CRED TRANS Guaranty and Suretyship Digest
CRED TRANS Guaranty and Suretyship Digest
CRED TRANS Guaranty and Suretyship Digest
surety).[However, a significant distinction still lies between a joint and The surety bond and performance bond executed by defendants Lucky
several debtor, on one hand, and a surety on the other. Solidarity Star and Stronghold Insurance are in the nature of accessory contracts In fine, respondent should be answerable to petitioner on account of
(A). Escao v. Ortigas, Jr. signifies that the creditor can compel any one of the joint and several which depend for its existence upon another contract. Thus, when the Lucky Stars non-performance of its obligation as guaranteed by the
526 SCRA 26 (June 29, 2007) debtors or the surety alone to answer for the entirety of the principal agreement between the plaintiff Asset Builders and defendant Lucky performance bond.
debt. The difference lies in the respective faculties of the joint and Star was rescinded, the surety and performance bond were
Facts: several debtor and the surety to seek reimbursement for the sums they automatically cancelled. Finally, Article 1217 of the New Civil Code acknowledges the right of
On April 28, 1980, Private Development Corporation of the Philippines paid out to the creditor. In the case of joint and several debtors, Article reimbursement from a co-debtor (the principal co-debtor, in case of
(PDCP) entered into a loan agreement with Falcon Minerals, Inc. (Falcon) 1217 makes plain that the solidary debtor who effected the payment to Thus, Asset Builders filed this present petition for review on certiorari suretyship) in favor of the one who paid (the surety). Thus, respondent
amounting to $320,000.00 subject to terms and conditions. the creditor may claim from his co-debtors only the share which assailing decision of RTC which orders defendant Lucky Star to pay is entitled to reimbursement from Lucky Star for the amount it may be
[Nagpautang ang PDCP sa Falcon ng $320K] corresponds to each, with the interest for the payment already made. petitioner Asset Builders the sum of P575,000.00 with damages, but required to pay petitioner arising from its bonds.
Such solidary debtor will not be able to recover from the co-debtors the absolving respondent Stronghold Insurance of any liability on its Surety
On the same day, 3 stockholders-officers of Falcon: Ortigas Jr., George full amount already paid to the creditor, because the right to recovery Bond and Performance Bond. WHEREFORE, Decision of the RTC, is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION.
A. Scholey, and George T. Scholey executed an Assumption of Solidary extends only to the proportional share of the other co-debtors, and not Issue: Whether or not respondent insurance company, as surety, can be Respondent Stronghold Insurance is hereby declared jointly and
Liability to assume in [their] individual capacity, solidary liability with as to the particular proportional share of the solidary debtor who held liable under its bonds. severally liable with Lucky Star for the payment of P575,000.00 and the
[Falcon] for due and punctual payment of the loan contracted by already paid. In contrast, even as the surety is solidarily bound with the payment of P345,000.00 on the basis of its performance bond.
Falcon with PDCP. principal debtor to the creditor, the surety who does pay the creditor Held: Yes.
has the right to recover the full amount paid, and not just any
Two (2) separate guaranties were executed to guarantee payment of the proportional share, from the principal debtor or debtors. Such right to As provided in Article 2047, the surety undertakes to be bound solidarily (C). CASTELLVI DE HIGGINS VS. SELLNER
same loan by other stockholders and officers of Falcon, acting in their full reimbursement falls within the other rights, actions and benefits with the principal obligor. That undertaking makes a surety agreement 41 PHIL. 142
personal and individual capacities. One guaranty was executed by which pertain to the surety by reason of the subsidiary obligation an ancillary contract as it presupposes the existence of a principal MALCOLM, J.
Escao, Silos, Silverio, Inductivo and Rodriguez. assumed by the surety. contract. Although the contract of a surety is in essence secondary only
to a valid principal obligation, the surety becomes liable for the debt or Facts
Two years later, an agreement developed to cede control of Falcon to *Petitioners and Matti are jointly liable to Ortigas, Jr. in the amt. of duty of another although it possesses no direct or personal interest over
Escao, Silos and Matti. Contracts were executed whereby Ortigas, P1.3M; Legal interest of 12% per annum on P 1.3M computed from the obligations nor does it receive any benefit therefrom. Let it be
This is an action brought by plaintiffs to recover from defendant the
George A. Scholey, Inductivo and the heirs of then already deceased March 14, 1994. Assailed rulings are affirmed. Costs against stressed that notwithstanding the fact that the surety contract is
sum of P10,000. The brief decision of the trial court held that the suit
George T. Scholey assigned their shares of stock in Falcon to Escao, petitioners secondary to the principal obligation, the surety assumes liability as a
was premature, and absolved the defendant from the complaint, with
Silos and Matti. An Undertaking dated June 11, 1982 was executed by regular party to the undertaking.
the costs against the plaintiffs. Sellner wrote;
the concerned parties, namely: with Escao, Silos and Matti as
SURETIES and Ortigas, Inductivo and Scholeys as OBLIGORS Suretyship, in essence, contains two types of relationship the principal
(B). Asset Builders vs Stronghold relationship between the obligee (petitioner) and the obligor (Lucky I will, within fifteen days after notice of such default, pay you in cash the
Falcon eventually availed of the sum of $178,655.59 from the credit line Asset Builders Corp (ABC) obligee, petitioner Star), and the accessory surety relationship between the principal (Lucky sum of P10,000 and interest upon your surrendering to me the three
extended by PDCP. It would also execute a Deed of Chattel Mortgage Lucky Star Drilling & Construction Corporation (Lucky Star) - Star) and the surety (respondent). In this arrangement, the obligee thousand shares of stock of the Keystone Mining Co. held by you as
over its personal properties to further secure the loan. However, Falcon obligor accepts the suretys solidary undertaking to pay if the obligor does not security for the payment of said note.
subsequently defaulted in its payments. After PDCP foreclosed on the Stronghold Insurance Company (Stronghold) surety, respondent pay. Such acceptance, however, does not change in any material way
chattel mortgage, there remained a subsisting deficiency of Php the obligees relationship with the principal obligor. Neither does it
5,031,004.07 which falcon did not satisfy despite demand. FACTS: ABC entered into an agreement with Lucky Star as part of the make the surety an active party to the principal obligee-obligor Issue
completion of its project to construct the ACG Commercial Complex. relationship. Thus, the acceptance does not give the surety the right to
Issue: Whether the obligation to repay is solidary, as contended by Lucky Star was to supply labor, materials, tools, and equipment intervene in the principal contract. The suretys role arises only upon
Determination of defendant's status in the transaction referred to.
respondent and the lower courts, or merely joint as argued by including technical supervision to drill one (1) exploratory production the obligors default, at which time, it can be directly held liable by the
Plaintiffs contend that he is a surety; defendant contends that he is a
petitioners. well on the project site. obligee for payment as a solidary obligor.
guarantor. Plaintiffs also admit that if defendant is a guarantor, articles
1830, 1831, and 1834 of the Civil Code govern.
Held/Ruling: To guarantee faithful compliance with their agreement, Lucky Star In the case at bench, when Lucky Star failed to finish the drilling work
In case, there is a concurrence of two or more creditors or engaged respondent Stronghold which issued two (2) bonds in favor of within the agreed time frame despite petitioners demand for
of two or more debtors in one and the same obligation, Article 1207 of petitioner ABC. completion, it was already in delay. Due to this default, Lucky Stars Held
the Civil Code states that among them, [t]here is a solidary liability only liability attached and, as a necessary consequence, respondents liability The points of difference between a surety and a guarantor are familiar
when the obligation expressly so states, or when the law or the nature ABC paid Lucky Star P575,000.00 as advance payment, representing 50% under the surety agreement arose. to American authorities. A surety and a guarantor are alike in that each
of the obligation requires solidarity. Article 1210 supplies further of the contract price. Lucky Star, thereafter, commenced the drilling promises to answer for the debt or default of another. A surety and a
caution against the broad interpretation of solidarity by providing: The work. Undeniably, when Lucky Star reneged on its undertaking with the guarantor are unlike in that the surety assumes liability as a regular
indivisibility of an obligation does not necessarily give rise to solidarity. On agreed completion date, Lucky Star managed to accomplish only petitioner and further failed to return the P575,000.00 downpayment party to the undertaking, while the liability as a regular party to upon an
Nor does solidarity of itself imply indivisibility. These Civil Code 10% of the drilling work. ABC sent a demand letter to Lucky Star for the that was already advanced to it, respondent, as surety, became solidarily independent agreement to pay the obligation if the primary pay or fails
provisions establish that in case of concurrence of two or more creditors immediate completion of the drilling work. However, Lucky Star failed to bound with Lucky Star for the repayment of the said amount to to do so. A surety is charged as an original promissory; the engagement
or of two or more debtors in one and the same obligation, and in the fulfill its obligation. petitioner. of the guarantor is a collateral undertaking. The obligation of the surety
absence of express and indubitable terms characterizing the obligation is primary; the obligation of the guarantor is secondary.
