IC-34 Key Notes
IC-34 Key Notes
IC-34 Key Notes
Introduction to Insurance
Intro: This chapter presents how insurance helps in times of unexpected eventualities and how insurance is
an important tool of transfer in risk management
Evolution of insurance
The earliest kind of risks to be Marine insurance was the The origins of insurance
addressed through the concept of forerunner to other kinds of business as practiced today, is
insurance was losses due to insurance traced to the Lloyds Coffee
misadventures at sea House in London
Working of insurance
sharing of the losses of a few who are unfortunate to suffer such losses, amongst
Insurance those exposed to similar uncertain events / situations
An asset
Pooling principle
Insurance contract
Chapter 1
Introduction to Insurance
Risk avoidance Risk retention Risk reduction and control Risk financing
Cost of risk
increase in direct
The cost of risk proportion probability and
with both amount of loss
Widespread Industry
Removal of Anxiety
Chapter 2
Principles of Insurance
Intro: The chapter deals with the elements of insurance and the special features of an insurance contract.
Elements of insurance
Marginal /Insignificant
Static risks
Basis of Risk
Nature of Risk
Dynamic Risks
Fundamental Risks
Speculative risk
Result / Consequence /
Outcome Pure Risk
Speculative risk : a situation in which the Pure risk: situations in which the outcomes can result
consequence can be either a profit or a loss only in loss or no loss, but never in gain
Insurance only applies in case of pure risks, where it protects against loss that may arise. Speculative risks
cannot be insured
Chapter 2
Principles of Insurance
by pooling number of risks of all the insured similarly placed and exposed to possibility
of loss due to a peril
Chapter 2
Principles of Insurance
Economic feasibility
Public policy
Chapter 2
Principles of Insurance
Offer and
Legality Consideration
Elements of a
valid contract
Capacity of
the parties between the
Chapter 2
Principles of Insurance
The transfer of all rights and Applicable to only non-life Implies that one cannot gain
remedies, with respect to the insurance more from insurance than one
subject matter of insurance, from has lost through the peril
the insured to the insurer
Insurable interest
an essential ingredient of every insurance contract
considered as the legal pre-requisite for insurance
Proximate cause
Intro: This chapter provides an understanding of the selling profession and the concept of marketing and its
various activities.
Significance of selling
means by which the insurance company seeks to identify, serve, satisfy, and retain or keep the customer.
end purpose and focus of marketing activities is
Marketing activities
Understanding and segmenting customers
Targeting and positioning Implementing the marketing plan
Traditional Selling Marketing
Spotlight is on products & services rather than Spotlight on finding the gap between customers the custome
them today
A firm using a sales orientation focuses primarily A firm with a marketing orientation tries to create on someho
Selling is essentially a strategy of push Marketing is a strategy of pull
Customers covered
Business owners
Cross selling
Cross selling opportunities are major sources for generating sales
Intro: This chapter provides you with an understanding of the legal status of an insurance agent; the various
rules and regulations applicable to agents in general; and to insurance agents in particular.
regulates companies from their registration monitors all major activities of insurance companies
onwards like investments, accounting etc.
