Load Line and Q-Point
Load Line and Q-Point
Load Line and Q-Point
Experiment No.7
Load line and Q-point
To study the load line and operation point of basic transistor amplifier.
1. Dual DC power supply.
2. Function generator.
3. Oscilloscope.
4. Transistor 2N2222
5. bread board, resistors (100k +100k + 1k) & capacitor 1F
6. Two AVO meters.
ii. Maximum excursion of load line with Vin is shown in Figure (1)
iii. Minimum excursion of load line with Vin is shown in Figure (1).
Thus, as Vin varies through its cycle, base current varies from
iBmax to iB min . The base-emitter voltage varies also, from VBE max to VBE min.
Vin=Minimum Vin=0
1. The collector-emitter operating point is given by the intersection of the load line
and the appropriate base current curve. When Vin = 0, IB = IBQ, and the quiescent
point is ICQ, VCEQ. At Vin max , IB = IB max , and the operating point is IC max, VCE min.
At Vin min, IB = IB min, and the operating point is IC min , VCE max .
2. If the total change in VCE is greater than total change in Vin, we have an amplifier
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure(3)
2. With vin= 0, vary the VBB to obtain the IC according to the Table (1). Then
record the values of the VCE.
3. Set the input voltage (vin) to the value that obtain the maximum swing on the
output voltage (vCE).when the operating point in the middle of the load line.
4. Vary the biasing voltage VBB to obtain the IC = (2, 5 and 8) mA. Then plot the
output voltage of each value.
IC (mA) 0 2 4 5 6 8 10
Table (1)
1uF + Vcc
+ Q1 10V
Rb +
100k 100k
+ +
1. Plot the load line of the transistor according to the result.
2. Explain linearity of the load lines.
3. If the swing of the input current is reduced to the one half of the used value in
the experiment, plot the output voltage at IC= (2, 5 & 8) mA.
4. For the circuit shown below, find the Q-point (ICQ & VCEQ), VCE min, VCE max, IC
max & iCmin. Then plot vin & VCE.