as solidary, the presumption is that the obligation is only joint. It thus ABC sent Notice of Rescission of Contract with Demand for Damages to Contrary to the trial courts ruling, respondent insurance company was It is perfectly clear that the obligation assumed by defendant was simply
becomes incumbent upon the party alleging that the obligation is Lucky Star and a Notice of Claim for payment to Stronghold to make not automatically released from any liability when petitioner resorted to that of a guarantor, or, to be more precise, of the fiador whose
indeed solidary in character to prove such fact with a preponderance of good its obligation under its bonds. the rescission of the principal contract for failure of the other party to responsibility is fixed in the Civil Code. The letter of Mr. Sellner recites
evidence. perform its undertaking. Precisely, the liability of the surety arising from that if the promissory note is not paid at maturity, then, within fifteen
Despite notice, ABC did not receive any reply either from Lucky Star or the surety contracts comes to life upon the solidary obligors default. It days after notice of such default and upon surrender to him of the three
Note that Article 2047 itself specifically calls for the Stronghold, prompting it to file its Complaint for Rescission with should be emphasized that petitioner had to choose rescission in order thousand shares of Keystone Mining Company stock, he will assume
application of the provisions on joint and solidary obligations to Damages against both before the RTC. to prevent further loss that may arise from the delay of the progress of responsibility. Sellner is not bound with the principals by the same
suretyship contracts. Article 1217 of the Civil Code thus comes into play, the project. Without a doubt, Lucky Stars unsatisfactory progress in the instrument executed at the same time and on the same consideration,
recognizing the right of reimbursement from a co-debtor (the principal RTC rendered the assailed decision ordering Lucky Star to pay ABC but drilling work and its failure to complete it in due time amount to non- but his responsibility is a secondary one found in an independent
debtor, in case of suretyship) in favor of the one who paid (i.e., the absolving Stronghold from liability. Relevant parts of the decision reads: performance of its obligation.
CRED TRANS digests GUARANTY & SURETYSHIP (Art 2047-2084) Page 1 of 15
collateral agreement, Neither is Sellner jointly and severally liable with the exclusion of Machetti and that the proceedings be proven by the return of a writ of execution unsatisfied or by Palmares and Sps. Azarraga were only able to pay 16.3k. MB Lending
the principal debtors. continued as to said company, but still remain suspended other means, but is not sufficiently established by the mere filed a complaint against Palmares as the lone party-defendant,
as to Machetti. This motion was granted1. fact that he has been declared insolvent in insolvency allegedly by reason of Sps. Azarragas insolvency. Palmares main
- The Hospicio filed a complaint against the Fidelity and proceedings under our statutes, in which the extent of the contention was that she is to be held liable only upon default of the
Surety Company asking for a judgment for P12,800 against insolvent's inability to pay is not determined until the final principal debtor Sps. Azarraga. She avers that immediately after the
(D.) the company upon its guaranty. liquidation of his estate. loan matured, she offered to settle the obligation, but MB Lending
ROMULO MACHETTI, plaintiffappellee, vs. HOSPICIO DE SAN JOSE, refused, and instead informed her that they would try to collect from
defendant and appellee, and FIDELITY & SURETY COMPANY OF THE Sps. Azarraga. In addition, partial payment has been made.
PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, defendant-appellant. CFI: 1 As will be seen, the original action in
which Machetti was the plaintiff and RTC dismissed MB Lendings complaint without
- rendered judgment against the Fidelity and Surety prejudice to the filing of a separate action for a sum of money against
the Hospicio de San Jose defendant, has been converted into an
Company (FSC) for P12,800 in accordance with the Sps. Azarraga. The offer Palmares made to pay the obligation is
action in which the Hospicio de San Jose is plaintiff and the Fidelity
[G.R. No. L-16666. April 10, 1922.] complaint. FSC appealed. considered a valid tender of payment sufficient to discharge her
and Surety Company, the original plaintiff's guarantor, is the
defendant, Machetti having been practically eliminated from the secondary liability on the instrument. As co-maker, Palmares is only
case. secondarily liable on the instrument.
Issue: whether FSC, being a guarantor, be compelled to pay.
CA reversed RTC and declared Palmares liable to pay
A guarantor cannot be compelled to pay until it is shown that (E). PALMARES v. CA and MB LENDING MB Lending the outstanding balance of 13.7k at 6% per month
the principal is unable to pay and such inability is not sufficiently 1998 / Regalado / Surety > Distinguished from guaranty
Ruling: computed from the date the loan was contracted until fully paid,
shown by the mere fact that he has been declared insolvent
penalty charges, attorneys fees, and costs. Palmares is a surety since
under the present Insolvency Law in which the extent of the - the court below erred in proceeding with the case against SURETY / SURETYSHIP GUARANTOR / GUARANTY she bound herself to be jointly and severally liable with Sps. Azarraga
insolvent's inability to pay is not determined until the final the guarantor while the proceedings were suspended as to GUARANTOR: Insurer of the
SURETY: Insurer of the debt when she signed as co-maker. Therefore, she is primarily liable and
liquidation of his estate. the principal. The guaranty in the present case was for a solvency of the debtor may be sued for the entire obligation.
future debt of unknown amount and even regarding the A suretyship is an undertaking A guaranty is an undertaking that
guaranty as an ordinary fianza under the Civil Code, the that the debt shall be paid the debtor shall pay ISSUE & HOLDING
Facts: surety cannot be held responsible until the debt is A guarantor agrees that the WON Palmares is a guarantor or a surety. SURETY; primarily liable.
liquidated. (Civil Code, art. 1825.) A surety promises to pay the creditor, after proceeding against
- Romulo Machetti, by a written agreement, undertook to
construct a building for the Hospicio de San Jose, the But in this instance the guarantor's case is even stronger than that of an principal's debt if the principal the principal, may proceed against RATIO
contract price being P64,000. ordinary surety. In English the term "guarantor" implies an undertaking will not pay the guarantor if the principal is Palmares expressly bound herself to be jointly and severally or solidarily
- One of the conditions of the agreement was that the of guaranty, as distinguished from suretyship. unable to pay liable with Sps. Azarraga; therefore, her liability is that of a surety. The
contractor should obtain the "guarantee" of the Fidelity and A surety binds himself to perform A guarantor does not contract rule that ignorance of the contents of an instrument does not ordinarily
Surety Company of the Philippine Islands to the amount of Distinguishing features of contracts of guaranty vis--vis surety: if the principal does not, without that the principal will pay, but affect the liability of one who signs it also applies to contracts of
P12,800 and the following endorsement in the English regard to his ability to do so simply that he is able to do so suretyship. The mistake of a surety as to the legal effect of her
- It is very true that notwithstanding the use of the words A surety undertakes directly for A guarantor contracts to pay if, by obligation is ordinarily no reason for relieving her of liability.
language appears upon the contract:
"guarantee" or "guaranty" circumstances may be shown the payment and is so the use of due diligence, the debt
"MANILA, July 15, 1916. which convert the contract into one of suretyship but such responsible at once if the cannot be made out of the The undertaking to pay upon default of the principal
circumstances do not exist in the present case: on the principal debtor makes default principal debtor debtor does not automatically remove it from the ambit of a
"For value received we hereby
contrary it appears affirmatively that the contract is the contract of suretyship. The second and third paragraphs of the
guarantee compliance with the terms and
guarantor's separate undertaking in which the principal FACTS promissory note do not contain any other condition for the
conditions as outlined in the above
does not join, that it rests on a separate consideration enforcement of MB Lendings right against Palmares. A contract of
moving from the principal and that although it is written in Pursuant to a promissory note, MB Lending extended a suretyship is that wherein one lends his credit by joining in the principal
"FIDELITY & SURETY continuation of the contract for the construction of the 30k loan to Sps. Azarraga and Estrella Palmares, payable on or debtor's obligation, so as to render himself directly and primarily
COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. building, it is a collateral under taking separate and distinct before 12 May 1990, with compounded interest at 6% per annum to be responsible with him, and without reference to the solvency of the
from the latter. All of these circumstances are computed every 30 days from the date thereof. principal.
(Sgd.) "OTTO VORSTER, distinguishing features of contracts of guaranty.
"Vice-President," I, Mrs. Estrella Palmares, as the Co-maker of Several attendant factors support the finding that Palmares is a
- Now, while a surety undertakes to pay if the the above-quoted loan, have fully understood surety.
- Machetti constructed the building under the supervision of principal does not pay, the guarantor only binds himself to When she was informed about the spouses failure to pay,
the contents of this Promissory Note for Short-
architects representing the Hospicio de San Jose. pay if the principal cannot pay. The one is the insurer of the she immediately offered to settle the account with MB
Term Loan:
- Subsequently it was found that the work had not been debt, the other an insurer of the solvency of the debtor. Lending.
carried out in accordance with the specifications which This latter liability is what the Fidelity and Surety Company She presented the receipts of the payments already made,
That as Co-maker, I am fully aware
formed part of the contract and that the workmanship was assumed in the present case. which were all issued in her name and of the Azarraga
that I shall be jointly and severally or solidarily
not of the standard required, and spouses. This can only be construed to mean that the
liable with the above principal maker of this
the Hospicio de San Jose therefore refused to pay the payments made by the principal debtors were considered
FSC, being a guarantor, cannot be compelled to pay until it is shown note;
balance of the contract price. by MB Lending as creditable directly upon the account and
that Machetti is unable to pay That in fact, I hereby agree that
- Machetti thereupon brought this action inuring to the benefit of Palmares.
