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Camfil Farr

Technical Services Bulletin

ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Air Filtration

A Review of Standards 52.1-1992 & 52.2-1999

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, weight of 125.

and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) ƒ 125 1-micron size particles have a relative
publishes two different Standards that allow weight of 125.
users to evaluate air filters to be applied in an
HVAC system. If 126 particles (one 5-micron & 125 1-micron
particles) are fed to this filter, the one 5-micron
Standard 52.1-1992 provides three important size particle is captured and the 125 1-micron size
evaluation criteria: dust spot efficiency, particles pass through. This filter may be deemed
arrestance, and dust holding capacity. Standard efficient at removing 50% contaminant by weight.
52.2-1999 provides a filter’s initial efficiency as However, the efficiency of this filter by particle
a function of particle size, as well as a numeric count is 1/126 of 0.088% or less than 1%.
value that allows a user or engineer to specify a
product minimum efficiency reporting value Such a hypothetical filter would be designated
(MERV). Both Standards also provide a filter’s by this method as a 50% efficiency filter when
initial resistance to airflow, an important capturing dirt as a function of contaminant
denominator no matter which Standard is weight. All of the smaller airborne particles (1
preferred. micron) would pass through the filter. It is this
fine airborne particulate which accounts for the
Evolution and Procedures of soiling of surroundings. In the typical air sample
more than 98% of all particles are under 1-
ASHRAE 52.1-1992 micron in size.
This Standard addresses a filter’s ability to
The ability to determine the efficiency of
protect machinery and coils and the filter’s
removing these fine airborne contaminants
ability to remove staining size1 particles.
became even more crucial as technology
advanced. As HVAC systems became more
In the era of the metal mesh filter, testing filter
efficient, coil fins on these systems moved closer
performance was based upon a gravimetric
together. Air conditioning manufacturers have
differentiation measurement of a synthetic test
noted that their coils may have an arrestance
dust with a broad particle size distribution. Even
value of 40-80%. In some cases, the coils could
though such a filter may have been 50% efficient
have a higher arrestance than the filter that is
on synthetic test dust, soiling in control areas
supposed to protect them. Additionally, fine
continued as demonstrated in the following
airborne matter can cause increased coil fouling,
decreased thermal transfer, and increased energy
usage. The Dill Dust Spot Test and the National
ƒ Suppose a filter is efficient at removing 50%
Bureau of Standards (NBS) addressed the
of the synthetic test dust by weight. Assume
methods for testing these fine airborne
further that the filter is 100% effective
particulates. Both tests rated the filter
removing particles 5 microns in size, but 0%
efficiencies by different methods:
effective removing 1-micron size particles
ƒ Efficiency of removing only airborne
ƒ A 5-micron size particle has a relative
atmospheric particles.
ƒ Efficiency of removing synthetic test dust
1 consisting of Cottrell Precipitate and lint.
Although not directly related to particle size, the filter’s
listed dust spot efficiency under this Standard seems to
correspond to the filter’s particle size versus efficiency
value in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 micron size particles.
This document is designed to educate individuals as to the intricacies of ASHRAE Standards 52.1-1992 and 52.2-1999. This document may not be reprinted without
the written permission of Camfil Farr. Readers may obtain copies of the listed Standards by ordering online at WWW.ASHRAE.ORG. Comments or suggestions for
revisions to this document may be forwarded to [email protected] or [email protected]. For the latest update please contact your local Camfil Farr
representative or distributor or check our web site at
ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Filtration

A filter could be tested by either of these as a percent. A high dust spot efficiency results in
methods, yielding different efficiency rating a high resistance to staining.
results. A filter could be 18% efficient at
removing atmospheric air contaminants or 90% Arrestance is a gravimetric measure of the ability
efficient in removing the synthetic Cottrell of a tested filter to remove ASHRAE synthetic
Precipitate dust. Engineers and users had trouble dust from the test air. The number is also
when trying to evaluate different products. expressed as a percent.

