Field Test of Coal Type Adaptability On A 300 MW CFB Boiler: Powder Technology April 2015
Field Test of Coal Type Adaptability On A 300 MW CFB Boiler: Powder Technology April 2015
Field Test of Coal Type Adaptability On A 300 MW CFB Boiler: Powder Technology April 2015
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Hairui Yang
Tsinghua University
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Powder Technology 274 (2015) 180185
Powder Technology
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Article history: Coal type adaptability for CFB boilers is of great importance because it inuences whether the unit can operate
Received 23 September 2014 safely, economically and environmentally when the coal type is changed. Research is carried out on a 300 MW
Received in revised form 8 January 2015 CFB boiler located in Longyan power plant, Fujian province by burning three types of coal, i.e. Fujian anthracite,
Accepted 12 January 2015
Shenhua bituminous coal and Indonesia lignite. The results show that all the three coals are capable to meet the
Available online 17 January 2015
basic requirement of bed temperature. But the y ash carbon content and exhaust gas temperature depend on
the coal type. Compared with Fujian anthracite, Shenhua bituminous coal and Indonesia lignite tend to possess
CFB lower y ash carbon content and lower exhaust gas temperature under high boiler load, which helps to increase
Anthracite the boiler efciency. The auxiliary power consumption rates under all the three types of coal are all lower than
Bituminous coal 4.3% with the successful utilization of lower energy consumption technology based on state specication design
Lignite theory. Besides, when the fuel is changed from Fujian anthracite to Shenhua bituminous coal and Indonesia
Adaptability of coal type lignite, SO2 emission and dust emission decreases, while the NOx emission increases.
2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction oxygen mixing with lower bed pressure drop in the furnace. Secondly,
all the draft fans were optimized with the Variable-frequency drive to
In 2012, the coal-red circulating uidized bed (CFB) boilers in meet the change of bed pressure drop. The optimization increases the
China were facing the pressure of tight coal supply and rising coal boiler efciency by 3%, reaching 89% at full load, and meanwhile keeps
price [1]. It was hard to guarantee the stability of coal sources for a the auxiliary power consumption as low as 4.3% [4]. Recently, the
CFB boiler and pursue the maximum economic benets simultaneously. price of local anthracite rises rapidly, even higher than bituminous
In view of economic benets, many power companies decided to burn coal from other provinces, which seriously reduces the company's
off-design fuel. The change puts forward strict requirement of the coal economic benets. For the purpose of controlling cost, the company
type adaptability to guarantee the safe, economic and environmental decided to burn off-design coals with lower price, such as Shenhua
run of the unit [2]. bituminous coal and Indonesia lignite. Experiments of burning different
The 300 MW subcritical CFB boiler in Longyan power plant came coals were conducted to study the inuence of coal type adaptability on
into use in 2009, with the main steam rate of 1025 t/h, the main boiler performance, which is of great importance for the company to
steam pressure of 17.4 MPa, the main steam temperature and reheat increase prots and withstand the risk of coal market changing. Besides,
temperature of 540 C. Natural circulating, single reheat, balanced the state specication design theory is also tested with two more coals.
draft and simple arrangements without intrex are adopted in the unit. During the process of evaluating coal type adaptability, three factors
The designed fuel is local anthracite, one of the most difcult coals to are mainly compared, such as the operation safety, efciency and pollut-
burn, with characteristics of low volatile content, high ignition temper- ant emission. At the same time, by studying the inuence of coal type on
ature and high coking risk [3]. The bed material balance system and the the auxiliary power consumption, the feasibility of lower energy
draft fan system were optimized with the lower energy consumption consumption technology based on state specication design theory
technology based on state specication design in 2010 [4]. Firstly, the with various coals are validated.
coal crushers were carefully adjusted to control the feeding coal size
distribution with the information of intrinsic ash size distribution,
which could improve the bed material quality. The improvement of 2. Experimental section
bed quality could form enough circulating ash rate and modify the
2.1. Coal property analysis
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62773384. Apart from the original Fujian anthracite (FA), Shenhua bituminous
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Yang). coal (SB) and Indonesia lignite (IL) were also tested on the CFB unit. The
0032-5910/ 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
R. Ding et al. / Powder Technology 274 (2015) 180185 181
Table 1
The ultimate and proximate analysis of three types of coal.