- the Hospicio de San Jose answered the complaint and The Fidelity and Surety Company having bound itself to pay
- payment of the above loan from me in case
presented a counterclaim for damages for the partial only in the event its principal, Machetti, cannot pay it A surety is bound equally and absolutely with the principal, and as
the principal maker, Mrs. Merlyn Azarraga
noncompliance with the terms of the agreement, in the follows that it cannot be compelled to pay until it is shown such is deemed an original promisor and debtor from the beginning. In
defaults in the payment of the note subject to
total sum of P71,350. that Machetti is unable to pay. Such inability may be suretyship, there is but one contract, and the surety is bound by the
the same conditions above-contained.
- Machetti was declared insolvent under Insolvency law. same agreement which binds the principal. The contract of a surety
- The Hospicio de San Jose filed a motion asking that the starts with the agreement, which is precisely the situation obtaining in
Fidelity and Surety Company be made cross-defendant to this case.
CRED TRANS digests GUARANTY & SURETYSHIP (Art 2047-2084) Page 2 of 15
delay, such as the subsequent insolvency of the principal, or the fact Gilats claim for interest on the premise that the interest shall only does not give the surety the right to intervene in the principal contract.
A surety is usually bound with his principal by the same that the remedies against the principal may be lost by lapse of time, are accrue when the delay or refusal to pay the principal obligation is The suretys role arises only upon the debtors default, at which time, it
instrument, executed at the same time and upon the same immaterial. The raison d'tre for the rule is that there is nothing to without any justifiable cause. Here, UCPB failed to pay its surety can be directly held liable by the creditor for payment as a solidary
consideration; he is an original debtor, and his liability is immediate and prevent the creditor from proceeding against the principal at any obligation because of the advice of its principal (One Virtual) not to obligor. Hence, the surety remains a stranger to the Purchase
direct. Where a written agreement on the same sheet of paper with and time. pay. The RTC then obligated UCPB to pay Gilat the principal debt (US Agreement. (See Stronghold Insurance Co. Inc. v. Tokyu Construction
immediately following the principal contract between the buyer and $1.2 Million) under the Surety Bond, with legal interest at the rate of Co. Ltd.)
seller is executed simultaneously therewith, providing that the signers of Leniency shown to a debtor in default, by delay permitted by the 12% per annum computed from the time the judgment becomes final
the agreement agreed to the terms of the principal contract, the signers creditor without change in the time when the debt might be and executory, plus attorneys fees and litigation expenses. The Court of 7. UCPB cannot invoke in its favor the arbitration clause in the Purchase
were "sureties" jointly liable with the buyer. demanded, does not constitute an extension of the time of Appeals (CA) dismissed the appeal of UCPB based on lack of Agreement, because it is not a party to that contract. An arbitration
payment, which would release the surety. jurisdiction. It ruled that agreement being contractual in nature, it is binding only on the parties
Re: Palmares argument that the complaint was prematurely filed In order to constitute an extension discharging the surety: in"enforcing a surety contract, the complementary-contracts- thereto, as well as their assigns and heirs.
for lack of demand UNMERITORIOUS It should appear that the extension was for a definite construed-together doctrine findsapplication." In this case, the CA
Palmares was saying that Sps. Azarraga cannot as yet be considered in period, pursuant to an enforceable agreement between the considered the arbitration clause contained in the Purchase Agreement 8. Section 24 of Republic Act No. 9285 is clear in stating that a referral
default, as MB Lending has not yet made either a judicial or extrajudicial principal and the creditor (principal contract) between Gilat and One Virtual as applicable to arbitration may only take place "if at least one party so requests not
demand. This argument fails. Paragraph (G) of the note states that It was made without the consent of the surety or with a and binding on the parties to the suretyship agreement (accessory later than the pre-trial conference, or upon the request of both parties
"should I fail to pay in accordance with the above schedule of payment, reservation of rights with respect to him contract). Hence, the trial courts Decision was vacated. Gilat and One thereafter." UCPB has not presented evidence to show that either Gilat
I hereby waive my right to notice and demand." Hence, demand by the The contract must be one which precludes the creditor Virtual were ordered to proceed to arbitration. or One Virtual submitted its contesting claim for arbitration. Interest, by
creditor is no longer necessary in order that delay may exist since the from enforcing the principal contract within the period way of damages or indemnity, may be awarded to a creditor in case of
contract itself already expressly so declares. As a surety, petitioner is during which he could otherwise have enforced it, and Held : Liability of a surety on the principal contract is direct, primary and inexcusable delay incurred by a debtor in the payment of his obligation
equally bound by such waiver. which precludes the surety from paying the debt absolute
9. Article 2209 of the Civil Code is clear: "[i]f an obligation consists in the
Even if it were otherwise, demand on the sureties is not None of these elements are present here. The mere fact that MB 1. The failure of One Virtual, as the principal debtor, to fulfill its payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs a delay, the
necessary before bringing suit against them, since the commencement Lending gave Sps. Azarraga an extended period of time within which to monetary obligation to petitioner Gilat gave the latter an immediate indemnity for damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall
of the suit is a sufficient demand. A surety is not even entitled, as a comply with their obligation did not effectively absolve Palmares from right to pursue UCPB as the surety. be the payment of the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of
matter of right, to be given notice of the principal's default. the consequences of her undertaking. Besides, the burden is on the stipulation, the legal interest."
Inasmuch as the creditor owes no duty of active diligence to take care surety Palmares to show that she has been discharged by some act of 2. In suretyship, the oft-repeated rule is that a suretys liability is joint
of the interest of the surety, his mere failure to voluntarily give the creditor MB Lending. and solidary with that of the principal debtor. This 10. Delay arises from the time the obligee judicially or extrajudicially
information to the surety of the default of the principal cannot have the undertaking makes a surety agreement an ancillary contract, as it demands from the obligor the performance of the obligation, and the
effect of discharging the surety. The surety is bound to take notice of SC DECISION: Constrained to dismiss the petition for lack of merit, presupposes the existence of a principal contract. Nevertheless, latter fails to comply. Delay, as used in Article 1169, is synonymous with
the principal's default and to perform the obligation. but to except therefrom the issue anent the propriety of the although the contract of a surety is in essence secondary only to a valid default or mora, which means delay in the fulfilment of obligations. It is
monetary award adjudged to herein respondent corporation. principal obligation, its liability to the creditor or "promise" of the the nonfulfillment of an obligation with respect to time.11. In order for
The alleged failure of MB Lending to prove the fact of principal is said to be direct, primary and absolute; in other words, a the debtor (in this case, the surety) to be in default, it is necessary that
demand on Sps. Azarraga is immaterial. In the absence of a statutory or surety is directly and equally bound with the principal. He becomes the following requisites be present: (1) that the obligation be
contractual requirement, it is not necessary that performance of his (F). Gilat Satellite vs. UCPB (2014) liable for the debt and duty of the principal obligor, even without demandable and already liquidated;(2) that the debtor delays
obligation be first demanded of the principal, especially where demand possessing a direct or personal interest in the obligations constituted by performance; and(3) that the creditor requires the performance judicially
would have been useless; nor is it a requisite that the principal be called Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd., vs. United Coconut Planters Bank the latter. or extrajudicially.12. If a surety, upon demand, fails to pay, it can be held
on to account. A suretyship is a direct contract to pay the debt of (UCPB) General Insurance Co., Inc. liable for interest, even if in thus paying, its liability becomes more than
another. As an original promisor and debtor from the beginning, he Subject: 3. Thus, a surety is not entitled to a separate notice of default or to the the principal obligation. The increased liability is not because of the
is held ordinarily to know every default of his principal. Liability of a surety on the principal contract is direct, primary and benefit of excussion. It may in fact be sued separately or together with contract, but because of the default and the necessity of judicial
absolute; The existence of a suretyship agreement does not give the the principal debtor. collection.13. For delay to merit interest, it must be inexcusable in
Re: Palmares argument that the filing of the complaint solely surety the right to intervene in the principal contract, hence, surety nature14. In culpa contractual x x x the mere proof of the existence of
against her was improper UNMERITORIOUS cannot invoke the arbitration clause between the parties in the principal 4. Sureties do not insure the solvency of the debtor, but rather the debt the contract and the failure of its compliance justify, prima facie, a
contract; Interest, as a form of indemnity, may be awarded to a creditor itself. They are contracted precisely to mitigate risks of non- corresponding right of relief. xxx A breach upon the contract confers
Under NCC 1216, the creditor may proceed against any one of the
in case of inexcusable delay incurred by a debtor in the payment of his performance on the part of the obligor. This responsibility necessarily upon the injured party a valid cause for recovering that which may have
solidary debtors or some or all of them simultaneously. In
obligation places a surety on the same level as that of the principal debtor. The been lost or suffered. The remedy serves to preserve the interests of the
accordance with the rule that, in the absence of statute or agreement
effect is that the creditor is given the right to directly proceed against promisee that may include his "expectation interest," which is his
otherwise, a surety is primarily liable, and with the rule that his proper
Facts: either principal debtor or surety. This is the reason why excussion interest in having the benefit of his bargain by being put in as good a
remedy is to pay the debt and pursue the principal for reimbursement,
One Virtual placed with Gilat Satellite Network (Gilat) a purchase order cannot be invoked. To require the creditor to proceed to arbitration position as he would have been in had the contract been performed, or
the surety cannot at law, unless permitted by statute and in the absence
for various telecommunications equipment, promising to pay portions would render the very essence of suretyship nugatory and diminish its his "reliance interest," which is his interest in being reimbursed for loss
of any agreement limiting the application of the security, require the
of the price according to a payment schedule. To ensure the prompt value in commerce. (See Palmares v. Court of Appeals) The existence of caused by reliance on the contract by being put in as good a position as
creditor or obligee, before proceeding against the surety, to resort to
payment, it obtained a surety bond from defendant UCPB General a suretyship agreement does not give the surety the right to intervene he would have been in had the contract not been made; or his
and exhaust his remedies against the principal, particularly where both
Insurance Co., Inc. (UCPB) in favor of Gilat One Virtual failed to pay Gilat in the principal contract, hence, surety cannot invoke the arbitration "restitution interest," which is his interest in having restored to him any
principal and surety are equally bound.