ASHRAE 52.1-1992 Dust holding capacity is determined by the

product of the quantity of synthetic test dust fed
In response to user demands, ASHRAE evolved
a Standard to better address these concerns.
Originally titled ASHRAE Standard 52-76, the
purpose and scope of the present ASHRAE 52.1-
1992 Standard is as follows:

1. To establish a uniform comparative testing

procedure meaningful to users and
manufacturers for evaluating performance of
air cleaning devices used in general
ventilation for removing particulate matter.
2. To establish specifications for the test
equipment used in conducting such tests.
3. To establish a uniform method for reporting
the results obtained from the specified

ASHRAE 52.1-1992 test provides three specific

measurements that outline filter performance.
They are:

1. Atmospheric dust spot efficiency—expressed

as a percentile.
2. Arrestance—expressed as a percentile.
3. Dust holding capacity—expressed in grams.

The dust spot efficiency and arrestance are

averaged over a dust loading procedure. The dust
loading procedure is a time accelerant to the
filter testing in an attempt to simulate a filter’s
life in an HVAC system. Because efficiency,
arrestance, and dust holding capacity are
sometimes confused, the following definitions
detail each of the critical values presented by
ASHRAE 52.1-1992.

Atmospheric dust spot efficiency is a measure of a

filter’s ability to remove atmospheric dust from
test air. The method of determining this quantity is
based upon light transmission through previously
evaluated target paper. This is accomplished by
adjusting the air ratio sampled through targets
upstream and downstream of the test filter so that
equal changes in light transmission occur. The
ratio is converted to an efficiency that is expressed

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ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Filtration

ƒ Anticipated filter efficiency must be the feed, monitor the flow rate and adjust as
considered to properly schedule opacity necessary.(As dirt loads, filter resistance
readings of the target papers. Final increases, so airflow decreases.)
opacity readings of the target papers 5. Any feed dust that accumulates in the test
must be within 20% of each other. duct must be gathered, weighed and
compensated for.
Having established a sampling schedule
representative of the efficiency, test airflow is
established and dust spot sampling begins. Testing 6. At the end of the dust feed, turn off the flow,
is continued until a minimum of 10% change in remove the final filter and re-weigh it. The
opacity is obtained. Efficiency of the dust spot test final filter weight gain is the amount passed
is then determined by the following equation: by the test filter. The difference between
total dust fed and the amount captured by
the final filter is the arrestance of the test
E = 100 1-Q1/Q2 X O1/O2, where:
filter expressed as a percentage.
Q1 = Total air drawn through upstream target

Q2 = Total air drawn through downstream target 52.1-1992 Notes:

O1 = Opacity of dust spot on upstream target The dust spot test is run alternately with the
O2 = Opacity of dust spot on downstream target arrestance test. The dust spot tests readings will
total five. The arrestance tests readings will total
The initial dust spot test is now completed. Dust
spot tests are repeated again after approximately
If the results of the dust spot efficiency test are
25% of dust loading, 50%, 75%, and at final
less than 20%, than the average filter efficiency
shall be reported as "less than 20%" and the true
efficiency need not be reported.
ASHRAE 52.1-1992 provides an excellent tool
This test is also performed as part of the dust
for evaluating filters of similar construction:
loading procedure in which approximately four
equal dust loading increments are used.
• Dust spot efficiency will give a value of
the filter’s ability to remove staining
ASHRAE synthetic dust consists of the
size particles.
• Arrestance may be used, especially with
ƒ 72% Standardized fine test dust by weight
(sometimes referred to as Arizona Road lower dust spot efficiency products, as a
tool for comparing one product versus a
similarly constructed product (normally
ƒ 23% Molocco Black by weight;
ƒ 5% #7 Cotton Linters by weight, ground in a fiberglass, metal mesh, and polyester
Wiley mill with a 4mm mesh screen.

