IPEA Assessment Statement Malaysia Update For 2015

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Board of Engineers, The Institution of Engineers, Association of Consulting

Malaysia Malaysia Engineers Malaysia

Issue 2 Revision 1



1 Preamble 4

2 Definition of International Professional Engineer 4

3 Objectives of the Register 4

4 Committee of International Professional Engineer Register 4

5 Purpose of Assessment Statement 5



1 National Monitoring Committee Malaysia 6

2 Registration and Administration Committee 7

3 Membership Application Board 8

4 Standing Committee on Admissions and Practical Training 8

5 Contact Persons 8

6 Flow Chart 9

7 Background on Engineering Institutions in Malaysia 10

a Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) 10

b The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) 10

c The Association of Consulting Engineers, Malaysia (ACEM) 11

8 National Monitoring Committee (Malaysia) Terms of Reference 11

9 Registration and Administration Committee 12

10 IEM Executive Committee and IEM Council 12


1 Requirements for Admission in International Professional Engineer Register 13

2 Accreditation or Recognition of Higher Engineering Education Programme 13

3 Registration as Professional Engineer with BEM 13

4 Graduate Engineer Registration 14

5 Admission as Corporate Member of the IEM 14

6 Admission as IEM Graduate Member 15

7 Alternative Assessment Mechanisms 15

8 Registration Requirement and Attainment of Work Experience 16

9 Completion of 2 years Responsible Charge of Significant Engineering Work 17

10 Maintenance of Continuing Professional Development 17

11 Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics 18

12 Audit of International Professional Engineers 18


1 General Requirement 18

2 Area of Practice and Scope of Education Programme 18


1 General Information 19

2 Guidelines for Candidates 20

3 Route to IPE Membership 20

4 Frequency of Assessment 20

5 Procedure for Assessment to CPD Requirement 20

6 Guidance for Reviewers on Process Flow 20



1 Attachment A BEM CPD Policy for Professional Engineers 23

2 Attachment B BEM Guidelines for Code of Professional Conduct 30

3 Attachment B IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct 34

4 Attachment C Requirements for Specific Disciplines 36

5 Attachment D APEC/IPEA Application Checklist 44

6 Attachment E APEC/IPEA Processing of Applications 45




The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)
and Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM) have participated in the
development of the Register in Malaysia. Malaysia has maintained a Committee to co-
ordinate and monitor the registration of this International Professional Engineer

The actual implementation of and the admission to the Register are handled by IEM.


The International Professional Engineer is defined as a person who is recognised as a

professional engineer and is also corporate member of the professional institution in the
home country. He will then be a professional engineer within an International
jurisdiction, and a person who has satisfied an authorised body in that jurisdiction,
operating in accordance with the criteria and procedures prescribed in The International
Professional Engineer Manual.


The register is part of the initiatives for trade liberalisation in professional services,
reduce barriers and ease the process for engineers to gain access to work and practise in
other jurisdiction.

The purpose of the Register is also to recognise the equivalences in the qualifications and
experience of practising engineers in the participating jurisdictions and to facilitate trade
in engineering services between those participating jurisdictions.


The Registration and Administration Committee shall co-ordinate and approve the
processing of the International Professional Engineer Register within the participating
jurisdictions. Each authorised body, in the International jurisdiction will arranged to
provide timely and accurate information on the status of any practitioner claiming to be
listed on its International Professional Engineer Register to any person or organisation
having a legitimate need for access to such information, to exchange relevant data with
the other authorised Monitoring Committees, and within their jurisdiction, to function as
a simple point of contact for all matters relating to the International Professional

In Malaysia, as required by the IPEA/APEC Engineer Framework, the IPEA/APEC
Engineer National Monitoring Committee was set up. The Committee includes the
representatives from the three leading engineering organisations who are the

As the register was implemented and processing of admission was handled by the IEM, a
Registration and Administration Committee was set up. This Committee monitors and
audits the mechanisms to determine the eligibility of professional engineers under the
Registration of Engineers Act; and corporate members of IEM to be registered in the
International Professional Engineer Register for Malaysia.

Each authorised National Monitoring Committee must further undertake to:

a) accept and promote the substantial equivalence of the competence of International

Professional Engineers registered by other authorised Monitoring Committees ;

b) make every reasonable effort to ensure that the bodies responsible for registering
or licensing professional engineers to practise within their respective jurisdiction
recognise that International Professional Engineers have general technical and
professional competence substantially equivalent to that of engineers already
registered or licensed in that home jurisdiction;

c) ensure that all practitioners registered by them as International Professional

Engineers comply fully with the requirements specified in the IPEA/APEC
Engineer Framework, and that a substantial majority of these practitioners have
demonstrated their compliance through the primary procedures and criteria set
out in the Assessment Statement for that jurisdiction.

d) ensure that practitioners applying for registration as an International Professional

Engineer are required to provide evidence that they have engaged at an
appropriate level of recent continuing professional development (the emerging
norm for continuing professional development programs in the International
economies is an average of 50 weighted hours per year of formal and informal
training broadly related to the area of practice); and

e) ensure that practitioners registered by them as International Professional

Engineers apply from time to time for renewal of their registration, and, in so
doing, provide evidence that they have engaged at an appropriate level of recent
continuing professional development.

The Monitoring Committee in each International jurisdiction recognises that any

agreement, which would confer exemption, in whole or in part, upon International
Professional Engineers from further assessment by the statutory bodies that control the
right to practise in each jurisdiction, could be concluded only with the involvement and
consent of those statutory bodies and the relevant governments. Only complete or
partial exemption of International Professional Engineers from the assessment
mechanism operating in the host jurisdiction is at issue, not exemption from the
requirement to become licensed or registered in the jurisdiction concerned.


The purpose of the Assessment Statement is to provide a framework for the assessment
of qualified engineers to be registered and the name listed in the International
Professional Engineers Register



The term of the Committee members is valid for session April 2013 until April 2014.

The Committee members are as follows:


Y Bhg. Dato' Ir. Hj. Annies Md.