twice, prompting Gilat to write the surety UCPB two demand letters clause between the parties in the principal contract benefit that he has conferred on the other party. Indeed, agreements
for payment. However, UCPB failed to settle the amount. Gilat filed a can accomplish little, either for their makers or for society, unless they
MB Lendings mere failure to immediately sue Palmares on her
complaint against UCPB. The RTC, ruling in favor of Gilat, found that 5. UCPBs claim that the Purchase Agreement, being the principal are made the basis for action. The effect of every infraction is to create
obligation does not release her from liability.
Gilat has already complied with its end of the obligation, i.e. delivery contract to which the Suretyship Agreement is accessory, must take anew duty, that is, to make recompense to the one who has been
Where a creditor refrains from proceeding against the principal,
and installation of the purchased equipment. Demand notwithstanding, precedence over arbitration as the preferred mode of settling disputes, injured by the failure of another to observe his contractual obligation
the surety is not exonerated. Mere want of diligence or forbearance
One Virtual and UCPB, as surety, failed to settle the obligation. The cannot be sustained. unless he can show extenuating circumstances, like proof of his exercise
does not affect the creditor's rights vis-a-vis the surety, unless the
lower court reasoned that UCPB, as surety, bound itself to pay of due diligence x x x or of the attendance of fortuitous event, to excuse
surety requires him by appropriate notice to sue on the obligation.
in accordance with the Payment Milestones. This obligation was not 6. The acceptance of a surety agreement does not change in any him from his ensuing liability.
In the absence of proof of resultant injury, a surety is not discharged by
made dependent on any condition outside the terms and conditions of material way the creditors relationship with the principal debtor nor (See Guanio v. Makati-Shangri-la Hotel)
the creditor's mere statement that the creditor will not look to the
the Surety Bond and Payment Milestones. However, the RTC denied does it make the surety an active party to the principal creditor-debtor
surety, or that he need not trouble himself. The consequences of the
relationship. In other words, the acceptance [of the surety agreement]
CRED TRANS digests GUARANTY & SURETYSHIP (Art 2047-2084) Page 3 of 15
15. Records are bereft of proof to show that UCPBs delay was indeed Guaranty cannot be retroactive applied as contracts of origin with instruction to set aside motion to dismiss and to require
justified by the circumstances that is, One Virtuals advice regarding suretyship contemplates future dealing. defendant Chua to answer the complaint. ISSUE:
Gilats alleged breach of obligations. Ratio: Whether the individual private respondents may be held solidarily liable
ISSUE: WON Willex is liable as guarantor for the loans obtained by with Sanyu Chemical under the provisions of the Continuing Suretyship
16. As to the issue of when interest must accrue, our Civil Code is Inter-Resin to IUCP? Yes Go, as president and general manager, respectively, of Daicor, was Agreement, or whether that Agreement must be held null and void as
explicit in stating that it accrues from the time judicial or extrajudicial to cover existing as well as future obligations which Daicor may incur having been executed without consideration and without a pre-existing
demand is made on the surety. This ruling is in accordance with the HELD: with RCBC. This was only subject to the proviso that their liability shall principal obligation to sustain it.
provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil Code and of the settled rule that Intent is controlling: clear from the evidence that the not exceed at any one time the aggregate principal amount of
where there has been an extra-judicial demand before an action for Continuing Guarantee executed by Willex with Inter-Resin Php100,000.00. (Par.1 of said agreement). Whether private respondents are liable under the Deed of Assignment
performance was filed, interest on the amount due begins to run, not would cover sums obtained (in the past retroactive) which they, along with the principal debtor Sanyu Chemical, executed in
from the date of the filing of the complaint, but from the date of that and/or to be obtained by Inter-Resin Industrial from application for a loan Daicorwould request for. According to said favor of petitioner, on the receivables thereby assigned.
extra-judicial demand. Interest must start to run from the time agreement, the guaranty is continuing and shall remain in full force or
Interbank -?Although a contract of suretyship is ordinarily
petitioner sent its first demand letter (5 June 2000), because the effect until the bank is notified of its termination. HELD:
not to be construed as retrospective, in the end the
obligation was already due and demandable at that time. Although obligations arising from contracts have the force of law
intention of the parties as revealed by the evidence is
agreement was still in full force and effect and is thus covered by the between the contracting parties, (Article 1159 of the Civil Code) this
controlling apply it to the 1978 loan.
17. Petitioner is rewarded legal interest at the rate of 6% per annum latter agreement. Thus, even if Chua did not sign the promissory note, does not mean that the law is inferior to it; the terms of the contract
from 5 June 2000, its first date of extra judicial demand, until the Guarantor or surety is bound by the same consideration he is still liable by virtue of the surety agreement. The only condition could not be enforced if not valid. So, even if, as in this case, the
satisfaction of the debt. that makes the contract effective between the principal necessary for him to be liable under the agreement was that Daicor is agreement was for a continuing suretyship to include obligations
parties thereto. . . . It is never necessary that a guarantor or or may become liable as maker, endorser, acceptor or otherwise. enumerated in the agreement, the same could not be enforced. First,
18. "When the obligation is breached, and it consists in the payment of surety should receive any part or benefit, if such there be, because this contract, just like guaranty, cannot exist without a valid
a sum of money, i.e., a loan or forbearance of money, the interest due accruing to his principal. an accessory obligation dependent upon the principal obligation, i.e., obligation (Art. 2052, Civil Code); and, second, although it may be given
should be that which may have been stipulated in writing. Furthermore, the loan obtained by Daicor as evidenced by the promissory note. as security for future debt (Art. 2053, C.C.), the obligation contemplated
the interest due shall itself earn legal interest from the time it is in the case at bar cannot be considered 'future debt' as envisioned by
judicially demanded. In the absence of stipulation, the rate of interest (H). Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. vs. Arro guarantee future debts that may be incurred by Daicor with petitioner, this law.
shall be 6% per annum to be computed from default, i.e., from judicial as allowed under NCC Art.2053: A guaranty may also be given as
or extrajudicial demand under and subject to the provisions of Article Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, petitioner, vs. Hon. Jose P. security for future debts, the amount of which is not yet known; there There is no proof that when the suretyship agreement was entered into,
1169 of the Civil Code. x x x When the judgment of the court awarding a Arro, Judge of the Court of FirstInstance of Davao, and Residoro can be no claim against the guarantor until the debt is liquidated. A there was a pre-existing obligation which served as the principal
sum of money becomes final and executory, the rate of legal Chua, respondents. conditional obligation may also be secured. obligation between the parties. Furthermore, the 'future debts' alluded
interest...shall be 6% per annum from such finality until its satisfaction, Date: 31 July 1982 Ponente: De Castro, J. to in Article 2053 refer to debts already existing at the time of the
this interim period being deemed to be by then an equivalent to a constitution of the agreement but the amount thereof is unknown,
forbearance of credit." (See Nacar v. Gallery Frames, modifying Eastern Facts: (I). ATOK FINANCE CORPORATION vs. COURT OF APPEALS G.R. No. unlike in the case at bar where the obligation was acquired two years
Shipping Lines v. CA) 80078. May 18, 1993 after the agreement."
executed a comprehensive surety agreement to guaranty, above FACTS:
(G). Willex Plastic, Inc. v. CA, International Corporate Bank (1996) all, any existing or future indebtedness of Davao Agricultural On 27 July 1979, private respondents Sanyu Chemical Corporation as A guaranty or a suretyship agreement is an accessory contract in the
Doctrine: It is never necessary that a guarantor or surety should receive Industries Corporation (Daicor), and/or induce the bank at any time or principal and Sanyu Trading Corporation along with individual private sense that it is entered into for the purpose of securing the performance
any part or benefit, if such there be, accruing to his principal from time to time to make loans or advances or to extend credit to said stockholders of Sanyu Chemical as sureties, executed a Continuing of another obligation which is denominated as the principal obligation.
