CV Dragos Radu Popescu

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Name: Dragos-Radu Popescu

Position: Associate Professor, University of Bucharest
Date of birth: July 9, 1951
Place of birth: Giurgiu, Romania
Marital status: Divorced, one son (born 1985)
E-mail: [email protected]

May 1990 Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Bucharest
1974-1975 Postgraduate Studies, University of Bucharest,
Certificate of Specialization in Computer Science
1970-1974 University of Bucharest, Honours Diploma(MS) in
Mathematics, June 1974

Languages: English, French

Professional activities:
2005- University of Bucharest, Associate Professor
1993-2005 University of Bucharest, Lecturer
1991-1993 University of Bucharest, Researcher
1981-1991 ICSIT Titan (Bucharest), Researcher and Senior Researcher
1975-1981 Computer-Analyst, Computing Center of CIMUMFS ,
1996- 2008 Member of the Council
1998- Member of AMS and Society of Romanian Mathematicians
1978, 1979, 1992-1995, 1999
Teacher of the Romanian Team for the International
Mathematical Olympiad
1999 Member of the Organizing Committee of the 40th
International Mathematical Olympiad, Bucharest, Romania.

Research activities:
Balance in signed graphs [4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18]
Maximal nonhamiltoneity [2, 3]
Extremal set theory [16]
Enumerative combinatorics [7, 10, 17]
Combinatorial identities and inequalities [10, 11, 15]
Coverings [1, 5]

Teaching (University of Bucharest):

Combinatorics and Graphs Theory introductory course
Algorithmic Graphs Theory
Enumerative Combinatorics
Special Chapters in Combinatorics and Graphs Theory

Granturi la care am participat.

Grant CNCSIS (Contract nr. 17/1998,Tema nr. 23, Cod CNCSU) cu titlul Cercetari de
combinatorica si teoria grafurilor si aplicatii in informatica (1998) Director de Grant Prof. dr. I.
Grant CNCSIS(Contract nr. 37116/2000,Tema nr. 56, Cod CNCSU) cu titlul Cercetari
de combinatorica si teoria grafurilor (2000) Director de Grant Prof. dr. I. Tomescu.
Din anul 2006 sunt membru al Centrului de cercetare in Modele de Calcul, Algoritmi si
Criptografie (MOCALC)

Participation in International Scientific Meetings (with given talks):

International Conference on Combinatorics dedicated to Paul Erdos

on his eightieth birthday (Keszthely , Hungary , 1993) unde
am prezentat lucrareaUne methode denumeration des cycles negatifs dun graphe

9th International Conference on Discrete Mathematics Convexity and Graph

Theory unde am prezentat lucrarea An extention of LYM inequality.
(Dortmund, Germany , 2004).

10th International Conference on Discrete Mathematics unde am prezentat

lucrarea Balance in systems of finite sets with applications
(Dortmund, Germany , 2007).

Workshop on ALGEBRA and GRAPH THEORY - School of

Mathematical Sciences, GC University, unde am tinut conferintele Signed graphs.
Basic concepts si Signed graphs. New results and open problems.
(Lahore, Pakistan , 2006)

Workshop Tomescu65, IMAR, (Bucuresti, Romania, 2007) unde am prezentat

lucrarea Balance in systems of finite sets with applications.

3th award to the11th International Mathematical Olympiad,
Keszthely, Hungary, 1970.
2th award to the National Mathematical Olympiad,
Bucharest, Romania, 1970.


Refered mathematical papers

1. Dragos-Radu Popescu: A covering problem, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, tom 27,

3, 1975, p.329-344, (in Romanian).
2.Dragos-Radu Popescu: Nonhamiltonian maximal graphs, Studii si Cecetari
Matematice, tom 28, 3, 1976, p321-341(in Romanian).
3. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Hamiltonian properties of some classes which generalize the
Petersens graph , Studii si Cercetari Matematice, tom 31, 1, 1979, p. 77-
103(in Romanian).
4. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Properties of signed graphs, Studii si Cercetari Matematice,
tom 31, 4, 1979, p. 433-452(in Romanian).
5. Dragos-Radu Popescu: On the partitions of a set, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, tom
34, 3, 1982, p. 281-296(in Romanian).
6. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Cycles in signed graphs, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, tom
43, 3-4, 1991, p. 85-219(in Romanian).
7. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Une methode denumeration des cycles negatifs dun graphe
signe, Selected papers in honour of Paul Erdos on the occasion of his 80th
birthday(Kesztely, 1993), Discrete Mathematics, 150(1996), no.1-3, p. 337-345.
8. Dragos-Radu Popescu, Ioan Tomescu: Negative cycles in complete signed graphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 68, 1996p. 145-152 .
9. Dragos-Radu Popescu, Ioan Tomescu: Bonferroni Inequalities and Negative Cycles in
Large Complete Signed Graphs, Europ. J. Combinatorics, 17, 1996, p 479-483.
10. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Another approach to the inclusion-exclusion principle, Revue
Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, tome XLIII, No. 3-4, 1998,
11. Dragos-Radu Popescu, Ioan Duma: New expressions for the probability density
function for the gain of APD, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Applied
and Industrial Mathematics, CAIM99, Buletin Stiintific-Universitatea din
Pitesti, Seria Matematica si Informatica, Nr. 6, 2000, p.83-91.
12. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Balance in systems of finite sets, Analele Universitatii
Bucuresti, 48(1999), p. 29-40.
13. Dragos-Radu Popescu: An inequality on the maximum number of negative cycles in
complete signed graphs, Mathematical Reports, vol.3(53), Janury-April 2001, p.
14. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Inequality for the symmetric difference, The Hyperion
Scientific Journal, Series A, Volume 2, Number 1, 2001, p. 15-18.
15. Dragos-Radu Popescu: A formula for the development of the permanent of a matrix,
Bulletin Mathematique SSMR de Roumanie, Tome 48(96), No. 4, 2005, 433
16. Dragos-Radu Popescu:An extention of LYM inequality, Revue Roumaine de
Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, TOME LI, 4, 2006, 473 483.
17. Dragos-Radu Popescu: A new proof for the Cayleys theorem, Gazeta Matematica B,
Nr.9, 2005, p. 431-437.
18. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Balance in systems of finite sets with applications,Journal of
Universal Computer Science, Vol. 13, No. 11, 2007, pp. 1755-1766.