1. Cap off or cover the dust spot samplers. • Dust holding capacity may provide an
indicator of relative service life when
2. Weigh the high efficiency final filter (95% comparing filters of similar
dust spot efficiency or above) and install it construction.
downstream of the test filter.
3. Estimate the total amount of dust feed
required to bring the test filter to the final
resistance as determined by the
manufacturer’s literature. Introduce one-
quarter of this requirement to the dust feeder.
4. Select a time span on the dust feeder so the
dust feed approximates 2 grams per 1000
cubic feet of air through the filter. During

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ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Filtration

Evolution and Procedures of temperature and humidity).

ASHRAE 52.2-1999 The Standard provides a filter’s initial efficiency
in each of 12 different particle ranges.
In the modern world of specific contaminant
concern, ASHRAE has recognized the need to Range Lower Upper
provide a Standard that would allow the user to Limit Limit
evaluate a filter based upon that filter’s ability to (microns) (microns)
remove such specific contaminant based upon
1 0.30 0.40
that contaminants particle size.
2 0.40 0.55
Additionally, with concern about particles that 3 0.55 0.70
are respirable2, a Standard was required that 4 0.70 1.00
addressed a filter’s efficiency specific to this 5 1.00 1.30
range. 6 1.30 1.60
More than 12 years in development, Standard 7 1.60 2.20
52.2-1999 will most likely evolve to the 8 2.20 3.00
Standard of choice when evaluating a filter based 9 3.00 4.00
upon improving indoor air quality. 10 4.00 5.50
11 5.50 7.00
While previous Standards also provided values
12 7.00 10.00
based upon the average performance of a filter,
users have stated that the important value is how
efficient a filter is when it is first installed in a Now a user can choose a filter based upon the
system. Standard 52.2-1999 addresses this particular contaminant they want to remove. For
concern and provides information that indicates example, if the particle of concern is pollen,
how a filter performs at its lowest point of which ranges from 5 to 15 microns in size with
particle capture efficiency (usually initial an average size of 7 microns, the user can select
efficiency). the filter based upon that particle size (select a
filter with an 80% + efficiency in range 12). If
An additional goal of the Standard committee the particle size of concern is mycobacterium
was to give the engineering community a single tuberculosis (a bacteria with a length of 1 to 5
number value by which to select an air filter. The microns and an average diameter of 0.70 µ), the
value is prescribed in the Standard as a MERV, user would select a filter with an efficiency of
or minimum efficiency reporting value3. 90% + in range 3.

In the previous Standard, atmospheric air was Another important criterion in developing this
used in the evaluation process. Since Standard was the goal of providing a ‘low point’
atmospheric conditions varied significantly from of filter efficiency or, in most cases, initial filter
area to area, and season-to-season, it was efficiency. Most filters incorporating mechanical
possible that the same filter could exhibit principles of particle capture become more
significantly different results based upon efficient as they load with dirt. Rather than
different atmospheric conditions. In Standard provide an average efficiency, the committee
52.2-1999, the test air is drawn from the testing developed a methodology of reporting a lowest
laboratory (a controlled environment), cleaned point efficiency value. In this manner, the user
using a HEPA filter, and specific air quality would know how efficient the filter is at its
conditions are defined (including items such as lowest point, which in most cases is as soon as it
is installed in the system. Other test procedures
provide an average efficiency, which may
ASHRAE defines respirable particles as lung require extensive time to reach in actual
damaging particles in the range of 0.2 to 5 micron in operation.
size. They later state that “Air filters…shall be selected
for the particle size and loading encountered.”
ASHRAE has a guiding principle of not rating
With each test report, the user receives a chart
individual products. Ratings are left to outside agencies that shows the filter’s initial particle size versus
such as Underwriters Laboratories, Intertek Testing efficiency through all twelve ranges of particle
Services, etc.

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ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Filtration

capture. Following is a sample particle size the final filter in hospital HVAC systems.
versus efficiency minimum point graph. ƒ 85% or MERV 13 — typically applied in
above average commercial applications.
100 ƒ 65% or MERV 11 — applied in standard
Efficiency, %

90 commercial buildings, such as office space.