Daicor, provided that the liability shall not exceed at any time Suretyship Agreement in favor of Atok Finance as creditor. It is also true that Article 2052 of the Civil Code states that "a guarantee
Facts: Php100,000.00. cannot exist without a valid obligation." Nevertheless, a guaranty may
1978: Inter-Resin took out a loan from Manila Bank. As romissory note for Php100,000.00 (for additional capital to the In 1981, Sanyu Chemical assigned its trade receivables outstanding to be constituted to guarantee the performance of a voidable or an
additional security, Inter-Resin and Investment charcoal buy and sell and the activated carbon importation business) Atok Finance in consideration of receipt from Atok Finance of the unenforceable contract. It may also guarantee a natural obligation."
Underwriting (IUCP) executed a Continuing Surety was issued in favor of petitioner RCBC payable a month after amount of P105,000.00. The assigned receivables carried a standard Moreover, Article 2053 of the Civil Code states that a guaranty may also
Agreement stating that they are liable to Manila Bank execution. This was signed by Go in his personal capacity term of thirty (30) days; it appeared, however, that the standard be given as security for future debts, the amount of which is not yet
solidarily for the loan taken out by Inter-Resin and in behalf of Daicor. Respondent Chua did not sign in said commercial practice was to grant an extension of up to one hundred known; there can be no claim against the guarantor until the debt is
promissory note. twenty (120) days without penalties. liquidated. A conditional obligation may also be secured."
1979: Inter-Resin and Willex Plastic executed a Continuing
Guarantee for the loan which Inter-Resin obtained from
for a sum of money against Daicor, Go and Chua. In 1984, Atok Finance commenced action against Sanyu Chemical, the Comprehensive or continuing surety agreements are in fact quite
Investment Underwriting to the extent of P5M.
missed upon his motion, alleging Arrieta spouses, Pablito Bermundo and Leopoldo Halili before the commonplace in present day financial and commercial practice. A bank
1981: Investment Underwriting (IUCP) paid Manila Bank
that the complaint states no cause of action against him as he was not a Regional Trial Court of Manila to collect a sum of money plus penalty or a financing company which anticipates entering into a series of credit
P4M to satisfy Inter-Resins1978 Obligation signatory to the note and hence he cannot be held liable. This was so charges starting from 1 September 1983. Atok Finance alleged that transactions with a particular company, commonly requires the
Investment Underwriting (IUCP) then demanded payment despite RCBCs opposition, invoking the comprehensive surety Sanyu Chemical had failed to collect and remit the amounts due under projected principal debtor to execute a continuing surety agreement
of the P4M from both Inter-Resin and Willexo Inter-Resin agreement which it holds to cover not just the note in question but also the trade receivables. along with its sureties. By executing such an agreement, the principal
paid IUCP P600K from the proceeds of its fire insurance every other indebtedness that Daicor may incur from petitioner bank. places itself in a position to enter into the projected series of
Willex denied obligation, it alleged that it is only a Sanyu Chemical and the individual private respondents sought dismissal transactions with its creditor; with such suretyship agreement, there
guarantor of the principal, hence its liability was only Hence, this petition. of Atok's claim upon the ground that such claim had prescribed under would be no need to execute a separate surety contract or bond for
secondary to the principal and that it did not receive Article 1629 of the Civil Code and for lack of cause of action. The private each financing or credit accommodation extended to the principal
consideration nor benefit from the contract between the Issue: WON respondent Chua may be held liable with Go and Daicor respondents contended that the Continuing Suretyship Agreement, debtor. As we understand it, this is precisely what happened in the case
bank and Inter-Resin. under the promissory note, even if he was not a signatory to it, in being an accessory contract, was null and void since, at the time of its at bar.
light of the provisions of the comprehensive surety agreement wherein execution, Sanyu Chemical had no pre-existing obligation due to Atok
Willex insisted that IUCP should pursue Inter-Resin and
he bound himself with Go and Daicor, as solidary debtors, to pay Finance. As regards the second issue, the contention of Sanyu Chemical was that
apply to the loan the assets of the latter first before going
existing and future debts of said corporation. Atok Finance had no cause of action under the Deed of Assignment for
after it.
After trial the trial court rendered a decision in favor of Atok Finance. On the reason that Sanyu Chemical's warranty of the debtors' solvency had
Willex further alleged that it is guarantor of a loan to ceased. It relied on Article 1629 of the Civil Code which provides: In case
Held: Yes, he may be held liable. Order dismissing the complaint against appeal the CA reversed and set aside the decision of the trial court and
Manila Bank and not to Interbank, hence the Continuing respondent Chua reversed and set aside. Case remanded to court of entered a new judgment dismissing the complaint of Atok Finance. the assignor in good faith should have made himself responsible for the
CRED TRANS digests GUARANTY & SURETYSHIP (Art 2047-2084) Page 4 of 15
solvency of the debtor, and the contracting parties should not have covered UTEFS purchase of fertilizers from Planters Producst. Uy and Otherwise stated, a continuing guaranty is one which covers all Exhibits, pp. 19-20). On the same date, South City Homes, Inc.
agreed upon the duration of the liability, it shall last for one year only, Dio did not sign the application for this credit and were not asked to transactions, including those arising in the future, which are represented by Edgar C. Rodrigueza and Aurelio F. Tablante, likewise
from the time of the assignment if the period had already expired. If the execute suretyship or guarantee. UTEFS executed a trust receipt within the description or contemplation of the contract of executed a Continuing Suretyship Agreement in which said corporation
credit should be payable within a term or period which has not yet whereby it agreed to deliver to Metrobank the goods in the event of guaranty, until the expiration or termination thereof. "jointly and severally unconditionally" guaranteed the "full, faithful and
expired, the liability shall cease one year after the maturity." non-sale, and if sold, the proceeds will be delivered to Metrobank. How : A guaranty shall be construed as continuing when by the prompt payment and discharge of any and all indebtedness" of Fortune
However, UTEFS did not comply with its obligation. As a result, terms thereof it is evident that the object is to give a standing Motors Corporation to BA Finance Corporation.
The debt referred to in this law is the debt under the assigned contract Metrobank demanded payment from UTEFS and the sureties, Uy & credit to the principal debtor to be used from time to time
or the original debts in favor of the assignor which were later assigned Dio. The sureties refused to pay on the ground that the obligation for either indefinitely or until a certain period; especially if the right Fortune Motors Corporation thereafter executed trust receipts covering
to the assignee. The debt alluded to in the law, is not the debt incurred which they executed the continuing suretyship agreement has been to recall the guaranty is expressly reserved. Hence, where the the motor vehicles delivered to it by CARCO under which it agreed to
by the assignor to the assignee as contended by the appellant. Applying paid. RTC ruled in favor of the petitioners, CA affirmed. contract states that the guaranty is to secure advances to be remit to the Entruster (CARCO) the proceeds of any sale and
the said law to the case at bar, the records disclose that none of the made from time to time, it will be construed to be a immediately surrender the remaining unsold vehicles. ). The drafts and
assigned receivables had matured when the Deed of Assignment was Issue: WON petitioners are liable for payment of the 1979 transaction continuing one. trust receipts were assigned to plaintiff-appellant, under Deeds of
executed. under the continuing suretyship agreement they executed in 1977. Assignment executed by CARCO.
Assuming that they are, what is the extent of their liability?
It may be stressed as a preliminary matter that the Deed of Assignment (K). FORTUNE MOTORS v. CA Upon failure of the defendant-appellant Fortune Motors Corporation to
was valid and binding upon Sanyu Chemical. Assignment of receivables HELD: The Supreme Court held that Uy & Dio are liable. The GR 112191 pay the amounts due under the drafts and to remit the proceeds of
is a commonplace commercial transaction today. It is an activity or agreement they executed in 1977 is a continuing suretyship, one which motor vehicles sold or to return those remaining unsold in accordance
operation that permits the assignee to monetize or realize the value of is not limited to a single transaction but which contemplates a FACTS: In 1981, Joseph Chua and Edgar Rodrigueza executed separate with the terms of the trust receipt agreements, BA Finance Corporation
the receivables before the maturity thereof. In other words, Sanyu succession of liabilities, for which, as they accrue, the guarantor surety agreements in favor of Fortune Motors (Phils.) Corporation to sent demand letter to Edgar C. Rodrigueza, South City Homes, Inc.,
Chemical received from Atok Finance the value of its trade receivables it becomes liable. The agreement that petitioners signed expressly cover obligations incurred by Fortune Motors whether they be enforced Aurelio Tablante, Palawan Lumber Manufacturing Corporation, Joseph L.
had assigned; Sanyu Chemical obviously benefitted from the provided that it is a continuing guaranty and shall be in full force and or thereafter made (from the time of said surety contracts). G. Chua, George D. Tan and Joselito C. Baltazar (Folder of Exhibits, pp.
assignment. The payments due in the first instance from the trade effect until written notice to the bank that it has been revoked by the 29-37). Since the defendants-appellants failed to settle their
debtors of Sanyu Chemical would represent the return of the surety. As to the 2nd issue, petitioners are only liable up to the maximum In 1982, Fortune Motors secured cars from Canlubang Automotive outstanding account with plaintiff-appellant, the latter filed on
investment which Atok Finance had made when it paid Sanyu Chemical limit fixed in the continuing suretyship agreements (Php800,000 for Resources Corporation (CARCO) via trust receipts and drafts made by December 22, 1983 a complaint for a sum of money with prayer for
the transfer value of such receivables. Dio and Php300,000 for Uy). The law is clear that a guarantor may bind CARCO. These were assigned to Filinvest Credit Corporation. Later preliminary attachment, with the Regional Trial Court of Manila.
