PACL Application by Citizens To Lodha Committee
PACL Application by Citizens To Lodha Committee
PACL Application by Citizens To Lodha Committee
Respected Sir,
Sir, the process from allotment to registration of Sale Deed with revenue
authorities for above property is the same for all allottees which is as
It is submitted that the first 3 activities (1-3) have been handled by PIPL
on behalf of PACL and steps 4 and 5 i.e. the actual Possession and
Registration of Sale Deed is carried out by PACL. This shows that there is
a well defined understanding/agreement between PACL and PIPL and its
veracity can be verified from the following:
The allottees have made payments to PIPL in favour of PIPL A/c MOHALI
TOWNSHIP (this is mentioned in the Project Management Agreement
between PACL and PIPL also) and the same can be ascertained from their
account(s) as allottees payments would have been credited there before
being distributed further to PACL/PIPL accounts.
The allottees of Pearls City Sector 100 and 104, Mohali can be categorised
as follows:
1. The first category of allottees are those who have completed all the
above 5 steps and have registered their Sale Deed. (A sample copy
of Sale Deed is enclosed as Annexure IV)
2. The second category of allottees have completed up to 4th step i.e.
allottee has been offered possession by PIPL and allottee has taken
possession from PACL, but Sale Deed has not been executed. (A
sample copy of Offer of Possession by PIPL and actual Possession by
PACL is enclosed in Annexure V)
3. The third category of allottees has completed payment of 100% and
has not been able to take their possession. They are held up at 3 rd
step by PACL.
4. The fourth category of allottees has paid amounts ranging from
10% to 95% of the plot price. These allottees have not been offered
possession by PIPL/PACL. The 95% payment allottees are awaiting
to pay their last instalment of 5% upon offer of possession by
1. GMADA has approved the Project (Annexure VI) and has also
informed the same on PUDAs website (Annexure VII)
2. GMADA has approved the Building Layout Plan (Annexure VIII) and
collected the relevant fees from allottees (copy enclosed as
Annexure IX)
3. GMADA is giving a completion certificate to houses of allottees
(Annexure X)
RWA also humbly requests that GMADA being the licensing Government
authority has the details of all allottees of Sector 100 and 104, Mohali
which it has collected from the builder. The Honable Lodha Committee
is requested to instruct GMADA to submit the records and relevant
documents of all the allottees to your goodself for your kind
RWA humbly prays that the properties of genuine allottees may be kept
out of the ambit of any auction/sale/transfer to any other party other
than the legal allottees. RWA also requests Honable Lodha Committee
that GMADA may be tasked to initiate collection of balance dues from
allottees, handing them possession, executing the Registered Sale Deeds
and also to sell unsold inventory as proposed in our earlier proposal.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(Jaspal Singh)
Pearls City Mohali Residents Welfare Association(Regd)