60 ƒ 25% or MERV 6 and 7 — pleated panel
40 filters, applied in office environments, and
20 as prefilters.
0 ƒ <20% or MERV 1 through 5 — typical






polyester or fiberglass throwaway panels

and metal washable filters.
Particle Size, µm
ASHRAE 52.2-1999 Test Procedure

The apparatus qualification is a significant

From the above information, the geometric mean portion of the Standard. Every care has been
points of 0.35, 0.47, 0.62 and 0.84 are averaged taken to assure that test results could be
to obtain a value of E1, the points of 1.14, 1.44, consistently repeated from one testing facility to
1.88 and 2.57 are averaged to obtain a value another. Items incorporated into every test
defined as E2, and the points of 3.46, 4.69, 6.20 include: a background particle count check, a
and 8.37 are averaged to obtain a value defined particle counter zero check, a particle counter
as E3. The values E1, E2 and E3 are then accuracy check (using polystyrene latex spheres
referenced on Table 12-1 to calculate a MERV of specific sizes), pressure drop across the empty
(see page 6).The following chart, Typical test section and other critical component
Minimum Efficiency Curves, notes the operation. The actual procedure is as follows:
performance of some filters commonly applied
in HVAC environments and their corresponding 1. After placing the filter into the system,
Standard 52.1-1992 equivalent efficiencies. measure resistance versus airflow of the
device (clean resistance).
2. Perform a particle size analysis of
Typical Minimum Efficiency Curves upstream challenge4 versus
ASHRAE 52.2-1999 downstream count across the filter.
3. Perform a filter-conditioning step
that consists of loading the filter
100 52.1 Equivalent
with 30 grams of ASHRAE test
90 dust or loading test dust until the
80 95% filter increases pressure drop 0.04”
Efficiency, %

50 4. Repeat particle size versus
40 65% efficiency analysis.
20 25% 5. Load the filter with ASHRAE Test
10 Dust to 25% of the manufacturer’s
0 <20% recommended final pressure drop.







6. Repeat particle size versus

Particle Size, µ m
efficiency analysis.
7. Load the filter with ASHRAE Test

The 52.2-1999 committee selected Potassium
Chloride (KCI) as the aerosol of challenge. It is easy to
The above curves correspond to the following generate, low in cost, commonly available, presents no
applications: health consequence for the testing personnel,
polydispersed for even distribution of challenge through
the required particle size ranges, and solid phase in
ƒ 95% or MERV 14 — typically applied as consistency.

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ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Filtration

Dust to 50% of the manufacturer’s 1, MERV Parameters.

recommended final pressure drop.
8. Repeat particle size versus efficiency In order to determine a MERV value, a filter
analysis. must meet a specific range of parameters. As an
9. Load the filter with ASHRAE Test Dust example, a filter that has an efficiency of ≥35%
to 75% of the manufacturer’s to <50% in the E3 range of 3 to 10 microns
recommended final pressure drop. would have a MERV of 6.A filter that has an
10. Repeat particle size versus efficiency efficiency of ≥75% to <85% in the E1 range of
analysis. 0.30 to 1.0 micron would have a MERV of 14.
11. Load the filter with ASHRAE Test Dust
to 100% of the manufacturer’s Additionally, a filter must be operated to a
recommended final pressure drop. minimum final pressure drop consistent with the
12. Repeat particle size versus efficiency reporting value and as published in Table 12-1.
analysis. Table 12-1 also includes references to MERV 17
through MERV 20 filters. These filters are
13. Examine the lowest point of efficiency HEPA grade filters or above and are not
at each range point and calculate E1, E2, referenced in this document (HVAC grade only)
and E3 parameters based upon Table 12-
The following table notes some of the MERV categories, the typical contaminant based upon particle size
and the typical application.