himself for less, but not for more than the principal debtor, both as Filinvest, when the obligation matured, demanded payment from
Article 1629 of the Civil Code is not material. The liability of Sanyu regards the amount and the onerous nature of the conditions (Art. Fortune Motor as well as from Chua and Rodrigueza. No payment was ISSUE: WHETHER OR NOT SURETYSHIP AGREEMENT IS VALID? NO
Chemical to Atok Finance rests not on the breach of the warranty of 2054). CA decision ordering petitioners to pay P2,397,883.68 which made. A case was filed. Rodrigueza averred that the surety agreement
solvency; the liability of Sanyu Chemical was not ex lege but rather ex represents the amount due inclusive of interest and charges, is was void because when it was signed in 1981, the principal obligation HELD: Petitioners assert that the suretyship agreement they signed is
contractu. Under the Deed of Assignment, the effect of non-payment by modified. (1982) did not yet exist. void because there was no principal obligation at the time of signing as
the original trade debtors was a breach of warranty of solvency by the principal obligation was signed six (6) months later. The Civil Code,
Sanyu Chemical, resulting in turn in the assumption of solidary liability Additional info: ISSUE: Whether or not the surety agreement is void. however, allows a suretyship agreement to secure future loans even if
by the assignor under the receivables assigned. In other words, the In Dino v. CA, the Court held that a continuing guaranty is one which the amount is not yet known.
assignor Sanyu Chemical becomes a solidary debtor under the terms of covers all transactions, including those arising in the future, which are HELD: No. Future obligations can be covered by a surety.
the receivables covered and transferred by virtue of the Deed of within the description or contemplation of the contract of guaranty, until Comprehensive or continuing surety agreements are in fact quite Article 2053 of the Civil Code provides that:
Assignment. The obligations of individual private respondent officers the expiration or termination thereof. commonplace in present day financial and commercial practice. A bank Art. 2053 A guaranty may also be given as security for future debts, the
and stockholders of Sanyu Chemical under the Continuing Suretyship or financing company which anticipates entering into a series of credit amount of which is not yet known. x x x
Agreement, were activated by the resulting obligations of Sanyu To repeat, in the present case, the Indemnity Agreement was subject to transactions with a particular company, commonly requires the
Chemical as solidary obligor under each of the assigned receivables by the two limitations of the credit accommodation: projected principal debtor to execute a continuing surety agreement In Fortune Motors (Phils.) Corporation v. Court of Appeals, [ we held:
virtue of the operation of the Deed of Assignment. That solidary liability that the obligation should not exceed P8 million, and along with its sureties. By executing such an agreement, the principal To fund their acquisition of new vehicles (which are later
of Sanyu Chemical is not subject to the limiting period set out in Article that the accommodation should expire not later than places itself in a position to enter into the projected series of retailed or resold to the general public), car dealers
1629 of the Civil Code. November 30, 1981. Hence, it was a continuing surety only in regard to transactions with its creditor; with such suretyship agreement, there normally enter into wholesale automotive financing
loans obtained on or before the aforementioned expiry date and not would be no need to execute a separate surety contract or bond for schemes whereby vehicles are delivered by the
It follows that at the time the original complaint was filed by Atok exceeding the total of P8 million. each financing or credit accommodation extended to the principal manufacturer or assembler on the strength of trust receipts
Finance in the trial court, it had a valid and enforceable cause of action debtor. or drafts executed by the car dealers, which are backed up
against Sanyu Chemical and the other private respondents. In Dino, the surety Agreement specifically provided that each by sureties. These trust receipts or drafts are then assigned
suretyship is a continuing one which shall remain in full force and and/or discounted by the manufacturer to/with financing
The Petition for Review is hereby GRANTED DUE COURSE, and the effect until this bank is notified of its revocation. Since the bank had not companies, which assume payment of the vehicles but with
Decision of the Court of Appeals are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. been notified of such revocation, the surety was held liable even for (L). SOUTH CITY HOMES v. BA FINANCE the corresponding right to collect such payment from the
A new judgment is hereby entered REINSTATING the Decision of the the subsequent obligations of the principal borrower. GR 94566 car dealers and/or the sureties. In this manner, car dealers
trial court. are able to secure delivery of their stock-in-trade without
Furthermore, this Court has ruled in Dio v. CA: FACTS: On January 17, 1983, Joseph L. G. Chua, President of Fortune having to pay cash therefor; manufacturers get paid
(J.) Dio vs. Court of Appeals (1992) Under the Civil Code, a guaranty may be given to secure even future Motors Corporation, executed in favor of plaintiff-appellant a without any receivables/collection problems; and financing
debts, the amount of which may not be known at the time the guaranty Continuing Suretyship Agreement, in which he "jointly and severally companies earn their margins with the assurance of
FACTS: In 1977, Uy Tiam Enterprises and Freight Services (UTEFS), thru is executed. This is the basis for contracts denominated as continuing unconditionally" guaranteed the "full, faithful and prompt payment and payment not only from the dealers but also from the
its representative Uy Tiam, applied for and obtained credit guaranty or suretyship. A continuing guaranty is one which is not discharge of any and all indebtedness" of Fortune Motors Corporation sureties. When the vehicles are eventually resold, the car
accommodations from Metrobank in the sum of Php700,000. This was limited to a single transaction, but which contemplates a future course to BA Finance Corporation. On February 3, 1983, Palawan Lumber dealers are supposed to pay the financing companies --
secured by Continuing Suretyships separately executed by petitioners of dealing, covering a series of transactions, generally for an indefinite Manufacturing Corporation represented by Joseph L.G. Chua, George D. and the business goes merrily on. However, in the event the
Norberto Uy (who agreed to pay Php300,000) and Jacinto Dio (who time or until revoked. Tan, Edgar C. Rodrigueza and Joselito C. Baltazar, executed in favor of car dealer defaults in paying the financing company, may
bound himself liable up to Php800,000). Uy Tiam paid the obligation It is prospective in its operation and is generally intended to plaintiff-appellant a Continuing Suretyship Agreement in which, said the surety escape liability on the legal ground that the
under this letter of credit in 1977. UTEFS obtained another credit provide security with respect to future transactions within corporation "jointly and severally unconditionally" guaranteed the "full, obligations were incurred subsequent to the execution of
accommodation in 1978, which was likewise settled before he applied certain limits, and contemplates a succession of liabilities, for faithful and prompt payment and discharge of any and all indebtedness the surety contract?
and obtained another in 1979 in the sum of Php815,600. This sum which, as they accrue, the guarantor becomes liable. of Fortune Motors Corporation to BA Finance Corporation (Folder of
CRED TRANS digests GUARANTY & SURETYSHIP (Art 2047-2084) Page 5 of 15
x x x Of course, a surety is not bound under any particular principal without his wifes consent and should, thus, be considered as a mere therefore, is that if the obligation is joint and several, the creditor
obligation until that principal obligation is born. But there is no A guarantor or surety does not incur liability unless the principal debtor continuing offer. Like Andrew, Geronimo argued that he ought to be has the right to proceed even against the surety alone.
theoretical or doctrinal difficulty inherent in saying that the suretyship is held liable. It is in this sense that a surety, although solidarily liable relieved of his liability under the surety agreement inasmuch as he too
agreement itself is valid and binding even before the principal with the principal debtor, is different from the debtor. It does not mean, never consented to the repeated loan maturity date extensions given by A Suretyship contract refers to an agreement whereunder one person,
obligation intended to be secured thereby is born, any more than there however, that the surety cannot be held liable to the same extent as the Asianbank to Gateway. the surety, engages to be answerable for the debt, default, or
would be in saying that obligations which are subject to a condition principal debtor. The nature and extent of the liabilities of a guarantor miscarriage of another known as the principal. Geronimos position that
precedent are valid and binding before the occurrence of the condition or a surety is determined by the clauses in the contract of suretyship. After due hearing, the RTC rendered judgment holding Gateway, a surety cannot be made to pay when the principal is unable to pay is
precedent. Geronimo and Andrew jointly and severally liable to pay Asianbank. clearly specious and must be rejected.
