a given period, either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure of the appointing power,
an individual is invested with some portion of the sovereign functions of the government,
to be exercised by him for the benefit of the public.
Essential elements
1. Created by Constitution or by law or by some body or agency to which the power to
create the office has been delegated (enabling law)
2. Invested with authority to exercise some portion of the sovereign power of the State
3. Powers/Functions defined by the enabling law
4. Duties are performed independently without control unless those of an inferior
5. Continuing / permanent in nature
Eligibility is the state or quality of being legally fitted or qualified to be chosen.
Qualification refer to the act which a person, before entering upon the performance of his
duties is by law required to do such as the taking, and often, of subscribing and filing of
an official oath, and, in some cases, the giving of an official bond.
Disqualifications to hold public office are mental or physical incapacity,
misconduct or crime, impeachment, removal or suspension from office, previous tenure
of office, consecutive terms, holding more than one office, relationship with the
appointing power, office newly created or the emoluments of which have been
increased, being an elective official, having been a candidate for any elective position,
and grounds under the local government code.
When the constitution has attached a disqualification to the holding of any office,
Congress cannot remove it under the power to prescribe qualifications as to such offices
as it may create.
The qualifications are continuing requirements and must be possessed not only
at the time of appointment or election or assumption of office but during the officers
entire tenure. Formal qualifications are : citizenship, age, suffrage, residence, education,
ability to read and write, political affiliation, civil service examination
Appointment is the act of designation by the executive officer, board, or body to
whom that power has been delegated, of the individual who is to exercise the powers
P O L I T I C A L L AW ( L AW O N P U B L I C O F F I C E R S )
Louie, Carrie, Evelyn, Thel, Gem, Ronald
The general rule is that an appointment to an office, once made and complete, is
not subject to reconsideration or revocation. The exception is where an officer is
removable at will of the appointing power.
Designation is simply the mere imposition of new or additional duties upon an
officer to be performed by him in a special manner. It presupposes that the officer is
already in the service by virtue of an earlier appointment, performing other functions.
There is a vacancy when an office is empty and without a legally qualified
incumbent appointed or elected to it with a lawful right to exercise its powers and
perform its duties. There can be no appointment to a non-vacant position.
A de jure officer is one who has the lawful right to the office in all respects, but
who has either been ousted from it, or who has never actually taken possession of it.
When the officer de jure is also the officer de facto, the lawful title and possession are
Usurper is one who takes possession of the office and undertakes to act officially
without any color of right or authority, either actual or apparent.
Scope of Power
Scope of power of a public officer consists of those powers which are expressly
conferred upon him by the law under which he has been appointed or elected; expressly
P O L I T I C A L L AW ( L AW O N P U B L I C O F F I C E R S )
Louie, Carrie, Evelyn, Thel, Gem, Ronald
annexed to the office by the law which created it or some other law referring to it; or
attached to the office as incidents to it.
Natural Causes
1. Expiration of the term or tenure of office
2. Reaching the age limit ( retirement)
3. Death or permanent disability
Preventive Suspension
Two Kinds:
1. Preventive Suspension Pending Investigation
2. Preventive Suspension Pending Appeal
The duration of preventive suspension is coeval with the period prescribed for
deciding administrative disciplinary cases. If the case is decided before ninety (90) days
then the suspension will last less than ninety (90) days, but if the case is not decided
within ninety (90) days, then the suspension may not exceed the maximum period of
ninety (90) days.
The next-in rank rule specifically applies only in cases of promotion but it is not
a mandatory requirement.
from his assumption of office and/or divest himself of his shareholdings or interest within
60 days from such assumption.
Official immunity only protects public officials from tort liability for damages
arising from discretionary acts or functions in the performance of their officials duties.