Chapter 4
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Insurance Agency
was the basic insurance legislation of the country, governing insurance business in India
has provisions for monitoring and control of operations of insurance companies
The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1964 [amended and re
Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 General Insurance Business (Nationalisation)
Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 Amendment Act, 2002
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
Corporation Act, 1961 Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
Marine Insurance Act, 1963
No agent or corporate agent of life and / shall offer her services to more than one
or non-life insurance company standalone health insurance company
The first time applicant for agency licence For any renewal of licence, the agent
shall have completed from an IRDA approved needs to undergo additional 25 hours of
institution, at least, fifty hours practical training in life or general as the case may
training be from an approved institution
The first time applicant seeking licence to act The Authority may issue a duplicate licence
as a composite insurance agent shall have to replace a licence lost, destroyed, or
completed from an IRDA approved institution, mutilated on payment of fee of rupees fifty
at least, seventy five hours practical training
in life and general insurance business
minimum qualification of a pass in 12th standard or equivalent examination conducted by any recognised
Board/ Institution, where the applicant resides in a place with a population of five thousand or more as
per the last census
a pass in 10th standard or equivalent examination from a recognised Board / Institution if the
resides in any other place
Minor age
Unsound mind
Found guilty of criminal misappropriation or criminal breach of trust / cheating / forgery / abetment of /
attempt to commit any such offence, by a court of competent jurisdiction
Found guilty of knowingly participating in or connived at any fraud, dishonesty or misrepresentation against
an insurer or an insured
In the case of an individual: does not possess the requisite qualifications and practical training for
a period not exceeding twelve months
In the case of a company or firm, if a director/ partner/ the chief executive officers/ other designated
employees: does not possess the requisite qualifications and practical training and have not passed the
prescribed examination
violates the code of conduct as specified by the regulations made by the IRDA
Chapter 4
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Insurance Agency
an agreement whereby one party, to pay the other party, upon the occurrence
A contract called the insurer, undertakes, in namely, the insured, a of a specified event
of return for an agreed consideration, sum of money or its resulting in loss to her
insurance called the premium equivalent in kind / him
Caveat emptor / buyer the buyer is expected to and seller is not liable for
be aware / Buyer be careful while any defects in goods sold
Beware purchasing the goods by her / him
Agent Principal
a person employed to do any act for the person for whom such act is done, or
another, or to represent another in dealing who is so represented
with third persons.
Chapter 4
Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Insurance Agency
An agency is terminated
by the principal revoking her / his authority,
or by the agent renouncing the business of the agency;
or by the business of the agency being completed;
or by either the principal or agent dying
or becoming of unsound mind;
Termination of
agency Section 201 or by the principal being adjudicated an insolvent
under the provisions of any Act for the time being in force for the relief of insolvent
Intro: This chapter discusses the various documents and their importance in an insurance contract. It also
gives an insight to the exact nature of each form, how to fill it and the reasons for calling specific information.
Proposal forms
Elements of a proposal
name in full
The intermediary has a responsibility towards both parties i.e. insured and insurer
As per guidelines, an
insurance company has to
process an insurance
proposal within 15 days
Chapter 5
Premium receipt
As per Insurance Act, Section 64 VB of the Insurance Act-1938
Cover notes are used predominantly in marine and motor classes of business.
Certificate of Insurance Motor Insurance
Provides existence of insurance Issued in addition to the policy, as Provides evidence of insurance
in cases where proof may be required by the Motor Vehicles Act to the Police and Registration
required Authorities
Chapter 5
a condition expressly stated in the policy which has to be literally complied with for validity
If certain terms and conditions of the policy need to be modified at the time of issuance, it is done by setting
out the amendments / changes through a document called endorsement
Interpretation of policies
the intention of the parties must prevail and this intention is to be looked for in the policy itself
the intention of the parties of the contract must prevail, that intention must be gathered from the policy
document itself and the proposal form, clauses, endorsements, warranties etc. attached to it and forming
a part of the contract
Renewal notice
Intro: This chapter presents the basics of underwriting and rate making; the different methods of dealing
with hazards in the process of rating of risks and how to decide the Sum Insured for various types of
insurance policies.