Y.Bhg Dato Ir. Lim Y.Bhg Dato Ir. Dr Gue YBhg. Tan Sri Dato Ir.
Chow Hock See Sew Ir. Wong Loo Min YBhg. Datuk Wira Ir.
Md. Sidek bin Ahmad Dr. Mohd Zulkifli bin
(IEM Rep) (IEM Rep) (ACEM Rep) Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali
Alternate Chairman
(BEM Rep) (BEM Rep)

Datuk (Dr) Ir. Abdul

Ir. Rocky Wong Hon Thang Rahim bin Hashim
(Identified PE) Y.Bhg Dato Ir. Abdul Rashid
(Identified PE)
bin Maidin
(Identified PE)


YBhg. Tan Sri Dato Ir. Y.Bhg Datuk Ir. Prof Dr Ir. Dr Abdul Bakar
Y. Bhg Ir. Datuk Wira Ow Chee Sheng Mahat
Md Sidek bin Ahmad Dr. Mohd Zulkifli bin
Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali


The Committee members are as follows:

APEC/IPEA Registration & Administration Committee


Dato Ir. Abdul Rashid bin

Maidin Dato Ir. Dr Gue See Sew
Ir. Wong Loo Min


Ir. Lee Boon Chong ir. Prof Dr Wan Dato Ir. Prof Dr Ow Ir. Ang Choon Hug Ir. Dr Abdul Bakar Ir. Cheong Chee
Mahmood bin Wan Chee Sheng Mahat Kwong
Abdul Majid

Ex offcio

Dato Ir. Lim Chow Hock Ir. K Gunasagaran

3. Membership Application Board

The Committee members are as follows:

Ir. Lee Boon Chong (Elect) - Chairman
Ir. Kok Yee Hin (Elect)
Ir. Lim Kim Ten (Elect)
Ir. Chew Shee Fuee (Elect)
Ir. Dr. Cheong Thiam Fook (Mech)
Ir. Ng Yong Kong (Mech)
Ir. Dr Tan Chee Fai (Mech)
Ir. Dr. Abu Bakar bin Mahat (Mech)
Ir. Dr. Zainal Fitri bin Zainal Abidin (Mech)
Ir. Dr Tee Horng Hean (Civil)
Ir. Hoo Choon Sean (Civil)
Ir. Pan Wang Fook(Civil)
Ir. Dr Low Tian Huat (Civil)
Ir. Spencer Klumai (Civil)
Ir. Razmahwata Mohamad Razalli (Chem)
Ir. Kim Kek Seong (Chem)

4. Standing Committee on Admissions and Practical Training

The Committee members are as follows:

Ir. Prof Dr Wan Mahmood bin Wan Abdul Majid (Civil) Chairman
Ir. Lee Boon Chong (Elect) Vice Chairman
Ir. Kim Kek Seong (Chem) Secretary
Ir. Mohamed Ali Yusoff (Elect)
Ir. Mohd Aman Hj Idris (Elect)
Dato Ir. Ali Askar bin Sher Mohamad (Elect)
Ir. Dr Lim Yun Seng (Elect)
Ir. Lee Cheng Pay (Elect)
Ir. Assoc. Prof Dr Vigna Kumaran (Electronic)
Ir. Dr Aminuddin bin Mohd Baki (Civii)
Ir. Vincent Chen Kim Kieong (Civii)
Ir. Ong Sang Woh (Civil)
Ir. Koh Hee Poh (Civil)
Ir. Prof Dr Mohd Zamin bin Jumaat (Civil)
Ir. Li Thang Fai (Civil)
Ir. Ishak Abdul Rahman (Civil)
Ir. Juares Rizal (Chem)
Ir. Jayaseelan Nadarajah (Mech)
Ir. Lai Sze Ching (Mech)
Ir. Dr Cheong Thiam Fook (Mech)
Ir. Gary Lim Eng Hwa (Mech)
Ir. Mohd Radzi bin Salleh (Mech)
Dato Ir. Hj Noor Azmi bin Jaafar (Mech)

5. Contact Persons

Dato Ir. Dr Gue See Sew Dato Ir. Lim Chow Hock
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

6. Flow Chart

The flow chart on the role and duties of the Committees is appended:

Revised on 7 August 2012 (at the meeting)

APEC Engineer Co-ordinating Committee (AECC) Secretariat IEA Council

International Professional Engineer Agreement (IPEA)


Economy Economy Economy Economy Economy Economy Economy
Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep Rep
Activities Membership


Economy Economy Economy Rep Economy Economy Economy
Rep Rep (Malaysia) Rep Rep Rep

Role/Functions: Standing Committee on Standing Committee on

IPE/APEC National Monitoring 1. Nominates one member to be Malaysias Corporate Affair Admissions and Practical Training
Committee rep. AECC
2. Oversees the impact the register has on the (APT)
to be appointed
(Elected with consensus by Malaysian economy
3 stakeholders) 3. Monitors the progress of the APEC Register
4. Makes appropriate recommendation on
policy matter related to the operations of the
Licensing Professional Body Practicing Body The Registration Membership
Body IEM ACEM Committee of APEC Application Board
BEM (to appoint 2 reps (to appoint 2 rep Engineers and Int.PE (Under the purview of
(to appoint 2 reps 1 from Industry from International
from BEM Board) -1 from Academic) consultancy Professional Engineers
1. Provide contact point for Malaysia
2. Conduct periodical review of the register Role/Functions:
3. Carry out the registration of APEC Int.PE 1. Vets the applications for Members of
Contact Point Reviewers Engineers with the assistance of the Standing
(for IEM and BEM) Practicing Engineers IEM for registration to be APEC/Int PE
Committee on APT Engineers
- appoint by NMC 2 names recommended by 4. Award certificates
BEM 5. Maintain the register and its website
Academics 6. Provide membership services
- appointed by NMC with 2 names 7. Provide two IEM representatives to the NMC
recommended by IEM

7. Background on Engineering Institutions in Malaysia

a) Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)

Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) is a statutory body constituted under the

Registration of Engineers Act 1967 with perpetual succession and a common seal,
which may sue and be sued. It was formed in 23rd August 1972.

BEM falls within the ambit of responsibility of the Minister of Works. Vested with
wide powers, the Minister may suspend the operation of the Registration of
Engineers Act 1967 (REA 1967) in any part of Malaysia by notification in the
gazette. The appointment of the Board Members and the Registrar is made by the

Its primary role is to facilitate the registration of engineers and regulate the
professional conduct and practice of registered engineers in order to safeguard
the safety and interest of the public.

Through its mechanism of control, BEM has taken upon itself to reclassify the
engineering works, streamline the Scale of Fees and amend the Engineers Act to
reflect the pragmatic needs of the engineers and engineering industry. The
objectives among others are:

1. To enforce the implementation of Continuing Professional Development

2. To add more functions and advise the Government & Public.
3. To enforce the penalty in the REA 1967.
4. To enforce the suspension period.
5. To introduce new Part that deals with the establishment, powers &
conduct of proceedings of a Disciplinary Committee.
6. Take action on submitting engineer related to Certificate of Completion
and Compliance (CCC) or others.
7. Impose additional conditions to ensure engineers follow latest

b) The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) was established on 1 May 1959 and
its primary function is to promote and advance the science and profession of
engineering in any or all of its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of
information and ideas related to engineering.

