Cutting Tool Applications: by George Schneider, Jr. Cmfge
Cutting Tool Applications: by George Schneider, Jr. Cmfge
Cutting Tool Applications: by George Schneider, Jr. Cmfge
T o o l
i c a t i o n s
App l ider, Jr. CMfg
g e Schne
By Geor
Chapter 1
Upcoming Chapters
Metal Removal
Cutting-Tool Materials
Metal Removal Methods
Machinability of Metals
Abrasive Processes
Grinding Wheels and Operations 1.1 Introduction
Grinding Methods and Machines Many types of tool materials, ranging from high carbon steel to ceramics and dia-
Lapping and Honing monds, are used as cutting tools in todays metalworking industry. It is important
to be aware that differences do exist among tool materials, what these differences
are, and the correct application for each type of material.
The various tool manufacturers assign many names and numbers to their prod-
ucts. While many of these names and numbers may appear to be similar, the appli-
cations of these tool materials may be entirely different. In most cases the tool man-
ufacturers will provide tools made of the proper material for each given application.
In some particular applications, a premium or higher priced material will be justi-
This does not mean that the most expensive tool is always the best tool. Cutting
tool users cannot afford to ignore the constant changes and advancements that are
being made in the field of tool material technology. When a tool change is needed
or anticipated, a performance comparison should be made before selecting the tool
for the job. The optimum tool is not necessarily the least expensive or the most
expensive, and it is not always the same tool that was used for the job last time.
The best tool is the one that has been carefully chosen to get the job done quickly,
efficiently and economically.
George Schneider, Jr. CMfgE
Professor Emeritus
Engineering Technology Authors Note
Lawrence Technological University I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Prentice Hall and to Stephen Helba
Former Chairman in particular, for giving me permission to use some of the information, graphs and
Detroit Chapter ONE photos recently published in Applied Manufacturing Process Planning authored by
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Donald H. Nelson and George Schneider, Jr.
Former President The author also wishes to thank over 40 companies who have provided technical
International Excutive Board
Society of Carbide & Tool Engineers
information and photo exhibits...their contributions have made this reference text
Lawrence Tech. Univ.:
And finally, I would like to express my appreciation to Tooling & Productions
Prentice Hall: Stan Modic and Joe McKenna for giving me the opportunity to make this informa-
tion available to the general public.
Silicon nitride
85 Carbides 65 face treatments have been developed in
60 Cermets an attempt to extend tool life, reduce
Hardness (H-Ra)
Hardness (H-Rc)
80 55 Coated carbides
Cas power consumption, and to control
t al 50
75 loy
other factors which affect operating
Carbon 40
conditions and costs. Some of these
tool 35 treatments have been used for many
65 High-speed 30 years and have proven to have some
steels Carbides
value. For example, the black oxide
60 20
coatings which commonly appear on
Strength and toughness
55 drills and taps are of value as a deterrent
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 (b)
Temperature (F) to build-up on the tool. The black oxide
(a) is basically a dirty surface which dis-
Figure 1.1. (a) Hardness of various cutting-tool materials as a function of temperature. (b) courages the build-up of work material.
Ranges of properties of various groups of materials. One of the more recent developments
in coatings for high speed steel is titani-
tools are made are all characteristically hardness, resistance to abrasive wear, um nitride by the physical vapor deposi-
hard and strong. There is a wide range and strength, to high speed tool steel. tion (PVD) method. Titanium nitride is
of tool materials available for machin- These characteristics allow relatively deposited on the tool surface in one of
ing operations, and the general classifi- higher machining speeds and improved several different types of furnace at rel-
cation and use of these materials are of performance over plain high carbon atively low temperature, which does not
interest here. steel. significantly affect the heat treatment
The most common high speed steels (hardness) of the tool being coated.
1.2 Tool Steels and Cast Alloys used primarily as cutting tools are divid- This coating is known to extend the life
Plain carbon tool steel is the oldest of ed into the M and T series. The M series of a cutting tool significantly or to allow
the tool materials dating back hundreds represents tool steels of the molybde- the tool to be used at higher operating
of years. In simple terms it is a high num type and the T series represents speeds. Tool life can be extended by as
carbon steel (steel which contains about those of the tungsten type. Although much as three times, or operating
1.05% carbon). This high carbon con- there seems to be a great deal of simi- speeds can be increased up to fifty per-
tent allows the steel to be hardened, larity among these high speed steels, cent.
offering greater resistance to abrasive each one serves a specific purpose and Cast Alloys: The alloying elements
wear. Plain high carbon steel served its offers significant benefits in its special in high speed steel, principally cobalt,
purpose well for many years. However, application. chromium and tungsten, improve the
because it is quickly over tempered An important point to remember is cutting properties sufficiently, that met-
(softened) at relatively low cutting tem- that none of the alloying elements for allurgical researchers developed the cast
peratures, (300 to 500 degrees F), it is either series of high speed tool steels is alloys, a family of these materials with-
now rarely used as cutting tool material in abundant supply and the cost of these out iron.
except in files, saw blades, chisels, etc. elements is skyrocketing. In addition, A typical composition for this class of
The use of plain high carbon steel is U.S. manufacturers must rely on foreign tool material was 45 percent cobalt, 32
limited to low heat applications. countries for supply of these very percent chromium, 21 percent tungsten,
High Speed Tool Steel: The need for important elements. and 2 percent carbon. The purpose of
tool materials which could withstand Some of the high speed steels are such alloying was to obtain a cutting
increased cutting speeds and tempera- now available in a powdered metal tool with hot hardness superior to high Chapter 1/Tooling & Production 3
Chap. 1: Cutting-Tool Materials