ Part Wt (lbs)/
Size(in) Number 100 pcs Number 100 pcs
1/16" CSL062 .27 ZPCSL062 .27
3/32" CSL093 .68 ZPCSL093 .75
1/8" CSL125 1.70 ZPCSL125 1.75
Safety 3/16" CSL187 5.20 ZPCSL187 5.22
Alert 1/4" CSL250 7.90 ZPCSL250 8.00
• Sleeves, when properly applied, 5/16" CSL312 11.80 ZPCSL312 14.00
are capable of holding the rated 3/8" CSL375 15.80 ZPCSL375 17.60
breaking strength of the cable.
1/2" CSL500 40.00
Swaging Tools
Part # Capacity Length Wt (lbs)
TSW031-062 1/32"-1/16" 9." .75
1SC (Hand) USA 1/16"-3/16" 26" 6.50
1SC Hand-Held Model 1BSC (Bench) USA 1/16"-3/16" 22.5" 6.60
L-250 Hand-Held Model THSC600 (Hand) 1/16"-3/16" 26" 5.50
THSC 600 Hand-Held Model
THSC600B (Bench) 1/16"-3/16" 22.5" 5.60
L-250 (Hand) 1/4" 28" 5.50
TSW312 5/16" 28" 5.70
TGA-1P Go/No-Go Gauge for 1SC and 1BSC Tools
1BSC Bench Model TGA-2P Go/No-Go Gauge for L250 Tool
THSC 600B Bench Model
• Go/No-Go Gauges confirm full compression of sleeves
Safety and stops, the critical final step of the swaging process.
Alert Purchase additional gauges for convenience and insist
on their use every time.
Swaging Tool Kit
Complete Swaging Tool Kit contains:
• Multicavity Swaging • C-7 Cutting Tool.
Tool. • Aluminum or Copper Sleeves: 1/16,
• Go/No-Go Gauge. 3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16 in 100 pc bags.
• Metal Carrying Case. • Aluminum or Copper Button Stops:
3/32, 1/8 in 100 pc bags.
Code Description Wt
1SCKit Swage Kit-Aluminum Fittings 22.5
1SCKit-Copper Swage Kit-Copper Fittings 32.0
Plastic Pulleys
Part # Size Pcs/Pack Wt (lbs)/Carton
PUL-2500 3-1/2" 50 19
Ratchet Winches
Part # Type Capacity (lbs) Pcs/Master Ctn Wt (lbs)/Ea
RW800 Ratchet Winch 800 12 4.0
RW1000 Ratchet Winch 1,000 8 6.0
RW1000LH Ratchet Winch 2" Hub 1,000 8 6.0
RW1200 Ratchet Winch 1,200 8 6.2
RW1400 Ratchet Winch 1,400 8 6.6
RW2000 Ratchet Winch 2,000 4 12.5
RW2500 Ratchet Winch 2,500 4 14.7
RW800 RW1400
RW1000 RW2000
RW1200 RW2500
Worm Gear Winches DRUM DRUM
Winch Cables
Part # Diameter/Length Breaking Strength Wt (lbs)/Ea
39714-25 3/16" x 25 ft. 4,200 2.1
39714-50 3/16" x 50 ft. 4,200 3.7
39715-25 7/32" x 25 ft. 5,600 2.6
39715-50 7/32" x 50 ft. 5,600 4.7
• Winch cables are constructed
Safety • Refer to Warnings and Cautions regarding
Working Load Limits for Wire Rope, Aircraft of 7 x 19 Galvanized Aircraft
Alert Cable and Attachments on page 6 prior to use. Cable with Thimble Eye &
Cast EG Winchline Hook listed
WLL (lbs)
Hook/Hook Jaw/Eye Wt (lbs)/
Part # Size x Take-Up Hook/Eye Jaw/Jaw Ea
9_ _250x04 1/4" x 4" 400 500 .30
9_ _312x04 5/16" x 4-1/2" 700 800 .53
9_ _375x06 3/8" x 6" 1,000 1,200 .75
9_ _500x06 1/2" x 6" 1,500 2,200 1.50
9_ _500x09 1/2" x 9" 1,500 2,200 1.75
9_ _500x12 1/2" x 12" 1,500 2,200 1.80
9_ _625x06 5/8" x 6" 2,250 3,500 2.63
9_ _625x09 5/8" x 9" 2,250 3,500 3.00
9_ _625x12 5/8" x 12" 2,250 3,500 3.25
9_ _750x06 3/4" x 6" 3,000 5,200 3.75
9_ _750x09 3/4" x 9" 3,000 5,200 4.50
9_ _750x12 3/4" x 12" 3,000 5,200 5.75
9_ _750x18 3/4" x 18" 3,000 5,200 7.00
9_ _875x12 7/8" x 12" 4,000 7,200 8.38
9_ _875x18 7/8" x 18" 4,000 7,200 10.25
9_ _100x12 1" x 12" 5,000 10,000 11.25
• Eye ends and Jaw ends have a significantly higher WLL than
Safety open Hook ends. Select size based on desired WLL.