Being the premier civil service and professional institution, IEM promotes sound
professional engineering practice in support of the socio-economic development
objectives of the nation. IEM services the needs and interests of its members and
the public and uphold the social standing and image of the engineering profession.
The Institution continues to contribute towards nation building and strives to
enhance societys consciousness of science and technology.

The objectives are:

1. to hold meetings, exhibitions and visits, and such other

activities as The Institution may deem incidental or conducive to
the promotion or attainment of the profession of engineering;

2. to raise the character and status and advance the interests of the
profession of engineering and those engaged therein;

3. to promote honourable practice, and professional etiquette among

members of The Institution;

4. to communicate to members information on all matters affecting

the profession of engineering and to print, publish, issue and
circulate such publications as may be deemed conducive to any of
the objects of The Institution; and

5. to do such other things as the Institution may think incidental or

conducive to the attainment of the objects of The Institution.

c) The Association of Consulting Engineers, Malaysia (ACEM)

Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia, as its name implies, was formed

with the object of promoting the advancement of the profession of consulting
engineering by associating together for consultation and cooperation those
engineers whose work is of a purely consultative character, and of providing
facilities for Governments, Public Bodies, Associations representing industry and
trade, and others to confer with Consulting Engineers as a body and to ascertain
their collective views.

One of the primary objects of the Association is to ensure that Consulting

Engineers undertaking to advice on engineering matters shall be fully qualified
engineers in their respective fields and should act in all professional matters in a
strictly fiduciary capacity to their clients.

8. National Monitoring Committee (Malaysia) Terms of Reference

The National Monitoring Committee is based at the BEM. While the Registration and
Administration Committee to process membership for International Professional
Engineers Register is based in the IEM. The ACEM provides representatives to serve in
both these two Committees.

The term of reference to this Monitoring Committee is to:

1. Oversee the impact the register has on the Malaysian jurisdiction

2. Monitor the progress of the International Professional Engineer Register
3. Make appropriate recommendation on policy

9. Registration and Administration Committee

The IEM is the assessing body for qualifications and experience required for placement in
the International Professional Engineer Register. IEM sets up this Committee with the
following Terms and Reference

1. To develop and maintain an assessment system to ensure that International

Professional Engineers meet the conditions of registration
2. To maintain the International Professional Engineer Register in Malaysia
3. To ensure that the registration of International Professional Engineers in
Malaysia is in compliance with the conditions of registration
4. To process all applications for International Professional Engineers Register
5. To maintain a database of registered International Professional Engineers and
their status
6. To receive, investigate and if possible resolve any complaints against
International Professional Engineers
7. To participate in any affairs and deliberations of the IPE/APEC Registration and
Administration Committee
8. To forward any statement and information of the IPE/APEC Registration and
Administration Committee to the Stakeholders and to make proposal and review
or recommendation for action.
9. To publish information on assessment procedures, criteria, systems and
10. To maintain the records and documentation of Review status in Malaysia
11. To maintain the IPE/APEC website for Malaysia
12. To provide the names of suitable members or representatives for the review of
member jurisdiction.
13. Function as the point of contact on all matters relating to International
Professional Engineers and the IEA Secretariat

10. IEM Executive Committee and IEM Council

As The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia has been entrusted to be the administrator of

the two Registers; and has all the registration processes in place; and since the IEM is also
the appointed institution for the conducting of both the Professional Interview and the
Professional Assessment Examination for the Professional Engineers status, it was
agreed by the National Monitoring Committee that for the purpose of logistic and
working efficiency, the IEM Executive Committee and the IEM Council be the appointed
authority to approve all applications on their behalf.

The names of the approved International Professional and APEC Engineer will then be
reported back to the NMC for endorsement.

1 Requirements for admission in International Professional Engineer Register

The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia is the appointed assessing body to process

applicants seeking registration as International Professional Engineers in Malaysia.
Eligibility for admission to International Professional Engineer Register is limited only to
engineers who have completed an accredited or recognised engineering programme;
registered as a Professional Engineer under the Registration of Engineers Act; and/or is a
Corporate Member of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia who is a Professional
Engineer of the Board of Engineers Malaysia; and who has been approved for
independent practice. The Route to Professional Engineers, Accredited Qualification for
Registration As Graduate Engineers, the Accreditation manual of the Engineering
Accreditation Council Malaysia and Engineering Qualification Assessment Procedures
also from the Engineering Accreditation Council of Malaysia will be used to assess the
registration as the International Professional Engineer. For the IEM, there is the need to
comply with the admission as Graduate Member of the Institution, the route to MIEM, IEM
Professional Interview Regulations, Appointment of Professional Interviewers and the
requirement to fulfil the 50 points CPD for the year.

The assessment mechanism is applicable to all engineering disciplines. All requirement

and rules are now available in the IPEA/APEC website hosted at IEM under the Resource

2 Accreditation or Recognition of Higher Engineering Education Programme

All applicants for registration shall satisfy the following criteria:-

a) A Professional Engineer registered under the Registration of Engineers Act and/or

a Corporate Member with The Institution of Engineers Malaysia who is a
Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia;
b) Seven years experience after graduation in a recognised engineering discipline;
c) Have spent a minimum of two years experience in responsible charge of significant
engineering work (may be obtained within the seven years experience)
d) Maintained continuing professional development at a satisfactory level and attained
the score as listed in the requirement of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and The
Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) .

The applicant is eligible for independent practice and having a valid practising certificate.
The applicant should have completed an engineering degree programme which is
accredited and/or assessed to be substantially equivalent to a recognised engineering
degree programme accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Council. All applicants
must agree to be bound by the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics of both the IEM
and BEM.

3. Registration as Professional Engineer with BEM

To be eligible for professional registration, an engineer must first have to be registered as

a Graduate Engineer upon graduation with an accredited engineering degree as provided
in the Registration of Engineers Act which governs the practice of engineering in
4 Graduate Engineer Registration

In accordance with the provisions in the Registration of Engineers Act, Malaysia, any
person who wants to take up employment as an engineer must be registered as a
Graduate Engineer with BEM. BEM recognises the experience gained by an engineering
graduate only after he has registered as a Graduate Engineer. As such, it is prudent for an
engineering graduate to register as a Graduate Engineer at the very beginning of his
engineering career.