ACCORDINGLY, the petition is GRANTED. The questioned decision of
Comprehensive or continuing surety agreements are in fact quite respondent appellate court is SET ASIDE and the decision of the trial Petitioners herein appealed to the CA. Following the filing of its and
commonplace in present day financial and commercial practice. A bank court is REINSTATED. Geronimos joint appellants brief, Gateway filed on a petition for (P). SECURITY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Inc., petitioner, vs.
or financing company which anticipates entering into a series of credit voluntary insolvency6 with the RTC in Imus, Cavite, which was granted. RODOLFO M. CUENCA, respondent.
transactions with a particular company, commonly requires the (N). MOLINO v. SECURITY CA affirmed the decision of the lower court. MR denied, hence this G.R. No. 138544 October 3, 2000
projected principal debtor to execute a continuing surety agreement GR 136780 petition for review under Rule 45.
along with its sureties. By executing such an agreement, the principal
places itself in a position to enter into the projected series of (NO DIGEST SA NET SAD. ) ISSUE: is Geronimo discharged from liability because of the insolvency
petitioner bank cannot hold herein respondent liable for loans obtained in
transactions with its creditor; with such suretyship agreement, there of Gateway, the principal. NO.
excess of the amount or beyond the period stipulated in the original
would be no need to execute a separate surety contract or bond for
agreement, absent any clear stipulation showing that the latter waived his
each financing or credit accommodation extended to the principal (O). GATEWAY v. ASIANBANK HELD: petition denied
right to be notified thereof, or to give consent thereto.
debtor. GR 172041 NO
Asianbank argues that the stay of the collection suit against Gateway
(M). PACIFIC BANKING v. IAC FACTS: Petitioner Gateway Electronics Corporation (Gateway) is a (because its case is transferred to an insolvency court) is without FACTS:
GR 72275 domestic corporation that used to be engaged in the semi-conductor bearing on the liability of Geronimo as a surety. Pursuing the point, Defendant-appellant Sta. Ines Melale (Sta. Ines/SIMC) is a corporation
business. During the period material, petitioner Geronimo delos Reyes Asianbank avers that Geronimo may not invoke the insolvency of engaged in logging operations. It was a holder of a Timber License
FACTS: The case is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of was its president and one Andrew delos Reyes its executive vice- Gateway as a defense to evade liability. Agreement issued by the DENR
the Intermediate Appellate Court. In the case, Cecilia Regala obtained a president. On July 23, 1996, Geronimo and Andrew executed separate
Pacific Credit Card and her spouse, Roberto Regala signed as her but almost identical deeds of suretyship for Gateway in favor of Geronimo counters with the argument that his liability as a surety
guarantor. The holder of the card purchased goods and/or services respondent Asianbank for Domestic Bills Purchased Line and the cannot be separated from Gateways liability. As surety, he continues, he On 10 November 1980, Security Bank and Trust Co. granted appellant
under the pacificard amounting to P92, 803.98. Despite the execution of Omnibus Credit Line. is entitled to avail himself of all the defenses pertaining to Gateway, Sta. Ines a credit line in the amount of (P8,000,000.00) effective til
demand from the bank, the couple did not comply. The trial court including its insolvency, suggesting that if Gateway is eventually November 30, 1981 to assist the latter in meeting the additional
renders judgment for the plaintiff and against the defendants Later developments saw Asianbank extending to Gateway several export released from what it owes Asianbank, he, too, should also be so capitalization requirements of its logging operations.
condemning the latter, jointly and severally, to pay said plaintiff the packing loans .This loan package was later consolidated with A Dollar relieved.
amount of P92,803.98, with interest thereon at 14% per annum, Promissory Note (and secured by a chattel mortgage over Gateways
To secure payment, it executed a chattel mortgage over some of its
compounded annually, from the time of demand on November 17, 1978 equipment. Geronimos above contention is untenable.
machineries and equipments. And as an additional security, its President
until said principal amount is fully paid; plus 15% of the principal
and Chairman of the Board of Directors Rodolfo Cuenca, executed an
obligation as and for attorney's fees and expense of suit; and the costs. Gateway initially made payments on its loan obligations, but eventually Suretyship is covered by Article 2047 of the Civil Code, which states:
Indemnity agreement in favor of Security Bank whereby he bound
defaulted. Upon Gateways request, Asianbank extended the maturity By guaranty a person, called the guarantor, binds himself to the creditor
himself jointly and severally with Sta. Ines.
The defendants appealed to the Intermediate Appellate Court. Wherein dates of the loan several times. These extensions bore the conformity of to fulfill the obligation of the principal debtor in case the latter should
the said court modified only as to appellant Roberto Regala, Jr., so as to three of Gateways officers, among them Andrew. fail to do so.
make him liable only for the purchases made by defendant Celia Aurora Specific stipulations:
Syjuco Regala with the use of the Pacificard from October 29, 1975 up Gateway issued two Philippine Commercial International Bank checks as If a person binds himself solidarily with the principal debtor, the
to October 29, 1976 up to the amount of P2,000.00 per month only, payment for its arrearages and but both checks were dishonored for provisions of Section 4, Chapter 3, Title I of this Book shall be observed.
with interest from the filing of the complaint up to the payment at the insufficiency of funds. Asianbanks demands for payment made upon In such case the contract is called a suretyship. The bank reserves the right to amend any of the
rate of 14% per annum without pronouncement as to costs. Gateway and its sureties went unheeded. As of November 23, 1999, The Courts disquisition in Palmares v. Court of Appeals on suretyship is aforementioned terms and conditions upon written notice
Gateways obligation to Asianbank, inclusive of principal, interest, and instructive, thus: to the Borrower.
ISSUE: Whether or not, Roberto Regalado as a guarantor is limited to penalties, totaled USD 2,235,452.17. As additional security for the payment of the loan, Rodolfo
pay up to only P2000 per month in the liability of his spouse to the said A surety is an insurer of the debt, whereas a guarantor is an insurer of M. Cuenca executed an Indemnity Agreement dated 17
bank? Thus Asianbank filed with the RTC in Makati City a complaint for a sum the solvency of the debtor. A suretyship is an undertaking that the debt December 1980 solidary binding himself:
of money against Gateway, Geronimo, and Andrew. shall be paid x x x. Stated differently, a surety promises to pay the Rodolfo M. Cuenca x x x hereby binds himself x x x jointly
HELD: The undertaking signed by Roberto Regala, Jr. although principals debt if the principal will not pay, while a guarantor agrees and severally with the client (SIMC) in favor of the bank for
denominated "Guarantor's Undertaking," was in substance a contract of In its answer to the amended complaint, Gateway traced the cause of its that the creditor, after proceeding against the principal, may proceed the payment, upon demand and without the benefit of
surety. As distinguished from a contract of guaranty where the financial difficulties, described the steps it had taken to address its against the guarantor if the principal is unable to pay. A surety binds excussion of whatever amount x x x the client may be
guarantor binds himself to the creditor to fulfill the obligation of the mounting problem, and faulted Asianbank for trying to undermine its himself to perform if the principal does not, without regard to his ability indebted to the bank x x x by virtue of aforesaid credit
principal debtor only in case the latter should fail to do so, in a contract efforts toward recovery. to do so. x x xIn other words, a surety undertakes directly for the accommodation(s) including the substitutions, renewals,
of suretyship, the surety binds himself solidarily with the principal payment and is so responsible at once if the principal debtor makes extensions, increases, amendments, conversions and
debtor. It is true that under Article 2054 of the Civil Code, "(A) guarantor Andrew also filed an answer alleging, among other things, that the deed default x x x. revivals of the aforesaid credit accommodation(s) x x x
may bind himself for less, but not for more than the principal debtor, of suretyship he executed covering the Domestic Bills Purchased Line xxxx .
both as regards the amount and the onerous nature of the conditions. It and the Omnibus Credit Line did NOT include the Dollar Promissory
is likewise not disputed by the parties that the credit limit granted to Note, the payment of which was extended several times without his A creditors right to proceed against the surety exists 1985: Cuenca resigned as President and Chairman of the Board of
Celia Regala was P2,000.00 per month and that Celia Regala succeeded consent. independently of his right to proceed against the principal.Under Directors of defendant-appellant Sta. Ines. Subsequently, the
in using the card beyond the original period of its effectivity, October Article 1216 of the Civil Code, the creditor may proceed against any one shareholdings of Cuenca in Sta. Ines were sold at a public auction to
29, 1979. We do not agree however, that Roberto Jr.'s liability should be Geronimo, on the other hand, alleged that the subject deed of of the solidary debtors or some or all of them simultaneously. The rule, Adolfo Angala. Before and after this, Sta Ines availed of its credit line.
limited to that extent. suretyship, assuming the authenticity of his signature on it, was signed
CRED TRANS digests GUARANTY & SURETYSHIP (Art 2047-2084) Page 6 of 15
Sta Ines encountered difficulty in making the amortization payments on 2. that the accommodation should expire not later than documents to the Insurance Company as may be necessary to prove Under the deed of chattel mortgage, B.A. Finance Corporation was
its loans and requested SBTC for a complete restructuring of its November 30, 1981. Hence, it was a continuing surety only the claim, and to collect from the latter the proceeds of insurance to constituted attorney-in-fact with full power and authority to file, follow-
indebtedness. SBTC accommodated SIMCs request and signified its in regard to loans obtained on or before the the extent of its interests, in the event that the mortgaged car up, prosecute, compromise or settle insurance claims; to sign execute
approval in a letter dated 18 February 1988 wherein SBTC and Sta. aforementioned expiry date and not exceeding the total suffers any loss or damage. and deliver the corresponding papers, receipts and documents to the
Ines, without notice to or the prior consent of ] Cuenca, agreed to of P8 million. Insurance Company as may be necessary to prove the claim, and to
restructure the past due obligations of defendant-appellant Sta. Ines. Facts: Spouses Manuel and Lilia Cuady obtained from Supercars, Inc. collect from the latter the proceeds of insurance to the extent of its
To formalize their agreement to restructure the loan obligations of Sta. bought a Ford Escort 1300, four-door sedan in installments. To secure interests, in the event that the mortgaged car suffers any loss or
Ines, Security Bank and Sta. Ines executed a Loan Agreement dated 31 In Dino, the surety Agreement specifically provided that each the faithful and prompt compliance of the obligation under the said damage.