Underwriting basics
Is a factor on which the amount of
premium to be paid by each depends
The probability of loss due to a loss
A rate event (caused by an insured peril)
Is determined by two factors
The estimated amount of loss that
may arise due to the loss event
The need for careful underwriting and risk classification in insurance arises from the simple fact that
not all risks are equal
The purpose of underwriting is to classify risks so that, depending on their characteristics and degree
of risk posed, an appropriate rate of premium may be levied
Ratemaking basics
Rate Ratemaking
The pure premium is suitably loaded or increased by adding percentages to provide for
expenses, reserves and profits
Chapter 6
Theory and Practice of Premium Rating
of the final
rate of
Expenses of
Chapter 6
Theory and Practice of Premium Rating
Rating factors
Proposal form or
Conditions or features or
characteristics which create
or increase the chance of fire, marine, motor, burglary,
loss arising from a given peril Physical
Hazards hazard personal accident, health
Can be classified into
dishonesty, carelessness,
Moral hazard industrial relations, wrong claims
can be reduced using the mechanisms of co-
payment, deductible, sub-limits & offering
incentives like no-claim bonus in health insurance
Chapter 6
Theory and Practice of Premium Rating
Short period scale
Loading of
premium Normally, premium rates are quoted for a
period of twelve months
Applying If a policy is taken for a shorter period, the
warranties premium is charged according to a special
on the scale
of cover policy
Need for short period scales
Methods used by Expenses involved in the issue of the
underwriters to deal policy whether for a 12 months period or a
with physical hazards shorter period, are almost the same
Involve more frequent renewals; if a
Applying proportionate premium is allowed, there
Restricting certain would be a tendency on the part of the
the cover clauses insured to go on taking short period
granted policies and thereby, in effect, pay
premiums in instalments
Imposition Applicable when annual insurance is
of excess/ cancelled by the insured
deductibles Preferred when insurance are seasonal in
character and the risk is greater during
that season
Chapter 6
Theory and Practice of Premium Rating
Sum insured
Sum insured
Health insurance
Motor insurance
Fire insurance
Stocks insurance
Liability insurance
Intro: The chapter discusses common insurance products such as personal accident, health, travel, home
and shop keepers insurance that are bought by retail customers.
issued to large groups that are already in existence for a common purpose, which is
other than insurance
the insured is usually an entity like an employer, a bank, a society or the like
Health insurance
Health insurance: a contract between the insurer and the insured wherein insurer agrees to pay
hospitalisation expenses to the extent of an agreed sum assured in the event of any medical treatment
arising out of an illness or an injury
IRDA lowered the capital requirements for opening standalone health companies, so that more health
insurance companies can be established
These companies brought in a lot of specialised expertise and research into the country
These companies got involved in special schemes of the Government for covering rural masses
Chapter 7
Personal and Retail Insurance
any person who is licensed under the IRDA (Third Party Administrators - Health
Services) Regulations, 2001 by the Authority, and
is engaged, for a fee or remuneration by an insurance company, for the purposes
Third Party of providing health services
the right accorded to transfer the credit gained for pre-existing conditions and time
bound exclusions, from one insurer to another insurer or from one plan to another
plan of the same insurer, provided the previous policy has been maintained
without any break.
