Problems of Chakras and Treatment Main Important

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The document discusses common problems associated with different chakras and their recommended treatments according to Sahaja Yoga.

Common causes of problems in the nabhi chakra mentioned are family and household worries, overinterest in food and money, suppressing one's spouse, use of drugs/alcohol, immoral behavior, fanaticism, and excessive fasting.

Some treatments recommended for the left nabhi chakra include using specific mantras and affirmations, giving vibrations to the left side of the chakra, developing habits of satisfaction and generosity, and correcting imbalances in gender roles.


Source: Sahaja Yoga - The Divine Path (Volume1) by Dr. H. S. Sharma



Evolution, morality, nourishment, ethic, dharma (righteousness) ten

commandments, honesty, welfare and well-being, maintenance.

Lakshmi principle: Seeking God

Causes of Catches:

Family and household worries, over-interst in food and money, suppress

wife or husband, extreme use of pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, immoral
behaviour, fanaticism, excessive fasting in the name of God. Unhealthy



1. Use the mantra of Shri Lakshmi / Vishnu.

2. Use the affirmation: "Mother, please make me satisfied."

3. Give vibrations to the Nabhi.

4. Footsoaking in salt water. Water element is the most important in this

chakra. it should be used in every way, like drinking vibrated water,
footsoak, bathing etc.

5. In addition, there is some fire element in the Nabhi also.

6. Vibrate food and drinks which are not prepared by Sahaja Yogis.

7. Massage the mid back and stomach areas;

8. Massage your knees and elbows.

9. Eat enough food to keep your body covered with flesh, eat only until you
are satisfied.

10. Be honest towards others and specially towards yourself.

11. Be satisfied with everything that happens to you; whether it seems nice
or bad, it always is the right thing for you, and you should try to make
happily the best out of it.


1. Use the mantra of Shri Grahalakshmi.

2. Use Affirmations: "Mother by your grace I am satisfied." "Mother by your

grace I am a generous person."

3. Give vibrations to the left side of the chakra.

4. Develop the habit of being satisfied with every aspect of life. Do not
complain, be able to bear the problems. (This is a special quality of

5. Develop the quality of auspiciousness and generosity. Remember the

only value contained in matter, is the satisfaction it gives to others. Avoid

6. When the role of husband and wife is reversed, correct it. Husband
should be active, slightly stronger, and a little dominating, whilst the wife
should be passive, and a little receding. She should draw her strength from
her silent power as the Grahalakshmi. (Men and women are equal but not

7. Abandon all tendencies to be "frantic" person, i.e. rushing meals, always

doing things in a jerky manner and unable to relax. This affects the spleen,
our speedometer very badly, it loses control and diseases result.

8. Avoid precooked food. Chew your food well.

9. Increase the salt intake, especially if your problems are generally on the
left side.

10. Footsoak in warm water.

11. For overweight problems, take juice of three limes in hot water, 3 times
a day.

12. For cold liver problems (causing allergies, hypersensitivity, rashes and
dry skin problems) take 1/4 teaspoon of gheru, 1 teaspoon of honey and
warm water, 3 times a day.

13. Give bandhan with candle, clockwise around the left nabhi. Left Nabhi
also is to be cleared through the Agnya by forgiving.


1. Use the mantra of Shri Rajalakshmi.

2. Use the Affirmations: "Shri Mataji, verily you are the Royal Dignity in
me." "Shri Mataji, verily you solve all my family / money worries, and take
care of my well-being."

3. Give vibrations to the right side of the chakra and to the liver. Massage
with icebag.

(N.B. This catch will always be associated with right Swadisthan catch,
when the liver is hot.)

4. Footsoak in cold or ice water.

5. Take to liverdiet.

6. Stop worrying about money, work, family, material problems. All cheating
and corrupt tendencies must be given up. Trust that GOD the father will
take care of you.

7. Where attention goes to these "outside" things, the Atma becomes

covered or recedes and the joy is lost. By bringing the attention back to the
Atma, attention is purified, problems get solved, liver cools down and joy


Source: Sahaja Yoga - The Divine Path (Volume1) by Dr. H. S. Sharma

> Method to see the left chakras catching on your hand

After bandhan and raising the Kundalini, use a burning candle. Move the
candle with your right hand below the outstretched left and slightly touching
your left hand with the flame. Move not too quickly or too slowly you also
should not burn yourself. Make 11 or 21 movements, then stop it, turn the
left hand and look where you can find soot on your hand. If shows the
damage on the chakra and also the clearance. If you do it every day, you
clearly can see, how negativities works out.


Source: Sahaja Yoga - The Divine Path (Volume1) by Dr. H. S. Sharma



Eternal childhood, wisdom, purity, Holiness of Mother

Causes of Catches:

Unauthorised person tries to raise the Kundalini. Sin against the Mother,
her holiness, her innocence and purity, which has been under the attack all
the time. Misuse of sex, sex use outside marriage, sex for indulgent
enjoyment, perversion of sex. Some false gurus know that and attack the
chakras, and slow down or even ruin the seeker. Misused tantrism, free
sex, initiations by false gurus



1. Give vibrations to the chakra, left hand toward the photo, and right hand
on the sacrum bone and between the legs.

2. Use the mantra of Shri Ganesha and Shri Gaurimata

3. Use affirmation: "Shri Mataji, kindly make me innocent."

4. Sit on mother earth while taking vibrations (Mooladhara is made of the

earth element) and mother earth will powerfully absorb the negativity in the
5. Take footsoak treatment and allow all the negativity to go into the salt

6. Maintain purity of eyes and thoughts.

7. Take Ajwain Dhuni treatment.

8. Shoebeat the problem.

9. Watch mother earth.

10. Be honest with yourself. No impurity in thoughts and words.


As the above for the centre

1. Use the mantra of Shri Ganesha and Shri Gaurimata.

2. Use affirmation: "Shri Mataji, by your grace I am the pure innocence of a


3. IMPORTANT! Make puja to Shri Ganesha in Shri Mataji.

4. Stop all tantric and occult practices.


1. Dissolve all puritan ideas of sex; all austere attitudes and rigidity of any
kind must be neutralized.

2. For constipation use carbohydrate diet for some time. (Not macrobiotic).

3. Perform puja to Shri Kartikeya in Shri Mataji praying that he destroys all
the demonic forces and casts them to hell.

4. Use the mantra of Shri Kartikeya.

5. Use affirmation: "Shri Mataji, verily you are the killer of demons."

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