A copy of the Registration of Engineers Act could be obtained from the website of BEM at

The recognised academic qualification for registration as a Graduate Engineer with BEM
includes the following:

a) An engineering degree accredited/recognised by BEM available in an approved list

maintained by BEM or;

b) Pass in Part I & Part II of the Engineering Council Examination of United Kingdom

c) Pass in Part I & Part II of the IEM/BEM Graduate Examination in any particular

5. Admission as Corporate Member of the IEM

Under the Constitution of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, the applicant must
satisfy the Council of the Institution that he has attained such standard as set by the
Council to testify to his proficiency as a professional engineer, and that he is worthy of
election in accordance to the Bylaws and Regulations of the Institution. Any applicant
desirous of being a member of the Institution shall be proposed and seconded. The
proposed form shall be signed by not less than two (2) Corporate members of whom at
least one (1) shall be a Fellow of the Institution or a member of not less than 10 years
standing in the Institution. The applicant must also indicate that he had undergone the
Institution training scheme drawn up to provide practical training of young graduates
entering the profession of engineering and to ensure that such training confirms to the
election of Corporate members. Applicant is expected to obtain his practical experience
in planning design, execution or management of such works as stipulated and relevant for
the profession of an engineer. The applicant can apply to sit for the Institution
Professional interview after having undergone at least three years of relevant work
experience, either through the IEM Training Scheme or the Log Book Scheme or working
experience under the guidance of a Corporate Member of IEM and a P.Eng of the same

Other training scheme(s) bearing similar provisions as the Institution training scheme
may be accepted as its equivalent. However prior approval of the Institution is required
for such scheme to be accepted.

Information on the IEM Professional Interview and the Training Scheme is available at
the IEM website at www.iem.org.my

The professional interview so conducted by IEM requires the appointment of 2
Professional Interviewers. The Principal Interviewer is required to be at least not less
than 7 years of experience while his second interviewer not less than 5 years. The
Principal Interviewers require at least interviewing experience of serving as a second
interviewer for at least three occasions. The professional interviewers will review the
practical work experience claimed and assess the competency. During the interview, the
applicant must be able to show that he can apply in practice, the theory of at least one of
the branches of engineering science, and he must be ready to answer questions related to
his work experience basically based on knowledge of engineering processes,
management, and understanding of investigation, planning, design, construction,
manufacture, operation, maintenances and research. The applicants must have acquired
an understanding of the fundamental processes of research, investigation, planning,
analysis, design and construction wherever relevant by actually taking part in
contributing to these processes in connection with an engineering research or project,
whether or not it is brought to conclusion or fruition.

Acceptable engineering experience will have to include design as well as sufficient site
exposure. The applicant will then have to complete the writing of two essays whereby the
applicant needs to demonstrate and understanding of professional conduct, his
understanding of the ROLE of engineers in the Society vis--vis his professional Code of
Conduct and that he can write and present in a clear and concise manner.

6. Admission as IEM Graduate Member

A graduate member of the Institution must be a person who in respect of his age, his
educational attainment and his practical training complies with the requirement of the
Bylaws and Regulations. His degree must be accredited by the EAC.

7. Alternative Assessment Mechanisms

Any individual who failed to comply with the requirement for registration with the BEM
or for admission to the IEM and who has not complete an accredited engineering degree
programme can meet the academic requirement through an examination programme.
The applicant can apply to sit for the Examinations conducted by the Institution in whole
or in parts as approved by the Council. The Council may approve in whole or in part
particular university degrees and other academic qualifications as demonstrating a
sufficient standard of education and may grant such exemption from the Institution
Examination as it thinks fit.

A graduate of an accredited engineering programme of EAC whether locally or overseas is

considered to have met the academic qualification requirement. EAC evaluates local
engineering programme. Accreditation of overseas engineering degree programme is
based on the signatories to Washington Accord. For those not listed in the Accord,
recognition is on case to case basis. Any applicant or graduate who have not completed
or failed to satisfy the requirement of the EAC accredited programme may also reinforced
his basic degree with a Master degree in course work taken from a recognised and
accredited university to reinforce his basic degree. The reinforced Master degree must be
in the same discipline or branch of engineering as the basic degree.

8. Registration Requirement and Attainment of Work Experience

All applicants are required to have a minimum of 3 years of acceptable engineering

experience prior to being registered as Professional Engineer or elected as Corporate
member of the IEM. Acceptable engineering experience not only include what was
mentioned in item 5 above but also include the application of theory and should provide
exposure to or experience in the following broad areas; management, communication and
the social implications of engineering.

All applicants for IPE shall require at least a minimum of 7 years of relevant practical
work experience after completing the accredited or recognised engineering programme.
Assessment of the applicants practical work experience shall be based on the submission
of a typed written report indicating the significance and level of responsibility of the
engineering scope of work the applicant had done in his years of employment. The report
is to demonstrate the applicants professional practice experience which, directly or
indirectly, involved his engineering skills, knowledge, leadership qualities and judgement.
The documentation of this record has to be certified by a senior engineer who is his peers
or another engineer who has personal knowledge of his experience. The calibre of the
applicant would have been based on the interview conducted by the Professional
Interviewers prior to being registered as Professional Engineers and Corporate Member
of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia.

The definition of significant charge is based on the The APEC Engineer Manual,
published in November 2002. The responsible charge of significant engineering work is
therefore defined as: -

The definition of significant engineering work will vary between economies and disciplines.
As a general guideline, the work should have required the exercise of independent
engineering judgment, the programs concerned should have been substantial in duration,
cost, or complexity, and the applicant should have been personally accountable for their
success or failure. In general, an applicant may be taken to have been in responsible charge
of significant engineering work when they have: -

a) planned, designed, coordinated and executed a small project, or

b) undertaken part of larger project based on an understanding of the whole project,
c) undertaken novel, complex and/or multi-disciplinary work

The specified period of two years may have been completed in the course of the seven years
practical experience since graduation

9. Completion of 2 years responsible charge of significant engineering work

Application for International Professional Engineers status requires the candidate to

spend at least 2 years in responsible charge of significant engineering work. The period
would be within the course of his practical experience since graduation. The assessment
of his responsible charge would be based on the submission of his experience report and
certified by a Professional Engineer or Member of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia.

10. Maintenance of Continuing Professional Development

The Board of Engineers Malaysia has established the need to also collect Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) Programme with the objective to ensure lifelong
learning and to provide a framework through which professional engineers could
maintain a record of systematic documentation and maintenance to improve and
broadened his knowledge and skill development of personal qualities for execution of
professional and technical duties throughout the engineers working life. Al l professional
engineers who are registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia would need to
maintain a required number of CPD agreed upon at 50 hours per year and 150 hours
collected over a period of three years in order to renew an annual practicing certificate.

