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Ansi 1040

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Nonresulfurized Carbon Steels / 177

Chemical Composition. AI.9 and UNS: 0.37 to 0.44 C, 0.60 LO Tempering After Hardening. As-quenched hardness of approxi-
0.90 Mn. 0.040 P max. 0.050 S rnxx mately 52 HRC. Hardness can be reduced hy tempering

Similar Steels (U.S. and/or Foreign). ASTM ~5 IO. A5 19.

Tempering After Normalizing. For large sections. normalize by
AS16, A576, A681; MILSPEC MLL-S-I~~~~(CS~O-~~J; SAEJ103. J-II?.
comentional practice. This results in a structure of line pearlite. A temper-
J-tl4; fCier.1 DfN 1.1186; (Jap.) JIS S 4OC; (U.K.) B.S. 080 A-IO.? S. 93
ing treatment up IO about 510 C ( IO00 F) is then applied. Mechanical
Characteristics. Medium-carbon steel. Widely used for forgings that properties not equal to those achieved b> quenching and tempering. Result-
will be heat treated. Machinability is only fair. Since weldability is poor. ing strength is far higher than that of annealed structure. Normalizing and
the hest preheating and postheating practice is requtred when nelding is tempering often applied to heavy forgings
Forging. Heat to 1235 C (2275 OF). Do not forge below 870 C ( 1600 OF)
Recommended Processing Sequence
Recommended Heat Treating Practice
Normalizing. Heat to 900 C ( I650 OF). Cool in air l Forge
l Normalize
Annealing. Heat to 835 C ( IS55 JF). Furnace cool to 650 C ( I X0 F). l Anneal tif necessa@ or temper (optional)
at a rate not to exceed 78 C (SO F) per h l Rough machine
Hardening. Heat to 845 C ( IS55 F). Flame hardening carbonitriding. l Austenitize
and liquid carburizinp are suitable surface hardening processes. Quench in l Quench
water or brine. Rounds less than 6.35 mm (I/-l in.) diam may he oil l Temper
quenched for full hardness l Finish machine

1040: CCT Diagram. Composition: 0.39% C - 0.72% Mn - 0.23% Si - 0.010% P - 1040: Hardness vs Tempering Temperature.
0.018% S. Grain size: 7-8 Specimen, 63.5 to 92.075 mm (2.50 to 3.62 in.)
thick. Quenched
Tempwng remwrarure C
2 400 500 600

1040: Hardness vs Tempering Temperature. Specimen, 3.175 1040: Hardness vs Tempering Temperature. Normalized at
to 6.35 mm (0.125 to 0.25 in.) thick. Quenched. Legend: 0: 10 870 C (1600 F). Oil quenched from 845 C (1555 F). Tempered
at 56 C (100 F) intervals, 13.716 mm (0.54 in.) rounds. Tested in
12.827 mm (0.505 in.) rounds. Source: Republic Steel
178 / Heat Treaters Guide

1040: Normalizing. (a) Specimen, 177.8 mm (7 in.)

diam. Approximately 105 kg (230 lb). Still air at 22 C
(72 F). (b) Specimen, 209.55 mm (8.25 in.) diam. Ap-
proximately 185 kg (410 lb). Air at 35 to 24 C (94 to 74
F). (c) Specimen, 266.7 mm (10.50 in.) diam. Ap-
proximately 335 kg (735 lb). Air at 22 C (72 F)

1040: Oil Quenching. (a) Specimen, 177.8 mm (7

in.) diam. Approximately 105 kg (230 lb). Oil at 31 C
(88F). (b) Specimen, 209.55 mm (8.25 in.) diam.
Approximately 185 kg (410 lb). Oil at 50 C (120 F).
(c) Specimen, 266.7 mm (10.50 in.) diam. Approxi-
mately 335 kg (735 lb). Oil at 30 C (85 F)
Nonresulfurized Carbon Steels / 179