ASHRAE 52.2-1999 Table 12-1, MERV Parameters

Standard 52.2 Composite Average Particle Size Efficiency, % in Average Minimum Final
Minimum Size Range Arrestance, % Resistance
Efficiency by Standard
Reporting Value 52.1 Method
Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Pa Inches
0.30 to 1.0 1.0 to 3.0 3.0 to 10.0 of water
1 N/A N/A E3 < 20 Aavg < 65 75 0.3

2 N/A N/A E3 < 20 65 ≤ Aavg <70 75 0.3

3 N/A N/A E3 < 20 70 ≤ Aavg <75 75 0.3

4 N/A N/A E3 < 20 75 ≤ Aavg 75 0.3

5 N/A N/A 20 ≤ E3 <35 N/A 150 0.6

6 N/A N/A 35 ≤ E3 <50 N/A 150 0.6

7 N/A N/A 50 ≤ E3 <70 N/A 150 0.6

8 N/A N/A 70 ≤ E3 N/A 150 0.6

9 N/A E2 < 50 85 ≤ E3 N/A 250 1.0

10 N/A 50 ≤ E2 <65 85 ≤ E3 N/A 250 1.0

11 N/A 65 ≤ E2 <80 85 ≤ E3 N/A 250 1.0

12 N/A 80 ≤ E2 90 ≤ E3 N/A 250 1.0

13 E1 < 75 90 ≤ E2 90 ≤ E3 N/A 350 1.4

14 75 ≤ E1 <85 90 ≤ E2 90 ≤ E3 N/A 350 1.4

15 85 ≤ E1 <95 90 ≤ E2 90 ≤ E3 N/A 350 1.4

16 95 ≤ E1 95 ≤ E2 95 ≤ E3 N/A 350 1.4

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ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Filtration

reporting result. When comparing similar

MERV Typical Typical Application filters for estimated service life, Standard
52.1-1992 is still the Standard of
13 thru 16 0.30 to 1.0 micron. Hospital inpatient consideration.
All bacteria, most care, general
tobacco smoke, surgery, smoking ƒ A tackified filter may perform well in the
droplet nuclei, lounges, superior test and actually show a higher initial
cooking oil, copier commercial
toner, face buildings
MERV performance than will be
powder, paint experienced in real-life conditions.
pigment Characteristics of tackifier migration and
9 thru 12 1.0 to 3.0 microns. Superior residential, contaminant unloading must be considered
Legionella, lead better commercial separately by the user.
dust, milled flour, buildings, hospital
coal dust, auto laboratories ƒ Filters using the principle of electrostatic
emissions, capture may show a high initial value
nebulizer drops, inconsistent with service life due to the
welding fumes
negation of the charge as the filter loads
5 thru 8 3.0 to 10 microns. Commercial with dirt.
Mold, spores, hair buildings, better
spray, cement residential, industrial To sum up, the important items of ASHRAE
dust, snuff, workplace, paint
Standard 52.2-1999 are:
powdered milk booth inlets
ƒ The user may now select the filter based
upon the size of the offending contaminant.
1 thru 4 Larger than 10.0 Minimum filtration,
microns. Pollen, residential, window ƒ The user may select the filter based upon its
Spanish moss, air conditioners ability to remove respirable size
dust mites, contaminant.
sanding dust,
paint spray, dust, ƒ The user now has a single number (MERV)
textile fibers, system by which to select and specify filters.
carpet fibers
Is the air cleaner the only consideration? An
Many contaminants emanating from a source important statement is made in the appendix of
have already been defined by particle size. A Standard 52.2-1999 relating to a filter being a
copier or printer room should use a filter with an function of its holding device. If a filter does not
efficiency of 65% when considered against fit securely and tightly into a system, air will
particles 0.30 micron in size. In the terms of follow the path of least resistance and move
ASHRAE 52.1-1992 that would be a 90-95% dust around the filter untreated. Appendix E 2.3 states
spot efficiency filter. In ASHRAE Standard 52.2-
1999 that would be a MERV 14 filter. “Air cleaners are tested under ideal laboratory
conditions where care is taken to prevent
Other contaminants, by general particle size leakage of air around them. Totally lea- free
range, include: bacteria—ranges from 0.30 to 4 hardware is unusual in HVAC equipment, so air
microns; droplet nuclei—averages 3 microns; cleaners rarely perform to the same degree of
many allergens, fungi and bioaerosols—at least 3 effectiveness under field conditions. Only
microns; visible dust—10 microns; and a human extreme care in finding and sealing all the leak
hair—at least 80 microns in diameter. paths between the filter and the fan will ensure
full performance of the air cleaner.”
Some additional considerations when noting
information given under this test include: REMEMBER: THE SYSTEM MERV IS
ƒ Standard 52.2-1999 offers no consideration ALWAYS A FUNCTION OF THE FILTER
to the service life of a filter. Dust holding AND THE AIR FILTER HOLDING DEVICE.
capacity is not a parameter required as a