• Inspect fittings before use. If worn, distorted or damaged,
Alert discard and replace.
Information Grade Markings
Chain links are marked periodically with the
grade of chain as follows:
Grade Markings
Proof Coil 28,30,3
High Test 40,43,4
Transport 70,7
Alloy 80,8, A8
Weldless Rings
Oval Pear
Size Part # WLL (lbs) Finish Part # WLL (lbs) Finish
1/2" ML500 4,100 Paint PL500 2,900 Galvanized
5/8" ML625 5,500 Paint PL625 4,200 Galvanized
3/4" ML750 8,600 Paint PL750 6,000 Galvanized
Product • Tagged with Size, Grade, Reach and Working Load Limit.
Information • Also known as STAC Chain.
Load Binders
Break Strength Wt (lbs. Chain
Part# Description (Lbs) Ea Size/Grade WLL (lbs)
1/4" Grade 30
LBNDR250 1/4" Lever Type 7,800 3.10 2,600
1/4" Grade 40
5/16" Grade 70
LBNDR375 5-16"-3/8" Lever Type 19,000 7.70 5,400
3/8" Grade 40
3/8" Grade 70
LBNDR500 3/8"-1/2" Lever Type 33,000 16.00 9,200
1/2" Grade 40
5/16: Grade 70
RLBNDR375 5-16"-3/8" Ratchet Type 26,000 11.00 5,400
3/8" Grade 40
3/8" Grade 70
RLBNDR500 3/8"-1/2" Ratchet Type 33,000 12.00 9,200
1/2" Grade 40
1/2" Grade 70
RLBNDR625 1/2"-5/8" Ratchet Type 45,500 16.00 13,000
5/8" Grade 40
Beam Clamps
Part # Capacity (tons) Jaw Opening Wt (lbs)/Ea
LMBC-1 1 3" to 9" 8.5
LMBC-2 2 3" to 9" 10.5
LMBC-3 3 3.2" to 12.6" 20.0
Chain Cutter
Part# Model# Capacity Length (Ins) Wt (lbs)
THA600 HA-600 3/8 Proof Coil 24 5.6
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Alert •
Fittings on this page should be used with Proof Coil Chain only.
Use only Alloy Chain and Fittings for overhead lifting.
Cable Accessories
Part # Description
ADJX100 Cable Adjustment Clips
CC1X100 CC-1 Cable Clips
SPOOL250X100 Cable Spools 1/4"
SPOOL312X100 Cable Spools 5/16" Beveled
SPOOL437X100 Cable Spools 7/16"
Grade 70 Transport
Part # Size Finish WLL Wt (lbs)/Ea
G7CS250 1/4" EG 2,750 .47
G7CS312 5/16" EG 3,600 .75
G7CS375 3/8" EG 5,500 1.60
3/8" EG 5,500 1.60
With Latch
G7CS500 1/2" EG 9,400 2.78
Grade 70 Transport
Part # Size Finish WLL Wt (lbs)/Ea
G7CG312 5/16" EG 4,700 .70
G7CG375 3/8" EG 6,600 1.19
G7CG500 1/2" EG 11,300 2.33
Grade 80 Alloy
Part # Size Finish WLL Wt (lbs)/Ea
G8CG250 1/4" Painted 4,100 .46
G8CG312 5/16" Painted 5,100 .75
G8CG375 3/8" Painted 7,100 1.18
G8CG500 1/2" Painted 12,000 2.50
Perforated Angle
Part # Description
PERF12-8.25P 12. Ga. 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 8.25' Painted - Grey
PERF12-8.25W 12. Ga. 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 8.25' Powder Ctd White
PERF12-8 12. Ga. 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 8.0' Galvanized
PERF12X2-10 12. Ga. 2" x 2" x 10' Galvanized
PERF13-8 13. Ga. 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 8" Galvanized
PERF16-8 16. Ga. 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 x 8' Galvanized
Angle Shears
RW #4 HK Porter®
Cable Puller
Model Description Capacity W.L.L Weight
CP1613-30 Single Groove .08" - .20 " wire 1,500 lbs. 1.5 lbs.