Details of the BEM CPD Policy is enclosed as Attachment A.

11. Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics

All professional engineers registered with Board of Engineers, Malaysia and The
Institution of Engineers Malaysia re bound by the Registration of Engineers Act and the
Code of Professional Conduct and IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct could be
referred in Attachment B

12. Audit of International Professional Engineers

A member registered in the International Professional Engineer Register may be

subjected to random audit of their current curriculum vitae and records of professional
development over the immediate past three year period by an assessor or assessors
appointed by the National Monitoring Committee.


1 General Requirement

The engineering disciplines recognised for the purpose of International Professional

Engineer Register are listed as :


Building Services

A point to note is this list may be expanded when the need arises. An applicant can be
registered in one or more disciplines provided he meets the necessary requirement in
each and every one of the discipline he is to be registered.

2. Area of Practice and Scope of Education Programme

The area of practice and the scope of education programme that the applicant must
comply are listed in the IEM PI Guidelines revised 2011 attached as per Attachment


1. General Information

The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia processes all applications for the International
Professional Engineer Register. The evaluation of qualifications and experiences are
normally required for applicants seeking registration as International Professional
Engineers in Malaysia. Applicants must submit an application for IntPE membership.
He must also submit a documentation of his academic qualification and acquire
recognised engineering practical experience as mentioned in Part B and his discipline
of engineering as mentioned in Part C above. An application form is to be completed for
this purpose.

An International Professional Engineer is defined as a person who is recognised as a

professional engineer within a IntPE jurisdiction, and has satisfied an authorised body
in that jurisdiction, operating in accordance with the criteria and procedures approved
by an international co-ordinating committee that they have :

- Completed an accredited or recognised engineering programme; or assessed

recognised equivalent; and
- Been assessed within their own jurisdiction as eligible for independence
practice; and
- Gained a minimum of seven (7) years practical experience since graduation;
- Spent at least two years in responsible charge of significant engineering
work; and
- Maintained their continuing professional development at a satisfactory level.

In Malaysia, engineers to be eligible for entry into the International Professional

Engineer Register, they must :-

a) An applicant must registered as a Professional Engineer under the Registration

of Engineers Act; and/or
b) A Corporate member of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia and a
Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia; and
c) Have gained a minimum of seven (7) years practical experience since
graduation; and
d) Have spent at least two (2) years in responsible charge of significant
engineering work; and
e) Have maintained their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) at a
satisfactory level.

It is the requirement that applicants for the IntPE Register in Malaysia submit their
curriculum vitae to show that they had two years responsible charge of significant
engineering work after graduation.

The work experience concerned must be verified by a Registered Professional Engineer

or a Corporate member of IEM or an APEC Engineer or an International Professional
2. Guidelines for Candidates

When an applicant who is a PEng and/or MIEM wishes to be registered on the

International Professional Engineer Register, he would need to follow the guide as
indicated in the checklist for IPE/APEC Processing and the flowchart Attachment D
and Attachment E respectively besides completing the form. Other guides were
documented in power point presentations to which regular briefing and evening talks
were presented by various groups of Committee members related to the different
application processes and stages.

Members registered and kept in the Register are members who have been assessed and
shown to have satisfied the requirement for both being academically qualified and is
practicing engineering in a discipline which he is competent and is able to act
independently in his engineering practice.

3. Route to IPE membership

The assessment of the applicants ability has to go through the processing of the
application form to ensure that the applicant comply with all the requirement as
indicated in the checklist mentioned in item 2 and the evaluation of his documentation
by two Committee members of the Membership Application Board, of which one of the
assessor must be in the same discipline as the applicant.

The application is then presented to two meetings namely the Application Board
Meeting and Meeting of the Standing Committee on Admissions and Practical Training
before submitting to the Executive Committee of the IEM Council for final approval.

The applicant is registered only after he had make payment of the membership due
when a membership number and certificate will be issued. Continuous monitoring of
the progress would be through his yearly submission of the CPD points.

4. Frequency of Assessment

Assessment is to be carried out as and when necessary.

5. Procedure for Assessment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The NMC will appoint two Reviewers who will have to look through the list of member
picked at random and check on their CPD submission. The selected members file will be
presented for review and documentation of his CPD provided. A report would be
submitted after the finding is completed.

6. Guidance for Reviewers on Process Flow

Reviewers or members of the Assessment Panels has the flow chart on processing of
applications indicating the process flow of the applications from the time the
application is received at the secretariat until it is admitted/elected and approved to
become the member of the Institution, a professional engineer and later apply for
registration as an International Professional Engineer. The flow charts are documented
a) Membership Processing
b) Processing for Admission (Graduate)
c) Processing for Election (Member)
d) Processing for Professional Interview
e) Processing IPE/APEC Application

To enable the Reviewers further understanding a power point process flow and
requirement as well as the entire process of admission/election is documented to bring
the Reviewer through the course of the application process.


All document can be view at the website of both Board of Engineers Malaysia and The
Institution of Engineers, Malaysia

i) Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (Revised 2007) (Revised 2015) Act 1158

ii) Constitution and Bylaws of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (inclusive of

amendments up to March 2013)

iii) Booklet on Functions and Role of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (LJM 000
16/95) http://www.bem.org.my/v3/aboutus.html

vi) Application for admission/transfer to the Grade of Graduate Member of The

Institution of Engineers , Malaysia
v) Booklet on Requirements and Procedures for Registration as Graduate Engineers
(LJM 00017/95)

vi) Booklet on Accredited Qualifications for Registration as Graduate Engineers (LJM

00018/95) http://www.eac.org.my/web/list_accredited.html

vii) Engineering Programme Accreditation Manual 2nd Edition


viii) Booklet on Engineering Qualification Assessment Procedures (LJM 000 19/95)


ix) Application for election/transfer to the Grade of Member of The Institution of

Engineers Malaysia

x) Booklet on Route to Professional Engineer Guidelines (LJM 00020/95)


xi) The IEM Professional Interview Guidelines



i) BEM CPD Policy for Professional Engineers Attachment A

ii) BEM Guidelines for Code of Professional Conduct Attachment B

iii) IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct Attachment B

iv) Requirements for Specific Disciplines Attachment C

v) APEC/IPEA Application Checklist Attachment D

vi) APEC/IPEA Processing of Applications Attachment E

Attachment A


Attachment B

Attachment B




A Code of Professional Conduct designed to cover all eventualities must necessarily be written in general
terms expressing broad ethical principles. Almost every case of doubt as to the proper course of action required to
conform to the Code of Professional Conduct arises from a conflict between a members personal interest and his
duty to others.