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ASHRAE Testing for HVAC Filtration

Camfil Farr ASHRAE Filter Selection Chart

This chart allows the user to select filters based upon a prescribed ASHRAE level of performance.
MERV numbers as listed below are minimum values.

Camfil Farr Product ASHRAE 52.1-1992 ASHRAE 52.1-1992 ASHRAE 52.2-1999

Efficiency Arrestance Minimum MERV

CAMFIL FARR 20-20® 20-25% 85% Plus MERV 6

CAMFIL FARR 30/30® 25-30% 90% Plus MERV 7
Aeropleat® 25-30% 90% Plus MERV 6
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® XL 40-45% 96% MERV 9
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® 15 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® 100 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® 200 90-95% 99% MERV 15
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® E65 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® E85 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® E95 90-95% 99% MERV 15
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® P65 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® P85 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR Riga-Flo® P95 90-95% 99% MERV 14
CAMFIL FARR Durafil® 60-65% 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR Durafil® 80-85% 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR Durafil® 90-95% 90-95% 99% MERV 14
CAMFIL FARR Opti-Pac® 65 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR Opti-Pac ® 85 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR Opti-Pac ® 95 90-95% 99% MERV 14
CAMFIL FARR Aeropac® 65 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR Aeropac® 85 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR Aeropac® 95 90-95% 99% MERV 14
CAMFIL FARR Hi-Flo® 35-40% 35-40% 90% MERV 9
CAMFIL FARR Hi-Flo® 45-50% 45-50% 96% MERV 10
CAMFIL FARR Hi-Flo® 60-65% 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR Hi-Flo® 80-85% 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR Hi-Flo® 90-95% 90-95% 99% MERV 14
CAMFIL FARR HP® 2A 25-30% 90% MERV 7
CAMFIL FARR HP® 15 60-65% 97% MERV 11
CAMFIL FARR HP® P85 80-85% 98% MERV 13
CAMFIL FARR HP® P95 90-95% 99% MERV 14
CAMFIL FARR Micretain® 99% 100% MERV 15
CAMFIL FARR Ultra-Pac 99% 100% MERV 15
CAMFIL FARR Filtra 2000 95 DOP 99% 100% MERV 15

Camfil Farr reserves the right to continually update this information. Please check for the latest update. The
information provided in this bulletin has been assembled from materials as noted in the enclosed document or publication references.
Camfil Farr assumes no liability for misapplication or for any individual that applies concepts herein in an inappropriate manner. Your
local Camfil Farr representative may address any questions or concerns for specific application. Camfil Farr reserves the right to
modify or update this information at any time. Updates will be published on the Camfil Farr Web site and will be available through
authorized distributors and representatives. For the latest information, or to forward comments or suggestions, contact Camfil Farr at:
[email protected] or [email protected].

© Camfil Farr, One North Corporate Drive, Riverdale, NJ 07457-1715 12/2002

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