Portability moving between policies of the same company itself has been
Chapter 7
Personal and Retail Insurance
Health insurance policies in India normally provide a comprehensive health cover, covering nearly all
illnesses and injuries requiring minimum 24 hours of hospitalization
There are certain waiting periods (usually 48 months) with regard to pre-existing diseases (PEDs), some
specific illnesses like cataract, some procedures like hysterectomy etc., for a defined period which
usually range from one year to four years
In order to promote health insurance, the Government gives certain tax incentives
to policyholders
An important incentive is that the premium paid for health insurance policy qualifies
for tax benefit under section 80D of Income Tax Act
Cashless facility: A facility extended by the insurer to the insured where the payments, of the costs of
treatment undergone by the insured in accordance with the policy terms and conditions, are directly made
to the network provider by the insurer to the extent pre-authorization approved
Chapter 7
Personal and Retail Insurance
As per IRDA Regulations issued in February 2013, all health insurance policies are required to have
the below features / benefits
30 days grace
Free look period period
Period of 15 days During this period, the In case she decides not to allowed beyond the
from the date the customer can decide continue with it, the premium, expiry date of the
documents are whether or not to after making some policy, for renewal
received by the continue with the deductions for expenses,
customer. policy may be refunded in full
Chapter 7
Personal and Retail Insurance
Some of
the perils
covered Emergency dental relief,
Delay or loss of checked baggage,
Householders insurance
Shopkeepers insurance
Usually covers damage to the shop due to fire, earthquake, flooding or malicious
structure and contents damage; and burglary
Motor insurance
must be taken by whose vehicle is registered in her / his
Motor a vehicle owner name with the Regional Transport Authority
insurance in India
Third-Party Insurance
Intro: This chapter focuses on the various kinds of insurance products available for the commercial or
business enterprises or firms, who are engaged in or deal with various kinds of goods and services
It provides indemnity for loss of what is termed as gross profit which includes Net Profit
plus Standing Charges along with the increased cost of working incurred by the insured to get
the business back to normalcy, as soon as possible to reduce the final loss
Burglary insurance
Loss of property following actual forcible and Damage to insured property or premises by
violent entry into the premises or loss followed burglars. Property insured is covered only when
by actual, forcible and violent exit from the it is lost from the insured premises and not from
premises or hold up. any other premises
Rates of premium for burglary policy : depend upon the nature of insured property, the moral
hazard of the insured himself, construction and location of premises, safety measures (e.g. watchmen,
burglar alarm), previous claims experience etc.
Chapter 8
Commercial Insurance
Money insurance
Premium is fixed depending on the insured, estimated total cash carrying liability of the company at any
one time, the mode of conveyance, distance involved, safety measures taken etc.
Chapter 8
Commercial Insurance
Types of Fidelity
Guarantee Policy
The rate of premium depends upon the type of business occupation, status of the employee, the
system of check and supervision
Chapter 8
Commercial Insurance
There are different variations to this policy based on the requirement of banker.
Money securities lost or damaged whilst within the premises due to fire, burglary, riot and strike.
Loss suffered due to any cause whatsoever including negligence of the employees, when the property is
carried outside the premises in the hands of authorized employees.
Forgery or alteration of cheques, drafts, fixed deposit receipts etc.
Dishonesty of employees with reference to money/securities or in respect of goods pledged.
Dispatches by registered post parcels.
Dishonesty of appraisers.
Money lost while in the hands of agents of the bank like Janata Agents, Chhoti Bachat Yojana Agents
Number of
Basic sum Additional sum Number of staff
insured branches
Chapter 8
Commercial Insurance
Section I: Covers loss of or damage to property Section II: Covers loss or damage whilst the
whilst in the premises insured, as a result of fire, property insured is in the custody of the insured and
explosion, lightning burglary, house-breaking, theft, other specified persons.
hold-up, robbery, riot, strikes and malicious damage
and terrorism.