Regulations issued by the Council to interpret the Code indicate the manner in which members are required
to conduct themselves in a number of situations that are frequently encountered. In other situations, members are
required to order their conduct in accordance with the principle that, in any conflict between a members personal
interest and fair and honest dealing with other members of the community, his duty to the community must prevail.

A. The following Regulations on Professional Conduct are made by the Council under Section IX of the Bylaws.
In these regulations member means a member of any grade referred to in Section II of the Bylaws, and employer
includes client.

B. (1) A member shall at all times take care to ensure that his work and the products of his work constitute no
avoidable danger of death or injury or ill health to any person.

(2) A member shall take all reasonable steps to avoid waste of natural resources, damage of the environment,
and wasteful damage or destruction of the products of human skill and industry.

(3) A member shall take all reasonable steps to maintain and develop his professional competence by attention
to new developments in science and engineering relevant to his field of professional activity and, if he is an
employer, shall encourage his professional employees to do likeness.

(4) A member shall not undertake responsibility as professional engineer which he does not believe himself
competent to discharge.

(5) A member shall accept personal responsibility for all work done by him or under his supervision or
direction, and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons working under his authority are
competent to carry out the tasks assigned to them and that they accept personal responsibility for work
done under the authority delegated to them.

(6) A member called upon to give an opinion in his professional capacity shall, to the best of his ability, give
an opinion that is objective and reliable.

(7) A member whose professional advice is not accepted shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the
person overruling or neglecting his advice is aware of any danger which the member believes may result
from overruling or neglect.

(8) A member shall not make any public statement in his capacity as a professional engineer without ensuring
that his qualification to make such a statement and any association he may have with any party which may
benefit from his statement are made known to the person or persons to whom it is directed.

(9) A member shall not, in self-laudatory language or in any manner derogatory to the dignity of the
profession advertise or write articles for publication, nor shall he authorise any such advertisement or
article to be written or published by any other person.

(10) A member shall not recklessly or maliciously injure or attempt to injure, whether directly or indirectly, the
professional reputation, prospects or business of another engineer.

(11) A member shall inform his employer in writing of any conflict between his personal interest and faithful
service to his employer.

(12) A member shall not improperly disclose any information concerning the business of his employer or of any
past employer.

(13) A member shall not accept remuneration in connection with professional services rendered to his employer
other than from his employer or with his employers consent; nor shall he receive directly or indirectly any
royalty, gratuity or commission on any article or process used in or for the purposes of the work in respect
of which he is employed unless or until such royalty, gratuity or commission has been authorised in
writing by his employer.

(14) A member shall not improperly solicit work as an independent advise or consultant, either directly or by an
agent, nor shall he pay any person, by commission or otherwise, for the introduction of such work.

(15) A member acting as an independent adviser or consultant shall not be the medium of payment made on his
employers behalf unless so requested by his employer; nor shall he place contracts or orders in connection
with work on which he is employed, except with the authority of and on behalf of his employer.

Attachment C




a) A potential candidate is expected to have knowledge/ experience in areas related to the Chemical

b) The candidate is expected to possess and apply Chemical Engineering knowledge including but not
limited to Transfer Processes, Unit Operations, Reaction Engineering, Thermodynamics, Control and
Instrumentation and Process economics and Costing.


The candidate is expected to have experience in the process and engineering design, fabrication
requirements, material selection and erection requirements of process plant units which may include the
preparation of process flow sheets showing heat and mass balances;


The candidate is expected to have some experience in the start-up and commissioning and operation
and/or testing and evaluation studies, trouble-shooting, performance enhancement and maintenance and
planning coordination of chemical plants and items of equipment.


The candidate is expected to have experience in the office or management of projects. This may be in the
form of general engineering management which may include Marketing of Engineering Products and
Services; Projects; Contracts; R&D; Quality; Technical Services; and Health, Safety and the Environmental
aspects of Chemical Engineering Operations including related regulations and legislation control.


The candidate is expected, where appropriate, to submit drawings and calculations for the design and
selection, in whole or in part, or an item of work relating to Chemical or Process Engineering e.g. heat
exchangers; absorption towers; distillation plant; liquor filters; gas dedusting equipment; plant layouts. A
candidate may also submit notes or reports on performance test and feasibility studies.



a) The candidate should have sufficient site experience expected of an engineer, who has spent a minimum
aggregate of twelve (12) months at site.

b) The candidate should have sufficient design office experience expected of an engineer, who has spent a
minimum aggregate of twelve (12) months in the design office. The candidate should be able to
demonstrate that he is thoroughly conversant with engineering design and he should have sufficient
maturity to understand his own limitations. The candidate should also be able to indicate to the
interviewers, his ability to develop himself further in his profession.

c) A candidate should be able to demonstrate a high degree of proficiency in the analysis and detailing of
structural elements. The candidate who is involved in civil engineering infrastructural works should
have sufficient broad experience in earthworks, drainage, water reticulation, sewerage and road works.
The candidate who has involved principally in large civil engineering works such as dam, water
treatment must be able to demonstrate in depth knowledge in the particular field of works and at least
understanding of the other areas. Design Coordination or Project Monitoring of the design or site works
will not be considered.



On top of the above requirements, civil engineering candidates in specialized fields may submit their
documents as follows:

(B1) Highway & Transportation:

Drawings, calculations and quantities to show adequate knowledge of the practical of the theory of
civil engineering design in relation to highway engineering, e.g. geometric design; interchange
design; bridge design; retaining walls; earthworks; pavement; drainage; road furniture




(B2) Tunnelling and Underground Space:

Drawings and calculations for the detailed design tunnels involving soil and rock mechanics such
as the stability and deformation of the tunnel and underground space structures, underground
caverns, and cut & cover structures.



(B3) Water Resources:

River basin study, prefeasibility or feasibility study of water resources development, computer
modelling or water resources system, flood and drought forecasting, etc.
Drawings and calculations and quantities for the design of an item of work related to hydrology.
Record of fieldwork in hydrology, surface and groundwater hydrology, and water resources





A candidate is expected to have knowledge and experience in the design, installation, operation and/or
maintenance of electrical installation or system with a voltage of at least 400V, three phase and
operating current of at least 300A. He is expected to have sound electrical engineering knowledge and
the ability to use such knowledge to solve electrical engineering problems that can arise in the course
of his work. He is expected to be familiar with rules and regulations relating to the electricity industry,
particularly those affecting his work. The candidate is expected to have sufficient exposure to medium
voltage (1kV up to 33 kV).