Lucrarea [4] este citata in
1. S.J.Kirkland,J.J.Mc.Donald,M.J.Tsatsomeros: Linear and Sign-Paterns wich
require a positive eigenvalue, Linear and Multilinear Algebra,41(3):199-

Lucrarea [8] este citata in

1. Monica Tataram: Connectivity and Reachability in Signed
Networks ,Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 13, no.11
(2007), 1779-1790.
2. Bekkali M.,Zahni D.: Upper semi-lattice Algebras, Set Theory, Trends in
29-54, 2006 Birkhauser Verlag Basel/ Switzerland

Lucrarea [9] este citata in

1.M.Deza,J.Rosenberg: n-semimatrics,Liens 98-106(Dec. 1998),Lab. dInformatique de
lEcole Normale Superiore,Paris,France.

Lucrarile [4],[6],[7],[8],[9] mai sunt citate in

1. Th.Zaslavsky: A Mathematical Bibliography of Signed and Gain Graphs and Allied
Areas,Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,Dynamic Surveys in Combinatorics,# DS9,1998.
Mentionam ca lucrarile [4],[6] si [7] sunt citate de cate doua ori, in contexte diferite.

Lucrarea 16 este citata in

1. Mubayi D.: An intersection theorem for four sets, Advances in Mathematics
2. Mubayi D.: Structure and stability of triangle-free set systems, Transactions of
the American Mathematical Society 2007vol.359(no.26)
Lucrarea [3] din Books (Combinatorics and graphs theory, SSMR(Society of
Romanian Mathematicians), 2005.(in Romanian)) este citata in
1. Teseleanu George: New proofs for the p,q analogue of Chu-Vandermondes
identity, Integers 13 (2013), p.3


1. Dragos-Radu Popescu, Oboroceanu George: Exercices and Problems in Algebra,

Combinatorics and Number Theory Combinatorics and Number Theory,
Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1979, (in Romanian)
2. C. Nastasescu, C.Nita, M. Dumitrescu, D. Nitescu, Dragos-Radu Popescu, N. Soare:
Matematica, Textbooks for the Xth grade, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica,
Bucuresti, 2000.
3. Dragos-Radu Popescu: Combinatorics and graphs theory, SSMR(Society of Romanian
Mathematicians), 2005.(in Romanian)
4. Ioan Tomescu, Dragos-Radu Popescu: Elemente de matematica discreta, teoria
grafurilor si analizacombinatorie, Editura MATRIX, Bucuresti, 2013 (in
5. Dragos-Radu Popescu, Ruxandra Marinescu-Ghemeci: Combinatorica si Teoria
grafurilor prin Exercitii si probleme, Editura MATRIX, Bucuresti, 2014. (in

1.Dragos-Radu Popescu,Strunjirea suprafetelor torice cu cadrul portal in pozitie

retrasa,Simpozionul de Masini Unelte Institutul Poplitehnic
2.Dragos-Radu Popescu,Generari de structuri test de masini-unelte,Simpozionul
Realizari si tendinte in dezvoltarea masinilor-unelte, I.C.S.I.T.-
3.Dragos-Radu Popescu,Program pentru determinarea automata a traiectoriei rezultate
la prelucrarea prin autocopiere pneumatica a lingourilor
poligonale,Sesiunea de Comunicari Stiintifice Progresele Cercetarii
Stiintifice in Domeniul Masinilor Unelte,Bucuresti,2-3 iunie
1986,Vol. 2,p. 437-444.
4.Dragos-Radu Popescu,Algoritm pentru determinarea profilului camei pornind de la
curba rolei descrise prin puncte,Sesiunea de Comunicari Stiintifice
Progresele Cercetarii Stiintifice in Domeniul Masinilor-
Unelte,Bucuresti,2-3 iunie 1986,
Vol. 2,p.445-448.
5.Dragos-Radu Popescu,Parcurgerea interiorului unei benzi plane printr-un numar
minim de segmente,Conferinta Nationala de Masini-Unelte,CNMI -
86,Bucuresti,1986,Vol. 1,p. 631-633.
6.Dragos-Radu Popescu,Toma Constantina, Limbajul DRAGON pentru modealarea
si desenarea 3D a corpurilor,lucrare realizata in cadrul unui contract
desfasurat in anii 1986-1990 la SIMTEX S.A.

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