1040: Estimating Jominy Equivalent Hardenabilii. Method fores- 1040: Flame Hardening of Wear Blocks. Clean blocks of scale
timating Jominy equivalent cooling rates (J,) in gears of specific size and rust, preferably by sand or shot blasting. Load blocks on con-
and configuration. Gears made from shallow hardening (1040) steel. veyor. Flame head has two rows of number 54 drill size 1.397 mm
Hardened in production. Hardness measured at various depths below (0.055 in.) flame holes. 24 of 49 holes are plugged. 152.4 mm (6
surface at pitch line and mot locations. Compared with hardnesses at in.) between centers of end holes. Head also contains single row
various (J,) distances on end-quenched bar made from same 1040 of water-quench holes. Head set at 15.875 mm (0.625 in.) total
bar and quenched from same austenitizing conditions gap. Cone point clearance of flame. 4.763 mm (0.19 in.). Gas
pressure: acetylene, 82.738 kPa (12 psi); oxygen, 151.686 kPa
(22 psi). Conveyor speed, 148.08 mm (5.83 in.). Total flame hard-
ening time, 1.5 min per pad. Hardness, 53 to 58 HRC. Total depth
of hardening to core, 3.97 mm (0.16 in.)

1040: Water Quenching. (a) Specimen, 177.8 mm (7 in.) diam.

Approximately 105 kg (230 lb). Water at 57 C (135 F). No agita-
tion. (b) Specimen, 209.55 mm (8.25 in.) diam. Approximately 185
kg (410 lb). Water at 55 C (130 F). No agitation. (c) Specimen,
266.7 mm (10.50 in.)diam. Approximately 335 kg (735 lb). Water
at 50 C (120 F). No agitation
180 / Heat Treaters Guide

1040: Hardness vs Tempering. Effect of mass: when normalized 1040: Hardness vs Tempering. Effect of mass: when normalized
at 870 C (1600 F); oil quenched from 845 C (1555 F); tem- at 870 C (1600 F); oil quenched from 845 C (1555 F); tem-
pered at 540 C (1000 F). Tested in 12.827 mm (0.505 in.) pered at 650 C (1200 F). Tested in 12.827 mm (0.505 in.)
rounds. Test from 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) diam bars and over, at half-ra- rounds. Test from 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) diam bars and over, at half-ra-
dius position. Source: Republic Steel dius position. Source: Republic Steel

1040: Microstructures. (a) Nital 200x. 25.4 mm (1 in.) diam bar. Austenitized at 915 C (1680 OF), 30 min. Cooled slowly in furnace. Ferrite
(white areas) and pearlite (dark). (b) Nital. 500x. Same as (a), at higher magnification. Pearlite and ferrite grains more clearly resolved. Wide
difference in grain size in (a) and (b). (c) Picral, 1000x. Austenitized at 800 C (1475 F), 40 mm. Held at 705 C (1300 F), 6 h, for isothemal
transformation. Structure is spheroidized carbide in ferrite matrix. (d) Nital, 500x. 25.4 mm (1 in.) diam bar. Austenitized at 915 C (1680 F).
Quenched 30 min in salt bath at 420 C (785 F). Air cooled. Abnormal amount of ferrite (white) indicates partial decarburization at surface
(top). (e) Nital. 500x. Same as (d). Interior of bar. White areas are ferrite, outlining prioraustenite grains. Black and gray are pearlite. (9 Nital,
500x. 25.4 mm (1 in.) diam bar. Austenitized at 915 C (1680 F). 30 min. Oil quenched. Tempered at 205 C (400 F). Tempered martensite
(gray); ferrite (white)
Nonresulfurized Carbon Steels / 181

1040: Microstructure. A fully annealed 1040 steel showing a fer-

rite-pearlite microstructure. Etched in 4% picral plus 2% nital.

1040: MiCrOStrUCtUreS. Effect Of prior microstructure on spheroidking a 1040 steel at 700 C (1290 F) for 21 h. (a) Starting from a marten-
microstructure (as-quenched). (b) Starting from a ferrite-pearlite
SitiC microstructure (fully annealed). Etched in 4% picral plus 2% nital.
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