The candidate is expected to have some experience in design of electrical system, installation, plant or
equipment, which may include alteration or modification works. He shall be familiar with basic design
principles and shall have a working knowledge of electrical distribution, protection, safety and the
rules and regulations that govern them for a minimum of one year covering the following areas.

(i) Acts and regulations
(ii) Technical standards and their optimal applications and good engineering practices
(iii) Assessment of load characteristics (demands, power quality, EMC, earthing, etc) of electrical
(iv) Safety and health against electrical hazards direct and in direct or secondary.
(v) Characteristics and particulars of low voltage and high voltage system up to 11 kV
(vi) Protection and fault discriminations electric shock, over current, arc flash and Short circuit.
(vii) Design and/or specifying and sizing electrical systems / components optimally effective
efficient, maintainable and cost optimized.
(viii) Electrical installations of buildings to MS IEC 60364 or equivalent standards)


The candidate is expected to have some experience in the supervision, installation, operation or
maintenance of an electrical system, installation, plant or equipment and is expected to have good
working knowledge of such system, installation, plant or equipment and the rules and regulations
governing their installation, operation or maintenance for a minimum of six months in the following

(i) Acts and regulations, technical standards

(ii) Comply with safety and health practices
Comply with electrical installations of buildings to MS IEC 60364 or equivalent standards, code
of practices and good engineering practices
(iii) Application of design experience to modification and upgrading works.)


The candidate is expected to have some experience in the office or the management of projects/works.
This may include feasibility studies, costing, budgeting, tendering, contract administration etc.


a) Drawings, charts, calculations, citations, compliance with Acts and regulations, and applications of
standards and design rules for the design, installation, construction or operation in whole or part of a
system or an item of work related to electrical engineering, and

b) Notes or records on the installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the system,
plant or equipment, or other related document(s).

(C2) Electronic and Communication


a) A potential candidate is expected to have experience in the areas such as Telecommunication, Broadcasting,
Multimedia Communication, IT, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Computers (Software &
Hardware), Information Systems, Avionics & Aeronautics (Electronics related), Electronic Component
Manufacture, Building Automation, Biomedical, Microelectronics, Mechatronics

Note: Software development, field, system, computational and parametric studies, system
configuration development and planning, and control & instrumentation covering electronics would
fall under this category.

b) The candidate is expected to have basic knowledge of Electrical power 400V.


The candidate is expected to have experience in the design of electronic and communication system which
may include alteration or modification works for a minimum of six months.


The candidate is expected to have some experience in the supervision, installation, operation or
maintenance of an electronic/communication system and is expected to have knowledge of the rules and
regulations governing their installation, operation or maintenance for a minimum of twelve months.

Office/Management Experience

The candidate is expected to have experience in the office or management of projects/works. This may
include feasibility studies, costing, budgeting, tendering, contract administration etc.


a) The candidate is expected to submit drawings, charts, calculations for the design, analysis, installation,
testing, commissioning of an item of work.

b) The candidate should include evidence showing experience in management. This may include project work
such as operation, maintenance, testing of equipment or system related to the relevant field of work.



a) A potential candidate is required to have experience in general mechanical engineering or relevant

fields listed as Appendix 1.

b) The candidate is expected to have sound knowledge of mechanical engineering practice. Evidence should be
provided as in (a) and (b) below.


The candidate is expected to have sufficient experience in the design of mechanical components, equipment or a
system. The design may include alterations, addition or modifications to existing plant and equipment. The
design experience shall be a minimum of six months.




The candidate is expected to have some experience in the office or the management of projects/works. This
may include feasibility studies, costing, budgeting, tendering, contract administration etc.

The candidate shall have not less than three years experience in the above areas.


a) The candidate is expected to submit relevant drawings, calculations, charts, notes and records for the design, analysis,
installation, testing and commissioning of an item of work in the relevant field of work for which the candidate was fully

b) The candidate should include evidence showing experience in management. This may include project
work such as operation, maintenance, testing of equipment or system related to the field of work.

(D1) Aeronautical

a) Where appropriate, drawings and calculations for the design of part of an aircraft or guided missile, or
the estimation of the performance of its engines or its structure, maintenance schedules for commercial
airlines or the armed services;


b) Notes or records, such as wind tunnel tests on models of aircraft or on parts thereof; flights trials;
strength tests on wings or other components; vibration and stiffness tests; methods of construction and
joining parts.

(D2) Industrial Engineering

a) Drawings, models and calculations to show adequate practical application of Industrial Engineering in
the design of systems for:- material handling, work methods organisation and Ergonomic, Information
Resources Management, Manufacturing Planning, Inventory Control and Quality Systems


b) Notes or records on the performance of above systems to help achieve strategic operational objectives,
operational flexibility, cost reduction, added value or quality improvement.

(D3) Marine

a) Where appropriate, drawings and calculations for the design in whole or in part, of an item of work
related to Marine engineering, such as: steam or internal combustion propulsion, or auxiliary
machinery, such as electrical generating sets;


b) Notes or records, such as operation or testing of one or more of the foregoing.

(D4) Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding

a) Drawing and calculations for an item of work relating to: a design study of a modern ship; the launching
of a large ship; a typical ships system, eg. oil fuel, ballast, fresh and salt water, ventilation and
airconditioning; cargo handling.


b) Notes or records such as: estimate of ship performance including model tests and propeller design;
trials at sea; eg propulsive performance; sea keeping; vibration; planning, production and quality
control applied to ship building.


1. General mechanical engineering

2. Measuring and precision engineering
3. Agricultural machinery and equipment
4. Building services engineering
5. Material engineering
6. Facilities and plant engineering
7. Mechatronics and robotics
8. Automation and production
9. Industrial and manufacturing engineering
10. Aeronautical and aerospace
11. Marine and naval architecture
12. Mining and quarrying machinery and equipment
13. Welding and fabrication
14. Micro electromechanical systems
15. Acoustics and vibrations
16. Safety engineering

17. Energy engineering/management
18. Oil and gas engineering
19. Environmental engineering
- thermal
- sound
- Internal air quality

20. Piping and pumping

21. Unfired and fired pressure vessels
22. Tribology and lubrication engineering
23. Fire engineering
24. Vertical/horizontal transport machinery

25. Air conditioning/ Heating and refrigeration

26. Biomedical engineering

27. Automotive engineering

28. Land Transportation

Attachment D


Name :
Discipline :
Date received :

Check List:

Acknowledge receipt of the application form via email

Check Status, MIEM and P.Eng and membership numbers and active member or not

Check Membership information transfer/election and year

Check Membership No and Discipline/Branch of Engineering

Check photo

Check Discipline or Branch of Engineering applied and to tally with membership discipline