CP1692-5 Double Groove .218" - .55" wire 8,000 lbs 6.4 lbs.
* Additional sizes are available by special order.
Anchor Bolts
Part # Size Type Packing
Product C1405 5/16 x 1-1/2 Sleeve 100
Information C1433 3/8 x 3 Sleeve 50
• ZP I.C.B.O. #5045 C1026 5/16 x 2 Wedge 100
• COLA RR-25039
C1031 3/8 x 2-1/8 Wedge 100
Vinyl Weatherseal
• Formulated with impact modifiers and does not
require pre-drilling.
• Anti-weathering agents for superior color retention
• Packed 15 pcs. per carton.
• Factory direct shipments available on 36+ cartons.
• Brickmold style #2448 and door surround style #2497
are also available as a factory direct shipment.
WS2213 WS2211 WS2016 WS2100
Options 7' W,A,S,B,GY,GN W,A,S,B DS DS
(W)White, (A)Almond,
(S)Sandstone, (B)Brown and 10' W W DS DS
(GN)Hunter Green, (GY) Gray are
available in all sizes and styles
12' W W DS DS
as a (DS) drop Ship item. (DS) 14' W W DS DS
denotes available by drop ship
only. Minimum drop ship order is 16' W,A,S,B,GY,GN W,A,S,B DS DS
36 boxes of 15 pieces. 18' DS DS DS DS
Fehr Lubricants
Part # Description Pcs/Case
L6970 Fehr Multi-Purpose Lube 16 oz. 12
Fehr Multi-Purpose Lube
L6950 12
Methylene-Chloride Free 13.5 oz.
L6930 Fehr Penetrating Oil 15 oz. 12
Lubriplate® Products
Part # Description Pcs/Case
LP-AERO Lithium based grease (1-3/4 oz. tube) 24
LP-LT Lubriplate® low temp grease 12
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• For industrial, commercial and home use.
• Never gums or sticks and is harmless to
finest finishes and skin.
• FDA and USDA approved for uses having
incidental food contact.
• SLIPIT Sliding Compound and Lubri-Can With
Silicones are for low-speed applications,
within a temperature range of 30°F to 130°F.
Part # Description Weight/Bucket
Scrubs Waterless Cleaner Towels 29
Safety • Apply wire rope clips correctly. U-bolt should be on end of rope.
• Re-tighten clips after initial load.
Alert • Refer to chart for minimum number of clips required for each size.
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50 Phone 800-431-3095 • 845-246-9525
Stainless Products
Type 304 Stainless Steel Thimbles
AN Type Standard Duty Heavy Duty
Part # STAN _ _ _ Part # STH _ _ _ SD Part # STH _ _ _ HD
Wt (lbs)/ Wt (lbs)/ Wt (lbs)/
Size Pcs/Pk Pk Pcs/Pk Pk Pcs/Pk Pk
1/16" 1 .002 AN Type
1/8" 1 .005 1 .005
5/32" 1 .009 1 .007
3/16" 1 .010 1 .015
1/4" 1 .025 1 .093
5/16" 1 .032 1 .110 Standard
S9_ _ 375x06 3/8" x 6" 900 .77
S9_ _ 500x06 1/2" x 6" 1,650 1.60
S9_ _ 625x06 5/8" x 6" 2,600 3.05
JAW/JAW S9_ _ 750x06 3/4 x 6" 3,900 4.25
Types of Stainless Steel
Type 302/304/305: The basic alloy of the group and the one in most
general use. It has good corrosion resistance and ranges from non-
magnetic to slightly magnetic. The most common grade used in
fasteners and fittings. Type 304’s low carbon content makes it useful in
many welding applications.
Type 316: Designed for enhanced corrosion resistance over types 302
and 304. Resists pitting. Excellent for making chain as it exhibits high
short-term tensile strengths at elevated temperatures.
Product • With bronze bushings.
54 Phone 800-431-3095 • 845-246-9525
Garage Door Supplies