October 1989 suretyship is a continuing one which shall remain in full force and promissory note, the Cuady spouses constituted a chattel mortgage on
effect until this bank is notified of its revocation. Since the bank had not the aforementioned motor vehicle. Supercars, Inc. assigned the
been notified of such revocation, the surety was held liable even for promissory note, together with the chattel mortgage, to B.A. Finance
Sta Ines made payments up to (P1,757,000.00) The defaulted in the
the subsequent obligations of the principal borrower. Corporation. The Cuadys made partial payment leaving an un (S). FIDELIZA J. AGLIBOT, Petitioner,
payment of its restructured loan obligations to SBTC despite demands
paid balance.In addition thereto, the Cuadys owe B.A. Finance .B.A. v. INGERSOL L. SANTIA, Respondent.
made upon appellant SIMC and CUENCA,
(Q). PICZON VS. PICZON Finance Corporation, as the assignee of the mortgage lien obtained the G.R. No. 185945 : December 5, 2012
61 SCRA 67 (1974) renewal of the insurance coverage over the aforementioned motor
SBTC filed a complaint for collection of sum of resulting after trial on the vehicle for the with Zenith Insurance Corporation, when the Cuadys
merits in a decision by the court a quo, from which Cuenca appealed Facts: AGREEMENT OF LOAN failed to renew said insurance coverage themselves. Under the terms FACTS:
and conditions of the said insurance coverage, any loss under the policy
shall be payable to the B.A. Finance Corporation. Engr. Ingersol L. Santia (Santia) loaned the amount of P2,500,000.00 to
CA: Released Cuenca from liability because 1989 Loan Agreement KNOW YE ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Pacific Lending & Capital Corporation (PLCC), through its Manager,
novated the 1980 credit accommodation which extinguished the The motor vehicle figured in an accident and was badly damaged. The petitioner Fideliza J. Aglibot (Aglibot). The loan was evidenced by a
Indemnity Agreement for which Cuenca was liable solidarily. No unfortunate happening was reported to the B.A. Finance Corporation promissory note. Allegedly as a guaranty for the payment of the note,
notice/consent to restructure. Since with expiration date, liable only up That I, ESTEBAN PICZON, of legal age, married, Filipino, and resident of
and to the insurer, Zenith Insurance Corporation. The Cuadys asked the Aglibot issued and delivered to Santia eleven (11) post-dated personal
to that date and up to that amount (8M). Amounted to extension.of and with postal address in the municipality of Catbalogan, Province of
B.A. Finance Corporation to consider the same as a total loss, and to checks drawn from her own account maintained at Metrobank. Upon
time with no notice to suret therefore released from liability. Samar, Philippines, in my capacity as the President of the corporation
claim from the insurer the face value of the car insurance policy and presentment of the checks for payment, they were dishonored by the
known as the "SOSING-LOBOS and CO., INC.," as controlling stockholder,
apply the same to the payment of their remaining account and give bank for having been drawn against insufficient funds or closed
and at the same time as guarantor for the same, do by these presents
them the surplus thereof, if any. But instead of heeding the request of account. Santia thus demanded payment from PLCC and Aglibot of the
contract a loan of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P12,500.00),
the Cuadys, B.A. Finance Corporation prevailed upon the former to just face value of the checks, but neither of them heeded his demand.
(P2) SECURITY BANK V. CUENCA, (2000) Philippine Currency, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, from
have the car repaired. Not long thereafter, however, the car bogged Consequently, eleven (11) Informations for violation of B.P. 22 were filed
Surety: Obligations Secured, Art. 2053 the "Piczon and Co., Inc." another corporation, the main offices of the two
down. The Cuadys wrote B.A. Finance Corporation requesting the latter before the MTCC.
corporations being in Catbalogan, Samar, for which I undertake, bind and
to pursue their prior instruction of enforcing the total loss provision in
Being an onerous undertaking, a surety agreement is strictly construed agree to use the loan as surety cash deposit for registration with the
the insurance coverage. When B.A. Finance Corporation did not respond MTCC acquitted Aglibot. On appeal, the RTC rendered a decision
against the creditor, and every doubt is resolved in favor of the solidary Securities and Exchange Commission of the incorporation papers relative
favorably to their request, the Cuadys stopped paying their monthly absolving Aglibot and dismissing the civil aspect of the case on the
debtor. The fundamental rules of fair play require the creditor to obtain to the "Sosing-Lobos and Co., Inc.," and to return or pay the same amount
installments on the promissory note. In view of the failure of the Cuadys ground of failure to fulfill a condition precedent of exhausting all means
the consent of the surety to any material alteration in the principal loan with Twelve Per Cent (12%) interest per annum, commencing from the
to pay the remaining installments on the note, B.A. Finance Corporation to collect from the principal debtor.
agreement, or at least to notify it thereof. Hence, petitioner bank cannot date of execution hereof, to the "Piczon and Co., Inc., as soon as the said
sued them.
hold herein respondent liable for loans obtained in excess of the incorporation papers are duly registered and the Certificate of
On appeal, the Court of Appeals ruled that the RTC erred when it
amount or beyond the period stipulated in the original agreement, Incorporation issued by the aforesaid Commission.
dismissed the civil aspect of the case. Hence, the CA ruled that Aglibot is
absent any clear stipulation showing that the latter waived his right to
B.A. Finance Corporation contended that even if it failed to enforce the personally liable for the loan.
be notified thereof, or to give consent thereto. This is especially true
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto signed my name in Catbalogan, total loss provision in the insurance policy of the motor vehicle subject
where, as in this case, respondent was no longer the principal officer or
Samar, Philippines, this 28th day of September, 1956. of the chattel mortgage, said failure does not operate to extinguish the Thus, Aglibot filed this instant petition for certiorari. She argued that she
major stockholder of the corporate debtor at the time the later
unpaid balance on the promissory note, considering that the was merely a guarantor of the obligation and therefore, entitled to the
obligations were incurred. He was thus no longer in a position to
circumstances obtaining in the case at bar do not fall under Article 1231 benefit of excussion under Article of the 2058 of the Civil Code. She
compel the debtor to pay the creditor and had no more reason to bind Issue: of the Civil Code relative to the modes of extinguishment of obligations. further posited that she is not personally liable on the checks since she
himself anew to the subsequent obligations.
merely contracted the loan in behalf of PLCC.
Issue: Contending that the Indemnity Agreement was in the nature of a Whether or not Esteban was only a guarantor and not a surety.
Ruling Issue: Whether or not BA Finance ca still collect on the deficiency of the ISSUES:
continuing surety, petitioner maintains that there was no need for
respondent to execute another surety contract to secure the 1989 Loan Under the terms of the contract, Annex A, Esteban Piczon expressly Chattel Mortgage.
bound himself only as guarantor, and there are no circumstances in the I. Whether or not Aglibot is entitled to the benefit of excussion?
Agreement. Correct? NO.
record from which it can be deduced that his liability could be that of a II. Whether or not Aglibot is personally liable on the checks?
Held: That the Indemnity Agreement is a continuing surety does not surety. A guaranty must be express, (Article 2055, Civil Code) and it Held: In granting B.A. Finance Corporation the aforementioned powers
would be violative of the law to consider a party to be bound as a surety and prerogatives, the Cuady spouses created in the formers favor an HELD: The petition is bereft of merit.
authorize the bank to extend the scope of the principal obligation
inordinately. when the very word used in the agreement is "guarantor agency. Thus, under Article 1884 of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
B.A. Finance Corporation is bound by its acceptance to carry out the CIVIL LAW: guaranty; benefit of excussion; Statute of Frauds;
agency, and is liable for damages which, through its non-performance, contracts
In Dino v. CA, the Court held that a continuing guaranty is one which
covers all transactions, including those arising in the future, which are (R). BA Finance Corporation v. Court of Appeals, the Cuadys, the principal in the case at bar, may suffer; in such case, the
G.R. No. 94566 July 3, 1992 assignee of the mortgage agreement is bound by the same stipulation FIRST ISSUE: Aglibot cannot invoke the benefit of excussion.
within the description or contemplation of the contract of guaranty, until
the expiration or termination thereof. and if the assignee failed to file and prosecute the insurance claim when
Under the deed of chattel mortgage, B.A. Finance Corporation was the car was damaged totally, the mortgagor is relieved from his It is settled that the liability of the guarantor is only subsidiary, and all
constituted attorney-in-fact with full power and authority to file, obligation to pay as he suffered a loss because of the failure of the the properties of the principal debtor, the PLCC in this case, must first
To repeat, in the present case, the Indemnity Agreement was subject to
follow-up, prosecute, compromise or settle insurance claims; to sign mortgagee to file the claim. be exhausted before the guarantor may be held answerable for the
the two limitations of the credit accommodation:
execute and deliver the corresponding papers, receipts and debt. Thus, the creditor may hold the guarantor liable only after
1. that the obligation should not exceed P8 million, and