Check signature on verification of experience by P.Eng and MIEM (at least one on each page), or

Initial made on Verification column

Check Experience is 7 years and 2 years in responsible position

Check record of total months in the experience record section

Check signature on application form and date

Check CPD submission for consecutive 3 years ( no verification signature required)

Use Processing form - to type in the information and sign the form

Submit to APT Secretariat Staff to send for admission

Check payment amount and manner of payment

Process payment cheque forward to finance to issue receipt

Credit card entry details into the credit card format and forward to EDP Executive to process Payment

Monitor payment and enter records into the processing form and also into application form

Check signatures of membership application board to ensure 2 signatures in approved cases

Entry details of endorsement into Processing Form and get signature of Chairman after Registration and
Administration meeting

File checklist into P file

Attachment E


1.1 Start ACTION

1.2 Receive Applications

Receive application forms from IEM APEC

1.3 Check and Review Applications

a) Check to ensure that all documents are submitted in accordance with IPEA
requirements stated in the checklist for APEC/IPEA application. If all
are in order, proceed to 1.4.

b) For applications that do not satisfy criteria or do not have relevant IPEA
documents, prepare letters to request for more details. Forward
letters to GM for signature.

c) Check and sign letters to notify applicant/member who do not satisfy IPEA
the criteria and send either by post or email. Post or email scanned
copy of the letter to applicant. File all correspondences with

d) Keep in pending file in cupboard. Refer back to 1.2 IPEA

e) Verify with IEM database to ensure that the applicants/members do IPEA

not have any arrears in subscription (Arrears amount to be included
in letter if any)

f) Prepare processing form for application that satisfy all criteria for IPEA

g) Application that is in order will be processed and presented at the IPEA

earliest Admission Sub Committee meeting.

h) Prepare the list of candidates for recording on status IPEA

1.4 Verify Applications

a) Verify and check to ensure that supporting documents are in order as IPEA
per the checklist.

b) Check the request for discipline or branch of engineering tally with IPEA
that registered with the IEM and BEM

c) Check the description of experience and period of practical training IPEA
since graduation to ensure that it satisfies the criteria for APEC/IPEA
ie 7 years of experience with 2 years in a responsible position. Return
application if do not comply . Refer back to 1.2

d) Check on availability of signatures or initial by Verifier. Check all IPEA

processing as per Checklist

e) Send acknowledgement to applicant/member IPEA

1.5 Forward to Admission Sub Committee

a) Sign the processing forms and if in order, forward to Secretariat of IPEA

APT to prepare for meeting

b) Obtain signature from Secretariat of APT as acknowledgement and IPEA

verification of info provided.

1.6 Forward to Admission Sub Committee

a) Forward to two Committee Members of the Admission Sub APT

Committee for vetting

b) Vet through processed applications to verify that processing was APT

done in accordance with the criteria for application to be admitted as

Two Committee members of MAB to sign on the processing forms,

one of whom should be in the same or related discipline as the
b) Forward recommended list of applicant to APT for approval. APT

c) Applications not approved by MAB would be returned to APEC APT

Secretariat for action as per 1.3 (b).

d) Revise the list of applicants by removing the names of those not APT
approved and present recommended applications to APT.

1.7 Forward to Standing Committee on Admissions and Practical Training

a) Vet through applications recommended by MAB. APT

b) Forward recommended list to Excomm for notification APT

1.8 Approve and Accept Applicant

a) Return application where more information is required to APEC APT
Secretariat for appropriate action to be taken and to reply to

b) For applications that do not satisfy criteria or do not have relevant IPEA
documents, prepare letters to request for more details. Forward letters
to GM for signature. Refer to 1.3b

c) Keep in pending file in cupboard. Refer back to 1.2 IPEA

1.9 Forward to APEC Registration and Administration Committee

a) Receive the application duly endorsed by APT IPEA

b) Check to ensure all signatures of MAB and details provided IPEA

1.10 Notify Applicants/members

a) Prepare letter to request for payment of subscription and to inform on IPEA

the approval for registration as APEC/IPEA

b) Check letter to ensure accuracy of information such as date of approval, IPEA

discipline of engineering and the amount of fees payable before
forwarding to Chairman of Registration and Administration for

c) Receive signed letters and photocopy two copies of the letters (one IPEA
yellow and one white). File white copy with the application and keep in
the waiting for payment file

d) Email scanned copy of original letter to applicant/member. Send IPEA

original and yellow copy.

e) Wait for Payment IPEA

f) If applicant had paid the required fees. Keep the original letter IPEA
requesting for fee and the white copy with the applicants/members
application. Do not need to send letter request for fee

1.11 Forward to Finance

a) Forward cheque of payment to Finance Department for issue of receipt IPEA

b) Tabulate the credit card number with information and forward to IPEA
Membership Department/EDP for credit transfer

c) Forward credit card details to bank and info finance of clearance EDP

d) Issue of Receipt for cheques and upon request by EDP FIN

e) Info payment and provide receipt numbers FIN

1.12 Make Entry in Professing Fee

a) Enter record into processing form IPEA

b) Entry into database IPEA

c) Document record for tracking IPEA

1.13 Give Membership Number

a) Allocate Membership number IPEA

b) Enter information into the website and data IPEA

c) Enter personal information into Database IPEA

d) Update discipline information into database for total number of record IPEA

1.14 Open P File

a) Open personal file for members IPEA

b) Enter membership number and all application information IPEA

1.15 Prepare Certificates

a) Prepare two certificates for APEC and IPEC IPEA

b) Ensure the two certificates are sealed and stamped IPEA

c) Check certificates to ensure that the membership number, date of IPEA

approval and discipline are correct before sending to Chairman of
Registration and Administration for signature

d) Forward certificate to the IEM President for signature IPEA

e) Prepare notification letter to applicant/member to inform of IPEA

membership number and to collect certificate

f) Check letter to ensure accuracy of information such as receipt number, IPEA
discipline of engineering and the membership number before
forwarding to Chairman of Registration and Administration for

1.16 Notify Applicants/members

a) Receive signed letters and photocopy a copy of the letter (one and IPEA
keep in the P file

b) Email scanned copy of original letter to applicant/member. Send IPEA

original or call member to come to collect the certificate.

1.17 Record photocopies into P Files

a) Keep photocopies of letter and certificates into the p file IPEA

1.18 Record subscription payment

a) Record subscription payment into database IPEA

b) Record subscription payment on p file cover IPEA

c) Subscription collection record is to be updated when payment received IPEA

both in the p file and in the database.

1.19 Keep file into Filing Room

a) Keep file into the filing cabinet in according to membership number IPEA

1.20 End


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