Section III: Covers loss or damage whilst such Section IV: Provides cover for trade and office
property is in transit by registered parcel post, air furniture and fittings in the premises against the
freight etc. risks specified in Section I
Chapter 8
Commercial Insurance
Engineering insurance
suitable for the owner of the cold storage (individual or a cooperative society) or those
who take the cold storage on lease or hire for storage of perishable commodities
Chapter 8
Commercial Insurance
is available to the owner, lessor or hirer, depending upon the responsibility or liability in
each case. It has usually three sections that cover various types of losses:
Section 1: Loss and damage to equipment
Section 2: Loss and damage to external data media like computer external hard disks
Section 3: Increased cost of working - to ensure continued data processing on
substitute equipment upto 12, 26, 40 or 52 weeks
Marine insurance
Marine insurance is classified into two types: marine cargo and marine hull
Liability policy
The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 imposes liability on no fault basis on those who handle
hazardous substances if a third party is injured or his property is damaged during the course of such
Compensation payable
Fatal Accident
Permanent Total Disability
Permanent Partial Disability
Temporary Partial Disablement
Actual Medical Expenses
Actual damage to property up to
Intro: This chapter we will discuss about the procedures and documents involved in claim process and for
disputed claims
Claims settlement process
Promptly settle claims of policyholders without differentiating size of claim or the legal
status of claimant
settlement Insurance officials should handle claims based on merit and do not reject the claim without
examining all the documents
The insurance policy is in force on the date of occurrence of the loss or damage
On receipt of The loss or damage is caused by an insured peril
intimation of
loss or damage
insurers need to The property (subject matter of insurance) affected by the loss is the same as
insured under the policy
Loss / claims assessment is the process of determining whether the loss suffered by the insured
is caused by the insured peril and there is no breach of warranty
Categories of claim
Non-Standard claims Condition of average On account payment
Standard claims
or average clause
Intro: This chapter discusses the importance of customer service and the role of agent to provide customer
Customer service General concepts
Customer defined as the sum of economic benefits that can be derived from building a
lifetime value sound relationship with a customer over a long period of time
Chapter 10
Customer Service
Policy renewal
Insurance agent need to ensure that the incident giving rise to the claim is
The claim immediately informed to the insurer an
Insurance agent need to ensure that customer carefully follows all the formalities
and assists in all the investigations that may need to be done to assess the loss
Chapter 10
Customer Service
Grievance redressal
Reasons of sense of unfairness, a feeling of being cheated
service failure
hurt ego of being made to look and feel small
Word of mouth publicity (Good/Bad) has significant role in selling and servicing
The Act has been amended by the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act,
Chapter 10
Customer Service
Means made available to potential users and includes the provision of facilities in
connection with banking, financing, insurance, transport, processing, supply of
electrical or other energy, board or lodging or both, housing construction,
entertainment, amusement or the purveying of news or other information
It does not include the rendering of any service free of charge or under a contract of
personal service
Buys any goods for a consideration and includes any user of such goods
It does not include a person who obtains such goods for resale or for any
commercial purpose
Hires or avails of any services for a consideration and includes beneficiary of such
Consumer Means a dispute where the person against whom a complaint has been made,
dispute denies and disputes the allegations contained in the complaint
Chapter 10
Customer Service
The Insurance By mutual agreement of the insured and the insurer can act as a mediator and
Ombudsman counsellor within the terms of reference
Communication process
Communication process
Chapter 10
Customer Service
Non-verbal communication
Body language
Be on time always refers to movements, gestures, facial expressions,
confidence and trust
Empathetic listening
Chapter 10
Customer Service
Ethical behaviour
Unethical behaviour happens when the benefits of self are considered more important
than of the other
Placing best interests of the client above ones own direct or indirect benefits
Holding in strictest confidence and considering as privileged, all business and
of ethical
personal information pertaining to clients affairs
Making full and adequate disclosure of all facts to enable clients make informed
Chapter 11
Insurance Career Prospects
Intro: This chapter introduces career of an agent in the nonlife insurance industry & also a brief perspective
about this industry
Rewards of a
able to provide insurance solutions to problems of people is a matter of
career in non-life
immense social value that non-life insurance agents enjoy
insurance sales
social prestige that comes from being instrumental in financially helping out
people who are affected by a misfortune
Chapter 11
Insurance Career Prospects
Banking Regional
Company Rural Bank
Company Co-op.
formed under Society/Co-op.
Companies Bank
Act, 1956
Corporate Panchayat
Firm agent could be /Local
Chapter 11
Insurance Career Prospects
Insurance brokers
broking firm requires a minimum amount of capital and its officers are required to undergo 100 hours
training and pass an examination
both agents & brokers are intermediaries who interact with the insurance company and the customer
Branch Manager
Development Officer / Unit
Marketing Manager / Sales Manager
Sales trainer
Brand management
Other roles beyond Product development
Chapter 11
Insurance Career Prospects
Pre-recruitment Product training Sales training Soft skills
training training