As an open system with one inlet and two outlets, the bed material
in the CFB boiler is selectively retained [4,5]. Only the effective bed
material, which can participate in the circulation, plays an important
role in determining the fuel combustion portion and temperature distri-
bution along the furnace. The bed quality, i.e. the size distribution of the Fig. 2. Size distribution of the intrinsic ash.
bed material, is closely related with the solid concentration distribution
both in the lower and upper part of the furnace [5,6]. It is already found
that the bed quality is affected by the feeding coal size distribution, the 3. Results and discussion
ash formation and attrition property [7]. By analyzing the feeding coal
size distribution of three types of coal, it is found that the particles 3.1. Operation comparison
ner than 200 m for FA is about 27%, while the percentages are 11%
and 7% respectively for SB and IL, as shown in Fig. 1. In addition, the in- 3.1.1. The inuence of coal type on bed temperature
trinsic ash size distribution can be obtained by means of static combus- As a signicant parameter of the CFB unit, bed temperature has a
tion and cold vibration sieving, which was proposed by H.R. Yang et al. great impact on combustion efciency and pollutant emission. As
[7]. As shown in Fig. 2, the proportions of particles in range of 150 m shown in Fig. 3, the variation of bed temperature in dense bed is consis-
to 300 m are similar for three coals. However, for IL the ash particles tent with the changing in boiler load, which is insensitive to the coal
ner than 100 m is remarkably more than the others, due to the fact type. This phenomenon is benecial to maintain the stability of bed
that IL has relatively larger fragment and attrition coefcient. These temperature. Despite the difference in the volatile and ash content,
ashes have lower separation efciency and mostly escape as y ash. At the axial temperature in furnace stays uniform, indicating that there is
the same time, the ash content of IL is also very low, so the bed material enough axial solid internal-mixing in the furnace. So, it can be conclud-
balance system, especially the cyclone efciency, is more sensitive ed that the ash properties of both FA and SB are appropriate to form
when the CFB boiler changes to burn IL. enough external circulating rate, thus meeting the requirement of
Fig. 1. Size distribution of the feeding coal. Fig. 3. The boiler load vs. the bed temperature burning different coals.
182 R. Ding et al. / Powder Technology 274 (2015) 180185
mass balance and heat transfer. Due to faults in the test, the data of bed
temperature, exhaust gas temperature and carbon content in y ash for
IL under various boiler loads were not recorded except for the full load.
So, only the bed temperature under full load of IL is included in Fig. 3
for reference.
Fig. 4. The boiler load vs. the exhaust gas temperature burning different coals. Fig. 6. Carbon content in y ash of different sizes.
R. Ding et al. / Powder Technology 274 (2015) 180185 183
less is the cost, making for the economic run of the power plant. To
reduce the net coal consumption rate, one of the important measures
is improving the boiler efciency. In the eld test, attention was mainly
paid to the boiler efciency and the auxiliary power rate to compare the
three types of coal in economic views.
Table 2
The auxiliary power rate of three types of coal under full load.
Fig. 9. Indonesia lignite blending combustion ratio vs. Q2 Q4 and the boiler efciency.
Fig. 10. The inuence of boiler load on dust emission burning different coals. Fig. 11. The inuence of boiler load on SO2 emission burning different coals.
R. Ding et al. / Powder Technology 274 (2015) 180185 185
FA Fujian anthracite
SB Shenhua bituminous coal
IL Indonesia lignite
Q2 Exhaust gas heat loss, %
Q4 Mechanical incomplete combustion loss, %
Boiler efciency, %
Blending combustion ratio of Indonesia lignite, %
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